The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, November 23, 1877, Image 2

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BU03KV7AV; ELWiUL.Siltsrs.
r.LOOMsnuRCi, pa.
Friday, Nov. SJH. 18 77
Wo want a nctivo ngent in every
iirigliUuiliooil in tlio county to sectii'u new
riiliscrihers Inr the Cot.l'MDtA.V for 187S.
ono are no competent to tin t in work lis tlio
)... ..i. .t. ..-.... ;
, , ., , i. .. ,.
nnil cm reeo'iniieinl it lo others. A m' ono
willing to undertake this work can g' t all tho
tioccssary information by calling at this of
lico. Tor nil cih payments by new subscri
bers; pocmcd by agents, wo will hllow a cash
percentage, which is lottrr ill 111 a premium
pictuio or a cheap tewing niacliit.e.
Till! KUAliirKPIDKMIt!.
Almost daily announcements arc made In
the ii'-wspnpcrs, of the closing of savings
bunks and other similai institutions, either
through bail management or dishonesty on
the part of their olllcers. The mills of the
Ciols are grinding exceeding fine. A large
number A Insurance Companies hive been
swept out of existence, aud tho history of
frauds that have been cirried 011 for t.nrs
without being (inspected, has been mailo
known. Jlen like John r. Moitou,
the bite l'resideut of the I'eriuarien' Kxhibi-
tion and of tho Market street railway, tncii
honored and tiusted by their fellow citizen-,
have been flrawn into tho hopper, and their
hopes and reputations ground to powder,
The Hunslnger trial at Heading, which oc
cupied fourteen weeks.has shown how many
dstablisluneuts like Hiirisinger's bank have
been conducted, and bow tho earnings of
many ii ior depositors have been fqu.inilered
in the 'peculations ot eiliietiiH vvuilw living
In increase their own wealth. W hy bus
not this reckless vvnsio by person
entrusted with tho funds of otheis
been etopped I It seems rather to ho on tho
increase, and iha reason lor thii is that there
have been so few prosecutions for such crimes.
Wealthy and inlhienlial friends interlete
and the coiirre af justice i blocked. Is there
no speeilio for this sort of thing? Most
assuredly there is. If pioccuting ol!icer,
aud tho courts throughout the land will hut
perform the duly which soceiy demands of
them, we hill find that alter the inearcera
tion of a few gentlemanly cashier, presf
dents of trust institutions wh have
been rolling in luxury purchased with the
iioii1h's monev. the ii'iDfttlo v.'liat is
politelv cilled 'peculation, hut properly lie
signated as Mc2,ivillbd somewhat appealed,
and when tho workiug clashes of the cities
invest their money in docks and binds, or
deposit it in savings banks for safe keeping,
they will stand a chanco of getting it back
again when cilled (or.
Columbia County is in an agricultural dis-
trict. It is dependeut only upon itself for
country produce, and through not a large
grain growing, butter making, or (.tattle
raising section, the supply of tho;o articles
is nearly if not quite tqual to the home tie-
mand. It is more prospfrotn than many
other counties because it is not entirely de-
pendent upon tho mineral productions id"
the soil, aud hence in tho many striken that
have occurred which have clogged the whtels
of industry in other localitiie, 4 has been
but little affected. It is true that the hard
times have been It heie, us every where.bttt
the average number of failures has been tar
less in comparison to the population than
in many countirsof theState.and it is proba-
ble that many that have happened would
have conic, even if ihe times had been bet-
There is gnat undeveloped wealth withiu
our borders. For j ears we have plod along
'pretty well satisfied with things as they are,
and seeming to think hut little ol what we
might be, it all our resources could be de-
veloped. Our-jrcat lack is in the absence
of manufactories. There is not a town in
the State belter adopted for such purposes
than Woomsburg. The iron made hero is ol
thebest quality and enjoys a wide reputation,
and the estauilsnine 111 01 a roiling inni, uau
works. horseshoe works, au axe factory, or
something of the sort would lurnish a home
market tor iron, and employ nieut for our
citizens, which would incrnu. thu prorperity
of the town and ccuuty beyond computa
We cau ascribe no reason why we have 110
such establish mtiits except the waut ol en
tcrprizc. Our capitalists who hae no
money invested m industries, hoard their
. ., , . , . . .! ,,.,
weuuuiur mru ...... rn.w... "u".' "-"(
and for future generations to tquander. Ahiy
ieem to take no inlerrM in the piooperity ot
the town, and thus they fall in the perfor-
mance of a dti'y which they owe to the
community whuu they bao acquired
property aud to n.iiely at large. CapitalUts
from abroad know but little if anything ol
the hero Thur information!
gained Irom the newspapers published in the
couuty, and as they see in them that hut
few of tho buslntss men adveilbe their
warts mid ir.i,ls the n.unr.dlv ,. onrh1 ilmt
,. . . ,-, ,r . t 1 .
IV is nut a jiifiiittuir ectiiuii m iyuicii iu 111
vest their inoiity. fchow us a town where
the newspapers ate fil'td with home adver-
tUements and we uilUhow ouuidace litled
with en terprUing citizens, acd where trade
is brlsK and people pro.pert.iis. buow us a
town in which the businiss men do not nil -
vertise and wo will chow you shops aud
stores whero the proprietors b
. . , .... ....11.
ume co reel ueiwetii mo mn.1.1 lu.iuwu.
Lack of enterprise iu advertising the busl
iius of the county, nnduhus railiiie to show Utey knew interruption existed, and tlio pre
to the outer world who our business men are, rclkeu beveicly upon tli governor
, , ' , .,1 for reluilng to give inlonnation which would
and what they are doing, Is auotner uraw- havo c..abiuj .1 uin t
irivo inoro Drtsi-iio in-
back to increased, industry, -there is u pos
(ible future of great prosperity and wealth
for us. hut it will not come Isc f. It must
be worked for, and if nothing is risked,
nothing can be gained. Ilevelopo our re
gourde, multiply our iuduatrius, and wo
Lave us or our capital, work tor tuo un
employed, and money for everybody.
The will of the late Senator Mortou leave
hit entire folate aUolululy to bU widow.
The cutato is valued at about JoO.OOO, uud
thesignaturo to the will is said to be tue
last written by Morton's hsnd.
There is a daily jiewepuper published
Moctoe, Louisiona. iu the linudwritinu
the editor by an electric peu, tne wnoie
edition bilug HUPiicauu irom ine 11m rnun
uwlpt. new, telegrams, euiior.a auu
adverll.euiei.ts are all In writing. It Is call-
oJ the J)allS Metric Idler, aid is the first
Ul inn kiuu,
I'eiinsylvunla bus tho largtst number
l fc'uiMlay awonjf tbs Stirtc 7,
Thcrn can bo no tlotili! tint llie trim iiitT-c-tsofllio
pop!t) require tlio of dm
rriulo ewictmrnt known ns tlio "Hcstiuiptioii
I.nw." It i. n! tiiitleiiiubla tlmt tlio Jicoplo
Imvo ilciuiiiiileil its roprnl. Tlio reasons for
fttikin'4 tlio f-tntuto fiiun our books wo have)
frequently irivcu in those columns. 15 nt to
show that the measure is unsound, and
it wnK romlemiieil byn ltcptiblic.ati Sctm'or
from IV'iniJ.vlvunia, wo quoto from a fpoooh
delivetcil in the Senate in IS73 by lion John
Scott :
When tho (loveniiiicnt.itistenil ol'n cltien
is tlii" owner of its own iioiuise, haslilleil tho
roimse, it i within its own power; mm lie-
levins, ns I do, that Hie iciuiiition nl pc-
ein payincnn in tlioticiir liuuro is itiiiiossiiiie,
uvlicvinit ns I ill that Iicro.ittcr n volume ol
paper cunency will lo ucoUru lor tin-business
r0(lMi countrv, winch can bo roleemeJ in
.specie only when .pccio is n it iicalcd, in
times ot prosperity, anil cannot Ijo redeemed
in jiiccio whenever a iiutiic comes or a deiiiaiu
for its redemption, in-trail nl reissuing that
I, ... 1 . . .1 ... .1.7.
leiral tender inonev in tho form wn ch it now
heirs, I would lecoanif thlt truth upon its
face, and I would rcis-uc it payable in coin nr
interest hearing hands ot the Un eminent, mi
that it should not be fid, as it lias been here
tofore, that the plighted f.iilhol' tholjovcrn
uiont was not redeemed, or that tho Govern
ment wa dishonored by neglecting to pay its
legal-tender notes.
To lie Contested.
Wo are informed that measures' are illicitly
taken to contest tho election of all tho olliees
voted for in tlio election, on the grounds of
illegal votes said to haul been cast in nearly
all of the strong Labor districts. Tlio ballot
boxes will bo all gone over, and tho voto of
every person to possess the legal qualihca-
tiotis of a voter will bo thrown out.
In the ease of the Addithnil Law .Tud-!",
he Attorney General is to bo at onco notified
and he willap 'ly to tho Governor to appoint
1 commission consi-tmg of tho thrco nearest
judge, to investigate and pas upon tho legal-
itv of tho election ol Judge rMauton.
So the end is not yet. This movement is
in tho interest of the Kcpnblieans, tho Dem
ounts having 110 b in 1 in tho matter. Scran-
ton Timti.
A Mine Horror.
ri:Tlt A"U
ui:sti:uction in
Tilt! JUItMV:t
A terrifioexploiion of lire-damp, took place
in .Tortni 11 colliery, withiu tho city limits,
Scrauton on the 15th inst. while miners were
in operation, fatally injuring a number of
men and bojsand producing a scene ol mo-t
intense excitement. About '200 workmen
weie in the mino when it occurred. The
xplo-ion occurred nearly 1!50 feet from the
foot of the shaft, where a force of workmen
were building 11 cross eiit to regulate the
course of the air in a distant portion of tho
colliery. It is supposed that one of their
lamps was held too high and catno in con
tact with explosive gas, which usually seeks
the surface t.ud then followed an appalling
scene. A thundering shock was felt through
out the miue. Tlio men felt coal pillars.
v.hich they clasped, torn from their grasp
and shattered into fra;meiits. Mino props
were sivept away from their places, coal cars
wero overturned aud demolished, and mules
were carried several chambers distant ami
their drivers buried In the debris "ot" the
chaos. A miner nameu .Mann, siantung at.
the footof tho shalt, nearly two thousand
feet from tho wene of the occurrence, was
Hung Untiiiy iuio rue sump, aim iiicoti
car by which he had stood w.n upset over
him. As soon as the storm had spent its
force those who had escaped unhurt proceed-
ed to assist their less luriunaie comraues.
Anthony Uollms ami ratncK lirennan were
found buried beneath a heap ot roots and
coal and moaning piteously. They were
cirried out in a dying condition, lloth are
badly burned and not expected to survive.
A driver boy, J.uke liurns, was lountl lying
crushid beneath a shattered coal car with
one leg almost torn otf. Wm Lauigan had
a leg brwken and .Uax nullips was Durneu
fearfully. Neither of the above will live.
1 lie news 01 me acciueni spmio. ukb Kim
lire aim men, women .mu muuiiu ih
all parts of the city to tho mouth of the
t t f. , !., r r
1 snair, eacu anxiously awauiog uiu i.u;t;i to
those brought up from the dismal depth. Im-
niense volumes ot lire damp are generated
in Jermjn colliery, anil the gas escaping
Irom all sides n ill iced tne names,
I'ittsudhq, November 19. Tho grand
jury which lias been invo-tifating tho riots of
July last in this city, made a presentment
to the court this morning, giving the result
0p their inquiries, ihe document 13 vcry
U'ngthy , and gives a detailed history of tho
event b preceding ai d mbti qucnt to the acts
of violence
It Kiyb the grand jury liavo been unable to
trace the jnoclainatiou calling out thu (duto
troops farther than to tho authorities of tho
I'ennsylvanij railroad, and iichert at tho time
it was issued Governor Ilartranft was Num
bering in his car in Ltah territory. They a;
tcit that the laihoadollteers wero iniportunKl
not to report to hrh mf awes, but tho tid.
vice was not heeded. J hey Mated that the
,ct, motiv s conclu.s vo that Thilade nh a (-o
i ,lior Ihcsl ritliout ordeis after u pistol c-hot
irom tho crowd, and denounco tho act by
which twenty two citizens wero Killed an iin-
authdiized, wilful and wanton killing, which
can bo called hy no milder term than murder.
I hey say tho wholo military operation was a
hinder from beginning to end, and exhibited
1 nitiablo' ab-enco of training and exeeutivo
ability worthy of commander-in-chief who se
lects major geneials for their political or so
cial lather than thcii military qualifications.
the occupation ot tho lounu house is char-
actenzcd as a lamentable mistake, aud tho
ictrcat ol t-.eiier.U liriiitpii s lorccH, and the
fleeing ol the state olhcials to lieavcr aro so
vectilv eiitieiscd. Tho vraud iurv ula ma that
the citizens after being Kisoly descrttdby the
luifilitry put down tho riot and restored order,
and that the sulK-equent nihitary occupation
'Xa! ahrearKSs'aX
mart. contumely to the couuty. I hoy say
1 the martial achievements under the head of
the governor hayo only their parallel in tho
Tho rennsv vnu a railroad company
- 1 yerely criticised lor massing csirti heie when
- foiumtton '1 hat it is not more tnccito they
fay is duo to the fact that tho graud jury has
upcuiv nun private y 11 11s in;
qu'ry by tho-e to whom the whole truth
should have been a welcome vindication Its
supplosMuu compels 1)10 opposite eonclufion
Tho docuiuci.t throughout is very bi'tcr ir
tone, uou wiiuu 11 (lenouoces mo leaoetH o
the military, endeavors tu defend tho citizens
uiraiust the charuu ot U-iiie 111 svmnathv witl
1 iriu, Hl of the late Commodore Vauder
(jjn 4 Ueing contested. The priccipal ground
u that William II. Vatiderbilt who receiv'
e,j i,nety five out of one hundred million
of the estate, usid an under influence with
in uil falltr tli fjfect that result. Eminent
of cunsel , engaged 011 hot)) Hides, and th
teetImonv thus far is scandalous.
T,J(J Uaroa(1 ..iiIoteH ,Uus far trie.1 at
. r . flVfl . ncollltUj. The
mukt AUorney n.inling the evideuco was
1 -nin.l.n, , rn,, ..1 i,nn not) llit ll.e e
"ilUl were the inult of the Jurymen'-
- fuif 10 ny UB'" frh
' Jury it drawn.
Now that tliia nattpal plienoniPin has ox-'
tended to tho United Slates, nnd as many re1
cent shocks have been reported in different
sections of our country, public curlo'ity has
been aroused to a-oerlain their causes Tt Is
n subject of wide spread interest, and opo
cially so to tho readers of tlio Cot.VMtilAN.
Vor tho benefit and inlbriuation of our read
ers, as well as a matter of interest to students
I have collated the foil iwing I'a.-tj and theo
ries telativo to earthquakes,
They aro probably produced by fiaclures
and sudden hc.ivings and subsidences in the
elastic crut of tho hha, fioiti tho pressure
of tho liquid fire, vapor and gases, in its inte
rior, which there find vent, iclievo tho ten
fion which tho Miata ncquito dining their
flow refrigeration nnd restoio equilibrium
ltut whether tho initial iinpulso bo irruptivo
or n sudden pressure upwards, thoshoek orig
inating in that point is ptopaitated through
the elastic surface of tho canh in a series of
circular or oval undulations, similar to thos"
produced Jiy dropping a Mono in a pool, and
like them they become hrotdor and lower as
the distance increases, till they gradually Mile
fide ; in this manner (ho shock travels through
tho land, bccotnsng weaker and weaker till it
terminates. hen tlio impulo hegins 111 tho
interior of a continent the clastic wave is
propagated through the solid uuMof tlio
earth, as it is iu sound through tho air, an 1
is transmitted from tho former to tho,
where it is finally spent nnd lost, or, if very
powerful is continued in tho opposite laud
Almost all the grrat earthquake, however,
have their origin in thu bed of the oeein.
far from land, where tho shocks travel in un
dtilatiom to tho surrounding chores.
No doubt miny of small intensity are im
perceptible ; it is only tha violent efforts of
tho internal forcea that can overcome the pres
sure of tho ocean's bod, an 1 tint of the super
incumbent water. Tlio ntornal pressure is
supposed to find relief mot icadily in :i belt
of great breadth that surrounds the land at a
considerable tlistatico from tho 00 id, ami be
ing firmed of tho debris, ths internal temper
ature is in a perpetual state of fluctuation
which would seem to givo riso to u bleu flex
ures and submarine eruptions.
When tho original imptiUu is a fraction 01
eruption of lava in the bed of tho doep occ.ui,
two kinds of waves or undulations aro pro
duced and propagited simultaneously one
through the bed of the ocoan.which is the truo
earthquake sh"ck, and coincident with this a
wave is formed and propaa'ed ou the sutfaco
of tho ocean, which rolls to tho slnro, and
reaches it in timo to complete tho destruction
long after tho shock or wave through tho sol
id ocean bed has arrived and itself on
tho hind The sea rose TiO feet at l.i-bon and
CO feet at Cadiz after the great earthquake; it
rose and fell eighteen times at Tangier on the
coa-t of Africa, and fifteen times at h'unrhal
in Madori.i. At Kitis.ilo a body of water
lushed into tho hnrlmr, mil tho witcr 111
Loeli J(o:;ioud in Sotlan 1, rose two foot four
inches so extensive was the oceanic wave.
Tho height to which tho surface of the ground
ij elevated, of the vertical height of the
shock-wave, varies from ono inch to two or
three feet. This, earth-wavo, 011 passing un
der deep water, is imperceptible ; but when
it comes to soundings, it carries with it to the
laud a long, Hit, aqueous wavo; ou nrriving
at tlio beach, the water drops in arrear from
the superior velocity ol the shock, so that at
that moment tho sea seems to recede before
the great o:ean wave arrives,
It is tho small forced wavo that gives th"
shocks to ships, and not the irreat wavo ; but
when ships aro struck in very chop water,
tke centre of disturbance is either immediate
ly under, or very nearly under tho vessel,
Three other series of undulations aro f irru-
ctl simultaneously with tlio preceding, by
which tho sound of the explosion is carried
through tho earth, the o ean and tho atrwitl
different vclocitLn. That through tho earth
travels at tho rate of 7,003 to 10,0'JO feet in a
second in hard rock, somewhat less iu in loos.
er materials, arrives at the a short time
before, or at the same moment with, the
shock, and produces the hollow sounds that
arc the harbingers ol ruin, then fol.oivsacon-
inu'ius succession of sounds, like tho rolling
of distant thunder, formed first by tho noise
propagated in undulatious through the water
of tho sea, which travel at the rate of 4,700
feet in a second, and ctstly, by that
thianch the nir, which only takes phica when
the oriitin of i'io varthir.nme is a submarine
xplosion, nnil liavols with tho velocity .of
1"3 1'oU in usuconl. lln lolling sounds
recede I ho arrival of the great oojauic wave
on the masts, mil are continued after tho tcr-
rifio catastrophe when the erup'iou is ex
tensive. When therj is a succession of slncks all
thu idienoracnj are repeated Sounds sonic-
times ocetir when there is no earthquake;
they were heard on tho phins of Apure, iu
Vfnrziicla, tit tho moment tho volenti in bt
Vincent's, 700 miles olf, discharged a stream
of lava. Tho bellowings of (itianaxuato af
ford a singular itiManco : tlioso suhterrauoous
no'.-es h ivo been heard for a month uninter
ruptedly when there was no earlhqtiako felt
on the tab'e land of Mexico, nor m thertcli
silver mines 1000 feet below its surfaco,
The velocity of the groat oceinis wavo va
ries as tho square root ol tho depth ; it con
sequently has a rapid progress through tleep
water, and loss wheu it comM to soundings
That la'r-ed during the oarthquiko at Lisbon
taveled to Darb.idoo at tho rata of 7 S miles
in a minute, and to Portsmouth at tha rate ot
a little more than two miles in a miiiulc, Tho
velocity of tho shock varies with the els-tici
ty of the strata it paves thmugli. 1 lie tin
(lulations of tho earth aro subject (nth" same
laws as thos' of li'lit and .soiuil; hence,
when tho shock or earthwuve pisies through
strata of different elasticity, it will pat tly b
reflected, and a wavo will ba scut back, pro
ducing a shock iu tlio npposito diieotion, and
partly refracted, or its cour-o eluiigod, so
that shocks will bo felt both upwards am
downwards, to tho right or to tho left of tho
oriunal line, of transit. 11 mx) mod damn;
is done nt tho junction ot deep alluvial plains
witb the hard strata of the mountain', as 11
the great earthquake in Calabria in the yiar
When the height of tho undulations
suiTl, tlio carthquaio win 11) 11 noruoutai
motion, wliWi is tlio loist dittiuctivo; when
tlu height is gre 11, tho central horizontal
motions arc cotiibtucd, and the effect is terri
ble Th'i concision was up wards in tl
eartbquako Vfliiih took place at Jlio llamba
in I7U7- IS iron ljuniboldt nieutiom that
mmo of the iiihabiiants were iliruwn across
river on a uciglib iv.ns moim'ttlu several huu
died feet iu height. Tho worst of ull is a er
ticoao or twi-ting motion, which nothing can
rct.iat ; it is occasioned by the ciosstng of twi
wans of horuontal vibiatton, "Inch uiiito at
their point of intersection and form a rotary
movement. This, and thu intcrlerenoos of
shocks arriving at tlio snmo point from dilfe
cut origins nr routes of different lengths, ae
oouut for the lopow in ';i:p places, and tho;
extraordinary phcnomeuti that lot k plave 1
ring Ihe carlhquah of 17S3 in C'ulabritt,whcro
the shock dimtcd on all tides from a ceuli
through a highly clastic base cot ered with ul-
I luvial soil, which wa
toxscd ulout iu every
Thcro aro few places whero tho earth is long
at rest, for, independently of thnso a cutar el
evations and Mibsid n' Oi th d aro in proercs
over such extensive tracts ol c uitry, sma
earthquake shocks must bo more ficqucut
than wo imagine, though Imperceptible to
our semes, and only to bo delected by
means of instruments. Tlio shoek nl'an ealth
qnako at Lyons in I'ebruary, lSL', was not
generally pcreeptib'o nt Paris yet the wave
leached and p - 1 I on l. r tho ci.y and wa
detected hv t ! 1. - I r I I n rt.m needle at tho
Ob-e.v ... "V 1 h .. .',.y bucn nt
iet. In- nl Tin hi o1' no nl ihu great' hive Mreeltn m en n niotn ex
tent. II nthq tik- that hiipeiiul in IS III
III Gil. 1 1 11 hi ! wis f it over tin extent of
tWOO miles in length ; and that which des roy
ed Lisbon has it origin ill the bed of the At
latitic, from whence a sh tck extended over un
erea of 700,000 square miles, or n twelfth part
of tho ciicumfereiico of tho globe; the West
Indian Islands, and the lakes in Scoland,
Norway and Sweden, wore agitated by it.
In linear distance thet lTect of that earthquake
extended through 30i) miles, tho shocks wero
felt through a lino of 2700 miles, and tlu vi
brati ins nr tremors welo perceptible through
water 1,000 miles It began without warning,
and iu five iniiiutos the city wss a heap of
Tho earthquake of 17S3, which comp'elejy
changed tho faeo of tho country, only listed
two minutes ; but it was not very extensive,
yet all tho towns and vilhges for 22 miles
ouml tho small town of OppiJ) were utterly
riinicii. 1 ne uostriictiou is gcu-r.illv ncoMii
lisliod in a fearfully short tuno; thn earth
quake at iu March, 1S12, consisted
throe shocks, wh'eh la-t-d three nr four
econds sepaiat d hy such intervals that iu
fify sccon Is 10,000 people perished. Ilarou
umb'iMt's works aro full of intcrcstliis do
'3 01 this subjitct. especially witli regard
the tremendous convulsions in South Amor
1. Sometimes 11 shock has been perceived
underground which was not felt nt the sur-
10", as iu tho year 1S02, in tlio silver mine ol
anciiburg in tho Hartz. In some instan
ces miners havo ben g'nsctisihlo to shocks
It on thu surf too above, which luppenod at
ahluu, in Sweden, in lS2.'i ei rami -tancs iu
both cases depending on the elasticity of th e
rata, thu depth of tho impulses, or obsta-
!es that may have changed tha course of the
tencMri il unduintioii During earthquake.
islocations of rtrati take place, the course of
vers is changed, and iu some instances they
ivo been permanently drittl up, rocks are
lurlul ('r,vu, m.issOs raised up, and the con-
guration of tho country altered ; but it there
be no fracturout tho point of origin il impulse,
th'-'io will bo no noise.
Tho power of tho earthquake 'n raising and
eprtsi-mg tho land has long been well known,
but the gradual and almost impercepti
ble change of level through immense tracts of
io globe is altogether a reojtit disovery ; it
as been accribod to the expansion of reeks
y heat, and sub-equctit contraction by the
retreat of the melted matter from below
lcui. It is not at all uuprobablo that there
may bo motions, liko tides, ebbing and flow
ing in tho internal lava, for tho changes arc
iy no means confined to tlioso enormous ele
vations and subsidences that appear to be in
progress in tiie basin of tho Pacific audits
aMs, nor to tho Andes and thugroit plains
ast of them countries for tlio most part
,ulj-ct tu earthquakes ; they tako place, to a
ast extent, in regious whero convul
sions are unknown. There seems to be nn ex-
raorditinry ilex bility iu the crust of the
globe from tho tilth or 55th parallel of north
atitmb to tlio Arctic Oo 'an. There is a line
crossing Sweden from ea-tto west in the par-
He! of 56" north latitude, along which tl
round is perlcctly stable, cid has been ho for
centuries, to the north ol it lor 1000 miles
between the Gottenburg and the North Cape,
ho ground is rising, tha maximum elevation,
which takes placo at Nurth Cape, .being at
le rate of 5 feet ina century from wheiico
it gradually diuiini-lies to 3 inches iu a centu
ry at Stockholm. South of the lino of stabil
it y, 00 the contrary, the laud is sinking
through part of Christiaustad and Maltuo,
for the village of Stasston in Scitna, is uow
380 feet nearer too lialtio than it was in th
timo of Linnaeus, by whom it was measured
uow 300 years ago. The coast of Denmark on
the Sound, tho island of Saltholm, opposite
to Copenhagen and that of Hornholm are ris
ing, tho litter a'- the rate of a foot in a centu
ry. Tlio coast of .Meml on tho iialtic lias
actually ri-cn a loot and four inch f withiu
ho 1 1st 30 years whilo tho coa-t of 1'iliati h is
sunk down au iuch and a half iu tho same
ciiod. Tho w-st coast of Ueutuatk, part of
tho l'Voo Islands, and tho west 1 oast of
Greenland aro all boing depressed below tho ir
brmcr level In Greenland, tho encroach
nrent of the sea, in concqireticvJ of tho change
of level has submerged ancient buildin.'.s on
the low rocky islands, and on tho uuiu land
The Grecian icr never builds near the sea on
lat account, and tho Moravian settlers havo
had to move inland the po'es to which they
moor their boats. It lias been in progress for
four centuries, and cxten Is through GOd miles
from Igalito Firth to Di-oj Hay Mr. Rob
ert Chambers has shown tint in Great Hiitain
country tho hint! has been for ages on the
rise, and that tho parallel rouls in Glen Roy,
which have so long afford d matter fir dis
cussion, nro uicrily margins left by thoictieat
of tho water, as tho land nlternitely ro-o and
remained stationary In tho present day the
elevation is goiug on in many places, espec
ially in tho Moray Firth and iu tho Clu line!
Oiiarillans of pretty ynnni' linlies iiflen
apply for in rinnneiit sittintions, ureatly to
the (lispleu-tiro ol other suitors, ur. wan s
Wild t3herrv and Heneku ulwavs uets n per
inancnt situation in evtry household when
onco used.
i kooiI dninenie f-'ulphiir lulli can be
tly prepared hv tiikinc u cake of (ileus
Sulphur Soip Into tho hath luh. Such an ex
peilitnt will, to use a slauir phrase, "knock Ihe
piiots oil'' any victim of cutaneous bletnUhes
Bold hy nil drustftsls 25 cents.
Hill's Hair .t Whisker Vje, Hack or brown.
oO cm.
Nov. 23 4w.
KV KHL -1IKI FSN V DEIt.- At tho residence ot tho
bride's mother In Uvo'nool, Perry coui ty, l'a.. at
ono o'clock p. m , on Thunlay tho 13th Instant, tiy
Itev. II. II. Crecvor, William u Kjcrly of Catawlssa,
I'oltinibl i county, l'a., tu Maggie M. lulls J dor.
ANOLK LAUUACII. At the Methodist parsonago
In nrangevhl.1 on tho tub Inst., by tholtev. II
Mcndenhall, .Mr. I'tdllp Anglo of Espy to MlSiN.
Jane Laubach at Asbury.
Kmotll'-lii Sit Pleasant, of dlplherla, Sept,
W7, Cora ArvUla btroup, ugod 0 years, It month
und 20 days.
1IL'1IIBS,-In orongcvllle Sept 5, 'Sir, Mr. Alex
ander llugtics, aged Iv cais, II months and voduj
I'ADUN.-In t'Uhlngcreelc October 29, James
1'adcn, aged 21 years, 6 mouths and M cIjjb.
roTTUU.-Iii Iiloomtburg, Nov. 15,1671, Frankle
K. Potter, ug(d 4 jeurs, 9 months and 13 days.
ELtlBS - In Ma) berry township, Montour county,
Kott iuUr 3, IMt, IUnnah Ulzabclh t:iincu In her
"Ihe death ct the righteous."
VOUGIIT.-In UejUrry ov,
Vought, aged it j cars, io mutlLa And 18 day a.
lis rviU Ih Jtisus.
1! K, Kunkpl s relehrated Hitter Wlnoof Iron wilt
rITectiialh 1 ur" llv-r romtilnliit, jntuiilloe, (lisp, pda,
cluonleor 11 rvims deiilutv cliriinte illinium, ills
pee t Mi" ki'lnejs nnd nl 1 diseases arising riona
iliser lereil lUer. stoin.ich er Intestines, such ns con
st lMtt i. II di'letiee Intuinl piles mini ssi t H- odto
the I e.i 1,11c d.i or I tie stutincti, iintisen, lie.iittmrn,
dlsitust I n in h1, I iliiics-et ttrldtt In tn stiiinieli,
swhni-liitr et tl.e h"inl. h'irrletl or dtnicult breath
ltnr. Ililtt' tlie.'ot the hentt clinking nr sntrneatlng
sensdl hi wti -n hi a 'Mntr tni-t ire, dlinness 0' vis
Ion, tints or wens b lure the H;ht, 1I11II eal'i Inttm
I1e.1l, ill II -. set 1 f " 'Mratlnli ti-ll.mliess ut the
skin nnd 1 e 1 pdn In Hi1 lin k, henil.ehest, ilmhs,
e e , mniite-i il'ihlies of li" o. nnitittii; In the 11 -sli.
const t.t lmre;ihimrs 01 cut nnil creit ilorresslun ot
spirits. I'd. e II per Ih, !' I ire or counter
telts. 110 nut let niir nriitnrlst p.ilm oil soineottior
Pteiiiriilo'i 1 1 lion, h" in iv s v it 1 4 is tr-Hjd.but uslc
tnr KMikeln Miter wine or 'Pin, Tnk Iliother.
Kiinkilsl'l tej-Mine nr Iron Is net soil In hnlk
niili In f luiltlet,. 11. s. hniiki 1. Preprletnr, N . sn
Noitli Mnlli street, Plill.t'lel I1I.1, l'n. M'M hy all
ilrtitfutsts ninl (leali rs 1 erj heiv.
Tll'K WOHU ItnUOVMl At.tVlt.
Ilea 1 n'l i-ninpWn In two linurs. No fee tlllhearl
pi.s s-fiit, I'ln ntnl stoinieli worms removed hy
iir. Krnkel, vw. Norm Ninth strict. ptiltoili'lititn.l'ii.
sent f r tlri'lllitr. I er reliiiiMeir. vcnt lln 01 Mnltl
ncli v n ins c HI on v,i ir drinrirt-l and ak for a lint
H it MPikers'tii s-ru,'. Prlei) !. It never
rills Ci.iinnotiseii e tciehes If Tape Wormcanlie
retn-'ie I, nil olhtr Htirtus eitihe reiiUhy (I stro ea.
nee. I
Notice Is herehy irlven tint t ptiretiise.t at ennsta
lilnV sale in tan Ititii ilav of (iituUr isrr thu follow
Itiepersonsl prijtH'rtv of Harrison IMer of (iro n
wood township, to-wlti 2 horses, noutile Harness,
wagons. 1 Itnckeu' renper, 1 uraln rridle, 1 shov
els, 1 axe I tif' 2 h liters All persons are
cnitinneii spiiini intert'TtnT won ne, ni-u"n-i
have left the rooils with him rturlnj my pleasure.
nov 23, '"-3
$200 OOO
C1 I") f t'l'lorp In order to clear out our
I IviiA 1 I'tl I stock ot very superior
Jolil-ptnteil icweiry vaiuou m over ,in',ii""1miitin
1111.I ns helow. 211 nieces, nil warranted ' old-plated
forfl. 0. lpatrOiM "-tono siceic liuttnns, I pair
njrrnveu sit,.M. inmnns, 1 bcl ri jiueu 'tuns, t emi
inetliisc stmls. 1 Wcd'ltn? Itlnir 1 llnirraved llund
1 111 er uiiiir, 1 Mnctii.m sione mnir lnio-i wuu
old 1 Kleirmt Itlnr Marken "frpiuisuin, 1 11m-
lU.-leil Hut, 111, 1 set Lnilles'. let nnil (loin I'm nnu
Irops, I Misses set .1 t and (Kil l, 1 Collar -tun, 1 sei
oseimu oroea. i items r.iefi.iiii itt.
I nnonil stud. 1 C irdlnal Iteil Iiesd Necklace. I pair
miles' Amethyst strain liar Iireps Inlaid with linlil.
i1 T 1 I I I miles ornainenieit .ici oroocii, 1
i I j It rnncy scarf Itltn,- nnd Kleirnnt n'ntcli
lulu, lake your choc--, tho ENTIItB I."T OF2I
PIKfK-.seiii nost-nali fir II. i or any s pieces ou
cionse forfsiients. .sow Is Ihe time to make money.
lies,, cm, enslly bo retnlleil nt fin.
r.i.vii vum L'i . .my
one nnlerlnir I-ot at imi cacli, wn will pre'iit
ivs pri-mlum.
ST Komi htreot,
nov. 23, '771 m jnAco New York.
mtion without ixau suvfr.i4ic-sulimur or
lien-tt-tluus t trti --i Utmv Mini positively rcnlore'i
r.iv imir In th' n dun to its oriLrinni eoior (not tvi
olorHtif t'H r. Irilu) i: n m ivcsiianflrulT, stuns the
Imir f roia t Wuj: hii.I iniJtc- It prow leaving It cle in,
so't iiiilniturni ttsuiipllcit'oncintiutlwdt'
tCtCl. IKj I Ik ill Cll.itlgf tl KUl iK'ilUtltlll biOWU. A
Uuutltv HthhL'lenr 10 liHalx iivialiw, tost, pain tu
imv luldiffwon r. c w ciul stamp t.TClr.
cul-ir Ajfr-n'M utuu l, AdiitiAS .Mr. ronmit sr
ond St., .-s. Y. 1 too nov. 'ii-nu
tn "ir :vcJo r(Catftrrh In rnch
1 1 fR'l.''iijrhS i.l. with Ur Karsner'1
Itomfdv io tu' roil uvlU Mil v ire. 1 U. Iiton,
ritt&bur, fa. JwVcj nov. S3 '77-3m
AT A UI-iULAn"MiS.llNH ()K TilK
Hoirtl (.f Ataii'iiT' is t'l tlu' li!nom-.burff (Us
, mipm in iii ctuur r it in, it iuiuuiiu 01 iu jt r
o'tt. wuS iltjtlurt'd nu it bin trie toe huldt-rs at tho of-
llcoori. w. vililtT, civt.ity o thulatdayot De
etmbcr, lb77.
15, U.MJUlt,
nov. 1, 7 i'rcisideiit.
(1KTS WANTIM). From 12 to
pU'UwjUii pay Hnro.
Midlers. uooKun
iciuro yij.;crtH, mitl rllout of ri.r'loymputot cl Jier
llffO ! tlM ' t'6l Cil.lf.0 I'ilt'f-U tllli 80 ISOI). A
L'Afii I'firWhNT of from if ' t tl (0 Will IJO k vin to
iri i.uou woiKimr i:oiiT. M-utt io ct-ms lor hinaii
mi i Pie. or b tier Iur3 Uxrirn 8.imples with
clrcuUrj, ler.i &.tuud go to work at once.
A,tPO ItOX.MC, MlltC'D, Til.
nov. io, 77-im ciT.iicniiuu una pucr.
(irent reduction In prion for 18i8ot OleasOn's 1'c-
tnrUl "u ti a e ir. single copies t ctnts.
Tlio II on k ci bcle to I u j car.sliib'le copies ft cents,
for stile dy nil newsUenlers.
(Ilhasoi'm Monthly i omtas'ion to 11 a J ear, Elngle
copP sit) cents. II postage treo
MJmt'ie copies (jcni. on rt-ceipt ut iiil niuuii.
Tie-price of i;hrimos hasusc been p eatly redu
ce I. No ono now gives such nnirai terms to a enis
asweao. send fortiew circular. Address I-'.Ulea-sun,
73S. WiislilngtouKlreet, hoston.ilass
nov. nTt-iiu jwto
Letters of on the estate of Iiavld
SbalTerJr., late ct Urlarcreek tup., Columbia co..
in.. nau uteu tntuieii vy tut; i.rj;iMrt ui t.u-
lnmbln counls, to levl MiatTcr, Administrator ot
same tow nsttlp, towhem ollipirt-ons Indebted, ore
reipiesif 11 10 maKL- imineuiuiu I'auiuui, uuu iiiun;
havlntfclalmsor demands npalcst the bald enrtte
mil nuke, mem knon to theucttrsSELCdiJiT.lnla-ti-ator
ullhotit delay.
1 1 1 .-t 1 1 r r r. it ,
Admlntsuatoi .
nov. 16-Cw
puoni NorAuvs kotick.
. otlco Is hereby sli en t hat the following aco ounU
hat 0 been nieu tn lliconlcoot the Prothonotary ol
tho Court ot Common I'lcan ot C jlumbta county .and
111 te presented to Ihu Court on the sth day ot lie.
leinber inUudvlll ho connrmtd altcrfouraays
ui.less exceptions he Hied.
Tho account of Ulram J. Kccdcr, AbtlgLCC ot a
than Kostenbaudcr.
Tho account ot Jacob llnrtman, CoinmltUu of
Henry Hartmin, a lunatic, noiv deceased.
11. f. zArtrt,
J'rctbcnotarj'acaice.Nov. 1, 1I-tc t'roth'y.
Py lrttio of an order Issued out or the court of
Common Pleas ot Columbia county, directed to ire
HSlsrueo cf I'ar. In Masters, for tno b-n- lit ot his
creditors, thi re will ho exposed to Public bale, at
Hess' Hotel, In tlio town ot Denton, as per adjourn.
racnt, on
SATURDAY, DEC, Ibt, 1877,
at 1 o'clock, p. m , tho following descrtbod pleco or
parixlofUnd sltuito lu tho township of Denton,
Columbia county, l'a., on tho waters of Wig Fishing-
creek bounded and (Kscrlbcd ns'ollovis, to wit: On
tho eofet by land of John cle, fcouth b. IhdiIh cf A
I), (lotd andJohu V, Chaptn, west by tho east txuu'
dnry m of tho town of Henton, and north by land
of Ijcnjatnln Mcllenry, containing
2S Acres nnd 120 Pevclies,
more or less, with tho improvements, confuting cf a
mnall Dwelling House, a Bhluglo Mill and wat r
rlKht8 appurtenant.
TfcKUd ok Halk-pa prescribed by the on!er of the
Court! TwcntyfUQ per cent cosh; talarco in two
e(pial annual paymtnU, with Interest from onQr
mation cf salo by tho Court, to bo ticurcd on th-
at tho wimo timo and place, will be offered for Bale
a Parker hltiglo Machine and blx orelghtthouand
suwod Hhingloa, beloaglug to tho aforesaid Parvtn
Att'y Assignee of Parvln Masters,
Hartley Hall.
Nov.O Tt8 Lycoming county, l'a.,
11371. lKAHUhTH1T,
PUILAIEU'UIA, OctOtM'f Ibth, 117,
Noticn ir hrrt-bv elven that the Einnlre Tranfcnor-
tat ion Comranv has ceaM-d o transact buMe",
p armory w na uisuiuikiu us uriiuruuun.
Jos. D. potic, Piestdent.
i Kmplro I In, formerly owned and operated by
the Hnip re Trunt-portatlon Company, willuouMnuo
to 1 oj-ralfd ua heretofore, but for account ot 1U
new owneib.
nov. 1, 7T-lra
Gen, Manager Kup're Un",
The at-nts ft tlifM old corDorntlons aro all In
vetttdln MLU hUCUltlTltb audaro liable tothe
tin rum tt fire omj.
Moth nL'liiiiB on the tTfit rl)k8aro alone arc1 oted,
Lotb flU'MiTi v and iiomuxy aojutsttd and paid
as ho u r k dftrmltied by fintibiUN K. Knait, l
(tnl At'-ntt'tid "Uliuitr, li'otmi-burir, Pum'H.
'lit dure lb of Columbia county Hiould patronize
theuLii't vl tjo U't-nH. if any, aiu tdjubtfd nnd
1 am uy ,uv ti imir own tiunua, iiov, io, (iiy
;.t.K(JANT CAIIDS no tw o alike, vtlthrnmo
iu a : or id initio i'iicjIcih ur ALirfeM'a. iu c
oritu k'luv fccroil Vuids, lObtylt-H i,u ratnoin cvnti
olI n.ln .1 II Ill'tTl'lt Mlilhii V V
nov. lfllT-Hw ' ' '
2. ihTATK OP P1N1U. UNYUK, BK,, DIC!'.
LitlUBCf AdroliiUtratlcn detain ntn. cn the
ebiulcff i on lei Mi UM,r., late of Ihu Tou of
lilut iiibburir (uiuinbla count), h&t utn crwnUd
by tho lagUttrcl tulU county to I ho umfrr&ii
ed Adminutrator AU peri-onH batlujr tui
iuikj iu ipo uuurrsiifuo
pert-ohH batluff tUuna
ueutntl the mid thtato ure rtqutttwlto prtjttui
fl U. y.HAltlMAN.
cor, 9 'TT-t AdiurlidMUbUa-,
"A Jlrpotitory of 1'nthion, Pleasure and
Uiu.'jjcr's iazar.
A'olieci if the V'M.
Tlicirmzirlslhe. organ of thn MshloiniMo worlit,
ntid ihe expounder of world's lnws j anil It Is
the authority Iu nil milters f nntmers, etl'pictle,
costume, nnil so til dibit. Pus unlrntrler.
'I he llniir cemineinls It-elt to eiery member ot the
household -lo tho chllilr-nbv ilrol and prettvple
turcs, to the young H le by its f.isiiion plates In
eudlc'ss v.iri- ty, to the provl lent uiitr nl by Its p li
tems for iltc children's cielln s, to piterfimlllasby
Its tnvlrfiil OnKltrns rnr elnt rnlilered slloneis ntld
luxurious dressing imwiis. ltut the reu'tnu in itter
of tne Is unlfjruilyof greit excellence. 'I He
pnp"rliisneipilied a nldo iiopiilnrily tor thn nro
sliieenl mnent It nrfords nn l liiish-cjm nn eslib
llsiiedaiithotlty with tliu lullcsot sincrlc.i. i.
IJienlng Post.
Postago freo to all subscribers
Harper's, one jenr
In tho United
fl on Includes Postage by tho
subscriptions to Itrrper's Magazine, Weekly, nnd
Iia7nrtoonunililres fur ono jenr, or twoof
ll.iriier's I'eiluilicils, to one address fur onojear,
tt.eii i ostiige lrte.
Ati extra copy of either tho Mag izlne, Weekly or
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Indexes to each voltimo sent gratis on receiptor
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The bttl. cheapest and tnoit tucccssjui
1'ainily Paper in the Union."
Harper's Weekly.
Notices of the Vw?.
The Vpnlily h tho ubiest and most powerful ill. is
'fttt'd wrlo'ltrnl nublUh!! In this countrv. Its edl-
tnrLiW aro scholnnv utidconlnclnff and rnrry much
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Iiimer'rt vt ckiy iioul l bo in cvrv r.imiiv throucn-
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ed, beltjr tll'Lstraftl paper I.s not publNlu'd in this
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Notices of the Presi.
The veteran Matrazln. wh -h loner arooutcrew
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'Ihe .olumcflofthe mairazine lorninenco with the
nurnte rs for JuriHund Kccnitierof each ear. Whm
inttlinnl-i st( clilcd. It will bo undnrlood that the
MUbseilber wishes to begin with tho current num-
comnlcto Pft t.f IInrnpr3 Mairailne. now com-
riMiig 65 ft!umi'i, In mat ckth tindliig. will be
wnr bv express, rrelsht at cvreno ofpurchaser, for
t'i V ner Vniuine. Mnele numbfrsbv mull postpaid.
$.i.uo Cloth cases for bi ndlng, &t ctnts Ly mall iost
A comrleta Analvtlruil Indev to tho first fifty vol
umes of Harper's Mairazlno has brm rubllslud ren-
nirinir aanauio ior ri'ierenfeinu vusianavarieu
wealth cf Inf'TmMlon nhih consul uuh thU rorl-
u ii hi u pt'rn ti, iLU'iruicM im,Tary cji'U'i'u in. ovu,
iniii j mi iiiiii cuii sd.yo eni oobiace rreram.
Subscriptions recel.ed for HanHr'a terlodlcals
on iv.
Newspapers nro not to conv this advertisement
without tli t-xpress order of llariier K Brothers.
AdJriss HAUPEU A nilOTllEUS New York.
Ity vlrtuo ct mnilry writs to me dlrectcit will
be cxpobed to public Bale at tho Court Ilouto In
Itloomhburir, at ouu oikicu p. m. on
MONDAY, DKOKMIilClt 3d, 1S77,
A'l thobo certain Iota of land bltu.ite In the llor-
ougb cl Centralla, Columbia county, I',
A double lot bounded on the t-outh by Main street
on the ttett by Thomas (ieraghty, norfi mid east by
nllej s, w hereon aro eretted a two-atory frumo lions'
and stable, meat, house and oilier outbuildings, bold
Iota being &0 rcet front and lie feet In depth.
Tho abort- propert will be sold lu two parts tho
ono part thirty feet front on which are tbo dwelling
house, meat house, Ac.-.tjd the other property
twenty ttct front.
One other lut on Centre btret t, bounded on the
eobi by Main btreet . boulh by Centre street, u ebt by
Louis Kantner and north by un alley containing tit
ty feet front nnd feet In depth whereon are
erected two double duelling houses and outbuild
Tho labt mentioned premlsCH will be sold In two
parts, each h.ilnga dwelling liouso and outbuild
logs, the lots tlng each about 23 feet In rront and
140 feet lu depth.
Two other lots on Troutwlne btreet bounded on
tho west by an alley, on the south by Joseph pawes,
north by John vooie nnd eabt by Troutwlne btreet,
whereon is irecicd a double du elllng house and out
buildings, containing titty Mt In front and one bun
drod uoil forty feet In depth.
Ono other lot bounded on tho nest by Troutwlne
street, east by an alley, north by chad w lew,
south by Mr, (leo. Steele, said lot being twenty-five
feet lu front and one hundred and fur y feet lndeptu
A 1.3 ',
One other tract o land situate tn lloarlngcrcelc
township, Columbia county, Pennsylvania, bounded
on the north by il uchlabcrger, on thu east by (leorgo
Moss, south by the same, west by WUUara Howell
and John Hloss and others containing thirty-eight
acres and one hundred and fifty pi relies, on whtch
are erected a fiamo house acd frame barn.
KUed takeu Into execution, and to be sold as the
property of Junes Djlo.
The following real estate situate tn the town of
Uloomsburg, Columbia county, Pennsilvunla, boun
ded on the north by tho 11. 1). L. Kail Koad, east
by Pat. MarLIn, boutli by Seventh btriet, and nest
by iron street, containing tno lota being lectin
trout, and tcet deep, whereon aro erected two
dwelling hoiibea andout-butldlngs.
Seized, token into execution, and to be sold ns the
property of o. A. rotter,
All that certain real estate situate In Fishing,
creek township. Columbia lounty lVnnaylvonU, de.
scribed as follows to wit i beginning at a post, thence
by lands of licnjsmln Jones, deceased, boulh lorty.
one and cne-fcuiUidegniiinuttweiity-tnoindsIx
Untb lurches to whlta oak corner, thtneo ty lbs
uni south eutj-Uireo dtgreta meet olghty-two
Iicnn to a sUkt, thtnc dortti iU ckjrw WMt
eighty thrco perches to aslono pile, thence noith
sixty dcgrrci, east sUty-pcrcliM to a Juno cherry,
tlicncn noutli ntty-nino degrees ea.sttenty perc'ics
0 1 post thence thlrtl'-elght -degrees wist thirty.
eight perches to n stone corner. Ihenco forty-two
glees west fit ccn prrches to n post, ihenco norm
seventy-six decrees west three nnd filvtent h perches
on post, thencolty-four degrees nest nine nnl
six-tenth perches to a post, thenre south twonly
ilerccs east rljht perches to a post tho place ol bo
ginning, cnutilnlng about forty ncie, on wlilcli la
reeled n to-slory frame dwelling lioinonteioui'
Helzed.tnkentntoc.'tcciltlon, nndtobe sold aj the
properly of Jarlus Harrison.
Tho undivided ose-halt of tlio following iP scribed
real istiu ol All that certain lot or plcoe of l.intl sit
uate In thol l.we of Ilenton In llenton township,
Coltimbl.i county, t cnnsjlvanli, martedon tho plan
of sil 1 village No. Is, nnd bounded nnd described ns
follows, Mzi lleglnnlng nt n pot In tho road to
ltohrsburg ! thence by Bald ro.vt north sixty degri es
west three perches to ft post ; thence by land late of
John llarlmaii, (lot No. Kl) south thirty degrees
nest thirteen and one-third perches to a postl Iheticc
bv land ot Hubert h. V. Collov, south sixty degrees
east three prrches to a post tb 'nco bv 1 inl l,ito of
Abraham Young (lot No tl) north tinny degr es
cast thirteen nnd)ono-lhlrd perches to tlio pi ico of
beginning containing forty si pure ponVios ot land,
one-fourth ot an acre whereon Iseroctol a dwelling
house, public hall and outbuildings.
Tho undivided one-half of the following dcscrllied
real estate to wit : All that ccrtUn lot or parcel of
land situate la the southern part of tlio town of Hen
ton In llenton township, Columbia county, l'ennsil
vnnla. bounded and described as follows, to nit
lleglnnlng nt ft post by tho public road to ltohrsburg
thenco by the lands of Join M. Henry, (part of lot
No. 12) on tho west stdn ot a garden fence north
11 degrees ot ten perches to a post, thence by
lanu i no or nr. -j on u .m. i- miner, (pare or tot so. H)
north sixty degrees west four nnd eight tenth perch
cstoa posts thence by land ot llaMd Crossley, south
twenty-two degrees, west ten perches to a post by
n public ro id thenco by said road south sixty degrees
east four and efght-tenth perches to tin) placo of
beginning, (being parts of lots No 1J aud 17) con
tnlntng 47 square perch-s of land ou which Is
erected n dwelling liouso and outbuildings.
Seized, taken In execution, nndtobe sold ns tho
property ot 11. II. Albcrtfon.
All that certain rcilcstato sltuitu In lloarlngcreek
township, t'olumbU con"'ty, Pennslv.ini i, dcscrlb
cd as loMovis, to-wtt: bounded on tho north by lands
of I'ranklln Yoc'im, on the east by Lints or Willi im
Hwlsher, o'i the south by lan Is of h.imj nnd on the
westbj lands of Iiavld II. Ilower, couttilnlug forty
four acres more or less, on nhleli la erected n tlwet
ling house, b irn and o'lttmlldlius .
Seized, taken Into execution and to bosoldastho
propel ty of J. II. Kllngcr.
A certain lot of gmunl stuito In thn Town ot
lilootiislmrs olumbli eo-iiity i-a., il.'ieriuud ns ol-
lows! Hounded lurt iwardlv an 1 east.var ly by a
alley, south ar.lly by I t of M ' H'ojiw.ird and
wcbt.vsrlly by last .-titer, lielug slxty-slx let
root niid oneli'inlivi and ninety h.'v,:h feet d-ep
more or lesi, whereou is erected a l'raino UwtUlng
House, stibl and outb il'.d n's.
m:uku ttben tntocxciiutlou and to bo sldas the
property ol Casper Krjssler.
All that real estate "Unity lu M iln township, Co
lumbl i county. Pennsylvania, ducrllju.tai f 'llowa
to-ult: 11 mn.l.'d lei tlu noith by land oflsal.ih
John on the v.'Jit by lint of .Stacy John, on tho
south by I ind of .Ii'io- sugars, disused, .and on
thu last by n" 1 ol Htacy John, cmulutnjr thlit
acres more or I ss, on wldchls erectoil n duelling
house, barn and u.itbulldlngs.
Seized, taken Into execution an t to bo sold as tho
property of CrlteK.
AU tint certain real estate situate In Pino town
ship, I'otuinbla county, l'ennsjl.uia, doscrlle.l ns
follows, to nit: l'.O'inded on the nortli by lands of
William Miiter an 1 train lierr.on tlij cast by lands
of Unit ih Cliainberltu, on llio soitli by land of thu
same nnd on the west by Hulof Hellers ICvcs,cou
taltilug i.tiu'ty-nnj acrei mire or loss o.i which Is
erected a dwellln'; ho i-, b.trn a ido ittiull II igs.
Seized, token tnt'i ex --cation, an I to oj sol 1 at th c
propel ty of Ir.ou I'iatU
A 10,
Tho ro;ioUr,g real est-ite tltuato In the Milage of.
Espy, e olaiubla co mty, l'enns lvanl.1. All toal our
Uhi town lot described as follows tJ wit : bounded
on the south by .Main street, on the west by Market
street, cn thu north by an idtey, an 1 on tliu east by
lut of the heirs of Mlas Kowler, docuasud.beliig eighty-
two and uhalf fuel In width inoro or less, ami one
hundred and seventy-three and a q nrter reel
In Icngtn. inuru orlusj, whereon are erected a two
btory brick dwelling, a frame store house, a fnune
stable and other outbuildings.
fcclzeri, taken Into execution, and to bo sold as the
property of Moon) Crcvellng.
11 that certain real estate situate In MHllln town-
shin, Columbia county Pennsylvania. bounded on the
north by land of I, K sehweppenliclser, on tho east'
byMowrynnd hcweppenln.lser. anil nest bylands
of Joseph ilearliart, on which are erected a dwelling
house, barn aud outbuildings bald real estate con
sisting of ninety-five acres more or less.
seized, token Into execution, nnd to bo sold as tho
proiKirty ot John Atcn.
Alt that certain real estate bltuato tn Hemlock
township, Columbia county, Pcnnsj Ivantn.dcscrlbed
aa follows, to-w It : Hounded on tlio north by lands ol
lleorge Whltenlght, on tho east by land ot Ilcubcn
llogart, on tho south by land of lleuben Hog rtnnd
on the west by land ot Matthta.s Whltenlght contain.
lno furty-tlve acres more or less, on nhlch la erected
a frame dwelling house and llarn.
Seized, taken Into execution nnd to bo sold nsUic
property of John Webber.
All that certain real estate situate In Scott town.
ship, Columbia county, Pennsylvania, described as
ollows, to wit: Hounded on the north by Innds or
Aaron Uoono. on tho cast by lands ot Jl tines' cbtato,
on tho webt by lands ot Whlto estate, and ou the
south by lands widow Ilartman, containing onu huh
drcd feet In width and three hundred feet deep more
or less, on which Is erected one llmo kiln and ono
dwelling houbc.
ono lot of ground bltuate In 1-spy, Columbia coun.
ty, I'cnnsjlvanla, bounded on tlio bouth by Main
street on tho n est by au alley, on tho north by lands
of William Dlcttcrlck and on tho cabt by land of Mrs,
Ilartman, on which la erected a dwelling house and
Seized, taben Into execution and to bo sold as the
properly of James Itlce.
The following real estate 6ltuato In M adson town.
bhlp, Colurnhla county, Pennsylvania, described as
to' Iowa : Hounded on the north by James Kinlln and
I'un-ton, east by Kinney ShHltz south by lit Irn of
J, W. illrton, and west by William McNInchct. al.j
containing eighty acres moru or less, ou which are
erected a fratni Dwelllnj House, Iramo barn and
seized taken Into execution, nnd to be Bold as the
property of t'ronk (Irabam and V 1111am Orahaui.
All that certain lo". ot ground bltuato In tho town
of liloonisburg, Columbia county, I'ennajWnnla,
bounded aud described as fjllows: un tho luir.h
by lot of ,ucob schuj ler, on llio ea-t by an alley, on
south by lot ot I. K. Miller, and west by Catharine
street j on which are erected u f rainu dw elllng house
and outbuildings.
Seized, taken executl in, and to bo bold us the
property ot Samuel Gross.
All that certain real estate Htuatcln Heaver town.
ship, Columbia county, bounded by land of tl e Co
lumbia eon Iron ompanyon the north, by 1 ind
of U. Mcwee ou tho vast, or Daniel UavH oulh"
south, and ot i:. Lu as ou tho west; containing
eighteen acres more or loss, on wiileharu erected
a Dwelling House, staMo ant outballdlaga, nlth tho
svtzed, Uken Into exeoutlon, nnd to bo sou as tlio
property eif Uriah McAfee.
Tho following real estate sltuato In Urlarcre-c!- town
ship, Columbia county, Pennsylvania, bounded and
described as follow s : on tho not Hi, south and west
by Chrutopber Kllnetob, east byapubllc road : con-
talnlug.ont-ha'.f acre more or les.s,on n hlch nro erect
ed u rrumo Dwelling liouso.
K'li&l, taken In execution, and to bo bold as tho
property ot John Hosier.
All that certain real estate situate In Montour
township, Columbia county.Pcnnsjlvanla, described
as follows, to-nlt. Hounded cn tho north by land
uiuiuuoa iieistanunciisorucorge Tovy, deceased,
on tho east by lands of Gideon ondChrtstlinlielst,
on tho bouth by lands of Harbara Hlger audSamutl
Ulger, and on the west by lindof I'ller llilnbach.
containing about one hundred acres more or less on
w hlch are erected one frame dwt lung house and one
stone dwelling houbo large bank barn and straw
shed, with other outbuildings
Belzcd, taken tnto execution, and to be 8 old as tho
property of Ellas Olgtr,
All that certain real estate situate In Mlttllu town
ship, Columbia county, Pennsylvania, described as
fullows, I Hounded on tho north by land of I,
K. Kcuncppcnhelbcr, on thu cast by landot A.
Schwcrponholber, on tho south by land ct John
Keller, and on tho west by land bf lleuben lltns,
containing threo acrcu inoro or less, on which la
creilod a dwelling bouse and barn.
Seized, token Into execution, aid to be told bd tha
property ut lioulol Hons. 0
CONDmov vv HAtKPnrrtaierB uust nay
ten per unU tl tie rmchafe n cney, or ut least
though to coer all costs si strung icwnu sola
... aoa w. uomuN,
"SfflilUIS Bai.m "
lly vlrt'ii of sinlry wrl " Ismal oit of tin
Coat t ol Coram 'n Hu of tj il inbl i i uti- mi ,
ine directed will be exposol to pubih x.ilc at the
Court liouso at twoo'clock p. lu , on
MONUAV, DKl'KMII I! at, 1877,
Tho following lots of ground sltuito in (il,-n ntv.
county of C.iliimbli and sinteof P.'iinsylv iida, tie.
lug tots s-'o. B, 4 and '(bounded east by lot o c of
William llarncrs, west In lot No. I ot (ii orge nun
rles, north bi nn alley siulli by Trout Urea, sail
'ots being f,0 feel front by IH) In tier tit Thnhupd.
lugs nro r9 lolosi u Iwo-stury double triune
Dwelling llou-e, on lot No.B.nnd double iilvi :a
two story duiiltcliwclllng llou-e, on lit No. t a'id
double privy 1 both of said double homes being In
size 16x3i feet, nnd n twoBtor Dwc llhg Hour - iOx
24 feet on lut numbi r 5, mid nlou pit y uiileont
house In rront or sil 1 building on ' runt street
Seized, Ink ii In exe'iitlon un 1 io be -Mid as H,o
property ot C, II. Ilames
Al I,
Tim following real estate fl into lu M dnvllle, Main
township, Co umlil.i county, Pennsylvania bounded
b,. la ul of William Hawk, Jedlali Hank nut others:
n hereon are reeled il two-story frame Dwelling
lloite,ab ut eighteen feet In front by twenty-ino
feet In deptit
Seized, taken Into extcuilon and to be Id ns tho
properly ot Thomas i linn and John (Julnn.
All that ccrlaln real ostatcstt iatn In ilrlarcreek
township, Columbia county, I'eiinsjlvanli. bnuud d
and described as follows I untie) north by public
road leading to-llcrMck, on tlio cast by I ihd ot D.m
lel Pureed, on the south by tho suscpichantia river,
and on tin west by Inn I of l. A. llowman s contain
Inr ono hundred and six acres and seventeen perch
es, whereon nro erected a two-story bilck house, a
Iramj bank barn, two other dwelling houses, and
other outbiill lings.
An Island In tho Susiptehinni river, ipposlto tlio
abovo aud In connection thcr wllli.contalnmgabout
fourteen acres.
Seized, t iken In execution, tin I to bo soldostbo
property ot Wm. L. Frens.
All that certain real estate sltuato In Montour
township, In t ic vlllago of Itupert, Columbia eounty
Pcnnsilv.iiila.descrlbed as fellows, to wit: Hounded t
on the north by lands of P.ixton ,t It irmnn, on tho"
east by a street, on tho sutilh by lot of Wesley
Klemlngs, and on the wost by landot I'axton S: liar-
mans ontitnlnj in whl.'li liuruo'.ol ud,vcl-
itng ho se, In t 'e town of Itupert.
Seize, Uiken lu oxeeutleu, nut 10 bo suit nstho
property of J. T. Dodson.
1 he undivided one-half Interest In a'l Ih it certnln
real estate sltuato In Klslilngcreek lo nshtp, Colum
bia county, l'L'iinslvaula, described as folio vs, to
Alt: llonnde-lon the u irlli by lands uf Jo'in 7. i icr
and Johnson, on thuei t by lindi uf John Zimr,
on tlicsuiithb I.inl3urtho heirs of XuiibKurns,
and ou the west by lan Is of lex. Men-art and John
illde ; con.alnlug seventy threo a 'res in ru or less
on a hlch are erected u Iramj D-vclllng llouaoaiid
bank barn.
Seized, Uken In execution, and to bo sold as tho
property ot HenJ.imln II, Karns. (
All that certain real est ita sltuato In Pine town
ship, Columbia county, Pennsylvania, bounded and
desciltiud as follows, to wit: un the south by Isaac
Yuunt and Thomas stackhouso, wost by Willi un
llottten aud Davis 'urdnc, north by Davis Qardncr
nnd Henry Warner, and on th j cast by Solomon
Dick and Philip Shoemaker i containing ninety
acres mora on ess, on which aro erected a frame
liouso nnd barn.
seized, taken tn execution, nnd to bo sold as the
property of William Sprolo and Martini li sprolo.
Alt that certain real estate, sltuato In Jacksou
township, Columbia couuty, Pennsylvania describ
ed as fullows, to wit : Hounded on tho west by lands
of Iram Derr, on tho north by lan Is of Daniel Young
on tho cast by lands ot William I, Parks , nnd on thu
south by lands ot Henry Artwlno; cunululuu Ulty
acres more or less.
elzed, taken In execution, and to bo sold as the
property of Amoa Hess.
All that certain real estato, bltuato In Miniln
township, Columbia count , Pcnnsjlvaula, bounded
ontlM uonliby land of John Wolf, on thu east by
lands of Philip Heller aud John Howry, on tliu west
by Henry lletler, and ou thu so lth bylands of M jw
r. nnd swank; containing hlxty-tlveacrt-s more or
less,on which arc er.cled a Duelling liouso and
One other pleco or parcel ot land sltuato In Minim
township, oiuuioli county, I'ennsyivant i, bounded
on the n'irtli by lan 1 ot Henry littler, on tho oast by
I ind ot H-nry Heller, on tho west iy ban I ot Joseph
.Sloser, and on thu soutu by land of lacali Hltteuben
der; containing torty-nlue acres mire or less, ou
which Is erode J a Dwelling House and out buildings.
Seized, token In execution, iind to bu bo d us tho
property of Isaac Andreas.
All that certain real estate, sltuato In tho Borough
of lerwlck, Columbia couity, on Mulberry street,
commencing on said street oulluuuf lotot II.
zler, thence by thu tuuvj twu hundred and forty feet
more or less lo au alley, thenco by llio baino on a
lino parallel with Mulberry street fort) -ulna and a
half feet to Jackson street, thenco by thu barau two
hundred and forty-ono feet, more or lum to Mulber
ry street, thenco by tha baino torty-nlno and n half
fret to tliu placo ol bt'gt.inlng ; on which Is erected a
two story Dwelling llousuund other outbulljlnis.
Seized, taken In execution, and to bo sold as tho
property of J ickson Ale,
All that certain piece or pared ot land, sltuato In
Scott township, Culumbli county and stale ot Penn
sylvania, bounded and described as follows iie
glnning at a corner oi land of Josso W. Mcrrell, an J
MarkeJ street In the village ot Kspy, Columbia coun
ty, und state of Pennsylvania, thenco south twouty
ulno degrees, west slxty-tlvu and five-tenths perch
es to i corner on Light street, thence south twouty
el'ht degrees, thirty-seven minutes ca-t twenty ono
und rive-tenths perches to a curner ot land ot It. u.
Crcvellng, thenco north scvunty-ono un 1 three
fourths degrees cast 6a iercncs to a corner on Mar
ket street, thenco by said street north twenty-two
dc-rees forty-eight minutes west eleven nine-tenth
perch-s to tho placo of beginning; contali log six
acreaandono hundred and Iort)-slx perches, net
Stled, taken In cxecutton, nnd to be sold as tho
property of II, O. i reveling.
All that certain real estate', sltuato In tho Itorougft
of Hern tck, ruing a part ot water lot No. SI ua
cd nnd numbered In the plan of tnld town ; Heglu
nlng t a corner on Vloo s reet ono hundr -it nnd H.x-ly-eveu
and tlirfiMourth frtt Iroji i rout bin et,
ihencu by vino tticet t tho S bquUianna Itlver,
thenco do.n eald rlvrr turly-ntne und a half feet to
the curner of lot number twenty-two, Ihencu by tlio
a ima to a corner onu IranJro and sixty-seven and
eettitlu plicuof biglunlnj ; sivlug and ex
cepting thu rights Inreioioru grantul t Samuel
steel io llio I uckawamu und Uluoiusburg llailroad
Compuiy, being Uiu rUhtuf way fur their railroad
across and upon lliosirne; also tho right of na)
held b) llio Pennsylvania Canal i ompany ovor and
srlzod, takeu In execution, and to bo sold as tho
propert) ot Jubu II, Barley.
All that certain leale-Utobltuatj In MIBUn town
ship, tolu.nbia coun y, Penns)lvanla, described as
tollo as, to-nlt: bounded ou Ihu north by uuuluf
Juhu Yehe, ou tho cost by lands of Mrs. (-chuck und
others, on thn nest b lands ol Horace Sihne-ipen-h
1st rand lohti tten.und on the south by lands ot
Oeurgo Xungeshcr, containing rlnciy acres inurour
lo s, on nhleh Is erected a dwelling houe, baou and
Seized, taken Into encutlon, ai.d to lo sold as the
property of trhamScliwiprjenhelfir.
coSDiriONS ov SALE -Purchasers must pay
ten per cent, ot the purchss money, or ut least
enough to cover alleostb. nt striking down of sale
otherwise property to bo resold ut onco.
o ,r, . JullN w- HOFFMAN,
nov. , unt.-ts oheritr.
Orphans' Court Salo
In pursuance ct cratrs cf the Orphans' Courts
ol Columbia and Sullivan counties, the undersigned " '
will sell at public sale, at tho Vxchango llolellntne
Town tif Uenton, lu tho county ot Columbia, on
at 10 o'clock a. m, tho following described
m; i. i:st iti:
tho equal undivided one-half tt a tract ol unsealea
land, situate rartly la tho townshlpot sug irloaf,
Columbia county, and partly In tho tjwnshlp of Da
vidssn, Sullivan county, bounded on tho north by
lands In the warratteo nnmaof John llalllot, und
fdward and Nathan Mcllei ry, on tho east by Mary
Custard, on tho south ly Jehu Loitard, and on thu
west by Daniel Mellcnry; containing
251 ACRES.
and ore hundred and Inci.tJ-clflit re re his, nl.t'h. , Ss
truct Is In tho wuimctto naino tl lriulli.f uj 9
Hess. ( ' M
Teansoi' Sii.r.Ten per cent, of tho ono-fourt., A
cf the purchase money to bo pjld at tho stiUHi J
aownotth property ; the one-fourth less tho U
per ten. at Jim ccbtlimstinn ot tale; and the nl
malntng Ibreo-fo rlh mono jcur ttirialtir, win
In le rest from cuiflrin&tlon nlJ.
K. K. ClKYU,
AQaliiiUutuct ihuaiui llttks.