The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, December 14, 1877, Image 4

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Young Folks.
A Doll I'arly.
There was nnntlir-r tntcrmltng features of
tlio scene wlilch wmiM hrtvn puzzloit nny
but thoso well acquainted with the. miinners
and customs of dolls, A fourteenth rag ba
by, with a china head, hung by her neck
from the rusty knocker In the middle of the
door. A sprig of white and one of purple
lilac nodded over her, n dre of yellow cal
ico, richly trimmed with red flannel scal
lnpa shrouded her slender form, n garland i f
mall flower crowned her glos.y curls, and
rt pair of blue boots touched toes In the
f .-letvdllest, if not the most graceful, manner.
An emotion of grief, as well as of surprise,
might well have thrilled any youthful
at such a spectacle, for why, oh I why, was
this resplendent dolly hung up there to be
stared at by thirteen of her kindred? Was
she a criminal, the sight of whoso execution
threw them flat upon their backs In speech
less horror? Ur was she an idol, to bo ador
ed In that liumble posture? Neither, my
friends. She was blonde ltellnda, set, or
rather hunj, aloft, in the place of honor,for
this was her seventh birthday, and n superb
ball was about to celebrate the great event.
All were evidently awaiting a summons to
the restive board, but such was the perlect
breeding oT these that not a slnglo eye out
of the whole twenty-seven (Dutch Hans had
lost one of the black beads from his worsted
countenance) turned lor a moment towards
the table, or so much ns winked, as they
lay in decorous rows, gazing with mute ad
miration nt llellnd.i. She, unable to re
press the joy and prido which swelled her
sawdustlusom till the seams gaped, give
all occasional bounce ir the wind waved her
yellow skirts or mado the blue boots dance
a sort of jig upon the door. Hanging was
evidently not a painful operation, for she
smiled contentedly, nnd looked as il the red
ribbon around her neck was not uncomfor
tably tight; therefore, if slow sutiocatioti
suite 1 her, who else had any right to com
plain? Son pleasing silence reigned, rot
even broken by a snore from Dinah, the top
of whose turban alone was visible above the
coverlet, or n, cry Irom baby Jane, though
her bare feet stuck out in a w.iy that would
have produced shrloks from a less well-train-cd
Presently voices were heard approaching,
and through the arch which led to a side
path came two little girls, one currying a
amairpileher, tlie otntr proudly bearing a
bssiet covered with a napkin, They look
ed like twiii'', but were n it for ll.ib was a
year older than Hetty, though only an inch
taller, llilli hail on brown ciliuo frocks,
niucti the worse for a week's wear, but clean
pink pinafores, In honor ot the occasion,
made up for that, as well as the gray stock
ings and thick boots, Until hud round rosy
faces rather sunburnt, pug no'es somewhat
freckled, merry blue eyes, and braided tails
of hair hanging down their backs like those
of tho dear littlo Keuwigses.
"Don't they look sweet?" cried Ilab, ga
zing with maternal pride upon the left-hand
row of dolls, who might appropriately have
sung in chorus, "We are seven."
"Very nice j but ray Belinda beats (hem
all. I do think she is the the splendidest
. child that ever was!" And Betty set down
the basket to run and embrace the suspeu
ded darling, just then kicking up her heels
with joyful abandon.
"The cake can be cooling while we fix the
children. Ic does smell perfectly delicious!"
Bald Bab, lifting the napkin to hang over
the basket, fondly regarding the little round
loaf that lay inside.
"Leave some smell for me 1" commanded
Betty, rushing back to get ner fair share of
the spicy fragrance.
The pug noses sniffed It up luxuriously,
and the bright eyes feasted upon the loveli
ness of the cake, so brown and shiny, with
a tipsy-looking B. in pie-crust staggering
downoneside, instead of sitting properly
"Ma let me put it on the very last in in
ule, and it baked so hard I couldn't pick It
off. We can give Belinda that piece, so it's
just as well," observed Betty, taking the
lead, as her child was queen of the revel.
"Let's set them round, so they cau see
too," proposed Bab, going, with a hop, Bklp
andjump, to collect her young family.
Betty agreed, ami for several minutes both
were absorbed in seating their dolls about
the table, for some of the dear things were
so limp they wouldn't sit up, and others so
stiff they wouldn't sit down, and all sorts of
seats had to be contrived to suit the pecu
liarities of their spines. This arduous task
accomplished, tho fond mammas stepped
back to enjoy the spectacle, which, I assure
you, was an impressive one. Belinda sat with
great dignity at tho head, her hands gei
teelly holding a pink cambric pocket-hand
kerchief in her lap. Josephs, her cousin,
took tho loot, elegantly arrayed in a new
suit of purple ml green giuham, with his
speaking countenance much obscured by
straw hat several sizes too large for him ;
while on either side sat guests of every size,
complexion and costume, producing n very
gay and varied effect, as nil wera dressed
with a noble di-regarii of fashion. St. Xich
olas for December.
The I'laydlouse.
Under a fir in the garden ground,
A strange habitation to-day I found,
Built of buthch, and bark, and boards,
And holding hidden the queerest hoards.
There were bits of crockery, sticks, and
Shreds of pink calico, strings of cones,
Crumbs of candy, a picture book,
And, strangest of all, in a cosy nook
Was au idol made iu the Image of man,
With charcoal eyes, and stuffed with brau.
"Were they heathens who dwelt there?" 0;
no, indeed.
"Were they animals?" Yes, of the kind that
can read,
And laugh and cry, and be wicked or pray,
And when tney are old their hair grows
Their names are Margery, Ned, aud Sue;
Their curls are brown, and their eyeo aro
And they builded there iu the summer
As glad as the birds, and sung as sweet.
The birds that built in the tree-tops high
Are singing under a summer sky ;
But the dear little builders who toiled be
Aro sluglug here In the firelight glow.
Anna lioynton Averill, in December
Wide Awake.
A while ago, a party of lyncher, down
South, postpoued tlio hanging five minutes
to allow tho victim time to finish tiuoUng
cigar. This proves that tho uso of tobacco
prolongs life.
Hon. John Welsh, Minister to England,
galled from New York on Saturday on the
steamship Adriatic,
l'ottlns Plants In Winter.
"Dairy Kyebtlght" writes to tho Gmntry
Gentleman giving some plain and practical
hints on potting plants for winter blooming.
She says :
At this season of the year the amateur gar
dener flmuld look carefully to tho pottlnir of
the house plants, designed for winter flow
ering, becausi If the roots have heroine pot
bound it will restrict the growth ol the
plant. To know whether this Is tho case,
dip the pot Into a pall of warmish water,
and let tho earth become slightly moistened
from top to bottom ; then run a sharp bis.'
ded knife close to the edges of the pot, rap
sharply upon the bottom of It, and the ball
. f earth will slip eally Into the left hand.
If the roots have become matted closely
around the sides and bottom, the plant needs
a larger pot j lor geraniums, one size larger
is best, ns they will bloom belter In the
house If their roots are restricted. Helio
tropes, fuchsias, roses and camatioDs will
need pots two sizes larger l'ut n littlo
thoroughly decayed manure into the bottom
of the pnt, set the hall of earth Into It, and
till up the sides with fie:h soil, pressing It
lown giutlv around the rout-. The surface
the soil should In- nearly half an Inch be-
w the level of the edge i.t the pot, so a to
ve room tor water, and as tho earth sinks
own, a freIi "iipply nil ho aimed occasion
lly. A good compost for plants can he
ado out of one-third perfectly decayed ma
nure, ouc-thlrd sharp Bind, 'and one-lUinl
eardeti soil. Mix this well together, and If
few spoonfuls of nlr slacked lime can be
stlrrot in with it, it will kill nil the larviu of
I havo just re-potted my plants for the
inter, nnd I have six windows completely
led with them. Fuchsias, begonias, ger
aniums, browallies, cactuses, roses, oxalif,
carnatlons.callas, etc., mako a brilliant show.
anging baskets and baskets filled with Ivy
ill help to cheer and comfort mo wheu tho
intry winds howl around tho cascmenls
and the snow covers every green.
