THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COl NTY, PA. BSOCKWAtJs SWELL, Editors'. BLOOMSBURG, PA. Friday, Doc. 1-1, 1877. TAXKS. We have frequently shown how lucorgru oui, unequal, and badly executed our tax laws are. Ignbrant asse'sor?, and negligent col'ectors make the matter worse l'enplo never pay tuxes willingly, It Is true, hut they have the tight to see that such burdens are equitably distributed, faithfully collected and the money honestly applied, To show what a wretched system wo havo, and how poorly even that Is executed we collato a few facts from the Commlnsloner's Statement of valuation and taxes for 1877. Conynghnin towuhlp, with 3S7 taxables returns 10 dogs and Sugarhinf with hut 200 taxables returns 122, lterwick has 318 taxables and only 711 men fit for military duty, and Scott about nue in three. In the matter of money at Interest the returns Irom Denton, HrinrcrreV, Centralia, Centre, Conyngham, Hemlock, Jackson, Locust, Mt. Pleasant, I'ine and Snparloaf show not one dollar at Interest, and Hshing Creek modestly reports $30 00, The whole matter Is a transparent fraud on its face. In Conyngham there is one pleas, lire carriage valued at $$25 00,and in Sugar loaf there are none 1 In Heaver there is only ons watch, and in ilenton, Driarvreck, Conyngham, Fishing Creek.Vranklln, Hem lock, Jackson, Locust, Madion,Main, I'ine, Itoaring Creek, and Sugarloaf there are none returned I The above statements givo a fair lllustra tlon how other property is either not assessed or else not fairly valued, The result is Hint the assessor who makes a faithful return subjects the lax-payers of his township to an undue share of taxation, whilst the div honest or negligent officer exonerates tboe in his district to a largo extent. It may be said that the fault is with Ihe people, who should elect better men,but it is not in human nature foi voters to voluntarily place add! tlonal burdens on their own shoulders. The remedy is to have competent and disinter ested parties appointed by nn independent tribunal. As to the collection of taxes, all county and local taxes should he collected by but one person in a district, and thus avoid the nuisance of being dunned by a dozen differ ent men, with the risk of being made to pay the same tax twice, or of having it returned to the Treasurer. Not only this, but one collector could afford to collect the whole tax much cheaper, because the additional duplicates would add but yery little to his labors. AIMUUKNKII C0UKTS. By reference to the Court proceedings it will be seen that an order has been made for an adjourned court in March. During the past year the time has been so much occu pied with the trial of criminal cases that the civil list has grown to large proportions and Is still Increasing. Last February the entire session was used up in the Ilea Horn cide trial, and since then the first week of every court has passed in disposing of the numerous cases of petty larceny, assault anti-battery, and the like. In consequence of the large number of civil Buits that have thus accumulated, a petition signed by all the members of the Bar was presented to the court last week, asking that an order be made changing the terms to threo weeks each, and giving the first week entirely to the Quarter Sessions business, motions, ar guments, &c. Tho Judg(s for good reasons have not made the order for terms of three weeks, but will hold adjourned courts from time to time at seasons of the year most con venient to farmers and others, until the list is reduced to reasonable size. We are in formed that a rule will be made that all cases put on the trial list fur these adjourned courts, will not be allowed to he continued by consent of parties, except for good rea sons. This arrangement, will bo a great saving. Parties now come here the first week of cou'twith witnessts prepared to try civil c-auses, and after waiting the whole week are obliged to go home without trial, their expenses in many cases being hundreds of dollars. The action on the part of the court and lawyers is intended fo prevent such use less expense. 110UK .NOTICES. Wo have received from the publisher a book entitled "Beautiful Homes, or Hints in House Furnishing," by Henry T. Williams and Mrs. O. S. Jones, being volumo 4 of Wil liams' Household Series. Such a book has long been needed, and this work supplies tho want fully. It is full of valuable instruction and hints on tho many different mothods cf making homo what it ought to be, tho dearest spot on earth. Thcro aro S00 engravings and illustrations. Kvcry lady in tho land should havo a copy. It contains chapters on fur nishing tho different parts of tho house, arti cles on fancy work and ornaments, and in fact every thing that should ho in such a book. It is handsomely printed and ucatly bound, and tho price is only $1.50, or $2.00 for Holiday edition, full gilt. Wo havo also received through tho kind ness of the tamo publisher a book entitled "Household Hints and llecipes." Tho edi tor s pretaeo says: uouiuion sense, is tlio richest endowment for every good housekeet er. In theso pages aro found soiuo uncom nionly g(5od hints, which, if observed, will make good housekeeping a thing of pleasure, and tense and sentiment will moro easily com hino to make every homo inoro delightful." Tho prico of tins book with puHr covors is 10 cents, in cloth $1.00. Either of the abovo books can be obtained by sending tho prico to Henry T. Williams, Publisher,1-!!! Beekman Street, New lork It is probably intended that the Duke of Connaught, the Queen third son, shall be in time to come very closely Identified with Ireland. From the first he was marked out for it being christened, "Patrick" and when a title was conferred on him It was that of an Irish province. He has now been fur many months residing in Ireland, where hh regiment is quartered, but be does not mere ly follow the houuds and stay about in great country houses, but pays great atteution to the institutions and condition of the country and mingles among all sorts and conditions of men. One evening last month be dined with the Mayor of Cork, and was warmly welcomed, and about the same date made a visit to the Koman Catholic schools at Fer moy. As be is a quiet sensible young man, of excellent manners, and with the reputa liou of a thorough gentleman, he may do Ood service to Ireland. The Ilrntli Sentence. WAitt.r.N'. Tiir. KI.M STATION MUMlKnr.R HOOML'l) TO lit HON TIIR OAM.OW8. NoRHiarow.v, December 10. This morn ing tho sentenco of death was pronounced upon Hcnrlch Wnlilen, convicted of tho inur- ler of Max Hugo Decline, at Kim station, on tho 17th of October, l87fi. The prisoner was brought into tho cojitt room shortly before ton o'clock, pinioned as usual, and in tho custody of two officers of tho court. Tho court room was very thinly at tended, from tho fact that Judge Koss, in or der to avoid tho prscnco of n large audience, tad not given out publicly that ho intended to pronounco sentenco this morning. Wahlen looked very well and was especial ly improved in nppcaranco by a pair of sido whiskers, which hohas been cultivating sinco his conviction. T. Warren O'Neill, esq., tho junior cnuticl for tho prisoner, was present in court, but Oeorgo N. Corson, esq , his col league, whom tho court