THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBUEG, COLUMBIA COl NTY, PA. Select Story. Ills Chief Creditor. The custom which fashionable English Ben have of flying to the coast of Franco when debts and tho like mishaps render thir own country somewhat too hot to hold them comfortably cause Boulogne and oth er towns forming the chief places of rcn dmous on such occasions to present for the most part a strangely assorted society, aud to witness at times very curious scenes. Sir George Tlndal was n young baronet of Rood English family, who went to Boulogne some years ago under rather peculiar clr- cumstances. He had been left very young 1th command of a good patrimonial estate, but had given way so far to the fashiona ble follies of the young in high life as to al low nearly the whole of It to fly away on the turf as fast as race-horses could carry It. He bad still good expectations, however. A maternal relative a merchant, and one cf the richest In the metropolis was likely, fa the doe course of things, to leave Sir George his fortune, as bis nearest heir. He was fond of the young man, but had been greatly and perilously alienated by the con duct;, arid reverses of the latter, It was while meditating on this subject that au Idea struck the nearly ruined baronet. "How successful," thought be, "my un cle has been by bis speculations in the funds I Might not I have a chance that way also T Might not I cast my poor remnant of means Into tbe great lottery and pull out a prize! I may as well try it ; all that I have bow 'la scarcely worth thinking twice about. I shall try at least." iPoor Sir George. He forgot that, though some seas may be deep, there are others ''which cannot be sounded at all ; that how ever deep one may be in tbe mire there is chance of getting deeper. He did venture his all in the stocks. He was successful one, and twice. Getting Inspiration by his good fortune.he thought he had but to venture further and win morel Alas I he was a novice merely in the hands of veteran gamblers. Some of tho very worst members of the body who peculate Iri theso matters go him into their bands, and knowing well what his expecta tions were, and where they lay, they ltd bim on by a nibble or two, until by a series of rutes, considered not Infamous only on such a field of transaction, they at length got him placed under a load of debt which even all his uncle's means would with dif ficulty lighten. Holding him bound by signatures and bonds, they then waited coolly for his ac cession to his prospective inheritance, know ing well that the same prospect would keep their victim also witliin reach of their grasp at any time. Sir George, wandered about town lor some months after these mishaps, like a man with a rope around his neck. Durinc the time be bad many reasonings with himself on an Important point. This point affected ,, nis whole prospective fortunes. The young baronet was naturally possess ed of good sense ; he was well educated, and It may be said that his heart was good and bis Intentions fair toward all men under or dinary circumstances ; but bis course of life and the associations he had formed had re laxed his morhl principles. This acquired defect came now Into play. The point which he canvassed with himself was. wheth er or no, alter having most distinctly ascer tained that he had been the dupe of his creditors, bis engagements with them were blading upon bim. His good sense said yea? for they acted within the law; his laepie of honor said the same, for they bed nuoonasf "but then " said the other inter n wgueri'they got these by base means, oa tney nave not lost a shilling by me, The article, experience was what my folly Bongnt irom tnem at the price of a fair for tune, and with it came no penny out of cnur pockets. Uesidesiri pay these bar- pies I shall be beggared." The end of the whole was, that the uncle ef Sir George died; tbe young baronet was left heir; and within a few hours almost af ter being put in possession of bis fortune which was the portable one of an old mon eyed boarder tbe young baronet was on 01 way with it to Boulogne. The creditors stormed and vowed revenge; but at first ttej knew not wblther he might fly and ..A. ... .. mere are great aimcumes attending tbe re covery of money irom creditors on the conti nent in any case. Sir George fixed himself in a small coun try house near Boulogne. He bad been able able to carry; thither a sufficiency for perma nent maintenance above twenty thousand pounds nearly the amount of bis tunded embarrassments, after what he called "fair ed debts'' were privately settled. He lived for some time In great seclusion, only occasionally appearing in public. The society which he then met was not of a char acter to trouble itself much about what he bad done, or was doing, or was about to do so long as he maintained a fashionable ap pearance and a gentlemanly deportment. So Sir George led a very quiet and undis turbed existence for a time always excep ting some little twing-es from a sense of vio lated honor until love the universal busy, body, came in the way to overthrow the runaway's ropose. A lady made her appearance In Boulogne. bearing tbe uame and style of the Baroness . ...... . . " u -.-.' - glishwouian by birth, and the widow of a foielgn noble ; and she was young, beautiful amj reputed rich. Ere long such attractions brought all tbe danglers of dangling Boulogne Into subjec tlon to tbe baroness ; and among the rest our baronet aw and admired the lady. For a time, however, be was undistinguished by ber, nor did be make any marked advances on bis part. An accident brought around an eclair clasement. By a peculiar piece of awkard neas, ai It seemed on the part or her servant, the caltclte of th'e baroness was nearly over turned near St. George's door. Tbe young baronet sprang out, and as tbe lady seemed faint and terrified, he entreat. ed her to alight for a few momeuts. She complied. It was tbe hour of lunch and they lunched together. Sir George begged her to view bis garden-and they walked to gether. When tbe lady was at last about to depart, Sir George begged leave to take the reins out of the bands of tbe awkward servant and escort ber home in person. The result of all was, that the baronet be came an established visitant of tho baroness and baring declared bis passion, received an answer which left him much to hone. while at the same time It promised nothlm- positive. Sir George could not be long acquainted with the fair baronets without discovering that tho bad one remarkable and somewhat eccentric taste; she wa distractedly fond of MgllBK wbet female Walton, She had hired for a season a largo yawl somewhat between a fishing-boat and yacht and every morning, when thoweath er was good, she rose with the sun to amuse herself oft" the coast with a rod. "I cannot comprehend the pleasuro yon take In this occupation," said Sir George to her one day. "It Is a charming recreation I" answered she, gayly; "and besides my physicians rcc ommend to me to take as much air and ex ercl.-o at sea as possible. I acquired tho taste through this cause. It is sometimes dull to be sure for the sailors and my servants are no company. But I have been pressed by a certain gallant major and a certain warlike colonel to permit them to bear me company, and I think I must really consent some day." How could a lover forbear to entreat per mission to occupy tho placo of the rival suitors? Sir George could not. He begged and sued, and the fair lady gave her con sent that be should accompany her next morning on one of her odd excursions to sea. The day proved beautiful, and tho pair went abroad at sunrise. They sailed, how ever, far out to sea and along tbe coast, ere any desire for fishing was shown by the la dy. The water was not iavorablc, she said, at ono place, and then sbo declared that she had no fancy on'thls morning for the exer cise. Sir George was rather pleased with this disinclination which was owing, he flat- teied himself, to her being absorbed by his own conversation; and she, on her part, seemed only to think of charming him by sweet discourse. At length a slight shower fell, and the baroness asited ber lover to enter a small, rude cabin, where a glass of wine and cakes were offered to him. Here the pair sat, hour after hour, the la' dy enchanting her lover with talk that caus ed him to forget all but her present self. At length he pulled out his watch aud start cd up. "What!" cried he; the day has anvanced and I don't think they have ever put about I" The wind, too, was blowing nearly direct from the coast. "Come madam, if you fish at all to-day,it is surely time to begin." The answer startled the poor baronet "I hare angled," said she, quietly ; "and what is more, I have caught my fish I" "What mean you?" cried Sir George, "What fish have you caught?" Twenty thousand pounds I" answered tho lady with coolness. Sir George grew pale, and stepped hurri edly on deck. "Distractional" cried he, as soon as he bad looked around. "Put about instantly, pilot I This is Mar gatet we are off, England 1" "Exactly so, Sir George," said the lady at his back. Ho turned and looked at her. "Your purpose, then, Is to take me " "To London, Sir George," said the lady, interrupting him with calmness, though a gratified flush was on her cheek. Sir George turned to the sailors. "My purse :" said he ; "twenty-five louis for you, if you put back for Boulogne 1 "Twenty five louis 1" said the lady, dis' dalnfully; "when twenty thousand pounds are in the other scale 1" "Barbarous, treacherous woman I" cried tbe infuriated baronet, as he looked round with an eye that threatened peril to all, if he but bad the means to iDflict it ; but tho baroness gave a signal,and in an instant bis arms were pinned to his side by two pair of brawny arms. I he baronet struggled, but in vain ; a cord was produced, and be was only saved from the Ignominy of being bound by giving his assurance that he wonld remain in quiet durance in the cabin. It seemed to him that he bad nothing for it but to submit. Sir George reduced to thiscondition,look ed with indignation at bis captor. She bad checked the sailors for harshness in tbelr usage of him, but otherwise she expressed no visible emotion. "Betrayed by yon I" said the captive; "you whom I loved so much I" "You love me?" "Yes ; well you know it," answered Sir George. "Since you are an adventuress, cruel woman, would not my fortune, with my hand, have better paid you than a mis erable hire?" The lady spoke not in reply, and Sir George also held a scornful silence from that moment until be landed in the Thames. He was here put Into tbe hands of the sailors, and conducted to a hotel, on giving his sol emn promise that be would not attempt to escape. It was night when this landing in the Thames took place. Sir George spent a wretched night moaning over that fate which his conscience told bim was not un merited. In the morning he drew up an act, brief ly giving up all to his creditors. He bad scarcely finished this when a visitor was an nounced. It was bis betrayer, tbo baro- "Wretched woman, what seek you I said he, sternly. "Is not your task done 7 I have now to do with others." "With none but me," said the lady, in a I low voice, and with a timidity of manner most unlike ber previous deportment. "What do you mean madam?" said Sir George. "I am your sole creditor I" said the lady ; and she placed in his hands some papers, which he at once saw to be his own redeem ed bonds. He looked up In amazement. "You bad ft cousin once, Sir George ?" said tbe lady, with ber eyes on the floor. I bad Annie Fulton," said Sir George; "we were playmates In childhood." "She went abroad when a mere child with her family ?" continued the lady, "She did," said the baronet, "and I have heard was married to a very wealthy plant er In the Island where tbey settled. It pain ed me to hear it, for we loved each other even when infants." "She wedded against her will." contln- ued the lady," for she, too, remembered old days. She Is now a widow." A light bad been gradually breaking up on Sir. George's mind. He started hastily forward and took bold of tbe lady's hand al most throwing himself at ber feet. "You are " "I am your cousin Annie I" said the la- dy. The lady bad returned to Eogland a rich widow ; had learned tho situation and em barrassment of ber well-remembered'cousin; had seen him at Boulogne; had contrived to overturn at his door, and make his acqualn. tance. She had only thought of tbe fishing Ing scheme through a spice' of romance fn her temperament, and that she might get him to England, where she might have bis debts paid. Tbey wedded and lived happy aud we wish all love-tales were as true, 1 SuUcritw for Taxi CoMWBUar, VEGETINE. Purines tliu III mai, llciuivnlcN una InvlgoralcN tho Wliolo Byxlcni, ITS MEDICINAL QUALITIES AltE Altorative. Tonic,. Solvent una Jjiurotic. VROKTINE Is tnailo exclusively from Inn Juices of carefully-selected barks, roots, and herb, anil so Btronsiy concern rateci mat it win orrectu.iiiy crailt Cite from tno srstctu every mint of scrof m.i. Scrutu. lous Humor, Tumors, cancer, cancerous Humor Erjstpclas, suit Kncum, Nyphllttlo lineages, Cancer, Kalntncssattho stomach, and all dteaw's that nrlse rrom ltnpuro blond. hci.uim. Intlsmmatory an4 Chronic fihoumatlsm, Neuralgia, (lout, mid Hpmol f omnlatnts. can only bo effectually cured through WI-5 unM, For tilers and Krupttvo Mcaso of tho Pkln, fas lies. 1'lmnles. lllotcnos. Holla. Tetter. HeAlilhrftd and Klngworm, Vegctlne has never failed to effect a permanent cure. rur i iinia in iuu ji.ii:k.,iviiiicj- uuiiiiiininiH, urnpsy. n-umiu 1-iiR.urn.-, iruuui mui L, ui limit irum UIU.T' nnl ulceration, and uterine disease-, anil Oeni-rnl ne. btllty, Vegellno acts directly upon tho cauio of these comnlilnM. It Invigorates and stremrthi-iis the whole system, acts upon tho secretive organs nil ivs tniliramallon, cures ulceration, and regulates the uunt-is. For catarrh, Dyspepsia, Ostlrencss, Pal- thdorgins, and possesses a controlling power over the nervous system. The remarkable cures ctTected bvVetrctlnn have uiuiux'u uituiji pu)igiuui uou apomccanes wnom wo Know w prescriue anu uso it la ineir own fami lies. In fact. eiretlno la tho beat remedy vet rilsi-nvrr. ed for the abovo diseases, and is tho only reliable muuu i unucr jci, piacvu uciore me public. THE BEST EVIDENCE Tbo followlne letter from Kev. K. H. nflst. Pnt.r nt m. ts. unurcn. xsaucK. aiass.. win do read with in. tcrost by many physicians : ftHo thoso RUffertmr from ihosamo dweaso es amicted th son of tho Uov. It. . Best No person can doubt this testimony tia tutrru 13 uu uuuuv auuut iuu curailro powers 01 Vctretlno. NAttCK, Mam., Jan. 1, 1ST4. Mr.II. It. Stbtkns. Dear Rlr. we bare crood mason fnr rprrArrHnt your veffctlne a medic I no of tho ffrcatest vniue. Wo feci assured tbatlt baa been tbo moans of saving our nun n mo. uuia uu b'JTCUWI'IJ JIWS Ul rOr the last two years be has suffered from m-crostsof his letf, caused by scrofulous affection, and was so far reduced that nearly allwJo saw him tboupbt bis recovery lmDOhslble. A council nf nhla nhvKtninnn rnnlil trlvn imhiitthA fnlntnet iinnn nf hisAivnv roiiv. iuh u ut no uuuiwii uvumruiK iuhl uu raa w yond tbe reach ot human remedies, that even ampu- UBWVia vuuiu nui chitu I1IU1. JLO IIU HUM UUb IKt ODOucrh to endure tho ono ration. .Inst ihnn urn mm. rnencedfrlvlnGrhlm Teffetlne, and from that tlmoto buu preseuL uu uas uecn continuously impruvintr. lie ha lately resumed bis studios, thrown away bli crutches and cone, and walks about cheerfully and Though there ts still some discharge from thoonen inB" whero tho limb was lanced, wo bave tho fullest commence uut in a uuioumo bo will bo perfectly cured. He has taken about thrpo dozen bottloqnf Vnra. euue, uubiiueir uhcspui, iiiue, an no declares tual uu 13 uaj wuu lu uu ratting1 mcaicinc, KeSDectfully you ours, it. es nji, Him. L. C. ii Best. VEGliTlNE Prepared Ijy H. R. Stevens, Boston, Mass. Vegetine is sold by all druggists, October. BLOOMSBURG TANNERY, O. A. HERRI WO jy E8PECTFULLY annoances to the public M J Mia V UW 1MO I cuycucu SNYDER'S TANNERY, (old stand) Bloomsbnrtr, Pa., at Forks ot tho Kspy andTltrht street roads, where all descriptions ot leather will bo made In Itin mrat substantial and worlunasllke manner, and sold at prices to suit the times. The highest price la cash wui Kb oil uuica u3 puiu lur GREEN HIDES of every description In the country. The public pat VIJWV IIS HSpAMUlU DUIWIWUi BloomEburg. Oct. 1, 1MB- 1ST OTICE Notice is hereby siren that 1 purchased of P. I. Bellas, of Benton township at Constable's sale on Friday September Ktb, 1877, the following personal property i one two-horso wagon, ono double set ot narness, i one Bprlni .uu, WJIU UOJ WVID VI ICOO, W UilUIUIBlU vUl. IRUTD bushels ot rye. ten craln bars, four horse blankets. twelre acres of corn In the ground, throe-fourths ot on ucru ui iiuuiiras, uixeo acres 01 Ducawneat,appie3 In tbe orchard, ten head of hogs, one brlndle belter, one red bull, one cook atove. one narkir RtnvH. ninn cane-seatedchalrs, twobed3 and bedding, one fan ning mui. ono clock, one ss toolh.hlnge harrow, ono two-horse cultivator, two single cultivators, ono Iron beam plow, one corn plow, one grind stone one uraln cradle, six acres of cloverseed, two horses and one colt, all ot which I have loaned to him during my Dleasure. and I hereby warn all ncnwina frnm mo lesting or interfering with the above named propcr- J. F. ilClllvNliy, Stillwater, Sept. 11, 17-lw MORRIS MICHEL, PRACTICAL PIANO MAKER, TUNER AND REPAIRER. BLOOMSBURG, PA. IHST CLASS FIANOS AND ORGANS FOR BALE. SECOND HAND PIANOS TAKEN IN KXCIIANOE. ORDER BY MAIL PROMPTLY EXECUTED. Doci, 1t-ly M. C. SLOAN & BRO nLOOMSUURC, PA, Manufacturers ot Carriages, Buggies, Phaetons, Sleighs PLATFORM WAQOKS, fic. Flret-class worlc.alwajs on hand. REPAIRINO NEATLY DONE. Prices reduced to suit the times. Jon. ts, 187I-M A PHYSIOLOGICAL View of Marriage ! IQutdeto Wedlock anl runildviil.iLl TntUU tin 111 autlrt ot nurrtaii d4 lit t.atiMratbM until for ttt Kit rrt-uef Deproduotlen u4 A Louir for pHvil, ctmaid- m i.l d iHirdt rtoi Frlvulo Ksume aiioi i lium Self butt. Xxocsm, orfceorct EJcnes, wuU U14 Ih.iI iV IP Of Mir. 2lt j'MPIWi prlriO f ts A OCl NIOAXs I.FCTU1V3 on th hoc dltf ai't nnl ITtAM uf ihcThioat arj lures, CWrrh.Uupiuro. lit Op nm IUblt,ic.,prUo tOru. Li' her bowk nt pom paid on n-cctft of p"'et or til three, ConalninMIQf-flt;f'vtMfltitllii71p ii utfnuil, lurHru. AdditM Dii, LUTT8, ho.XJX bux bu bt, Looia, Zlo, nr a p. nj miQ 11 Cast 1 torn hi, CtScago,, ajl in at i'rivf ewuf, wafBH nom awijr abuwt i Infi'Ttlttti r aUbrrKai, Hemlnal WcnkarMiiroduuBf KmImIwmm, Loar Memory, iiaipalrrl( rltht L2 UnboJ or JraUncj. prrvQU Ilvblm, urtna Mitlly iturad I 4Ummbi af Iba ULiUder. Kldnt-) a, I.Ufp, l.w liar, Aalhina, Calarra, I1la. all Cliruolu aJUataa, and UlH- EAMf'H Or rCHALbBi )UIH W ta mimtini, LW.UIa had a Ufa Ion aiMtiasv, and cwat whaw oibm tall, la la a (JJt M IU tai4iuM tu acxi. i po marcurv. tiaa IL M PMMd IfMIDsaal WIIB privt aorM and Umiii, rail or axil, kirrr cu(iiauc H IMtbate. Kind ttlf caaU (ur aasnpla af IlabU Oowd aua cir cular at ImiAjrUal lafonaaOoa byrsprata. UU ULIM'M Ftmala nil. f mt ll-n. ConmlUlloM fva. MARRIAGE GUIDE. Miar.. lvl.. to II., nvuHm) ..4 0. cvuUuipUU.f, W MJf k au;. 17, TT-ly Qoi: us I UMUIA COUNTY, BS i C'OKKONWIiLTll Or 1'tNNBTLViNli, 0 Ullia- Uth A, Fowler, widow, Tatcantha M, Kllld, MUes 11. Fowler, Lfrojr T, Fowler, Hennttta Lake, EiatnaL, Fowler and Ida Fowler, widow and lineal deacend ants ot fclloa K. Fowler, deceased, and to all other persons Interested, (Ireellng You and each of you are hereby cited to bo tod appear Ltloro the Judges of our Orphans' Court at an Orphais' Court to be held at Bloomfcburj on the first Monday of Decern ber neit, then nd there to accept or refuse to tako tho real estate of said fcllaa K. Fowler, deceased, at the appraised valuation put upon It by tbe Inquest, duly awarded by the said Court, and returned by Uie gheruf, or show cause why it shall not be sold. And hereof fall not. Witness tho Honorable William Elwell, President of our said Court at Moomsbur?, tho Twentieth day ot eeptember, A, D., 1677. D. FRANK ZAlllt, 1'roth'y, sop. S8, II- M, W.Npm ABS't. lArKB BAOS BALK THKC0LUU1JIAN OFFiOii ORPHANS' COURT SALE. OF VALUABLE REAL JTATE! In pursuanco of nn order of the Orphans' Court ot coiumblA county, the undersigned Administrator ot Mary A. Orecnwlch, decusei!,wlll sell nt public Baioon mo premises in Scott township, on SATU11DAY, K0VHM1JEU .1, 1877, at 10 o'clock, a. m., tho tollowlnif described Ri:t: :stitr, sltuato In towntkip undrmmiy .id.reaald, being n ONE-lIALt" AI ItK I n ii. nit- rjr less bounded by lands or.) t i,n - . Kiim m,l n. i rit irJ, John A. WMt'TllKl I and nthi'rs. TSHMsni'.mi.K. -1 en p. rceiit. ufotie fourllioftbo purclmne moiici to li" pl I ui the nrlMncdownof tlioprorert. Hie uiii'-fjurlh less lb" ten per ccut. at conllrmiiilun viiiulute. mid the renialnlnir three. fourths In ono year lluealler with lutercst from con. llrmatlon nlst. OSCAR P. 13 VT, oct. 12, '77-ta Administrator. EXECUTORS' SALE or vAr.UAj.iLiE REAL ESTATE! Tho undersigned Executors of William Howell. latoof Jit. Pleasant township, deceased, will sell at puouo saie.upon tho premises In Mt. Pleasant town ship, Columbia county on SATURDAY, OOTOBEU 27, 1877, at two o'clo-k p. m, that VALUABLE FARM, tho lato resldouco of tho slid decedent, two miles north ot tho town of Bloomsburg, containing about 130 ACRES, about loo acres Is cleared and In a good state ot eul tlratlon. Tho Improvements are a Frame House) Frame Bank Barn, Wagon Shed and other out-butldlngs. A pump at tho door and a never-falling spring and spring-house near by. Plenty ot fruit trees ot all kinds, and lime stone In tho Immcdlato nelgnborhood. Also i At tbo sumo timo and place, -A. TIMBER LOT containing about Eleven Acres, lying a short dls- tanco north of tho above tract, well-timbered. TERMS OF SALE. The purchaser shall wllhln one hour atlcr the striking down of tho property. pay down ten per cent of one-fourth ot tho amount. or glvo his note for that amount payablo In ten days alter date, ana shall pay tho one-fourth (less tho ten percent.) on tho 1st ot Aprllnext,ono-fourth on tho 1st of April 187J, one-fourth on tho 1st of April, IMS, and tho remaining one-fourth on tho 1st of April 1881, with Interest from April 1st, 1978, secured by bonds nnd mortgago on tho premises, when tho deed will bo mado and possession be given. ELIAS HOWELL, J. M. CI1EMDEHL1N, Executors. otdVTMs -ALT.X3CT.oh. iff . 7?1S: mmmw 11 1 CURB DISEASES sr-mr THRQAT.LUNGS.UVER& BLQDLft In the wonderful medicine lo whlcli the amktcd are nboro iliicdeil for relief, the dlacovcrrr lic lieve he hut coiuhjiieil m harmony mure of Na. lure's foiefeiRii curative properties, which (IikI lias Instilled into the vegetable kingdom for heal ing tlie nick, than were ever liclore combined In ono medicine. The oi Ulcncc of this fact is found In Iho Rrcit variety of most obstinate diseases which It Inn been foiiml lo conquer, lit tho cine of Iroiicliltla, sovoro Cuuclis, ami the carlv uni'CBi.llldil.lllni.lloli, alias xtonlslicd tl.'o lot, Ileal faculty, awl eminent physicians nro noiincc ; ft the Kreatet ntedlcnl illsfoxcry of Hie aire. Vlille It cities the tcvetet Coughs, It llllloil. fllercnrinl ill.n ikU All.. i-om, and ilieir eUccu, nro ctailiejicd, nnd WSaSiir pum",s-an,i " If yon feel dull, drowsr, ilel.iliiaio.l. have sallow color of tkln. or yellowr,h limit n .,,i n Ucv or Iwlv, f rc.tient headache or ilizincU, Ind taste in lnoutli. Internal lienor chills alternated with imt lltlslies. low snlrlts. nn,l flonmi- r..ri.n.n.. ... l icttlnr aiipciltc, and toniriic' coaled, voit 'are sneering from Torpid Liver, or III 1 1 mi.. ( mail. VltBL'. OI " l,Vei' Cflllta plaint" only part of tlice sviiiimun. me ex. l encnceil. As a rctneilv for all uch efei.. lir. Pickc's (loltlcn Mpilirjil 1 ) i ,ii 1 1 t m It ejects icifcct cures, Idling the in'cr bli engtlicncd and hcallhy. SOLO BY DRUGGISTS AT SI PE JTTU. .reiarcd by It. V. Plimtin, .11. I., sn I'rot.rlctor, at Uio IVom.ij liiai'i...NaAu Rtifr.ilo. , 1. sep. 28, 11-U mm A Tr.AH. Arentawanted. Deal. nPMlPirltlmatA. r,r,lMil.Hhu IASdrMlJ.W0BTH0O.R,f.a(. Un aug. it, 17-Iy Ritu nnim iuu i McratlM IlsUt sImIdU m4 KmUOr rad. rftlsUM-, iMpabtkll!, t.duui HIUIIIHIInnl. rftlBUM-. MDal Wl IVIII is, WaliUctM Bi, CbicM HI. aug. 17, tT-ly R c This Cut Illustrate lh M.nnur i Ui,n Ult. I'lICICClC'M i ' Fountain Nasal Injootor, ifjbf UUUUHh, pcrect application ot DB. SAGB'S OATABBH BEMBDY. .?iV.,.iS1.i.0n,,,f i'!f?..c? '"""'.ment yet Invented nasal pasiages, and the chantberi or cat lilu enui. discharge generally proceeds. The want of I o. cess In treating Catarrh heretofore has arisen ?L,''n? 'T iil'ls. This ohstaclo In (he wiv ot cuecuiii,- cures is entliely overcome by Ihe inven tion of tho Douche. Its use li lilesj.iii ii.i 1U almple that, child can u Bagos Catanh Itemedv cure, recent attacks ol fj. "C'oiaiu the llead by a HwJ lv applications. ' CATARRH svtn i',.n..a..i lie.niAche, Oiscliarite fulling nio throat, umo limn profiue, woicry, Uuck imicm, iturulenu oirenlvo, cic in otlicn, a Umie, dryt watsrr! mchk, or liulflmeil cje, aioppuiir up, or oUiriioi tlon, ot nun I ptwaajea, nngin in ears, tlaaU nea, h.iuLliiff and couching to clear tliriau ulceration, tcabs from ulcera, nUcnjit, nawl twaup, oUcinlve Lreatji, Uopaircil or uc.i tleiirlvatioii of tcme nf mell And taie, iiltilnen, menu. lere'on, lost ()f appetite, lnUIee&tton. enlarperl lnntU, tloklinir coujli, to. Onlyiifetr of it.etc iTDiptAiui are likely to be tirctem In any cao at one time. IlrtSaffiU Catarrh Homed yt whon uteit n-lili lr. erce'ai Nan a I Iiouclic, afui iic cumpauio't with tiie rnrmtiuuonal tiu.iimcnt wliich i ieciiiiii)etntt!l In the pamphlet that wrtip each Untie (if the Jtomcly, U a perfect HpeciGo for ihi l'UlhFomo i lipase. It U mUd and pleasant ui ntc, contalninir no strnnji or caiistio ilnur or Inift0n. The Catarrh Itrmo Iv ! ild nt W cvuU. IJuuritu utw ccuu, by All UrueaUu, Jt. I. ilKUt3K J. ii.t JV, UUfrWI.o, XV. wp. IT U tfrL J.U.Usjlorifj,Co,tliltie,ill. aug. 7, TT-ly 11(11 $3 nil I. II ULAT1B WAWn S la ths teown world. Sauttt WauX fru to tAtmU. Airus, A. Co ouu A Co-OUomo,, -17 Haa, lilnod. Ilv its great anil thorough liioocl-titirlrv. log iirupertisa. It cures all Humor. Ii,,ni Hie mui st Scrofulii to a rommoti lllolrli. elm. l'le.or Ilrl mm i 7A mi fT a Stoves, mm HOT And. Barstow's Elevated Oven Range. STEAJ, WATER I'IPE, VALVES AND FITTINGS, Comtanlhj onUS, PLUMBING and STEAM FITTING Promptly Oct. 19, 77.-tf Attended to HARMAN & HASSERT Proprietora; V.ant Strcpl, SouJli side or Z. & i, Itallrun;! Itloomisliiir, ln. Iiespoctfully call tho attention of tho public lo tho following statements! Thc' mantif.tctttro all klndi of IKON mui I1IIANH OASTI.MIM. 1loy miike the CetL-binted Original and IMPROVED MONTHOB IJJ0'WS-nl30tllUnd3 0f Itnnnlm. kiii'ir 119 Mnlil rolT.ii n.wTTi.TTL bolls, handlcM, 'I hey also maKo HEATING AND ami nro preDarcd to furnish all kinds of repnirs, such ThMyan'n!oprerarcd tofurDUhHAV ANU UHlsr pay especial attention to tho Repairing of Threshing Tho proprietors being practical mechonlca, liavlnuhad rclvupop having all work entrusted to them douo In tho Then Buy N. Y. ENAMEL PAINT CO. CHEMICAL PAINT, and save one-third tho cost of painting, and get a paint that Is much handsomer, and will LAST TWICE AS LONG A8 ANYOTHEIt PAINT, la nrenored readv foruRHln wlilto or nnv rntnr ilpftlriil. T nn tnnnvilinnqnnrtanf thr. nnnoi hiiii.iinm In tho country, many of which hare Uen painted six jears, and now look as well as when first painted ClIKMIUAL TAINT has taken Flrbt 1'llli.MIUMS at twenty of the Male 1'alrs of tho Union. Sample card ot colors sent free. Address N. Y. KN AJUI, l'AINT UO., ITS 1'rlnco street, N. y.,i or IIKNHY L. KLDKIt SUN, Agents 131, Manet street, l'hlladclphla, l'u. Tlie Latest AsiHOBiiieemeifct. E1v;s Mews Slflfll Alicsid. If yois wsmii CLOTHING Don't Buy Until Yourself Who WILL DO BEST FOR YOU. Come and Select your WINTER SUITS FROM A BRAN NEW STOCK. All Styles, Sizes, PRICES and Qualities. MEN'S SUITS, YOUTH'S SUITS, ltOI'S SUITS, CHILDREN'S SUITS. HATS, CAPS, COLLARS, L-argest Stock, POPULAR CLOTHING STORE. LaaaVsaaHaBCBaaHV' IS THE AND HAS TIIE OP ANY PAPER PUBLISHED IN COLUMBIA COUNTT. Terms $2.00 a Year. Country Produce taken on Subscription THE DIFFEREIMT IN THIS PAPER OP THE INNUMERABLE Vasiety of la Icefttegi AND MATERIAL In the CdkmMM Office. All kinds of Plain and Fancy Printing: done on .short notice and at low rates. OFFICE NORTH SIDE OF THE COURT1 HOUSE, BLOOMSBURG, PA, ROLLINS & HOLMES, 1 ' Evnna' Block, iMalu Street. I) KALE IIS IN Ranges, Fire Place Healers, Mantles, PUMPS Ac. &c. MANUFACTURE OP Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper' Ware, and GALVANIZED IRON CORNICE Solo Agents for tlie BASE STOVE COOK STOVES n.s (iratcs. Fire Itrlck. &c, wholesale and retail. The? MUX MAUUNUkV SllAFnNO,IbLLEVa(&c, The Machines, Reapeis, &c. in OT'erlenco of over twny years, tho publico liist .Mannerand at Kalr prices. J uijr XI, t i-ij- You Have Posted CUFFS. lowest Price STYLES OF TYPE Administrator's Sale OF VAMMtlLli REAL ESTATE! l)y vlrtuo ot an Order of tho Orphan's Court of Co lumbia county, tho unrterslffiicil, Administrator of tho cstnto of I'ctcr Ent, Ueciod will cupo&o to publlo sale, on tho promises, at Light Street, Colum bia county, l'ninsyivniila, on imiDAY, NOVI MllKIt 301'. at ten o'clock a. m., all tint certain real estate, slt uato In said Columbia county, described as foil ows i No. l.-A GRIST MILL AND SAW-MILL PROPERTY, with water-pownr, containing In all about twelve acres, bounded by fishing creek, a public road, and other lands 6f said deceased. No. (. A raessuajo and tract of land stt'iato In Orange townshlp.bounded by lands of Abraham Cus ter, II. U. (Jrlnies, Willi im White, otao ot (loorgo Oman.S. II Hejb rt estate ot W. 11. Ent. A. M hltonnd others conatlnli.g HO ACRES, mora or less. No. 4. Two oerea of TOWN I.0T3 In Light Street aforesaid, bounded by two unnamed streets and two alleys. No. 5. Turco ncresln Light Street, bounded by lands of Mn Dlclil, Win. llagenbuch and an alley. No. 6, seven acres In smo village, boundedby lands of Kclchner Bon and by tho rishtng creek. No. 4. will bo sold as a whole or In parts to suit purchasers. tmvs or 8U.k. Ten per cent ot tho one-fourth of tho purchase money to bo paid at tho striking down of tho property! tho ono-fourlk less tho ten percent. at tho Ion ot silo; anl tho re maining thr.'Mo'irths In ono jcar thereafter, with lntcr?3t fromcondrinatl'jn nisi. OS' MM1. ENT, Oct. 5 ts. Administrator, GLENN'S SULPHUR SOAP. Thoroughly Cures Diseases op the Skw, Ueautihks the Complexion, Prevents and Remedies Rheumatism and Gout, IIeai.3 Sores and Abrasions ok the Cuticle and Counteracts Contagion. Tliis Standard Exlernal Remedy for Erup tions, Sores and Injuries of tlie Skin, not only REMOVES FROM TIIE CO.MI'LEXION ALL BLEM ISHES arising from local impurities of the blood nnd obstruction of the pores, but also those produced by the sun and wind, such as tan and freckles. It renders the cuticle MARVELOUSLY CLEAR, SMOOTH and TLIANT, and being a wholesome beautifier is far preferable to any cosmetic. All the remedial advantages of Sul tiiur llATHS arc insured BY the use of Glenn's Sulphur Soap, which in addi tion to its purifying effects, remedies and tre vlnts Rheumatism and Gout. It also disinfects clothing and linen and rREVENTS diseases communicated by CONTACT trith the TERSON. It dissolves Dandruff, prevents bald, ncss, and retards grayncss of the hair. Physicians speak of it in high terms. Prices-25 and SO Cents per Gake; per Box (3 Cakes). 60c. and $1.20. N. B. The 30 cent cakes are triple the iie of those at 25 cents. "UILUS HAIR AND WHISKEK DYE," Black or Ilrown, 30 Cents C.S. CMTIE5105, Prop'r, 7 Sixth Av.,5.Y. Oct. 20, '70.-ly, AdvertismgAgents IP-A-IIN-TIlSrGh. GLAZING AND PAPERING T7"JI. F. I50DINK, Iron Street below sec V ond, llloomsbttrg, ra., ts prepared lodu ui kinds of PAINTING, GLAZING, and PAPEIi HANGING. In the bep t styles, at lowest prices, and at short notice. Parties taavlog such work to do will save nicmei calling on mo. All work warranted to give satisfaction. Order? SOU' IUU WM. F. liODIKE. KINGSFORD'S OSWEGO STAHGH Is tno UEST and SIOST ECONOMICAL In tho World Is perfectly I'llltE free from acids and other for eign substances that Injure I Inrn. Is BTltOKU EH than any other requiring much lees quantity In using. Is UNIFOHM stiffens and finishes work alwayBtho same. Kinfisftnl's Oswep Corn Starch Is the most delicious of all preparations for ruddlngs, Dlanc-lVIangc, Cake, etc, Aug, 8, TT-nin lic&cj PATENT S. P. A, Lehmann, Follcltor of American and Fore'gn l'atente, Vshli.gton, I), c. All business connected with I'utents, whether before tho I'atrnt onice or the Courts, promptly attended to. Nocuarge made unless a patent is secured, bend for a circular. May 4, TT-tf bii w . Bryant & Stratton Is Business College stnu 4 rit-flrnpiiio llisuilllt?. 100 B. Tenth St.. Ph1Ini-iA.nh.n D.. IncrwieJ facilities. ph 10 DtDt. in cjar? jiMiiMiiuHu ratviv if graph tv, 'if" ''ttJ1oul"i "II .or nd for freo c aug-. 81, 7I-8.U ais TrJISfAPEfIS KEPT ON FILE AT THE OFFICE OF. BYERTIM 733 Smsou St, PHILADELPHIA, Who nro our nuiliorUed menu, uud lll i-ecelra Adrertlseiuenta at our MHwr cash itATiis. 11 not ensiiy earned In thews times but It can be made In three months by anyone ot either tex. In any nan of the cuum rv W ho IS Hlmiiir to work steadily ot Ihn mnn,.n. that we lurnUh. impcr wtttlnjour own town, kou need not be away from home overnhrht. vr.11 can rive our hole time to the work, or only your awu Wnu, UUIUUI tU .1 IUO UUS. iicbo, itiiu, nuu vuuii iuu AQUTCU ai once 11. llsixxTT oa, ixutland, Maine. fu Je II lr, BUSINESS OAltRS, VISITING CAJtDS, LBTTKIt IIKADS, OHTHits. tcL. in. NelJ k- djily piloted at tie Ooltjm iiUXOffloe. NW I PERUVIAN SVRPP Isa 1 riil-orrd soluitnn nf .l. PllOTOXIDlfi OF Iitox IROjV. This Is tho secret of tho wondemil success of thi, 10 .10 1 In curtnsf " "L'lr.V"'". '.Ivt-r I'omi.lKlnl, Urc..T I lir le llliirrliini, Moll., r,,n, it '' " flillN .id l'....r.'. Hi,,.,"":, '"; lloiivhiilluiml Vlunr, Ne,irnl,. I rmnle (!onii,l,i,, unit Ai"L DISEASE OIIIOINATlNtl IK A Bad .State of t.ho Rlr Or nf.f,nmniiriln.l i ... A Low State of tho System. building up ii IRON OONSTfTll.inv. It IS On PTC'llnt SUbs ItUtO for Wllienr lr whero n stimulant. Is ntedrd. "'""or tranily Ono element cf the lestorntlvo hownrnr menicinn 19 n mn...H . " UV'T-f f Iron as a deve,,Ta thereby.' For Xa'ST For Dyspepsia, Uso PERUVIAN SYRUP For Debility, UVe PERUVIAN SYRUP For Dropsy, Use PERUVIAN" SYRUP For Neuralgia, Uso PERUVIAN SFRPp i' or ( lirouic Diurrlioca, Use PERUVIAN RYIIUP For Liver Complaint, Use PERUVIAN SYRUP For ' oils ami Humors, Use PKRUVLNSVKUI For Chills and Fever, Uso PERUVIAN SYRUP For Loss of Appetite, U?o PERUVIAN SYRUP For Nervous Affections, Uso PERU VI A SYRUP For Female Complaints, Use J'ERUVI N SYRUP To Tone up the System. Uso PERUVIAN SYRUP To Invigorate the Brain, Use PERUVIAN SYRUP SET!! iv. FOWLE sovs, Proprietors, M Harrl son avenue, Iioston- Sold by dealers generally. October. THE INTERNATIONAL REVIEW. Tho "international" for I1T8 m prcsen. iho usual number of articles upon religious, wltnll Ic. art, po litical and fcoclal nuhjects most occupying the pub llo attention. It will Uovoto ppaco to Jluropean muU terasofar an they aro likely to bo Inlcrestlni; to Amcilcans. It will continue to Introduce tho most popular rorehrn wrltcrsto rtmrete for favor wiih the beM American wrlleis ltlllnlm tone able, etrongn d prnctlcol, asicll as popular, In thechar acti r and Rt j 10 of 11a presentations. It Is safe to say that no 01 her magazine lu tho world can hupply Its place In the libraries of Americans who lowi to con sider tlo progress cf events throughout theorld, anil to know their bcailtg upon the Interests of tho t'nlled Mates I'rorpB&ors turllus, Iloltzendorf, 0Kil, Dr. Iiolllngcr, Dr. Dorner, Dr. Neumejer, Dr. Carl Able, Mr Julius Duboc. lirucsli- Hey. M. liollln Joequcmjns, il. hpuiler. Dep., M, dlndrlez, Mr. llnmerlon, Jlr. rrecman; I!cv Iir.Jamen II. liter, Thomas lirassey, M. 1'. (fubernatls. .Madame Vlllarl Dora D'lstiU, rorzonl. Dr. Woolsey, Dr 1'eabody, I'rlnclpal Dawton, Judge Cooley, Dr. Wharton, wm. C. trjar.t. Hay I'almer, carl Khun, flrneral sigel. Dr. O-good. Alex, Delmnr, V. Uolta, Eugcno t-chuy-ler, UajnrdTajIcr, E 1'. Whipple, and others may be named as sped! contributor. Thus Is organized ospowcnul an organ cf thought and communication as ran be cully concelvid, and It, presents Ittelf for popular support duilng 1617. It Is not known that th( re Is nn nason why copies ot tho "HeleW thoulfl not le found lu en ry house hold. It has alriady the lark-en eliculatlonofnny secular lievlcw, lecause ofltstopular ottrnctlons. 'lhebe attructloDB will bcdeelepfd giaduam, and Increased as their neid Is mado known Prlco 11.00 a Number. tM 0 a Year ilx Numbers.! A. 8. HAHNE3 4: CO., publishers, 111 lis -William Bt., N. RAILROADflMETASLE tT piIILADELI'UA AND KKADIN'G HOAD AltllANUEilKNT OF PASSENGER TRAINS. May 21, 187. TRAINS LEAVE KBrEBT AS FOLI OWS (f CNPAT KXCEPTR For Now York-, Philadelphia, Iteadlng, I'ottsiUli Tamaqua, 4c, 11,33 a. in Tor Catawlssa, 11,33 a. m. s,4T and 7,s p. m. For Wllllainsport,o,2$e,3i a. m. and 4,00 p, m. IKllNSJOll I1CFI11T tEAV AS FOLLOWS, (81 dDAV Kl CKl-TEP.) Leave New York, 8,43 a. ra. Lcavo l'hlladclphla, f ,16 a. m. Leave Keadln?. 11.3 a. in.. Pnttsviiin. io.ik ,r. and Tamaqua, 1,25 p. m. Leave catawlssa, ,E0 ,!5 a. m. and 4,oo p. in. Ixiai u Wnuamsport ,8 s a.m,u,oo m. and e,oo p. m l'OSsengers nnl from Kpw Vfirlfnnrt ni.u i.. phla go through . ithout change of cars. J. JJ. WOOTTEN, C. a. HANCOCK, "eral Manager. . lieneral 'ncket Agent Jan, 11, liIS u, N company' centkal "AILWAY On and after November soth, 1673, trains will leave SUNHUltY as follows v NOKTlIWAItD. Krlo Mall cs.eo a. m., arrive Elmlra u.&o a , " Canandalgua. , s.ssjj. ui ltochester 6,15 Niagara. g 40 " Itenovo accommodation 11,10 a. m. arrno William rt 12.15 p. in. Elmlra MalH.lDi.m.,arrHe Elmlra 10.80 a m Uuctalo EnpiKss T.15 a. m. arrUe Buffalo 8.50 a. m SOUTHWAHD. uuctalo Express a. m.airlvo Harrlsburg a.m " lialtlmore S.40 " fclmlraMall 1Mb a.m., arrive llarrl.burg ijh) p. m " Washington " " lialtlmore 0.30 " " Washington 8.S0 Uarrliiburgjiccommodatloa 8.40 p. m. arrive Harris burglo.wip. m. arrive Baltimore a, m. " Washington e.13 " Erlo Mall 11.CB a. m. arrive HarrLsburg 9 OS a. ta " Baltimore 8.40 .. " Washington 10.80" All dally oxcept Sunday. b. D. M. BOYD, Jr., General Passenger Agera1 A. J. CASS ATT, General Manage W'lAMhi0' AND. BLOOMSBURG DIVISION, Tlmo-Tabla No. , Takes effect at 4:30 A. M. MONDAY, NOVEMBEIt tt 1875.. NOI1TII. STATIONS. P.m. n.m. a.m StCTIl. III ID 8 1 -.8cranton .-Bellevue.., ...Talorvllle.,. ..Lackawanna...,. -.. Huston , WefcL 1-lttf.tnn a.m. n in. n.m, SKI 16! T 65 8 49 7 46 49 7 4 8 87 43 8S 83 Itu sis 9 48 9 IS 0 80 h SS 9 81 9 La i 81 10 IS' 9 16 9 10 9 IS 9 11 I 88 0 43 6 e ls 7 01 7 m 7 11 7 83 7 HI 7 VI S 81 8 S7 S3 8 1 10 06 10 11 Hi 16 in JO 9 46 3 61 9 63 Wj oiniug ....... Mallby". ' 7 18 9 07 9 OS 8 114 T 15 8 17 7 15 8 11 7 117 8 IS 7 03 8 09 It) fill I 64 8 M lit IX 0 80 8 49 8 15 9 8il 0 09 i 95 a io .....Hennett. ...Kingston.., 10 23 In 7 a in a ft I T 9 8 69 8 60 8 61 8 48 .Pli moutn June., llO 87 8 17 7 IS u 82 8 S 7 E5 10 SS R VT t .n ...(IJ1UUUIU .. 10 40 8 89 7 43 l'l 44 8 81 7 63 10 69 III Q ,k I -.! anucoke B-41 a so .inniiuca's roek. . .mcksniaBy.. ....Hick's Ferry, 11 6 4 I'l 8 ca I 19 8 14 . 8 (IS 11 it a is e J 83 4 81 8 ts It Bi A 'JQ u ...lierwlck .... ,v.1P,r creek.. ,W lilow tirove... ...Lima Itldgc-.. .. ..Espy....., Blooniiburg..,. 6 65 1 18 i 62 1 10 6 48 9 I 6 40 1 68 ' 8 Ill 86 4 87 6 60 7 68 I u a 1.9 4 41 A AS 7 46! 11 A3 4 46 7 20 4 65 T 08 6 12 7 40 n (a 1 ak 6 84 1 83 C 18 1 48 6 83 1 48 6 20 1 40 T 411 7 as II 61 11 87 19 1 7 80 Ca taw Issa Bridge. T 16 til t 04 TO' 12 07 6 14 7 52 5 08 1 15 1 19 1 16 W.I&B owiien. ...,Danvllle....., ...C'hulas y,. l 10 6 80 8 66. 12 fiA ft Rd o ex 4 65 4 60 19 81 6 47 8 40 19 86 6 61 8 47 112 61 lu 0 n 4 SO 1 OU .....lameron I-Northumberlioid. 0 46 P.m. p. in. e,in. ... ,--ui. I'.in. m netner rrco from Alcohol In nnv form il. . ' errecis are lint followed by crirfS J 'MniT'- .. -..w....tUuU puns or me sjsU' iM.ilU.UtutlterV"