The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, December 14, 1877, Image 3

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    THE OjyiBlAS.
iiLOOJisiitiitii. tu I hat, nit', ii, !.;;
Kail llnml Time Tabic.
NOHTII. fOttll.
Accommodation Train Ml A. -M. t,M A. M.
Mull Train T.3S A. M 4.19 1'. M
txpreii Train l.N V. M. I1.M A. M
" "
NoitTii. imrrn
ivomMi.l itloti Train . n.v A, M. 7,117 I'. t.
1,'nlar Kvprew 4.el 1'. Jt. 11.33 A. M,
Ttirmi'jlinir.ioti Improve tr.iln I'ltlicr to New York
or Plill.titclphla. AccominoilJllgti tram runs twlnx-Pii
1 at.ittl.ssa and Wllllamspoit.
Til (.'I.UIl AOKNTS.
Wa want a pnm iietivii acent in every
ipierlilnrli'iod in the comity tn secim- now
Ftili'crihcM lor tlio Col.tTMIitAN fur 1S78.
Nona arc1 so competent to tin tliii work as lliu
present rcailcr.o, who know what the paper is,
and can rccniinncinl it to other. Any one
willing t undertake thU work can ipt all tho
ncoesniry infonmtioii liyctlling nt tliW of
fice. For all ca1i payment by new suWii
hers fccuicel by agent?, wo will fllow a cash
percentage, which Ulieltir than a premium
picture or a cheap tcwini; machine.
, furtively
A-'l mWrlption on which nothing lia been
paM flnco Oct. lt IS" ii , will be tonpcl on 1 lie
Ut of January, and the MiU cnlle'etcil hy law,
at our ndvcrlUod rile, vi $2.50 a year, when
not p ltd during the year, l'irlieM itwinu fur
more than two year will have an npportuidly
to settle at $'100 a year, up lo llial lime.
Htld hy in for Riitucrlptlon are all over due,
and iinle'i paid by January lt, tbey will be
ruciI, and coH inii-l be paid by the panic
We have already piil n collector' coniinH-ion
on tliCKO note"!, anil can Mnml no furtlur lews of
time and money. Tbey must be patil. Par
tics will please remember that the notes waive
exemption ami flay of execution.
If we make eo'ts do not git angry. You
have bad ample noliee.
Order your pi tilling at the Columbian' of
fice. Charles Jlendenhall returned from tho west
last week after an absence of several months
For posters, invitation", cards, Ac, for Holt
day Halls and parlies, go lo tlio (.oi.u.mman of
fice. Tramps must keep wei
ferent ridings of Courts,
ill town last week.
I posted as to the dif
Few if any were rum
1'uul K. Wirt, Ki , li is been elected Secre
tary of the llloouisburg Saving Fund nnd Loan
Association, ice 0. (i llarkley, Esq , resigned.
Don't take off your horse's bridlo and tie
liim to n post with the inartingale. A certain
gentleman tried it and it didn't work worth a
G- A Clark has enlarged the show windows
in his book store, nnd thereby improved its ap
pearance. The glass are largo heavy French
Tlio new Snnhury j lil has been taken per
winn of by the Sberilt.'ind ibe lii'iitnlion ded
iealed by a ilium r, attended by the ISench and
It.i r.
When the disorders of II ibyliood altack your
I! iby use at once Dr. Hull's liiby Syrup
notice its r.ipid nnd bene liei il effect. 'J) cents
per bottle.
Tho fall term of tho Stuto Normal School
will close with n literary and musical entertain
ment, on the evening of December 1st, iu tin
Institute Hall.
An exebangu says "It is lime now to bear
from big hogs. John Higgins makes the linsl
report" The paper does not Klute how big a
how Higgins was.
Stop that coughing; if you do not it miv
kill you. A bottle of Dr. Hull' Cough
Syrup only costs you 23 cents, and its timely
use may save your life.
William Lowrio is bilk at his old pos in
O, A. Clark's Rook Store, as clerk and tele
graph opeiator. Frank Rogers is engaged in
W. 0. McKinuey's Shoe Store.
Christinas is near at hand, and everybody is
Imsily engaged in making and purchasing pres
ents. If you want to know where to go to buy
gifts, read our Holiday local notices.
The Fair held by tho I idles of the Presbyte
rian church at the McKelvy house last week
was very successful. We learn thu receipts
amounted to nearly four hundred dollars.
Tl'ere has never been seen or tried, such
t-iimile. faithful, efficacious, satisfactory and
pleasant remedy as Dr Huns' Uxpecloranl,
coughs and colds. 25 and 50 cents a bottle
Merchants complain of the small margins of
profits, but hope to make up for it in the in
crease of sales. Tliev aro not disappointed hi
this at least as far as tho aa es of Dr. Coxc-'s
Wild Cherry and Santonins Worm Syrup are
concerned. They are immense1.
Last Friday morning Daniel Kelly appeared
in Court and n-ked that bis ca-e be e'ontiuued
until next term. Col. Freeze civo notice that
he would ask the District Attorney Id send u
an indictment naainst him for the murder id'
Alexander Ilea, at February Court.
A Northumberland county .Iii-llre last week
e'ecided that a member of the Hir from thi
county could not piaitico before him, unless he
had been admitted to oralieo in the Courts ot
Ilia' county. Tho knowledge of a little law
would be useful to Ju-tiees of the Peace.
Alice Henwood, wife of Mr. Win. J Hen
wood and sister of Mr. William Hart of this
place, died iu Linden, Wis., on Thursday, Nov.
tHtli. They formerly resided here and remov
ed to their western liomu about three years ago.
She was much esteemed by her friends, Je
Saturd-y night tho 2fith of last May Win. C.
Hefner's houso was robbed of nil tho provis
ions and somo other things, On tlio Monday
following n bonrch warrant was taken out on
suspicion and iu tho houso of John W. Krebs
was found most of tho btolen property, but
Krebs bad escaped, A few days ago Chief
King heard of bis being in llerwick and going
to that pluco last Friday arrested him und
brought him beforo Ksq. Murray, who com
mitted him for trial Mantomr American of Dee.
At least a score of candidates wero plyln
their vocation during the past two weeks of
Court. Many of "the dear people" wore taken
by the hand who have heretofore be-eu passed
neglected, and it was gratifying to see the
sudden Interest in crops, in the families, Ac.
Many pledges were made to ba broken, and
many heart aches and disappointments will
hereafter iiitue, Hut "bide a wee" our friends.
Tho haunt Is not past, tho summer is not ended
and you aro not saved. The people propose to
take a hand In the game the coming fall, and
the astuteness of politicians or electioneering
schemes will not avail unless the candidates are
III accord with (bclr wishes nnd interests. Wi
do not say thi. lo discourage any one, but to
-call attention to tho fact, and thus Kifieo future
For tho past twenty-two years Jacob L. Gir-
ton ha carried passengers to and from the rail-
On lucsday last Ocorgo ltlsewick pur-
chased Mr
Ulrlon's omnibuses nnd horsey
and will carry on the Winesi of transportation
hereafter. We understand thnt Qlrton Intends
to movo to tho oil regions.
It seems that there nro eight teachers In Co
lumbia county who lake the l'ennsvlvani..
School Journal, ornhiut four per cent. About
the sime nunibiT lake Iho (.oi.tTMlit N They
ra..n',i increiore expect us to publish mailer
mr tin Ir special benefit gratuitously. NVw.pi
per must live n well as Individuals.
l.ttlie, reaii the ndverhsemuit of Made
1 mis of the Kearney Chemical Works
itlier column. They profess to Instantly renew
the color of filled Kibhoim, Nuktiei and Dress
es, or lo impirt lo them new and lovely shadi
at a iinmiunl cost, For intsnc", less than
cent a piir for Stockings, Neckties, Ac No
Cheinlc lis required, or other apparatus than Is
found In eviry house.
Mektis-ii or tub I.EiitRi.ATuni:. This bndv
will meet at llarri-burg on the first Tuesday of
next January. We do not know that thero Is
anything for it lo do specially except to draw
the salaries, mileage, postage stamps Ac., of the
members. Vt e would suegest that they do that
promptly and adjourn. Such aclion would
prove economical lo the people, and save the
Stale from a mass of badly digested legislation
In fact the laws we need we do not gel, and
those we do need are never passed.
0 ir retiring District Attorney, John M,
('lark, Ksii., is about to give peace to bis suc
cessor, Hubert It. Little Kn Mr. Clark did
not seek a icnomiiiallon and retires with the
good wishes of the profession anil of the peopb
To the former he was courteous and obliging,
anddiis whole duty was done towanl the latter.
Useless and vexatious prosecutions were di-
courageo, ami courts nnu urantl .Mines were
not delayed by bis negligence, as had been the
custom Willi somo of bis predecessors. Wc
feel Millsfied aNo that Mr. Little will merit the
simc approval in the admin istratlun of bis of
Last Monday was a busy day in Court. A
number of prominent lawyers of Williamsport
were here asking for an attachment to briuj
the City Council before the Court for contempt
iu failing to obey an order to pay the city
bonds The Councils were given until the 4th
of January to answer. In tho evening the
question un foreclosure of a mortgage against
the Danville, lin.lcton& Wilkcbarrc Railroad
was argued. F. Carroll lirewster, Jr., and II.
1'. Hepburn, ol l'lulauelphia, opposing it,
and Mr. Thompson, of Philadelphia, and Mr.
lincknlew arguing for it. The real question
was whether Simon I'. Kase and the fiirard In
surance Company should be permitted to be
come defendants iu the suit.
Tho practice of luLcrti-ing a little now and
then may be of small benefit, but as a cotem
porarv remarks, "it is onty a drop ill the
bucket compared with a standing mhertise-
meut iu the coluins of an inlliiential nnd
speclable newspaper. All tho prosperous bu
iues.s men of to-day, who have made their mon
ey legitimately in their business, hnvo dnuo it
by steady, perMsteut advertising, nnd not by
.-purts and jerks. Irregular advertising is like
raising u sign one day and tearing it down the
next, ami so o'n indefinitely Iietter to do this
III. iu not at all, but how infinitely wiser to
keep your name and busintss constantly
We learn from ao F.xchange that the County
Commissioners there have agreed with the
lunks that if tbey (the binks) pay tho tax upon
ipital stock to I tie County, instead of to the
Si ite it bi-ing optional whether they pay lo
II V or to the Slate he tax shall not begreat-
ler than one nod one-half mills upon such cap
ital slock. The School Hoard of Williamsport
have al-o passed a resolution, necepling one
1 one-half mills as tax in full for llie year
1!78. Can't the sime arrangement be m ide
by our School Hoard, and by our County Com
missioners, or lias it aire tely been done? When
lividuals are e-oinpelled to exercise llie strict-
.st economy in every department pillule ser
vants sbou.d do the same thing. It is too much
the fashion now a days to be a little reckless in
handling other people's money.
Tho attention of agents is called to The
llou-ekccper's Supply Company, of Cincinnati,
Ohio, who make a bu-iui-ss of getting up and
m inufacturing new ami tabor-mein'j convenien
ces for hon-okcepera, and give employment to
hundreds of agents of both texes throughout
the whole United States to introduce and sell
them, and offer Inducements that will pay them
handsomely. Many of their njrents aro now
inakinir from St to SO per day, and some of
them even more. Write lo them at once nnd
they will send yon circulars, giving you full de-
scriolion of each article they manufacture', and
their terms to agents, and will assign you i
clu-ive territory to sell in. Their address
The Home-keepers' Supply Company, No, 212
Him Street, Cincinnati, Ohio.
Dec. 14 4w.
Commonwealth againt Samuel Smith. Lar
ceny, case called, defendant plendi not guilty
Jury called, verdict guilty. This was a pro-e
ciition for sti'iiling u few boirds. Court sen.
uneed defendant to pay a floe often dollars.and
costs of prosecution, and stand committed until
sentence is I'omplied with.
Commonwealth against Robert Swisher and
F.lias Young. Larceny. True bill.
Conimunweallh against Win. Dennis and
Janus Johnson, ca-e called, defendants plead
not guilty. Jury called, verdiel, guiliy. Hie
Court csnnuitted James Johnson lo the custody
of llw manage" of the House of Refuge at Phil
.id. Inhl.1. Mieriff to conduct him there within
ten day.
Recoguuinceof Janie Dennis In H)0 for
appearance of Wm. Dennis before tho Court f
... . .! i I.-
quarter r-cssious iu any nine nv. .,, u .,..
i .m!i!i ivuiHt F.lias Young. Con
tinued at Instance of defendant.
(Vm,m,,i.-i-e.ilih neaiiist same. Defendant
pleads not guilty. Jury called, verdict
Commonwealth agiinst (leo. P. Young. Lir
cenv. not a true bill, Charles Michhaiu prose-
e.ite r lo nav costs.
A. T. Ikeler ugiinst Jonas Doty. Jury call
ed, verdict for plaintiff for Sl"j,00.
eallh iiirainst Siinon Snyder. Re-
coguiz thee of defendinl. Daniel Morris, and
E. Walkins each in $100 for appearanco of de
fendant at next Se-ions.
Court made the following orders:
And now December 8lh, 1877 ordered that
of norsons to bo selectee! and placed
in the wheel as jurors for the ensuing year bo
and the same Is hereby fixed at six hundred
And now Decembers, 1677 ordered that a
venire be issued for a grand Jury in the Oyer
nml Term ner and wuarier oesnun. iu ---
rn.rv Sessions 1878. and that a venlro bo issued
"'I "IT ?! El VIZ
Is.ik-,1 for thirty si traverse jurors In Ihe Court
of Common Pleas for the secosd week "f "I.I
term. It is further ordertsl that an adjourned
i 1... I...1.1 ihe week beginning on the sec
ond Monday t f Match nml, and that a venire
bo Ifjuedforlblrtv-slx inrors in me umuuu..
Pleas for said wcck.aud at said adjourned court
the unfinished business of the Fibruary term
...mi i i.., ..I. In ihnsanie order as If raid
Will IIV IU"" l' LSI
adjourned cwirt fif i!e Odrd eek of J?ibi-u'
msBIm B, a in m, u
Tim n.nlnnil i. v t ci.i u-T
tho fall term will heiin on Woluesd.T mnrnln..
December IDlli, 1877, nnd clo-e on Friday. IV
ceniher 21t.
now to ortoANizu hook cluiis.
The subject of a Heading itoom, nnd tlio at
tendant necessity of books, mngnzincs nnd news
papers has recently been discussed m tlieso
columns, hut tho movement will ptobnbly fall
for want of public support, In discussing tlio
subject of rending supplies, Dr. Holland in
December's "Scribuer" pertinently sniss
"Tho great want experienced by cultured
men nnd women in a smalltown is of books,
periodicals, etc, which, Iniliiidunlly, tbey are
not nhlo to buy. Thero aro very few circulat
ing libraries in American towns of n popula
tion less than ten thousand. This want can ho
obviated in a measure by n fiiendly combiun.
lion between cerlniu families or indmdunls,
in which each contributes a given number of
books ton common slock; these books nre
loaned to the members' in turn. A more form
nVand much better way Is tho formation of a
book - club, such aswero common in Kngland
before tho establishment of Mudie, nt whicl
each member tmys in the beginning a certain
sum, with which as many hooks are purchased
as there aro members, each one choosing a
book ! these pass iu regular rotation from band
to band, remaining a fortnight with each ri-ud-er
twenty books may thus be read for the cost
of one. When the books bao passed around
the circle they ate sold lo members for the
benefit of Iho club. Fines for detention and
nbuso of books also keep up the funds. No of-
beer is required in this association but a treas
urer. Another advantago in tho plan is that
books can bo bought by the quantity at lower
rates than singly. -The same rule applies to
subscriptions for magazines, newspapers, etc.
Tho Young Men's Christian Association will
hold its first annual anniversary in thu M. Iv
church on Tuesday evening, tho 18tb, com
mencing nt 7 o'clock. Owing to tho fact that
Dr. McCron is compelled to bo absent, his
place as lecturer will be supplied by Itcv. M
0 liriltnin. The exercises will consist of
l'ruyer by Itc. Stuart Mitchell.
Singing by tho Mctho list choir, under lead
ership of Mm. Kdgett.
Address by Prof. George Wilbur.
Iteport of Secretary for tho year past.
Iteport ol Treasurer for the year past.
Lecture by Rev. M. C. lirittaitt. Subject,
'Dignity of Labor
Address by l'rof. J. C. Cook, of Danville,
Closing prajer, by Rev. J. I'. Tustin
Admi.-fcion free.
Lvoei:ii Di.usY. The Marginal Indexed
Diarv, or I) lily Record Hook, published by
the Lrie Publishing Co , Frie, Pi., is the be
thing of the kind yet issued. It is convenient
either for the pocket or desk, anil being per
petual is good for any year or at any lime of
theyeir. The-re is an index of months across
the foot of the pige, nnd -to index of d ivs for
each month at the ride which enables the u-er
to lurn instantly to any date desired. It also Index for classifying
the subject mailer of the book, besides thirty
pages of valuabto tables ami useful information
We have one and do not hesitate to siy it
the best thing In the line of Diaries we have
ever seen. The prices rante fri.m 7o cents
i-- 'Jo per copy, neeeirding to style of binding
ent post piid by tho publishers, also for rale
by Slnlioners.
The Ro-e of death. Do not wait until tie
beetle llu-h which indicites advanced consiim)
lion, appears on the cheek. Check the bard
cough and heal the irritated lungs with Hale'
Iloncv of Uinltounil anu, before the crisis
comes, lie in time, hold by all Uruggits.
Pike's Toothache D.ops cure in 1 minute.
Dec, It lm
HHANCiL', NO. 5, P. Of II
Distriet (irange No. 5, e-oinposed of Colunibi
and southern portions of Luzerne coiintie-s, will
meet at Hloouisburg, Coluuibi.i county, in Cor
reli's ball, on the first Friday of January, IS'
(it being the -lib,) at ten o'clock a. in. A full
attendance is desired. l ull Olh degree confer
red and officers for the lomiug year to be ii
stalled, Worthy Stale Lecturer Downing will
be with us. Send three delegates with master,
past master, and wives, if matrons, from each
subordinate Orange. All -Ith d gree will at
tend that desire, but not note. Have your dues
ready. If you cannot be present, send by your
delegate. Patrons, rally, once again, shouting
the battle cry of the Orange.
II. II. IIiiow.v, Master,
E. M. Tkwksuuiiy, Secretary.
Priceless Discovery.
A Sure Cure for Piles.
A Kim. euro for ihe buna, bteeillnir. ItchlnL- and ul
cerated riles lias been elf-coiem! bj Jr. Wlllaui,(an
irient. A slnele box lias cure d llio woist old chronic
ni .in ri-iiie(!,i l-iliil-ii or. .tim.uiin lui.mii wiui-
case's ot twem tle anil tlilrty jeurs' standing. No
ono need sunvr llie ' mutes urternppu lug tuts won
etertul hootlilng inedlcl - e Lotions, Instruments and
eleetuariea do mere harm than good William's
ointment supports the nimors. allays tho toteiise
lichlng(parleuiailv ut night ulier gelling warm In
bed), acts as a poultice, gties Instant and painless
relief, and Is urepare-d only tot Piles and nothing
else. I'hoiNandsot cured patients attest Its Urines
nn,i nbesiei insof all schools rronou co It the irreat-
ebl contribution to medicine ot the age1. It matters
not now- long or severely you uaee ueeu auuennK,
j on can oo eureo.
suffered tor jearswltn Itching ana I Iterated Piles,
tiled remedv t
L'ined alter reuieuy auieiuseu. anu eousuieeo
pluslclans In I'lilla'Jelphti,
Loul-UhV, Cincinnati
unit this city : and srent hundreds ot dollars, hut
round no re lie t until 1 obtained a boxot Pr. Williams
l ii , I an o himehi some lourinonins iioi.uouihiu
curi-d mo completely. I had a part ot the box let l
wnieuigao io a inenmii iniiiu Hnuii.muw.wi
wlthuian physicians, and a a last resort went to
tn noted Hot skiing, lor iiustineni
lie informs innthui the Indian ointment hssalso
cured Idni ct Ihe plies. It Is certainly a wonderful
uiscoien.und should Isj used by the many thou
sands v.i.o are now suserlns with that diead dls-
Sf'lin.ouo Howard will bo paid tor a more certain
reiiiilr. Milil bl uu iiruuu'isiM. uu. ...
ZIElt, sole proprietor, c lei eland o.
IWiVT XKfil.F.OT A COlMill
or CoIj, When 23 cents will buy a botllaof Dr. Fra
I .i..r' I'nnt.ii seruo at any druir btore. It ha
- ' llta",,j,ucl,ini,0,n,hae'ou-U Medicines,
Is pleasant as none)' una alw aj s cures,
xo coNsuiariiVBS.
trr" Dr. Trailer's cough rup used In connection
Willi Ur. ITUZiers lioowmu-ra ,i.i.e.neB.e.u.-.3e;ati-
standard Heara Laundry, Cleveland, O, Oct. SO,
tii, PU.711-H. Ilenr sir: I feet It a elaty I Owe
u.,fr,.rlii,r hllinilllltV III writ. OII. For SOI110 IlltlO
i.,u.,,r,ir Hfllnteil Willi u couerli. raising bad stuff,
witlieviry sjinptomor belngae-ouUrmed consump
tive. I tried dinerent medplnes and cures without
tlndtng relief: I also consultoU three ut our most
prominent Cleveland phslelans, the Ual ono of
which pronounce my case serious, nnd Informed rao
that I could not Ihe more than afaw months. About
lhwttme, neariiit'oi )wuuurnm,iitww,iMiui.
meueed taking jour s) rup In connection w nil jour
o..t itoiers. nnd was ut once beneUUed. and after
lulng llw medicine some two mom lis I nnd myself
cuinc-ij e-'iivu. ....... v......
or lis ilium lee-am writes, under date of Auerust
. ,c7Ti)i i.'r!i7ii.r. Iii-ar sir i lean e-ndorse your
medicines more strontly oyer from the fact
Ihul It IS now nearij uie irw o.u.u su
ly lungs are io-uy sirous- uimouunu, im.oii, su
jp-Tho ulHivH Medicines speak for themselves,
1111.11. w. rilAzlfcll, rropneior cieveiauu, u,
Tor Salo by all Druggists.
Vif, h, isiMy
Coal ! Cottl J I Oofll J
,x(nl preparation
upciTor quality
OnlorrJ I, W, MoKolvy
Store. t our oWce, or set throng
tilt UlltUs will It'Ct'lVO prompt tit
Your tmtioiuigo is roapectftilly
0. W. Nm & Bno.
Mayl, 1877.
In I III kaown world. Aainplt atcrre4 u
JgtHU. AeUrea, A. I Co Clikxga.
anjf. II, Tl-iy
Holiday lVTotlccs.
An elegant present for a llttlo boy l ono
of thoso new Sledi at Malre'is,
Do you want silverware for a Christmas
present ? Do you' want an elegant gilt for
husband, wife, father, mother, sister, broth-
r or child ? Then tnkei our advico nnd no to
Lou It Ilernbard's Jewelry Store In Uadman's
block, where you will eo just what yru
New hit nf Mince
Meut at Conner's thi
At Cadman's Furniture store Is to he
found a large variety of fine goods suitable
lor iurl.ttnni goods, uo nnu see iiieni.
0. 0 Mnrr has his new hall stock of
leans, Oottonmides nnd Cnsslmeres for boys
and men,
Shoe Store below Court
(Mark A Wolf offer the largest lino of Hoi-
Iday goods they have ever offered and at
prices' much lower than they have ever been.
Call and sec them.
Hymns. Methodist, Lutheran and Pres
byterian llynins in every stylo at d. A.
Don't forcet that there remains but a few
eeks more lo secure a bargain In Lamps,
selling at coat, at .Moyer tsros.
Special attention given to repairing of all
kinds. Wntclies, spectacles, clocks, c,
kilfully and promptly repaired. Bates has
high reputation as a waicn rnaner anu
Cash or produce will buy at D, A. Crea-
sy's, 3 lb. can Peach, 15 cts.
J It), can corn, M cts.
Valencia liaising, 8 cts. a pound.
Kxton Crackers, 12 cts. a pound.
Arbuckle's Colfee, and 28 eta. a pound.
CInlden Syrup, CO cts. n gallon.
White Drip, 70 cts. a gallon.
New Orleans Molasse", 80 cts. a gallon.
lllankcts from S1.C0 per pair up, at I. W.
Call at McKinncys for Shoes.
Christmas Goods for presents.
Gent's Mufflers,
Gent's castor gloves,
Gent's silk handkerchiefs.
All of the latest style nnd lowest prices
at D. J-owenoerg's.
More 8 cents and better quality canton
flannel at Lutz & Sloan's.
Special inducements will be offered to
persons buying a quantity of goods at J. 31.
.Maize s up to January 1st, in oruer to re
luce stock 10 lbs. of pared peaches for
jl.SO formerly sold at 25 cts. a pound. The
,lden evaporated pared pcacn is the uncst
out. o nave tried mem and Know.
Orange nnd lemons for
the Holidays
cheap nuCouner's.
Rrackets. nicturo frame, card stands, mil
sic racks, foot rests, blacking stools, hanging
basket, ladies wwrk stands, nice tor jurist
ma at Cadman's.
Go to Marr's for new and cheap floor and
table Oil Cloth.
Roots and Shoes cheap at McKiocey's.
Ties, bows, hosiery, gloves,, linen
handkerchief Irom 5 cents to .t.00. Silk
handkerchief from i!0 cent to $1.50 at
Clark et Wolfs.
Fresh line of New Oood thi week at
l'lir, cheap, at I. W. Hartman's.
Cheap Clothing for winter.
Suit for men,
Suits for bovs,
Pretty little suits for children
at D. Lowenberg's.
22 more sets of fur just received at Lu tz
et Sloan's f 3.23 and up,
P.ipotcrie Handkerchief Boxes, at G A,
Another car load of Window GU to ar
rive thi week at Moyer Bros.
Go to P. S. Bates' new Jewelry Store for
your Christina presents.
In canned good, groceries, ,tc J. II.
Maize i ahead. The finest fruit on hand.
Dates, raisin, prunes, Cocoanuts, Malaga
grapes soft shell almonds, fine candles in
great variety. Put in a supply for Christ
mas. Hoot headquarters at McKinuey's.
Big bargain in fancy dress goods to close
out at Clark & Wolf's.
I. W. llartman has some handsome Glass
ware and China displayed for Christmas
Ulster for men,
Ulster for boys,
Ulsters for children,
Cheap and good at D. Lowenberg's.
I.utz et S'oan m ike a handiotno display
of good plated jewelry.
Alphabet Blocks of every style at G, A.
Ilernbard's window dazzles the eyes. It
Is filled with elegant clock, teasels, castor.
cake ba-kets, card baskets, napkin ring,
jewelry and many oilier articles suitable tor
Christum presents.
Watche, clocks, jewelry silverware, &c,
carefully and skillfully repaired by L. Bern
bard. Kubbers at McKinuey's.
- -
Go to Marr's for cheap boots and idioes.
Toilet sets, mats, tidies, napkins, towels
tab le linens, dnylts and stand covers cheap
at Clark it Wolfs,
The largest stock of Children's Books at I.
W, llartinan's.
Tor good and useful Christmas presents
go to I.utz et Sloan's,
An Immense stock of Chromos at G, A.
Jlanilome china cups and saucers for la
dies, cups lor gentlemen, fur the
'lolldays, at Maize's.
Chickens wanted at Conner's.
Glove boxes, handkerchief boxes, fancy
boxes, book marks and ribbons lower than
ever at CUrk it Wolf's.
12 Goblets fur $ a Creasy's.
Silk and I.inen Handkerchiefs, Scarfs,
Nubias, Fascinators, Woolen Hose, I.e'
glugs, etc., in great variety at I. W. Hart
man's. . ' --
Wakti:i. Two girls to lear)i the tailor
ing trade, Win, V. Kester. Apr.B'tf
Admislon free at McKinney's.
Tho haudeomeet thing In town for a
Christmas present to your wife or sweet,
heart is that beautiful Toilet Set at Moyer
New prints, flannels, glDgharus. tyooon,
reps, prints, muslins, w lagans, cambric, etc.,
next week at Clark & Wolfs at bottom prl-
fccrap itooks anu i'lcluns.
o( all elthcriptious at Q, A. Clark'
Scrap Itooks
Holiday Notices.
Oentr. call nnd sen thn bfst shirt modn.
tho Klghmie tmtent bosom nt Clark it
I'iuo lamps very cheap, splendid Toilet
ets, fancy glassware, chambr sets, elegant
vases ol all, smoking sets, at Mnlzo s
make nlco Chrl-tinns presents.
Where Is Creasy' new cash storp? On
pnsltp the Kplscopal church, and he keep a
fine line of General Merchandise, Groceries,
Mark Twain's celebrated
Scrpp Hook nt
G. A. Clark's.
Since the discovery of Dr. William's In
dian Ointment there Is certainly no excuse
lor any one to sutler with the Pile. See ad
vertisement. Call in nt I. W. Hartman's and look at
the Photograph Albums.
Beaver cloths nnd coats, waterproofs, flat'
nels, prints, ginghams, ticking, skirting
and felt skirts cheap at Clark fi Wolf's,
A fine stock of Toilet Soaps and Perfume
ry, Hair and Tooth Ilrushe. Pocket Hook
nnd Cigar Cases, any of which would make
a suitauie ciinsttnns gilt, nt .Moyer tiros.
At Rates' Store an elegant assortment of
Jewelry, Silver and Plated Ware just receiv
ed, and for sale at low prices,
.1. II. Maize i offering a large lot nf fino
goods In lamps, china ami glnsswaro ec., at
greatly reduced price.
Cart and hobby horses for the llttlo ones
at Cadman's.
gloves very cheap at Clark ec
Opinions of the Public on the Pearl Shirt.
.Mr, llrown Is delighted at the Pearl buirt.
Mrs. Jones thinks. they are Un X Ld.
Mrs. Smith says she will never make one
at home.
Try one and be convinced.
Can e,nly be bought at D. Lowenbtrg's.
II. ft M. Smith's Gold Pens and Pencils
for sale at I. W. Hartman's.
Episcopal Prayer Books in beautiful bind
ing at 0. A. Clark's.
I.utz & Sloan rcceivo goods almost every
day and nre kept busy selling them.
Castors, Card Ilaskets, Mug, Vase, Pickle
Castors, Toilet Set, Tea Sets, and a lull line
nt splendid good tor the Holidays, at P.
llareainsin twiliehls. wool hood, nnbi
legging, hosiery, kid glove. ete.,nt Clark ft
won a.
Toy sets "of dishe, china toys, pretty vases
tor nttie gins at .Maize s.
Diaries and Pocket Books in great variety
at I. W . llartman s.
G. A. Clark's store is the center of attrac
tion for Christmas Presents.
W eeV.
lot of Cranberries at Conner's this
Another large lot of Paints, just received
by Moyer Bros., will be sold cheaper than
over tor cali.
Many consumptive are now using Dr,
f'razier's Hoot Bitter and Cough Syrup with
remarkable success'
New line of Crepe I.isso footing and Tar
latan ruMing, cellars, cull's, &c just receiv
ed at Clark et Wolfs.
Fresh supply of wool and cotton Carpet
Chain at Marr's.
Newest styles Writing paper in fancy
boxes at I. W. Hartman's.
Parlor set , walnut chamber sets, cottage
sets, sideboards, chair, and all kinds ol'lur
niture cheap at Cadman's.
il.00 buys thu Pearl Shirt.
A marvel of cheapness the Pearl Shirt.
The best made the Pearl Shirt,
The best fitting the Pearl Shirt.
Tty before you buy the Pearl Shirt.
Sold only at Lowenberg's Clothing Store.
You can net white, black
trimiuiiiLfat l.utz.t Sloan's.
aud grey fur
New lot of Germantonn wooN, zephyri,
bed i-pread-i, cauvas-i mottoes, jewelry, ec,
just opened at bottom prices at Clark ec
Marr wants Dried IUspberries and pitted
Ci. A. Clark has just received $500
worth of Mabie it Todd's celebtated Gold
Pens, Pencils and Toothpicks.
Nicest bedroom
at Conner's.
amp for twenty-five els.
Another largo lot of black Alpacas at
Lutz ct Sloan's. Price 20 cents and upwards.
Go to Clark et Wolf's to buy your Christ
mas presents, useful, cheap and good,
A good domettic Sulphur bith can be) Instan
tly prepared by taking a cake of Glen's
Sulphur Soap into the bath tub. Such an ei
poelient will, to ue a Bling phrase, "knock Ihe
spots oft'1 any victim of cutaneous bleuiUhei'.
Sold by all druggists 25 cents.
Hill's Hair & Whisker Dye, black or bronn,
SO cts.
Nov. 2a Iw.
i:. F. Kunkel'a celebrated 111 Iter Wlnoof Iron will
eneelnally cure llier complaint, Jaundice, el s-pta,
e-luuntcor nervous debility, chronic dl.irrtia'A, dls
elite ot the kldne'ys ami all diseases arltlni; rrotn n
iIKordercd llt-r, stomucli or Intestlne-s, sueh aseon
httpatlon, tlstiile-ne'o. Inn urd pllfs, rultie s-s ut blood tu
iho head.acldltv or tlio nomacli. nausea, heartburn,
ellsKiist foi tood, rullne-ss ot weight In the stomach,
MWmi, linnet the lii-ud. hurried or dinieiill breatli
Intr, ilutttrlueot the heart, choking or iiitTocatliig
heiisiitlun hen In a tjluir ixisture, tllinnes.s of Is.
Ion, dots or ui-bs the bight, dull palu lu llie
lie.ed, dellelency of perspiration, ellovwie-bs nf the
fakln and ejes.pila In Inn back, head, chest, limbs,
etc., budde-n Hushes of heat, burning In tho liesh,
consttuit lmai;liiluers of evil and great depression ot
spirits. Price 11 er buttle, beware of counter
feits, lio nut let your druggist palm off some either
preparation of irun, he may say It Is as guud.butask
tor Kunkels I'.ltter Wine of Iron, Take no other.
Kunkels inner lne of Iron Is not sold In bulk
only In II bottles. K. F. Kiinkel. l'reprletor, No. SS8
Narlli Mutli street, l'hlladelehU, Pa. bold by all
druggists and deulera e eri v, here.
Head all complete In two hours.
n.HeH. seat. I'lu and stomach wc
No feo till bead
and stomach worms removed by
lir. Krnke-I. i'-v. North Nlnlli street, I'liitadulplita.l'ie.
senu lor ror re-inuing, r-e.ii, i iu or niuui
aeh Wo'ias call on yuur druggist and ask for a but.
tie of Kunkel's worm sjrup, l'rlco It. It neier
falls Common sene teaeiie-8 If Tape Worm can bo
removed, all oilier worms can bo readily destroyed,
lies;. I
It lias Stood the Test.
Jf you doubt the wonderful success of Shiloh's
Consumption Cure, gi ve it a trial ; then if you
are not perfectly satisfied, return the bottle and
we will refund the price paid. It has establish
ed the fact that Consumption can bo cured,
vslule for ouehs. asthma, hoarseness, whoon-
iug coughcand all lung or throat trouhlc.s,thcre
is uotlum: like it tor a quick nnu positive cure,
and It seldom fails. 10 cents. CO cents and SI
nerbottle. If your lungs aro sore, or ciet or
Lack lame, utu Shiloh's Porous Plaster price
.'.) cents, sold by U. A. Klcimanit .V J. lien
Pf Shlloh's Hyslf tn VilulUer Is no doubt the
most successful cure for llvspeiula and Liver
Comidaitit nc have ever known, otherwise vie
coulel not guarantee it, lu cases ol consumption
where general debility, loss of aiietite and
constipation exist, it will restore nnd regulate
tbusvilem while Shiloh's cure allavs the in
(laniuiatiou and heals tho lungs. Price 75 cts.
bold byC. A. Meim and N.J. Hendershott.
HACxvmt'x, a rich and fragrant perfume,
Sold by C. A. Klciia and N. J. Hendershott.
April , "77-ly j
Bloomsburg, Columbia County, Pennsylvania.
Rev. D. J. WALLER, Jr., A. M., Principal.
THIS school, a at present constituted, otters the l cry best facilities for Professional and Classical learning. . . . .
luilldlnirs spacious, milling and commodious; completely heated by steam, wellientllatcd, lighted by gas, and furnished with a bountiful supply of pure.son
sprint-water. . . . . . .. . .
ifauon neauniui, -.mi easy oi access, i aaciiers cxpenenceu, cuicieni, ana auvo to tneir worn. Discipline, nrm nut Kino, unuorin ami tuorouyu. iu.v.
moderate. Fifty cents a week deduction to all expecting to teach. Students admitted at any time. Koouis resencd when deslreu.
iiiurai-iui Biuny preseriueu oj luoi-iuic
I. Model School. II. Preparatory. III. Elementary. IV, Classical.
Adjunct Courses : I Academic. II. Commercial. III. Course in Music. IV. Course in Art. V, Course in Physical Culture.
The Elementary. Scientific and Classical Course are Pimt-'lisstoVAf.. ami stinlcnts Urartu itiniMhnreln. receive state lilnlomas. conferrlm? tho followln
corresponding Degrees; .Master of the Moments; Master
tneir ui i limine in., sikuou iiv uh- unieer ei i no oo-irii
The course of study nrescrllsvl by llio tate Is uiieral,
the stale renulresa lilirlier order of cltl.cnstitn. Tlio
cent nnd entclent Teachers for tier Se'hools. Tothlsendlt solicit young persons ot good abilities and good
nuaineiriaienis.nsMiiaeni. loan sucn u promises
itaingue. aiiures tlio rrlnclpal.
IIIIV. Wll.l.l.MI i:i.Vl!l.l I'rrsltleiil llonrd
sejit. s, ';o.-
GIVEN AWAY Xry rcader of
A Premium bteol Engravine.
Entitled "TitK FiNhtvo of Tim Sai iob in tiik Tfm-
ri.K" with the UOHKINO CIIL'IICII, a4 page flellg
lous Family Newspaper. deote-d to Household the
Sunday school. Music and General Church w ork.
On a months trial for 23 cents.
Agent wan'ed. Ad-
dress J. II. HHEWKlt.
, s warren street. New York.
D0V. 9, "77-3111 J w co
Letters ot Administration on theestato of Oscar
. ..ui, iu.u v otun w ii-Miiii. e.'ii. iu,. ue-ee-ii-,eie,
haiebecn granted by the llenlster or said county to
the undersigned Aelmlnlstr.itor,;to nhom all persons
uiueuie-u iiiu reiiuesieo io innKO imineoiaicpajineni
and those ha Ing claims or demand against tho es
tate will make themkLounto tho administrator
without delay.
lIUlil.K i . r..M ,
nov. SO, '77-cw Administrator.
"A fiepotiory of J-tuhton, I'easure ami
Harper's 5?aar.
Xoticc of the IVess,
Tl.pllazirlsthe oriran of the fashionable vrorltl.
ami the expounder uf that worM'1) laws; and tt Is
the authority tn nil matters of manners, etiquette,
coitume, aud social lubita. Itosion Tratelpr,
The ll.iar commend Itself to every memberof tho
household lo the children bv droll and pretty pic
tures, to tho youni? by lis fashion plates In
endless variety, to tho provl tent matron by in pat
terns for the children's clothes, to paterfamilias by
Its tablet ill denUrns for embroidered bllppeis and
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of the Ua7ar Is uuiformlyof tfreat excellence. lho
paper ii is acipiiroa a wide popularity ror the tire
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".1 CoutjiUte I'ictorial History of the Timet.
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rainily I'aier in the Union."
Harper's Weekly.
XoticcA of (he Prei.
T,n U'liol-K- thn nlilowf- niol mnul nnti-i.rf nl Ulna.
tr.xtetl perloifleal publlshnd in thUcimntrv. Its edi
torials are bcholany aiulcuinlnclni,' and tarry much
uelpht. ItH lllnstratlona of current events aro full
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The Weekly Is tlio onlv Illustrated naiwrof tho
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Harper's Magazine.
AViVci of the I'reis,
Tho veteran Slacazlne. wnvh loni? no-onutirrftu,
Us original title ot tlio Sow Monthly Mr t-azlne. has
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outlet, buthai aUctM to It In inaDy ways anil lus
pi I..HIJ uujt-tcL ui euu iijii,'h, Hunks eoiuo emer
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eteontents nd llw same rreshiiess and suirusilre.
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j limuiueia .luuoiiiai inaev to the nret titty vol
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i.!-' a,v,a"aUu letiiuicetho viiktaiUvdrled
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Newspapers aro notta copy this advertisement
without the) express ureler of lUrier 4 tirolhers.
Aeldrusa UAltl'KU i UltOTIIKIU, New York,
ot tlio sciences ; .Master ot the Classics, elraduatcs
oi i rusiees.
and tlio Selentltla and Classical courses aro not Inferior
tlinidiniinii it. it is nnnnt thn nrim nhinnui nf mis
aiu in ueveloplnir their nowers. aadabuudant onDortuoltles for well pam labor alter lemingacnuoi. rur
nf Trustee-
A full
Dress Goods,
lry ioolg, Groceries, Provisnons,
Oil 1o1b aiadsa Sstvgcsis.MH'Uiiciitof
Just in, and fresh invoices received daily.
L W. MuKdvy.
Market Sts.
"NTnv o:a
.-, (.-ti.
None Genuine
without (his
Trade Marie.
Reasons why the PEARL SHIRT is preferred
to all others :
They are made of tho be?t ''WAMSUTTA" MUSLIN.
Bosoms are three ply and made of the beet linen, each ply
being guaranteed to be all linen.
They tire made only by capable and experienced hands, are care
fully inspected and are unsurpassed by any other in workmanship.
Ihey are guaranteed to fit
Try them and be Convinced !
Tailor, Clothier and Gent's Furnisher.
Mammoth Grocery, corner
Fancy Imported and Domestic Staple Groceries of Every Description,
peiMare, wm, M and Willomre,
Flour and Feed, Tobacco and Cigars
Jan ,ils, OH NICK FltKSIl I'UOUrciJ.
ss mom wmmk
HARMAN & HASSERT. Proprietors;
V.nst Slrccl, Suulli sl.loora.. II., I'm.
u?u&n?S,i:Swsuladttl'M,'a, ''SMtfS?a
?nn.1lar?.rrc.par'J 10 '.urPlfcV iU VDds 01 ""Pairs, ouch as llrntca. Fliv Uriel-, ic, nholeiolo acd retail. Tbej
inuwe lUei luu.n.M'U t'eiiil..u,K (iruip i..r il.t- m. l-r.u himr, iiiu mUt tcoiSkii iirte In use.
w'iyffiUJ'ffi AM.OUIST MILL WAflll.NEuV blUrn.NlV ll LLEU?! wTtiTi j
Repairing of Threshing Machines, Reapers, &c.
tTm Sf?f rtit'!.r !'D rrc mecUanlos, ImTlug bad an rtrh'Hi cr over Uilrly start, llie public cau
lw.W,n- Vk '4Ml u.eiiL.u iHluli'iiuiaiiiUUi Jl'ee ,
in the other Courses receive Normal certificates
to thoso ot our best Colleftes.
scnool to helD to secure It. bv furnlshtntr inleul-
purposes, those who desire to Improve their time
lisie of
Trade Mark
and to give satisfaction
m every
of Main and Centre streets
ly term.