sent for before pro nouncing sentence, returned tho answer that ho did not desire to bo present, and request ed tho court to proceed without him. "May it please tho court," said District ttorney Gotwaltz, rising, "John Keller, ali as lleinricli Walilen, alias .Max Hugo Hoehnc, was indicted by a grand jury at tho September sessions of 187, upou a bill charg ing him with the murder of Max Hugo lloehiie, on tlio 17th of October, 187(1, and on (no lUtli oi September, 18ii, ho was nr raigncd for trial in open court. A jury was selected by himself, and after being ably do fended by talented counsel appointed by tho court, after t careful hearing of his case, and when this court had thrown around tho pris oner, by its rulings, every protection possible, tho jury returned with a verdict of murder in tho first degrco. ith that verdict the com monwcallli is well satisfied, and believe the prisoner is guilty of the murder of which he has been convicted. Some fifty or more rea- sons aro filed for a new trial j the prisoner's counsel by ablo argument endeavored to sup port theso reasons, but the court refused to grant tho motion. That being tho case it be comcN my duty as representing tho common wealth of Pennsylvania to movo this court that tho judgment of the law bo pronounced upon tho prisoner." Judge Boss then asked Wahlen if he had anything to say why the judgment of tho law should not bo pronounced against him, The prisoner who had more than onco re ferred to souio notes ho had in his possession, asked his honor if ho could see Dr. Haupt, tho prison physician, before he said anything, as ho was in a very nervous condition. His request was granted and Dr. Haupt was sent for, ami after a brief conversation with the prisoner, tho latter manifested a desire to proceed. Tho court room was silenced and all eyes were turned upon Wahlen, who be gan a statement which bore evidence of care fill preparation and was spoken in clear Eng lish, although at times the unfortunato man failed to make intelligent connections. "Your honor, tho judge," said' ginuiug in a tremulous tone, "I will mako a few remarks on my unhappy condition both oi uouy ami mmu, ino terrible crime at Win Station, of which I was brought in guilty has not been shown to a court and jury in its truo light, and it is necessary that it should bo ex plained, so that tho court and people can dis tinguish between right and wtoug. This ter- riblo affair has been simply declared by a fel low named Strepolski, who stood before a court and jury and produced a story for his own protection and for my condcmnat.on. In tho uamo of humanity and justice I ask you to hear me and believe what I say. Strepol ski is the murderer in my opinion. Tho chain of circumstances put around me failed in its connection. How can the commonwealth perfect a chain of evidence when the links are missing? "I declaro I am not guilty of said crime, continued wahlen, anu innocence is my cheerful companion ; in innocence I seek re lief and in innocenco I shall stand as firm as a rock until the day of my death. In connec tion with tho great error in my trial I can form a very particular point. By this letter," said tho prisoner producing an envelope from his pocket containing a communication which tho court had previously learned had been manu factured by souio one of friendly inclination to Wahlen, "Detective Abrams has for gain ot gold, committed perjury, which is hero on tirely proven. I can further prove that Kar nest Liebich, whom perhaps your honor will recollect, and who testified on my trial that I had given to him at his homo on Callowhill street my name as Max Hugo Hoehno I can provo what ho said was entirely false. If your honor shall not believo my words, per haps in tho current ot lite tho truth may come out, and the guilty brought to confession. This will then put the seal of truth on what I am to-day saying. Tho only protection I havo received in my trial for this murder came from your honor and from my counsel, especially tho younger. His earnestness in my behalf I shall never forget, and may God bless him in his business and in everything ho undertakes." After saying 'a kind word for Dr. Haupt, whom, he said, had with his medical advice, helped him through serious illness, Wahlen concluding, said : "I would speak more in detail in reference to my condition and to my trial, but as my health has been in a very nervous condition that is most impossible." 'The court has heard your statement and denial of tho crime of which you stand con victed," said Judge lloss in pronouncing sen tence. "This is neither tho timo nor tho plaeo for tho court to discuss that question, for a jury of this county, after a patient and careful jieariug, havo declared you guilty in tho first degTec. If you be not guilty it would seem that all logical connection of facts, ev ery sequence of circumstances havo by souio terrible mi"take been turned against you. The court feels that you havo had a fair trial, and that every construction of tho law has been made in your favor. This crime, which is a mcmorablo one, has been gradu ally revealed, and to-day in this last, finish ing act justice is vindicated. Necessarily, I think the judgment of this court will be car ried out. I do not believo thcro is hopo on earth for you, cither from the law or tho ex ecutive, therefore I trust you will proparo for a better life, and it is to bo hoped that the spirit which you manifest in your remarks this morning will continue to guide your course until your death. Nothing now remains for me but to pronounco sentence upon you ; and the sentenco is that you Hienrich Wahlen, tho prisoner at tho bar, bo taken to tho Montgomery county prisou, and kept there until taken to. tlio plaeo of excoutlon, and thcro bo hanged by tho neck until you are dead, and may tho ever-living God havo mer cy on your soul." Wahlen sat down apparently unnerved, without giving evidence of tho slightest ctao tion, and was shortly afterwards taken back to his cell. The ltepubllcans who denounced Patter- ton and Conover in such terrible lauguage a short time slnco, calling them "thieves" and "penitentiary birds," have calmed down gince they voted to admit Kellogg, another carpet-bag thief and rogue, and have re. elected them to the Chairmanship of I in portant committees. "Politics makes strange bed-fellows." From tho 1 (larctte k llullctln " HESULT OP TIIIfltlSJMNU AT LlLOOMStH'ItO Monday afternoon at tiro o'clock was the time fined for the Williatnport councils to file thtlr hnsircr to the rule li-mieil by Judgo Ml- well, at Illoouiburg, to show rnno why they were not In contttnpt, ,Among llmo nhn re pilrcd to l!looiibiirg were, II. W. Wnlnn, Kq., city solicitor, Messrs. .1. O. l'.ltker and U.S. llentloy, jr., I). Ham Korcsinan, president ofrommon council, J. W. Hays and It. M. tors. nan, nlo members of common council. Mil. WATSON BKAD3 Till! AXSvVtltt. When the t'me arrived tho court houo was filled with spectator, together with ninny members of the bar, The answer, as already printed in tho Gatcllit nml Jlulldin, was rend to thecourt by Mr. II. W. Watson, together Willi the separate statement of Messrs. Tlieodoro f X ill and H. M, l'orsman, showing that a majority of councils had endeavored to defeat all action to obey the mandate, and that they could not sign the anwer became some of the allegations cnntilnul there were rot true. Mr. Wnton alo tarlol that two members of the select council Mcsr. Billies and Otto- had not signed the nniver lecnuc they were confined In llieir roonn by Illness. Mr. W. II. Taylor hid in the meantime removed from the Kighth ward nnd had ceneil to be a mem ber of council. Ilo therefore a'ked to ho cx-l cii'eil from the rule. H. I, (l.ige, En., had not signed the report, neither had hi) been hoard from nn tlio subject. Mr. Wat -on then entered Into an argument ami stated the law In reference to lli-j appoint ment of ns-cssor, the classification of property, Ac, nnd closed by appoilln to the couit fur leniency. UKMAISK.S OF Jtti. 1'AIIKEIt. Mr. Parker, of counsel lor the bondliLldtr addressed the court. He staled that (here had been remarkable energy displayed by tha coun cils for the last few days, anil those who know their history had expressed surprlso. In their answer councils havo failed to give dates. Up to the 3d of December hardly a step had been taken to obey the mandates of the court. He read his affidavit fallowing the action of councils sinco the mandamus was issued, reciting tho dates, Ac. And then remarked : "Is It nny wonder that they were not ready to answer on the 3 1 of December?" Duo diligence, w.ts not taken to answer the decree of court. Councils would hardly attempt to issue more bonds when it is remembered that they had already attempt ed repudiation. Members of councils have said that they only voted for tho bond ordinance to purge therasclvts of contempt, knowing it to be void. This is rntorlous in Willi imsport. As sessors havo not vet been appointed, and coun cils, according to their records, are in contempt of die. court. Is it not time that thdso who sit as lawmakers, no matter how subordinate, should he taught lhat they must not bo law breakers? lie concluded by asking that all the members, excepting those who are ill, be brought before the court for contempt. ItEJOINDKIl OK Mil. WATSON. In reply Mr. Watson referred to the minutes of common and select councils to show what had been done. The speaker would not admi t that any of the members intended tu act in dis respect of court, except Mr. Ciagj, who lias not signed the answer or filed any explanation of his conduct. lie defended the councils and staled that the introduction nf the ordinance showed that there was no intent to act in con tempt. The assessment act was then cited in proof of what he said. As a body councils had endeavored to comply with iho mandates, not withstanding a few members may have opposed the ordinance and talked against its passage on tho streets. BESIVI1K3 Of Mil. HENTLKY. Mr. lientley said that he occupied tho unfor tunate po-ition of beins a member of tho com mon conncll of Williamsport, while at the same time he was nneof cotin-el for the bindholders. No excuse of councils showing their inability to comply with the mandamus has been filiil. Many members aro anxious to comply with the rule, but there are others who are determined to put in every ob-truction against raising the mow until they are ready to act, and some of them declare lhat there is no court that can compel them to act until they are ready. The very vole of councils in opxsUion to the op pointment of assizors showed lhat they were not disposed lo comply. It seems like perjury to file such an answer to the rule. Ilo asked lhat the court mako the rule absolute and call the coi-n-ils before it. Unless this was done, he believed that the bondholders might whistle for their money. And if he was not able to purge himself he was willing to tako the con sequences. HIE C1TV TlillASlillEIt. On the sic nd branch of the case, relating to the po-ition of the city treasurer, Mr. Watson called attention to the various appropriations for limning the city government, and cited au thorities lo show that executions did not have priority. Tho present revenue is not more than sufficient to carry on the various branches of the cily government, and be therefore argued that the money in tlio hands nf the treasurer could not be attached to the detriment of the corporation. Councils have no right to levy more tax than is required. The debt mu-t be paid out of unappropriated funds. The only course to pursue, therefore, is to lay n social tax, and creditors must wait until the money is raised. Questions also arise as to how the mon ey shall be paid out. Kit is Insisted that the money in the hands of the treasurer shall be attached tho city will be in irpetual darkness, and at the mercy of all the tramps that infest the country, DOSS 1UM UETS ON EASY. At this point Boss Ham and J. Wulker Hays, who evidently wished to return home by the train which would bo due in n few minutes showed great uneasiness, and as they made a motion to retire, the judge asked them to re main a few minutes as be had a f.-w words to say the president of common council and Mr. Hays then settled down in their seats and the court spoke as follows: The decree ot the court must be enforced nnd will be j and those who are eutru-ted with rais ing the money will consult together as to the best means of doing it. Itesistsnce baa been made by councils, but the law is stronger than llieir will. They have beeu dilatory and thought they could batlle the decree. The de gree if punishment will depend on thiir furth er action on ibis decree. The rule will ho con tinued till Friday, January, -4, 1S78, and It is hoped at lhat lime thero will be no cuiso for further procedure. The countenance of tho Boss then Lightened up, be heaved a sigh of relief, and, with Mr, Hays, hurriedly left tho court room, dashed for the tralir and rolled away In the direction of Wllliaiusport as fast as steam could carry them, UKTimi luacusvTs. The argument in rel ition to the money In the hands of the treasurer was continued at some lenglh by .lissrs. Bentley, Walson and Packer. It was ol annul by the solicitor lhat there must be sufficient funds reserved tu carry on the cily government, Mr. Bentley argued lhat as there was $15,000 In the treasury set aald'e to meet the Interest it should be applied at once, At the conclusion of the argument Iho court promised to gire a decision early In reference to the money now held by the city treasurer, which he had been peremptorily ordered lo re tain for the purpose of applying lo the payment of the overdue indebtedness. Councils now breathe freer since Judge El, well bu given them till the -lib nf January lo .qlt-fiirlnrilv restwiml hi th i-iiIa rpro-ntlv t.uii,l j to show cause why they should not be attached for contempt. In granting this extension tin court firmly reminded them lhat the decree must he cnlorccd, and that the law was superior lo their mere dictum. It was evident from the remarks of tho' ecu it lhat our lo cal lawmakers wero regarded as occupying a contemptuous: position, and Ihcy were gently reminded lhat such n course could not bi pur sued much longer with Impunity. Since Iho court has shown such leniency It Is hoped that Iho cuunells will cease their bickerings and proceed with all dllignco to satisfy iho decree. For their own lit, and th'i credit of tho pen pie lhv reir., ihi y i-inimt niTinl to have the fuigT nt ridicule pointed at them nny long er. They ntusi ri-r in tl e ilipniiv of men, act like men, an - all "ill lie wrll, f7itif,6it- llnllc tin. WASHINGTON I.KTTIJl. Washington, I. C, Dec. 11, 1877. Tho annual report nftbe Commissioners of Agriculture, just issued and ready for distri bution, contains many thlugs of Interest to tlio general readers. Tho volume is unusu ally compact nnd well arranged, nnd thero aro several new subjects treated, In looking through the book I notico an article con rning "A Successful Insect Destroyer," accompanied with a drawing or cut of tlio invention. It is a new thing, patented dur ing tlio year,and promises to bo n great ben efit to the farming nnd fruit growing com munity. Tho annual destruction of crops of fruit, cotton, corn, tobarco and vegetables by the curcullo, cotton-ball, nrmy, cut and tobacco worm amounts to millions of dollars. Of all the numerous remedies tried, nono have so far proved successful. Tho "Little Turk" as tho curcullo is called, has almost driven plum culture from tho country, whilo the ravages nf the other species named are immense. Tho worms aro all hatched from eggs laid by miller nnd beetle Insects that lly at night, and aro easily caught by properly arranged light. It is estimated that these Insects deposit from 10,000 to 1,000,000 eggs each, according to the species," in tho seventeen days nf their averago life. If, therefore, tho insects can bo destroyed before appearing in the worm stago of existence, tfiis will proyo tho most successful point of attack. Tho device referred to by tho Com missioner was patented by a firm in Kussell villc, Arkansas, Pattern & Duke, I believe, and consists of a peculiarly uonstructd lamp which is to bo lighted and set on a pan filled with water, tho bottom of which receives it stick or other support,so as to raiso the light to tho desired height for the crop or tree to bo protected. Kveryhody knows the prone ncss of insects to go for a light. It is one of the curious facts connected with insect life that their eggs nro always deposited at night. The miller species never lly by day. On'a warm dark night, when thero is no rain or wind, they are, in season, almost numberless and can readily bo destroyed by this device. The Commissioner says : "The moths being attracted by tho light, dart against it and fall into tho pan, nnd are de stroyed before depositing their eggs upon the tender leaves of the growing plants." Tho patentees, I learn, ou inquiring, havo jut started a factory at llussellvillo and are man ufacturing tho lamp &c., in great quantities, and selling rights of territory. There aro continual tumors of peace ne gotiations between Mr. Hayes and Senator Coukling, but so far nothing has been de veloped that shows either f them willing to compromise. On tho contrary, iho indica tions aro that hostilities will become more active. Tho bill giving a sum of money to survi vors of the Huron disaster, and a year's pay to tho heirs of thoso lost, has passed both Houses, and will at onco bo approved by Mr. Hayes, The only precedent is in tho case of the Oneida, lost some ten years ago. There has been no opposition in cither House. Al ready a proposition is on foot to erect at An napolis by private subscription, a monument in commemoration of tho lost. Tho investi gation into tho causes of the disaster is still in progress at tho Navy Department, and all testimony to far elicited goes to confirm tho now very general opinion that tho responsi bility of tho loss and tho sacrifice of over a hundred lives, mut rest upon tho officer or officers charged witli navigating her away from n stretch of coast previously beset with bars, shoals, spits, currents, counter-currents and miles upon miles of breakers, dangerous even in tho mild weather of mid-summer. Hut they shared tho fato of the vessel whoso fato was committed to their custody and arc gono beyond tho roach of censure or praise. A great many here and elsewhere who be lieve Dowling, the Toledo Postmaster, to havo been removed to mako way for Heed, becauso the latter earned Stanley Matthew's grati tudo during his contest to succeed Sherman, aro gratified at tho rather humiliating neces sity imposed on tho authorities of re-instating tho former in office. A tuoro llagrmt disre gard of tho reform prograinmo for filliug Fed eral positions could hardly bo pointed out among tho instances alleged against tho Ad ministration, and if Mr. Heed's chickens havo como homo thus early to roost, thero will bo found few to commi-crato his forloin and wretched condition comcquent upon tho miscarriago of tho joint scheme for his re ward. Seminole. Pleasant as honey, the old folks like it, the young people like it and the babies cry for it wo menu Dr. l'razier's Cough Syrup. Wo aro not much with n rilln. but don't tackle us on the subject of Dr. Coxe's. Wild Cherry nnd Seneka, as we can never get dono speaking of its merits as a remedy for coughs. Prico 25 and 00 cents. A GKNTLK HINT. In our stylo of climate, with its sudden changes ol tempeinluro, rain, wind and buu shino often intermingled in a singlo day, it is no wonder that our children, friends and relatives aro so frequently taken from us by neglected colds, half tho deaths resulting directly ft oui this eae. A bottle of Ho tehee's German Syrup kept about your homo for imincdiato uso will prevent serious sick ness, n largo doctor's bill and perhaps death, by the uso of threo or four doses. For curing Cousiimiition. Hemorrhage, i neumonia. Se vere Coughs, Croup or any diseaso of Iho iliroat or l.uncs. ilssuccess iseiuin vwonder- ful, as your druggist will tell you. German Syrup is now sold in every town and villago on tins comment, oauipio homes lor trial, lUo ; regular size, "Sc. April 27, 77-ly jl r,VHKE'MlEP01lTS. IlLOOMSIiUltO MAHKKT. Wheat per bushel 11.60 !te " To Corn, new, " , 16 Oats, " " , Xi Flour per barrel 8.M1 I'loverseeU Flaxseed !. Iiutler 3 Kircs Tullow , Ill Potatoes 33 Dried Apples ,, , Hams II Hides & Shoulders ,, la Lard per pound ,.. , 10 Hay per ton le.oo Htx'gwajt ,,.............. .va Timothy Heed 2.10 QUOTATIONS Wll t'OAU N). 4 on Wharf , I s.wperTon nti.o .....,.. ., 9 No. 6 " I ,UO lllacltBudto'B Lutup on Whirf I t.W " bituminous .. 4 u Marriages. nomsUTH-ijttoVMI. At tho resldonco ot tho brldolnLlmo Klilfo on November S3, IS"!, by lie v. Jlr.shenbc rccr, Mr. n. r. Hobcrts ot Llmo ltldso to Mrs. ItcbeceA drover ct tho samo plaeo, IIOWBK-HttPM N.-On tho 4th Inst., at the res idence nt t;ie litl'Ic's parents In Catawlwa townshtp by ltev. Win. u. bnltztc, sir. Alfred llowcr ot L'ata wlssa lo MIH IsiheU Hliumin, d.iil?hter tit Mr. John -lull i.iti, !(. Deaths. IIIHS.