TOE COLUMBIAN AND DEMO0RAT,BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COINTY, PA. Agricultural. l'ork is. Beef. Tho Animal capable tif eating tho most, provided Ms dlgtetlvo organs aro equal to the taik ol assimilation, la tbo most m(iU bio to tho farmer. The ,ilg consumes dally, Jor every hundred pounds of Its live weight, twenty-five In thirty pounds of food, while tho ox only consumes ttvclvo to fourteen pounds to each hundred pounds of his live wtjglitj ngaln, careful experimenters as-ert that the iti stores up In his Increase over wenly percent, ofhisdry fund, w'llln tin ox stores up only nhout idt-lit per c tit. No live stock Is murj profitablo to th,1 breeder than swine, provided the number kept is in proportion to tho resources of the farm, peclally since tbo nttrodaneo they require, compared lth li. at of otlirr iiiilmslj, Is so trilling, and i-ince the value of the mannie produced more tlian oft"ets tho teeded care. The well-bred pii; has a strong tendency to lore up fat, and this feature may be furlh er developed by tho conditions of warmth, cleanliness and proper food. In Sts wild Kate or In Mich inferior breeds as many shlftle'8 fanners persistently raise, which run about and with great outlay of labor find ttielr own lood in forest or field, thi' tendency l greatly dlmloMicd, nnd the proportion of lean to hit is much greater, btore oxen, in fair condition, have lean and fit in about equal proportions, while fit oxen or premium steers can only have their fat doubled ; on the other hand, tfie store pig commences his fattening career with twice as much tat as he has lean, and as n fat pig, ready for the slaughter, he can car ry five times as much fit as lean ; and, since the pigslores up in bis body nearly three times moro of his food than the ox, it is plain to be seen that pork is more cheaply grown and fattened than beef. Yet the New En gland farmer can sell his pork to-day at twenty-five per cent, more a pound than he can his beef. No animal has so small a proportion of nnal as the pig, and the otlal of no other animal has such a commercial value; no part of the hog is worthies", not even his untiles or skin. No animal reared bv the farmer can adapt himself to such a variety uiIimiU; Ins machinery will produce first class pork from clover pasture, nuts, kitchen refuse, Blops, grain, meat, scraps full, ap pies, skim-milk, potatoes and many other articles would iro to waste unlei-s con sumed by the piir. No better market ex ists fir ciars graim than the feeding of pigs for tale. In many small places, where it is difficult to find a market for a whole sheep or ox while the meat is (roll, hog product, in bacon or salted sides and b.n ks. are the on ly dependence for meat l'ork will com mand the cash in aov tnurlc-t ; it is now a world k necessity, Kurupu is willing to ex change lier gold lor it; America consumes vast quantities of it; prices may fluctuate, hut the farmer who raises a few boas mav calculate on ready money from that source, when his apples and roots remain a drug in his cellar. The reclamation of many n wornnut field, the improvement of many a field of grass can be accomplished with greater economy ami greater certainty by a judicious syste of raising a few pUs.conibined witli attention to their capacity for increasing the manure heap, than by many other more elaborate methods. The droppings of swine are of a far richer and tatter nature than that of any other animal, and are specially adar ted to grass lauds, being sb.t ( duonipoi-e, developing but nltie, yt. Mmg scarcely any ammonia, and need mixing witli other substances in their incorporation with the manure heap. If the solid ami liquid ma nure of the sty is husbanded as carefully as that of the liorse stable and cattle barn,and plenty of hum, turf, peat, mold, weeds, leaves or ashes thrown in for the pigs to root over and convert into dressing, the far mer will have another convincing argument in favor of raising pork. To secure the best results in producing pork, it is absolutely necessary that well bred animals only should be reared. A workman who consumed two days in per forming a piece of work that another me chanic could completo in one day, would seldom obtain employment. A thrifty, thinking farmer should never employ a pig to eat up his meal and roots, that could on ly manufacture two hundred pounds of pork in twelve months, while another pig could be secured that could produce three hun dred pounds of better meat, wifb less offal, in the same time and with even less food, This is too whole essence of the difference between a loug-nused, long-legged, coarse bred, squealing hog, and the short-nosed, compact bodied, quiet, fine-bred pig. The first is only an extravagant consumer, while the latter is an economical, thrifty farmer. American Cultivator. Ilcceip.s for the Table. Omelet. Four eggs, whites beaten sep arately; one large tablespoonfui flour, one cupful milk, a little salt ; cook slowly ami cover while cooking. Baked Maccakosi. Vte about half a pound of macearoul, break it up in pieces, put it in boiling water, and stew gently for tweuty minutes; salt it a little; drain well; have ready a buttered pudding dish ; place a layer of tho maccaronl in the bottom, then cover with gruted cheese and a few lumps of butter; then another layer of maccaioni audlnore cheese and bulter until all is u.ed up; add a wine glaa of cream or milk; bake covered for half an hour; then remove the cover and brown nicely ; leave it in the bake kish. Maccauoni ANnCiinnsn.-Put onequar ter pound maccaronl, (broken in pieces,) in tailed boiliug water; boil till quite tender; place the maccaroni in a buttered baking dish; pour oer iiiihalf cupful milk, and put small J iecs tinner on the lop, and cov er thickly with grated cheese. Hake in the oven until the milk is absorbed, and tho top Is brown, Macxauhni.. Boll as nbove.tale layer of up ( oni, then injer of oysters, repeat u. In ' . h is full ; pour oter one half cuplul unit and juice, and put s'liall pieces butti r on o, , and cover with bread crumbs mid beaten vtt Hike in the oven, and garnish with boiled egg and purtley Fastey ron Minci: Fib. One cupful lard, two mpfuW flour, one-half cuplul ice water, a pinch of salt ; use a knife to cut the lard through the flour until fine; then add the water am mix with the kuile until no Hour remains In the bowl, Holl in a sheet and place small bits uf butter over ; dut well, fold up, and repeat the procets twice, using half acupfulof butter. Holl the crust thin; have a quick oven; It will riae in flakes. ExTHA JIlNCE PlU. Four pounds raisins two pounds currants, two pounds citron,! wo pounds suet, two pounds beef, two pound sugar, one and a half pints sherry wine, one Mid a half pints brandy, one quart cider,one ounce mace, one ounce ciuuamuii, one nut- jBCj;, on quart applt. Young Folks. How the I'ony was Taken. One morning, last August, Jimmle Wood was sitting on the gate post making a willow whistle, when n remarkable wagon, drawn by a lean, gray liorse, came up over the hill. The wagon looked llko a big black box with n window in it. In front was a man driving, and this man seemed rather peculiar too. Ho had a long, pointed mus tache and very curly hair. Ho iu not a edgsr and candy peddler, nor a patent med icine man, nor n machine agent, for Jim could recognize nny of these in a minute. The curly-haired man stopped directly in front of the gate1. ' Good morning," said he. ".Morning," answered Jim, shutting up lils knife. "My nami 's I.eatherbee," continued the curly-haired man. "Is it?'' said Jim, unconcernedly, and then si d off the gate-post and starte-d for the house. "Hi boy I" ,11m turned quickly. "Ask your pa whether he wouldn't llko In have bis house took I" culled out the stranger. Jim nodded, and went across the pras pi. t meditating upon what the man meant by proposing to lake tlie hoiie. Hi lather was in the sitting-room writing a letter. "Papa," said dim, leaning up against the table, "there's a man nut there in the road that wants to take the house." "Wants to take the hou'el'' exclaimed Mr. Wood, making a blot in his astonish ment, "Yes," continued Jim, "nnd he has the fiiulest-looking wagon you ever saw in your life." "Ah I" said Mr. Wood, "I underftand now ; he wants to take some photographs, I suppose. Well, tell him I don't want any," and Mr. Wood went on with hisletter,while Jim proceeded across the front nrd again, He noticed his pony over in tho orchard. A thought struck him, and ho wheeled around and went back into the sitting-room ugain in snmo haste. "Papa," said he, "can't I have the pony taken?" "She wont stand still long enough," an swered Mr. Wood, sealing up his letter. "Hut, papa, can't the man try ?" pleaded Jim. Mr. Wood thought for a minute. Then said: Yes. Ho may try." Jim galloped across the front yard in a second. "Well ?" said the curly-haired raan,rais inir his eyebrows. "Papa doesn't want the house taken," said Jim, with some dignity. "Hut can you take my pony over there in the orchard?'' The man looked at H.ihy, who was calmly criinchinc harvest apples under the trees. "1'iirty little," he said, getting out of his wagon and leading his horse up to the fence. "Can you take her?" aiked Jim again, anxiously. "Course I kin," answered Mr. Leatner bee. He then tied his horse to the fence and lifted his apparatus out of the wagon, and arranged it in the orchard. The pony immediately kicked up her heels and trotted oflto a far-away corner. Mr. Wood came out of the house and talked to tho photo grapher, while Jim, after chasing around for some time tryiug to catch the pony,went to the stable and put a quart of oats in a measure. As soon as Baby spied that round yellow box under Jim's arm, Bhe trotted up to him with a gentle neigh, He caught her by the fore-top and led her to where Mr, Leatherbee was standing. "Jest put her there," said he, pointing to a place under a big tree. Jim led her to the place and held her while Mr, Leatherbee made all his arrangements. "Now ve're ready," said be. Baby looked pleased at this announce ment, but waved her tail wildly. Mr. Wood smiled. "Tell Baby to keep perfectly quiet," said ho to Jim, "and ask her to lower her chin a little, cast a pleasant expression around ,her eyes, and breathe gently." Mr. heatherbeo laughed at this. So did Jim ; for it was exactly what the photo- grapber always told him when he had his picture taken. The poiy thought this all very pleasant, but she wanted the oats, and, consequently, was trying to thrust her nose through Jim's back in her efforts to get at the measure. The photographer looked despairing. "Here, I'll fix it," said Mr. Wood, step ping up to the pony. "No, Jim, stand back ; Mr. I.eatherbee, are you ready ?" "Yes," answered Mr. Leatherbee, with one hand on the velvet that coyered his camera. Mr. Wood poured the oats on the ground aud let go of the pony's head. For a while Uaby grabbed the oats up in great haste, but finally she stood with her nose to the ground iiuietly eating. Mr. Leatherbee drew away the velvet from the camera, and looked at his watch for some breathless minutes. Then he slipped the velvet on again, and said : 'That's all right." Jim drew a long sigh, "Will it be good, do you think?" he ask ed, anxiously. "Not a doubt of it," said Mr. Leatherbee, in Biich a cheerful tone that Jim immediate ly made up his mind that the pony should have an extra quart of oats all winter for her fine behavior. He expected the picture would be done right away, but Mr. Leather bee said he would have to send the plates to Poughkcep-sie to his partner, and the pic tures would come soon by tbo mall. Mr. Leatherbee then put all his apparatus in his wagon again, and jogged on as he had come. For the next four days Jimmle went to the poi-toflice about every two hours. "Expectin' a love-letter?" said old Mr. Halloway, the postmaster. At this all the loafers who were sitting on the touuter laughed loudly. Jim made up his mind that Mr. Halloway was a very unpleasant old gentleman, and vowed all sorts of threats against him. His revengeful plans melted away, honevcr, when Mr. Halloway handed him a big envelope, and said; "Here, Bub, yer letter s come." Jim tore it open, and six photographs dropped out all ulike, representing Baby eating under a tree He privately showed one to her that afternoon. She evidently tlmught it very handsome, for she delicately chewed it up out of Jim's hand, to his great amazement. He says nothing about this when telling how the pony's picture was taken, St, Sicholatur January, Ashes from the recent eruption st Coto paxl, in Keuador, are said to have fallen at a distance of one thousand miles from the volcano. Ouly one Detroit woman wanted to see a mob break loose, and she didn't want the riot to lat any longer than till the had laid in two dozeu fruit jars. We J'rtu, 1 IIMLV mn color tin lr own ftooklnits for IjA.MJVt I-ss tnnn one cent t.rr-.lrANVcoi. oRSHAMtfiy the use tit our ".MAdlc TINTS" ran renew orcnainrellie colirotttictr dresses, resloro to rrrshness unit billlUiirv failed .silks. Alprinos. Alpiofl". Merlitles, UibHoni. Ac, c.r l-nnsrt tn them new nnd loiply shades -Mttie trouble and nominal cost- stick or uny ilelrn,t color sent on reei Ipt of 10 cents, Stltr.rrent colors sso lavage stumps accept ed, benit stamp f r circulars nnd Rumples, UKUtNUY OIIK'ill'U, WtltlKM, r Cortland st , N, York. '. el. Ilm, 8135, dec. 14, TT-Sm Jitico I-I-A-TE'S HONEY OF I10RE110UND AND TAR FOR THE CUItE OF Oonghi, Colds, InSnsma, Houieaen, Difficult Breathing, sod all Affection! of the Throat, Bronchial Tohel, and Longs, leading to Ooninmptlon. This infallible remedy is composed of the HoNEY of the plant llorchounJ, In chemical union with Tar-Halm, extracted from the 1.1 if. I'RlN'cirLF. of the forest tree Aiieis HaI-SAMP, or Halm of Gilcad. The Honey of llorehound SOOTHES ASH SCATTERS all irritations and inflammations, aud the Tar-balm ci.EANSKS AND 1IKAI.S the throat and air passages leading to the lungs. 1'ivr. additional ingredients keep the organs cool, moist, and in healthful action. Let no pre judice keep you frrsn trying this great medi cine of a famous doctor who has saved thou sands of lives by it in his large private practice. N. II. The Tar-Balm has no bad taste or smell. TRICES 50 CENTS AND $1 TDR BOTTLF. Great SAving to buy large size. "Pike's Toothache Drops" Cure in 1 Minute. Sold by all Druggists. 0, N. ORITTENTON, Prop., N.Y. December It, lslt-ly A jN'cw Departure From tlir ItlniiiiP.tctiirci- to llic Consumer. For CASH wo will sell to tin OON-MMEIl In Such ('iantliles as le may Ned ut MANUFAOTIMHII'S PKIUKS nnd thus save at MIDDLE PROriX to tbo Consumer. Before purchasing elsewhere send for our prices of 8TMCTLY l'tlKE U'UITK LEAD, MONTOUI! sTaTH PAINTS, HONTOUUMI-TALLIO WII1T2, MONTOUK METALLIC UKOWN, PURE LINSEED OIL BEST JAPAN DRYER. Best Faint Brushes, VAUNISH, ALh KINDS, BPIKIT3 OF TUIU'KNTIKE, M..HEi: OIL, WJTY. ftamula cards and nrlco list furnLshod without charge. Orders and lnaulrles by mall will recehc nromnt attentljD. HENRY S. REAY, Rui'EKT, Pa. Mays. IK.-iv. THE NEEDHAM Musical Cabinet THIS new and wonderful Instrument enables any one, whether under standing music or not, to play any de sired melody or harmony, sacred or secular, from tho most plaintive dirge to the most lively danco music. It posses ses a mechanism of marvelous simpli city, requiring hut the intelligence of a child to manipulate,) ct capable of repro ducing, without limitatioo, the musical compositions of the 1'AST, present and IUTURK. The execution is faultless, Mrict in melody, harmony and rhythm, and tho Instrument is eminently adapted for Sunday Schools, pra)cr and revival meetings, home devotional exercises, and in all cases where good, correct music is required, and no musician Is at lund to perform. Address, D. r. ITUEDHAM St SOX?, MANUFACTURERS, 113, 115 is 117 E. 231 St, Hew Yorh Nov 10, M itn. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALK OF REAL ESTATE ! ! In pursuance of an order ct the Orphans' Court ol ColurabUcounlv, ttM undersigned Administrator of Kllsua KriiUU, late ot lleutoo tuwmUp, deceased, wUl expose to buttj on the premises on Wi:O.NMDAY, JANUARY 10, 1878, at ten o'clock n, m., the Interest ol 1 aid deceased la the following rial tsute, situate In Ikiiton tonn ship, lonaded and described as follows : on U10 south by lands ol S. r. KrUkUi.m ar.rt Thomas Hel las, on Hie went by lands of 'I hrrnis Hellas, north by lands 01 11, c. Mts and ou tee t utt by lands of Jo seph II, sliullz unil 11. c. .Moss, tontaliilnir about EIGHTY-FOUR A CUES, laore or lesi, w hereon is en ttiid A FRAME DWKI.U.SG HOUSE, one and a half storlss high, A FIIAMK JIAItN. and other oulbiiildln.-H. About sixty me acres Is Irn. proved, There is a (loon oiti IIAIIH on the land. At the satnn tlmi- and place utll le sold the Inter est of Joseph II, hhulti la tho nuoe land, and tho purchax r can get a good title to the whole tracr. Terms of salo mil be luado known on day H sale. I. K. KKICKhAlIM, Administrator, llcMon,Dcc!,IHt.-Ui J OB PRINTING OF EVERY DESRIPTION EXECUTED PROM1TLY At thk Columbian Omor. .C!0 2 Silted?! II s ipill 1 dl? 'fMJ!M kit 1 in in iti-v iij.-i 1) Ml , ( ) f V JLAl. .1 L I J I IV-Uf IJ STANDARD REMEDIES Am not nrtrerttVMl no'eurc tUHMnitnrc kkcMcs In lliu dt9ion for wMcU they nri immiiufudt'il. Imetlffntormif n lUiuii v, ,. )t inm-iit unmtfitoil tiOMUnl enntrov in.u f.r-'ihii..,ii hv tinlnml kliuilom tho "mi'Wvhi t in 11 f si ' Htlif only In w thru ourh r". i r-t tti irHHi't' I h not 1 1 m win 1 1 1 1 kiv 1 1 !Imm.iiii.ih r ( il preporlty nttniti. 1 ii cr J 1 fin t -'i t 1 r (If ttsufilor n rt teh in pi 1 11,1 fn r in r 1 1r l'ldvo's Miinitur 1 M' ii mH it 1 n Mr tt'il th u'lM-i!. Thrlr Kill-- lri lli I'l.ti'l t m Hniii ivtrl- 11. ,i million lliltllir Hi 1 t. , , V ' Mil' P"lll'il'l t'M'l.t I Oft ftiuM iiptnt't 1 1 i' mi .i.-iiid r . ulmMm't-ft ron Ut u ' ' ,ti ipnrlt"UJ uml test u pan fitiy otlu r imbi. tiuu luet It, Uohlcn Medical Discovery A Atterativet or lUofhUcfatimmj, Goldou Medical Discovery Is lctoral Golden Medical Discovery Jsa Vhntaijoiie, or Llvrt Nlaufant, Golden Medical Discovery Tonic. Golden Medical Discovery lly rtnson oflta Mfemtlvo iin(Ttlcs, ruresdl'ns ei of tho NI'Ht utul skin, hi croful t or Mnu'rt Kvll ; 'luinorn; I l its, or Old xnivs ; Motelies ; Plmplci ; ami itruptUnis Ity MiUn tflts IVciuntl pruiw-iM-'S, It niroH ltruhchhil, ami Uih-xn flirt Inns ; ln cl.t''tit oti-uinpilou : UniiTifiitf C.aulis ; nd Chronic InnngltH Its Choljtjrojj'K' projH'rth'S ren der It an unt'tpi tied retard) Mr r.itltfHHiit'sij Torpid I.lwr, ii-"M r roiapiiitni j" nnd ltH'U.nte picpir tics nuke it I'Qii.illv (ilertelotis In i ml iitf Indices tl.Jti, or Appetite, nnd lspiiM.i Sh re the skin H Hiilow and enM r d w I'll Muteh cs and d nnlc. ur wlicre tliere air M.'H'fal us swel ling and nlTcellntM, a reW Ixiltles of (Jflden Medio il lU-ieinerv ulil eifect an rutin' tare. If uu f"el dull, ilniWH( ileMdtati'd, s iliow oo'ot ur kln, or 1 1 lloulh-tiroH n t-poti on f,ie er hod , ircipient tiadu-h- or tzltiOHS, had t iM- In ino'illi, tut, nml heutnrehliWaltorated with hot tl'i-hes, ow ppiilt and kIo nm forholln,rs trn y;u,ir appcilto and tonirut )'nii-1. oti art siuTcrliiir from orpld I.her, or Mliii lottsnvHV Iti many ohf-s of "Liver t inn li'nlnt," teil putnf these s-tiuiitoin avi' e.tneil.n eeil s 1 r m iv firallRii n . u-i-, ir. I ! '' (to'd- n te ile 1 1 h.n no t qu tl, in It olTiCtP perfeet euiea. le.ivlnsr the liver btruliL'tlieriCd and hodltliy. i p. Pierces Pleasant Pellets . Purely Vegotablo. No care required while using them. The Little (Hunt" Catlurtlc. or Mfi.WM rs I'ako l'iiitL seal eel - l.irer tmiu muitaid Met ds, and ate sutf.u.ciKitut Tla-y pMi.ovellw reee!-Mt ut t.ikltij; tho, on 1 le, ill.istlc -lckoulus pills hcretorote so much In usm. Asa r-med for "eadicht'. lilzzlne, Itush of Itlood tuthu lle.n, Tklnnos ationt tho i'he-t, Had 'asto in hmtii i:n.rtatlom rom the stomaeh, Itlh lloiM Alt-ick-, .lauii'ltee. I'atn In 1 mi KldnejM, Ilttrh 13 -colored I'tlne, mul tenia! l-'ever, Ir. I'll roe's 1'lea.H.uit l'uiitlve 1 1 Ui-u Jie ni.sarpaSfiL Furtli cruioro. I uild Kiyt'iat their notion N unlu'rstl, nut a inland co iplnjf tin tr Mn.irivo Impress .sre ilocH not hnp.ilr tlm prup-rlh s of tliso Pellets They are hujrar-cu iled ami inclosed in jj tfs hotllcs, their Irtut'ft IvUu tticrnkiy taeseretl utilmp.Urnl for mi Mi .tli of time, to that they atonlwaj s frt"h and re lla'ilo. '1 tils H vnLU.e rase s lth thoto pill") w lilch nro put up luch'ap wooden or pahtehoaid hoxe-. Thod.itly Ubuuf two l' Hits h.w cut cd the most oh stlnato cases tf Mroiula, 'tetter, Milt-rheum, try Klpohis, Hulls, ltl-HClns, I'lmples. Soro Kon, and fcruptlons. 'liiey nre, however, recommende.-! to he taken lu connection lth thy nolden Medical DUcov- er, In cider to bccuro tho bett rcbults. UX. PIEKOE'S FA YO KITE FRESG8IPTI0W. ID El. PIERCE'S FAVOIIITK FRESGR1PT10W. IDE,. PIERCE'S FAVOHITK PHESGR1PT10W, Tho remedtil mnnairemetit of thoso diseases neeul- lar to vomen has afforded a laro r.xperlenco at the World's 1'lsrensary, of which lr. I'lerec Is chief con sulting phslclan. In adapUni, remedies for thtlr euro. lr Tierce's l'avorlto I'rescrlp'lon U there suit of tnl-j extruded rxpr-rlence, mil h.Hh'Oomo Jttstlv celebrate I Tor Its many and rem irkaule cures of oil thobe chronic diseases and WEAKNESSliS PECULIAR TO FavorlUiI'rPRCrlDtlon Is n rowerful liostoratlvfl Ton. lc to 1 110 entire B)nti'm, It Is u nervlDo ot uuiurpass etl imocy. una, while luiulttH ritrousirrltuilon, It btri'rjgthens I lie eurei bid litTvoiw h hO'ia, there bv rufiurtnt; It to ieulthMl vlor 'llio rjiloulrin nre rtlnontr tUowj lu whlcb the l'Vltorltep 1'iu uerl)ilori hua worked rnairtc cure-, lz : U ucorrhaja. or"hlten," Kxeetislve KlowtnL', I'.ilurnl Muustru.l Hon, Unnatural Mipriei-hloi h, vnk 'Jnck. Prolap sus or tHlUn of tho llleriH, A nter en-ton, Itetrover slon, licirlns-down rvnsuton. Chmnlo t'oncehtlon. Infl imtnutlGii nnil ITIcerutlonof the Uterus. Intern-il Heat, Mrriuus l"pres-Mon, Debl Ity, Hei-iondeney, and veryiti.inyoiherdlaeUiit'H peeulhir towomon.but not mentioned hi re. The lollowlny Ladles are a few of tho rnanv thou sands iho eiui tehtify to the enicney of l)r Tierce's Katurlte rreacrlpllon, fioui expirlence and observa tion : Mrs. Cornelia lllson, l'costa, Iowa i Jtrs. Thos J. .Methvln.llatcher'H station,(iu.; Mrs. T, A, Seymour, Homo N, Y.: Mrs. Irancls lluswlck, Vers.dles'.tudo j llrs. Uroy I'utiiain. North Uliarion, Pu.; Mrs. Mary A. Ilunolt, Kdlna. Mo; Mrs. Mary A, rrlsble, Leh man, ra.; Mrs. 1). i (itn, cmuieothe, Ohio ; Mrs. Harriet i: .Mlone, west SprlngilHd, Pa; Mrs. It. lll-itl. Kinporla. Kali.; Mls Louise Pratt. Iiodt;e Ullo Mass.: Mrs. 1 A. ll.ishtleld. Norfolk. Va - Mrs 1'. Allison, Proctor, Iowa; Mrs. .1. N. Vernon, ht ThoiruM. Ont.; Mrs. s. c. Monui, 233 North Howard street, haltlniure, Md ; Mrs. Lucy Onllman, llarnes vllle, uhlu ; Mrs. Nancy McNatuht, JetierMiu, Iowa , Mrs L i Memron, Friendship, N. V.; MSs Lllen Cady, Wettrleld.Ji. V.; Jlrs. AnthO'iy Aniann. Ver ona. N. V.; Mri. M. N. Ilrooks, (Irand Ilaplds, Mich.; Mis. K. II. Wtbb, Waterlown, N. Y. 'Ihousundsot reltrencis can bo flveu at the World's Dispensary. THE PEOPLE'S Medical Servant. Ur, Ii. V. I'iekce Is the roIo nronrletor and innnn. facturerofthoforcfjolnK remjdleM. all of which uro hold by druTsdals Ile H al-to tho Author of thy ivo plc'B Common hcnfee Mrdlcil AUler. u work of nearly ono thousand patreH with two hundred and elkthty-two wood t nj:ratiiifs and colored )Ulva. Ho lu3 already sold of this roiiular work Ovor 100,000 Copies ! PRICE (post paid) 1.50. Addm-s ; ii. v. vmw. m. D., World's DisperiB try, Huffiilo.N.Y. d?c 14, TI sw Welded Steel and Iron Triple Flange FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF l'atent Inilde Holt VorU and Jlluced Cap. NO SAFE COMPLETE WITHOUT IT 1 1 W. H. TERWILLIGER, JVo. 51 Dlulilcn I.iuie, Hur WCllua SI , MEW YORK. die. 7,1ml ly iAYPllt. ApenU wtnled. II oil. mM lvlllnmtn. I'urtlpiilurm frn. ll4drMiJ VOBTlI4CO.SlLAuU.Ud. au(f. 11,11-ly HJsU $45 I'ltKMlim JVATril ANII CIFAIN a Uflu.Wlliaiir.l. rat, lth.r.itrJ.. n... Otltwi. J,U.U)!ord&tu,l'UiiU!U,l!l. Uff. IT, II ly it x o MJifeL THE PEABL SHIRT I None Genui le Trade Mark without litis (PEARL) Patented. Trademark, if "J Papons wliy the FSSARLs SHIRT ia prcfeircd tO llll OtllLM'H : IhI. Tlipy tire niiide of tho bwt ''WAMSIJTTA" AI USL1N. 12(1. looins mo tlneo ply mid ninilo f tho licst liticti, ciich ply boiurr gtuiniiitcwl !o Ik1 til' iiK'ii. !!d. 'I'liuv tiro inildo only by ('npulile nnd cxiicn'oiiced bunds, arc oaro ftiily iitspectcd and nre tin ui'i ii-.-od by tiny other in work manship. lth. Thuy tiro yunr intwl to lit tin 1 to jtvc snti-liiction in even pariiciiliir. I'lpy tliesn and be Jonvinced ! FOR SALE ONi Y BY Mi'i'clmn' Tailtii', Vh ihv v and Gen 's Fnrnislicr, 11MB HOT BASE STOVE And. Barstow's Slevated Oven Range. STE Mi WATER PIPJE, VALVES AND FITTINGS, Condanlhj onX3,PLUMDIXG ami STEAM FITTING Promptly ) t. 19, 77.-tf Attended to Then Buy N. Y. ENAMEL PAINT CO. CHEMICAL PAINT, and save one-third the cobt or painting, and get n paint that Is much handsomer, and trill LAST TWK'K AS I.OSO AS ANY OTIIKH I'AI.NT. Is prepared ready for use In w hlto or anv color dchlred. Is on many thousands ol the finest buildings In thceouhiry, inun. ot ulilch hae bien lmmteil six jears. and now Inokas wellas hennrst painted U1IKM1UAL PAIM' has taken llrst I'ltllMll'Mt nt twenty ofthe st.uo l'alrs ot tho Union, sample card ot olors suit tree. Address S. Y. E.N A M II I, 1'AINTt.O., US J'lluce Street, N. Y., or HKNItY I. LUUll i SUN, At'ento 1321, .Market street 1'lilUdelphla, fa. July S7, '7T-ly HARMAN & HASSERT Proprietors; Cast tSlrcrl, Suulli Nlcliiol'3.. & si. Kallroail IIIooiiisIjiiik, I'u. Hespeettully call the attention ot tho puhllcto the following statements: They manuMcturo all kinds o' mti.N iumI llltA.- UAsTl.MiN. '1 hey make the Celebrated original and IMPROVED MONTHOS 3?i-0"WS, also all kinds ot ltepatrs, such us .Moid uoards J'oluui, Laudsldea bolts, handles, do. 'Ihcyalso inako HEATING AND COOK STOVES and nre prepared to turnlh all kinds ot repnlrs, such as (Hates, l'lro llrlck, Ac, wholesale and retail. Thoy make the linproteil in luu Criile lnr Hie in. J'i nn Mur, the inovt economical 'IheynrealsolirepandtoruruUhSAW AMMIIllsl' .MILL MAClllMIUY SUAniNd, l'ULLEYS, 4.C. They pay especial attention to the Repairing of Threshing Machines, Reapeis, &c. The proprietors lielnc practical mechanics, havlnguad an experience or over thirty years, the public can rot) up n In u t. ul n ii .ii i ul ul' I tl K MuiiMruhd at 1 air prices. Jun. liO, '7l-ly cr. ZEE- nvnAizs7s Mammoth Grocery, corner BLOOMSBUKG, 3P-A.-, IS THE l'LACi: TO (1ET Till: WOltTII OK YOUlt MONKY IN THIS FINEST AND FRESHEST OF Fancy Imported and Domestic Staple Groceries of Every Description, Qneensware, Glassware, WokI and. Willowware, Flour and Feed, Tobacco and Cigars, AT BOTTOM PRICES FOR GASH, Oil NICK FIIKSH PKUnUOK. Jan 1, 1811. Q new oeal at d 3 new Instrumental pieces Sheet MiiMc. loo. Sllur or etps. I'uO. Co., ilhl dli bo'o, Miusf. deo'JUw il PIIVO ami KimIv rs. Illustrated I'r'ce 1 1st tiee, V' 1 1 i' Otlreat Western dun Works, 1'lUsburtV a. dtc '21, M d 2 stykaof t'Aiiiix, 10 e. or 23 New Year Cards t) una hamplesac. .1. 11 HUSIKDiCi)., Nas sau, N. , it doo l, II-iw EfTl L.MinE MI.YKII c Mills with name In case, "WUc. w Ithout case ue. sonew tun cards loc. Outnuioc. 1'. WAsilUUKN CO.. Mlddleboro, .Mats. d dec SI, iww Hiat Minriiril, Itmlleiil Ciimfor fatal rh will not Instantly relieve aud spiedliy euie. Ilerciciicos, llcniy Wc'ls, Fsii, tils, Kari'o S Co., Au rora, N. v. Win, li.min, Fun Me lluitnn, (Irani 4: iiowen, st I.ouH. Testimuiilali ami treuil-ji by mall. I'tli e, lib impniM il inhaler, Ji. sold eMTjwhere. WKKKs i: I'un'Ht, I'ur II i'unu of Cuiiirih i i "i i 1" i urn. nuftiun, .Mass ( iiilliiV l uliiiio riiiMiem aro tho Ust. dec. SI, 'iHw d 10,000 A(ii:.NT.s v..Ti:i) to sri.i. l.KM,vt ,t ,,,,r,lr t-rTnl bliiwev riK'uil 'lit Abotktostariluiiii.l ir.litliiin ih.'i wu'it IIIL-Mlrt'H IIIlll lir.uil. t.nitr It ... i, . ' Ariliur. Vlvl.l I'lelUrt'H Khlt PriioU. linwuViirvm, 111 nl soul, Ho c, i i'M-,(,o-(rtniinp, rHim-, Wciinan'HrruMidc, rrait vl .lliintliv. Pi iililltliii. ci.i . K. it., i. .LUJ!lU'UmH J11'" Willi SIMIO !U luiioss far vxivl un oilu rs. rnces Jul r duct-d I I I- ItHuo.) I UUS, 'X9 ruriDO'M H I'lillnrlM. dec. yt. 11 w jotki: itl hereby ptveii that an npplleallon will bo ii.adH iindi r the jrli.i ASM inbly ut llm tiiminnn. wetiltliot reniisilviinl.Kntltlul "n Ail to eriAldo for Hi" luiHiriniraiiiiiiuiui nifiilalli.n or certain Cor I orili.iis"Hij'i' i cl Apiti svii,, is74 uu, tt,e supple, ini' its t ii t-i to, for i lie ( harlt r of an iniend. d enrpo. rail"ii t ; bo t ailed " llorto lusurunee Coin l","y"lnn'Hanla Mho ebarader undibJelof it'!"'umwii oi me iniei. rteovt ry or siujeii hnrw, ami remuneration to owner for loss If not mueri d,or damage It Injured, aud lor that puro to bse. piw-ess und enjoy, all the rights. Uneuu a id pruliewa of bild Att of AH.-en,blv. ' hOT.santJw Att'foVAppilc'illu. Tim I'irEn is ox with R DWELL & phtSiVIAN . Advertising V Agents. THIRR & CHESTNUT ST8., ST. LOUIS, Mu BUY THE BEST HIRT. TUK- ROLLINS & HOLMES, Evans' Block, Main Street, l) MAIi MHS T.V Stoves, hwi Fire Placa Heaters, Mantles, PUMFS Ac. Ac. MANUFAOITlms Of Tin, Sheet, Iron ttnd Copper Ware, and GALVANIZED IRON CORNICE. Sle Agcnti for the of Main and Centre streets, fn PnidH, 23 btyles, IRc; 80 Elcpant CartK no 2 t HI alike, lu c, with name, beccornte Co.,Klnder hook, N, y, il dec. Kl, 'TT-4W A GREAT Offer for Holidays! We wlildurlnjr tlifto HAItD T'Jli:s and the UOU IDfcS Ulr-ItOH'Cf I 00 HY I"ANOS0lidOlt(AN8 MallirifMB. tlmn tt r U foro cntitd. Wtiirrh1 Tl- tin o it ml Oiuiuin Die the l'( m made, w errant rtUor 6 j furs. 111. i attilOKUfb loulltd ditut Inducements hiimjiui ii'tiDiboj iJtnurstYu; iii pint i v vr rli r 1't.i (in ti nr kiiBir 11 r.t 1, olf nHfu lloliAiK UA1V.IIS i ni.Nh linuuractureib and neaieis. 40 tan nth slreel, Mw York, dee. 7, 'IHw il M. C SLOAN & BR0 UI.4iO.ll.Slil lUi, I'A, Manufacturers of Carnages, Bogies, Ihietens, Sleighs, l'LATI'OUSI WAdOXS, 40. llrsuclass n ork alwaj s on hand. IIL'I'AIHIMI NEATLY IIWNE. Trices reduced to suit the tlinas. Jan. t r,i-tt AN'I I l)l0.cufe acak0 ofCatarrh Ineach iL JiA'. ' I ' helk-hborhood. with ))r Karener'a Iteuiedv to intrrlm.. it ki,mia t .. ' I Jico nov, s,TI-lm 10,OR.I',, '-A'":i'lVATCIIKH,CliMp Siil1?"" known world, iainpu Wauktrttu VyVJJlI.nU. Addreia, Jl. Coo Co, Ctdu K.lI,1My it kC lisinK ct'iir.n. vo nntli tank oui 1m that p nli.est of Mil book -"I'lain lloni lalknnd Med'ci co , iiion s use,"-iie,iru imi n' iini'ri lion-, b Ur I! ''. I'd !' . of " I in i N Y I'liitliiiMTnof IM biktii'Mi iiMfn 'o "ii null IN nullior bt mail Ire . I ' 1 1 t.j nu'l-si i 'r the STANiMim id'lli n. or l ' r-1 II.- i.itt t i"-di tlon. whltli eomsinnll Ibe ami imiIIi f and nlu trntlonfl. Conlenla lables free, i irenln Wantedh JIllIII.W llll.L l L'llLIMlI.NU lO isu I'ast'tst street, N. Y, oct. 18'7f-6n r r Per month will lie pal l ton irnodcnT VriTl Retlc man di' i- t" lniii..nie. PJJ .!. K'l New Iiliisiraiefl History d P tiu'a. Write ImmMlateli, an I slntc experience In this bit slues, and ag;c, .Ad iren.1, V. 0. UOUIIIilCIl, 1'iiblMier. Ilnrrnbiirif, I'n. lr"l)on't fall to say what p iper you saw tiih In. oct. n-lmv BL00MSBUHO TANNKUY. i 4. ii i: it it i . R RSl'KCTI'ULI.Y nmioiiiinw ti llie pulilli mm no uas reojieneu --..sT SXYDHU'd TAN.VKIIY, L.'siK (old stand) I'.loomsburir, I'a., at VWtt' t'orkiofthe Kipy nnd l.lirht Htr at I he nv nnd IJirlit Hlreel Ji rnnltt itlinni nil ihmprl ntlnn nf J lcalhei will be nude In the moat substantial and workmanlike manner, nnd sold at prices to suit tho times. The highest price In cash win at all limes be paid for Q II K B S HIUKS ot ever description In 11 e eoiii. In Hie pnMii ii 'irn.iir' Is re-iH'clfull. lolleii,. 1'llitittliH l'' Tho Lightest Running, Tho Simplest, Tho Moat Durable, Tho Most Popular SEWING MACHINES. It tn caMlj timlrrwtoo.l,) mn.rj( the clottlilt-tlirt'iiil lm U-lW'lu '" elr rrKii1nttnir iriiloii4 mid tnko-up, nml trill d. the w lioln ranyo vf family 'ra llliout cliiuice. The fc Mdliiesllc' Is mudrtn the most tUttatit tifiMiifr, nrttU rmtlrnt ttetl bvttrtnyn ami romiicusatlntj jaurnala throughout. PAPER FASHIONS. Thrto pnpulnr I'.VTT I iltNH for ludlci', il."', oiiiJ chlUren't itr., lre ci oil a N)l.tcill Nlipcrlol' to nny in use, nnd cm bo tiHifrr.iiml by nny one. J'ufJ dlreetloiimiiiit(fl"ilrafloii oil rnr4 cttritnjtr, ,rnd Tirf Crnlt fr lllustratitl Cata logue of lOOO Tuthlons. Sewinff Machino Co., New York. I. W. HARTMAN, Agent "DofflBsiic" Paper Fashions, Bloomsbur. December 11, is'T-ty A PHYSIOLOGICAL View of Marriage I IGuidAto WedtooJc n4 iinftdiiK ul lnatie un ins ul inrminse ami iha tsuMS r ipt iiniu K ih ntt if Krproductlon ami h Diipnsea cr Women. A Imhi (rtf l U it i.inairl. fllortt.iJ.iii; lu i iijtt. uric On nltrfit m, 1 rtvtttn I. n ur fcn.i k tnm Self lin (ft tir 11 1 . 'f rn"f, pm itn a clihical. Lrcvunrjoii tv v a mi tho,o vi ihn Throat ami I ni;a, C-tarrU.IlUiituftf.u Op um Hnbtl,.!., r "rn )Ui t, LrhT I "OK tit HHipnlilnii ticc'r olffVpt or three, con'nn ii if mtpni-K lunuiiiij' , it il Ut . .".(. AJJii-K DU. UUXTS, .No. Ii H. b.u bt. Lt. Louu, Zlo. ftUff. IT.TT-ly It AO PAINTING-, GLAZING AND PAPERING. TirM. F. BODIXE, Iron Street lielow eec- t ond, moomsuurt', I'a., 18 prepared to do al kinds of PAINTING, GLAZING, anil I'APEIt HANGING. in the best styles, at lowest prices, and at. short UUllLO Parties UavlDslsuch work to do will sava money calling on me. All work warranted to give satisfaction. Orders 80 uriif q WM. F. ItODINE. Mareh'7 PAT E N T S. F. A. U'hmann, fr'olicitor of American and I'ore'cn raienis, asnitirton, u. c. AU business connected with Patents, whether before the Patent onice or the Courts, promptly atundedlo. Nocharse made unless a patent is secured, send lor a circular. May 4. 'f t-tf 0 v PUBLIC SALE HAND BILLS Printed at this Oiliue ON SHOKTEST NOTICE AND AT 'I'M h MOST REASONABLE TEI.MS in Bryant &Stratton1 RIICIUFCe Al w- .v71 Anil Trlenrnplile In.lliiiir, 100 S. Tenth St., Philadelphia, Pa. lnirb..(Hlf.cilill(. TulRer.tibieDetit mcbttca ..i 7tf M.rifirai or tbeg u.vio.cifyrnn (v, fori foil tiutiouUn. co.ll or .end for fre.W illunlr.lwlciroiil.r ,1 K Snen. Pru I J auf. !i, Ii oiu TlilSfAPEISKEPTON FILE AT THE OFFICE OF, 733 SitHsoM St,, PHILADELPHIA, IVto am our nutborlzcj ngeau, und Mill rerelre AitrcrtUeuiemt at our LOWEST CASH ItATIiS. What w III the Weather ho To-morrow 1 a n.ii. .1 , - . ruui oium.i oQrvioo barometer And Thermometer Conibineil.-r-ri"i eenie ur ctitn la tti Wijthir.U to Si keuii ti linui. LnJorKd by Uio mo.t eialafot l'rofeuori and bclcntlsc men aa ibe lie yiHhet ItU.'.r Is tti WmU. W.rrauea nrfett aud JU U.Ue. W ffl ml ttHa nyaddreti on rforlptof IJou. ii f worthiest Imlutloni. -luil. UNli Bend Blamp for ClrcnUr. ff. 0. HOVUTT CO., U3 Srulny, ) Tti-, riri.e Ule where yoo nw adverUHment . , uu euon yuur neim.t ipre.i Oltlce. tout Uauij Orderi w llcj Utercd Uutn at oar rUk ocu u, 1I-aia J yt eg CHRONIC Biiiv;:jriin W" t irV "ills -in " titr'x f m l in - .ui ' ! 'n ,-nin Wist .1 O I .l&illll of Wild Chciry. of Wild C'liorrv. of W iltl lit-, iy. of Wild ClKiry. I'll I' iiiikIis, ll-v Wistar's Htilsnm. I'm- i'liliN, ui Wislar's Balsam. I 'or (rinii, iiNt Wislar's Balsam. Tor tNlli tin, use Wislar's Balsam. I 'or lloiii'Noiicss, use Wistar's IJals.Jin. I 'or llroiii'liills us- Wislar's Kalsam. l'or I ii II ii iiso Wistar's Balaam. l'or Consumption. usi Vist.u-'s.Balsaai I'oi' Miri' 'S'Jii',. t ii c Wistar's lsam. I'r In oiln- oimh. ii. Wislar's Balsam. Till' IIInisim s of flu' l,uns, use Wislar's SJalsam. I'oi' )1..:iscn of the Th. out. use Wistar's Kalsam. I'm- DImiimi ! th.. ( ii,.!, us Wistar's Balsam. 50 cts. and SI a bottle. SO cts. and $1 a bottle. 50 cts. and $1 a bottle. 50 cts. and $1 a bottle. Sold by ii li'iiK nIn !Mlll liy ; rii-UKciits. Sulil by all ilmpIMN Soli! by all (Iriiu'lNis. Jan Or. A.G.OLIN'S l-Hi.l. Ilrlti1, m l Ing Inn M. CM..KO.. IDi, lor III. , , nwvr. vi i. .-ri, Mir naiun. reauiiin. voir, WJ BOuar. m liirwlloii of .lllirr., Hr-ruln.l U .Hkiir..pfaduiln. lmllui,. l.urM(morT, linp.lrril Mht, li.l MhiiIiimiiI or Impoli'nrj erinu. Ilrbllllr, twrntr l; Hhm,oF Ilia mH4ttVr. Kl.liifj LUrn I.iinir. A'thu., Currh. I1lv mil Lltninu, IJUm. .n,l 1IF i:kI:op kkmai.kk, iUij m lu ir..,M. ,.(. U, li.r.llf.loni .inenani., .ml rum wlier. ollim foil. II. b .k.uU of Hit Ulnd fvhnr.1, um. no incrrurv, l,u Ih. lli. U.S. l.IIi:HrtaalKui tn.HMr.twli!) prltlite nom. ftnj txivd, rll or writ, t-irrv roni.nirnro f, pailroi. Sn. tiny reU for ..inplt of llulLrr I.imnI. .uri Hr rulw of lnfif!n.llon byiirm.. lilt. OLI.N'H y.nn. .il inl.1 ll lutv 1 t l.,t. til dlnn of . ( bnlur. nlu.ul. . I,, v M ll.u i . I ,1 Hum lonlruiulalln. iiivrirtj. Mow 1.1 I. i nltl v 1 ,y In Hit himtUj r.1.- tl.ui i-ivribuj) .D.uU .! I'.u uouk. 1 rl. v &.I t.uu, to uy kl- aug. IT, JT-ly It&O ftAIL ROAD TIME TABLE S pilILADKl.l'JIA AND ItlvAUINO KOAD AltUANOEMENT OF PASSKNGKIl THAINS. May 21, 1670. TRAINS 1 EATS KlrtllT AS IOIIOWB (MMU1 IJCHIi l'or New York, I'hllatlolphla, llradlng, I'ottmllJe Tamnciua, c, 11,33 a. m For Cntawlssa, 11,33 a. m. 6,4! nnd 7.SC p. m. For LUlainsport, C,2S c,34 a. m. aud 4,oo p. in. TKA1NSI0K KCl'KKT I RAVB AS I0U0WB, (St KBAT K CKPTHII.) Ix;nve N'cv Vork, s,43 n. m. Iao l'hllailflphla, 0,15 a. in. Leaieltoadlni;, 11,3 n. in., I'ottivllle, 111,16 ,. 11 and TaraaQUa, 1,2.1 p. in. Leaccatawlssa, 6,20 ,vr, a.m. and 4,00 p. m. Loao Wlliunvjpoi 1,0 2,18,(io in. and 6,00 p. m raswngen . 1 ,1 from Now Vork and 1'hlliiilr pula ko throus ithout changf of cars. J. n. WOOITKN. CO, HANCOCK, 'HiHTalJIanagtr. (loniral Ticket AifcnU Jan. 11. 1 .70 tr. iN JOKTIIKHN CENTKAL KAII.Wa UUJU'ANV. M?v.m!lvU'VNi0VC'UbCr 20th' 18". trains 111 loau bUNHUlll as follows: NOIITIIWAIII). Erlo Hall 6.20 a. m., arru t- Klmlru li.r,o a. " t'anandalguu... 3.31 p. in I(OCht!,ttr 5.15 Niagara u 40 " i.i.'loo accommodation 11.10a. m.anlif Miiiam rt 12.55 p. ru. Klmlra Hall 4.15 a. in., arrlo Klmlra 10.20 a. rn llullalo i;spn.S3 1.15 a. 1.1. anlio a. 111 bOL'TIIWAHU. llullalo Espress 2.6u a. m. arm 0 1 larrlsburg 4.60 a. ro , ,, ,, " ll.1lttn10ifcb.40 " Klmlra Mall 11.15 a.m., anlio UaiiLsbuig 1.M) p. in " Washington !o.:.o luitluorotj.3o " " UihlllgtOll 8.30 llarrlsburg accommodation mo p. m. arrive llairls turg 10.50 p. iu. arrtiu Ilaltlmoit- 2.26a. m " Washington 0.13 " l-rli- Mall 12.55 a. in. arrlio Ilarrlsbuig 3 115 a. m " Iialllmoros.40 ' .,,, . ". Washington 10.35 " All flail) wra pt huinlaj, 11. M. IKiVli, Jr., tiint ial I'asvt ng, , A(!,B A.J. CAiA' 'I , (it nirul Jl image I ) El. A VA UK, LACK A WANNA J WKSTKliN liAll.llOAl). lil.(MiMsl lit, DIVISION. AND Tlmt-lablc no. so, mits ent nt 1:30 A, M MONDAY, NOVEMIIElt il ls;f,. NOItTII. M'itii.v. p.m. p.m. a.m.l " '. ..." ,u. ." . 2',' 6 ' M Ile cuio.... I 0 ii 221 a an 7 0 lu SI? yTaUonllle;: . S S I 3 I a p 5!. ' JS i 'S a!? SS. " r 1; 3 17 i5 j; n$. C '. . St it x '!- ,i Nil .AloniTl V Zvi 8 8 54 8 I , 4S Nlllltlckn 4 S 37 7 J3 0 45 2 4 h 41 .HlllilMli's rifk III,! Ill I r OWl 2 42 SSI, Miliumi,"; fi'l 5 J ,S ;'! ! Willow llnnr,. II 0 111 0 66 5X1 111 -'""f m-" " 6 34 I J ' .., 11 61 4 6 7 H8 S U K 5 I nV.".l-J"'V" 11 67 6 2 7 40 6 8,1 is i ; ;!....' "J" . ".. ! T 46 4 w 116 7,. Caimriin.. i si tti i hi o.n n. M v"r'l"'"-rlnd. II 6 S t r MiW.r"";" yt'l'll I From IIiIh uuii 11,,. 1 i ,.n Ufk. , , , put in mlit ,lim iM -' in.- 1 ,, , mete a at lour twill 1. ,,. 1 J if u ii.pai.j ,,u , , ul or laliiilng 1. t. i, ., , ., ,., ,f , ' under fround ' (Ji'f.'i."11" pt'r k""" w 14. . ,, m o. Win. 1 ji , 1 OPIUM "J luat .10. , t .yniaj) T.iwr I r f
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers