The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, November 09, 1877, Image 3

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1 1 1 l n 0 1 1 M ft 1 A N
1 11 U J J U U ill. U 1 11 Hi
hi.noMHiu'iui, riiimr, Nov. o, wi
KnTl Time TnliK
Accommodation Train,,
M,ill Train
Express Train
. 0.45 A. It. 7.52 A.M.
7.SS A. M 4.49 l M
I.M P.M. 11.M A. M
C.ta 1". M.
Accommodation Train o.vs A. it. T.BT r. M.
tnut Etprcss 4.(0 P. M. 11.83 A. M.
Through cars on Express train either to Now York
or Philadelphia. AccommocUtton train runs belli ccn
iat.uvlss.1 and Wllllamjport.
Judge Elwell liclil court in Lock Haven lust
The lmmode-t tree are now exposing their
bare limbs.
The organ at the Episcopal Church ha been
pit In thorough ropilr.
A 'on of Hon. Geo. D. JacVeo,, of Sullivan
county la attending the Normal School.
A series of sociables ha been organized by
tht! voung people to continue during the win
tor. Receipt book for executor, ntlnii iiict rnto r,
guaidiui. Ac,, just printed and bound, for
f de cheap at thi office.
filierilT llnlliuan lias already advertise il for
p.ilcon I)ember 3id tliirty-evtn properties
and there are more lo come.
Saturn and Mars nre trying to outshine larh
other. One is the hiighte't but wo clout know
which fioni 'lolher.
The ehctioti in town was lbe mini quiet onr
we ever saw There was no excit metit cither
from polities o' whiskey.
One of lbe young numbers of th II ir of this
county will lake lo hini-iif a belter half during
the coming wet k.
The fin-I snriitble of the seinn will he held
at the residence of Cot. Freeze next TueMl.iy
evening li, until Mteir.y is waking up.
I'rof Ilinrv Cnrvir, f rnierly l'riteipal
the Normal School Ins bit ti spi nding a f.-w
diys in town with ids friends.
The mio of I'irvin Mistirs' property Ins
been postponed until December 1-t, 1877.
E. J. Thornton, Etj has pttrch.i-cd the prop
erty of the late Janus Thornlon, deceased, on
JIaiket street at Ext tutors sale.
The llepMkan fay that I'rof II. K. Ilirntt
has puribaFiil lbe Madison county 3Vmt of
Chiltenangn, New lork.
Harry Rttllcr stnrttd for lbe weft last Satur
day. He intends lo locate there when be find
n favorable spot.
Thi is just the season of the year when you
should go to I). Lowenbcrg's and buy one of
those warm overcoats.
The roal estate of Mary A. Greenwich de
ceastd.on Saturday lat was sold to Joseph MtiJ
gelmaii for $f5 75.
By invitation, C. B. Ilrockway will address
the Masonic Lodge at Catawispa, on Tuesday
evening, Nov, 13th inst.
Given Away, A I'rminm Steel Engraving.
Everv reader of this paper can get it. See
adverti-ement in another column.
Never cive up the ship. Dr. Bull' Cough
Syrup may cure you, a it ha done other. Il
costs little, and can never harm. Price, 25
Bernhard Stohner ha purchased the Heister
Vandersliee pr perty in Mt. Pleasant for $9150
00. The nalc is for less than one half the ap
praised value of the property.
From the amount of fancy needle work that
is being done by lbe ladies it look very mnei
as though somebody would get a pair of sli
jiers or a pin cushion for a chri-lmas present.
At the adjourned session of court on Satur
day It a number of cails on ihe argument li1
were disposed of. Two lawyi rs from William
port were in attendance! to a'k for a peremptory
mandamus in the Willianipnrt Pond Case.
heat and Buckwheat (lour, corn, oits, pn'
taties. butter, epg, and poultry are the article-
thai we are receiving at market prices in pa
in lit of subscription. Now is lbe time lo brinp
in your produce, as we shall soon b1 suppliei
and then will receive cah only.
We are informed that a young man named
Enwler waR drowned in the river at Afton last
Saturday morning Ho h id a boat load of wooi
and the roughness of the water capsized th
boat, laklnir him under. At last account the
body had not bien recovered,
Thanksgiving approaches. The turkey and
1n iditor are beginning to grow uneasy, ib
former fearing his time ha come, and the lal
ter that his turkey will not come. A half iloz
en good sized bird could bo disposed of in tli
office without any difficulty.
C. W. Snyder returned to New York city on
nituntav Ivl, where he intend goinu into uu-
mess. He spent lbe belter part of the siimme
in mat cm. Imlmtndeul xorrcsponiifncc.
"Charlle" has not authorized " to deny tli
above statement, but we observe that he
about town u usual.
Prim Ihe lii-riviik Ltd. wo learn that. M
nlhan Illntu ubile tniMioid doinir some sod
ding in hi yard near Ids residence yesterday
morning, and apparently in good lieiltli, dror
in u dead Irom heart disease, -lie w in n
49th year.
Mr. Bios, wo believe, was a carpenter
trade, and a man of Herculean build. II
sudden death Is a surprise to all who knew
About 150 circular were sent from thi of
fice last month and we have received a response
f om about twenty of them, The account of
ithose who are more than Iwo years behind are
.being put In shape to place in the hand of
collector, and will be puhcd to payment with
out further delay. SI 00 will still be received
at thi effice, ?4 50 In pruducc. $5 00 will
collected If necessary to ue.
Eon Sale or Lease, A cood PLANING
MILL which can ho nin as such or converted
Into u first class manufactory in another branch
of business: A fine opening ia offered for an
enterprising and energetic party.
Apply to
J B KomoK,
Bloomaburg, Pa.
Oct. 20 lw.
Ilishop it, Dub-, of Cleveland, Ohio, a prom
inent Ilishop In the Kvangclicil Church, will
preach In the M, 1., Church ot IMoomsburg,
next Wednesday evening, the 1 1th Inst, at
o'clock, As a pulpit orator, Ilishop Dub rank
among Ihe first In Ihe country.
He will also preach at the following places
in the county.
Nor. 10 at Siimr.urhlll In the evening.
Nov, 11 at Kvannvillt) at 10 a. m.
Nov. 11 at Ccntrevlllo at i p. to,
Nov. 11 at Berwick in the evening,
Nov, Vi at Alton In the evening.
.Nov, 13 at LlghUtreet lu the evening.
J Tn,lnor K,n wcU knffn w'"". "'
ii!.i,fli,.rmn .l.ti-l
last. Wo lrut lio may call again.
Mother will trow weary nntl Ich over tlm
Italy', trouble. when. Dr. Hull. Baby Bvrup
would relievo the Child and thereby give the
Mother ret. Price 25 cents.
The employee, of tlio Columbian office havo
gone Into the toologtcil business, nnd the mlco
at have liitherlo fallcncd on the content of
e pate pot now nlTortl amusement for nrlvll-
ilges vlsiiors, from the Interior of a cage.
The Trustees of our Normal School have ac
cepted the impropriation of the State of $15,
000 tiyon the condition imposed by tho Com-
llirry Itultcr, a graduate of thi office. i.nd
rank Vnnderslicc of the Sentinel have gone
t-i 10 seen ineir iorttiiit-8, Alny succcm
attend tlicm,
No other remedy ha proved no effectual In
not only relieving cough and coldj, but In
ring them, ns Dr. Haas' Expectorant. 2-5
nil 50 cent a bottle.
I'rotractf.ii Mf.ktis'iis. Kid. D. M. Kin-
ter of Stillwater, expect to preach at the Brick
inpel, (Welsh. H.iptlst House,) in Hloomsburg
(ill First Street, Eal of Iron, on Saturday even-
gnext, at ,J o clock; also on Lord' dav at
iuj ociocK, a. m. at , j o'clock p. m. anil to
continue the meeting during tho evening of
:io ensuing week,
Clark A Wolf are making extensive changes
ml improvements in their store. The room
ill be extended by taking nway the stair and
partition at the rear end, leaving the lir-t Iloor
t their building entirely for their use, anU
.iking a t-torc room one hundred feet long.
I hey are an enterpri-lng (inn and the People I
now it
ft v . Aivorii uppnintnient as I
t Towanda, has been confirmed by the Senate,
ntwithstaniling the bitter light made by the
would be ring leaders of the party In Bradford
iiinlv. We congratulate Mr. Alvord on bis
ucce-s. it is fatisiactory to t lie people and
hard blow at (he opposition Republican faction.
We like to enenurape tipli fi.rMa
Saturday moriiiiig, uiiuot oueo clock.- fre
iiin on lbe Ilazl ion divi-don of tlie eh
alley railroad took fire hIioiU two mile- be
Black Creek Junction and reventeen o c
t-re burned. The oil ran in heavy strt ma
e river, and for a time the stream w,w all
ilaze from the wreck clear to Mauch Chunk,
wo miles of telegrapli pol and wires wer
nrned. The light from the burning train and
il on the river could be distinctly seen at
i'tance of fourteen miles. The lire is supposed
to have originated from the sparks.
Bloom Ea-t. West. I). Maj
Trunkey, 203 119 110
Sierrett, 100 105
B.ntly, C 2
Wiuton, 5
Sehell, 209 IIS 119
Pas.inore, 101 101
Kuieo-on, 7 3
Parker, 2
Noyes, 210 120 127
Hart, 101 102
Wright, 7 1
Cornell, 4
Utile, 210 127 130
Waller, 104 97
Yeager, 109 115 93
Creasy, 112 109
NVyhard. 202 116 108
It2.mii, 107 103
The ladies of the several churches of the
ton n have acted on our suggestion made some
ine ago, and organized an Aid Society for the
purpose ol alleviating the sintering ol the poor
luring tho winter. Mrs. O. Ii. Buckalew l
President. Mrs. W. Neal. Mrs. W. Elwell and
Mrs. IL G. Phillip are Vice Presidents, Mrs.
M. II. Clark, Treasurer, and Mrs. L Ent, Sec
retary. The sociely meets every Tuesday af
ternoon at the residence of I. W. Hartman,
Committees hive been appointed to canvass ihe
own, and leporl are made at each meeting.
Contribution of clothing, provisions, money or
i ything else that cm be used for the relief of
he poor may he sent to Sirs. I. W. Hartman s,
where it will be judiciously distributed by the
veral committees.
The Episcopal Church Mile S, ciely ha pro
ven it gnat success. Ihe programme ol enter
tainment i conducted by a committee who pre-
are musical and dramiltc pieces with which lo
enliven ihe evening. At the residence of John
A, Funston, ln., last Wednesday evening, a
nre was ufl'jrdid the large company pre
ent. The programme consisti-d of tableaux, vo
cal and instrumental solo and duetts, songs by
ihc'Qiiartellc Club, and all amusing one act
lrauie. The "mites" amounted to somelhln;
over eleven dollars. Thus far these gatherings
have been highly entertaining, and much credit
is due the ladies of ihe committee on entertain
uient, as well as the others who have assisted,
The next meelin
will be at the residence of U.
Knapp on Wednesday evening. A general
invitation is extended.
Save Tin: Otul'APEJi. Never throw away
d paper. If jou have no wish to sell it, use
it in the hou-e. Some housekeepers prefer
lo clolh for cleaning many artichs of furniture.
1,'nr instance, a volume written by a lady who
nrhled herself on her experience and tact, says
Ao.,r i alnv,, Lei ii li ackcnc'd. II c.1 1 tie
kent looking very well for a long time by rub-
bins it wilh paper every morning. Hubblng
itli paper i a much nice r way of keeping the
outside of a tea kettle, coffee pot, and tea pot
brinht nnd clean than the old way of washing
them in suds, Kubhing with paper is also the
Lei ui.iv of iioli-liimr knives, tinware, and
noons: they shine like new sliver, for pop
ishlm mirror, windows, lamp chimneys, etc,
piper is belter than dry cloth. Preserve and
nick es keen much better 11 brown paper, in
stead of cloth, i tied over he jar. Canned
fruit 1 not so apt lo mould if a piece of writing
'paper, cut to fit the can, is laid directly on the
fruit. I'aner is much better lo put unuer a car-
net than straw. It i warmer, thinner, and
make less noise when one walks over it."
Towanda, Bradford county I abont the site
of I!loomburg. In some respect it compare
favorably with our town, and in other, unfavor- The rrrading and paving of it utrect
and sidewalk is not at all creditable, and at
niirht lime it i necessary to carry a lantern to
L-et safelv over the walk and crossiugs, and to
avoid running into the lamp posts which emit no
,., r.t ik.l.t. ihe ea for some reason having hctu
hut off With bad walks, rough streets, no
light and but one public school to upport,(ihat
Si:K being iarger and finer than either of
our however) tho taxes are higher than they
are in Hloomsburg. It hotel are excellent!
.i... iv.r.i ir.,usd and Mean House conducted
bvT It Jordan and hi estimable wife, and
,h'. K.we House kept by John Sullivan would
he a credit to any town. During a recent visit
there we noticed that every day the bmineis
part of Ihe town wa thronged with wagomyinu
. . I. ..... !l'il tn Ladninn- a rood
l""wl""l""TZ,: ""..Ll
trade. As inaucr ui '(, . i ,, " "nit
the several new-pap publl.hed there, and
found that there i hardly a business man In
lbe place who does not advertUo largely. The
. . ' . cii..i utii. ci.nJinc ilveiilsement
turiuseivrs ii - ".-b
nes. There no doubt about It, extensive M)d
ludlciou advertising lnereaiea Ihe prowrity
and buainewi of a town, and If printer Ink were
lined more liberally here It would not fall to
produce good results.
Tho Ihilu MiJtmian give an account of a
dosperate fight between a miller and four Busk
ed men.near Milton, last Erlday.from which we
, ? P
f , .
te.l b.irK1ary t
owing i A singular casoof attemp-
ransplred at Kcninierer' flouring
mill, situated about half way between Milton
and Watsontown, last Friday night, It seem
that a son of Mr. Kcmtnerer had been worktnc
about the mill until midnight, and wa jul
washing his hand before going home, when u
man In disguise opened the door, ami present
ing a pistol at the young man' head demanded
some flour or hi life, seeming to havo a pre
ference for the former, as lie at once laid hold
of a sack of flour, which he proposed lo appro
priate to hiins,-If. Mr. Kemmercr told him
that sack was sold, but he would get him sonic
from another pait of the mill, and lowering hi
light, started, his visitor flourishing the pistol
uncomfortably close In hi head the while. Ar
riving at the bin mentioned, Mr. K. suddenly
seized a flour stamper, and, cpiick a thought
lelled tho Intruder lo the floor, dealing him sev
eral blows purely corupllmenlary to the occa-
Ion, rho racket brought a large dog upon the
field of action just in time lo extend a welcome
to another intruder who opened the door, and
wa making it very lively for him, when two
more men came In. and driving awav lbe ilni.
rescued the two bleeding robbers who were now
lying on the floor, carried them to a waron in
wailing and drove ran ijlv nwnv.
Mr. Kemmerer was not Injured in tlie affray,
and cannot tell how badlv the would-be bur
glar were damaged. o clue to the party has
as yet been dUcovereil.
The following preamble Bed resolution were
adopted by the Cata-issa M. E. Sunday School
at it session Nov. 4lh 1877.
Whereas, Ood in Ids mysterious yet liner
ring nrovidencc has removed from our inidl
by death Mrs. Lilly R. Willil who has been
for a Ion? time inlimalelv identified wilh our
inir,.iu oi.nt ,.,.,. .!, ,i, ,,:,! ,,f
teacher for upwards of fifteen years, we de-ire
to pay this feeble tribute to her memory as an
indication of our high appreciation of her suc
cessful labor among us, realizing the impossi
bility of atleipialely giving expression in lan
guage of the los we have sustained. There
.'(Wire, that in the death of siter Willits,
our school has suffered the los of one who was
more ih in ordinarily adapted to the work of
Sunday School instrut'tion,onc possessed of unu
sual zeal, energy and fidelity in tho cause and
who-e services were invaluable in every depart
ment of Sunday School work.
1 hat we sorrow not as those who have no
hope, but rejoice that from her cliri-tain life
and earnest labors in Christ's vitieyntd we have
the assurance that her sorrows and trials are
all past and that she now enjoys "sweet re-t in
That while it is painful to know that we
shall never sec her face or hear her cheerful
voice again yet we would not murnier or com
plain, but cheerfully submit to the will of Him
whose "wisdom i unsearchable and who-e
way are past finding out."
That we lender lo the afflicted husband, moth
er, brother and sister our earnest .sympathies
feeling however that nil consolations we can of
fer can do but little in assuaging their gr!ef,but
would commend them to a merciful God who i
abundantly able and willii g to impart all need
ed comfort and grace.
That a copy of the foregoing preamble and
resolntion be presentrd to the family of the de
ceased and published in the county papers.
I.. B. KI.INE,
w. it clark, f Committee.
J. It. DIEMKlt. j
What wc want to know is whether the Re
publican supports Hayes or Cameron. If for
Hayes, then it must admit that tho re
sult of the State election was a square defeat
for its partyi and a re.buko to the fraudulent
President. If for Cameron, it must claim, as
all his organs arc doing, that tho defeat was
caused by Republicans who allowed the elec
tion to go by default as a rebuke to Hayes for
slighting Simon Cameron in the appointment
of Minister to Knglan d Which is it, Mr.
Republican t Qivo u a squaro answer.
The old aphorism, "A high rate of interest
means a low rate of security," but , a bottle of
Coxe's Wild Cherry and Seneka, mean a sure
cure for that hoarseness and cough. Price 25
and 50 cent.
With a cake of Olen' Sulphur Soap and a
rommodiou bath-tub, the victim of chronic
cutaneous eruption can improvise a sulphur
hath, which no professed bathing establishment
can supply. Sld at Druggists. Hill's Hair
k Whisker Dye, black or brown, 60.
Oct. 2(1 4w.
Business Notices
No Humbug I A Positive Sale.
Clark & Wolf will sell all of their Dress
Onods at the lowest going price for the next
ten day less a discount of Is n per cent
A large assortment nf new Hosiery, nioves,
Underwear, Nubias, I' aseinatnrs, I.tnen Col
lars and Cuds, Clalnons, embroideri d Vel
vets just received at I.utz A Sloan.
WANTED. Two girls tn learn the tailor
ing trade. Wm, Y Kester. Apr.27tf
I.ntz it Sloan have received their new
stock of Kurs at verv low price.
No Htimhnp I A Positve Sale I
Clark & Wolf will sell all of their Dress.
flood at the lowest going price for the
est ten day le a discount ot ID per cent.
Plaek Heaver Cloths at Philadelphia pri
ces at I, W. Hartman'.
Appletnn "A" Mu-lin 7J cent a van) bv
tho bolt, 9 cent by the yard at I.utz A
Vnr a second hand Globe, Conk Stove or
Cucumber rump, apply to Wm.Knckbaura.
1reiita vnrd for plain Alpaca and 20
cent for basket cloth Dress Good at Lutz
et Sloan s.
For Floor and Table Oil Cloths go to
Man's, Goods and prices beau l
Ladies' Under Vests and Drawers 40 ct.
each at Lutz St Sloan's.
Marr buy Dried Fruit.
Men's Knit Undershirt and Drawers 25
cent each at Lutz Abloan's.
Kn Humbug 1 A Positive Bale
Clark A Wolf will sell all of their Dres
Good at the lowest going prices lor tlie next
ten days less a discount ol 1U per cent,
tie. Shlloh's System Vitallzer.
W aro authorized to guarantee this rem
cdy for the cure of ')ypepsia, Inactive Liv
er.Sou r Stomach, Constipation, Loss of Ap-
.he Con .p rf rod. Yellow Skin,
mm Rc:,i0VlMl.e that thi would be ruin
ou,unie8a we had positive evidence that it
iii rure. Ynu who are suffering from
these complaint thee word are addressed
"te-"-? " h St" y'ou
elefrm,iei Bampe bottle 10 cent; reg-
nftr 8iie 76 cents. Sold by O. A. Klelm and
I -
M000 die annually by ueglfCtlnK
Cough. Cold or Croup, often leading to
Jj.Jton and tl.o grave. Why will you
nfgect B0 important a matter, when you
cal, get at our store Shiloh'a Comsuinptlon
Pure, with the absuranco of a speedy recov-
Plaster givesprpropUellef. Bold hy 0. A
Kleiui aucl (i, J. uenuermpu,
!Tnnlrn,f.1nrV. & neinular and fragrant ner-
I'uuie. BoU by O. A. Klelm and J, lien-
14arah 80, '77-ow
!lEeU&-tn MU rieasont Nov. , lslT.Ssrah Jane
Bea;le, daughter ot FrettolM: Beagle, aged 15 years
and n days.
TltAl'H. in ninomsDiirir on Octolicr S-Mli, ct
llrlghf,llraeo Anna, only elauchter
nt Jonathan and Ettza ll. Traub, aged 2 j earn, W
months and I il l) 9.
" Ilea rest Oracle, thou hast left us j
Hero thy loss wo deeply feel;
Hut lis (lo I that hath lierclt u j
Ilo can all our sorrows lieal."
KFXFKH.-tn Ilenton township, October IT, tsTT,
Barbara Kecfer, aged to years, 4 month and 7
She wa a a t.itthtul Christ I in woman and died In
tho faith, sho was tho mother ot 1 1 children, and
amouj the descendants are T grand children and It
great graud children.
Wheat per tiu shel i 1 1.S0
Ityc -. 7i
Corn, new, " M)
Oats, " j
l-'lour per barrel o.ou
c'torerseed 7.1c
Flaxseed l.Ni
Tallow ,
Dried Apples
Mde A Shoulders
I.ard per pound
Hay per ton
Itceswax ,
Timothy seed ,
. C
No. 4 on Whart .
.2" ner Tod
no. ft
No. (1 " "
Hlacksmlth's t.ut up on Wharf
" Htttimlnon ,
. 8.H0 "
. t 5 (B) "
. 8.2IS "
, M fsi "
Coal! Coal!! Coal!!!
Extrn preparation I
Superior quality !
Orders left at I. W. iMc-Kclvy's
Store tit our ofliee, or sent through
tlie minis will receive prompt at
tention. Your patronage is respectfully
C. W. Neal & 13 no.
May 1, 1877.
It is the duty of every person who ha
11-cd I'omIm' German Syrup to let its woti
deiful qualities !o knovm to their friends in
curing Consumption, severe coughs, croup,
u-thuia, pneumonia, and iti fact nil tluout
and lung diseases. No person can use it
without iiuined'mto relief. Three dose will
relievo any case, and wo consider it the duty
of all Druirgis's to recommend it to tho poor
dying consumptive, at least try ono bottle u
4U.U0O dozen bottles were hold last year, and
nocaso whero it failed was reported. Such a
inedieino as the German Syrup cannot be too
widely known. Ask your Urmreist about it
f-ample bottles to try sold at 10 cents. Hog
ular size 7" cents, l'or sale by Mover liios.
April --'77-lyjl
Has never ts-en knonn to fall In the cure of weak-
ness. atlendel wtthsimptnras. Indisposition to ex
ertion, loss of memory, dlnlculty of breathtnsr, gen
eral wanness, norror or disease, wcok, nervous,
treinhllng, dre.iduil lwrror of death, ntglit sweats,
cold feeL weakness, dimness of i lslon. latiruor uni
versal lassiiuae or uie muscular sysu-ir', e normous
appcilie niui nyspepuc msiem, Due n tnus, imsum
or me ocsiv
drynens of the skin pallid countenance
In the back. hca mess of the eyelids, frequent black
lOtsnvtijtf before the eve, with temporary sutlu
sion and loss of sight, want of attention, etc. These
si mptoins all arise from 11 weaknee-s and 10 remedy
cmti 111.U r . iwiiKeit imu-r . ine 01 iruu. ib uet
or fall. Thousands are now enjoying health wtw
nave u.seu u. uei mo genuine, sou oniy in f 1 oot
ues. 1 ako oniy is. r. jcunseiH.
Ask Tor Kunkel B Hitler wine or iron, niutrui:
valuablotonlc h.eabeen ho thoroiurhlv tested bvm:
el isses of tho community that It Ls now deemed In-
oispensooie as a tonic meuicino itcosw outmue,
purldDH the blood and gives tone to Uie btomach,
reno ate tho hi stem and prolongs life.
I now only ask a trial of tht vitiablo tonic luce
lDerbottlo. K V KUNKKL note irounetor. No.
xou. s,orin .-sinui BLrecL. ockjw vine. 1'niouieiun'ie.i-a.
Ask for Kunkcra IilUer Wlno ot Iron, and take no
other. A photograph of tho proprietor on each
wranner. all others are counterfeit.
Heware of counterfeit!. Donotlet yourdrneirlst
sell 011 any but Kunkel's, which Is put uo only s
above represented. You get six bottleu for five dol
lars, ah J ask one simple inau
Head all comnh-te In two hours. No fee till head
pa-scB. seat. Pin and stomach worms removed by
Dr. Kunkel. lea. Nortn Ninth ftreet, advlo- free. No
fee till head and all pisses in one. and nllve. Dr.
Kunkel Is tlie onrv saeowsf ill nhysiclan in thiscoun
try ror tne removal or worms, anu mu worm syrup is
n!ea.snnt and saro for chlldrs or irrown ner-ons
send for circular or ask for a bottle of Kmikel'H
worm syrup. Price tl per bottle. Oetltof jourarug.
gist, 11 never iuiis. rtuveiuucr
Are vou a despondent sufferer from Sick
Headache. Habitual CobtivcnesH, Palpitation
of the heart? Have vou dizaiucss of the
head ? Is your nervou system depressed I
Does vour blood circulate badly ? Have you a
cough ? Low spirits ? Coming up of the
food after eating f Ac., &c. All these and
much more are the results, of dyspepsia, 1
complaint and Indigestion. CiltKKN S
AUGUST FLOWKK is now acknowled.
hy all Druggist to he a positive cure. 2,400-
000 bottles were civen awav in tho U. S
through druggist to the people as. a trial
Two doses will satisfy any person of its won
IcrtuI aua itv In curinc all lorras ot indices
tion. Sample bottles ior 10 cts. Kegular
size 75 cts. Sold nosithe by all firtt-cla-s
druggists in U. S.
April 27, 77-ly jl
"XTHKItKAS, the lion, William Klwf.m.
PreMdent Judgo ol tho court olojer and
Termmcr and Ocnerot Jail Delivery, Court ot IJuar-
ter Sessions ot tho Peace and the Court ol Common
1'lea.iund orphan' court in tho 26tti Judicial Dis
trict,, composed of tne countle of Columbia and
Montour, and tho Hon. I. K. Krlckbaueu and P. I..
Shuman.AsriOClate Judges of Columbia county, hai e
Issued their pivcept, bearlug dato the 16th day of
Sept., In tho year ot our Lord one thousand eight
hundred and seventy-seven, and tea mo dlrecte'd lor
holdlnga Court ot'Jyer anJ Terminer and (ienoral
ijuortor Session of the I"eace, Court of Csimmon
lea and Orphan' court, in iiiuombDurg, in the
county of Columbia, on tbo tlrst Alonday, betDg the
3ddayot December noxt. to continue two weeks,
Notice I hereby siren to the coroner, to tlw Ju-
Uce of the Peace, and the Constables ot tho said
ootmty ot Columbia, that they be then and therein
their proper person at 10 o'clock In the forenoon of
said 8d tUy of Deo., with their rcoordd, Inqul-
bltlius and other rcmembranceu, to do tbose things
whtobto their ofBoo appertain to bo done. And
Uiohe mat are bound by recognizance to prosecute
against the prtisorHrs Uiat are or may be in the tall
of the said county ot Colombia, to bo then and there
to prosecute themoa shall bo Ju.t. Juromare re-
ciuested to be punctual tn their attendance, agreeably
to their ootlooe. Dated at Btoouwbuiv tho 1st day
,) of Nov., In the year of our Lord one
thousand eight hundred and bCTenly-oeven
') ana ia ouu uuourvu iumj urbe jrar e)
the Independence of the United Mates of America.
hherlBH OtBce, JOHN. W. HOFFMAN,
liloom-iburg, Nov, J-to BherUf.
At Private Sale !
A pHoa of
lylne In rrantlln township, Columbia county, renn.
sjliiuila on the east branch ot Ho-irlogcrwt. It
conslauot a liucnm.FHU ot about
12 0 ACRES,
on which are erected a commodious and comtorLv
bio Duellist; House, a large Uank Uarn, cider l'reas,
and alt necessary out-buUtHnga. It has growing
ujiod t ahundanco ol excellent trait, has a wt l of
water at bothVho dwelling bouse and barn, and 1h
convenient of access by public- roods,
Adjoining and being a pait of the Borne, but to bo
sold eparatl, if desired, about five acrm of the
above lands, whereon aro erected a largo
(Mom liris! and Flouring Mill
with four run ot stone, a Dwelling House, a Haw
Mill, a Dry Uocxls Btore and dwelling House and
ther Improvement!, to ether with the water power
and appurtenances thereto.
the willow vale tost office
Uoo tbeprcmlMU. It Is wtitiln cosv reach ot t'au
wisbu, Centralla, AahhunV Mount, Carincl and other
mining towna lor rauikc( Psfliouea.
Tho property Id bounded by lands of Vunbon, and
Artley, and Hheots, and D, Honer, and olhcrs. The
two described properties will be sold separately or
together to suit purchasers. Vvr terms ad ply to
Kllaa UesdenhaU, K.1U Drinker, or John (1. frtcae,
at Illoomsburg, l a.
flTN, (1,-11 not bold by January 1, IMS, the prop,
eny wm bo fur (tut, sepi)Uily or together,
Nov, , 1I-4W
KuOJ.u.U. CiiiU with name. 10 cts. u&
Ktji-rt corda. ta atvlea. Id eta. J. b. Iiustod
Mobtau, N. V, wuk,1Mnll
Uriah Chamberltn s. Jonas Doty.
31. drover Admr'a. t. C. II. Wolf
A. T. Relcr vs. Jonas Doty.
bevl Kluley is. N. I,. Campbell.
H. V. Cejbcrt is. Philip Apptcinan.
Jtlllon Charles is. Itlce ft llagenhucli
C. II. Ilrockway is. Urango township.
Ashland Hanking Co. vs. Frederick Hush
S. (I stctlervs. lewhYetlcr
FlrstNatlonal Hank of Ashland is. Iianlel 3tcrrls.
Albeit Wlnton vs. Jonas t)sty, et al
OolumM.i Insurance Co. is, Jose h M. I'reck.
Columbia Insuianeo Co, vs Jackson A oodln.
C.J. Ash n, Wliilam'Ikeler.
Columbia Insurance Co vs. Jackson ft Woodln,
' olumbla Insurance Co. vs. N'cscopeck Itrldgo Co.
Henry C. Conner v. Emanuel Conner's Adm'r.
I). I', (-eybert is, J. V. stankev.
J. It. najton ft Co. vs. Inoou Hrelsch cU al
Mnos Savage vs. Abram Kline et ux,
John Hill is.C. 1). Fowler.
Wm UPar's vs. John Hill.
J. C Smith ft Son vs. .Icssi Zaners EVr.
Sarah Hill et al. vs. Penn'a Canal Co-
second wxex.
Sarah Faux et. at, is. S. J, Faux ct. at
Aaron Drelsbach vs. Simon Shcllhammcr et. at
Illoomsburg Lumticr Co. vs. M. M. Appleman.
'etcr Wilson's Adm'r. vs. Jesse A. Loscc.
J, rorrell' tiso vs. I). J. Waller
Hannah Wels vs. I), L. ft W. It. It. Co.
Illoomsburg Lumber Co. is. tl. W. Sterner.
Ezra S. I.jons is .1, It, Ev.
Jacob Evans' Ex'r. vs. Thomas E. (Icddl ct. al.
W. (larrlson s.1urnbach ft Hess
Samuel t.lger is Francis Evan.
Dai I d .7. Walter vs. George Weaver's Exr's.
Sclni) ler ft licasncr is. Aaron Header.
Illoomsturg Lunibe r Co. 1 s. 1 Illlam Morris et. al.
Illoomsburg Lumber Co. vs. llllara Morris ct. ux.
Hank of Espy vs, William Mllncs' Fx'rs.
Toles 4 sweet vs. William Milne.' Exr's.
William Ltnnvlllevs. Peter Ent's Administrator.
O. 11. Millard is. Con) l)i:liam and Centralla Poor
.Mary (leorge vs. James Morrison
Daniel Le-lby et. al. vs. Henry Knapp.
George Getty vs. Daniel H. Stevens.
Sarah Caul is. Samuel and Emma Itcppcrt.
It Jamison is. M. Orover s admr's
Augustus Eierliart is. Daniel Eitrnart.
crnard Aiamerman 1. W. C. Johnson ct ux.
illlam G. I.lnnillle vs. Peter K. Jlensch
Nlel Ienllien vs. I'onjngUiim and Clntralla Toor
11. llrockn ay vs. I-'lrst National Honk of Herwlck
William Krlckbaum's use vs. I T. Shaipless et. al,
Lewis Mochcnberg vs. Andrew Hojer
Edward I'jri.e is. Eziktc: Cole
Thomas Schneppenhether is. I.K. Scliwcpncnhcl-
Wagner, Stum ft Co. vs C. It names et ux
William snjder's Exr's vs Valentine Hldlerr.aa
1 . 'Ihorrpson vs Ilemliard Mohner
It. W. 1.3011s is shoinas stackhoiisu's ex'r
United states Fanning Mill company vs Franklin
permella Koons vs. Seltzer ft Miller.
Matthias Shaffer vs John McDowell' adm'r
Jurors for Dec. Term, 1877,
liloom-John Delly. I II. Unpen.
Ilenton Lafayette Kccler.
Ilernlck-lunlel lteedy.
centre relet Scott.
ITshtngcreek-llarnian Kline, Ellas Laubach.
(ireenwood-nus Kline, Alfred lleacock.
llemlnck-II. 11. Purecll. Peters, lirugler, Nehcmlah
Locust Jeremiah Sni der, Samuel Camp.
Madison-Chester Johnson.
Mifflin Samuel Snyder.
Montonr Peter llelnbach, Win. II, Weaier.
Orange ltcuben Delias, M. S. Williams.
Scott T. II. ililicr, Joseph LUlcy, II. Wapplcs, Jacob
Deaver-Kllas MUlcr, William Menslnger, iBoao llar
rlngr, John I . llondMose Sllcher.
Benton Cleinuel McMenry, Thomas Davla.
Uloom Thoma Illckey, John Leacock, John Puree 11
r.erwlck-ltelnhard Berger.
Ilrlarcrcek-, avid shafler, fleo, W. Jlll'rr.
CaUwlisa-M. D. llarman.J. B. Yettcr, Theodore
KrclgU, John Ellis.
Centre-Somoel Ilowen. Jerry Hagenbuch.
Frauklln-O. D L, Kostenbauder.
Urecnwood - ebram Trlplepl-ce, J. Barton (ulck,
James Van Horn, T. F. llayman.
Uemlock Matthias A. Moore, Hctu Shoemaker, Levi
Jackson-(Jeorge McMenry, Daniel Fritz, Thomas Y.
Locusts-Wm, Shuilcr, David Yager. Wesley Terry.
Madison- David Phillips, John Hhctler.
Muln-Whlto Itelnhetmer.
Montour- Jackson Walter, Samuel Glgger.
Miniln Isaac Andreas, J. J. Ilaru-I, samuel Beck.
Mu Ilea-ant (leo. W. Jacoby.
Orange O.I1. Appleman, Abncr Welsh, William II.
Snj der.
Scott-John Kie&sler, John Shollenberger.
sugarloaf-I). IS. Cole.
Illoom Henry Klelm, J. 11. Johnson, J. K. (Irotz
Chester Hughes,
Brlarcreek- Emor Dlette-rlck,
Ilenton Wm. Appleman, lacob Wooltver.
I'atnwtsaa Henry Holllagshead, Mahton Hamlin.
Ccntre-Wm. bharfer, T. D. htrouso, Samuel Hld-
FLshlngcreck Altred Crevellng,
Oreenwood lohn Sands, A, Y. Whltmoycr.
Locust Samuel Itelnbold.
Madison Jeor,0 Murphy, William Oraham.
Maln-Koo. Hollenback, Joseph Hartzel, N. II. W.,
nrown, John V. Creasy.
Mlfllln-Andro.v Slngley, Christian Ilarpster, P.J,
Mt, Pleasant lasephus (Irlmes, John McMuDin,
James P. Sands,
Orange SUa Shuman.
Plne-A. K. (Urton.
Iloarlngcrfek Owen Hoagland, Frank Yocum,
seott ltoberts, Knt.
Hugarloaf Andrew Hess, John W. KUe, ltcuben
T The following appraisements ot real and
personal property Bet apart to widow sot decedent
haie nied In the unite of the Register of Col
umbia county, under the Itule ot Court, and will bo
presenu'u ror absolute connrmauon lo the orphans
court to no held n Hloomsburir. n and for saldco.m
ty, on Monday, the Ed day of Dtc, isn, at i
o'clock p. m.t of said day exceptions to such
eouuriiuLiion aro previously niea, oi wnicn an per
sons Interested In said estates will take notice:
1. widow of David shafrer,lato of Drlarcreektown-
snip, eeceaseu.
I. widow of Hiram Lunger,! ate of Sugarloof town-
sui, uecsureu.
3. Widow ot blmon Llr.n, late ot Montour township,
4. Widow otJohn redder, late of Mimtn township,
S. widow of Elijah summers, late of Montour town-
, Widow ol Ellas Itarlg, lateef Locust township,
1. widow of c. II. eh-ton, late of Uomlook town-
Iletlster's omco, I W. II. JAi-oiiy
llloomqUurv.NoT.'j . 1S17
uid oil
IGISTEK'S noticf-s.
Notice ls hereby given to all legatees, cri-dl-id
other rx-rsons interested in ilm f-sLfiti-H ..f
uiu rtsiM.-cueuui.euenis and minors, thutthu fol.
lovilnff admlnutrtlou and gujirdUn accounu bale
been nled In tho oltlce ol thu UeglsUr of Columbia
county, and will be presented Ior contlrmatlon and
otlOKonou in the orphans" court to bo held lu
Hloomsburg, on Monday, tho Sd day ol Uec., 1817,
at 9 o'clock, p. in. on sold day:
I. The second and final account of Jl. V. 11. Kline.
Administrator of Nathaniel Ovcrdorf, lalo of
t'auttt lsua, doceabcd,
. The account of Henry (lelllng, Administrator ot
Jacob uetllng, lato ot MIClllu townsuip.dnoased,
3. Tho account of Ssmuel Knorr, Administrator ot
.Margaret s ppleman, lato ol tho town of Illooms
burg, deceased.
4. Tho account ol William II. hhoemaker. (luardlan
Apf." l'e(ciiekllter. a minor child of MU'bael
Uelcbcldlter, lato ot tho town uf lilooinahurg. de
ceased. 5. Tha account of r.eorgo Illtnerand John A. Hit
her, Administrators of l'eter liltner, late of Lo
cust township, dhitused.
e. The first a d nnal account of James P Mcciute.
Administrator of Catharine Hlahel, lato ot Mon
tour township, deceased.
7, The Bret and partial account of Charles Kessler.
Administrator of lieorge Kessler, late ot Ueaver
township, deceased,
8. Tho account of Jacob M. Harman (luardlan of
Charles M. "ayhurst. a minor colld ol (leorgu
It. 1U) burst, lata o( Catawlsi,a township, doo'd.
9 Tho first u'oount ol Ft. a Step'iens administra
tor de bonis noa of William Hess lateolbugar.
louf, dece.bcd
10. Thu account ol Illram J. lueder, Eiecutor ot
Elizabeth overdorf, law of Catawlssa, deceased,
II, 1 he nrst and nnal account of Samuel Krcssler,
Admn.tstrutor ol t.corgo Kressler, lutt
township, d, ceased.
IS. The nnal account of William Neal, one of tho K-
uAiu.a u. .II4IU .-ujuir, laie oi me Town of
lilooinsbttrs, decease'
19 The flrst and partial arcoun. ot John II
ana JlMgiir't Davis. aUrutnlstitlois ot uatia
llavls late of 11
Jeaiirtonnship, dcoeased.
Heglster'u (Jflice, I
Uloomsburg, Nov, u, islT,
Bubinerh CAunn.
osTsita, to., o,
Hcatly Wi- vjpiy rioted at the Ooldm
bian Office,
Bloomsburg, Columbia County, Pennsylvania.
Rev. D. J. WALLER, Jr., A. M., Principal.
TIHISCIIOOb.asat present constituted, oi'crs the very best faculties for Professional and Classical learning,
limidlnu's spacious, Initltng and commodious ; completely heated by steam, well ventilated, lighted by gas, and furnished with a bountiful supply ot pure,0tt
spring water.
tjcatlon healthful, ana easy of access. Tachers experienced, efllelent, and alive to their work. Discipline, Arm but kind, uniform and thorough. Ejpenaai
moderate. Fitly cents a week: deduction to all expecting to teach. Student admitted at any time, ltooms reserved when desired.
Courses of study prescribed by tho Stato :
I. Model School. II. 1'reparatory. III. Elementary. IV, Classical.
Adjunct Courses : I Academic. III. Course in Music. IV. Course In Art. V. Course In Physical Culture.
The Elementary Courses aro IMWFKSsJON'Ai., and stutent graduating therein, receive State Diploma, conferring the followlntf
corresponding Degrees! Master or tho Klemnntst Master ot tho sciences ; .Master ot tho Classics. Graduates in the other Courses receive Normal Certificates a
iui-ir uiuiiiiiuciiis.t Milieu u. ine wiucers 01 ine no irti
The course ot stud y prescribed by the Mate Is liberal,
The state requires.! lUirher order or citizenship. The
gent nnd efficient Teachers ror her school. To tht en
and their talents, as students, 'lo all such It promises
HON. U ll.l.l.l.ll lll.M'IXl'., President llunrit
Sept. 9, 'TO.-
Letters ot Admtnlnlsi ration on tho estate of Ter-
acy Uayler, late of Montour township Columbia
countv, deceased, liave been granted liy the Itcgls
lerof said county to the undersigned Administra
tor of Montour township Columbia countv, to
whom all persons Indebted are requested to make
pameiit. and those haling calm or demands
against tlie said estate will make them known lo the
said administrator w llhout delay
PKiEit itniN'tnt ii.
Oct, S 6v. P. o. addtcss Illoomsburg l'a.
Lelter of admliilstratlon, on Ihe estate of John
Van I.lew late et oruiigo township, Columttla co.,
l'a., bale Ix-en granted liy the Register of Co
lumbia county, to AlemVm Lieu, Lii-ht street of
-nine township, to whom all persons Indebted are
requested to make Immediate pajmcnt and thoso
hailngclalmsor demands against tho said estste
will make llieiu known to the uncerstgnci Adminis
trator without delay.
Light Street.
Adinlntstratoi .
Oct 6 6w
Lcttfi-s ot AiIniliiMtatlP!) on tlt estate of (itha
tlno L . mis, Into of orunvre towl&hJp, Columbia
couhh , 1" nn'a , dtxonsed, liac been gninUUby the
Iti't'Mor or Wihl county I o .lohn I-a7.irus Ash land,
'a., niiil Siimlmoii Uizjrus.Wiaenrleii, l'a. All i.t-honah.iilnffcl.ilm-'
nalnst the estate of thedfce
dtnt nre rcqiu'stcil to tirtwiit Ihcmfor settlement,
.intf tlioho Indebted to tho estate to make payment
to the unUerML'ned Administrators without deUy.
Ashland, l'a,
udt'nrltd, 1'u.
October fl 6w b"
1 imiTfiU'S VOTIPP.
The underpinned Auditor titiDolnteiltn make dH-
trlhuilon ottho bulanct) of funds In the linnd of A
.1. Ainersnn Admintsiator. to ana iimonir the rrrtles
entlt eu Uiereto will attend tulho dullfuofhls an-
iiointtnrntat tne onico of V. r. mnmeyerln UHwms
ijurir on the MtU d y of November inn, at 10 o'clock
a. m. when and where all persons having clalins aro
lequemeu 10 prebcnuno Biinif ueiore me Aiinnor or
oe ucuarrea irom coming in ior a unaro or sain iimu,
Oct 5 4 w.
U'ttersot d ministration on thoe6tte of David
shaner. Br., lateot rnarcreek tow nh tun. aereasea
have been minted bv tho IteirUter of said county to
LhHunderHfaned AdmlnlstratorH to whom all pe'sona
Indebted are requested lo make Immediate payment
;i id those having claims or demands aralnst the t h
taie will make them ktoAn to the adm nlstratord
without delay.
oct. 19, 'n-Cw Administrators.
came to the nremlsfa at tho unders-lffned In lTenv
lnrir townshln. Columbia c miltv. on or abuut OCto
berl'ithlnst., KIVK CALVKHfcix and seven inontha
old. The owner w requested lo call, prove proper-
ty and pay costs, or mey wui oe uispoa- u oi ucturu'
me 10 iaw.
Notice U hereby trlven that I purchased at Consta-
blrt'ssaleon Saturday October 13, lBTl.the-fol'owlng
prooert ; 1 Hrown mare, I spring wjgon, mill rons
and car wheels ltf acres corn In shork. vt sheaves
of oats, l bU;kco.v. U.vf bu-ihoHbuu wheat. Allot
which hive 1 loaned toJ, J. Meeker of Jackton
township during mv pl'a.suro and hereby eautlun all
parties not 10 remove mem urifss oy m onn-rs.
OCUg, '77-3W
lueurulerMirnpd haln been anrolnted aa Audi
tor on the t-iceptlon to account or l. A. WatMm
rriKi nf lin.ron V. Unlwinnt Olfd hit Afl.
mlntrstrlx ry A Watson wllmetal parties
at his onice In IHnomsburt; on Saturday Noumber
U lf-77, nt 10 o'clock a m. of i-atd day for the pur
I ohu of holding tald nun it. All parties Interested
win aiienu aim present, ineir eianns.
Hi the matter of exceptions to the nceotuit of James
mc iuruey, one oi uie executors oi ueorRtj wjukl-u
otrer, aeceabcu.
The undcralirned Auditor will mw't rartles Inter
ested for the purpose ofh'a appolnlinent at his of
ncu in luoonibourK on iaursuay, ovemuer iaui
uji at i tn o cjock u. m,
J. II. vomsov,
OCt, 19, U77-4W AUriltO'
uditok's notiok
iio undfrslcTied Audttir anrotntrd by tho Or-
pnarisuourt oi 1 oiumuia couiiiy to uiumi uisinuu
Hon of tho sum of ffisi 39 remaining In tho real es
tate of Wm. 1'eL'L' lat. of Madlon tw n. lu s.tld CO .do
(eased, for the us ot Wm.Marshsurvii ing husband ol
l.llzabuh a daughter olsnld William 11 pg Hi ceased
win meet at his oniec In the Town ot Hluomsburg in
laid county on Huturday thu llthday ot November
A .1). 1-"T ut 10 o'clock a. in. 1 1 Mild day for tho pur
nose of 1 Hieing said audit. All parlies -nu-rested
will attend and present their claims orbelorevei
debarred from coming In lor unv share or said land,
duu.i u,,
beth A, Fowler, widow, TamanlhaM. Ellis, Miles
Fowler, I.eroy T. Fowler, rcxinetta l-asc, l'n,ma
Fowler aid Ida Fowler, widow and llneoldescend
ants ol Mlas K. Fowler, deceased, and toallothcr
persons Interested, Greeting : Vou and each ol you
aro hereby cited to be and appear be fore tho Judgss
ol our Orrhars' Court at an Ori bars' Court to bo
h W at Bloointburg on tie nrst Monday tl Decem
ber neit thenflnd there to acreft or reltte totakw
tho real estate (I said t-llas V. Fo ler, deceased,
the appraised uluutkn rut upon It by ItcltiueBt
duly awarded by the suld Court and returned by the
sherin, or show cause why It shall not be sold. And
htieot tall not.
Wltnusthe Honcratlc WllHom Flwtll, Tresldent
ot our said Court at Illoorceburg,tho Twentieth day
ot teptembe r, A, D., 1S7T.
M, W. Niss rrolhy.
bep. it
By virtue of a w rlt ot Vend Ex. Issued out
of tho Court of Common Fleas of Columbia co., and
to tne directed, wlilbceiposedto public sale at the
Court House in Hloc nbnrg at one o'clock p in.
The following realtstate situate Ih Mifflin tow
ship, Columbia county, I tnnsjlvanla, described
folkivH i Hounded on tto berth and east by land
tieorge Hughes, south by land of Jacob Nuts and
west li land ot Catharine and FllzabtthNungcssi
containing twenty acres incru or letB, whereon arc
ciected a log house, Ireine barn and out-bulldlt gi
hd7ed, taken Into citcutlon and to be sold as the
property ot Jonathan t-i ade,
CONDITIONS OF HALK.-rurchasers must pay
ten per cent ot the purchase inofey, or at least
enough to roier all costs at striking down ot sale
otucrwlso liropcrty to bo resold at once
oct, 19, H-is
ilnnflerttl lHU'SK ASJn Tfyr nn rhl.l .i.n... t
low the hutliosd. lbe house and out-bulldlngs are
new, ugood well ol wuttr on the premises. Four
bedrooms upstalru, and u larga parlor, sitting room
and km I. en downfalls. For Unas, to., apply to
tblsoftice, or to 'r'
nor. il, ,71 im Bloomsburg, ro.
BLANK UOKTOAaKS for de cheap at Ihe
Ccu-cmuM Offloe.
01 I rusiees.
and tho scientific and Classical course are not Inferior
times demand It. It I one of the orlino oblect of
lit solicits young persons of good abilities and good
aid In developing their powers, and abundant opportunities for well paid labor after leaving school,
r Trustees'
Mammoth Grocery, corner of Main and Centre streets,
Fancy Imported and Domestic Staple Groceries of Every Description,
Qaeensware, Glassware, Woii anl Willowware,
Flour and Feed, Tobeacco and Cigars,
Jan 1, 1817.
HARMAN & HASSERT. Proprietors;
Vast Sticcl, Soutli Nhlcors., & II, Knllroml IIIooiiinIiiiik,
Ifesneclfully call the attention of tho public to the following statements: TLtey rnanufacturo all kinds of
MMIN mid liltA-N cahti.nCs. They make the Celebrated Oilnlnal and IMPROVED
MONTROSI PLOWS, also allUnda ot Kepalrs, sucli as .Mold liuarus roima, Lanasiaoa
boit1, liaudles, A.c. '1 hey aiso make
anrt arc rrepirefl funilsh all kinds ot repairs, such
nuiKe mu inipr.itt-ti i om-ti uitf i.rnie inr inp
They aru also prepared to furnish MAW ANDOUIST
pay especial allenttoa to the
Repairing of Threshing
The Dronrletors tielne practical mechanics, ha lntrhad
reivunonliavlny all worK entrusted to them done In t
Jan. so, '77-ly
JOHN W. HOFFMAN, High Sherlrt ot Co
lumbia county, do hereby moke known and proclaim
to the qualilled electors of Columbia county that a
general election will be held on TUESDAY, THE
MXTH OF NOVEMBKlt, 1877 (being the Tucs
day nest following tho Orst Monday ol said month,
at. the Beveral districts within tho county, to wit :
Dealer township, at the public house ol Joseph
II. bhumaii.
Ilenton township, at tho public nouso ol Hiram
Hess, In tho town ol Ilenton.
East illoom, at the Court House, In Uloomsburg.
West Bloom, at the Court House, In Bloomsburg.
Borough ol Berwick, at tho store of John MCAnall,
In the borough of Berwick.
Borough of Centralla, at tho public house of Wil
liam I'elfer.
Brlarcreek township, at the public school house
Catawlssa township, at the public house of Samuel
Kostonbauder, in the town of Catawlssa.
Centre township, at tho school house near Lafay
ette Creasy's.
North Conyngham District, nt the school house
near the colliery ol John Anderson 4: Co.
south Conyngham District, at tho house ol John
FbJUngcreck township, at Uie school house near
. 11. White's.
Franklin township, at tho I-awrence school house,
oreenwood township, at tho house ot Joseph It.
Hemlock township, nt tho public house ot Clias. II
Dletterlch, lu tho town ol Buck Horn.
Jackson township, at tho house ot Ezeklel Cole.
Locust township, at the public bouse ol Daniel
Morris, In Numedlo.
Mimin township, at tlie public house ol Aaron
Hess, tn the town ot MlOllnMlle.
Madison township, at tho public school house In
ML I'leasant township, at the house ol II. W
Montour township, at tho public house of W, It
Tubbs, at KuperL
Main township, at tie public house of Jeremiah E
I'oarlngcreek township, at tho house of John B.
Orango township, nt the public houso of II. c,
Conner In OrangeiUle.
I'lno township, at tho Centro school House, lately
uieu oy a i oto oi tne citizens of Bald township.
Buganoai township, at the houso ol AHnas Cole,
Scott township, at tho public house ot Wm. 1'ettlt
in mpy.
At which tlmo find places Uie qualified electors
will elect by ballot Uie following Mate and Countv
umcvra, vizi
one person for Supreme Judge ot Pennsylvania.
One person lor Auditor General ot rennsylionia,
One person tor State Treasurer ol rennsylvanla.
One person lor District Attorney ot Columbia
One person for Coroner ot Columbia county.
It Is further directed that the election Dolls ol tho
several districts shall be opened utbeten o'clock In
tho loienoon, and shall conUnue open without inter
rupUon or adjournment until seven o'clock In the
evening when tho polls will be closed.
That'evtry person excepting Justices ot the I'eac
and Aldermen, Notaries Public and Persons in th
mint ti service ot the statf, who shall hold or shall
within two months have held any rncc or appoint
ment ot pront or trust under tho Ured ttatcs.or ol
this Stale, and city or corporatcd dlstrlet, whether u,
commissioned onicer or otherwise, a subcrdtnato
onieer or agent who Is or shall Is) emrlojed under
tho Legislature, KiccuUvo or Judiciary Department
ol this Mat?, or ot any illy or ol any Incorporated
district, and also, that eiery member ol Congress
and ol tho stata Legislature, and ol tho select or
common council of any city, or commissioners of any
Incorporated district, ls by law Incapable of holding
or exercising at thu same tlmo the ofllce or appoint
ment of Judge, Inspector or Clerk of any election of
this Commonw ralih, and that no Inspector, Judge or
other oflicer of such election ihall bo cllglblo to bo
then voted for.
The Inspectors and Judge of tho elections shall
meet at the respective places appointed for holding
Uie t lection In the district to which they reepecuvely
belong, before seveu o'clock In the morning, and
each of said Inspectors shall appoint ono clerk, who
snail be a qualified voter of such dlstrtcu
Tho qualified voters of the several districts tn
this county at all general, township bor
ough and special tlccUons, are hereby hereafter
authorised and requires! to vote by Uckets printed or
written, or porUy printed and partly written, sever
ally classlUed as follows i One ticket shall embrace
the names ot all Judgm of Courts voted for, and
labelled, outside, "Judiciary j" ono ticket shall em
brace tho names of all the state orncers voted for
and to be labelled '-State;" vno ticket shall cuibraio
tho names of nil county ofheers voted lor, including
tho pjvjo Cf Senator, and Members ot As
sembly, 11 voted lor, and members ot Congress, 11
lOted for, and bo labelled "County j" ono ticket shall
embrace thonainesefailtow nship oracers voted Jar,
and bo labelled "Township:'" one ticket shall em
braco Uie names ol alt borough offlcei voted lor, and
be labelled "Borough."
And each clasj shall be deposited In wporato bal
lot botcu.
bberllfs Office, Ukximburg, bliertff.
Sept. Jl, iT-tf
I) l.AJ.K (11r;j'loiitlutjiuittio(
4,) tur sjU: Cucuuh OfLco,
to those ot our best Colleees.
this scuool to heln to secure it. by
furnishing lntelll-
purpose, thoso who desire to Improve their time
as Urates. Klre Uriel;, tc, wholesale and retail. They
in. i-fiiii sinr, in. ihdsl fconumu-ai i.ruioinue.
Machines, Reapeis, &c.
an pirii-nr nf mvr tiurtv pnrs. tho nubl lec
Best -Manner and at Tatr prices.
Administrators Sale
By virtue ol an Order ol tho Orphan's Court ol Co
lumbia county, the undersigned. Administrator of
the estato of rctcr EnL deceased will expose to
public sale, on the premises, at Light Street, Colum
bia county, Fennsyivanla, on
at ten o'clock a. m., all that, certain real estate, sit
uate In sold Columbia county, described as foil ows :
No. :.-a
with water-power, containing In all about twelve
acres, bounded by Fishing creek, a public road, and
other lands ot sold deceased.
No. S. A messuage and tract of land slt'iate tn
Orange townshlp,boundd by landB ol Abraham Cus
ter, II. ft. Grimes, William White, e3tato of George
Oman, S. II Seyb rt. estato ot W. H. KnL A. M
White and others conatlnlng
more or less.
No. 4. Two acres of TOWN LOTS tn Light street
aforesaid, bounded by two unnamed streets and two
No. 0. Three acres tn Light StreeL bounded by
lands of Mrs. Dlehl, Wm. Hagenbuch and an alley.
No. 6, seven acres In some village, boundedby
lands of Kelcbncr & Son and by Uie Fishing creek.
No. 4. will be sold as a whole or In ports to suit
Tinas or Sali. Ten per cent of tho one-fourth
of the purchase money to be paid at the striking
down of tne property ; the one-fourUi less the ten
per cent, at the confirmation ot sale ; and the re
maining three-fourths In one year thereafter, with
Interest Irom connrmauon nlsL
OcL ft ts. Administrator.
In pursuance of an csCer ot the Orphan's Court of
Columbia countv. the tinders! pntd win sell at rmhHft
ay. me unaersicnea wl
sa e on the premises cf the late John Menun de-
ceased. In Franklin townshlD on
at 10 o'clock a, m., the loUowtng described
bounded by lands ol Wm. Teeple. Wellington 'Clea
ver, M. .liearhart, fcusquehanna river, Michael
Menech and others, containing
104 ACRES,
and fij perches.
There ls erected on tne premises two
large Hank Barn and other out-bntwtnirs. There ls
also n good orchard on the piemlses.
Ttsss ano conditios-8 or Salk as Foiiowsi Ten
per cenL of tho one-fourth ot tho purchase money
to be oald at tho 'truing down of the rrprerty.tho
one-fourth less tho ten per cenL at the eonnrmauon
of sale, and the remaining three-fourths In on year
thereafter with interest from confirmation nlsL
oct, 19, 17-ta Administrators.
Notice Is hereby glien that the following accounts
have been lllea In tho cfnre ol tho rrotnonotorj ot
Uie Court ol Common Fleas ol Columbia onnty,kji
win bo presented to the Court on tho 4th day of lie.
cember neit and will be tonttrmed after lour dtya
unless exceptions be tiled.
Tlie cr count ot Htrain J. Boeder, Asslgcce ot Na
than Kostcnbaodor.
The ateount et Jaecb nartmta, (vnimlttM t
Henry Hartman, a lonatlc, new defeased.
FrothoDOUr; -a OEee, Nov. J, 17 U
The Columbian Law Docket.
A complete record lor the use cl attorneys. Cen
venl.nuy arranged lor the docketing ot all eases
containing No rages, with double Indei. This Is
the most complete bock lor lawyers that la pub.
Published by Brockway & Elwell
Editors ami Proprietors of Oie Columbian,