THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBU KG, COLUMBIA COLNTY, PA. iff ItjiitBiittr DB0:2WA7ii ELWELL, Editors. BLOOMSliUKG, PA. Friday. roc.l. 1877, I'lllllSTMAS. Iu Ml christianized countries, the anni versary cf the birth of Christ is observed us a holiday. In ellflerent nations there are different custom", hut one anil Ml cclebrati the twentyfifth of December ns the iloy when the world was redeemed by the coming of a Saviour, When the Wise Men of the Kftt heard of tbo fulfilment of the piopho clex In the birth of Median, they journeyed to the place where tlin new-born King lay, and worshipped 11 im, offering gifts of gold frankincense and myrrh. The custom of giving Christmas presents probably nroso from this presentation to the Divine child, Many people look upon this festival simply as n time when gifts are to be exchanged, and tUeir children vish for Its approach iu anticipation of the toys ami good things which Santa Claus will put in their stock Ings, It is truly pleasant to glvo and to re ceive, but in the mere giving of gifts we should not lose sight of the lessons that are taught by the observance of tills seaon. The festival, and all connected with it, Is symbolical, The day itself reminds us of the promises of Salvation in the birth of u saviour' who is Christ, the Lord; the gifts recall the adoration of and premutation to the child God j the Christmas tree of ever green is symbolical of immortality. Christmas is the happiest day of the year for the children. When they retire on the evening of the 21th, "visions of suga1, plums dance in their heads." Many n little one struggles with the "Sand-man" to keep awake long enough to hear the prancing of the reindeers on the roof, and to hear old Santa Claus come tumbling down the chinv ney with his load of toys and candies. Many a tear is dried during the year by the threat that the little fat Saint rewards only good boys and girls, and not those who cry. The legend of this kindly old man is a pleasant hallucination, and children ought not to be undeceived until too large to enjoy tbo belief longer. While the wealthy aro making merry and exchanging costly gifts, there are many in our midst who not only lack the luxuries of the season, but who are actually in want for the necessaries of life. While your table groans with the fat of the laud, do not for' get the poor. In conclusion, we wish our readers one and all, a Merry Christmas, and a Happy New 1 ear. IIUMIIUfi CIIAItlTY. At our December Court, the pitiable spec tacle was presented of three colored children arraigned in a criminal court on charges of the gravest nature. The poor fellows, with ntelhgencca scarcely above that of brutes riendless, and whoso rags did not cover their nakedness; wero convicted. A merciful court sent the eldest to tho House pf Refuge whero he will receive proper moral education, and wholesome food and raiment. The other two, after receiving proper admonitions wero re leased. We believe there is no town in the State which has so largo a religious clement as Bloomsburg in proportion to population so many churches and, church-goers and so strict an adherence to the Sunday laws. Our people aro also liberal according to their means. There Is no estimating tho number of flannel shirts and bibles they have scut to heathen lands. But it is anomalous tfi'at in such a community colored waifs such as these must beg for food, and go almost naked at this season of the year. Hut, wo are asked why do not the Poor Directors take charge of them? Simply becauso they must have a proper order for relief and that has not been applied for. But placing them in the Poor House does not lessen tho evil. They are too young to work there, and no one would take caro of their mental and moral training. On tho contrary they would bo subjected to tho worst kind of companionship, aud be come speedy adepts in sloth and crime. It should bo remembered that these children, who are now begging for food from door to door aro being educated to a life tlia' must eventually result in idleness and crime j and that it is easier iu sucli to mould a soul to good purposes and thoughts, than to reform them years henco by punishment after they havo become hardened. Society wonders at crime, but it is far easier to remove the cause than to apply the remedy after habits have become a second nature. Tlieso boys can be trained to become good and useful men, and die as Christians. At present they are being educated to crimo and iu beggary, and there are so many "higher toned'1 souls to look af ter that tho.-o aro neglected. By all means aid the worthy poor j by all means punish conscious guilt; but by all means prevent both if prevention lie possi ble. There is missionary work in Blooms burg, and souls areas valuable here as they aro in the interior of Africa. Editors Sentenced. M. P. Woeidward and M. F. Dorin.editors of the Sunday AVit, published at Wilkes Barre.who were convicted of libel upon Geo. B. Kulp and Sheriff Kirkendall, have been sentenced by Judge Handley to ten months' Imprisonment nnd a fine of 700 in each case. Their application for a new trial was denied. The sentence seems severe, but is not too much if there has been Kulp-able guilt. From 18.10 to 1871 215,000,000 acres of public lands were granted by Cougress to States and corporations lor railroad purposes, 159,000,000 of this to the Pacific roads, and nearly 5,000,000 acres have been granted for canal purposes j lor the Pacific roads a debt of JG4,O00,O0O was assumed, nowuwollen to 192,000,000, and promising to exceed $150, 000,000 j and the largest grantee proposes to repay the Governmentby practically borrow log anew from it. Dennis, who manipulated the frauds in Alachua county, Florida, last year, and gave tho State to Hayes, is now drawing $1,600 a jear Icr service in one of the departments at Washington, Thus reform goes marching tn. Auotlirr Democratic Senator. The legislature of California on Tuesday last elected J. L. rarley United States sena tor by a strict party vote In each house. Ashes from the recent eruption tit Co to pail, In Ecuador, are said to have fallen at a distance of one thousand miles from the volcano. Iloiv to Use Ilia Malls. miMNoi i noM orncut. There is pcrhnps no subject upon which the great public Is less Informed than how to tiso tlio United States malls. Postmasters aro dally obliged to reply to Inquiries In person and by mall corcemlng the proper mode of sending various kinds of matter through tho Post Ottice. It may be about a letter or package, concerning money or mer chandise, or relate to postal changes or rut' Ings, The following departmental decisions were mado In answer to Inquiries by Post master?, but the information is also useful to tho public: 1. Parties addressed have the option to refuse to tnko auy package out of a Post OlHee, or the hands of n letter Carrier If, for any cause, they do not see fit to accept them. ' 2. A Postmaster Is not obliged tn accept n payment of package any currency which may be so mutilated as to be uncurrent. II. A business card may bo printed or im pressed upon the envelope or wrapper of a package of third class matter, without sub ectlng tho package to extra postage. 1. A mail carrier should not receive mail matter unless he is one mile or moro from a Post Office, nnd when recolved such matter should bo delivered Into the next Post Office at which ho nrrives. This rule does not re fer to mall matter properly enclosed In Gov ernment stamped envelopes. Anything other than an address written or printed upon the sido of a Postal Card which contains tho words, "Write the ad dress on thisside,the message on tho other," renders the same uumnilable as n Postal Card. (1. When two or more kinds nf mall mat ter are enclosd iu tho same package is sub ject to the higher rate. 7, To paste or nttach anything to or up on a Postal Card, except the name and resi denci of the person addressed, renders the same unbailable as a Postal Card. 8. Manuscript passing between (cither way) authors and publishers of books in the malls is subject to a. postago of one cent tor each ounce or fraction thereof. 9. "Drawings" mado with pen, pencil or brush, aro subject to postage at the rate of three cents for each half ounce or fraction thereof. 10. Music manuscript and proof sheets of the same cannot be sent through the mails at less than letter rates of postage. 11. Manuscript letters transmitted by mail are subject to postage of three cents for each half ounce thereof, when sent in sealed or unsealed envelopes. 12. Unpaid letters containing orders for goods cannot be lawfully carried by the mail carriers outside the malls. 13. Specimens of penmanship enclosed with printed ma'ter cannot be mailed in the same package without subjecting the whole to postage at letter rates. A Curious Clerical Case. In this country, as well as in England, many religious persons, decidedly against the ubj of wine, spirits, or other strong liquors, indulgence in whicli causes inebriation, con tend that the wine which is administered in the communion service ought to bo simply tho unfermentcd juico of tho grape. Dr. Wordsworth, the learned and somewhat crotchety divine who was mado Bishop of Lincoln )in England) iu 1809, lately prohibi ted a clergyman in his diocese from adminis tering unfermentcd wine at the altar. In consequence, a case was laid before Dr. Ste phens, anlecclesiastical lawyer of high re pute asking him to give a professional opin ion upon tho point whether any law or can on of tho Protestant Episcopal Church in England prescribes the cemmumon to be ad ministered in the fermented juice of tho grape; if such use of unfermentcd wine is a breach of the law of the Church; if a bishop has the power to prevent a clergyman in his diocese from so using it j and what penalty a clergy man would incur for disregarding such prohi bition? Dr. Stephens reply is direct and plain. It points out that there is no defini tion of tho wine in tho Prayer Book, as there is of tho bread (which tho Knbio says, must 'be the best and purest wiioat bread that con veniently uny bo gotten"); that, though it may bi taken for granted that the juico of the grapo is meant, there is nothing to show that it ought to be fermented; that, by ref erence to authorities, it appears that the pure juico ol ttie grape was olten usd by tho Jews in Christ's tiiuo; that the canon orders that wino shall be used, but the mcaniog of tho term ''wine" his never been decided sci entifically. Therefore, unless tho legal courts should rule that wino means the fermented juice of the grape, no British bishop has pow er to forbid tho puro juico of the grape. Th0 Knghsh temperance societies aro resolved to obtain a judicial decision on this curious point. Presa. .National Debts. . What country has the largest national It ? At the latest date for which statistics are now in hand, Great Britain had. That was in March, 1875, when the debt of that country was $3,870,000,000, reckoning the pound sterling at five dollars. In the preceding January the debt of France, ac cording to the Statesman's. Year Book for 1877, was $3,750,337,129, counting five francs to the dollar. This debt was then the sec ond in magnitude. Some writers have stated tti6 French debt to be as much as $4,500,000,- 000. Probably the true amount is some what above that first given, as In 1875, France must have had a good deal of floating aud temporary Indebtedness that had not at the time been converted into rentes, and the Statesman's Year Beok gives only the capi tal of the rentes. But those who put the French debt at $-1,500,000,000 must Include municipal aud oilier local lndebtedness,much of which was incurred for war purposes dur ing the late conllict with Germany. There is probably not much difference between the debts of Frauce and Great Britain at the present moment. Tho indebtedness of tho Church of tie Holy Trimly, New York, is $230,000. Last Suudsy Edward Kimball tho church debt raiser, got subscriptions to tho ainouut of $145,000, tho largest sum ever subscribed at ono timo to pay a church debt. "Have I not suffered enough and tried all kinds of medicines and still I must cough, cough 1 True, But gel a bottle of Dr, Coie's Wild Cherry and Sencka,anl you will be cured after all your doubts. When a faithful mother goes ou a whal ing expedition she never falls to get all the blubber she wants. More than 150,000 boxes of clothes-pins are annually shipped from this country to England. It costs thirty-six and a half cents per mile to run a locomotive. Every farmer should provide himself with an ice house. WASIIIMITOX tiKTTKl!. Wasuis'itox, D. 0., Dec. 17, 1877. It seems there was real danger on Saturday morning, of a duel between Senators Gor dan and Conkllng. Hut friends interfered and the trouble Is not only settled, but the settlement made matter of record In tho Senate, Senators Ransom and llamfin weru the active parties in bringing about the do sirablo result. flier all the House passed tho deficiency with additional sums, amounting to more than n million, added by tho Senate. Senator Matthew's silver resolutions go over until after the Holiday recess. Tho personal and political unpopularity of Sen ator M. had much to do with this. lly refusing to vote, and thus leaving tho House without a quorum, the Republicans on Friday and Saturday succeeded iu pre venting, for tho present certain investiga tions desired by tho Democrats. Senator Uiitlcr of Soutli Carolina, just prior to adjournment on Saturday, presented a resolution requliing the proper conimltteo to Investigate the means by which the votes of Senator Patterson and Conovcr wero so cured In favor of his' ((Sutler's) admission. This of course, is because Senator Kdmunds, when the question of admission was up,made charges of corruption. I have never had any great confidence in the sincerity of Secretary Schurz's efforts to reform the chll service, ile has not appear ed to go about it as if ho was in earnest. He has been secret and sly in Ids investigations. For months he hss refused to act on charges nf fraud after they were 'investigated. He has just dono one thing, howiver which shows that he means to be the head of his Department. Ho has Issued an order to pre vent lobbying before Congress by chiefs of i, i i .- . lvureaus uuuer mm. This nuisance had become intolerable, One of his chiefs has spent much of his time of late in attempting to securo such legislation as suited him in relation to his Unreaii. Clearly if Mr. Schurz is to be re sponsible for the conduct of his Department recommendations for legislation regarding it should come from him. Tho National JlepubHcan besides being very rude in its treatment of Mr. Hayes, is publishing a series of savory articles attack, iug Secretary Sherman. It demands the re. tiremeut of that gentleman the Secretary of State, and the Secretary of the Interior from the cabinet. It is the oigau of Senator Conkllng. All the developments so far announced by several committees investigating our re lations with Mexico, go to confirm the belief that wo haye a large element on this siJo of the Rio Grand, striving to precipitato war with that country. Seminolu Hayes's National University. Tho faculty of Mr. Hayes's proposed great National University at Washington has not yet been fully arranged. Several important chairs including thoso of Greek, Political Economy, and tho Uso of the Blackboard, main to be filled. So far as determined upon, the Board of Instruction and Government is constituted as follows : President and Emcritui l'rofjssor of Eight to Seven Law, JOSEPH P. BRADLEY, Ph. D. Professor of Applied Theology, DO.N'.N PIATT, A. M., by brevet. Emeritus Professor of Jurisprudence, HIRAM ULYSSES GRANT, LL. D., (Uarv. Oxon.) Professor of Obituary Literature nnd Steward of Com mons, G.WASHINGTON UHILDS A.M.(Princt.) Tom Paine Profc'sor of Natural and Ilevealed Religion. Rey. ROBERT J. 1NGERSOLL, Professor of Political Ethio', ZACHARIAII CHANDLER, D N. Emeritus Lecturer onAntcdiluvian History. JOHANNES A. DIX, CCC. Joint Hayes Professor of Pure Mathematics, J. MADISON WELLS, R. B. THOMAS C. ANDERSON, R .11. Jay Gould Professor of Journalism, WlIirfcXAW REID, D. P. Professor of German and Instructor on tbo Pianoforte. CARL SCHURZ, (Bonn.) Professor of the French Language and Literature, M. EDOUIN F. NO YES. Purio Professor of Philanthropic Slaveholding, JOHANNES WELSH. Instructor in il'thetic Botany and English Composition, WILLIAM K. HODGERS, A. S. S. Tutors in Practical Mathematics1, G CASENAVE, L. Kcnncr. Director of the Gymnasium, WM. M. EVA11TS, LL.D. (Yalo). Janitor, STANLEY MATTHEWS l'o whom candidates for admission should apply for rooms, fuel, text books, aod board and washing. N. Y, Sun, THE AMOUNT of testimony la laior e.1 Er Hchenck'a Pulmonic Sjrup, as a euro tor Consump tion, Ur exceeds all that can tie broui-ut to support tbo pretensions ot any other medicine. See Dr. Bchenck's Almanac, which can be had or any drug. gist free ot charge, containing tho cirtlflcatea ot many persons ot tho highest reBpuclablllty who have been restored to health, alter being pronounced In curable by iJiyslclana ot acknowledged ability, Kchcnck's Pulmonic Kyrup alone has cured many, as theso evidences will show, but the cure Is olten pro moted by two otaer remedies which Dr, Schenk pro vides for the purpose. Theso additional remedies uro Schenck's 8ca Veed Tonic and Mandrake rills. lly the timely use of theso medicines, according to dlroouons, Dr. Hchenck testifies that most any case ot Consumption may be cured. Every moment ot delay makes your cure moro dimcult, and all de pends on the Judlclouscholce of a remedy, Bchenck's Mandrake nils areau agreeable and sate euro tor Constipation caused by bllllousneBs, and also for sallow complexion unci coated tongue. There Is no better remedy ;ior disordered stomach and all the evlls resulting inert from. Dr. Bchenck Is profes sionally at bis principal outce, corner HUth and A rch tsrhUadelphla,eiery Monday, whero all letters of advlco must be addressed. tk.heuck's medicines are.for sale by all druggist. dec. The Rose of death. Do not wait until the hectic flush which indicates advanced consump tion, appears on the cheek, Check the haul cough unil heal the irriuted lungs with llulit Jhney tif Jhrthound and War, before the crisis comm. Ile In lime. Sold by all Druggists. Pike's Tootliaciie Drops cure In I minute. Dec, U lm. SPECIAL Holiday Notices. An elegant present for a littlo boy is ono of those new Sleds nt Maize's. A largo lot of Cow Chains for saloat bar gains at J. Schuyler k Son, Kino Candies. fiOOO pounds can bo had at J, P. Cnldts oil's at city prices. You can get CW d.en's Furs nt Lutz it Sloan's from 75 cuts t.i 8.0(1 a set and La dle's Fi'iv. Iror.l If 2,'itu 1.00 a n't. Do you wan silverware tor a Christmas prei ti( ? I )o j i"' wml nil t'lciru'it gift for iitisbaii'l, w.l' . latin r. mother, sUter, broth er or i iiiol V Ttiui l.;l:c ctir advice and go to Louis lternhard's Jewelry Store In Cadman's block, where you will eo just what ycu want. New lot of Miuco Meal at Conner's this week. Marr sells K. 0. Molasses at 7" cents. Marr sells Coffee 20 to 2o cents, Marr sells boss Cigars 2 for f. A dotiblo attraction at 1. W, Ilartman's this week for Christmas goods, 11 . At Cadman's Furniture store is to be found u large variety of linn goods suitable lor Christmas goods. Uo and tee them. C. C. Marr has his new Fall stock of Jeam, Cottoimados nnd Cassimeres for boys nnd men, McKiniieys Shoo Store below Court House. Ilvmns. Methodist. Lutheran and I'res- bvlerian Hymns In cyery style at G. A. Ulark s. Don't forget that there remains but a few weeks more to secure u nargain in Lamps silling at cost, nt Mover Ilros. Snocial attention eiven to repairing of all kinds. wnicni's, spectacles, uncus, cue. btlfnllv mill iimtontlv rplialrcil. ltates hit1 a hlirh renutatiou r.s a watch maker and jeweler. Fresh lino of New Goods this week at Creasv's. Cah or product) will buy at D. A. Crca- sy's, 3 lb. can Peach, 15 cts. '2 lu. can corn, SO cts. Valencia Raisins, 8 cts. n pound. Kxton Crackers. 12 cts. a nound. Arbuckle's Coffee, 25 and 28 cts. a pound Golden Syrup, GO cts. n gallon. White Drip, 70 ets. n gallon. New Orleans Molase, 80cts. a gallon. Call at McK'ulneys for Shoes. Skates, Plated Ware, Finn Pocket Cut Iers Scissors Ac. in endless variety tor noil day presents at J. Schuyler & Son. A triple attraction at I.W. Harcman's thi: week. Cakes too mct. to eat at J. F. well's. Cald Christmas Goods for presents. Gent's Mufflers, Gent's castor gloves, Gent'B silk handkerchiefs. All of the latest style and lowest prices nt D. Lowenberg's. House nnd lot for rent m sale In Bloomsv burg and Espy apply to Wm. Krickbaum Dec. 21 2w Go to Marr's for Pulverized, Granulated and A. sugars. Lutz & Sloan now have tho largest and finest of Ladi'es Ties in Bloomsburg. Special inducements will bo offered I persons buying a quantity of goods at J. II Maize's up to January 1st, in order to re duce stock 10 lbs. of pared peaches for $1.80 formerly sold at 25 cts. a pound. Tho Alden evaporated pared peach is the finest out. . We have tried them and know. Oranges and lemons for the Holidays cheap at Conner's, Brackets, picture frames, card stands, mu sic racks, fool rests, blacking stools, hanging baskets, ladies' wurk stauds, nice for Christ mas at Cadman's, Go to Jlarr's for uew and cheap floor and table Oil Cloth. Boots and Shoes cheap at McKincey's. Cheap Clothing for wimer. Suits for ineu, Suit's for boys, Pretty littlesuits for children at D. Lowenberg's. Papatcrie Handkerchief Boxes, at G. A, Clark's. Where is Creasy ,s new cash store? Op posite the Episcopal church, and he keeps a fine lino ot Geuerul Merchandise,Groceries &c. Fancy goods on the Dry Good side at I. W. Hartman's. Another car load of Window Glass to ar rive this week at Moyer Bros. Go to P. S. Bates' new Jewelry Storo for your Christmas presents. In canned goods, groceries, &c J. II, Maize is ahead. The finest fruits on hand. Di'tes, raisins, prunes, Cocoanuts, Malaga grapes soft shell almonds, fine candies In great variety. Put in a supply for Christ mas. Boot headquarters at McKiiiuey's. Ulsters for men, Ulsters for boys, Ulsters for children, Cheap and good at D. Loneuberg's. Go to Marr's for Christmas Presents. Lutz A Sloan have just received a very large line of Linen, Lace and Silk Hand kerchiefs. Price from -1 cents to 1.70. Alphabet Blocks of every style at G, A. Clark's. Bernhard's window dazzles the eyes. It Is filled with eleirant clocks, teasels, castors. cake baskets, card baskets, nankin rions, jewelry and many other articles suitable lor unrislmas presents. Fancy Glass Ware, Mugs, Cups &c., on the dish side at I W. Hartman's. Rubbers atMcKiuney's. Go to Marr's for cheap boots and shoes. An immense stock of Chromos at G. A. Clark's. Hand-ome china cups and saucers for la dies, mustache cups lor gentlemen, for tho Holidays, at Maize's, Chickens wanted at Conner's, Wanted, Two girls to learn the tailor ing trado. Wm. Y. Kester. Apr.27'f Admission free at McKinney's. Tho handsomest thing in town for a Christmas present to your wife or sweet heart Is that beuutllul Toilet Set ut Moyer Bros. Scrap Books and Pictures. Scrap Books of nil descriptions at U, A. Clark's. J, II. Maize has a barrel of best West Virginiu Machine Oil, just received. For the best and cheapest brands of Ci gars uud Tobacco go to Webb's. SPECIAL Holiday Notices. Fiuo lamps very cheap, splendid Toilet sets, faiK gl.issware, chamber sets, elegant vases ol all i.i., smoking sets, at Mairo's make iilro Chri-tnias piesents. Christmas Toi, and candies of nil kinds, at Webb's, ami sold nt pinifc prices Mm,. Twslii's . A. Clark's. celebrated Scri'p Book at Before snlectlni; your Christmas presents see I.UU t Sloan's slock. It Is a treat to see the Holiday Goods at Clatk Wolf's, they have them displayed all over t heir storo nnd what you don't see al: li r, they may have It, Fincv nnd iHol'ttl Itonks In the middle nf 1. W. llaitnian s store lor Christmas pres ents. Since, tho ilin'iu-erv of Hf. William's In- lilan Ointment there is certainly no rxcuo for any ono to suffer with the Piles. Seo ad vertisement. Marr buys Chickens, Turkeys and Ducks. A lino stork of Toilet Soaps nnd Perfume ry, llnlr nnd 1 until llruslies, 1'ocket llooks and Cinar Ca-es, any of which would make a suitable Christmas gift, at Moyer Bros. At Bates' Store mi cleirant assortment of Tmvclrv. silver nml Plutpil Ware lust receiv ed, anil lor sale at low prices. J. II. Maize Is nlfcrini: a lanre lot nf fine goods in lamps, china nnd glassware ccc, at greatly reduced prices. Carts and hobby horses for the little ones at C.olniati's. Gcrniaiitown Wool of the best make 10 cents per oz at Clark fi Wolfs. Ooinions of the I'ublio on the Pearl Shirt Mrs. Hrown is deliglited at Hie J'earl sum. Jlrs. ,iou"s thinks they are Un -v lt. Mrs. Smith snvs she will never make one at home. Tiv ene and be convinced. Can . nly be bought at D. Lowcnbtrg's A large ntlriction over head in I. W Hartman's stole for Christmas presents. Episcopal I'r.iver Hooks in beautiful bind in" at G. A. Clark's. Lul. ft Sloan can supply you with almost anytiiiiiL' oo want lor a Christmas gift from n-lceiit llandkerchi. l to a $25.00 shawl ora$10 0!) -e ol Fur'. Go t CI irk & Wolfs to buy your Christ inas rr-enls, I heir -lock Is lull anil coin plete, mid ill the hme-i pr e s, 12 Goblets for 7") rents at Conner's. Castors, Card lii-kets, Mugs, Vase", Piekln Castors, Toilet Sets, 'ft a Sen, and a lull line ot splendid goods lor the Holidays, nt 1 . Batc For Christmas presents call at Webl In variety, style, ami el i apnis.s, his good c:m not be equalled. Bargain" in twiliitiitH, wool hoods, nubias leugings, hosiery, kid gloves &c.,at Clark & Wolfs. Marr buys Corn, Oats, Potatoes, Pork and .Lard lor goods. Toy sets of dishes, china toys, pretty vases r. iiiin i,i. ai rnu' G. A. Clark's store is the center of attrac tion for Christmas Presents. New lot of Cranberries at Conner's this week. Attractions nil over in store. I. W. Hartmati'i Another large lot of Paints, just received uy .Moyer uros., will be sold cheaper than ever lor cash . Fancy Boxes, containing collars and cuffs, haudkerehiels, .vc, nt prices to suit you, at Ulark iM Volt's. Many consumptives are now using Dr, Frazier's Root (litters and Cough Syrup wit!: remarkable success- If J. F. Caldwell can not suit vou in Can dies you can not be suited iu town L r all is nice and Iresh. Under Dr. Howers dental room. Smokers and chewers of tobacco should call at Wtbb's belore purchasing elsewhere, tie hasjusl received a new and well sueelii Btock. Parlor set , walnut chamber set, cttag sets, sideboards, chairs, and all kinds .it" 1 1 1 r nituro cheap at Cadman's. $1.00 bin s the Pearl Shirt. A marvel of cheapness the Pearl Shirt The best made the Pearl Shirt. The best fitting the Pearl Shirt. Try before you buy the Pearl Shirt. Sold only at Lowenberg's Clothing Store. Raisans, Currants, Peaches, Coffee, Su gar, Syrup &c., on the Grocery hide of I W. liartmau s lor Uhnstmas. Pleasant as honey, tho old folks like it, the young speoplH like it and the babies cry lor it wo mean Dr. rrazier s Uougli cyruii If you are in want of Holiday Goods, b sure to look in at Clark & Wolfs stock They have a great variety, at bottom goin price". O. A. Clark has just received JoOO worth of Mabie A 1 odd's celebrated Gold Pens, Pencils and Toothpicks, Machine Oil and Needles at Marr's. 5 salesmen to bo iu I. W. Hartman's store on Saturday and Monday next to wait o; the customers. Watches, clocks, jewelry silverware, Ac. carefully and skillfully repaired by L. Bern- hard. A new lot of Teas just received, and to be sold cheap beforo the 1st of January, at uouiier h. Marriages. I!KAI)Ui-AD.Ms,-.U tho Central llctel In Hloomsburg oa tbo 13th Inst., by Key, M, I. Smi str, Mr. James lleaglo and Miss Margaret A. Adams, both of Madison township, Columbia county, ra, HESS-EDCIAIt.-At the residence ot tbo bride' mother on tho 11th last., by Iter. 11. Miearer, Ml IlarrettW llessof Henton to Miss c, K. Kdgarof Jdeksoa. Allot Columblacounty. (Iltoil-IIIMS.-In Jlloom.burgon tho lsthlnst, by Rev. stum Mitchell, Mr. Ephrulm II, eiroh of Dixon, Leo county, Illinois, to Mrs Surah. M, lUss, of llloomsbiirg, Illinois papers plea30 copy. Our thanks aro due tliu brldo for some excellent specimens of wedding cake, Those who remember tho printer remember tho poor; and no trust her re ward Is hereafter. May her future be asbrtghlas her cake Is good. HAHTMAN-IIAltTMAN. At the Unformed par. nonage In eirungctlllo on tho tsth Inst., by Iter, A lloutz, Mr, Amos llartman ot Klshlugcreek to Miss I. Carrie llartman, of Now Columbus, Deaths. SAVAIIK.-Iii evaugctlllo ou tho mil last., Mrs Mary bavage, aged 74 j ears and I days. A good doineslio Sulphur bdh can bo Instan tly prepared by taking a cuke of Glen1 nuipnur Mnp into the bath tub. huch an ex pnlienl will, lo use a slang phrase, "knock th hh)Is oil'' any victim of cutaneous blemishes, Sold by all druggists 25 cents. Hill's Hair'tV Whisker Dye, black or brown, CO cts. Nov. 23 4 w. The attention of ngents Is called to Tho Housekeeper's Supply Company, of t'lncinnath Ohio, who mnko a business of getting up and manufacturing new anil Mmr mtin convenien ces for hoii'ckeepers, and ulvo employment to hundreds of ngtnts of both sexes throughout the whole United Slates to Introduce and sell tliitn, and oll'tr Inducements that will pay them handsomely. Many of their agents are now making from $ I to $0 per dny, and some of Ihcra even moro. Wiile lo thdii nt once and thev will send yoH circulars, giving you full de scription of each article lluy mnniif.ictnre, and their terms to agents, and will assign you ex clusive territory lo sell in. Their address is The Housekeepers (supply Company, No. 212 Elm Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. lA'C. 1 1 iw. "GERMAN SYRUP" No other incdic'ino in tho world was ever given SUCH a tesi oi ii.scur.nivu quaum-sus llochco's Herman Syrup. In three years two million lour liundicit t'inuanu small not es of Ibis inedicino was distributed tree oj cltarqe by Druggets iu this country to those nlllic'ted witli Consumption, Atlmia, Croup, Severe Cough, 1'ncutunnla and other diseas es of the throat and lungs, giving the Ameri can people undeniable proof that German Syrup will cum them Tho result has been that drugilsts in every town ami yiua;;u in the United States are recommending it to their customers. Go to your druggists and ask what they know about It. baniplo bot tles 10 cents. Regular sizo 75 cents, lliree docs will relieve any caso. April 27.'n-ly Jl , ,..,. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 4 Ml-XTIN'O OF THE STOCKIIOLD- ens nt tho iinfnwissn Denoslt Hank will to held iit inelr lnnkhu House In the town or Oatawlssa on tne sieconit Tuesnayoi .lanuiry isis ui-i,i--" ,uu hours of ten and two p. m., to hold nn election for scen directors to serve the ensuing 5 ear, II, 11. 1) Wis, Catawl-sa, dcc.21, 'JJ-2W Cashier. v. 11. Abbott. w. ii. huawx. ABBOTT & H II AWN', Atlorncys-nt-Liivv. CATAWISSA, I'A. l'enslons obtained. dec 21, '77-ly N' OTICE. llio stock-holders of tho tlrlarcreek Farmers' Mu tuil Insurance Company ot l.lino Itldgo will meet nt tho onicn ot Samuel Ncyhard, Ksq , In t'entro town Blilp, Columbia county, pa., on Monday, tho 14th d i.v ot Jamwrv, 1S7S, between tho hours or lo a. m. and i n. m., ror the purpose oi ciecunir uurciuiaior mu ensuing scar, nnd transacting siicu oiner ousincss as may proper., XmUIX Nl7ilAIt., d0 51, "77-3W. secretary. A uorroiis xotick, ESTATE OF MAHOABET Am.EMAN, DECEASED. ti, nnfiiTRii-npii Auditor annolntud to make dis tribution of Iho balerew of lunds In the IianiLs of Samuel Knorr, Adm'r., to nnd among tho p'rtles ntltled thereto will attend to the duties of Ids ap- Iiolnllneiit al llio omen oi u. u. narMi'i, iu i.iuuuis luru ou the loth dsy ot January, ls;s. at ten o'clock a. m. w hen and where all persons has tnir claims are requested to present tho same before the Audlior or be debarred Iroiu coming In for a share of said rund. W, L. EYKIILY, Auditor. dec 21, '77.4w. A TJMTOK'S NOTICK. LSTATE OP W1LLIASI 8NTDEH, DECEASED. Notice Is hereby irlsen that the undersized, ap pointed by tho e'oilrt to adjust and settle said estate and make distribution ot tho a-setslu tho hands ot ssnilain Neal, executor of said deceased, to nnd union-' the parties entitled 111 attend nt his oilice, In iiluumsbure. on Prldsy.lhe 25th day of Jan uary, 187S, at nine o'clock In the fore-noun, to per form tho duties of his appointment , when and w here ah panics claimant must appear and proso their claims or bo forever debarred from coming; lu on said lund. JOHN O. lT.EKZK, Auditor. t UIHTOK'S NOTICE. ASSIGNED ESTATE OF NATHAN hOSTENBACDEIl. Notleo Is hereby idscn that the undersigned, ap pointed by tho court to distribute tho balauce hi the hands ot lllram.l. lleeder, assignee of Nathan Kov tenbauder, to and ainomr tho parties entitled there to, sviu attend at his omce, In liluomsbunr, on Wed nesday, tne SJd day of January, ls?s, nt nlno o'clock In the forenoon, to perrorm tho duties of hlsappolnt went, ss hen nnd sshero nil parties claimant must appear and prove their claims or be forever debarred from coming lu on said fund. JOHN 11. FIIKEZE, Auditor. dec 21, '77-esv A UDITOH'S NOTICE. ESTATE OK NATHANIEL OVEKDO I , DECEASED. Tho undersigned Auditor appointed by tho Or phans' coui tot the County ot e'ohunbla to maldis tribution of the balance of tne funds In the hands ot tho Administrator among the parlies entitled there to, svUimeui all persons Interested for the purpose or his appointment, at 9 o'clock u. m. on Friday, Ihe eighteenth day ot January. 1S7S, at thoonicoot W. I.. Kscrly. In latauissa, when and whero all persons having claims against tho sail estate are required lo preacnt tho same Iieforo tho auditor or bo debar red from coinlug in tor a sharo of said fund. CHAlll.ES II. 11AHKI.EV, Auditor. dec 21, '77-lw A hi lb UDITOH'S NOTICE. no matter of the sheriff's sale of tho property ot James It. lllcu. Tho undersigned Auditor, appointed by tho Court by eiais-'iit f parlies Interested lo dWrlbuto the money arising tiom said sale, will meet tho parlies In eicsted ut tho omco of Iirockssay & Klwell, lu uioo'osburg, on saturdiy, Iho mil day of January, ls7i,aileu o'clock In iho forenoon, at which tlmu idl parlies Interested svill atleiil or bo debarred Iroiu coming lu on said fund. CEO. 11. EI.WKI.L, Auditor, dec 21, "77-tsv Y UDITOH'S NOTICE. "loo undersigned, Auditor appointed. In the case ot Aaron Maslol erss. Charles Mauicr, James K, M.urer and A. schweppenlu-lser. No. Bos, May Term ls7, Kl. Fa. ISO September Term 1S77, Al. IT Fa. 152 Decemticr Term. Is77 "to ascertain svhnt aro tho hens agalust tho lands, to whom due nnd tho nmouut or i no same, aoo wnt-iiier inuiauu nuuumwwiu subject lo any of tho liens, aud It so what oncs,"wiii attend to tho duties of his appointment at his ofllco In tho Town ot liloomslurg on Monday the 21st day or January. A P.. ws. at y o'clock a m.. svhen and wheie all persons Interested In said matters are re- nuisieu lu uucuu. K. E.OItVIS, dec. 2 1. '77-lw Auditor. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE OF S'ALUAIILE REAL ESTATE I ! In pursuance of nn order of Iho Orphans' Court of Columbia county, the undersigned Administrator of Margaret Karns, late ot Henton tow nshlp, deceased, svlll expose to sale on the premises on SATUKDAY, JANUARY 12, 1878, at ten o'clock n. m., tho following real estate of snld decedent, situate In Denton township, bounded aud described as follows: Ou tho north by lands of Wll llaT smith, on the east by lands of Peter Kase, on tho south and west by lauds of Joseph Hess.contaln lng Till RTY-TII REE ACRES, more or less, all Improved, whereon Is erected a two-story frame mVKIJ.INCJ HOUSE, FRAME HARN, and outbuildings. TEUMS OF SaLE. Tenter cent of one-fourth of the purchase money to bo paid at striking dosvn of property, tho one-fourth less tho ten per cent nt lbs confirmation of salo, and tho balance in ono year thereafter, with Interest from confirmation ntsl. I. K. KlllPKIIAUM, Administrator. Denton, Djc. ii. lS77.-ts ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE OF VALUADLB REAL ESTATE ! ! In pursuance ot an order ot the Orphans' Court ot Columbia county, tho undersigned Administrator of F.llsha shultz, lato of Denton township, deceased, will expose to sale on tho premises on WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 10, 1878, at ten o'clock a. m the Interest ot said deceased In the following real estate, sltuato In Henton town ship, bounded and described as follows: Oa the south by lands of S, P, Krickbaum and Thomas Del las, on tho w est by lands ot Thorn as Delias, north by lands of II, C, Moss, and on tho east by lands ot Jo seph II. Shultz and I), C. Moss, containing about EIGHTY-FOUR ACRES, more or less, whereon Is erected A I-TtAMK DWELLING HOUSK, one and a half stories nigh, A Fit A ME HAItN, and other outbuildings. About slity.flto acres Is Im proved. There is a ROOD OIlt'llAIlD on the land. A t the same time and place will bo sold the Inter est of Hhulti la the camo land, and the purchaser can get a good title to tbo whole tract. Terms of salo will bo made known on day of sale. I. K. PKICKUAVM, Administrator. Jieiiton, iKsj, a, 1.77,-U NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Christmas HolBivy Excursions. Tho Philadelphia & Heading R. It. Co. Will (.sue r.Vt 1'lliliiV TICKRTS between all points In us territory, good fiom Decomkcr 22,1077 to January 33, ism, with no sales after January 1st. 1:s, at a reduction e.f thirty-tiireopercent. from regular r-ire. 'cniiii tnwn and Norrlstown branch local points except ed ,.. doe. il, 17TT. elcne-'ral Ticket Aoont. r KOISLATIVK NOTICM. .o .,f,,L.M- nlvt-M, -flint, flip linrtfT- slened will npply'to the l.oeWattiro of rennsjlvanU St iwreirular session of 1s7h for the passiiw o ' an Act to be entitled "An Act to valllate a cerinln f a'o Si real estnto by tho Administrators ot .tames lie s, latoof Columbh county, deceased, to Alexander II. Stewart" ho object whereof shall bn o validate a certain sale made to 1.1m by said Adm otstrators on tier an order ot tin orphans' court of Coluiihla count v or Mh of Mav, ls73,otn certain tract ot land conti lnlnir onolituiilred nnd elBht-two nnd a Half acres Mtualc partly in Columbia county and partly K ll in county In this Mate, bounded by an Is now or late of Crnls nnd lilanchard. .lonas llantT. 1 1. Willis Das Is and others, and for which tract a d-eil was executed lo lion uy saiu ,uniiui3iiin.vov. isthdayof June, 1571. A, 11. STEWAltT. Oraiis-cvlUc, Dec. 1', 19TT.-4W Orphans' Coure Sale oi-' VAhfAiii.i: HEAL ESTATE ! Pursuant to nn order of tho Orphans' Court ot Co lumbia county, "a , will bo sold nt public sale, on tho premises In Mirtlln township, In Bald county, on THUItSDAY, JANUAKY 17tU, 18i, ntio o'clock In tho forenoon, all that real cstato lato of William N. llrown, deceased, to-svlt t A Val uable Mill Property, sltnato In Mifflin township aforesaid, bounded nnd described as follows commencing nt a corner at lands of 1). A. Hess and Maria Wolf; thenco north sesenty-tour and one fourth degrees, cast sesenty-ono and slx-tcuth rods thenco south nineteen and one-half degrees, wist lltty-sli nnd four-tenth rods; thence south sevent ten nnd one-fourth dcirrecs.cast six nnd four-tenth rods; thenco south thirteen and three-fourth degrces,cast tsvelso and four tenth rods; thenco south slUy-thrco and one-fiiurth d.-grecs, ssest ono and four-tenth rods; thenco south twenty-four and thrco-fourla degrees, east one and sU-tcnlh rods j Ihenco noith tlglity-sescn and one-Iourlii degrees, east ci-ni- tenih tods ; theuco south "vcu aim tnrio roarin degtees, cast three mil e Ljbt-tcnth rods; tl.i nco south ivsenly-four nnd one-fourth desires, cast six nnd iiiie-n-nth rods; thence south lllly-lioeu and thrtS luiutii degic, 8, iat three roils; theaiusouth ten and three-fourth degrees, fast four and four. tenth rods ; thence sjiith kp, deg. cast 4 4-lo rods; thence south thlriy-two nnd one-half degrcca, cast nlno 1 oils; thence north ilgh j-ihrco degrees, cast Iho and iwu-tenth l'ols ; thenco Boulh twenlj-sesenandihrec-tounh degrees, east tweutj- thico rod! ; thcucu sjut'a el. -lit -three aui one-halt ilt giccs,eist live imdtwo-tenthrods; thenco south thirteen anil oiie-I lurth degrees, we5t lourteun and scsei -1 nth ioisj th .nco north seven! s-i.hioilcgucs west live toil t : thence south lltlj-foiir and one fourth degrees, svest, sevt-n and IWe-lenth rods the nco noun tweiit-foura'id three-fourth d.'groes ss-isl lls-o .Hid els'. l-teiiih rols; Ihenco suiilh ilgldy sevnand three-f jurth degrees,we-t eleven and foii'-'iiilhr ls ; th' nee noith twenty-two ntir one. half e'cgreis, wo t thirty live r j Is ; tho;i"0 soulh scs-enty-nlce and one-rjurlh (lorries, west six and tsvo-'enth rods ; ih'ticc noith twentv-nluoand one- fourth degrees, west twenty-two and scven-lenth roils ll.enee n trtli twent) -four and thr.'-e-iointh de grees, west ,i irteen and nine-tenth rods; thenco south eighty l" rand onu-fourlhilegs., si est thirty Ihreeaud iilne-tenth roils; thenco uorth two degrees, east sit and three-tenth rods ; thenco north thlrtj eight and thrce-fo'iith degrees, east twenty-two ana nine-tenth lods; thenco north eighteen and one-halt degrees, west tlurtj-two and scsen-teuth rods lo tho place or In-ginning, containing nn:,vrs-MX acki;s and one hundred nd th'.rtj-ono iwrches, whereon aro ei-ectc 1 a 1 raine Water Pow er Urist anl mr run ot Duns h-c.l.usaw'Mlll, ill with fuur ma of liunan'ula tweutytu k-et uut fchot li-jl, 11 tawllllLii fruiDO lJvelliM; House, Dunk Dui'ii, two wngon-houscs and othvr ncrcsary out-bulld-Iniri; about I'lgtituen acresaro clour ii uiuTundtT cultlvatluu. ALSO, tlw water prtUtDo ami Iho right to enter upoj so muci of tho Ei'suh'. bouiuleil and described in follows, lo-w It : Commencing In a lino ot aforesaid described tract at a maple ; thenco south seventy-six and one-half degrees, east si rods ; thenco south thlrty-ilne and ontt-balf degrees, east threo rods; thenco soutli eighteen degrees, cas.t twenty-three aod Hx-tciilh rods; thence booth slxty-threo and three-fourth de grees, east nine rod-i ; thenco soutli fifteen degrees, west eleven and elght-teuth rods ; thenco noutli thirty-two degrees. west nlno rods; thenco boulh seven and on-half degrees, wot thirteen rod ; thenco south nlno and one-half degrees, west six rods; thenco bouth twelve and one-half de grees, east six rods; thenco bouth foily-four and one-half degrees, cast si rods; thenco south twenty-set en and three-fourth degi cos, west twelve and Ihree-lentU rods; thenco south eighty seven and one-fourth degreu, weit two and two tenth rods; thenco north thirty and one-half de grees, west eleven and six-tenth rods ; thenco north nlno degrees, east three rods ; thenco north twentj four degrees, cast twenty-four nnd seven-tenth rods; theme north tltty-elght and one-half degrees, east ten rods ; thence north thirty and one-half degrees, east live rods ; ihenco north teven degrees, e isl sev en rods, thence ulung west bank of racoon a line parallel with and two rods distant from line on side to stone In lino of Hist described tract ; ns may be necessary to maintain thereon a dam and rate In good working ordtr, doing as little harm as possi ble to the ground and crops gruwlng thereon. Thtsproptrt la within half u mile of the town of Minilnvllle uud the same distance uf the lino of the N. & U. llallroad which is partly graded and which Is expected to bo completed during tut loan ing summer. Tutus ov Sale. Ten per, cent of onc-rourth ot the purchase money to be paid at thestilklng do ah of the property, the on-fuurth less the ten per tent, at confirmation ot sale, and tho u-malniug three fourths In one year thereafter with Interest irom continuation nisi. 2,00 oof the purchase money 10 to remain ln.thc premises during life of the widow and Interest theieon to bo paid to her annually. Pos session lo bo given on tho llrstdayof April ne.t, provided good security Is given for the pavmthtof the purchase money. The purchaser to pay for mak ing tho deed. Any further Information can bo obtained by ad dressing JOHN F. IIIIOWN. Mtnilnvllle. 4 or JA&. C. UUUW.N, Uloumsbuig, dec. 21, 17-ts Kxecutors. PUBLIC SALE II F VALUAULi: Real Kstate ! In pursuance of an order ot tho Orphans' Court of Columbia county Iho undcrsljuc-d, Administrators, Ac., of illchael (Hover, lalu of Iho Toisu ot lliOvius burir, In said counts, deceased, SMU epo!,o to public salo on tho promises, on 1'UIU.VY, JANUARY 11, 1878, commencing on tho farm lu Main tou-nshtp, at 10 o'clock a. m.and on the property In Minim ut tsso o'dock p. ui of said day. A tr.o t of land tllualu In Muln low nshlp, In said county of Coluinbla.conUtu- Ins lOS -A CEE S, more or less, adolnln lands ot Aaron MastelUr, Anion Miller, and others, and a public road, si here on aro erected a hi o-story Dwelling House, Good Bank Barn, sraen house and corn crib, good out-bulldlni;s,i;oGd spring and Bprin house, good ss ater ou tho premis es, good applu orchard and other fruit trees-land In a good stito ot culllsutlon, ono publlo road runs through tho land, and ono on tho north side, conve nient to bchoot and church. ALSO All lhat certain piece, parcel or lotof land eltuate In Mlftllu town-hip, In tho county of Co fumbla, containing c Acres and s-J peiches more or less, adjoining land ot John Aten, A. t-chis cppenhel ser nnd olhers, w hereon nro erocle d a tsvo-atory ritAMi; mvKu.iNo, a Frame Porn, IdackMulth t-hop, uud other out buildings, good svatert tho door and fruit tree's, and lo bo sold bubjeci to tho follow log reservations i Tho right to Jacob Voho, his heirs or assigns, to all tho waters within tho limits ot creek running through the above debcrlbe-d land, with the light to dam or backwater up In said creek to any he'gth not exceeding Ihe top of Iho bank ot bald cicek j and excepting and reserslug to said Jacob Yoho und for ever prohibiting tho snld Michael Orover.hls Ex ecutors, Administrators or assigns from building, creeling or ostabdshlng any (Irtst, 1'iutom, or Mer chant Mill on sal t stream or premises, or using or diverting tho water th' not from tho cntlrousoor control ot tho raid Jaoob Yohe. AUO, a certain lotof land In mniln township, In tho said county of Columbia, containing beventy-ouoperehes, adjoining tho above deMTlbed tracts, lands of John Aten, lauds ot Jacob t-chvsep-penhelser and a public road. TKIIMS OF HALE.-Tcu per cent, ot one-fourth of tho purehaso money'to bo paid at tho bt riling dovsn of said premises, one-fourth of tho purehaso money lebs tbeu-n per cent, to bo paid at tho confirmation of the sale, and tho balance uf bald purehaso money to bo paid la ono jear Irom thi confirmation of Bald tale svith Interest on Bald balance from thocouttr. roatlou ultl of bald sale. A linsi mr, Joshua rurriiilMAN, Administrators. dec-ll,,iT-U BLANK MORTGAGES for tale cheap at the oounuuv USloo. VTOTIOR notleo Is hereby given tbnt application will bo tnndi! nt tho next, inorthurot tho legislature for tho pasture of an act to authoilro tho Auditors to let Iho makhiif nnd repslrlng of tho puWt.i roads of cat anlssa tnnhlp Columbia cojnty lo tho lowet bidder, the letting toll- undo bv Iho Auditors, arid toubullrh of fciinerrltoraln said township. doc. .1, '7MW HOLOMON Sllir.MAN', t coislativj: noticT:. iitiee Is ht-rrbr (riven that application will ho ma le l i thn l.i'Rlsl dure soon to convene, lor tho or im nrt intltld "An Act lo mum! sm-rt o net No. 8J, relative to Ions, out of conn- IV Ilinus 10 nffl iciinur,il si'i-i'-uen iipi'i'iveu in,. 4 ii day of Uiiv, Anno nomlnl, one thousand eight linn ilrcd and Hslv-foiir. 'I he object nt I his net Is to en. title tho Columbia county Mril uilur.d, Umtlctittu. ralntid Mechanical Association, to lcpin-entallon In the state. Hoard of Apiculture, crented by nn ait, npproed tho stli day of -May, A. li. ls-n. .i.i. , i.i'.t,, llloomsbiirg, dec. it, 'TT-4W Chairman. SILISKIFFS SALE lly sirlun ot a svrlt ot Vend Px. Issued out of tin- court ot Common Pleas of Columbia co., nnd lo Ino directed, whlbeexiwdln public side nt tho Court House In llloomsbiirg ut a o'clock p. m. on SATUKDAY, .IANUA11Y l!i, 187S, All that certain real estate sltu.ilo In Ucntnn tosvr. ship, Columbia county, Pa., described ns follosvs to- svlt 1 Hounded on tho noiinuy innas or jonn iieish- llne, on thn svest by land of John C. Knrns, on tho soulh by land of John el. Kains, and on the east by land of Jonas Doty, containing furty-idr.o ncicsnnil sixty Perthes, ou which Is erected a frame dwelling house. CONDITIONS OF Purchasers must pay ten per cent ot tho purcha'-o money, or nt least enough to cover all ctAisnt nrlklng down ot salo otherwise piopeity to bo tesold at once. JOHN W. . HOFFMAN, dec. 21,'77-ts fucrur, Tlio Seaside Library. choice books no lontrcr for tho fesv only. 1 he best standard novels svllliln the reach of cserv one. Honks usually sold from f to $3 (risen (unchanged and unabridged) for 10 mid 20 cents. 1. HistLynne, Uy Mrs. lltniy Wood double no.2io 2. John llAi.U Ai. (U:nt. by Jllss Miiloeu. vihi 3. Jank r.viiK. by Chiirlottti inonto (duublo no.) 2110 4. Wosias ilATl.ll, t'hallcs lleado's new nosil 210 r.Tm: IU.ack Imuks, .lulls Vt roe's latett l(o 11. Last Uavs op I'omchi, by llulvser lno 7. Musi lino:, by ncorge I.lllott. (double no.) 2110 s. Tun AniMU i. Mono, by Maty 1 e-ell May lno 0.01 h vti'i'iKTON's Monks', by Mnryi'ecl Hay too .0. Tin: ss osiak in sviiitk, by vv llklc Collins uie n.'l in-: M11.1. ostiik l'n, by (leorgc 1.1 lotr. 2110 12, Tor Amkimcav -iknaioji, by Ant lion v 'Irollopo 2 0 I. 1. A I'lilM'Is.s ol Tlll' S llll.iln black 2110 II. Tin: liBso .Trin-T, bv s llkl" Culllns lno 15 IIomoi.s, by (h-orge KlUott. (double 110. 2uo 10. Tuk I-'Miri.-ii at tiik Noam I'oik smi Fielu ok Ick, In one book by Jules Vi rno 100 U. Iltnio.x i i.iiiis, by Mary Cecil liny inc s, iivunAiiA's llisionv. by Amelia It Kdvvnrds 2uo la. A TKiiiiiiu.K'l ksii'titIos, by i hai'les;ile,ido mo 20.0111 e'emo-iTV Mior. by hat lea Idckcns 2nc 21. Foci, l'l as-, by Chin les llcndp loo 21. Man ami Wiie, by Iikte I'oillns wo a. tub NtriKKV laoAcs', by Mmy Cecil liny 200 24. "It is NhVKitTool.eTK 10 mkmi," by Charles 20c lO'iuln. 21. 1, env APEneiiiE'sOeTii, by Mrs. IK Wood, vs. Ai-iioiiA Fioyii, bv Ms M. II. I'.raddon. 2T. Vktok and VVNQrisnFP, bv M, c. Ilav. as. A liArniiTKit ok by William lilack. vu. Nous's I.ovb Tist, by Mary Ci ell Hay. a ITT SOCItsUlK in 111s l'l ack. by o. Ifcade. 31, FKI.1X IIOI.T, THE ItAIIICAU by (JeorgC KlllOlt. .12. Tiik (Jckkn ok iieakis, by ssilklo Collins. 31. Handy Andy, by -amiiel lsso. 31, A Mmplelon. bv Charles Ite-ale. 13. Fells- llolt. the itidlcal, bylieo. i:ilot, .m. Tho Wooing ot. by Mis AleMiiider 3T The Mrs. Henry SVood Kin mo loo UH! 10o 5 O 2IIO lno 2IIO 100 i u Will lie SIIO 200 11 O 2110 2-0 l'o 200 led 200 as, .snionia, oy ss iikio colons 3 1. Ivunhoo by Kir ss'aller ncott 40. 'I hi- Heir 10 Asiuey, uy .Mis II. ssood 41. SShlie Lies, by Charles iteado 44. Ulile-niid-seek. by Wllklo Collins 41. lle'dor MTViolnc, bv.lules Verno 44. The Tosver of Umdon, v. II. Alnsvs-orth 45. A I lie's Secret, by Mrs. Ilcurv Wood 41;. Ilerltnireof Langdile, Mrs. Alexander 47. InMlk Alllre, bv SMIllim IllacK 4s .'iho MraiiL-e Adventures of a l'haeton. bv 100 William black 1CC 43. (Iranvlllo do Vlgno i or, Held In bondage, by '(Hilda.' 2iio M). Under llio eireenvvood Tree, Thos. Hardy 100 51. Kllmenv, by William black Ko 52. 'I ho I ost Hank Note, by Mrs. II. Wood 100 53. 1 he Monarch of - lnchig I nne, W, lilack loo a.. i-nuiT iu ruifs, uv noma -55. A s Inter City, by "(Hilda'' 5ii. Mrathmore, bv ' oulda" 100 sue 57. A Vosajc Hound tho srcrld-South America, es verno lfo f,s, Mlas Marner, bv eieorgo Kllot 50. chnndos. bv ' oulda" ioo 200 110. A Vosago ItoundtUo World Australia, by Cl.liibeo; or, Two Littlo Wooden Shoes, by "OuMa" 100 02. Folio Farlne, by "(mid 1" . 2ec c,.i. Heno Hollow by Mrs. Henry Wood 2uc 04. s. Vojngo ltound tho Wond-Ncsv Zealand, by Jul, s Verno loo 0.1. Tbo Nobleman's Wlf., bv Mrs. II. Wood loo iw. Ilory u'Mooie, by Samuel Lover 20c C7. e'nsllo Water, and Henry Arkell, Mrs. Henry Wood 10c (Is. Flvo Weeks In a llalloon. Jules Verno 1110 ty. 1 it ioo iiHier eno, oy .suss .si. u. nraddon 20c 70. Ml Idli'mareh, by (leorgo Eliot 200 71. Ariadne, by -Oulda'' 100 Ji. Mcrhllana : or. The Adventures of Three Kng- llshlnen and Three Itusslans In south Sirica, mid Tho blockade Uanricrs, bv.lules Verno loc 73. l'.oss'i Itanr, by Mrs. Henry Wood 200 74. ltiiiurt Hall, bv Mis. Henry SVood 100 75. Tho Fur country, b.' .lull s Wrne 100 7(1. Tlio New Magdalen, by W Iikio Collins 111c 77. Mtstrcsa and siaid by Miss Miibick loo 7s orinilh (lauiit, by Charles Iteado loo 7!). Madcap Violet, by SS 1111.1m black 200 so. Daniel iterond 1, tiv (leorgo Lllot, 20c M. ('hrMlin's .Sll.lake, Miss Mulutk 100 Kl. My Mother and I, by Miss MuloeK 100 s:i. svrn-i's rrldo, by sirs. llCury Wood 200 s4. 2i).( 0 1 e.igues Uuder Iho seas Jules Verne 100 si. Majiirlo liriii-e's lasvers, Mary ralrlek 100 Ml. I'm s. uurselt In Ills I'laco Chaa. Iteado 10O 87. A Uairney to tho Centre ot tho I.'arth, Jules Verno " mo RS. Two Marriages, Miss Mulock 100 so. 'I he Liisi Is 1 1 Anion, M. K. iiradduq 2UO 00. Mvsterl'ius island- Dropped Irom tho Cloud-', by Jules Wrne too til. llio "moan's Kingdom, by MKs Mulock loo VI. .Mrs. llnhbiirtnii's, b.v Jira. Ilcnrv SVooil 200 M. "sstcitjiM Island The Abandoned, by Jules Verno 10.3 91. Tlio Law nnd Tim I.adv, Wllklo Collins 10c 03 Ilea 1 Men's shoes, Miss M. K. Ilr.iddou 20u oil. Love s Vh tory. by II. L. Fargeon clo 07. Mjstcrlnus Isiaiui-Thoi-ecretacfthe Island, by Jules S'trno 10c OS. llurrj I oirequer, by Charles Lever aiC I'll. F'om iho fa rib to iho Moon, and Around tho Moon, bv Jules SVrno too 100. A '1 nlo of '1 wo I'll les, Chat les Dickens uio 101. A Noblo Lire, bv Miss Mulcek loo 102. HardTTiiH'H, bv ('harks Hickens 100 103. A Ilravo Udy, by Miss Mulock 200 101. 1'ecp o' Hay, bv John liunini 100 103. At ih sign of Iho Mlver Flagon, by II. L. Parjeoti ' ' too 100. he Master of (Ircylands, by Mrs. Henry W OCHl O.I.. 107. Illa'les O' eirass. by n. r Farlenn 11m to.. Illa'les O' eirass. by 11. l. Farjeon l,s. Tno Sen King, by ( aptuln Man jat ?' ,' !'.Vr,v ".!ory' M!',,M-l; braddoi 111 a t " rshatn, by Florence Ma 100 Ion 200 ''ATom- of tho Woild lu L'lghly Days, by 1 1 vanes i.eaoo 113. (loldo 1 drain, by 11. rurvenn IU' -M"rb,hatn. Miss M. f:, nraddon 15. sv it .in tho Mao. bv Mrs. Henry Wood 0. Paul ne, by I 11. Wulrord 117. I ho 1 o , nlo Minslcr, Hugene lies J J' p.r;V,tAf,,,ut,,!"""s' llv 1 hai les Dickens 110. ivtroiiel, by Fioieii"o.Muriyat 1H1- VS'!1,""'011' ,al,onr(iiiun stnn.O Feulllct !, 1l'u'1!l;"'c;r,'1,"""','-v lapialiiMarryat 123. Irish legends, by Samuel Lover l- SuiroTr( slvn's Heir, by Mr-. II. Wood 200 100 100 200 100 H'O 200 100 100 voo too loo VI 10 1UO 100 100 100 'iC'.J'r V"m"' r" Mi 1Utl" r'S D' b' lla0H- !' ;,v Ladv Ludlow, by Mrs. (i.ukell las. cousin Phinis, i.v sirs, (li-u u tira.s he adoring Jew (First Half), by Kugenc 12'J. The Wnnderlng Jtsv (-'econd Half), by Eu- tClie SUO qnn l 'i!.h !"!"J.,U of V""' ''5 Miss Mulock ioo 131. Mlchiu. slrongotr, by Jules Verno leu 8i. . nek lllniini, oy charl-s u-ver JfS FarJon "wuatf i.iw, uy r. 1.. 131. My itr Iher's W lfe, Aim Ha II. Fdsv ards 'H- l'1-'.',1"? 8 H"bai,d. by Miss Mulock M. Katlo Stewart, l,y Mia. on, hatit , !!!' ..'"."r,1".11 ('1"1"1' by Charles Uver 13s. w hat He Cost Her, James Pas 11 130 l.niir fin's i, r ..-i.... ' 100 100 100 110 100 ice 2'0 100 1(10 200 100 100 40. 1 ho uny Lisle, Miss M H.'lirndden , S,,aM,,',rnm" heady, ( ujitaln Marrvatt Ml- w '11" 01 1'"1""v- MIH ""lock !"-.. '", u!,,' ';d Tosver Mrs. Henry Woo 144. 'Iho Twin 1 leutenants, by Alo. Ilnma sVi' ls'1 M""tU 11 J''"'J-' Amelia !,,,' 1 J tfu'Almf' 11 f- Annlo Ldvvnrds 100 I4'J. Joshu 1 Marvel, 200 no lno 200 IOO IOO 400 IOO IOO 2"0 100 100 200 201 100 100 200 100 leu 200 100 100 too ton no. 'iiin ia,,v..i; .. v..rv..'. r.t,:',:' """"0 w 'ivo,1n ,"1 'e, by Aio'illa ll. tMwards ii' i f "f.uro Tri,ve- u.v Samuel Luvcr 100' 1 i!n 'i',u,!."1'"Ml'' "X'Ptaln siarryat Cl' 0 li'M " '', byAlexaiid. r Huma.s IS. ii? ,"orl,l Weil lost, K. Lynn llntuu int. Shirley t harlollo llioub. 03. I rank Mlldmay, by 1 uptaln Marryat m a l0","" w ".' ? "lory, Harriet How rn Jf- A Modern s inlsur (Vol. DChesely Nosel S I! ," Aldlnl. b, lieorg,' sand J 0UI !?i' -!,'," ;(JU ,nsNiella(e, by sle Dumas HS. CpucVegan, bye harl.-u fever UY- r.1' I atrak's hve, by Charles Le ver Marrvul. by Captain 174. Kaio ii'Honoehuc, bv Charles Lever im iw v,SHw il.""'v T"1'-'"' '""Plain -s i ?' I.Vu.l,'ll ii'iio by Captain Miirnat 200 .Marryat 100 am at n o Wouet "-u'"t"'ul'J by Mrs -l 'rhr.t,iMltM t-t:ck, bv v. K Fruulllloi ;ll,ul,la or.yefaerhne, i.v VlcWr 11 ? ' Armalade. by v llkl-- Collins ! .'.' 'hoiounU'ssdeChariiv. Alox Hum, by Mrs. Henry v o llllon 100 ugu 100 Vihi lurnv, Alox Dumas lou ISO. Henrv Dm, li, t.. sn-u 1 100 100 sou I'O 100 200 100 loo St 'nV," "soIalhvHel n, by Alox Iluioas IS' ! ' ?."r"0, """" by aplaln Marryat t : I'liVl'lr'."0.' 1,1 leiaiuu-r Dumas Ibartof siid.uildati, lr alter soutt Ss' ?,l",t.,.l,ul' I'loreiiee Marrjatt J : kW" i'j","'". b' shaxand. r-1iuraa St' t ,l.'i'Jaf th'l-leb.v , by Chai lea Dickens !'-Ja"cy lir.ugb.ieui J: iilf i'V ' ''""da. by e'ai tain Mumat JSS' n "'"'f,1''' and tho Hearth, bv thus Iteado u0,. 'oi,".ol'k; ,b' "atthevv 0. bowls, M. I (Monk Lew 1st, iojl v oj scne'rfi6 h)r ""o'-w-'Hers nnd Nevsbdcalers, orl (JliUHllE" KlIINIlll 1-nlilUlier. taJstm a and K5, Vondev, ater bU, N. yJ V 1 'i L -nJIi P.'.".'.", V?- h.v. ''"Plain Marryat L'S 1 . Iu I arlMiitt i'i'.' '.'.W,',""1' 1 J' ''aplaln Mariyat f'.A,' ll01"""- Mrs. Annie idvvnids ills' 1.; , Si1 '"'"""t I'V i' tain Marryat ioj IS" 1 affi1 J nV,' l,,!"Vl,!",'un " u '!l"la lirougton 100 kt"nS , nP'i ", l"p,l'J''h'.i1esDUU'ns 200 isr, isiinon, bv AlexaMlirDuuias 100 iss. I lie nil 1 I.., lull.. I,.. I.