The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, December 07, 1877, Image 4

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Young Folks,
Seeing Fairies.
It wai n rery lint nfiernonn. trm lint to
gn for n wnlk nr ''o anvlMttji. r i Iso It
wouldn't Imve happened, I lielli-vf
In the firt place, I want In kit nv whj fa
rles thould nlwAyn be leaching u to do our
duty, And lecturing ut when we go wrnnir,
nud nreiiioiill never teauli Mem anything?
You cuti't tneuri to nay ihtt fiiine-i Hre never
(reedy, or selfish, or crow, or deceitf I, he
rauw that would be tionserie, you know.
Well, then, don't you agree with mo that
they mitit bo nil the better lor n little scold
Ing and puuUhltig now and then ?
I really don't see why it shouldn't be
tried, and I'm almost mire (only please, don't
repeat this loud in tho wowls) that if you
could only catch n f.lrv, and put it in the
corner, and irivo It nothing but bread and
watr fir a day'd find It quite an
improved chancier j it would take down Its
conceit a little, at all event.
The next question U, what Is tho best
time for Keelnif falrl-H? I believe I can tell
you all about that.
The first rule that t must be n very hot
day -that we may enmider as settled ; and
you mut Iw jut a Utile sleepy hut not ton
sleepy to keep your eyes open, mind. Well,
and you ought to fiel a little -what one
may rail "folrylali" the Seotrh call it
"eerl ," and perhaps that's u pretti r word ;
if you don't kn iw what it means, I'm afraid
I can hanlly explain it ; vuu must wait till
you meet a fairy, and then you'll know.
And the last rule is. that the crickets
shouldn't be chirping. I ciu't stop to ex
plain that rule just now you must take it
on trust for the present.
Si, if all these things happen together,
you've a good chance of seeing a fairy or
at least a much better chance than if tin y
Tho one I'm going to tell you about wa-
a real, naughty little fairy. Properly speak
,.--.1- . .
in, mere were two 01 mem, aim one was
naughty and one was goad, but perhaps you
would have found that out fir yourself.
Now wo really are going to begin th
It was Tuesday afternoon, about half-pas'
tliree, it'd always best to bo particular a
10 uates, anil l nail wandered down tnti
the woods by the lake, partly because I hail
nothing to do, andliat seemed to he a pood
place to do it in, and partly (as I sild at
first) because It was too hot to bo coinfnrtii
ble anywhere, excent under trees.
Tlu first thing I noticed, as I went l.izih
along through an open place in the wood
was a larire beetle lying struggling on it'
bae.kj. and I went down directly on on
knee to help the poorjthingon its feet again
J n tome things, you know, yon can'l
quite sine what an insect would like; fin
instance, I never could quite settle, sup
posing I were a moth. whether I would rath
er b kept out of the candle, or bo allowed
to lly straight in and get burnt; or, again
supposing I were a spider, I'm not sure
I should be Quite pleased to haye my wel
torn down, and the fly let loose ; but I feel
quitacertain thit, if I were a beetle and
had relled.over on my back, 1 should al
wayt'be glad to be helped up again.
C-It- . T . T 1 .
ou, us x was saying, i nan gone down on
one knee, and was just reaching out a littl
stick to turn the beetle over, when I, saw i
sight that made me draw back hastily and
hold my breath, for fear of making any
noise and frightening tthe little creatun
Not that she looked as if she would be ea
slly" trlghtened ; she seemed so good and
gentle that I'm sure sho would never expect
that any one could wish to hurt her. She
was only a few inches high, aud was dress
ed in green, so that you really would hard
ly have noticed her amoiig the long grass
and she was so delicate and graceful thai
she qulte"8eemed;to belong to the place, ial
most as if she were ono of the flowers., J
may tell you, besides, that she had no wing?
I don't believe in fairies with wings,) am
that she had quantities of long brown ha'n
and large, earnest brown eyes, and then 1
shall have done all I can to givo you an idea
of what she.was.liko.
Sylvlc;(I found outher' name afterward
had knelt down, just as I was doing, to help
the beetle; but it needed more than a little
a icw- ior ner io gent ou its legs again: ii
was as much as sho could do, with both
arms, to roll the heavy thing over; and all
tho while she was talking to it, hall-scolding
and hall-comforting, as a nurse might
do with a child that had fallen down.
"There, there I You needn't cry sj much
about it ; you're not killed yet though il
you were, you couldn't cry, you know, and
bo it's a general rule, against .crying, my
dear I Aud how did you come to tumble
over? But I can seo well, enougu how it
''as, I needn't ask you that, walking over
sand-pits witli your chin in the air, as usual.
Of course, if you go among sand-pits like
that, you must expect to tumble; you should
The beetle murmured' something that
sounded like "I Jul look," and Syl vie wen!
on again; .
' But I know you didn't I You never do !
You always walk with your chin up you're
so dreadfully couci-ited. Well, let's see how
many legs are broken this time. Why.uone
of them, I declare I though that's certainly
more than you deserve. And what's the
good of having six legs, my dear, if you can
only kick them all about in the air when
you tumble? I,gs are meant to walk with,
you know. Now, don't be cross about it,
and don't begin putting out your wings yet;
I've some more to' say. Go down to the
frog that lives behind that buttercup give
him my compliments Sylvie's compliments
can you say 'compliments?'"
The beetle tried, and, I suppose succeed
"Yes, that's right. And tell him he's to
give you some ol that alve I left with him
yesterday. And you'd better get him to I
run it in ior you; be s got rather cold bands
but you mustn't mind that."
I think the beetle must have shuddered at
this ides, lor Sylvie went on in a glare
tune : "
"Now, you needn't pretend to be so par
ticular as all that, as If you were too grand
to be rubbed by a frog. The fact is, you
ought to be very much obliged to him, Sup
pose you could get nobody but a toad to do
it, bow would you like that?"
There was a little pause, and then Sylvie
added ;
"Now you may go. lie a good beet!e,aud
don't keep your chin in the air."
And then began one of those performance!
of bumming, and whizzing, and restless
banging about, such as a beetle indulges in
when it has decided on flying, but hasn't
quite made up Its mind which way to go.
At last, in one of its awkward zigzags, it
managed to ily right Into my face, aud by
the time I had recovered from the shock,
the little. fairy was gone.
I looked about in all directions fur the
little creature, but there was no trace of her
and my "eerie" feeling was quite gone oH)
aud the crickets were chirping again merri
ly, to I knw kha was really gone.
And now I've got llmo to tell you tho
rule about the crickets, They always leave
off chirping when a fairy goes by, because a
fairy s a kind of queen over them, I suppose;
at nil events, it s a much grander thing than
n cricket ; so whenever you ro walking ou
and the crickets suddenly leave off chirping,
ymi may be sure that either they see n fairy,
or ele they're frightened nt your coming so
near Itu the Author of "Alice in HWcr
land," HI. Xicholat for December. ,
Wliero Noah handed,
Tim MAOxtrrcr.NT vn:v which an r.Nci
MS1IMAN m:llEt.l) KHOM Till'. TOP OP ARA
The London Spectator, speaking of the re
cent succf"ful ascension of Mount Ararat
by Mr. Ilryco, says:
"Mr. Itryce has given to tho world a won
derful word picture ol that amazing and aw
fill spectacle, of that landscape which I
now what it was bt-lnre man crept torth on
the earth, the mountains which stand about
the valley as they stood when the volcanic
llres that piled them up -,M-te long ago rx
tinguished; but he could not tell us what
v-r Ids thoughts, hi I'eelinjs there, what
the awe and yearning that came over him In
that tremendous solliude, where "'Nature
-its enthroned, serem Iv in, and speaks to
her children only In the storm and earth
quake that level their dwelliugs in the
"Ills vision ranged over the Mist i-xpan-witlun
uho-e Ixiuiiii-hre t i cu.iii. nl t
'aiicaus, djmly nude nut, bo' K in'
ICIhruz, and the mountains nf Dagji-u
vl.-lble, niih the lino ot the Caspian sea up
on the horizon ; to tee north tho hue ex-
tinct volcano of Ala Uoz, whose three peaks
inclose a snow patched crater; t'ledim plain
of Urivan, with thb silver river winding
through il; westward, the Taurus ranges;
and north west.the upper valley ol'tlieArax-
"s, to be traced as far as Ani, the ancient
capital of the Armenian kingdom, the great
ltusi,in fortress of Adrianople, a ml tho hill
where Kara standi peacefulenough wheu
the hrnvo climber looked out upon this won
dcrfut spectacle.
"While itjwas growing upon him, not in
deed in magnificence, but in comprcheusi.
billty, "while the eye was still unsatisfied
with gazing," tho mist curtain dropped, en
folded him, and shut him up alone with the
awful mountain top, "The awe that IUI
upon me,'' he says "with the sense of utter
loneliness, made time pass unnoticed, and I
might have lingered long in a sort of dream
hail not the piercing cold " thattlinlled
through every limb recalled me to n sense
if the risksidelay' might involve." Only
t'nur hours of daylight. remained, the thick
mist was an added danger, the ice-ax marks
were his only guide, fur the compass is use
less on a volcanic mountain like Ararat,
vith iron In the rocks. The descent was
made in safety, but by the time Mr. Urycc
came in sight of the'spot, yet far olT,' where
his friend had halted,, "the sun had got be
hind the southwestern ridge of the mouti
tain, and his gigantic figure had fallen across
the great Aroxesl plaiu below ; while the
red mountains of Media, far to tho 'south
cast, still glowed, redder) than! ever, then
turned swiftly to'a splendid ''purple in the
dying light.
"At'six o'clock he reached tho bivouac
and rejoinedjhis friend.whomust have look
ed with'strango feeling, into the eyes which
had looked upon, such wondrous nights since
sunrise. Three daj-B laterMr. Bryce was
at the Armenian monastery of Elchmiadzin,
near the northern foot of Ararat andi,was
presented .to the "Archimandrite n ho rules
the house. "This Englishman," jsaid Jthe
Armcnian;gentleman who was actingas in
terpreter, says .has ascended to the top
of Massis' (Ararat.) The venerable man
smiled sweetly, and repliedwith"gentle de
cisiveness, "That csnnot be. No one has
ever beenjthere, JItJg impossible.'".
llov,Lor.g will the Forests Last Vj
Under such a tremendous yearly- drain,
tho question naturally comes up, how Lng
will our lorests holdout at the prcseut rate
of manufacture? It is 'really inn important
question, upon which fdllows'the'inquiry as
to what we are to do for building material
when this magnificent wood pine is ex
hausted. Oue.authcrityjafter another has
entered formally upoajts solution, with sat
isfactory results in local instances, but very
vague'.ones to tho field at large. At the
rate we wero cutting to-day, from .thirty to
fifty years seem upon .as .about
the limit.. Twenty yearajugo there was ap
parently no limit, for theconsumption was not
only less, but the means for its manufacture
were primitive, aud.iaccomplished.Lmucb
smaller results than uow.jlt seems as, if it
wero;impossible to further improve the ma
chinery of saw-mills ;. but the. near futuro
may, for.all that, see .sawing .machinery In
comparison to which that ut.the present will
be contemptible. So, although twenty years
ago there was no fore-seeingjtho end of the
limber, now, with .the .inodoru .mills aud
myriads of them, wo are.beglnning'.to calcu
late with.dire certainty as to the time, wheu
tho "W'ooden.Age" will be, a thlug of the
past. Churle) JJ.Jlobison ; Scribner for De
It was midnight. He was creeping softly
along the bedroom floor on his hands and
knees, and was feeling tenderly under the
bed for something he had hidden there the
evening before; but his wife woke and said:
"Peter, what under the heavings are you do
ing?" "Dear," said he, "I am walking in
my sleep, and dreaming that I am picking
water-lilies from tho soft blue bosom of the
lake." How to get that flask out of there
befure she got up in the morning, was what
worried him more than the water-lilies did.
One of the morning papers, in a recent
notice, evidently iutending to ba compli
mentary to a washing company, whoso worlB
it was describing, says, "It matters not how
dirty tho work is, the company is prepareil
to do it."
l'copla who, whilo, travcliug, find great
diiHculty in sleeping at tho various'.hotcls at
which they stop, are recommended to a hotel
in Fcona, Illinois, tho sleeping facilities of
which arc so admirable that u hall' dozen
thieves, the other night, carried off tho iron
safo without waking any of the occupants of
the house.
Mr. Christian K. Iloss, tho father of the
lost Charlie, is faid to havo expended his
whole fortuue of $00,000 and made 'Mi jour
neys in search of his little boy, Mr. Itoss is
now tho traveling agent of un Eastern firm,
but tays ho will not givo up until tho boy is
found or hi.s own lifo ends.
Tho clock for tho new court house at
I'rovidciice, It. I,, Is claimed to be the lar
gest In New England and the brst In the
country. The dials are seven feet in di
ameter aud the pendulum rod fourteen feet
long, with a 300 pound ball, and tho clock,
by uu Ingenious electric device, regulat
all the other twelve clocks in the building,
Soribuor's Monthly for 1877-78.
Without recalling tho eriH-ilcnco of th" pnst, tho
publl hers or Morltiiitrs's Monthly aaaouuco (or tho
j ear to cutno I he follow Inir p.ipera !
I.U'U This sulijrctwlll tie treatedln nserlescfsep
ara'c pap -rs enxnircd trom writers who stund m tuo
trout rank ninuiiir Americans, Isilh In qualities of
stylo and In keen Itislt-hl or nutine Mrs. h Hob
itison aiiihor i,i iwicliitt!ul paper nn -Tut Iliiiitlmr
ln.Now Knicland' In the, .Luiiurr number, 'l lienn
sent the hiiiie sect lull m this series. Juuii llurruiitths
whose papers on similar topics luvo been prue.1
ami popular foature ut scribner will write of l-'ann
i Ifo In Nr orlc. .Maurice Tlmmpson, the t-H?t n it
urailst will cleso Ibo Iho characteristics: of Western
farming ut which hut Ittno his been written. II
Is expected that the Illustration of this scries wll
tin ut a ruiluol typical character, commoiisuriitn
with thesubj.'ct mutter. It Is tho ight that no vaner
or sertes of papers j et Issueil tu Mcrlbner vv 111 so fully
realize. Ihti constniiiilcslreuf the mvr.ulnc to keep
out of tho ruts and. both In m.Unml llhislrnllons,
Ki oblnln quality rather I bun quantity, anil lo print
fresh, strong- and dellcato work trum original sour
ces. "KOXV." by Edward Eirglestnn(author of "Tli
llousler ichoulmaster,"A:c. 'llils new noel "ill
doubt less 0" the trout Important American rial of
the! year. The llrst number was published In No
tember. " hose, win lmo rcadlt de- laro Hoxv to Is
m ien tlioluoil striking ami remarknbio ntoryihl-iiulliorhasi-u-r
writ en. It is illustrated hi wmuf
th ubl Bt of tho juunger Mii-rlo.iu painters Mr
iiltc Mitrlow, President of "iho American Art As.
ocl ilton "
UIKIHO W SPO'ITS.-Sornr, of tho most novel
and ciitcttslntuif ut these tmpcrs ure yet 1 1 appear,
the ci ii-M of which will be In tho West, tie? wld.iio
tales the -uuth,.Sew i:nilaud and
nl'' -UK-mum l'AI'Klis.-by John Murrouuhs.
auniorof "Waku llibln,"Ae will eont tin not onlv
arllcleson birds, butun -Irumiilnir"-' nmplmr nut"
anil Mmhcd tuples, .Mr. Iiurinuirh's p.ipeis will he
kin Ii. Urn January number, the (list iliig entitled
Hlrds ami iiids''aud illustrated by lldeli v llrl lges.
. AHCUI PKL I I UN K IliUli-.-lir 'llamns t.
Ilreuer will contrlbitc four evpiwiclv Illustrated
articles o i I'irds'.iiests, which every locr nf nature
will il-lhtlit In. Iir iirewer lias prubaiily ths ilnest
collection in birds' egg In t -u world to draw upon
for the liliisi ration of these papers.
I'lIK sii),i.ohhk, iv. (teorgo K. Waring
w lib w ho-s- cxc-'llent rork of vart jus soi ts our rcaif.
rs nr- f -miliar, contributes two Illustrated articles
ou the;ii.jrse, lie 1 reals specially uf saddle horses
and tin lr use for pleasure ond fnr si-iri, inUiMIng
roaJ-rlilltig, f,i hunting and raring. The nature or
tin" Kii.'11-h ihoroughnrcd niidlhatof his K.iern
pi ogeultor (the Arabian) u v fully considered In lela
tlon t-i the-r 1-stie.s.
sXK IIOHi.- trwMirlfsby this popular writer
w lit be. given In early numb rs nf Ncrlbner.l-eglntdug
nlth'-Joi Hale s lied t nklngs,"lo appear In J uiu.
arv. Thts "novel lie" cnroulclesau episode of the
late war for the I nlon.
ills t.MIKiill i.M'l,"- Ily Adeline. Trafton, so
well heguu In tho JllilsuuinuT llolldav numb-r wll
be cunlluiied lie irly ihouh the ear. -t will bo
found to be of lucren-ln,' interest to the veryeml.
"A KNMlir ol' Hi .Tl'Mt." llialmir lljorth
llo) escri's tew Din el n 111 bo bgun In Mrlbner a 1 1 lie
conclusion of "Ills lnhcrllauiu." It will rcu-at
a phase of American society undreamtd ut by
most ut our leaders, ami will bo rer tain to Increase
Hie repiitutlon ut tho writer us a muter of Ungluti
and of his art
'I'lIK KliriOltlAl. U ErA ItTM K N'TH will eonllnuo
to cm Joy the ablest pens In A merle i,and w 111 Include
the preveiitadniirablo suminiry of English publica
t Ions. Ite-idcs the special articles abov-euumei ated.
tha magazliiu will contain l'oems, KketcheH, lie
Mews, and shorter sturles of tho hlglie.-t character.
a hirgti praci leal reduction In price la made by an in In tho numheruf lages.
-rim It.UMVItATIO.NSof die Masazlne, In varie
ty and excellence of design and In tj pugr.iphlcal ex
eeuiDn, win continue to bo hi alraticn nl those of
any other popular magazlneat home or abroad.
subscription price Jt.uoaycar, payable la advance
to us or any bookseller.
No club rates or other discounts to subserlliers.
Tho Magazine Is worth all Its cost, and Us circula
tion Is Increasing tu a constant and steady ratio f I oni
year to 5 ear.
RCIltliNKll CO.,
.43 Droad ay, New York. Ccpi33 cf sr. NioajLis
Only 25 rents n C,'op.
Somo Idea of the attractions onercd In tho
of St. Nicholas, of wlilcll 100.001 rrinlos will bo IsHtien
may lw gained rrum the following! 'there are poems
iienrj nn,i uu im i;ui;en nrvani;
a rlno hitherto unnubllsbeu sketc'i or Mav tare, bv
tho lar Tlieodoro Wlnthrop; and a short story by
k.iu ..u.iivr, ... ,llt.o .11 I.UIIUCII.UIHI, nnun 1-Mlj
u,r,v, nwe.-i, Marjoram nay," ny irank i. stock
ton, The I'oierklns' 0'har.ule.s," by Lujretla r. Hale;
a boello rlddlo bv Dr. .1. ... Ilollmil. an 1 a enmnnrl-
son between tho manners of young folks luoldtimes
and uowndavs, hydali llninflton.
of thiisioryelemenMho brightest fu-ilurotsthe
oeginLiug ur in- n-w senui ny .miss Alcott. entitieu
Un.r tho Lilacs," with illustrations by .Mary lial
lock Fool.'.
The C.hrlslinas numiier contains also the opening
o. u new serial siuo ior jioys, a raie or tropical iiie,
bvuusiavus Krnnkensteln, entitled "'rnwer-Mountain,"
admtrab v Illustrated by tho artists .Voran
and Kelly; a oiituaitok .miss Au-orT.wlth a sketch
of Her Hie ; several imems by two llttio American
girls : a play, and a Christmas enrol (-et to music) J
uuu nan i, uuen cuuiuicie -norL Biunt-a, uriguL, iun
The new cover Is by too English Artist, Walter
jtiuiv iuu .aujous uesignerui --ino uaoy a upcro.
ItesUles Miss Alcott's serhU for girls, nndthethrco
SCrUlS for bovs. to follow oacn other In rnnlil Riienes-
sloa, will contain a short serai story by tlm author
o, -mo c;ionuerL'.uoii.a rumur; - nnu an article
'Around tho World in a Yacnt, Hoys I" has tucn
promised by a brilliant writer, now on the actual
tour of the world la his own yacnt, T hero will be
contributions by a Daughter of tho famous l'eter
rur.ojr, aim u jetier vi young Americans uy
Tho How" series of Instructive various
uuiuortj, win leal now lu uiuu your own uooks; how
they mlno coal; Itowtoenjiy yourselves at home ;
Mow to be an agreeable guest; How to entertain
company: How to be acarnenter: llo.v tn m.ikr. nn
Ice-boat; How to butld a house; How India rubber
i3K"iierui; now inaivue., are ruano ; now money
Is made; How mackerel are caugnt ; How they lain
the Atlantic cabin; How they mine In California :
How they work In the toi-couniry ; How to bo a
parlor magl-l-ui ; etc. There w III be ulso a series of
sturi-w anu sKcicnes oi rorelgn ure,
burh oa ''Oh! Nlrolat" tn. TtuLm Htrv. "a nov
omunir tho WVkh cuMles,' "liastcr In (Jermany,"
"Hie Inill.uisor the Airmton." "How Kitty wan lost
InHTurklth Hdzor."'Alabter Montezuina(n.MeilCiin
btorj), 'Mluurfa, ihc Iipp MalUon," and many
"JaokMn-tho Pu'Dlt'Yoiintr L'ontrlbutnrs'ilpnfiit-
mln"'lAtt4Itox', 'lMdUl-j-lioxutia "For Vcn
Little ru!fcs," wl 1 brt pdnrinui'il.
'inoruur nounil OMimes or St. Nlcholns n'reauv
publish!-! nru thu mot wunOtTiul, tk-uutirul inul at-
volu no h cuiiiplL-t lu lisuif. Vols. 1 ami 13 each ;
vuii. o mm 4, n isau'i.
Sitbrr!uilift nt-tff. T.rtl
pnltl. r-iri'ilf, .-opie, 2,i r.-i,li. eai-h.
m no nv all uoos-seiicr an I Nub-l)ealcrs.
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v (fit'tl f.n ici-cf, Hie ii'ituii in-
I'M". - i imilitiH-il Ut en fiioi' nnm of N i
hip' -itvi ci pmimi IP pi 'I'i'itir, hIiIpIi
,ii tn i it", n in tl ptptnl.lp Mi k.ImIii fnr licnl
-i t '! i 'ii pti pwr tpforp pmhiiP't in
.'in-Hit' ' . 1 I.pp t-irnrp.if tlii f (c if"tni'l In .ip ii ipi' f m.i-i nl.Min.iU'llMM4 Uh Ii
Ii Ii tt l-pi'M (run -I in ptniiii r In Hip r.lit-nf
ISftHlchUit Sp eve rHlf, ltii'1 tliP imiI'
l istii ('tiiiiiiiiiilloin il hit .i-lonl-liiM 1 1 p
ttick' fjifiln mi i pniiiipiit iiiiviPt,iiiA pm
lioiiiico it i,p hum i'-i iipiliml iji-.inptr ut Hip
ii v, Ulno it pii'P Iho m'pip I ( Piijjtt. jl
ipiiL!lipu Hip itwipin iiitil ptiririPk tho
It t noil. l . .Mi-1 tlmnt'i 'it Jitnnil llv
$ i .i.pi ii i-iiiP4 .ill llllitlittw, (ipiii Hip
i sTiiltiIn to a p'lniiii'tit ItlutPh. lini
1p. ") i it ii 1 ii tit lt-p i-p. Miiipi.)
i ' . i.i 'i Hip r pil p-, jiip pi.KlipntL'il. :ni-i
. in,. i t'.il 'Ii :tfl a iitn p..ii.ii,iutii pmif
:. i i twijipiiiN .iitTiiPiiiu. ivu'i
M'iSVca)J tu- ItitUUll Milll, Hi rslmil. .ill
' nun i ll-r.iM-s I-. -. t In kn! M'hhI. mi1
nip 1 .- n.i-t hum cm fm. purilMi', ainl ii
. I H ' l.lC'l.i'.ttt.'.
I ' cpI itu 1. tirnw . i'p ! p.. h ii o ,iHitM
i f k mi it pIiow i ti i i -i. . - on f.n .
1 l' 1 111 U'.l't tfl.P IM Ml i.p . h 1., i.t-
ti pi n. 1 1 t p 1 1 ! mil's jlipi'M,, i'. u i'ii
! , " -I' III1, illl'l IT. in (..(!" i
.i' . pi hp. ami '"l"ip p pi
'I ', IT'. IU '1 ll-lll I.I I IT. J
t " 1 I til IIH P t-P Ml t
'i, tun mi v i.nt f n,pp
. A- a n-tiKii- ,o
p . p . .i.ittipii Sphi .1 I'M'
t i ii'i It pi pi. i . a i
r- pi pil aihi i.cilili; .
il DY D.lUCGISrS AT SI r t
i i:. v. t ' m -
fcep.M, '77-tf
A TBAH. A (rents wanted, XIqsU
I iipm loritimate. rartlculara free.
PAdttratiJ WORTH ACQ .Bt UuU.Uo.
aug.u, 7My It &c
VI IUIII 1,1 M whlngteu b., cUcpt 111. ,
nUR. it, TT-ly It 4 C
Minifi.fp )-rptpt pipii.imir mii .
. iiaMiiu' Hltin ( 1 1 ii iv
1 P.IMM Mf Dili P i P l-Ps. .Ptlll
I i.UP M'Ptl (Mlil'lpil ht pprfl'iM i ii
fc'tP.inip tiiptiirp v ill it mi-pi - 'up
1 i P-Plipt Uv Mii nl p- v
pi t.niiii aixt euiPtiip-H,
Jl' .I1M-
To ill
thm li.Ullt.ll irt;ulc Cthilnuin
I. 1
tl UP II 4HI P 1 It
Dr. PicrcB's Favorite Prescription.
Tt'- rptiii. iitmpipr. 1 tint a fpp' piu4fllniio!
nn Im.-ii .j.i.rpfiatinii (.( . la,,' u,lim
uu WM (pi'-'oiihI ol..rrvailon. v .1 einc oh-
6lML'r. 1 li.iu. HtllP Unt!"lll' Ii H n.)tlhc TC
ult in Hi p Uw' uiPhlt'iit io Hie
ppiimr u!inip f Hiniii, w-inlp.l U tiiil m
Iho l iliUMi or rriiuiiliti: cm;ii of my
HI p! 1 1 .il ciri-tT. On nn i tic i tin. ,4 a ltiilhp,
.ip. iii.-i pilpptttil fi.r thN of ilf-Vi-i'i.
aim ih' Hi it ill. at all limu-i ami nmlerall
,ciiiMiiiit.iiippsi, aii kiii'llv initl In li.irnioiir unli
tin- I.iuk uli.rh pxi'iii tlm umii.iIi' svKiem, 1 inn
u 111 liifr io i.iltit in ipMiinion ,14 a i)irM-in,
Nav, impii lump, M'fMiupiiInin 1 lint il will m-l
li-.t ! i mi iiiu uiii-t niiiiftiiinu ptppiallon nt i
iiifii- jni-alM lailv who u-o It f.r any of llm
ililniPiit-. for uhh'li 1 tppntnnipnl it. that I mlir
.nit f a iin.U'i- , IMIMIIVi; .l.tlt.
l i'.l). If a t'L'iiuiti-.f.d piippt ii ppiciip1
in dip htuo tii.llii4 of ll.o coiiivit nf Iho lol.
tlu ail' ii-piI. 1 will. on iPtinn nf i he l.oitte, two.
lUltH.f tup nipilirhip Ii ivinjr l'n t.tiMi ucconl.
iitK lo'luiM iidii, and litp pu- l.pmtf on ftr whlrh
I rpctiiiiiupinl u, trouiilv rrfuml tlic niimcy inul
(nf tl. II ll I HOt III!) III. 1st ItPlfpi't POIlll.lOlllH' in
lu iniie-.. 1 t niihl imioilpi h u I tlo uuilur llifu
t'oinhu.o.s,; i.ut it inf witi p pit iiiiuuiv mlracu
lou Pino in itioiiaixU of C.I-.P4, I fotil u'nr.
riiiiipil inul I'prlpptlj -;i.i in rl-Ulur
(Mil III) IPpilLUloil mid 111) IIIUIIUV uu
llm illl'l It..
llm (iiIIom Inir ii i anions m- ilietsoi in
"iiit'i. lur i .mirfiu Iro-ri it Imi Ims wm.
o-l rnii'-, a if In- manip, a it I wnii a lorl.-iiiiry
rivur laf.oo atlilnp.i In any inplphie: l.pii
'yirli.iM. .pp,,iu Khntiiitr, I'.ilulul .Mum in v
I LMi.hU, sinoou-ntPii wlieii fiom inniaiiirnl
inii-t Itii'k'iiiantu, N'pik Itack, l'niiiiiw, or
Milium vj t io l urn-, Ankvpr-i'oi jm.-I Ui-troror-M)ii,
I.e. u in- li.wn Mii-atimw, Inipnul IIpuI,
Nivmit Ih-oipmn, Jiphihl., l)i-Mi.luiiPH
I .iip.tpiu'.. il.M';i-, t In. .ii.u Corii.P'.lioii. In. an- I l(L'r.lll.. uf Hit UlUMH, luiiv
ii'o,, UaircuuesorMpiilitv,! 1'm.tiu WcuLno,
Hint cn iii.Mn-timnrfliiniiioili-o.iU4 luculeiu (
'"" IUOH-.1 Iwie. In all iitriutlon (
tl-li ilium v, in v iiioiiln I'tcPiiplioii work
curc-ilio itiarfl or tl.o tvorM. 'liii
lliCllPllIU I ild liul Ji, j4 0iu-.(ll. but U luitlli n lMt:lciii'.s of mir
po, Itflnj a iiid-t prfm -(.p. ul in all cl.mmo
iliM-t p of ti o hpiii nf, It will
ii-i -li.ii'i L,i(r win into harm, U any iutcu
ur romii.juii, 1
l'tow wiiilt"tru furtlii-r inrtriiiittton on Hic-o
Pf.Plllolt Hit till) lit. I''t.K'HC'UMMUX
JHNnK MUHf It, . hVJiliU, a U uf nur tnw
pUOn, - il. l-tl'Mi.( o;i It-iiriia i,( j n
tICiU Ul.. ..'P . nf I ijn.4 ,j, ,,,, l
I'P. .IP , I .Id'. hlHh J,,'I nl I.M.Ii).
J -I i t" nip in in iriiat..i ut llioru ,lv".u-,
I ivomvi: fjirx-itii'i io. sm,u
HEME, M, D, mX
nci'i'M.o, v r.
bep. m, TT-tf
a05r" it".Kr,.iiii.,r,jrjfr;&Tc:
w" J. 11. ti.) lunl i. Co.. tliU-no, ill,
UUff.1T, 7T-ly It(J
ni.'r'i'ifj.l'if ,b '"OOOMhUrg OOS llOttipUlJ WlU
mete B at four dollars each. oo.
jud vumiiuij uuun nang a lot of tras ur suited
ui(llT7r6uni " WUOT ""ocrn pucea
.Mfi S V "" Or HJD pr bum
Oo. 1S.1S. o, w, mttUB,
J bll (A 1:.
m-l!AT,ll HKADS-llAI.l)
The Only Article iM will
aA wonJcrfulillicoTfry, Jfstorri tli litlf,
H Create! a nt w gruvth or hair In all weeks,
3 An tlfcant drfnttif. liratorfu faJnt hair.
Wm BtTtr known tu fall in a alogl tnttance.
e? ErJlclt dumlnin". rtrilorn grr lialr.
2 lmotadfe. lteitorfi lb. hair tiatuuHjr.
Intlforatft the acalp. Acta like magic
2 ! dotog wouderi on Laid beada.
I Btnogthans tho hair, RacomraenJi ilielf.
tn Makea Ilia old look young agalu,
1 Is not a ajl. Itcilorri loll tltnlltr.
rarformi what othtr kalr ttitortra only claim,
Ifakta hair grow, ALaolutHy certain
la the talk all orer town.
la the beat hair tontc. Ucautlfipi the lulr.
is aaiticau to become a nouaeiioid wotu.
KiPillfd br none.
roters the bald hreda
One trial will com Ince.
Hecotnuaenda itself.
Contain! no mineral., r.titoria oriclnal colnr.
lapralaedby .rery one who naa irlJ It.
nsonni nur r.ADDni iiur
la j natural rroduct. Kratoni dlaeaard hair,
lath. crownlat auecaaaof tha tndcal word,
Jj Coollrij and cleanly,
ItemoTra acutf.
la worth Ha weight in gold.
1 Makes the hair rjosir. la pure, aate ttrtaln
Buy U you will nurer regret it.
I Bold .Terywtere. 1'rlre, one uollar,
ffi-BALD UEAUS-1IAL1) lIi:.VI)s
Mm i
And Barstow's Slevated Oven Range.
Constantly onX-,PLUMBING and STEAM FITTING Promptly
Oct. 11), 77.-tf Attended to
and save one-third tlic cost of painting, anil get a point Hint Is much handsomer, nndHtll
Is prcran-d ready for use In wliltoornn- color Ui-MitiI. la on many thousanil of thPllnt-n building
lu the countrs , rnani of uuliuhatc In i n ratnU-d blx jears. and now lonliax mil as wlicnllrst painud
UHEMIUAI. PaINT hns taken HM I'ltu.Mll'.Msni twenty uf thu Mate Fairs of the I nlon. .sunnlccurdot
olora sent tree. Addnss N. Y. KN A il 111. PAINT ro., 178 Pilnco btreet, N. v., or HllNllY L.
UJUU SbON.Atcnts .MarKct struct l'litladelplita, l'a. July 87, 'TT-ly
LaxgQ&t QiixulatiQii
Terms $2.00 a Year.
Country Produce taken on Subscr ipti on
Waniety f lafe Isettasa
aND material
All kinds ol' Plain and Fancy
IViiiting done on
nt low rates.
JUIBC a V It 11 Y.
Restore Hair on Bali Heads.
CARBOLINE l lireparcdfromtheS
oil m It llows from Xottlrc's grcatE laboratory, by a peculiar pro
ec invtnleil by airnctlcal clieml't, whoH
wm Icil lo experiment upon I'etroIcuraS
ni n Imlr restoratlre by rending nn inlog
estltiR eeount wrlllrn by Mr, Oeo. IIoruj
ton, resilient oi tlic Irontier totin 01JL
Klaclitn In KusiU, Mr. Horlon had g
trleil with extraordinary iMiccesn tlio viscj?
of Petroleum upon cattlo and liorsestS
tlint bad lost their hair on being aflccted
with the cattle ulacue. The idea wa3
.EiigRe'leil to him through n very curious !
cireunmance, namely, no recoiiectcuw
that a former servant at the hotel, preioa
tnrely bald, bad n sinsular habit Klieny
triinmiiiR the lamps, of wiping hii pctro-
leiiiu-bemenred hands unon the scanty G
i,.l-. ..Ill . I.ln, Ti,,.s
, ', """ . ..
nionllis from his first nppenrance at the "a
noiii nc was t tie sutuect oi general rc-n
mark, his head being covered with anS
, of mne glossy w.acit
Such ,i n oiulerlul change In so shortatime I
i. llnrlon dcenttd of sufficient 53
jlni nuance to make public tc thep
world. Trom pnictlcal experiments o
iour thcmicat friend became convinced
that Petroleum if proiicrly prepared H
nnd freed Irom all Irritating and
llluminiting substances had tho rcmark-Q
able property of restoring the hair to iUVa
natural state and color; still further ex-1.
IKriinciits wero necessary to produco an?
artlcle combining the medicinal qualities t"
lof the oil in an sgrceablo formand rxlcr,!3
hMl ron,lcrB $ ,,re,,tlble of beings
h.indlpd as daintily as the famous Eiud.S
i., .... P3
Cologne; lie uow timenU
,to tlie public without fear of contrndic-L
tinn n the het reetorative anil Leautifiers
ot,l,c h:l!r tl,e .worM llM cver rroaucea.g
0K DOM.ilt
told j all lrugglats.
it.eiiernl Ancnta for the United States A Canadaa,
1 Cer. :t:::l An. I Tt:! K., Rititvti, fa. I
- I!AI.I) lli:Al)S-IIALl) HtADS-S
12 vans' 15 lock, Main Street.
di:ai.i:hs in
loves, R'nnds Fire Plac Heaters, Mantles,
1'ILMI'S &c. &c.
.MNiTcruiti;s OP
Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware, una
S"le Aiii'iilt liir the
sliori notice and
THF svn.
-oln inn i rmi. Ii--f r liiuron.-wii' nfmilMf Ip
ii.i m i'iik -rs wnild n-.m d It-. iiloiid niidw Ii
I. -is v r 'Mmr- Mi n It H isfiln n c m il tali- f"
i, I iii'i 1 1 rati .n nnd H'lnp' ri I', on Its word tut
lit ruin ti n j nr It r- le-i Mr a c mil 'tl inco of thy
ii-utr s-inpnthr and Ki'iicl'iius en oii-Tailon wtileli
nvi-iilihpriiiot-uni-.xlni ledto Ittroui every limn
i. r of tu-- riiLis.
'he I it 1 1 v sun H n four psg liect n' V rotnmnn
rli-i' h.v mall, Hist ol I a.i ci-n a mouth or JII...O
h r car.
I In- -.t.ii.t n i tlltloii -f iikTnIsbii iKIit-pny
In i-t or col hi s While Klilnu Hit- n "ii-ilii
In, It ul-, co i' din a lar,;--niiifi'int of tnornri nnd
inl-i-i-lliini-o s in .1 it-r hih-ci iil prepar d for II nn
t-sinv ?i-n h mn,-t wl'h i;i eat success. o-.t pul i
I. '.'On J ear.
Tin- XVci klj nii
i'ii i d n not Knn rue WKRKI.V lVi ? If. clrcn
i'i' thruiiulii'iii tin" ful ed 'at.'i,thet'.inads nnd
ii .onil. Mneiy t -ii iiaml f iiiilllosirrtH't It-welenme
ei kh, and ivitsnl II In Hie llirht ol gilMe.
iiii-i-U-r iiii-l trteii'l us new,o ln.r I il. njr. l-m-tirnl.
and depart inn-1 in.kell csollthlly
l p , , I in I.1111II tie llre-l'e. 'I t-rtn -:
il ..a nr. pnt nl . Mils prtee, quo i
i , ,i- ill in .n kp.hI nenii'ii" r p'Hi-,-i
i i ii ni en '. iihjti c.inh w.-MIl h'-ii'i
i,e ri t . Ad Ir s-
I'l'ltLHIIKII UF I'll: sfv,
tun 77 New Yuri: Ity.
r: i. .sen
:it lis tinirl.
otil U llm
ii fih.c-at uf nil iJU'-kH-'Tinti! Itnm i'ulU utiil Medleu
('(viiinim Jtn,',, ni'tirK i k fn!"S uiu in Ur i:. ii. ri-'tor iw lexlnirtun we
N.Y I'liichiSf-raiit Mil- ti knri'ut IIIhtU tueuh
iiilt lit nutli'ir bs iimU t vv I'ld-oby iiMlUii'i M
Hi" KTAMMKii (Utiinti. nr tirlhc roici au .'ill
Hun. wlili'h cnntk'liis hII Uif muw lnutt ) inul tllu
iritloii". rmiicntB tiitjli-s fret', ..centu Wuiitcth
Ml IMiAY llll.L lTULlMUMI UK, 1UV I.hM m
otro'-t, N. Y. net. li'7 i-Am
Vor month HMiwilMoa trmttlcn r
yellc man lni'iic. i-outity Id intriAlnci
ties 111 iiAr! f PiiU'a.
Writ 'imTT'dlaitfJ;' nml Rtnte MptTbnce in hi bi
1L,!H, nnd Agv. Ail Irwus,
1). (J (KtyDlilril, l-nUMier
llarrisburir. I'.i
rr'Unn't fall tosuy paper yo i iuh ta.
oct, la-u.v
ti a. ;: k n it i i:
RKSI'IXTIMJI.LY nniiouiiccH to llie i.tilih.
. thai Lu ha reor-cned
sY,-'H'i 'I'.v.vxniiy,
'i-4i-W' ("idhtand) tlloomshtir, IM., alth.
."te' l-oiksnttue lNp and l.lsht street
i"Lw'i tuiil-, wlirio all Meserli Hons oi
Q-J lenili'-r will be tnadolu Iho mo-.i
nhstiinttat nnd wtrkniatillke manner, and sold ai
prices to iiill tn.- thn's. I ne highest prlco lncihl
( 111 at all llaies be paid for
i e-erv descrlpilen In the '"-luti'). 1 l.e public r .
rn i - U r"i.i' t'etlj sh'I."!'!"!
in, t.n st i,,y t. l. -r
i'lie 1oliiJiil)iiiu Law Docket
A cum -,.-te r'coid f"r tl e use cf nltcrr.ejia. fori
iiilinil t-rrnned frr rbe dock. 1 Unr i-f ntlenic
"i.t .11 Uiir mi wtrt ulih t'ntilAti Index. HiIhi
he moal coin', leu- book fir'hiLjtrij that IB pui
ubliblic 1 by Brockway &. Llvtl
..lih.M uml rr.itii'ti-rK . f tin Collmiua'
i3i,ooi.rs33U'Eta pa.
j,, -a, rir:;L
f . n -7; j vv ia 1
, ., . 1 ,. 1 If torn on nm
' .1 i ' l' W 'r t"j tr I 1)4
, .it. t ti . 1 11 if ilt(.'.
i . r i n f p'f''.- -fc " w.a t..u L-.t
. ' "'. 'n'.i'-iT- ft.,
.1 1. n
ntij. 17, "7 ty It Jt J
STM. V. IIODIXn, Iron Street lielow i-cc-oud,
llloouibbure;, I'a., la prepared to do a
3 of
in the best stylos, at lowest trices, and nr htiort
I'artles hiynffnch worlc to ill -vU sito mon
ailing on nuv
MI work warranted to u'Itc aatlHraeMoi. "rd-i
ill iri
, P A T R N T S.
,. iJlimuiiii, v IU Hi, r of Ann rlcnn nnd IVae ei
I'.iti-nts '.Viisldi wt' n. I' r. All t-ultu hs rrnitKct.
Mth 1'illenl-, nhi-lhc l-i fori-the ITt. nt time.-m
'In (lourK proinptlj alti ndcd In. Noihartre niad
luh-na a patentla hecurud. 'nd fora circular.
W)T I. '7t-tf 0 t v
Printed at this Oflice
Business College!
Anil TelCKrnphlr In-lllntr, I
, .wu v. ,. vuu. o.., .'niiacioipnia. Pa. 1
I Inttt-asi-dfacilitloa. 'Irlcsraiilnc Onpt tu cliuiso I
I M l ' 1 - '"IN jm..
au. 'Ji, 11 cm
733 Susou St,( PHILADELPHIA,
WIi a uro nur uuiLorlii! utM-niH, nml will
Tvvvlt AtlvcrtlKfuii'iiiM ut our
i-omsT cusii uati:s,
M'liu't will tho Meathcr ho Tmorroiv J
jwPool a Signal Servico Barometer
fctf Ami ThcnnoiuettT t'omblui-.i.-reiitclli
JP u liTU.l. i-iulomaiiy tliiMiiocleiiiinciit
? H ; tiH I'rolt-aaoi uml hciciiilflc iut u a tlm Sir.
; Hk, JM Wc;thcr la tti vreili. Wnrmntea
itSiUSS vtlt-'nouu Jit-iiuuit. v. TTLHtsa Hint 11)
'ckKI nny mlilrcs tm nn Ipt of ,Mh Ucwuru
bi'iid biump U)t tirtuUr.
U. 3. WCVriT? C3 rr:;lT;, ;:s Tcri.
I auJ lucmiou yitur ni'ita-st I'.xirrw Otllcc.
tieuil iioiicy Ordtri ur Kiibimil Ltturn et our rUU
a. 6, t Mn JwAl'o
r;(U' Awako 1" r 1878.
The popular i-tliiutltnof --Wldo Anaki "I-!
huinmmiipin unai a (iikiiuuhiiiikii lit rui-y if. n
Iteuianbaldi "Ibo olntr ina-u ne Uu on thu table
IreMi and dcon. while wide Aivuk.-'it rcadlotat
lerH." 'IliHt "Wide a wake" wllleoiiiluuu to bu "riad
to tatteib" the tullowluf announcement for HT8 are
i-ood triiHrantics.
I. -Iruo Hlno.'' in ln,. I.uela Clinao Hell. A So
rial story tor thofilrls tt I llo In iho treat North
II. (ieneral MUunderttundliie;. Uy t'bailes It,
Talbot, A bnliLdld aLd huiucroua K-ilal .torylor
tho boya, '
III. Iho htnry of Kncllili literature for younir
tn-ople, Jty i.uiy leell fihlto (Mrs. Ullle). KlirUteeu
lllunrateri 1'anrt,
IV. .unt Ihilly'H i-chooMtoom Horlea. Kor Utt e
l-'olka. Uy Hii,. Win. i-.liriuiit.
V. Tliu hlld Tollers ( f liostnn strtets. 'nvelve
llliiatrat.dl'uptr. Ily i:u in. K Hnmii,
VI. LI'lluMi-s Muslin of Qulntllliuu Miuare. Ilir
Korlunea nnd Mli-forlunea. Ily John liro iilobu,
DrawUitKb Hopkins. '
Orlflnal MuMc byT Cromrton. I'arlor I'iutlmta
ly l.eo. II. liurllelt I'lim tiii.ka Hiri . Illuklruted
Mi(-rilUileR. 1'uiI.pbco Illustrated i'otuiB. l'ai ii
Fnrelt-ii 'lruel anil f.aturul Ilutory, All by the
btlnldebtouthoriiandnriuis. ' '
only tiM a year. I'rte ot roatngo. Send tub.
scrlptloiis to
1). UiTIIEOP & CO., I'ubllsheri,
Itoatou, Mass.
fi n l'I.ATi:o WATCH KH, ChMneat
, if lain, tlios-n world, biunpli Wauktru ta
vlUa.w. iIili'u.A.Coi't.TuAOaCUcaga,
W It I' IN
Wuj. 11, NWjr It to
wist Airs
F 'it,i) ii;!.
TIiIh well known renieil.t h.ui errerled m innti'-
W'JiNlitiKPUL lU ,t
Alid roatored nn man niifrerors to heniin, tint it
Uchetlthett by all tvliu hare oxiili iiei d in. t inn,,.
The Standard Rvm dy
Tor the prompt relief nnd cine ot
H'AM'7'r lough lnjhiuiM, I'.roiichitit,
hijfirnllynf ltlPtlhiU!l,AhMtt,l)inh
tlim'n, Crouji, uiu in the niile
uml Irnmt, Sn'ttinn htmiil,
(linvi. fwhlntf.
nvru .Ijl'ertion,
IIP Till:
ciir-TFtiMn i. , II , "nrHi ; i -
In dlt enllml ujnn v ih.niinll;. tu jJu- in t j
111 finer r r. Mnrs i hImiix dt 11 I i h n
nnmnVrn tck tnt itpdU'p vith n lut.j: ohm I ti-i
treninp itif.xt lt!i ii vet Mrlu'isroit . i .h.,
luviii"-in'on tmitcl Uiutniirtr wcvU . n,i'i, i
nliv!'') tn ifiiv fi iVtT fttinttMii i.i-r
nf rnn'iiniMI tn. itn1 f trn'toiit Ik wi J,- tn rtl'h
PTpivlml tl nt I tilL-lit ('In nliT tU,U Ui -. lit Ii f f
il'pnlr-'d if 1 ti t 'p.iviT", U tb - tin ' i i ,t i
lulrcrtlmoiit'i unit entltir i if ti i i i
M tlsitn. nti'1 u'fl indit' tl to tr it iu it I imi
tn'pnfH" li Mp, nfld rr'tn pnhim t.fc . rt i
tnvi' l pMn (rrmln ill rppovprlhT Mvivm i ii t, .
Ptitlrflv pf,iP(l. h Vp iivrnlhul ti " -trptieth
'iml nm f-flln r n'lltp wp!I f ' i tt
ptn-p to nr. "M ir' UnltntiH-f tld Ui rr f m m
tnVpti no othr tiifdlelup ntn c I comiiv hi-t' tn' tn
Wry rpspp'-trMlIv "nit
Mil", ,.I A S H- v,
Vpr. I'owi k A Hov:
'piitl''in'ii Vin ru'ih 'Mrpn too hn for -"nlncr
rpr'ltli'ntiMir t'u i'nip.p f,f vo'ir mpdi itin Inlur
"t.Rp. Hip U nn ipq'i hit tip-of mlnp tnl tm.v tho
''nN'ini on thp Mn-ntlii f tin cp tin -ntr nhlPh)io
mw tn th pinpf nrrxtut K III. r.ilh t ru.
Vohra trulv,
llI.l:i:ilINO AT T'l M'M s,
., , I't'ivAS', t'onn , Man Ii 21, lwo.
fieiillemen-1 avail mjsiir r this opnoriiinllv to
say a worn In behalf of nr. l-t ,r'a In' is irn or I d
t'hcrr.v, Hhlch I hive made tw or In inv f.iinllv for
.'ii'.,l,.-i. iitui nlvv.ns Mitn tin-ntot N-neilclal
'-nltt Mi Jilfe liiliiirofrt.lle-it.-habits hnsiilu-niH
ii-ii I r-.tibleil n h n hard, dn . hackliiL-couirl in n.
'' lalliiir ii Utile ci.1,1, and has emfcoied MirloiM
iieelncs Bltbimt ..biiiinlM.' mn ielf until prealled
iimni lo test the vli tiles nf Mar's MnKun thn if
eel i r which has boon trulj iiMnidsliIiiir
Moil-than ii u'nr -dnco n .oiun; in m inonclni? tn
11, s piar.. i,s take,, is. I r H f, ini it the lunK
ntiiiei il m Il i a must se ere coinrh nd was nnnlly
, 'I',1,1 ' ',lusll'l "nil It was
.-.I lint to nil that consumption uns clnlinliij; him as
i', m' .i 1 ',';'r1nln" "",7', 'i'1'". He m ut him n
tiotlle of the lili h he t.ios.iinil In due time,
t.ith.' irren a-lonisiitneiit of his tip nils, vos i.t his
leeiistMiuedn-eiipiiiiiii, sndehed, as II were, from
i,ic.r awsi.f di-utli, lu mnnv other ciim-swo
iiiM-niliiiliil-icn-dii,.- Hnlsim io lliecons -nipiUe,
mdiilwins wtti, (iirliist of success 'iiieseitiiio;
-neiit. an- -.liiipi.- f.1(-t-, ihlch can be vouched tor nt
truly "oil's l'"""!l!on tlt ' ktorv. I remain
V, ... -IO 'N-11. liMiuvo.
I'n'par. il bj Sf'TII w. - .wir It sns, MMonU
''!, .''!""'' '"LV0"' Sl111 by dealers generally.
is Ua.5ya O Z,,,V.J"'"?.l
all li i ifa lrl nil' ratiire. rt-iilllmt (tmn earlv ubuam
if IntfottiMi if miliar hcinlniil -nl iicbs K'tlut lni(
I'mlfl-iiii l.tir Mt-mort, Impiitrtsat Mghl,
Alutilioait or IiotioU'tic1). Nirou Htlilllir, irmv
I.MIUV. jnsl .lif U.e ltltltftliT. MOlMjm I hit.
t.iinK-. y-vi i I'ntvrli. 11 If, nil I lutm). l)U-rit, , mi.i tilt
i:v-lot'ti:Mi.!XjUi to i.i. trtMii.Mii.
In tlnlif. lotiit viMTitjtH-e, KDiurMlirro(Un fll. l
h n ci IhiIh of in lUf.iiitiJ Vlinnl, mm no uMir. 1m (ba
hr.f t pr ti .'in IhB tl S. I, IH KN nratilrtns IteiilHienl with
prl title lintitf nn I butir 1, mil or write. Mtv ronniH)tii- ft
l'irtii. S n I fifty r it for nmtilu of Kutilxr I Intnl. nil Mr
inlv "f i - ilml L.Tiifinnitnii In iim ML OI.1VM
i ni i.i.rr t ( ; ftw.
I ill-Kivtw nf a irlvatt
n roDitini'itiiti
i tli InrurU'i I I a
I iCUt, U muy ibJ
dntt., M. tl'.L
au?. 17, 77-1
'.)I1ilaui:i.1'iia ani) i:i;.vi)i.(i i:oau
vi:uan(.!' of
-May 21, ISM.
IUISS IEAVE KUI-Kin AS 101 IOW I- olM-tHllllll
for .Sew York, riilladclphta, Iicadlni,-, Pottstllh
lliiaitla, Ac, 11,33 a. lu
Koi l'atuwissa, U.saa. in.5,47 and 7,fi .n
fur VUilainport, o,2s u.3i a. m. and j,eo p. .,
IIIAISS10K Ill-llKT IIA1K A.S 101 LOW N (M M,A t
Leavo New Vork, i,w a. rn.
U-avu 1'hlladelplil.i, 11,10 a. in.
I'.noIleadlns, 11,3 a. in., I'otlsWIlo, lit.JS p. u
and Temaqua, 1,25 p. m,
I.oaei.'at.iwlssa, (1,20 11,2.1 n.m. nnd 4,1m p. 10
Loin 0 Wim.iuispoi 1 .11 2 u.m,i2,w in. and .on p. u
J'asis-nL'eib iriiimn ,w ,',...1 1.1.
plila k'u thiouj . ithoiit chan-re of enn.
J. 1:. wmm rv
co. IMNCocu, licncraiJlanar-
ticneral 1 Ii ku Agent. 1 tu ir.
On nnd after November -intiK isra tf.iin0 ,. m .
MJN11UKY as follow b:
Lrlo .Mall 5.21) u. in., arrli e Elmlra ll.Bo'a.
" Cunandalsua. . 3.3s p. 11,
Slairum 11 40 "
tetovo accoiiiniodallonll.ioa.ia.nrihe wiiihim
11 12,:a 11. in.
Elmlia.M.dl4.l!Mi.m.,urrr.e Klmlr.i lo.-.-i,,, m
liunalo lliput J.15 a. 111. uulro liullalu s.fcu u.'u
i.unalo Uxprets 2.5U a. in. arrlo Ilarrltburf u. in
". UaltluioioMo "
i.linlra Mall 11.15 a.m., arihe llairlsbuiB lxn ,.. ,
" M'nshlnrjion
" lUllln, ore 0.30 "
" XVashlugtoU s.Si)
ilarrtsbur? accommodation 8,4np.iu.jirHe Harris
burt- IW p. m.
anuo llalltmoie ,vf.a, in
' U'athlr.gloii "
ru', a. in. arrite Ilanliburt,-3 'a a. m
" Ualtlinom i,4u
,,, , " Waahlin'ion lii.t'6 "
Ml dally esctptMindaj.
l. Jl. lioYli, Jr., (Jeneiul 1'aa.sengcr Aeen
A. J. CASMATT, General Mauaee
nt-MlKIt.N ItAlLItOAU.
Tlmo-Tablo No. sa, Takes effect at 4:3u
... .seranton....
. HelMue...
-r,.i i..P,ii.. p.m.
s io 3 i.i
8 3ft
7 KS 3 19
7 46 3 IV
u isl.
I) 43
II Bsi.
9 31
9 2ft
V 20
9 1.1
9 III.
9 UT I
9 11,11 .
9 3S
pin, p.n,
') o 2.
9 4S
2 2.i 0 Ki,
2 81 t, 3ft
2 9s C 43
2 40 0 tr
2 r,2 11 m
a f 7 nl
.ljiekavaiiiia.'ilo i
9 U
1 4 3 37
r an
I 27
7 Tl
I !
,' 1.1
3 32
. rumen
W.-fct l lttoli,
. ,h. illicit
111 IKi
II) 11
1 II)
10 23
t' 27
llo 27
3 27
- Ill
3 i4
3 17
3 17
7 7 11
3 I,
7 ir
7 2ft
I . if. " "1- .lili'k'ston .... to 27
I'll V iVi -l'l'"oiitli-lune.. 10I2
T 16
3 17
7 03
fv ..1 1. UIUU HI ! I
t 66 ....Vljinuuth
I I lit
Ill its
II ttt
0 54
a 4ft
Il !ft
.1 t
8 '4
2 42
1 2ft
2 9
3 97 J 40
J NfintlcGke
110 40
3 32 7 48
1' 44
. 10 52
11 6
tl 17
II 28
. 11 8
ti 41 .minliHlv'n irtk
3 37
1 53
3 1.1 8 16
Jl. w vs
8 lOl
S 11 .
Wi Mill khlillihv
lllik'8 Kt-rrv
A'aw I imtn.
Itt ru!. L
il m
il 11'i
I 16 8 45.
6 ns
4 21
ssi 111
ft tl 2 111
H 2'
7 M,
7 54 .
7 411 ,
t 4
....llHiir 1 f..-i-
Wlll(mM.rui'!! .ii
II 30
4 87
4 40
6 50
S 63
7 20
7 IS
ft 11
ft 40
ft 34
ft 2S
ft 23
ft 20
3 3
4 5ft
4 59
I 15
2 0
1 OS
1 is
1 4S
I 43
I 4"
1 25
1 111
1 15
.UuiP ItMtft.... 1 43
tpi... .
liliu rt
11 M
4 6
11 57
7 Sft .
2 7.40
? 1 '! ,"w,'ru I'ridce. 12 07 ft 14
7 20 I'li.rkV hwllth.. 12 10 ft 20
7 46
7 52
a t.n
J im "' '"",""".. 12 25 5 88
7 14 ... .J hiilas s. 12 42 5 47
i 88 8 25
8 40
8 47
r. 41 s-oi'lhuii.U rlarid. 12 61 6 10 16
u .... V: ".!
- . r . I-. Ml
' 'T'l I HI I. I IS-C
A n,'nA. ()ni:i-i.vs imi'1!ovi: hk-
ft.Vi .'i'S"V. w,IUo,"t ln.l-IUeMae-Milrhuror
ir. i .nlr In .1 ,V:f f.'"" . ""'"''O' leatoies
bed hidriliiiur(d luabtniillfulbiowu. A
1 ."if o im mi liuiiiiiis, pokt paid In
culVa?"i.6P;.,sU Kih!.."' tiH-.? kl?"'P "?
liond St., t, Y, Jwico nov, 23, TT-iiii
W A NT It'll l?.c!ir" f c"i 01 t'Dlwrlinettti
MiLTir K TJ".?'? "V-'S-'i
m it