The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, November 30, 1877, Image 3

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tccommndatlon Triiln.
Hall train
1xpri" Train
Itnll Komi Time Talil'c
. 0.4.1 A..M. T.MA.V.
t.m a. M 4.4a r. m
T. M. A. M
6M r. M.
south '"tt"
ircninninrtntlon Train LV A. .M. T.M Wl
Millar KtpiP 4JB P.M. ".MA.M.
Tiiroii'rni'nrsun ISxprcsilrnliiettliertoNew Mirk
)r t-iill.i.Wphln. Srcominodatloh trmll nilil'tni'rli
'.u awissa n ml Wlllln mrorl .
"m mm uir.Nrs.
H'o want n p'ml active niicnt in every
n i ilnrh mkI in tile) en.inty t wcur- now
ntli-cri'-Ti tor tlio CoLUMltlAN i'r 1878.
Nuno iir - r-icunipcliMit to il t liix rk in vlu'
prii-cnt romler. vim know tin- P'lu'i i",
iimiI cm H'OTniniUi'l it In others Anv one
williiiR't" unJcrtaku tins woik can g. t all llio
110 i'Sary information ly cnlliiiK at litis of
lice l'V all ea-li luij'tmlils liv now snlwiri
bcis tccu cJ liy apcntF, wo will hlloyr a cash
teiccnlagf, wliieli Miclt'T tli in a premium
picttno nr a cheap !-ewi"g innclii"c.
Unckwlit-nt H -HP l ilown to SJSsO n limi-
I'roinUca kept Infplre confidence; and Dr.
Hull' llauy Syrup never promised teller In the
(Hmnwh of clilldliood without at onco effecting
It. Hence the popular reliance upon It. Price
25 cents a bottle.
Tut" 4rinti-r will b
(Jiiiirl iieek.
(-lad to nv j-nil during
Two colored liojd, James Johnson flReil about
14 years, nnd Oeorfro HrlcRi aged about 12
yitiro, were arrotcd on Wrdnexlaynlglit at
twelve o'clock for breaking tn the hou-eofSii
fauna Jnrotiy In Smoketown. There was no
one iccnplfg the limne, lint It was all for
id'htd The hoy-n were caught there, having
broken In n window ; a fire wa built, and prep
arations mule f..r a good time. The boys were
lodscd in J ill aod on Thursday morning after a
hearing before JNipiIre Ilrower, they, were bound
over to Court.
NoTtcr. tn nur ii'lvcrtUing columns l no
tie, d .VfrnMur's Munical Library, a serial publi
eoion, now under way whicli from its cxtraor
(Unary cheipnei will efT;et a revolution In tho
inii'lc publishing int ret. Mers. Stoddart A
Co. agree to give for the low price of one dime,
a collci'tli n of the mot popular Instrumental
and vocal mulc, printed on full size mimic pa
per, of the host quality. The same amount and
rjuallly In fact a would cot$1.60 If published
epirately. Thi U a step In tho right direc
tion, and one which wilt find instant and hearty
fivnr with lhoe whom it is Intended to benefit.
Tow md
I, rdic wiitin lo put water works in
Try the Urumwick cigarettes at Mojer Uro
Drug Store.
Our frit ml. Mr. If
lust Sunday
Cnolev wa again in towi
O A. Clark will g to the city soon lo pur
ch.n-0 his Chri-tmas g mds.
II. P. Uumlii'rlin iiwitli '. C. McKinncy,
looking ul'ler the ej.u-s btidnes.
If yon want people to know that you hav.
Chiislnins goods tor mle, now is the time In ad
Hiit.-hiion Vdiula let week, we are b Id,
w.nt WVu. Helefl nnld. nly, and we are n .1
iufoniHil how long he will bo ab-ent.
We have before in an a.icient looking copy
of the Qitumlia Democrat dated December 29,
lS.iS. It was then edited by II, Webb, and
the office w is next door to "Kohison's stage of
lie.'' In the the sheet was nu linn half that
of its succctoor, the Qrfumlian et Democrat Tne
excitement of the time was the liiick-ht. wa'.
Among the advertisement is the Court Proc
lamation by William Ki chen Sheriff. The
l'reiilent .lodge was Ellis Lewis, alterwards
Chief Jii'tiee of the Supreme Court, and Leon
ird Kdpert and Wm Montgomery were asso
ciate. The Di-lrict was composed of Colum
bia (then including Montour) Northumberland,
Union, and Lycoming, which now hive four
law judgts.
Geo ltlsewick is now running carriages to
the depot, and carrying the mails Compel!
lion in bii'iness i b -coming ulmer than ever.
The addition to Cl.irk & Wolf's st .re is com
pleted, and is 11 great improvement. It Is 11 .
the longest store in the county. Charles Krug
did the work.
I. W McKelvy lus.i 1st returned from I'liil
adelphli where he purchased a very large stoc k
of new goods. His adverlisenm-t appears in
another column.
The Sup-, me Court has a 'j aimed lo med
again at l'lnliiUlphia next J.iuuiry, when il i
presnineil tint the He-ter, Tuliy and Mclugh
cjsu will be decided.
I!y a typographic!! error in the business lo
cals o( Lutz A Sloan, lst week, AlaAa fur
were advertised at S'-i 25 a set. It should have
been $3 23
I'l'T IT is Bisiness carried on
verb illy somelimes answers every purpose, but
in many cases it is inexpedient and frequently
r. suits in trouble and litigation. Put all con
tracts in writing and take receipts for all mon
eys piid out, however trilling the amount may
be. Many misunderstandings result from the
ioooc way in which important business matters
arc talktd over, and afler each party has put
bis or her own conatruclion on the contract the
m liter is dropped with I he expression of "all
nht from each, In many casci it proves
all wrong," and afford n job for lawyers, juries
I courts. If people persisted in putting their
grc menu in writing, much useless litigation
11I1I be avoided. When reduced to writing are fixed and unclatic. PiUriot.
The De'cmlier scsion of Court begins t ex
Monday. There are a large number of cae 01
the civil list, nnd s vera! c.isih in ihe Quart
Parties whoso notes we hold niu-t settle In
fure .1 mil iry 1st 187S or they will have costs t.
pay, as we shall put them in tin hands of 11
justice at that time.
Physicians recommend Dr. Hull's Cougl
Syrup when all oilier medicines fail, as a cer
tain cure for Hrnnchiii, Sore, and
Coughs 01 Colds of long standing, l'or sal
by all Druggists,
William P I'urey, well known to many o
our readers, has been appointed to the clerk
ship of the Committee no Pen-ions in the II011
of'l'eprisenlalives of whieb Hon LA M 11 k
ev is Chairman William isagiin lucky.
The lailies of the Prtsbyterian Church nib
liold a Fair and Supper during the evenings o
December G.h. 7lli and 81I1, in ihe McKelw
lioue, corntr of Main and Market streets.
The IWrwick di-pensary is a new establish
ifient tliroiuliout New store beautifully fitted
up with a fresh supply of the best medic il prep
erntisms of the age. The proprietor Kev. A
Ilrittiiu, is an old druggist who for years car
ried on the business successfully at Ileliefouti
Centre county,
And still thev come. We are informed thai
twenly-two tramps honored our town with theii
prtsence one day Is-t week. I'ridiy and Sat
unl.iv several of them found qu irters in tin
lockup. The police force kept a careful watch
on those found roaming about. If this thing
continues, an ordiu mce directing the arrest 01
all tramps found in the town limits wouldn't be
a bid thing.
The second child of John Alstatt died lat
week. Tbilisi! iv. It is only a few weeks since
this finiilv buried a little one who died of the
same disease, dipblbeiia
On Sitnrday last II- Williams buri.d tw
children, both dying on Tlnir-d iv of diphtheri,
and on ihe same day a lilile giand child 1
t a-p-r I. Thomas fell victim to lb s dire ill
ease. The kviiiii nliius of the rounu'inilv are
with the ufll end families,
We have rceivol the first number of fie
3)ail) Sunlury Ammam, a new enterprUe hi
7-.mli Wilvirt. It is small now, but we hope 1
will grow
The fir-t number of the Democratic Heritte. 1
monthly -nagazlne publi-lnil nt Wi . I i.uii-" jmiti
Is al.oim our table. W. 1! Iliirlv is the edi-
lor. It is iK-allv prin tsl.and is a very readabl
pamphlet. We wi.h theo new publicatio
Tilt fl.EW. The Shauiokln V'imes of la-l w
says tliat Mrs. airton.wireof Mr U M. (iiiton
tinsmith on Market street, Sliainokln, gave
Llith no M.inilav nieht lo irinlets. two boysand
a girl. Mr Oirton and wife have been mar
ried about fourteen vears and h ive sixteen clill
ilreo twins three tlmrs am! triplets once. Of
the sixteen children nine were boys and a yen
girls. Only even children a'O living (Includ
ing the triplets) live girls ..nd two boys.
Mr. Glrlon is a native of Itlooui-Jnirs and
lived here for many ytars I-verybody knew
him a "Dal."
A PiEadiku limiM The cnniiniltfo nppoln
ted lo conler on this subject met, and fully ds
cussed the nuestlon. Il was unanimously agreed
that a public reading room should be tstubiw
ed and It was alo agreed that a suitable room
could be had iisn rea-onab'e term Hut tli
dilliiiillv Is lo secure the nects-ary fund. At
least $500, would be nicess.iry to start the en
terprise, and it would be folly lo attempt tli
m ilter unless that amount is first seemed 11
nutslinn is, who will step in and guaran
tee it ? The poor csnn. t ufl'ord It, and tlioe
who can are generally too sclfi.h, preferring
their ia-e in pirate reading rooms, and caring
i.ulldiig about their neighbors. Such a meas
ure would be creditable lo our town, and a real
bene til to lliofe whoaredepilyedof books,nes
papirs, and a prcper place cf resort. Will not
Huie of cur citizens who can aflord It raise the
jiqultllo amount f
It is. never too late to use Dr. Haas' Kxpcc- as a cough cure, but it is best lo havere-
nirse to it in the early stages of pulmonary
i-ease, so as to secure immediate nnd perma
-nt relief, and avoid danger. 25 and 50 cents
CoAl. A very common mistake is made and
to- h fuel i wa-ted in the manner of replenish
ng coal fires in furnaces and grates. They
1011I1I be fed with a little coal at a time, and
fun but servant, to save time and trouble,
nt on a great deal at once, the first result he-
ng lb it almost all the heat is absorbed by the
ewly put on coal, which doe-s not heat until it
lecoine red hot. lite lime to replenish a co.u
re is as soon as the coal begins to show ashes
11 the surface, then piu on merely enough to
w a layer 01 black coal covering the red.
fhis will soon kindle, and, a there is not much
t, an exces of heat will not be given out.
Many alo put out the firo by stirring the grate
is noon as fre-sii coal is put on, thus leaving all
eat in the ahes when it should be sent to the
lew supply of coal. The time to stir a fire is
1st when the new coal laid on is pretty well
'milled. This method of managing a coal fire
troublesome, hut it saves fuel, gives a more
niform heat, and prevents the discomfort of
Itern.itions of heat and cold above referred lo.
Txxts on KoiTontAL FAiTn. One of the
greatest trials of the newspaper profession Is
that itVmembers are compelled to see more of
the shams of the world than any other profes
sion. Through every newspaper office, day af
ter day, go all the weaknesses of tho world j ail
the vanities that want lo be pulled j all the rev
enges that want lo be reaped j all the mistakes
that want to bo corrected all the meanness
that wants In get Its wares noticed gratis In the
editorial column, In order lo save the tax In
the advertising columns) all the men who want
to be set right who were never right ; nil the
erack brained philosophers wilh stories as long
as their hair, and as gloomy ai their finger
nails in mourning because bereft of soap; all
thehoreswhocometo stay five minutes, sml talk
five hours. Through tho editorial and repor
lorial rooms all Ihe follies and shams of Ihe
world a'c seen, day afler day j and he tempta
tion Is to believe In neither God, man, nor
woman. It Is no surprise to me that in this
profession there are some skeptical men J 1 only
wonder thai journalists believe anything.
Nothing has given the writing of Charles
Dickens so strong a hold upon the hearts of
parents rs the well known excellence of his
portrayal of children and their interests. These
delineations having received the approval of
readers of mature age, il seemed a worthy effort
to make the young alo participants In the en
joyment of these classic fictions.
With lids view, the difll-lcnt child character
have been detached from the large mass of mat
ter with which they were originally connected
and presented in the author's own language, to
a new class of readers, to whom the little vol
nines w'll, we doubt not, be as attractive 'as tin
larger originals have so long proven to the
general public.
A seris of twelve volumes has been pre
pared, presenting, among other tho following
characters: ''Little Paul," from Dombey &
Hon; "Smike," from Nicholas Nlcklebyj "Lit
tle Nell." from The Old Curiositv Shop: "The
Child Wife," from David Copperfield, Ac.
A new edition of the first volumes of this se
ries, "Little Paul," from Dombey & Son, has
jut been issued, illustrated by Darley, and at
tractivcly bound. The other volumes will fol
low at short interval.
For sale by all booksellers, or sent post-paid
for $1.00 by the Publisher, John 11. Anderson
Hartford, Conn.
Collectors holding unpaid county duplicates
for year prior to 1877, shall settle the same
during the first week of December Court, and
if not so settled the Attorney will at once pro
ceed lo collect.
Thoe for 1877, arc requested to be diligent
in collecting and pay over during same court.
Some have so far paid over but very little, such
must do better.
The money is ah olutely needed to meet the de
mands on the County Treasury. The expenses
during December will be pretty heavy.
The collectors who fail to settle their dupli
cates by the latter part of January next will ho
notified on a day fixed, in said month to be at
the ofiice to claim final exoneration, and make
return of land taxes, tuch that' lias no personal
property on to make taxes from, as all returns
of taxes on seated and unseated lauds must bo
on or before the first day of February. The
balance due on the first day of March following
will bear interest.and the collectors must pay the
interest on the amount so in arear from that
late. We wish every collector would pay off
his 1877 duplicates in December. It would
be better for all of it would he done.
JOHN nr.KNKK, V Coin's.
Nov.l,-3w Attest: WM. kkickiiaUM, Clerk.
It Is tho dulv of nvnrtf nnrmn who baa
Ufticl Boschtt't Qcrman Syrvp to let its won
derful finalities bo known tn tbeir friends in
curing Consumption, severe- coughs, croup,
an nma, pneumonia, and ,tn lact oil throat
and lung diseases. No person can tiso it
without immediate relief. Three elosea will
relievo any case, and wo consider it tho duty
of all Druggis's to recommend It to tho poor
dying consumptive, at least try ono bottlo as
l(),000dozeii bottles wcro sold last year, nnd where it railed was reported, buch a
medicine as the Herman Syrup cannot be too
widely known. Ask your Druggist about it
Sample liottlcs to try sold nt 10 cents. Heg
u'ar sire 75 cents. For sale by Moyer Uro.
April au.'iT-iyji
Business Xotices
Wanted. Two girls tn loam the tailor
ng trade. Win. Y. Kester. Apr.27tf
More (Hack Gros Silk cut bias at Lutz &.
Sloan's for 05 cents n yard.
Fresh Mince Meat nt Marr'a.
Admission free nt McKlnney's.
Tho Berwick l)ipensary is now in full
blast, with a com pleto stock of Dm j, Chem
icals and Fancy Good, which are offered at
lowest rates by A. Ilrittnin, proprietor,
Lutz & Sloan's stock of Dress Goods is so
larce that thev cannot give all the prices in
the paper, but if you will call they will tat
isfy you that they are low enough.
Oyter Crackers at Conner's.
Nice Uoney at Marr'a.
Hubbers at McKinney's.
X full line of Corsets at Lutz fc Sloan's,
Hip gore for 35 cents, long bone for 60 cent,
quilted bust for 85 cents, Oooley's cork cor
set for S5 cents, Jlme. Foy's for $1.00 nnd
Dr. Walker s health corsets lor 1.10.
For a beautiful and tasty drug store call and
see A. llrittain'H Berwick Dispensary. "It
is a gem" say all who hnre aeen it. Mr
Brittain is an old druggist, and is assisted by
Mr. Whittle a regular graduate of Pharma
cy Irom Ualtlmore.
New Valencia, Muscatel and seedless Bai
sins at Conner's.
Day afler day we miss from the familiar
Iks of life some face which we had well known
lor years. Among Ihe local politicians anil ac-
ive mm of Columbia county, few were better or
uore favorably known than John Snyder, of
Oi.mge lie wis born on the 23d day of Janu-
1SU, In Berks county, and came here at a
ouiewli it early nge. Me held and exercised
ever.ll township trusts with great acceptibility.
In the year 1S52 he was elected by the 1 eople
to the ullice of High Sheriff of the County, ami
, re cli cud to the same responsible office for
1 second term of three years in 1858. In all
the relations of life be wa a man of great trust
worthiness of character. A long and useful life
was yielded up afler a protracted illnes by con-
nmption. He died November 20, 1877, and
was but ied by the Van Camp Lodge of the I.
O. of O. I', on the 29th of the same month at
he aire of more than sixty-six years. He leaves
widow and several children.
Louai. Nr.w.-i'arEits An exchange reasons
bus in re ference to supporting local newspa-
er. The advice is excellent and will suit this
ititude iiooiit as well a any other in the
State: " 1 011 might as well Mrget your cnurcn-
your academies and school houses, as to
lorget your local newspiper. It speaks to tea
lines the audience) that your minister does. It
is reau eagerly every uay irom oegiuiiiug iu
nd. Il loathe you all, and if il ha a lower
pirit and less wisdom than a sermon, il lias a
thous mil limes better chauce at you. Lying,
is ii dues, on every tahleyn almost every hiuse,
11 owe il to jiiur-elvc to rally liberally to its
-upport, and extract from It a utile', hign loncu
1 char.uter as you do from any educator in
vour midst, lli-juno reuse beneath notice
I circunl's' yon yourself are beneath no
tice and cire, for It is our represon.attve. In-
leed in Its c-h trader, it Is the summation of the
importance, Interest and welfare 01 you an. i
is me aggngite of your own conscience, and
011 cannot ignore it wiiho-u miserably Uepre
ciating yourselves,"
It i probihly news to many people that In
ibis Slate we have a "Hoard of Agriculture.'
We have a circular from that learned body
They s-iy, in a report before us for November
1877, iversged from 190 reportors.that "the He
lirler of the Hoard are appointed by members
of the Senile and Homo; of Ilepresentatives j
tlm-o named by the former rciiort for the coun
ty at large, thos" named by the latter, from
their own legislative district only, In someca
e the County HeHirts for November will be
iiuiid lo vary from those of replember. U11
is due to the fait thai since the Heturn in Sep
temb r some creps have been harvested and
some which were then harvested have been
threshed out, showitu a result different from
ihe September estimate. The deficiency in
tho wheat crop was caused by tho Hessian fly,
and several counties rewrt the prospect eiulle
a had for next year's crop. The loss in ib
corn crop wa generally owing to dry weather
at a critical stsge of its growth "
The figure for Columbh county aro wheat
25; live 95; Oats 125; Hay 100; Corn 75;
Potatoes 90; Harden Produce 100; Buckwheat
100; Apples 7; Peaches C; Pears 50; Cherries
85: Ornpes 100; Berries 75.
We suppose it Is all right, and are glad to
hear it, Of couri-o our Granger friends under
stand it all, and so far as our productions stand
our readers know as mucli as we do, and hive,
besides, the Information ol Ihe "Pennsylvania
State Board of Agriculture."
Nicest bed-room Lamp at Conner's.
and see it,
Hoot headquarters at McKinney's.
Tho place to buy your Drugs at the low
est rates and to have physicians' prescrip
tions compounded carefully and accurately
is at the liens icic Dispensary, a. lirittain
Boots and Shoes cheap at McKinney's.
Choice Honey at Conner's.
Crlah Cliamberllnvs. P.W. Johnson,
M. (trover's Admr's. vs. C. II. VYoit
A. T. Ikelcr vs. Jonas Doty.
Levi Klnley vs. N. I. Campbell.
D, V. Sej bcrt vs. Philip Appleman.
Milton Charles vs. Itlco t llaccnbuch
C. n. Urockway vs. Orange townsblp.
Ashland Hanking Co. vs. Frederick Hush
8.(1 Metier vs. Lewis Vcttcr
First National tlonk ot Ashland vs. Daniel Jlorrls.
Albert Wlnton s. Jonas Doty, ct al
Columbia Insurance Co. vs. Jccih M. Freck.
Columbia Insurance Co. vs Jackson & oodui.
C. .1. Ash vs. William Ikcler.
Columbia Insurance Co vs. Jackson Woodtn,
e. olumbla Insurance Co. vs. Nescopeck Bridge Co.
nenry c. Conner vs. Emanuel Conner's Adm'r.
D. 1'. Hcybort s. J. W. Sankcv,
J. K. najton & Co. vs. Jacob Iirelsch ct. al
Amos savago vs. Abram Kllno et. ux.
John lllll vs. C, D. Fowler.
Wm, u Parks vs. John lllll.
J. U, STnlth Bon vs. Jesse Zaner s Ex'r.
Sarah lllll ct al. vs. l'cnn'a Canal Co-
SF.cosn wniti.
Sarah Faux ct. al. vs. s. J, Faux ct. al
Aaron Drclsbach vs. Klmon Shellhammer et. al
liloomsburg Lumtier Co. vs. M. M. Appleman.
Peter Wilson's Adra'r. vs. Jesse A. Losce.
W. J. ('orrcll's use vs. D. J. Waller
Hannah Weiss vs. D. L. W. II. It. Co.
liloomsburg Lumber Co. vs. O, W. sterner.
Ezra 8. L) ons v's J, II. Eves.
Jacob Evans' Ex'r. vs. Thomas E. Clcddts ct, al.
s. w. Harrison vs.Turnbach ft Iless
Samuel tllger vs. Francis Evans.
David J. Waller vs. (icorgo Weaver's Exr's.
schujler IteasneMs. Aaron Pender.
liloomsburg Lumber Co. vs. William Morris ct. al.
liloomsburg Lumber Co. vs. William Morris ct. ux.
Hank ot Espy vs. William Mllncs' Ex'rs.
Toles ft sweet vs. William MUnes' Eir's.
William Llnnvllle vs. Peter Ent's Administrator.
o. II. Millard: s. Conjngbam and Ccntralla Poor
Mary (leorge i s. James Morrison
Daniel Lelby et. al. vs. Henry Knapp.
Oeorgo Getty vs. Daniel 11. Stevens.
Sarah Caul vs. Samuel and Emma Itepptrt.
J. It Jamison is. M. Orover h admr's
Augustus Vvcrhart vs. Daniel Kvcrliart.
llernard Arnmerman vs. W. C. Johnson ct ur.
W Ullam (1. Ltnnrtllo vs. Peter K. Mensch
Me! Lenlhen vs. Conjngtiam and Clntralla Poor
C. II. ilrockway vs. First National Hank ot Berwick
William Krlckbaum's uso vs. L. T. ShaipleBS et. al.
Lewis Mochcnbcrg vs. Andrew lloyor
Edward 11 rne vs. Eteklel Colo
Thomas bchweppenuclser vs. I. K. Schwcppenttel
ser." Wagner, sturn ft Co. v s C. It Harnes ct ux
William Snj dor's Exr's vs Valentino lUdleman
c; W. Thompson vs Hernhard stobner
II. W. Ljons vs J-horaas stackhouso's ex'r
United States Fanning lllll company vs Franklin
Pcrmelia Koons vs. Seltzer ft Miller.
Matthias Shatter vs John McDowell's adm'r
Bloomsburg, Columbia County, Pennsylvania.
Rev. D. J. WALLER, Jr., A. M., Principal.
THIS SCHOOL, as at present constituted, oners the very best facilities for Professional and Classical learning.
HulldlnRS spacious, Inviting and commodious 1 completely heated by steam, well ventilated, lighted by gas, and furnished with a bountiful budbIy of rure.soft
spring water.
Location healthful, anii easy ot access. Toachers experienced, efficient, and alive to their work. Discipline, firm but kind, uniform and thorough. Expenses
moderate. Fifty cents a week deduction to all expecting to teach, students admitted at any time, ltooins reserved when desired.
Courses of study prescribed by the state :
I. Model School. II. Preparatory. III. Elementary. IV, Classical,
Adjunct Courses i I Academic, II. Commercial. III. Course in Music. IV. Course in Art. V. Course in Physical Culture.
Tho Elementary. Sclentino and Classical Courses are IMlOFESsjuNAL, an! Students graduating therein, receive State Diplomas, conferring the foltowlrf
corresponding Degrees; Master of the Elements: Master of the sciences! Master of tho Classics. Graduates In the other Courses receive Normal Certlflcates a
their attainments,, signed bv the Offlcera of the It lard ot Trustees. .jhiuiiiiui etuuiuud.
The course ot siud y oroscrlbcd by llio siato Is liberal, and the scientific and Classical courses aro not Inferior to those ot our best Colleges
The state renulresa higher order of citizenship. Tho times demand tt. It H one of the prime objects ot this School to help to secure tr hy furnishing Intelli
gent nnd entclent Teachers for her schools. Tolhtscndlt solicits young persons ot good abilities and good purposes, those who desire to Improve their time
and their talents, as students. To all such it promises aid In developing their powers, and abundant opportunities for well paid labor auer leaving school. For
Catalogue, address tho Principal.
IKlS. U'll.l.lA.II i:i,Vl!l,l President Hoard or Trustees-
Sept. 9, '76.-
GIVEN AWAY W reoder '
A Premium Steel EiiRraving,
Entitled "Tub Findiso of thr Sa iok in tub TrM-
pi.k" with tho WUKKINU CHL'HCll.aM pageliellg-
ious ruimiy newspaper, nevoien 10 nousenoia mo
Sunday school. Music and General Church work.
un 3 months trial for as cents. Aeenti
dress J. H. HltKWEIt,
7 ft 9 warren street, New York,
nor. , tl-flm ) w ft co
Illack and Chinchilli fur Trimming! good
widths for 45 cents a yard at Lutz &. Sloan's.
Call at McKinneys for Shoes.
30 cents will buy a White Fur Cap for a
child at Lutz eVSloan's.
Shoe Store below Court
ice Raisins, Prunes
nnd Currant at
Washington. D. C. Nov. 27. 187
Ofcourt-e the possession of the Senate by
cither party is a thing to bo desired under
ordinary circumstances, as prave and import
ant matter of legislation, affecting the coun
try as well as parties are constantly arising,
For this reason tho Democrats arc making a
most gallant effort to secure tho seating of
Duller of South Carolina and Spofford of
Louiaiaua. For the same reason the Repub
licans somu of thcin are endeavoring in the
most frantic manner to keep these duly elect
cd gentlemen out Oilier Republicans, for
purely personal reasons, are equally anxious.
For all its importance ono has to feel a kind
of amusement when ouo considers the ques
tion as it now stands. Some Republican Sen
ators of course, charge all these troubles upon
the Administration. Hlaino stays away
Hamlin goes to meet him, and a great deal of
demoralization is manifesting itself among
other radicals. Conklitig standi it his post
and fights bturdily to prevent Butler's ad
mission, imagining probably that in to doing
ho is commmending himself to tho party aa
in some sense its preserver while tho Admin
istralion appears as its d-'stroyer. Edmunds
out of a vanity born of his recent piotuinenco
in party counsels, fights to preserve his per
sonal ascendancy over his brother Republi
can Senators. Upon these two tho weight of
tho hattlo falls, but I doubt if either of them.
cares a fig asido from tho effect upon his own
fortunes, whether llutler come in and tho
Senate becomes Democratic or Duller stays out
and tho Senate remains Republican. The jus
tice of the case is confessedly with tho De
mocracy and that fact, even if there were not
for thes" other causes for Republican disor
ganization, would overcome tho discipline
which lias so long held the party iu power.
If tho contest in tho Senate is continued
us long as it can bo under tho rules, probably
neither tho South Carolina nor tho Louisiana
Senators will be admitted at this session.
Your correspondent listened 011 Saturday
night to the closing argument of Attorney
General Connor of South Carolina before our
Courts as to whether Senator Patterson should
bo returned to that State on a requisition
from its Governor, as a fugitive; from justice.
Thiscasois tho first in which a Senator has
been concerned, and has excited great inter
est here. Tho argument of Air. Connor w,as
very able and created a most favorable im
pression un all. He auswered with great skill
all tho points nude by the counsel of Senator
Patterson. The decision will bo made iu a
few days
The storm of Friday and Saturday has
caused almost unprecedented destruction to
property iu tins neighborhood and in trgi
nia. Hut tho saddest of all its results is the
loss, with over a hundred lives, of tho U S,
Steamer Hurou. It is said that this vessel
put to sea in the midst of tho storm iu obedi
enco to orders from this city If so, there
would seem 10 bo good reason for an iuvesti
A Democratic daily paper is announced to
appear hero soon. The names given in con
neclion wilh this enterprise aro such that wo
may safely concludo the paper will not bo af
flicted with what has contributed to tho death
of so many Democratio dailies hero heavi
ness. Hy till way, tho National Union stall
ed as an Administration paper, and in some
respects ably managed, has not had tho popu
lar success its projectors hoped for. Tho
Xationat Jleublican, anti-administration,gets
a much better local support.
Louis Hernhard has an elegant assortment
of jewelry, Silverware, and plated ware, con
slstlng 01 wairiifa, pins, ana rungs
Tea Seta, Cake Uaskets, Card Haslets, Caa
Coal ! Coal ! ! Coal ! ! !
Extra preparation 1
Superior quality !
Orders left at 1. V. McKelvy's
Store at our ofiice, or sent through
the mails will receive prompt at
tention. Your patronage is respectfully
C. W. Neal & Buo.
May 1, 1877.
Dauchy & Co's. Advt's.
PTTVC and ltevolvrs. Illustrated Tr'ce. List free,
Vi U 1 OGreai esiern eiun works,
nuv. U, lias d
t'Altn-. 25 styles with name 10 c. Outfit
10 c. Samnles3e. J. H. HUSTED & CO., Nas
sau, . I. O nSY, S3, TJ-4W
jHHmmnlu Outfit to i:r
crjbosly Mem-winder
watch tree with iirst order.
Ten dollars a dtiy iruaran-
teed. M. CUUNEQIl & Co. Philadelphia, l'a., or Mil
waukee, Us. nov, '.'37T-4W d
or Mnnlmoil, Wnmiinhfiotl, nml their .11 n I mil In-trr-IIt-lntiunt
t I.ure, IU Power vtr.
Agents fllllnp from 15 to to 25 copies a cMy, Send
for hpt'clmin p.ifffs and our extra terms to ageou),
and he why It bells faster than an other book Ad
tlnm National Itbusuisu Co.. I'nlladeli'hla, ra,
no?. 23, 'I7-4W U
"Ffchfir'H I or Cuts, llrulnes and Sprains,
mum iwui jm-juiue i ut a, jvueu
tnatUm, Kractuied LlinbH, Frobt-t-d
Mmtiand I 'arts, rains In tho
MUbcieBunn Joints, indolent I'l-
crs, IHscharsrlngSon's, dwelled isoru iA'u, Kryslp-
rias, ana vuncuhc veins npinjRUH r-irKin uk
Witch Hazel A"K for It because ltls better, strong
er and cheaper than any other, and la warranted
by WKEKS & I'orTEK, Whoksalo Dru'lbta, St
nHnincnn Mreei, nubiuu, .nubs,
nov 23, U
An i:nerrtic Jinn r Wo inn n In every County
I'nbllratloiiN in (ho Country. Kour of the
Flni-Mt t'liromo (25 x 30 inches each) to every sub
scriber. 'Ihe llewt Combination ever before offered
to Atfenw, and th Most UberaUiiduu'inetitK to tmb
hcrlbers. Our 1'lne Publlriiiion, i:icunnt Prml
inn-, arm i,nrk'- t ommissiona place us AiiEAuur
t li Lwjii'binuiia. oeuu iur our juubiruicu wircu-
liirs and Urtns.
K. I' & L. ME-jTKIS, Publlshrs, 717 Sansom street,
ThlladelphU. d aov, 21, 77 4w
AUtaln from taking cold If )olblet but If
wiiU all your cure you uo take cold, go tt once t0 Vankin Kins, Yaw. Ac, Ac. Alao
and get & Lottie of Ur. Uoxe'a w im uuerry ana ele itant clocki lor
Bcncka. Price 25 and 10 centa.
MeleiraDt cloeVi for parlor mantles. His
I g6da are all suitable for ChrutmaapreuenU,
TUu luuai tiit'iiu aud l'tMvuriui uiuv uuaiitne
oh DitiMt uy my veieraa auioor, i , , .rtniir.
uk tu Marlid and t.nlhrhten the neoolo. Vivid
pictures and jirnoi. how It curses liodvoul, IIo:i e,
society, etc. Unroldsth work of Inkbiuitk st
LVMd. (lopel Temptranc-e, Woman's crusade. I'run-
cU .Hurpity, rroutbitiitn, eio., eic, umy 91. iu
h lo is Marvelous, tiuit inifi.i wuuuuuii
1 thikations far excel all others. Prices Just reduced
a.i iwr cent 1 1 end for tenns.
llVimutl) UUU., I'uua.,;i3 Sanson Bt., Thtladel
phU, I'a. d nov, is, 7I-4W
Jurors for Dec. Term, 1877.
HloomJoun Dclly, L, B. Hupcrt.
lienlon Larajelto Keoler.
Iierw Ick-lianlcl Koniy.
Ccntre-I'ctct Scott.
Klslilntrcreck liar man Kllno, Ellas I.aubacli.
(Ire-cnwood-Ellis Kline, Alfred Heacock.
Hemlock-H. U.rurcell. TeterS. lirucler, Nt hcmlaU
Locust Jeremiah Snyder, Samuel Camp.
Madison Chester Johnson.
Miniln Samuel Snyder.
Montonr 1'e'ter lle'lnoach, Wm. II. Weaver.
Orange Itcuben Hellas, Si. s. U'llllnms.
Scott T. II. Miller, Joseph LUIey, U. Wapples, JacDb
lleaTer-Ellas Miller, William Menslnger, Isaac liar
rlnsr, John I . liond, Moses Sllcher.
Ilcnton Clemu'l Mc'Ienry, Thomas Davts.
Illoom Thomas lltckey, John Lcaeock, John Purceil
HerMlck-Helnhard Ilerger.
Ilrlarcreek-i aMd Miarfer, Oeo, W. Xll'ir.
Catawlssa M. 1). Harman, J, II. Tetter, Theodore
Krelgh, John Ellis.
Centre Samuel Ilowen. Jerry Hagenbuch.
Pranklln O. I). L. Kostenbauder.
eireenwood -Abrara Trlpleplece-, J. Barton Quick,
lames Van Horn, T. F. Hayman.
Hemlock-Matthias A. Jloore, Setli Shoemaker, Levi
Jackson-Ocorgo McUenry, Daniel rrlt2, Thomas Y.
Locust Wm, Shuyler, David Yager, Wesley Terry.
Madison David I'hllllps, John Shetlcr.
Main-White Ilelnhelmer.
llontour-Jackbon Walter, Samuel Glgger.
Mimin-Isoac Andreas, J. J. Hartz.-l, Samuel Deck.
Mt. rieasant Ges. W. Jacoby.
Orange O. B. Appleman, Abner Welsh, William n,
Snj der.
Scott John Ki cssler, John Shollenbergor,
Sugurloat D. D. Colo.
sccosn WEEI.
Iiloom-Henry Klelm, J. U. Johnson, J. K. Orotz
Chester Hughes,
lirlarcreek- Emor Dletterlck.
Ilenton Win. Appleman, Jacob Woollver.
faUwlssa Henry Ilolllngshead, Mahlon Hamlin.
Centro Wra. Shaffer, T. I. fetrouse, Samuel Hid
Klihlngcreek Alfred Crevcllng,
llreenwood John Sands, A, Y. Whltmoyer.
Iicust Samuel Kelnbold.
Madison George Murphy, William Graham.
Maln-Gco. llollenback, Joseph liartiel. N. II. W.
Brown, John F. Creasy.
Mimin Andre Slngloy, Christian Harpster, P.J,
Mt. I'leasanl Jo-sephus Grimes, John McMulllo
James I'. Sands,
Orange Silas Shuwan.
Hne-A. E. Glrton.
Hoartngcrefk Owen Hoagland, Frank Yocum.
Scott-llobert s. Knt.
Sugarloat Andrew Hess, John W. Kile, Keuben
1 f The fullowlntr aDDralse'inents of real and
Eersonal property set apart to widows of decedents
in u ue'cu tiled In the ofiice of the Register ot Col
umbia county, under Uiet Uules of Court, and will be
nreseniea lor ausoiuie connrmatioo eo ine eirnuans
Court to be held in Bloomsburg.ln eend for Hoidcoiiu.
tv. on Monday, the 8a day of Dec.. IsII. at 1
o'clock p. m., of said day unless exceptions to such
continuation uro preeioiuuy nieu. oi wuicu tui
sous inieresiou ui bum esiaieswui uouee;
1. Widow of David StiaHerJatc of Brlarcreektown
bnip, ueceabeu.
i. itldow of Hiram Lunger,l ate otsugarloa! town
snip, aecea&cu.
J. s ldow of slmon Linn, lata of Montour township
widow of John redder, late of tlimtn township,
Widow of FJlJah Summers, late ot Montour town.
buip, eicce'itbcu.
6. U Mow of Kllas Iiarlg, late of Locust township,
T. Widower C. II, Glrton, late ot Hemlook town
snip, ueccaaea
lleirbwr's onice. 1 W. II. JM-OHY
is.i i uiii-ier
In pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court of
Columbia county, tho undersigned Administrator of
cadwallader liobcrts, lato of Montour township, Co
lumbia county, deceased v HI expose to public sale
on the premises In Montour tow nshlp on
at t o'clock p. ra , a certain mcssuago and
Tract of Luiul
sttuato In said township ot Montour, Columbia coun
ty, Pennsylvania, bounded by lands of Joslah Hob-
ens, William Iloberts, George Itlihel.Joseph Fry and
others, and contt lnlng
more or less, with ths appurtenances; on which U
erected a
Terms of Sals. Ten per. cent of one-fourth of the
purchase money to be paid at the striking down of
tho property, tho on-fourth less the ten per cent, at
conllrtnallon ot sale, and tho remaining three-
fourths In ono year thereafter Tilth Interest from
confirmation nisi.
Attorneys. Administrator,
nov. , 'Tt-ts
Hp , f lirn iri'lauo, Ormm uyitiyLook 1 start
h t 111 noir! wo! orirans. 11 stops las. Pi.
anew only 1130. CmlfMQ. circulars Free. Danlol P.
iieaiiy, wosnicirion, re. j.
nov. y, -H-4W a
Send for Eeduecd Pries List cf
MASON & H ami IN
IH L'KI) HOtojV). fc'A ll, Tills MONTH. (Nov. 1S7T).
A'ldri bS M IMi.N HAill.l.N OltllAN CO lloslou.
New York or Chicago.
nov, w, ii-ew a
Cuiciao, iLUlNswOBUiNS, Li.;
aa Sin FniKCisco, ClU
An M phictn, retired from pnetio. bnn rn
rivcd truui n lt lndi tniMtunur lb formoU ol
umpla tegeUbl remedj for ipdj od tniuMnt
curw of tennHe,bT0itUu, $H9rtk,kma, tni U
throftt anJ lung 1IcUim j 1m wr for nvnona d
l.ttt antl U nnnui eocspUinU. Mr tTim tted
in curatir townt U) Uond of , hi flt It bU
dut) to in k it known U Jui nullenrc (llown. Actu
Utu by ft dwair to rliva hatutn uSmnit, I will teati
frtM tuall bodira U.tbkarMip In irmn, trench,
t-r J'nKlikh, with"" ilirwrliunM. AddroM.witB tUmp,
nov, 9, T-4W d
These brands ct Sweet Plug aro acknowledged by
an lo ue me i-iucki i uctt iuk i eiuierco iu iuu umi
ket. cul up In all tbape s and size a, In llahogany
ana uibck wrupint. ruiu ur iuc uauc kwuui
ttua for bauipie to lue inanuiatiurtm,
U. A. JACKSON & CO., Petersburg, Vs.
Oso. F. Waknik, General Agent,
t-'os. I and e fcouiu Water tree;t, Ptilladlplila.
nov. , 11- a
ElMB&ei in lilt.
A full line of
TT"IIEREAS, tlie Hon. William Elwkll
T V President Judge ot the Court ofojcr and
Terminer and General Jail Delivery, Court of Quar
ter sessions of the Peaco and tho Court of Common
leas and orphans' Court In tho !Gth Judicial Dls.
trlct, composed of tho counties of Columbia and
Montour, and tho Hons. I.K. hrlckbaum and F. L.
sliuman.Assoclato Judges ot Columbia county, have
Issued their precept, bearing date the 15th day of
.Sept., tn tho year ot our Lord one thousand eight
hundred and seventy-seven, nnd to me directed ror
holdlnga Court otojer and Terminer and ticneral
Quarter Sessions of the Peace, Court of Common
Pleas and Orphans court, in liioomsourg, in mo
county ot Columbia, on the nrst Monday, being the
3d day ot December next, to continue two weeks.
Notice Is hereby given to the Coroner, to the Jus
tices of tho Peace, and tho Constables ottho said
county of Columbia, that they bo then and there In
their proper person at 10 o'clock in mo forenoon or
said sd day ot Dec, witn tneir records, inqui
sltlons and other remembrances, to do thoso things
which to their onices apiertaln to bo done. And
thoso that aro bound by recognlzanco to prosecute
against the prisoners that aro or may bo In tho jail
of the said county of Columbia, to bo then and there
to prosecute them as shall bo JUjt. Jurors are re
quested tobe punctual In thelrattendance, agreeably
to their notices. Dated nt liloomsburg the 1st day
nt Nov.. In tho ear of our I.ord ono
L..s. thousand eight hundred and beventy-seven
'land in tno one nunureu unu ursijcur eu
the Independence of tho united .states of America.
Sheriffs Office, joiin. w, Huffman,
liloomsburg, Nov. a tc fchertff.
Dress Goods,
Dry Goods, Groceries, Provisions,
Oil Cloths and a large assortment of
General Merchandise.
Just in, and fresh invoices received daily.
L W. McKelvy.
& Market Sts., BLOOMSBURG, PA.
Nov. 23, 77.-tf.
Notice Is bereliy irlven to all legatees, credi
tors and oilier persons Interested la the estates of
tue ri'KH'cuu ueceueuia lenu minora, malum 101-
lowillir auininisiiaiiou ana gusruian accounts na
bte-n tiled In the utllco of tho Hi'irlsUr of Columbia
count), and will be prebeuted for conrlrinaUon and
allowance iu uie. eirpnaus e,ourc eu ee ueia in
I oouisbunr. on Monday, the 3d uavor Dec., lstt.
miu eiut-K, i, iu. uu naiu uuj ,
1. Iho second and llnal account of SI. V. U. Kllno.
Aduunmraior or aulaulc:l overdorf, late ot
eaiawusu, aeeeasea.
H. The account of Henry netting, Administrator ot
ja'n eieiung, uteor siiruin townshlp,deccasd
Tlieaceount of Himuel Knorr, Administrator ot
siargarei ppieman, lateot mo town of Ulooms
uurg, ueceaJU.
4. The accnuut of William II. Hhoeniaker, (luardlan
ci Agnes ite-icue-iuiier. a minor Child or Mlcuael
Helcheldlter, late of the town ot Uloomsburg, de
ceased. S, Tho account of (leorge miner and lohn A. Klt
ner, dmtnlstratoraot Peter Illtner, late ot Lo
cust townbhlp, dhceased.
I. Tho first arid final aceount of James p McClure,
Administrator ot Catharine lllshel, late ot Mon
tour township, deceased.
T. The nrst and partial account of Charles Kessler,
Administrator of tieorge Kessler, late of Heaver
township, deceasod,
8. The account of Jacob M. Harman (luardlan ot
Charles M. 1 1 ny hurst, a minor child ot (leorge
It. Ha) hurst, Uto ot Catawlssa township, dee d,
t The nrtt account of Ftra MepVens administra
tor de bonis non of tt Ullam iless lale of bugar
loaf, dceci-Bed
10, The account ot Hiram J. Ileeder, Kireutor of
btuabt'lti OH-rdon, lateot catawlssa, deceased,
II The first and nnal account of Kauiuel Kressler,
Aurainiairaiur oi lieurge Kressicr, late ot tkoll
tow nshlp, d. e-ea-sed.
II. The final account of William Neal, one of the Ex
exiors oi iiiidin.-n)uer, laie ox uie t own or
Illoouibburg, deceased.
II The first and partUl acount ot John II Davis
and Margaret Davis, administrators of David
Davis lateoi neaurionnsnip, eieceoscd.
lleglsler's (mice, w, II. JACOHV,
Bloomsburg, Nov. , 1STI. Kegtsier.
O OflflA(,ENTH WASTED. iTom is to
uivwiii u nay sure. Ministers, ncexanu
Picture Agents, and all out of emplo)mentot ei he r
fees, ueru is eue e.e-se cuaue-u uucrea luis season, a
t'e.u PutssNTOt from lato 111) to win be given to
every eJood Working Agent, hend lo ce-nia fur small
sail pie. or better silll, Il fort largo samples wilh
circulars, ecruia, &c, ouu kv iu worn ae uuve,
KEV. 8. T. BUCK,
Jwico lioi HI, union, Pa,
uov.le, 17 1m l)rtientlon this pupsr,
Hy virtue of an order issued out of tho court of
Common Pleas of Columbia county, directed to mo
as sslgneo ot rarvln Masters, for tho bene-flt of his
creditors, there will bo exposed to Public Sale, at
Iless' Hotel, tn the town ot Ilenton, as per adjourn
ment, on
SATURDAY, DEC, 1st, 1877
nt t o'clock, p. m , the following described piece or
parcel ot land situate In the township of Ilenton,
Columbia county, ra., on tho waters ot Big Fishing
creek, bounded and described as followB, to wit : On
the east by land of John cole, eouth by lands of A.
D. (lood and Joan V, Cbapln, west by the east boun
dary llao or the town ot ilenton, and north by land
of Benjamin UcIIeury, containing
28 Acres and 120 Perches,
more or less, with the Improvements, ronslstlng of a
small Dwelling House, a Shingle Mill and water
rights appurtenant,
TkKies op Hilk as proscribed by the order of Uie
Court i Twenty-five per cent, cash i balance In two
mjual annual payment., wltu Intercut from confir
mation ot sale by the Court, to be secured on the
at the same Umo And place, will bo offered for sale
a Parker hlngle Machine, and six orulght thousand
sawed shingles, belonging to Uie aforesaid ParvU
Att'y Astlgneo of Parvln Masters,
Hartley Hall.
Nov.9 TT-ta Lycoming county.. Pa.,
Men's Over Coats from
Men's Ulsters,
S4 50.
3 50.
2 50.
Notice U hereby given that the following accounts
have been Illea In the ofiice ot tho Prothonotary ot
the Court ot Common pleas of Columbia county, and
w 111 lo presented to Iho Court on tho 4th day ot De.
cember next and will bo confirmed after tour days
ULlc&i exceptions bo Hied.
Tho account of Hiram J. Ileeder, Assignee of Na
than Kostcnbauder,
The account ot Jacob Hartmau, Comtnllleo of
Henry Hartman, a lunatic, now itece-esed.
11. V. ZAllli,
Prothonotar) 'a Ortlce, Nov. 1, tl-to ProtlPy.
Collars, Seal Caps,
Cull's, Gloves,
Scarfs, Hose,
vstitb or nirinsnirrsK, jr., pxc'n.
lo-tters ot admlnlsi ration, on Ihe eMate ot David
Sharli-rjr., lale tf lirlarcreek twp., ColumbU co.,
Pa., have been grained by the HeglMtT ol Co
lumbta county, to Icvl hharfer, Administrator of
same tow nshlp, to whom all 'persons Indebted, are
renuesird lo uiaku Immediate -tjuKot and those
haling claims or demands against the said e'ate
will make them known to the unaertlgned Adminis
trator without delay,
nov, lo-cw "
I.clliTsef Administration do Id Is ncn. cn tho
estate of I imlel, lalo ot the Town of
Hlooiusburg, Coluinlla county, have been granU'd
by thu lie-glsler of said county lo the undersign
ed Administrator. AU erbons having claims
aitalnst Ihe tald estate are reguesledtu prese-nt
lluiu lor te'ttli'iiieut, and those Indebted to make
pa)iueut wimoui delay,
nov, 'J7-w Administrator,
Hoard of ftUnjfertt ol Ihe Itloomburtr Una
Lulu nan lulJ octuUr KUh. a lUiKleml ct iuu iter
lieu ot O. W .Ulcr, becrctary ou lUo ut Uay or le-
H. KNOftH,
nov, u, 'U IT ikident
Mammoth Grocery, corner of Main and Centre ntreeta.
Fancy Imported ami Domestic Staple Groceries of Every Description,
Qneerarfi, Glassware, M ana Willowware,
Flour and Feed, Tobacco and Cigars,
on niok ritiisn rnoni'CE.
Jan 1.1871.
HARMAN & HASSERT. Proprietors;
I.ntit Struct, Soullt Hleloofa.. &. U. Ilallruail lUoomsburff, I'a,
liefoertfully call the atlentlon ot tbo public to the fo!lov,lnb Mate-men's i Thiv manufacture MUlndaof
iiiii ; iiiiil lilt im i'mim!". They rnako Ihe Celebrated Orlslual and IMPROVED
MONTKOm Slows, alio ull kinds ot Itepat-s, such as itold buurus t oiuts, Lumtoiues
boils, handles, Ac. '1 hey also make
and aro prepared to (urnUh
nmlH tlit) luiitrotrd CuhI
THey are also prepare d to rurtiUU
pay especial aiu'uuuu ui vuo
i all kinds of repairs, such as Urates. Fire Brick, o., wholesale and reU
.suviuH liniii for the tt hi. I'm" Moe e, the most e-conoinloal l.ra
v holesale and retail. They
rate in use.
etc. 1 ney
Repairing of Threshing Machines, Reapers, &c.
The proprietors being practical mechanics, having had an exre rlence of over thirty years, the public o
si tin- 1 1 mil in vi Ik 1 1 hi lie e,ie II i it. tile II West MMiktr and at Fair pices.