- In muirloat on Iho M Inst., Alexander Hess, iiftu.1 ah jut 4'1 years, UEHINoUlt -In llspyon tin Mh lost., Wm. It. sonofliaMd ami Margaret (lilsliiger, aged 4 years unillili)-. y.KK.I.Mt.ln Mt IMrauant on tlio 21 Inst,, John Zelirler, nM IS j e u-s, '1 months and I days. L'OX un tlw 1st lust., Iteuecc.1 Kllcn Cor, aged 6 ears o montlisnnd II da.ts- cow -on tli" loth In". , .Marina Jano Cox, aged 6 jeuu, 1 niontli and 3 days. Till! AMOUNT cf testimony la faior ot Cr Schcncfc'a Pulmonic sjrup, as a euro for Consump tion, far exceeds nil 111 tt can bo brought to support tho in tensions of any other medicine, leo Dr. Ischcack'i Almanac, wuleh can bo had ot any drug gist fred ot charge, containing tho ccrltncates ot tnany persons of tlio highest respectability who have been restorod to health, after being prouounced In curablo by physicians ot acknowledged ability. ischciicki Pulmonic Sirup alone has cured many, as theso cUdMiecs will show, but Iho euro Is often pro moted by two other remedies which Dr. scheme pro vides for tho purpose. Theso additional remedies aro Schenck"s Sea Vccd Tonic and Ma ndrako Tills. Ity tho timely usa of theso medicines, according to directions, Dr. schenek teslltles that most any case ot Consumption-may bo cured. Krcry moment of delay makes your cure more dlfllcult, and all de pend ion the Judicious. rjolco ot a remedy, schenck's Mandrake I'llls aro on agreeable and snrocuro for Consdpallon caused by blltlousnesi, and also for sallo.v complexion and coated tongue. Ihcrolsno better remedy .for disordered stomach and all the cvtts resulting therefrom. Dr. Schenek Is profes sionally at his principal onlec, corner Sixth and Arch sts Philadelphia, eery Monday, whero all letters of advice must ho addressed. Schenck'.s medicines are.for sale by all druggists. dec. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. rofici:. Persons nulr.gtnihc estate ot Peter Ent on II ook account. Note, or.Iudffmentnrt) request! to mako payment tith- undersigned by .lanuary 1st, 1S73 or costs will follow. V. II. ENT, Dcc.14, Administrator, ic. LOVERS, how tn ctt marriftl. Mvo iLiin! HOOK OFKNOWL- nun. or .secrcta oi Uive, Courtship nnd Marrlaio-siiowlntr lu-'plly-ohmm health, WlMltV liriil (lUtlllClloil. nnd ii.nin.r tn nrtvnntntri 1 flotletv h juift's Hivmi i) win, Mailed for'Octs In potiiKo stunjn i cunvney. Adtlrcii' Tub Union I'UBi.HHiNii Companv, Newark, N. J. d:c. ii,';:-3in Jw.tuo 1 1 Ml PC CAn rolor UkIc own Mocktntra for liA I ' 1 li'i Ih-m thin onticnt perpulr ant coi OKMiuiKtiy tlio uso ot oir"MilU TINXa" Can reuew urcimnrt tins i-ol ot tiietr dressc, restore tu freshness and biUHiney rmled 'Silks, .Mertnos, .Alpacas, .Neckties, Uih nn. .t , ur lup-irt to them Lew and lo.ely biuIim -Ml-m trouble and nominal cost Mick nt any desired color sent on recctpt of 10 cents, 3 different colors wc. I'ostauo stamps accept ed, fcend kUimp for circulars nnd simples. jkknby UHRUUML WOIiKS, fi6 CortUhd St., X. York. p. o. llox, 3139. dec. 14, T7-3m JvvAxo Administrator's Sale Ol VALUAIILH REAL ESTATE! Dy vlrtuo of an Older ot tho orphan's Court of Oo lumbl.i county, tho undersigned, Administrator de bonis non of tho estato ot Poter Ent, dee'd will ex pose to public sale, on tho premises, at Light bircet, Columbia county, rennsy.vanta, on l'MDAY, JANUARY 11th, 1878, at ten o'clock a. m., all that certain real estate, sit uate In said Columbia county, described as foil o vvg : No. :. a Grist and Haw Mill Property with a good water-power, hounded by Flshlngc reek, a public road, and other lauds ot said deceased. Tho oust .Mill has 4 run of stone, and Is constructed for either merchant or country work. No. a. A messuage and tract of land Mtuitu In Orange township, boundd by lands of A. Cus ter, William Whlto.A. SI. White, estate of W. II. Ent, S. 11. Sejbrt. and others containing HO ACRES, moro or less, on whU-h thcra ts a GOOD HOUaii AND 1IAHX, and other out buildings. Nos, 1 and a will be bold separately or tegclher to suit purchasers. No. 4. Two acres of TOWN LOTS in Light street aforesaid, bounded by two unnamed stre eta and two alleys. No. 5. Threo acres In Light Street, bounded by landa ot lira. Diehl, Wm. Ilagenbuch aad an alley. No. 6t feven acres in same vulage, bounded by landsot Kelchher & Son and by the Ft-dilng creek. No. 4. will be soil ua a whole or In parts to suit purchasers. Tibvs ok 8it-. Ten per cent, ot tho one-fourth of tho purchase money to be paid at the striking down of the property; tho one-fourth less the ten per cent, at tho confirmation of salo ; and tho re maining three-fourths In one ysor thereafter, with interest from confirmation nisi. USUAL II. ENT. dec 14, '77-ts Administrator, 4c. Tho Lightest Eunning, Tho Simplest, Tho Most Durablo, Tho Most Popular vr SEWING MACHINES. If it eaMIy umlr-rMnnrt, make lh dotiblt -Uirfiul lo lttltrh, in Hf ri'zulntlui; teiiNlou unit taUeMip, ami tvtU Uu thf Imlo rttnyo of family tur!iUit t-liuiigo The Dn mettle" ?ua7ein the mt iluiubt fM'uiiirr, irltU ttmlcul ateel TitWitf fiJ coMpentatiny Journal thruuyhout, PAPER FASHIONS. Thorn popular 3'ATT KllN"- for lattiei't t;tfr', n( cltllitrrn'o dmi, cirt cut vn a nyHfem ftiiprrlor to any in uav, ami enn he tmiferirf mjJ by uny one. Vutl Olrut'lluiiMHud ithntrattvn un fur tun tojir. Semi (V(if far llluttratal C(a- luyuaof lOOt)) JVuMtmi, Sowing MacMco Co,, How York. I. W. HARTMAN, Ant "Domestic" Paper Fashions, Bloomsbur. December 14, HH-ly JM E W ADVERTI S EMENTS, "VTOTICK TO THK PUBLIC. Notice Is hereby given to nil rmrtl's Interested that H. II, Vannstla. Intent this place has irlvrn mo a lull poncrot a'tornevlo sett K up Ids butlness and to complcto his existing contracts. CllAItLGSj KHUt). liloomsburg, Pa., Dec. tltli, lsit-4w A DMINISTUATOIl'S NOTICK. xsTiTii or jacon rtins, nrcEJsmi. tetters of Administration nntho estnto of .Incnb Stlne. lato ot bocust township, Columbia county, pa , deceased, havo lieen prnnied hv Iho Iteplster of laid county to William Pfnlder nnd Daniel I. Sttno of same township. All persons lnttng rlalms nirnlnt tne esrnio or inn ueccueui pre re'iur-su-uni i-u-m-u. them for settlement, nnd thosn Indented to the es tate to make pa) ment to tlio undersigned A dmlnls trntors without delay. pM DANIEL I. STINK, W. I.. Kvrm.v, Att'y. Admlnlstn tors. Dec. 14. 1S!70W" i to i i HONEY OF HOREHOUMD AND TAR FOR THE CURE OF Coughs, Colds, InHuenUi Hoiricntti, Difficult BreatMnr, nnd U Affections of tbj Throat, Bronchial Tulos, and Longs, leading to Ccnscmr-tton. This infallible remedy is composed of the llciNKY of the plant Ilorehomid, in chemical union with TAR-lhU.M, extracted from the I.ut. 1'RlNclli.K of the forest tree Aueis lUl-SAMr. , or Halm of Gilead. The Honey of Itorchoimd fOOTHES AND scattkus all irritations and inflammations, and the Tar-balm cl r.ANsls ami lll.M s the throat and air passages leading to the lunc,'. Flu. additional ingredients Veep the organs cool, moist, and in healthful action. Let no pre. judice keen jou frtsn tr ing rtds great incdi cine of a famous doctor who has saved Ihou sands of lives hv it in bis large private practice. N. 11. The Tar-Halm has no BAD TASTE or smell. 1 RICES 50 CENTS AND $1 TER hOTTLE. Great saving to buy large she. "l'llco's Tootlinclic Drops" Cure In 1 Minute. Sold by all Druggists. 0. N. 0RITTENT0N, Prop., N.Y. December 14, 1877-ly Cheapest and Best ! THE HARRISBURG- Daily anil Weekly Patriot FOR 1S7S. To all new subscribers nnd to all present subscrl bera renewing their subscriptions THK DAILY PATRIOT v. ill bo sent at tt;o follow ng rates ; 1 copv, 1 5 ear, posttage prepaid 2 copies tl club) " " $T0 12 00 27 61) 10 50 00 1 copy during the session or tho leglbl-ituro J oo. THK WEKKLY PATRIOT will bo sent at tlio following rates : t com 1 jear, postage prepaid 12 00 4 copies " " 6 oo lo luuo 15 " and 1 copy to getter up ot club 15 00 26cutc8, 1 jeur. postage prepaid, ami 1 copy to getter up ut club 11 10 All ordtrs must bo accompanied by tho ca&U.clther $goo worth von $soo. Any person remit tlnir u-moo will roootvnnnneonv of the Wtckly l'aflot torone i ear, ono copy ot the American Agriculturist (tho leading ugilcultural lournal In tho United htattsl for ono enr. both no4. tagu paid, nnd In nddltt -n a Microscope, such as has Havtnir executed tho stato nrlntlncr and hlndin? for Ihreejcars, wo nropiepared to print ami bind uuohs, iLagazmes, pimpmeis, aireciories, etc., in best style und at lowest prices. Ill.ank liooks. such as Dockets, Iu books, Ledgers, nnd Hotel ItecMers anpeui.iuy. win uooks reuounu. Especially low raU's for rcblndlng Minday bcitool Libraries. Ad dress TATIIIOT PUM.ISIIINd CO., dec. 14, 'IT Harrlshurtr, l'a A i'ow Departure I'rmii I lui Itliuiuliicliirci Consumer. to tlic For CASH wo win sell to tho consumer In Such iuununes as no may rceu at MANI'FACTUIIKK'8 I'lUCIS and thus sale a? MIDDLE riXOFIT to tho Consumer. Iiefore purchasing elbewhero send for our prices of STItlCTLV TUIIE WHITE LEAD, MONTOUIt SLATE PAINTS, JtONTOUH.METALtlO WHITfi, MO.NTOUIt -METALLIC BItOWN, PURE LINSEED OIL BEST JAPAN DRYER. Best Faint Brushes, VARNISH, ALL KINDS, SI'IIHTS OF"TUM'ENTINE, msi:i:i oii,, I'urrY. Sample cards and prico list furnished without Orders and Inquiries by mall will rcceUo prompt HENRY 8. REAY, Rupeist, Pa, Mays. IMy. A DMINJSTK.YTOU'H NOTICE. 1STATK OF OAVII) Hllll-Ltfu tu nt-n Letters of administration, on tho estate of David Shaner Jr., late cf Urlartriek tn.. Columbia to.. ru., mm been granted by Iho lieglfcti-r of Co lumbla county, lo levl t-hancr, Adudniarntor of banie township, to whom ull;pen,onu ludebted, are requested to mako Immediate raiment aLd those having claims or demands ugalobl Iho sold estalu w 111 mako them known to tho untertlgntd Admlnls. LEVI SIIAFFEH, AdmlnUlratoi nov, ie-w J-OTICK In hereby clten that. an application will bo madoimdir tho Actot Aw-cinb wraith of I'euusjhanlaeiitltUd "An Act to provide for the Incorporation and regulation of certain Cor porations," appriMd April will, lbH end the supple ments therito, for Iho I tarter of an Intended corpo ration, to bo called "Patrons llorke Insurance Com pany of !'cnns)anla." tho character andoblictot which Is tho apprthentlon of tho thief, recovery ot stolen horte.und ntnuniratlonto ow ner tor loss If not recoien-d, or dainago If Injured, and for that oiy ot tnu common- uimjm iu im,r, pushes nun tujoy, au ino ngbls. UmllU and pruUeifca of said Ait of Assembly. C. W.MII.1.KK, nov, 80, U-sw Att'y. for Applicants. A GREAT Offer for Holidays! ! Wo will during theto HAltD TIMES and tho HOU IIUYS dispose of loo NEW PIANOS undOIWANS v, iiiBi.iiunn n nkrinu, ,u w cr orices ior cau or in stallments, than LLT befOru Oftl-rill. Xl-nti-n., I.l imo nud OrKutiM are tho llest made, warranted for 6ears. III. Catalogues mailed meat Inducement ,u ,uu iiurt. i lAnun, ,-wutvc life: 1 l- OCiaVU tlW.OKIlANS, -ihldrM tH 4 stops t3, TtUpNlCS: s stops Tu j lo stop tai i U fctoriu tlx ; in iierfect or. iter Not Used a jear, miht Jllsio at half prico. HOltACK WAT Kits MJ.NN. Mauufatturvrs nnd Dealers, 40 KaM Uthbtreet, New York, cec. 7, 'JI-4W d The Seaside Library. rhnlro hooks no longer for Iho few only. Tho best standard novels ulihln the reach of every one. Honks usually sold from ! tola glten (unchnngod nnd unabridged) for 10 and SO cents. I.KastI.txxe, lly Mrs. Henry Wooddmiblo no.Wc !..lonv 111 iMx.nrsT.hy lls Muloek. too a.JAKEUVKE.byehnrlottn lirontn (doublo no.) we 4. Woman llATF.n,(.'hnrlcslleade's new -novel c n. Tiik III ack IMiirs, .lines Verne's latest joe 5. I.ASTDAYSOPrOMIHI.hVllUltter T. A dam lifiir, by (leorge Klllott. double no.) vto S. I II IS A II CM' M, .'1U1 in i'J -'i nt J ; bv . 13, A l'utvciss or Tm i.K.liv William i lllack sw 14. 'I IIK IIFAII S.FCUKT, hV W llklo Cl'l lllS 100 m l!nu. i. In- llMirm lllltott. (double 110. V0O 10. TUB IlNOlisilAT TIIK -NORTH TplF. WDIIKLD 1T, lllrrt.s I'fiiiis, by Jlarj Cecil 1 ay is, iiauhaha'b HtsTOiiv, by Amelia 11. hdwsrds 19. A TKitHiiu.KTKMrTATioN, by i harles.Iteado so. otn ltriositt siioc, by Charles I)lckcn3 SI. Foi l. I'l av, by Charles Iteade nn v U'ttP liV Ullk-IO CO nS 01 ICE, 111 one uihik iij .nun , w sn! Tui: MiriHK's l.tiiAcv, by .Mary Cecil Hay !c S4,"lrisNr.i,KTOoLATie to menu," by Charles wc 2V Lahv AhitLstnit's oath, by Mrs. II. Wood. Joe un. ackoiia Fiovn. by Miss . K. Iiraddon. sac !T. Victok ano V VNgcuiiFii, by M, r. Hay. joe 2s. A liAiiniTsn of IIkth, by William lllack. loc Tl. Noka's Im k 1 est. by -Mary Cecil Hay. loc i. Per soi-holmx ntst'i ACE.hyC. Ileailn. ai, 1- i- t.ix Holt, tiik ltAtucAi, by (leorge Klllott. sue 82. The orntcN ok IIhakts, by llklo Collins. l"c 31. Handy Andy, by cinincl l.oo. sop 81. A Mmpu-ton, by Clnrles llcsde. loc ES. l'elli llolt, the lladlcal, by (leo. Eliot. 2 no. Iho Wooing ot, by mm. Alexander w SI 1 ha M t slery, by M rs. Henry Wood loc 8s. Antonli, by U llkhi Collins 200 8J. Ivanhoo by sir Walter seott 20" 40. 1 ho Heir lo Ashley, by Mts. II. Wood l' c 41. X IiIid l.tes, by Charles Heade 20c 42. Hide-and-seek, by Wllkle Collins 2 c 41. Hector serradoc, by Jules Vemo l'c 41. Tho Tower of Umdon, W, II, Alnsworth 200 45. A I He's Secret, by Mrs. llcnrv Wood 1"C 40. Ilerltugoof Ijingd.ile, Mrs. Aloxnndcr 20c 47. In Mlk Attlrc. hv William IllacK loc 4S. 'Iho strange Adventures ot a Phaeton, by William lllack 49. Oranilllo do Vlgnc i or, Held In llondage, by ICe oiiuia.' to. I'nder the (Ireenwood Tree, Thos. Hardy Rl. Kllm,nv. hv William lllack sue IOC 1"C 100 100 2'IC 100 IMC 62. 1 he lst Hank Nolo, by Mrs, II. Wood 63. 1 no Monarcn 01 vinciug 1 nne, . mack 51. I'nder Two Flags, by "Oulda" 63. A w Inter City, by "Oulda" 60, strathmorc, by 1 oulda" ST. A Vnvnire Wound tho World-South America. hv Jules Vemo Uc r.s, Silas Marmr, by Oeorgo Eliot loc ry. i-unriuow, uy inunu-- no. A VnMiL'n Itound II10 World Australia, bv Jules Vemo H'C Ol.lhbee; or, Two Llttlo Wooden Shoes, by "onl la" 10c 02. Folio Farlne, hy'0iild" 2 c ci. lkno Hollow by Mr. Henry Wood 200 04. innge itoumi 1110 v or u .now .eaianu, by Ju'es Verb" 10c 0.1, Tup Nobleman's Wife, bv Mrs. II. Wood loc CO. Ilory h'Monre, by sumui-l I,oi-er 2oe CT. cnstl.' Wafer, uud Henry .Mkell. Mrs. Henry Wood loc r.s. Flo Woe ksln a liallnon. Jules Vcrno loc 09. to tli" inner 1 nn. nv .miss m. 1;. nrauuon voc 70. M I tdlemarell. bv I ieorL-e Eliot sue I.AUadne, by outda" 10c 12. Meridiatia ; or, 1 lie Adienluresot Three Eng- iisumen ami uireo nussi.ins in rouui Mriea, nnd'Uio lilockad Kuntters. bv Jules Ve rue loc 73, Ve-'s-1 llane, by Mrs. lleurv Wfioil 20c 71. ltunert Hall, by Mrs. Ilenrv Wood 10c 7r,. 'I l.e Fur country, bt Jub-s Verne 10c 70. Tlio New Msgdalcn, by llk'c Collins loc 7T. M stress nnd Maid by Miss Miilock 100 7S Orlnilli lliunt, by Chailes lieado 100 79. Ma.lean Violet, by ill! nn III ick 20c so. Daniel lieroml 1, by (leorge Eliot 2(ic 81. chrMlin's Mliaki'. Miss Mulock 1oe tt!. My .Mtllii-r and I, by Miss Muloek loc 83. Verners Pride, by Mrs. Henry Wood 20c 84. 20 o,,o t eagues Coder Hie eas, Jules Vemo 10c 81. Mujuile Hi life's Iier-, Mary Patrick loc so. 1'ui Yourself In Ills Plaeo Clus. Ite.ulo 10c 87. A lourueyto theContie of the Earlh, Jules Villi'! loc ss. Tho Marrlngi s, M Iss M uloek loc 89. 1 ho I.11V1 Is 1 f rdon, M. K. Hrnddon 20c 00. Mvsurtitus 11 md-Di-opped from the Clouds, l-v Jules Vitii" 10c 91, The v, 01, n'.