Fastenings for Caltlo in tlio Stable.
A subscriber asks for a convenient and
economical device for confining cattle in tho
table without the use of stanchions. Our
plan is to set two stand irds for each animal
two and one half feet apart, between which
the animal is fastened with a chain around
the neck, a branch of the chain running to
itch standard, terminating In a ring sliding
p and down upon the standard ; these
two branches of the chain running from
neb standard to the centre, connected by a
ng with two other branches from this ring
going around the animal's neck, fastening
ith a long T through a ring. A little ex
amination of this plan will show that the
animal will be held in the centre between
the standards so as not to bo able to move
sideways, or to annoy its neighbor, but can
move a little forward or backward, turn its
head round, or lick its shoulders, and en
joy much more liberty than in stanchions.
Tho whole arrangement is also very cheap
the chains not costing more than fifty
cents each ; and there is really only one
drawback to It the chain will not go round
the neck and fasten itself without help. The
self sustaining stanchion is ahead in that re
spect. But shall we neglect to comfort our
animals to save bo paltry a service ? To de
crease this j labor of fastening tho chain
around the neck, liang a small cord ou one
ide, reaching down to within six inches of
the top of the neck of tho animal, with a
hook or bent wire in the lower end. When
the chain is taken off the neck, hang one
end on this hook, and it will be held up
ready to be placed Jaround the neck when
the animal comes in again, and also, stretch
ing across from one standaad to the other,
prevent the animal from going through be
fore it is fastened. There is no puteut on
Iniproveil Wheat.
JIajor Iliillet, who i well known to the
agricultural world on account of the variety
of wheat bearing his name, laya down the
following rules as tho result of his experi
ence in wheat improvement: "Very close
observation during many years has led me
to (ho discovery that the variations in the
cereals which Nature preseuU to us are not
only hereditary, but they proceed upon a
fixed principle, and from them I have dedu
ced the following law of development of cer
eals: 1. Kvery fully developed plaut,wheth-
er wheat, oats or, barley, presents an ear su
perior in productive power to any of the
rest ou that plant. 2. Every bucIi plant
contains one grain, which, upon trial, proves
more productive than any other. 3. The best
grain in u given plant is found in its best
ear. 4. lue superior vigor of tuis grain is
transmissible in different degrees in its prog
eny. 5. By repeated careful belectiou the su
periority is accumulated. 0. Tho improve
ment which is at first rapid, gradually after
a "long series of years, is diminished in
amount, and evidently to far arrested that,
practically speaking, a limit to improvement
is maintained, and practically a fixed typo is
tho result." The majorat the commence
mentofhls attempts to improve wheat as
sumed that the liable of producing more than
two grains iu a chest, which is only occa
sional in our common crops, could by prop
er selection be very much lucreased and en
larged. As a proof of the correctness of his
theory he has produced heads with five and
six grains iu a cluster, ten and twelve in a
circle around the head, with one hundred
and twenty-three grains per head. He by
the mine means has wonderfully increased
the tillering power of the plant until with
grains nine inches apart each way, he ob
tains an ample crop of straw and an unusu
al yield of grain.
When a cow's milk suilileuly dries up aud
becomes clotted in the udder it is probably
duo to garget or inflammation of the udder
from some one of many causes. Tbo udder
Is then hard or lumpy, and hot, A 'remedy
Is to give the cow at once 8 or 12 ounces of
Epsom salts, with half au ounce of saltpetre,
repeating the latter in six hours. If tho
milk is difficult to draw, a solution of ono
ounce of carbonate nfcoda in a pint of wa
ter should be enjected in the teaU with t
syringe, and then milked out, This will
bring away the curded milk which, if left
In, will make matters very much wortp. If
the cow is feverish, the saltpetre may be re
peated for a day or two. To bathe the ud
der in cold water, rubblugand squeezing it
gently lor a considerable time, is useful.
A lady f ent a note to tlio ncwtiiatier to get
a rccipo to euro tlio whooping cough iu a
pair of twins, lly a umtalo a recipe fur
pickled onions was unconsciously inserted, and
Iter namo attached, and tho received this an
swer through tho "Answer to Corrctjion
dents:" Mrs. L.1I.II, If not too young, tkiu
them jirttty clot-cly, iuiuicrto in building wa
ter, epiinkle plentifully with fait, and im
incrso them for a week in Mroog brine.
Soribnor's Monthly for 1877-73,
Without rocalllnft tlio pxccllonco of tho pnst, tho
imbiWuTsot Ncilljneri'H Monthly anaounco for the
M'fir tutvmn tlw follow In jf iujhtm i
tiii: iMerimoriMiKo1 amkkican faiim
MKK. ThH sulijm will he trnitpil In n wrleof nrp
rmitr papers eiutiitfpil trom witter wliontatnl in t no
front mtik. ninonr Atnorlmiin. Uitli In niinlltli'S of
MyJo ntid tn Kfrii lnslifht 01 M.lnir Mr. - h lt"b-
liittuu iiuiiior i t ii at limitMl p.tpur on "fox lliuitlnif
tn Now Krulamr In tho.l.imiary iumt.,r, wMrrpre
scnltltoBamuocttmlntlilHfrloi. lolm tlurroutths
wuoso pap-n on Minn r lopici into uoo'i priou
nnd popular ffHturtf or Hrri'm-'r will wrlto ut Knrrii
Life In .NowiYork. Muurlco Thompson, tho pivt
umiltwlllcVwciltn:i tho chiiructerlstk'M uf Wei torn
Mruiliur of which hut HUlo lui hern wrllt 'ii. It
H utpvitfil tlut tho Illustration til thU Kilts wl't
no of . l-filue I typical dmrnctcr, couimonMiruto
with thuaul'Jwt matter. ItM thought .lint no piper
ur wrlos of 1-..IVM et lwiod In fcrlbiier 111 w fully
reullo llu eonstiinlilonlronf thn iuntftvlno to keep
out uftliu ruts, timl, tjth In text nnd lllustrutitm-i,
toebtnln quality rolher than quantity, and to print
fresh, at ronj? nnd dellento work Irum original sour
'KOXY, by Edward K(jRleHtonnuthor of "The
llooMer vSchoolmnMer,' Ac.) This new novel will
UouhllefwtM tho most Important Arnerlran nerlal ot
tho your. Tho first number was published In No-
ember " Iio-mj h ha lu o read H dirl-ire Now to l
much the most ftirlklmc and remmknoio story this
author has ever written, It Is Illustrated by oho of
tho ablest of the jounr A iwriean painters Mr.
Wrtlto" shlrki wt Preutdentof "iho American Art As-
AMliltlCVN SPOUTS.Somo of tho most novel
nnd cnlettalnlnvfTjf these pnpors nrot't tupiear,
thecehsc)f whleii will lo In the West, the Middle
'tales tho Mouth, New Kmrlu.dund t"an.vl.i,
ot'ivop-no'iit PAl'hits, by .John mirrouiihs,
authorot "Wako UollV, Ae., will contain not only
articles on birds, but on "1 r.unplntr"". Ainplmr t 1
mid kindred topics, Mr. Uurromih'fl papers will ho
Kin In (holAiiuiry number, the llrst lihjjrntllleil
'lUMs nnd Hhdt" and Illustrated by Fhleili bridges.
AltOUl ri;CH UK uK Thomas M.
Itrower will eontrlbuto four exnuhltely llln-traU'd
articles ou blrdV-neMs. which ivcry lover or nature
will delUnl In. Dr. HrywtT has probably Iho finest
eollettionoiblrdVews In t o world U dr.iwupon
for the Illustration of iheso papers.
Tili;Niii-tioiHK,--t.f. iiforiro 13. warine
with wlice euMlent workot various Hurts our read
TlIK NlIM,"-tllHSK,
iiforira 13. Warlnc
ith wrt f miliar, contributes two tiiuMrate.i urucies
uu llu-;uu.e. lie treats Hpecl.ulv or saddle hordes
and lb Ir u-" for pieasuic and for spirt, meludlnif
road-riding, fnx-htiutlnt and rai lntf. '1 he nature of
tho Kimllih thoroughbred and that uf his KUhtern
proven. lor (.mo .rauuuij aro ruiij consmereu in rem-
sVK noli vi. pv stories bv this nonulnr writer
w lit bo nlven In eurly numiv rs of "t'rlbtii'i'.betfihnlmr
with HaloH lied MAiekln'to ap-ar In.Unu
nrv. Thl-c'itovol-tte" vlironiJesnu eplsodo ot tho
late war for the Union.
iiH IMiKtllTVM'KV U.V Adeline Trafton, ho
well beifun In Iho Midsummer lloililne number will
lo continued netib ihoukfh tho ear. it will bo
found l olio of liicrnt-'lntj Intel eM tut he very end.
A KNKlllT OP loTlW llja'm ir Itjorth
Hojeseti'rf new novel will lebtfun In M-rlbner at the
coneliulon of 'Ills Inherltamo."' It will reveal
a phd-so of Ameilean 8oeiety undreamta oi ny
most of our readcrn, and will bo certain tolmreaw)
tho renutjitlon uf tho writer us a matter of KnlLth
undid Ids art
to em.doy the ablest pens In A merle .and w llllneludH
I he presenrndnitrublu summary of Ltigllsli publica
tions. ieldes thesjieclal rilclesabovenuiiieiated.
tho majfa7lue will contuln 1'ot'ms, SketcheH, He
vlewsfund shorter etorlesof tho highest character.
a larj; practical reduction In prlco Is mado by an In
crease In tho numberot nnus.
THK ihLlNTliATlONSor tho Magazine, la varie
ty and excellence of design nnd In t u,' rani ileal ex
ecution, will continue to be In ndvan.'o of thoso of
aiir other nonulur mairiulno at homo or abroad.
HubHrlptlon prlco J-i.uou jear, payable Iu advance
to ns or any bookseller.
No club rates or other discounts to subscribers.
Tlie MUm7 im is worm nil its eust. ami us circuia
tlon Is Increasing In u constant and steady ratio from
jear ui
PCUIltNCIt -t CO.,
"43 llroadway, New York,
100,000 Ccp'.53 cf ST. NI0.13LAS
(JHUI8TMAS 11(11,1 HAYS.
Only 25 ernti u C'oi.
Some Idea ot the attractions oltcreil In tlio
nf St. Nicholas, of which conies will tw Issued
may be tfalwU from the rollowlnj: : 'I hero aro poems
by Henry W.Ixjniffcllow and Willi nn I'ullen lirvant;
a Hue hitherto uupubllhUvil sfcetcli ot Hoy Lite, by
tho Into Theodore Wluthrop; nnd a short fctory by
thouuthoror "Mice In Wonderland;', anew fulry
fctnry, "Seet Marjoram Day," by lratiK It. Stock
ton, "The l'eitrklns' Charudes," by Lueretla 1'. llnle;
a poetic riddle by Dr. .J. u. Holland, andacomparl
son between the manners or 3 ouog folks In old time!
mid nnwmlavs. tivfhlll llnmfltiin.
Ot tho story elenien'., the brlBhtest feature Is the
beulnulni; ot tlw new ( by .Miss Alcott. entitled
"inuer mo Lilacs," wun illustrations uy .nary um-
lOOk- l''lHltf
Hie Christmas number contains nlso the opening
of a new erul aUiry tor lloj s, u tale of tropical life,
bynusiavus Krankcnsuln, entitled "Tower-Mountain,"
adiiilrdti y Illustrated by tho artists Morun
and Kellv : a "oktkut ok Mivs AU'OTT.m 1th a sketch
of her lire; seven! poeins by two little American
Ktris; ii piay, unu a inrisiuias carol uset iu music; ,
and halt a dozen comblcte -hort stories, bright, ma
ny, exciting and pathnttc, 4c, c.
Tho new cover Is by tlo Kugllsh Artist, Walter
urane xne lamous aesigner oi "ino uaoy s upcru.
Besides Miss Alcott's sertal tor girls, and tho three
serials for bovs. to follow eacn other In raDld succes
sion, will contain a short fcerlal story by the author
ot "Tho Njlionberg-Cotta Family;" and an article
"Around tho World In a Vacnt, Iiojs!" has been
lour of the world in his own yacnt. There will be
contributions by a Daughter ot tho famous Peter
promised bv a brilliant rlter. now on tho actual
t aricy, unu u icucr iq young Americans uy
The "Hot" series of instructive papers,by various
authors, will tell How to bind your own books; now
thev mine coal ! llowtoentov Yourselves at home
How to be an acreeable guest: How to entertain
company; How to bo a carpenter; How to make nn
lco-boat; How to build; How India rubber
lsgdtherot; How matches aro made: How money
Is made; How mackerel arecaugnt; How they laid
tne Atlantic came: now tney miuo in uninorma
How theywoik In tho tei-country ; How to be a
parlor magician ; etc. There w III bo also a series of
storl is and sketches ot t oreign Lire,
TKAVEL and advkntuuk,
such as "(ild Nleolal" (t liusslan Rtori), "A Day
atnom? thu wt-Kh l.'aotles." "r-isler In (lermnnv.
"1'be Indians of tlio Amazon," "How Kitty was lost
in a I urKi-.ii naar, ".m.usut Monuvumaia .-iexican
storj), "llansa, the iJipp Maiden," and muny
Mack-ln-llio Pulplt.""Young Contributors' depart
ment," "Letter-Hot " "HMdl'liox,"and"l!'cr Very
Ljuie r inks," wi i oo conunueu.
Tho four bound volumes ot St. Nlcholss already
published are tho most wonderiul. beaulltul anil at
tractive Christmas Present tor young people i:acn
vol u Tie H complete in Itself,
Vols. ami f3 caeh
von. a nun 4, i eacn.
lin-ripiloii price S!I.(K n i'nr
hold bv all i look-sellers and ?sevs-Dealers.
ClMItM:it X- CO., 7 13 Ilruadwio, N. V,
Musical Cabinet
THIS new and wonderful Instrument
enables any one, whether under
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sired melody or harmony, sacred or
secular, from tlio most plaintive dirge to
the most lively daucu music. It posses
ses a mechanism of marvelous simpli
city, requiring but the intelligence of a
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during, without limitation, llie musical
compositions of the rAST, rRESENT and
ruruuu. The execution is faultless,
ftrict in melody, harmony and rhythm,
and Iho Instrument is eminently adapted
for Sunday Schools, prayer and revival
meetings, homo devotional exercises,
and in all cases where good, correct
music is required, and no musician is at
hand to perform. Address,
s. r. xrcmsxxAra & son,
113, 113 is 117 S. 234 St., Mew Vorh
Nov. in, '17 im.
ffl. C. SLOAN & BRO.,
Manufacturers ot
Carriages, Bgici, Phaetons, Sleighs
First-class Mcrt.always ou band.
Trices reduced to suit Uio Huns.
