THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBUEG, COLUMBIA COUNTY" PA. THE Oj)LUMBlAN-. i, (i (i m 11 u it (u Fit in At, nrc. 7, is;; Itnll Kouil time TnMe. LACKAWANNA IlLOOMHIItllM KAIL ItOAn NOIITIl. SOUTH. tccoininodAtton train, 0.4 A.M. t,ll A, M, dull rroln t.M At M 4.49 I', M lixprevi Train M : SI. 11.6; A. M " ' 8 MP. M. IJATAWIH1A HAIIj ItOAT). SOUTH. norm voeiuinin.nitlon Train .. .. e.vs a. M. ;,; p. M. itef'ilar I'.xprciw 4.i I'. M. 11.M A. M. Tliri'titrlirimon Kvprcs Irnln either to New York or Plillitolphln. ccominoit.itlnn train riinibiMwi'iii Mt.iwWi.i and Wlllltliinport. to cum (iun rs. H'o wutit a pond nctlvu tipent in every n'iit'iborh od in tlio county tu secure now mb-cri'it-M lor tlio Col.UMMAN for 1878. N'nnu are so competent to ilo this work as tlio jirc-ent rcaJcrs, who know what the piper it, ii'itl can recommend it to others. Any otio willing tu un lertako this work can gjt all tho necessary information by calling at thn of fice. Tor all cah payment by new subscri bers fecmcd by ngente, wo will idlow a cash percentage, which isbeltir limn a premium picture or a cheap tewing machine Where you Buffer a cold to go UDchecVed jou act e unwlaely a a man who permit" his well orfprlngto be contlnuounlr poIoncd. You can alwflya find relief In Or. HaaV Eipccto rant, lor 25 or 50 cent. Lnt Monday, on presentation of a petition rlgned by a large number of cittienii, Kobert S. Knt wa appointed by the Court Director of the Poor for liioom I'oor Dintrlct to fill the vacan cy caiifed by the death of 0car 1'. Kut. Thl 1 a good appointment. Court of arbitration alioulil be eatablinbed to ettle all dl'piitr between capital and labor. Now thai Dr, Cue' Wild Cherry and Seneka lia settled ihe fiucrtion finally an to the bet cijnuli nyrup In the world. Try It. On Tiiwtay, December 18, the joint com mittee appointed at the lat eiwion of the leg Ulnture tn fih and filieriea of the state, will a-wmule in one of the committee roenn at the rnpitol. Thi being the lat fien'ion of the com mittee before the acmbllng of the legislature, the final report will be considered and acted upon. lion. E. J. McIIcnry i a member of the com mission. Samuel Neyluird win sworn Surveyor last ilnedny. Our genial friend Adam Woolever formerly lteprexetitntlve of Llngh county and after- wmU Chief Clerk of the t-Iouse of H-presenta- COUUT PItOCKEDlNOa. Court met December 0, 1877, with William Elwell, President' Judge, and Associate Judge F. L. Shumtn and I. K. Krickbautn on the Bench. M. E. Cox, E. B. Bhlleman, N. B. Fowler and Charles Ilousel were appointed tlpitaTM for first week, and M. E. Coi, James Thomas and David Nejliard were appointed tipstaves for second week. In the estate of Hiram Lunger, deceased, re port of sale confirmed nlst, In the estate of C. Iloberts, deceased, report of sale confirmed nisi. lUbert S. Ent was appointed Director of the Poor of Bloom Poor District to 611 the vacancy caused by the death of O. P. Ent. Auditor's report making distribution of the fund In the estate of W. A. Kline, deceased, confirmed nisi. Auditor's report making distribution In the estate of Jesse Ztner, deceased, confirmed nisi. Auditor's report making distribution in es tate of Wm. Pegg, deceased, confirmed nisi. Jeremiah Gtnsel sworn and discharged un der the Insolvent laws, and alignment made to county Treasurer. Commonwealth vs. James Maurcr et al. Hail delivered James Maurer In Court and asked to be released as ball, whereupon Joseph Shuman in as Canity lives,-!, is takn. the lecture field, and has for ami uetirr oiaurer enter into recognizee ... Court proceedings up o Thursday morning will be found In atiolh-r cointiin. We regret to learn that J. I. (Virion, the "omnibus man" had un attack of piralysis la-l week. He Is gelling better. It must be good, for everybody recommends It, and the doctors prescribe it. e mean Dr. Hull's Cough Syrup. 1'riuu, 23 cents. On Monday of last week a daughter of Sam uel Potter aged 3 years died uf diphtheria, anil on Monday of this week a son tell victim to the same disease, aged 5 years. The Shiritr'n sale on .Monday was perhaj the largest ever held in tills county. The court hou-e was crowded, and thiny-eight propertiis were sold, subjects "Politics and politicians," and '"Party Spirit as an element of civilization." The ques tions could not be If abler hands, anil the lec turer is entirely familiar with his themes. Mr. Woolever is also the compiler of the "Treasury of Wit and Wisdom," a book that should be in every library. Hitch Your Teams. A decision recentlyren- tiered by Judge I'lnletter of Philadelphia, may have a local beating and significance. He gave it as his legal opinion (hat no person has right to leave a horse or team standing In the street without control of some kind, and tint when d images to person or property resulted from such negligence, the owner of the horse or tt-ml is li iblt for duuiges. This Is a pr--tty limad hint for owners of liors.s to tie their ani mals to a hitching post when they have occa sion to leave them standing on the street Parties whose notes w hohl iini-t -elite be fore Iauir l-l 1878 or toev will have dntr to pay, as we si a i put ihem in the bauds of n jus tie at that time. We all have our preltiencesj but no one tin frrs to hear a crying hiby when the fact is so well known tint Dr. Hull'.s II iby Syrup would at once quiet it. 25 cts. The personal properly of II .1 V matt i w s sold by tlie sbenir last Siturday. His half in ter&st in the personal properly in the Opera House was purchased by I. W. MeKelvy. Thanksgiving day passed olf ve y quietly. There seemed to be an absence of the iuehriat- inu bowl, and we have no fights or other in u.lents of the day to rtcord. iyist week we stateil that Ueorge KisewicK was carrj ing the mails from the depots to the pus. ofliee. We were misinformed. They are being carried as heretofore. The pardon of Samuel Ilogart, hot undergo ing an imprisonment "1 the Penitentiary for comfortably anion The l'int Annual Anniversary of the Young Men's Christian Associition of Blooraburgvill he helil In the M. f. Llnircli on iuesilay even ing the 18th ol this month. The exercises will consist of singing, praer, a lecture by Kev. Dr. McCron and a few short addresses by talent Ironi home and abroad The admission will be free and we trust that the people of our com' iiiunily will manifest iheir sympathy for the as sociation hy their presence. Dr. McCron's ability as a lecturer is so well and favorably known that it is scarcely necessary to add that all who attend will be highly entertained. Ct.EANtxci the Hex-House. If the careful poulterer will look to the under portion of his perches, and as faithfully apply the saturated kerosene brii-h to this part of the premises as he does to the lop and side and crevices, once in a while, he will find it profitable for the re moval of vermin. Lice brood and hre'd and live under the ruo-us in great numbers. In the day time they are thus partially secreted. In the night, when the fowls settle down to their roosts, these mil lions of parasites crawl up and nestlethemselves the bird's soft feathers manslaughter, has been recom mended by Hoard of Pardons. A Wst Harrbhurg young lady sent 25 cmts and a Ihrce cent postage stamp lo a New York advertiser recently, to find out "how to make an impression." The answer came "Sit down nn a pan of dough I" This is the last se-sion of the Court at which John M. Clark Esq., will fill the offico of Di trict Attorney. Mr Clark has made an efficient officer. Kobert It. Little E-q , takes the posi tion on the first Monday of January. where they subsequent! stick lo their new warm quarters unlit they are carbolaled or sut phtired out again. Poultry World. SIIEIUSV'S SALES. by the N. P. Moore Eq will on delinquent sub heribers in Iiuck Horn, Jersey town and Mnr d insville, and subscriptions there cin be paid to him. He prepired to settle the first ti ne, that he will not bo obligtd to make a second trip. U U. Driei-b cli, etq , is Iving at Ills resi dence in Hench Haven quite ill from an attack oriliphtheria. His condition is so precarious as to require two and three cills dnily from his attending physician, Dr Li. tie of this place. Jleni'tck Independent. Hon. W. II. Armstrong and Mr. Ilentley were in town !at Monday, and made an applb cation for attachments for contempt in not obey- ine the mandamus or the Uour in the Yt imams- port Horn! case. It may be that our town will son be honored hy a visit from the council tof that city. Several deaths have occurred during the pasi week from diphtheria. On Siturday a liltl child of the Kev. M. L Sruyser.aged twoyeats, and on Thursday a chihl of ('. Housel, were buried. The raviiges of this disea-e have been terrible, but it is to be hoped that the roM weather will have an influence upon it, and tay Its 'elentless grap. MANSLAiuiiTEIt Judge Jiinkin, in his re cent (barge to the grand jury of Perrv county laid down the law that "any shooting at sup pose I g line, before the p irtsin in has discover- ed his m irk, is ctreless, ami if the object thus cirelessly ljredat, turns onl to be hiiuiin, and ue ith ensue from the hhot .mil wound, that Is manslaughter." People who are In the habit of firing at supposed g one or at places where they m ly wound or kill persons, might as well make a no'e of this The following properties were sold Sheriff on Monday, December 3, 1877 : Property of C. K. Harnes. 3 lots to Columbia County Mutual Saving Fund Association for $50. Property of William L. Freas to Benjamin Hicks for $7,100. Property of J, T. Dodson to J. W. Evans for $400. Property of Benjamin II. Karns to Caleb O Urine anil Jeremiah Stiles for $200. Property of II. O. Creveling to M. E. Jack- sou for $'J65. Property of John II. Sarley to Mutual Build ing Loan and Saving 1-ninl Association of Ber wick for SGG5. Property o'f Casper Kressler to Amanda U'orkbeiser for $10C5. Property of N. S. Crites to J. B. lloblson for $1,550. Property of Iram Piatt to John Lockard for $150. Properly of John Aten to W. L. Eycrly for 310. Properly of John Webber to William Webber for $510. Property of Jamea Rice to J. B. Itobison for 51,005. Property of James Rice to Bloomsburg Mti tu al Saving Fund Association for $585. Property of Frank and William Graham to Edward Graham for $1,600. Property of Samuel Gross to C. W. Miller for $100. Property of Uriah McAfee to Samuel Knorr for $10. I'rupcrty of John Hosier lo 'William Hints for $10. Property of Elias Giger to E. IE. Ikeler for !000. Property of Daniel Hons to A. Coran & Co for $5. Property of James and Margaret Cain to W . Marr for $500. the sum of $000 for appearance of defendant at Court and not to depart. Commonwealth tt. rtl. vs. The select and common council of the city of Willlaiusport. Rule granted to show cause why an attachment hould not Issue. Commonwealth vs. John Hitler and Fil- Hllley. Assault and Battery. A true bill. Cmmonwealth vs. Chester K. Hughes. Lar ceny. rot a true Dill, anil jacou uieuenoacn, prosecutor, to pay costs, Michael Mertney was sworn and allowed to become a cititen of the United States. Alfred E. Hower was admitted to practice law in the several courts of the county. In ril e tate of Lydla Yohe. deceased. Re port of sale confirmed nisi. In real estate of Harry Skank, deceased. Re port of sate confirmed nisi. uditor b report making distribution in the estate of Robert Watts, confirmed nisi. Auditor's report In sale of real estate of A. Kline deceased, confirmel nisi. Account in estate of Geo. Longenberger. Au ditor continued and additional exceptions filed bv leave of court. Petition of Daniel Miller to adopt Jane Rein er December 3, 1877. Ordered aad decreed ac cording to the prayer of the petitioner. Wm. J. Knorr vs. Amos Hess. Motion stay Fi Fa. refused. In the estate of Wm. Milnes. deceased. Ci tation awarded. Llovd Paxlon vs. the Penna. Canal Co. Re turn of sheriff awarded. Report of viewers of a road in Jackson twp. near Young's, confirmed nisi., and width fixed at 33 feet. Report of viewers of a road in Jackson twp, confirmed nisi, and width fixed at 33 feet. Commonwealth vs. Swisher and Young. Lar ceny. A true hill Fred Hosier vs. et al. Motion to open judgment &c, overruled. Opinion of .court filed. Com. vs. Jesse Rice. Indictment on motion quashed. Com. vs. Wheeler Sliults and Stratlon Shultx. Assault and Battery. A true bill. Report of viewers vacating a road in Mad son twp. near W. Johnson, confirmed nisi. Report of viewers of a road in Fishingcreek twp., near Stillwater bridge, confirmed nisi and width fixed at 33 feet, In real estate of J. II. Vanderslice, deceased Report of sale confirmed nisi. In real estate of John Townsend, deceased Return of partition confirmed nisi. Petition of minor children of Divid Shane jr., deceased, lor guardian, jonn renter appoin ted. Bond in $800 for each ward. Levi ShaMtr approved as security. In real estate of David Shaffer, Sr. Petition for partition. Inquest awarded. Emma Harman vs. Truman Ilarman. 1 titioa in divorce. Subpoena in divorce awar ded. Commonwealth vs. Geo. Kreigh, non pros, allowed. Commonwealth vs. Reuben Culp, non pros, allowed. Commonwealth vs. Elias Krum, non pros, allowed, Commonwealth vs. Benj. F. Hagenbuch and Joseph May. Case continued on application defendants. Recngmza ce of H. K Hagenbuch and I. Hsgenbuch in $200 for appearance of B. F. Hagenbuch, Commonwealth vs. Neil Lenihan. Non pros. allowed on payment of costs. Commonwealth vs. Charles Maurar and James K. Maurer. Case continued. Recogni sance of James Maurer, Joseph H.Slitiman and Henry Maurer in $000 for appearance of James Maurer at next sessions, and of Charles Maurer and Geo. A Herring lor appearance of C. Mau rer at next sessions, Commonwealth vs. Robert Swisher. Recog nizance of defendant and Margaret Hawk for feited in open court, and bench warrant ordered for Robert Swisher. Comrauuweaith vs. John Holden. Non pros. TO CU11K Dli'iITtlRBlA. Ai diphtheria prevails to an alarming extent the following, which wo copy from the Seimtife Antriecm, will be perhaps useful t Dr. E. N. Chapman, of Brooklyn, ". Y, has discovered an antidote lo the poison of diphthc rla, by which the percentage of deaths is re duced to less than one In fifty. Dr, Chapman, In 1859, lost several cases , and became distrust ful of the regular methods. lie had been using alcohol In the cure of ship-fever, and he deter mined, though contrary to all rules, tu try It In diphtheria. To his surprise, several of his pa tients recovered. He then tried qulnla, and found It acted' well, but not so qutckly. At last he settled on a combination of the two, alcohol d qulnla, and with these remedies, he claims that diphtheria is more amenable to treatment than many common diseases. "All local treat ment," he says, "Is worse tlian useless. It ex hausts the nerve force and induces greater in jection of the blood vessels, thus favoring the udatlon. Alcohol neutral Ites tho diphthcrit poison, bcIb free the nerves of animal llfe,stib' uea the fever and imffammation, destroys the pabulum that sustains the membrane, cuts short e disease, conquers Its sequela;, and shields other members of the family from an attack. Alcohol Is as antagonistic to diphthe- a as belladonna to opium, or qui, ia to ma- ria. Like any other antidote, it must be giv en promptly at tlio outset, or otherwise its po tency will be lessened, perhaps lost altogether, Alcohol dues not act as a stimulant, nor induce any of its ordinary effects. Enough may be iven to cause profound intoxication in health, and yet there exists no signs of excitement .r odor in the breath." Qulnla Is an efficient al loy to alcohol. It energltes the ganglionic nervous system, and thus enables tho organism to right itself and resume Its fniiction. Dr. Chapman sustains his position by citing numer ous cases in which this treatment was success ful. He states that, In his long experience, he only knew of one case where a drunkard had Iphtheria. He generally gives the alcohol in the form of whisky. ASK YOURSELF THESE QUESTIONS. Aro you a despondent tiflcrcr from Sick Headache, Habitual Costivoncss, Palpitation of thn heart? Have you dirtiness of the head 7 Is your nervous system tleprcsfed ? Docs your blood circulate badly ? Ilnvo you a couth 7 Iiw mints ? Com ine- un of thn food after eating? Ac, ko. All theso and much moro ato tho results of dyspepsia, liver complaint and Indigestion. GREEN'S AUGUST FLOWKH is now acknowledged by all Druggists to ltd a Positive euro. 2.4U0- 000 bottles wcro given away in the U. S., through druggists to tlio people as a trial. Two doses will satisfy any person of its won derful quality In curing all forms of indiges tion, bamplo bottles for 10 cts. Regular sue io cts. bold positive hy all urst-clae druggists in U. S. April 27, 77-ly jl i Business Notices Wantcd.- ing trade. -Two girls to learn the tailor Wm. Y. Kester. Apr.2nf More fur cans nt 30 cents and ladies' sets of Alaska furs for $3.25 to come iu the last of this week nt Lutz & Sloan's. Parties visiting town are f invited to call and examine tho stock Bates theJewellcr has just received. His prices will suit you. As it practical watch maker ho sustains an excellent reputation, Room on Main street opposite Lptscopal church. Fop. Sale or Rust. The Numldia ho tel and three lots adjoining containing an acre ot crnunu. Also, the erist and saw mill at Slabtown, two houses and out-buildlngs. For terms, die, apply to ,M. u. llltailKS or Dakiei. Morris. Admission free at McKinney's. More black Cashmeres this week at Lutz & Sloan a cheap. The Springfield Republican in a recent issue contains a lively discussion of diptheria from which we extract the following "The country papers begin to notice the out break of diptheria in various localities to an extent which interferes with the schools and produces general alarm. Even the city of Providence has been subjected to fevcre visita tion. I he rural districts, where new method: of treatment and new remedies make slow pro gress, are more excusable for the prevalence of this terrible disease, but it is extraordinary that it should gain the mastery of the medical pro lession of a city like Providence. Although after a certain stage the disease generally de fies remedy, it is well known in medicnl circles to he very docile in its earlier stages. It is re- markablo that tho profession docs not take more pr.ins to disseminate the latest methods of treatment of diseases which stagger the av erage physician. Even "state medicine" de votes itself almost exclusively to the discovery of the causes and sources of disease and very little to its remedies. This is n rational meth od of procedure, we admit ; yet, as this process of the extinction of disease is rather rounda bout and at best experimental, it would seem advisable not to slacken the application of the remedies know to the disease where it actually exists. Diptheria is a disease which springs from the growth of a real fungus on some of the mucous surface of the system, more generally of the throat. It may he spread hy contagion of the mucous surface of a diseased with those of a healthy person, as in kissing, and is to a limited degree epidemic. From the local parts affected it spreads to the whole body, affecting the nervous and muscular systems, vitiating the lymph and nutrient Hinds, and producing par alysis. As soon as the vacterium of fungus ap pears in white patches on the throat, it should no more he neglected than a bleeding gash or a broken arm, and there is almost as little need of a fatal termination of one incident as of an other. It has been found by actual experiment, both in and out of the human system, that this vacterium is killed by several drugs, the safest and most certain of which is chlorine water, diluted with the addition of from two to four times the volume of water. This wash is harm less, even when swallowed, and is pretty cer tain to arrest the disease. A well known phys ician in this city, who has pursued this treat ment for fifteen years, has found it effective al most without exception, and has in thnt period often broken up the disease in localities where it had raged violently and defied treatment, Prior to its use, ho lost three cases out of six hut has since used it with scarcely a failure do ring the above mentioned period. The recent great cyclopedia of icmssen on the practice of medicine gives the highest place to this meth od of treatment. To keep the patient well housed and warm, with additional flannel cloth ing, if necessary, and to keep the system well nourished and the bowels open are matters of nursing often neglected, tut, with care in these respects and tarly application of the remedies above suggested, there is no need of the disease proceeding to a fatal termination, or even to the debilitating illnefas and painful cauteriza tion which go together In its last stages. As to the origin of diptheria, the weight of the testimony is that it belongs to the class of fi!th diseases, but lurther than that its bourcc is not clear. Families which would be scan dalized at the suggestion of untidiness are at Rubbers nt McKinney's. Hoot headquarters at McKinney's. Oent's fur Gloves and Collars; cheaper than ever at l.utz & aioan s. Boots and Shoes cheap at McKinney's. Remember that $18.00 buys as good a set of Sahlo furs at Lutz & bloau s this winter as $2S.00 did last Call at McKinneys for Shoes. Only $S00 for genuine Mink furs muff and boa at l.utz ct Sloan s. McKinneys House. Shoe Store below Court We think vou can cet anything vou want in dress goods at Lutz & Sloan's at prices to suit you, The Seaside Library. choice books no lomrer for the Jew only. The best Kt.indArd novels within the reach of every one, ltooks usually sold from 1 1 to $3 given (unchanged ana unaDnagea) ior iu ana cents, . east i.ynse. Uv Mrs. Henry Wooddoublo no.Wc 2. John Haiipax, (Iknt. by .Miss Mulock. Hoc s. Jank Kyrk, by Charlotte ltronte (double no.) soc s vouan iiATEH, cnanes iieauos new noei -flc Tun iilace Indies. .lutes Verne's latest 10c . Last Hays ok I'onrsu. by Hulwer 10c ,. auam HBDE. by fieorge kiuou, (aouDie no.) voc s. Tub aki'ndei. Motto, by Mary ecll Hay 10c 9. (n.D viddlkton's MONxv. by Mary Cecil Ilayloc ,0. Tub Woman in WniTE, by Wllkie Collins sue n. the mill on the Floss, bv decree El lott 20c IS. Tint amkhican nknatob, by Anthony TTollope 2-c 13. A I'KlfcCKSH OF 'i lll'LE, OV Utmni D1UCK zuc 14. The Dead sfcbet, by V, Ilkle Collins 10c is ltoMOLA, by tieorRC Klllott. (double no. SOc 10. TUB KMILISHAT TIIK ?.UKTM J UI.K ADil JTIBLU ov ICE, in one dock oy juiea irne iuc ittntiKN I'BKitn. bv Mnrv Cecil Hay 10c IS. Iiakbaka'8 Histobv, by Amelia II. Edwards voc 19. a Tekbiblk Tkmitation, by CharlefClteado loc 20. oi.i, cckiosity miop, by Charles Dickens voc -it. ForL l i ay, by cnariea iteaao iuc 21. Man ani Wiie. by Wllkie Collins 20c 23. The Sqcibe's I.kiiacy, by Mary Cecil Hay 2oc 'IT IS BVKK TOO UIK to," vj inaxies wc lteiulo. 25. I.ADY APBLAIBX'S OATH, byMrS. H. WOOd. 10C 2. Acroba Floyd, ny .miss 31. ti. nraaaon. kdc 21. Victor and vanquished, bv M. c. Hay. loc vs. a Dai-outer of lIEiit. by William Illock. 10c 9. Noba'k Love Test, by Mary Ctctl Hay. 10c 3 '. Tlt ioi'rsblv in his Place, by C. Iteado. 2IC 31. Felix Holt, the Radical, by (ieorge Elliott, 20c ,.n n.,..nn..UAtfllvii,Tfl hv U HUn it1lTiD 1iu 33. iianay Anay, uy --amui-i i.ur. A collision occiirreil between a man in a wu on mid a in in on hor-tb.ick In front of I W .Mchelvy's store lat Monday evening, The former drove down thn sir et and turned his s ii.1 that, to avoid airing and disclosing family Horse across the road and stopped. We find the following items among the court reports of the Philadelphia Sunday pipers of ihe ISth iust., and as the parlies are well known ind former residents of this place, we transfer, them ,to our columns. This is not the first time the name has figured in a court of justice, neither do we presume it will be the last: Cirollne V. Marr was next complainant, and Iwfore her story was opened, (ieorge Graham, E-q., council for Henry S. Marr, the defendant ihe tqius Ulan came gahoplng along ami ran into him. The rider was uuhor-ed, and the wagon lpet, throwing ihe occupant into the street One man cun off with shortness of breath while the other ii(l'er(d a sprained ankle and a broken wagon. Too much dark, and perhaps a -little rum. troubles, the desertion, Ac, was admitted, and the only question therefore would be the amount Marr was earning at present, so as to fix the sum to be paid to llie wife. It was arranged, anu after an uninteresting inquiry as to a house, mortgage, &c, it appeared (hat, while acting as a salesman for a lumber firm, OKANQEVILLE ITEMS. Henry had In sixteen months received for com mission, Ac, over $3200; but a few months ago he starud for hlm-elf in business with a.iolher township, near John (Stealer, cohfirmed nisi, young man, ami they were averaging now ami wiutn nxeu ai jo im. .nn..i i Wirt -unointe,! anJitor 'o audit the wn,le olncrs 01 '""'J ""rounuings es public officers' accounts, for 1S77, according to 'nPe lav. Commonwealth vs. Charles Jones, desertion. Defendant to pay 75 nts per week for the sup port of each of his children to Sarah Jones, and pay costs of suit, and give ball to the Sheriff for payment of costs In ten days. Commonwealth vs. John Hilley and Fred Hilley. Verdict, not guilty, and prosecutor and defendants each to pay half the costs. Commonwealth vs. John Vanderslice. Re cognizance of defendant and E. H. Ikeler, each in $C00, for appearance of defendant at next sessions. Commonwelalh vs. James Johnson and Geo. Iiriggs. A true bill. Commonwealth vs. William Dennis and Jas. Johnson, A true bill. Commonwealth vs. Arthur Greatrlcks. For nication and bastardy, A true bill. In the estate of Catherine Fredreca, deceased, Report of auditor confirmed nisi. Report of re-reviewers of a read In Madison Mr. Terwilliger al J Olo-son's In Centre was about $00 per .month. Of this he was willing recently seriously Imrt by the kick of a horse, to contribute $' er week to his wile. Judge the injury being a ptrlial dislocation of the I Adlson mule an order on hlrn to pay $25 per stiouhler; but under the skillful t'e.tuienl of month and the parties departed. Sunday afoni- Dr. Amerman, is aealn doini: well. cript. A son of J. Illiintn.lcel of Orange was lately A Luybeuiun akd His Wire Henry 8. thrown from a horse, the animal nrobably step- Marr, once an extensive lumber dealers but ping on his head. The bov was nicked un in latefy reduced to hard pan by reverees In husl- sensible and reinatned deliiious for several ness, was before the Court yesterday charged days. I with refusal to support hi wife. The prosecu- Geo. Dildino and J. Crawford have gone to lion represented that Henry had spent $30,000 Kansas. I of his wifo's money, ami that Instead of living Ul to date there is no diiihtheria in Orange- with her, he wss browsing in pastures new. ville. There was one case in llerwick last week Mr. George Graham, Marr counsel, denied which resulted fatally The Presbyterian Church at Oiangeville and al Kohrsburg has been holding revival services this week. Also the Methodist in Mt. Pleas ant. Counsellor Rich's allegilion. "Well, we all know how things are done in this world," re plied tho latter, casting a knowing glance at the Judge. The latter blushed, and Mr. Gra ham asked whether Mr. Rich spoke from The academy In Orangeville is holding on experience. Mr. Rich also blushed deeply, but with a better mitronnce than was exiHTted, I replied with tninhasis that he still lived with A youth in ltohrshurg recently put a rope with u slip knot around a little buy's neck, in play, and kept pulling and Jerking until the latter had fallen and was almost gone. The port would, In a (hurt time, have taken the hoy's life, if others had uot interfered. Par tuts have need to watch over their children's fepertM replied with emphasis that he still lived his wife, Mrs. Marr, who la a lady of Intellectual cast, sab! she was at present studying medicine, and her counsel thought that tier lord ought to as sist her iu her search after knowledge. She Petition of minor children of Sirah A. Pealer for guardian. Elias M. Laubach appointed guardian, with bond In $800. Iu the estate of Charles Sage. Petition fur sale. Sale ordered. Petition of minor children of Gruber for guardian. Peter A, Evans appointed guar dian, with bond in $400 for each ward, Iu the estate of Wiblam Milnes, dee'd. II. F. Harlman appointed guardian ad litem fur minors, Ac. Report of viewers of a road in Centre Iswn- ship confirmed nisi. Commonwealth vs. Arthur Greatrlck. for. nication and bastardy. Defendant pleads guilty and is sentenced to pay a fine of $15 and costs of prosecution, $20 for lying-in exnses,$l per week for support of child until it is seven years old, and to give bond with security in J COO to save the Town of Illoomsburg from any expense In the support or maintenance of said child, and stand committed until sentence s complied with. Honest John' Patterson knows the value of complained bitterly of her hmband's waste of " ote- 1Ie conducted the Camerou no money, and thoaght he ought to make good for golUUoru in J863 for lh on vote that sent U.Sukdav TVuui. I uucuiew io uie unitta otaiea gnte, This simply shows that our sense of cleanliness needs cultivation, so that we may discriminate between what is offensive to our falsely-educated tastes. The farmer's wife, to whom the closed and carefully dusted parlor or the preternaturally scrubbed floor are the es sentials of neatness, may endure the proximity of a sour swamp or of the kitchen cesspool for years without taking offense, lo many a care, ful and laborious housekeeper, a chance cob web or the children's "litter" of a few hours play, will out rnuk ill heinousncss a defectiv drain for tho cellar or a badly conducted privy." . CONTEMPTUOUS COUNCILS. corr O' tub u lb isscbd bt ;cdos clwbll rmt ahead. Councils having failed to respond to twitum- mtu by making provision to pay the overdue interest on tho city bonds on Monday last Judge Elwell has issued tho following rule which was served hy the Sheriff of Columbi county. fiow to wit, Liecemucr J, 1BJ7, on motion o: the council for the relators, it is ordered that a rule do now issue to show causo why an attach ment for contempt shall not issuo against the several members of tho select and common councils of the city ot Williamsport named in tho writ of peremptory mandamusissued inthi case, (vix : Joseph Uartles, Kelson Runkle, John M. Thompson, Emanuel Andrews, lien ry M. Otto, Samuel N, Williams, Gottlieb Full mcr, A. W, King, select councilmen, and Pan, iel Edler, G, W, Koons, John Hardin;, James Seitz, George Rubb, John R. T. Ryan, I), Wolf, S. Is. Gage, Thomas ltatlnnel, Jose Nichols, John Vun Vorce, 11. S. Ilently, jr., J W.llaye,Theodore Hill, W. I,. Parker, W. E Crane, II. II, Taylor, R. M, l', Jnme M. Wood, 8. I), liarros,D. II. l'or;man,l3i Otto, J. P. Fisher, J. I.. Mahoffey, I, Malmlfey, S. S, Drown, S. Stopper, S. T. MtCormick, W. 11. Taylor, common councilmen.) Tho said rule to be served personally upo the said members of councils respectively. He turnable at Illoomiburg on Monday, the 10th day of December, 1877, at two o clock p, m Aud it is further ordered, that Daniel Longs- dorf. treasurer, be and ho is hereby restrained from tho pa) ment, under any appropriation by ine councils ui sum city, m-w lunuuur uereaite to bo made, of anv money of tald citv now i hit hands, or which may hcrtslUr coins into ms uaauj, uuui uic mruicr urucr ui uu cuun. BLOOMSBURG STATE .NORMAL SCHOOL SIXTH NOEMAL SCHOOL DISTRICT. Bloomsburg, Columbia County, Pennsylvania. Rov. D. J. WALLER, Jr., A. M., Principal. furnished with a bountiful sunply ot pure,aott Expense Tins school, as at present constituted, ofiers tho very best faculties for Professional and classical learning Iiutldlnra sDaclous. lnvltttii: and commodious : completely heated by steam, well ventilated, lighted by can. and Location healthful, ana easy of access. Teachers experienced, efflclent, and alive to their work. Discipline, firm but kind, uniform and thorough, uiuutraiu. r uty ci-uus n wuc t.i-uuiuvii ui i-a,ci.iiuk w amueuia uommeu in any nine, itooms rescryeu wnen ucstrcu. courses ot study prescribed uy tno &iaie : I. Model School. II. Preparatory. III. Elementary. IV, Classical. Adjunct Courses : I. Academic. II. Commercial. III. Course in Music. IV. Course In Art. V. Course In Physical Culture. The Elementary. Scientific and Classical Courses are PltOl-'ESSIOVAt.. nml (rrailtiaftnff Ihprfln. rpcplrA Matn ninlnmns. r-nnMrrlnc thflVnllnwl corresponding Degrees ; .Master of the Elements j Master of the sciences ; .Master ot tno Classics. (Iraduates In tho other Courses reccivo Normal CertlBcatee a ii-ir attainments,, sigueu uv uir uuicers oi wiu uuaro oi i rastees. The course ot Mud y prescribed by the state Is liberal, and the Scientific- and Classical courses aro not Inferior to those of our best Cotletres. The State reriUlresa hltrher order Of Citizenship, ThO tlmOS doman 1 It. It. ts nnn of till, nrlinn nhl,-L nf Mils Mclion! tn hpln wura Vf hv fumtahlncr IntplM. gent and eniclent Teachers for her schools. Tolhlsendlt solicits young persons ot good abilities and good purposes, those who desire tolmprove thetr time and their talents, as iMudents. To all such It promises old In developing ihelr powers, andabundant opportunities tor well paid labor after leaving School. JCor HON. vVii.i.ia.h!i,i' eepi, s, -i- l'reslilent Hoard of Trustees- GIVEN AWAY 1. r reMer or A Premium Steel Engraving. Entitled "Tnr. Finpino ov thk Sa iob in tiik Txm- riz" with the WOHUINll CIIUItCH, a M pace Itellir lous Family Newspaper, devoted to Household the Sunday school, Afuslc and Ucneral Church work. irents wan'ed. Ac J. n. BIIEWKIt. IS t Warren street. New YorX. nov. , -;7-3rn J w S co dress A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE ESTATS OF OSCAR P. KKT, PFCXA8SD. Letters of Administration on Uioestato of Oscar have beou granted by the KeRtster of said county to uieunoersignco Aammisiraior, lownomau persons Indebted are requested to make Immediate payment a-td those hating claims or demands affalnstthe es tate will make them known to tho administrator without delay. ItOBERT S. ENT. nov. 30, '7T-w Administrator. THE OLD STAND 31. A simpleton, by Charles 35. Kellx llolt, tho Radical, by (ico. Eliot. M. The Woolnc o't, by Mrs. Alexander 37 The .Mystery, by Mrs. Henry Wood as. Atitonla. bv Wllkie Collins sn. Uanhoo by Sir Walwr scott 40. The lletr to Ashley, by Mis. II. Wood 41. While Lies, by Charles Iteade 41. Hide-and-seek, by Wllkie Collins 41. Hector rrtTvunac, uy duies emtj 4i. Tin- Tower of London. W. II. Atnsworth 45. A I He's Secret, by Mrs. Henrv Wood 46. Herltaeo or Lancaaie, Mrs. Atevanaer 47. In Mlk Attire, bvVUlllim IUacK ss Thft straniro Adventures of a l'hacton. bv William lllack Kc 49. (iranuiio de v iRtie ; or, ueia in bondage, by "A Kepotiiory of Fashion, Pleasure and Iiutruction." Harper's IJazar. ILLUSTRATED. Xotiea of the Press. The natar Is tho organ of the fashionable world, and tho expounder of that world's laws; and It la the authority In all matters of manners, etiquette, costume, and social habits. Hoston Traeler. The Hazar commends Itself to every member of the household to the children by droll and pretty pic tures, to tho young lantes by Its fashion plates In endless variety, to tho provident matron by Its nat- lerns ior uiu ennuren s cioines, to patcnamniaa oy Its tastelul designs for embroidered slippers and luxurious dressing gowns. Hut the reading matter of the liazar Is uniformly of great excellence. The paper has acquired a w Ide popularity for the tlrc- siue enjoyment it auoriLS, and lias uecomn an estao llshed authority with the ladles ot America. .-s. Y. evening t'ost. TERMS ; Postage free to all subscribers In tho United slates. Harper s Bazar, one year 4 00 tl mVlnrlnrtps nmmvmrmf fif IT H Pntnr-n liv tln puuusuent. Subscriptions to lit nier's Magazine. Weekly, and Itazar to one addre-.s for one year, ilu.isi ; ortwoof iiarper a j eriuoicaia, tu une uuurcss lur one year, 7.ts) : postage free. An extra copy of either the Magazine, Weekly or Hazar w 111 be supplied gratis for eery club of fle suuMcnm-n uimw ujch iiuui uy one remittsncu or six copies one ear, wtttiout extra copy for uacK numbers can ue supplied at any time. Tho volumes of thrt Hazar rommpnen with Mm vear. When no time Is win b understood nat suuscnoerwisnes io com nenco wnn mo num ber next artcr hih reeeini or nts oruer. The annual volume of Harper's Hazar In neat cloth binding, w in be sent by express freo of expense, pres ided tho freight does not exceed one dollar, tor f 7 oo -ach. A comoleto set. comnrlstnir ten volumes, sent on receipt ot cash at tho rale of f5 S5 per vol., freight at expenso of purchaser. Cloth cases for each volume, sultablo for binding uu w;ui .ui uiuu iiuhiiiuju uu rtfcuiijL ui limi each. Indexes to each volume sent trratls onrecelotof stamp. SUbscrlntlons received for Darner's nrrlodlcals only. ..i-wa.;i:n lire nut uj copy 11113 advertisement wiiuout tno express order ot Harper llrothers. Address UAItl'BU MtOTHEItS, New York, tnilda. N), Vnder the Greenwood Tree, Thos. Hardy St. Kllmeny, by William lllack 53. '1 ho I ost Hank Note, by Mrs. II. Wood 58. The Monarch of ulnclng I ane, W. Black 54. 1'nder Two nags, by "iiulda" 55. A w inter city, ny -uuna-' M. strathmore. by ' oulda" 57. A Vojage Hound tho World South America, bv Ju es verno . Silas Marner, by George Eliot 59. cnanaos, oy uuiua- A voyage itounu mu onu Australia, oy Jules Verne ICC Bl.Bebee: Or. Two Little Wooden Shoes, by uuua- 10c 61. Folio Farlne, by 'Oulda" si'o 6.1. Dene Hullow by Mrs. Henry wood we u. Voyage Hound tho v orio New Zealand. bv jult's vernfl. 10c 65. Tho Nobleman's wire, by Mrs. 11. wood lee M. Itory o'.Moore, by Samuel Lover uoe 67. castle wafer, and Henry ArkelL Mrs. Henry wood 10c as. Flvo Weeks In a Balloon. Jules Verne loc 69. Tu the llltu-r End, by Miss M. E. Iirwldon toe 0. Ml-roiemarcn, by ueorge 1101 20c 71. Ariadne, by -Oulda'1 10c 7i. Merlctana ; or, Tho Adventures of Three Eng lishmen ana 1 nree itussians in mouui sinca. and Tho Hlockado Itunners. by Jules Verne lnc 73. ItcssM Kane, by Mrs. Henry Wood hoc 7. Itunert Hall, by sirs. Henry Wood loc 75. Tho Fur country, b Jules Verno loo 76. The New Magdalen, by Wllkie Collins loc 77. Mistress ana Main dv miss .muidck ioj js cm mm Gaunt, by Charles Iteade loc 79. Madcap vioici. by vt 1111am tuact: voc so. Daniel Deronda, by Ueorge Eliot e si. Christian's Mistake. Miss Mulock loc si. My Mother anu 1, by Miss Mulock loc S3. Vomer's Pride, by Mrs. Henry Wood sue M. vo.ois) I eagues Under the seas, Jules Verne loo s5. Malorte Hruee's 1-overa, Mary I'atrtck 10c so. rut Yourself in ins fiaco cnas. iteade loc 87. A tourney 10 ine centre oiuie Eartn. Jules vernn loc M. Two Marriages, Mtss Mulock loc S9. The lxirt-ls of Ardon, M. K. Iiraddon (oc w. Mysterious isiaad-uroppeu rroui tho c ouas. uy jutes verno iuc 91. The woman's Kingdom, by Miss Mulock loo M. Mrs. Hallburton'a, by Mrs. Henry Wood wo uj. wtsienous isiana ine ADanaonea. ny juies Vttrnn 10C 91. The Law and The Lady, Wllkie Collins loc 05 Dead MeD's shoes. Miss M. K. Iiraddon no 96. 1ve a victory, oy 11. u rargeon 01c 97. MssU'rtous island tuo secrets or the Island. by Jules Verne loo OS. Harry lorrequer. by Charles Lever we W. irroru uiu Turin mi ,iuuu,nuu Aruiuiu vuu Moon, bv Jules Verno 10c 100. ATaJoof IwoCltlea.ChaileaDtckens 10c 101. A Noble Lire, by Miss Mulock loc los. Hard Times, by Charles Dickens lc lo. A UraveLady. by Miss Mulock 101. reep u iiay, uv juun nanim 100 105. At tn sign mum surer naion. by n. I. Farjeoa 10c 10a 'ihe Master or ureylands. by Mrs. Henry Wood too 17, Blades O' Grass, by II. L. Varjoon lao ins. 'i n sea hing. oy 1 aptain Atarryai itto 109. Eleanor's victory, by Mtsa M. K Iiraddon W 110. Thn Girls of Feversham, by Florence MarryatlOo 111. A aour or ine worm in Kignrv davs. by .lulen Verne Kc 111. Hard Cash, by Charles Iteado tec 113. (loldas drain, by B. I. Fargeon 10c III. Darrell Markham, Miss M. K. Iiraddon 10c 115. w itnin the Maxo, by Mrs. Henry Wood !0o lis. rautme, by IH tt. Walford 10c 111. The Feu ale Minster, Eugene Lies loc lis. Great Expectations, by 1 harles Dickens !Cc 119. 1'etronel. by Florence Marry at loe l1). llomauce of a l'oor Y oung van. O. Feulllet 10e isi, A laie ror a, ny suss muiock 121. Tho rrlvaleersman, by Captain Marry at 111. Irish Legends, by Samuel Loer IM. squire "irevlyn's Heir, by Mrs. II. Wood 115. Mary Barton, by Mrs. Gaskoll 116. Erema; or, My Father's bin. by It. D. Black- more 10c 117. My Lady Ludlow, by Mrs. QaskeU loe m. cousin i'hlllls. by Mrs. Gaskell loc un. 'no nauenng jow tnrst Ham. by Eugene Sue soc 119. inn vtanocrwg jew tsecona iiain. by U gene Sue iftc no. sermons nut of Church, by Msa Mulock loc i9i. Micuari ptrongon, oy auies verne 131. uat-K uiiiton, uy 1 naries lver II. U toe toe loc 10c 100 11 loe 10c loc 10c toe 10c loe 133, 1 he Duchess of Kosemary lane, by r ui jruu 134. My Brither's Wife, Amelia B. Edwards 135, Agatha's Husband, by Miss Mulock IS6. Katie Stewart, by Mrs. (Hlphant 187, A lfnt In a Cloud, by Charles Iver 13s, What He Cost Her, James pa n 139 lundon's Heart. B. 1. t-'arleon 140. 'I ho Udy Usle, MUs M It. Uradden 141. Masterman Heady, Captain Marnatt 14s. 1 he Head ot the Family, ills, Mulock 143, The Haunted Tower Mrs. Henry Wood 144. The Twin 1 leutenants. bv Alut. nnmsH 145. HaUMt Million of Money, by Auiellu B, EJ US. Chares O'Malley, The Irish Dracooo, Charles lA-ver, (Triple Number) 117. Itallln. 'Ihe Iftffer b Captain Marrvst lis. Bluestocking, by Mrs. Annie Edwards 149. Joshua Marvel, by II. L. Farjenn no. Mr. Midshipman Easy, by cunuln Marryat ltl.'lhs HuM-lau (.li-y, by Alex. Iiumas 151. Arthur O'Learj, l y Charles ler 133, The King's o 0. by Certain Marryat 154, A I'olnt 0: Honor, Mrs. Annie Edwards For sale by all Booksellers and Newsdealers, sent postage prepaid, on receipt of price. GEUHtIK AniNrtll. Putillkhsr. P. O. Uoi U37. l, u axd 9, VandcwaUr au, . Y. '1 Complete Pictorial History of the Times. "ine best, cheapett ami most succcs'Jul Family Paper in the Union." Harper's Weekly. ILLUSTRATED, Xotices of the Press, The Weekly in tho ablest and most Dowerful lllu1- tratert pertodicat puMlshil in this country. Its edi torials are scholarly andconWnclntf.ana carry inuth welRUt, Us Ulustratlous of current events are full ana treat!, and are prepared ny our best acslfrnera UiulsTllle Courier Journal. Harper's Wtekly hould twin every famllvthrouirh' out tiie land an a purtT.more iQterefttlnir.hlirli ir ton ed, betWT Illustrated paiMTts not published in this or any other country .Commercial Hulk-tin, Bos- m. The Weekly is tho only illustrated ruDer of tho a iy inuL iu ita esuumiai ciidniCLeriucH ih nco'?niZi cd as a national paper, Brooklyn KagK1. MOO , posUiife by A full line of Silks, Cloths, Dress Goods, Cassimers, Coatings. Muslins, Laces, Sheetings, Dry Goods, Groceries, Provisions, Oil Cloths and a l:tr$re assortment of General Merchandise. NEW FALL Al WINTER GOODS Just in, and fresh invoices received daily. Main & Market Sts., BLOOMSBURG, PA. Nov. 23, '77.-lf. flUY THE BEST SHIRT. THE BUY THE BEST mm If Ml. THE Trade Mark None Genuine without (his Trade Mark. TEKMS : rostaire tree to all Subscribers In tne United states. Harper's weekly, one year, 14 00 lncludua DreDavment of 17. fl. rubllsliers. .-.uuviimujiu uj uarDi-i-!, jiominn. wpi'Kiv ana Burar. to one oddrcaa Ior ono year, ; or two ot iieai tier a 1 ei-iuuii-uis lu unu uuuruds ior ono car it : postage tree. au cAtri, tupj ui f iiucr tutj jiaaziDe. veeiiiy or Bazar win be supplied gratis for cTery club ot live Bubnerlbers at H l each, paid ror by ono remittance; or hi x copies tor one year, without extra coov ror tao.iw. nacic numbers can be supplied at any time. The volumes ot tlie WeekJv commenco with tiie year. W lien no time Is mentioned. It will be undrr ttood tliat UiH BubHcrlber whdit'8 to commence with II10 number next alter tlio receipt or his order. The imual Volumejl of HArntr's Wetlv. In n.tit elotli blndinir, will tw sent by eiprcas, free ot ex. uru-u iiu,iut;u ma iririKui uuua uofc exuera one aoi I tr lor It.") each. A complete net comprising twen ty one volumes sent on receipt ot cash at tne ra'e ut H.S3 per volume, rrelifht at expense- nt purchaser. Cloth eases tor each volume, suitable for binding, will be bout by mall postpaid ou receipt ot It tin each. Indexes to each volume sent cTatlaon mceintof stain.. .subscriptions received for HanWa rcrlodicils only. without the express order ot Harper i Brothers. Address IIAKl'KH ft BHOTlIltlt-S, New Vork. Patented. 1st. 2d. 3d. 4th. ' Unquestionably the Jlesi Sustained Wort of tc jvinu n me yorta. Harper's Magazine. IIjLUSTKATEI). Notices of the Press. The veteran MazazlnA. wh'eh lorn? am nntrrew Its ortmnal title ot thn Now Monthly Me gazlne. has not In tho least abatod tho popularity 11 won at Ihe outset, but has added to It In mmy ways and has kent fairly abreast ot the times, thnnvw. tntitn enter iiriao ui me puuiimers anu ineiaciand wis 10m of Its editors. Kor whatever ts bost and most readable In the literature of travel, dlMXivory und fiction, the averatre reader oftodayioois to liarner'a Mm.,,. zlne, Just as expectantly as the reader ot a quarter a century ago; there U the same admirable variety etcoatcuts and the. s line freshness and suggest! ve- iu iva rimuuiu uupariuients now as men. iios ton Journal. TKltMS ; POStace FHltR to All Rlltiserther In thn t'ntle States. llnrpi-r'a Magazine ono year. f4.w. tl .00 Includes orenav ment of IT. s. rnvincn i,itn publishers. puiwrii'iions iu iiurper a niagazino, weexly and Ilaur, to one addreas lor one year, 1 10.01 or twoot Harper's periodicals to one address lor one year IT i postage free. An extra copy of either thj Magazine, Weekly or liazar win bo supplied gratis tor every rluboinre bUbSCrllATS at fl.OO each nuld tivonn remit t.i nee , nr six copies for one jear, without exira copy for liack numbers can be surnlled at anv time TbovolumeaKihe magajlue commenco with the numUrs for Juneund December of each jear. When no time Is Jipecltled, It will rw understood that the Huimtiiuvr iauus iu ucgui wuu mo current num Reasons why the FEj&RI SHIRT is preferred to all others : They are made of the beet ''WAMSUTTA" MUSLIN. Bosoms are three ply and made of tlio best linen, eacli ply being guaranteed to be all linen. They are made only by capable and experienced hands, are care fully inspected and are unsurpassed by any other in work manship. - They arc guaranteed to fit and to give satisfaction in every particular. Try ihem and be Convinced ! FOR SALE ONLY BY Merchant Tailor, Clothier and Gent's Furnisher, BLOOMSBURG, IP-A.. Mammoth Grocery, corner of Main and Centre streets, BLOOMSBURG, B-A.., IS TUB II.tCB TO OUT TUB WOHTII Ol' VOUI! MONEY IS THE FINEST AND FKEMIKST OF Fancy Imported and Domestic Staple Groceries of Everv Descrintion. Qaeensware, Glassware, W and 'Willowware, Flour and Feed,1 Tobacco and Cigars, AT BOTTOM PRICES FOR GASH, 0U NICE FUESH PltOIUTH. ide me Vi'C lie ltic soc 1 10c compino.Sft el Harm's lUcr.lne. now eom. rriuni; a toiuioeii, in Ltul clcth UndlMr, will le k'nt by rprets, rreleht at ei Ure olpurthaur, lor 13 . per volume, MUKle nuiuUrb by mull iutulil. Cloth com Ior tl cdlnf, sutiu. ly u.uil pott Ae'oinplota Analrilial Index to tho Unit titty vol umeu or llarner'H M&cuzlne Iiub lun tmiiiKhfrt rn. dtTlrir aallable lur itlrirnie lh nlunJ latlt-U wraiui 01 mioriDniion wukii eotifetituifH uim ikti Odtcai a ineci illustrated literary ejeler-iia. ovo, cloth II ii 1 Hall call tin cnt ii'Mino prei aid. Hutbcrlptlona .recem-U Ior Ilorir a lerlodlcala only. Ncwapapers are not to copy thU advertla.-raenl wiuioui ike eipreaa order or Harper uroiher. Addreai IIAUPJUI BKOTUKltS, New York, Jtni.isu. HARMAN & HASSERT, Proprietors; Kant Street, Suulli NlileofS,. & li, Itnlliotul llloomMiiii K !?.kX!l'',,ull?cftl.l.,.lieaU.e,411?.St.!1'0 Pu,Hlct0 u',e lollolfj: UateuienH! They uianufacttiro alUlndaol IKON uml IlItAi-s t'AsTIMis. "1 bey make Ibelu. biatiu oiUliial aud IMPnovED atffs? ss&T"3' uuo u" ku,aa 14 i,,i,airk' ucu " s.?ljXSs HEATING AND OOOK STOVES and are prepared to furnish all llnda ot repaUa, audi as Urates. Fire lirtclr. Ac., holei.ate and re talU IhtT make the Imiiroii il t oul..,nti.u 1 ,air lur ikt Wm. I'cua Muir, tbu imt nonunilial unite In ue. JpTuVwi AM)Ul(l.,r MILL il.MlIINEllV bllAniMl. l ILLliVb, AC. Ibey Repairing of Threshing Machines, Reapeis, &c. rlf? 1 w?"? KSWTf VSl fchV"?? S erc rletce ol over thirty ear, the publle taa Jan. li W-l" "' 'Ulut JimiiHcal lan jiiio.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers