Ixtf t &MrtMw. Issued weoicly, every Friday morning, at IILOUMSUUlin, C'OI.U.VflilA COUNTS, l'A. two dolhiw por year, ptiraiwn In ailvnnco, Fir. Ih. tU. 8K. ,$1.00 IJ.W MOO If JO . ..a i il IM R IWt 4? Sou MOO Two iiollbs por year, p-.iyawo in auvnnco.or dtirldir tun your. AUerllio oitplratlon ot the year fj.ai will be ciiarireil. To subHCrtbcrs out ot the oouutr tlie tornu are fa per year, trlclly lit advance -H ji it nut n ltd in advance and f s.ou II payment be leuynd bu ouil llin year, So lupor iHicoiiilnuoii, except at tho option o( tho imblllsuers, UDtii all arrearages are paid, but lone suntlnud eredlti after tlie expiration of tho nrsl year will not bo given All papers neiit out ot thoHtato or to distant post orr.ces must bo paid for In advanco, unless a respon sible person In Columbia county assumes to pay the subscription duo on demand. l'OSTAH K is no longer exacted from subscribers In tho county. JOB tPIRItDTTIIsrGk The Jobblnir liepartmcntof tho Colembun Is very complete, and our. I b ranting will compare favora bls with that oftho largo cities. All work donoon dumand.noatly and nt moderato prices. One Inch... rourlncncs..'.!'.;ii... ... lilt tin T.eo ti.tw T.oe .oo h.oki quarter column...... o.ow llalf column... 10-00 s.oo lo.oo 1 1 nn i s aa 15.00 OKAft (inn column. uo.oo SS.00 80.00 60.00 Yearly aaverusfmems paju'j;i"'"V.:. "iiut slcnt advertisements must be paid for before Inserwu except where parties navo accounts. ... .. . ... rrr.fl- lgal advertisements two aouarypcr men tf' Insertions, an it that rato tor additional Insertions without relereaee to longUu Executor's, Administrator's and Auditors notuts three dollars. Must bo paid for when inserted. . t.nAi ,Mln. twptitv rents alias. regular advertisements hall rates. Si 1".!SST' SiltortwarroptleUrs. BLOOMSBURG, PA., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 26. 1877. THE COLUMBIAN, VOL. XI, NO. 42 COLUMBIA DEMOCHAT, VOL.XI.lt, NO. 80 Cards In the "Business Directory" column, one dollar per year for each line. THE COLOMBIAN, .UMB1A DtXOCRtT, STAR OF TilK NORTH AUD COI BUM cnttgnt.lnlTKn.V lie Columbia County Official Directory. President Judge William Elwcll. Assocl.tto Judgcs-l. K Krlckbaum, F. t HUuman. Vrothonotarv, tc II. Frank Zarr. Court stcnoffrapltcr s. N. Walker. twister Uccordcr Williamson II. Jacoby, District, Attorney .John M. Clark. Slicrm John vv. llonman. surva or Isaac Dowltt. , Treasurer-Ur 11. W. Mcllejrnolds. Oj nmtsslonors .lohn llerncr, S. W. Mcllcnry, Joseph sands. Commissioners' Clerk William Krlckbaum. Audltora-M. V. 11. Kllno, 1. 11. Casoy, E. U. Urown. Coroner Charles O..Murph . Jury Cominlssloncrs-Jacob II. Fritz, William II. Utt. Countv Superintendent William II. Snyder. liloom l'oor l)istrlct-l)lrcctora-o. 1". Ent, Scolt, vVm. Kramer, Uloomsburg and Thomas lteccc, teoit, o. r. lint, Secretary. DUSINESsS CARDS. JU. J. 0. ltUTTlSn, C'UIBlUIAH SSUItliHUIC, JIar.j;,'J4- omce, North Market street, Bloomsburg, Fa. Orangoville Academy. William P. Shcliells's Record. REV. 0. S. CANFIELD.A. M.,Principal. A wouiilNaMAN'3 candidate I E. E- onvis, ' ATrOHNEr-AT-LAW. Iloom No. 1, "Columbian" Building. Bloomsburg Official Directory. President ot Town Councll-D. LoHenbcrg. Clerk -W.Witt. Chief or I'ollco M. C. Woodward President ot Has Company 3. Knorr. Sccretary-C. W. Miller. moii nsourg llanktnir companv John . Funslon, Prncl.tun . tl. II. Urn 7. Cashier. Firs .v.v lonal Hank Charles It. I'axi on, "resident f. 1". Tustln, cashier. Columbia Coiiuu Mutual Raving Fund and Loan VssoeK lon-E. II. Lille, President, C. W. -Miller, secretary. , , . Hloomsourg liulldln? undsavtntr Fund Association -Win. roacock. President, .1.11. ItoMson, secretary. moomsourg .Mit'uat navtnir t- una assouiu iuu o. I Brower, Preslden , C. (1. liarkley, Sccreinry. CIIUllCII DIltKCTOltY. BAPTIST CI1CKC1I. itev. J. P. Tus In, (Supply.) Sunday Services-! a a m. and OX p.m. Sun la school 9 a. m. ... I'ravor Meeting-r.vcry Wcdnesda' evening at "x s'treo. Tho public are lnvl ed to at tend. ST. SUTTHBW'S tCTIIKRiSCnriiCn. Minister Itcv.. I. -'eCron. iitit lay servtees Invj u. m. and OMp. m. sund.iv chool-lin.m. ,, i'ra er Meo lag i:ery Wednesday evening a' .'loi'k. heats free. No pews ren'ed. All aro wclcomo. PIIRSaVTBKlAKCUCKCn. Mlnls'cr-ltev. Stuart MP-hell. Sunday Services lux a. m. and Otf p. m. Sunday School-0 n. m. l'r.vcr Meo lug l'.very Wedncsda evening a' 0)4 rlock. , Sea 8 free. No pews rented. Strangers welcome lIETHOOIftT KP1SC0FAI. CnCRClI. Presiding I'.lder-ltev. N. S. Ilucklnham. Mlnlsier Key. M. L. smjser. , Sunday Services 1 X mid p. m. sunda- school p. m. . ,... Ulblo class-Cver Monday evening a' OJi o clock. Voting Men's I'm er Men lng-Every Tuesday enlnira flttf o'clock. . , (lenorul I'ruycr .Meetlng-Every Thursday evening 7 o'clock. KRFORMEP CltOKCn. Corner ot Third and Iron strceu. t'astor-Itey. (1. n. Hurley. ttesldence-Centrol Hotel. Sunday SerUccs I0f a. m. and T p. m. Sunday school a a. in. l'raycr Mceiing saturuar, i p. m Ofkice- Sept. 18,1810. gA.MUKL KNOHIt. ATTOUUE Y-A T-L A W, llLOOMSBUltn, FA. omco. Hartmnn's Block, corner Main and Market 1 Diiceia If you want to patronlro a FIIIST CLASS SCHOOL, WIIE1U5 BOAltD AND TUITION AKB LOW, glvo us a trial. Next term begins MONDAY, NOVEMBER 5. 1877. For Information or catalogue apply to THE PltlNCIPAI, July 27, '77-1y Orangevllle, Pa. N. v. FUNK. u . wALtin. AS! Farther RefiuGtion in tliB PUNK & WALLER, Atto noys-at Lnw, BLOOMSBUKO, PA. oraco In CottMBUN Beam. Jan. l, '7T-ly PKICE OF FAINTS, OILS, BRUSHES, JAPAN nilYEIt FUTTY I. L. IiAIiD, 1'ItACTICAL DENTIST, opposlto Episcopal Church, Main street burir, I'a. trr Teeth extracted without pain. aug24,J17.1y. J) HOCK WA Y & ELWELL, A T TO U N E Y S-A T-L A W, CottsiBiAN Bcildino, Bloomsburg, Fa. Members of tho United Stales Lnw Association. 'ollectlons made In any part of America or Europe p P. A W'.J.llUCKALEW, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, Bloomsburg, Fa. onico on M aln s-t ree t, n rst door below Court Uouso JI. CLAHK, ATTOItNEYS-AT-LAW Bloomsburg, Fa. omco in Ent s Building. E. All aro Invited There Is always room. ST. TACL'S CIICBCU. lector Itev L. Zahner. Sunday Services hin a. m., la p. m. Sunday School a. in. First Sunday In the month, Holy Communion. Services preparatory to Communion on irlday ivcnlng bcloro I ho kt Sunday In each month. Fows rented ; but everybody welcome. KVAN0BL1CAL CltUKCn. Presiding Elder-ltcv. A. L. Hccser. Minister Kov. J. A. Irvine. . Sunday Service 8 p. m., In the Iron Street Church. I'ra er Mectlng-Every sabbath at 4 p. m. All aro Invited. All are welcome. TUB CnCKCU OF CHRI8T. Meets In "the llttlo Brick Church on tho hill," known as tho Welsh Baptist Church-on nock street CaKCBUlar0meetlng for worship, every Lord's day at- "eats tree fand Uie' public are cordially Invited to .attend. IJLOOJISnUUO DIRECTORY. P. HILJ.MEYER, ATTOIINEY AT LAW. Office Adjoining C. n. & w. J. Buckolew. Bloomsburg, ra. n. LITTI.F-. BOB T. K LITTLR. H.&R. R. LITTLE, ' ATTOIINEYS-AT-LAW, Bloomsburg, Fa. tir-nulness before the U. 8. ratent onice attended to. onire in the Columbian nuliaintr. ra i TTEUVEY E. SMITH, A 1 lUHiNtil-A Office In A. J. Evan's New Bcildino, DLOOMSBURO, TA. Member of Commercial Law and Bank Collection As. sedation. ucv. is, n-u "'Y'lLLIAM RRYSON, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, If j on trmit (o Hitvf! from 10 to icr cent In the cost ot r.MNTINO, send for our prices ot the following : Strictly FUltE WHITE .BAD, MONTOUIt WIIITfl LEAD SLATE FAINTS. ALL COLORS, IRON TAINTS, TnREE COLORS, PURE LINSEED OIL BEST JAPAN DRYER. Mxsr.i:i on. & chalk putty. Best Paint Brtinhea, COACH VARNISH, HOUSE VARNISH, Furniture Yarnisli. SPIRITS OF TURPENTINE, Orders and inquiries by mall will rerelvo prompt attention. samDlo cards andcrlo ellst turulsnea without charge. HENRY S. REAY, Rupert, Fa. Ccntralia, Pa. ays. "76.-1. Tub 18, '70. A. C. SMITH, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Important to Lawyers .Tnctlrva nf llin 1pnfiv Cnnstjlbles. ExCCUtOrS, Ad" I ,,a mintstrators. duardlan. Township offlccrs, and bus! I ' ' ncss men generally. MINEF.S, MECHANICS, LABORERS, EXAMINE THE RECORD OF A MAN, WHO WHEN IN POSITION TO DO SO ALWAYS VOTED FOR YOUP. INTERESTS. William F. Schell, tho Democratic can didate for Auditor General of Pennsylvania, during six years ecrvlco In tho Senate and House of Representatives of your State, in variably voted for Internal improvements, such as Turnpitc, Coal, Iron and Railroad companies and for Steamship companies. Ho Invariably voted against speci.il legis lation lu favor of close corporations. He recorded his vote against 273 Ranks, Savings Institutions and Insurance Compa nies, the whole number asking to bo crea ted during his term oi service. Head the record and see If ho is not a fit man to bo intrusted with tho people's inter csts iu the office he s eeks nt your hands. Among the most prominent nets support ed by him we find House Journal of 1852, page C78, a reco mendatlon to Congress to construct a canal around tho falls of Ohio at Louisville. Vo' ted aye. House Journal 1852, page 039, an act to encouraeo tho development of mineral wealth iu western Pennsylvania. Voted aye. Houso Journal 1852, page 411, a recom mendation to Congress to establish a navy yard and dry dock on tho lake frontier. Voted aye. House Journal 1852, page G55, an act to secure more effectually thoj payment ot tho wages of labor. Voted aye. Senate Journal 1853, page 178, an act to tnako better provision for the punishment of frauds committed by bankers, trustees, and other persons intrusted with property. Voted aye. Senate Journal 1858, pago 853, voted for an act for the better seeming to the com monwealth the payment of taxes due from incorporated companies. Senate Journal 1858, page G25, an act to encourace the mauufacturo of iron with coke or mineral coal. Voted aye. Senato Journal 1858, page 803, an act for tho better protection of labor. Mr. Schell moved to proceed to the consideration of the bill, and voted aye. Senate Journal 185S, page 721, au act to encourago tho manufacture of paper. Vo the revenue by tho Imposition of duties, but afford nmplo encouragement to all tho inter ests nf tho country, injured by tho produc tion of cheap labor of other nations, but moro especially to urge an increase of duties on coal and iroti, In which a portion of our people nro deeply interested, Ac FREIGHTS. Mr. Gazzam called up Senato bill No. 425, to regulate tho charges of railroad compa nies. Ho moved to strike out all after tho enacting clauso and insert a now bill pro hibiting discrimination against local freights. Mr. Harris moved to postpone the bill yeas 0, nays 20, (Mr. Schell among them.) On tha motion to suspend the rule and read tho bill a third time it was lost yeas (among them Mr. Schell) nays 12. Two thirds necessary, so the bill was laid over. Legislative Record 1858, pago 479. In October, 18CG, Mr, Schell published a card in the Bedford "Gazette" declaring himself in favor of the passago of a law pro hibiting railroad companies from discrimi nating against local freights and in favor of though freights. Legislative Record 18G7, page 4G, Mr. Schell ofibred a supplement to nn act, cnti tltled an act to exempt property of the val uo of $300 from levy and salo in execution and distress for rent. Legislative Record 18G7, page 331, he vo ted for an act for the better protection of the wages of Mechanics, Miners, Laborers and others. Legislative Record 1SG7, pago 1073 he'vo tcd for "an act for the more economical col lection of State taxes on banks. Legislative Record 18G7, pago 571, he vo ted for tho bill "to purchaso school books out of tho district school funds, and to pre vent tho frequent chango of school books. Legislative Record 18G7, pago 451, ho vo ted for an act providing tho mean3 for se curing the health and safety of persons em ployed in tho bituminous mines of Pennsyl vanla (commonly called