iiiiwmiiiii muMiW THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBUKG, COLUMBIA COT.TjVTXY, PA. HIE OOLUMiUAN.. ii t, o (i ii mm (i , i' it i hat, in c. si, is;; Hull Itd.nl Time Tntilc t,A U A WANNA .V llUMIMallt'ltll HAIL IltlAI) HOUTIt. port ii, T.M A.M. 4.15 I'. M ll.t.7 A. M vcommnrlntlon 'Plain,, Mali i.tln il 'mill ...Ml A.M. . 7.3-1 A. M . I. to I'. M. (IMI'.AI. i! Ml. IIDAD. s'nui il .. h.h ,. M .. 4.-(l I'. l. -HifTi! t.irc p. i. 11.3.1 A.M. .1 no l.iMull I lAlll i ,n.ir. m i:preAMmm runer in rw Milk Dt i'ttll.trt.'li'lil.i Accommodation Iruiii ruhsbelweon iUawi-.su mill Wllllanwpoit. Til aim AOKNTS. H'c want ftnoil active nuent in every n i; ill nil "vl in llio in.ttity M secur'1 new puW'ii'. rn inr thu Coi.UMIiian lor 1878. Nmiu an competent to do tliH work as llio itrcent rculer, who know wliat the piper i, mil can rceoinniciid it In others. Any ono Vfillin? to ini'lcitako th'n work can get all tlio iioci"iry Infiiriiintirm hy filling nt tliit nl fieo. For all cash paymcnti liy new Mtbscii- beii focuird by agents, wo will i.llow a cash percentage, which is better than a premium picturo or a cheap sewing machine. 1'OMTlVr.l.Y All mWriptiom on which nothing hn been palil clnce Oct. lt 1875 , will ho slopped on the lt of January, and the hill collected hy lnv, at nur ndvertNod rite, via S'ioO a year, when lint p.-tid during the year, l'.irlio-i oning for more than two years will liive an opportunity to nettle at $2.00 a vear, up to that time. NOTTS Held hy us for aulpcriptton are all over due, and unless pnitl liy January 1st, they will be ?ued, ami co'ts mint ho paid hy the p-irtics We have already p,.M a collector' eomtnisdim on those notes, and call stiti'I no further lo.s of time and money. They mini ho paid. Par lies will plevo remember that the notes waive exemption and "lay of execution. If we niiike roils do not get iiniry. You have bad ample Holier I Court in Dinville Ihis week. ChriMma next Tti(day. Turkeys Mint Fill vivid Thanksgiving arc wondering if their end appro ichcth D,y, We are informed that only one of the five collieries at Centralis is in operation. (1. A. Clark has a splended goods on hand. lot of Holiday lie particular never lo subject indoor plants to a draught from doors or windows. Wu have had but o-o case of diptheria in Ibis place this season, which proved fatal. llerwkk Jiulqxndenl. The fAtzcriic Union s-iys that Harry I'niix llie walkir, bus joined the regulars. He otiglit to be good on a march, Mr. II 1-Yaiik lie 1 1 U-j- formerly of lliis place died on Tuesd-iy evening last after a long and painful illness, aged at.oul -10 years. Her- uick Independent. A merchant down town sells more ol Dr. Hull s Cough hvrup than all other meiucims to- g. Iher. It surely inusi he the he-t remedy lor a cough. Josh Hillings says : "There iz no man who ; netds so much walcliing ez llie one who t al ways watching some one Hse. This is a truth that will apply lo a good m.iiiv busy bodies in this ' town. d A prominent speaker had an engagement lo lecture in one of our largo cities recently, but ! caught a severe cold while traveling, yet by the , timely use of Dr. II las' Expectorant, be was enabled to fill his tug igement. Another lot of bills are sent this week enclos led in the pipers. We send them not as a mailer f of form, but becmse the motiev is duo and we I need it. Those who receive bills will please i pettlu them at once. A slight fircoeciirnd in Scott Town Wedncsd iv night. A building belonging lo John S. Moy jer was found to be on liie in two places. It was extinguished without much damage. An incen- diary probably had something lo To with il. The trial of Iternanl D. Knons, a former (member of the legislature, on (be charge of ScnibezzlHiicnt, in that ho diverted the money JofanO.hl 1-YI Ions' lodge at Hliicksliiniiy, of Hwluch he was secretary, win concluded on Friday, the jury rendering a verdict of guilty fiport:ncn should remember lhat it is unlaw- Iful lo kill or capture rabbits and pirlridges He ster the lot Ii of this month. The open season jhas been fivorahlo lo Ibeir incieae, and if pre rveu mere woiilil lie an abiiuil.iuce ol game jnext seascn. Our (lame Association wiil see Blh.it the law is inforceif. An edilor is described as a m m who is liahl to errors of gramm ir, toothache, typographical lerrnrs, and lap-es of iiinnorv, and has twenty liive tbou-and people watching to catch him (ripping a man of sorrow and acquainted with grief, poorly paid, poirly intimated, and yet envied by some of the greit ii.cn lie lias made llilllmore papers tell of "A Ilinl lhat ciusei: l divo'ce." It was a duck of a bonnet prnb I slob .Vfie Yuri: Vmnmenid A goo-e j bii-bind more llkelv, AWiWoirn J fend J. lewiillow-of wlii-ky perhaps. II 'vrchtrter 1'itiu. A lark of a lover or a i.iveu old mother-in J-i' nuyhe. Ihlltoiite Wutebimn. l'eihiips (heron little jj- lousy llm cause, or a ci'i' robin. We had Intended lo is-ue no paper next wee! IB'uice the Ciii.u.MiUAN has been under its pre lent management wu have asked for no holiday find feeling that we were inlillul Id a lilllv rec Irealiou, ihe nboy toncln-ion was rem hisl. Hut Ho in my legal adieiliseiuents have since come tin lhat it has become necessiry lo issue ; pipe L('i acconiui.laie ihem. We slmll ihert fore pill tll'li u half shut on llie "Sib. THE IaV Of KSTIts VH. Many puople are nnfainlliar with the law in Kligard to eslruys, and for the heiiefil ol such we Iprint llie follnw'ng iiiforuialion : The first ilutv of any one taking up an estrav is (o place a description of il on the books of tl JtuHnshlp clerk, mid (o advertise Ihe same In gnenspjper within tin days the realler. A fail EV. nro 1.1 , 1 r . ll.l I, I. j .....I. . .... I1..I.I.. e .1.... mi ' - ...I" Kijn rilll, IH'IMIH llllljlt KIT llillll oT ages. Ills n fooli.b us well us u ibniireroiis tiling tu take up properly of ibis kind and hold it, availing an oller.oi' a largo reward. Tho first term of tho Normal School uiuler its new management bus just closed. It has be ono of the mo-l satisfactory sessions tho school has, ever had Tho Principal, Itev. D .1. Wul Jcr. jr., has shown himself a thorough diseipli Italian, and the professors and teachers havo .ill woiked in harmony tor Iho inleruits of tlio , iii-tuunon. lestepLay afternoon the closing I extremes of the Mod.el School look place under V uire tiou of Mi Colo To-night n literary ;id musical entertainment will bo glieu in, V mull Hall by the tutiro school. Admission i... t s children under twelte ltlceiits. lucre Tl . . ( .1 1 , 1.. .1. is now no Letter insiiiiiunn oi ino uum in mo iuiu ocuuui in inu oi.iu iiisinci iu our renders Wl-uc, nnd the only thing needed is a moro lib- us a first class literary Institution uud worthy of erul putiuiuigc. 'J ho next term begins on Mon- the patrona-jo ot our citizens. Lewubwg JW lay, JuuuaryBd, 1678. I Hooks not on hand ordered on Saturday will bo telegraphed for, and received In tlmo for Christmas at 0. A. Clark's. No one can develop the grace of meekness by listening to a crying Ilahy. Slop lis fretlng hy curing IhoCollo with Ur. Hull's Ilaby Syr up. Trice 23 cents. Our thanks nro duo Speaker Ilnndall for a copy of Iho Attorney Oeneral's Iteport for 1870, Notwithstanding his onerous duties ho finds lime to Fend documents to constituencies Inch are neglected liecauso of the over-work of their own members. Too many pito!, dirks, hlllys. sllnc-sliots anil lira's knuckles are carried by young men and boys of Iho present day for their own safely or lint of die community, A little enforcement T Hie law prohibiting the carrying of concealed idly weipons would ell'.rlually break up the priiciu-e, riie County Commissioners will he at their office, on Monday, December 31st Inst, to eloso i accounts for the year. All persons having bills or claims ag.ilust the counlv will pleaso present them so ihcy miy ,e illpn,eil of on lh.it day. Collectors still in arrear indu ed in the above. Attest! Win. lvrickhauin. Clerk. December ,13, 1S77 'Jw. Sixs FoliMti.iTV. I.at Monday evening Justice of tlio Peace Ilrockway of lieach Haven bile on his way to this place was stopped at the bouse of S.mipsill, where ho was re- pilred lo perforin tlio marriage ceremony be tween Ell .Jan, daughter of Mr. S.tmpslll, nd Ciirpcnler P.uckalcw, both of Salem. An other couple are thus made happy, and a feat ure of llie afl'jir was the absence of all form and the matter of fict way taken to get married. Independent, Last Snndiy was not by any means a Decem ber day. The sun shone warm and bright, and the streels were quite thronged with promena- ler, brought out by its genial rays. One would suspect from the temperature that the approach- ng holiday was 1-mirth of July instead of Tirisimi. The weather for several days of last wnk was not at all suggestive of the season. There Ins Iki'U but one fill of snow, and the mils are -till running In the canal. It has thus far bee., a remarkable season. Si'ii Con iiact. M.ul.im rumor has it lhat our hospitable host of llie llepplier House, Mr. Charles I- King, has secured for him-elf n sub contract under the Messrs. Collins in Ilrajtil. Mr. King is an experienced railroad contractor. He was for many years cngiged in thebiisiuess. ,e lias iM-en always sucees-lul ami his success is been materially beneficial to himself and llie compinies which employed him' .Uhlanj Idvocate. Charlie always was lucky in getting contracts and things. Wo would call the attention of those interes ted to tho following Act of Assembly, passed in 1S7G. That members of lodges of the order of Odd 'elhsws, Knights of Pythias and other arg.mi- I'.ions piyin,' peiiodic.il or funeral benefit- shall not b- iudividii illy liable for the payment f periodical or funeral benefits or other li.ibil- Iti.s ol'llie lodge or oilier org inization, but that e same shall be payable only out of the treas ury of such lodges or organizations: I'mriileil. rh.it the provisions of ibis act shall only ai ly to unincorporated associations: And provi- Jul fui thcr, That Ibis act shall not apply to any liabilities heretofore incurred. Tub Tiump. This individual is now engag I the attention of the Courts, Legislature am Ihe Country. Judge McCalislcr, of the Court of Appeals of Illinois, has decided that Ihe summary convic tion of a tramp, by a justice of the peace, under the vagrant taws of lhat state, is unconstitution al and declare lhat the vagrant act in its mode of conviction is at variance with the bill of rights, The legal definition of a tramp is at tended with dilli ulties, and just now these dif- ficullits are eiilmiced hy the large number of men who honestly seek employment by goin; from place lo place. l'UULIO SALKS. U.al II. Kill, administrator Ac., of Peter Kut leceased will sell real esl.ilo ill Lightstreet on Friday January lllh 1S7S at ten o'clock in. I. K. ICrickbium. administrator of Margaret ICarns dtccased will sell real estate ill llenton township on .Silurd.iv January 1 '-It 1 1 1878 at tin o'clock a. in. Al-o real e-tate of Klisha Shultz deceased, in Henton township on Wednesday January ICtli 1S7S at ten o'clock a. m, See advertisements in another column. At Ihe annual election held last week by the Y. M. C. A., of Illoonisbiirg the following per sons were electeil to serve as ottieers for llie en suing year. Pnsiilenl, Ilervey K. Smith. Vice P siil s nt, Ileiny Ktsty. Treasurer, Jacob Ilrob-t. Secretary, Hoyd lMgar. Libr ni in, J. II. Verry. 11 lard of in inagers. Horace Hartman, Presby terian, Henry Ke-ly,; Lutheran, Lloyd White, Meihodi-t, A. L. Philips, Ilipii-t, and Frank Knurr, lit formed Key, J. (J. Ilerr of New York, who will lec tin e before the Teachers Institute on Thursday is highly spoken of as a speaker. The Bedford Inquirt r says : Itev. J. D. Ilerr, of New York, held llie Teachers' Convention spell-hound for over one hour, by a lei tore on "The Inside Track" This lecture was the crowning feature of the Conven tion Iiohert Curry, Deputy Stale Superintendent of Common Schools Kiys. Having heard lire. J. D. Ilerr deliver two popul ir leclu les during the bi-t winter, 1 lak plea-ure In bin ing It alimony lo h'.s great abili ly ami suicuss as a public speaker. Takino C'aiik or' nil-: Ti:i:tii. Parents should he Impiisstd with the iuipoilaiico teaihiiig ibildiin to take caic of ibelr tetll They aie culpably negligent who are cither Ig nor.nl or caicltss on Ihis matter. With care ttt-tb will bi-l a lifilime. Children ' not lose all Ibeir first leelh. They only lore tin on the lower i iw and ten on the upper. At about si years of age four haniUome double teeth appear, two on lb" luck i ml of each jiw. These aro not cbangid. Further on in the teens four more Kin. illy beautiful molar appear, called Ihe wis. tlom tttlh. The distress and Irritation of the whole sysit in, caused by tlio cutting of these four tt'ilb, leads thoughtful people lo have good deal of sympathy for the ioor, crying ba bies who arc going through the tccth-cmting process, Tho State Normal School ol tl,o Sj.th Dis trict will begin its winter session on January 2d, 187S. This distiict is composed of the counties of Dauphin, Peiry, Juniata, Milllin, Snider, Union, Nuilliiimlierlnud, Montour and Columbia. This school is located nt Illoonis biirg, a beautiful nnd healthy location, The M-ioioil which is about to closo has been ono of the ino-t tucccftil in Iho history of the insti tution. T he school certainly commends itself lo tho patrouiigt) of fhu district under its pres ent ublo luinutgciiKiit. Hey. 1), J. Waller, Jr., tho principal is a ripe scholar uud au uccqtn pllshid gentleman, uud lie is aided by a corps of teachers who enjoy n Statu reputation, We earnestly commend Iho lllooiiuburg State Nor I 1 L...I I .. ! .1 . L'l . .1 1 f . 1 HucKimtiN, Dec, 17, 1877. Editors! Colombian. An entertainment will bo held In Iho St, K. Church on Monday evening December iMili, 187 1 In connection with tlio "Christmas Tree." Knterlalnment lo consist of Vocil and Instru mental Muic, Declamation, and Address by M. C. Jlrillahi. Proceeds for the benefit of the Monday School, full hous3 Is solicited. Admission 5 and 10 cents, Committee, HULKS Full TUB CHILDHKtf. While generally it is not wise to fetter chil dren by set rules of behavior, yet Iho following are so simple, and their observance will do much lo produce lhat piradle on earth, a hap py liuinv, lint we nre sure all parents will thank us for cop -lug them from Oifi'c'a .Viiyt true. 1, Shut your door after you without slaming It, 2, Never stamp, jump or run In the house. 3. N'ever call to persons up stairs, or .in the next room ; if you wish to spc-tk lo them, go quietly where they arc. 1. Always speak kindly and politely lo the servants, jf you would have them do tlio same to you, 6. When told to do or not to do a Ihing by either parent, never ask why you should or should not do It. 0. Tell of your own faults, not those of your brothers or sisters. Carefully clean the mud nnd snow olf your boots and shoes before entering ihe house. 8. Ho prompt at every meal hour. 9. Never sit down at tlio tabic or in Ihe par lor with dilty hands or tumbled hair, 10. Never interrupt any conversation, but wait patiently your turn to speak. 11. Never reserve your cood manners for company, but be equally polite nt home and abroad. 12. Let your first, last and best confidant be you r mother. Contributions to iho Ladies' Unio.i Ilenevo- lent Society. Tlioae whose names are not men tinned will be given publication from time to tune as their fames nre reported by the dillerent committees. Mrs. I. W. Hartman, room and coal for Soa py for winter, ami clothing, ic: Lulz & Sloan, lrygoods and clothing j Mrs. Marr, drygooili D. Creasy, cotton; Mrs. Crawford, Mrs. Keller' Mis. Sheriir Ilolliinin, rs. Townsend, calico : .Mrs. Casey, Mrs. 1-Mwards and Mrs. Knapp muslin; Mrs. Ilickcy, muslin and calico; Mis. J.Casey, groceries; Mis, H. Phillips, gio- ceries and dri goods; Mrs, C. Harton, muslin :ind cotton ; Mrs. Col. Fret ze.second baud cloth and bidding ; Mrs. F, llrown, coal ; Mrs Mitchell, i.ew bed cord ; Mrs. C. Harton, calico ni' 1 colt' .ii; Mrs. Meudeiihall, lliiiml; Mrs. Judge llai rison tmd Mrs. Dauieis, new made clothing ; Mrs. Stronp, inlico and lot of sicond mid clothing; Mrs. T. Ilickcy, muslin and calico; Mr. Unangst and Mr. Win. McKiuney, new shoes; Mrs. Hrotver, drygoods and lot of second-hand clothing; Mrs. MeKinney, Mrs teher, Mrs. Hiiekalew, Mrs. Y. Hoooe, Mrs- Walker, Mrs. Correll, Mrs. lliob.t, Mrs. Turn neb, Mrs. , irr, Mrs. J. C. Jones, .Mrs, Fry- miie, Mrs. Wells, Miss H.Kupert, Miss II. liar man, each a lot of second-band clothing; Mr. Maize, groceries; Miss Pelerman, hose; Mrs. Herring, boots; Col. Tliayer,sccond-hand cloth ing; Mr. M. Appleman, buckwheat Hour ; .Mr. Sli , Hour; Mrs. Win. Neal, groceries, dry goods, coal, piovisions, sjioes, Ac, &c. All cash contributors nre constituted mem bers, and aro not mentioned. An earnest ap peal is made to all for provisions, especially to farmers. Mns. Huckalkw, President. Mas. Ent, Secretary. COURT I'ltOCHCniNOS. Court met at 10 o'clock a. m, Monday, De cember, 10. Levi Kinley against N. L. Campbell. Jury called. Verdict for plaintiff for S123.S0. De cember 1H, 1S77, reasons for a new trial til ed. . Driesbach against Simon Sliellliamer et at. Attachment issued for S. Sliellliamer. Auditor's report in the matter of the distri bution of the fund arising, from the sale of the real estate of Levi A. Hidlay confirmed nisi. Commonwealth ex rel. against city of Wil- liamsporl. Iiuie lo show cau-e why an attach ment should not issue was argued, and rule continued until January I, 1S7S. Wni. I. 'Ireenoagb again-t 1). H. Sc W. It. Ii. Co. Cro heard on application of S. P. Kase lo become a parly defendant. Diniel F. Seybert against Philip Appleman. Jury calltd. December lit, plaintiffs counsel a-Ls for noil suit. Non suit allowed. On motion of tieo. K. Klwell, A. N. llrice was admitted lo practice in the several Courts of the county. .Milton Charles against Hire and Hagenbuth. Jury calltd. Verdict for pluintifffor SoO.G--'. S. (1. Stitller against Lewis Ytlter. Jury called, but non suit tnkin hy phiiiuill'. First National Hank of Ashland against Daniel Morris. Jury cnlltd. Verdict for plaintiff for $2120,05. John Hill against C. D. Fowler. Judgment bv consent for plaintiff for $.V' l,Uil. S. Hill et al. againt IVnna. Canal Co. Jury called. Verdict for plaintiff for ?2(17 30. Sarah Faux el al. ngiinst S. P. Faux et al. Jury called. Judgment of non suit ngiinst all plaintiffs but Sirali l'aui. Jury return a ver dict for plaintiff. Illoom-burg Lumber Co. against M. M. Ap- pieman, J dry calltd, and verdict for plaintiff fir $liW,25 Peter Wilson's ndininlsirator ngalpt J. A. Lo-ee. Jury called, nr.d verdict Or pljlntill' for f2012,l 1. Illoom-burg Limber Co. ngoln't G. W. Stern er. Jury calltd, nnd verdict for plaintiff for $2tlG,2l. Court order an adjourned Court for Argil mint Li-I, Ac., for January 1, 1S7S, at u o' clock u. in, Now, December lo, 1.S7, in roinpH.tnco wilb Ihe unanimous rupicst of iho members of llie bar by writing lilid, It V ordered that Iho first week of each Itrm of the Courts of Oyer and Terminer, Quarter Ses-ions ot (lie Peace, nnd Orphan's Courl, be given lo llie argument list and to pttilions,motioiis and gineral business in llie several courts. No unlre lo be i-stiid in the Common Pleas for jurors in lhat court for the first week of Ihe term. It is further ordered as a rule of the Court that nhs.il an adjourned tourt shall be held fur the trial of civil caiists nu cause iioii the list shall be continued, except it be by leave of Court or upon cause sIiuhii. Any case other wise continued shall not be again placed upon Iho list without leave of the Court. Ordertd thai llie ndjoiirmd court ordered for tlie second Monday of Msn Ii shall continue lu weeks, and lhat a venire for "tl jurors he i-sntd for the week beginning Ihe ,'1 1 Monday of lhat month. The civil list leftover from February Term as well us cause, put at lsue at that term shall be tipully dlvldtd and set down for trial at llie adjourned court In March, and that ciu-es left over at the adjourned courl shall be set down as the lljl for May lino. 11 Iho Court, Commonwealth against Llljs Yotinr. lie cognizance of defendant and Oeo. p. Young forfeited iii open court to he lespjted on appear ance of defendant ut next scslon. Court adjourned until U o'clock a. m, on January 4, 1878. Noiimal School Kntkktai.vmknt. The laii term will closo ill Friday of this week, with a Literary and Musical Entertainment In Institute Hall, Kxerclses will commence nt half past seven p, in. Admission 15 cents, chil dren under Iwclve 10 cents, Tho next term will ( pen on Wednesday Jon nary ?d, 1878, I). J. Waller, Jr. Kaiily Nkwspapkhs Wo remember when there were four newspapers published in this tow 11 at one lime and all seemed to enjoy a liberal share of p.ilronsge. We have a copy of "The Berwick Ametlcin," published by David K. Owen, Ihe founder of Iho place, in 1823, show ing at lhat early day how llie citizens appre ciated advertising. Two thirds of llio paper Is tilled Willi advertisements and the charges were then nearly fifty per cent more than tho present ralis, yet tho pilrnuago gtven to the only pa per published In the place now after all the in crease in population and business, Is Insignifi cant to that given to papers published upwards of fifty years ago, Independent. The Annual Session of tho Columbia county Teachers' Institute will bo held in tlio Normal School Htilbling at this place commencing Widnesday 20th, Inst., and closing on Satur day. Lvery teacher in the county is surely expect ed to ho present. Directors nnd fi lends of education are cor lially invited to attend, Hey, (1. D, (lurley of thi place will lecture on Wednesday evening. liev. J. D. Ilerr, L. L. D., of New York, on Thursday, and II. I). Houck, Deputy State Superintendent on Friday evening. Admission of 23 cents will be charged on Thursday evening. Mr. Ilerr conies very highly recommended A general raid by a gang of burglars was made on last Wednesday night. The residence of Peler Ilaldy, jr., was entered, the lace cur tains from the parlor windows, wilb several ar ticles were taken, Mr. Ilaldy awoke, and the thieves left in a hurry, belore Ihey could galh er up more goods. Mr. T. 0. Van Alen woke up as one of Iho villians was leaving bis bed room with ids pants; but the thief escaped. The pants were found on llie Academy ground, but $35 had been taken from the pockets. The store of Mrs. Jones, on Mill street, was entered the same night and robbed of some $00 worth of goods. Mr. M. C. Orier's -esiilence was al so entered, but the thieves were scared and left In a hurry before they had secured any goods, Mr. F. Lammers little candy shop was also burglarized the same night. These bold vil lains will have but n short career, and the next scene will bo lo stand up before Ihe court for sentence. Dunville Ilecord. Fioub. Can you tell good llour from bad? If you speak with millers and dealers in the article you will find few who will assert their ability to always tell tho ono fiom tho other. Some time ago a dealer sbipned a car load of llour to the coal regions. Alter it was there. discoery was made that n number of sacks of poor Hour had by mistake been mixed with sacks of good. Says the dealer to a miller known to be a good judge of the article ; wil. give 3 on i'ti) and pay jour expenses if you will go there and select tho sacks ot good Hour from the poor." Hut tho miller answered that ho could not do il, nor could any other man Millers nnd dealers hnvc several ways of "try ing Hour, but they nro never sure Hint it is good until they see it in bread. Among others, a denier will say he tells good llour by throwing a little ngainst n smooth perpendicular pine If it adheres there It is good; if not, bad Another takes a portion in bis hand. If it makes a good, smooth impression, it is good, nother will put it within folds of paper, and if it is smooth wiil pronounce it good. An ulher will toss it ngainst tlio ceding, and if it adheres it is a favorable sign. Hut they will all say, that there are many cases where these tests hold good and yet the Hour will not bake well. Tho dealers lime their theories, too, in regard to w heat ; but often the prettiest look ing wheat does not make tho boat of Hour, There is great room for study for the miller and tho dealer; so thnt when wo complain of poor bread wo should remember that the deni er may himself have been deceived. A grand point also is in Knowing how to bake it. Liu uburg Journal. A thing of beauty is .1 joy forever, and it is forever joyful tho way Dr. Coxe's Wild Cherry and tfeneka settles the eoughs, colds and croup among children. Price '23 aud .10 cents, Priceless Discovery. A Suro Cure for Piles. A sure cure for the blind, hleedlnir, Itchlncr and ut cerated piles has been dl'-coured hy Dr. llllsm.tan Indian reined!) called Dr. William's Indian oint ment. A single box has cured tho worst old chronic oases of twr-nlj-Iltu and tnhty e.irs' standing. No one need Hirftr riven Inutcsafler applying tins won deiful hootlilne inedtclnc. I ollons, Instruments nnd electuaries do mere harm than irood. William's (liniment suppoita llie tuiuors. a!Tu)s the Intense llihlui,' iparlleuiarlv at nlirht after Kitthu' warm lu tied), nils as a poultice, ejves Instant and painless relit f, and Is piepared only for Plies and nothing else, lhoiwinds of cured pitlents attest Its Mrtues and plivshlinsot all scnools pronoui.ee ItiheBreol. est contribution to inedtclno of tlioiuro. It main rs not how lounnr severely )uu hate t-een sunerlnir, jou can be cured. .Mr Joseph J. Itjder, C'letelflnd, Ohio, writes- I sullered (or leurswliii ltilili) and t'leoratoil Piles, tried reineil.i idler remedy adveillsed. and consulted phi sli'lans lu I'hlhidulphli, LouMllIc, Clnelnntll. and lids cll 1 and spent tiundieds of dollars, but found 110 filler until I obtained a box or Dr. William s Indian olniinenl somo tour months awe, and It has cuitd uiecoiiipli-ltly. I had a pal t ol tlie box lelt which 1 Krnle to 11 friend of mine who bad doctcred wltluiiah) physicians, and tis a last resort went to 111 - noted Hot sprliins. Arkansas, for Irestiucnt He Informs melhul the Indian ointment lusalni cured him of the piles. It Is certainly a wondcrftii discovery, and should bo used by the nianytho'i. sai.da who me now suhtruig with lhat iireitd ills. c.ie. :sriii,iiuj llewiird will ho paid tor a more cerlala reined), sold by all UruiiL'lMs. UU. 11. W. l'U 411:11. sole pioprlelor, cifielaiiit o. DON'T XE(JLKrT A COl'lill or Cold, w hen 23 cents will buvubottloof Dr. Fra ter's Coturh srup ut am drug store. It has wrought u complete change. In the cou,'h, Medicines, 1 pleasant as hont y and ulw 11) s cures. TO COIvTSUlYirTIVES. ;vr Dr. Krazler's couch srup used in counecllon with I r. Kruiler'a Itoot lilittrs wiii.it'Htiovsi'ui'. TION. standard steam Laundry, CIcNelar.d, o, Oct. so, '70. Hit. FitAZii'it, Dear sir: Iful ltadut lowoto snrfertni,' huinaiillv lo wrltiou. Tor some I line 1 wAt sort ly alltlcted Willi a cimi,'h, ralslm; bad stutr, wltlieurt s.uutomt'f Wlnir aconnrrned coiisiunts live I tiled dlllert-nt ini-Ul. Ines uud cures without ntnUm; relltf; 1 also consulted tlueu ot our most prominent ' It 1 eland ilijst' l.,.u, the last imo of 1,1.1 -h pioiaiuiii'e m) ciise serious, and inlnrmeil me lhat I could not Hie more tlian afew in- nths. About lids lime, In'orlnnot )0ur w widei lul sueo ss, 1 coin tneueed lakluK lour s run In connection unit jour Itooi liltltrs, and was at once beiielliled, audnrier iialiie the iiit'diilne bomeiiio iilonihs I nnd myself elllliel) elir.d. 'HlltltLNCK Hl'NN. .Mr. Iiunn ai;aln writes, under date of August 4, IS7I, lir. Frazli-r, Dear sir i I can endursu )our medicines more strongly lhau eer liomtlie fait that It Is now neurit uie )ear sIlco lwascured. M lunRs are to-d.i ttrotif and sound, liiMior no re turn 01 (he dlseao. jr"llin nlioyii Medicines spenK fur themselves. UK. 1.. w. FMAICK, rruprlftor cletcland, 0. ror Sale by all Druggists. Die. II. l7I-ly It litis Stood lltn Test, If you doitlit the wonderful success of Shiloh's Ciiiisiiiniitinn Cure, give it a trial : then if you .ire not perfectly satisfied, leturn llie Luiilo and we Hill refund tho price paid. It has establish, td the fact that Lonsumplioii ran ho cured, while for ouphs, asthma, hoarse ucss, whoop coi(;hcand all luhj; or throat troulilcs.tlieie is polliin like it for 11 ijulck and po.iilvniiurii, and it seldom full, 111 cents, ill cents ami $1 inr liotlle. if jour luitL'. ninsure, or 1 lust or Lack lame, u.u Hhiloh s l'orous I'lnster price '.'."1 cents. Sold hy C, A. Klcimaud N. J. Ileu dcrshott. Dr. Sdiilnh's Sjstem Vilnliier is uo ilould the most successful euro for Dyspepsia mill I.ivcr C'uiiii -I tiint wo halo cer kpowu, pthcrwi.-e we ctnil'l not guarantee it. In cases of consumption where ticnerul dehility, loss of appetite nnd constipation exist, it will restore uud regulate thobslcui while Sh)loli's euro ullius tlm in llummation and heals the lungs. 1'rico 7-1 its, Sold hyC, A. Klcim uud K, J. Heudcrslioit, IIackwi.tack, a rich and fragrant perfume Sold hy C. A. Klcim and N, J, Ilendcrshott. April u, '77-ly j A GENTI.H HINT. In our slylo of climate, with its sudden changes of tempeinturo, lain, wind and Bun shltio often intermingled in n single day, it is no wonder that our children, Iriends and relatives nro ho i'uipiclitly taken from us by neglected colds, half (he deaths resulting directly fiom this causo. A Initio of Ho sehcu's flcrinan Syrup kept about your homo for iunnediato uso will jiroent serious sick ness, a largo doctor's bifl and perhaps death, by Iho iiso ol' three or four does, For curing Consumption, Hpinorrhaep, Pneumonia, Se vere toughs, Lroup nr ntiy ilieao ol the Throat or Lungs, itssucecv issimply wonder ful, as your driipait will tell you. (Icinian Syriin is now sold in every (own and village mi tlii continent. Sample- bottles lor trial, 10c ; regular size, 75c. pril 27, 77-ly jl V. Kt'NKr.L'.S lllTTIilt WINE OP (HON. I!.!'. Kunkel's celebrated Hitter Winn of Iron will effectually cure liter complaint, Jaundice, ilvspepsln, ni, j.iiuiuice, uvspcpsin chronic iltiirrhms, ills i louini t,r nertou-, iieuiuiy, iiiruino iiuirrno'tt. ins. onto ot tlio kidneys niu! all diseases nrlslng from a disordered liver, stomacher Intestines, such as con stipation, llatulence, liinnrd piles, fulness ni blunt to the liead, ncldllv of the stomach, nausea, heartburn, disgust foi food, fullness of wel?ht In the .stomach, swiminiiigni me nenu, humeri or in mem i Drouth Ing, nattering of the heart, choking or sulToenlhi;; sensation when Inn blng posture, dhniiessof vis ion, dots or webs beforo the sight, dull pain In the head, dellclency of perspiration, jellowness ol the skin and r.tf.s,piln In l hti back, head, chest, limbs, etc., sudden Hushes of lient, burning In Hie lles.h, constant Imaginings of etll and great depression of spirits. Price fl per bottle. Iieware of counlir fi Its. Do not let otir druggist palm on some other preparation or iron, lie m.i say 11 lsasgood.btitasK for Kunkcl's liliter Wine of Iron, Tnke no oilier. Kluikel's lllller Wine of Iron Is not sold In hulk only hi Jl bottles. B. 1', Ii tin tel. Proprietor, No. r,q ,oriu fsiniit sireei, rniiaaeieiua, ra, r.oiu uy nil druggists and dealers e crj w hi re. TACK WORU1IF.1IOVEIIAI.IV:. Head all eompleto In two hours. No fee 1111 head passes. seat, Pin nnd stomach worms retnomlby lir. Kritkel. 2.'.'.", North Ninth street, riillnrteliihla.l'a. send for circular. For rctnotlng, seat, I'ln or siom neh onus call on your druggist and ask for a bot tle or Kiiiihcrs worm s'lup, itho fi. it neter falls Common souse leaches If Tape Worm can bo retnotod, all other worms can bo readily Uestioied. uce. Coal ! Coal ! ! Coal ! ! ! Extra preparation I huponor quality ! Orders left at 1. Y, AlcKelvy's Store, at our otliee, or sent through the mails will receive prompt at tention. Your piitroiuijro is respectfully solicited. C. W. Neal & Etw. May 1, 1877. jl A RK IflMi E POUTS. IlLOOMSllUIUl MAHKET. Wheat per bmhel Ilyo " Corn, new, " o.Us, " " $ l.r.n .70 Ml s.511 I'lotirpernarrcl cimeiM'ed I- lasi ed ! i..v lPllter i:eirs Tnllow l'otaloes .P 31 . Dried Apples Haras .11 .tn sides & Shoulders Lard per pound Ilayperton Iiecswax .10 10.IK1 .It Timothy seed VI l) CATIONS KUK CCIAI,, No. 4 on Wharf t a.w per Ton 1 No. e. " " 2.1M1 lllacksmlth s Lump on Wharf $ 3 is) " Ultumlnoiis " 14 Ni Dauchy &Co'h. Advt's. A G E jSTTS AV A N l1 E D ! ron PAKTici'LAits Aiinisnss WILSON S2WING MACHINE CO. 82 j IIkoaiiwav, New YorkCitv : Ciiicaoo, III. ; New Orleans, La.; OR SAN FKASCISCO, CAU d dec", "77-4W M'.W OIi N-. IS Mops f 123; to, t: 12, J-.5; 9, J5. rin im man price iyi only i-o. send lor colinuen ii.il circulars, liuiili 1 l'.lliniij,M nililnmon, N..I uei; ii-in 11 O new vocal and 2 new Instrumental pieces sheet ?f .1 u-10, us:, caver or sips, j.usie l uo. uo., -iliu- oienoro, siass. dec 21-tw il flTYO and linnivers. Illustrated Price List free, U I ) i O'lreat Western (nm Works, l'llishurf, I'a, UCC 1, IH1T ll 0, sllisot(,'AHII.. 10 e, or 25 New Vear Cards '.I UK V.mn ..j 1 ,. .1 1. Ill''rU'll I t-l, V., 8.1U, N. Y. ll llt'C. tl, , t- ?rf fnrds, 25 stjles. i:tc: .10 Eleeaut Card. no curds, )t uttkc, 10 c. with nana.', beccombo itCo.,Klader hook, N. V. 11 CCC. S!f I 4U K?fVT.It((E M1XKD (' A If )S wlth'namoln cose, c. as ultliout case ;te, 3i)ncw fun cards ioe, (mtlltsioe. V. WAMI1UKN & CO.. Midilleboro, iiass. a acc, at, ii-iw That u 11 ford- lludlt al fine for cut an 11 win not tnsianti teuevoaml siHciiuy cure, iierettnces, jien Vi"W. CUS, KUtL'O & ro.t All ror.u X. i.; win. Itoen. FhO.. Ma Ihitton, firanv & Itowen, St Louis. I'ornCnn Testimonials ami tieatNo by mall. Trice, with unptoed Inhaler, f, r-old or Cntnrrh t;crywln re. KKKs 1'urTKlt, 1'ropiletors, lioston, Ma.ls Collin' Votitile l'lairrn aiu tho Ik ,t dec. XI, '77- w a "0,00GrA(iKNT.S VANTKI) TO .Sl-;ij7 Tuo most luleiHi- and iioierlul blow ever dealt Ihe dbmon nitisk' b the veteran author. T. . Ariltur. A book to Mart hi aud l-nlljjhu-n tlm eoplH. Vnid pictures nnd prnnln, how tieu.'hts body, sout, Hon e, sock-tj', etc. I'nrolds lh work of iNLUKurh Aiv Lt'iiri. tiosrK'l Tejiirn ranee. ot nan's t'i u-ude. I'ruti .Muri'It, I'riddbilliiii, el , etc. ()ul f.'. It8 S101S MtmellOUS. line IIIIII.O Willi vimni II U'siiuiioNs far excel all others, 1'uces Just rduml i.t IttTCPIll ! I M'DU 10' untis, 111 lillAIil) imos.. rubs.. 7'.'- fiacoTi ti.. I'htladel- phla, I'a. d doc. 7T-4W 1878. Eclectic Magazine (IF Foreign Litenturj, S::or.c3 end Art. (TIlIUTY-FUUItTl! VE.MI.) The Kci ectic reprlnt inonllily trom all the loroltni OuainrlU'i-. lteli'v'fe, Mairailiii'S uud JuiiriiiiW Un Ir i-iinli'i'st coiiu-iiis, liuiuiiiiii; rhH.ijs, (icniiiie ra iX'l'b.llliiLrlalilit( ill k( Id..".. I all .tt!li's ami I'm'lntt. 1 Ii" 1I1I1I ot hclicilo I. i rv l.irtc, uuil It U belli td lhat llio l.u.mii' pri'si'Ma u iriealur lurldy ami Ulthfr hl.tmlanl ur 1.11,'iuiuri' limn any p rlodit'.i! tlllll lltM ll.lH t'XL'IUl4ll-l. iipim lioniu talt-iii. A ktiuwlt di' or Un' rurriiii Umaiuic. ot oilii-r rmilltlil'l I-. Ili'ltal-l'lMUU' tualhvlluuul'lki pppal' Willi ihe prusrn h. or the ail'", ami Hi Kci i.crit' -r-fi'ra Him U'1,1 upiHjitui.try tot otuliilug il.li kuul eil.e ut a luuilt'iiilt' prU'e. Ill iit.iii ral 1 lii r.il in.- nicli nilifis n lillit Hon IV 1: (.UclMuiii'. .Iiiiuw .l.lliul.j Vrouile, Sluillu v Arnold. I'liarieh l.liil. . I'r mill. l'o. r i ohU'.Us lie Mrtpben. srMmr tit 1j,h, AUreil IriiDjijii, '1 hoiu.ih llllk'lu s, I Ml. 111 1 l,!u I., Mr-,, (illphulit. lh",im II. ,r (, 'I ura'il'U'll, N llllalil .Mul'lld. MlM '1 ll.lt ker , mill others eipiiill' euili" nt ale lopi-m-Mmi In Uhpautt Irsll'hi'1 iti'1 !""a ai.U'l"h ui surli ihii.ki rh aim wilii'i-i a. IT".. Iluvli'i ami 'I jnilail. II'i'IhiiI 1'roe Inr. II. A.. I""l IHH-n, l.r. W.ll. v'uri'eliU'i. Max Mullrr, .1 Nmiii.uii l.ii k,'r, 11. i.oii.L'.Miart, I'.. I',. T h'r aii'l "li'( i- an ifli-ii. 'llie ten. lie oliiiii romlrrH tin) bent seilol Bli I les, lulf el ll' l w II W llie then hlones rur whleh ll.e Klillll'll ii.iiA',iint'ii lue u hlarh aliUdi.lel lejiula. Iluu. liu iMIturlal licrrItnentscoiuprl Ilierarj Notl cei. ule.illi'i; Willi eurieni lioinu Uxikh). 1'oielirn h't eiurv Notih. -i'lenee, mat Alt IbutninarUliik' t'rtt-lly Ihe new iiwoerleii ami lu'LleW'tiifiiU m llilb Held), ami Vartriltn (toiilitni; ot (holco e5tratt tmin new looks ami lou Ii. ii Journal). laii-li iiuiuter lonialnri a tine Sled i:ng;ralng usually u pmtralt executed m me U.t manlier. Tkhhs. Mnyle cpnleu, 4.". nenuj ono copy one ypuri; nvoeopleaJ lUo coiilea tin. Trial kub Jcrlpllous lor ilueo inoullia, 1. 'llie Ecleciloandany It luaalne to one aiiilrt ia t.. M'UlTAL Ot'l'KU TO NEW SUllSCIUIIi:it. Tlio publisher lukea pleasure Iniinnoiiiiclutliat lie luu mauo urniff liiculs u lik'li rnallu him to lur nlsli loeM ii bubn'i Her to Iho Ecletllo (for one ilol larlnad'llllon tu tho regular bubhrrlrtloii prlio) a hirirn and nno tied cngiaMuir, inlillul "lliuiiuxp l'Hr." ThH t ni;ralnK Is trp;u one or I andseerN inia.1 e I (lirun ! paintli'trSaiidriPU'MiitMt llttihiamlk'liuur. loiindi'd by u t'loup ol lawii. uhl.lihhe liteidinK', while her younir biolher liotdi u llllel) palrol ittit lei a, pioiiubly tho troh or sonic fornii r i liaM). '1 he hire 1 1 the plate It, ll liuhei., prltiiid onlua'. i.itr, uuil ink' u 1 1 Hue biillnl le for Hi.' wall 1 1 an roiui. 'Ike iiyi'lar pili e tt ihun.L,raliin In &, bui wu lurnltlilt cni loM.bMill'i r of the H'hi'tH'. Adirif., E. II. riilluS, l nbll-l,er, dec.T.Tii. Mliond .-lriet, New utk. FR15K Iiiiiiiniiili liuiili 1. 1 in hud). Meiii.wliiiii r WHtLli lite Willi Urn! Ten di.ll'ir--. u i.a rttaian. leC'l. M. I'HUM'l II.VIU. I'lillmlelpllU, r.k.XT .Mil wuuke.i. Wl in". .i,"I-tw tl AllKNTS WANTED Full CREATIVE SCIENCE or .lliiiiliitii.l, VimiiiiiiI.i.ui1. uuil ilielr .liilnul liu lerlti liiliiuifi I l.uie.ll l.uvtM, I'uii er. ele. kt'UH wllUnt tioin n l lo toplt a a Uu, (.end tor fiiei'lineti imift -I aiuU'Ur tlru l.Tiimbi turtnu. uud me why ll u llA In-ifr thin am oilier nook Ad. dr. si N'Aitni.41. I i'in loiiisu io.. I'nllidtli Ida, I'a. liny. M. 'IT III il I) l.1 I 'r'llXM'luii.i, Oriiiui Ufii:r-jxk t Slurt I) tin I 1 1 lliitf I Ke nrnuns, ri Mopaln.,. l'l aiioaonlylisu. tniiM. tin ulara Free. Uanlel F. llealty, Wiuhlnrtou, N. J. dec, 7, 11-iw d BLOOMSSBKO STATE WOKMU SGHO.OL SIXTH NOIIMAL SCHOOL DISTIIICT. Bloomsburg, Columbia County, Pennsylvania. R-sv. .D. J. WAIiLER, JrTA. M., Principal. ' ' THIS SCHOOL, asat present constituted, o 'crs the verv best facilities Tor Professional and Classical learning. llulldtiiirssoactous. Iiivtltiur and commodious : loinnletetv hc.itcd h steam, well tenill.iied. lighted hi- lih. nun furnish,,,! with 'fmnntifni sitnnte of nnre. soft spilng water. iss-iuionne.iiiiirui, ami easy oi access, l unonersexts rwneeii, onieieni, and alive lotiieir worn. Discipline, firm hut kind, uniform anil thorough. Expenses moderate. Kirti uciim a week deduction to all expecting to teach. Mudehtsadmlttedatanytlme. Itooins reserved when deslrea. courses or study presciloed hj the stute : 1. Model School. II. Preparatory, III. Elementary. IV, Classical. Adjunct Courses i I. Academic. II. Commercial. III. Course in Music. IV. Course in Art. V. Course In Physical Culture. Th,c lmintary. Kelenlltle nnd I'lnsslnnl Courses are PIloKK'SSIiiXAT.. nnd Htmlnntq o-rniiiniiii timrain nn.", ou. trrn n, rnlionl corrcspondliiir Degrees ; .Master of the Kleinenis : ilnstcr iiieir iiirunnienis,, signcu o tin i nu. 'ers or ine no iru , ''"'" oi ;muu.v ori-B.Tioeii m im- -M.U.. mineral, The stale re.pilresa higher order of em, 'risnm. tub ,!.,' 'IlH' n T ..."il r ,r, Tif, " - ".1 " V , 1 ho tlnws deal in-l It. It Is one of the prluv objects or 1 Ills sckool to help to secure lu by turnlsUlng intolll gei I an I ell eiciit leaehers ror her wcliouls. To Hits en 1 It solicits young persons ot g.ssl abilities nnd troo I purpMes,-thos) who desire tolraprove their tlmo and t heir talents, as Mudents. I o all such It promises aid In developing 1 heir powers, and abundant opportunities tor well paid labor ntter leal bin Holiool. 1'or, cmiii'Jif ut'i iiiiaruBi 1 liu 1 rinclpul. mo. wiiii.iA.ii iLVEN AWAY litis. V 1 tll.Wlll.t., l'reslilriit llimril To every reader of this paper. A Premium bteel Engravings Entitled "THE KlM'lMl 01- Till: Njmon iv tiik Tim. ri.k ' with Ihe WIIKKIMI l m itt'll, ll V4 pagcKellg lous I'ainlly Newspapir, (letoled to lli'tiseliold the sundav K-h(l, Miiic and iicnerul Church work. On n months trial tor 11 cent. Agents wan'ed. Ad dress ,r. 11. ni!Ewi:i, "1511 nrren street, New Yi rk. nov. 9, '77 3m 1 11 t co el DM I X IST1 1 ATOK'S KOTI Cli r.TATE OFOC'.t P. IMT. DK'EASKI). ItU'rsot wimlnlKlmtlun un thcestto of Oscnr . Hot. lat nr M'ott towiiHhtn. cot. rn.. fltMinnwul luu trt'ou ((r.uiUji. b the JteKUttr or flid county to thoiinrit'rstsi.eil Atltnlnlstrator, low horn till in'tsons Indebted arc ruitii'titi'd to iniiku tiiiini'iUatcpnMiient a ul tlifiHc ImWntfelutmsiirik'innmJs ealnt.tho ph- wic win ni.iku mtai Ktonu 10 luo uam.nuuaior without rtt'laj. JUJli;i(T r. i.N I . nov. 3i 7T 6v AiliuliiMrator. DMIXISTUATOIVS NOTICE. CTTATB Or IHVIP f IIAr j El!, JR., IKC D. I,ottpr of ailnilnlst ration, on the estate of Hatld Shaffer ir.. hto tf lirhuimK tup.. I'oltitiibla co.. r.i iiac vivn Kinuwn ny mo ncihicr or io ImnMa fiiuhtj. to I Ml hatT( r. Aflit.liilst rat-r of sftinc toHimhlp, to nhora all .vtrsons indcM'-d, ate rriiui'vcii in uiiiKt nuuu'uiuio I'Miineui ami thow hmlntf claims or tUMnamis aKQlnu tL-1 pxM trate v.. 1 1 1 iimkc ttii'tu known to tlicut.. (.tl'ulJ Aa,-liilb- tr.itur uthoui UL-iaj. Adjolntsiiutoi nov, ' A DM IXISTIIATOH'S NOTICE. TA1B OF StlRV A. llllEtSWICIl. DKCr.rl. I.cttcr-iriaimlnltraUon ilfhonls notion Ihces tate or Mury . iliecnwicli, late of vott township, t'oliinib.n , otmty, ileconsirt, hue ts-en irrantcilliv the IteirMcr or saM county 10 William Ktenintrot lilooiiiimi it. All pouuiHlinMnirclHlins nmliiHt the silil enUteiire rciiucsti-u to pichcnt them tor M-llle-niyu. anil il.oso Inili-bled to make payment w lthout , km. Kiir.Mi:ii, dec. ,, 77-sw Administrator do bonis non. DMIXISTIIATOIt'S XOTICK. KSTATI: OF I KWIS METZ, PECKAEP. letters of AdmlnKtrallon on the estate ot Lewis Mtt7, late ot L'atawlSsa township. ColiunWi county, deceased, hate hem granted by the Iteirl'ttr ot saltl eountt to 11. p. rortni-r, of t'aiawNsa. All persons hatlni; claims airalni llie estate are reipu-teil 10 liesent ihem lor sittli mcnt and llioce Indebted to make puj incut w lthout delay. II. 1. FOHTSBIl. dee. 7, 'Tl r.w Administrator. A DMIXISTHATOU'S NOTICK fTATK OF 1'hTr 1; KNT, Letters of Adtnlntnl-tiattoh rto bonis non on tho estate of lVter i:i,t, late of Vujtt towiit-blp Columbia county, ill ceased, bir.e tecn (fmntefl by tho ltcl terotsaM cuunt to tl-e un-ieiftlKneil Admlnlstra tor or I.lsiht Miect f oiumbu coutitj, renn'a-, to whom all iitrnons lndi bteil aie renueMtMl to make pa nietiT, tmd (Noc liinlnr claims or demamls ag-ainsi me saia vt-uwc wminai.o inctn Known to tho s.un uuiiiihiMrtuor unoui oimuv I'SUAL II. JINT, no. 30, 'TT-cw AdtxlLlstrnKT fie bonis non. V dministi:atoh's notice. I t STATF OK IllMI-L llUI'Klt. llKCKtKP. U'lteraof.MhuinlKtrallon on tho entato or tun. Icl chilli r, l.iie of licnst township, rolmnhta cjtiiiii, i'i nn a., dei'c.med, hale been irrant' db the io-l.ri--ier 01 b.011 couiny 10 willollifUOV Miulcr, of Lo list towiishln, Uolumblt cmntv. I'a. All ner. sons h.nlni; i-l.ilios iinliist Ihe estuto of thedeeiw ui'iu nre rcf ncMcii 10 ori'si-ni ihem fur set einent. an I those indi bted to llie estate 10 make payment m ,111- nnu, luitueu 4i,iiiiiii.M Hour wiuioiii neiay, WILUiruilIiV MH'I.Kll, nov rn, ls77 cw AdniliJlsti.itor. D.MINHTilAxfjU'S Nli'l'IUi:. estvtb or j icon f.Ti.,'s, nEcatse. Leitersef vlmtnNintion onthoeHate of .Incoh stlue, l.ii, t l.'ii-nsi towiishto. roinmbia counti. ti , in i-e.iscd, hate bet n giiMiicd liy llie Knirisier of .on eouio , 10 11 iiiitiiu i-i.iiuer alio iiiinei l. Mine or sunn lowii-inp. ah pi rsous nntmir claims iiKalnai ihe esi,.ie ni the decedent hic rcituekted to lest.nl llieln lor s- tlletnei.t. and those ludehleil to tlio ch. 1 .lie to 11111K" pajmcnt to the nndc-rtlgnid Aiiuilulo- UIOOIS UllIIUlll. eviu.iaM ri.nt.i:K, 1MMGLI. sTlNP., W. I.. Ciniiv. 'tt'y. Adiuliililntora. 1 1 e. It. Is, I ii xut'i Ton's .notici:. 1 ti: ok ciUhLHU mii, r.i:ci:ti:n. rollers TrHtiiuentiiry on thorstato rr i nnr!t' Siisnlati- r Main tawn.litp. I'oluuit.u inuiiitj, rn.. rn.'u. 11 tL Lii'('ii yrunu-u vy me nt-eibir ui sail .'01 ill, lo Nalh'lli .Miller. KYeenlf.e. rif n.ti, towiililp, I'o'umbla county, I'ennsyUanla to t, li.,tu nil permlidebteii are requested to make pnwueut, ui.d lUow huTlng claims or demandf airalnst the ald elllt. win maku them known to the baldExicutor without delay. N.vniA;?.Mti.tF.ii, Kxecutur. nov. an, 'J7-cw' Notice u liereby given that I purclmscd ni rcntn li'e k .!) on ih" mill dn ot Nouinlier i(77, llie lol. low Hi leiHonal puiperiy ot Mimuel Khv eppenliel sit n Main inwHilp.io witi ! Jaiho.!i mtat stands a" ehli kens, 1 chei.t ot tools, I ailmtMnne, 1 Iji I lliir lllft' 1 llie. 1 lion kellle. i I., ilu noil lrf.il1ln, i j bin,, I bureau, I tcllie.l dotn ilmlrii.8 tncklnj . ui'uuuni, . biuk, i vuuiiiuif iu,c, i purior Kioe, i H'wlni machine, Hfl junlsuf enrpet, 1 b,r ii i ot Mnt'irnr, All pciMins am oautlormi niraln'i ii nil. rlinr wlih ihe snino aa 1 havo lift llio goods ...... ...... UUUI U. ,,VUUIU, dee. 7, '77-tw la laiibv Liven that nn application will l niade nnd, r the Jet if AkMUibl) ui Ib.i ruuiiaoti. wial li t.r 1 1 iinoljiiiila i niltUd "Vu '.el lo prolde tor i hi' im nrhuuiinu and HBuialioii of ci rlaln for pcnitlolM, nppr. Ned Apill Win. 174 and Ihe Hiipi le im it. i n u lo, i be i bum r of uu Iniendttl w.iia raih u, I., be (alletl "i nirons lloue InsuiuiiLe uoin pan., ef ri'iii.mliiinlu Mhe clanulir inUobhcluf wl.lill l Hie np iiliensloii ifll.e thltl. ref-ouivof aloii, l.i.i t , nnd n n.ui i l-ullou lo ownti lur Iokm if ound. or ilaiuak'o u Injuiid, an.l lorilmt ' In ll 'II. POhreMt tllll l lilnv t.ll 11.,. .Iirl.li. niu'i bcncui till, u id pi , i Lefts oj bald Al t or Assembly ...... O. V. JIlLUtli, r. oil, '7, sw Atl'.'. tor Applieonla, N i.t I. e it hi i br given that I purcluweil t fonsta- a'eoii me sn day ot lieeeiulwr tlio tollowluir iial iroiHiivnf wiiiiiim lnttiiit! ot lornfuilder. one rorn pluulur. A tut lit ha . . a lul ti h i of nun, iwo hoifs, 1 biuei, ibw, lo bushel of pu! one plow, lino's. All persons nro lu hi muiloiii d auullisl uuii.iliiK Willi ihe sutae as I lmo l;tl Uw"i wim ilnilliK n j pleasme. "tUw N. Bin'E.NHOl'sE. A GREAT, Offer for Holidays! J We win durliur tlu te llAUl) TIMES anil ihe nni. IIUS Ul i.M-ot lonNt, l'lANllKril.iKH.ll vNn ot ili't-elusH nukuniil It wit 1 1 ires for vmth or In uiiut lis, ihaii i t i In foil i tl.'t.'ik Wmtrs i uuil ami Hi lam an- il.,- i.esi unide. witiiuuitd for r, e it . Id. i (iinioiits im.ll. tl i.ieet Inuuc. menis In Hie iril't. I'lANlm. 7ctiiW', f Uu ; T l.lnetae IMi.nl 1, Sh, a slops 4S j 4 Mops', 7 stOia6: hriinTu; in nol a (sv5 ! I Hops tnui In Del felt or! du Nil I nun jear. HiKkT Jliu; at (iall uru lli'liMF MTibs niNh l,iiiiiia;iunri Tiuui . '' s';.H..v is.., siiuvi, isvw (Vffc, tlee. 7 '. i-lw il ll V I VT!-'llt0 '"r tcM firralarrli lfeh " I I ' beuiiijoibo.Kt, ttu lir Uamur's afuursi I'lllsUiiK, 1 a iiiuiiu. io ibiruous lu saiuiiU mo. 1. v .'ilium. Jw eo 88, T7-8W . I MUM - I d. f - ' r.u ATtiiujn .ciummh uiai L-u oil. .SuuijIs Walci,,. K am; IT, '.i-iy 11 (il 1 M-'s. CAKI1B, 1 J VlblTINl'illAHl'w, LitrrhKHKAiw, WLl U1AUH, HbTKlW, 40 tV, i'K prisitCtl i.' i r,tT Orflo. .. ot tin sciences ; .Master ot the Classics, ilraluat'os or Trustees. nnu tno scientine and Cl.vsncal courses aro not inferior tunes de.n in.l It. It Is on,, of the urine, obieer or ihu of Trust ci-i.. flUY THE BEST EXILi None Genuine without this Trade Mark. Sill THE rxea?ons why the PESjRkB.3Ln SHIRT is preferred to all -others : They are made of the best ''WAMSUTTA" MUSLIN. Eosonis are three ply and made of tho best linen, each ply being guaranteed to be all linen. Thev aro made only bv capable and experienced hands, are care 2d. 3d. fully inspected and are unsurpassed hy any other in work manship. 1th. They are guaranteed to fit and to give satisfaction in every particular. Try them and be Convinced I FOR SALE ONLY BY ft Merchant Tailor, Clothier and Genii's Furnisher, BLOOMSBURG, :p J"- HI, MAIZE'S Mammoth Grocery, cornor of Main and Centre streets, BLOOMSBTJEQ, "PA., Id TUB PLAC i: TO UET TIIK WOUTII HP VOl It MONEV IN TIIK FINEST ASD riSESIIEST OP Fancy Imported and Domestic Staple Groceries of Every Description, (Joe, tare, Wo and Willorare, Flour and Feed, Tobacco and CtearSj AT BOTTOM PB10ES FOE GASH, Jm , OK NICE FHKSII l'KODUCK. 13. AHMAN &. HASSERT. Proprietor; IJn,( Slro. t, isotitl: s!(l;ol U U, i:hi mm, Itlooiasttui - I'espn lti.ll tall lie a in lit Ion ot the pllblU'l'i Ihe I lltllN ..ml llii -s LAs.'l.M.. 1 in i mike Ivt03Nra''KOfei 3?X-OWS, also aii kli tu.u, bauditb, ,vc. 1 hey luno ui.o.e HI2AT1NO AN1") and are prepared to turnUb all kinds nt npair", siieb 'IUe aie also prepared to lurnlsh SAW pay utits-lai tiU'iuloii io iho AMIIilflM' Roiiairing' of Thrcahing Tho rroprletoM beliie practical mechanics, haWnithai! in et' uience ot on r ihlily years, tho public can ral 1 1 i i J.in.M, 'IMy Gheniiest and Best 1 THE HAHRISBURQ- Daily and Weekly Patriot FOlUSiS, To all tiew f-titivrlboiis itiid ro i,n present subscri bers renewlug ILeli biibscilptl.mu Til V, DAILY l'ATIUOT will bo sent at tl.o follow ntr rales ; I copy, 1 eiir, iiostUiKS preiuld copies Ut club) " ' TI0 15 in 81 M 10 " ' UlHi t ccpy during tlio sesMon ot the leKlslntuio ft l). TH WKKK1A l'ATIUOT will be sent at Iho lollow ng mien i t rtiov 1 j ear, ivt lago prepaid ti PO Jeni'les ' ii 10 " " " u IKI 15 " " undl copytourettirupotciub uud vticoiiio, i jetir. noslavo premsj, autl I copy lo getter up of Slut) mm All ordtr mint tMHci!ipuiuiiiy tho oasii.jiiber bj ihiik ur fo.v o(Uco order. rt oo woiiTii ran noo. Any person remliuuif ua ii on w in ieoet one copy of the nick! l'nt lot for one soar, one oopy M llio Miurloan AfiteiiltuiUl. (the Wlli.k- ugitonltiirul liiUrilal In 'lie I litltsl SluU'hl for l.l.H K.ur tu.ft, ,uuj- J.r paid, ami lu adrtiti u a MlcroMtopi', sucli as has Having exHutod the Unto prlntlns and blndlm- fur thriojours, wo ul pierod to i Hut and bind us uoihits, Uuboi,lui. Id is. aud lloiel lieu'iaters Hriwuj, nni uuks iiuiuua. rsweiaiij low i ale mr iWi.dib(f tuuaaj ftbool tlbrales. Ad- l'A'lIlltlTl't'HI.WIUNII i lluiilsbutg, l a iloe. It, il Dollar-antMalf lit Ten Cents. hTiiniiii'iiiMii.r liiiiiinv ..... ...... . 1 lwTV3e-'. fuull.!,1. l&Z'XuMm ! tarluieuU New soil rtiwJ.n sum Uulne ui.d ' lasirumtTiial Mum-, onerus. iiMiu,. etc.. eie. v.,el sale by nil unUeakr. 1 onlnse lenls, lo be tin m auuiiion to ..Lou-, u orueieu Horn tlie imiiiikb. rh J. M. kllUlllAMT !. IlOV. till, 'T w ;ll I'UestUUl St., l'UlludVU hlu. .ToTIt-'K. lvnmsowu. tollMMtaw of lvter tin i u lic k i(i ''.A', .sole, oi .ludeiiioni are ivtitieste i io ii.ah-' ,.J'. hmiii m ihe iiiidsndgued by Jauusi) 1st, l7s i r eusu will follow. f '.t. !NT. Itei.u, , .;.unii'iiior, ai. - , in the other Courses receive NormaT Certificates to theneot our host Cotlegos. SS iii . i.. Jin ir , BUY THE BEST iSIT. . THE SHIRT I Trade Mark Patented. 'lu Ins blatemrnls: Thc manutactuie all kinds o1 llie .ei. braled (nhjlnal and IMPROVED .,of lapul.'s, sutli us Mold 1 u..lOb 1 o. nib, Lanualuea COOK STOVES as t. rales, rirn 1'rlik, e., wlioli nale nnd letall. They I,.," ; .'.ft l,o oni iauhoiuicm t.iuie in use. MILL MAllll.NEHY hllAFl IM., l'l LI.Ef.,iC. They Tfachinets, Rcapeis, &c. Ilui ViamaLdai lull jiliis. Administrator's Sale OF VALUAULE REAL ESTATE! I'y lrtuo of an Order ot tho Orphan's Court of Co lumbia county, tho unaersiirnod, Administrator do bonis non ot tho nstatc ot I'eter Ent, dee'd will cx piso to publle sale, oil tho promises, at Light Street, Columbia county, l'ennsy.vanlu, on FRIDAY. JANUARY 11th, ls7 at tn o'clock a. m., nil tint curtain real citato, sit lUW in said Columbia ooumy, Uosci Ibed an follows No. :. a ' Grist ami (riuv Mill Property- with a good water- powr r, twunded by nshlnfcrefk-, a public road, nty other landi ot said docea-sod. Tho i i.rlst Jilil It u 4 run ot stone, and Is coustrm ted for itiher laorehant orcouulry work. JQ. 2. A nnvwuairo and tract ot land situate In Orurme tuwntulp, Uouudd by lands of A. Cus.. ter.WUllaui While, A. .M. W hlu.osUii ot W. H,nt, S. 11. le)b'rt,and others coutalalbK HO ACRES, more or leas, on wul.b Uicrs Is u (iOOD liOUsn AND IjARN, and other out buildings. No, i and s will be kohl separately or together to suit liurchaaMia. ' t.. l.-l woacreotTli.VJ. lOTSlu Us-htbtreet I u'or"lwla' ". by two uonained stieets.ud two 1 .mw u. virs. rroui, i im, uslTJIluuea HBU uu nuey. !so. il,-icou aores In S.UUO illlane. Uuuded bv lands ol Kelcuui r ti (nm au I by the t'lsl.lo,: . reek". ho. 4. will bjaoid usavhoieor lu pain to suit purchasers. Tuku ov Ut, Ten pur cent, of thu aue-fourtb, of the piirehuse luouey to b paid at Hie urtkluc d.ivMioftlie proeriy; Hi" oue-fouriU less tho ten Kr" '"" lu iw oouiiruiunon of aalo ; an I the iv- muln""' W"'"""" ' - iu r. w.m luler.n Irani ouitui...',k u uni. rsi Kh ii. ft. , ''-'s' 4, t;i AUuilulsiiuioi &c ?oTU l: TO TIIK 1 1'UI.H'. Notice b. helil. '-lleji tuull itirlM-4 ir.trbr. . lhat I.. II. V.iiiii.ititi, ittie oi lUluilnte has L-ln u uie . I nl puwtroi ii'ioiuiy lo M-tuoup bis LUHiitki '"fi luiup.ctc i -, . lAriin uenuacia. J '.oorurfiaig, iM., Jiec Uth, JSIT-4W UIIAIILI iixs uiiua. YJ i ASK I t Tlit il o,u ii. U tobalflMt6l;ol,Illto(0,"' mnJci