Jan. (, ISTT-U
' 1 Mi? I
h j b-f fr Pi
s immi
im a
Arn not ftdvciUord ai"curo nl!B."hntnro Hoclflcs
In thu illieaL4 for whlcli they uro Kcoimubiidtd,
InpllpntnM r f rid rir t Imp fT' tinnrXtntrd
hoiuid cimirov" u n r ,khmt tho nntmai
Undum th" "Mi m i' ii.'fl.M'!' Hth only law
iial voiriuT'" i in i''d jHhH'i'riv ihvh not
lmsaim pi I ) tnt.-r'ili' r itmi r : ! "Ct rrlty
)fman7 u in i r riitnn t mhm h m t-rli-r
article. 1H ri m .f -iiprri i inert, if. l'icrcn'8
MandaH M fli. lm hnv u irlv tl d .i'l otluM, 'I heir
mile in thi- U it" d M t 8 ilnn rv-r-di olo million
dollan i r a iin h 'i t),t ii'iitc id t.itrtiri)"i tooIi
up In ft'ft-i ii .rt-ii 1 Ihim t iid inure obtiflnpf8
could Kfur, tiiHiicli tilAM,t:c frotvrlt'mt nod rvut
pon nny ouiit ouis uihq mat ui nieni,
Golden Medic d Discovery
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l.Her.or-I.Uer CVmplnlnl i" nnd Itslonlc proH'r
lies niaku It ronillv .nicaclous In curing Indiges
tion, Loss uf Appetite, nnd Djspepsla
ll re in.' riiin is s mow anu coven u o u miimiji
i inn! tO,ntili.. nr Avlif r,. tluTr) nri HiTnflll. lis SHLl-
llngsand arfccllnus, a tew bottles of Onlden
in-eoerv win rueii n entire cure, ii yuu ns-i unu.
rowsy, deMlltntert. haie ssllow color ut skiu, or
ellnwMi-btown snots on face or bodt, frennciit
le'tid.u h" or nl77!iies, bud lasto In ino'ltU Internal
b.vitnr chills nlterated with hot llilshi's, low spirits
mill I gloomy forliodlngs, irrgutarjippellto and
ongue eoaieo, Mill Hre iiiiering mini oiimi i.m i,
r "liililoiiiu ss." In many eves of "I.licr Com-
plntnt'nnly part of lheo symptoms are experien
ced. As a rciutMy for all bii -It i uses, Dr. l-hrce's
(loidcn Mo Ileal Dlscnierv has no equal, ius It effect"
(icrfect cures, lemuig tho llur strengthened anu
q h m
Sir. Piercers
urely Vegotablo. t No care required
wuiio using mem.
Tim Mttlo (Hint" Cutlinrtlc. or Mt'i-TtM tn rxnvo
IUvsic, Bcurcely itinjer man mustard setdi, nnd are
siiifar-cuHU'd. ini'y rrmot) in ruffii-iiy oi ihmui;
the wreat. crndu, dnutlc. Mckenln pills heretofore
ho tiiunh tn iimi'.
As u remt'tiv inr ue.viuciie, iH7.7inL,iis, uusu 01
Hloodtotho lload, TlirlifiH'Si aUtjuttho rneft, nnd
riLsttt tn Mnutli. ICructations irom tht Momach, nil
linn.4 Attark. .(rtunUlct. Piiln l'i ttio lvldnea, liltrh-
ly-coiored urine, aim imtrnai reer, ir. j-iercea
inas-ini rurKnino i i'iieuinruunsurp.iw, runn
rinori!. I would s,iv fiat their action W universal
nnr. a crland (fhcmliivf their sanative lmnrt'ss. irn
does not Impair thu properties uf theso IVllcts. They
aru RUgar-co.iti'd and tiiclod In irtns bottles, their
virtues ueimr incn'ov prcsi'rvrit uuinipwireu iur uu.
Ipnirth nf lime, so that thev am alvva a fresh nnd ie
llaUle. ThH U not tuo caso ltli those pills which
are put up in cheap woolen or pasteboard boxes.
rnotiaiiy usooi iwo renew mw tureu inu tuirsi uu
i.tinrt ! f if Kfriifiil.x. TiMr. SalUrlieura. Krv
sim-ias. noils. Hlotches. Hmnles. soro Kses. and
Krnpttons. They are, however, recommended to bo
taken In connection with tho (lolden Medical Discov
ery, in order to secure the best results,
Tho rpmrdial manacrement of those diseases pecul
iar to women lias afforded a laro e.xpt'rtt'nco at the
worm a Dispensary, or wmca ir. i-ierce is cinti con
sulting plijslclan, tn adapting remedies for their
euro. Dr. I'lcrco's Favorite Prescription Is the re
sult of this extended experience, and has becomo
Justlv celebrated for Its many and remarkable cures
or uu mow curuniu uiseut' uuu
Favorite rrescrlotlon Is a Powerful ltestoratlte Ton
ic to tho enttro system. It Is a nenlne of unsurp.iss
ed efllcacy, and, while It quiets nervous Irrltatlou,
HBirentuens ino enioeuii'ti neroii!j Hhu.m, ineru
bv restoring It to hoaltUful vigor. Tho following
diseases aro among thoso In which tho raor!to Pre
scription has worked magic cure-, yi : Iucorrhuia.
or "wniujH," ttxcesaive tiowmg, rainiui jiensiru.i
tlon. X'nnalural sunDrcstloiiH. weak Hack. I'rolan-
aus, or falling of tho Uterus, Ank'nerMon, ltetroer
slon, llearlng-down .sensation. Chronic Connestlun.
inuamiuaiiou ami incerauonor tne uit-rus, inu'rnii
Heat. Nervous Depression. Debility. Dt's-Dondencv.
and erj Itn.iiiy uther diseases peculiar to womcn.but
iiol memiuneu nero.
1 ho following Indies aro a few of the many thou
fands who can testify to the efllcacy of lr l'lerce's
l'aorlto 1'rcbcrlptton, from experience and observa
tion :
Mrs. Cornelia A lllson, I'eosta, Iowa ; Mrs. Tlios. .1,
Methvln, Hatcher's; Mrs. T. A. Seymour,
Itoine. N. V.: Mrs. Francis Uuswtck, Versallef.unlo ;
Mrs. U'roy l'utnain, North Wliarton, V&.; Mrs. .Mary
A. llunolt, Kdlna, Mo.; Mrs. Mai y A. Frlsble, Leh
man, 1'a.: Mrs. D. U (mi, Chllllcotho, Ohio ; Mrs.
Harriet u Ma lone, Wvat Sprluglleld, 1'a.: Mrs. K.
lll.itt. Kmnorla. Kan.: Miss Ijulso rratt. Dotltro-
tlio. Mass.; Mrs. L. A. Dashtleld, Norfolk, Va.; Mrs
(i. Allison, i'roctor. Iowa: Mrs. J. N. Vernon, it
Thonnus, ont.; Mrs. s. c. Moran, 233 North Howard
street, Ualtlmore, Md.; Mrs. Lucy uallinan, itarnes
llle, ohtu ; Mrs. Nancy McNaught JeHerwm, jowa ,
Mrs. L (i. stcmrod, Friendship, N. V.: Miss Kllen
Cady, We&trield, N. V,; Mrs. Anthony Amann, Ver
ona. N, Y.j Mrs. H. N. Brooks, (irand Itaplds, Mich.;
Mis. F. II. Webb, Watertown, N, Y. Thousands of
retereuces can be given at tho World's Dispensary,
Medical Servant.
Dr. It. V, riKRCE is tho solo proprietor and manu-
ficlurerofthu foregolug remedies, all of which are
hold by druggUb llo is aU tho Author of the Peo
ple's Common Sense Medical Adviser. a work of
iiearlyoue inousand pages, with two hundred and
f fghty-two wood engravings and colirtsl plates, llo
nas uneauy boia ot tins popular wui'K
Over 100,000 Copies !
PPvICE (post paid) 81.50.
Address :
World's Dispensary, BuiUtlo,N.Y.
deo 14, -II-Sw
In order to clear out our
stock ot erv huoerlor
(iold-pluit'd .luH-lry Milueil at over fwo.ooi), wn will
nend an below, tt) liecea. all wurrunted rold-plated
lorfi, o. i pair (ion. Mono Meevu ituiioni. i juur
KriKr..vud sit'evo lluttons, 1 wt 1'olnU'd Mudi, 1 set
Aim'tlijht MiuLs 1 Wfddluif ltliiK, l Knt'ravtd Hand
ruiirer Mug, l AmetliVRt htono Hint: Inlaid with
.nld, 1 KiiTAiit Hint Marked "KrlemKhtp," 1 Ame
tt mm YltT thyhthtonu Scarf im
SS &ttwJkXA.JM liifaM with (lold. 1
Mlverod Hut In, 1 hct UnlleB' .let and (Jold llnand
DropH, l M lKsen set Ji t and lol1, 1 Collar Mud, 1 bet
Hose I) iid Ear Drops, 1 UentV Hlerant iJiko (JeorKO
Diamond btud, 1 Cardinal lied Iteiid Necklace. 1 pair
Ladles' ArocUiyst Ktono Kar DropH liuaid with (Jeld,
I ,i A I I 1 IjuIIk' ornamented .let itrooch. t
IJ lilv Fancy tcarll(lnir and Kli-irant Watch
Chain. Tako jour eholctv tlio KNTlltK LOT OK iiO
I'lKCK', sen poht-paLt for l.oo. or any 8 piece, you
choose lor to cents. Now la tho time to mako money.
mew) uuu t'UMiy uu reuiueii at i hp.
OLrii PRKMniM. Liv
ono urilerliiir is IxiU at $l.uti i-atli, we will prt-faetit
sr fclTTBTl B. lb Irf,o oku Kni
an prtiinluui,
It Hond street,
nov. S3, IMin Jwico Now Vork.
BafL?B"u,tl'wl'1(ltr,r ret-HHhvry order, (juu
POt trie, J, II. U.)lurd i. Co., Llik'Mw.lll.
auB.H.lMy It 4 0
Krom tlda date the lUoomaburi Goa Cora Dan y will
put In bervlcv pipes at tint cobt aud rurntbh and bet
met4i tt at four dollara each.
Tho company uavo on hand a lot of fas tar suited
or painting roolu, and iofata or other tuoUMn placed
Price lo cents net irallon or ta.60 tier barrel.
AYI'.11 ArenUvanted.IlasU
ncu Iryttlnute Particular! fr.
14drMJ WOBTUAOO.tlt UtiU.Ma,
auif. II, "ll-ty
tt aHtlcul(V. iJa. CtsU-iust,
autf. IT, IT-ly H&Q
S-ItAT.l) 11KAD3-11AM) Iir.ADS-IUI.D linAnS-rB
JX wo
VZX era i V ' 1 ' ' -
The Only Article Hat m
T A wondotful dlicanr J. Uf stores the htlr.
W Creates a new growth of lialr In tlx vevks.
Sin eleeant dreidtif. tleitore. fadM lislr.
-5 Was c.itt known to rail Iu slogls Imt.nce.
S Eridlcites dsndruff. rteitorcs grr hslr.
t3. l.notsdje, Restores thshilrusturalljr.
-InTljorates the scalp. Acta Ilka magic
R JadolDgwoDdersoD Laid beads.
I Strengthens tho hair, ttscemmends Itself.
v Make. Ice old look xoung again.
S If not ad ye. Reitores lost ?iUllty.
rformi whit other htlr rcitorf n only cUlni.
a Makes hair grow. Atiolutelj- certain
j lithe talk all o?er town.
the fceit hulr tonic. llutlfiei the htlr.
H Is dcitlotd to become t houiihold word.
ExcMltd by none.
Recommendi ltielf.
rAonni imc
i,. i,.u k...t.
Ons trial will comlnce.
Oonttlntnomlnertls. It?storei original color.
It praised dj eTiry one wno nas ineu 11.
Ti a natural product. RMtorrs dlietiid balr.
la the crovDlng success of tb medical world.
RemoTes scurf.
Cooling and clcanlj.
Is worth Its wclgbt la gold.
Make the hatr r.osst. Is sure, safe, certain.
but lit you Will OCT
nevir regret It.
Bold ersrywbere.
Price, one dollar.
Tin, Shccl
mm HOT
LnWIilBffil A?,
And Barstow's Slevatcd Oven Range
Constantly out, PLUMBING
Oct. 19, 77,-tf Attended to
and save one-third tlio costot painting, aDd get a paint that Is much handsomer, nnd will
is prepared readv lor uso In whlto or anv color desired. Is on many thousands ot tho finest MUdlnfrs
lntt'orauntry,raanvot hlchlmo been nulnted six i earn, nnd now look as Hell as when Bret lulnted
1 1 1 E 1 1 c A 1 r A 1 N T has taken First I'ltEMlli.MS at twenty of tho Ma p IV Irs or tho tmion. bample card ot
oloriLeStlfr". Address S. V. K N A M K I. I'AITI uu., lis l'rlnco btreet, N. ., or llhNltv L.
LUUlt fibUN, Agents mil, JIariiet fctrect, 1'hUadelplila, Pa. juiyi, ii-ij
Margest irculatioM
Terms $2.00 a Year.
Country Produce taken'on SubHcr i ption
Inn tie.C'DtamlbiiM OffieB9
All kinds of Plain siiul I siney
I'l'MiBliug done on short notice and
at low rales.
Restore Hair on Bald Heads, r
UAHBOLIIMb. h prcrnrcil from the S
oil M It llow from ttturo'a great g
chemical laboratory, by n vocultar pro
ccw Invcntcil uy n pracucai cncmui, wnom
was loil to extcrtiuent upon Petroleum W
an n Iialr rcstoratlvo by reading an intcr-C
cstlnR account written by Mr. Oco. Hor-35
ton, reeiJcnt of tlio frontier town of r
Klaclita in Ilusila. Jlr. Ilorton liad
trlcil with cxtraonlinary succcentlio usejH
of l'etroleum upon cattle and liorscsO
mat naa lost incir iiair on oeinif nuecicti M
with the uittlo tilarue. The idea was 3
fiijgeteil tolilm through a very curious
circunistanee, namely, no recouccieg
that n former fcmnt t the hotel, prcraa-T5
tnrely bald, had n slnculr habit when
trimming tho lamps, of wiping hlspetro-kj
leimi-twmcarcd liandsujion tho ecantyg
locks still remaining to him. Threew
months from his first appearanco at the a
Hotel no was the subject 01 general rc-ra
(mark, his head being covered with ang
abundance of tine olossv slack HAiiLir,
ISucha wonderful change into shortatimo 1
iMr. Ilorton deemed of mifiiclentg
importance to make public to thofS
world. From practical experiments o
lour chemical friend liccamo convinced
.i . ii . , r . ... . IN.
jinni x firuicuin ii iiruin;ri iirvjiiuw".
!?' freed from all irritating andP
Ulummaling sunstancts nau tue remarK-o
able property oi restoring tne nair to imp
natural stale ana color; sun luriner ex-
periments were necessary to produce, an
article combining the medicinal qualities m
of the oil in an agreeable form aud oder,o
which renders it susceptible of beings
handled as daintily as the famous EaudeS
Cologne; ho now presents .- g
to the public without fear of oontradic-y
tion ns the best restorative and beautifier
fll0'"! ""S
l'lMCK, USE DOLI.Alt l'lll HOItLE.
Sold hr all Uruggl.ts. a
General Agents for the United States A Canada., j
cot. cc::ti An. t wc:i a., nKinrgi, ra.
Evans' Block, Main Street.
Ranges, Fire Place Heaters,
PUMPS &c. Ac.
Iron and Copper Ware, and
Sole Agents for tlie
and STEAM FITTING Promptly
m:iv vomit.
all,n tlmn nnrrnrtrtK.. fir thp ri'liewnl Of ailbSCtln-
ttorix, rllK si N would n-inluil Its trleiiils ami Ii
wlsiurs.'icr. hem, t Ills again u candidate tor
their inn.hli-nitlon ami support, t'non Us li-cunl tor
tilt past tin t-nr It lelli-s Mr a cnnllnuinee of tlio
lie.irty SMiipatliy anil generous ro operation which
nviuilllierloln-i-nuileiidcdto It from
t'tilon. .
-uio limit smi h a tour pngo mceioi vncoiuiiiut.
rice liy mall, post paid, M eenis n month or 15.11.31
pi-r tear,
Tho umtnt edition rf Tim Urn Is an elirlil-pago
slid1! nt MU'ulittnns. While Kiting the ih-ms ot Iho, It also i- mtJlns a l.irito amount ot literary nnd
tiiW-cIlanecHH matter kpcil.illy prepared for It. 'I im
M-vntv rfs n.tsmei twin great auceea-i, j usu pui.i
H 1 .341 a jenr,
The W eeltly Sun.
wi.rt i,ina uni Lnnwrim WwfKi.v srM ? It. circu
lates throughout tliot'nlitid intcs,thoCaniidsa.and
bcjoml. MnclJ- thousand ttmllles greet llswclcotno
nuiros weekly, and reran! It In tho light of truldo.
cuunsillorand rrleml Its news, e-Mtorlal, aitrlnil., and liu-mry department inanoit eweniiauy
n Journal for the Mmlly and tho llreslde. 'terms t
ine iiouar n tear, pohl pin , 1111s priLi-, iti.m j
.nnul.lf.rml. 1i!iks 11 tli rhnrtnimt. DUO
llsheil. For clubs often with lu cash, no will send
nn extra copy tree, Address
I I lil.irill.u ur I III. r-i
nov. !, ww New York i ity.
p'alnesl of all hooks "Plain Homo Talk and Medical
common sense," nearly l,n paKi's, son llluitra-
llons, bv Ur. K. It. FtxiTi:, ot w. Lotlugtoii Ate.,
N. V. l'un'hasers of this twk are at lllierly to con
sult Its nulhnrtiv mall lree. Price hy mall J3 '2 fur
lie sTANinnii edition, or ft.wi ror tne rniTLAii eui
Ion, which contains nl! tho eauiu tnnlteranil IUuh.
tratlons. Contents tables free, (.gents Nuiileilh
Ml'IIHAY lill.L 1't'llLlSlllNtl CO., 1V1) Kan SSI
street, N. V, oct. UTI-Mn
Per month Hill ho paid to a good ener
getic man.lneacli county to Uitruduco
Mn lltetralEi History of P'a.
Write lmm'dl.ttctv. nnd state experience In this bu
btut'sw, aud age. .Addrcus,
U. (I (lOtlDIlK'II, PuMMier
llarriftlnirjr, Pa
efDon't fall to say what paper j on s.uv tuu in.
oct. u-uw
: i. is t'. ii ci i v ti
KSI'ICCTKL'LIA niiiioiiiici- to tlie pul.lli
thtit l.ti litu fixtrwiioii
, .'.,,;'&' i tnl.lf.tund) lllnomshurg, Pa., at the
riJsiV l'urksof tin- Kspy and l.lifht htrcet
V'V5 road", li"re all descriptions ot' lonihcr win bo made In tho most
substantial and workmanlike nunner, and eold at
prices to suit tlu tim.'.s. ti.u mgucai pricoincasu
winai an limes oo pai i ior
(1UEH.N iiinns
of everydescrlrtlon In tl prom.lry. The publlcpat
oriwe Is respoetfUily sollcli.nt
liln ii miiie ii i.
The Oolumbiuii Law Docket.
A complete recnid fortl-e itsert oltornejs. t'on-
venlcntly nrraiiKul for the clorU ot all cases
containing ft'i ratres, with double Indtx, This Is
the most complete book f.-r la)irs that Is pub,
Published by Brockway & Elwell
IMitnrn ami l'mprietors nf tlie Ooi.t'Ml'.IAN,
33X,OOIVIS13XjnO, TA..
frtVtr-jryC-y'irl VUuUnto WMfic' .tit
W.'VV ,V, AT , 3 ii, ul 'I,. Mi.o ui, III.
i:-r-0 .i' (.'.'12' "i ""' ' '' i ""-i
ifr'' .vtjO-' , fr. "i I t p.-cd-ie-in an I
ri-fuM WtT'i. r)'-' ff Women.
B f.fl'O'-'il'triFM A,M" !' ' ' '"'!'
f-lJiy iLii iirtuil.ii)! yuoi, jirlc.
, ri.l n 1 1 Mi difAL AC'CT"! ,.
Oi t 1 c ir,ii ro (.1 r.Tino I. tiro ui jt.inro.f
A iifl., Ix.'l. r., r-rtcerct D.sercc, vtln Ui. U.t
I,., . of , i. I.. iti-. p It '11 1 1 .
U. MCALl.KCTtniKinil'i. nl.c.i-rl uni
I'm t.l l ritro.,tnt tl I itnpB, Clrili,uvtu,-,.l...
Op um llnblt.Ar., ri-li-r 10rl.
Jl-h rN"'ki lit 1-n.ii.i.lilnn n re'rt n'jir'rri er nllliircf,
ci.1" ini.ttM!.,!?. .. l-nittllli:i It ii.fiturt. It.' till.
Atltirt... VR. llUlTJ, u. 12 X. bji b.. bt. Ldul., 0.
aug. 17,'77-ly UfiU
TTTM. F. BODINK. Iron Street below sec-
VV ond. llloomsburir. Pa.. Is prepared to do ol
Kuiaa or
In the best styles, at lowost prices, and at short
Parties haTlDg'such work to do will aivo money
caning on me.
All work warranted to glvo satisfaction, orders
WM. F. IlOni.VK.
P. A. U'bmann, Solicitor of American nnd I'cre'gn
PatentJi, Washington, I). C. All buHness connected
with Patents, whether betore tho Patent Ofllco or
tho Courts, promptly attended to, Nochargomade
unless a patent la tecured. Send for a circular.
May 4, 'TT-tf bit
Printed at this Office
hit -lt0tw9l V.;-iran.,noryiMmif7
zzl Bryant El Strattan
Ana Trlrfrrnphln InNiliiitr,
. 100 8. Tenth St., PhllndelDhln. Pn.
increased licihue. TeloRraphio l)it. tn chaice
of th ilanagfr wti AV.rlrtrai of tbojp
k nti'tti'i.tiiti, iicv"! . ttnjTQi n tn. tori
Prticulr, call or inml for Uttfi
.Jlillii.lmlitd cirrular .1 I' son E, Pre. I j
auff. 21, Tl-cm
I i I I
733 Sansom St.. PHILADELPHIA,
H'lio nro uur nuthnrlzr.t agents, nud win
reci-Hci A.lvi-rtisriiH' ut our
Wmt will tho AVcnthcr lio Touiorroiv I
Tool Signal Service Barometer
Ami Thermometer Combined. Tcntel'i
nt IM I ccnsctlT t:r tiizrt U ti) Tia-.tir,12 w :t t:-.:i
Ell inDlaalTUil. bnUorfod by tlie uio.t emim nt
Hi rral I'rofi-'ors and Sciiutlfil: mcu as the 2tlt
En, iS Ttr.ttr l:Si:stir la tht Ttr'.l. Warranted
PH, HI l'crffct and Itillable. 77. U1 ml it ri to
any atldre.s on receipt of ti.ui. Itewaro
of worthless lntltatlous. Autnt II iftitril
EJm ral Bcuu BtamI' 'or circular,
' 3 Hal 0l I5TIL17 C:5 Er:ilTs7l lTo Teri.
I and mention unir nt-are.t Kxnrcss Oill cc.
Bend Money Ordtrs or llcKistercd Litter t at our rialc
oct. . (1, 'I! -3m w A- Co
Wido Awako lor 1878.
Tho popular estimation of "Wide Awako" Is well
summed up In what u dWtnuulshcd literary Bi n
tleman said i "Tho otuer maguzlnes llo on tho table
frckhandcltan.nhlle'Wlde Awake' Is readtotat
terB." Ihat "Wldo Awako" wlllcontlnuo to bo "read
to tatters" the following annouuccmenU ror 1SI8 are
good truaranUi-s.
I. 'Mruo Hlue." llv Mrs. Lucia Chaso Hell. A Kc.
west ,""t 11111 01 LU I" Iho great Norlh-
II. A Ueneral Misunderstanding, llyt'harles It.
Talbot. A splendid and humorous serial storyfor
tho boys. '
III. 'Ihe btory of English Literature lor young
people, lly Lucy Cecil Whlto (Mrs. mile). ElghU eu
llliiHlrutea l'niers,
IV. Aunt Dolly's Bchool-ltoom Btorles. For Little
Folks, lly Mrs. Win. K. llryaut.
. Tho Child Tollera of liohton Streets, Twelte
Illiilraled Papers lly Kmnn E. llrow n.
M. Uttla Miss Muslin of ijulnttllian fcquare. Her
fortunes and Misfortunes, lly John llruwnlohu.
Draw Ingtf by Hopkins.
Original Music by T. Crainpton. I'arlor Pastimes
by (ieo. ll. liartlelt. ITlro (luess Work. Illustrated
short Holies. Full-psra Illustrated 1'oems. l'atura
lorelgn -iraiel and Natural History. All by tuu
brtBUlest authors and artists. '
tcrYpUousU)'' Krt0 ' vose- t""-
1). LOTUHOP CO., Publishers,
lloston, Mass.
tf-OPIt1-? ' SEATED WATCH KM. Cheapest
lyth known world, iainpls ICalc tru ita
SO tAt4nU, Aadrua, A. CoULTBa A Ut, Chicago.
au?, it, -n-ly 1UO
This welt know n rcaieilj h.i . erfected so ninny
And restored so many surrerers to health, thai t
i cherished by all who halo experienced lis Mil lien
The Slmulard Biemt'dy
ror ine prompt ruiei ami euro or
Qrttnhn, Cnlils, Sorr 'throat. Ilwinrnt'it.
11 hnnjiiii! (htiyh, Jrijliirn:it, Uroinlntit,
JHjIiailtij of Hteathin!i,Afthma,l)nih-
thcria, lYoitp, I'ain in the utile
and liriatt, Siiitlimj Jlltim',
ifniM'j, I'hthifie. ami
every Afferlion,
up 'i-iii'
HIST Airs - A,. M
citi-NrKHUKr.n. . u 'nlch -id, i r.
Mixhiwktii w Vowth iV Son t (ii-iitliiin ti f..i.i
In (lutycnllcfl upon tolvt' in trsiimony
lnfaujiM.r Mr. Wiitnr'K )(iil.Tm or MliU'lu'rrv. I
wan tnkcn slrk last October with tilniiKcumplulnt.
ntnunpiiiiti'd with n cr sorlotH roiirfh, umlnrtir
hnvlnir lM-en trcntod a nuinur nf wci-ks by tho hot
IihyskLiiiH. tticy yii' hie mer at nn lhciirnhlu cms
uf nmstimntlon. nnd fur .ihunt Mx mpcKh my rrlrmu
t'XjH'rtoil tfint ! lulRht die mi v iMy, liiwInirtnllK'h
iifspairi'ii it imv r''mro . m in s nirm i n ml fun
iHlMTlH'inciitHnnil rritlliciiti's vt tin llil CliTr
IHHatn, ntnl uns tmlticfit tn to tt lAjhtlf I Jinv
tuM'ti live lint ties, ti ti 1 fru:n the eominenpcment I
hne heoii j;r:Mliiall rfcmellnj Mv finiffh tins now
enttri'lv ceased. lime leynliH'd tm Jlepli mid
Mreinrlh, and ntn fn-llnir iitl well. I altilhtito tint
cure tti Dr. u lMar', KaNam nf im chnn ,at Hi
tnkrn noiiiiierineiift'inii Mie-o I euinineni-eii taMti '
rry repi'ciruny v'i'S
Slits. I A H. SM ITU,
Mcr. I'owi t:.t sovj
i.'eutlometi Mrs mllh ahea ine the furpi-din
cerllllcatoot tlio enicaey of nur mi-dl tne in Iht
case, rric ih an acnu iini ince tn mine nint look the
lialsarn on the Mreiitfth nr m eertlllonle, whkh she
saw In the jnperH ft-r stury H llierall. true.
1 Will 1 (I 111) ,
W II. ON' I'M.
wistar's mm
IU,i:i:ilIN(l AT TIM I.VNMH.
i i. tin a m, Liiiiii., .iiaiuii vii, i snt.
(icntlcmcn I avnll or this oiiiortiiiilly to
M-ij it wuiii in in'iuiu in nr. vwMJirn imisaiu or lid
Ulii rry, which I imo mntlu usn of In my fmiiiiy for
Kcver.iletirs.nnil nlnnys llh llie mot helicllelnl
rpMlllK. MV UlfM Ih'IIi'. fif llelli'.tlflttiltlta t.l.t n. ..
ln-en troubled lth a liunl.dry, liiiel.lii(rcoUL'liwlii n-t-tcr
tnkliiirnlltllacold, nnd has eniploM'il various
speclilcs II hout ntitnlulinr nny relief until prevailed
uhiii to lest the ilrtm-sot KIhi'h llnlsatn, tho ef
fect or which has lii-en truly nstonlshliiL'
More than n j ear since n jimnir man lielonirlnclii
this place was taken with hlccdlni: at Iho Iiinirs, m
i-tiiiiieciioii nn ii iiuisi seieru i-oiiirii.anu wasiiiiauy
Klven over to die liy our l-st pli), and It w as
e lilt-tit to all that consumption wnsclalminir hlinns
nMctlm. 1.1'arnlni; the-e facls, my wife sent him a
lutlllti nf tlin lltiltinin lilt-li li,. f..L. n...i t.. .t....
to the in rut iistoiiMiinent ot liN fiicnils, was at his
nccustdineii occupation, Mi.itihed, as It were, from
tin mtv Jawsof dealli. In manv oilier enseswo
limp nilmliiKli-iretl lln, Hiiln.i,,, f,, il. iniiinntirn
and nlHiijs with the I rest of success. 'I'licse Mate!
ineni-. mo Minpii- nicii, which can no vouched ror at
any I lino liy calling on mo nt my store. I remain
t nil v Miurs.
Prepared liy SCTII W. Fowl.!! A SDNH, fui Harri
son AU'iiue, lliisinn, ami hold by dealers t'enerally.
4tnn hi,. ( liimjra,
I1 tlUiiBUM of lrl utt nutura. rtvultW from rrtrlv iitiiiaa
or Infi-otlon of rlthir Homtnitl chWih-ii ioduciti
FmlaaaliMiM, latitat of Mt'inora ltiiftlr'i) ImhI
AltinliiMiil or linpott'iicy .Nrrtouit ItiMllt i-rii
nrtiDy runhli iUs-HH)s.of ib ltlnsiilrr. Khln4)m I.ltrr,
I.iimiis, A.ihuifv CuLVTii, liln. ftll Ll.rmilo liutv, an. I H
K.W.HOT I KMAI.i:, to lU IrentnieDl. Ir.(lo
litu hv lifu-lorijt ciiiertcni-a, ft ml rure whim other fi, IU
Ui (rrMlunW nf thn I itfi arrived (v-liool, tim no inorrurr. hiu tha
lmvt wm tic in thn U. S. I, MUKH rtMulring tmnnwnt with
prl tc boittn ftn-l biwil, rll ( mrlts. t.irrv ecntenif on fi
miWoto. Sen.1 fifty ranU f.w wrtipla ft ItuMn-r (Itxxk unit Hr
rulur wf liiiitarUiil lnfntintinii by rijurti. ULIN'M
li-nniUIHIa, sJIimt I'miatilttllnit frr,
)UIil aii't I" 1. 1 ilu ntn I uf Ii th ' a'l (IWvri of a lHvU
ixlturv. aliilim a.i.e t ) lUtt n irr ftifl tlitajt rooUnij.ln,llni
tnrwTi ce. I low tn I In' ntliv t'lil in Ii mjiy In th mtu-rlml ml
ttoa. LtnrUn1y kltuulJ ynl tlil luuk, 1'ri.u Ui tuU, tomyaj.
ftUff. IT, 7T-ly
May 21, 1ST0.
For New York, Philadelphia, Heading, l'ottsvllle
Tamaqun, tc, 11,33 a. m
For Catawlssa, 11,33 u, m. c,47 and 7,fl p. m.
For Wllllainsport, 0,2$ 0,34 a. in. aud 4,ig p. m.
Lcavo New Vork, s,4l a. in,
Lciao Philadelphia, 9,1s a. m,
Lcaio Heading, 11,3 a. m., l'otUll!e,12,15 p. it,
aud Tamaquu, 1,23 p. m.
U-aioCat-iwlssa, 0,20 0,25 R.m. and 4,oo p. m.
Leno Wllliamspori.,2 a.m,12,ou m. and 5,M p. in
Passengers t from New Ycrfc and Philade
phla go throug . mioiit change of eai s.
.1. E. WoiiTTI'.N,
C. o, HANCOCK. General Manager.
Oeneriil Ticket Agent.
Jan. li, iiTC-tr,
On and after November 20th, 1SI3, trains w ill lcai e
SUN11UHY as follow s:
Erlo .Mall 5.20 a. in., aril e Eluilra ii.m) .i .
" Canandalgua... 3.35 p. in
ltochester 5.15 "
Niagara u jn
ltenovo accotnmodatltn 11,10 n. m. nnl'o William
rt 12.55 p.m.
ElmlraMall4.l5a.m.,urrio Elmlra 10.20 a.m.
Uuffalo Expruss T.15 a. in. nrrh 0 Uullalo S.60 a. m
lluftalo Express 2.50 a. m.arino llarrlsburg 4.50 a.ra
" llaltlmoro s.40
ElmtraMall 11.15 a. in., arrho llairlsburg ija p. m
" Washington SO.SO "
" Ualtlmoro 0.30 "
" Washington
llarrlsburg accommodation 8.40 p. in, an it e Hnrrls
burg 10.50 p. m,
arrhe Ualtlmoro 2.25 a. ra
" Wat.hlr.eion 0.13 "
trio .Main 2.55 a. in.arrlvoHairlsburg3 05a. m
' '
" Washington "
All dally except Sunday.
I). M. 110 YD, Jr., Genera! rassengcr Agcn
A. J. CASSATT, Ceneral JlaitOgo
Tlmc-Tablo No. 3D, Takes effect at 4:3u A. ,1
p.m. p.m. a.m.
8 05 B f.S II 4S
.1-arknu Kinif,
p m
III ! 5
T 55 3 49
1 40 3 42
9 43
9 3S
'i 'h
IM I 2.1
0 25
0 311
1 i 35
11 43
0 ir
r. r...
9 31
9 25
9 20
9 IS
9 11
9 07
9 05
0 15
ti 59
H 50
8 61
S 4S
8 41
8 80
8 19
8 14
8 OS
8 2!
7 5S
9 53 i SI
7 4' 3 37
.. . l'lttston.,."i," 10 IU
10 I. 2 SS
7 33
7 27
7 18
7 in
3 32
3 27
3 19
3 17
2 40
2 62
"efcii'iiisluli.., 10 11
..Plymouth June..
.... PI) mouth
ll 10
2 59 7 01
1' 20
10 43
1" 27
10 27
3 04 7 I'O
3 17 7 11
3 111 7 15
3 17 7 25
3 .2 7 ES
8 27 7 40
3 17
3 12
a 09
I 04
7 07
7 03
0 58
10 32
10 35
6 54
3 I'l
10 40
3 82
7 4
7 53!
0 45 2 54
illuiilotk-s reek. ,10 62
t-hlekfhlnny.,.. 11 6
.Hick's Kerry 11 17
Death HiiU'u. Ml 23
.... Itl.rwIr.L- 11 1 a
HI 44
3 37
0 SO 2 42
Ji s it;
6 15
4 l
1 15
8 25
8 45
s r.ft
11 09
6 02
5 6ft
6 52
2 25
2 .9
4 21
2 13
2 10
4 IS 9 05
,..nriur 1. reeK
11 SO 4 87
0 51)
8 43 2 16
7 54
...v.'iuow oroyo,,.,
.1 HMD.
11 S9
4 41
4 40
4 M
6 2
6 l
6 14
0 65
7 2l
7 08
7 40
7 45
7 62
K Ml
5 19 liS
11 43
11 M
6 34
1 3
1 41
1 43
1 4U
1 25
1 10
1 16
1 on
-I ,,, r-sjiy
7 4' .Dlofiliibburg..
6 2S
5 23
5 20
5 13
4 5S
4 50
4 35
11 67
7 SOiCtttatilwa lul'dge. 12 1)7
impel 1
12 2
7 21
T ill .iniiii..
iiurKH nM!U.n 12 10
6 20
112 25 5 89 8 29
J I'hulas y 12 il
T u Cameron 12 30
6 45i.Ncrthumberlund.ll2 61
8 40
8 47
am. n.m. n
Ul. 0.01
W m hi c, 11 tn .e.STswon. DccVio, TJSfc
demllon, wllliout Uad,HIer,Uc-Sulrhuror
neleU-rlons Drugs of any Hud lxitlilu-ly iestori
grpy hair n thru. das to Its original coIor (not all
colors of tlio rainbow) It rt moves ffou.lrurr, slips thu
hair from falling aud makes Itgrow.leaili git leuii.
sou glossy and natural lis application cannot bo del
tected. lted hslr changed 10 u Isautlful browm A
(luaul ty bunidentlo last six months, post pild to
anv address ou rteeldt of tl.nn. Si nd slump tor clr"
fiVniiSi'v" """"O; i'"1. t'oiinelly.'il
DondBt.,Xli, Jco uov,2J,'77 llil
V AA'l,lV,0 cule Ufats ofCularrh In each
,)AIN I Ml neighborhood, villi l, KarsEer'a
1 cruedy to luuoduco II, Kainpio irte. J o. 'I litoii
pittsburr, il. jwi'co coV. jj; nJ-sin