the Ventilation Rill.) 1877. COLORED SOLDIERS ORPHANS. Legislative Record, page 734, bill No. 272 making an appropriation to a Colored Sol diers Orphans' school was under considcra- omco in "Est Bcildino,' Court House. aug. io,'.7-ir 'Bloomsburg, Fa., near ,rf ttnni. miTiU'.llS. Llnnk. ittst minted and 3 neatly bound In small books, on hand and 'lor saio at. uiu LULunoun v.tnw rLANK DliKDS, on 1'archr.K'iitnnd Linen l' II..., nmmnnnnrtrnr Adrnlnls'rators. Execu- lurs and trustees, for sale cheap at the Columbian umco. isTr AT! I! I AOR (1EUTIPICATES lust printed VI nnrttnraulo at UlO COLUMBIAN OHICO. JllnlS- ttr'sof tho (lospel and Justices should surplythem selvos with these neccsjsaryju-tlcles. TUSTIOESand Constables' Fee-Kills for sale ..I r..n..n..u nmrm Thpv enntflln tho cor- Tecfd fees as established by the last Act of the Leg i. Biiwnnt Kverv Justice and Con- TimilllD Uimu iu. utablo should havo one. p W.MILLER, . mrnm.pf IIP I I II' omco In Brower's building, Becond floor, room No. 1, Bloomsburg, Fa. MISCELLANEOUS. "TfENDUE NOTES just printed and for sale V cheap at tuo Columbian oiucu, -y II 0 W E L L, 1J lii In J. i I . onico In llartman's Block, second floor, corner Main and Market Streets, BLOOMSBURG, FA. Mayan ly. 0. Wo havo on hand a lareo assortment of legal blanks for the use of Attorneys, Justices and con stable's blanks of all kinds, Note and Receipt books for Administrators c. fill UK L. 1ST. ATTORNEY'S BLANKS. rrcclpo for summons. nulo to take Depositions. " choose Arbitrators. ! cents apiece, or $1.15 per hundred. Petition tor Appointment ot Guardian. " cuaiinn Rule to tako Depositions. Narr in Debt, with Confession, " Assumpsit. Mechanics Lien. 4 cents each or $3.50 per hundred. Petition for saieor tieai lisiaie s cents cuul Subnoenas. summons. Warrants, Executions, 80 ro I 25 cents each. . leases . ucuio tvu Blue Deeds 10 " Parchment Deeds - 15 CLOCKS, WATCHES, C. 1 12. SAVAGE. Dealer in Clocks, Watches V; . and Jewelry, Main St., Just below the Central Uulcl. M. DRINKER. GUN and LOCKSMITH. V"" "ecas urpnnn s ". ourt faies , m, uunsiauie pules..- .. u v Mortpugo and Bond 12 " All kinds of Notes - 1 " ' Receipts, Notes, nchool Orders, Poor Orders, Store Orders, neatly bound, constantly on hand, or made to order on bhort notlco. woaie prepared to ao neater juuuiKiuauuj Sewing Machines and Machinery ot all kinds re paired. Opeba IIocsk Building, BloomeDurg, ra. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. 0. D'ci ('.. HAUKLEf. Attorney-at-Law. Office In Brower's building, 2nd story, Rooms 4 & 5. int. M. REHKR. Surceon and Physi cian, Omco S. E. corner kock anajiarnei slice ts. t i i.rAxra r n c..M.ann nuil Pliml . clan, (OMco and Residence On Third street. corner jeuerson. T 11 M-LrrcT.VY. M. D..Runreon and Pliy- .J . slclan. north side Main street, below Market. Office -VVflLLIAM Y. K ESTER, . . rrt m T T" S T" corner of Main and West Hretts, three doors below J. K. Ej er's store, Bloomsburg, Pa. All orders Dromntly attended to and satisfaction guaranieeu. other omce In this county. Senate Journal 1858, pago 924, an act se curing to mechanics aud others payments for their labors and materials in erecting houses, &c. Voted aye, Senate Journal 1858, an act to incorpo rate the Pennsylvania ' mining beneficial company. Voted aye. Senate Journal 185S, page 884, an. act to provide for the incorporation and regula tion of insurance companies. Voted no, Senate Journal 1853, pago 111, voted against tho circulation of wild cat money Senate Journal 1853, pago 90G, voted for resolutions relative to a line of steamship between Philadelphia, Il-azil and the West Indies. Senato Journal 185S, page 878, an act to incorporate the American Tanning Comp a nies. Voted aye, Senate Journal 1858, pago 568, presented remonstrance of citizens against tbo repeal of the tonnngo tax, and praying for the pas saga of tho law to prevent the Pennsylvania tion. The House had previously pass;d quite a number of appropriations to white soldiers orphans' schools, without any opposition. When the bill was called up, it was violent ly opposed by somo members who had just voted for the other bill. This manifest injustice roused the indig nation of Mr. Schell, who arose, and vehe mently declared that "it would bo a blister ing shame for the House to vote down this small appropriation to the colored school, after the largo appropriations to tho white schools." The remarks of Mr. Schell stopped further opposition and tho bill passed. Autnmnal Tints. WHY THE LEAVES CHANGE IT 13 NOT JACK FROST'S WORK. Tho Indian Ilasket Trick. Ever since tho capture of tho strange em pire of India by tho English, or for more than a hundred years, tho civilized peoples have been hearing of the marvelous feats performed by the natlvo jugglers. Natural ly, Houdin's announcement of tho Indian basket trick made a great sensation. The curtain arose and disclosed a wicker basket of oblong shape standing upon what appear ed to be a light table, without any cloth cover upon It. The juggler entered, dragging a beautiful youth,dressed as an Indian prince wearing a robe of whlto cashmere embroid ered with gold, while upon his head waved a peacock's plume held by a diamond star, "Mercy I mercy I" cried the child. "No no mercy. You aro an Indian and a prince, and must die," was the savage re sponse. "I am only a child," cried tho innocent boy. "That will not provent my killing you." With piercing shrieks tho child broke away and rushed to the side wing,only to be seized there by his executioner, who, lifted him in his arms, plunged h;m Into tho bask et, which ho closed, strapping down the cov er. Then ho drew his sword, and having tested its sharpness by striking It In the floor, ho thrust it lu the basket again and again, white the victim inside gave the most heartrending cries of pain and agony. Each time the sword was pulled out it was seen to bo covered with blood, while tho sobs and groans from tho Inside of the basket grew