The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, December 14, 1877, Image 1

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    Unto oi QAvtviMm.
Issued weekly, ovcry Friday morning, at
two not-LAiu nor year, p.xyniv In advance, or
lurlntf the rear. After the cspiratlonof. lliojcnr
tjTi will lio dureed, To mtlmcrllipp out or I he
.null' the terms iiu- i per year, .11 Icily In advance
-i Ji II not p ilil In ndvatn'c and Is.uii It payment to
l"'iayi'il Iw nnd the year. ....
so 11 uvr dlsi-,mtlnii"il, except at the option of tlio
n I'liiwii-rs, until all iitreiiriiircs nn puld, but long
mttnir-d iredlts ificf tin' t'.xpliutloii ot the Una -.-111 not D" Klvcn
U pipers sent out of thi'Mtttlt' or tn distant post
nmecs must ho puld lor In advance, tinlvns n respon
sible person In Columbia county assumes to pay tlio
subscription duo on demand.
pos l'A(l B Is no longer exacted from subscribers In
tlio county.
, , hi . I (liitinon tht rou'MRUN tty
i upvt" mil-tur.l iM'iluttnK will t'otuptiro Ttuora
T1i s ti i tn it i.f tin hxvfCf cities. All work tlotieon
il 1 1 1 1 , nt'iit i iitnl ut mu.ler.ite prices.
spin. IM. Hit. Bit. CM. IX!
One Inch lino H- tJ.eo tJoo
Two inches s.oo .o s.oo 8.00 rt.po
Three incnes..., .... 4.10 .w i.u v" r
Four Inches B.oo T.00 o.oo la.p-i tono
ouarter column .oo b.oo 10.00 ls.oo 15.00
llair column lo.on la.eo t5.oo M.00
One column.. ttjio so.00 kmm iw.uo
Yearly advertisements payable quarterly. Tran
sient advertisement must be paid for bcforelnserwa
except where parties have accounts.
liCiral advertlscmenU two doUarspor Inch f ortlireo
Insertions, and at that rate tor additional Insertion
without reference to length.
Bxecutor's, Administrator's and Auditor's notte
three dollars. Must bo paid for when inserted.
ITanstentor Local notices, twenty cents allno,
regular advertisements hall rates.
Cards In the "Ilualncis Directory" column, one
dollar per j car for each lino.
i tSl?' E4tteaadP?tlrten.
QOI.l7MllIAl)EMOCllAt,VOT,.XLll, NO. M
Columbia County Official Oirertoiy.
resident. lu lif'i William Ulvvell,
s'ii'lali' Jinlifcs-1. K Krlckb-iiiiu, P l "human.
ion iNir . -ti. Frstik Jlarr.
n't i 1 '.' i mt s .v.iiier
' 1 ' i t ill- lIU,ns,ill
mi !. Ml ini.' -lohti M. I'lnrk
lierllfloliti vv. Hoffman.
iivi ur-lsiilo Hewitt.
iT'is-irer-tir II. vv. Melleynnhls.
'j ...nisslitwrs lohn lli'roer, S, XV. xtcllrnry,
1 .--..oil sui Is.
1 n ilssi mers 1 lork Willi im Kilckbaum,
1 ' im Mi i .nn 1. 0 n"'. w 11. ttrown.
it h 1 . " . ilurph .
ti.- '0 n.nlssl men laouu II. I'M., Wti 1 l.itu II.
T ' 1
. ml -lun Tlntcii lent -XVMInm II. tnyiler.
pn.ii'oir iilstrl't .Hlreclors -II. But, Sco't,
V--. .r.uner. Itlooinsburg unit Tliumn Iteeee,
. , 1 socre.tarv.
-'1 nsbii'g Official Directory
IT-' I "it "f 1 vn Council D.'LOWfnlnTg.
1 lerk W lbt
I'll t it ' 'tl v -t. ' ''' (ward
it -1 1 1 1 "f im '0111 , my-i. tinorr
" rr.'t ir . V 'Itllur
I .. 1. 11 tuiidiu 1'iii'ian -lolin . Kuns'on,
I I II . 1. II. .I'll , I'llftlll'T.
t'li , Ion 11 -Charles It IM on. rcsl'lont
. t ' Htl'l 1 ISllll'V.
. iniila '01111 'lu ual "avlng fund anil Loon
i.'l 1 Ion II. II. f .It le. I'reslilen , (!. XV, xilller,
ri't ir .
tl nl i ir--i nitlillmr. indexing Knnil Xssoel.nloii
. V 0. .n'.ie,., i'ri'slil'iit,-l 11. Holilm,si.erear.
II . 0 i'ir4 M t ual Hivlnsi Killul Xswn'la Ion .t.
Ini. 0 I'l'il.len . c. 11. It.irkloi , Si'i're'nry
llfltrll DIItKiTnlJY
nU'Tl"T 01ICKCI!
. .1. 1', I'm In, (supply.)
hi lay scrxtci'H-1 14.1 m and s p. in.
-.Uinta School I) a. in. Xloioln? -Hierv Xilni'l 1 i-xenlngal n
"! nv.. Hi., piiiiiie an. tnxl ed 'o a tend.
"T. l(TTHKW'rt l.t TltKltAN cnl'ltCIt
v'lnHter llev. . I. ic('ron.
(Hid iv Services iiii a. in. and iixj p. m.
suinlay school 11a. tn. , M ti
I' liiij-Dxery Wednesday evening at iX
seats free. No pews rem ed. All are welcome.
Minister Ilex-, stuarl Ml'".hell.
Sunday Services- lo a. in. and s p. m.
sundav school 11 n. 111.
Prayer Moo ln-Kxery Wednesday exenlng a' r.M
seas'freo. No pews rented, strangers welcome.
Presiding Klder llcv. N. s. lliicklmiham.
XUnlsier liev. M. L. smjser.
uml iv Serxlces l'lfc and 0)4 p. in.
siiud.i school p. m. , , , ,
lilblo cl.iss-i:ver Monibvevenlngni i! neloiR.
Voung Meu'H cr Mce lug-Uxcr Iueailaj
.cntng a' ovtf o'clock.
( 1'rajer Meetlng-Kvery Thursday exenlng
T o'clock.
IIKrOKMEII cnt'iicn.
Corner of Third and Iron streets.
iMstnr llcv. tl. P. tiurley.
it"sl l"nee c-mtral Hotel.
Sunday crvlCL 10" a. in. and 7 p. m.
suiidav school ti a. in.
I'raver Mci tlii'i Saturday, T p. in.
All iirn lnx Itcd There Is aln ays room.
ST. l-AI't.'S ClICHCll.
'I ctor-Hev I,. Knhner.
simil v hervlees 1 a. in., "y, p. in.
saintly Sellout y a. in.
Klrt hi11vl.1v In the month, Holy Communion.
Senli'cs preparatory to Communion on Mlday
nenlngbelorotho t,t .Sunday In each month.
Pews rented ; but oxerj body w elcome.
rrcsl.llnir Klilcr-ltev. A. I.. Heeler.
.xilnl'ter I'.ev. .1. A. Irxine.
Sunday senlco 3 ji.
In tho Iron Street Chuich,
l'ra or Meet lug-livery hatilulh at a p. in.
AH nro United. Aliaio Heicoine.
Meets In "the llttlo llrick Chureli on the hill,"
known as tho Welsh Ilaptlst Church-on Hock street
1 TlcgulaMneotlng for worship, every Lord's day. af
ternoon at sjtf o'clock.
scats rrco ; and tho public aro cordially Invited to
rinmnt. niJDl'.US. lilnnk. iii"t printed nnd
nenttv lKiuu.l In small books, on hand and
or sale at tho Columbian onice.
1")LANK l)i:KI)S, on l'archniiiit nnil Linen
') Paper, common and for Aduilnln rutors, Hxecu
lors and trustees, tor balo cheap at the Coliimuian
ATAltltlACiH CKIITI l'lCATKfe.ju.t prinleil
111 and for snlo at 1110 coi.uMiiMN uiiiec. .Minis
ters lit the (lospol and Justices should supply them
selves with theso necessary articles.
TUSTIOKSiiml t'on-italiles' I'Ve-Hills for sale
l atthoCoiXMiiiAN onice. They contain the cor
ri'cted fees as established by t ho last Act of t he Leg.
sl.uuroupon the subject. Every Justice and (.011,
uablo should have one.
"VrKN'DUE NOTKH just prinleil anil for sale
X) cheap at tho coi.i'miiian onice.
I' SAV (JU. Dealer in Clocks, Walelics
and Jewelry, Main St., Just below tho Cent ral
(i, I1A11KI.KY, OHiee
, In llrov, i-r's building, 2101 suiry, 1.00ms s .v
It. U'.M. M. KKllKIt, Surgeon ami l'liysi
elan, onice S. E. corner Hock and.Marke
Y U. I'.VANS. M. I).. Sill L'eon and Plivsi
) . clan, (onico nnd Itcsidenco on Third tlicet,
,'un,er Jelleison.
T It. Mi-KKLVY. I).. Siirccon ami l'liy
J . slclan, north side Muln btrcct, below Market,
In llartman's building, Main btrcct.
ItOSKXSTOCK, 1'liotograplier, over
Clark S xvolf'sbtoie, .xiaiu succi.
AVID LOWnXllKKG. Merchant 'lailor
Main Bt above Central Hotel.
S. KUHN, dealer in Meat, Tallow, etc,
, Centin Btrcct, letrcnhccondaudThiia.
M. II. ABBOTT, Attornoy-at-Law, Main
Catawlssa, I'a.
1 oliecllona promptly made nnd remitted, onice
onpnsiiB Catawlssa licposlt Hank. cm-as
ra. 1. Kll'B. jko. e. H vmiku. " cms. n. inwAuns.
litlllll. I I'JIIlI I Sd. rlN,
(Suditsorb 10 HciKdict Horse K tous, 9!3 Maiket
Importers and dealt rs In
623 Maitit Miett, riilladelplda.
CoiiHnnilj en lionu' iitliiulaMiAiKiiiidl'ackagcs
luno w, H-ly
. GOLD.?
c rcat ( lianeo 1 0 tan kc money. If you
(an gel gold on can gin green-
tinrlTH. XV o need a l-t rsoll everv-
wln rij to lake subscriptions Id the largest, cheapest
and nest ianuiy puoucuuuu m 1110 u, iu.
Any one can become u suotesHul agent. 'Iliu most
elegant works ot ait glun fKolonibscrbirs. '1 110
prlco Is so low that almost cvtrliody subscribes,
onoageut reporU making ovirJ-MUna week. A
lady agent leports taking uxer 4iw suliscribera In ten
dajs. All who engage make money fust. Xoucan
He vote all jour time to the t usliicss, or only ) our
spare time. You mod not bo away uom borne over
night X. oil in 11 do It as vu-b aHOtheis. l'ullparllc
ulurc. dirt (Hons undleilis Inc. Hcunnl andei
penslvo ciuillt ine. II sou wind i ioiliblo work
send lis 1111r uridrt-ss ut Olico It totts rothluir to
try the business. No ono who engages falls to make
-me- j iuj 10 b .journal, 1 oit
aug, 10ll-ly
Hind, Mulne.
N, K. Corner tvoeond and Arch stretts,
Healers in
S1CI, SPICES, BICAKII soda, ic, 0
1 ir- vrders will reclvo promrt atlontlon.
Ljcrmlngol Wuney reiinsjUnnla.
orlliAlucrlcun of VhUudifphla, I'a
, ranklln, of " "
mrmersof lorK. ra.
llhiioxerof New ork.
lil&iilml'anol "
ono- in -iUt tlKdo. C, 11C(U.IIVIS,J'.
xt, $,"-
rlt..l.C. ItDTTi:!!,
iimee. North Market slrr'it,
Hloomsburg, I'a.
Y i ouvis,
onticE-llnom No. t, "Coluniblan" llulldlng.
sept, is.ists.
A T l' U II IN i; Y-. T-l. A W,
iii.ooxismntd, pa.
(mice llartman's mock, comer llaln and Market
I reels
V. I'. IINK, 1.. E. WAIIER.
I'll X K WALL Kit,
Attn licys-at'l .nv,
oniep In Cott'MntAN lint dimi. Jan. 10, ',"-ly
I L. UAI1I1,
1iin stiei t, opposite f-'plseopal Church, niooms.
or . Pn.
2V 't'ci-th ettrncted without pain,
iingiu, 'TT-ly.
J.)lilH'KxVAY .x; ni.Wr.I.L,
A T TO 11 X K Y S-A T-L A W,
Coi.i'Mnus lien iuo, Hloomsburg, l'a.
xiembnr.s of the I'ldted states Law Association,
illi ctlons made lu anv part of America 01 Europe
i p. ,1- v..i. r.ncK'Ai.i:v.
j. . ...
A 1 lUUrxljlO-A l-L-AM ,
IJlooniRbarp, Ta.
ompcon Main street, llrsttlonr below CourtllouHe
V. t .1, M. CIjAHK.
Hloomsburg, l'a.
or.lco In Ent s llulldlng.
7? p. i!U.i.mi:yki:,
1: .
office Adjoining c. It. A' XV. J. lluckalcw.
Hloomsburg. I'a.
f. 11. tmt.E.
uoii'T. 11. i.irri.E.
II. .Si li
:. it. i.itti.i:,
ATT01.N r. YS- AT-I.A W,
Hloomsburg, I'a.
f"I'.U"lress before tho t S. l'alenl onlec attended
(Ulieo lu thu Columbian llulldlng. 3s
oniCO 111 A. .1. EVAN'S NEW lll'II IUMI,
Itl.lnMSIIt'ltd. I'A.
Member of Law and Hank Collection s-
soclallon. Oct II, ',.
Centralia, I'a.
A TT 0 1 1 X K Y- A T- L A x V .
omco ln"i;sT Hiiuumi." Hloomsburg, Pa., near
court House.
aug. 10,',.-lf
onice In Hrovvcr's building, second floor, room So.
Hloomsburg, Pa.
onico in llartman's Hlock, second floor,
Main and .Market streets,
, I'A.
May 2i!-ly.
sewing .viacniucs anu .vwicuioeij ui ui. iwnua im
paired. Oi-Eiii Iloi'sEHulldlng, Hloomsburg, Pa.
:ci;tors' notice.
faTitf fiiviii'Ait imunnv- mrEASKit.
Letters 'Utanieiitiiry tin tho esuui' uf Jacob
i',,t..i.ii t.itt nr 1 'cni re tdwrishtn. Culinnhla Co.
IV . tleceitM'.l, h.o been nr uted by tbu ltef,-lster of.
unil r. K. !ioinlnj, ti whom all jtersons luncuu'U
tn ti tn tnnkp iiiiMiiotit. und tliOM1 hnMhir
el.ilms (ir tieiuaiiUs ajjalnst thuhnfd eatalo wlllinajve
them Known lo the fcaiu eecuiora wiuiuul ue
hli j:i)WAltn HA11TMAN,
1. K. liOMltOV,
no, 2
t'otneror Main anil West f-lrects lliree doors below
J. K. i:tr saioie, jiiotlbuurtf, ru.
All orders promptly attended to and satisfaction
April 'i;-tr
OY, Exchange Hotel, lUoomsburg, I'a,
.Ltna, Ins Co., of Hartford, Connecticut
Liverpool, London and (ilobe
Htijjlo! Llverpoul
1-Tro Association, l'hlladelphla
Alias of Hartford
l-'armers Mutual ot Danville
Danville Mutual
Home, New X'ork
Commercial Union
. 0,&lM),(rOO
. 13 .SiMl.iNKi
, . S(100,(f0
fW 0,000
1, 00,01 "0
,., 17,0d0,WK)
March 20,'77-y
Oraugoville Academy.
P.SV.C. K, CANPIELD.A. M.,PrinciFal.
1 1 j ou want to palronUo a
glvo usa trial.
Next term begins
l'or Infoi raatlon or catalog apply to
July 87, 77-ly oiungeville, i'a.
oi-'i-'ici: ok tiii: piinsiDDNT,
I'll 1 l.Ain 1 111 1 a, Oiiober lsth, 177.
Notice Is hereby glun Uiat tho Lmplro Transpor.
mtln.i I . r,x luis eenseil fu i ransuct business,
ui d bus enn red on a liquidation of Its affairs pre
paratory to ltsuissoiuiiou as a 1 oiisjiuuuu.
1 jom. 1), 1'ori M'rcsldcnt,
I lie Hmplro Line, formerly ow ned and operated by
.1... k'liimri, Transoortutlon Comnuuv. will contlnuu
to bo 0t. rated as heretofoie, but for account ot Its
ncwouc. . pJFIum
nov. 10, '77-lm (( n. Managtr Kmpiro Line,
Ti,., assets of these old corporations are all tn-
vcbtedlu Mil.ll) MXTlllTlfcs. andure liable to Ihe
liniaru 01 rire ouiy. ... , , .,
,iiirnfi, lines on l in Lest risks aro alcne accepted.
Losses 1-noiiiTi vund uostsTtv adjusted and paid
as sot 11 as ditcnnlncd by Christian I'. Ksri-, spe
cial Ag( hi and Adjuster, ll'oomsburg, l'cnu'a.
'i I,., pit i7.,,,u 1 if count v should natronl70
tlieug(hc w hero Tosses, If any, aio adjusted and
paid uy ono 01 tucirowu caucus. uov. i, it-,
is not easily earned In these times but It
no made in turco mounts uy uuyouu
nil, r st-A. in anv nan of thu country
w ho Is vv hung to -
to work steadily at Iho cmplojment
that we furnish, tcorsr vvctuiu jour onu iunu.
von need not bo away Iromhouio overnight, ou
can i-ne vour bolo time to Iho work, or only jour
snaru moments. It costs noUilnglo try the bush
i'csh. Terms nnd loutnt Irte. AddrtM at once,
II. iiaixit x Co., rortloud, Maine.
Ken. id '1J lr.
Neatly 'Jxply prink-d at
BIA imr
LAM. M" y il.ou.A.iuiuoj
ior laue ad xoo iau.uuiaji vuux.
She Hols Well,
snr-rn I'OI.ANtl, ME.. Oct., II, 1(7.
Mil. II. It. KTKVENg!
tienrstr. 1 have been flek two years xilth Ihn
liver complaint, and during that limit have taken a
great many dllleri nt medicines but nono of them
did me any good. I was restless nights and had no
npp( tlte. Mnco taking thn Vegetlnn I rest well and
relish my food. Can recommend iho X'cgettuo for
what 11 has uono ior me
Yours respectfully.
. Al.llKHT
'Mtiiess of the nbove.
Miuioru, vinss,
1 housonds will bear tostlmony niiidiloltxolunta-
tllj) that egitlno Is the best medical compound et
piaceu neiore ine puoiu- ior rciiimiiini; miti ouiu.i
,11c tlio bliMiil. eradicating all humors. Imnurttles or
jiolsi nous secretions from the sjstem, Invigorating
and strengthening the sjstem, debilitated by ills
ease; In fart, It Is, as many halo called It, "ihe
orent Health liestorcr."
In ist'2 your X'egettne was teeommended tome,
nmrvlclillng to the persuasions of a mend I consent
ed to try It. At the time I was sum-ring from gen-
1 ml ileliltltv nn.l nr nous nrostratloll. Funerllldtli I'll
by overvvofk and habits. Its woiidi-rrut
strengthening and curative propi.rtlcs seemed to nf-
n-ci lav ULianinieu sjsiein iroin ine ursi nose, nun
utiilcr tfs nerslsient use 1 rapidly recovered, gaining
moie than usual health and good fei ling, since
then I have not hesitated 10 give X'ogetloc my most
umiualllled Indorsement as being a safe, sure and
uweriui ngeni 111 proiuoiing ui-unu ,iuu h--m,hihk
he wast ed system to new life and enerirv. Vecot Pu
is the only medicine 1 use, and as long as I live I
never expect to tlnd a better. Yours trulv,
VV . II. V.,i.llW.
ISO Monterey street, Allcghcii) , l'.i.
following letter in
W. Mansfield,
formerlj pastor of the Methodist Episcopal church,
Iljile Park, and at present settled In Lowell, must
convince every one who reads his Idler of tho won.
derfnl eiirallve ipialllles ot X'egetlno as a thorough
deanser and purlin r of Ihe Mood :
IIviie Pake, Mass., 1'cb. 15, ls:r,,
Mr. h it. stfvfns:
Dear Mr Aboia ten voars ago my health failed
through thu depleting onvctsof il)si-psla. Nearly
a ear later I was attacked bj Ivphold lexer In lu
worst form, It settled In my back nnd took the form
of a large deetssealed abscess, which was llfieen
months In gathering. I had two surgical operations
by tho best skill In the stale, hut received no perma
nent cure. 1 suffered great pain at times, and was
constant ty vv enkened by a profuse discharge. I also
lost small pieces or bono at different times.
xiatters ran on thus ntwi'it seven 3 ears, till May,
1ST4, when a rrlrinl recommended me to 1:0 to jour
olllcennd talk wliluou of the Irtuo ot vegetlne.
Hv what I saw and heard I gained some contldenco
In Vegetlne.
I r-inmiii-noet! taklnir it soon after, but felt worse
from Its ellects ; still I persevered nnd soon felt It
wasbetieiltMnir mo in other respects. Yet I did not
see tin, results I desired tilt I had taken It faithfully
for lillle more than a jear, when the diiiieulty
In the back was 1 tired, and for nine months I have
rxiimcfi ti,,. n,--t f in niin
I have m mst ttme gained twenty-nve pounds of
nosh, being iu av Icr than ever bclore In mj life, and
1 w is never mere ablo to perforin tabor than now.
During Ihe pel lew wceKsl had a scrotuloiis swell
ing u.s lar.-e us 11 nt gather on nnother part 01 my
binli. I to ik Voir, tli.e lalthfiillv. and It removed It
level with ti e sunaee Hi a month. I think I should
liuve tieen cert il of nr main trouble sooner If lhul
laken 1.11x1 r doses, alter navini become accusiomcu
10 lis ent-ei ....
I et. vour 1 Hlrons troubled Willi seroiui.l or Kiuney
dl-eii-e mid, r t.ind that It tiles time to cure ehrnii-
lo dlsi ,ies, ,niit thevwlll pa'lently take vegetlne
It wii, in ln juuglneni. cure uieui.
XXlth grei.i'atloi.i 1 am, ou,svcrj iniiv.
. ii...,rii.i.n,
Pastor of tl.o MLthoJist E. church
Is Prepared by
I f. K. STEVENH. Jorston,
egotino is sold by nil Druggists.
Thomas li. IUktman.
piccsTcf all kinds, Glass & Que.nswara
Foreign and Domestic Fruits,
Family Provisions
ipiss -moil sum,
m't'r.KT ::c.(ick,
(111 door bdow .Market street, lilocmsburg, ra.
trr (;oods dellvcud to all parts or tho town
rll 7, "77-tf
Crrtf nintul
TiilrtcL'iitli and I'llliirt Six.
WniliUron Air-Tigjit Heaters
Willi Miiililittz iintl CUiiUiT-tiriiiilliitf ruti' fur
II u ruin u mlirurlir nr iiiiuiuir on i uui
Cooking- Ranges, Low-down Orates,
&c, SiC
Iiescrlj tlvo circulars sent ruts to any address.
Aim V7, T7-1J !
No continued or Sensational stories In THE
People's jjcdg
Elclit larirel'atrei
lenns ttt-mllni' Me
I k cnininns ot Choice !lt lscella
il alter every VKek.totritlKTWltli so-
lections from tlio pens of sueli w rllerB as Nabbv.iili-
XX II i. ( Aiams, J. t. Tko liuil'iii, make twain, uui
H4 1 AltV Itni.MKS.
Youthi'. Jlumoroui, teiculijie, Fathion,
IhmtlttpliKj, ami AVu's Drjutrtmentt torn-
each week. Full ol Fun and vv It, A peculiar lea
tumor flu, tiit: I'Eoi-Lk's Llihieii Is Its bliort anec-
doles uud I'urat'raphj lor which It lias a wide repu
As an i:ii-j irnitsT, and to lnduco you to t'lvu us a
trial, we onerlo send IiieI.eiuek to any address
every week (or tlireo months on trial, ou receipt ol
rmlvrji rents. Weaskonlv a trial.
Hie 1'rori.E'a Lmkjeh Is uii old-established and re
liable, weekly papir puuihiu-a every Saturday,
11. K. Cl'K 1 IS, lUbllsher,
T1S Sanson St., Philadelphia, I'a.
oct, to, IT-Stu
t,i .im x(nHTnAnSfnlrl,Mnnl,
At (joiciuiam cmoe.
Select Story.
Kngllsli Slory of the hast Century.
Hinckley, in Leicestershire. England, is a
very undent town, and has remains of so,mo
xery line,
its irectioii, is in fair condition. It is now
occupied as a farm-house, but a largo part of
it has been removed, a3 tho xvalls xvero con-
idercd unsafe.
This place, known ns l'ycott Hall, xvas
irmerly the seat of a family of that uanio,
who rose into favor in the time of Henry the
Cighth, John Pycott having been a tanner
f Middlesex, who did good service for the
King in some way by aiding him to get rid
f one of bis wives. In Mary's relga the
vcotts had to ileo into Lincolnshire, and
find safety thcro among tho fens aud mor-
asses ; but soon after Elizabeth's accession to
tlio thronn the family came again into notice
and Richard Pycott, the son ot John, was
enriched with aline estate in Iicestershirc.
Then it was that l'ycott Hall was erected,
and it long had tho reputation of being one
of the most elegantly adorned mansions of
the midland counties.
Tho daimhtors nf il, lionso wedded with
some of the wealthiest nnd best known fumi.
lea In England, but the Pycotts lost caste
l,v their fortunes with Cromwell
luring tlio great revolutionary strugge. On
tlm re-dnratinn of Charles the Second the
'uinily was sxllnwcil to retain its lands, but
it had become considerably impoverished,
anil never recovered the I112I1 position it
occupied during the first century ofitsex-
l'hc head of tho family ranked ninong the
country irentrv. and tlio votini-er members
mnrrierl in their own station and became
n-ivnl and military officers, and gentlemen
When Georgo the Third ascended the
throne in 1700, John Pycott xx-as the posses
sor of the estates. He had been in tho nax-y
but retired before he passed tho grade of
Lieutenant, and settled down as plain coun-
try Squire. Ho married a Miss llratintone
by whom he had a numerous family, all of
whom died in infancy except one son and
laughterthe son being named George and
tho daughter Ann. Ann xvas courted by one
Silcby.xvhoso father had amassed a consider-
able fortune as a vintner, and purchased an
estate a few miles from Hinckley, known as
the Red Gates. Young Sileby, his only child
came into possession at the age of txventy-
one, and soon nlterward made tho acquaint-
anco of tho Tycotts. A friendship sprung
up between Georgo Pycott and Sileby, nnd
through that Sileby xvas attracted to the
Hall and became enamored of Ann, xvho
was x-ery lovely. In the Spring of 1701 the
two young men went to London together,
George returned within a month, but Sileby
remained, under pretense that some business
matters required his attention. George, how
cx-er communicated to his father the secret of
his own quick return and of his companion's
remaining behind.
Sileby had been brought up chiefly in the
metropolis, and had many acquaintances
there. These, Georgo soon discovered, xvere
not of u very rcputablo kind, consisting of
fut young men, gamblers aud frco lancers,
who would not hesitate to take a man s
pocket-book if they had a chance. -More-
over, bileuy had lemale acquaintances ol no
.,1,1 .lu-o mr (IF llinun II nrirn I f !,,. .!,. 1. I, IU!.I .,1 (..,,,1
' t " n , iub ........i: wimcu """il ,!,, 1, ,., V .,.1.1! 1.ll.
"ion standing on the ouUklrts of the the nalh to tho main road, he found l.lmTT . . . J
... tii i . i i. i i ..n. on, r . .. , tno muriiered man. no had been lienru to
own is one of the best known. It is built sc f sudden v confronted with two mounted . .. ...
hi reu unci., in tno l'.iizaueiuian siyie, nun men. Une ot them seized his bridle rein, ,,, , ,,,
consideriiiLMlio time that has elapsed since and tho -Snnlrr, In.tmitlv drew 1,U .wnr.l 0eorB 1yc?tt8 th.e07 .wnV ?at thU
doubtlul character, and on theso he spent jt was thought unlikely that they would at
his money freely. It was a discovery of tempt to cross, and thereforo the pursuers
theso facts xvhich induced Georgo to hasten
home, for ho was n young man of good priu-
ciples.nnd xvas, moreox-er in lox-e with a very
beautiful girl, whom ho expected shortly to
wed. When the elder Pycott learned how
Sileby was occupied in London, ho spoke to
his daughter on the snhject, and she at once
reed with him that her lover xvas not the
kind of man xvho xvns calculated to make a
desirable husband. Consequently, on recelv-
ing Sileby's first letter irom Loudon, sho
gave him to understand that she knew the
course ho xvas pursuing.and that she desired
no further communication with him.
Months passed.'and Sileby still remained
in town. Presently it was reported and cor-
rectly turned out that ho had executed a
mortgage for a large sum on his estate, and
had actually sold all the timber upon it.
After an abseuce of nine months he rjturned
to Red Gates, but l'ycott saw nothing ot
him for a long time.
Early in 17C2 'Squire Pycott met Sileby
on the stairs leading to tho Grand Jury room
n Leicester. Neither spoke or made any
siuii of recognition. Silcby stood and
blocked tho passage, and tho Njuiro en
deavorcd to move him t one side xvith his
and. Sileby drew his sword, whereupon
the 'Squire stepped hack to tho landing,
iileby passed the Squire leisurely and with
an oll'eiisivo air, and the 'Squire said :
"You xvill hear from me again, sir."
A duel xvns arranged and tho 'Squiro dis.
armed his antagonist. Pointing his sword
to Sileby's heart, ho said :
Dog, if your life was xxorth anything, I
xvould not hesitate."
Another lonir interval nassed without Sile-
bv'a comimr across anv of the Pycotts. but
they had heard often of his doings, aud
knew that it would be but a briefspace be-
fore his career of riot and perhaps crimo
xvas cuded. Oue day In the autumn of 1702
'Squire Pycott received a messago from a
Dr. Grayton. a physician whose character
was bad, and xvho was a pet companion of
Sileby, that tho latter was dying, and de-
sired to make peace with the 'squiro beforo
lie passed away. The 'Squiro was a gener-
ous, warm-hearted man, aud his kindly na-
ture responded once to the request. Ashe
was starting for tho Red Gates, Ann Pycott
Baid ;
"Father it is lo be feared that tho itufor
tunato man has no Illble or good book near
him Jn his illtifss. Cairy this prayer-book
aud leave it xvith him.and bid him read and
act upon it."
'Squire Pycott put the book In the left In
side nocket of his ridluc-coat and departed,
Ou reaching Sileby's house he was met by
Dr. Orayton. at whose suggestion he uu.
buckled his sxxord and left it lu the hall.lest
.t .) W.flA.I 1.1 1 t a
Tho 'Snuiro found Silcby in a darkened
toom on n ctirtnlncd bed, with mcdlclno bot
tles arranged nround. On a small table near
tlio bed lay n prayer-book and Illble, as
though handy for tho sick man. Sileby ex
pressed regret forhisconductjixndthe'SquIro
softened off things, nnd at n lato hour de
parted for home, taking a bridle path xvhich
led down threo or four fields to tho main
road, which, though It ran close to SilebyV
house, curved around it almost in the shape
of tho IctterS. As the 'Squire rode nlong
tho path ho heard tho Bound of horses' hoofs
on tho road, but they apparently soon passed
To his surprise, however, ho found that the
hlade xvas broken oil" within six inches of
the handle, lleforo ho could recover from
his amazement tho other horseman niado n
thrust at his breast with his sword, which
came in contact with the prayer-book that
xvas still In his pocket, as ho had found Sll
eby already supplied xvitu one. His assai-
lilnt weapon xvas broken xvitu tho lorce 01
t"o Wow, and he lell iorward against the
squire. 1110 'fcquiro s horso started, and
"o man at tho rem released his hold. At
'he a instant tho 'fcquiro struck spurs
1 bis horso bounded away and carried his
rlJer "m salety.
Who the 'Squire's assailants were xvas a
mystery but as highwayman Infested the
country, and it was no uncommon thing for
xvaylarers to bo robbed and sometimes mur-
dered in broad day-light, the occurrence ere-
at?J ''"'o surprise.
L" tban a week after this tho 'Squire re
ceiveu a icuer irom encuy stating mat ne
"au ""I'P" recovered, and mat 1.0 xvas
auoul 10 'lult lne neiguoomoou, anu to leau
a new life.
It has already been said that George Py
cott xvas engaged to bo married to a young
lady. She was his second cousin, and resi
ded n few miles Irom the Hall xvith her
motlter. Her father had recently died, an
it was so arranged that George should wed
her ns soon as possible, and manago til
small estateoi) which she dwelt. On No
vember 10, 1702, the wedding took Jplace
and in the evening there xvas a supper at
the bride's house, where the couplo xvero to
reside thenceforth.
After the guests had departed and 'Squire
Pycott and his daughter were about to take
leave, three men, xvith blackened faces, and
otherwise diiguised, suddenly entered the
uwening uy tue mam entrance, aim xvitu
drawn swords rushed on the 'Squire and his
" they stood xvith tho bride and groom
1,1 Ue vestibule. Roth drew and gallantly
defended themselves, and the women, by
eir directions, took refuge in an adjoining
Tho 'Squire fell, run through the breast.
George was seriously xvounded, and the ruf-
fians were about to force an entrance into
the rooin xvhero the xvotnen xvere, xvheti the
I sound of appoaching wheels xvas heard on
I the graveled xx-alks outside. The three men
hastily decamped, and when the newcomers
reached tho hallway they found the 'Squire
and son weltering in blood. Tho two gen
tlemeu who had thus unexpectedly come on
the scene had been guests at tbo wedding
and had started homeward, but on reaching
tho river had found the waters out and the
ford unsurpassable. They were thereforo
compelled to return and seek shelter until
Tho 'Squire's wound xxhich was through
the right lung, had tilready proved fatal, and
he was a corpse. George's iniurics were Be
vere, but not necessarily dangerous, and
surgeon was at once sent for.
As soon us the wounded xvero attended to,
two mounted constables started in pursuit of
tUo threo assassins. As the river was down
took tho only other road of escapo that
which led to Uirminghaui. llcfore they had
come far they found that they were on tho
ijeht track. Ry daylight they reached Bir-
mingham, aud they tracked the three men to
the Wheat Sheaf Inn, xvhero they had baited
their horses and taken refreshment, and
whence they had departed only half an hour
ahead of their pursuers. Here the latter
communicated xvith the authorities of the
town, and threo officers properly mounted
and equipped took up Ihe chase, After four
hours hard riding they found themselves
close on the heels of the fugitives, xvho were
evidently taking it leisurely, supposing that
"'eir pursuers, n mey uau any, were eiiuer
ir enough, behind, or tired out before that
time. When they discovered three mount-
ta men a mno in tueir rear, tuey suspecteu
their true character and pushed ou briskly,
As tho pursuers quickened their gait the
pursued did tho same, but tho former gain
ed rapidly ou the fugitives, and it was clear
that they must either be ox-ertaken or escape
by strategy,
As tho two parties of horsemen tore doxvu
a long hill, tlio London stage coacn came iu
sight. The driver and passengers soon took
in tho situation, for it xvas no uncommon
thing iu thoso days, xvhen thero xvere no
railroads or telegraphs, lor the ollicersot the
law lo pursue fugitives from justico for days
along tho highways of England, the pursuers
and pursued often stopping for refreshments
within a few miles of each other, and chang
ing horses as often as the jaded beasts gax-e
Tho driver of tho coach ou tho present oc
casiou was a plucky man, and had had more
than one rencontre xvith gentlemen of the
road. Taking in the situation at once, the
driver, xvitu tue ueany consent oi nis pas
seugers, drew his coach across the road and
iJlo;ked tue path, xvituin twenty yards 0
the obstacle two of the fugitives leaped tho
ditch aud made across the fields to a cross
road beyond Hip coach. The third.however,
xvho rode a splendid beast, dashed Iorward:
aud putting spurs to his steed, the noble an
iuinl rose at the touch like a bird, and xvent
clean over tho horses as they stood across
the road. So astonished were the occupants
of tho coach at his dating feat that thougli
I a dozen of them held pistols iu their gras
- not a wcaP wa9 uUclmrgcd until tho bold
rider wl out of raDBe'
At the cross-roads he xvas rejoiued by his
two companions, and all threo disappeared
I over "ie ',row a
- When the pursuers reached iU summit the
fugitive were nowhere to be seen. Ihe of-
ficers pushed on but on reaching Oxford
they were tired out, and they resolved to
rest, confident that the men thoy were after
I iuufa ho Idol t ma sn tl.ul uin.i n f n
- " ""J tsv-u
. , , I . .. make in ream nea nst lis brothers inc.
On the officers reaching London, the au
thorities were informed of the circumstances
attending the brutal outrngo nt Hinckley,
but In the absence of any clew which would
lead to the perpetrators they xvero unable to
do anything.
In tho courso of n month, howex-cr,Georgo
Pycott was sufficiently restored to undertake
a journey to tho metropolis, nnd thither ho
went, confident that he possessed n clew to
the murderers of his father.
The elder Pycott had 0110 brother, who
had been degraded from tho army, nnd xvho
had become In every way so vilo nnd reck-
sins of his lather,
This man, Richard Pycott, xvas therefore
looked for in London, hut could not be
found. After three xveeks' search, Gcorgo
Pycott xx-as almost hopeless of discovering
tho murderers of his father and of bringing
them to justice. One day ho nnd a How
street runner, ns tho detectives in tboe days
were called, took n xx herry at Westminster,
with a view to have n quiet row on the wa
ter, a private conx-ersalion in relation to tho
crime nnd its supposed perpetrators. As
they floated past Rotherlithe a man sudden
ly thrust his head out of tho scuttle of a coal
barge that lay nlongside the wharf. Quick
as was the movement, George saw the face,
and recognized it in an instant as Sileby's
Then, for the first timp, a suspicion broke in
upon young Pycott's mind that the unfortu
nate man might havo been implicated in the
dreadful crime. He hastily communicated
his thoughts to the officer, and in a moment
tho xvherry xx-as alongsido the barge and tho
two men xvero aboard. In tho mean and
filthy cabin, if such it might be called, they
found tho man whom they sought. Ho xx-as
dressed in the commonest garments, and was
unshaven and unkempt. He steadily denied
liis identity ns Sileby, but George xx-as confi
dent, nnd he xvas manacled and placed on
board the xvherry.
A second thought induced the officer to
lie under cox-er of tho bargo for n minuto or
more, and the delay was amply rewarded, t
for a man came along the wharf toward the
barge carrying a basket, and him George dry, arable laud. In the main the excava
identified ns tlio person spoken of as Dr. tions followed the line of the former condu-
Grayton. As he stepped on board the bargo
Gcorgo sprang to her deck and collared tho
miserablo wretch, who cowered like a regulated,and the passBge deepened through
hound, out its course, being, for instance, on the
Sileby stoutly denied bis identity and par-
ticination in tho murder of Snuire Pvcott.
but Grayton turned king's evidence, and re-
ealed the diabolical nlot
From the day that Squire Pycott disarmed
im in a duel.and spurned him as too worth-
less to slay, Sileby had vowed vegeance.
His sickness was a mere sham to decoy the
Smiiro to the house, and at the same time to
avert the suspicion from his real assailants,
Grayton'snnxiety that the Squire should not
carry his sword up-stairs lest the sick man
hould bo aroused to unpleasant memories
at the sight of it, xx-as part of the plot, for
whllo Squire Pycott xvas up-stairs, Grayton
snapped the sword off near the hilt on pur-
pose to deprive thn Squire of a xveapon of
defeuco during the premeditated attack.
The horses xvero already saddled in tho sta-
ble, and as soon as tho Squire quitted the
house Sileby and Grayton mounted and
tarled by tho turnpike to intercept him.
Thn ..ittnel-nn tlm ,,l,rl,t nf ( Im ,e,l,l ,y
, 11 fit ... n .1
as planned by Sileby with Grayton and
ono of his London companions, and tho de-
ign was to murder both tho Squiro and his
1. , , . .
to perpetrate other nameless crimes,
while ns the samo time they plundcml tho
welling. When they xvere put to flight by
tho return of tho guests they made for Bir-
mingham, as already known. Their disap-
" J 1
pearance after Sileby's astonishing leap ox er
tho backs of the stage coach horses xvas easi-
ly accounted for. Ono of the number at
, . i i i ..u ,i
icusi. nus iiuiiuuiciy ncquuiium n uu uiu
road, lor ho had plied his calling as high- band of man. Hut this, although lncomosr
wayman on it for years, nnd they xvere then ably the most difficult, xvas only the first
enabled to take a nrivate path skirtinc n
ood, aud so keep out of sight and earshot
until they reached a cross road by which
they mado for a town oil tho Loudon turn-
pike, and waited there until the way xvas
Sileby and Grayton xvere taken back to
Leicester, xvhere they were tried, convicted
and executed in 17C3. Their accomplice es-
caped to Holland, but he xvas subsequently
captured and ended his life on tho galloxx-s
at Newgate for highway robbery a few years
A Marvel of Engineering.
A work equal In difficulty and maguitudo
to tho projected draining of the Zuyder Zee lly theso means it is found practicable to collection. Now, the interest with which
has been accomplished in Italy, only somo control tho elements, and render permanent a visitor regards a homo is a very different
auxilliary operations.of miuor consequenco und perfect this conquest over nature. The one from that with xvhich ho regards a col
still awaiting completion. JVe refer to tho economical .fruits of the enterprise can bo lection. To find scattered about a home
iralnmg ol the i-ucme lake, executed by the
rince lorlonia, an undertaking xvhich has
exacted the labor of twenty-fivo years and
an outlay oi ten million dollars. I(y this
achievement forty thousand acres nf rich
land havo been opened to tillage, and a
scheme which had vainly taxed the re-sour-
ces of the ancient Roman empire translated
nun inn,
nM . , , .
Ihe l'ticino lake, and the mountain-locked
basin of which until lately it engrossed tho
.urger pari, is ueucr Known to the student
than to the traveller. The region is singu-
larly diillcultof nccess, lying as it does in
the exact heart of tho Italian peninsuln.and
embedded iu the Appenino chain. No mod-
ern railway has replaced tho Yalerlau road
which traversed tbo district eighteen centu-
ries ago. When this great highway was private individual whose name is linked nates the In nf W "u""fuuo"
built across the mountains by Cladlus Cai- with the achievement has secured a solid K. 11, of hme- A person possess-
sar.the edge of the lake was dotted with
thriving towns, and its fruitful slopes form-
ed ono of the granaries of Rome. It was in
the reign of the same Emperor that tbede-
, fit- .v., . ti
s g , of sluicing oh" the waters of the I-ucine
cistern was adopted, and the uotorious freed-
man, Narcissus, was charged with the con-
,i,,e, nf .i. ,...,i 7 ' i. "
main outlines of the plan conceived and
brought to the verge of fulfillment by the
Roman engineers havo been followed in tho
7 "ut" , l r.i , 1,0
v.. u. ,u ...uun-ui,
Tim l.'.wlim laL-ft woa n i.o, !-
uU...w . , .... n , iuBcivuir, re
plenUhed by the rainfall and a number of
mountain streams, but without auy natural
outlet. Uvacuation, therefore, by dredging
ami ucepeiung an cxlstlug channel xvas
plainly out oi the question, borne three
uiuca. minever, iu ine northwest runs
... . . . : :
river l rl, at au attitude much lower than
.M-.U..M- w-.,M. ..UD (
u.vU..... u. amuu .cars ua uu(ic
tweon the river and the lake, but this oluta
clo the engineers of Cladlus proposed to
surmount by piercing tho hill at n depth of
some three hundred yards. Accordingly,
the head of the sluice on tho northwest rim
of tho cistern was fixed nt a point twenty-
txvo yards nbovo tho bottom of the Llri,
whllo the mouth being opened abont thir
teen yards above the river bed, there result
ed a total inclino of nine yards in ft course
of three and a half miles. Thirty thousand
workmen nro said to havo been employed
for eleven years in tho undertaking, nnd tho
tunnel xvns actually constructed, but so im
perfectly that nn nttempt to draw off tho
xvaters of the reservoir entailed n catastro
phe xvhich went near to ruin tho imperial
favorite. It would Beem that Narcissus had
nothing to learn from public scrvants'of our
day, for he was accused of embezzling gigan
tic sums through collusion xvith tho contrac
tors. It appears, however, that at a later
period, under tho Emperor Hadrian, the
sluice xvas so far turned to account as to
considerably loxver the level of tho lake.
Neglected in tho middle ages, tho Roman
xvorks lost even this measuro of efficiency,
tho waters of tho basin recovered their an
cient area, and the periodical Inundations
xvrought xvidesproad destruction. It xvas
ono of theso calamities, the terrible flood of I
1810, xvhich roused tho Neapolitan Govern
ment to attempt the repair of the old cul-1
vert. But the task was onerous and the out
lay stinted, and tho sluice xx-as scarcely open
ed when tho freshet of 1851 burst the locks
nnd blocked up n large section of the chan
nel under an avalanche of earth nnd stones.
When, therefore, a company was organized
with a 'view of draining the basin, it soon
appeared that tho Bcbeme presented difficul
ties far exceeding their expectations or their I
resources. Accordingly, the Prince Torlo-
nia, xvho had subscribed for one-half of tho
stock, now purchased tho remainder, and,
obtaining a formal concession of all land to
be recovered, undertook the xvork at his own
Tho French engineers who were succes-
six-ely charged with the management of the
operations, did not confine themselves to a
reconstruction of the old tunnel, theirobjeit
being not to circumscribe tho lake xvithin
the bounds maintained in Hadrian's time,
but to conx-crt tho entire Fucine basin into
it ; but tho walls were straightened nnd
greatly enlarged, the inclination of the floor
,nbe "Mont least ten feet lower than the
head of tho Roman sluice. (Jn tho whole
't may be said that the chief advantage de-
nved Irom the ancient works lay in the nu-
merous air xvells and ventilation galleries
hewn in the rocks hundreds ot leet Deiow
'e surface of the mountain. Against this
should beset an almost insuperable obstacle,
(llle t0 tlle presence of the old tunnel, name-
b, i vast subterranean reservoir formed in
the upper section by a caving in of the.
xvalls, ascribed to tho freshet of 1851. In-
credible patlenco and vigilance were requi-
site in bori,1S beneath this incumbent mass
of .xvaters, and tho success xvith which tho
contents of this underground cistern were
gradually emptied constitutes a notPDie iea-
turo of tUe enterprise.
After many and grave vicissitudes, aim
after txx-o partial evacuations effected by
tapping the lake at points above the'truo
head of tho sluice, the labor of twenty years
drew ton elnso On tlm 25,1 nf .Tn.niln.rv.
1 omn , . i 1 ,
18,0, the main ttitinel xvas (qiened.and by
the end ol June, 187.', the bottom of the ba-
sin was uncovered, and tho Fucine lake had
I i. t .1 i ii. i.i .
disappeared Nothing was left of tho great
land locked water about xvhich had risen the
strongholds of Manslan power xvhen Romo
xvas yet insignificant, over whoso expense
Perseus, the defeated King of Macedon, had
' d ,
looked forth from his captivity, xvhich had
witnessed the disgraco of Narcissus and the
wrath of Cladlus and Agrippiua, and xvhich
ii , f , . . , ,
lur so mini)- ugn uuu uencu mi) restraining
sten. The rainfall at Btated seasons xvould
continue to fill the hollow, and the torrents
xvould seek their ancient receptacle. Tho
mastery of these adx-crse conditions presup-
posed a series of operations xvhich were be-
tun in 1875 and are now nearly completed,
In the heart of the old bed has been con-
structed an artificial cistern encompassed
with a stono dyko eight feet high and twelve
miles in circuit, aud which has ample capac
ity to confine the surplus xvater represeutiu:
the excess of receipt over discharge in the
wet season. This reservoir is connected with ignates a largo number of very interesting
tho tunnel by a broad conduit fivo miles people aro opt to male an important mis
long, while other canals radiate from it to take. Thev transform their homes Into mu-
collect and guido the tributary streams.
stated in a few xvords. To tho establishment
of public security should be added the direct
enrichment of the population. An upper
belt oi the redeemed territory presenting
total surface of seven thousand acres has
been abandoned to tho oxvners of land adja-
cent to the former shore. Tho amount of
arable soil acquired by Prince Torlouia, nnd
now lor the hrst time incornoratoil with thn
productive area of Italv. is not less than
thirty-fivo thousand acres, or, deducting the
quantity included within the reservoir,
xvhich, however, can be tilled in ordinary
years, he mav still havo under cultivation
twenty-elght thousand acres of virgin land.
From whatever point of view this exploit
of modem engineering Is regarded, its
portance is capital, and It is clear that
title to remembrance among his country
illiam Dooley. an amateur detective
' ' wuwicj. tu cuumcui ucii'imu iu
search of two cattle thieves, found them at
chlucll at AVUIto SwlpUur, ky., whereupon
t ,i t i , , , , ' , ,
I'15'0''" 'nd, he Informed preacher aud
,, -., tin., .I.o, I,.....1I 1
, m", ,,? 'Z 'n r," ',i
picked out his men, marched them out
the building ut the muzzle of his weapon,
P""1' tur,,InB 0" l "ep, shouted to
in n ster that he could co on with ibn V.,m.
I . . . "
- I .ntlnn
The clock for the new court houso
Providence, R. I., Is claimed to be the
gest lu New England and the brut in
country. The dials are seven feet in
tlm I Qm.,li-n,l ilm . ,..,!, ,!. ,1 r, ,..,..,
-v.v. -..v. ,w IW luuiinu
long, with a 800 pound ball, and the clock, lous about obserxing the Sabbath that for
oyau ingenious ciecinc device, regulates tweuty years he bad not even fed his stock
De - an tue otner twelve clocks In the bu
- 1 ing.
et r. n. sniLLASiR.
Old (Irlmos is dead that good old man,
xvo ne'er shll seo him more ;
Hut lie has left a son who bears
The namo that old Orlmcs bore.
lie wears a coat of latest cut,
Ills hat Is new and gay ;
Ho cannot bear to view distress,
80 ho turns from It away,
nis panta aro gaiters-tutlng snug
O'er patent leather shoes s
Ills hair Is by a barber curled
Ho smokes cigars and chews.
A chain of masslvo gold Is borno
Aliovc his flashy xest :
Ills clothes aro better every day
Than xvero old Orlmes' best.
In fashion's court he constant walks,
Where ho delight does shed s
Ills hands aro xvhlto and very soft.
Hut softer Is Ids bead.
Ilo's six feet till-no post more stralghtr-
IIls teeth nro pearly xvhlto ;
In habits ho Is sometimes loose,
And sometimes xery tight.
His manners aro of sweetest grace,
Ills voice of sweetest tone ; .
Ills diamond pin's the very ono
That o-.d Orlmcs used to own.
A curled moustacho adorns his face,
Ills neck a scarf of bluo ;
lie sometimes goes to church tor change,
And blt-eps In Orlmcs' pew.
Ho sports the fastest "cab" In town,
Is nlwa s quick to bet ;
And never knows who's President,
Hut thinks "Old Tip's In yet,"
Ho has drunk wines of every kind,
And liquors cold and hot ;
Young orlmes. In short, Is Just that sort
Ot man Old Orltnos was not.
Thcro's never so sunny
Hut a llttlo cloud appears j
There's never a We so happy
llut lias had Its time ot tears ;
Yet the Btm shines out tho brighter
XX'hen tho stormy tempest clears.
There's never a garden Browing
With roses In every plot ;
There's never a heart so hardened ,
llut It has oue tender spot ;
XVo havo only to prune the border
To tlnd tho tornet-me-not.
Thcro's'never a cup so pleasant
llut has bitter with the sweet ;
There's never a path so rugged
That bears not tho print ot leet ;
And we havo a helper promised
For the trials wo may meet.
There's never a sun that rises
llut wo know 'twill set at night ;
The tints that gleam In the morning
At evening are Just as bright ;
And tho hour tiat Is tho sweetest
Is between tho dark and light.
There's never a dream that's happy
llut the waking makes us sad ;
Thero'B never a dream ot sorrow
llut tho waking makes us glad ;
x.c shall look somo day vv 1th wonder
At tho troubles wo havo had.
THE (iitUMllLKU.
I)v Dora Goodale (lo years old.)
Ills coat was too thick, and his cap xvas too thin,
110 COUldn t 00 qulst, hO liatOll a din ;
iiwas certainly very much Injured Indeed:
He must study and work over books ho detested.
1113 parents xvero strict, and he never was rested i
I nu miuxv ua mo nicitutu ui xii'u.utrii wum ut-,
xhcrewa3 0 ono so wrctchedlv wretched as he.
1119 ttlrm "as too pmall'and his taxes too big,
'Zt'mJ VlZfl .
I lint wire WAq tnn Rtllv. Ills rhtlnrpn fnn rune ,
And Just because ho was uncommonly good,
He never had money enough or to spare,
"o had nothing at all nt to cat or to wear;
Ho knew ho was wretched as wretched could be.
i There was no ono so wretchedly wretched as he.
110 flnl3 he nas sorrows more deep than his tears.
Z " Zrh";,'0'
Ills home and his fortune, his life's llttlo day.
But, alas I t is too late it Is no uso to say
Thcro Is no one moro wretchedly wretched than he.
-St. Ji'icholas for December.
Homes and Museums.
Lovers of bric-a-brac and the phrase des-
senms. Thev brine: toe-other and nlln nn &
just in tho right nooks nnd places objects of
art "and beautv. Is an Bteersllimli- .Mfoht.
ful thing To examiiio n collection for the
a collection's sake leavine- its relation tn thn
homo entirely nut nf nnl,, i,
Interesting to some people xvho aro "up"
as xvo say iu thoso thing- but It is not at
all interesting to those who do not see tho
I mo nf If ti,, ! ..i..i..
. w w. ,3 aitj uuuy i-au ecu lutlb a
beautiful nhWi i ..i
purpose, xvbilo a great many things, shut up
in a cabinet, servo no purpose except by
their numbers to cheapen ono another,
, .
"Jn , or,,i; e wl,.,,2 r.f"
! T,!" i ' " " " K
im - m,i,Pr ,)',, ,,, In ,t ,,
the ! . I ..CUe5 "T y
- "f. n.'T ' ,, c1l,uu,9,a3110, I""'
f . ' , TJ ' P 6 Dy tran"
mwB " a 8how-I'lace for curiosities.
" irue poucy is, never to uuy an object or
In art, of any sort, without knowing just where
art. 01 I
ill fit Into the home just xvbat unln-
ng spot it will illuminate just what
Vacant shell nr lmrrpn ftttrfnen It will o.ln
. . . vw "
may bo very interesting pieces of
r lur""ure' Vut are 0,ten U9eJ ,a Buch a
of I
xvay as to degrade or destroy the home idea.
J. u, Holland ; iscrilner for December,
Itoston is to have an exhibition of Ovo
hundred ladien in Horticultural Hall, and n
at I gold watch, a necklaco and a dtamnnil rlni
lar - are to be given to the throo handsomest. At
tho least so the advertisements read.
dl -
r... I ., i. ,,,
rai .i uratuu la uauv e. lven.. is sn sernmi.
d- on Sundays it u i. i,wi it... i. ,..,
done -very little xvork on other days.