The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, January 04, 1878, Image 3

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    "J at
i, on is mi: (i. i li l ii iv. ja.v. t, ins
null Koiiiirimo"
I. V NN. HUitOMlU'ltn l!.ll,nIAI
Mitt irxiti rutin, A.M.
i ,.lu ?J A. M
nil . !' I'. M.
... . Hen I'. M.
A A Isxa UAtl, UUAD.
r ,11, i, i ruin . . k.W A. M
i:m : M.
i.w r.
II. M A. M
t. I'. M.
H.M A.M.
I' ,r . , J. .11-'
II- ' i'l ' . Iplllll,
Tlio Annual Tcicticra' In.tlltilo of Ooltimtila
efjtinty, oi(tictl on Wednesday, Dec. 20, at
1:30 p. in., In Iho "Normal School" Hall of
ttiium.b irK. Mr. l'eut'rof Ilrrwick tnaito an
nppropihic prayer. Tlio mlilrem of welcome
I'V Mr. Waller, principal of the Normal School,
wh Miriu-lan ' oorillnl lie Kp.ike of llic dig.
nlty ofa leiclier' ioltton and of thu lmpor
i lui re of pii'ertliiK aueli illgnlly liy moral ton
, iliu-i. Mr. Snyder, County Superlnlinddit
liiadr a feev well directed rein fit to the tendi
1 t-r mid tliantttil Mr. Waller for lit rordlal re-
plliiii nnd oxttmleil hospitality, Mr. HoiicW,
h. tti-i v. llllnuiKiKirt
, N . i m 1 1 Si html o(n im d i n WVilneml ly.
Iit, of the WHet.liirte Lutder, pild
lie eWt tnt Woilne-ilr,'.
K. 1!
.1 ' .
n;t ll
kln'liam oililnt of tile Altoun
inn li'eeiek vMtlnKfilvniN, in, I
minium lor .i liiilt-uliile Come
nr.- due Mr (Ihi,
lor i entiv of the
W. Child ol
1. der Ainu-
ll in alwavri it eeelimnio lunik,
ill" town clock strtteli twulve lat
night tlio now year win half tin liour
i hi for holul and restaurant lieen
c'.niiry oourt liiuit lo filed in the
I.) 1 1 10 tlth Inst
i- i nrllele on the cosU the County
in pin will ho (bund useful nnd in
to those
I n tins lot).t telio-e -inifiiMiiee en
( i-ri-'ma-i were roiitnteil in the half
, 1. I
lllin ake.
-'l-h n
.1 I r.J ,
W ll ive in ide nr-
it ii ible lilumh r
ul 1111I icxiir in
ii the s ;no:i of iho unr when imltH-hiei-
keeper Hcruh their pavements ju-t
the th-rinotiiutcr is lit the freezing
hi Rxrire train either to New York
Veeom-noiliitliiii train ruiiatHiteen IVpntv Slate Superintetulent .poke on the uh.
.i-ft of "I'nii-lle-il Teaching." "l'.ill for the
Sliori.,' mg by pupil of the lilooni.hiirg
M-tnml. and a few general remark on Spelling
mid Uniformity in Hecitntlcin by Mr. Snyder
anil other clivtil the exerct'e. of tlio alter
iimui. M'titnmlay Evening,
Institute cil.cil to order at 7:30 ''Sweet
11 e and live" Ming by the Institute, with Mi
llirlon of l.lmo Ulilge at tbo piano; after
etlileh Itu Gnrl 'y of l!loonibu-g opened Id
lecture mi Will Culture, lie upoke of the func
tion mi') ii ll'itiirr nf the will and law to eelti
e.lte il ill the person of the young, pltggetlng
'III InMriit'lion," "Auihority of Disci
pline," and "I, ive"' .1 tntthod of will culture.
I)eel-ire tli it the prut-nt y.tein of rtudie in
our "chnnl", eiiui.,iug of so many ologte and
i-mhiiia degrading tendency, and that more
attention slniiibl hi p lid to moral culture and
i-s 10 in iti rial, lie ev.i ll.tcneil to by a large
.Hid apprteiative audience. After the wing "I
Nnd Thee," Iii'titutc ailjonri'id.
Thnrmliy forenoon.
()u hundred and twenty teachers faced the
President as tie railed the Institute to order
Ih's tnnrning nt U.30. After a prayer by Mr.
Teeth-bury, W. V. Smith, of Ilerwklr, JIie
Arin-lrnng of It'onunburg, and Mr. . 11.
I', like of Cenlr ill 1 wtre elected Secretary, As-
i-iniii S.-crt t iry, and Vice President, rcsptc-
lively. A ter a few minutes' attention to
ng, the Iii'titutc prepared itelf to listen to
Prnl. Nm.tlii'g of llniiinhurg Normal School
Piiiiiirv Helling, lie divelt principally
I ...1 Hi - iiiie-nly ol teadiing tliiiuren tne
1. iriii' nl wnrit hy rupmiiig tiiem to iriut ami
wnie, and then leu n of wh it they consist, 111
tenl iil'irving to teieh them the names of the
K-tieis lirt, Mr. Snider made a ftw appro-
l'ii-ite rem irks upnu liie ame subject and then
11-.-1I a leee-is of a few minutes after which
Mr. Ilniick look t tie 11 inr on ipelliiig and pro
nunciation lie presented several valuable
rule controlling the spelling of adjectives end
ing in com and ions and word in ei and
When the former ire derived from 11 lines of
in itler thev end in eons, and the latter when
they ii ive hissing "ootid take ei, wilh a ftw ex
eptions. The exercise in pronunciation,
which all participated, wa an interesting and
iii-tinuive one. Hull call and adjournment
were next in ortUr.
Thurftlitt Afternoon.
few minutes afier 1:30, the f.nniliar .strains
if "Iljld the Kort" delighted the car of a large
ttnlieiiee, Prof Noetling continued the cxerci
'c with remarks on geography an. I how
teach U. He spoke of the two 'common errors
of leaching pupils the content of the text book
I filling to leach than true geography, lie
unulit nave lue Known hikiicu tirst ana me tin
known afterward, viz: Home geography first
1 I'nreign afterward. Proved sati factor! ly
hat map-drawing was vcrv es-cnlial to a sue-
fill pnruit of this f-tinly. Mr. Sn)der en
loried hi remarks, especially those on home
-ography of ihi county and state. After
hurt recess and the pinging of "Evening
Hells" and " ill crown them with Rocs.
Mr. l'urke of Cinlr.di.i gave his method, avery
g.uid one, of Keeping daily and monthly i-chool
reports or registers; and Mr. Houck introduced
the subject of grammar, making a few suggc-
lions on how to teach it and luiw much to
few moro question and answer and tlio
ppolnlmcnt of the following committees wa
effected. Mr. CrNpin and Mis Vandersllce to
solicit subscribe for tlio Pennsylvania School
Journnlj and I. K. Schoonover, V. Herring
Secretary, A, J, Alkman, Alex l,llllc nnd Ml
Amntrong were elected a committee on per
manent certificate. Adjournment nt -1130 uf
ter music by the Institute.
Friilny Evening.
'flic choir a tiuil opened iho exercise and
wa followed by Mr. Houck who addressed iho
ntidletice upon the following mottoes for teach
ers, "Do Itlght," Never Threaten," "When you
consent, do o cordi illy," When you say no do
Drunkenness expels rinson, drowns the mem
ory, defiee beauty, diminlhe strength, in
Ihnie the blood, ciuse.ntf mil, external, and
so finally," Never punish in an.rer," He honcl," I Incurable wound J i a devil to the "oul, a thiol
Never ak pupil to report each other" and the pure ; the li?ggir s niinpanion, a wiru's
Do not oiler prizes" III rennrks wero In- woe and e-liildien's snrrow inakis n strong mull
terestlng and valuable, Prof. Waller delivered weak, and a wise man a fool. Hit Is worse than
short lecture on "Mortality In our schools." a benst, and is a "elf murderer, who litinks an
lie portrayed the condition of the I'Oimtry.mor- other's good health and robs hlmelf of his
ally and financially, hoping by Ids Illustrations I own.
to Impress upon the teachers a sense of the
great responsibility resting upon them and
roife them to greater activity in the matter of
morals in the public school. He believes the
self-reporting system to be a p'cmiutii for dis
honesty. He was followed by Mr. Snyder, the
Superintendent, who thought that the self-re
porting system in the baud' of judicious teach-
rsiuightbe made a sucees'. InVp-aking of
the condition of the srhu'il rnrtuis of this e-oiiuty,
e liiglily e-ompliiiiiiited the ten tiers for their
leanline's, Alter inuIc by the choir, the In
stitute adjourned at SUfi,
Silurilay Morning
Though a diy of rest, generally, to teacher', sole eil that no student front abroad should be
the Institute- was well attended, a large number , permitted to board outsidn ot the School unlrsa
responding to roll call after v.hieh Mr l- ('.
Iran of Danville ollered a pr.ijer and the iboir ! guardian and the consent oi the Principal.
Ih, 1,1
It, hi
poi a.
In ti1 111 1st eeerv section of tho country, there
nro pi r-. hi - publicly known who liuee been re
ft ir d limn alarming and desperate diseases of
tin Inn,'-,. 1 1) tne use of Dr ll.i 13 Hxpectorant
2i and j0 e-euls 11 bottle.
Wlul-i in hi l.i'li-lpbi 1 la-t week we calle-d
iipnn S.iiirul I! igert and II 11 111 ill Kramer who
are now ciinlinul in the Ka-Uern lViiitenti-iry.
linlli ate In giesl Inallh. The former Is not
awiie lli-it he 1 its been ieeoiuineniled dr pir-don.
SulTcring will exli'liitils pretence by the cries
of tlio baby, and should bo removed by tho
prompt u-e of that highly recommended rem
edy Dr. Hall's li.lby Sirup It is free from
Morphia. Price -i cents.
J. Iv. Kichholtz of tne Noitliiiinberlanil conn
ly Democrat his si nt us a copy of the Suubury
Aim in ic f ir 1S7S, prinli'd by him, lor which
lie will pie ho aect pt thanks. It e'ontaius tin
(iame an l-'ih la-vs and other interesting mai
lers. Sent by mail, pn-tpaid, for ten cents. Ad
dres .1 1, iCichluillr, Sunbury Pa
If our notice concerning unpaid subscriptions
is read I'ai'efully, it will be seen that it i 111
tjniled for only one class of subscribers, name
lv, thoi" who have taken the paper for two
jcars and 11 quarter without paying a cent f-n-
it. We liaic nee or said anything about suiu
any one e-lse.
( ol. ('. G .Tnckt-on, of llerwiek, delivered a
t"y able and entertaining lecture at the Moth
odist chinch in l!louinburg last Friday evening
n the animal miTting of the Temperance L'u
inn. The t'nhmel is 11 line i-pcakor and his of
fort on this occasion fully sustained tlio reput.
tiou be lias long enjojed as 1111 orator.
Il.'reif er ali Ini-iin'ss npi-t bo renl;
bv Ycilui'd '.v eve ing. Our agent Claienet
Keller will call on all our advertiser at tint
time and gel their local. Niitiees will be
ceivnl up to ten o clock 1 liur'ilay morn.
ing. Inn not Ister, null i-s vtry important. We
win In- obli-'id to unr patron-, il tliey will b
r.a.l l ntn. -d iv ev uing wluii c-illid upon.
In o ir hut issuo wo neglccctd to notice the
pli i.uH 1 hristinii gathering of tlio Ilaptit
Siiudav -school, iiuil its friends at tlio llapti-t
Church lliief and uppropiiato addresses were
in ide. innl the Choir and children sang some
choice pieces nt music. Iho little ones were
gieen suitable prooentii nnd all went home
On New Year's night the Presbyterian Sun- PricolBSS DiSCOVtirV,
etay school Held its Hobday leit.val. two A QmQ ffJr pi)eJ
eiees were very prettily irnnmcii wmi niiuens A sure cure fur tlin lillnn. I.- IIik. ttelilmrnnH ul-
full of candy, oranges, and oilier presents for eernieil piles lmsU-e n rtlscou rent 1 In Pr. W illlam,(an
,, .... " . 8 ; ,,, ' Iniilin rcmiili) cait-el it. Mtlllaiirs Inatiin olnt-
tlio children and teachers. ax taper. wero mem. A nin.1 taix hascurul ihe ,irst '.'ilihronlc
hung on the trees, and illuminated a. tho pro, . XffH Xhll,
cr time with very pretty effect, llev. S. Mitch- "&$
oil tnauo an npimipmtu mMrcsB) n number or ointrnvtit mipportn ihr- ium rn, a(T(i tho 1dUuro
.,1 ...! .1 i.-..- I iti in hit (pnnr'U'uii.v ni iiihiii oner Kfiung warm in
ilitriljuloJ. The clituch wiw well filletl,
nil prcsmt otijoel lliruipelvcs.
A Xkw Vkiwiov op as Or.t Stdby. lien
FratikMti it the people of Iim il.iy u rtcipu
for nUtaiiiintf heallli, wealtli, anl i-iloin. Tlio
present Rriura ion not piippo-eil to lie in want
of ui'ilom, ami wonlil piefer Irippiiie t'omliln
fl ltli henltti and weallli. TIk; nioiltTii way
to nlil.iin all tltet1 in the mlvtrii-enu'iit
of linrriek, HolItT A C". litMilod ' Itertllh ami
niil pinmV in tlii p,ipir. Wo corili.illv nc
ouiinitnl our naleM to the cartful uoniilera
turn of Liu ir a.lviee.
j Ivd), oets iir n ptMiltlcf, (fives tttntjint auff palnlrtm
11 iii'i, iiiin is pn'piiifTi iniiy inrritt's mix iim mntf
else. riioii'BtHls of nirctl HitU nt r.troM Its vlrtm-S
and phc1(l innut till srntHtH proitou co Ittlie irrciiU
i M v mtrlhtitlon to nc Ulctju of ttvn!?". ll.niMtm
not how lutiffor hr,'rfly juti Imvc Ijwu bU(T( rtng,
on van tn- eun-il.
Mr Jwpli M hpr, ( IfVfhitifl, Ohio, wlto : 1
oiKTered Tor venrswttn ItchltiK tnfl I Icernlwl
lrli"l rciin'th nllt'r fftiUMlv urtxcrtlwd. nttrtconmt(n
piiiflirmris m Hum U'ipiu i, i,fii-vnir, rinrinnuu,
mill llihilt : nrifl M iit lititnlitfln of (1ullnr, but
lu'tixl n ' r in r until t ol)tiilnct a tKixf t Dr. W llllomn
lull tn niiiiini-M d'linc niitr lnoiiih nyo nnrtltlmn
riinil tnf fuiiHtlett lv. I linl a purl or tho box left
tthtcli 1 tfv Ui h frleinl or n tiu who had dortored
wllh mntij phvKlclnns, nit a mi laM renorr went to
Hi itoieri lint 'irlii-i- ArkaTunr for tre tmetit
Itftnroritm m thit ihr tndhm I'lntmont himilso
cured Mm of (he pi)", it w eiT. duly a wonderful
nlwoten iitiri flinuhl t nwd by tho tnatiythou
8Rtidi i'tiU am now flurferln with that dread dln-
:irni.o(Ki upward wm t e pnM for a more certain
rmly. soM bv oil nnitffrM. uu, ti, v. 'KA
'AIM, solo proprlHor, cUei tnd O.
The Trutoea of the Xortnnl Seliool nt their
moi'liniMm Weduetlny nittlit unnnirnnuly re-
nuntf "Hold the 1 ort." Mr. Ittirkc of Ctntra-
11a opened a di-cu-ion on penuniifliip. He
would have the principlcn carefully fiuht Ut
pupiUand practifod ere tisinff a copy book.
IIo KUgHU a uniforniity of copy hooks and
theintiofno kIo hiplier tlnn no. II, Mr.
Kntder putained him and ndded tf.achern
fihonld pay more and carefut attention to wri
ting. Mr. Iluiick hid the Institute ood bye in
tiu-ouraing words. He ppoke of the roo re
nits of thii Institute, rot perceived yet, hat tn
he manifested hy them in aficr iars After a
short receii, Mr. llarch Iiorouh Stipcrinten-
lent of Shenandoah nude a few nmirks on
lanjjuaiju leon. He believes this study may
he pursued hy cluldren a mnn as they lu-Rin
fthool life, hut -tiK'e'ts very tliort lemons.
Mr, Snyder delivered thoclo-inR address in
word- of advice to the teachers, lie wants
them to be punctual in their work and rtfpiirc
the panic of their pupil. Thu report of the
committee on resolutions wn read and adopt d.
prayer hy Mr. TrWkhury and the doxoluy
ftniR by the liMiwte wound up the procetdin
of Colmnlua's Annual In-titule. liood bf
iktn at 11.1". Thu Institute has been well
attended, not alone by teachers hut by otlnr
friends of education. 'Die wlu.le nuinl er of
teachers in attendance was one httndrtd and
fifiyught ; and this fact with the attention and
order shown by tho teachar.s warrants the as-er-
tion that it was a mccc-s. Much credit is due
our worthy Superintendent for his eneiiry, our
teachers fur their intere-d, and our di rectors for
their liberality.
W. H. Smith,
We, the teachers of Columhi i county reco
nizing the importance of our profusion, and the
necessity of usuir every means in our power to
make oumUvts more competent to di-ehargu
our duties.
Jlei'otict.L 1st. That we rccard it of mi me im
portance that the teacher should n-ad all woiks
ertaining to his profession, that he can pro
liud. That he should piin a f-reiat r fund of
general information as possible, hy reading
workon fcUnee and history, and kteping liiin-
felt infornieil on the news of Hie day.
ird. That, fully appreciating the benefit to
be gained by attending the Cou,.ty In-titnte, we
np Cold, when 21 eenti will m abolllfor Dr. ,r
rivr'n I'otijjh srup nt nn drug Mom. It has
ut outfit a eninplflc rtiahM-i' In tho i 'outfit MedlclM.
It pti-UHiitit ns h m y nnil ulwnR curen,
CJfDr. Fr i?loi', uuyh .rup tin d In eonneetton
wilh r. FTHler't Kool liltters w n i. ci'KKe-osmuwi'-tiov
MiiwturU steim taninrtiy. viv (ami, (, Oct. 30, 'Til.
Hit. 1'ium'ii, lit ar lr: I fid Itadul) loweM
mlTerlng lui" null in urfl" .uhi, Kor h une tlmu 1
was H)r lv nillli'tf d l)i it cniitfh, ralsluir bud HtUfT,
w Ith c i H. iiipiiim i-r hi Ing a continued consump
tive I tiled Ullh i nt tm (II In-s and cures without
nndlnir n-ll t : I nl n tiMi'tni thro- of our most
prominent tiev-ltind ni -i Iiiih. the Pisl one of
which nroiitjiitii"-' u e im rlints. mid inlnrmcd nit
t'uit I eould nut llt niorc thuti n fnv m ntlH. About
thmitme. Iii-ai'liitr ur mir wonuertnltuee ph, ( corn-
ltv t...rMil ibiii;im1 nt iho tinlfiit' ltniintu nr tnetiet'd tiikluir mr M HI 111 ennuei tltm Wltll Olir
1 1 Itcinf. t tiici i ti I n-t nt fiisni In unfitted, uiid after
tislta Hie innl etne home two heinhs 1 ilnd nijsclf
etmrei.v turtd. 'juitifi-jNe; uui..
tTf Mr. hunn airaln wrl'cs. undt.'r date of Amrii&t
4. 1hT7, -nr frazler. Mr: I eau endor' your
iitrUlcliir4 ninri' MmnLtv Ili.ui iVtr triiiii tho t.W-
tl.nt It is i,(.w nenr! oi e vr Inee iwaaeuiTd.
My lungs niv to-d Mrjuj; iiiidsouna, having no to
krn tn i nt oi,eii.s.
f"'lh' abov-' Vrdf.-tns -irak for thi'insthLH,
UK. a. w. Kit VAKH, rropri tur e lovt land, o.
.For Salo by all Druggists,
Pee. 14. KT-iy
Tn nur tvlc cF climate, witli its sudekti
clmnget ofti'uipeininro, ntin, wind nnd sun-
Miutu often incrniimrlc(I in a Minna day, it
is no wonder that our ebildicn, i'riend-j nnel
. .... i r I 1. n i .. 1. 1 1 ..
ante. .MoU ot the tirnituro as ?ae 1. .ir. it'iativ(" are so irefptenny uiKen ir un u uy
fir...'n .1, I,,., i f ,.,i tKL'helotl cods, nit tho (f'nths roumtii
! i t '.Mi .i. din-etlv fioiii tbi.i ctiu-o. A hot tie F llo
er o. iim roperiy ,. nire-n.,,- -emiiie ne-ur Sj ym.. ,
inn niie.-. u inn iius.-s 11 i-umiii u miiumii ... , .,. ,.. n m-rvniit im inns slfk-
I'lii is riglit Stmloiits who come fiont uljronil
slmulil lie niliject tu the suiienUiim uf the
1'riiicijul ami Faculty. Thn-ts may lie Hporinl
reaoti. why 0lll3 stiiilontii Shimlil lie eci'ili'J
from Ihei rule1, ami Midi raos will ho neleil uji
on ami ileciileil at-eonling to their merits,
AbllL'llY 1T1'.M.
The house commonly known in thr cottage
inn on the state mail, between l'Mitngcreefc
ami N'ew Coliimliit. caught fire in the ronf on
the loth lint , ami burncil ilown. Xn inur-
JSi'MVMffll. W lri'55 n.Uhea with a Hountltul pW of pur,.o
Ttn-rleneeil. etll"leiit, nn l ntlve to their work. Discipline, ttrm bin ktn1, uniform ami thoroiii-li. Ejpens.i
r.,niMi.v nf HLtiriv tirnacrlucd b.-. the Hlutel :
1. Model School. II. Preparatory. 111. Elementary. IV, Clivwlcal.
Ai'lmnl Conrwie I Aivnli'inic. U.Coiiwiereinl. III. Ooiire In IV. Coune In Art. V. Course In I'hymcil Culture.
Ti,n'n.,,..i.f.irv mi-intini'iinin-i' t''nl ftilwi aw fit iFKMfDV U nn,! itulent nr.vliuttni therein, roeelre tnte lilploma.coiiferrln8 tbefpliowjng
rorrMiiiniiinir IH'irree : Mi'Mirof iv t.l -n; Master of tun sjioujcs ; M,nturor iu ulimioi. eiraauawa in eiiuuiiierv-uursusn-vii.c .. ...... -v..
eueir aiiaininiii.e.. Mieneii u, lu ....itu.n -. . ..v ...........
i lie e
rent n i
..i.n I'u.
. .uUiiin it.i.ih... II... I'l'lm.lnnl.
M(S. vil.l,l..l l.lti i-rf.iai-iii n."..-.-.
bi-'iit. S, Til. ...
ll illilln -s seiai-lutts, niviiiiiK snu
R'?Mllonheltbtiil onneavof neecs. Tii.ichenieTn..rtenee.l,enMeiit, an l nilve to their work,
nviier" W y cent, a w?i u'-J,.etl.m to all oxpeeitimt U) leacli. ntu.teuts aUuillteit at any tlin
steam saw mill on the premises It is only
about teeo months ago that Mr. Cjrus l.niirUh
in the snme neighborliuuel lost hi house by
lire. Xo instinine-6.
There i now a neat new cove-reil brielge
spaning the cast branch of l-'isliingerceU near
The Methoilists nre holding n mcces-'ful
meeting at Asbury.
Tlie ltefonneel ehiire;h hail n line entertain
ment at Zion on Christmas night and at Or
angeeille Christina eeeuing.
ne-.s, a large ilnetors lull nii'l purlmiw tlcatli
hy the no ol three or Imtr iloso. I'm- eui tug
('iiiiumiitinn. llemoiilmce. rneumolita. Pe
vete Cough, Croup or nny tliscnso of tlio
Tliiout or J.-utm". itssucce-ui hbiiiidIv wonder-
fill, as your diucuist will tell yon. Oermtm
fyriip i noev sold in ovury town and village
on this cuntinnit. Jluplo oottii-s lor trial
lile ; i-egiiliir size, "jc.
Ajiril J7, 77-ly j!
The utte'iitiuii of agent i called to The
Ilousc-liei-pei'n Supply Company, of Cincinnati
Ohio,. who m.ilee a bii'iiu- of getting up and
m-inuf.ictiiriiig new and lauor-wwiny convenien
ce for hou-fkeepe-rs, and give employment to
hundred of agent of both se-xe throughout
tlie whole United .State to introduce and sell
them, and ollir inducement that will piy them
hand-ouiely. Alnny of their agent are now
making from SI to Si! per d.iy, and some of
them even more. Write to the ui at once and
they will send yon eiicnhir, giving you full de
scription of eaeh artiele they luannfjctuto, and
their ti nil to agent, and will as'igu you cx-
elu-ive territory to sell in. Their addres i.
The Iloti-ekeepers' Hii ply L'oinp-iny, 2o. -I-VAm
Street, Cinuunati, Ohio.
Dee. U lw.
te-teli. Several incident related by him on think that all ti-achers should if posible attend
the same, and we earne-tly hope that the
be alloweu itieni wtnie so iloiug.
-1th, That we will profit bv the instruction
here received, according to our nhilitv and
skill in harmonizing, digesting and making the
s-ime our own.
72Wic, That our thanks are here-bv tsnde-r-
1 to all who have in any wav eontrihiited to
the success of thi In-litiite, to the tiu-lee of i
the orm-il SlIiooI for t lie u-e ol ' ormil
II.ill, to the Countv Superintendent for hi if-I
fort', to Deputy Stale Superintendent llo'ik, '
l'rof. Not-lliiig and other instructors for their I
exertion in our behalf, and to the choir for the j
music re ilereil eluritig the session.
Ut'.oteettt Jliala coin- of the minute- of the
Institute be given to ihe editor of each of the
county pjpers, for publication.
1. 1. hclioonover, 1
Maui ha K. Oiial i.,
AllXl-S Ilt'l'KIMIHAM,
I Committee.
We regret to learn that the house of Kli Me
Henry, ui-ar Heutnii, was biirne'd to the groin. d
on hist Wi diicsdny mori ing. '1 he family got
11 i early in the morning for the put pose of gn
ing away to attend ii funeral, and built a large
Ii -. So m afier a neighbor discovcied ll lines
i"iiuiir from the loof The only goods saved
wen- those ill iho lower story. There was a
small insurance In tho l.jcoming Mutual,
Wo are authorized tn state that every mer
chant in tho land keeps Dr. Coxe's Wild Cher
ry and Seneka and Santoniuo Worm Syrup.'
Price 25 and 00 cents.
roi ori:..
The inngie lantern cntertnintnent nt Cad
man's Hall on N'ew Year's night was well at-
ti tided, and hinhly iinmeciated by the little
lolhs The liloiun-burg Quattet'O (lull inter
lude d the- e.hibition whh several songs. At
the close a ote of thanks was tendered llev
Mr Spencer for his kiiieluos in giving the en-
teiiiiinment, niid to tl.o Club lor ihe music
U.i New Year's uiiejiiiiied iii the bond-
of iii.ilriiuoue, al the loidi-nie uf ihe bride's
tai..n, in Iilu. til-burg, Piinl K Wilt, one ol
Col nnlii.i eou-iiy's lisil'g e"Ug lawvir. ami
Mi-s It im ,S. ilnuult r of John A. Knii-lon.
K-o . all of this town. At lull past n lie in lb.
in uing. Hit- HI J utiiliii tiun i the hnu-e was fill
eil rt-iih go. -Is, inviteil to wi-m the cen inoiie
tu I i-huulil hi. -ml tun mill. i s in one and link
t to lives ngetlivr. The will weru li-iiidimieiy'il with leave. and fi rns, and at the end
of Ihe mum uln-ie the nrty mould siitnil
vie a iimui grntii of the initi.i's of the Iw
Prompilv at the hour lixul the procisshiii en
tire I, h. nihil bv the !e v. I,. .ihiie-r, rector of
r1! Paul's ihiireh, vim piifoiincd the
c r.-iii.iiv. Mis Klwell nnd Mi-s I,, i iiiiMnii
si-ierol the bride, were the bridesmaid', and
M, X. IJ. Punk mil .) .M Clink necnpiiil The bible wa attired
in a m iv in I Iv- dink Irivrllii'g die- After
the iir.-o mil Mr ami Mrs. Wiit received the
eui'gt.iiiithiieiti- of llielr tinny f-bud.
Ti." cine mnin. from Ihe i ib!e in the din
hi ami oilier experience in coniposition wri
ting closed the subject for the afternoon. Ad-io-irued
al -bio
Thumhty 7.Veiu'ij.
Called to older at 7:l!0 to listen to "hvenwg
Hell" by an impromptu choir, llev. J. D.
lKrr of N. Y'ork w.n introduced a lecturer on
ihe subject '-Kxpres-bni aivl Ilepresaion." He
pnk- eifthe inuiortance of giving expression to
tilimi nts nnd thottghts th it tend ton-am the
gimil, lie-aiittmi, anil repressing auinai
i cnnceiveii in evil ami seltisiiness, anil tne ei-
I', el of such a life, interspersing tho lecture)
teitli biimoriiu and sttiking illu-trations. The
imlietiee alte-ttd their intelligence by attention
un! good order, and their appreciation by fre-
inent nppl lose. A song by the "Glee Club," a
iicitaliem entitled "Ouhleii Head" admirably
icnted by Mis Swine-fort of Kutztown, and a
p-njer by llev. Waller Sr., closed the evening
Friday ForetwoJi.
This morning a well filled Inell responded to
the call for order. An excellent prayer Ly llev.
II. rr an I a snug "Near tho Cros" constituted William liryson, a lawyer of this city, ns at-
the opening ex,-reie. Jtev. Herr drew the torne-y for liohert liryson tV Co., nt Ccntrnlia,
a te-iuion of the In-tituie to the a-ce tiding series Columbia county, accepted senice of a wiit of
in the coii-lructioit and growth f invi a a siiininons, issued by the l'irst Xational Hank
simile of the social and educational relations of Ashland, for the recovery hero of money id
ii t.veen teacher and pupil. Hi remark Hedged to be due upon tlio several notes. .I ml.
wvre tliooeh In-trtictive', bearing to- incut was rendeie-d in favor of the bank for
i .....
vard the close upon the value of the mottoes oer SI,"X. hecu(ion was issued in (.en
'D.i the lust for Ihe most" and "I-'iiilhfnlnes i tralia upon the elcfendants' goods, which wero
Ihe basis of pininotlon. Ily reipicst, MnsSieine- sobl in their preseuco anil williout their inter-
f.iit rerited a few literary sketches: entitled lercncc. Subseiiueutlv, howoeer, tlie-y tool;
't'urfew must lint ling lo night" and "The step.s to haee the judgiiient opened, nnd ye'ter-
i, ili-li liov " A sliort recess for Ihe registering uav the inatler was nrgiieil beloro .Imlges Alii
ifnini"sof new arrival ami Prof, duelling son ami llnlule. It wa contciieleel Hint MI-
touk up die siilijee-t of elementary arithmetic, ham liryson had no authority to nteept seruco
He would di-cird the u-e of the text nook nil- upon tho wnt, but as it was shown tlmt the hit
til the child i familiar with numbers, tenchirg ter had always acted for them as counsel Ihe
In-in 'an of nb ects until the lirst principles court rcluseel to ilistuili the jiiilgment. Jimer.
I. .r.. I.....H in. i-l, -nil. ltv couibinini; the pro r
,.. n:. 1 1 ! l,!liii,, iii.i -ei me iiiniiiui iii. eiui.
CSS ,, I, I'llllUII , MIL,1., ... . p , . .
iii I. I ....... ....L- eeiniieraiit-u l inuii tn union aui ri
livu Inn. line w III be icnnoiuueil, more, w-oik . ' . . .'
he ai-eoiiiplislied and simplieitv in aritlimitic
ill Im attained, Ailjourtied at 1-.
1'iiiltiy .ftet noun.
TI... -.....!-., ........ r...m.,..t l.v llio enllln of
tin- roll and the singing of
The Il'i-e of death. Do not wait until the
hectic llu-li which indicates advanced consutnis
titm, appear on the check. Cluck tho bald
cough and hull the irritated lung with IMe't
Honey i.f Jloreliouml and Tar, before the crtsi
comes. Itu in time. Sold by all Druggi-I',
Pike's Toothache D.ops cure In 1 minute.
Dec, 1 1 lui.
Goal ! Coal ! ! Goal ! !
Iixtnt prqiuvatiou I
Hunei'iov nunlity !
Order left at 1. W. iMcKolvy's
Store, nt our ollico, or sent throng
tlio niiiils will receive prompt at
Your patronage is reaped fully
C. W. Ni:.V7, eft Uro.
Ufay 1. 1S77.
Business .Notices
S. P. ll.tte, tlio jeweler, gives special nt
teiitmn to repairing. W atclie. clocks.spcc
t.icles. &u.. carelttllv and proiuntlv repaired
Ho ba a higU reputation as a watchmaker
anil j -efler.
The price of all J'tir.s reduced, at I-utz &
ChrUtma Clood for prcseu's.
Gent'ie Mulder,
Gent's castor glove,
Uent's silk handkerchief.
All of the latent style and loevost price
at 1. LowenWrg's.
A few DiiiripHuml a large lot of Almanac.
with other book, etc., at I. W. Ilartman's.
Bloomsburg, Columbia County, Pennsylvania.
Hrv. D. J. WALLER, Jr., A. M., Principal.
mutter of t'jc KlierltT R Hale of tll'J Stolierty Ot
James It. Plee.
Tim imdi oilineil Auditor. apDOlntcel hy the Court
liy conBseit rf lurtles lnteroiteil to ellstrlhttie tno
money arising mim nam sine, win ineee-ineiuini
In'e-iiHtei) ul the omco ot Hroekwav fi Itm-ell, la
iilooinstiiirg, oiiMitiimny, uio iiuinmu .uuinsij,
km nr. ton i.vliw-lr In tlin rnrennon. at wlllcll time
nil pnrtle Intercsteil will otteul nr tw deuarrfe.1
ii uui eoueiiio iu ou sam iiiuu. .,.,....
e ltd. m. luvi ltl.i,
etee !l, '"-(-.v
't Xie tmcieMffhtd, Auditor appointed, in tliecew
liter jno . N-nweppeDiu". r, pi". urm
i-i-mh.T -..rin.-iM:7 "i.ft iwcrtfitn wlmt uro tne
Il us nffnlnst tholttttrta, tnwhoinrtu fttirt the nmounC
IH 111(1 HP rnp, H1IU Wllfl-Ill'l 11IC illl'U WWIHU "
nrrcn.1 In I hp dill if f f ItW finnollltmcut nt ofllCO
in tlie ioxa ot Jjlcomsi.nriron Monday llic iimdas'
df .l.inuary, A l, W. at o rtoek a in., vlien anil
v. nen all pTfeOtm iniei'csua m EOia iimucvs uro ii
leseeuioaueuu. Tii:.onVIS.
eUe. Et.'TMw AllJltnr.
I'ld'HHtM :.tiritiJ. r'-TjiT of katuak KosiminAt-nnR.
utlceLs hereby eh en that the underslKued, a-,i-
TKilnii'il h the touit to ellstrliiute) the balnuee In tlio
ii.uvtsor Hiram.!. Herder, aaalgneeot Nullmn Koa
i itliaiidi-r, tn an-t nn.ijn-f the ntirtles entttti-d tlie-re-l.i,
will ath-Ml at Ul ofilce. In Mueirnnburir. on WeU
ii, d . . t ie tuii duv ut .lauiiarv. lsts. at i.lne o'clotl;
In tlie forenoon, tu perioral vlie nuiiesoi iiisappoint
iii in, wh. n anil wheie all iartle clalinuiit must
. i eur awl prove their claims 01 lelorcverdcbarreil
uoin i uiu us lu uu aunt muu.
joun ci. Fni:iiza
die n, 'i7-w
The nnilcrelmiej Amlltor anmlnted hy tho Or-
phuiis' e ourt of the county ot toWmbla to make dto
irtbiulon of tliebnlanco of tup funds In tho lianelsof
i ie- Ailinlnlatrator umoog the parties entltleel there
in, uillmei" all persons luu-resleil for the riurpose
of bl anpomtmpbt, at 9 o'clock a. tn. on TilJay, tho
eUhtpui'iidiyot .fanuoiT. IKS, nt the office of W.
I . llyerlv. In ' atau tssa. e hen unit evliere all persons
ii.iel'Ui-hUmie uiratnsr tlio sail esta'eare n-qiitred
fo present the a tne before the auditor nr lie eleoar
r.u rum cotntni; In for a share rf said fund.
e.llMtl.K.1 Ci. 11AHKI.F.Y.
d ic 51, '"r-tv
"fiie stork-holders of t:.e tirltiis-rerk Farmers' tu ltistii-.iueet'niiiiianj of Utne liteltte evlll am at
((iltti-eof Hainuel .Ni.Murd. linn , la fenti'Loivn
ln. t: iiin,.1iiii L-oiiiit. i'u . en Mutidav. the 14th due
tt .lanui rj. lis, bciM n tin- lioursot lua. ta nurt i
n iit.l. -l-1 im Diiroofe if el ettnir Ulrectors tor the
eiuiiliiir vear, and t -tnisaei lnf sueh other bustuess
as i.iaj prjpony cliuu ueiun smu t.uinpiui.
c-.e.,ie c'j .sr. 1 11 1 ou.
with II ses" bv the ehoir with Mi- L. Hue
Thoiiiii-on at the )iinno. Mr. Ilonck oeeniiid
die ll inr the preater part of the aiternoon in a
tilk to the school MireTlor. It been sit
apart fur the-tn by llic superintendent, The fol
lowing township and borough erere represent-
d Ile-iver, Illuuin, llerwiek, Catawisa, O n
ire, (ireewnod, Ilemlne-k, .Madison, Mt. 1'leas
ant, Scott, Montour and Lncu-t. Many impor
tant iiuistlon were asked and answered, the
Tho Christian
held in
the M K. church mi tho evening of Deceinber
Sitli, ItsT", tho following ollicers wero chosen
to serve for the ensuing year :
1'iesideiit llee. .1. 1'. Tustin.
Vice I'residents-Dr. John McC'ron, llev.
Will crown then) jum IIcnSon, John Wolf, Isaac Miller, Jutnes
K. Kyt-r and Dr. Win. Unwell.
ltecording Secretary Ilcrvey K Smith.
Corresponding Secretary M. C llrittuin.
Trensurer (ico A. Clark.
K.tcculieo Hoard JI. C. Woodward, Jntnes
Milliard, Dr II. W. Mclleynold, fieo. W. Co-
red, llobert Stiff and Dr. Jacob Schueler.
At ti meeting of the Incentive llouul on
Tuesday eecning, the first of ibis mouth, llev.
J. I'. Tuitin having declined to sereo ns 1'iesi-
'o other lncdicino i,i tho woild was ccr
trivcti such a test of its curativo uttalitics lis
linscliees (icrinan Syrup, ill tlitee yenre
fvo million four hundred thousand sinall bot
tle of this incdieilie was distributed fire ol
i-liary by Druugi-tn in lliin country to tho-o
alllii-tr-d with t'lvsii iii i it inn. Asthma, Cioun,
Severe' Cotisli, l'neumonia and other discus-
o ol tho thtoat and limg., giving tlio Amcn-i-an
ncoiilo undeniable, proof that (icrmnti
Syrup will cute litem, 'iho result lias licen
that druggist iti every town and village it)
tlio United States am i-ceuimiiending it to
their customer--, do to your drnggj.-ts and
ask what tliey knenv about it. Satnplo bot
tles 10 cents, liegular -Uo o cell's. Thrco
elo-Os will relievo ;inv ca-o.
April 27, '77-ly jl
l'li'K HUH KMAN. At tliHhuusi-iif the hi Ides
fiitln-r on tin- STth int., liy tlie i ee. John Mcl'ion, I).
II., 11. MjHIh w IjlileK, l-sij., to Miss Eta llldliiudC,
bjtli of .Montour tow ushtp.
t-' f'AIS. At the n eflheeif-n-l.itliigileiejnuin
en llee. -.'Till, ls?7, by Ile-v. P. S.
eirwig, Mr. llcre-5 11. rnrrlutri r r.f r.loomsbuatf. I'.t.
and .Miss l Ur.i ll. Cain, of HuiiMlle, l'a.
IUIWKH Mf-in I Kit. At the ff Mr.
Mllim-I Me'llle-K en tlie STIll nil , by l;e-V. A. HoUt,
Mr. lllratn 1". Power, er cvnirv towcslil? to Mlw Ida
ll Ma -.teller, ot Ml. 1 leas mt lownslilp.
IXIIIY Alt'l'I.Y. At tho llcforincil rnrsocaire ut
Cataw lsa on tt,e?;ih int., I y llev. tl. It. 1 e-chant,
.Mr I rtiicl Lilbyw .Miss ilaia Artly. belli e,f Co
l unb a comity.
llKsx.-Mlini. M the residence cf tlio bride's
jiarents In laeksjn, e oltiuitl.icout,t), l'a.,
on the 27lli tilt , by I ev J. A. Ilclner, 'llima.u Urns
of Jae-k on twp., tu .Mls.s Kaihel brullliot lliitiuuio
KMNK Mlt.Lnit.-Ou lt.0 SMh lilt., ot the lfs.
ileiiL-u nt .Miller, near l'ailnox, by Jiev.
John Ouss, Mr. .iclui M. Kllno to ,M Idi Slary
Miller both cf raMnus, l'a.
veiniliT-HOllltiive II. liy tho oareo cn Nov.
llth IsTT Mr. Irelu ll. Vouuhtof Meinour courdy to
Ljdla Salome Kthrtntli, of Wl.low Vole, ColutaMi
ri!li;:-KILi:.-On tbo aith ottwtolier. hit. by
llev. n l-'ullintr, .Mr. Kiltz niid Ml llouhili
A. Kilo, alltt M'tfurlojtUiwiislilp, t'olumbla county.
Iini'S-sdMl'V-At ll.o leHdeneo of the ltile,i
pirents on the llth int., by Lev. i:., .Mr.
Joseph i Pi us or.d Mlse nuah I', tones, oil of Pino
tow nslilp, Columbia county.
im.TZ-i;i:i:i.i:it,-At hi cn'ee in nenton on
V.'eilnesilny, Nov, 12th, 1TI, bj cliailesiliblions, Unj,
Mr. Llwood imti cf reritou towuslilp to MIM C,
Kee'ler of rhe sanw place.
p nil
uiu- -lb-
to I
eve '
Se, relary of the Hemlock .School Itoird read an ,iClti l)r, John Mc'Von was elected to lilt the
intiresing de.rtiption of a visit to several Kucancv thus occasioned, and llev. J. 1. Tu-
tin was elected ico l'resident.
IltttvKv ll Smith,
llccorditig Secretary.
schools, from li e ', mi.ylviiia School Journal.
Mr. Iloiuk reniarked ihe advantages of co
i Ie n u ltd all sorts ul" delieae lis and npi-r tilmi bteeii dlreclor and leachers; tint
i.i il lor on liour Ibeciaiti r oi en-iu-. ,), h,,ai-ies nf leaihers should tie in accorelanie
!i oi viiitr.s wa uie inuii oi ,ujr nujiiiiejtions; huh Hie old leacners
yi fj funi the ht-g-.b of time It Lhoiild alwoer I retained If they have done
l'L'ULH) NAl.l-H.
ii un j. in . mi n lo.sati.iy un ir nuiigi r Ml . u,nn n.,jr seleclloii ol tettcliers tliey
e'lol diliiitlhi) had been eiillivatiiig an Llumhl be governed mure by "inatllce in teaeh-
i. i. i ihu ci- sii il The supply wa much (,ii HIJ, ,t.r ipiallfication marked upon
I i, i ui In Ii e del d. luiwever. and' ,.,rt;i,-ulrs j and, that leather
, ,e nuclei lei leave Hie la'ile, leelictllnir, .,...., i, . mulovcil unle. Ihey hove volid cer
Uial II. Knt, ndiuiulstrator ec, of I'.ler I'M
deceaseel will sell real estate in IJghti-trcet on
I-'riday January llth 1 S7S at tell o'cleuk a
I. K Kriekbaiini, oilmitiislrotor of Margaiet
Kanis dife-asril sill sell real e-slate in lieiilon
V xniihi ife'el tlmt Hit re were no . .ji:,.,,,. nienL'tiiifiil lo be ratified bv the townshiii n Siluidjv January 12lh 1S7.S at
I- Ii Hllillir. but Ibal hi re wa ei I I i,,,,!.,,. ,,t ., n.,r. . ,nnl. II slroliL'lr ad to- ten o'clock a. m.
iioi' tidies I line-tin tu wldi b , .. mifniliV 0( C1 books In counties Also real estate f Kli-h.i Shultz dei-m-ul, in
. . ..
! ne ii mm iim in to iifvour, innl i,,wn.hlp. and guard director agoln.t Iho Jlenton tonnslilp on Wiiliienlay January lOlh
I'l p.. n ii- iiiimiiius nnd clegini. destruction of a uniformity by tracliers who 1878 ot tin o clock a. in.
I un c In ii-i-iii-il lot and a piano i have a tiiaui.i for iiitrcduting new books. In I 1.. K. UrvU, Adinini.tratur, ilu., will sell
1 1 i eV i an his There nas-lverw-are, i.aes where lb" pupils are too iwor lo purchase real estate in Jleiiton January Uth, lb"8. at
leU. lb Hues, a hsiHlsiune music ,0 ( (ctrtory Im ks, lie ndvlsis the directors to ten o clock.
I h urml n on eitlur thit It useful and aupplv ihini, llic ugh to be very careful net to Kseculors of W. II. Ilrown, deceased, will
-I eilci.d ihe prettlce tto far. He dwelt e-niplint. I suit real cstuto in Milllui Jiiuiiury 17th ut teu
1 11 i 1 1 1 - e i n un me ri imiu en icmiy piion uie value oi iiietuuits. corntsuy no- o ciot-ix ie, in.
. . . I . - . . . 'I-l..... .. HI ... 1 . . .. .... . , , ., . I .1 l..i e t r , . ,
1 1 .. ii o'lii i ohii. iin-j "in ' vising, hi1' uii'-i tor in grant ineir icsciicrs lue i jeuuinusiruiuia ui .u. ejioeer, ui-e-eii-t-ii, eeiu
I oiiiWi'I; e "li iikiii " tin i ,, in aMinil ilieui. LWion examlnstlon It was sell real cstatu lu iluln townshiii Juuuary lltli
I -! . 'i ' " ii-'iei , , it innl ll-ut filiin of Iho tvinly-fivo du-1 ut ten o clock a. m.
.dl.eiell.ej u.y ilc Icij; ui.el pieeper. 4 uicu cf lids cevunly graulid the time thu ytf r, Hto ndvtttueiauiU In ouothtr coluiuu,
l! iots and Shoes cheap at HcKiiiney's.
I.'itt & Sloan liavfl a very large nssortmont
of Winter Driss (lood yet, and tiro offering
theiu ut greaily rediioi'd rices.
ltui.niui; ofT close. Holiday Iiooks at JAW
Cheap Clothing for winter.
Suit for iiteti,
Suiln for bovs.
l'Ktty liitle'uitsf..r children
ut L). Lowetiuerg V.
Castor-, Card lla-kets, Mug, Vasfs, Toi
let Set, and a lull linn of Hue Jewelry al
wavs on band at llite-'. Special attention
pan! to re pairing nt all Kinds in 111: Hue.
limit tiendiitartcrs at JTcKiiinc-y'ri.
Dishes S-I.Ou rer .p't'rit I, W. Hartmati'e,
A few pair of gnud whito Wool UlankeU
cheap at l.tttz e bluati'ii.
Ulsler for men,
Ulsters Inr bnjs,
I'ls'.i r Inr children,
Cheap and g- od at ). Loivnibcrj:',
N t '.i- ",Le Iml es.avi like I. W. Hart
lipiti's Ii r i help IJiisU Towel, It) Cents to
White, (jrny mid black Tur Ttiiumitigs u
l.utz a feloon .
Ilubbtrs at McKintiey'a.
WaNtek. Two glr! to lenrn the tailor
ing u.tilt in. j , Jpster. Aj'r.STll
Opinions nt the Vublie on tlio lYarl Slilit
Mi. ISn un is ih I nlaid at the 'i url Shirt
Jlr. Jones thinks tbev arc Un X Lib
ilr. Smith say. she'tvifl niur make otic
nt name.
Trv i i.e in (I be colivinci d
Can . ul; i t I" light in 1). I.enunbtru'i
Still on hand. .A i.-w ih ,-ii nf ihoechca
I. HI n MiiMik. let ll I-, 111, 10, 2j, sn, a an
.el cent , i t I. , ,
Ai.iw'o'ot liluck Ciihnurt. at iMUfi
Moa'i s this evi ek.
S.I'. II.ilis I n the Hoist assortment ol
dev. i ,-y, Mlveiwure, Wilehi,
ISlo'in .-buip".
. - -
Units' I'ur piivlnu Oleivih nnd Collar
.i ui .it l.utz v Moan's.
Call at Milvinncys lor Shuts,
Ll IW I ties the I'cail Shirt.
A n.aivel of cbt-iii'iicss tbo IVail Shirt
1 lie l est innili llic IVarl fctllft.
The hi si fining the l'mrl Shirt.
Jiy lielori ou liny tlio lVafl Shllt,
rim unelersl-'ticd Auilltur oDnolnted to make dls-
tiliieirloii ot the of lands In tlie hands of
niiuei Kiiorr. Aiim'r.. to nnn umoutr lue n rues
entitled tii.-ieto wil at'einl to the cliitl h of ma an-
piilllilllt'iil in i in- ii'i'i'.- or e.,i. niiri.i.'i , ill uiiKiilis-
km i; on the ltUu 0 j of January, Isis, nt ten o'clock
III. .it'll nun ,s i - 'i' an iiersoi-s n i ni einii'i'. rtre
p i-tetl in 'iie-i'tu Mm Hani' In f"re the Auitliur or
u:-barred lio .i loin ni, In In.-a sti ne of iii- r-u.u.
W, 1.. I.VI.KLV,
ii--c .;, ir-iw.
.ll IVIN - In llln., insl nr.-fn, tliu 9S,I. nit
mil. wife of 1'ranlllu Jones, need 33 ears, C mouths i id i lily lit I.olMIilng'n Clothing Store,
and 1 day.
M A R K E'i'Rl!l PORTS.
I.udi. ' Alaska 1'iir, ilull' and )!oa, for
nii v ?m uu n set at i.uiz tv cio.ii s,
. . . ,
l our grade, nt JSIuck Cashmere ju-t rc
reived lit I. W. Il.iitman's. GO, 70, IX) and
Wheat per bushel "
Corn, new, "
(i its, " "
rmur per narrei
Tallow V. '."'.'.'. '. '.!!".'.!!
Ilrle-d ppleia
Hams ,
-Ides A- MioulJvrs
Ijtnl per pouud
Hay pertuu
Tlmoihy Se-oil
No. 4 oa Wharf I net 1 on
SO. t " " f ,
No, ft " " y.w
tilacksialth'Bt.utupon Whatf 8.ui "
" Ultunilaow) i Ml "
S.ore below Court
Admi.-ion trie at AleKnioe's
' OF FY FRY nFMurnoN
At TMK ('Ol I'M Ht 4.v 'H-ii,
733 Saksom St., PHILADELPHIA,
Wiio ure our nuiliorUnl nae-uts, tend fell!
rece-leu Adv. rll.eiiie-iils ut uur
d'-c ii, 'ii-aiv.
lintiiV ihl' roliy irlveu that the nuitiTHiirftpa, a.
li.U'O in Uu. i uurt tu tidmst and stMLle suit! oM.iw
,ifIii..iK illytilbultnn ol tlie K6ttt8 In tho bands ol
w lua Ntul, cxwuwr nt sdm iuvpabcu, to nna
nnn iiir tu-1 lmrtluB entitled thcreto.wlllatu-n'l ut 1,11
Miitc, tn i.iounutuurtf. uu ruariy.iue .in ao dun-nre',l-;s
at lilno o'clock In the fort-nwai. I tu r
r -i i-i Ui" dul eh ut his appointment, whu and li n
ul nitrtfiM fialmont mut arrteiir ami wow- tln ti
Oi.ii.i.s or bo lurever tlcljairctl Ircm comlni; lu oa
HAld una.
;uisrvTiYK NOTICE.
Terms $2.00 a Year.
Country Produce laken'on Subscriptin
v I'li e I- iien-br trlven Unit unnlleatton e.lll le
Lii ul ti Hie l.i ure boeifi to cuiitene. tirtut
1 i iut r un oex i-nueieu --jen Ai-e in n'l. in s's n
ii'l il. i i. 1. HO lei 1 1 1 lli(i tiil luilillli. mil i" iouii-
1 f.jniisii . ; 1-te ulturnl hoeleileR " Hjniri'M i' i' " Hi
1. i n( l i - .mm, liumlnt. one tlioliMinil I 'l" I htni- mil ii -Mir. giie object of llilm 1 1-i"i ii-
1 1-1 t.o t . iiiuiina eoiiniy Atrn.-uiturui. iioiu u iu
:.' Muliiinleal Anoclatltu. to repieeiitiiti"ii
In i I.i- i.'..i Hoenlof Agriculture, creattxlbj an net
.jjniutLi luest&dtiy cf .May, ,. i, n.o.
I lioii.sburg, dec. '.J, ".'-in ciiairnuu.
J j rtTTECPCUii i.kiiri, i
I'ltn- 1 1 t-t il.ti liteirv ou ttii- e-ti, 1 1 i itji.e-sji-
f ii.ti' of M on InwnsMo. roliiuitit e ('miiile . i'u ,
! ' iK-il, ll .ee ti' en ratll'-il I.) tll-e Hr-plsi. I of su .
.i.rntv lo Mi-tun Mlil, r. Fie. un-r. ef Va.n
f'-ee ti -!.!:. To nniM I eoilliiv. P-nieete.e Itltoeeli m.
I'l in rsinis -i',,l pre r Ullei I eil til III ik" T lemeiil
a-, I Hi-is li ivlm: eliinii or ill ui tiiihniriilii-i tiies-tlJ
t-.i it. vii! nuke Hunt Liiowu lo th. ulet l-.xi e ui-.r
, 1'liu-it lieli'y,
NATIHN Jill.' rit,
r.ov. M, '! 6w " Knueuior.
ttEan&a'i? BBgce and
ait imv Esati-Sc
1 V-'TK i;.
mrT of PtNiKi. trnn.KR, vxcxuco
ft-tiemef Aitmlutstrietl'-n on tlie eMute of Ptiu-I-l
t-Hul'-r. lute nt lo-'in-i, coltiiublj
c.iui.iv, nn'ii . dee eawU. I'ave been m-iuit-dri.e tlie
I''mI-1-r of wild (otinte lo Vttllotttfbl-y lllr. of
I ik t I'l-er.snm. f'.i'ii'ulii i louutv. ,n. All per
soi i-luivintr r'ulwiJ ai.'nln'l the eHiato of lliedece'
i.'riit nre ie--iieKte(l to I'l-tM-iit tliemii-r neitlenieiii.
Mini llini-e liiilct'le-d to Uie iimnto toumt-n iiayuieni
tu tlie uitde-rdlt-hed Acrntnt-iintor veltliint itelM.
WitlJULunilY UIU l-UH,
nor M, inr inr Adiiiliilstrutor.
I UMIKls'HUTOli'a KOTiCi:.
letter ef Adl.iii l-trnlli n en Uie Mute tf .fui-ob
Stlne. lule of lit-iui l.'lvu'Mn. CiluililU eoukte,
IM . d, ImVM heeti tiiulH'il be tlto i-ieueterol
k.-nt i-.untv lo V, Ulli in I'Mliler nnd l ii lei I. Mine 1 1
Klll.e twUllslilll. All I'l r.01iHlllilllir l-lllfllll. UettlllKl
Uie i -.1 it" of Uie eli-ee(l.ut -ro r, on t-ieirio j re.enl
tii ui i 'i KumHi'iii ui. . uiu-,. luui-Kioi i,i tii ,- eii-
iniei i iioike .u ii i in lot e untie r. I.,iud Atli lid-
tUitult Vittlll'Ul (llllli.
e.ll.l tell 1'V'AIII.EU,
W. I.. Ernu r, ' tfy. Ai tort,
1 l'e. H. IsIT-Ow
"" K.-14T 0" Jliuv . OHkKK-e un, ,ic(AN.
t rt ter- ( f r.itinlnl' Irani n de boron Hon on Hie es.
l!i' ei Jiturj a. Mii-i-iie i-u. lute OI tseoil love 11.11111
( ollIlliU'il . oui't.e. deee Mil. litivn lent eri,n(..,l l.v-
tile lu ilkler ol mill 10 Wnilain Kiearuerof
hli Ollibl'llif. All ruiUn Iti-Mou cliilu K (ttrntlli.1 tlio
1...111 i--iiiir uu- ii-i,.,'Mi (i ininw-m tut in rorM'llle
ui nt aini tlioe-ludttied to nmke rajictut w about
, . ... . . VM.KHF'VUI,
dee , 'f.nv AdilnUlriuor(leltii,r.oB.
I'U ti.Ell,
1JJ 1 , ' . V I ,
tor utiles t tba Cuvuvw 0 Uim.
. -i . I i f. . . v.
lie , ,1 ;js
Adc u-btrat .r, &
llt:ol 1 i.e. i- uu
I ''r .f win b l.n.,1 Il.eftt.'tecf lewlu
' 11 -'." - - - i -i ie. e tueiiui utiouitiv
l-'lH. Cl'l-ITIKT, i.t,.
I ". i rt i'n l 'i t-i n-i li'li ' e I , i '( i-ul.
siti-1 1 I , i,-t 1 1 1 inteorM-i tr ii.tMist.ipi ui m
-oiii i . i'i i ,-n , ii 1 u-.e I i n t-ri-i'ieil t-v i - !. .
terif Kiilil eoeiile in M i-mum io.- eil i.i
lor i f 1 It 1 1 Hint tilinii'le ei-lii.te. 1 1 i i . t
evbiiii til iiisiis n il, 1 tt il nre t. u n i i
pneinii(. Mo i:o-e ineirjf oijiiihh ir ('in.'i,
iienlnsi tlie i-tilil e-iie v til inrte tl.cni l.rtieenlotl.e .
wi,) KeliiilLlKtinlor hllbout lU-lnv .
l.ov. so, rev Adb.ltUtn.Kr tpliiilmtn.
t ri.e i e eir e re i. r. t t.T, iiicfASKb. ,
Jeitemef -(tnitiiltirnilrn in ticr.tMi. .f (.....
1. 11 1. late of scolt ntl-ln. c, I. pn ....,..1
hiieeieoiiirrnbttdbj tlie li tl-u r rf w.niioi.i.ij-io .
tin- iindrreiliri i d AnmtiiltrHtor. inwhrmtill re'N rn
..... ...... e.v ,. i, inni ,. oiiineeiinierajuieiit i
rid tlioMibaelnirdalirrKr deiiiHiid n.-fiinst tim I
late will umko llicml.toeemn Iho ndmiliinrator
without delny. .
miiu:nT . rnr.
tiov. SO, AdiT'tnlm-uter. '
pOTICU. " " -
.siiuei- is tu u u- men uui 1 1 tin iinfeit at rennn.
eV sale on Uie sih (tne t.rKne,iu.r wtt ti...
l.inlMK irnonal l ii.Kn.e of hainnel Kelieei iiiuni 1 1
er if .Main te.w.kbli. to tell i a fatbogh a m.'ut
ii.M.u i-i.iei.iri.. i ei.i-M it ioo h, I pin d Hcne, 1
Ih rlnir lua I In-, llriu ktltie.4 ItHlsuielUddlnir .
lnbleK Dun mi. 1 belli e.l Oiiii'ii ilmtiv t ..u l..
eh it, 1 tiirUiiud. l lr.k, t ei.i.MDr -Moe'e, 1 parlor i
'I' ve, ev.lnc nwliliie, no ymdhor curl et. 1 b r-
-I V. V. -. - . l",,'i,u too t-autioi to uuallist
nileif.rlf.Kw ihibe nur ie,( Ujeolelt lU'Buotti
e.UU lilDl dlirlliir lot Meaklir., h'w
II. 8. IIKO'.VN,
Mi' t .. i. 1 im t-lil ii Uie tlerll.di'.i ih r.f th(e
' lit iim i . . l, ti n j., ,i eeiikiiiune 1 ulli oart Com.
I. u v mi 1 1 in in tti, ir mi to,! im n.sbnri , I'f'lum.
1 1 i i.i. . i .1.. 1 1. il... nei.iKi k irnl.iy, tbe lttbday
ir.n.i.i'ii . I , itMtml.i lutiihif 9 innl ll a. m.
. run i.n , , f i in tint,' 1 it H(li l.t lil.iliiMU 1 1
i. t'l- tuHili la tin-eLsulntr tear
1 te. it., .ee. Secretaiy.
VotUNl 11 In l-( lie t-lti.n lnll,'.LiL.sni.t.,K.n, tk.
Itun uckM i reeiet .Muncy Itallrewl that au election
ee in Ik-lii ldat tbo I.xr4idiiire I'otel at Iilooiuibun;.
a en Moud.iy, tbe 14th iluy of Jauuarv, A. 1). nt;,
i t ijoei.iekiu . fur tlie puriiohiior clmoi-lns rt I'reH.
.tent innl tee i-lvo dlroetorei uf tuiltl t oniiuny terttw
ii) uraer of tlio rrealdeiit,
C. A. lltiwuts t-eerttary.
D)u. as, lSTT-tiev-,
TUe uuderslpneil -.udlior appointed ( n cjrciitlotis
to uecouiit of lltrntn .1. IteHM'-r i:ecutr.r ore
r A.,lcf'l?V'w'- 'n'tuil panic-. Interested al
..sonit In Moouislurir.i'n baturday, January l.
l-s... ur 111 uitru t- ii tn ' "
is;., nt io oeioHi u, U,
dec. Ki, "-lev
jodn it. ci:iitK,
j iJiisurnvK ndiicj:.
e.UU lilDi elnrenti inj i leamre.
dee, 7, '5T -Iw
KTTI! or I.V1.IA 110BI.HTK. lHtfl).
'litre of ttdinlulnratlan.oii Ilieetai8 0l leilla
uUrta. late t t'eMre toeeitiilUn, Co luiiitii t-o
1'iu. lave limn Ltm.n.i i,,. n. 1 i, "1 '." '
loquiveil tu laalM liuiiiedUte liVineit ilsd Lfie
'1u",'.kS1!,?rt',u'"l"",'," .wiwBwuJ.
ii.irtfifis?" u utui,u! ie "'
lU-0i4w. AdniluUtlutul.
jtact toer.ft mm nnl cennitutetbo Ulstrlctol
elm I n, i hi I... 'I .... n.lil.i ... I ii, ...... .. .
of Columbi i. iho 1'i-or lu.tiu-t ot Columbia county.
Noilie thh.r. ly tlven tint atttui next fc"talon ot
tlie i t",-isli,t. reef leuiisyleauu upwii-atlou eelilbte
in.i.le t.i tbe p.i.aaj,'e uf .n M.t iin-Jer t.t .uora
li 1. . tlie i.urttti.,- or etbleli J. Inumo i.n.l n.........
i--.-n iii iKKir bonne f,r iim eoni.tyot e-oiumou an4
... .H.W (, .,.,., U1 1UIS,
elee. "e-i
W.C. Al. l. l- JS.
l 1
.i' vi
i' Hi V .
111 Iti
i l.t l.t .
lu i;
1 1 rS,MUSaWl";,1,A,"l,u,t "I'PnliiieHl roiimVodla
wr "utl I ir!,.'i.-1 4"' ' "'"W ' tuuela In llee, bind, of
.alnuel Kreu. i r iniiiilnluirni,,-. ,...T.
niiMktwlta ' 'if "'lltleUlheret. veil aii.ud to iui7elui.'i.7,f
elldobuilw Vl,""l".""1'"',, ""' fn-"' 'tf liark-ee In
l-h lusbuii.', i u utiil-Jio. Jiinuury Stilt. iSfi .h. Y,
i wn -I nere un peiKoji., buelun eialu i. ur- leouisu a
i nreai-ui iU, ,ul,, ik ir,. il.t, Audit,.? or Caibur
i eil Usui touilii.' Hi fir a sUuib ef ueletmua.
I'i irlM, r uf i
, i, ICM. All -
tul Ibote
V. P. reiinxt-ii.
-.ili i H Ihi-'.in .lui of lltittuibtr tbo li,ll.,uiln..
Ml 1 n r 11 ul . Ve!llt,ui I navnt I A lulut
i e orniwuu'i .lie "oni plaliU-r. oue iiloet
'1 l tu, 1. ls. 1 I url. t uee. Ill I u 1,, ('t .
.. lit i 1.-. . I.' I . Ii it ,. utl. I ul L.,1,.I
villi il. .ili.l ii 1 Li.M 1. ll lb, in in,
i I
1 I'
.1 ll IJ M.i
r naif C'lt
dei'S. 4,
Io every rettunr m tbla
A Premium bteel Eiigraviiifr.
ll'i d -I lit Hm im (! hi sei, k in ti.i . i e
. if 1 ... urn rp!lctirn ulli r
Inatle aillieioM iunllu-oi ihe liklklaturetorlb
rugate of an aei n, aiitberiie lie Atfliora to le t
t Ue u.ukHtr ana i null liiv if lee ubllo iohoh of Cac.
ftlKu luveji-lilp (Vluiullit (uubty to ue lovetit
bidilir, tlw euliiKlol uiadeb ibe Audiloia, ana
to tU itUfu tf tuptiM ol. In sulu toeebkLln.
tlec. tfi, 'ir-tw fO.OMdN MllfjiAN,
l i,t ii
in. uoi,
" s I Ii
Men mm. ii, i un i, v4WM t;
I, Jin .1 m,u 1 1 1 . ra'i I lnii!ii
. ii for V . i ui. a i nt et in
l& VVe T . i,
1 Krj
.seiTltK la IIO.EU (,!l'v, 11,1 .i. .......
Krtaell ant tell.. I eebiuture or Ii tuMltanta
flltklWUtol M.k.el, ti IKa lor IU-1 kt-hkiir oi an
t I to It- ei.iltli d -,Mi Ail tu euileuie u tt rfiiluVa e
of leal 4MBit I il.e Ai lnmitTs of .laoieil iivaa,
J-!'",."- V" I'. l;1"!-' '. toAiusnderU.
It. Wart. 'lie eelintl tbuli te it. e.mdale i
iiiijlut.b fi.t.iiL t" Lib! It i.ln tii.itikuu.
' er uu eit.,r ol lb- t itiuik" Hint if tnuaLU
ii.tilt el itli ol Mat. 1-Ta, if net riant inn tot lata
i.ii.iul!.li.- one l.t ndiitl uLel ntliij-itti,
.,'ii-s. muati nrii in t uiuu.lnu t i.i,i, i.bitutiiy
1 1 ulinaii et'Ui.t lu tblk (-late, l Isiuj
f.".Y;,lJ,','uly1'1 t-"lVuu Itlau'liutd. .n ui h l,a'm: lu
Mill. ItueUaliuoiJitra, uuU ler eibiih trait a Uird
e.aa executed to tliiibj kaltl Adinltutuitiaculbtt
Wane. me, Uee. , 4ev A' STEWA1'T.
I iVintvd ut this Oificc-
o Silt Kl't-sr NOTHK A.ND AT THU