fainter and fainter, till at length they ceased, and a ghostly silenco eusued. Dur ing this scene tho excitement among the audience was intense. Ladies hid their faces behind their fans ; some wept aloud ; men shouted hoarsely, "Enough I" The smiling juggler bowed, and proceeded to unstrap tho basket, which lie turned, mouth upward, to the audience, showing it to be entirely empty. In the midst of the applause which followed from the amused and relieved audi ence, the liltb Indian prince was seen to bo seated in a box in the centre of tho auditori um, kissing his tiny hand to those about him as well as to his frieud the executioner on the stage. This trick was performed with the aid of looking-glasses inserted between the table legs a contrivance now commonly used in pantomimes and other show pieces upon our stage. Hut it was a new thing then,and the scene was remarkably well played by Houd- in and the child. As soon as the hoy got in tho basket he opened a trap-door in the bot tom of it, whicli was placed over a corres ponding opening in the table. Hidden by thelooking-glassjhe crouched below between the table legs, and shrieked and sobbed un til tho proper moment camo for him to de scend through a trap in the stage, and pass around to tho box in the front of tho theatre. A sponge full of a red liquid was placed at Items. Poetical. Congress is again in session, and now tho two hardest-worked classes of men In Wash ington are phonographers and barkeepers. In 1SG3 the Republicans carried Ohio by one hundred thousand majority. Vere I eh dat majority now? It is said by a recent decision of the Re publican state committee of Georgia the Republican party in that state la virtually dissolved. But few members of the family aro left to attend the funeral. Mr. Darlington,a resident of rerry county bas lost twenty-seven hogs by a disease which is carrying off large numbers of swine. The passenger platforms at the Union de pot at Pittsburgh aro to bo covered with glass set in iron frames, and supported by Iron columns. The jailor at Kltlanning, Armstrong county, was overpowered, a few days ago, by four prisoners, and knocked senseless. They then made their escape. The tiimino in India, which is now believ ed to have passed its crisis, is regarded by competent judges as one of the most terrible visitations ever inflicted on the race. Over 500,000 victims have yielded to tho dread destroyer. Wade Hampton's son and namesake is running for a seat in tho Mississippi Assem bly. He served in tho war on Jon John son's staff with distinction. His brother Preston, it may be remembered, was killed on the battle-field within sight of their father. Martin V. Turner, who was recently con victed, in Clearfield county, of tbo murder I of a woman, has been sentenced to be bang ed, the court having refused to grant a new trial. When asked whether he had any thing to say why sentence of death should not be imposed upon him, the prisoner re plied that he was convicted by the perjury of personal enemies, and that he is an in nocent man. The Government has cancelled the pres ent issue of the bills of the Tamaqna Na tional Rank, in consequence of theit having been counterfeited. Electric candles are the sensation in Far- is. They emit no heat or smoke whatever, I while in brilliancy they hold the same ratio I to gas and oil lamps as sun to moonlight, and they cost only one-fifteenth as much as gas. It is hailed as one of the greatest dis-1 covenes of the century. WHAT OP THAT ? Tired I well, what of than Didst fancy life was spent on beds ot ease. Fluttering tho roso leaves scattered by the breeio Come, rouse thee I work while It Is called to-day I Coward, arise I go forth upon thy way I I onely t And what of that t Some most bo lonely I 'Us not given to alt To feel a hoart responsive rise and (all, Ta blend another life Into Its own- Work may be done In loneliness. Work on. Dark I Well, and wh&t ot that t Didst fondly dream the son would never set T Dost fear to loso thy way 7 Take courage yet i Learn thou to wal k by faith and not. by sight, Tby steps will guided be, and guided light Hard I Weu, what ot that Didst fancy life one Bummer holiday. With lessons none to learn, and naught but play 1 oo, get thee to thy task I Conquer or die I It must be learned I Iearn It then, patiently, No help ? Nay, 'tis not so I Though human help be far, thy Ood Is ntgh, Who feeds tho ravens, hears His children's cry, He's sear thee, whereso'cr thy footsteps roam ; And He will golds thee, light thee, help thee home. Phrenological Journal. UltOCKWAT EI. WELL, Editors and Proprietors Ot thOCOLraBUN, Bloomsburg, Pa It is very curious to observe the regulari ty with which we aro told in the autumn that "the frost will chango the color of the leaves," whereas tho frost bas nothing to do with tlie change. It has, indeed, sometimes happened in New England that tho foliage has changed, as if by magic in a single, night, so that by looking out of tho window in the morning, the eye was surprised with tin world wellnigh on fire ; and since the trans formation took place In connection with tho mercury at n low point, tho wholo af fair is rrferred to tho agency of Jack Frost. Rut why not refer to this prestidigitator tho acertain spot Inside the basket, and tho I Dr. W. N. Hutchinson.of Oxford. Pa.,wos sword, passing through this, seemed to be drowned in a small creek, near that place, in irippiug witn bloou. it was imperative mat the Btorm the other night. The bridge was The Seaside Library. fi-ti i rt r.n.. .I!.n.:.ninnt:nff !.. IVaiiruaU VyUIlltiUlllCS Hum uni.Liiuiii.niu m . , . - ., ,, i , . , r i 7 glowing tints of the apple, tho rich crimson thlr nlinrirptt nirnuittt citizens of Pennsvlva- . nia. Legislative Record 1858, page 008, oppos- pfau liHftll'Vfl INSURANCE AGEN- choice books no longer for Hie few only. Thobest UhAb llilUVt lf V.""1.' 