THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMO(iiAT,BL(K)MSBlJR(jr, COLUMBIA COL NTY, PA. MSJSWAVii SWSM,Siltcrt. BLOOMSHURCI, PA. Friday, .T iv n . 4-, 18 78. Tim "COLUMUIAX." Willi our (present number we cntniiicnc" tlieXttth vnlnnu or tlio Couimman nml continue, tlio XLUnl oftlio Otlnmbii Demo trat. In Mny, 1S6B, tlio ColxMiitAN wan ptnrtcd ns n "Jolinson orpin,1' ami tlioupli ably odileil nnd neatly piinlcd it fuiloil to catch favor und no tuuuuut ol' politi cal tlispeiisitiun could make it a tiicccss. In fact our people were sn firmly grounded in tlio faith of tlieir respective, partioi that it a not possible to make tlicin lolluvv ftianire doc trines or leadens. Hut iu the fall of lbGO dine, tlio collapse, of .lolitisoiiistii and its letul cr., and tlio Columman as pttrcliusetl by a number of prominent and influential Ileum wnK Tlio Association placed it under the oilitninl management of Col. .1 tiliti ft. ricczp. and ho hoisted the Democratic 111? at tjio of its columns. 1'roin that tiino its sue ws liccnme, assured. Subscriptions pourec in dady, ami tlio number was at once, rai.'cd from 26Z to 1,300. In February, lh07, Col Freeze' s liealtli liec-iiue go impaired that ho noti'il no longer perform tlio arduous duties of editor, in fact his friends uVspniicil of Ills life, and the now Senior Kditor of this jour nal purchased the stock and becamo Col TWzo's successor. Previous to that time Col. Tato h id solil the Columbia Democrat, the old established paper of the County, to K 11. Ikeler, cmi , and it was siib.-etiucutly consolidated with the Jstir of the jVoiA, edited by'W. H. Jiieoby, our present l'.egister and ltecorder. Mr. Ike ler subsequently letiied, and Jacoby A Slnv man continued the publication. On the first of Januaiy, IfcCO. Mr. llroek- vay purchaed tho Democrat A Star, and it was merged into the Coi.CMIilAN. The Her iriri iia:ctte, under tlio editorship of .1. S Sanders, nam alter unvel t llai'e- ton, thus loaviti; tlio C'ot.UMiii.v.S the null- Deinoo.utio journal in olumbia county, li January, 1871, lion II Ij DielTeiibaeli took editorial charge, but iclitiqutslicil it to its pro prietor on the first of Janiiity lb lowing. On the iirst of July, 1873, Mr. Dieflonbach again purchased the Coi.hia::, and continued as editor until October 1st, 1&75. when it was bought by its piesent ed'tois, Wo li.n e tliu- biioflv sketched the history of our pape ' fur tho inform iti u of the new generation of tenders lew, i'ldced, remain ol those wli'i st.iitc l witli it toi ty-two jears ago. The changes in that tune in County, State, Nation, and tho VVmlil, have been re markable, but n vd mi co. -men t here. Iu presenting to our readers the initial number lor the new year, wo can only thauk them foi past kindnesses and hope for contin ued support. Wo shall endeavor to deserve it by caicfully watchin; tlieir in'ercfts and by giving such information liom week tn week as will prove clevai ing and useful. A hai'py New Year to all I THE CUMIXU CUU.NTY STATEMENT. The approaching sis-ion of the County Auditors to examine and report upon the Annual County t-tnlcincnt will be watobed with much interest by the tax-payers of ibis County. Last year a general demand was made for a re-audit of our financial accounts, but without special legislation that could not bo accompli-heel, and the timo bad gone by for an appeal to the Court having juris diction, where ntiy alleged errors could have been examined. Wo then called intention to the general subject, and do not propose to let the matter sleep. Whatever may have been tho people's negligence in the past, they shall not have cause to blame us for lack of proper Information to guide them in the future ; and if they neglect the proper reme dies to cure evils, our skirts are clear, and we can only say ''they aro joined to tlieir idols, let them alone." In the first place, County Auditors are sworn, (or shouldW,) "to perform the duties of their oflkt) with fidelity,".ind if they neg lect or refuse t" perform the duties enjoined upon them by law, llpy forfeit tho sun-i of $100,00, to he rrcovertd by the County. Ip audltiiu;, settling and uiljiistiii tie ac counts of the Commissioners and Treasurer, of the County they have the power to issue subpoenas to obtain the attendance of tho otlicers whoso nicutiiits they are required to ac just, and of any person whom it may be necessary to examine as witnesses, and to compel tbrir attendance by attachment, and also to compel the production of all books, vouchers, and papers rtlativo to such ac counts ; and the auditors shall also have the power to administer oaths to all persons brought or appearing before them, whether accountants, witnesses, or otherwise; and all persons guilty f swearing falsely on such examination shall brf guilty of perjury. Furthermore, ant per-an appearing before the auditors f r examination who lhall refute to lake such on'h or ailtr being suvrn shall re fuse to mate answer to tuch questions as shall be put to hi n by the auditors, touching the pub lic accounts, nr the pjftriat conduct of such pubtio officers m. h person so refusing may be committed b the Au litois to the county jail, until he sh ! subi.dt to le sworn. Or if any person lu , ., .on nf hooks, vouchers, or papers, reui'iv.- .n publio accounts btfor auditors, h' an i.-i.ise i i produce the same.or If any oftVi r wu '-e accounts are to l e settled or adjusted, sbn'l .el'me to attend or submit to such exauiiiiai. n tho Auditors can pro ceed to a settle ui ic by means of oilier wit nesses and evuiei ce. Hut in caso of an erroneous audit, or col lusion between the auditors and the otlicers whose accounts are to bo examined, what remedy is there? The tax-payer cannot ap peal t It is true the county or officers m ly ; but If they form a "ring" there is no remedy. In a township or borough a citizen may ap peal, but sluguUrty enough, he cannot do it In u county settlement. The people, then, belug without remedy, must rely upon the honesty of the officials and their good faith and zeal, Let them do their work fairly, firmly, and openly, and it will relievo the people from suspense, and gain the applause of the men who elected them. New fecial game la West Virginia the "mum social," lo-wit: An admission fee la charged, and after tho ladies and gentlemen are all In they mu.t not speak, When all are seat d about the room, lh tin U turned do-in and when one of the party squeals the gas U turned on, and she has to tell what she wja squealing about. If be r.fu-es to tell then she is thin!, and the fine is usually paid by Ilia young loan that iu i.ext to her. Tho auncal menage of the Governor has beeu sent to tho Legislature Wo have received cojty, and will give the suh.tance liercufter. Till: I'LK.VSUKK III' UICIIES. Money Is the oil that prees the machin ery of coninit roe and business, nml keeps the world In motion. It Is not only conven ient, hut nrreary. For money all men, mi tnatlcr what their condition in life spend their da)n In toil. With it the mcessatles and ltixurlrs of living are pnrehacd. It keeps starvation from the door of tho poor and adds to tho thousands of tho wealthy. To cam an honest livelihood, and raise ue' family above want, is not only prper, but the duly of every man, but alter this Is accnmplishtd, ami n fufliclciit provision made for present and future wants it Is a in to heap riches upon riches ju.t for the ove of gain. The love of money is the root ol nil evil. '1 here is such a thing as having loo little, and tlurn Is alo such a thing as liaylnj too much. of these is accompanied with its sorrows and troubles. The former is the cauo of present suffering j the latter, of fu- tiirs trials. In the city ol New ork to-d.iy is transpiring a scno that proves what we have said. Coiniuodorn Vanderbiltdled worth a bun Ired million dollars, and left to certain ol his heirs and friends about live millions while the great bnlknfhls fortune misgiven to his son William II. Certain children not being satisfied with the paltry sum of a mil lion, are mm- contesting the will and In the iffirtso to do it has transpired that the household of the richest man in New York was never the happiest pl.ico or earih. These literate would make out their father a spiritualist, a lunatic, a harsh and cold hearted parent, a cruel husband, a villain, and several other things. Tbcy would make their brother, a scoundrel of tho first water who for twenty years has been prejudicing the old man's mind aealnthis own llesh nnd blood, and shaping tho way for just such a will as was made. If half that has been told on tho witness stand be true there has hi en more ske letons in the Vanderbllt man sion than ever came out ofa dissecting room And what is It that has citned this at tempt to blacken the character and defame Hie good name ofa dead man, and that man a father? It is the loveof mouey. All the parties are left with an abundance of riches to satisfy every whim nnd appetite, but the cry has gone up for more, and parental re spect and filial affection are entirely effaced in this great struggle for the dead man's gold, Uive us a cottage, with enough in tho lar il-r for to diy s meats, and a fair prospect of earning enough fir lh) in irrow. and ne would not exchange with nay of the trib of millionaires whoso only thought is for money and how to get'it at the sacrifice of happiness, self respect, and decency. The Vnnde'bilt case is oneof a largo cla-s. Great fortunes are wedges with which boles aro made for great law-suits, and with which many a family has tieen split up nnd put at enmity among its members. Money makes the mare go. Too much money oflimes makes her kick. IIAliUlSlUllitl LETTER. Legislative lorrespondcncc. IlAumsiiuito, Jan. 1st, 1878, In pur-innco of a joint resolution adopted at the cloe of the last scssiou tho legislature met iu .adjourned annual ses-ion to-day at 12 o'clock noon. As there were no officers to elect there was but littlo preliminary cuicusiug ami both Homes got down to work, without the excitcnient'and confusion that attend usually the organization of this august body. The only change in officers was in the Senato, where Hon. Thomas V Cooper takes the place of Hon. J. C. New myer as President protein, the first mention ed having been chosen, according to custom, at the close of the last session. The present is the last adjourned annual seslon that can be held under the new Con stitution and hereafter tba legislature will meet only every other year, unless called together in special session by the Governor, and hen so called they can only act upon the que-tions specified In the proclamation calling them together, no outside legislation being admNsabte. It is the opinion of many members that the session will bo a long one because of the alino-t endless discussion that will probably ensue on the bill for the government of the cities of the commonwealth the draft of which has been completed by the Municipal Commission and submitted to the legislature. Of course no one is innocent enough to Bup pose that our legislators are going to be en tirely satisfied with tho rrcimmendatinns ol the Commission ami numerous amendments of all sorts and conditions may be expected with tho utmost confidence, If the usual routine business should occupy one hundred days, the Usual duration uf a session, then an effort will probably bo made to have the Governor call a special session to convene the day altei the regular seadon expires to consider and act upon tho municipal bill. In this way ourSolons would be sure of their pav, Should the regular session be continu ed more than ono hundred days it is the opinion of the Attorney General that mem bers could not be paid for services rendered after that period. The terms of one half the Senators and all the members of the House expiring with the c'ose of the present Bession, various schemes to deplete the Treasury of the State may be expected this winter. Among others .1. Murray Morehead will be on hand with his little claim. It wis staved off last ses sion by fillibiisteriug until the hour of final adjournment arrived, hut it is whispered by the ki owing ones that he has it set up good this time and that It is bound to gu through, The project to make the Slate pay for the damage done by the striking rioters in l'itb burgh during the midsummer madness of last July will be pushed vigorously. The Allegheny delegation held it conference on Monday night to compare notes an 1 plan the campaign. No sane person seriously doubts tho fact that the county of Allegheny is legally responsible in dollars nd cents loralltne pmiierty destroied during that reijju of terror. Hut then the good people of Allegheny would much preler to saddle tho bill upon the broad shoulders of the tate, and it they can only get enough Hon. Senators nnd ltepresenlattves to look at the matter through smoked Pittsburgh glasses your readers may each have a chance to contribute their quota toward extinguishing tho debt. N. Henry Ward Ileeeher is in troubl aguin. Some years ago he made a contract with J. 11, Ford ft Co. , to write a Life of Christ in two volumes. The first volume was written and published, hut the seeond never appear ed. Ford & Co. made large inetineiits iu plates, pictures, engravings, presses and com p isitiou, but Mr. Ucccher failed to produce tho copy uud they could not publish tho book without that. In couise ( f time Ford tV Co failed and an as igtico was appointed, He- ccntly the effect of tho firm wero sold, and among than tho Life of Christ, including the contract and all the paraphernalia. It sold for ono thousand dollars, and the purchaser proioies lo sue lleecher to recover $10,000 paid him by Fold & Co. when tho contract was made, and to recover damages for his failurd lu eomply with said contract. Judge I'uderton has elmrgo ol tho caso for the I laintlff. Tlii'n, drips not upni to lift mnnli J Hit for ihu weary iu Urookhn. The County for Costs. To John Ifrrner, Silas II'. .VcUtnru, .lo S'ph L. Sands, Coiuvxissiontrs of (ylumbia canity, Tho general linprcfsion ns to tho liability of the County to pav eo-ts is o vaitue and crroncon; and jour duties and pnweis fo clearly defined, that I prefer to nnswer your question tis to tlio li ibility of tho County for costs, in writing. Many persons seem to nu'vp, that every cite prosecuted iu tho name of the common wealth, subjects tho countv in any eent to tho payment of some of the neoruine; cixts II not to tho whole nf tin in. Thorefoic, upon refusal by the Commissioners to i'Mte an or der, or an opinion I y tlieir counsel adverso to tho claimant s right to rcciver, or id tho ha bility of the county to ree iver, or of tho lia bility of tho ciuiity lo p ly, very isfactiou is expressed' All this pursuit of costs anil fees, in tlu wrong direct! in will ho avoided, and no loss of tempi r on lite part of anybodywill ho ineurre.l,if only peisons know tho.r rights as well as others their duties. .1 have cude.i voted lo nuke as plain as possible tho answer In jour question, inoro for the in formation of tho public than f ir your own in struction. Win, as Commissioii'Ms, It ivo it right and it is your duty to inairigo tho financial affairs of the County. You im- the guaidiainnfthe Treasury, anil no moiry can bo paid out ex cept on jour order. 10 Harris In. A very short time would he lequircd to bankrupt tho cotuily, if every demand made upon you wcie to ho tefponded to by the U suo of an order fur the .sum claimed. .And it is greatly to tho credit of the lnn.r lino of County Commissioners of Colii'ubia county that they have so managed our nffaiis as to keep the county clear of debt. When, during hto years, others ran wild in specuhtions and extravagance, we havo kept cur expenses within nlow rate ol'taxation, notwitlist.indimr new roads, new bridges, and heavy criminal trials, as well a necessary expenditures for eoun'y buillins. And this is owing largely to the constant tiro of those hiviu? tho fi nances in charge, in small. matters, as well ns in great ones What general matters the County may be liablo for, I do not now consider, but confine myself to the question of costs and under that head, for my purpose, include officer's fees. I!y tho the common law tte crown neither paid co-ts nor received costs. And that law came with William l'cnn from Kugland as a part of th law of tho Colony of l'encsylva nia. Under it, defendants hud to bear their own expenses and even to pay costs, wheth er found guilty or not guilty. l'ro5ccutors weru not liable to pay costs in any case, for the prosecution was in tlio name of the down. It follows therefore, that the county liability for costs is only by virtuo of souio statute upon tho subject ; and it f dlows fur ther that theCoiuuiisoi mers, as representing the County aro bouul to koop tliem-olvcs well within the provisims of tho statute. Tho statute of Gloucester, (i 1-Mwurd I, Cap, 1. A. D. 1278 was tho first to give costs in any ci-e, as such. Fiom that time down, various statutes have been passed upon tho subject, by which, the Couimnuwetltli or tho County or tho Prosecutor is required to pay costs : and no man lias a right to demand, claim or receive costs from tho Countj-, nor are the Commissioners justified in pajing. unless tho statute so provides. And no juiy or Court can order tho County to pnj unless the statute authorizes them so to find or de crco. As tlio law now stands ths County, the I'rosecutor, and the defendant are all and each liable for costs, according to the provis ions ol tho statutes in Mich eise made aud provided. For says Thompson, O. J., in l'ratikhn co. vs. Couiad "The recovery and pajment of costs in criminal cases aro so en luoty uepenuaut on statutory regulations in Pennsylvania, that it is indispensable fur ev ery claimant to bo ableti point to the stat ute which entitles him to rcceivo what he claims." Without following up the cnaotnicuts, which would bo u mere affect iti hi ol research, we may coulinj our attention ti iho criminal code of ISO') and its supplements, and tho da ctaions upon its provisions. Hut it is to be observed that in any case in which tho conn ty is liable under a statute, that liability is on'y fixed by an order of tlu Court, or by a judgment upon the verdict of the jury. T lie htatuto, tlu vei'lict, t!i I jil.iieat or sen tenon n!" the Court are a.! nocesiary tu fix the oouutj'. I'ruaiisin-' lint tlu icmisites above mentioned li ive obtained, the County is lia ble; 1st. or the oitt of prosnuHoa on all bills of in lictniiMt, e-.isus of feljiiy excepted, if the grand jury shall loluru tho tame ' igno ramus" an 1 shall decide an 1 certify on such bill, that tno comity -h ill p ty. fho co-Is of pros'jjution d) in! inc'.udo any expenses of tho defendant for his sub- pee:ia,nr witnesses or attendancj ut court, orauy matter connected with the ca-e. znu. J or ite cosis nj proeauiion in all eaos of acquittals ofliko offences, if the ptit jury trying tho same shall determiue by their cr- diot, that th? county shall pay. And ns before they d not include tho de fendant's bill for subpoenas, nor witnesses, nor nttcn lance, nor any matter connected with the ca-c. 3d. ilr thteoits prosecution accruing cn all indictments for felony, which shall bo re turned ''ignoramus" by the grand jury. And in this caso they do not include any ex pense nf any kind of tho delendatit. 4th. for the rath of proitcution accruing on all bills of indictment charging a piny witli a Icloiry, if such party shall shall be acquitted by th petit jury on Iho traverse of the mm i An 1 they do n it inolu lo any o-ts or etpju- ses ot the party incuired by htm in his do feii-o. Ctli. for the cmts of prosecution nccrniiij on id bills ol iittictment churning ri patty with a felony t i bo paid forthwith in easo of conviction ; reserving to the county the riiht to recover them from the convict. P. L , 1S74 pago 132. (5t!i. Fur the costs of prosecution, where tho defendant having been convicted, shall shall have been di-charged according to law, without payment ol costs. Neither iu this aim are there ineluledany costs nf (ho defendant And to fix the comi ty, tl.e dinharro nitut lo legal thut is through by tho Insolvent Act, or where Iho judgment has been arrested or reversed on ernir, or under iho 43 sco of the Ac! of 10. 1 lino 183C. i Hi. J or the cost, in cases of surety of tho peaco, if the Court so direct. 8th. Fur the cods where any person shall bo brought lief.mi a court, justice, or other inngistrato on a charge of crime, and on ex. animation shall bo discharged. Oth For the costs in convictions for vagran , .. . nnu uruiikenness, wnere uicro Ins lieen a sentence to hard labor, and a commitment in pursuance of scutence, and a discharge for want ol means to pay tho costs : From all this it will bo wen that since tho act of 1800, tho costs ofa defendant aro as at common law, by which nono aro allowed him Ho nnd his witnesses and officers' services for hitu aro at his on pers mal charges. Ho tho county is Tot liable where tlio oa-o has been dotermined by tho entry of a nolle protean!. Nor is tho county liab'o in a caso whero tho indictment has been quashcl. The question oftlio c nutty s liability for costs is one entirely within tho power, Judg ment nnd discretion "!' the juries, except ns above mentioned. Tho proper caes for ju ries to put the costs on 'he county are, where there is a clear caso of inniieenic mi tho pait of tho defendant, and proper motives on tho part of the prosecutor. I'hero saya lllack C. in Ilerk" countv vs. PiK the public 011171 to btnrthohiitd n. So far ,1 - t''c c ontv is 1 oinvrned. the feet nf the 1 ' 1 0111' to in cistiiiv, the I 'lerlc, the Shetifi" 11.I tic Pi-'ivt Vto ov ire tube considi'i-cd 11. !.',- mid I im nl opinion :i-o !!' ii'd li tic enmity only in the casts aboie leiciie I to, where by the finding of iho jury and tho juduiuent of the Cntiit, undor tho stittito the county is to pay "the eists of pioecution." If tho county lias not become leg illy fited for tho costs of prosecution, it is not liablo for tlio officers fees : and that, whether they accrue in the regular and ordinary course, or aro attachments for witnesses, execution uf bench warrants, or tiny other process connected itli the tri d of the ciso. All sach services, whether iu legular routine, or done tit the instance nl the Prosecutor, District Attorney, or by order ol tlio Court "abide the event," anl are paid by the ewin'y or not, uccording theieto. Although all criminal prosecutions nie in tlio name of the Commonwealth, jet neither the Commonwealth nor the County is the pronctttor. Soui- individual moves the sword of justice, an I puts in action the machinery of the law. ami tho county stands indifferent a to the result, until a jury under tho stat ute fixes her liability ; and neither witnesses, nor magistrates, ihu- offi urs 111c to ho paid, unless they can severally ' p nut to tho statute which cnti les them to receive what they claim." John- (!. Fiikkzi; Commissioners' Attorney, llloomshiirg, January 1, 1878. Few are nwnro of the importance of chf eking a cough or common cold in its first stage 'flint which in the beginning would yield to n mild remedy, if neglected, soon preys upon the lungs. Dr. Hull's Cough Syrup affords instant relief, l'rii-c 2o cents. Are you going to the ti;a Side, or are you there alreadv ? In either caso procure si,me of Glenn's Sulphur Soap, if you would in crease tho luxury of the bath, render your skin white and healthy, and remove freck les or sun burn. Sold ttj all drugirists, Hill's Hair end Whisker Dfi; black or brown, 60 cents. Jan. 4, '78-lw Yo sons of toil, accumulate a little yeai by yi-ar, and yon may yet be numbered witli thu eapitali-ts of our country ; especially it Min guard ii.'ainst the serious re-ul snf ne ghcted colds by Using Dr. Coxe's Wild Cherry and Seneka It Is now sn acknowledged fact that foNsuiirnos. can hb Cured. t has beeu cured tn a very great number of cases (some ot them apo i rently desperate 01.08) by Sctienck's I'ul.nonl'j Syrup lone.and In otl -crs by tno samo medicine In connection with Sebenck's Sea 'Vced Tonlo and Jtamlrako rills, on or both, according to tlio requirements of 1 lie case. Ilioeld supposition Unit "Consumption Ishicura blc" for many 3 ears deterred pli j slclans from at tempting to flad a remedy for that disease, and pa tients afflicted w 1th It reconciled themselves to death Ithout an effort bclnj matlo to a ive them from a doom which wtus cuns dcred lae liable. Dr. Kctie-iCk himself was supposed atone llino t" be at tho very gate of death, his physicians halns: rronounccd Ids caso hopeless and abandoned him to tls fate ; 1.0 was Cckeu by tho aloresatd laedl.-lneb and aftemard enjojed uninterrupted good hOJttli for more thar. forty jears. Thousands of people have used Dr. Hehcnck'H preparations with the same remarkable success. Behind. 's .Muiinac, containing a thorough treatise on c'cnsiunptton, Uu-r Complaint, lijspepsli, Ac., can bo had frails of any driitfulst.or or J. II. s-chenck & s-on, I'hllak-lhta I'till directions fur tho ubcol fcchenck's medicines a-cumpauy i acn p ickaj;c. t ch- nek's, i ulmonlo sj rup, sea w eed Tonic, and Mandtaku Tills are for sale by 1.11 druggists. Jan I.'. l KUMKHL'S IllTTUt WI.NU OS" I HON'. 'I his truly valuable tonle has been so thoroughly tead by a'l clo-sses ef Hi cvinuiimtlv that It Is ism deeinol In llspcnslbl-i as a innl - muilt-lnn. 1 1 cos's but little, purines Hie bio.,d and gics tone to Hit "nniaii'i. renovates lh" system and 1 roloag-s We Kverylsidy btioul.l hav- It. Kor the euro of uetl; btomaclis, general (lebtllt, .ladlgestloii, Ulseitses of iho stom .eli.aud lur alleabes requiring u onto 'this v.ino lceludes tt-.e mo-t nerceiiblannlrniclrm bilt-if iron wo pus-ess clti-tilo iif in .yneile oxtce r-o.ublnfd with iho 1110-t energetic ot egcuible ton ics jeltow I'cru lanbark rujuu aineibing to strengthen you 7 lo)utl want a goml am tile ? 110 y.iu want to get rid ol nervousness? 110 ion want ener-'y 1 lioyoii want to sl-en weP ? isi 1 I'll want uj bul.d u ijour constitution t Do you want lo reel Will J If OU do, try KU.SKHL'.S UITTKIl WINK OP lltov. I only a-k a trial r.f this valuable tont.' I lleitiiie ut iiiunierf.'its, as Kunkcl's Kilter w Incot Iron Is the only sure anl reinoiy mm known wnrli lur iho permanent eurn of disporbla and dentin , , nnd as ibvie uro a number it Unit at Ions etTered to tho public, I wuuld caution the-'oumiimlt) to nurt'liasonunc but the genuine article, mmuf.ic turud by 1:. v. huiiVei, mid luting in- hi.iinnen Iho eork i,f everv tiottte. Hie ter loot t'lutotheis are stteinpung to tin ta'u this valuable remedy proves Its vvurih .mil sjH'uks volumis in Its favor- i.t'ltl.u genuine, i:. V. Kunkcl's. old enly n tl Louies Sold by ilrugtlsts and C"ider.s even where, II. v. KuuLrl, prupilelur, tcv Norm .. Inth street, I'hllad, Iphl 1. TAPE WOIIM ItE.MOVJID AUVU. Head and all eoraileto In two hours. No fee till fcad 1 asses, s oat pm nnd t touiach vv crms reinovi d by nr. Kuukel, n u tsoith Miithst.iut. I hil.uie phi 1, ra semi nr iln uliror ask jour drug',11 tru Lot tie of It unkcls Worm nj nip It nevtr lolls. Jan NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. UOUKr riiUULAiM 'HON. WTIIKItMAstlio Hon. Wimia.m Kuvkm. Y lYosldeiit Jml,-o of the court ofojer and Terminer and civiicral .III Delivery, court of quar ter Sosslons of Hid I voce and IhoOuiirlof common rieasaud orphaan' court lu tlio Dis trict, composed uf tno counties ot Columbia and Montour, and tho Hons, 1. K. Kiicktuuin and K. I.. ishiunan,Awiclato ludgtvs of Columbia county, have Issued their precept, bearlnj date Iho 15th day of Ike., In ho ycirot our Lord erne U10us.1r.1I eight hundred .ml seveaty-vvi'ii, und to mo directed for holding a Conn el oyer anl Tcr.MliiiTiuid tienoral ti'iartor Sessions' of too 1'e.ica, court of Common Pleas uud orphans' exiurl, In lilooaivburg, In the eounty of Columbia, on the nut Monday. iK-lng the Ithdayot Kebruro next to conllnun two weeks. fi'utlce Is tiereby glvou to the Coroner, to the Jus U003 of tlio I'eooe, and tlio Constables of tlio Bald eounlyof Coluinbl.i, that they be then and then In their propor person at ID o'clock In the forenoon of salj etlidiy ef I'eb., with their records, laip.l sltl ma nnd other remembrances, lo do thoe things which to their olllccs up:rtjitn to bo done. And thoso tlut are bound by recognizance to prasecute ugatnst this prisoners that aro or may bo la tho Jail of Uio said county ol Columbia, to be then and there topruticcuta them as shall bu Juit. Jurors are ro quested lo be punctual tn tin lr atlenduncc, agreeably tn Ihelr notices. Dati'd at I'.looinbburg the 'bl day .) pf Jan.. In tho jear of our Lord one L. IS, Vtholis,uiil eight hundred and setentv .light lvJ and In the one hundred and tectud) rur of U.e Ir.tle ei-dence t f the I'nlti d Mate s cf Ameilea. Kherlil's tiaiee, JOHN, W. HOFFMAN, hlooiusLurg, Jan. 4 In s-hctlir. J KfitSLVTlVK NOTICK. .soil -o Is In rubv elrcn that an nppilratton will bo made ti ti I.i L'l-ljtnr" ( I 1'etnib.v Iv iida ut Its reir uarsu ilun 01 ibis, lur ttm isnstugo if su Aettobo eutll'I'il tu Ait o erect the, Cl-Miiccr ek l"uor Dl-lrl I." Ihe ir this uct l to enable ihe toniihlHsoI cemie, liituri-ni k, orune, FlnMng triek, pine and Jin-kson, In Columbia eounty. 10 or-paiilz- tlw i'i ii'Vesliiiim ris r DUtrlel lo U knowu kaltiell Uogereek l our Dlstilii, C. vv 1111,1 1:11, Jin. I, IS-lw Atfy. for Ivvps. ADMINIsrilATdlf.S NOTICK. IbTlTK or ILIXlSlltK UttS,, DIC'D. Letters of Adiididatiatlon on theeslatvof Ali'n ander Hiss, late of sugarliut, 1 oiumbla isiiuity Oei 1 uud jo 1 inn iimntt'ii by 1 hi) 1 rginir if btld ioui'1) to the ui.uiratgii id AdmluUtruiors Ml icrsons Luting iliiiuis ncatiist iho sidd itate atu miuistiUlu prese'iit Diem lorstitliine-ut, and ILose nniellea to make lajiuoulwllbout deluy, 1IACIIKI, A.1IES8, ANDHKW LAUHAt'll, Ji,u,9';s-vt' Ailinintsira'ois. Colo's t'reik P.O. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, IloboH fi II I In I.VWt. ("mum jn I'iis i.t imuinbla county, va. I'M ort l r ' nml -I 'Mi in Noli fl-s-'cr hy irlvn Mftt tv miflciMffii".! wi mi tin i8thi.ii- nf . i'. "in.r, KT i th -IXi'irtm in t her df thtt ffoniM ntiitrinltHlfl, tinted hcvuM- a il itKHK'V of the Mr n ir IMbeit lirioH mun'iim n 'iv tlu r oiittH'i.tnif, un nWmt lh" rontf. 1 (vfU- mi I H in1 t th w tato "f al ! itrm. U f t tn I -lit -1 to ut.' -mKI iirm ur hero Ity liotliic-t in tiiukti i-u,ju(Mf r n m. lUxilHiN AtM Jan. 4 1 Aalilaml, llKAl.TII AXO II MMM.N'KSSi Ileobh it't llitiiliicssnrcpir bss Wealth to their pos'e ' vs. mi 1 vi't niey nr.- ivlihin the reach ot 1 v er) on vvhu will uso uHiiiiir,'? i.ivint pill's. Th niiv nun iTui; for TtitjU t hrr, l.fsppT)-tn( iit inni' hi-, -unv ' iiut'ii ' invii)' 11 uin, i rni il, N'lllHr 1, Ull 1 mi UV 1 o hi 'nln t-ttnil Ill.Xid (MM-otdi-rt m in1 vnulnf mil- 'snt'ii "Win., i-niiii ir onr rnum-f v tint nup, iv acini w CPiits f .r out m ti I'mili k, Hi Hit .t t'o.. ti N.-lth Uf.. Pl .l.t. I m. J. '? 1 v tir Dauchy & Co'n. Aclvt's. NliW Olt(! .. la siups f si; to Ml: l, '-,: ?. us, I'hitios retnli i'ii'i liSni'iilv jusy sciidttireo rbln Hal rlrci'lll . Ilunli 1 1 '. Il.n 1 1 s ,, N.J, Jan. s 's-4n- il A ; H N 'V W A N T V, D ! ! rop. I'Ainici LAits, V7ILSCI7 QBWIKO MACHINE CO. 82.1 P.IIOAIIWAV, N'KW -iOtlKClTV 1 Ciiicaoo, It L. j Nt.w oat.isASd, I, i.; on sam riiANciaci), Cat.. Jvn. 4, T8.w d TUU'lilSK V.'I nt A CO II IH IAV.YS lJV.S-nKII(ll'S E'-LV i fi k nn 'it Tii mini r.wnn asurotemi'iti fur Cut'nits. utid dl ill-oises oftbe 'iiw f, i,. m.s, cniis-r mis u curs .mi:i- Iln iNH. Put ii only in 'Situ- Hoxof. i:S ALL I) .-H(lsTs. C.N. cut I lIlvTDN, I suru Avknuk, New V-rk. j in. "s-4w a , SilLB Ol-' v si.fMit.i: REAL ESTATE ! In p'lrsuAir .f an order U-iueil out of tho Court of Ooinuiju ! i' ijf Culuinbla county, tho uncJcr sUiifU Cutnin't if thup T-ioruiml estate ot l-an lei (lourlurt, ultutloot no irltu'tireek township tn aatJ couuty, iu otx-k) n pu'jllo haluoutnu pre.n- l-itii on SaTUJUMV. .l.VN'UAUV 2G, 1S78. comment?.. i,' ut i -. n c u.m , 1 1 h U day, atvrUln stt u.i to in It ntlnyjiv 'Iv t i.n-h i anty o. Oolum bli, con; a!i t,i u.i, iluNUll... A01UW niorij or !-" i' ..uiu .i .... n r triiiklln Yocum, .."ov'ti Imr-4, 'n.r o nil it .ii i t roUericK Dot , wijcreou u cud 'it Vv i;.mk1 jltf w 1 1 ei .r Ho svs, a lunk li ir i ami uthvr u in t;i. aim. ail tutt u-it a t ir.ici, iu.ui-hlp and county aroros-iil t, uiti iit.iu unh hum). ;k,) a:;i imitv Ai:ni:s, mafoo 1 -ii, Lki mil 1 1 .ui-l-. A t.iil.tUn Miultz survey, M tij (tu rn s.-v ,.,uilot A'lllt-iin ani KtlJ ill OC IM Ull I Lliiji hUT'UJ IIUU ulll-Cr-i, dilij cl WI'H'j i '.'i'i,i ').lij.lia'l'l IUi- nrvitoMS. 'it ciilur.i i.ii i i u 1.1. ilMlt, tili ii-jn uro tint .it ut.i .. i.ndur ull nJcer siejscnptlou un l a i m:.i. 3 '..m,U now a -o or Ucrcat nmy bu o.tcivixd. luetiur with rreu liijro.-.s aud curias to and lor Charloi ti. Co.', Ua hull a uud us- .Lso, uiiother utoco orpircclof Und, Hfj.ito lu luwnshlii iui 1 coant aroreiuld.uuntdlnlu: 'in ACli-s and U pcrclius bounded by laiidi of Kiuukltu Yocuiii. i. l miller, and utiicr UivU of t'lo said dourlurt. Thoubsjvu will buHold m n whjloo.'lu 1-jtiUucalj- od H'i hi to suit pmcliasers. Tkkms ok bAi.E. Itli per cent, of oii--foirIh or th puicho ininoy to oo pii 1 ut tli" triki'i-f d jwn of tlio property, th-j one-fmrth loss tlio tin pi r ci' cojiilrmi t ia ubiol ito, and tun ruuutnliu' thrco-fj'irllH tu ono year th rcatk-r with liiurot tvom conflrmainn nlst. JAMES KKir, Jin. -1, 19-ta committee. N omci: iu KTOcicn()Li)Kj:.s. n clecttjn i f live din cton of thn r.o'ins- irip Hanklnr i-'o up uiv tn i-erve th uinulnif j imI" tin ih uuld ut uicir olll:oon Tuesday wh, iSis ut 'J uc'lock. 11. II. OltlM'Z. jau. 4, '3-tt .-'uaaltr. jKUISI.ATlVi: XOTOJrK. s.itlco Islifrthv t:lfP tint tho undiTwInit will mpl tu th-i I'kH altiie or IMi' ailv.udaui i!ar se'-s'ou ol lTSlor tho passno of nit Art to In niltlf d "An Ait t" nutliorl?i th" (Jti'iit uf (Juarti r 'f"htuinoT Coluuibhi I'ouniy tu itvthu imiotiiii or n u 1 1 hi' I inp'f diy for m.b t lnli a x s'lpp'jritn -u h prKom-isuH may Lu ittfally coittlm U thi'ittn ;"' 'hH ohj' cl wh-Mi'ur Kh-ill bu loKl'Olh-? Miuilirof Milk cuuiity rousiuablu coiupetjiatl ju lor tltcS'ip m jrtof (tld prUuueii. J m. 4, TbW J. V. IIOI'FMAN. oUco tsJircby clvcn that. I imrrhavd tho 'ollow- lii; person 1 prupnriy uf ituss 1 I'ureu of FUhlf'vr on t-k low ushtp tit i itvuto s Ut on luesilivth tir-1 day or ISTS: Knur Mm nt, l wuoilen hunm Oluw. 1 fl li'dilll pl .w. 1 cimtv.tUc . isle i, wood work At ll t WhOr.".t V.l,'i'll 1 SlOUUllld pip-UIHlC.r-M.Ul,' ut-MiblN -i wrrcsnf wheat tn tho trniund m jro or kh, .t iiciesur lye uioiu r ut o ta- ntiiK mill. hoh- cit -av unit Imu-ii'h.tM jrool.-- 1 hiv(. i)undth .iliow 1 1 him il'irlac; my pto.stirc. .nl h-ril-yi-au-Hon i.lii uiiu utth UileiKrliij with li. ki-h jt. j. ro.ica JaU 4, fs-sw1 W")(m,s' iskmi;nt. 'Ihe fullowth)),' iippraKeinciiiH if real nnd pfisomil propel ty set apttrt tn wMowfrnf lUiedrnu hau been illed In the ohlte or Un- li-'trlnter nf Cul umbla county, under the IniUsi.r 4'ourt. nnd will lie prt'seiiled tor ittolute eoiitlimatloii to (he iirpluns ('Durtto be held In llluoiu-burMn ui.ti ror saMeo ta -ty, on Mnnda, the 4th day of Kt b . hi", at ? oilnrk p. hi., of said d,i uniess exceptions to tilth coiituuialloii are preMouM tikd, of which ull per sons luteiesUd In said ( states will take notice; 1. Wldnvof DuliiMiatri-'r.lvtoof Urlarcreefctown ship, dfceacd, 2. Widow ot Z. rujlor Martz, laU) ct Ihlucreck tuwnhlp, ill ceased. 3 WMowor Meu.lito of Citawljyi t'jwn- ship, di.CcUicd. 4. Widow of athiu LDisiatiof Horo'ih of wtek, doota- d. 5. Wlduw of Daniel HUulcr, Uto of lajcut town ship, du eased. e, wilow of Oacar I. Uat.Utuof scjtt township, UfOtMed. Itetrlsier'Kdfi (f, 1 II .mmiY H'oouiBburkt. Jan. J ii.3 it 1 tc THE WORLD run tins. hlnrn thechtniro tn IN proprh torsi. Ip (which took Vu . I, lsTC.) I ti" Woild has lieeouio ihu l-Hht-est, s riK llle-t, most Fchoiury and popuhr Joum il ir Iho inttropoliH Ills eiileruilidui;, lat lolliu', bilk'ht, dueid lair and truthful ' 'tdotrwroti wlitingh torn nun, n. crfed. no inb rei, nnd no pan. 'I UK Wultl it believer, the IK-moeratlc ptriy toexM forthe ooil ef the punile m rliv. lido-s no' hclli-Vf tho publt.' ser ice to eiUt tor the goodof tlio Peini criic p.trt. THK Soltld lH).l"'e-i the Knetm of Mankind nm bottu-bd to utteiid to hl-i pirtl ular bu-lm-s-. of Biirrliitf up ktrlfo It then loin seeks to romutc peti'e on earth an pood will amnii jfood men TllH w Oil Ml t clleve- that even Mi Meou Itaa two sIK-h it titer fun-filvt a nery iiombt mun vredit forsiip'wii-pitf hlmseir to bo ilht, fio matter how wroiiu It inuy bold 1m to lo. Till vMiK 1 b leet ttiit Mimolcnt unto rath d.iy urc theevlU ll.troor. I then fore roiisldtn it (julie i,iim pi hS.iry to eiiibltter uvlBtcnic by liu'l.tln otr th'- tljrhtsif v to'dui. nil; won l,l ttetiew-s lh- ro wus Homo sense lu the old hupirstPt m aeci rdliiK to which eer day'n for tune wan (otond by ti.e tust (jbjecls sem lu Iho moiidti It thertforo ihinkH ihai lu lay on a man br. ukfuM tabluu sheet toll of uiiclt-mi thlutfH, u gry woids. p. rsi.nal s((uatblci and Mi'ltlcil splits is about as 111 eiy a w.iy or fcropltlatlu,? his ifoou-wllt as to put Fpldeihlnhlt roffto. lllK utmi.ii bel'.v h ti-ittman tho licrmlt'Ms not b tie trusted without Uio Minonwinif uiul l.ll Utiix tritluiiu'e of wouimi and It ttur-'toieh' I mtliut a publb-Jouinal wldi-ti fulls to ailr.u t lh utit ntlou and enlist Ihe mi por ot the omen of tho commu nity, will mlther truldo the p-ih'iu conscienco uright nor Ive wlsoeounsil In puUle urtaJr. ah a men mutter or tiU'lucsH. thertfor THK WOULD eiiiieavoin tolje filr lo Us opjiom uts In jwl it les, candid In Its d1rieunlou cf i ui'lM riuee Xqlh, Just loall men -and "up m tho bitct news." Tin; .'AibY unui. f 10 CO a y nr. post ape paid. iti.m six inonitiH. t-ositifce pat-t. tM threo monttis, osuijfu juU, Tin: yvi:i;TiTy vi $..W) A VKAIt, I'OSPAtJH I'Altt, contains tilt th noH of tho week; 1 iters by at If rorre-t-ndcnt frtm all poru of tbowoil lt I rlht and enuriumin idltoilu'H, and continued fetoilr wiltten exnmiy lor TIK MM(I.H bythobestau thorm) lull trKrU ot the uiurkttu of tho Tilled MuUh umI tuition coui'lrlCMt u t-armerB I epiirt mt nt, ciltod tv i.ii. T Mi'Oie, thofoun t rand lor to to ICaUCtlltortf MOOItK' III ItAb.NKW YOltK Kit. kkmt-wfi;ki,y woi.U). li.uo a nr. htuire paid. (t.OUbixmo ths, pui-iuif- paid. CASH PREMIUMS Tu Itii' iirtcn mm viliom 'HIP. VHiHJ." hhullre rilve i rivluuHtu Muich m, lna ilin morey lirtlie l&riH i uuilir ef bulM-t-rllierH (or cne jeurtottie vv KU vvi'ltl. li vv vuli ulvo alirM rrtieel aw. Kor Hi' mitlart'iH nuii l'tr, a mcih.U rile if jvisi Fi r llii' to n il lurvi.l lltln el mUcilli ra. IMi ID i uili. lor U.e iwii in xt luiU'bUL tscr .ulncrllcru. iKurlMf Iti .10 null Fur Uie H mit lurKtot ll-ts, iln rrlun it ft mo ent li. hr ilio tlevtu urxi Uritl llsin, Hi veu iniiis di ttc.iv tuiU. Tliete ilittrous nl e' up- lloir lor tin Be r.rUes(fiicti ate i mrtu lu utlilltleii tu tie rii ular tlub 1 rtUiluuib) will jilensn UK' lor lull I iiillcuiurs to "1 Hi: W Oltl.ll," 35 I'uik Hum, New YwL, Jam, tk-w RHuisri'.u.s ttoTicta. .Null's' Is hereby plven .to oil leffilees. ereill turn uii I irthrr (stsoii inti'i-i'siiHl tu Uio estfttes el 1 110 resjiei'livi' IHH-eili'lll-s turn lliinui, iililiiiu nu- I iivlnu niluiliilstnilliiii nti'l Kiiirillan nccftunts tmve li 'i ii llloil In the uffltv ef the Ui'irlster ot columlila i Miintj, nnil "111 lie I'rfsi'iiteil fur conllnnatton slut iiiluiinnee lu the iirphins' I'ouit tu lm liclit In Itlu misimrir, mi .vlml.i.v, I lie iilnl;iy of I'eo., ists, nl 1 u'cliK'k 1'. in. en xiiltl iluv I I. tliellist un I flnnl n'wint nt Htjtilii-tli tsler, I'.s. ei'ii'rn m 1'ivilerli'k IstiT, l.vle of (trienmi il ll'VV'Isll'p, lli"'l'lll ll. 1, I li" s,., ,,ii nn pirtlnl Ri'eoitnt of Kinanuel Lull Ineli Ksi'cuior nf .liiiiti Conner, lute ot liemun tinvii9ht, il'ie 'iiseil. 8. Thn necotnit f.f I'. II. Ilnrnnnl nml Itnlniulus lleilieln, iilntiiMrnlnrsot Hi'ori-e lelterui.iii. Ute of Ixieu-l tn.s nslilp, ili-e'-flseil. 4. tliu llrsl una llinl nivouiit nf Henry I'. Oman. iinar.lliii ot Ann i (li-nncn vioii., nml i lari'iice Kline, minor culMren ot llarnian Kline, Lite ot M-olt lovviislit , It l-'MSOfl. 6. First nml final neei'inlot A .7, nurknlew. Ail inlilsirnt Tit Atm.i IIosh-r,l,ite ot .Minilutonn Hlllp. lI'-Cl'HMil. . Tlio nee Mint of .tolini.. .Inralij, (Ininthinfif Iu I si I Hun k. ( ion- i"iisii) i mtnur imiil of s.imucl lllunR, lvl ot t'l'inro t m iislilp ill ii'ttseil, 7, -I ho lire! nccuiiiit ot .lolui II. Heller, IMenlor ot .lohii Mich lei l.i t e ot .viimni lonnslilp iliren; eil. 8 Thinccount. of (leni'ifn r. -rott, Ailmlnlstrntor of (leurgu eutt, late ot L'utaivlss.i tuivnship, ile eeiseit. tt. First tin. I Un il neconnt of Itenson ronn-r Ail iiiliilslral ir of llniiiiuil Couiiir, Lite otilretn-vv-uu . township, ileeeusiHl 10. First miJ nmlit neo.i'intof V. .1 Cvins. Rxecu. lur or tliu 1 ist will nti'liesiitiH'iir nf Jacob Lvnris, liiieof the t'lmnof lilojinsoiiri, il?i'e.i'il. It. -i lie ti'st nnJtln il neount of .1. II. Ike er.Hinr il.iino' Kll. Uiet'i Weillivr, i minor elilM of Wil liam vvi'lilrer, l.vti ot .l.ilh iii toivnshlp. ile euiseil. IS Tli' tl-stnnl Unit noeo'iiilof '.II. Ikeler. (Iii ir ill in or I'. mil i.e. Ivester n minor eiill.l of 111 r.iin Ku-stur, Lite ot Hreenivooil lowiislilo, ile-ce-iseil. 13. 'I he ilrnt nh'l llinl neeonnl of Lalimin MirU n.l i.lriim II. Hieier. K ilurs of -loliu Martz, late of lirlitcrei'k t iwnshlpiltfcejsoil. Ite;l.ter'8 (llllee. I ' VV. II. JACOItV, Utontiis'iiirir, J m. I, isis. i l.'eiflsier. "sTrKIIIKJSSALE. Ity virtue of snmlry wilts to toe iltrei-teil villi tie exiwsi'il to lubllc Hnlo at tho Court House lu lllotiiusuitrir, nt one u'i lock p. in. on SAI UItDAV, .lAN'UAUY Mill, 1S7S All that CTtuto real est.i e, frllunloli ISrlircreck tovvnslilp, (-olutntt.'i rnunty, IVtii.vli'.iiln, buiimlitl uiul il Krrlhe't ns follows, to-vvlt , On Hie north by Inhiisof vvlllliiin Kieas. oiitheeivtby laml of lU'orjrc Kv.ii, s, on Lit' south 0.' lati'lsof .Mo-teller nml Kek-h-ner. on th vvusi bv 1 n Isi f lleese Kck, ronialnlnir one h iu lr. il ti -r. . m n-o ir 1 iss on liteli Is ei ecu il n fi-ii .c iliu'lllii bouse anil bain nnd out-bullil-Iiibs. Selz I, Ink-n lu exeeutt'iri, nrel to bo solj ns the propert.1 of Cliar es lljcliiiian. A .--0. Vll tint celtali, roilesUU) sltlto l'l th3tvvp.C IV'titon Coliiinb.i county, 1' musMviititi, ilesci llje.l ns follows tow It : ilouuileil on the norlh b land cf Wll I.i n Ituckel, on tlio mH b 1 ind ot (leurge. Doil son, ou tho ourll by land of Joseph Hess, nml on Iho west by hind of o. M.Chrlsilau contili.lnr ttilr-ty-(lglitn res on vviilch Is erected a Uivilllns house nnd out-bultiltnifs. Sclz. il, taken In execution, and to bo fold as the propirty of curUtl in sii.itz. ALSO, Alt that ccrUiln real ebtat'bltuatetn Heaver town ship, Columbia county, Pennsylvania, bounded and described as rullon-s : On tlio north by land c.t Sam uel IlliuU'illUr, on Hi - eutbylanl ot Henry IIUi dertlttr o tliu bouth by latid of John and Washing ton Lont-enU'rer and on Iho west by land ot Jacob t unpen!! r-cr containing one liuiidred nnd thtrti cn acri-H more or less, on vvhlcli Is erected a dwelling house, barn mid wagon shed. seized, laken lu execution, and to bo sold as tho property of O. V Ilauck. ALSO, All that certain lot, piece, or portion of ground slt uile In the Town or iiliomsb irg. In tlio county of i olu in la, I viins.v lvanl.i, bounded and described ns fotluvrs, tn.ult: .soutliwanlly by seventli street, e.i tw.udl) by lot or I'at Marktii, nonhwardlybyllie Htlaivaie i nekaivanna and cstcrn railroad and weslivardty hj lot or sail li. A. Potter and li. .1. Wnl. 1-r, coiitJlnlng ilfty lict Irontoiiseventh strcit anil two bundii'd feet In ileptli more or Io-shIutc oiilsi'i-ecleiliitwo-story frame dnelltns house and out- undines. Selzoil, laken Into execution, and to le sold us the prootrtj cf II. A l-otler A 1,-0, Vll eertiln lot, loe or porln of ground sit. u .to In Hie Town of II! onisbuig, lu the county ot coiuinbt.i.lM mil -il and de-rlboJ as follows, to-wlt: I'l-oi.tlug on Seventh .strict on Hie south Ilfty feet. on the west bj Iron slieet two hundred feet morecr less, on 'he lioi th by t lie Ilelaii are, Mackan anna and v. stern Itatlrowl, tlfty feet.on theeasi by lotot (1. A .t'ottcr tvvu hundred feet moru or less tu the place o' beginning, where-on are incted a two-story mm i dwelling li line and out-bulUllngs. silj.'d, taken liitoexecutlon, and to ho sold as the pro.icilyof (1. A. Poller ami D.J. Waller. AI.-O, vll Hi it certain re il estite situate lu tho Ton n of HloniiHourg, Columbia county, Pennsylvania, bouu. ii'd on the north b., sicond stieel. onihe east bi Ian I cf 11. J. t u irnlon, ou the south by land of .1. li. Moyur and on Ihe west by land of Thornton Itnr lon, containing twcnlj fort front and suo ty-ono feet deep, ou vvhlcli Is treetcd a tvvo-tUiry frame tin suop. ALSO, All that certain reale.tatc fllunteln the Town of liloumsburv', columlla county, Pennsylvania, de-si-iib'dns tollovvj, to-vut ; Iiuunded on tho north b laud of 11. F. II irtmau, on the east by .Market street, o the s null by llldgc Alley.and on tho viist ny Jiuiruv Alley lontiilnlng ftcttiont und fiet deep on vi Ulch Is eretted n dwelling house, barn ami otner ou t-bulldlngs. silzeil. taken Into execution, anl to be sold as the le-cpcrty of ALdicw M. oupeit. AI.SU, All tho-e two certain lots or pieces of ground Ulti mo In tlio Town i f liloo usburg, . ounly of Cuiumbla anl-iaio oi I'o insylv.iula. uouuital and de-cilbed as f jIi. r, t.i wli: 'iho Hist fiontlug on Fouith HiLviu- saia iiivu, ono huudro 1 feet moro or less oi il.o i.erin-ea t eoruirot said Foutlh strict and extension cl vi , st str.'ct ot said town and extend. logb.u'k-iijrthivai-riiyuUoutt.vo hundred andfour tei :i Kit moru or less to an alley , westward ly nK'iig sal i alloy to cctemloa of said West street now tu lot of flail: M.i hrutman, thence southward ly along tail ilirlstman lot or exU'iislon ol west street afjie .ill n the plaio of beginning, contain ing 'jnoj aijuaro f.c uf groaud more or less. AIO, TH'-s'eoud slflato on nort'i tile of Fourth street of sild 'luvvn I'etvvecn West and Ilaltroad street, fronllng on Fouitli street, about ono hundred and fl'tyfoet adj lining litot Uobert stilt on tho cast, thence running notthiiurUly about twohuudndund fourlcen feet ti un :il ey, tnenco westwarilly along said all in about ono hundred anil lllty feet more ur less to to' of conk'ln,-, on the west, thence south wardly idon sild i-unkllnglot about two hun dred and fourteen feet moroor le-s to Fuurlti street uforosald, containing about S2tuo square feet of ground moroorliss. seized, taken Into oiooutlon, and to bo so'd as Iho rroputy if Jihu . Kiaimr. AI.S'l, vll tin! certain lut of groiiml situate in Fast !!lo nsi'itrg. Culunilla county Pennsylvania, bound ed and 1 soil bed us follows, Ui-vvtt : lie Inning at ths corner of Kust and sixth streets of sold town tticnco nt'ingtho wo t stiKuif 11 ist stieet about six ty tight fet-ltoupost them u souio thirty-nine de grceavvestonoliundiedandsven pcrclios toajiost, tleneo 80'iih f .rty-nlno dogieos cast eight und thtet-tcnltis- jierclus lo lino cf sixth itreirt titoni sdl, thence atung --Id sixth stud norlhsuty-etght and unc-hilt il'grccii e i-t one hundred and twenty pcrch-s ti ttio i lice f iieglnulng, wheieon .re erect d a frame hotel ami out-bulldlngs with tlio r purb'n in ies Helzed, i.ikcn Into oxosutlin and to bo uold as the p-opeilyof s 11 is tlg t. Al.?0. Alltlii.t ccitaln lot cf grounjltuitelntbeTown ot lilonmsiuirg, I'o'uiiibti county, Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to-vvlt i FjisI w nrdl; by Centre Hrei t.noi Hi wardly and vristwanl ly by lots ( r I. v. M' Kelvy and southwardly by Pino Alley, cmtntnlrigsbout seven led three Inches front on Centre w ret t. an 1 about tlfty-three feet In di pin, w hereon Is erected u large buck building con taining thrt o store rooms In tlw tlrot story nnd all of 11. 'i Vannattrs tab-it st In tho nccnd story of Hi - samo und Ihe ncoud story of tlio adjoining building ot I. V, JIcKilvy-Vnown as Iho opera llon-e, xhlch said i ju ra bouse coiitaltsmehun dred and fourteen Uct sli Inches fioiit onfentio itrect and fifty. three firt In I'.eotli. u AI.SU, All Uvat ceatnlu real t-stato sltuato In tho Town ot Iilooinsburg, Culumblt county, Pennsylvania, de scribed as tollows, to-lt: Hounded on the north by land of Cliarli s F.rug, on tho east b' nn alley, on the south by Third strert cf said town, and nn tho west by land ot Iho Congregation ot the f.cnnan He. formed Church, containing fu t Intleplliand feet lh width, nn whlih Is and nlber out-bulldlngs. SUtjd, taken Into ex (cut I in, and to be sold as t'.c property of II. II. Vainiatla and Thomis Vawnlla. MS-cash on day ot sale, othcrlo tho prop erly in do rcso u at once, JOHN' VV. HOFFMAN, Jan. 4, "Ts-ts fclierltr. A MKITINO OP Till; Wit K HOLD V Kits if u.e Catowisss Dcioslt lank will be held at iholr Hal king Home In the town ol Catawlssa i n O'o hrcond 'luircayof Jsi.uary it'sbitwtrn iho hours cf icninil iwop in., lo hold id clullon fur seven ulmuru lo iirvc lie ittutLg jiir, U. It DAVIS, Calawlun, dicHl.TI-Sw Catbler. 4Fm Irm. J, II. (iy lartl 4 tu, Lli lia4UJ SIJIiRIKl8 SAIili ! lly virtuo of n writ ot Vend Kx. Iwied out otlho Couitoft'ointnoii I'lensiT lelumbineo.,nhd loinoillicctei), vvlilbooxtoMdtn public mle ut the Court lloti-c In Hloumsbnrg nt 8 o'rleek p. tn. eu HA I'UHDAY. .IAM1A11Y 10. 18"S, All thai certain real estate fltlmte In Hciit li low n. ship, colunillieout ly, I'n., demll'td nsfi llons to wn I bound d nn the neilhb.v Inli'ts of John Hi Ish- line the west by land o J, l.n c. Utiins on Hi" ....ii. (..iiimIit .ii.iiii c. t.nitis nml on Hie eu-t by- land of Jonas Doty, containing loit.i-i.lre ncre- nn I sixty peiches, on which Isutcud n liuiao d Hilling house. seized, laken Into execution, und to lie sold na the property f iilrnm Hepoo. ' C iniiitionm of s vi.k, -rnrcnnrrrB musi puj li.n tu.r of Ilin tilirelilisn lrioneV. or lit least enough to cover nil costs nt striking down of sale otherw Isc prupeity to be lesold ut t'tiie. JllllS- W. IIOI'FMAN, slu rill, di c. !I, ""-Is Orphans' C'oort Sale OF V .I'MILI Heal Hslale ! In mirsuanee of nn or lor of th" Orn'ms' Curt of Coluinbl i eounty tho und 'rl jned will tell nt p iblle sale at the I'vcliiiige otel In the town of llrnton In tl.e Coiiniy ot Coluinbl t on J'Vitltiv. .Iiiiniiiry IStli, KS78, at 10 ocVlock a. hi. ttio fallowing tloscrtljo I roiles- late t 11 that certain I it or plec uf tan I st'ivrntui vl.laire ot 'tenloii In II nton t i.vmtilp, ' ilu.n ill county, 1'enitsyli-anl.i tnirkol on tlu plan of salt Milage .No 111 und bjumlnl mil desetlbeil lis fol Iju's: lieglnn ng In i post In the road to llohrs burg; theiicubylimliof lohii J. Melleury (urtol lot No. ill) on lh weit .Id) in a girdiu t-noi n-rtli z d 'glees east i p.-nhes to u pjst; then by lands late of nr. lulm v. Fulin t (pa t oftot No. H) north iw d 'grees we .1, f i ir und el.'lit t 'nib p relies to a poit i thence oi la.ul ot luvl I Cro sl , s i utit 8t il gn es w e-l t 'li pi r. h s lu a pOsi by lb ' p ib.I e ruail theiK o by said load s utn su it"rc -s e ist.foitr nnd Ughl-teii'li (ici-elies ti t h" plao of b jlnnliig. (being inrts ot lots Vi. l-z mil 17) c mtiiinl'ig li sipiar cicbesif liiid.on wtd lilseio tjda inv L ixu lit lihh aiil out-' iindlns. n.Mt or -amC Ton ir cent of ono-tj'iiili cf the p ir ha-o in moy b Ih' imi'J "l IIi"trtHnj'iwn ot th" t roj i-i t;, tho cii'.-fuu'th lo.-nh' iui jiorcht at cui.llrnutM'ii of t-alo and tin rcnuinliitf ttreu foinths Pi (iiio yiwe iliuivart rwtUi PiU-ri-b troui conllit.i.iiluii tils I. i: i: i.vh, dt-'C 2S ti d n I nt tt -at-ii d jnli -iun. ADMiNIS ! RATOf t'ii) SAL ' OF WI.fMII.l- HEM ESTATE ! ! In rurnaiiCf- f rn orrtcr i f tho rp. at,s (VJit f Colum''lac(.nr.t, the tn.d T-.ljjn d d:alnU'ratnr of Mar Kim t K irns li'o i f Ileal nn t .wiifchlp, dtce.isedt will oximm tos.U' on tl.e pren.l-i'S on SAl'l'UDAY, JANUARY 12, 1878, at tt'ti r'cl.'i t, a. tn . tin fOiloIntr mil r-tnte or si'd dt-ci ttfi t, -.ittiiti' In l'LMin tu.s n-htp, ho-nxltd and dttcrlhed .isM'ou.i: on iho in rlh by l.uidsnf Wll 1U " Mi'lt'i, un th t.tsthy Itnd tf ivtor K on t'io bjiith and w "t hy luuU of .loso.ih Iloriscuntal'i- lDtf '1 IIIK1 Y-TIItKE AC It KS, mere or ht-a, a'l lni;rovt'd, hereon U tree ted n twu-btory frame i)vi:lino nourii:, riiAMi; ijaun, and OMlhUlIdl jjITH TKKMS f)i-' s.iLI. Ten rer cent of nr.e-f urth rf thQptinhismo.eyt.i lo p,tl 1 al -tilkln? U.ihh of properly, th'1 oiu'-lnurih l-'.ss tl.e ten jer rent at th-' continual 'un of sde and t'.o lu!ai ce laonnjeai thereaftir, with Interest from co'itiiinvion nM. I. K. KUlt K liAl'M. Admilftrator. Ponton, 1) 'C. 21. H.T.-ti Admi ii i.sti;itors Sale IIP V.M.l'.MILU REAL ESTATE! Uy virtuo r.f an Ord'-r of tlio orplnn's Court ot Co lumbia county, tho un icrstgneit, Administrator il bu Is noil of ttio estate ot Peter Hut, dee'd will ei pose to public s il ', ou the promt .", at l.ljht yireet, coluinbl i countv, I'cnnsv.vani.i. un l'l!II). Y. JAMJAIIV lltli. 1S7S, at ten o'c.ocl; 11. iu.. idl Hi it cettaln ted ustate, sit uate lu Bald ul'jinblvooti ry, deer! Aid as tallows xo. : -a (Jrist and :iv .Mill I'mportv with a good wan r-pnwi r, bonndi d by I M.lngu-ick a publl' ruait, und other lamli r-r s il 1 ii"et'.wd. '1 he (irlsr .Mill h is 4 run of stjue. ail Is cjastl ucted fur 1 1 her merchaut or country work-. No. a. A messuage and tractor land -it'la'e In Orange toansnip, boundwJ bv uuli of a Cus ter, William While, ,. M. vviiltc.esia oof VV. It. hnl, S. II Seyb rt and others containing HO ACRES, moro orliss, on whi.h ther.' Is a (looi) luiii: an i) r.Ai:., and other out buildings. tos. 1 und s will le told re nr.ilily or ton tin r to suit purchasers. No. A. Twuiicns t TdW.N uirrsln lllifsiieit aforesaid, bounded by two unnamed sttetrvs an 1 two alleys. No. r.. Uit co acres In Light street, lioundcd by lands ot. Mrs. IIL'til, Win. Ilageiibil:'! a-ul m a'lo.v. No. e, seven ncr Kin sur.o Milage, bound d by landsot Kclchncr U Mm and by tho I'lshtng crock. .'ii. 4. wtll be sold usuvtbolooi' lu pails to suit purchasers. Tkkvsop sji.k. Ten f cr cent of tbo onc-fourlli ot the purchaso money to bo pild at Ihu striLIng downof tho property; tho onoronlh less Ihe ten per cent, at tno contlrmatl m of sale ; an I Ihe re malntng thteo-fO'irths In ono eir thi'icabt r. with Interest from continuation u'.sl. Voir M. II. 'NT, dec 14, -7-ti Administrator, ic. puhi.k: ha LIC i V V ill! MILU Real Estate! ! Inptirsiiincoi.t anordTof t'l 'Orp inns' C'O'lri ol Col Utn bt 1 1 uontl. the'r 1.uil i.linli.i.t p c ic., of -Mlchail ilrov.'i-, 1 it) of ihe I'owu of 11 ur ins- uurg. in suu co'imv, u 'casi-u, will expno lo publ Bale on tho piemtscs, ( u 1-IU DAY. .IAN II I! V 11 irtk eominf nclii'. nn tl.e f.ip.o o. i ,t,. t ....... i.t.. ... ,n o'clock n.m.anJ on Ihe prop rty In Miniin lit two """. in., t i smoiiay. , u ci or nmi situ no in vain township, In said county of Colti.i.LI i,c ml iln Ing lOS ACHES, more or lo-s ndrlnlng Ian is if Anton ilastilltr, Aaron Miller and others, u.d a p-iUU-ro.i I, whero ou nro erected a two story Dwolliue House. Good En.nk Barn. bouse and coin crln. nm i ..ur.i , i... .... .t spring und spring huusc, i,.iirt a er on iho prcinls good apple orrlurl un uther frup trres-l.ind lu i gornl slito of cultivation, line public mad runs through the land, und ono ou tho noit.i side, icuvc nk'nt m nch'Xil and church. that cirt.ln pl-ce, pir.el or 1 tof Hnd sltuato In Mlfllln town'blp In tlio count of Co lumbia, containing 0 Acres and 43 neichcs more or less adjoining laud of John Men, V. M-hweppoulitrl-ur an 1 oth' rs, w hereon aro erected a tw o-nory I'll A MM DUT.I.I.INO llOU.-sH n Kramo Parn, I'lackMnlth shop, nnd oilier out. buildings, good water st Ui.ilunr uti.l trull trees, und tu bo sold tubj tci to tho follow lug resoi vallons i 'IhoilghttoJacibVolio his h Irs or assgns, to a I Uio w-ltldi Hit llinlw of creek lunnlng Ihnugli thouboved'scrlb-iiiin i, witn ii18 right to damor luewntir u In saldinol- tuauy be gtli nutevcis!dliig'hoto,)i.Iihbanku'sullcno 1 und eiccptbg ami reserving to sad Jacob li r hu and f ir. ever prohibiting tho Hlii .Mumel rover.hli ix ecutors, .rs or uislins from iitldtn,-, ercctlngoresiabMdngany lirtst, iistoui, or vter. ihant '111 on sail stream er prcmbe-, i r using or dlvcrllui; thu watir in. r. t tr.., n - . control ot tha said 'acob Volie, I "so, iv einatn lotot'iind in mmiiu town.hip, tn the said county of Ciluinlti, conu'iilog soventyno perches uojolnlng th i nb .yo de rib. il tracts, landsof Jolin Aien.Unds ot Jacob u-hw ep. penlu Isi r and a pull c road TEHMsi m hAl.i:.-Tcn ft t cent of or.e-fourlli of Ihopurchabomcney toU imld ut lliunmiagdowii of said preiaUes, ouMoui loot tint punbae luuney less the tin per o-r.1. tube aid at lu., eoi,ilriii Hon of tho lale, ai.d tho balanio ot raid purchase im ney I lobopuldlnuuojiarfrom IU conurmiitlouofs.ild ... .. ... ran oaiduierroni Ihooontlr. ina'.lou nlst of said sale. A I US' (IHOVKIt, JOSHUA FKl'llillMAV, din- It, n-ts Ailmlnlsirau,rs, BUHINEH8 OAHDH, VISITINOC Mills, IdJTTBIt nSADS, - s UEAU1, turciu?, to, o. NfR'l -ply .rlntl at tret'OLVM cxxn oaoo. Orphans' Com Htxif. nr VMttMlt.ll RKAL ES A'U: ! I'lllftinM to nlior Irruflli 'Orpim-s' ( ,u-r t. lutnril.i cnunti , "a, will licnu'd at pob io , , premises In .viinilii towinhlp, in il I e . u i rilltl'.SDAV, .lANUAKV 17' Is; nt 10 nMoek Inth' forenoon, nl thai i. , tale of ivlili mi N. Ilruwri, dtciii e I. ... , , , ilihle Mil. Piopiriy sit .nie in v.m , . nlorcsnlil Is uion l nml desi rihcd ns 1. 1 i olnmeiiemir nl a corner ri li.ds.,' ti , and i irl i Wop; tiicnco noilii s veiMV r o . rmirlhilegrer'S e it scvenly-i in and . ,. , , r , theiico south ntneleoii Rtid nne-hur o i ' ( Htty-slx nnd foiir-tetitli rods; thence sunt o . . nml one fonrt'i d.'irri'es ea't sit nml fo ii t ,in ( incnen snuili llilr'e 'nand Hir 'e-f eii'i i , ( twelve nml foiir-temii rmlsi thi ne" sou h . nn'd one.f urth d'giee;, west 0. ml ion i mils i 1 hence south 'vveiity r, ur .mi iM j degn es, rn'toro ami Flx-ti'iith r its ; tn )( , , ' iliihly-scveii ri'id one foul th ihgn, , . s , , lenitirodsi thence s-utith scion ni.,i tu ,r degree", east llnee nn I rUM.iemu ,0i, , ' Huiiili Iwerity t 'in ninl uiii" 'on Hi i . i anl i m -tenth lod-; tlietusi s i.ii, jn , ( Hires loitrlli ileg'e. a, ea-t unco mils , t . , , ten and t lire-fourth degrees, rust . .or nn . f tenth rods ; Ihenri' sotilli :t il, , . . i . 4 rods; llience somli Ihlr'y-lvvu i d n. n d'riree.i. east iilueiuiM; tle' n..itli d h d'Vrr'i'K eesl live m d tvvitthiii ri 's j i. . t , teiity.f veu nn llhr'-criniiih di c, , ... '' lu-eerods; thoiice south el.lny-ihr ( .m I d. gis I'-, e i-l live noil twn-tenll I.. it, 'lilileeti und one.r irt'tdirrs. . i nevcn-l' nth to Is; th nei'iinrth . v i.' . ; vv-e-t live nut-: tin neo siu'n nn r i , f urlh degrees, wi'st sev h ii.i t tn . i He lie" no-th liw'iit -r nr io. tii- -e 1 1 i w si live uud, ig ii-'. n Uro h: Hi i e . sev u unit t if'-e-f eirth d '.j '-i-.v t t .in-et.t i rods ; Hi tn e ii"ri tie . .. h .if i'pj cn, iv t ilirn-d" s"vcu'y-i.l 'O and i .'-fuuiitl de , two- ei th r ds ; Hi u in rtt. 1 n . four h tii gu-s. west In. iity tun ni ls; tl enee north tvvei tv-foui-.i'iii t . , gt'es, wdm ,1'iirlieri mil idni-'i i.'li . - . Kollfll i tgllty I llir l;d Ote loilltlul : . i i I, i, three ntnl iitni-le.ithr ds; tit nu .i i east sic und lluei-tenti rods ; in . . etglif and ihr ,rih il. v,i . ' till l libie-teiitll l ids , tl'i.-e i.oi u . . , one it i.i d gr i", wen. iliiri.i-t 'o 1 1 . i ruisluliic ilaioof begjriniiK-.iuiii.iii .u I . I I A. it il K ai.doiie luii drill sid ihtrly-om ;eniu ., wm ,,n me er etc I a I .V'ali r Power iiijs; iii uiii!.: tu. Willi lull I I nil I f ) lll'l S I' lilt . ct le r slul uh el, a saw .Mill a nun e lJivolliti"; lloii.-i", l iinl; i urn, iwo ivuguu-ho'is's mid ill) r i.e e ary out-i tugs; ai'i.tit 'ii.litieii in ic-ate i e r it mil uiul, r ul' a vi. .n, tu" wo r .inn . .a, f light to i nli l U u.i iu un ci o lh gi.uml mu.ii and lies, i il ed as follows, to-i ti : c inmoi.' ingin ullii. otnf r. sildili sctll an t atiuuiple; tn nee lontli n v, niy-i ii und on -nu.r degrees, cusi tl iod ; Un nee south Unity. nine u.u ouc-h.ill ilei-liis, inst II, lee Rl.s; til me S'.'iiu cli:hticii Uegrci'fi, east tweiity-iuri e u d six i. n a to Is ; Hi. nee suulti slsty-lhiio anil thn e- outih tit east nine lod) ; the ceiouth lltlt t u te.n c west eleven mid elght-lclilli loos ; tin nie outu Hilit-t'iu ilegrces. we.-t nine lulu lh. nie to mi seven and on -halt ilegues, wi"t Hilinin r ill-nee south iilue mid i-ne-half degie. s w. -t six ruU; tlience south twelv and one-h if d'- grtey, east six rods; tlicuro -oi th foi r...jr and onc'lintf (Ii(.iiis Hx lorls, Hun south twenty -seven anil Ihicc-fiii.itli di,iec- we--twelve mil thiie-tiiith ions ; cc toiilh ilihn seven an I otic-fourtn iligues, wist two und Iwo tenth tols; north tidily m,d n.c-lialf oc glees, west eleven nnd sK-tentti loCs ; Iberne i.ortli nine degncs, t ast three rods ; Hiencu ninth Iw-entv four degrees, cist twenty four and seven Until ro.-s, iionli lifty-clght an i oi.c-half degtees. cjsi tin rods ; tin neo noi lh tldrty ami one h lfthgriis east live rods ; the neo north seven degr i s, east se -cn inils, theiico along wist bunk of rate on a li.c parullil witli and two rod- distant fiom line on easl side to stuuo lu line of Hi si disci ibid I met ; us lna: bo iiei'essiiy tn in ilntalii tletcoii u dun and laei. In go tl woiklng ordi r, doing nsl.tCo liai ui us p s .! I lu to the ground and i to s growing tin leuti 'I his ny Iswlihln hair a mile if thotownrf .MHIIliivdlo and I be nun" disianieot I be line of tin N. .v vv. I, inlriad wllcli li i amy gradul and wl.lelitsrxpectcdtobe compli.tcd during the coin ing summer. Ti nils or s iix Tt n pi r. cent ct one-tout th of un puielu-e minify to bo pal 1 at the sulking do not Iho i roperty . the mo foiirlh less Uio ten percent u' eolillr.uallin c-f sate, nn t the leuinliilng ibr luurihs In on" ear Hi reallir witn Inteicst ir in uoutlrn.nt Inn nisi, ti.iidiii f the pi rchase nu ie o lo r- main In the premt-es diirm 1 fe of ttie widi w nnd Unci est tl.eri'ou lo be pl 1 1 1 lnr anuuall.. . I'o -session in be given en tho llr.-i day ot April he. provided good sieitrlly Uglvt n for Iho the pur h.isc inoiiey. iho purchaser lo pay format log tlio il--. .1 Any lurthcr Informal Ion can le obi allied iy ad iliessli.g Jnliv V. Iiuovv x, MlWlnvl'le, or .1 Ms C. UIltiWN, l.loinnsb rg. (He 21, '"-Is ( J.i CIllO s. ClU"-lHSt 1111(1 InvSt ! THE HAH RIy BURG! m l m W.i V V P;lt it ...t JJU II V II il, III i J Fol! Ls?.s. . ul.IUl To nil new mti crlheis nnd lo cP. pns i.i s i' -crl-UTs it in. wing iboir sotisciii tiuj s nn; daily i'.ri!iur will le icnt at ti.e ullow log iatt s ; 1 1 1 y nr. pontnge prep tl 1 s ioi bs iln i Hit) " o .'JIHI - " ! K7 t,ll 10 " o .-ri nt 1 ropy duilug tl.e gt atu . ,10). TIIK W i:i' KI.Y I'A'lltlOT will be tent at ihetoilovvinx int. s 1 lo v i iur, iiMagt'i'ii'iald iico m .. . cw .. . 'el" 5 " " ' ami l npy Higilliri.pifilub mo '.r. s i In, 1 .voi r 1 ii-ii vi- pijald, a it 1 1 1 1 y to miir up if lit.l, nj ro Alloi'i. isiiu-i iea(e iiiii,db u.ccnsh.iltl'ir by ih.ik oi i o-t oiot r. JliHO Wl), 'I'll .-() jo n P'"-';11 ri tidttligiiffs on wt;i imp,-,., -ocopv Ot lh" l'll,I.V Put li 1,1,1,. Mttl.u.i,,,,, ,fl ,i Allll III .ill .'gll II Illllsl ,'h' lem I g liLlli . iti. tat jjtiinal In Mie i i pin st. i,t)ir ,J , tagt pain, m.,1 . ,,, , llr. ;, ; , ,, iVus huniKrcU'i ns Idiirjiitt. 1 lllilllg IMUlll.l II, stul,. 1 ',tr,- ,., i tllllil lor .'.i.e, tms. .', ,ieii(,"i',,i iiillli.i Lost. ' .''Tl I '"ll'l". on Hi-. III-.. Hi butstvi i,i, ui luwisiirius b.m.k.i.ii,. s'tii ns ii kus l'u.' 1 1 . k'. liu.iis i i.d i . ii I isicm it I. r ail' i HI ii.k i'i,,,,,1, it,V,,,hi low Hiisi ' K ""'"bn-'i's- Ad- I'A UI'i'l Pl 111 ls,M. i,,., b .'I it tt- i-t lllC. 14, Tim iSensiiUi Lil.rary. ' ' liijlC" books no Ii i g, r ft r lie few only The best eveiy one. -...'...... y,,-,n ..1111111 ii,o run i it I'vciv one. books tuny sold fr. in t .a tiven iiinihaiig d nndiinubil titbrm in .ail '.v u-uis. "",l"a"siu 1ST. Th O .tint ot .Muitto-i ri-t ., vi .x tm05 m 1 li. T OO Kliti'riliUli. I.v r V, ..... ,uwiMO w i-I,i!.'""l.,.li".'''""'.,' Vl" bab'Sdiiulds -m ,1,'e'tsttiv Imve, In sa. t. ,m,.r u !"' '. '"i'lj1" i 1 lP '" "M'tait. uairy-nt 11 i lm 101 TU - Vv" M ',, , .t. k ,'y iii , I" IOi.M,irlei hmiolie bioi.1 ' " ""l U 0 IM. Iraiik, by . opuiln Matr nt luc KI. jo' ng w it, rMorv, i.nirlei iiwrn iu. ft... M. deru Inli .r(i.t. MCbrtilv Nov, 1 iuc tn bu ast vldtni b '1,11.1, si,Vi J 1 iu . ms. 1 .11 iiegun, by lnul. u it vir . t - s.'l'li",rik' b' buries 1, wr ,,. iti 11 . " V'll,r lJ ' "plain Muiruit lo IT-V 1 u!- i. . 1 1 oitiii.e, uy v.lvSl.laddin s'l is 1, ,V,,. ,ll'o ' i M"1,1"' '"S''. ' "l"""'i " " isi rj it ' ' " '"" l) s-'aptam !?J' !'.a"',. ,''on"slie. byiburloslivir we lu. 'to ; i',",;1.,.',.:!?;. : 'vr.-. 1 p .M' "'vvlo'ir t'"'tLrLur"" i'i M. Hcnr Us l.nreii tsl l.' ck, bv ". r rr mi lilii u ! 'iho Ills or, if ai, i.. VW t r .".-o i,,rm,1.1'"1''.' b " "u ' ''"H'bs , J .11111. ts luroluii. b, llr-. i utnerou I e 1110 Kle V. ic mi ne 200 111., !,t '.'"M,!'!1!' -vtK-, by'.'.,', un! Marryat W, hw.'' .''"an ''b l.boilaiio louiun mo -.uo liu luu ico Mlo 1 0 1 ci vile 1-S II - -wis. K.,lly (I .111,,,,, IS.1-'."4'1', '"'dsu.b' Mlvillriid on m. .vieitto sof ,i Pby-iei u, b Alei Dumas ut lb inc. i iitii'is by i uptu ii vmriv t ,..,." . ii-'lii'iur-. by 1. itti to it. i oh H. I eiittti v.lluihiui, -tr ui,r , mi hu Imio Hons, b s, t. ... t. ... IUI- I uiul of I uvat la. li l,..,,,. U II 1,. 1... S b klol... I y l h ,. , lui. IU ancy bv i h ta I r'unii n Inns IUC VIH' . .Mi1 :".'i'"i' 1 M-ny.ti ileudo s . At. loo Pur int.. I.. ,. tu. . . J ' " IS',,si'H''M Hl.U I w nl I ostiigi ripn d. i ii nub i , , Lsell-'iH and Nt ilea ere, ir ' 'i -. Vuuili w ub r si, 1 11 li r. f VJ f Jont I. TO TIM. I'UIII.H Z ii''i'i 'li'v16''.' "'"'I lilts litmtte tlui n. II. ui u iiu, 'i.n ii il is ii. it 1 1 s p.Vfn. ulutl joniroi u nnvi, i, n i , . i i?,,' aiiUioiouipieiiLlsiil iiimuiMi, jm,. n , ..'".'" U". - D. Ul V. . U, .1 I I IV limillHta. Alvu.n . . -- 1 i. In 1 1 1 J ....... jipcuiswuiiao. lirusi OfcauuJ'.'i!.2.,s'f aug. ii, ii-iy 11 tu aug.lT,U-ly .. . --- iPtMmuw St
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers