The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, November 30, 1877, Image 2

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Friday, Nov. .'50. 187'
In nnnllicr column we print in full tlin
ltr decision nf llitt Sjiiptrtnu Court cjncerii
Ing roriiid ili'dioim. The Now Omntitu
lion prnvldm tlint"Any person wlitilmll,
wlillo a candlilHte for ollice, be Kiillty of liri
licry, fraud or wilful violation of iitiy olt-c
tion law clinll lie forever disqualified from
holding nn .l!ice of trust or profit in tbls
Commonwealth ; him miy person convicted
of wilful violation of the flection lAWsshnll,
In addition to any penalties piovldcd bylaw,
he deprlvd ol the right of siifl'rnge absolute
ly for a trrm of four years." The case of
Georgo Walter, elected Sberifl of llutler
counly last year, is the first one that has
come before the Supreme Oourt. Mr. Hut
ler is nut by any means the first candidate
that has been guilty of violation uf the elec
tion laws sinee the adoption ol the New
Constitution, but he is tie first one that has
been prosecuted to the. end, and properly
punished for the crime of bribery.
W'o have not taken pains to inquire on
wliat ticket Waltfr was elected. That Is a
matter nf no importance. It is mfticlcnt
that be has been found guilty of a violation
of onn of tho must military provisions ol our
fundamental law, and properly punished
It was hliih time that nn example should
be made. I'or years I ho elections in this
State have been beslimed with fraud and
'.nrruptioii until the practice has almost be
come a laK by custom, llnbcry lias been
runtiins rampant, und positions of tru
and profit, from the most petty ciunty olliee
tip to that of United States Senator, have
be.Mi purchased with money 01 obtained by
1 rati J. Kren the President of the Nation
holds his position by the most wilful parti
nan trickery that win ever perpetrated on an
enlightened country. When the election
laws can be cnloreed, and the (Joii-tilutiot;
of the Slate is no longer u dead letlir, there
is hope for the. futuic.
It has been too long the piactice of party
organs to attempt to cover the sins ol their
members when accused of crime. hen a
public man of the Democratic party i
charged with corruption, fraud, embezz'e
ineot or nny other violation of law, the lie-
publican press howls and lioot, and lays his
crookedness all to Democratic principles,
When the offender is a Uepuhlican,lhe same
rule applies to Democratic journals, and the
criminal's offense is made the offense of his
party, liecause church members disregard
tbo teachings of Christianity it does not
prove that the doctrines of that religion are
corrupt, and because individual members o
a political party are guilty of crimes it does
not follow that their sins are the teachings
of the party. The great present evil is the
absence ol morality and honesty in Individ
uals, Rnd the sooner such persons can be
made to know that there are laws which will
be enforced, and rights of society whicl
must be respected, the sooner will there hen
decrease in the number of crimes of all
grades, whether they be petty thefts, corrup
tion in office, bribery by candidates, stuflin,
of ballot boxes, or murder.
This dtciion of the Supremo Court is n
long needed leson to politicians. It will
hereafter ba understood that money may he
used only for lawful ehclion purpses, to
wit: first, printing and (raveling expends
second, for dissemination of information tu
the public; third, for political meetings,
demonstration', and convention". Let bin
who goes beyond these suffer tlie just penally
of the law.
During Buchanan's administration a pro
ject was on fout for, the United States to
purchase Cuba from Spain. There were and
are strong reasons why this should be done,
In the first place it is"manifcst detiny"that
sooner or later Cuba must become the prop
erty of the United States. We cannot, ni:
cording to the Monroe doctrine permit it tu
go to any European nation. There are
stronger reasons for its acquisition than
there were for the purchase of Florida and
Louisiana, or the Acquisition of Texas and
California. As the key to the Gulf of Mex
ico, it is innm than ever necessary to us,
Besides, a rich Ulaml like Cuba would be
beneficial in a financial point ol view. We
need its products, and it needs our maim
factures. I!ut there are the higher motives
of Humanity and I'atriulism.
The wiuguinary order of Martinez Campos
the preseut Captain General, to shoot nil
prisoners, whomsoever they be, taken by the
Spanish troops operating against the Cubai
patriot, has priiuced dl.'gGst and dismay
'Among Spaniards in this country and in
'Havana, As the majority of the prisoner
" taken by tlio Spaniards in Cuba during the
"past twejve months have been women, cull
' dren, and old men non-combatants Intel'
ligent Spaniards are naturally incensed
agaiust a Spanish commander who, by iseu
log so infamous an edict, furnishes convioc
ing proof of that which they have been en
deavoring to conceal, namely, the hopeless
ness of the Spanish cause in Cuba, since tie
pair alone could drive Martinez Campos tu
uch a course, and (bo horrible character ol
the Cuban war which Spain has been wag;
log lor nine years, me uismay among
Spaniards over this older is thu result alike
uf their fear ol retaliation by tbo Cubans
who have hitherto been honorably punclili
ous on the subject ol the amenities of civi
izeu warfare, and of its evil tfiect upon
foreign nations whose: just lutervenliou they
Spain is a't)raiiiiical,ulgottd, and corrupt
monarchy, and holds by descent and not by
' purchase. Her rule is perpetuated by force
and crime, and the slaughter is not confined
only to uativis, but to American citizens as
in the case of tbe Virgiuius. She has al
redy speut thousands ol iivta in i Hurts
ubjugatlon, and tquandtrtd $3001000,0v,01
an amount iquat to that (tiered her by the
United Slates ; and the patriots are not y
Jlr. Buchanan's proposition was option
by Ihe Abolitionists btraute it would in
crease ibearea of frredoiu. Others opposed
it then, as they did tbe acquisition of Flori
da and Louisiana, and yet clapped their
hands with joy at the purchase uf bant
Alaska at an immense cost, and which had
no commercial or political importance, and
whoso inhabitants were savsges.
lly all means, then, let us acquire Cuba
and thus aid lis patriots in obtaiuing liberty
to stop the wholesale butchery now going on
there as a means of protection to our com
lucres und country, and to aid our Indus.
Jllai wad manufacturing lotcmta.
lly the terms of the Constitution rach
State Is entitled to bo represented In Con
cress by two Senators. Any attempt fo de
prive n Btnto ol such representation Is not
nly n violation of tho Constitution,
but when made by n Senator U n vio
lation of Ills oath of ollice. Tho
Legislature of South Carolina elected 51. C.
llutler ns Senator from that State, and the
Legislature of LouMana elected Mcssr.
SpofTord and Ilustis. Had these, gentleman
been liepuhlicans they would have been ad
Itled without delay. Hut they nro Dem
ocrats, and it so happens that their admis
sion would give the Democrats control of the
n.itc. Hence the present struggle. These
SenatorsVere elected by competent legisla
tures, to till actual vacancies, and the Ad
lnistiatinn itself has recognized thtvn
LegM.itures as legal bodies. l!ut the pitia
ble spectacle is pnseuted of a Republican
Senate, In order to maintain its suiiremact ,
f violating law and oaths in order to seat
three carpet ba.'gers who have no color of
title to their seats, and who are incipient
andldates fur the p2iilten)lary. Honest lie-
publicans must blush fur shame nt this spec
tacle, and the world admit that n party must
he badly demoralized which adopts such
means to perpetuate power.
In the effort to seat llutler of South Caro-
na, l'attersou of that State, Oonovcr ol
Florida, and Judge Davis of Illinois, hac
oted wllh the Democrats. The two former
give the excellent reasons that lie was uttiy
elected, and that they are properly represent
ing the wishes of their constituents. Judge
Davis gives as his reason the right of a Stato
to be represented, nnd tho Injustice of de
ay. Hut n howl of anguish now goes up
against 1'alterson nnd Conover. They are
j I led "carpet baggers," True, and they
are Republican, seated by Ilepuhlirau
ote,and welcomed with open arms by their
Republican associates.
Jlut they arc corrupt 1 True. we have al
ways said so but we did not put them in
the S'nate nor couid we turn them out of a
Republican body and it is rather late in
the day for the Republicans to bring up the
fact, and that, too, when for once in their
lives, these men are trying to do nn honest
act. That model organ of the party of
great moral ideas ' tho l'hiladelpbia 1'rett
says :
'The dancer may or may not he over.
The biter news of the day indicates that
lators t'atterson anil Uonover may not be
a unworthy as their irresolution and ap
parent bari:ainiiic and sellinc -this week
seemed to indicate that the Democratic
n.irtv uiav not tet havo calned the ascen
leni'V in tilts benate ol tlie unileil estates uy
forcinc a miserable man to choose whether
he will become a penitentiary convict or
De cratic senator. At all events, it is nn
hour of deep shame for tho ountry when
tlie control of its irovernment. bancs on the
control ol its senate, when tlie balance ol
its government, haugs on tho uecision 01
men of whom such things can he spokcii,
nnd when a great party that once was na
tional seeks or is willing to take ascendency
at such n price.
If 1'alterson, tho "miserable man" is'n
fit subject for "a penitentiary convict,"
we answer that theltepuhlican party elected
him, profited by his votes, Mistaiued him
when charges of corruption were made
against him, made Hayes President by Pat
terson's corrupt manipulation of South Car
oliua returns, and up to the present have re-
sisted all efforts of the Democrats of South
Carolina to bring him to justice.
The admission of Kellogg, Pinchback and
Corbin may give the Republicans control uf
the Senate for two years more, hut cannot
prevent Democratic supremacy in that body
wo years hence, lly that time the people
will have elected a Democratic President,
aud ''cai pet-baggers" and "Penitentiary sub
jects" cannot change results.
Wreck of tbe Huron.
Nowolk, November 25, 1877.
Dispatches were received in this city yes
terday uion ing that the Uuited States ship
Hurou, a third rate screw, 641 tons with a
crew of one hundred aud fifty souls,had gone
ashore, at oue o'clock, of)' Life Station No.
, near Oregon iulet, off the coast of North
Caroliua ; that she was fast breaking up;
that assistance was urgently needed, and that
thu bodies of the dead were floating ashore.
The llaker Brothers immediately dispatched
the wrecking steamer Resolute to the scene
of the disaster, but without hope of accom
plisliiug much good, as the gale of Friday
night was of the most terrific description,
with a heavy sa and a dead lee shore. The
Huron left Hampton Roads Friday morning
for the West Indies on a cruise to determine
certain disputed points of longitude. She
probably caught thu full force of tbe gale,
aud, her machinery failing her, was driven
ashore, but, the real caui-e of the accident
will probably uot be discovered for several
days. Thu Hurou was bark-rigged, and was
said to have becu u botched job at best. The
only hope uf those on hoard, it was soon
ascertained, lay iu thu life-saving stations,
and as these were only half manned the hope
was not a strong one. At G:10 p. m., yester
day it was learned from the observer at Kit
ty Hawk that the Huron had completely
broken and was iu pieces. Thirty burvivors
up to that time had reached the shore, ai d
reported that one hundred and five persons
had been lost. Much ol this great lot is
attributed to the lack of sufficient force at
the life-saving station. Tbe exact point at
which tlie Huron struck is by tbe bend ol
the coast 75 miles south of Cape Utnry,and
the most exposed point between Capes Hen
ry aud Hatteras.
Ilou. John Trunkey, tuysa correspondent
of tlie Oil City Derrick, enters upon his new
office ol Supremo Judgo in January, holding
his first couit in Philoaelphia. His term will
coutiuuo twenty-ono years, with u salary the
Lcgitlaturo may vary t tims, hut likely to
uveragu eight thousand dollars. Aliko as an
upright Judge, an oxemplary citizen, a con
sistent church member aud a zealous leather
in tho Sabbath School, his duties have ever
been performed willi coufcicntious fidelity
and ho has made for himself a record uiisuV
lied by a single blot.
The late heavy ra'iDs did great damage in
many parts of iho country. Tho loss in Rich
inond.Ya., is reported at morolhun a $1,000,.
000. Hridgcs were swept away at Danville,
Harper's Ferry and other points iu tho trimo
state. At Chanibershurg, Pa., the damage is
said to bo 5-10,000.
In tlie Senate Wcdnetday the case of Kel
loeg ol Ixmislana was given precedence over
that of llutler by tho the Mile of Cotiover,
and casting vole of Winder. Both will
probably be admitted this week.
"Muck" Donnelly, charged with complicity
in the murder of '1 hotnns Sanger at Raven
Run in 1876, liss been found guiltyof mur
der in the first degree. He was defended by
M. 51. L'Velle.
Tho Hunsingcrs were convicted of embei
xlciucut in Reading last week, and a motion
for a new trial is pending.
Since our last issue no decisive battle has
beau fought between the Russians and
Corrupt Illecllom.
Tlio following important decision wi de
livered in tho Supremo Court nt l'iltsburg
l.vl week, nnd is of rcnernl interest lo poli
ticians :
Tho Cotntnonwciillli of Ii nn-jlvnuia, ex ic-
lationo tho Attorney Uctiernl, vs Oeotge
Walter, High Sheriff of llullcr county,
Wctcrn dUfriot. Krior to the Common
Pica of Jlutlcr county, Paxson, J.
Tliis was n writ of quo warranto, issued
pon a suggestion filed by the Attorney Gen
eral of the Coinmonwtnltli ngain-t (leorgo
Walter, requiring linn lo show by what au
thority ho holds and exercises the office, ft an
iso, rights and privileges nnd enjojs tho
emoluments of t lie oflico of High Sheriff of
the county of llutler. Tho suggestion avers
lhal the said Walter, while n candidate for
aid office, "paid emu John McCluro inoiicy
n t.i-0 in carrying paid election for him, for
ther putpoyes tlian for printing and Havel-
ing expenses, the ilis-citntiatioti nt lulortua-
on to tho public, or for political meetings,
emotistiatlons and conventions, or for any
neccsary aivi proper expen-es cNprcsMy au-
lorized by law, hut for corrupt and illegal
purpntes in procuring hit election." Tlie sug
gestion tliuu specifics nets of coiruption and
ptoceeds to charge that ''tho said George
niter, having taken tho oath of office ro
quired by tho Constitution of the Stato of
l'enhylvatiia after ho had been declared
elected to tho aid oflico of Sheriff, did then
ind thoto commit nnd was guilty of wilful
and corrupt perjury, having been guilty of tho
acts and offenses first above alleged am
i'.iarged, which in said oath, taken as aforo
aid, ho dented ; whereby the said Ireorpo
Walter has hecouio and is disqualified from
holding tho said oflbc of Sheriff of tho county
I' llutler, and sincu the first Monday of Jan
uary, in tho year of our Lord- onj tlioasan d
ight hundredjand soventy-six, ho has usurp
ed and docs Usurp on the Commonwealth
therein, to the groat d.umga ivi.l prvjudi co
of tho Constitution and laws thereof." An
amended suggestion and amended specifica
tions were filed by leave of Court, n refer
ence to tho details of which is unnccces'iiry
under tho views wo lake of tho iajo. Nor
need we now allude to nny of tho subsequent
proceedings in the ease until wo covno to tlie
murrer filed by ths dcfendinton tho first
ay of October, 1877. Unlcr tlie well netted
rules ol law this demurrer wasnn admission
fall tlie facts sufficiently pleaded. The do
murrer was general. An attempt was made
to shoiv that it was spooial by a certificate of
tlie learned Judgo of the Court below that it
was only taken to a siujlo point. Tho ocrti
ficate was no part of tho record, although filed
in the cause, and it may well ho questioned
whether tho unoflioial declaration of the
Judgo can bo received lo contradict his onn
record. It is. however, wholly immaterial,
as wo are unable to perceive any difference
betweon a general and a special da murrer as
to the admisMnn ol the facts. Doth alike ad
mit every fact well pleaded. We aie, there
fore, brought to a consideration of tho suffi
ciency of tho suggestion.
ihe law nf tho cao will bo found in sec
tion 9, of article 8, of the Constitution, and
tho act of ISth of April, 1871, V. L.,05. Tho
Constitution provision is as follows : "Any
person who shall, while a candidate for of
fice, bo guilty of bribery, l'rau 1 or wilful vio
ation of any election law shall be forever dis
qualified from holding an office of tru-t or
rofit in this Commonwealth ; and any per
son convicted of wilful violation of the elec
tion laws thall, in addition to any penalties
provided by law, bo deprived of the right of
suffrage absolutely for a term of lour years."
Tho act of 1874, after defining in the first
section what shall bo considered legal elec
tion expenses, provides that "nothing con
tained in this act shall be construed as to au
thorize ihu payment of money or other valua
ble thing for tlie vote or influence of any elec
tor, either directly or indirectly, at primary,
township, general or i-pecial elections, nomi
natiug conventions, or for any corrupt pur
poses whatever, incident to nn election ; and
all judicial, State, ciunty an! municipil oth
com hereafter elected shall, lel'oio entering
upon the du'ies of their respective offices,
lake and Fubscrib" the oath prescribed by tho
Constitution of this Commonwealth." The
averment in the suggestion that the defend
ant paid money to John Mi-Lure other than
for tho legal expenses provided for in the act
of 1874, but "fur eonnpt rod illesnl purpose"
in procurine. his election,'' sufficiently charges
u violation of ill Mid not. The only expen
sea recognized by law are : First, printing
and liavclint; exiieiMjs; second, for dissemi
nation nf information to tho public, and
third, for political meetings, demonstrations
and conventions, lleyond these authorized
expenditures' a candidate for ofico may not
go. The act of 1874 declares that a candidate
for either a nomination or an election shall
not pay er contribute, cither directly or indi
rcelly, any money or other valuable thing, or
knowingly allow it to bo d no by others for
him, cither for tho mininitmn election or
appointment, except for tha three purposes
above specified. Wo think, therefore,
that the averment in the suggestion that
money was paid not for the legd objects' des
ignated, but fur corrupt and illegal
in procuring his election, brought tho defend
ant within the prohibition of the Constitution
and th penalties ol Iho act of 1871 It fol
lows that the Court below erred in sustaining
the demurrer.
Tt remains to consider whether we nuzht
to enter final judsrmeut If the defendant
had demurred piomptly there would havo
been much l'urco in tin suggestion, pressed
upon us at the argument, that wo should hate
given judgment ol rapondeat muter. But
the Commonwealth has bocn-grcatly delayed
This m1 was hero last year upon anothc
point We then heard no word of any de
feat in tho suggestion. Tho judgment was
reversed November 24, 187C, and a procetlen
Jo ordered. It was not until October 1,1877,
the day upon which this case was ordered
for tr:al, that the tlcmurrer was i ut iu. This
delay was calculated to batUe tho Comtaon
wealth and seriously protra:t Iho proceedings;
If we now allow tho defcudant to withdraw
his dcuiurre r, it is not probable tho case can
be disposed of during his tenn of office.
cannot permit him to practically defeat this
innniiy iu this manner. Ho has had an am
nlo opportunity of having his caso passe
upon by a jury, if ho desired It. Having, nf
tcr great delay, interposed n demurrer, ho
must bo held to all its legal coufcquence
The Comiucuwcalth is entitled to final judg
What judgment is it our duty to give
Tho section of Iho Constitution above litci
provides, as we havo sen, that any person
who shall, while a cudidato fur office, be
guilty of a wilful violation of uny electio
law, "shall bo Ibievcr disqualified from hold
ing an office of trust or profit in this Coin
mouwealth." The entry of judgment lor Ih
Commonwealth upon Iho demurrer is con
clusive upon the defendant lhat ho has wil
fully violated the election law or 181
April, 1874. It fullowj that tho disqualifi
cation of the Constitution attaches, cud that
h is "forever di.-qualitied ftoin holding au
pflice of trust or profit in this Commonwealth.'
He therefore fills an cttico ho u disqualify
from loldiug by tho very terms of the Consti
tution, and must bo ousted thcrcfioiti. This
may t com sevcro, hut it is jut. The consti
tutional provision and thn uct of 1874 wero
mended to ptescrvo tho purity of the bal lot,
nnd must bo sternly enforced.
The Judgment is reversed, nnd judgment is
now entered hero for the Commonwealth
,tc.nM.r.1H . n..,t U I. n..l....i
"I '" """.... 1 " " 1-inii.iiii uiui-ira
ntid niljtidiicdby tho Com t that the defend Hit,
George Waiter, hp, and ho hereby is, ousted
oin tho office- if High Phctiff of Holler
unity mill f urn tV' irulirh ses, rights and
emolument" ibcr-of.
fir-nli'iin' until' Sutilli I'arnllnn Unseals.
Col.mtttA, S.r , Nov. ED - Judge Town.
end's iMuit icomivcti"d thi" morning. After
tho Judgment of his honor was rendered upon
lli" motion of nrrest of judgment, made by
rnuii'el for Smalls and Cardozo nhottt fen
ays ago, which Judgment was avcr-o to the
motion, s-enlcnces were pa-scd as follow :
1'iaticis J,. Cardozo. ox-trraMirer of South
Carolina I'or conspiracy to defraud lh stale,
wo vea rs iniiirtsonim nt in Jail nnd S 1.1)00
fine, and one year's imprisonment added if Iho
fine is not paid nt the expiration of two
SmalN. member of congress, for accepting
bribe of S.i.OOO while member nf tho sta'o
senate, thrco years at hard labor in Iho peni
Jj. Cass i arncntor. lormcrlv timnrictor nl
thoi Coluinbiis AnVy chio'i, fur forgery jn
tailing the amount for publishing the law in
hi papers, two years in jail and a fine of
SI. 000.
malls has been nut on hail and a motion
was mado to continue, thn Lai I in Ins caso
which has not been decided. Pending the
decision as to ball he leiiiains iu custody nf
tho iailor. Cardozo tenialns iu ia'd where lie
has been for some wet ks. but application for
hail lias been made bv his rounsel. No ef
fort to bail Carpenter has been made.
Wo icgrot to learn that Mis McChirc, wife
of Col. A. IC. JIcCIuic. editor of tho l'liila-
lelphia 7Vii diul l.i-t Saturday fioui an at
tack of neuralgia of tho heart,
Civil war is imminent in France, and
many well informed persons believe thai
the crisis is not far off,
A little hole in a shin sinks it. A little
tab in the heart kills a man. A slL'lit cold
too lung ueelectnl will end in consumption
and the grave Dr. Coxe's delightful syrup
nf Wild Cherry and Seneka will curespe ed
lly. A good domestic Sulphur huh can be install-
lly prepared bv taking a cake of (lien's
Sulphur Snip into the hath tub. Sorb nn ex
:)fslient will, to use n slang phrase, "knock the
spots oil" any victim of cutaneous blemishes,
Sold by all druggists "3 cents.
Hill's Hair it Whisker Dye, blaek or brown,
60 cts.
Nov. L'3-l.
Or. Shiloh'K Sjstem Vitalizer.
We are authorized to cuarante-o this rem
edy for the cure of Myspepsia, Inactive Liv
er.rfou r Stomach, Constipation. Loss of Ap
petite, Coming up of rood, Yellow Skin,
and uenerat Languor niiu Debility, xou
must acknowledge that this would bo luin
ou unless we had positive evidence that it
will cure. You who are sufferinc from
these complaints these words are addressed
and will you continue to suffer when you
can be cured on snch terms? It is for you
to determine. Sample bottle 10 cents; reg
nlar size 75 rents, bold by C. A. Kleim and
N.J. Hendershctt.
CO.000 die annually bv neclcctintr s
Cough, Cold or Croup, olten leadine ti
Consumption nnd the grave. Why will you
neglect so important n matter, when you
ran gel ni our store Billion s vJomsumptiot
r.....r ..!.. t , 1
iure, who ine assurance oi a siu cav recov
ery. I'or soreness across the Chest or Lungs
or J.ame iiacn or rjiue, EMiiloli's t'orou
Plaster gives prompt relief. Sold by C. A
Kleim and N. J. Heudershott.
Hnckmelnck, a popular and fracrnnt per
fume. Sold bv C. A. Kleim and r. J. Lien-
uershott. -March 8(1. '77-eow
JONKS-WELLIVKIt.-On tho 11th lnst.,tiyT. O
ClecsMr.KdwlnJoneuQml.Mlss KlsleJane Weltlver
all ol Hemlock township Columbia couaty, I'a
ltEIUIIAItD-oiIt-On the 15tn Inst ,by the fame.
at the brldo's parents In Hack Horn, .Mr. Attio
Itctclurd, to .Miss Eraacls It. oh!, an ot Columbia
couaty, I'a.
Wheat per bushel.,
me ..
t 1.M
Corn, new, "
oats, " " ..
nour rcr carrci ..
. I
Dried Apples
sides A smoulders .
Lard pnr pound ....
nay per ton .,
TlraoUiySeed ,
wuuiAiiua run coal.
Mo. 4 on Wharf t S.M) per Toi
NO. 3 " " I 1 75
No. " " t K.Csl "
Ulacksmttli's tittup on Wharf I S.ou '
muinurious 94 rsi "
F. Knnkel's celebrated Hltttr WInoof Iron will
ftectualby cure liver complaint, jaundice, tliHpephla,
chronic or nervous debility chronic dlurrhcuj, dls
niHH f tho kidneys and all dlseascH arl-ttitf fromu
disordered lUer, btoinachor lnU' as con
stipation, flatulence. Inward piles, fulinhsof bl od to
tho beaJ.ocidltv of the stonrucn. nausea, heartburn,
dlsfrnst for food, fullmtis r f wtuht In luostomuch,
hwimi"iii( n u.t iijiu. nurii"u or uuiiiuib ureuui
Inc. fluttering of Iho heait, tbofcinjf r sutTocatlnt;
HCiibutlon when Inn )lnir pot'in', dlinncbs 0' Als
ton, dots or vtbi Ik-furu the sight, dull pain In Ihe, detlctPhCy of .porHpliallou tlU)wnesn of the
skin and ties, piln In th buck, head, chest, ilrabs,
c-ic,suddet lluHhcs or heat, burning In the nsh,
constant Imaginings of eU and great depression (d
spirits. Prko l per liottlo. J tvre of counter-
it'iw. vo nui iei your uiwgii iiaini on some ouier
preparation ot Iron, he may Hay ft It usnnod,hutask
tor Kunkels l itter Wlno ot iron. Take no other.
KonkelN libir win 01 iron is not soiu in buiK
only lu I bottles. K. F. hunktl. Proprietor, N".
.Norm is mm sirecL, rniiaau ma, ii fcom Dy tui
druggists and deulers t tr v here
Head all comnleto in two hours. No fee till head
pahrs. Kent, Ptn and stomach worms remmed by
nr. Jvunsei, v'V. iNorm rintu wueti, ruuiuteiputmra.
vnd fur circular, hor rernovlnn, N nt. Pin or stom
ach Wo'ms call on yo'irdrujrplut and ak for 41 bou
tli of KuokePs worm sjrup, I'rlco tl. It never
tills Common ten 0 teaches If Tape Worm can bo
romped, all other norms can bo reudtly dstro td.
teitprncf Administration on tho estate of Dan
lcl hhuter, l&us of Locust tow at hip, Columbia
county, I'- nn'a , dwased, havo been granted by tne
licirtrtter 01 said county to vtiiioiittLoy buuK-r, 01
Ijn-ut-t fownshln. Coluinblt touutv. fa. All ocr
sons having claims ugalntt Uie estato ot thodeco
dent are ifipiesied to present the hi tor bcttlemtitt,
and those lndfbted to the estate to make payment
10 tuo tuiucrsiunLu AQimnisirawir wunnui mmj,
nov K0. 1877 CW Admlnlsualor,
Bol!ar-ait-a-Half fir Tub Cents.
fiTOMDAItT'S MUHICVL LTulMUlf. lust publish
Int'.,ia paves, full bliu. host nd most popular mut-lc
for 10 cenvs. New and Popular nongs. Dance and
inMruuuntal Mulo. oueras. lhmns. etc.. tic. For
sale by all newsdea'trs. PcMngey cents, to bo tent
in audition to above, u orueroa irom uio imunsmra.
hot, ii-Bw 783 chestnut bt , philadelpnla
li lirreby clvin that Rn application will bo
iDadn uuJtT tbo ctot Awernbly ol tbo fommon-tvi-altti
o( reiinHVlvonl i e Dtltu-d ' n Aft lo piuvldo
fur tbii IncortiOnltluu UbU rriMlltitluu bt ctrttttu (Jur
(ibratlonV PPf '"l April wih, lH and Ihe nuppl-
n.ijiiii. ta I.. riUlRil "Patruna llorH luaurunct Coin.
ptmyof IVnnBjIvanta tbo cbamttir uhd ol).ctor
ulilcbli the apprt'heublou oluie Ihlel rtroTrryor
fcUi'uo liorM", and rernunirallon to owner lor Iota II
bot rtfCuvert'U. or uamace u injur tu, mm luriuui,
tmrprwi tu buve. ptM and t-bjoy, ail ibo ritfuig,
r C. W.Jul LI till,
boy. 11l Atty. lor Appllcaots,
E6T4TE or riTia knt, ihmj.
Uttrrrt ot AdralnlnWratlon lu ID con on the
...... t,t vi.ter Hut. int.. of ha.ll lownHblu Columbia
roubty, ilfM'aMil. have ln BTanlixl by Ihe nega
ter ot wJU cuuiity tu lie umknslened AHuilfUitra
tbr of Llht Mreet Columbia county, I'ibira, to
whom all luraor tndcUid are rniuitiUu to make
icjludil. abd llote battel clalma or (kuabda
aratbbt tbe aald t tdate will make tbein kcowu to tbe
DOV. to, "il-tw AdmlbUtrator ce UU boa.
tri t or rpcAii r. ent, nrcnAjsh.
lltersrt ilintntMratlnii on Itioestdo of (Kcnr
P. Knt. lit" of si-Vt, township, Col. ro., diwn'til
liaietve-i I'Miiteil ii Iho Hrtl.nrof Mild county lo
tliinnriir iirii'rt f'ii inlsirator. towiiom nil petsnns
llliir-iuru nn- rt'i u iu iiihm ihiiiiciiiiik! pn$ mem
a id thiw liaMinrclnt'osor itet 'nils avatnst tlie is.
iat ,,yt H.HIII Kl OWI1 III II
tho mini iitstrnt'r
without delay.
il'EIlT . ItNT
AU nintstrator.
nov. 00, '"t-dw
mTK oc tim-.its s,v, 1 srr.Astn.
.ntlrrs 1rtftluntftrv on the (.slate of Charles
NusslaNi of M.oii linvnshtp. rniimtta rnunty, I'a.,
(tccftiseil, hale I'l-en grnniisl tiy tlvi lteirtt"ruf said
poi-ntv to Nnttmi .villi r. r.xenilr, nf Main
township, ro tunlil i county, tviinsilva la to whom
ntl pii-son. Irtuvl-tetl lire renMeMeil In nnlo'pai incut,
and those h i Inir Islius or ileinai.Ui aifnln-t the said
t-siiiu' h i:i in iku uiuu knomi uinu' saia r.iecuiur
without delay.
nov. so, 'tt-r.w Executor.
lit! Seaside Library.
C liotct lior.l s no Innr r for tlii lew only Tlio Ik-M
ktittidini imi'N wltl.lii IU' rencti (I .-very otic.
iiniiKf uii:i iv ivMiir'ftif inf.! civun iunciiftiitro-i tiimbil 'KCd) lor U nntl 20 rents.
1. r.ASTl.YNNP. Hy Mr, lit tiry W onil rtotiMo iio.Wo
2 .UiHS 11AMPAX, (IKNT. )' Ml-H MtllOPk
.Iask i:kk. Ly clmr'cttt nroittn (.luiiMp no.) ?oc
4. Woman math. linrlcs Heinle's I ew i.ou-l ir
r. tiik t;niK Inmm, .Iuuh rnc'R laiist ire
fi. Last Iiavh of I'omitii, ty (ttihu-r 10c
7, MitM liKKF, by itcitrge lllllnit (douWnno.) vuo
8, '1 iiB Ani'M'Fi. Mono by.Mury crii liny ioc
y. tu i'fl mokv, by Mflry t tel liny l(j
,0. 'I MK WdMAN IN 1UTF, t.V Wilkin Olltns 100
11. 'I UK Mm. on the nov. M (iefirtro i:i tott 2C
14. '1 nn AMFHicAN fn vron, by Antlionv 'I rollopc 'i c
1,1. A l'HI.CIS Ol- 'i HI 1 t , in 11111)111 lilUCK yii;
14. 'I IIK DKAIl MrilLT, I iv WU- tolllns U'C
HoMoi.A. bv ticoici' l. ilou (uonti o no. voc
1(1. 'I UK IlNUIl.HlAT THK NOlttH I HLK M HfeLIi
ok ice. in out' wok oy.iu cs vtrne in-
17. 1 1 Mini n 1 run p. 1 v Mnrv Cecil Hnv Kit
H. IUkiiaha'h llisTOKV, by AindU H Kl.rnnli VOi
19. A '1 KKl'lliI.r.'l FMI-TATlov, b t'liartpsllipiirlu 10C
!0. (It Ii CTKIOMTY HOl. ov liaries IHCKen 2"0
21. Toil. H ay. by flirle 1h1p mo
2i Man ami W iik, by W Uktr- ("o llnt 20c
is. w lit rgriHh? 1 ntAci( vy .itir. ten iiuy xnc
24.;itTooLATK to sicnu," by Charles 20c
21. 1.AHY AMFMIPK'o "(Til, I'J'Mrs. II, 00(J. 1 ("KJ
2fl. M'koka Kiovn i.y mi i;. r.raiiiinn. 200
2?. VlCTOU ANI V NQfHllKb. b M. O. tlnV. 100
1. A DAnmit-K of Iiktii by ltlnck. loo
yy, NoKA'HloiKTMT. by M.iry Ctll tiny 100
3 . I'tT ovi.sFir in ins i'i ack, bv t'. Krn'lp. 2 ft
31. Kn.tx Uoi.T.TtiB itAPiCAubyticorKC Elliott. 2nc
:2.'lUK(H'K',s 0I' UKAUTJ". by wilklc Collins. 100
3', Hm1 AikIv. by nm'i':'l I-nvp. 2-ip
31. A Mmnlcion. bv Clinrl s lie de. 10c
JS. l't llx llolt tho U tfllcul, by Oi-o. Kllnt. 2 d
'Ih-) Woclnif (U by Mrs lexanier 200
37 iho Nhttcry. lv Mr. Henry U00J ice
:h. Khi mil, bv wilklc Collins so
sa. lvunhoo in Rlr Waller -ott 20
40. Thn llt lr to Ashley, by Mis H, W'ood 1 c
41. WhI c IU, by Charles l.'fiulf 20o
41. HUU'-ftna-secif, by Wllklo Collins 2 'G
4. Hector icrvn lac, nvduii's erne l c
4t Tho Tower of London. W. II. A Iu worth tiOo
43. A l re'1 serrot. oy .Mrs llcurv won-t li-c
iieriiAtior ljuthh. Mrs .Motanaor voo
InMlkAtM e, bt Willi im HUck 100
4S. 'ihn Mtiunue Advcnturea or u Phaeton, by
Willi mi l.tH-.k itc
45. (JninUile uo !?nc; or, Held In
'(HlldH. 200
ro. tTmliT 1 iu firrriwor il Tree, Thoa. Hardy 100
01. mimiMiv, iiv 1111 tin Iiiihk j itc
52. 'i ho I o-t ' link ti by Mrs II Wool 100
53. lhe Monnrch of iiicin(f innn, W Ulack ioc
34. t'ndcrl wo H ij;. by (tiilrta' 2'c
61. A wlnt- r City. I y (ut hi' 10c
66. NIrathn.oro, by mil U" 2 c
5T. a wu' ouiui ine torM- sjutn America,
by JnlfH V rn 1 c
rs. Mlas i.iuur, bv Hmhp Ulot 100
59, Chl.d w, bv t Mil !i" oc
i.u a )jaif Kimuuiio 1i.n1i -ustralln, by
,ru!M Vi-rno be
61.ttbTp; or. Two IJttM Wootlen Hhocs. by
'(ml in 100
63. 1'o!l Krirlno, by "Onidi" 2 c
61. Deno Hollow by Mrs. llfnrv Wood 20c
M. a ovhi Kmind tho W'or it -New Zealand,
by J'll-s Verne 10c
r.s. Tho Nyimn'inN wu dv tn II, wood l"c
M. Itorv toloort', by nmucl fivcr 20c
67. enstio Waftr, unit Henry Arki II, Mrs. Henry
wood 10a
6s. Klvo vefcs In n lon, .Itilcs rne ioc
r.O fo th" r.itt-r Fnd. b Vln M U. Ilraddon 2c
7o. VI 'ciliMuiinh, by t;nrno r.ll it 20c
71. Atitdiit, t' Mt'i'i'n lo.
ii. M ; or, Tho lUpiitnnMot Three Rnff
1 Hlirnt'ii and I hrco liiHl.i'i - In "-ntitn yfriei.
nnd 'Iho blockade Hunni'r, bv .luK-a Vcrno
73. HcS' ltnnr, by Mrs. llcnr Wood
71. Itunert Hull, bv Mrs. Henry Wood
7s. The Fur country, b .Iiib-H Vrrne
76. The New Mad-urn, by W'llk 0 Cnlllna
77. Mistress and Muld hv Miss Mutuck
79 (Jrimth Oumt, by Chnries liradfi
79. Madcap Violet, by u ttllam HI ick
80. Hanlel Derond.i, by (leorgo Kllofc
81. Chrlstliirrt Mhtakp. MNa Mukick
P2. My Mother nnd I, by Miss Mulock
R3. Vernr'H Trldc, by r. llonry Wood
S4. 20 1 0 endues Under the oas, .lull's Verne
sr. Majorle Iiru''H I-over, Mary t'atrl'-k
86. rut Yourself in HI- I'laco Chos. itnalR
67. A 'ourney to Iho Centre or tho Earth. Jules
Vcrnn , ioc
S8 Tvo Marrtapps, Miss Mu'nck ioc
S9. The Liivt-lsnf Ardon, m, k. Hraddon 20c
uo. Mv-it-rlous I-il nd -Dropped from tho Clouds,
by Julos Vernn ioc
fll. The w ornan Klnpdom, by Mls Mutock 10s
92. Mrs. Hall bur tnnH, by Min. Henry Wood vOc
PJ. 'sterlou.s Island 'I ho Abandoned, by Jules
Venn 10c
94. The Ijjiw and The Lvy, Wllklo Collins 10c
91 Dead MonN hof, stls M. k. liraddon 20c
96. Ujvuh vicior. oy m. u rar'on die
97. MjbtirluUH Mand Tho sterols of the Island.
by Julos Verne 10c
ys. iiarry lorreqiu'r. uyunanea i.eter 20c
1-9. v cm 1 no unnio me 3ioon,and Around the
Moon, b JuIh.h Verno ioc
100. A l aloof 1 wo cities, Chules Dickens oc
101. A Noble I lie, by Mulf.ek 100
102. HardTtnvn, by Charlfs Dickens 10c
H3. A ltrae Lady, by Miss Mu'oefc 211c
im. l't ep u- nay, uv .luuii iminm 10c
105. At Ih-'bln of thu Mlver Klaeon, by B. L.
Tarjeon 10c
ioc. "he Master of Grevlands, by Mrs. Henry
wood 20
107. llla-lea o- (irass, by n L. Farjeon 10c
fl. ln-K'a Kinjr. by t uptnln Murriat 10c
iitj. tieanor s vitiory. iy MihS M. k I'.raddon wo
iiu. iiittuirjHoi revfiFiiam, oy 1 Hirrnco Marn ntlOc
iwti ui mo nuiii in i-igmy ujh, uy
uTrt'H Verne
112. nam can, by ci nrles Vcado voc
118. tioldo 1, tain, b it, U Frke"n ioc
IU. Durrt' Miss M. K. Hraddon iOc
lis. wuhln iho Ma?o. bv Mrs. Henry Wood 2ac
lta. Paul no, by L. 11. Wolford 100
117. Tho Fe ale Minster, Kuiri'np Hps ioc
lis. ureal i-Mectrttlonf, bv t harl a Dickens inc
119. I'etronel, by Florence Marrjat IOC
I0 Itornance of a Poor ounir vnn.o Feulllct 10c
121. A Life for a LI o, b; Mas Mulnek '.0.;
123 Tho Prlvatcerhinan, by Caotnln Marrynt loo
13. Irish Letrends bv Mmuol Lover loo
12t i-qulreTrtMyn's nplr, by Mr. II, Wood HM
IM. Mary barton bv Mn. fbtskell ice
126 Kroma; or, My Father'- Mu, by li. 1), UkuU
moro 1 oc
127. Mv I adv T urtlow, bv Mrs. nakell lou
12s. cousin Phlllls bv Mrs. Oaskcll 10c
129. "he Waderlnjf Jew (Flrt Half), by Husenn
Hue 200
129. inn wandering Jew (ecocd naif), by Eu-
Irene Suo
131. Hfrrann8 nur of rhurrh. by Jlha Mulock
mi MlrhoM Htronjroir bv Jules Veine
132. Jacv-1 llntrm, by L'hnrl 'a U:er
133. n he Duchess of l'.osemary Line, by l. L.
131. My Br thT'H wifn, AmPlli n. Edwardj
las. aimUihH Husband, by MIsh Mulook
ISfl. Kntre Stewart, by Mrs. oilibant
1ST. A nt In n Cloud, by Charles Ivcr
1b. What (In Cost Her, Jamea I'nvn
139 IondonS llart. M. L, arjpon
HO. Ihe l-nrtv I Isln. Mlsi M K HraiMin
141 Mastprman ItPViy, captain Marrnlt
143. iti Head nf the Kamllv. 1 'tnlnrfc
143. Tne Haunted Tower Mrs. Ilenrv Wool
144. ThxTwIn 1 lmtynant', by Alo". Dnmis
iid. niiu a aiiiiiou 01 jiouey. iiy Am a li. uu
wards 2 e
146. snares 1 r.Mne7. 'in irisn jirairoo . Charles
ver. (Trlnli NuniWTl 3 c
141. ltatlln. The I'Ci fir bj Captain Murynt 100
I4S Uluo tfyl.lny. bv Mr. Annlt) l!ilw:inbt litp.
i4 .insnui Marvfi, ry 11. 1 Karjnn
imp. nr. aiuisiiiiiiimu r.iay uv i apuiQ Aiarryat
131. Tli ltuMan (ilpsy, bv .l-x. Iblmas
'62. Arthur(i'i.fary, Charh's ever
163. Th" KlnjM Own. by captain Marryat
161, A Point o: Honor, .Mrs. Annb. IMward
For alo by all Honksellrrs and NiinKilcalpni. or
bvui. i'Ufcvui;t 1 rciui'u nil ri ri'ipi I I priPP
(IKOlinBiMUNHU. I'nblhher.
I". o. Iloi r57. SI, 2Q and S5, Vandewaur at., N. V.
Notice Is hrrebv trlven Hint I nurehflpd fateonhta.
ui v bmeon ine loui uav or i ciooir ifeTT uiw ioiiow.
lncf pervonal prowrty of Harrr-on I-hr of Urn n-
woou vownsmp. ro-witi -a iiorsen, ooume Harness,
wnirons. 1 liuckeru rearer. 1 train rrfirtl'. 9 thnv.
els, l axe l ledtead. 8 halters AH perMins are
cautioned Hgalnsl Interftrlnir with tho samoasl
unu n it mo gotxia Hiinium uuring my pleasure.
SSOO ooo
OTj1 A 'IMiOP In order to clear out our
I I Pii I stock of very surarlor
Hold-plated lewelry valued at over twe.wio, wo will
send us below, 20 Pieces. o!l warranted t old-plaUd
lorfi, o. lpairtioid htono Me eve Kuif'iis. i pair
hncraved Meevo lluttons, i net Pi H.tPii htuas, t tH t
Aineihiht Muds, 1 Wedding lllntf 1 Knyraved Hand
nnetr Itlnir. 1 Arnetht tooo -Hlne Inlaid with
tfold 1 Ki-L:.nt Klivr Marked "Friendship," 1 Atno-
BilRG-AXIVr iffidWa'1?
Mlvrrtd Hat in. 1 sit Ladles' Jet and flout Vtu and
Drops, l Misses wl J. t and (mi l. 1 Collar "HKl, 1 ai t
Huhtbud Kur Drops. I ttpnts' neennt nko (iforire
Diamond Mud, 1 Cardinal Ited Head Nrrklaro. 1 pair
Ladlox' Amelhyat Mfino Kar Droiia Inlaid with (iHld,
I.iM,w 1 1 adlea' (irnamenU'd Jet brooch, I
J IjIv Kuncy .scat! Illm: und Kl.wnnt ub
( bain, 'lako your choc-, iho K.NTIKB Lor UK so
l'lbC'13. mint I tl.(K) or any a t lecea jou
cboouii lor 10 1 pnt. Now Is tbo llmo to make money,
'Ihefio ran easily bo retnlbd at f to.
oneorderlnirm Lota at ll.oo carb, wr will present
rt"C'Eir,'C "CTk trie an oiwu I'aca
O JC 32 Xm1UU coin Mher Watch
an premium.
il bond tt eet.
nov. 83, Wm Jwico New Yurie.
G il A SONl1 (Ih LI O A T I ON S.
(ireat itulurllon Uiprlou for tsiaof (ileaaun'a l'c
tnilal to f J a jeir. Mi.cle eoplea S f . bta.
'I ho HoaK cikci ii to $ a jeQBtnglouihleH t rents,
for alu by ull ti t.dealcrH.
ihi-on's MON1IU.Y I oyriNioN toll njtar, (inclo
coptiaiut'enls. 11 pnhlago fno.
baint'le c opb h wui on rwelpt of asent btamp.
'li brlcott t.hnraoH ba Juu teen trieallyriUii.
pod. isotbeuoiv i-ni mib IIU fill n rinB lo a ints
us we tio. Kbd fornewtlrtutar. AddriiaK, Obii.
bow, 15b. WahhUiutoni.treet, HobUin, JuaiM.
nov, 10, it-I m Jvstro
KS HLFtlANT OAliDS no to alike, with i amo
lues or It t'rinlo I'liotoaor AttrebMia, loo,
or so, tine ttroll L'ardv, tuMtlea no imnuia cvnts
post pal . J. II. UUb'lKl', Kau, H.Y,
bov. It, 'TI-Vw
" Tina varit is o iilu, with
. Advertising V Agents,
"A Jleptsihrt nf Ihtfunn, Pleasure and
lltttrU(fiQltt, .
, ,
IJarpor's .nznr.
Xoficcx of the VfW.
Thf Iiatirls ih'i ortran of ih fihtonnWe world,
nnd lhee 'O'ltider of Hut world's btwsj and tt l
the authuritvln nil matters ! in timers. - it tutte,
ciwlumt', nnd so 1 1 Ii ildts. Iios on Traveler.
'iho II tzar u nnnifiids it'plf to every iiietiib'-rof the
household -lo tlmrhlldr-'ti bv drol and hTfttyple
HireK(tolhe young tu les by IU fashion plates In
endles vnrl ty, to the piovllent untr u hyps pp
terns for the cidldrpn'H clotlU'S, 1 1 pilerf unlllas bj
Its taMelul denlpns for eint'rol'leKd hllppeis nnd
luxurious dn sslnir ithwiis. itnt Iho roftdlir nutter
orthe MHZ.irlsuiiif.irtulyof frrt it etc.dleneo. 'Iho
pnp This acquired a ldo tmpu'arliy tor lh fire
silo en J )in"it It affords nn 1 haslueom an est tb-
1I9IH'U UIIIIHMIIJT Willi 1110 M'lieS Ol tl
uveiiitiif i 'Ob i.
Postnce free to all subscribers In tlio United
Harper's Itazar, one jear f 1 00
1 1 00 includes brereyrnentof T. S Postfltfo by tho
MiliHerlptlonsto hi rper s Msrnrlnn, weekly, aim
Harar to one addrc-s fur oiu ear, fli ; or twoof
llnruir's Peihidic ds, lo 0110 addres for oncjear,
T.uo j oMnjfo nee.
exira copy m rimer 111c .Mnff u.w wvvht? ui Hill ho Mion led irratlsfor eury cluhtf IH
suoserlbersutHoo e tch p.ill by one r 'intit nu'O ;
or hit copies tmj jtur, without extra copy lor
imeK nnninrrsraii oe sunnneu ai nny iime
Tim v ilum s of thi Hirar commenco wllh thf year.
When no timi- Is will b und T-d'si t
th it sulKrlbl'rwt-.lle 10 cotninenv with the num
ber ti".t iinor th- utreipt or ntionk-r. 4 ,
he mimiJl uilutne id Harper's iu?ar In neat cloth
blndlntr. tll bo wnt bv cxnrts fre- of ex dense, pro-
lded fliu frilid d hi not evceo tonodo'lar, Prf 1 (mi
rach. eoiiii'Iefcs t. eompiMln? t -n volumes, s-'tii
on receipt, or e i-h at tho rate of f5 23 per vol., 11 eight
at exp' iko of nurch v2'
1 1 -ni unsvs lor em 11 vtmini". suiiiUMu mi uiikuuh
wlllbosont by mall poslp.ild onicceliit of 10i
Ind 'xcs to each volume sent trratls on receipt or
t mm
subscriptions received for Harper's peilodlcals
Newspapers nro no' to copy this advertisement
wuuuui ino exprebsoratfr 01 nariwr nrjtners.
Address HAItPKIl ti llltu niUlW, c' Yuik.
1 Onuptete I'ictarinl Hittarynf the Timet."
"The best, cheapen anil mou tuccatjal
Family I'tipcr in the Union."
Blarper's Weekly.
Xoficen of the Prew.
Thn Weoklv U the nbleUnnd most now erf ul Hln-
trated h'-rloillcal publNh I In thH country. Itsedl
tirlils ore scholanv andconlnclntfand carry much
welKht. Its uiuvtrallon t of euirent events are full
nnd fresh, nnd nre iirepared by our best deilyni-rs -
i.uuiiuy 1 uurier iiuuriuu,
Harner's Wieklv hould bo In every famllv throuch
out thn land as n purer.moro latiTestliu.hlh.r tun-
on, uuiut liiiismiuMi iKiiieris not imuniueu uinu.
or any other country, Commercial Ilulletln, Dos-
TheWeeklvIs tlie illustrated mnerof the
day that In Its essentUl char.icterl-silvn U recojjnlz-
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lly ylrtuo of sundry writs to mo directed will
ly; exposed to puba Palo at tho Court House In
likmsaurir, nt one o'clock p. m. on
A'l thoso certain hits cf lard Mtuito' In l!ie Uor
ough or Centralla, Columbia county,,
A double lot bounded on the Kiutli bj Mnln slref t,
on tho west by 'I nomas (im'litj, nort'i nndea-t by
alleys, whereon are erected a tuo-slurj fratuo Iioiim
and stable, meat hou and nth.T outbuildings, tald
lots bdnc 60 lict front anil U" feet In depth.
Tbo above pronert wlllbohuld lu tno parts the
ono part thirty feet front on which are tbo dwelling
hous,tncat boufe, A.C. And tho other proi-erty
twenty fiet front.
un; other lot an Centre Mreet, bounded on the
east by Malnbtreet south by Centre btrett, wes.t by
Louis Kantner and berth by un alloy containing nf
ty feet front and left in depth whereon aro
erected two double duelling houses and outbuild
The last. mentioned prrmlies will lta 8'ild lo two
parts, each lulnga dwelling house nndoulbiilld
lags, the kit-i Ulu.- each ubaut H3 feet In front and
no feet In depth.
AI,0. k I
Two other kits on Troutwlne fctreet boiind'edoa
tbe wifct by no (dley, on ttebouUi l)yjiwli"lia.tes,
north by John Mooie mdrnHbyTroutvilnebtreet,
w hereon Ii ert ctrd a double du citing house and out
buildings, containing Wty fi it In Iront and onehuu.
dred unit fortjr fell In depth.
' ' A1.0,
one other lot bounded on Ihe west by Trotitnice
Btrtct, east by an alky, borlh by ChadMck-,
south by llr peo. tteele, aald if oelnj-twenty-me
feel tu fluot add C'jic hui.drcd and y feet udepth
:; Awnfj'V
OH othcr'trattio' land altuateia.ltoarlngcreek
townblp, Columbia county, I'cuuaylvanU, bounded
on the north by Muchlaberger, on tbecastbyOeorgo
IHoss, aouth by tbo sair.e, win by William Howell
nnd John HloaVund othnrscontafulnt(lilrty-elgbt
acres and ono hundred and fifty perches, on which
are ended a fieino l.cui-e atdlr.mabarn,
belxoil takeb Into execution, aad to be sold as tbe
property cf James Hj kc,
The following real estate bltuto In the town ot
Ulooinsburg, Columbia county, IVtinsjlvanla, boun
ded on Uie north by tbo 11. 1), & L. Hall ItoaA, cast
by I'at, Markln, south by htvenh Urttt, and wet
by Jron btrcet, contalnlni; two lou being feet In
front, and- feel deep, w'nereon aro erected two
dwelling bousea andout-bulldlogs.
beUed, UUten Into execution, and to bo bold as the
property ot 0. A. 1'olter. ,
All that certain real estate Htunto In Fishing
crock fownshlp OolumbU couaty. IVnnylvatlo, do
bcrlbed aa tolluwa to wit t lien Inning at a.lst,tnence
by lands ol Penjait.ln Jobta, dectaeed, aoulli forty
one aid Obc-fovittificfTC(Bwitttw(sty-twoandalx
tenth jercboa tp a vbio oak corner, tnence by tbe
samo bcutu blity-Uuio digrtos welt Ugbty.two
percbea to A btake, thcuce berth tlx dnuoa wwt
eighty threo rcrchosto aslono pile, Ihenca north
nUtjr degrre', eat sltty-perches to ft Juno ch rry,
thence mjiiIIi ntly.tilnn ileRreci cast twenty perc ie
loapfM thenco lldrti-rlglit di-grfcs f ist thirty
(liriit, jierclii's lo n sloiio corner thence furtv.two
degices west flf een perches In a po.t, tnenee iienn
sctonly-slx djirrces west Ihn-o nnd slx-lent'icrches
Ion poit, thence nitty-four det'reot westntnonnl
dlx-lenlh perches to n pot. thetro no itli twrnily
leirees east ilirlil perches tu n po'i tlio p ti'i' in "e-
glnnlnir, containing aiiout f.irl.v acre", on wbi-n it
erecteilalo-slory frame divelllnt liouwnnJ out-
Helled, taken Intoexccitlon, nnd to bo soul as me
proierly of Jnrlus Harrison.
TheunillTld-done-lnltot tho tolbwlni d 'Scribed
real est not All that certain lot or bleu
u.ilelnthevlligoof llenton In lnlon tonn-hlp,
Columbia county, I rnnit Irani i, marked on Iho blub
of s il 1 vltlago No. In, and bounded and decrllieil ns
follona, W. lleglnnlng nt a po-t In thu road to
lluhrsburir ! thence by said roid north sixty degnt't
west Ihreo perches lo a post i tlietico by land late of
.lolin llarlmnn, (lot No. il) south thiity n.'gncs
west thirteen aud one-third perches to a post; thence
by land of lioberl I. r. Culler, ninth sltty degrees
east Ihreo p'Ti'lies In ft post! tl) ncobv I nil I Hoot
Abraham Young (lot No II) north thirty degr es
eat thirteen nndjone third percheti tho pi ice of
beginning containing forty snuim perc les of land,
one fourthot au aero whToon IsereCto I a dneilln
house, pubUehall mid outluilMlngs.
The tindlrlded one-half tt Iho foil win? described
rent etnle to wit ! Alltliat eertiln lot or parcel ot
land sltuato la tlio southern part ol Hie town of Hen.
ton lu llenton township, CdIudiWi co inty, l'ennsjl
ranla. bounded and d scribed ns folio vs, to wit!
Heglntilniatn post brtho public road to ttohrsbur.'
thencoby the lands cf Join M. Henry, ( tart of lot
No. 12) on th'3 west htJc of n garden feme noitti
22 degr.-os c ist ten porches to a post, thence by
land I tte of Dr. John M. riilmrr, (p irt of lot No. 14)
tioith bitty degrees west four and eUht tenth peich-
ostoa post; tlemcobyland of I) i Id Crossley, soulti
t went -two degrees, west ten perches ton post by
a public roid thence by slid road south sltty degrees
east four nn l.c'glit-lcntli perches to the placed
b, ginning, (being parts ut lots No 12 and 1") con
Coining 47 siHiaio perches of land on whtcti Is
erected n dwelling hotiso and outbuildings.
Seized, taken In execution, nudtobo sold as the
property ot 1! H. Albertinn.
All tint cert vr, real estate situate In Houlnjcreek
townldp, Cotuin'il i cm ty, lvntislv.inla, djsciin
ed ns tollu i's, l)-wlt: bo'inied ont'i' imrtu bj lands
ot rrmUIn Yuc in), on theeist by lan Is uf Willi im
Sivlsher.oii tho soutliby lan Is of Mini nnd on tie
est bvlinJ Jot Hand II. Hiiwer, eontnlnl'i'f lolly
fotira'Tos nnro or b'ss, on which Is elected a dwel
ling bou e, bim nnduutb ill llni
belzed, tiikenliuui'teeulljii uiilto bosollastlu
propertj it J. II. Uiluj-r.
Acortilnlot if (trotnl sluilo In Ihe Town ot oluinbl i u'liity a., il.'-crlii-'d as nl
lows: lijunded null urardlt an 1 eal.ur ly by .a
allcs', foitth nrdly by l it of M c. Wo nn I
westiirtly by i nt ti'eit, being hlxty-slt Ic 1
rout iu 1 imeh m Irei nn I nlaety seven feet d-ep
more or less, whuivon Iserjcled a Fratuo DiVchl
llous", 't ibl naJ outl) illtl ngs.
rnz"b taken lutoex.vuilia and to bo slid ns the
pror ny of Cas:vr Krossl t.
All tlu" re il e-tale sliui"" Li Mil.i to vns'iti, Co
lumtiU euuiity. rei.nsyir.iul i dcrlbu las f.llow-
to-Alti 11 'iiu l.-d on ttu until byl.iul i.f Nalah
John on ill' wist by lull of Miey Jehn, on 111.
south by I mu lif Jl'u Nj?.li-s, il.iC3lse.l, aud ui
the e.t b) an I or st.i .tJi.i. ciutilubig th!it
acres more or ..on wnL-htj erected a divellttig
house, li-irnniid ,t,'iulMlns.
Si'led, Llkeulllbil!teClltln uuj tj b- sjld as the
propel t i f .. H. crltes.
A I. SO.
Alltlntcertatn reilcstito Mtuatu In I'lno town-
Milp. i nlumbla eo-inty, I'ennsi Irani i, deserltie I as
follows, lu v, It : KonnilM on thn truth by 1 iu Is of
Willi i:u ,u ter an I lr.i n D'rr.un tlue.i-.t by l.iiuis
of Hint ih Cha.nlii'rlln, o.i Iho soulli hrl.wid of the
same and on tti.i we; t by taadut Holler .5 KiMs.cou
talntu i.lii'jty-o.a-' ncrus nurj url-ss oi which Is
erected u ibwllln? h-j iso, u.irn a nlo itb ill II i'i.
ti 1ed, Lxken IntjetjCvitlj.i, ,m I tju s il-l as the
property of Irani t'.atr..
Th5 following real tsUUi-lt into In UioxllLie cf.
Espy, Col imbl i c juntr, I'e msj Iv inl.i. All tu it eer
tnlu town lot dcocrl.jeins tj .vtt : Iio.nnl
ou tho south tiy Main Mreet, on til N.'oM by Market
street, on tlio tiorth by un alley, aud on tho east
lot of tho heirs of MUs Fortljr, djeiused.b.'l.iilgh-
ty-twu and a halt feel In wldtti more or less, n id one
uunurcu unu seveniv-iniee nuu a q aner leei
in length, inoro or toss, whereon are elected a tuo
btory brick delllng,a frame store house, u trains
stable and other outbuildings.
t-ettcd, taken Into execution, and to bo sold aa th
property of Moore Crcvellng.
11 tliat cci tain rualesuta situate in MMIIu town-
ship, Columbia county l'ennsylv.itd.i.bu,indeil un the
noi th by land ot Lie soh.vj.ipinhjlser, ou the ea-st
by.Mowrynnd ' and weit bylwuls
of Jo.epli uearhart, on which are erected n dwelllu,
house, barnand outbuildings s.ild reil e.-tatu con.
slstlng of nlnety-lle aercsmore or les-s.
heUed, taken Into eti'Cutlon, and tube sold as the
proiierty ot John Atcn.
All that certain real estate hltu.ata In Ilemloek
township, Columbia county, IVnnsj lvanla,dcscrlbed
as follow : Hounded on tho north bv landsof
(leorgo WMtcnlght, on tlio east by 1 ind of Heuben
Hogart, on tho soutliby land tf Hcubcn r.og rtaud
on the west I.y laud of .Matthias Wl.ltenlht contaiti-
lno forty-live acres more or less, on width Is cm ted
a frame dwelling house and Ilcxn.
SeUod, taken Into etccutlon nnd tobesolj as the
proiierty of John Webber.
All that certain, real csbito situate In town
ship, Columbia county, rciinsylwmt.i, described ns
ollows, to wit: Hounded on tho north by laudj ot
Aaron Uoone on tho east by lands uf MllneV cslato.
on Iho west by lands ot White estate, and on the
boutu by lauds widow Hartujamconu'nlng ono hun
dred ft ct In width nnd throe hundred feet deep more
or less, on which Is erected iiriulline 1 tin and one
duelling bouse.
One lot ot ground situate lu Uspr, Columbia coun
ty, 1'cnnsj Ivanla, boundod on the south by Main
street on the wet-t by an alley, on the Lorth by lands
of twillam DletUTlck luidim the east bylaud of Mra.
Hartnian, on wh'cli Is erected u diclllug house and
Seined, taben Into execution and to be bold as the
property of J.uuo Wee.
Tho to'Iou In; real ostate sltuato In .Msadlson town-
ship, Columbia, coiuty, 1'cnnsyliaula, described as
fo lows : Hounded un the north by James Klnlln und
Fun-ton, east by Kitinej Mmllz bouth tiy bilrs ot
J. w. (ill ton, and west by wi'.lUm MeNlnehel nl.;
containing i tguty acies inoroor less, no, whtcli are
erected n franu Divellln House, irauie birn and
K'l 'd t iken Into eteautlou, and to bo sad as the
proiart) ot Irani (irahainund w ttllam (irabuin
All that c, rtaln lo' of ground situate Inth'tciwn
ot lilouinnburg, Columbia county, Ivnuisyl-anu,
bound 'd and described iu follows: (initio
bykjtof mUuyler, on Ihe ei t by nu allej, on
south by lot of I. K. Mt.ler, anl we.t by i.'ath irluo
blriet; ou which are erected a frame duelling hujse
mid outbuildings.
Seized, taken etecutlm, aa J U be bold as the
property f Stmuil (iruss.
All that certain real estate tliuate In t'eavrtown-
ship, Columbia counu, bounded by land of tl e Co
lumbia Coil c Iron mnpinyon the north, by I ind
of U. Mcifeo ou tho fist, u' DauH Dails en the
south, and ot II. Lu as on tho west i c,jii;.itnln.;
clghtvon acres more or loss, on wulchare ereited
a Hwulllug lUuse, BttUlo anioatbilMltigs, with the
rl-lzed, Liken Into execution, nnd to bo sol I as tho
property of Urlali Mo Wee.
The following real cstato situate In Hrlareree!- town
ship, Columbia county, Pennsylvania, bounded and
described as follows : on tho north, bouUi and west
by Chrl.toi ber Kllbetob, east ty a putlle road s con-talnlng.oni-ha'.tiwromoicorloss.on
which ate irect
ed a Fratuo rn.elliDK House.
8 dzod, taken In execution, and to be sold as the
projieriy ot John JloMer.
All that certain real estate kltuate In Montour
.unuauip, i.uiumuia couni ,ienns)ivania, (Ji-scribed
as follows, tu-nlt. Hounded on the north by land
ofOldoon Heist andlielis of Reorgo Tovy, deceased,
ou tho cast by lands of tildeon and ChrUtl in Heist,
on the south by lauds of Farbara (ilgtr nnJs.unuel
(Hgor, nnd on the wcbthy l.ndof lettr lleliibach,
coualntps ubout ono Jinndied uerea moro or less i n
lildoh 4re erected one franui ihvellliu house and one
atone duelling bourn large lank burn nnd Uiaw
bhed, wllh other outbulldlugs
Klzid, taken lutoeiccuUJD. and tubesold us the
projieityot Ellas (Hger.
All that certain real estate ntuatoln Slinimiown.
Ehlp, Columbia county, Fciinsjjvunla, described im
follows, to-u It i Hounded on tho north by land of I,
K. Kebv, eppcnhelbiT, ou tno east by laadof A,
Kchwepponlicibcr, on tho south by Land of John
Keller, and on tho west by land of lieuben liens,
containing ihreo acres inoru or less, on wucbU
erHtcd u duelling boube and barn.
betjcd.takin IbluvaecuUin, ubdlo besoldaaUic
prouettyol lianlellions. 1
coNDFUOMi OF BAIL'-rurcbaftrB milt par
ton ur the uribae n olcj, or at liast
sii wui mrsA Lis; "
lly rlrt l! of sinlry wrl t lisuod out ot tho
Coutt of Comm m I'I n of (lit i nbtiojunty and, to
me dlr cled will lie Ptpoed o public salo nttlio
Couil House at twoo'clock p, tj , on
i:m i ii a1, 1877.
I'lie fiilloultiglitsiif grotuM sltuiite In (Hen city.
county i.f Uiluiubli and Mtat' of Pennsylvania, be.
tui lots No n, 4 and bounded oust by lot, ti 0 nf
William Ibirners, west bi lot No. I of O iirgn den
ies, north bi nn dley south by Front tre. I.smi
ots belnit ro feet front by ISO In ilentli The build-
ngs nrn ns loloi n ttru-etorv ilnuble frimo
Dwelling llou-e, on lot No. n, nnd double pilvi in
twn slorydoiii lelincltlng llou-e, on tut No. 4 nad
double privy i both t f fold double houesbiltigln
size ItltBHcct, and a two stur Dwc ling lluus.i to x
21 feel on lot htimbirS, und nlsoa prliy and coal
house In front of sil l building on Front street
fflr-il, taken in execution nnd lo bo sold nstho
propeityof 0. II. Ilarbes.
AI.S1 ),
Thef illonlnir rente! ate! uile In M ilnvtiin ti,i
township, Co unibl i county, 'Vmisylrunla booirded
la duf Willi mi llnnk.Jedlab Hawk an I others:
whereon nre i reeled a two-story frame Duelling
llouKe, no -ut eiuieeu leeiiairont by l well tj -tiro
feet In deptii
elzed. taken Into etccutlon and lobe si Idas Iho
properly ot Thomas (J linn nnj John tjtilnn.
ill that cerlaln r-al eitate.sltuate In Hrlareree!:
township, Columbia county, l'eniisj Irani i. boumb'd
1 described as follows t On tho north by nubile
road le ullng lo llerwlck, on the east by I ir.d of D.m-
lei 1'itreell, ontne sjuth by tne susu'iehmua tint.
und on tin west by lan 1 ot II. I. Hon mm ; contain-
ln one hundred and sis acres and seventeen perch-
es, w hereon are erected a I wo story brick house, a
Irani 'baim bira, two other dwelling houses, and
other oiitbull llngj.
A IX).
An Island In tho su s-i'l- h mn i river, ippoiltu the
aboio and InconiieciIo.iiLer nlthcjtitatiiuigabout
roiu leeti ncres.
Seized, t .ken In exeeuthn, an! to bo sold us the
property of Wm. L. Fit as.
A IX),
Ml that eertiln real estate sltuato lu Montour
township, lot iell!acof ltuierr, ColutnUlaeounty
I'ennsiir una uesctibed as rouovis, to wl : Hounded
in thu north by lands of FattouA: II iru.nn, on tin
oist by a street, on the south by lot if Wesley
tle.nlns, and on the west by 1 mdof Fatten ,C
miu ; c uit Unln; mwhl;h lioroj.ol adael-
d.ig ho be, In t o ton ti of Ititpert,
Seize., taken lu etooutlm, unl to be sold nstho
iiroptri of J, T. Djdion,
I bo undivided one-half Interest In ft'l tint cert iln
real estate .situate In Klslilnjercck lou nshlp. Col mi
ll, i county, Feiibsjlvauia, djscrlbe.l as folio rs, lo
Mt: bonndj Ion iliu luilh by laudsof JoiiuZiucr
ind.)oliusou,uu tlnei t b lands of John Matter,
on tlio south b laudsof tho heirs if naii Kiirns,
mil on Hie by lauds of Ilex. Muw.irt and John
tilde ; eon altiln seventy Ihrej a tos in re or less
in ' blch are ereeted a Iratnj D.velllng House and
bank birn.
seized, tikon in execution, an I to bo sold as tho
property ot ll'njimln II, Haras.
All Hint certain real eslituslttuto In I'lno town
ship, Columbl i county, l'ennsjlv.uila, bounded and
lescilt'i.'d as follows, to wit: on the south by Isaac
Yount and lliotnas stackhouso, nest by Wllllsin
lloiiten nu 1 Davis nrdno', no.'lh by Davis Clardncr
ind Htnry Warner, and on thi east by Solomon
IHck and I'hlllp sh ictnaker ; contulntng ninety
acres more or ess, on which are erected u frame
house nnd barn.
.-ilzed, taken in etecutlin.nid to bo sold ns tbo
property ot Willi un Siiriloand Martin II. Sprole,
Ml that certain real estate, situate In Jiekson
lowiislilp, Columbia c luui v, FentisyV inl i, describ
ed us follows, to wit: H ind' d on tho west by lands
of Iram Dorr, on the north by lanis ot Daniel Young
m I Iiu east by lan is u( William 1, Forks , and ou tho
south Uy lands of Henry Artwlnj; containing tltly
acres mn our lius.
elzeil, taken In execution, and to bo sold as the
propeityof Amjslless.
All ttiat certain real esiite, blttute In Mlftlln
township, Cobiinbti cuunl , Fennslvuii1a, bounded
on Un norihby land ut John W'off, ou tbo cast by
lands ot I'hlllp lletler und John uowry, on tho west
ny Henry lletler, nn I on tho south by lands'ot M jw
r. undsw.uik; cititalulng tltty-llvo acrra more or
less.on which are er.cte.l a Dwelling Houbo nnd
b.u u.
ono oth?r piece or parcel ot land sltuato In Mimin
township, uluinoli county, Pennsylvania, bounded
on thu n rth by laul of Henry lletler, ou the oabt by
I mil of H nry Heller, on the west iy land or Joseph
Sloscr, and on thu south by land ut lucoli Itlttcnbeu
lor; containing forti-nlno acres moro or less, on
finch Is erected a Dwelling House and oui buildings,
Sjlzid, Liken In execution, and tube bo das the
propel t ot Isaac Andreas.
All that certain real estate, situ itu In tho Horough
of HorwICr, Colutnijli co nty, on .Mulberry btruet,
eoiuin nclngun bald street, on lino ot lotof II. (Iro-
zler, thenco by the baino two hundred and forty feet
mure or less lu an,altey, thence by tho biimo ou a
llnopirallel wltn Mulberry htroet forty-nlue and a
n ill to Jackson Ptiect, thenco by tho s".uno two
.luudred and feoc, tiuro or loss lo Muiber
ry blroet, tneneu by tbo tamo fjily-i.ltio and u half
fi et M tlio place o: lv'l uilng j on which Is erected a
two-btory Dwelling House und otlier outbuildings.
Selzjd, taken In execution, and to bo bold as tbo
property ot J icksoa Ale.
All tha'. certain piece or piroelot I in J, situate In
Scott tuwiialilp, Columbia county and tato ot Penn
sylvania, bound id und desJrlbo 1 as follows : lie
,'luiiiugnt a cornoro lindot Jcss3 V. Merrell, anl
Market street In tin vlll igo of Hspy, Columbia coun
ty, and sute ot Pennsjlvaula, thenco south twenty
nine degrees, wet sltty.tlvo and live-tenths perch
es to a corner on t.'g it street, thenco south tweuty
eljht degrees thtrty-s.'ven minutes ca.t tweut ono
and live-tenths' perch .a to .1 corner of laud ot II. (I.
Crevellnj, thenco nirtli soventy-ono anl thr"e
fourthsdjgie.'seastco perc.ies toacoruer on Mar
ket street, tlienei by said street north twentj.tHO
decrees forty-elght minutes west eleven ntne-tinth
perch is to tho place i.f beginning; contali Ing sit
acres and one hundred and tort). six Perthes', net
Seized, taken In execution, asd to bo sold as thu
property of II. II. rcvelln,'.
AU that certain rcalctite, sltuato In tho Ilurough
of llerwlck, being a part of water lot No. 21 us mark
ed nnd nemiicredln tho plan of saldliwn; Hegln
ulng t a corner on vine s reetoneliundr. d aud Hx-iy-
eien and ihrte-toiinh feet Iro.u rontstrctt,
iieneo by Ino ttreet t the hoeaiielijnnu HUer,
iheiicodonu i-ald rlier fjit)-nlue and a half feet to
iiiHCorntr uflotnumlerlweiity-two, llience by the
sim'toacorueronebindrel and sixty-seven and
i cot tilln pli:eor biliuiui; sivli,' aud t
''litltig Ihe lights lureto.'oro grant! d b Samuel
-leei 10 tho uc.awann i and Llouundiurg Itallroad
ii'iuip.uiy, bilng tl.e rllitif s.'ji for their railroad
.utrui-nnd miuii tlie; also the rljnt uf way
u.'ldbj tlio Peiin-lvjnl.i canal ompany ovoi nnd
icrus-th i s one,
vlzol, taken In execution, an J toba boldastlit
piopert.i ot John ll. saiiey.
All mat cci tiln real e-tateltuato In Mlniiu
coun y, I, ilescilocd ns
tJlionB, to-wlti bounded ou iho north by .and of
John Yelr, on the D lands of Mrb. .-.chuck and
othirs, on tho west b lands u. Horace N-hweppen-lubi
rand Ichn Atcn, onthosonth bj lands of
(leorgo Nungib'cr, containing i Inely ucus more or
les, on width Is irceiid n an tiling hou'e, baan and
other oul-bulldlcgb.
seized, taken lutu exeonllon, ard to be told as tlio
properly of sirhanitchwiiipciihtlber
CONDITIONS OF SALE -Purchasers mubt pay
ten rx.r cent, of tho purcliate mimey, or at lea'bt
enough to cover all costs, at striking down of sale
otherwise property to be resold at onco.
juii.-s n, HOFFMAN.
nov. ti, isri.-ts
Orphans Court Salo
In pursuinco of tratrs ol tho Orphans' courts
of Columbia end Sullltan counties, tho undersigned "
will Bell at public sale, at the Ixclnnge Hole! In the
Town of llenton, lu tho County ot Columbia, in
1'HIDAY, KOVKMUJ'.U 00,1877
at to o'clock a, m., tho following dctcrlbed
nr. I. cs'i itu.
Iho cqnl undivided one-half f n truft cf unseated
land, bltuale partly In the townbhlpof sug'iiloaf.
Colmnbti co inty, and purtlj In Ihe t jwri.hlp of Da
Yldssn, Sullivan c mnty, bounded on tho north b)
lands In tho wnrrai leo name cf John Lalllot, aud
tdward and Nathan Mcilei ry, on Ihe oast by Mary
custard, on tliuboutliby Jehu loeltard, nnd on the
weetby Daniel Mi Henry; contilnlug
251 ACRES,
end oichotfrfd rrdiwfit- tlfbt rtrdus, wl.Kh
Iruct u In tbe wtirn.ut bttne if Criulltigand
Tmoisor Sale Tcr rcr cent of Ihe one-fourth
cftliepurchabo monej to I psld at tho striking
down of lbs proptrtyjtno one-fourth less the ten
rcritnt. ot Iho wnlitnntlrii of inlo; and the re
inaU.lng lbiec.oi rib In one )iur IhcreaJUr, wltu
Intcrebt frcmcctriimtilcubU.
AdCilblbtialoitf TboKU lieu.
nov. , TT-ta