-s Kingdom, by Miss Muloek 10, 92. Mrs. ilallbu tin's, by Mrs. Ileury Wood 20c 9J. ,ttciljns Island 'Iho Hiandoned, by Jules Verno 10c 91. Tho I.11V nn t Tlio Lady, Wllkle Collins 100 9', Head Men's shoes, Mss. I. E. iiraddon 20c on. Uios vu-tory. by 11. I., l'argeon 01c 97, Mjsteiious Island The secrets (f the Island, by Jules Verno 10c OS. Harry I orrequi-r, by Charles Ier 20c 99. 1' uui llio unih 10 the Moon, a tul Around tl.o loc 100. A Tale of '1 wo cities, chaiha Dickens 101. A" Idle, by Miss Mlilcek 102. MardTinii-s, bychnrlis IiU'kens 111.1. A brine Mis, Mu'oek lot, 1'iti, o' Dai. I,v John Itiinltu .llO'lll, U. .JIIU-3 fl ill loc 100 211c loc 103. At Ih 'Slsu of tho sliu-r Flagon, by It. L, rurn-nn loc 100. ihu Master of tlicjtands, ly Mrs. Henry 20c 107. Hladen O' (Irass, by 11 L. FarJ-on ti-s. 'i it sea KU g. by 1 nptidn Mmrji.t lll'J. I.leatior's Vliton. hv Miss M. K l-.r.Klilon 10c :oc 2HC 110. 'I he oirls of IVvershain, by Floreneo Jl nrratloc 111. luur 01 un; norm 111 i.iginv 111.1a, oy uU-m Vt rue 112. Hard Cu-li, by chnrlis I'endo 113. (loldii nraln. by II. L. Parcenn l"i 20c toe 11". Haired Markhnm. Miss M. h. Iiraddon loc 20c 10c lec 20o loe loc 115. w Itldn tho Maye, bv Mrs. Henry ood 110. Pauline, by I. 11. Wnllord 117. 'I ho Fori nle Minster, Eugene Lies lis. ureat Expectations, bv Charles Dickens 119. 1'etionel, by Flotenci: Marryat 120. ot u Poor ouuir van.o. Feulllet 121. A I Ifo for a Lite, by Miss Muloek 122 The Prlvuteerhinan, by Captain Marrjal 12J. Irish I egeuds, by Mimuel I,ocr 121. squire 1 reMj n's Ilelr, byMr'. II. Wood 123. Mary Ilaiton by Mrs. (laskell 101: 21 ip 10c 120. Eremnj Or, My Father's Sin, by 11. D. lllack moro 127. .My ladv Ludlow, by Mrs. (inskell 12s. cousin I'hlllls. bv Mrs. o.Lskeii loc loe 129. 'iho WaderlngJew mrtt Half), by Eugeno 100 suo 20c . iuo 11 anuenng jew (second Half), by Eu geno suo 20c 130. sermons Out of Church, by Mhs Mulock 10c 131. Michael strongoll', by Jules Verno He 132. Jack Illnton, by Charles I ever 2oe loj. 1 no nueuesa 01 noseinary lhlp, by p. 1,, Itk ioc 134. My Iirither's Wife, Amelia II. Edwaids 133. Agatha's Husband, by .Miss Muloek ISO. Katie Stewart, by .Mrs. Ollrbant 137. A il-nt In a Cloud, by Charles Iier 135. What He Cost Her, JaincR.p.vj a 139 Loudon's Heart. 11. L. Fni jeon 140. 1 ho Lady I Isle, .Miss M v.. Iiraddon 141. Mastermnn Heady, captain Marrjutt 142. 'I lw Head of the Family, Miss Mulock 143. Tho Haunted Tower Mrs. Henry W ood 144. Tho Tv In Lieutenants, by Aie. Dumas 145. Half a Million of .Money, by Amelia II. KJ loc 11 loc 10e 2"l! 10C loe 20c 1oc 10c 145. Chares O'.Malley, The Irish Drag Lever. CTrlnlp Nun.berl 000, Charles 147. Katun, '1 he Ileefer, by Captain Marryat 14s. Iiluo stocking. bv. Mrs. Annie Edwards 149. Joshui Mnrul, by II. L. FarJonn lro. Mr. Midshipman Easy, by Cuptatn Marryat 151. 'I he Uusslan (ilpsy, by Alex. Dumns 162. Arthur O'Leury, by Charles I eier 153, Tho King's own. by ca( tain Marrjnt 154, A Point o! Honor, Mrs. Annlo Edwards For salo by; all HookseUers and Newsdealers, or qui. ,iuo.ubv 1'11'UIU. Ull I. IIIIL Ul IllHf. OEOnilE MIINIKJ. Pnbllshpr. P. O. Ilox f4i57. 21, 23 and 25, Vandew ater St., N. Y. UU O, ll-UUl ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICK, ESTATE OK I'ETEll K8T, bsCKASSO. Letters ot Admlnlnisirntlon do bonis non on the estate ot Peter Ent, late of seott township Columbia county, deceased, ba;o been granted by tho Itegls tcrof said county to tho undersigned Admlnlstra tor of Light street Columbia county, Pcnn'n., to whom nlT persons lndebtid are requested to make pajmcnl, und thoso haling claims or demands ukuiusi mo sum vbiaio wm maho mem knowuiotne sum uuuumsiraior wuuout uelav I'SUAL II. ENT. nov, 30, '77-Cw Administrator do bonis uon. N1 oticj:. Notice is hf rrbv pllen Ihnf I mirehnsp,! nl r-nmin. ln-rsonnl property of William tnongst: A lot of uaj , u 101 01 eorniouuer, one rorn plainer, one plow, a lot Of com. two llOL'S. 1 black low. 1U bll-hpl nf no tatoes. All persons uro hereby euuiloued ngalnst Interfering with iho sumo as I haio left them with 1111 uuiiuK iiij lutusure. dec. 7, -774W N. ItlTTENIIOUSi:. 1878. Eclectic Magazine OP Foreign Lit:raturj, Scier.05 end Art, (TllIltTV-FUUItTH YKAli.) The Tci eciic reprints monthly from all the foreign Quarterlies, lteMcws, .Maealuts and Journals their iholcest contents, li.cluUuii; Kfbajs, Mlentltlo Ta Tiers, HloKraphleal ketches,'i ales,storles and roems. '1 he Held ef selectlo Is very laruc, and It Is believed that Iho Kumtic presents a greater arlety and higher standard of Literature Uian any periodical that depends exclusively upon home tnleni, A knovhdKru of the current literature of other countries Is liidls.enslhlo lo all v, no would ktep pace with tho progress of the age; and the KciECTioof. fers the best, opiioilubtry for obtjlrdugthlsknoul. eue ai uiiiout ruio iiiie, 111 (ieueral Llteraturu such wiltersas Klght Hon. W K tiladstone. James Anthony Froude, Alatthew Arnold, Charles Kluk'sley, Kruiiels 1'oweri oblie.Les lle htephen. Arthur llilps, Allndleuujson, Thomas jiuyiii-s, uiiiiiii iiiiuK, airs, iiiipnani. i nomas liar Uy, 'I urt-enli-ir, llllain Morris, .Miss '1 hackery, and others equnll) cuilmiitsre represented In llspages. 12 Klelue. tho best anlels or uiu-h ihiiLi.-..r ,..i rlters a Trots. Huxley and 'Ijndall, lllcmrd l'roe- iui..,, a i ui imi-u, ,,., variiemer. .-uax Midler, J. Norman Lockjer, fct. (itoraeilnart, K. 11. 'Ijlor and oihi-isareelien. Tho Edeclle ollerslts readers tho test srrlal sto ries, logtther ullli the thoi t stories for v, inch t he KURllsh magazines hao a high and deserved reputa tion, r Its Editorial Departments comprlso Literary Noti ces (dcalldg lth current home iKXiks), Foreign Lit erary Nous, hclence. and Art (summarizing briefly the new dlscot cries and achleiemenU In this Ileld), and Varieties (.unststlrg ot choice extracts from new books and forilgn JournaU). F.ach numlier contulns a Fine fctcel EiigravlOK usually a i-Jitralt-executed tn the best manner. TEKM8. Mngle copies, 43 cents; one cony ono Scans; toeoplesa : tue conies liio. Trial sub scriptions for three months, II, 1 ho Eeltctic andauy II magazine lo one address H. bl'IX'IAL OCFKII TO NKIV SUIlSCUIUEltS. Thopublhher takes pleasure In announcing that he has made arrageinents which enable lilm lo fur nish to eiery subM-rller lo tho Eilectlo (tor one dol. lar In addition to the regular subscription prlie) a lurge and hue tutl nkravlng,iutltlid"llioiiUM) I'KTS." This engraving Is from ono of Landsi er's most eel ebrated palnllugsand represents a Highland girl sur. rounded by u troup ot lawns, which she is iiedlug. whtloherjoung biolhcr holds a nattlypalrof ant lers, pi obablv the Irophy of some former chate. 'I he Hie of the plaKi Is lsxjj Imhes, printed on heavy pal er, making a picture suitable lor thn wall of any ioc in. The ri guhir I Hie of tills engravliiK Is s, hut welurnlihltonly UjsulscrlUniorihcmniie. Ad.riss, K. II. I-liLTON, Fublbher, dec. 7, TO. us uond t-lreet, New Vork. BLANK MJlt-.wii) tinitliiutittuitioi tor ula tt tha ooldkhu omoa. A DM IN ISTRATOR'S NOTI CE. ESTATR OF HANICL SSTPSK, R brc'P, Letters of Administration do bolls ncn. on ihn estnloof I onlel 8inri(r,fr Into if Iho Town ot lllorimshiirg, Columbia connly, Aaie been crni.led by 'ho Iteglster rf satd couidy In Iho undersign, ed Administrator. All persons havlm; elnlins UKainsi 1110 sni'l i-siiue jiv leiiuesii'ii 10 pieselil, them forsetllement. nul lho,e Indi bted to nmv.. pa) ment without delay. 1 1 II Ml' ,M A .N , nov. sTT-sw AdmlnMrnix-r. I) M I N I STl'ATO I rs NOT1 C K, K.STATK OF MAUV A. OHKKNWICII. linCRASPP. IcttcMf.f ndmliilstrntl-in do bonis linn nn lllp- lato of .Mary A. (IreciiiMcli, lain ot Seott tounsliip Columb'a count v, dpeoised, hue been granledbv the lleglster of faldiouidr in Willi mi Ureaimrof lllonmsburg. All m rsons linMngrl Hms nirnlnsl tlio sjld cstnieate reii'iested lo nresenl them for si tile nn nt, nnd those Indebted to mako payment Without delav. WM.KllHXMIJIt, ilec. T, '7I-61T Administrator do bonis non. A DMINISTUATOIl'S NOTICE. KSTATK 01' LEWIS MKTZ, PCCKASMI. tz-ttrM cif A)linlnKtr.itloi nti thOftn(pnf fnnu Mt. t.iln nf (Mtnu U,t tntt-twhlft 1 'nln.ii I . xmn.i.. ilect'iiswi, Hut Imtii ivraiitod liy tlio itt'gKtt rof --ftlii h.ivtmr rlnlms nilnst tho rsinto tiro rrqtioMf t to prr'-cnt ttinn for Hcttlcnient anil thoso liulebtcdto nmko ij ment utlliout itclay. 11. r. ruiu xi.u, doc, T, 't-(.w Admlnlstrntor. roricK. Notice Is herebv D-lven tint I nurehased nt. r'onstn. ble'ssalo on the V4tn d ly of Noeinber 1S77. tho tul lowing piTsonal pioperty of Samuel seliwi ppuitit. ser ot Alain tow. ship, to Hit 1 2 fat hogs H meat stands 8 clitekens, 1 chest of tools, 1 grind stone, 1 lioilngma idnc, 1 Iron keltic, 4 Imts and beiMing :i tables, 1 bun-n 11, 1 settee, 1 do?en eh itrs.2 rm-klng chitrs, 1 clipboard. 1 sink, I cooking stove, I parlor swne, senluif machine, ho jrdsof carpet, 1 1, r relof vinegar. Alt persons nro ciutlomd ngalnst imeri' ringwitn me same us 1 uiuoicifc 1110 goods with him during my pleasure. ik y. IliiUW.N, dec. 7, '77-4W GLEASOiVS PliKlilCATIONS. (Irt'iit rpdiiotlnn Innrlco for iSTSot (HuasC'ii's pp. torui to ti a 3 e ir. Mnlo copli's 8 ( nts Hio IIomk ciiii'i e tof nicar1Mtiiclot'oi)lt"iNccrAL(i. for pale by till iH'USflriitors, (ii.hs-on'h .Monthly companion toll n jcar, t-.ngla copies 10 cent a. All po.tsro free. rmnpH' rupii'.i nvhl nn rfitija iti 11 a rut siainp, 'I lie i irloi i(r I'hrr mos lin 1ur ln-en irirntlv rcdn- col. No onu now jrht's null llWrnl tiims tou I'iita n1 wt'do. M'lul foriiowilittiifir. Addit'Hs F. (Jiea hon, "3, Wnslilnjfton street, lioston, itass DMINltSTUATOH'S NOTICK, KSTATK OF DANIEL RHCI VII, DECCKll Letters of AilinlnMralUm on tho estato of Dan iel MiultT. Into of Uii.ut township, Cnhuiililft count, r nn'ii , (lireasfMl, hao lnen r.mtul tiy tlio KojfiHT oi p.uii cminiy io inoui;nuy Buuier, oi Locust tnvns!ilp, Culumbli coutily, fa. All Kr sons hatiiir claims affnlnst tliu o.stato of tho dece dent aro requested to present them tor Hcttlcnient, ami thoso lhdeMul to the eslnte tomaKo pajment to the undiisiffneU AdmlnWrator without delay. w niu i.i.ii, nov 30, 1&7T 6 iv Ailtnliilstralor. Eollar-aul-a-Half fir Tea Cents. STODDVUT'S MUSIC L MHItVUY. Itmt nnblMi In?, lii payeH, full slo. beit nml most popular music forlGcent-i, New ainl Popular hont Danco and Iristrununut UMo, uneras, lljrnns, etc., etc. For sale by all nowsUea'crsI l'ostaj;o2 cents, to be sent in uuaiuon to aooe, n oruercu iruin mo puousuei. ,T. M.srODDAItT K CO., nov, 30, '773w "23 Chestnut St., 1'hlladelphla, 17XKCUTOKS NOTICK. All fcHTAlE CIV ClUltl.Efl M', DECKA8EP. .ctterd Testamentary on tho estato of Charles Nusslatu of Main lownthlp. Cniuintila county, t'o.. fh.r-nfn.nii Imi ii liof-n rrriititi'il hvtlin KmcKIit tif Rnlrl lOfcorntv lo Nathan Miller, Kecuior, of Matu township, commnu couniy, rennsjnatiia io wnom all I'ersons indebted urt requested to mako pa ment. and thosj halnj? claims or demands apalnst ibosakl esuno m niiiKo ineiii huuuu iu inu bum Atxuior without delay. NATHAN MTU EH, nov. 20, '77-Gw Lxocutur. O nnnA(,i:NTs WANTi:i. From $3 to I wi v w wf is n nay wure. .Minsters, isook ami Picture Airents. and alloutof einploimentof rPhcr sex, hero is the best riianee ortertd this season. A C4SH I'KI"!1 NT Or from tXtQ J100O Will b-J KlU'IltO eery(iond Woikinn A'eut. send lo tenia tor small sail pie, or bi Iter still, 1 for 8 laa'o samples with circulars, terms, Ac, and go to work nt once. i:kv. s. t. iiuck, JwJtco Hoxmfi, Milton, Pa. nov. K, 7 1m SfMentloL mis paper. Welded Steel and Iron a?3?xl Flange FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF l'Mtent In.lilo Holt Work aud Jlliiceit Cap. NO SAFE COMPLETE WITHOUT IT 1 1 W. H. TERW1LLIGER, No. it-l Tlnldcn I.unc, Mur Wllllua St , dec. i, is, t i j Dauchy Sc Co's. Advt's. nnTrj "ml lh'iolv.-rs. Illustrated I-rlceM&t free, UUI' O'lreat Western dun WorKH, l'ltibbure.I'n. nov, 2J, 71-inr d Ok cmhiix. as stj les with name ioc. outnt ri,) inc. Mmpiesac. J. Ii. Ill's I'KI) uo., Nas sau, N. I, d UUV, 13, '17 -lw FREEi tumult, Oiitlit to i;v r, limh Mem.wlndpr ICIl In-U with llrM. nn1fr tco-3. M. CIIONIKIU Co. 1-hliadctphla, l'a.for Jill- Tel. flntlnru i rim- ,,ii.,r.,- vrauire, im nov, aj,'77-4w d AdCNT.S WANTED I'lllt CREATIVE SCIENCE ur.Miiiilinnil, 'iiiiiiuilii,oil, und llii-lr .UiiiiiiiI In. Ier-Itiliilliiii; I.ut,., , .,,, ,m,.r, ,.(0, Asrents filing from 13 to tu 23 conhs n day send for Mieclmen liases and nur extra itrtas tn anenta. and m-u why It tells fasier than am othfr hoi. k Ad' dress Mi ionai. l-i-Bi isuisu Co.. l-ulladclj hla, 1-a. Father'n Remedy. For Cuts, llrulscs and frpralnsh llllniianil lileidieg Piles, itueu matlsm, Fractuied Limbs, I'rwu ed Limbs und Parts, Pains In tha - ... : fiMrtiio uiiu joints, i nuoient Ul cers, IHscluulngSores, dwelled tore hv, Krysli las, and Varliose Veins IsHa-kokh's Kxtiuctop 1 A.:k ,or 11 U'1H0 lUl1 -er, sirong. .'"S' l-ImS"'" ,tl""1 nn-' Iluc,r, nnd Is warranted, by W KKKs & 1 1 1 Wholesale lirusBlsta. wo Washlngion hireet, lloston, .Mass. us-lla. nov. 23, '77-iw 'a WAMTEB ! tltAt'i.nlu nn.ui.u i,... , ,h " l v Vul 1 !;u ier-nr. i V, V,! 'm-""'mi'ues io sub scribers. Our I in,- I'lililli-Hiliiii,, imuiii I'ri-iul. !v''I,r,?n5.l.frr'r,,,',i;''ml3.ll.','s IOUS AimAIKIF tok and hTms. 1 r JUr lllU3trutcl- -Trcu- Fhll'adfeh'l'q" "Thoav7tvCt 10,000 AOKN'T.S WANTED TO SHU," mn The most Inirn.i- and ininerlul blow ever ueantho nmoN nniNK- by Ihe vete ran author, v. f. Atiluir. A book tu Manlo ami i-nilshten Ihe people. Mvid pictures and .n,l., how luurses llod v.sii.l. Hon t-. hoelety.elc. I'nlolds Ihu work of Issbkutc nr u uj, (losiiel '1 e mnt runce, w oinau's crusade, rriin el .lluriilo, l-riihllililiin, etc., e tc. Only si. Its s.lo is .Marvelous, tint nun. is with aiiuo li u hi lurioss far exec 1 all olhe rs. Prices lust r- duced per cent 1 1 M ud for tern s. ' IlLliliAltH linos., ruus.,1,3 sansom St., I'hlladel- nov, 2J, 7I-4W dec, I, -77-tw n A G K N rJ S AY A N T I) I ! ron 1'aiitici'i.aiim, aihim:mj WILSON SEWING MACHINE CO. 629 IlKOiDWAV, NEW 10IIKCITV i Ciiicaoo, Iru i Nsw ouutxa, La.; on Sis FiiAsciat o, Cal, dec.T, -77-tw IDUPlNESfl OAHDH. .l VISITING CAKLM, hSVS Ell UBAW, hlLL UKAII1, OBTKIiS. P o.. Netl ku . 'i)ly prlulcJ at the ToLrm ,,-J,,--,'!1-'"le-,liinr U'oinmi In every County otake l ie Agency lor two el ine .Mo.i l',,ui, J I-ililieni on, in tho Country. Four of ti o .!' .!'.ri's (-3 x SO Inches each) to every sub- M-iiuer. ine iicmi i-.imii.Im,,, i., i.h.p ,u BUHOffic.