THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBU KG, COLUMBIA COL NT Y, PA. Agricultural. Care of Kowl.i. Thcro 1j probably no other lutcrcst on thofntmso generally neglected ns that of poultry. It is n common llire ninonj; far men that "chicken can scratch lor n tir ing," and this comprises nbout nil tho care thoy receive. Summer or winter, rain or shine, cold or warm, in all kinds of weather they are left to take care of themselves gaining precarious living, roitlng on fen ces, tree, tho mangers and racks of liorsc utables. Thy aro merely suiTereil ski mil nance, rather than cared for as they should be. In our cold winter months, ior want of proper shelter, combs nnd wattles are frozen utid teet are often lost from tlioefl'eott of tho extreme cold. If wo were to accuse our far mer friends of crucltry they would open their eyes In Innocent surprise, Hut is it li'it downright cruelty to let your fowls go through the long cold winters without prop er care or shelter? How much do tho poor birds fuller beiore they loso combs, wattles and feet? The trouble is not that any afo Intentionally cuilty of cruelty. But tho old "scratch for themselves" aJage has been so long and persistently taught that men be lieve In it hiid act accordingly. Tho care of the fowls is a thing never thought of, and the Idea of providing comfortable quarters for them is unheard of. Then wo bear the complaint "wc get no eggs." "Here afe one hundred hens eating inoro than they nro worth, nnd wo do not get eggs enough to supply the table." This may bo all true, but thinks for a moment of the caro you have given them. They nro simply paying you In your own coin, nnd even then are ,uo doubt doing better by far than you have donoty them. Perhaps, fowls in the farm yard-suffer mora for pure water in the wiut er than from any other cause. In the sum- n r they usually get plenty nnd do well enough, but in our cold climate, when springs and brooks aro frozen over, when tanks and swill pails aro no longer availa- ble, then their dally allowance is entirely cut off, and often for weeks, nnu even months, they do not get a drop ot water- Thoy i a' snow when it is to be had, and they could do nothing worse, ior this uas the very singular property ot making tuem poor, and they should never be allowed to eat it. If they are supplied with water they will not cat Bnow. This treatment, with very little variation nnd with few exceptions is the rule among firmer-". The result that millbns of fowls die annually of that scourge of poultry the cholera. Years ago tbo cholera was dreaded as a moit fearful plaeuo among the human family. Towns nnd cities were devasted by its ravages j but of late years, by cleaning cess pools of filth iu the cities,and by other proper measurcs,it has lost its terrors. Ucro lies tho great remedy for chicken cholera cleanliness and the proper care. This will do more to rid tho country of this plague than all the patent nostrums iu ex- Istence. With but a very little outlay ol money and time you can build a good, com iortabie house for your fowls. Let it face the south, with windows to give ligut auu I warmth when the euu shines, bpend an hour each day in feeding, watering, and caring for your fowls, llemuve all the drop- nines every day or two. preserving them carefully in a heap; your American guano will repay you for all the care and feed you give your fowls. Keep your house clean I and well ventilated and you will have a plentilul su ply oreggs in wiuter as well as in summer and the time that you cpend with your owls will repay you a larger nercent. than any time you spend on the farm. Storins Potatoes. Every m -tbod has been tried by farmers to store ami preserve their potatoes through the winter urn we may say Until potatoes came agaii It is the most valuablo of all vegetables ough here and there wo find a person a x a writer who undertakes to tell us of its ui holesoineucs. It is universal lyconsumi in all civilized countries, as whero it can lot be grown it is imported, which can be done long distances without iniurv. when veutiialion is attended to. In storifur potatoes several methods are adopted, jet tbey are all practically the same, the object being to protect them against freezing, whether buried in pits or stored in cellars. The first consideration is to keep them in perfect darkness j the next is tho bins should not be too doep not over three feet to produce warmth and cause tbem to sprout. When stored in tho field, .straight trenches aro dug, say twenty feet in length, and four or fivo wide, wUicti are till ed to the depth of three feet with potatoes, then well covered with straw, on top of which put eighteen or twenty inches of earth In a nit twenty feet long there should be about three gas escapes or ventilationgopen ings, which should bo plugged with btraw and covered with a board set at an anglo tu turn the rain. If in cellars, barn or other wise, the bins should be covered with rugs, old carpeting or otraw, ThOBO intended to be kept for late spring sales should be fre quently examined and all sprouts removei for as soon as a potato begins to sprout it loses its solidity, dryness aud quality, Kerpins Winter Sqnuslics, &c. &c. Keeping squashes In wiuter seems to be attended with contiderable difficulty. Tney scannot be kept where it is damp, as in most cellars, or where frost cau reach them, nor will they keen so well where it is so very warm. The best consltlon for keeping them seauns'to be whero the air is cool and dry, vet free from frost. An attio until wiuter, then a closet near tho chimney whero the frost cannit reach, or the temperature does "not rise very high, is tho best most famllier can command. Extensive market gardeners often keep them In houses built for tho pur posel where they cau maintain uneven tern perature by the aid ol tires and ventilation, Great c re should be taken to save seed only from perfect specimens that are up to tbe standard requirements of their kind, and as much superior as possible. When two or more kinds are planted uear together the seed should not be saved, as the product will only oe mougrels, owing to the read! ness with tvolch they mix. Hut it Is better to plant uch variety by Itself; and to ave your own seed, for the (quash cau be wonder' fully improved by good cultivation aud the careful selection of seed, I do not believe in changing seed for the sake ot a change I have same varieties of squashes the seed of which I would not exchange wilh any one. and 1 take great care keep tuem pure. Tho seed of a squash should not be saved unless tbe quality and flay or prove tatiafac torr at the table, When thoroughly dry the seed should be carefully mailed with the name of tho variety nnd year. The special characteristics ol the specimou, if 'it has any, should also be marked,, as extra dry, extra sweet, or very dry. Subscribe for Tub CoXujjdian. Miscellaneous. Wrecking n I'uMIc Speech. Tho most complcto wrecking of n public speech of which I over heard happened In a political campaign. It this ccse it was not bidden rocks, nor tiuscen cnrrcnls, nor un expected breezes, but torpedoes placed on purpose to blow tho vessel off the water. Tho two parties were to hold meeting In tho same place on two successive nights the Uepublicans tho first night, tho Democrats the second. The Democratic speaker was n man of largo form and fine preence, with a rich voice and considerable c'aim to oratory. He was, however, somewhat pom pon, and with very marked peculiarities of manner, which his fine form and volco made even more conspicuous. Tho Itepubllcan speaker was a mint pitiless wit, a great mim ic, and possessed of a remarkable memory. Coming tho first night, ho mado a short speech on tho Is'Ues of the campaign, and then said, "This Is my speech. Colonel will be here to-morrow night, and I'll tell wliat he will say." Throwing himself In the attitude of his voice nnd manner, he gave them tho speech ho had heard him make a few nights bctorc, nnd which he felt sure ho would repeat there. Tho next night the bouse was crowded to its utmost. Our Democratic friend felt very much flat tered at the large attendance. Hut tho mo ment ho stepped on to tho platform a sup pressed smile spread Itself over the audience. At his first sentence it broadened and de p- ened nlmost into a laugh. As ho proceeded, poture, tone, speech, all "followrd copy" so cxactlv that the whole audience broke out into a fit of imcontrollaMo laughter. Ilia friends tried to restore order, but it was im prwible to keep their own faces straight The audience themselves felt ashamed of their behavior, and felt a sympathy for the speaker, and after an outburst they would ai )iush down, and determine to listen. But lycry time the speaker resumed, the response broke out again and defied all restraint. The speech ran a short and troubled course, and the speaker closed, by no means nappy, They at once explained to him the source ot the difficulty. When he learned tho trick his antagonist had played on hlra, it is said "ho went for that heathen Chinee ' in phraseology not suggested by the third com mandment. The Galaxy for November. A Hornet's Xest fur a Hustle. A eorrespondent from Zlonsville relates the following ludicrous incident: A rather fuuny incident happened nt one of the re cent picnics near this place. It appears that n certain young lady had the misfortune to ose i,er bustle. While wandering through the woods she saw an old hornet's nest and stle remarked to her female companion, what a beautiful bustlo that would make," ftnj suggested that it be used for that pur- p09e The suggestion was acted upon and tile hornet's nest adjusted in the place that should have been ornamented with a hustle, -rie y01ln(; lady walked off, highly elated vritli her new patent, but alas for human hopes, it seems that the hornets were not all away from home and not exactly understand' ing the state of affairs rhey began to inves tigate the matter. Suddenly a succession of unearthly scrCams attested the vigor with which the hornets conducted the investigation. A y0nng man was attracted by tho screams of the young lady, and the rapid manner in ,vhich that bustle was removed would have dono credit to a streak of greased llghtuing Tbo young man says that the rapidity with which a pair of striped stockings flew through the air so blended tho colors that he imagined he saw all the colors of the rainbow. Tho young lady has come to the conclusion that the old kind of bustle is the best, and sbe intends to discard all new pat ents in that line Allenlown Chronicle. There has been an improvement made in those high stand-up collars. They are now made with a windows in them. She wanted to he an angel, so she ata quart of new harvest apples and quietly bummed, "By and by, by and by." "Please don't shoot tho cows" is a sign on a farmer's fence near Chicago, intended for city sportsmen who go out after prairie chickens, Turkish general to Turkish colonel "Colonel, the day after to-morrow is pay day. You will take care that to-morrow wo have a warm engogement." A German called at the house of n Mur phy lady in this city the other day, to sell her some goods. "Do you drink V said tin ladv. The peddler dropped his pack and re- marked ; "Veil, I shust lieve drink mit you as any oner mans. "My wife tells the truth three tlmesa day," remarked a jocose old fellow, at the same time casting a very mischievous glance at her. "Before rising in tbe morning sh says, '0, dear, I must get up, but I don want to.' Alter breakfast she adds: 'Well I must go to work, but I don't want to, Aud she goes to bed saying, 'There, I have been fussing all day aud haven t done any thing." The Two Oaths. A distinguished phi- atithiopist onco built a patent kennel, with a large door for tho big dog to go in by and a smaller one for tho little dogs. Tho saino forethought in construction has planned the entrance to tho United States Con gress j but there would apjiear to bo no reason whatever that ono broad oath thould not suffice to swear in all tho members by. The men to whom the "iiou clad" oath would apply don't tako it, and the wen to whom it has no applicability do tako it. Query then What is the use of it any moro than thcro was for a little hole for tho little dog ulong- sidu of the big holo for tho big dog?' Ledger, Lockjaw, LocVjaw frequently occurs from tbe effect of ruimlng any rather blunt ins-trummeiit into the palm of the hand or sole of the foot. Accidents of tbU kind not unfrequently happen. There i, however, a simple and eflecfual remedy for all Mich dangerous woumK Tlieinoke of burning w(m1 or woolen cloth, it is asserted, will re move the pain in twenty minutes from the worst rase of Intlamatiou arising from any external injury. What iie Ekiiieu For. A young gen tlemau hearing u young lady sigh, allied her: "What do vou sigh for?" She replied: "Nothing," upon which ho wrote aud hand ed her the following: U o a o, but I o thee j 0i no o, but O o mej 0 let not my ono go, Jlut giye o o I o.U. so,, And here is the solutton; You sigh for a cipher, but I sigh for thee; U sigh for no cipher, but O sigh for me; O let not my sigh for a cipher go, Hut give sigh for sigh, for I sfgb for you VEGETINE lMirlltoN lint III ml, Kvtiitvtilt'N unit Im IgoriUt" tho Whole Bvisf cm, ITS MEDICINAL qt'AMTIEI A11U Altoi'tttivu- Tonic,. Solvent and JJmi'oUo. VRtlETINK Is marto exclusively frnmtlio luleesot carefully-selected barks, root., ami hetbs, nnd sol stronirly concentrated it win crrectuiiiy irndl cato from tho system every tntut ol !crotuIii, Scrofu lous uuuiur, tiiniuici, v.umi'i, tuiwiuii iiuiiioi. Krrslpclas, mtt lliieum, Hypbtllltc HUcwk, I'nucer, RuntiiCMattlw stomach. nn,l all ill'vawii (hat arise from Impure, blood, sciatica, Inflammatory nn-4 Chronic Ithcumatlsm, Neuralgia, Oout, and spinal vnnpulnta,cnn only bo crjectually cured through tin blood. 1'or fleers and Kruptlvo I)leae of tho -Urr, Pus tules, maples. III lies, nulls. Tetter, se iKinea i. and Itlngwurm, Wireline has never failed to utleet a permanent cure. Por rains In tho ItacK.KIdney Complaints. Props.v, rem vlo Weakness, Leucorrhio-1, nrliliur from Inter im! ulceration, ntnl uterine riKeasd. nml lleneral e. biutr. Veirctluenc s directly unon tlHC.unn of theat eoinpitlnts. t Invigorates and M relict liens tbo whole system, acts upon tho seeretlvo org ins, nllavs Intlitnmallon, cures ulceration, and regulates tho dowcis. . Por catarrh. Dyspepsia, iiapittiai usiiveness, rni- piulllim Wl IUH iivuum ii' i.i 11'"', i'U " ' I i. , nnil weni'rm i rinirni ion ui i uu ,t-M uin fiicm, iiu medicine luis ever glu-h such perfect satisfaction as no vegeuue. it purines inauiooo, cieann'n uu ui tli.iorgvns, and po-nesaus a controlling power over tho nervous system. Tho renurkabto cures cuVcted by Vegetlnn have Induced many phvsiclam and spothecurles whom wo Know 10 prescnuo aim uio u iu lueir own iami lles. in fnefc. Veffptinp Is tho best remedy (let discover ed for the nbovo diseases, and Is the only reliable nioou runner j ci piaecu ocioro me puuiic THE BEST EVIDENCE Tho foMou iuz letter from Kev. F, S. llest. Pastor of M, K. I IiurCIi lulCK, .Mim., win uo rena wnn m-tTi-st bv mjinv Dhialclan-i : ulso tho;jo suiTorlnit rrotn thtssamo rtlcaso is aniU'ted th Bonor tin) Uev. K. hct No pi?rsoTi cau iloubt thts (PRttinony (11 1 nt re li llv UUUUb uuuub in uuiaiiu iiunwiaui VtrinnR Naticit. Mam., Jan. 1, 1ST4. j)car Mr. e uive coot reason hit rvKiimiu onr veiret no ft nii-d clnt) or tno trroiuesT tame, wo feel ivwured Hut It Has been the tneimofsattns? our fl.mfliue. tie la now RevenTPenjenrsui nsff. rur.i the lavt twoean no stmert'il rrom m-cMslsot iiu Ipl pfiiisptl bVMcrofuloui arrectlon. and wus 80 Mrreaucpd thatufarly ail wlo ww him thought his recovery Impossible. A council o( blo plivulcluna couia itive ' Duiiao laimrHt iioym m m.viT rmij ln(f j two of tbo number dociarlui: tint ho waabu- tation could not save lilm. iiabo had not vwor I cnoiiffh to endure the operation. .lust then wo com- mo prcseni nenas ucen conuinupniij' impruviui,'. lie haUtely resumed nil atudlcs, thrown awayliM crutches and cane, and walks about cheerfully and ! birong Tuoutrn incro 11 suiiBomo u seuariruiruni lutsuin-n Inir where thellmb was lanced, we have tho fuilfst confidence that in a little time ho will be perfectly curca. In has Uken about three dozen bottles of Vpjh- ctlne, but lately uesbut little, m hs declares that no is loo weu uj uo uikiuit meaicino. lteupectiuiij your, H. S. 11KST, MltS. L.C. r. Be3t. VEGETINE Prepared liy H. R. Stevens, Boston, Mass. Vegotine is sold by all druggists. October. BLOOMSBURG TANNERY. a, a. ii r: it T ESPKCTFULLY announces to the public mat uo uas reopened jj SNYDEll'ri TANNERY, aT&Sr (old standi moomsburir. Pa., ati (old stand) Kloorasburj', Pa,, at the I iw&&r Forks of the Kspy and Light street ptrB rn.itls. whern nil rriAild. whom nil ilfif,rlnt1rTi fit fXfZZZTtSESi leather will bo made In tho most substantial and workmanlike manner, and sold at prices to sun tne times, rne mgnesi price in case wm at an umes do paia ior GREEN HIDES of every description In the country. THo public pat ornacels respectfully Hoilelted, Wood) tu rc, Oct, l, i MORRIS MICHEL, PRACTICAL PIANO MAKER. TDi'GIt AM) RUPAlKCIt. BLUOMSnUKG, PA. IRST CLASS TIANOS AND OKQANS FOK SALE. SECOND HAND HANDS TAKKN IN EXCHANGE. ORDER BV MAIL PROMPTLY" EXECUTED, Deci, ts-iy M. C. SLOAN & BRO., IILUOJMSUUHG. PA. Manufacturers of Carnages, Buggies, Phaetons, Sleighs, FLATFORM WAGONS, HC. Flret-clasa work. always on hand. REPAIRING, NEATLY DONE. Prices reduced to suit tho times. Jan. 5, ls:7-tf A PHYSIOLOGICAL 1 lOuldatn WAdroclc nl .VJ.'S .t'iiflOvt.1,1.1 IrtmiM vtt tn n inn vi vi nwrrmz law I'll Ainrrarn vi kYPBirn, A Loo, tor r '.at . cutnld. 9 'Mi . rtUVrtltMLUltU- AUViSLHI On 't(j onlcraot Frivaia Jlalure r.m)j tiom Bslf A ata, Exceioci, nrBocret Djeiici, wilU Ui bvit A CLINIOAUL-ECTUlin on llio pburc d mr( tnd Vuna uiiht Tt.rcat Lungi, Currh,IIuptur, iht Op-urn 3Idbit,4c.,prlct HJri. i-l'hfr bnok K nt potpuitfTi nf'pt ftpni Of ill thret, eon'ilnmif WXlpuri. b'mtitlHiHy lUutrti'd. for 14 ft. Additu fca. liUTlU, Au, UK. km bi. bt. Leui., Xo. auff,n,T7-iy It&c Llr.A.COLIN'S klVt HptUl, -I HI im Huhinr P IIU. fof IL run bt ell IHvwoTk lr1r( BaUra,rMuldr from tif itbutc InrtYtloaof UberSej. Horn I ii al 1 eklifMtwluilu2 I'mlulun, UaofMemorr. lupalrr t Mclit, l-ot MHnbuud ur lmplc. .Nf ou Ibll(tj, prnin dUun ot lL ItUsJr, lilaiicjm lltrr, Luniro. Atlhni, CaUrrh. I1lk U tbruotw Ln-'MS oit Itln kaofB:mai.i:h,7um to u jrm-m. .ui iuwl lito-lontf aitiiu, KUtt c mum oOtni fall. IU hftpaJukWof toliWMd SrhoLutM tm tumurv.DM th 1mv1 I- tic 10 tba U. I. A III EH rtqulHai tiMUntnt with nrltutD KvnaM buvl, call or whu. tvr rontntwf ! uithou. KriiJ tfiy roU for wunvU of Ktitt .d Mid r lr cJ Innuuii lalmkaiUn bVtlDcM. DIL. OLl.N'K MARBIAGE GUIDE ,BK m of a rHaW l 1 m topiuriii-UUii uiatTUtn lli W I lo,y ' l I y ' 'M ,n ,h auff. IT, T7-ly It 4: 0 HIGHEST AWARDS Onlrniiliil l!xblblllun. J. REYNOLDS & SON, NOltTIIWEST CORNEK Thirteenth unci Filbert Stx. PHILADELPHIA, MANVVACTORBKJ OP riTKNTID WidliUran Air-Tiglit Heaters Willi Mintilnjr finil CHnUer-flrlndiiiK ilfkVffor Jluriiiittf Auihriirltu or Jiiiumii uua lyptu CENTENNIAL WltOUGHT-UION UKA'JEKS. 1011 MTUSIINOUS COAL, Keystone WROUGHT-IRON HEATERS, Cooking' Ranges, Ziow-down Orates, die, &c. Descriptive Circulars dknt yukm to any address. EXAMINE BKFOUK BEIJ2CTING, April 17, nXAy & I $777 vnou triii la not ejmtlrrarnfjl In thfha tlmeii tint It 1 can ue tn&uu in lun-o inoutiia uy aoy one of either bex. la any Dart ot itm country vboUwirilDC tuv-ork m-adlly at tbe tioploymect I Vou Deed noi b away from borne over night, you can invo our wuui iuuo w ine wort, or oniy nam mnioeuUL It COftU HOUllHir tO til Lhd i nefcs. Terms and IJOuult frit. Addroba at once. ii ii (Vt IVirllAnri Ualna 'I A !Now Departure from (tin itliimilUcturcr o the Consumer, For CASH wo will sell tottw COMSUMEIl In Such quantities ns u$ m ly eell nt JIANUFACTUHKU'S VMCVS nnd thus savo a' MISXIX.I3 ra.opj2? to the Onnsttmr. ncforo purchasing elsewhere send for our prlos ot STHtCTLYrUUB WHITE I.KAU, .MONTOUH 8LATB PAINTS, MOsFoUll MCTAttlU WHITE, JttONTOUll METALLIC llltOWN, PURE LINSEED OIL BEST JAPAN I1KYEH. Best Paint Brushes, VARNISH, Al,I, KINDS, SPIK1T3 Op"TUItI'ENTISE, LI.Y3UUD Oil. PUTTY. Siranlo cards and price list furnished without charge. Orders and innulrles by mall will recelvo prompt attention. HENKY S. REAY, IltJPERT, Va. Mays. '16,-ly. O Q O 1 O O O Or Migar-t'ouletl. ConcuiitrntfMt, ICool mid H.Tbal .Inter, A ntWlUl I ou urmtiilrx. TIIi: "MTTX.K CJIANT" OATIlAUriC or 11ulium In I'arvo l'lilr. The. nurpltv nf mmlcrn Mediral, Chemical, am I'liiittinrc'iiilciit fcfiencc. No e of aiv lonirer luMug tin liirv'C, rcpiiWhc. and tmucotii julU, C'iiiii-ctl ol clieAp, eni'le, nml bulky tugi-alientA. w hon we can, hv a careful application m chemical science, cxtrart ail the cathartic and oilier me-li cinal propcrtiiM from the must Tnhiable rmu m n(.TUl. luiil cimcciiii ;uu mum uii" iiniiuiciiinif nic. hcnrcely larccr lltati a muMnril need, (h;tt cut be re.nillv suallnneil bvihoseof ti e mrMt tcnKlre t"in:ichs and faitidimu tastes. h.nh little ltii-?ntl vo Pcllcl ieirccnt8, in a mml conccmr.uctl form, m much cuthattto p-twer Ai i embodied in am of the lr(ie pill found for uile In di nn-ihopft. Vroni their wonderful cathar tic power, In comparison to their size, people who iue not tried them arc apt to Mippnie- that they aic handi or drastic-in cnccU but such U not nt nil the ease, ihedlucretHaclliG medicinal principle of which tliev aic couiK-,id being so himonfzcd ami modified, one bv the otlici. a P produce a motu Hcarclilni; ami Uiormiuli, yet Kontl) itnd kindly operailnc cuthar- iic. si itiunnl Is herebv oiTcred bv t he nro puctor of these I'ellets, to anychcinlst who, upon analyst, will Hnd in them any calomel or other form ot mercury, mineral poison, or Inlurlotit dm;. Ilolnir ciittrelr vccctable. no particular care U luMiutvd white usinR them. They opeiaie wllhqut Uiatuiiiance 10 tnc conuiuuun, nici, or (lfcttpaiton. for Jaundice, Headache, t;ouuipaiiMU inipuru mutm, Iho Miouldor'riKliliieB ol tlioCUoM, DlzzlueteH, Mur i;rui tailui frnm Iho Moiuaeh, Had Iumo In the mouth, ISlt- KtUs QUUt'UW, ft'tilll ill n-j(tii - nen, Infernal Kevrr, llloatcd fvcllnff about Momacli, Uiuti of lllood to Head, jiicu-coioreu uruiv, lihoiiw bllity aud tiloumy Forcbiidliitza, Like IJr. I'lerco'B l'lcuaut luri;ativo l'ol- leti In explanation of the reimilial power of my rurs.itivc 1'cllcta over ao grcaa raricty of di-ea-ea, I wlih to gay that Ihcir action upon tho aiiinini economy i lunva. .al, not a L'land or Ubhtiu cscapiiiff their tanatTo ImprcM. .pe dne nut impair the propet tie of incso rellui-i, Hicyaie frUL'iir-co.itet and inclosed iu ela bottlcA, tlieir iriueibemff ihcrebv piceived unimpaired for any length of time, in auv climate, to that they are alwars fresh and reliable. Thli U not the case with those pills which nro put up In cheap wooden or p.i&ieuoaru ooe. uecoiirri tit ot all dhea-ei wiieie a I.uxatlvo, Alterative or lurcativc, is intiicaied, the-e little Pellets win piu the must pei fee: eati a faction to alt who use tuem. They are nold by all iirtiKwi1" at "ii ccutM a bottle. 3. V, ?:23:", II. S., Troj'r, liftTAI.O, S. Y bcp. 23, n-u 82500 ATEAn. ApcnUwantcd.IlDsl ness Icrltlmate. PartlcuUra free. A4dr.lJ WOBTnftCO.BlUulJ.llo. uug. 17, 77-Iy ito OPIUM oJ HwpIiIm UiVl kbMlatalj tad RMdlly CUM. iKinlM, nofublliJty. tMfDdkWuip for ptftlrnlwi. Di. Ciiuit, aug. U, 7T-ly use Willi. 11 Jii Immense priUrp. pxtcntllnc thpnirh u itft 1-nt nf 'jr. Imrlni witlihv that ttini' irci'ii-i umin Umuajml rase o( llm-u iio.tOt )tt-rnli.t) 10 Ionian, I liato Uen cnalilcil to v'rti'l u ttit 1 mi fiit nml airrrpiihlo niLtllcinc tlint itifclt iht in Oicttlons pre-ieiited bv tiiat rtnsi of liUtMwt' wilh l4itt ti certalntj nnd' cxactn. To ilGoic-naie Uili natural sueciao comiiiinl. I liave turned it Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. The trrra. however. Is hut a froMc 01 motion of my Ititfh npitreciation it its value Ii.liI titMtn my own icional ohserviittcn, , a cinao ou Berber, 1 wave, wnne witnessing 11s i'hihtc if 11 1 1 a tn (lin f ttur muffi I il I a tittup li l.liillt In IliA tiOp-tntift nrpanUm of woman, &Hijrlt It out ns 1 no ciiiiiux or crowniiiK roiii ui my iiirillcul career. On lln lnunU. tin n IKiltth e. e.tfe, and remedy for tliU clai of ill e.tioa, and one tht will, at nil tlmc and under all ciroumoinnccn, act kimllv and In harmony With the laws uhlrh govern tiie fcnialu iysiem, 1 urn vUllnff 10 stake my tcoutathm as a hyslSin. Nay. even more. m eoniident hiii 1 that H will md dls!ijiH)int the most itanguiiio expuctatlnns of a snifrio invniui iany nno ntoi 11 vr uny 01 uiv ail menu for which I recommend It. that I offer nnd fell It under A I'OSITIVi: CUAUAN- Tl I . ii a Lencnclnl ciicrt is not experienced bv tlie time to-thirdof the cm twit of the IhjI tie aic u-od, I will, on return of tho lutiUc, two thirds of the medicine having heen taken accord tnj? toiuiculions.nnit tno vmo tienxme ior wmni I recoinmentl it, prnmpily refund the money paid for It, Had 1 not the most )crfeft comtdenou In Its virtue, I rouUl notoirec ft as I do under iheso conditions; but Imvititf witnessed H-tUuIr miracu lous cuies In llmmand of cae-t, I fool war rnuieu una itorietuy uio in riHKinrt buth mi' repulutluu and my muuey on Itv merltfe. The followinir are ninon riirte illseies tn whicli my i'atnrlle lrescrltluii has work ed cure, as if by tnngir, nnd uith a tertalniy never he fore attained bv any medlrlnoi I.pii corrlirea, Kxci'to Klonlnp, I'AlufuL Montlikv I'erioiid, oui'iu tiun w 111:11 iiuiu iinuiiiunii catiocs, IrreKuUrilles, Weak Hack, J'roiaiisiw, or falling cj thd Utcru. Antcvet'idon ami Uctiovcr fion, llcdrlng Down benbatkomt, Internal, Ncj vous Dunrcsslon, Dehilitv, Dudiiondciioy, Thre.itcncC Miscarriage. Chronlo Uoucstion, ln fiammaiion ami lllceiailon of tha UleriH. Iinin. tuucv, Kaircnnesg, or hterllity. r cnialu Weaklier, ami ery many other chionlo diseases Incident to woman not iucmuuiicm nuie, tit ait aucuuou i this nalinc. my Favorltu ricecrthdon work curea-ftlto luarvel ui tUo world Tltts medicine I ti i-oi exti as a curu-aii, but 11 admirably fulfllU a ttltigloiieaN of pur iiuOt being n tno si ienm niecuio in au cnronio tmcat-e of the texual ftysicm of woman. It will Dot iUiHiomi, bur wm it no harm, m uny uio or condition. Thoe whotleilie farther lnforniailot on lheo BtibjccbHMtt obtain It l TtIK l't:M'l.r.'HCuMjuM bEMHt: Meuicai. AnviMEit, a lKtk or orormxj paces, fceut, iMist't'aM, on receipt of $ ,") It treats tuinutelv of tnou ilUea-04 1 1' .1 .ir 10 females, and nnr much aiuauio nm 1. v 1,1 re s;ard to llio manage nioni of mutts ailcM-tit.n-., FAVourrn imiix:uii,i ion sold ii v ai.i, iui;;;isTs. H.Y. PIERCE, M, D., Frop'r, JIUFFAI.O, .V. nop. w, nt-tf Y. $45 IltMU'M watcu nn nuix- !Mi-wkiider.FrM, will, .wnnnlar. f )uu llrrc, J.U.U)lurJiCo..LLHao,Ili. auf, IT, 7T-ly 114 0 LI PtATF.Il 1VATOII Kn, Cbeipul h. known wtrld. hamoli Watch fret to fJffentu Addrv, A. Covltsb & Co, cUcmo, Hi a VU8INES8 OAHDH. J) VJSITIWO CAKM, LETT Kit nSADS, i-lLLUlAIXi, oaTKiia, o4 to, uply printed ia lieCcLnu BUS Offiee. Nei) or v, L Shed AE1I! HOT And Barstow's Elevated Oven Range ST13 M. WATlClt PIPE, VAI.VliS AND FITTINGS, Constantly onWS?,PLUMmrG and STEAM FITTING Promptly Oct. 10, 77.-tf Attended to HASMAN & H ASSERT Proprietors; Vaxi Mriirt, houtli Nlilnor in & i, Italli oml IIIooiiiNbur, I'a. Iienpcrttullycnll tha attention of tho public to tho following statements! They manufacturo all kinds of IIIO.N nml HHAH- lAxTIMi". They m.iko the Celebrated original and IMPROVED I MONTHOa PI-OWS, alao all kinds of Kepalrs, such as -Mold boards I'oiuUi, Landsldoa HEATINO AND and nro prepared to turnlili nil kinds of repairs, sncli as Urates. Fire llrlck, Ac, wholesale and retail. The) make the liiiprnted Cml.,.nlntf (Irnic ftir iIh U'm. rrnn toe, tbe most economical (Irate In use. They are also prepared tu furnish HAW ANDllllIST MILL MAUHINEltV SHAFTING, PULLEYS, AC They Repairing of Threshing Machines, Roapois, &c. The proprietors being practical mechanics, havlnuhad meT-erlpnceof over thirty years, Iho publlo rel v upon baring all work entrusted to them dono In tho llest Manner and nt Fair prices. Jan. 20, 'Jl-iy Then Buy N Y. ENAMEL PAINT CO. CHEMICAL PAINT, nnd saTC one-third the cost of pnlnttng, nnd get a paint that Is much handsomer, and will LAST TWICE AH I.ONO AS ANY OTHEIt PAINT. Is prepared ready foruseln whlto or an color desired. IsonmanythousandsotthoCDestbulldlngs In the eountrv, many of which have bten minted Mx jears, aDdnow kmkas well as whentlrst painted CIIK.M1UAL PaINT has taken Hrrt PKKMIUMM nt twenty of tho Mate Fairs of Uie Union. Kamplecardot rolors sent free. Address N. Y. UN A M K 1, PAINT OO., 113 Prlnco btreet, N, v., or 1IENHY L. KLDKlt 4: SON. Agcnta 1311, Maruct street, l'Llladelphla, Pa. July ST, '77-ly Tlae !Latest Asaiaouaieeiiicnf JExlfi'sa Mews- yim c LOTHHsTQ Don't Buy Until Yourself Who WILL DO BEST FOR YOU. Gome and Select your WINTER SUITS' FROM A BRAN All Styles, Sizes, PRICES and Qualities. MEN'S SUITS, YOUTH'S SUITS, HATS, SHIR R S, SHUTS, C 0 L L A Largest Stock, POPULAR CLOTHIM STORE IS LAMiGUST SEWBFA1PEE AND HAS TIIE Marge 0irculaMQm OF ANY PAPER PUBLISHED IN COLUMBIA COUNTY. Terms $2.00 a Year. Country Produce taken on Subscription THE DIFFERENT STYLES OF TYPE IN THIS PAPER , are oisrxrsr OP TIIE INNUMERABLE AND MATERIAL Inn iLIa Colmmlbiawni OiB. All kiiiri$ ol' 11 a in and Fancy Printing done on sliorl notice and at low rates. OFFICE NORTH SIDE OF THE COURT HOUSE, BLOOMSJBURO, PA, ROLLINS & HOLMES, ICvatis' Block, Miiin Street. 0 KALE US IN Stoves, Ranges, Fire Place Heaters, Mamies, L'UMPS etc. Ac. JtANUFAOl'UIlES OV Iron and Copper Ware, and GALVANIZED IRON MICE Solo Agents for tho STOVE COOK STOVES SUM Ahead. wsanat You Have Posted NEW STOCK. BOY'S SUITS, CIIILDKKN'S SUITS. CAPS, T S CUFFS. Lowest Price TUB Adtninistralor's Salb OK V.m'AHLIS RFAL KSTAT l Uy vlrttii ot bu orji r ot tho orplnn's Court ot Co lumbia county, tho uh'lcralguoil, Administrator of tho citato ot Peter Knt, deccnPl will expose to publlo sale, on tho premises, nt Light Mreet, Colum- Mi county, l'cnnsy.vnnU. on lmiDAY, novi:miu:u 30tu nt ten o'clock n, m., (ill that certain rcnl ctnto, sit unto In mIJ olumOla coun'y, iloscrlutnl m toll on 1 1 No, I.-A GRIST fVULL IMIOIOTY, A Nil with watcr-pnwer, cintitntn? In all about tw Ire acres, b mmMby Flvilnienvl!, .1 uuWI ro.i'l, and other l.uuli of sal I cliicu.vs id. No. a. messui and tract ot land Mt'i.vo In (iranire township bounded bv lands of Abraham t'us ter, II K. Urines, WiuU-n While, otta'imt duor-p Oman.S. II Scjb rt cstito if W. II Unt. A M White nnd others c6iiAtlnthfr HO ACRES, more or less. No. 4.-Two acres ot TOWN LOTS In Light street nforesald, bounded by two uuoamed streets aud two alleys. No.6, Thrco icrcsln Ltffht Street, bounded by lands ot Mrs Uleul, Wm. Ilaifcnbuch and an alley, No. 0, Seven acres In 8.11110 vwngo, uounueuoy landsot Kclchner i Son aud by the fishing creek, ?o. 4. will be sold asawholoor Iu parts to sun rurchvcrs. Ttius of Salk, Ten per cent, oi tuo onc-iourui ot the purchasj money to bo raid nt tho striking down of tho property! tho ono-fo'irth less tbo ten percent, nt tho confirmation of suit anl tho re maining tbtec-to'irthi In ono ear,tbcroaiier, wun lntersst from confirmation nisi, OSPAIt f. KNT, Oct. 5 ts. Administrator, svzriruii soap. Thoroughly Cures Diseases ok the Skim, Beautifies the complexion, i-revents and Remedies Rheumatism and Gout, Heals Sores and Abrasions of the Cuticle and counteracts contagion. TMe SMmLird External Remedy for Lrun. tions, Sores and Injuries of the Skin, not only SEMOVES l'ROM THE COMPLEXION ALL 1JLEM- 1SHES arisinir from local impurities of the blood and obstruction of the pores, but also those produced by the sun and wind, such as tan and freckles. It renders the CUTICLE ItARVF.IJlUSLY CLEAR. SMOOTH and PLIANT. and being a wholesome heauthier is far prclerable to any cosmetic. All the remedlu. advantages of buL- rilUR JtATlIS ore insured BY THE USE OF Glenn's Stlinhur Soan. which in addi. tion to its purifvinir effects, remedies and pre vents RHEUMATISM OnU OOUT. It also DISINFECTS CLOTHING and LINEN and PREVENTS DISEASES COMMUNICATED I1Y CONTACT with the TERSON. It dissolves DANDRUFf. nrcvents bald ness, and retards grayness ol the nair. Physicians speak of it in lnrjh terms. Prices 25 and 50 Cents per Cake: per box (a uakes), ouc. N. B. The 50 cent calces fire triple the &ue cf those al 95 cenu. "HILL'S IIAIB AS1 WHISKER lUTE," Illack or Urown, 50 Cents C. 5. CBITTE5T0S, Prop'r, 7 Sixth At., 5.Y. Oct. as, ic-i), AdvertismgAgents GLAZING AND PAPERING TTTM. F. BODIKE, Iron Street below neo it ona. uioomsDurir. ra.. ia nepareu iuuu ui unas oi PAINTING, GLAZING. anJ PAPEH HANGING. In the bOfC stylos, at lowest prices, anil ul. abort notice. Pnrtle8hivlDff9uehirorkto In will brvi. moim caiiuii; uu me. Ml work warrantMl toirlvu mitlHtactioij solMtnd ' .i WM F HOPIN'K KINGSFORD'S OSWEGt) STAHCH Istue HESTnrid MOST ECONOMIC M, In tho World Ib perfectly rUHK free fromncliU and other for- dsn substances that Injure Llnrn, Is hTKONUEH than any other-requlrlnu much leu qiiiDtlty In uslun Is UNIF01I1I ttirens and finishes work alwaistue same. KiniisWs Oswego Corn Siarch Is tho most delicious ot all pn parutlons for Puddings, Blanc-Mange, Cake, etc. AUf, 8, IJ-Jtn llO&CQ PATENT S. V. A. Lchinann, Soltclor of American and Fore'gn 1'atents, '.Vathligton, n. C. Allhukln(6seonnic'ted with Patents, whether before the Patent oniee or the Courts, promptly attended to. No charge uudtt unless a patent Is Becured. 8end for a circular. May 4, 11-tt tit aug. SI, I7-6UI TljlWER.ISKEPTOH FILE AT THE OFFICE OF. KB 733 Sinsom St., PHILADELPHIA, Who nro our auihorleil niicuia, aud recclvu AUvvriUeuieuu ul our JLOWliST VAHll lUWVH. VihoX vll ho Weather, Jio Xo-uiorrow J fool's bignal Service Barometer Xna TutrmoaictiT .t'ouiblucd. rai'elli emtctlyuf tturi ta ihi Wetlir,H U Si ttui tn ilTUtl. ulurtMl by Uio mutt eiQlo.ut I'rore.uirs and Sckmlflc mm tho tut' wtlit Itlltattr U Ul Worll. W.rriittd 1'wftct andIw-U.ble. Vi ta mi It Mi lo any addicts on receipt or I tin Iio ua oruorttleislraltatluni. l(tii(lluNiu; Beud fctaup (or circular, V. D. U3TO.IT CO., Ki Brulny, Ul Tut I1te itate where you u ail vertliomtot 4BU rUCQliOD Vlir l,fnrf.t Rrn,,., llM 41 wit Onlui w llegUuircd Uturi at our lUk v.t..e, Ti-sia Jwotta Bryant &Stratton Is (Business College I Anil Trlrxraphla lu.lllulr, I , 100 S,T,?th B.t'l Philadelphia, Pa. 1 ol lb Xaatr ami tbetrim ot .. '" TSIfull prllol.i., ct or ..Sd Iqt f,,ilfH mm WISTAR'S BALSAM W1STAITS BALSAM W1STAK' BAL-A.i OF OF CHIWY. CLlKiRY CUKR U WILD WLLD WILD A CHK Oi' POSSPMITION. Kast -toxeium, OKforrt County, M May I , IS73. Jloasra. SEiii V, Fowls os j lentleTifn. t fert It mv duty to write a li-w words In favor ot tm. Wistar's I!alm or Wnu CHEKitnY, In the cirly part of UbI wi-i'- r t'. ik n evcre oold, utul shortly ufterii dtM eis'ni; i-O'l.ti win lul li'd to It My frlendi did everythlnff Ihoy could for me, but wllhour nvall, Tttylipst plnslcUn thatcouldbo procured did not irlleve hip nnd iny ccugli continued Mil through the winter with In creasing severity, 1 spit bl wl three or four tl nes a friends considered my caio hopi'lesii, gao me up as a Confirmed Oonsunipttvo. I wa In thtieoudltlon when I heard or Pit. isTiit'a IUL samopHii.i Ciieuky. I oe in It me, and bororo I badtnken halta bo)tl'of ltin, coiuh tinJ ul. in ' other troubles left me nnd 1 was cured. 1 feel ho tru ly Indebted to thU reined) for It hai done ti r me that I send you this voluntary tn-tl no- ny, hoping It ma) be the moans nt lud iclnu olh'TS who nresufferlni; as I was, to make use of It. itU the best remedy for lung complalnU tint 1 hao ever heirdof, and I oin Constantly rccoinincnJIngli to my friends. Yi-urs with resiect, JIIW. -MEL!SA .M.IULI.. WISTAR'S B ALAM W8STAir BALSAM WIST A IIS l'ALS.M WILD CHERRY. WILD CHERRY. WII D CHE KEY. SBTIIW FOVVLK ti S()v. ITonilctor-. (M Utirrl- I son a cnue, Boston old by deaiurs yem-rat 1y. IIUV, THE INTERNATIONAL REV Ew" Tho "Ink-run! lonal" (or lTR will nrcon1 tho usual number of AitlclrH unon rollcrtuiis. hrlunll ii!. art. t Illtlcal and hoctal Bubjfots ninbt oct'iipylntc th jml llo attention. It will duvute space to l.uiupfun mat trrssorar asthev arc llki'I to ho Inttnstlnjf to AHIlTlCUIlf. IL W ill I'UI.M IUV Ht IIII I (HlliCr I III" II UaL puturrortlpii wnttrsto Minnie fur timr with the bc-it An.erlcan witters llwlllalm o lie able. j Hrunjrii d practlral, nswcll animpul ir, In thi'tliar- hl i r mm i jic in hh priMcuiaiifriis, ii is rait in wij" that no other magazine In tho world can supply Us plact) In the libraries of MneilPmisi who lnvf to con Micrtlie proRiehHCif tontk tlnougliuut ttmvorld, and tokrou thdr 1 1 aili g upon tl ti Intf rehtsof tho I'liltitl States I'rctf t-scn t mtlin, lloltzi'iidorf, VowU Dr. Dollinffcr, Hr. Dorner. Ir. XeuimotT, lr. Carl Able, ir Julius Duboe. luupMi I vy M. jtutlln Ilaintrton, Mr Km-ninn;i;tv lr. Juh'h 11. lt?(f, 'llKinnf; i:iahe.M. 1. .uberr.allK. Mudmnn Vlllarl. J)ora h'Utila, Dr. Wccilscy. jir J'mNidy, riliiurnl liawnn, .tuugc ( onlcj. Dr V nurtcn, Wm. (!. riant. Key I'alnui. t nil hihurz. (.tnciitl utrtl. Hi. Or frond. Alex In In nr, V. I ulla, I ngt no N huj- KTi jiitjaru laj n r. i, r unin ic, and others may bu immi U aSBietl-l contribute h. '1 butt li orLonlzi'd us i owt rlul an crirnn i ftlioueht and L-ouinii i.kutlcn on funUiiatlly c onulud, nnd i' w ins iih ii jut i ii mar t-uni tu uurinp bu il Is not Known Hint int tv Ik nm iriKii why icrlfH tit the "i;clew ' M t uic i ct W it m l in curs Jioto- , lioid. it linn anad, iho loruM clriultfcniTnny mular I cvltw, itibii'-e. ( r lis i ojAilm ntlri'dloiiH, 'llit so attrHttloi u will U-il( el n ci i!taduull. ai.d lLert'aSfd as their netd Is made known Trice $l.oo a Number, $5.(0 a Yi-or Numbered A. S. BAIt.M;i CO., I'uUishers, 111 & 113 William bU, N. RAIL ROAD TIME TAdLE :. i ILAUElil'ilA AND UI-JADlNli ItOAI) AHKANGEJIENT OK I'AfeSKNCiEIt TKAINS. Hay 21, 187a. TIUINS LKiTE KITKKT 13 tOllOUB (trHHVIlfl For Kew York, I'hlludclphla, lteadlnff, rottsUllt Tamaqua, Ac., 11,83 a, m For Catawlsba, 11,83 u. m. r,47 nnd 7,80 p, m. For VUlluinspoit,t!,2$ o,S4 a. m. and i.eo p. ui, . TH1INSF011 HUrEllT LEAVE AS 101 U)S, (f I KI1AV E. Ctl'TEO.) Leave New York, 8,43 a. in. Leave Philadelphia, 9,15 a. in. U'avc Iteadlnjr, 11,3 a. m I'ottsvtllc, is.15 ,. and Tamauua, 1,23 p. m. Leave C'aUiwlbsa, c,2i) 0,26 a, m. nnd p. m, Leaiu w liUjnihiHji i 2 a.ui iu, and 6,(hi p. iu 1-asst.nscnf r d from Mi York unii l-iniuu phU ko throus . Ithout chanse of can.. J. C. Woia-l r lieneral Manager. C. tl, HANCOCK, , . Uencral UcUt Agent Ian. It, i ,b U. Vt'ltTllKKN l LO.MPANY. Ci:.TJAl. IIAII.Wai On and alter .November trnui. Is73. Inuiii. will leuv, lUNUUItYusfollowm MJItTIIMAltli lirle Mall c.Vi) a. in., arrH e jainlru i i,i " CuiiKiiiiiagu.i . j.ab ,,. n Uocbobter o.lo Magara ,,,, vm 'novo aceoiuuiodawui ll.lua. in, airUo tMiiiuiu 1 1 IMS p. ui.,a.(narrUu Eluilra a. m. Ilutralo 7.15 a. m. arrlie llutiulo -.wi . , WJl'TllttAHII. duaalo Express tto a. ni.arrliollarri,biirg 4.1.11,1.11, ... . " UallliuuieMU UuilraMall 11.16 a, m .urlu liarrULuig tj ,,., " Wa-hlngtou ta.sii " ' lialtlinoietuo ' " Waslilngtuu llarrlsburg accoramodaUon e.40 p. iu. urrlio Hsrils burg p. m, arrive llaltluiore V.M a. iu " Waahlr.gtoii0.i3 H.rlo Mall a. m. arrlio llarrlsburg 8 ti5 u. ru " Ualtluiore 8.4U " iii,i.. . ", Washington lti.En All dally except Sunday, D. M. 1IOYJJ, Jr., (Jeneral Pii8sengt.r Aecn A. J, CASSA'IT, (ieuerul Jllunago rj EI.A WA K E, I.A OK A W A XNA AND WKSTKltN ItAU.KOAD. BLOOMSIlURa DIVISION. TtoO:TaMe Ko.w, Tnkes effect at, 4:3o A, MONDAY, KOVKMIlBlt VI 1876. NOHTII, STATIONS, SOUTH, a.m. p in. i.m p.m. p.m. .00 B6S s a 6 T M a 19 IM I 4'J 7 4 SB) 7 S3 3 Si 7 lit 3 87 7 It tJ 7 IS 8 11 7 16 8 17 7 16 111 7 07 a 18 7 10 8 US 6 64 114 6 M 8 1 a 46 8,(4 0 80 8 48 6 16 881 era 3 is till 8 V IU til 6 68 8 10 6 11 8 10 6 40 1 m B 84 1 63 8 "I. a 4.11 ssi. 8 31 a 8& a u 8 IB, a 11 . a 07 i . a 08 , a 6, S Ml. ....KcranUin,... . Htllevue..,. TuMorvllle . .Liukuvi.Mma . PlllntoU. West Pttltiou. a 86 II 80 (I 8.1 0 43 0 -r 8 66 7 01 7 (KJ 7 II 7 16 7 86 7 85 7 4(1 7 4S 7 63 8 16 8 85 8 46 8 16 8 05 0 60 H 65 7 8d 7 (8 a 45 a 8.5 KM 8 SI lu 1 8 :w 10 (Hi 8 46 10 11 8 68 "joining. 1 1(1 8 Ui ..... Jiauuy v no .....lleunttt,,.,.,, IU 83 8 l4 a n 3 111 ivingsion, 1111 87 . .klneMnM lu 87 a 17 IU 88 a 3 PI) mouth June!! 8 M riyinoiitii 8 61..Avondule ' 10 86 IU 40 1 41 ID 68 11 6 II 17 It 83 II 8 tl 04 II '8 11 43 8 87 a u a 4t 8 30 8 111 8 14 8 OS 8 8 7 bt 7 64 7 7 4- 8 88 3 87 8 46 4 I" 4 18 4 81 4 .1) 4 87 4 II 4 48 4 6 N'alitlfnk-A Huiilw.k's nek. MiU khhlnny .HUkl Perry ....lieucu lluven. lierw let. . . . HrlariTeek'.,,, Willow drove..,, . ..Lime Hldgc .u Emiii. lllooinhhurg. 11 61 11 67 6 Vi 1 4S 6 8 7 40 p.m. pjn. t an . M.IWUUl,t, m 0 u 0 . iVitllMtlCu