The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, November 09, 1877, Image 4
THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBU KG, COLUMBIA COL NT Y, PA. Agricultural. Fpfitlnj Cows Willi drain. When our former learn tn loot litinn a cow m i piece) of wonderful and dellculf mechanism for (ho production of milk, and when they can realize that the product of nny Improved machlno depend upon the quality of the raw material furnished for manufacture, then we may expect a revolu tion in the. matter of feeding dairy cows. A manufacturir of first clast woolen fabrics cannot feed his looms with shoddy, A man ufacturer of extra family Hour einnot fill his hnppurs with sprouted wheat) neither can a manufacturer of prlmo milk, butter and cheese obtain the. best resujts by feeding hl cows with hay and grrm nlotic. The ex perience nf many intelligent dairymen goes to provo that the additloual profit resulting from tho ieedlng of cows with n reasonable allowance of grain fur exceeds the whole profit of feeding from grass and hay alone, while other Importanlelements in tho reck oning aro increased value of maiure, and tho diminished quantity of hay required. Tho average yield of all tho cows in Massa chusetts (and this Is higher in quantity than tho yield throughout tho United States) is but four quart', showing of courso that there are many cows that give even a less quantity. Xnw wo have in mind a herd of twenty grado cows that gavo 133,562 pounds af milk during the yearl873,averag ing a dally yield to each cow of 8.C0 quarts; 145,290 pounds in the year 1874, averaging each day per cow 9.10 quarts; 111,970 pounds in lS7o, averaging 9 03 quarts jwlille in 187G they gave 123,300 pound", yielding a daily average to each cow of 8.00 quarts. To produce this remarkablo yield the cows were fed for ten months in the year with a daily allowance to each of one peck of bran nud two quarts nf cob meal, costing for the year $49t. Noto the result; twenty or dlnary cows fed in the nnal way, according to Massachusetts average, giving four quarts per day, and calling the average value of the milk to the farmer two and a half cents per quart, would yield a gross return of $700, or $38 50 to each cow ; while on the other hand our more intelligent manufacturer, by the uo of better cows, and $491 worth of grain food (without estimating his gain In ma nurc and saving in hay,) gets from his twen- ty cows, at eight and one-half quarts per day, and at two and a half cents per quart", agmss result of about $1,550, or $77.00 to eacd cow ; or deducting the cost of the I'raiu food, $491. from the to'al yield of $1,550 we have $1 OjG as the gros product Of the milk of twenty cows, as against a $720 pro duct from the cores fed witout grain, or a clean profit of $330, on an investment o( $494 in grain, with tho original outlay re turned. Nor is this all. If the product of these twenty grain ftl cows ns converted into butler iuMeiul of being sold as milk, it would yield twenty per cent, more cream or butter than the milk from tho poorly fed an imal, and command nt least ten per cent, higher price on account of its superior fla vor, color and grain. ItcsulU as compared with the average return would be 5,310 pounds of butter at thirty cents per pound, equal to $1,593, as against 2,400 pounds at twenty five cent, equal to $000, or showing a difference in favor of the covs that con sumed $491 worth of graiu of $993 in the sale of butter. Since it may be claimed by many farmers that their cows are far better than the average, and hence the above com parison is more striking than would appear in their case, wo have only to advice such to make the .experiment of carefully feeding grain to one cow, am test the difference in the quantity and quality of her milk with the average of the herd, and if a result of only one quarter the gain claimed in our illustration is obtained, that of itself would increase the present average income of the dairy fully seventy-five per cent. This im portant matter of feeding grain is worthy the careful investigation of every dairyman, wintercan Qillivalor. The Crop of Potatoes. Many farmers have large crops of potatoes that caunot be told readily. Now, what is it best to do with them? Shall they ho sold for what they will bring, or is it best to put them in the cellars? Or in Hie absence ot cellar room, is it best to cover them in the field? When they can be sold at a fair prof it, my advice i- to sell them in the fall ; but if they cannot be thus sold, either store them in your cellar or bury them in the field, and trust to your chances to be able to sell them during the winter around home, or to for ward them to a market early in tlio spring, where there is transportation by water in April. Canals are of little benefit to pota toe growers except in the fall, as they are not open early enough in the spring. A great many potatoes can be sold in villages and large towns, during tho mild weather, and tlrey must be Bold before they sprout much. Potatoes are worth twenty-five cents a bushel to feed to Mock raw to cows and horses and cooked with meal for swine. To bury potatoes in the field,selcct a place a little elevated and dig down is low as you can drain the excavation. It may be two feet, one foot, or but a few inches, according to the drain that will command it. Suppose that you have 200 or "00 bushels to bury, the bed should be mode about eighty fict wide and as loug as neccisary,with tho pota toes, four or fivo feet deep in the, center. When all are in position take loug rye straw and set it against the two sides of the heap thick enough to shed rain. Then throw earth against the sides of the pile six or eight iuchts thick, but none at the top where the straw meets, as an air hole must bo left open here till about tho time when tho ground may be expected to freeze, when a thick covering of earth all over must be ap plied. In cold climates, as in the Northern States, this covering should be from fifteen to eighteen Inches thick ; and if the straw 1 well applied, tlie potatoes will stand nny weather that may be expected. This sys. tern is better than to put them in,tn deep pit as was the custom fifty years ago. T. Jl Miner. V Valuable Table for. Farmers, The following table contains the number of pounds in a bushel of the different urtl clea named : Of Bran 12 lbs, Illue grass 11 Shorts IS 1 Dried apples 25 Uats , 32 Dried peaches , 33 Hemp seed 11 Timotb seed -15 Castor beans , ,. -11! liarley 13 Flax Seed 60 Itye SQ Shelled corn 50 Onions 57 Wheat CO Clover seed , CO Mineral coal , 70 Salt.. 75 Corn on cob , 75 Items. l'ino Salmon have recently been caught in the Susquehanna river above Harris- burg. Tho retirement nf Goldsmith Maid has attracted little attention, mid yet until her time of 2.14 Is beaten, she will still hold her title of Queen of the Turf. Kentucky Is n nlco quiet Stato to llvo In. tun single judicial district in that Common wealth no less than thtrty-clght murder ca ses nro now awaiting trial. In Ilulgaria weather which is cold enough to make fifteen Inches of ice In tho Danube docs not hegln befoto Christmas and does not last beyond ten consecutive weeks. Herald. It is the general opinion among well-in formed lumbermen in Main, that a hundred million Jevt of logs will ho cut on the Pen obscot river anil its branches during the coming winter. The apple crop of Chautauqua county, X. V., is the largest ever known there, nnd or- chardists are jubilant over tho large yield- It is estimated the cntiro crop will reach the value of $500,000. If General Howard had one half the energy General Ord displays there would be more Indians killed and less telegraphing done. There is a female blacksmith in tho su burbs of Pittsburg. She is about forty, a German by birth, nnd for nino years past worked at the trado as a helper to her hus band. Uncles county, Pa., ha a smoker who claims to have averaged seven cigars per day during the last fifty-seven years,which would aggregate 145,000 cigars, worth at five cents each, $7,200. Three daughters of a Kentuckian deter mined to bo married tho other day,and their father refusing to approve their resolve, they all eloped with the men ot their choice tho same night. Cork is coming into uso in Germany as a filling for winter bed coverlets, in placo of athers. It is said to be not only lighter and cheaper, but decidedly warmer. Frank Leslie's Newspaper says: "Hart' rd folks aro so scared over hydrophobia mt they carry rolls of luuar caustic their pockets, ready to cauterize themselves, f they are bitten by dogs. It is not uncnin imm to see a citizen with pants rolled up and caustic in hand, waiting on a street- corner for a mad dog to go by." Kx-Gov. Coburn, of Maine, is probably the largest individual land owner in Ameri- His landed property comprises C93,000 acres. Ut tlieso acres 450,000 are in .Maine, 135,000 in Canada, 3500 each in Wisconsin and Dakota, :;0,000 in Michigan, and 18,000 in Minnesota. A young lady visited .1 Reading drug store the other day, and being suddenly seized with nausea, threw out from Iter mouth four small lizards. She attrib utes their presence in her stomach to the use of impure drinking water. A telegram from Deadwood, Dakota, re ports that a man known as "Charley" guid ed a party of prospectors from tho Dlack Hills to a place on the Rotten Grass, which e said, would yield gold at the rato of thirty cents to the pan." When they reach- il the spot he confessed that his story was false, and tho exasperated and disappoint ed miners hanged him from a tree. OvsTEns. Thirty thousand peoplo aro en gaged in tho oyster trade of Baltimore, and more than seven hundred bchooners and pon glcs form its Chcsapeak oyster fleet. Some experts will open twenty-five gallons of oys leis a day, earning twenty five cents per gal lon ; men, women, girls and boys (mostly of German parentage) aroengagedin the pack- rooms, where tho measuring, waslun;, assorting and canning go on incessantly. In tho law business tho oysters aro first packed iu airtight can', which arc in turn packed in iiwdust and ico for shipment fifteen million cans' of raw being shipped per season. The Taugier and l'ocomoko Sounds' oysters are tho favorite brands. Tho Stato licenses: were issued on September 28, and on Octobor 1. Tho season was opened with enlarged pros pects owing to European contracts. At Kantlialai, Ceylon, there is a magni ficent tank on a scale so enormous that it ould now cost more than fiye million dol lars to erect it. It was constructed about I). 275. Still more remarkable is tbc reat store tank of Kalowewa. Its circum ference is supposed to have been hardly les3 than thirty miles, and it was kept lull by two riven. Channels extended from it over fifty miles, which conveyed an unfailing upply of water to certain large store tanks and thence to minor village tanks. The Ceylon Government proposes to gradually reitnre many of tlieso great works. Hero csee how the ancients preventeil-'aiaines. A Danbury man who went to a drug store to have a prescription prepared, seeing no body but a clerk preent, said: "young man, you are keeping company with a girl?" es, sir," answered the clerk, with a blush. 'Do yim think the world of her?" "I do," said the clerk firuily,although blushing con siderably, "Is she in town?" pursued the customer, anxiously. "No, sir, she is away nnavUIt." "That will do," said the man, decisively, "You can't fool around any prescription for me." And he went away Danoury Actr. iV very pathetic description of the perils of life in tho Black 11111s, Is given in the following extract from the letter of a miner there to his brother living in Nevada! "I've been spending the last week trying to think of some plan which will enable me to get home. If I only had $500 1 could get to Cheyenne, and then it would be easy Balling Into civilization. If you send the money bv expiess, tho Indians are sure to get it, as they split open a Wells-I-argo coach every few days. If you send it by mall, I wouldn't get it for months, as the postmaster is off on a big druuk most of the time, and can't read anyhow. Don't send a draft on the bank, as it is liable to bust. If you know bomo friend coming to the Hills, don't trust him with the cash, as he's sure tn gamble it all oil" at Cheynnc, nr get robbed at Custer, If you can think of wiuie way of sending the money that it will be sure to get here, fend itj right away ; but unless you aro Hire don't risk it. I'erhaps you had better come yourself and brlug It." The brother in re ply: "Jut borrowed $12 to settle a board bill." Dauchy & Oo's Advt'o. GUNS, oct, Tl' ami Hevolvers. ttlusirnteit Prteo Mst tree. (treat Western dun works, r-tw il n new vocal and 4 now ) hhcet music, urn. silver or stamps, i.o.. Mlildiebani, Muss net, vs. '7. siv tl Mnmmntli (lullll In !: ,-rlmciy stem-winder wnti fi live with ilrst order. Ten dollars a day guaran teed. M. CKONKlUlt A to. Philadelphia, Pa , or Mil waukee, Wis. oct. 2l),i-lV d T.Ation MIXED CAlUiS lth name. In enso lite in without cae. tc , no new tun curds lee. om nia loc. P. WASUliUltN .Co Mlddlcboro, .Mass. OCt.2fi, '77-4W it Agents Vntitd for tir, .MniiT fcKrn.s IN March's Works Tim lltm.E. ITano Ufa In tho LlMo and Our Fatasr's Hsuse, Nn linolss ever published liavo received such uni versal approval from tlio press, ministers and lead In? men i'vprvwliirp. 'I tin chntcnri'iidlni?. lino steel I engrmlngs, and superb bindings, make Ihemwcl- IOI1IUII1 eerj nuilie, vliu nuiupm- nulla mi. r-.ii'i Mr trrms. liegin a pmlng business at once. J. jicciiiiiy en. niiuacipnia, ro. oct. so, 'tl-IW u A Man of a Thousand. COSPMPTIVK CUUKD. When .loath was taourlv fnwctwl from Cos i'mition. nil A i I'ludlca la luif f. tiled, nnd lr II. .lames w aic.xnpr trnenttmr, lie accidentally made a preparation of In Hemp widen cured Ida nnly child, nnd now Rhea this recipe frtocn jecelrtortvo Mampito p.iy expense. Hemp also cures nhjhMweats.nau hen at the stomach, and will break a fresh cold in tttenty-four hours. Address. crtt)iocK co., 1,032 Irace street, Philadelphia, naming this paper, oct iiO, '77-4 w d QfinPrtwVal The only combination of tho Irwo utbuiuiu. o; Jamaica (ilnper with cnoiee Aromat ilea and French Uramly, lor weakness, land tirost rat Ion ot the n errdus forces, Tnmnino Inability to Meep, coldness of the ex UiUilcllUcl Itremltlesnnd suspended circulation, ' Is a Uniterm boon to Rurrorlnc human litv nt mien snothlntr. streimthenlntr. ftiMfttMi and refreshing. Ask for tUNtrOHK's uxugiu (Jamaica oinuku. oct. Urt, '77 -w d Tiinsn alanine relief and euro tor Hunturo shout. consult lr. .1 HIIUItUAN, ass liroadivuy. Now YorH, sctidiocts, tor hli new book llli rhotoxrnphlc Ilkpnosapi or liad aises iM-iom una niu-r i-urp. tinware of cheats who pretend to furnish Dr.bher runt'. Irpjtiripnt.. oui of them fellows, a perman clerk, now cnlllntr himself Dr. V. (I. creniplen. Is Indicted on complaint of l)r. , ana nwaus inai xor jurgery win t-mmvzit.-. ment. it ocMO-TOw A I'lmiTIVK t'l'Kli CATAUKH, llllONCHITIS AND ASTHMA. Thousands have lieen cureil hy Dr. (Joldrnhkho's Inhalation, who were prcnounceil tncurahle by pnbiciars nnu inenus. rurM'ns iiviuk ui h uiuuii;u ncslrlnir to uvnll tliemcclvis ut inn mince uf Da. i InLDENBf kii. can write ttirlrimmc and mldresH. and Jorwnnl to int. .oi.ifnbkhii. tllfi, Arch street, Phila delphia when lie will mum them a list of prlnu-d qtiehtlnns, thumswcrs in which will i-uahle ntra to uttiTinlne tho nature of tliilrdl.ui-nen!ul thcproli nt.uity of cure. Ik-will forward to any nddrisnls papi-r or hook, riling full descriptions of tho dlsi-ns- cs iic irciiin, liu. illi) Jit. Vernon St., Philadelphia, Oct. 81, 1S77. I linM- iiwit Hr. (loldenbi-rg'a InliaLitlon forCntarh, IlronchllH, and Asthma, and am entirely cured. ANNIE NKAI.. kidheyInd- liver SPECIFIC A Radical Cure Tor ssll J)1sc:inch of Tiin Kidneys, Bladder, and Urinary Organs, I'atlents sending two ounces of urine, cxprcssage paid, can nave a chemical analysis made, and an opinion rendired reirardlng the lialuro of their dis eases, etc., fri o of charge. consultations and examination Free. Send for De scriptive I'opcr to UK. (iOLDENIIEIttl'S Tllnclpal Office, Die Arch street, l'hUadelphta. oct. 28, m-sw d M. C. SLOAN & BHD., Manufacturers of Carriage;, Btgics, Phaetons, Sleighs, rLATFOHM WAOONS, JtC. Flrfct-class work.always on.hand. liEPAIKINQ NEATLV DON IS. Ibices reduced to suit tho times. Jan. 5, IWT-tf A PHYSIOLOGICAL vow o2 Marriage I A'fVJJi int. i.l Jtrprodut-tlnn mj r!-i:vwrtin&.'-A.-al" cr women. i n,nirtit mlOICAL ADVISERI ,11 .'lu ul-riVMU, IVtuuru nn.iii,! trum Ss.f iu. Ecc"t, of Secret I5iicieeii, uu Itii U.I Uiuff run. S . ."t:. J.1IC. p-if-iilrts A CLi.-llOAlt l..'CToaSon Iht-ftbnT- d Kt.r.ati'l 1 1 iti 1 hro-.t ii'd Lunra. Ci,uiTiti,lIuptuie. tht Op um IlKbit,AtirheJOik 1.1 h-r took - n( po..ulton rrrt rf jir'f.i or 1" three, Ct'ti'Mlrir 'fKli-trc, r.iaiMUi''V UiiiIr.t.l, Kir TAr . AdJrc. l)iU UUITI3, ho, 13 2i, bm butt. 1.0UU, o. aug.n.'JMy nee Lir,A.GJUN'SI Ion hi. t'Lltftgo,, llli. furtb tunb. tl If-.'. of t I'rliato Satan, rufollinit from ctvlj ubuM Fnttulu-ia. ofMrniorr, Jmpulid Muht, Ixtt AiunlitKiti or Ifaput-nrj Nrrvoua Itrbltltj( )rni- uttiy 1 jre.l l tti. ( LsjTh. llli. nil I brotil Uma. kDil I1IH- 1'KM I.KH, yWld to bU trRHit. I.1a U r'111 ' litliiroteil Brhty.l, UM do UWTiurV, liM the Urfl (vtli is lha U. H. I.AIUrreqWr( trrirutiil with 1 rltitte LoirM knl bowi, rijl i ttrlla. r.Drrv Wnrlllrwi fur lttcnii Km.) fifty niU fat tampl of T-DttUr (ikmU aud Hr tilv f linporbial nfcinfttion y . ML ULIN'H I'.inaUOik Otrjtji. toti-iillitlo,, fnw. MARRIAGE GUIDE ClS&.'fftt yoMig kii I ml 1 ! I .f ' t" h 'i n til f a fkta Hktun. tmiik mhi i, Um . hm.I u. l o riuutiiikiinc jiinrrUfii litn I lull i I J 1 jr I . Of lnrii4 IW n b.v i- i.y tliuuiit gut t iU - 1'ii.a W cabl 1 uf tul Ctm, wiUa-1. autf. 17, tT-ly II HO HIGHEST AWARDS ! I'rnlrnnliil Kxhllillion, J. REYNOLDS & SON, NORTHWEST CORNER TIilitDiitli iiikI filbert SIn. PHILADELPHIA, MiNCKlOTUHKH'i OV 1'ATENTBD WronebMron AirWt Healers Willi SlinUliiK nnd C'llnkrr-(rini!lna Jrntcfor iiuruiiitf Ainiirnriie wr iiiiumii uu l um CENTENNIAL WR OUGHT-IKON HEATERS. FOR I1ITU.MINOUS X)AJ, Keystone WR0DGHT-IR0N HEATERS, Coolilng- Ranges, low-down Orates I)cbcrltHo Clrculara hut ntLE to any address. EXAMINE HEKOKE HELECTING. April St, 1 1 8 is sot rufclly rarned Id llicfe times Gut It can tin made In thret) inonUta by anjr one c( tlttier ki, In any pan cl tee cuuntrr lio Is Hllllnir toworW Hcodlly at Hie employment mat v niriiiu. itr)-r wiiKinjuur uwu town. Vcu net-d not be away from homo over ntgnt. ) ou ran into your uoio ume to uie worn, or ouur jmi anjiru momenta. Itcohtu notnlntrto try Uie Lusl. tit. Terms and outfit free. Addrtu aloijfe, II. iuu ktt s i,o., roruanu, uame. Yvt). 1 "11 1T. RUPTURE 'J X 11)11 gl J,gg55 $777 A jS'cw Departure rrom Ilia .Muniiiltcturcr to the CoiiNiinicr. For CASH we will sell totho COSSt'MEIt InStich (Junntltliii ni ho may Need nt MANUKACTimnit'S P1MU1 S nniltliua Rare a', XVXXDDTjXI VXLOV1T to the Cnnuny.r. licforc purchasing elsewhere Bcnil tor our prices of STHIUTLY l'UItK WHITE LEAD, JtONTOUItSLATi: TAINTS. MONTOUR MnTALLIU WIIITit, MOSTOUn .METALLIC MtOWN, PURE LINSEED OIL BEST JAPAN DRYER. Best Faint Brushes, VAItNISII, ALL KINDS, Rt'IttlTS OKTUM'ENTIKE, msi:i:ii Oil,. PUTTY. Sample card and price charge. list furnished without Orders nnd Inquiries by mall will receUo prompt aucuuoD. nENRV S. KEA.Y, Rupert, Ya. May!. 1tt.-ly. This CI tlluitrrteit1" Manner jt Uainj Uli. LX!Ci:JIU'H this InMrnmrnt ts CBiicclallj" fteitgnecl for the .t'i'ic.'t application of SB, SAGE'S CATARRH REMEDY. It li the nnlv form of instrument rt inenicl with which 11 ti f I mcillcinucin he carried tiuh vjt and verccUy tippltett tn till partd of tho ail.'Civii imual paMapc, anil the rhnnihersnr Mvltic-t I'mii innnicjitlng therewith, in which noies nml nicer freipiently exist, ami fmin wlurU thcciinrh;il ii-chnrpc pcnerallr procceili. The want of me cc9 in ti eating Oalarrh heictoforc lias niiocn l.lrpclv from liie tmpnsnlhilitr nf applying ren-edie-i to iiicc cavities nml clminhers liy nnv of u.c onlinaiy iiiciIumIs. Thla oh-tacle in tho 'way of effecting cures is rntirclv overrome bv the iincn Uoh of the Doni'lic, Its line ii pleasant and co aim pie th n n child can under land iu Full nnd explicit Ilrc'tiuii neenmpanv racli initn nicnt. Uhcn uvod with thti Instrument, Dr. banc's Catarrh Kemcdv cures recent attacks of "Cold in llio Head" by a. few ttppluiailonii. S VBI l"TaiS Freiinent liiMnachc, di-eharpe falling into throat, Hine thnci prnfu-e, uiterv, tlncL inucn, ptnulcnt, orlctnlc, eir. In others, a ilryness, dry, watery, weak, it intlamed vm'a, smppingr tip, or obMritc. ti'n, of n:ial piajre. mifintf in earri, deaf-lie-. InwUing and coiighiiip to clear throat, ulceration-, pralu from nicer, voice rdieu-d, iu-il ot,lenMe liie.ith, tm pi tied or tmal depi m.iiiiiu t-t n'n-e of miicM and tate, di7ines, inentid dcpre-non, ' of appetite, inditCfii'in, cnlarsed tonili. ncklins cotiirli. etc. Onlv fmv of tlie-e vtmtoind aie likely to be pi (tent in anv cn-i at one tune. Ir. sajro'n Catarrh ItrnieiM whci ti-iit 1 1 ii Mr, IHci cc'm NkiiI HoiH-he. a in m' i:nin iMirii-i I with itiecnn-tiiii imiai 11 f.aiiu-iii w ftn'l i- ii-cinniiii'ii'tcii m tin pnnoiili'i tji.u ttiap I'liti iMilJ i"if titc Ucnifdj. ' perfect peciii'' t tin .iin-Mo" -it-i't-t It niii'i an i hci-hh iccnt ir no n 'i -r cm- ' -r ( I l! I t.CIIlC f'l'l )ti n ,i 4- i b) nil DritziM. i i 1 1 t; :, .i; . ., bep. 89, TT-tt S2500 auff. it, TT-ly AYRIU Apentawuited. llusl- npoalrrltlmate. 1-artlculari free. lidm.J KOBT114CO,BiUul.,yo. 110 OPIUM tod Mcrphlns Itytbehtly iroodlty cured. ial&kiB, bojQbIWH)r. bvudHtUup aup. 17, nr-iy It sc ALT. rxT.OH. IS --rrtfrv'-f V 7HR0AT.mNG5.LWER & BLQQD, In tlie wonderful ineltcl(tft tnivliirli the mulcted me nltoto tliiecied lr it-lit!, tlie ico-ter lc licC4 tiQ ha rimilih.cil in hui'vvnj i.ioieof Na irn e' Miuitipi ctn.iliu properties, nhleli fiml l.m lniiltk'tl into iliu u'eulilc kiiiiloni (or lical I ii T tho nick, tli in ueic eer liehtru couihliieit In one medit ine, '1 he c 1-leineo 1 hi fact U (oiitflln I ho tarlety of iuostolinttiuiuiliente4 whicti it had teen found iu eim.pter. In Hie cine of Btrtiiit liltU, M'vcrc UiiiL'liMf tind the ritilv tt.ii'a oi Cttiikiimptiun, it h.i4 iuioniti.ed lli'e medical t.icutiy, nnd eminent pio iionnco It the trie.itet mrdlrat itlwovery oi tho hue, hc it cuiei tho ertet t ongh. it fticnfrlheii I lie loin and purine the hlnod. Jt lu threat and Ihoronii hlito-l-piirifv-l"b' pi"peitleB, It nue. all 1 1 u nioi , (intn ihe Moitt Scrofula to .t common Itlott-lu I'liit Driipllou, Mfirunitl Hi cit.e. Mmnai rii-.oiiS and Uieir cfitets inu eradicated, nnd inrnit health nnd a oimd n.nniuilon c-inl". ii-ueil, i:rlpeliiii, s.t I i.rlicunu Fever Sore. M'lily or lloueli skin, m mxu all liu iiinneion tll-ctuei coii-cd, hv Mood, ai? n.iunieied hv thU puwcitul, piulOui?, and iu t'i(tUui; niediciiic, II von foe! iUill,drrr,4h'hi ta'cl. haretntlotv color ( kin, or vcliowr-it lo.ui n hpou on I iro or UA (reiiuent heailnchu or, had 1111 u in month, inlei-nal hoal or e aliennicd uili li-d Uiir-he. hnv i-plrit, nnd pltiomv (ureUnimm, ir le.'ttlnr nppeiiie, and t'mrn en.itth mhi mf mi. er 115 from Turpi il I.hrr. or llllni m'K." In main cu-e ut ,ver Com. !t;lllt" oidv pint of iliflMt t-Miin ..hi. dm: u,. ei icitee I. ,s ii remedv far 11 U -it' it 'H-i-, m 'icit v f dolden Mtiilical tiiftner 1-., t tt .n m u e'lti-u peilect eniua, k.tuin' U.c i.w, kti etiiTii.eaed and health) . SOLD BY DRUGGISTS AT Si PJ !Lf . reoniel bv It. V. I'M ItCi: l'i mm ictor, at thu WiiUhi linr.i... Y. bep. 2 imi 1 M. (V, l'i n't . $45 I'liEMMiM wirrii mn rniin-. Bteni'WlilUrr.FrfW. Wkth.VHrTnrJ.r. tt. t IrM. J. II. O.llor.l ii t., t'McuM ill. aug. IT, TT-ly HtV "pOTICE. From this date Ihe Ploomsburg lias Company wjll put In it rvlce pipes at first cent and tumtsh and set inito 11 at four dollars each. The company nave on hand a lot of gas tar suited or ralntlug roofs, and pouts or other timbers platod prira la cenu per gallon or UM per barrel 00, 16,1c- O. W. U1LL Tit, K ft m :iatal lajsctv.. in ' 1 ."' DOUCHE. " t23 IS m JL 1 Shed iiraa hot And Barstow's Slcvatcd Oven Range. STEAM. WAT Ell PIPE, VALVES AND FITTINGS, Constantly onV,PLUMlUNG Oct. 10, 77.-lf Attended to Then Buy N. Y. ENAMEL PAINT CO. CHEMICAL PAINT, and save onc-thlrd tho cost of painting, nnd get n paint that Is much handsomer, nnd will LAhTTWICK AS I.ONO AS ANYUTItKII PAINT. In nremred ready for use in w Idle or an'- color In the couni . 1 1 L- , 1 ( ' A I . -i,iuiir.main of w lilcli liato iKen ralnted six IDA I. r-nlNl' has taken I irtt i-iik.mii mi nt twenty of tl V A INT fO. . I.. ,r..n AO, In ks N. Y. I:N A M K I U)UU i fcON, Agents mt. Market street. I'lilladelphta, The lafef Annoimceiiieiit. lvira Wcws If you a LOTHIITG Don't Buy Until Yourself Who WILL DO BEST FOR YOU. Gome and Select your WXNT&R SUITS FBOM A BRAN All Styles, Sizes, PRICES and Qualities. MEN'S SUITS, YOUTH'S SUITS, HATS, ' mm m r b H Mi COLLARS, Iarget Stock, on. David POPULAR CLOTHE STORE. IS liAMHEST SEWSFAJPEE AND HAS THE OF ANY PAPER PUBLISHED IN COLUMBIA COUNTY. Terms $2.00 a Year. Country Produce taken on Subs ii 1 . on THE DIFFERENT STYLES OF TYPE IN THIS PAPER OP THE INNUMERABLE Variety AND MATERIAL hi tike Cdtomtem )ffiB. All kinds of I'laiii and Fancy l'rinlin done on short notice and at low rates. OFFICE NORTH SIDE OF THE COURT HOUSE, BLOGWISBtJRG, PA, ROLLINS & HOLMES, Ivans' Block, rttin Street. DUAIiEUS IN stoves, Riiiii1,?, Fire Placs Heaters, PUMPS &c. Ac. MANWACTUItKS OP Iron and Conner Ware, and 4 A GALVANIZED' IRON C0E Solo Agents for tlio EI and STEAM FITTING lly desired. Is on many thousands of the finest buildings ji-an, ana now iook asiveniis nuen iium . painu-u of the Mute Fairs of tho I'nlon, sample card of ITS 1-iiDco Hreet, n V., or IlK.tltY ft. July!!, '7l-ly Still Ahesul. want You Have Posted NEW STOCK, BOY'S SUITS, CHILDUKN'S SUITS. CAPS, mum 4 I 5 , CUFFS. Lowest Price Lowemlbeirg's THE Ife Inetli STOVE $250 REWARD Ii nrrcredbvlhf-NATIONAL IitiAlt" til' Finn I'M- liKI!' HI run-" rnr 1110 iictccnnn.cnntir'i ion nnu pun. Himeiit i-f llic imrtvnr pirtlM oimrged It Ii tlio crime ot arson In tllli'if tlio House ot Edwaid Hnrtman and . tho Luthrran rnrsonago, In Illonmiliurf;. Vn., on September 19. 1"T. itil re wnnl mil bo p ild only on ilun proof bclnif turnlwct the rxeeutlro C'ommltteo 01 tlie conMcttou nnd ntt u it put hum ns it .ald criminal Ily cru-r or i:xm t'UVF '-OMMI-TEK. Am-(nfnrmntton efin bo fieeored from I'leir tlroltn agent fortlio Insurunce companies liloomibuii;, I'n. (Jciso.l TT-sw THE SUN. IM1. im:w voiik. Alliotlmfln rrnirh- Mr thorenewa1 ifsitiMe'ln tloirt, t il K -I'N would remind It tilend undw li wHiicrsox-r if new lint II Ii n.iln a it Jl lull- rm th( Ir oon-litemllnu ami nipp in. I'.-ou Its rerurl tor lilt p.lSi HIl ,V"iir II re US lor I. i; mil -u -'-' lie.irty m mu.itby and t-enero-H c.i np-r.u Ion wlili-n nveldllieriooeen extended to Itlrom over-quarter otthe ttnlon. I ho liiillj piiiii In a tour paRoMwet of M column.. T rice by mall, post paid con s n month or ttll.AO Tho uHitny edition of Tub scv la an rlsht-pnRO lieetof Mcul'iinns. While ittilni the nsoi ine d.iv, It aio e .ntiiln- a lar-e ninount ot llicrnri iind mlcellaneouimitlerBp.'il.illj piep.ired for It Iiik mi-spat Mi'N liaj met HHU great rucccm. i ost paid 1 I .'."(Mi J ear. The eelil) Mm. uiin tine, not knowTHK Wkeki.t PCN ? It circu lates throughout Ihe Unlied -lol.',theCanad9.and ttirni. fttio jLierary ucnanineiii iuhkuil imh-uimhj a Journal fortlio faintly and the tlrc-lde. Term! Hue liollnrn jenr, post pal . This price, quility considered makes It thochennest newspaper pub ltjlied. Korcluusonenwliliflii casii, w o w Hi bend nn extra co.y free. Address 11 111.1311111 I Ml. .-!-.-. nov. S, 'TT-sw New York i lty. CHRONIC !ii rj ali.CAt 01 all uooks "nam noino iuik turn .Meuii:ui Common spnse.'-ncarlv l,w pat7e?, mn uiuirn- ! lions l' V If. I. i' i h, 01 tu i-p.miikioh aic. I v V ii!flinrrs of thUlm k'niont llbi-riv to con- I aiillmrliy innll Kip. Trlu'liy inullf32 for the frTAMtAitiMtinmn, or fi.&u kt wit runnnnii. tlon. which rnt'tkln' nil the atne nmttc r aiiulllUH. trntlons. ContcniH tabtiarrcc. 1 pintB Wantt'dli JU ItllAV IllLI- 1 L UMMMMl LU., IVW v strettiN. V. oct. ts'Ti-fitn AdvertisingAgents S60 for month will lie pntd to a good ener getic. uiuuiueau.1 eouniy 10 inirouucu l)It. KtlLK'S New Illnslratefl History of Psnu'a. Write Immediately, nnd stato experience tn this bu- fciness, una age. ah iress, 1). C. tiOynP.IClt, Publisher. ILirrlsburir, rn. :rr-l)on,t fall to "-ay what pip;r you saw thla Iu, oU. It-uw ?IOOMS!3lJI5G TANNEKY, d. 13 V. il !t i v r. "I) l'-Sl'KUTl'UI.LV iiiinounctH to the public ft i lll.ll- III" Hill lfujn;i,(:u .- lias reopened SNYDKU'S TAXXERY. HTVtf (otdstaml) llloomslnirff, 1'a., at the .Tfwp KurkMofthn Kspy ani Llrfht Wrwt of li'athet will ho inadi In the most I siihRfnntlsii and woi kmanllko manner, and sold at I prucn to milt tun uinfs. me nignysi prue in ca-sn w ui at an umei w pam ior a n e 1: x HIDES of every description In the ornacp Is repecttaUy solicited The puUlcpHt MORRIS MICHEL, I'UICTICII, PIANO HI IK Kit tu.i:k iD Rci'iiur-u. BL00MSBUKG, PA. HIST CUSS PIANOS AND OltOANS FOR SALE SECOND HAND PIANOS TAKEN IN EXCHANGE, OltDEIt BV MAIL rilOMlTLY EXECUTED, DeCl, 1-ly ip.A.iiixrTiisrG, GLAZING AND PAPERING TVTM. F. HODINE, Iron Street below xeo TT ona, moomsuurg, i'a.,isrirtriiriu won i ios 01 PAINTING, GLAZING, ivni! 1'AI'ER HANGING in tho best stylos, at lowest prices, acd at Bhort DOUUU. Parties barloirsacriworUUiilo will saro mone UlUJlUg UU U1V. All work warranUJd to nlve Batlalactlon. solkltod W1I, F, BO II INE. P A T E N T S. F, A. Lchmann, Solicitor of Amerloan and Foro'gn Patents, '.VashlLgUn, I). C. All business connected with Patents, whether beforo the Patent OfUco or the Courts, promptly attended to. No charge mad.) unless a patent 13 secured, bend for a circular. Way I, 7I-tt 0 C 1 PUBLIC SALE HAND BILLS Printed at this Office ON SHORTEST NOTICE AND AT THE MOST KKASONA11LE TERMS. Bryant &Strattonl BUSINESS UOLLECE And Tflrnrnphto IntltntF, , 108 8. Tenth St., Philadelphia, Pn. Incrnaied Ucihtltta. Tlegrpbio DupL in cbargo tmm t ttio Munagtr and tzfatrican of ttiaM SflClfull pulicaUrt. call or fend for freelfi JPilhmtrtlfiTcnlr. J. K KoCTJ.Prei Tj J OUg. H, 71-dm ThISfAJPErISKEPT0N FILE 1 AT THE OFFICE OF, 733 SmsoM St., PHILADELPHIA, Wlio uro or uuthorlied ngrntit, nnd III receive AdverliiteinenIM at our LOXfeT UAMII 1UTCH, What will the M'cnthcr bo To-morrow I Pool's Signal Service Barometer And Thermometer Combined, rcretilli ccmct.; U7 ciun la lt Weittir.i: to 21 leuti in xaT2:i. ALUurim u, me iuubl ritiint m Proft-nbors and bclcntltlc nivnalhe Silt Wiuiir la til WU. Wirrauied l erieciaau lanaDic. wt ia ml It mi In any addrexs on receipt of ixu. Hewaru of Horthles ImttatloiiK. Aytnlt II ui(J bend btamp for Circular, 3. 0. 3VH77 CO., OS rilT, Xln Tot Hease tate w here yon aw ad ertUement I and mention your nearrit Kxpreii, Olllco. bend Money Ordtrt or Jicgtatcrcd Lciun nt our rlik oil. .0, It Jia JwJCCO BUSINERS OAItDH, VMITINUOAUIM, LETTISH 1I2AW, i-'-UEAUH, OSTKItS, tO,, 0., Neat I) aply printed nt ?un om. OU PLITIIU WATCH KHTcbtopwl ' Irv, known wurld. LjiuttilA IT.iiJ, ftv.j t.i Jgnli. Addrui, A. Coultib & Co., Cukago.,1Mr li0, 3 ft WISTAR'S BALSAM WISTAR'S BALSAM ' WJSTARo BALSAAI OF OF OF CHERRY. CHEERY. CIIKRRY. WILD WILD WILD A CASE Or CONSUMPTION. East (-TONEIUM, Oxfunl County, Me., May 1 1973, Messrs. HETn W. Fowls Kovs j Oentlemen -I feel It my ituty to wrtto a tm worili In favor ot I)u. Wistjh's iiai.iam ok wild iiKimiiv. In tho early fart of last winter I took a severe cold, ami shortly altera dttticvlnir cough ai nudeu to it .ny rricndi aid cverythlni thev could for me, lint without avail. The best phj stclons that could bo procured did not iclleve me. nnd r"y ugn coniiQiicu tin inrouiru 1110 winter wlihln creasing severity. I spit bl'wd three or four Itmrs d ly and.tny friends considered my caio lionuless. paemonpasa Conllnned Consumptive. I was In this condition when 1 heard of I)u. Vistah's Hal RAMor Wild Chshiiv. I hejan Its me, nad beroro I liadtaken half a bottle of It mi cotih an tat. my other troubles left mo and 1 was cured. I feel so tru ly Indebted to this fc'reit remedy for what It has dono for me that I send 3011 this voluntary testimo ny, hoping It may be the means of inducing others who are suffering as I was, to make use of It. It Is the best remedy for lungcomptatiitstlut I halo ever heard of, and 1 am constantly recommending it 10 my friends. Yours Willi respect, Mlts. MELISSA M.UAI.L. WISTAR'S BALSAM WISTAR'S BALSAM WIST ARS HALS AM OF OF OF CHERRY. CHERRY. CHERRY. WILD WILD WILD MSTII W FOWI.K & KOH. 1'ronrletors. wl Ilarrl- sonau-nuc, lloston- Sold by dealers generally. nov. THE INTERNATIONAL REVIEW. The "International" for 1S78 will nrcsont tho usual number of nrttcles upon religious, sclentluc, art, po litical and Hoclal subjects ruit occupying tho pub lic attention. It will devote t-paco 10 European inat- tvia bu 111, ut, iiil'v uiu uivt'i.v 10 ne iniert'biing in Americans. It will continue tolntroducu tho most popular foreign wmersto cimiite for taior with the best American writers Itnlllnlm lobeahle, strong a d practical, ns welt ns popular. In tliechar nct r and Myie of llsprjsi-ntatlons. It is safe to say iinii no iiinir maguzuie in me woria can huppiy hb place In the libraries of Americans who lovo to con sider the progress cf events throughout tlie world. nnu iu miow tutir ueiirn g upun iite inieresis 01 1110 United States rrofissore luttlus, lloltzendorf, Vogel, I)r. Iiollinger, nr. Horner. Dr. Neumejcr, Dr. Carl Able. Mr Julius Duboc. Hrugsh Hey. Jl. Kollln Joequemjns, M. i-pullcr, Dep., Jl. Illndrlez, Mr. llamerlon, Mr. Freeman; lttv Dr. James II. Illgg, Thomas Hrnssey, M. 1'. ciubernatls. Sladame vtllaii, Horn n ittiln, l'ozzonl Dr. Woolly, Hr l'eabody, I'rlndpal Dawson, Judge CooIej.Dr. Wharton, Mo. C. irjjnt.liny l'ulmir, carlMhurz, fieneral Mgel, Dr. o-good, Alex Delmar, V. rottn, Kugeiiorifhuy ler, Ilujiird Tajli r, 1: P. Whipple, and others may be uami d as sped .1 contributors. 1 hus Is organized as rorful an organ of thought and communication as can te i amy conceived, and 1' prebents Itself for popular support during IS77. It Is nut known Unit Ihi re Is nn. leason why copies of tlio "IteUe " should not le found In cm ry house hold. It has alnndj the larcin clrculnllon of any tetular review, leiuute of Its fopular atlrnctlons. These attmctlons will bedevehpid graduall , aid Increased as their nud Is made known Price $1.00 u Number. ffi.f 0 a Year "lx Numbers.) A. 8. 11AI1NES & CO., Publishers, lit & 113 William hU, N. RAIL ROAD TIME TAflLEa piIILADKU'IIA AND HEADING liOAD AIIH ANG EM ENT OF PASSENGER ' TRAINS. Hay 21, 1670. TRAINS UtAVI nCPKET iB FOtLOHS (SrNtllT Eicma For Now York, Philadelphia, Heading, PotUvlllo Tamaqua, Sc., 11,33 a. m For Cataivlssa, 11,33 u. m. 5,47 and T,S8 p. m. For Wllllamsport, o,M 6,34 a. m. and 4,o p. m. TRAINS FOB BUFEHT LIATI AS FOIXOWB, (StrlPAT II CIPTEB.) Leavo New York, 8,45 a. m. Leave Philadelphia, 0,15 a. m. Lcai 0 Heading, 11,3 a. m PotUTtllc, 18,1! p. m andTamaiiua, l,'i5p. m. Lcaic t'auwlasa, e,jo 6,!5 a. m. and 4,00 p. m. Leavo Wllllamsport ,0 2 a.m,ls,0(i m. and B.W) p. m Passengers 11 r d from New York and Phllade pula go througa uhout change of cars. J. K. WOOTTEN, O. O, HAN-COCK, Ue""al General Ticket Agent, Jan. 11, XTOUTliEHN J COMPANY, CENTRAL RAILWAY On and after November !uth, 1873. trains 111 leave SU.NUUHY as follows! NOHTIIWAItD. Erie Mall 5.20 a. 111., anlve Elmtra '11, " CanandoJgua . 8.3s p. m ltochebter Niagara u 40 Itenovo accommodation 11.10 a. m.arrlie William rt, p. m. Klmlra .Mall 4.16 a. 10., afrlvo Elmlra 10.20 a. m. lluftalo Kjprss 7.16 a. m. arrive Uurfalo .M a. to t-OUTHWAltl). liuffalo Enpress 2.r,o a. m. arrUe llorrlsburg a.m " Ilalllmoro 8.40 " Elmlra Mali 11.16 a.m., arrive llarrlsbuigijop.m " Washington 13.80 " " Ualtlmorc c.30 11 Washington 8.30 llarrlstmrgaecomraodatlon 6.40 p. m. arrtu Harris burg 10.60 p. in, arrli e lialtlmore 2.26 a. in ' Washington 6.13 " Erie Mall 12.M a, m. arrli 0 Ilarrlsburg 3 06 a. m " lialtlmore 8.40 " , . ., ", Washington" All daUy eicept Sunday. D. M, IJOYD, Jr., (icneral Passenger Agen A. J. CAbSATT, General Manage DELAWARE, LACKAWANNA WESTKUN ItAILltOAU. AND llLOOMSUUIia DIVISION. Tlme-Tablo No. 39, Talcs effect at 4:30 A M MONDAY, NOVEMUEH 22 1676, NOItTII. STATIONS. south. a,m. p m. p.m. 9 si 9 20 in 9 43 2 2a 6 30 9 63 2 81 6 85 10 111 2 88 6 43 10 (Id 2 40 6 6T 10 11 2 62 15 10 H 2 68 7 01 in so 8 04 7 ( 10 23 8 17 7 11 10 27 8 10 7 15 10 27 8 11 7 25 10 li I I 1 85 10 85 8 27 7 40 10 41) 8 82 7 48 1" 41 8 87 7 63 p.m. p.m. 8 08 8 68 8 ll 8 5, 7 65 8 49 7 40 8 42 7 4' 8 37 7 83 8 33 7 27 8 27 7 22 23 7 18 8 19 7 15 3 17 7 15 8 11 7 07 8 11 7 l3 8 l9 6 68 04 64 8 1 6 45 HI t 80 9 42 a.m. 9 48 9 43 9 88 ..He ran ton... -iitiievue... Tajlomilo.,., ..Lackawanna,... Plllston . West llttston... Wj omtng....... Jlaltbv" .Dennett 1 .. ..Kingston Kingston ..Phmoutli June ...,1'ljmouth ,, A on laM ...... Nautleoke .llutiloik'a reek, .Milckshlnny,,.. ....Illek-s Ferry... .... Death llaveu.. Hermit .... 9 31 9 26 9 20 9 15 9 11 9 01 II 05 9 -6 8 C9 8 60 8 61 8 49 8 41 10 62 8 45 8 16 u m rn 5 a 11 17 4 15 8 45 11 23 4 31 8 66 11 8 4 IS 9 (15 8 80 8 19 a 15 6 09 03 Lit, 5 69 6 48 6 40 6 84 6 28 6 23 6 20 6 18 4 65 4 60 4 US 981 1 ts 2 9 1 13 2 10 3 l 1 68 I 13 1 48 1 43 1 411 1 25 1 19 1 15 1 00 8 II 6 OS 8 2 7 68 .....llrlar creek ill 4 81 S 60 4 41 6 66 4 4 7 20 4 6.1 7 08 6 12 7 40 6 141 7 46 5 14 7 62 6 20 8 66 6 88 8 25 6 47 a AO ,. Hlliowdroie,,.. Ill Ml .....Llmo 43 7 64 7 40! 7 4" 7 85 "iyr II 61 litoomsburg.. 11 67 12 -i 12 07 19 10 12 25 . l.UJIClfc , 1 u eaiawis.Hu linage, 7 Sl .flark'B Hitcfi.I 7 III,.,,. Danville T 64 Chulas y.. 7 0 I Cameron 19 2 12 84 6 62 8 41 11 61 t 19 16 0 4jl.NorUiUmUrland. p.m. ... , p.m. a.n iuitca;iMfcteVi"tft p.10. a-iu. m. p.m. a.m