'J.. tinniLird novel within tho reach ot ct cry one, 11. ROI1ISON, Attorney-at-Law. In llartman's buUdlng.Maln street. V CY, Exchango Hotel, Bloomsburg, Pa, Canltal. :tna, Ins Co., of Hartford, Connecticut.., ,w,ooo Liverpool. London and Olobo X"?X'25 itoyalof Liverpool Lancashire 'S'SlMi Fire Association, Philadelphia 3"MS .il..n,llrirnnl .. fleO.OOU Karmers .Mutual or uunvuuj "Sr'SQ; Danville Mutual Home. New York .M1..0? commercial Union - es the repeal of the law prohibiting usury. Legislative Record 1859, page 2G, oppos- Handurd novels within tho reach ot every one ei usete83 expenditure ot public money in Books usually sold iromfi to $3 given (unchanged I w . , 1 . and unnbrldecd) tor 10 and SO cents. 1. EisrLYMiE, By Mrs. Henry vv oouoouuie no. aw 2. JOHM HALIFAX, OF.NT. by MlSS MUtOCk. !0C 3. Jane Kvbb, by Charlotte Brouto (double no.) !0c - unuiuiiiT,ii rhnripR Kendo's new novel 9c o. the black Iknits, Jules Verne's latebt ice c. Last Days op I'oiirtu, byllulwcr Joe 7. adam iiicdf., by (leorge Elliott, (double no.) sec s. Tn akundel Motto, by Mary i ecu Hay loo o.oid vinDLETON'sMo.Ev,by Mary cecli Hayloe ROSENSTOCK, Photographer, , Clark Wolfs btore, Main street. .0. Tns Woman in White, by Vi tlkle Collins 200 11. the m ill on toe Fi ow, by (Itorgo Eriott see printing documents. Legislative Record 1859, page 41, report ed an act to prohibit the issuing a circula tion of bank notes of less than 20. Legislative Record 1859, page 42, opposes tho franking privilege and moves to abolish the same. of the velvet peach, and the purple of the plum ? Many years ago this error was pointed out by an eminent botanist, who showed that tho gorgeous color of tho au tumnal leaf came in the regular process of ripening ; and, though botany is generally the juggler should not pass in front of the table, else his legs would havo been reflected there, and that would have disclosed the en tire secret. Houdin became dissatisfied with this trick, and made many improvements in it, which tho jugglers of our day have still further perfected. It is palpable that this can not be tho way in which Indian jugglers perform the trick in the market-places or other public squares in broad daylight. They have nolookiug-glass table,uo traps through tho earth. Houdin's theory concerning them was that their basket bad an opening in it either at its front or its back.and that, while buck ling and strapping down the cover, with the knee lifted up and pressed on the basket as if to tighten the leather strap more securely the child crept out under the bent knee, and hid beneath" the voluminous robes of the washed away; and It is supposed he drove into the creek and was swept down by tho current, His body was found next morning. His two horses were also drowned. EYES. Sweet baby eyes, That look around with such a grave surprise, What do you see 7 A strange new world where simplest things Engender wild Imaginings And fancies troo T A restlng-placo that is not home, A paradise wherein to roam For years may bo 7 Ah, placid, wandering baby eyes, The mystery that In you lies Oft puzzles me. Clear, boyish eyes. Whoso fearless glance unconsciously defies Trouble and care ; When babyhood Is past and gone, What Is It that you gaze upon 7 A land most ratr ; A sunny Bboro with pleasttro rife ; And that great, glorious gift ot lite Tls bliss to share. O, happy, trustful, boyish eyes, Let sagos envy, fools desolso Tho faith you wear. Tho anxious eyes Of manhood, slowly piercing earth's disguise, Discover what 7 That life at best Is quickly done, That hopes fulfilled and wishes won Aro dearly got : That shadows chased in headlong haste. And golden fruit he strove to taste Delight him 'not. Oh, restless, doubting, troubled eyes, To learn In sorrow to bo wlso Is manhood's lot. Dim, aged eyes. Gazing across the wreck ot broken ties, What do you see? Behind-dead leaves that withered fall; A fading wilderness v hero all 1 Is vanity ; Before to gladden weary sight, A glimpse, a promise ot the bright Eternity. Oh, dim and tearful, aged eyes, It waiting tui that dawn shall rise, Blessed aro ye I Zebure Hour. The best advice on the art of being happy Is about as easy to follow as advice to be well when one is sick. studied in schools, the old notion comes back juggler. Then, while the sword is piercing ' It.. 1, !.. I1, i.:t,t nl,o . ,.t March ss,"7I-y 1I9,S8,000 1 u. TnK AMEBicANt-KNATOH, by Anuiony Trollopoc IS. A 1'RINCESS or J JllLE, 1'J iiiiuui uinvi with the beavers every year, showing that error, in common with truth, especially when supported by thet'ojrpoput, will "rise again" however deservedly crushed to earth. Leaves find their parallel in man, as al ready observed, and, like the human species MISCELLANEOUS. D AVID LOWENISERG, Merchant Tailor Main St., above Central Hotel. 8. KUIIN, dealer in Meat, Tallow, etc., . Centre Btreet, between Beconu ana 'i nira. Flie Columbian Law Docket. a complete record for the use of attorneys. Con- venisnttv nrrantrcd for tho docketing of all cases Mintntninir tea naires. with double Index. This Is the most complete book for lawyers that Is pub. Ushed. 1. rtv n,iii hppw. bv w llkle Collins la' Homola, by George ill'lott, (double no. of Ice, In one book by Jules Vtrne 18. IIAKSAKA II. HinoEN PKKiis, by Mary Cecil nay PAKA'H IIISTOKY, UJ Allien., u. tuniim ia a i KHRir.t.c Temptation, by CharlesUieado so. old CI'kiositt Hiior, by rharles Dickens si. Poul Play, by Charles Iteado n. it... . ... tt.iu .v I'L'ln fnlllna IOC 10c $00 100 soc 100 voc the basket, and tho child's sobs aro most heart-rending, the crowd gathers in a com pact mass about it, and into the crowd the child easily escapes without being seen, and runs away. At tho proper moment he comes running back as if from a distance, and of course the astonishment of tho crowd is unparalleled, lor the basket has in tho mean time been opened and shown to be empty. Harper1! Magatint. Judge (undecidedly) : "Humph ! the Court must be clear on the point, Brother Jenkins." Anxious Usher: "Clear the Court t" (Is reprimanded for ezsess of It is dangerous to have" paper pasted over zeal.) pipe holes In the' upper rooms of a house. Tho residence of Mr. Jas. Hossler, of Bed- The most recent cose of absence of mind ford county, was nearly destroyed by fire ono I is that of an editor who copied from a hos nlght rcceutly by this means. A fire had tile journal one of his own articles, and bead- been started in a stove on the lower floor , "A Wretched Attempt at Wit'" and the paper pasted over a pipe hole above I - m ' took fire and diopping down on a bed the Aaa" renew uucsier uuugm u mmo clothes took fire and in a very few minutes by auction for $140. After trying for three the whole room was in a blaze. day9 to Put iu harness on from a second story window, the owner resold it for f 14, nn Inner limn, and tinder Ihn tltlft nf Rftr .titkuruiug iu iua ajuuuuh engineer, tt new 1 nfi TTIih Kti-Vor " 1 1. -I I . I " uittucu ui iiiuusiry uas sprung up ana prom ises conquerable advantage. A contractor Customer (to a vendor of watermelons) lias come forward and agreed to purchase at wt ft dollar rather & nr nrlrw fYr wt. a good price all the old "cotton waste," a ermclon ?" Vender "You wouldn't think material which, after being used to clean 80i mister, ef vou'd sot on ton of a hieh 01 tuv k.if-iBV'H I rmrr. bv Murv Cecil liav S4lTisNi:viiKT00LATis to mend," by Charles SOC CATAWISSA. M. II. AUROTT, Attorney-at-Law, Main street. PBICE, $S.50. . . - . n 1 It Til 11 2". ACKORA rLOTD. VJ JIN l. I.. Jiiuuuuu. Published by Brockway & Elwell . nLV& 9 I.aiiv ADELAIDE'S OiTH. by HfS. II. W'OOd, W. Ackoba Klotd, by MIb m, k. uraaaon. w t atin soc IOC 10c ss! noma's I.ov-1! Tkst, by Jlary Cecil Hoy. 100 Uditors and Proprietors of tho Colombian, I"1 lyciftyWo "biiiou. he construction of rail roads. Legislative Record, lBo'J, page o-7U, nn ELOOMBBUHQ, FA. JI. L. EYERLY, attohney-at-law, Catawlssa, Pa. '' tvniiecMoM nroiLDtly mado and remitted, omce MnnosiLB catawlssa Deposit Bank. m-3S ACQ. L. KAVB. JKO. K, FCYMIEB. CBAS. B. IDWAKDS. WM. R. IIAGENRUCH, WITH Knuli, FrjiiiU-rdi Edwards, (Successors to Benedict Horsey & Eons, 2S Market Imnortcrs and dealers In CHINA, QLATS AND QUEENSWARE, osa Market btreet, PhUadclphla. tnntivonhandtirli,UialondAesortedrackain;s TI7"T;i l7"n 1 matl one and one-nai; aozcu WE W J I i J j, the mou beautuul new .V 'U.D! "i'.Y.'K tft enamel and Old tot cents. Vend 19 cents tor crand Illustrated cat alogue with (liromoof loonirKbt mtheYWBt,OT so cents tor two lnnObCarc-s and calls Lilies on Firt'C'V menu, aiBco. ,iiu...... - KnirravlBira and Art A 1 N H. June s, tc june rrj.iiuii.ii w.v-. Si. tuk (jusiiN or UEABTs, by W llkle Collins. 10c rr cnin hr nit itnnkftpllers and Newsdealers, or , . I sent pobtace prepaid, on receipt of price. -halt dozen iviki HEO,M,K jfuNut,, publisher. P. o. Box K5T. si, ss and 85, vanaewater sr., N. y. uagv, it -in Legislative Record 185U, page iU, sup 10c ports a tariff resolution, which recommends they may ripen suddenly. If, however, any SOC I :nii.. -t.H :n.nAQnr ,lni!..nn CVal nn.l ntifl plionxeit in mnkn n mvatprv nf tltn inffin csuetinilY ma juueaauu. uwuvowm ... - j j Iron and proposes to foster home manuiac- unj ni tue autumnal colors, mere suouia De tures as against ihe cheap labor of other na- no great difficulty in explaining the 'variety, tions. Indeed, the apparent superiority over the Legislative Record 1859, page 8C, was in strength of color in tho foliago on the Con 20c I r..n. r l.in VAnf.nlln ilni.ViirtAr nP nil I tlnent nf Eurnno mav bn attributed chiefly . , I ... I Ul UI Vlll IVtMHUh VV - u. - , , y . I .... , , ... 1,1 SOC I r I . .. . . . a . , I 1 harA In ft mn llttln mililtf. nnimpA wh!ih wild-cat banks. to tuts variety, in ureat iintain tne climate l w . . ,', -i- - Legislative Record 1859, page 1C4, In or- is evidently unfavorable to the production of oa uu, l"ul ul"",uo ' auu trout der to stimulate industries, "ho had made bright forest-tones, but In parts of Germany it a general rule to vote for the unrestricted tho brilliancy of certain kinds of leaves is quite equal to that of the corresponding varieties in North America. At tho same time tho greens of Europe are quite different machinery, has hitherto been burnt as val ueless, aud it is thought that the plan will prove of great convenience to the Govern ment works and other large factories. The method pursued ia this case is. to wash the waste in some chemical solution, which en tirely cleanses the cotton of grease and oth er impurities, and, when dried, it is again as fit for use as when It first left the cotton mills. fence with a shot gun every night for three weeks a watching the patch." It is easy to run a Republican paper ia France. For instance, you write an able article against the administration, and then you don't write any more for several weeks. .Nassau Darkies Mying for Pennies. aud the refuse ja soU to ,Ue oap maker3 Amateur sportsman returns in triumph The grease is clarified with fine oil, from a day's shooting with a splendid hare, and says to his wife : "There, you said I couldn't shoot. You didn't expect to see me bring this home?" "Yes, I did; the servant next door saw you buying It round the corner." act for the better securing the payment of n Scl itiugdi Two men wero riding in the cars on the Danbury railway the other morning, when THOVIAS II. IlAUTUAN. ALBIBT llABTUAN, HARTMAN BROS., Administrator's Salo OP VALUABLE REAL E &TAT SEALERS IN I TEAS, CANNED FRUIT, n nrnt r tinnm to make money. If vou l A I I nd eel B'd v ou can get (rrcen I jj backs. We ncedapcrwin every wh to t1a- subscriptions 10 the largest, cheapest 11. "Ua 6UCU6srulaE-nt. Tho most Any one can beep. , ,e t0 8,lt)Pcr ni. 'I be ortce is so low tht "" eve W price is bo low int -t.n nvcriuilna upek. A liny an t renSruf kL "W 5r 400 ""a" ten lady agent reports lakL -,..u moneylatt. toucan uajs. ah woo rnsuge i tuci,,..;, nr cnlvvour oevote lt your time lo u .aaav tom home over epara time. Vou need not . Kere FiSfDartlo nlgbt You can do It as wel. kmi and eS ulaVs. directions and urns f.. h'ADii. penfcive ouini tree. 11 uu wi u cnkti noLhlncr to enrfusjouraddiees at oneo . U.tim?k5 By vlrtuo ot an Order ot tho Orphan's Court ot Co lumbla county, the undersigned, Aotninisiruiur u thnestjitn of Hiram Lunirer. aeceascu m cpoo to publlo sale, on the premises, In Sugarloaf town ship olumbla county, Pennsylvania on MONDAY, OCTOBER 29th at lo o iler V a. m..the undivided one half Interest In lunula real estate situate In Sugarloaf township In said county of Columbia, bounded and described as follows : Beginning at a white oak corner ol Hester's land thenco by other land of said Joshua Brthk, N. so decrees, w. lUK perches to a post thence by said m. in ri.-i-iwi w. u nerches to a chestnut tree tlienoo N. to agrees, V 70 perches to a post gp'ees of all kinds, GlaSS & QuoenSWOTe, . .. . . ox., rinla U 0 1 ilnvrM.. I - ' tnenco uy lanu oc hiuuikuuww w. vS.vwV, W. 6'i perches lo a post tuence oy ianu oi ouiu vusu- CIOAXS, TOBACCO. fiwurr, CONFECTIONERY. V7eat7arA?drcssUV K. ii perches to a post land, Maine. ' thenco by said land, ts. U degrees, W. 8S perches to a yAINVRIGUT&CO., VV11UUBA1.U uuvn.jiaio, N. E. Corner Second and Arch Streets, PHILACIUIUAr Dealers la TEAS, BVHCPS, COFFES. BDOAR, MOLA8SE8 BICl, triCIS, BICABB SODA, tC, tO, itrnrders will receive prompt attention. xrancE. -Vrom this date the Bloomsburg Oas Companj ' vrtU put in tervlce pipes at nret cost and furnish and set a ho company nave on ban a lot of gas tar suited or painting roots, and posts or other timbers placed iwcfio cents per gallon or lira per barrel. OC.1VIB. 0. W. M1LLWJ. post thonco by said land. S MV degrees, E. el per-1 ches to a pott by a pubUo road thence, 8. 70 degrees, E. oa w nerches to a post thenco oy lana pi vv uu ji'cKelvy.N. 61X, E.M perches lo the place of be- glnldg, containing SB ACRES ' espcrchei.on whlcn Is erected a A FllAMEDWEL UNO IIOUSB nd BiKN and out buildings. There aro also a good orchard and good water, TiHuaor SALi.-Tea per cent, of Ui one-fourth of the purchaso money to bo paid at tho BtrUlng aov'nofths property ths one-tourfn less the ten Dcr cnt M U" conllrmallon of saloj and the re malning" three-fourth mono year tbereatur, with interest lTum cxnuu nw" AdmlnUtrator, Oct-su. .V. B LANK irORTGAQES forleciptth FINE GROCERIES, Foreign and Domestio Fruits, AND GENERAL LINE OP Family Provisions itustcirs Old stand, IIVPRRT BLOCK, cth door below Market street, Blocmtburg, ra. gar Goods delivered to all part of the town AKU SI, Tt-U Mayor Moore, of Cincinnati, has gotten the puhliu hullding, where ara tho court- UP a scheme to eclipse the Centennial itself, houses, houo of assembly. Rant, and other and succeeds will beat Barnum too similar places of reBort. Whenever wo oon aer DlS election to the highest post would co on a pleasant morninc. afternoon tion ln tnB Queen city, he conceived tho f a. .1 .. 1 lilan nf , n wl M .1 !..LII 1 lOTO or eveuinB-ioiuissquare.to sit oytue stone Ju"e " one asked the other If he had a pleasant wages of labor in Schuylkill county, Bom- from thoso of our own land, where, begin- "r " , ' , ,,!,. " " ' ,' , tt Place of Mence. "Yes," was the reply ; . . . ' .. ... . ,.. i . , ., n...., 1 view the, lovely wntnr wllli it nlinmrlnwliiip lar everytnlnc coes on swimmlnirlv. lie I .. . . . ' r ' ersct and Huntiucaon counties ana Jir. ning vvitu a ournt green in tuo oouw, we . . . " -', , r"' n I we nave Beven ni;e large rooms over a Schell moved to include Northumberland, pass northward along tho Atlantic seaboard, 01 Breeni us yacnts, itssnips, anu an its Dusy : " , Jjll , V V "tore." "Over a store? I shouldn't think Luzerne and Redford.voted aye and said reaching the true green of the greatest of "S lb .T. .7 . ttiat quiet place." "Ob it ia he was in favor of the bill If any class of the people.deserve or require protection,itis that I Maine. l- i 1.1-1. .1.- t,t.. f kill I i..t,i ..i. i .i .... i bJ,i.j Jdozen little black boys with the entreaty : would have the President and his cabinet dlGUUUU. uh.vm.vo j.m.v D.A'klllt, ill wi.uuo.lu, T1I 1 it V.. onrl llin rni-n p .. . r, . ln. t , ,..!. T. i mm i . ...l.tn.i t.. ic .1. -f t- I a cease, uoss. cive us a small aive." i i kuiciuuhui mi iud ouura unu xer A.egisiaiive necoru aooj. nu avi cu tjroveui. iiiiiii3-B'u iu iuo ouuui ui i.u6uiuu ouu i , , , , -it.ri , .,.i , ( , i frauds by bank officers, voted aye. In France-only to change to an ashen-green "1" "I C .... t ih7 i Z Z? r aIl0t TiarA t,a(Aafl4 in n. ii nrniflnv. mill a RftmhrA n va In 1 ia kU ovw DViUO iuuuv huh m iuu waicr. i uui ' vt " l"v J,cu utiDiaitiu w ' o -j i . I 1 1 i i it , , I nnnn fnr iha shAtv nn.l t l crease tho nav of the Sunremo Court Judees. Italian States. "y. u" u I-ocset, anu instantly every - uia.cr,, repot,. - w I Ahnn a.t., nTU T J . I 1.1 . I P(1 Lfl fin fill I in MnntvltirlA nr hla final tAmA Voted no. Hut wo wero remarking upon the variety "'",",JW"UU"""BU"U "'"" ' " "v, Legislative Record 1859. pace 374. on the of the autumnal tints in our own country. lUD '"B m'iireu l0 unuress iu nassau. bill to exempt property to the value of 300 This U explained by the fact that, while in ln? ve mlIe 0D" we" on'y a Bma11 shirt Gov. Hendricks, just returned from Eu. frnn. nuvr fr Re id so ,1 li ni nleaa. ! UrOtlB tliero nr nnlv fnrtir Irooii that at. " """" "' lucio is uui ml t0 IB. D SPeSKlne 01 the idm nihil nn edwiththosectlon.it came up to his Idea tain to a height of thirty feet, in North muc" mualm m tills snirt, but they are at. HVesident Hayes, said that It was difficult Mme 10 laco lne 0tue41 or u evening per- nf .I..I t!,o lnlmiil,l .In In nrntort . !, Amer ca thern nrn nn I (linn nno htinriF-Mi "y imiiivuiar io uavo K come uovvn low lor mm to lmac lue where that irntl.m i luiuiwiw. poor man. Und forty henco our forests Hash like the eD0USh to cover the breast bone. If I find would eventually land his party. He 1 . . ... I n tisnnv I Iai. It Inln llianln. .! Incl.nl. .1 1. . 1 ..... I Senate Journal 1859, page 592, voted for plane-tree that "tlie l'erslan adorned with 7 'V""J " " tuougnt, uowever, mat those who seemed to nnact to equalize taxation upon corpora- his mantles and jewels.,' .every uaraoy uoy, c.au in notumg nut uis suppose mat the administration would "cap- tions. . ' ' pn imiiwi., .mii8n iuuiuh, ouuio- lure'- tue Democratic party would find them- t .t.i.t ii.ir,i insri k7.q niwi PAinivriOv-p WIlHnm T. f!nli.mnn nf a pry lime leilow catcnes ihecoin ne- selves mistaken. It wils hU nninlnn hn,.. i. ,t, .-' " r li 1....1.- i... ....ii. i. .. ... .. ' . ""-""" I wnu ..ii against n bill "to confer on certain assoc - San Francisco was talklnpt the other day of u' " """" er, mat tue uemocratio party would do bv '""'", very me ations of the citizens of this Commonwealth his old partner. Edward Mott Rbblnson. of lonS ueloro 80me le"ow comM UP wuu tue Jlr. Hayes as they did by Andrew Johnson 'i w6 wy tall." ruck. i r t. i i l.i. ii. r ii i i .... - -i . the powers and linmunltieaof corporations I New BeufonJ. whose tQuriousnesa waa a I and bodies oolitic In law. and to confirm matter of common talk. I I i nivn t It fii itIi ll,A ii oa tcotAC nnri oaa tlxtx I At.at r n . . ' charters heretofore granted "Ho was a good fellow in the main," said "' .. " T ' , T uceu ugming lor tne principle of local self out for a ride, and he made Tit a nln, ,v v ti.it.. TTo....i ioro r.TDJ i i-i. i.i . . i - 11 t 1 juuuk rascals uiuviiik meir ices uuu arms i irovernment n m Rnnth rn. j i 1 . ... , ivrHi.iwm iitw.u uiu-. ,u- wr uuieiuaii, uuiub exceeueu any man i . . , - .,, , . ,. I" r ... ,, j suu m 0r a uoc o animal. While Um hnnu In 1 .nmnl .ri.ln rilrn.l nnmnmil.i in . 1 1 1.....-V. about dovv 11 at the bottom like a lot of brown I so far as the President rarrlnl m.'f n.i.,1. . uiuiw. wniie me norse In hlnethe true creen of the neatest nf mM" nlffwith delight the cool ""S, wl Save 4)0,000 Union and Confed- .,.,. . n ,,.. nv, u hay-produclng States, the State of "aH breeze tha blows so gayly over the nar- IBP7;7, aa en: quiet enough. The folks don't adve-t W - io. Every one has noticed the unparal- row back of .Hog Island, there would cer- .A lE"?. "Ah! I see "said his friend, In a ton, of 1 green of the "Emerald Isle," which thinly couie running to us two, three or a V of all tho military will ho held. He M-Danbun, New,. " . - ' .irvron llttlo l.lool. k. .t,l, it,. , ,.. . WOUld havn thn Prealilnnf inn M. nhinot The cleverest of commedlans, Florence, made his debut in the humble capacity of a watch do?. He bad to bark from' behind the Bcenes. At rehearsal he put so innch realistic art In his impersonation that ho got Into difficulty with the prompter's bull terri er. Rut the manager was doubtful of the Europe thero are only forty trees that at- aml a "traw hat Souotlmes there is not so rope, in speaking of the administration of Presenco of min" f the novice when he "Won't you be afraid t" ho demanded. "Mebbe," said Billy. "Suppose you get so scared that vou can't bark, what will you do ?" There was a moment's pause, and then ueekly : I M .. ... I 1.1. M..,1. t-' ,1 1. .1 .... I uiuucr iu um luuuiu. ouweuuira nueu sustain U m SO far OS tl.ev thnnnhl Inn ... it . . . . coin Is not readily found, it Iscurious to look right. Tho Democratic nartv hasald "ha,! i. . v . . ""roller called at a d?w through theclearivate froja.-.i'. vemler. J!, Stockton, in Scribner for JVo- " yvamoci ouiinisuoc- tended for him was being hitched up she Stokm Sioks.-11's a sign of a storm to ,,.., , , ,, . . , ou newn t be a bit afraid of her. She'd tread on anybody's toes who has corn,. ? . . ?".?ea m..: . "e . If. a. Ign of a norm If you wake the baby :,,. "h; T- ' fVJ" " ,m0 ,Ue ."" dav. ., ' . . owiies soi- wmneu arouna tne corner, ana nothlncrmore diers. was recoirn il n Willi. iv. r I ii.. .. . .6 . It'saslgnof a storm to call a baby ugly erly ,f lolUvi lt' rA:! fore, Xemhed, by.the Senate and Houte.of told them the Democrats would oxpeot $500 'a I'restnc ol its mother, , wfe, formerly tv Mrs. Jacobs who had "That horse was a little off wasn't she f" Representatives of tho Commonwealth of from you, and wat going to pair off I So It's a sign of a storm to spit on the parlor married Potts, but left him on finding that "Yes," ' Pennsylvania in general assembly met. m,id you stick to that arrangement. It wrpet when your wife sees it. he had a wife lu Pennsylvania, Potu had "Well she kept growlne ofltr and off r That our Senators In Congress be instructed will be all the same to both parties, and It H' tt ''go of a storm to speak ill of your long been a wanderer and a supposed horse till I ooncluded to cet out and then the w and our Representatives requested, to labor won'tcost either of us a cent.'" EJitor't wife's relations, nd cattle tliiel lu Texas and the Indian ter- she not off altoether !.,! ,! .iV forthe passage (at the present session) of Drawer in Ilarper't Alagaiint for ta It's a slcn of a storm to tell vour wife sha "wry, and was leading rjaember of Collln It...... n ...a i . .v.. t. ..7.. uh au act a. will not only teud to Incrtas I looks horrid iu the last new tv-asi. I . of lobbvrt. ' " K "uu we " ted to compel certain railroad companies (Q fence their roads, Senate Journal 1800, page 748 joint res' Iolutiou on tbo subject of the tariff. Voted ayo (these resolutions were offered by him) Whereas, tho citizens and labors Iu many departments of trade are compelled to aban don their accustomed pursuits, especially do our own coal and Iron interest suffer ; there ever kuew lu ingenious expedients for saving a dollrr, lu thoso days I was a Democrat and ho was a Republican. Quo day be he said, 'Coleman have your committee been after you "'Not yet,' I replied. 'Well, mine have been after me,' he said, 'and they wanted me to subscribe (500, and I told them I would.' I looked at him with abso lute amazement. Then ho added I 'Yes, I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers