The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, October 26, 1877, Image 3

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    rvu in n n t n irm tu
IIT.OOMHIIUnO, flUDA Y.OCT. so, is;;
T.SJ A. M.
4.g r. m
11.67 A, M
t,t: r. m.
11.63 Ai Mt
Rail Rond Time Table
Accommodation Train 6.45 A.M.
Mall Train 7.09 A. 11
express Train , l.w l. M,
" " .u r. m.
Accommodation Train A.M.
Itcgular Express i.ror.M.
Through cars on Kxprcis train eltlior to New York
or Philadelphia. Accommodation train runs between
Cauwlssa and Wllllamsport. "
Heavy frost last TueUr morning.
A 'Wlnlite" will be lieM at the Episcopal
Rectory on next Turmlnv evening.
Every Democrat should vote on tho Cth of
Navcmbcr. No straggling now.
There will be an adjourned scmIoh of court
on Saturilar November 3rd.
Jmlge Elwell will hold a
Bradford county next month.
ppecial court in
The Supreme Court havo refused a reargu
mcnl of the Wllllamsport Bond caie,
A. D. Webb ofl'en for sale counters, book ca
ses, nnd how caso. Inquire at Q. A. Clark's
Book Store.
The Slato Convention of directors of the poor
nnd superintendent of county hospitals met at
Lock Haven last week Wednesday,
A blessing to humanity Is what Dr. Hull's
Cough Syrup can well be termed, for It It has
done more good already than any other medi
When you seo a bright Babr pleased with
Itself nnd everyebody else, be sure that Dr.
Hull's Baby Syrup has been used. Only 25
cenU per bottle.
Lsd week, with the exception of shower or
two, was delightful weather. The air was warm
and the sun shown as brightly as In June, We
think our Indian Summer Is now over.
"We have got to practice the most rigid econ
omy at such times as these," remarked a man
the other day to a crowd on tho sidewalk. "I
have slopped all the papers for which I former
ly subscribed i em't stand It j times ore hard.
Come In, boyiyind take a drink." The "round"
stood him fifty cent", the price ef the CoLUM
WAN for three months.
Ton Sale Cheap. A good "Morning Glory"
stove, arranged to heat up stairs room.
C. B. Brockway.
Oct. 10 2w.
Tho chances of success are all In favor of tho
Democrats In November. All that is needed
for them is to vote. Tho opiwsitlon is disgusted
and dismayed, but their leaders will rally for a
desperate effort. If wo want to beat them, wo
mu-t realize this fact and vote. We can-ot
sleep at our posts anil win ; but if tho voters
will make up their minds to vote, success is cer
Ellss Howell and J. M, Charoberlln, Execu
tors of William Howell will sell real csiato In
Mt, Pleasant township October 27th at two o'
clock p. m.
Andrew J. Hess. Administrator of Hiram
Lunger will sell real estate in Suearloal town
ship on October 29lh at fen o'clock a, in.
Ephram P Lutz, Executor of James Thorn
ton will sell real estate in Bloomsburg on No
vember 1st at one o'clock p. m.
Oscar P. Lnt, Admln'stralor of Mary A.
Greenwich will sell real estste In Scott town
ship on November 3rd at ten o'clock a, m.
For particulars see advertisement.
0. I Ent, Administrator of Peter Ent will
sell real estate In Llghtstrcet on November 30
at 10 o'clock a. m.
John Benfield and Sarah Mowrcr will sell
real estate In Montour county on November 1st
and in Columbia county on Novembtr 2d and
Wo would call especial attention to B. F.
Ilartman's advertisement of his Insurance Agen
ry, He represents some of the best companies
In tho country.
We an- informed by John KlifTer that there
will be a church dedication in Cntawlssa town
ship on the Ulh of November next. We pre
Bume it is to bo at the "Fisher Church.'1
On last Wednesday a man named Frank
Parks fell dead in front of Jackson & Woodin'fl
store. Ho was employed obout the place at the
time, nnd had been, apparently, well. Heart
dUeae, probably.
An Indim name for an editor is "Wo-rick-ta-clie-resh-he-ka-kaw."
Very appropriate,!!
it has n pretty meaning, to, being literally Irons-
laled, "The word-painter of tbitigi passlu,
Important Notice. Any members of tho
Democratic Standing or Vigilance Committees
visiting llloomshurg, are requested to call upon
1). Lowenberg, Esq, for cousulta,ion.
Oct. 19 3w.
Wanted ox SunscruraoK. Wheat flour,
Buckwheat flour, potatoes, honey, oats, corn,
butter eggs, anil poultry will be taken at this of
fice on subscription until further notice, at mar
ket prices. This is a fine opportunity to pay
up your back subscription in produce without
having first to get cash for it.
Gush. Col. Wright Is nothing, If not senna1
tlonal, and unfortunately some Luzerne papers
are tarred with tho same stick. We see the
statement going the rounds that the petition for
his $10,000,000, bill Is long enough to reach
from Wilkesbarre to Washington I It is alleged
that the petition contained 23,000 names. If
so, It would not extend 675 feet. Come down,
Secret finixima. "Secret drinking" is the
great danger to the better classes in this conn'
try. Scorts of men and woman in every com'
munity, who never have been seen in a rum
shop or at a public drinking bar, can secretly
obtain the glass or tho bottle at the grocery or
the drug shop without' loss of caste or reputa
tion : and do so until a habit is fastened on
them which is stronger than their pride in
good name,
Little Mac's soliloquy :
"Tell me, ye Jersey winds,
That round my pathway talk,
Do I Indeed live here,
Or over In New York ?"
Faith, Hope and Love, bright boons to
mortals given,
Flapped their bright wings and said,
"In both your'e livin."
New Orleans Times.
Catti.k Thievss. Friday morning two men
named respeo'ively J. II. Hufert and Hevry
Beart, claiming to halt from Benton, Pa., came
through our towu driving three head of cattle
(two steers and one heifer.) Coming to our
townsman, Mr. J. HofTsommer, they succeeded
in selling ono of the steers, after which they
continued their journey towards tho valley. In
the afternoon a man from Centralis appeared
and claimed the steer bought by Mr. HofTsom
mer as Ills, and represented the men who had
sold it to him as thieves, having stolen the three
head of cattle they drovo from Centralla. A
warrant was immedlatedly procured, and Mr.
HofTsommer and the man from Centralm, nc
couipanled by John Depue, constable, followed,
No particulars have as yet been received from
the parties In pursuit. Our reporter loclden
tally came in contact with Mr. Wm. Charles, of
Conyngham, who Btated that he saw Mr. IIoQ-
sommer and party at Conyngham last evening,
and they were In pursuit of the thieves. Mr.
Charles informs us that the cattle have been
left at Mr. S. D. Yost's for pasture, until they
(the thieves) returned from Huntington, where
they said they were going. Hasleton Sentinel.
A correspondent of n Y'fetoria paper writes
Should you or any of your family bo attacked J
with diplbcria, do not bo alarmed, as it is easi
ly and speedily cured wlthont a doctor. When
It was raging In England n few years ngo 1 ac
companied Dr. I ields on his rounds to witness
the so-called "wonderful euro" ho performed,
while tho patients of others were dropping on
nil sides. Tho remedy to bo bo rapid must bo
simple. All ho took with him was powder of
sulphur and a quill, nnd witli theso ho cured
every patient, without exception. Ho put a
tcaspoonful of flanr of brimstone into n wine
glass of water, nnd stirred It with his finger in
stead of a spoon, as tho sulphur does not read
ily amalgamate with water. When the sulphur
was well mixed, ho gnvo it as a gargle, and in
ten minutes the patient was out of danger.
Brimstone kills every species of tungus in man,
beast nnd plants' In a few minutes. Instead sf
spitting out the gargle, ho recommended the
swallowing of it. In extreme cases, in which
ho had been called just in tho nick of time,
when the fungus was too nearly closed to allow
tho gargling, he blew tho sulphur through n
quill into tho patient's throat and alter the fun
gus had shrunk to allow of it, then tho garg
ling. Ho never lost n patient from dlpthcrla.
If a patient cannot gargle, take a live coal,
put it on a shovel, and sprinkle a spoonful or
two of flour of brimstono upon it at a time ;
let tho sufferer inhale It, holding the head over
It, and the fungus will die. If plentifully used,
the whole room may be filled almost to suffoca
tion ; the p.ilicnl can walk about in it, Inhaling
the fume with the doors and windows shut. The
mode of fumigating a room with sulphur has
often cured most violent attacks of cold In the
head, chest, etc, at any time and is recommen
ded in cases of consumption and asthma.
Owing lo the Illness of Oscar P. Ent, Admin-
iterator of IVter Ent, the Hile of the d-cedenl s
real estate advertised to take place next Situr
tlay bus been postponed until Friday Novem
ber 30th at 10 a. in,
A Simple Hem buy ron DirriiEriiA. A Lon
don physician, whoso name wo cannot at pres
ent recall, has given to tho wcfrld a simple euro
fur dipthcria, now so prevalent and fatal in our
midst Tho writer incidentally mentioned the
For every disorder, and every incipient or receipt to a ludy, and ehe told of a family of
-developed disease, for which it is recommended,
jou will tind Dr. Il.ia.' Expectorant the bist
saffgu..rd and euro within your reach. 25 and
CO cents u bottle.
Hart Is paid by tho people as n cleik in the
Treasury Department. It is his duty to stay
there and earn his wages, instead of running
-around the Stale ut the public expense hunting
up votes.
Hart, the Republican candidate for Stale
Treasurer, is now Ca-liier of the Treasury. The
people want a new man not one who is a imui
b;r of tho present King, nnd will aid in cover
ing up its corrupt transactions.
three or four children that had been cured by
it Here is the prescription :
Put a tcaspoonful of flour of brimstone in a
wine-glass of water. Stir it with tho finger.
Give as a gargle. Brimstone kills every species
of fungus, in man, beast or plant. Swallow
the gargle in extreme cases. In case it cannot
be swallowed, blow it through a quill into the
throat, ltelief will follow in ten minutes; the
London doctor says.
'The distance was loo great from the Court
House 1 Well, the new buildlnc; is on Iron street
four squares from St-cond, tho street on which
the Court House is located. The distance from
the court building to Iron is one nnd a half
squares. This makes in all to the new jail just
live anit a Hall pqunres. mil it lernoie now
the tombs lawyers will snione 10 wain it.
Thus scribbles a correspondent of the Ber
wick Independent. As to the merits of the jail
In the notices of deaths last week, by a mis.
take of the printer the age of Mary K. Swayze
was made fifty years. It should have read
twenty years. The ago of Kate 5irr should question we gave our opinion Borne time ago
have read thirty live years instead ol ill ty very phunply, and only refer to the above ex
.years. trad as a specimen argument. 1st. As lo
"health" we assert that the jail foundations are
A sensational dispatch is going the rounds below the drainage from the Creveling farm.
about Pat Hester's complicity with tho nbduc. which passes right by the building. 2nd. The
Hon of Charlie Boss. Of courso tho story is old jail lot is only separated from the Court
made out of wholo cloth. Ho received
anonymous letter on tho subject, and that is all
ho knows about the matter.
Haruian Kramer did not stand his journey to
the Penitentiitry very well. On the train ho
was taken sick at his stomach, and on reaching
his destination broke completely down. He
persisted in his innocence lo the last, and said
ho had no suspicion as to who the guilty parlies
Hou-e lot by an alley, and thus saves five and
a half squares. 3d. The distance is not only
inconvenient to counsel, but delays proceed
ings in court, enlarges tho chances of escape,
and adds to expense in conveying prisoners to
id fro.
N. 4 W. B. it. n.
White Haven, Luzerne county, a picturesque
town in the Lehigh Valley, thirty mites by
rail from Wilkcsbarre, lives chiefly by the lum
ber trade.
Last Monday, on our return trip from New
York State, we made tho acquaintanco of Dr.
S. W. Trimmer, the efficient secretary of the
board of directors of the White Haven schools,
man very popular in his own neighborhood
and throughout Lusernc, and. in company with
rof. T. B. Miller, principal, visited the schools
in a fine building over looking tho railroads
and water-powers, the bridges, dams, and logs
in tho river; and the neat dwelling houses and
churches of the village a graded school of sev
en departments, well ordered tinder as many
teachers; where we heard a class in spelling
that did not miss a word, (words culled here
and and there, and words in rows upon the
page,) did not whisper once, did not slammer
nor hesitate. This was n large class in room
No. 1 ; and, sometimes, the professor pays, dotB
not miss a word in its regular lesson, for four
or five days together, each pupil haviug but one
chance no "trying again." A daily list of ten
hard words scarcely ever "stumps" tho whole
S. N. Walieii.
Never before have our merchants ofiVred such
'bargains as they ate offering at present. Peo
ple come from all directions who say they can
unake it pay to come to Bloomsburg to buy
their merchandize. Those who have not tried the purchose of Mr. Waller's charter,
There is a movement just now tending to the
completion of the North & West Branch Bail
road, tamiliarly known as"Waller'a Railroad.'1
Tho Pennsylvania Builroad Company are pay
ing a high rate of tariff to tho D. L. A W. Com'
pany for tho transportation of coal over the L.
& B. Uailroad, which they hope to obviate by
By the
it had better come and see.
construction of 34 miles of road, the greater
part of which is already partly graded, a con
An explosion occurred in the Bast Colliery nccting link will be formed between the D. II.
at Ashland lust week Thursday, which set fire & V. ut Catawisfa, and their extensivo coal
to three breasts of coal in the mammoth vein, openings at Nanticoke. Tho serious bono of
and injured a miner named Birnard Fulien. I contention is the fulfillment of n promise, on
The explosion was caused by the firing of a the part of Mr. Waller, to tho citizens
blast in one of the breasts. Bloomsburg, to locato tho carshops there. J o
secure stock Mr. Waller made these pledges
John McAnall E-q., is our authorized agent Bnj naturally wishes lo seo them fulfilled
at Berwick to receive money due on suWrip This w0 Eay ; principally tho only difference,
tion. A number of bills have been left with nj wa confidently houo it moy be adjusted
him for the convenience of the subscribers who 8hortly. Echo.
live in that section, su nut tney win not navo
.to come all the way to Bloom-burg to settle
.their bills.
With a cake of Glen's Sulphur Soap and a
commodious bath-tub, the victim of chronic
-cutaneous eruptions can improvise a sulphur
liath, which no professed bathing establishment
can supply. S"ld at Druggists, Hill's Hair
fc Whitker Dye, black or brown, 50.
Oct. 20 4w.
Association of tU 28lA and 147A rea'l Pa.
Kow., ami Knapp s l'a Ilattery,
Philadelphia, Oct., 7th, 1877,
The Executive Committee in consideration of
the great depression exiting llir ughout th
Stale In the varied occupations in which the
members of the association are engsgtd, have
resolved that the 7th re union ordered to be
held at Mauch Chunk, in October, 1877, shall
It becomes the duly of the un
Death's Doinus. An we go to press (Thurs.
day) we are grieved to learn of the death to-day be postponed
of Stephen, Infant son of O. V, Miller, Esq., dersigned to promulgate the same and request
of this place. Tho child had been suffering the members lo notify the Secretary of the ad
time from diptheria, and it Is thought Bright' dress of any connctl that may be known to
disease of the Kidnevs set n. thera that they may be nollueU ol inn resoiu
The infant i-on of E. B. Brower also died to- lion
day of croup. We are unable to announce when John P. NlcnoLSOV, Secy,
S .the funerals will lake place. Carbon, Luzerne, Bradford, Columbia, Ly
. coming, Snyder, Philadelphia and Allegheny
Woutant to Younu MEN.-Thelron City vaoi Pl" conf for oa lhe or8anl
Collie aflords n.ifoualed advantages for ao "lua " 1""'hS "ie auove.
.qiiirtr , thorough practical business education
as will tie seen from an examination or Its cir
cular, w jja hud by addressing the Principal,
J'nor. J.,1 r-unu, Pittsburg, Pa.
Sound Advice. Judge Elwell Is highly (
teemed by the worklngmen. They know him
to be a constant and unwavering friend they
have frequently been guided by his advice i
Important matters, nnd have voluntarily sub'
Wa rroret In Irarn that Hiram McIIenrv.
Who ,.rm was rfntlv amnutated tt this milled to his decision questions involving mil
place, died Middenly on Wednesday lat ne Hons of dollars. When, therefore, Judge Klwell
lmd none to tiia mountain on u visit to his declined the nomination of the Labor parly for
brother-in-law, situ while smoking hit pipe,wai the supreme bench, the act In itself possesses no
suddenly taken ill. His feet hail got wet iq significance, aim u wuum ue en mr every
travelinir. nnd mav have biea the immediate workingroan to ponder well the language
cause of bin death. Our heartfelt sympathies J udge Elwell before he throws his vote away on
rfi with his fomilv nnd friends. what la known as the Labor ticket- Judge El-
I .well sayst "I irgard and appreciate this action
Fon Sale or Lease. A good PLANING I of the representative men, assembled at Harris
MILL which ran bo tun as such or converted I burg un the JOih Inst., u a coaplimeut and an
Into a first class insuiifsctory In another branch I honor, hut am uu,t prepared toe,vcf ll cennec-
of builncm. A fine opening Is offered for an tion with the paily with .which I have hitherto
-cntirprlilji uul energetic party.
Apply to
J, U, ItOBlbON,
Bloomsburg, Pa.
Oct. 26 U.
acted. Having full faith in 0'e dlsposititm and
ability of that party to efleft all AeJed recyuii,
aa well cn Uhslf of tho labeling (.Itsae wof All
others, I cannot consent to becctoti standi!
bearer of any new party orgaoluttoo,"
Berwick is full of life. The works of Jackson
& Woodin, and other Industries are in active
operation, and everybody that wants it has im
ploy m ent.
The new block of M. E. Jackson Esq., is rap
idly rising, giving work to upward, of twenty
men. The store of Bowman & Crispin the
National Bank, law offices of M. E. Jackson &
Son, the Arsenal, and other stores and offices
will be removed lo this block as soon as it is
completed. It is probable that C. B. Jackson
q., will erect a residence on the adjoining
corner beLre long.
There is now in courso of erection on Market
Street what will undoudledly bo the most ele
gant residences in Columbia county. It is the
house of Col. C. G. Jackson. The body is of
lickshinny stono with granito trimmings. It
II be threestories high, or two stories with a
ghsluteroof. The grounds are lirge and
lishtfiilly located, the building standing back
some distance from the street, leaving ample
room for walks and shrubbery and fountains
and all tho other ornamentation that add to
entity and comfort. Wc admire Col. Jack
son's taste, and congratulate Berwick upo.i her
present prosperity.
SIIII'E TEAOF.I!. In NumeJIa on Septombcr
3d, 1ST7. by Rev. O. Ii. Dechant, Mr. 11. J. shlpoof
Malmllloto Miss Matilda Yeager, ot Numcala, Co
lumbia county, Pa.
HEiiDENS-JOIW.-Cn the 16th lnst., by the same
at Catawlssa, Mr. Wm. Ilcddens, ot Wasulnglon
vuie, to Mra. Hannah John, ot.Catawlssa.Col. co. Pa.
WETIIEIIELL-WATTS.-On tho 11th Inst,, nt
Light street by tho Rev. N, Spenr. V. D. Wethcrcll ot
Jllllvlllo to Miss It. J. Watts, ot Greenwood.
YE QEU. In Bloomsburg on the !oth ult., of dlp-
tnetlo. Gco-go W. leager, son of Galen and Sarah
Yeagcr, aged 7 years 3 months and H days.
YEAOEU. In llloomshurg on tho 1st lnst., ot dlp
thcila. Emma Alice, daughter of Galen and Sarah
Ycagcr, aged 3 years, 8 monlh3 and 22 days.
II VSiEItT. In niooinsburg, Oct. ISth. ISth, 1S7T.
ot dlptlierta, Mattlo Ilassert, youngest daughter of
Geo. and Lent Ilassert, aged 3 years, 8 months and
11 days.
One sweet flower has drooped and faded,
Olio sweet tLf int's volco has fled,
Ono fair brow the grave has shaded,
Our dear loved one now is dead.
WILSON.-In Flshlngcreelc on the 20th ot October
1SI7, Catharine It. wire ot Jacob o. Wilson and
daughter of the late Eld. A. It. ltutan, aged 29 years,
8 months and 12 days.
RMMITT.-On Sept. 31, 1877. of Brlgbt's disease,
James DePue Kmmltt, son ot . J, and s. J. Emmltt,
aged lo years, 7 monthn and 23 daja.
Conl! Coal!! Coal! I!
Wo nro now oflering nil sizes of
tho celebrated Susquehanna Coal
Co'd., coal, at tho lowest cash pri
ces. Coal screened beforo leavinc our
yards and full weight guaranteed.
Urtiers leit at i. W. McKclvy's
Store, at our office, or sent through
tho mails will receive prompt at
tention. Your patronage is respectfully
C. W. Neal & Buo.
May 1, 1877.
It it tho duty of every perron who lias
used Iloichee's German Hyrvp to lot its won
derful qualities 1)0 known to their friends in
curing Consumption, severe coughs, croup,
nstlitnn, pneumonia, nnd in fact all throat
and lung diseases. No person can uso it
without iininediato relief. Three doses will
relievo any case, nnd wo consider it the duty
of all Druggists to recommend it to the poor
dying consumptive, at least try ono bottlo as
40,000 dozen liottlcs wcro sold last year, and
no case where it failed was reported. Such a
medicine as the German Syrup cannot bo too
widely known. Ask your Druggist about it.
Sauiplo bottles to try sold tit 10 cents. Reg
ular 817.0 75 cents. For salo by Moyer Dros.
April 20, '77-lyjl
Has never been known to fall In the euro ot weak
ness, attended with symptoms, lndlsposlllgn to ex
ertion, loss ot memory, dimculty of breathing, gen
eral weakness, horror of dLscusc, weak, nervous,
trembling, drendiul horror ot death, night Hweats,
cold feet, weakness, dimness of vision, inniriinr. tinl
versal lassitude of tho muscular s stem, enormous
umieiuu wiia ujatje-piio system, iiol nanas, nusmng
ot tne body, dryness ot the skin pallid countenance
and eruptions on the face, purl! Ing tho blood, pain
in mo uacK, Heaviness oi me e ends, frequent black
siiots fl) Ing beforo the eyes, with tannornry suffu
sion and loss ot sight, want of attention, etc. These
symptoms all arise from n weakness and to remedy
that use K. I'. Kunkel'a lltttcr Wine of Iron. It ncv.
cr rails. ! nousanas are now enjoying health who
have used It. Get the genuine, soldonlylnflbot-
lies, -i aKe uniy r-. . iiunKers.
Ask tor Kunkel'a llltter Wlneof Iron. Thlstrulv
valuable tonic has been so thoroughly tested by nil
classes of the community that It Is now deemed In-
uisnen.sauie as a umia meaicinn. iLcnst-s nur. nii e.
purities the blood and gives tone to tho stomach,
itriiu-Hiea iiid v3i:iii nun itroionga llip,
I now only ask a trill ot this valuable tonlo. Prlco
finer bottle. U.Y KUNKEL aoln nronrlRMr. No.
259, Norlh Ninth street, below Vine. l'niladclnbla.I'a.
iui iuuM-ia inner y ino oi lion, unu uiko no
other. A photograph ot tho proprietor on cacU
wrapper, all others are counterfeit,
llewnre of counterfeits, lmnntlpt vniirdrmrr-ut.
sell vou anvbut Kunkel'a, which Is put no only as
nuuu lei'ieaeiueu. i ou KCl six OOIIICS lur I1VO col
lars. All I ask Is one simple trial.
Head all complete In two hours. No fee till bead
passes. Scat, I'ln ami stomach worms remoiedby
nr. ivuiiKei. -iov. oorm .imu iireec, anvioH rrec. no
t o mi iieuu unu mi piissi-s in one, ana alive, nr.
Kunkel Is the onlvsiifcessrul physician in thisnun-
uj iui luuieiuuiui ui v.uiint, aim ins worm syrup is
pleasnnt nnd sale tor chlldM- or grown persons,
send tor circular oraekfor n bottlo of Kunkel's
wormavrup. rrico ji per bottle, uei it of jour drug.
Kim. ii ue.ei iuiin. iNOTemuerw
Wheat per bushel,.
Itye ..
Corn, new, " ..
oats, ' ..
Flour per barrel ..
Bloomsburg, Columbia County, Pennsylvania.
Rev. D. J. WALLER, Jr., A. M., Principal.
at present constituted, otters tho very best facilities for Professional and Classical learning. '
i, Inviting and commodious ; completely heated by steam, well ventilated, lighted by gas, and furnished with a bountiful supply ot pure, toll
bludents admitted at any time. Rooms reserved when dcelrod.
Ilutldlnirs SDaclous.
Location healthful, anu cosy ot access. Teachers experienced, efficient, and allvo to their work. Discipline, arm but kind, uniform and thorough. Expenses
moderate. Fifty cents a wecK iieouction to ail expecting 10 icacu.
courses oi study prcscnueu oy we siaie i
I. Model School. II. Preparatory. III. Elementary. IV, Classical.
Adjunct Courses t I. Academic. II. Commercial. III. Course in Music. IV. Course In Art. V. Course in Physical Culture.
The Rlementarv. Sclenttno and Classical Courses nro I'ROfKSSIONAt.and students irraduatlne therein, receive State Diplomas, conferring tho followtn.
corresponding Degrees : Master ot tlio Klements i Master of tho Sciences i Master of tho Classics. Graduates In the other Courses receive Normal Certificates at
lueir Ulininmcuis,. BiKuetl uv inu Mincers ui luo ituaru ui iruaivtn.
iiiecourbooi Mirny prescnuea uj 'uiu fiaifl is iiuerai, auu my Dcmaiuic nun uossicai uuunwa nro uub iim-nur lo inuaw oi our ucsb lAiuesrvs. ,
Tlio State requlresa higher order of citizenship. Tho times demand tt. It Is ono of the prime objects ot this School to help to secure It, by tarnishing Inlelll
:nt ami eniclent Teachers for her schools. Tothlsendlt solicits yountr nersons of cood abilities and irood imrDOsca. those who desire to Improve Weir tlmt
and thetr talents, as students. To all such It promises aid In developing their powers, andabundont opportunities for well paid labor after leaving School. For
Catalogue, address the Principal.
ION. WILLIAM Ill.HTXI,, I'rrslilcnt Hoard of Truster--
Sept. 8, '70.- ,
1 rMItSTltATnll'H XTlTlilfcV
Letters ot Admlnlnisiration on the estate of Ter-
acy liayler, late or -Montour township Columbia
county, deceased, havo been granted by tho Regis-
ler ui nuui tuuuijr iai lko uuueiniifueu Auiiuuistiii-
tors or Montour township Columbia county, to
whomau persons indebted are requested to make
payment, and those havlmr calms or demands
against the said estate wUl mako them knowntothe
said administrator without delay
Oct. 6 6w. P. O. address llloomsburg l'a.
Letters of administration, on thoestnteof John
VanLlew lato cf orange township, Columbia co.,
l'a., have been grunted by tho Register of Co
lumbia county, to Alem Van Ltew, LiKht street of
same township, to v horn all persons Indebted are
leqtiesied to make Immediate payment and thoso
havlnirclalinsor demands acntnst tlio said etAto
will mako them known to the undersigned Admtnls-
iiuiui n niium ueiay,
Light Street.
Admlnlstratoi .
Oct 5Cw
'the u
Dauchy & Co't- Advt's.
t rnrpiri'lnno, cirunn bestti-Look I start
l 1 J- 1 ling! seal organs, u stops 151. Pi
anos only l3o. Cost J0. Circulars Free. Danl:l F.
Ueatty, Washington, N. J.
oct. 12, 1I-4W d
Mammoth Grocery, corner of Main and Centra street,
Fancy Imported and Domestic Staple Groceries of Every Description,
Qaeensware, Glassware, M anil Willowware,
Flour and Feed, Tobacco and Cigars,
Jan 1, HIT.
, f 1.60
, l.w
829 Broadway, nkw Citt ;
Cn.CAao, III, ; Nkw Oklkans, La.;
or San Francisco, Cal.
oct,l!,17-4w d
ndersllrnrd Auditor nrmolntprt to mnke rils.
rlmitlon ot the nmeeeds nrlMue from tlio bherin'a
salcot the real eMate ot Lew A. Illdlny, and also
sudltor on Ilin escentlnns to tlm nernunr. or n W.
Miller ns Trustee, ntid ala to mako distribution of I
in-iunns in me hands of c. w. Miller Trusteotor
th benefit of judgment creditors of snld I evl A.
niaiay, vin aeienu io idh atiuesoi nis appointment
nt the omen of II. & it. It. Little In llloomsburg on
Thursday Iho 1st day ot November 1877, nto'iTork
a. m., when and wnero nit persons hailng claims
are requested to piesent the home before tho Audit
or or bo foroi cr debarred from coming In for a shar
ui bum luiiu.
sep. 23,1677-tw Auditor.
rpiIE QltOSS
Dried Apples c
llama 14
Hides H Shoulders lo
Lard per pound 11
Hay per ton 10. UI
Iiceswax m
Timothy Seed aeo
No, 4 on Wharf $ 3,25 per Ton
No. 6 " " S 8,00
NO. 0 " ' I J.C0 "
Ulaciismith's Lntup on Wnarf i 3,ts "
-Bituminous " fi co M
fiOOO sold I Agents making $sn to ISO a week I more
Tho thrllllntr Ills tor v of Runs and Turk for 300 years,
a wua Hiory vi Duxm-mca ana raaaiaciBn), me
Btrlfo for power and creed. Uyttio popular Matcrl
an, vr. L. r. nrcrkett. Dcscrlbei thetr peculiar lte-
UKiuun puvi ti unu jjii nm vuatuiua , lucit itui-ro
and Generals, causes or this war, weighty Interests
at stake, etc. 600 pp. ltlcb Illustrations. Only $150.
I l If U UI L' VJ nuru Ttwi musLriu.uuB, uuu
UUIV IMUIJI'O farexcclallotherulnqaal-
ivy anu quicK saie. rricea just, reauceu m per cenu
bend for full particulars.
iiuiiHAitu iiuua., i'uonsners, l'nuo., i'a.
oct. H. TT-w d
Business Notices
A few pairs No. 9 and 10 Men's Boots at
cost to close at I. W. Ilartman's.
$1.25 Foxed Gaitcr nt McKinney's.
Bee Lutz & Sloan's stock of Black and
Colored Cashmeres and other Dress Goods
before you buy.
Beaver Cloths at much lower prices than
last year at I. W. Ilartman's.
Part Cotton Black Beaver Cloth 1.76 a
yard at Lutz it Sloan's.
Ladies nnd Children's colored
great variety at I. W. Ilartman's.
hose in
He came wearily up the sanctum steps yes
terday afternoon, and turning the waste basket
upside down sat down upon it with a sigh that
might have been cut up into tornadoes and
whirlwinds enough to go around a dozen agri
cultural counties. lie had a weary look about
him as though he'd been trying to die nnd
couldn't find a doctor. His coat was ragged
nd luitched here and there witli prosperous
and clannish communities of cockle burs. His
boots, water-proof variety, were so arranged
that if yon stuck Ihein in tho river the water
would run out faster than it would run in. We
asked how he fared, and he glanced savagely
among our exchanges before lie answered sad-
'Well, pretty miserable, lliank ye. Ye see,
times come in pretty harJ, and it was pretty
hard sleddin' to get along. I eathcr jest had to
sell the six dogs, or cut down the expenses in
in some other way, and so I stopped the patier.
I missed it powerful had the Grit few weeks,
then I kindo' got used to it. Borrowed it once
in a while, here and there, but folks somehow
lidn't appear lo want to lend their paper, and
so I finally lost sight of it altogether. Then
trouble begun right off. 1 he first thing I knew
I was arrested and fined $20 for violating the
game law. See, tilings has been changed a lit
tle and I didn t know nothing about it, but the
judge said as how ignorance wasn't no excuse
in these days when the State was so full of pa
pers that you couldn't fire a stone nut of the
winder without hitting an editor. Then in a
week I was arrested and fired $20 for violating
the fishery law, and when I begged otTand said
I didn't know nothin' about it, the judge asked
where I was raised, and remitted $2 of the fine
for me to lake a paper with. But I kinder
thought I couldn't get in any more scrapeu, and
I sorto hung onto the $2. In about three days
afler,I was look up again and fined ti and costs
for hunting on tiuuday, and I hope I may die
if I knew it was Sunday, An' I had lo sell
the gun to get out of the jog, Then a fellow
came along and bought every grain of corn I
bad in the crib for fix cents Ifts than I found
next day it war worth in the market then I
lost two of the best cows I ever saw, and they
was took up and advertised, and all the time I
was hunting the whole country over for 'cm,
an' when I found 'em at laat the cost was more
than the cows was worth, The taxes came dun
an' I didn't know It, an' the farm was sold an,
I had big coIa to pay before I kuowed a thing
about it. Then I lost $10 on a bet that lien,
Butler had a dead sure thing on the ltc jiubll
can nomination, an' five dollars on a bet that
Belknap was (tertiary of war an' I don t know
anything about Blaine, nor Babcotk, nor no
body, an' every wttk since I've stopped the p
jr I've paid cut more money to keep out of
Lrpuble, linn would eep pie In ncwipaptn ail
J T... . . L .1.-11-. 1
my pay? r r P naav u urn iuu
Heavy all wool Beaver Cloth $2.50ayard
at Lutz & Sloan's.
Twenty-five oystere in a stew at E Ja-
Beautiful Silk Handkerchiefs for 25 cts.
at I. W. Ilartman's.
More new Calicoes this week at Lutz &
Buy ) cur fc'clr.ol Blalcs at O, A. Clmk't.
"Our Own" the best shawl in tho market
for sale at I. W. Ilartman's.
Wanted, Two tirls to learn the tailor
ing trade. Wm. V, Kester. Apr.27tf
7 cents a yard for Annlcton "A" Musliu
by the bolt at Lutz & SJoan'n.
O. A. Clark will sell Parker & Watson's
National Headers at the following price du
ring tne coming fan anu winter :
Primer, 16 cents.
Kirst Header, 2r ceiies
Becond Header, 40 cenU.
Third Reader, 70 cenU.
Fourth Header, $1,00
Fifth Header, 1.25
Monteith'a Geographies at the following
rates ;
Monteith's 1st Oeornphy 28 cents.
Monteith's 2nd Geography 41 cents.
Mouteith'a 3rd Geography 83 cents
Monteith'a 4th Geography $1.40.
Lutz ASloan have Black Alpacas at anv
price irom ai cents to ?i.zo.
For a second hand Globe Cook Stove or
Cucumber Pump, apply to Wm. Knckbaum.
Black Satin Trlmminir Bilka and Mata.
laise Braids at I. W. Ilartman's.
Marr wauls corn and oats ou old accounts.
Tons of Dried Fruit wanted at
Dr. Sbiloh's System Vltaliicr.
We are authorized to guarantee this rem
edy for the cure of lyspepsia, Inactive Liv-
er.oour Btomacn.lyOnaiipation, U)rs or Ap
petite, Coming up of tood, Yellow Skin
and General Languor and Debility, Yim
must acknowledge that this would be ruin
ous unless we had positive evidence that it
will cure. You who are uuflerinE from
these complaints there words nre addressed
and will you continue to tuffer when you
can be cured on such terms? It U for you
to determine. Sample bottle 10 cents! ree
nlar size 76 cents. Bold by O. A. Ivlciin and
jm. J. m'liuemncu.
60.000 die annually by neglecting a
Cough, Cold or Croup, often leading to
Consumption and the grave. Why will you
neglect so imporlnut a matter, when you
can get at our store Slilloh'a Comauuititlon
Cure, with the assurance of a speedy recov
ery. For soreness across the Chest or Lungs
or Lame Back or Bide, Bhiloh's Porous
riaster gives prompt relief, bom by U. A
n-ieiui anu ax, j, jjenuertsnou.
Hackmetack, a popular and fragrant per-
mme. ooia py u. a, jueim ud n. J, lieu
ueranoit. juarcn sv, 77-eow
Letters of Admltilstrntlnn on ihp p.trjita nr f-Mhn
rlne Lnzirus. late of Oranrrn tnwnshln. rolumbla
county, Prnn'a., deceased, have been grunted by tho
Iteglsterofsald county to John Lazarus Ashland,
ra.. nna fanaerson LazaruaAuaennoa. ra. an oer-
Rons having claims against tho estate of tfie dece
dent arc requested to present them tor settlement,
and those Indebted to the estate to make payment
to me undersigned Administrators without deluy.
JUlia i.A&AllbS,
Ashland, ra.
AUdenrled, Fa.
October 5 6w 18JI
nfTYTCi and Itcvolvers. Illustrated Price LIstfrec.
UI U 1' OUreat Western Oun Vt orks, Mtisburg.Pa.
OCl. IV, il-VY U
new vooal and ! new Instrumental pieces of
.sheet music. 10c. silver or stomns. music rub.
Co., Mlddlcbcro, 31 ass.
oct. XII, IHff u
Alaminotb Outfit lo Ev
erybody, bienvwlnder
waicn rive wiui nrat order.
Ten dollars a dar euaran-
teed. M. CltONKIOlI & Co. rmiadclpbla, l'a , or Mil-
WOUKCt, Vila. UCU ZG, -U-4Vr 11
rnLAIlfK MIXED CAHPS with name, in case 18c
t)U 25 without sc., so new Tun cards 10c, uut-
11 us toe. v. WAHiniUKN & Co., Middleboro. Mass,
OCt. XO, T-4W a
March's Works
AgenUWantodfor Dr.
Homo Lifo In tho Blblo
and Our Father's House,
No books ever nubllshed havo received such uni
versal approval from tho orebH. ministers and lead-
intf men everywhere. The choice reading, tlno-suel
enKravlna. and superb blndlnus, make them wel
coiuoln every home. One sample sells all. send
lor terms, itein a painr business at once. J,
MoCUKUY & co. rhlladelphia, Fa.
A Man of a Thousand.
A was hourlv oxnected from Conscmktion. all
remedies uavinK iancu, anu ur ii. junit a was vxitrv
imenutiir. lie amtieuia iv mauo u Drennratiunor In
dian llemD which cured his only child, and now
iflves this recipe freocn rtcelptof two stampsto
iuv etrensee. Hemn aUo currs nleht-sweats.nau-
nea nt the stomach, and will break a fresh cold In
iweniy-iour uoura. luurefet.
1,031 itaco street, I'hlladelphla, naming this paper.
Otl. 10, IHW u
Cnsn-fV.wl1l Theonly combination ot the truo
oauiuiu DJ Jamaica Uiticer with choice Aromat-
cn and French uranay, lor weakness,
Ul'U Vi, 1 1
and rrosiratlon or the nervous forces.
Inability to sleep, coldness of the ex
tremltius and buspended circulation,
U a jfratcf ul boon (o buffering human-
ny ai onuc Hoouunif, birenKuieuioK'
and rrfreshlne. Ask for Hanpore i
J Ail 11C A UlNOKK.
ThoMJ wl-shinir relief and cure for nurture should
consult Dr. J a. muku man. 25S liroadwav. New
York. hendlCctB, for his new book vlih 1'hotOKrapldo
liKenessei or uuu cases wioro anu a hit cure,
itewareor cheats who pretend to rurnlbh Dr. bher
man's trefttiuent-
Oue of thepe fellows, a cerman clerk, now eatlfne
himself Dr. V. (). cremplen.lslodlctedon com pi bint
oi nr. ot uuu unuus iinu lur ifrgt'ry uuu tmufixiu-
menu n oci xo- nw
a I'OHiTivi; cunu rou
OATAItUU, lmoNcums
:and asthma
Thousands have been cured by Dr. Ooldkndkuu'h
Ihuahtion, wbo were prcnounoed Incurable by
yuj eiciafH a mi i riLiius. iTrbuna living ui a uibiiuicu
aeslrlntr to avail themselves of the advice ot Dk.
ooldknbero, cuu v. ritit their naiDO and address, and
forward to Dr. (iOL1enbkko. uis. Arch street, l'hlla-
ueipum wuru ne wm rtiurn mem a iui oipnnu'u
uroiiuun, iud uuswern io w men win enauw uix io
evrmine mo nature oi ineir disease and tne nron.
ability ot cure, lie win forward to any address nis
paner or book, riving lull descriptions of the dtse&s-
8119 Mt, Vernon fit.rhUadelphla, Oct, 3 J, 1STT.
I have used Dr. Cloldenberir's Inhalation for OatArh
urunvuiiis. auu abuiiuo, ana am entirely curea,
t.UUM 1
A Iliitlical Curo lor till UUcnxc
ok tub
Kidneys, Bladder,
and Urinary Organs
l'atleDUtendlngtvo ounces o! urine, eirrcHsajre
paid, can bavea cbeinlcal analvbla LLadu.ami un
opinion rendered regarding tbo nature of Uitlr du
eabA'a, etc., free of charge,
conbultatlona and elimination yrco. Send fcr Dc-
ncripuve rarer io
Ult. 11U1J)KN1)I!I1U i'llnclnaiotnce,
10 Auli tUttl, I'LuaddiiUa.
BLANK MORTG AQB8 fcr nit tlieap at tl.
KRTAT. W A. K1.1N1C. UltrKlRin.
Tbo underiilfrned Auditor appointed to mako dls
trlbutlon ottbo bnlancn of funds in the hands of A,
iDerson Aomintsiator, to and among the pirtlc!
tied thereto will attend to the duties of Ills an.
tolntmcnt at the omce or P. I1. Iilllmever in iunnmu
burs on tho loth dsy of November 1877, ntio o'clock
a. m. when nnd where all persons havln? claims arn
requested to present the same before the Auditor or
uo ueuarrea irom coming in lor a snare oi saia runu.
tr.r 111I.1MKVK1,
OCt. 6 41.
Letters of Administration on the rrntn nf rhllln
jiiuitrc. lulu ui un.ui ujwuhuiD. uuiuinuiu I'nun.
ty, have been granted by he Heirtsttr or Bitd coun.
iy 10 i no unuerEiRuea Auminmrniors oi Locust
township. AH persons havlne; claims ncaln&tthe
fcald estate are requested to present them ror settle
ment, and those Indebted to mako pa) ment without
JAaiU llKUl'K
Sep. !1 - Administrator.
In the matter ot the sale of tho real n of C'ath.
arlno Kredrlca deceased for tho nav ment of debts.
Tho auditor appointed to ascertain the Interest of
tho deceased In mild real estateand alsoto ascertain
the justness and validity ot the ullr-ired debts will
meet all panics Interested at hts omco In lilooms
burg on Friday November Sd 1SI7 at ten o'clock In the
lurcnoun iur uiu pui puses oi nia appointment
tl. 11. KUttlMl,
Oct. 5 4W.
ie underslirned Auditor nnnolntfd bv tho or.
phansfourt ol Columbia county to makn distribu
tion or tlio sum of M51t9 remaining In tho ri-al es
tate of Wm. l'CKir lato ot Madison two. lo said co ,de
reased.forthe uso of Wm.Marsh surviving husband of
Elizabeth a daughter ot said William I'egg d( censed
will meet at hla onico In tho Town of Bluomsburg In
said county on Saturday tho 17th day of November
A .1). Ii77 ar. 10 o'clock a. in. of said day tor the pur
pose of holding said audit. All parties Interested
will attend and present their claims orboforeier
debarred troui coming In for any share or said fund.
The und.rslgned Executor of the last w 111 and tes
tament of Jainou Thornton, lace ot tho township ot
liioom in the county ot Columbia, deceased, by au
thorlty contained In Bald will, will expose to public
aue on iho premuoe, on
commencing at I o'clock p.m. oftaldday, tho following
Xot ororuuutl,
tliuatolnUio Town of llloomsburg in Bald County
ot Columbia, boundo.. and described as. follows, to
wit i Fronting oo Market Btreet of Bald Town, west
blde-adlolnlng Hrst street of said town on the
north Mammei's alley on the west, lot of K, it.
Drinker on the south, and Maiket Una cf said
Town on tho east; containing in front on Market
street lorly-ono -.Met, and In deptn ono bun
dred and nlncty-elght fectj whereoa uxti erected a
two-story frame
DWEIjL.ING house,
with kitchen attached, a FIIUIEKT.UIU! and other
outbuildings, good fruit trees ou said lot, a good
wen oi water at tho kitchen door.
Term made known on day ol sale,
October tin ts.
I, JOHN W. HOFFMAN, High Sheriff of Co
lumbia county, do hereby mako known and proclaim
to tho quallllcd electors of Columbia county that a
general election Mil bo held on TUESDAY, THE
SIXTH OB' NOV12M1IKH, ISJ7 (being the Tues
day next following tho llrst Monday of said month,
at the se eral districts within tho county, to wit :
Heaver township, at tho public houso of Joseph
II. Miumau.
Benton township, at the public nouso ot Hiram
I less, In the town of llenton.
tast Bloom, at the Court House, In Bloomsburg.
West Bloom, at tho Court House, In Bloomsburg.
Borough of Berwick, at tho bloro ot John McAnall,
In tho borough of Berwick.
Borough ot Centralla, at tho public house of Wil
liam Telfcr.
Brlarcreek township, nt tho public school houso
near Evansvlllo.
Catawlssa township, at the public houso of Samuel
Uostenbauder, In the town of Catawlssa.
Centre township, at tho school houso near Lafay
ette Creaayn.
North Conyngham District, at the school house
near tho colliery of John Anderson Co.
Houth Conyngham District, at tho boom el John
Flshlngcrcek township, at tho bchool house near
C. B. White's.
Franklin township, at tho Lawrence school house.
Greenwood township, at the houso ot Joseph 11.
Hemlock township, at tho public house ot Chas. II
Dlcttirlch, In the town ot Buck Horn.
Jackson township, nt the house ot Eieklel Cole.
Locust township, at- the public houso ot Daniel
Morris, In Numedla.
MUllln township, at tho public houso of Aaron
Hess, In tho town of Miminvlilc.
Madison township, at the public school house in
Mt. Pleasant township, at the houso of II. W
Montour township, at tho public house ot W. It
Tubbs, at Itupert,
Main township, at the public house ot Jeremiah E
l'oaringcrcek township, at the house of Joan 11.
Orango township, at tho public house ol II. c.
Conner In OrangevUle.
lino township, at the Centre School nouse, lately
fixed by a vote ot the citizens ot said township.
Sugarloaf township, at the house ot AUnas Colo.
Scott township, at the public houso of Wm. Pettlt
In Espy.
At which time and places tho qualified electors
w 111 elect by ballot tho following state and County
omcers, vix :
Ono person for Supreme Judge of Pennsylvania.
One person tor Auditor General ot Pennsylvania.
Ono person for state Treasurer of Pennsylvania.
One person tor District Attorney of Columbia
One person for Coroner ot Columbia county.
u is further directed that the election polls of tho
several district shall be opened at seven o'clock In
tne forenoon, nnd shall continue open without Intel
ruptlon or adjournment until seven o'clock in the
evening when tho polls will bo closed.
That every person excepting Justices ot the Pcac
and Aldermen, Notaries Public and Pcnons In th
mllltla servlco of tho state, who shall hold or shall
within two monthi havo hold any c"i"o or annolnt-
ment ot pront or trust under the Ur'td Stntta,or of
mis state, and city or corporated district, whether a
commissioned oniccr or otherwise, a subordinate
omcer or agent who Is or shall bo employed under
mo wgisiaiure, lixecutivo or Judiciary Department
ot this stato, or of any city or of any Incorporated
district, and also, that every member ot Congress
and of tho Ktnto Legislature, and of tho select or
common council of any city, or commissioners ot any
Incorporated district, Is by law incapable ot holding
or cxcrcWng at tho samo tlmo tho omco or appoint
ment ot juuge, inspector or Clerk ot any election of
this Commonwealth, and that no Inspector, Judge or
other officer ol such eloctlon shall bo eligible to bo
men voiea ror.
-and now KeptsimberJOth, 1877, It Is ordered that
the Tcrmsor the sctcrul Courts tt Atrtmrtnr .Aumi
shill herealler bo held as follows, to wltt On the
fourth Monday of lebruary, May and M pIeiuUr,
and on the third Monday of Dec fuibcr la each j ear
Certified from tho liecordsat UamUle l'a., this 1st
. . . l'rothonotary,
Ott, Ofiw,
Ulcluel l'ederolf
Hattuel Ulby and
terre tenants.
court appoint Famuel
No. '4. Kept. Term, istl. .a
1S7I on mutton of o. It, Bucko!
lew ot council lor plaintiff the
Knorr Ksa . Mutt.,r m tcr.nri
the amount duo upon the Mottguge In this caso nnd
alio in what order and to what extent tho respective
parcels t'tlind tn iiussesslon or ownership of teire
tenants arc liable to contribute to tho payment of
saia .ucrigage urio uetomw sausiaciion thereof
The II astir ll meet the parties Inteiested for
the purpi so t ( uts appointment at the publto house
.uuniiiiiwuiiiii lutviiiiu wuiiiuim fjunngnaia
Urn in hip at o'clock a. ixu, on 1 hursday tho 6t day
Thirteenth ami Filbert Sta.
PHILADELPHIA, of Patkiitid
WroDilit-Iron Air-TiiM Heaters
Willi StinkliiR nnd C'llnkcr-firlndltiff Ornlrafor
JIurnlus Aiuhrnrite or lilt nm It oni Voml
Cooking Ranges, low-down Sratet,
4lc, 4lc,
Descriptive Circulars esut ruez to any address.
April S7, 77-ly a ft a
Letters Testamentary on the estate of A. It.
Ilutan, late of ytahlngcreek tvrp.. Columbia) county,
deceased, have been trranted br the Hertftter of vtaLi
county to Hannah J. u. Rutan, ot Flshingereek:
townsnip, uoiumoia county, executrix, to whom
all persons Indebted are requested to make payment,
and thoso having claims or demands against the Bala
estate will mako them known to tho said Executors
without delay.
sept, U,n-vr Kxeoutrlr.
Stillwater, Pa.
In pursuance of an order ot the Orphan's Court of
Columbia county, the undersigned will sell at public
sale on the premises ct the late John Mensca de
ceased, la Franklin t ownshtp on
at 10 o'clock a. m., the following described
bounded by lands of Wm. Teeple, Wellington mea
ner, M. .Uearbart, Susquehanna river, Michael
Mcnsch and others, containing
and 53 perches.
There is erected on the premises two
Large Dank Bam and other out-bulldlngs. There ts
ulso a good orchard on the promises.
Tekms and Conditions ok balk as Follows : Ten
per cent, of the one-fourth of tho purchase money
to be cold at tne utking down of the property, the
one-fourth less the ten per cent, at the connrmatlon
of sale, and the remaining throo.fourths In on year
thereafter with interest from connrmatlon shd.
jasKk VKNecn,
oct, 19, 77-ts Administrators.
Tho Inspectors und Judge ot tho elections sliall
meet at tho respective places uppolutcd for holding
tho election in tho district to which they respectively
belong, beforo seven o'clock In the morning, and
each of said inspectors ehall appoint ono clerk, who
shall be a quallned voter ut such district.
Tho quallfled voters ot the several districts In
this county at all general, township bor
ough and Bpeclil elections, aie hereby hereafter
authorised and required to vote by tickets printed or
wruicn, or partly pruned and partly written, sever,
ally classified aa follows: One ticket Bhall embrace
the names of all Judges ot Courts voted lor. and
labelled, outldo, "Judiciary;" ono ticket shall em
brace ino names of all tho state officers voted for
and to be labelled "State;" ono ticket Bhall embrace
mo names or au county omcers voted for, Including
tho onico ot Senator, and Mombera of As.
scmbly, if voted for, and members ot Congress, It
vuieu iur, anu oo laoeueu -county ;" one ticket shall
etnbrnco the names of all township officers voted for,
and be labelled "Township ; one ticket Bhall em
brace the names of all borough officers v oted tor, and
And each class shall bo deposited la separata bal.
Sheriff's Offlee, Bloomsburg, Sheriff
SepUJl, 11-it -
pains mark
out by that
p'alLest of all books "Plain Homo Talk and Medical
Common Uense," nearly i.wi cans, soo ill num.
tlons, by Dr. E. B. FooTK, ot iso.Teilngton Ave..
N.Y. Purchasers of this txx k are at liberty to con!
suit Its author by mall Free. Price by mall M ' for
me btanbabd eaition. or for tho rorcunedl-
.uiiu,Uui,iu,ttuiuu tHice matter ana illus
trations. Contents tables tree. .Agents Wanted
stra t, N. Y. - cct. HtlVm
"l We bought at constable sale the following artt
clesas the rropertyof Francis Fleming, Main town
ship, and have loaned the same tohltnduilnirray
pleasure. All persons arc cautioned not to Interfere
H. the samo: 1 cow. hogs. 3 plgs.8 beds and
beddng. 1 sewing machine, 40 yards of carpet, IE
Lhnirs. 1 stands, 1 bureau. 1 oooktnc stove snd a
kernes, 1 clock, tables and tot of dishes, t sink, t
J0llri;auH 8 sinks, suites, lotot lumber comns.
oct, 18, 17 3w'
iltnuUc, Pa.
i?' ,or of 'f Ptloim to tho account of Jame &1
1 SSAw SUS&S! e"CMOn 01 in Loartin-
M71l?.unrals,:le'1 Auditor wm meet partl triter
fif W "ir,os,, othla appotntmfnt at tils of.
lsnattcn'clocku?.T,lurb,lay- No,cmU!r
oct,iMm-,w '"itor.
tJi'60' ' ""ministration on thuesuta of David lateot Prlartreek townshl p, fleceasea,
havo bc-cu granted by the lteelster of said oounly to
indebted aie requested to make lmmcdKtepijrncnt
and those having claims or demands uealnM T the m.
Jm.P.ii8 tbtmkiowntothcT admiirawS
The UnderslL-ned tmvtnc lu... ......
tor on the exoepttons tiled to tho account ot Abrmn
aliinan, Bxecutor ot Jjbbo Zaner, deceased, and
his powers Increased so that ho shall make dlstrlbu.
..v.,. v. wiu uaiauce m luuus in tne nancts 01 said Ex
ecutor, he will inoet all parties at hla office In
llloomsburg on Friday the vd day ot November.
A. 1)., 1S7I, Rt 10 o'clock a. in., for the purpose ot hla
appointment. r w
Ml parlies baWngclalms wtll preseut themorbe
forever debaried Irom rouilugln lor share ot said
oct, 18, 17-lw
1-er month , will be paid to a goodener.
getlo manlntocH county to Uitrwlucu
Write Immediately, and state experience In this bu.
bluets, and age. Address,
D. O. GOODRICH, Publisher,
Jt (0alottIiWIWUtOfaof,
oct, 1, 1HV
By virtue ot a writ of Vonit inrt
of the court of Common Pleas ot Columbia cov, and
to me directed, will bo exposed to publlo sale at the
Court House In Bloomsburg at one o'clock p. in. on estate Blmnmin vimin 5i
hlp, Ooluntl county, l-ennsylvanla, described aa
foUows lldflnded u tbo north ana east by land st
tkorge Hughes, south by land of Jacob Hubs ana
west by land ot Catharine and KlIxabethNungessor.
contalnlnstwentyacres more or lots, whereon are
wku uousc, frame barn una ontrbulldlogs.
fcclztd, taken Into exeeuUon and to Ui sow as tho
property ol Jonathan Spado.
CONDITIONS OF SAUt-Purchasera must lay
ton per cent ot the purchase money, or at least
enough to cover all costs ut ttrtktni; down ot bale
otherwise property to be resold at once.
oct- , nt.ts
is not euktiv earned tn 1 ln,s tin... ,,. I.
can be mode in 1 hr, - h- .
f of tither sex. In anv Don. 01 11.. ;,.,
vi ho Is wtnini? to unrk fct.p,ni . .
that f nrnT.k ui. ."ZT"t T 1"?.
tou need not be awar' nom homo over nigh
can give jour tiuae to the wort or only v, w
spare momenta. HeosU nothlni; lo tri the buiu
ueaa. Terms ana M outfit frve. AMiMilmn
U. llALurr Co., Peruana, JiSit.
FV- M It lyr, ?