THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBU KG, COLUMBIA COl NTY, PA. Miscellaneous. She Hooked Him. Henry Archibald In a devoted Fisherman, not that ho over catches much of anything, but allll he Ukefl to' take Ills pole and linn and go up along the Delaware during the long, warm, laiy summer days and lay In theiyelloir sunshine ami think what the old woman wilt say when aho find out ho has gouo oft" without splitting any kindling. In this view of the case ho yestarday got out his hooks and lines to look them over, lie aat on the wash-bench by the hydrant enjoy ing himself hugely, when lira. Archibald came out and made him bring her n bucket of water. While he was doing this she picked up a bass hook to admire It and laid it down again with the lino scattered out in the yard. Henry discussed the situation In Europe with Oxtoby, who was digging garden on the other side of the fence, and then sat down again to the contemplation of his fishing tackles. Pretty aoon he missed a Look. "Mother," he shouted, "what under the aun did you do with my bass hook ?" "Bother your old bass hook," Bald Sirs. Archibald, and aho slapped the stovo dam per shut with emphasis J "you've swallowed It, I reckon." "You had it a minute ago ; you know you did. If a woruau ever gets her hands on a (oilow'n things he never knows where they are any more. Mrs. A. came to the door and looked ac ridly around : "What d'ye call this horo?" and pick ing up the end of a line she gavo it a wrath ful jerk. "Whoopee 1 ouch 1 1 gosh 1 1 1 shoot the 'fernal dog," yelled Henry, and he waltzed frantically, around, nursing his pocket as tenderly as though he had a llvo coal in it. 'Sakes alive 1 what's thn matter with the man t ' and she gave the lino another twitch. "Found your old hook, have you ? "Found it, you brimstone old torment ; don't you see I've found It ? Leggo 1 leggo that line, I tell you, before I pulverize you." Now, Henry, I'd make a fuss If I were you." "Fuss the blazes. I wish you knowed how it felt to have a fish hook jerked through your heart." "Well, you had no business to get down on your heart, with fish-hooks a laying around. "Don't be a fool, now, will you ? but ju t pull this thing out before it turns to lock jaw." "It'd take a whole barrel of fish hooks to lock your jaw." "Come, give us a hold here." But the first pull she gave brought a Co manche squawk from Henry, and then she amputated the adjacent cloth and got the butcher knife, whereupon Henry straighten ed himself up viciously. "Look here, woman, I ain't no blamed old ham ; you don't slice me with that thing now, and don't you forget it. You just bounce that gal around for the doctor sud denly, and you'd better get down on your marrow bones and pray for me to recover, afore I get mad, too." The doctor came, cut, off the shank and pnlled out the hook in half a minute, and all oi the rest of tho day Henry sat on a flax seed poultice and on one side of a chair,call log people up to the front window to ack them what was good for a bile on the knee. Misdirected Eloquence. It is not strange that Mr. Evarta doesn't make money off bis farm. Horace Greeley and H. W. Beecher failed because they were not content to let their workmen run the farm, but must needs put their own ab surd ideas in practice. Mr. Evarta fails be cause his manager is unable to understand him, and gets confused just as soon as Mr. Evarts makes his appearance and begins to talk. Last year, for instance, Mr. Evarfs said to his manager the very first morning of the summer vacation : "Patsey, it becomes necessary, iu view of the superabundance of foreign and deleter ious elements among those green and waving uprights, to place the charger in front of the. utensil with the branching and numerous supporters, and have the latter agitate the surface of the naturally productive soil.' Patsey said "Sur?" "The astounding density of various species of the human bead," continued Mr. Evarts, after a start of vexation, succeeded by a pe riod of profound thought, "is something, I am free to confess, much beyond my com prehension. I havo combated Lucy Stone singly and alone fur three successive hours ; I have even communed with the stolid and peculiarly happy idiocy of Gideon Welles; but I never saw the like of this. It is worse than the jury in the Beecher trial. By the ghent of William Tell, the man's a horse!" 'Is it a horse you want, sur?" said Pat sey, a happy light dawning upon him. "The exact purpose of the creation of sue'i beings," pursued Mr. Evarts, heedless of the interruption, "is a something which will, perhaps, be revealed at some time in the far-distant future, I should like to trace the theory of Darwin In this creature. I should like to compare, him with the lower species, if, happily, there are auy lower. I wish I had an nurangoutang hero." "We haven't one on the farrum, sur," said Patsey, with some haste, "They they was sold by mistake, sur, last winter, along wid de petatys." "Cease, barbarian !" said Mr. Evarts, with towering scorn, evidently provoked beyond endurance. "Upon my soul, you have as little knowledge of farm work as the Hon. Benjamin Butler has of politics." Mr. Evarts rushed wildly Into the heme. "I think," said Patsey, after wasting an other precious half-hour iu thought, "I think Musther Evarts wants me to harness the oxin to tbe carriage and put the colts to the bay wagon." And all in the world that Mr, Evarts wanted was that Patsey should cultivate the corn. Detroit Pott, Scandal Denounced. In a reporter's wandcrlogs about town he heard alady tail ing across the street to a neighbor, and thus deliver herself on the subject of scandal "Of all things In this world I do hate it's a scandalising woman, Now, there's Mta. Jingletongue, that everybody knows isn't a bit better than she'd ought to be, and whose two daughters cut up so shamefully that no decent woman ought to speak to them, and whose husband gets drunk, and they do say he owes for that granadlne she puts on so many airs In over her betters. If I was to say any mean things about people like she does I would pull my tongue out by the roots, the nasty scandalizing stuck up old cat." The man who 'seeks freedom for anything liutlretaosa's sell is made to be a slave. Agricultural. Saving Manure and Labor. Almost anyone has it in his own power to keep up the fertility of his soil, if he docs not lay out too much work, and undertake to do more than his tlmelor.inoney will per mlt him to do well. It Is because a man Is poor that his farm runs down, and there is no surer way to get poor and to keep poor than to occupyj more land than one can work well. When one has so much land that he cannot work It well, and has not money enough to employ others to work ll for him, hundreds of things which could be done to a profit are not done; and thus one half often of what the land might yield does not come, from it. Then hu has but half manure enough to raise crops for so much ground properly, and so but half a-crop re sults. Thus he loses at both ends, and gets poorer and poorer each Tear. Nothing helps a farmer so much as to have a full relief from bclng"driven" at this season of the year. If the ditches are all cleaned out, tho surface-water which injures crops fo much In tho spring will have a bet ter chanco to drain away. So also will it help his roads. The water passing ofT, the frost will not penetrate as deep, and thus there will not be so much cutting up in spring, But best of all, the ditch-cleanings arc about the best top-cresslngs for grass lands and orchard-trees that one can possi bly have. Then there is always about an immense amount of waste vegetable matter in odd corners where the plow cannot get at, that It would pay well to get together and put In tho stock-yard to rot up and make ma nure, which dries up and goes to waste when one has no time to attend to it at this sea son. Where there is any woodland, leaves in profusion lie around loose which would serve the double purpose of warm litter for stock and subsequent manure as well. All this the man who lets his work drive him Instead of leading it along has to lose; and no one can calculato the great loss every year from alUhese little added together. We do not know that we could suggest a better subject for a farm wintering Btudy than how to avoid biing "driven" with work or "pinched" for money. Whenever one gets to this condition there is assuredly something wrong which needs righting; and which must bo righted before much money can bo made. The luzy man never makes money ; but the one who J"never has any time" or who is "all behind with bis work," is about in ai bad a fix, if not worse, for very often he is no better off than tho laxy fellow with the sad reflection included that bis labor has been spent in vain. Gcrmantown lele- graph. Raise More Poultry. The Telegraph uses the following sound arguments to induce its readers to produce more poultry : "We have often recommen ded the raising of poultry by farmers within easy reaching distance of Philadelphia mar kets, and have no reason now to change the recommendation, but to repeat it. If prop erly conducted it would become one of the most profitable branches of the farm. The French give special attention to poul try, and it always has been to them an Im portant source of revenue. The total value of chickens sold In Franoe.i including eggs and capons, is estimated at $80,000,000 per annum, which, if equally divided among the population would be at the rate of f 225 for every man, woman and child In the country. There is no reason why the business here should not assume greater proportions than does, as there is all the times a demand for every variety of good poultry and fresh :gs at remunerative prices. This is a branch of the farmer's industry that can be managed by the women and boys of a fami- It requires but little capital. The chicken-houses Bhould be inexpensive but sufficiently roomy, clean, and well-ventilated. A large portion of the food can be supplied by the offal nf the farm of almost every description, which can be readily economized tor the purpose. The time re quired can be mainly what may be called off time. The pleasure of raising chickens, ducks, turkeys, geeso, guina-fowls, and even pigeons (with squabs at forty cents per pair) should pay for all the outlay in money or labor. As we say, there Is a constant de mand for poultry at good prices, and there not a season in the year when they can not be disposed of freely. We know that pon many farms poultry-raising is not re- garded with favor, as consuming time that should be applied to the general affairs of the farm. But it is a mistake and we com mend a thorough examination of the sub' ject. Another even more powerful indncement would be to Invent some remedy for chicken cholera and "gapes," which cause such dis couraging mortality among our poultry,both old and young. Two of our best and most successful poultry raisers, "who never lose single 'chicken from gapes," tell us that they attribute their example wholly to the fact that us soon as taken off the roost they grease the heads of all the chickens. The argument Is that the worm which produces the trouble In the wind pipe of the bird hatches on the top of its head and passes in at tho nostrils. To Increase the Flow op Milk. A soutbern lady says : "Tepid witter, Blightly alteil, clven twice a day, will increase the flow of milk one-third j if the cow will not drlolc it first trial scatter a bandfull of bran or meal over the top of it. They soon be come very fond of it, nnd will drink all you give them. I tried this plan three years ago with perfect success. I bad only one cow, and she was of the common scrub stock of the country, and after sbe began to drink the water, prepared as above, she furnished me twice a day two ordinary buckets lull.ol milk." There is a story that Mr. Robert Colly er once recommended Mr. It. W. Emerson as a lecturer to a person who had undertaken tho management of a lectruo course. "I need not remind you," said Mr. Collyer apologetically, "that Emerson Is one of the foremost philosophers and thinkers of the country." The projector of the lecture course thought n moment and then slowly said, not without a shade of anxiety upon his face, "Well, I'll put him on if you say so, I suppose that kind of people ought to be encouraged." Wetting the soil thoroughly with boiling water, previous to putting it in pots, always proves a sure preventive of worms In poti Lime water will kill Insects in pots without injury to the plants. A tableenoonfal of ammonia, in a pint of water,ia also good lor the same purpose. lly placing a piece of camphor the size of a hickory-nut Iu tho stove-blacking It will be made adhesive through a great beat. To keep mold from raising on catsup or pickles, add a tsbleepoonful Of ground horse BCHKNCK'S PULMONIC STROP, For the Cure of Consumption, Coughs and Colds. Thn great virtue of this medicine Is that H ripens the miller and throws It out ot tho system, purines J be blood, and thus caects a cure. seurnek'B Sea Weed Tonic, lor euro ot Jijspcpstn, Indigestion, to. The Tonic produces a healthy action ot the stom ach, creating tin appctlto, forming chile, and luring the most obstinate cases ot Indigestion. Schenck's Mandrake Pills tor tho cure of Liter Complaint, Ac. Those pills are alterative, and prodtico a healthy action ot thi liver without tho least danger, as thoy are freo from calomel, and yet more cnicaclous In re storing a healthy action of the liver. Tncso remedies nro acortaln euro for Consump tion as tho Pul-ionlo Syrup ripens tho matter and purines tho blood. Tho Mandrako Pills act upon tho liver, create a healthy bile, and reraovo all diseases ot tho liver, often a causo ot onsumptlon. Tho sea Weed Tonic gives touo and sti cngth to tho stom ach, makes a good digestion, and enables tho organs to form good blood ; and thus creates a healthy cir culation of healthy blood. Tho combined action cf these medicines, as thus explained will euro every casoot Consumption, It taken In time, and tho uso of tho medicines persevered in. l)r. Kchcnckls professionally at tils principal of fice, corner Sixth and Arch streets, Philadelphia, cv- ry Monday, where all letters for advice must bo ad dressed, behenck's medicines (or salo by all Drug, gists. sept VEGETINE. PurlllcN tliu III od, llciinvulcfl and Invigorates the WItolo Synlem. ITfl MEDICINAL QUALITIKS ATIE Alterative Tonic. Solvent unci umretic. VP.nKTINEUmfideoTCluslve!y from tho Iu Ices of carefully-selected barks, roots and herbs and so strongly concentrated that It will effectually eradi cate from the fivstein every taint of scroMta, Hcrolu- Iaiih llmnnr Tumnra fanfoc Pntifflrfiiu llmmi Erysipelas, Silt Kheum, Syphilitic Diseases. Cancer, Kalntnesa at thn Htomacb, and all diseases that arls? from Impure blood, hclatlca, J u!l animator)' ai.4 Chronic uheumatlsm. Neuralgia, (lout, nnd Spinal eompUlntfi, can only bo effectually cured through me Diooa. For Ulcers and Kruptlvo Disease of tho Pktn, ?uv iIpjl I'ltnDleA. lllot 'lies.' Holla. Tetter. Pcaldhcad. and idngxvorm, VegeUne has never foiled to effect ft wrmAnent euro. For Tains la tho Back.KMney Complaint t Dropsy, rvillliio ncuftut'DBi injiivuiiKisj , iu i-niiK iiuni iiiM.1 nal ulceration, and uterine diseased and (Jen-? ml De bility, Vegetlno aci a directly uon tho causo of thow cotnplilnts. it Invigorates und strengthens the wholo Hystcm, acts upon tho sccretlro organs, allay 8' tnllammaUou. cures ulceration, and regulates the bowels. for catarrn, uyspepsia, naniiuaicesnvcneRs. rau pttatlon of the Heart, Headache, l'llos, Nervousness, and General Prostration of the Nervous HyMem, no medicine has ever Riven Bach perfect satisfaction as the Verretlne. H purines the blood, cleanses all of thdorgxns, and pos&esuoaacontroulnfr power otcr tho nervous system. The remarkable, cure effected byVecetlno have Induced many physicians and apothecaries whom we know to prescribe and uso it in their own fami lies. In fact VeffeUno la the best remedy yet discover ed Tor the above diseases, and la tho only reliable Mood Purifier yet placed before the public THE BEST EVIDENCE Tho following letter from itcv. V. 8. Best. Pastor of M. K. cnurch, Natlck, Mass., will bo road with In terest by many physicians; also those. Buffering Irom the same disease as afflicted th' son of tho Kev. E. . Uest No person can doubt this testimony as there to no doubt about tho curative powers ot VegeUne. Natick, Mass., Jon. 1, 1874. MR. II. R. Stsvsns. Dear sir. Wo have good reason for regarding your vegetlne a medicine ot the greatest value. Wu feel assured that It has been tho means of paving our son's life, lie W now seventeen years Ot age. For the last two veara he has suffered from necrosis of bis leg. caused by scrofulous affection, and was ho far reduced mat nearly auwpo saw nim mougnt his recovery Impossible. A councilor able Dhvslclana eouldglreusbuttho faintest bono of his fever rally ing; (wu 01 (.ue nuuiuer uooiarmg mui, utj wua uu jond the reach of human remedies, that even ampu tation could not aavo him. as ho had not vliror enough to enduro the operation. Just then we com menced giving mm vegeune, anmrominai umeio the present he has been continuously Improving. Ho has lately resumed his studies, thrown away his crutches and cane, and walks about cheerfully and Btrong Though there Is stltl some discbarge from tho open ing wbire the limb was lanced, we nave tho fullest confidence that lu a Utile time ho will bo perfectly cured. lie has token about three dozen bottles ot Vege ctine, tut lately uses but little, as be declares that be la too well to bo taking medicine. jiespecumiy yours, a. a. 11 est, Mrs. L. C. F. Best. VEGETINE Preparefl Ijy H. R. Stevens, Boston, Mass. Vegetine is sold by all druggists. October. Ayer's Hair Victor For restoring Gray Hair to its natural Vitality and Color. A dressing which ia at once agreeable, healthy, and ef fectual for pre 8 n r v i n g tho hair. Faded or gray hair it toon restored to its original color, irith the gloss and freshnttt of youth. Thin hair is thickened, falling hair checked, and baldness often, though not always, cured by its use. Noth ing can restoro tho hair where tho follicles aro destroyed, or tho glands atrophied and decayed. Hut suoh as remain can bo saved for usefulness by this application. Instead of foul ing the hair with a pasty sediment, it will keep it clean and vigorous. Its occasional uso will prevent tho hair from turning gray or falling off, andi consequently prevent baldness. Freo from those deleterious substances which mako some preparations dan gerous, and injurious to tho hair, tho Vigor can only benefit but not harm it. If wanted merely for a HAIR DRESSING, nothing clso can bo found bo desir. able. Containing neither oil npr dye, it does not soil white cambric, and yet lasts long on the hair, giving it a rich, glossy lustre and a grateful perfume. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer t Co., Practical and Analjtlcal Chemists, LOWEIilu MASS. OCt. 13, 1614-1, BL00MSDURG TANNERY. O, A. IIUIIUIN'U RESPECTFULLY announce to the public that lie has reopened SNYDER'S TANNEHY, (DldBtajid) lllooinsbuiv. &t Forks otihe Kspy and Xleht street road.1. where all deacriutloua ot leather will be made la the most substantia! and workmanlike manner, and sold at prices to ami ine uraea. i ne aiguesi price in rasn ffUl lib ui uuiea ve pom tur QUEEN HIDES ot ererr description In the country, omaim to respectfully soUclted. TLe pubucpot uifOD)iurfc, vru i, hio- N OTICK "Sintlea lri hprebv riven that 1 uurchawed of V. 1. IteibLH. ot Benton townbblD ftt Constable's wale on Friday September vuh, 1M7, the fuilnwlni; personal ;rop-rij 1 uu iwu-uunw "w;uu, uun uuuuin ttcbui narneiw. one Bin trie set harnebs, thre beta fly neta. one spring board, one two-horso sled, one Meign, foar t"na W more or leu. 4" tmtieUol oata, twelve tweivu&rre&fjf corn In the erotind. three-fourths ol an acre of potatoes, three acres of buckwh-at,appleti tn tho orchard, ten head ot hopi, one brlndle heifer, one rea Dun, one cook stove, one parior bioyb, nine cane-seaU'd chairs, two beds and bedding, one fan ning mill, one clook, one 33 tooUi htnge harrow, ooe two-horse cultivator, two single cultivators, one Iron beam plow, one corn plow, one grind stone one trraln cradle, su acres of cloverseed, two honst. and one eolt. allot which 1 have loaned to him durlDk'iny pleasure, and I hereby warn all persons frommo- Mjmunj ur iiHtncriuif wiuj me uouo iuuucu juvper- J. K. McllENItY, BUUwater, Sept. 11, 1T-4W ADMINIBTKATOH'S NOTICE. K8TATC Of CALlI) 1L OIBTON. ptCIABXO. Letters of Administration on the estate of Caleb II. (Urtn. late of Hemlock township. Columbia Co. IV , deceased, have boa gr nled by the Iteglfater of r iu opumy u m aiuuua A.uirionxi wu b&zi.e iomw ship, administrator, to whom all perMtcs indebted are reautisted to nuke tiavinenL and thoba hit Yin? chUma or demand against the bald estate wiu make thdoa known to the bald administrator without do uy. MATTHIAS A. GIRTON, Administrator. CHEAP JOB PRIME AT THE COLUMBIAN OFFICE. The Columbian Printing Estnb lisbment is amply supplied with the necessary Presses, Types and other material for executing all kinds of Printing at low rates and in tho most expeditious and satis factory manner. CALL AT THE Columbian Building. COURT HOUSE ALLEY, Bloomsuukg, Pa. When'special material is required it will be promptly obtained. BookB and Pamphlets, Hand-Bills and Dodgers, Large und Small Posters, Letter and Bill Heads, Envelopes with Business Cards, Bussiness, Pic Kic, Wedding and Visiting Cards, Programmes, Bills of Fare, &c, Will all be supplied and excuted in superior style, at cheap rates and short notice. Tho heat workmen are employed and tho best material will always be furnished. A liberal share of public patron age ia respectfully solicited. islets; ymM BLOOMS BURG STATE NORMAL SCHOOL SIXTH NORMAL SCHOOL DISTRICT. Bloomsburg, Columbia County, Pennsylvania. Rev. D. J. WALLER, Jr., A. M., Principal. T1I19SCIIOOI,. nsnt present eonstlttilcrt, o"trs tho very beat facilities for rrofcwlonnl and cinnMcal lenrulnjr. niuiuinKt spacious, invuinR unu ooimnouioui ; completely ncaieu uy sicum, well cniiiatcu, lighten uy sm, sprliic wuter. Locution lieulthtul, nnu easr of ae"w. Touchers experienced, efficient, nnd allvo to their work. Discipline, llrm but kind, uniform and thorouuh moderate, fifty ccnt-s a week deduction to all expecting to teach. Mudctils admitted at any time. Itooins resetted when Jcslred. """" rourses of study prescribed by mo Mntu ! I. Jloilt I School. II. Preparatory. III. Klcmentary. IV, Adjunct Courses : I Academic. 1 1. Commercial. HI. Course in Mmlc. IV. Course in Art. The elementary Scientific nnd ClasMca Courses corresponding Degrees; Master of tho Kleinentsi Master their attainments,, signed b thoonicersof tho Kotrd 1 nocoursooi Mun y nrycrioou uy iui' state is liberal, ana ins sclontine and Classical coursos nro not Inferior to those of our best Colleircs. Tho state n-aulrpsa bluffer order ot citizenship. Tuo Umssdemxu I It,. It Is onoot tin nrbni oahcM of I his .Houool tu iti-in tn,iir,it w Rem una euiciem leucuera luriKr nrnoois. rami en III solicits younif persons if (food allllitlos and (rood purposes, -Ihoso who desire to 1 und their talents, as students. To all such It promises aid tn developing Uielr poivors, and ubun lant opportunities for well paid labor after It ll(l. WII.I.IA.1I i:i,H i:i.l I'rrnldrnt Hoard of Truster. Sept. 8, '16.- HARMAN & H ASSERT Proprietors; i:ht Slroi'l, hotitli side of 3. & ll, Itnllroatl Itluumsbiirpr, Pa. Iiespeottully call the attention of tbo public to tho follo-vlng statements: They manufacture all kinds of JKtl.N uml HltAss camTI.M!. 'Ihey muka tho Celebrated original unci IMPKOVEXJ MONTBOS t Pl-OWS, also all kbids ot llepalrs, tucn as .Mold boarus romis, Lunualuc bolts, handles, sc. '1 hey also muke HEATING AND and aro prepared to furnish all kinds of rcpnlrs, such as (IratcR. nro Iirlck, 4c, wholesnlo and retail. The make tho Improvrd Conl-Ntulug t!rni lor the Win. Irnii stnvp, tho most economical (Irate In use. They are nlo prepared to furnish SAW ANIMlllIsr JIILl, JIAClll.NKllV SIlAFiiNU, l'ULLEYS, 4c. The' pay especial attention to uie Repairing of Threshing Machines, Reapers, &c. Tho proprietors being practical mechanics, bavins had an experience of over thirty years, tho publlcca relv upon having all work entrusted to them done lu tho llest Mannerand at Fair rrlccB. Then Buy N. Y. ENAMEL PAINT CO. CHEMICAL PAINT, nndeavoonc-tulrdtho cost of painting, and get a paint that Is much handsomer, and will LAST TWICE AS LO.NO AH ANY OT1IBH PAINT. Is prepared ready roru.seln whltooranv color desired. Is on many thousands ot tho finest buildings tn tho country, many of which have bttn painted six years, and now look as well as when first palntvd chemical fa I jit nas taken rirsi rub.MiuM3 ui twenty or me r-uuo rairsui uio union, colore Bent free. Address N, V. JIN A M K I, TAINT CO., 118 rrloco btreet, LUKll suri,Agcma lii'ii, .market birceb, iuuauejpuia, FAIR ! F 13xti'ii News JU' yon a LOTHI1TG Don't Buy Until Yourself Who WILL DO BEST FOR YOU. Come and Select your WIIHT&R SUITS FROM A BRAN All Styles, Sizes, PRICES and Qualities. MEN'S SUITS, lOUTH'S SUITS, ATS, SHIRTS 0 L L A R S, Largest Stock, POPULAR CLOTHING STORE. .ALT. EXT. OK. Ift 10' . CURB DISEASES CFTHt-- THROAT, LUNGS, OVER & BLOOU In the wonderful motlielne to which ttie affllctcJ re above dlrccinl tor relief, the dlecorcrer be Hero to has combined (n uirwony oioie of Na. lure' .sovereign curnlivo (irnpertiei, uhich Uod has IniUIIed Into Uio teffciablo kingdom for heal ing the slck.Uinn ucru tner before combined In one medicine. 1 he evidence of this fact ) found In the grtftt variety of most obatlnate diseases hich It hus been found lo conquer. In the cure of IlronchltU, Severn Coiiatis, and tlioeaily BWreof Consumption, It Liu itkUmtahcd the medieM faculty, and eminent iihytlcinua nio nouuee It tho crenicst medicnl dUrovcry ot thu age. While il cures the Beverett Coughs, It suengthens the system nod itirllle the uiuuu iir iw great ami inorougu liy lis great and thorough bloodi,nrify !r ties, it cures all llumorii, frmn the lug properlleMt cures all lluiiiorv, frmn the iuiBaviwiui( u Litiiiiiiuii iiiuil ll. 1 1 1 Fie, or irruption Mercurial Uliwue. Mincial olbons, and their effect, are eradicated, and torsi acroi vigorous health and sv sound const ltutiun eitib. Itehcd, i;rrslpvlas, Sult.rlioiiiu. Fevor horrs.Srusy or Ituttgh Skin, in short, all the numerous diseases dut-eij bv bad blood, ore cnnqucied by this powerful, purifying, and In viguraling medicine. , If you feci dull, drowsy, debilitated. Imve sallow color of skin, or ) ellowrsft bionn spnis on face or body, fremuint headache or dlulnes, bud laste in mouth, Internal heat or chills alternated Xvlth hot flusticK, low plriw, and gloomy foieboiliuiis, Ir regular nj-pcilte, and b'jtgne uiaied. vou aro suilcrliiff from 'fur plil Hveri or t llllloiik liens Iu many canes of Jvor Coin lalnl' only part cf these 'svhipmuw aro ex- ItCfiuucud. As u lemrdv for yll such cae, J)r, icrce's (inhlen McdiCnl IHcocy tm no equal, us it elects perlcct cuies, K'uvfiift U.o Uer fttrengUtcned and health), S01O BY DRUGGISTS AT SI ?i f rjfuE. I'repar. by 11. V. rfcr.UCR, AI. II., Sole thU WOHLP'I J)ttPS.MiAJ(V, Jlufalo, K. Y, $2600 tlfllAIL AgwUwuUd. Vatt ntM If irltliu&ta. r&rtlcoUrl frM. i4dr. J WOETIU CO., Dl LnU, Ha. aug. it, TMjr nro IMMFm-uov.M.. nnd mudnnturrn ltniini. iiiirnin ot the sciences ; Muter of tlio Classics, tlr.iiuates of Trustees. COOK STOVES Sample card ol V.. or IIKNItV L. .Yuly S7, 17-ly i u. 1R ! FAIR ! Still Aitcstul. f want You Have Posted NEW STOCK. BOY'S SUITS, CHILDREN'S SUITS. CAPS1 CUFFS. Lowest Price This Cut tllustritss th Manner of Using f Fountain Nasal Injector DOUCHE. Tls instrument Is especially designed for tho verioci ipuciion ui DE. SAGE'S 0ATAEHH REMEDY. It Is the only form of instrument yet Invented with which fluid medicine cHn be carried hiah up and vcrftctlu applM to all parts of the affecleU nasal pannages, and the chambers or cavities com municating therewith, in which sores and ulcers frequently exist, and from which the catarrhal ilibct targe generally proceeds. The want of sue largely frmn iho lroiosll(lltr of applylnr " lie to Uie.e otvltie. ami ctuimbcrs ur any of io onlinory mcilioiU. Tlilt obamcle In (he nsy of tffeclliiif cure, la entirely overcome by Uio inven tion of the Douche, lta lue ia ttleaaant anil ao aimi)leth:aa chllU can unileralantTtU full and explicit dlreetluim accompany each Inatrn menu Wlici. tutu wllb tlila iiulrnmenL Dr. bjge'a Catarrh Hemeilv cure rerent atucka ol m "Cold lii the Head" by s Bpj sflNJ applicatlona. lScatarrh BBr'X If KYirf I'TOHI-frennent hcuuctio. ilitcliargo falllnr Into throat, aome tlmea profiue, watery, thick mneua, purulent, offenalve, etc In otliera, a Uryneaa, dry, watery, weak, or inllamed eiea, lopping up, or ooalruo tlon, of nasal passages, rinfinff in ears, deaf, nesi, haklnf sml coughing to clear throat, ulcerations, scabs from ulcers, voice altered, nasal twang, oOenslvs breath. Impair! or total deprivation ol sensa of smell ami laste, dlzilnesa, menbil depression, loss ot appetite, Indigestion, enlarged tonsils, tickling; eoimli, etc. Ouly a few ef lliu.e avtniitoms are likely to be present iu any case at one lime. Jlr.ase Catarrh Hemedr, when used wttli lr, I'lercet. Naval Uuuche. atid ac com panied with tlieeonstttmtonal treatment whicb is recommended in the pamphlet that wrap each bottle of the llemedy. Is a perfect spMlllo lor Una loutluome dleae. it it tnild and itleasant to use, cotilnlnlnff no strong or caustlo ttnips or Knsops. The Catarrh Uemeilvls sold at to cents, oucjie atuiceup), by all lru(s;sts. IU I. X'lKKCfS, 31, fl.. frp'r, IlUrTALO, X, T. Bep.'w, IT-tf S A c' PBEMiyii witch ihd cnti- Vwnt treu. J, it. Utj lord & Co., tiWo, III, aDr. iTr?-iy it u am ahooui r Latkd watchu, cbpt V sTlnthl imvb world. SauvU iTalcaJVM It JI''mis. Asdrua, JuCvs.TU AOoCaVctsjo. uJ.U,1t-l ana f urnlshed with a bountiful surely of tiure.soft Expenses V. Coiiro in Plircical Culture. nvntrn tt tn, In tuo other Courses rccclro Normal Certificates o rurnlshlntr Intclll- mnrore their time lcu lnit School. For GLENN'S SULPHUR SOAP. TiioRouciiLV Cures Diseasfs of the Skim, ucautifies the complexion, prevents and Remedies Rheumatism and Gout, IIeais Sores and Abrasions of the Cuticle and Counteracts Contacion. This Standard External Remedy for Erup tions, Sores and Injuries of the Skin, not only removes from the Complexion all Blem ishes arisinp; from local impurities of the blood and obstruction of the pores, but also thotc produced by the sun and wind, such as tan and freckles. It renders the CUTICLE HARVELOUSLY CLEAR, SMOOTH and FLIANT, and being n wholesome beautifies is far, preferable to any cosmetic. All the remedial advantages of Sul phur Haths arc insured BV the use or Olenn'K Sulphur Soap, which in addi tion to its purifying effects, remedies and pre vents Rheumatism and Gout. It also DISINFECTS CLOTHINO and LINEN nnd PREVENTS DISEASES COMMUNICATED BY CONTACT with the TERSON. It dissolves Dandruff, prevents bald, ness, and retards grayncss of the hair. Physicians speak of it in high terms. Priccs-25 and 50 Cents per Cake: per Box (3 Cakes), 60c. and $1.20. N. 1J. The 50 cent calces are triple the size of those at 95 cents. "UIUS IIAIU AND WHISKEK BYE," BInck or Brown, 30 Cents. U. CMITE5T0S, Prop'r, 7 Siith Av.,H.Y. Oct. so, Ii!.-ly, AdvertisingAgents GLAZING AND PAPERING TTrM.. F. ROD1NE, Iron Street below stc- f T , iona, moombourt:, ra., ia prepttren Luuuttu PAINTING, GLAZING, and PAPER HANGING, tn tho beH stylos, at loweotlpricca, and at short Partita havlnir such worte to do will eave mc-noy euuini; un ue. All worls-waxrantca to give satisfaction. solLltcJ WM. P. BODINE. rlR'I, KINGSFORD'S OSWEGO STARCH Is tuo 11IWT and IOSTECONOMIOI,In the World Is perfectly l'UHE-freo fromocld nnd other for- elgn 8ubstaocea that Injure- Llnrn. Is STHOOKIt than any other requiring much less quantity In using. Is UNIFORM stlllcns and flalehes work alwaju ho tame. KiiiWsOswEiflCflFO Siarcl Is the most delicious of all preparations' for ruddlnps, Blanc-IWCangc, Cake, otc. Aug.s, IT-Itn hcco PATENT S. P. A. Lehmann, Solicitor of Aim rlcan nnd Forajgn Patents, WathlLgton, I), o. AUhanlness connected with Patents, whether before the I'atent Ofllce or the Courts, promptly attended to. NocharKomode unless a patent Is secured, send lor a circular. May t.H-tf lit" a Bryant & Stratton BUSINESS UOLLECE Ana TcioBrapuia jnsiiiitPt 100 8. Tenth St.. PhllndelDhla. Pa, aysof tliu Manaytr anU :(Wirir4 ol IK-- Ic full lJUllcuUra. ckll or tend for ftes sjhsytiiinmr.iniPinunr. tf. r. rHIDLT, rTM I) V18ITINU (JAKlls, WrCTiilt HEAPS, HEADS, CSTKltS, St:, tO., iply printed at IheCoLuu RIA'ViOlfliM Vcath TljlSf AJPEiIS KEPT0N FILE AT THE OFFICE OF, mm 733 Sjmsou St., PHILADELPHIA, Who aro our oolboiied aicats, aud will yeoelve Advertlaeucutai avt our UJWK8T CASH UATliH. Ia not easily earned in thpn itm,.a h,,. i can he made in three months by an one ol either mui, In any part Of tho country LIT til Work ltJnritlv,iMhf .inn1nlu... that ne lurtilkh. iMper wiitlujcur own town. 1 on dvu not v away irombuue overnight. You eon irlvo) our Mholo time to the work, or only jour spare uomccta. ' IC coeta naming to trytha Cust. uauiuTT oo., r PERUVIAN SYRUP is a rrowciou Ronmon or (no R0T0XIDE OF IRON A now rtl.eovpry In medicine, ttmt HrlkMal tho root ssgsnsip ll,e blooj w,tu its ,,,ai" This 1 the secret of I bo wonderful s icccss of thu retno ly In curing ' Dr. pi p. In, , I.lvrr I'nmpHlnl, llrnp.T. flirnn. !V',rrll,rn Atl',Til,n., ClillN nnd I'nv. r., II imir., I.n.. or C'nnailinlliinnl Vljnr, .NenniUln. I'etnnle (.'oiuplnlnl,, nnd At L DISEASES OHICJ NA riNO IN A Bad sStato of tho Bloorl or accompanied by A Low State of the System. tlelnrfrec from Alcohol In nnv fn.m i,. . tai! ellpcis aie not followed bv corninondlni ren. Hon. butHro rwrmnnrnt. Inrnlnn. wrwt'v.i-i-.f' ,.;T: Oil and NBW'tlKB Into all pirts of tho srsU.ri. .S building up ' - AJM IRON CONSTITUTION. It 's an crcrtlnt pti'is ltuto for wlno or brnndir whcroftRllmulnntUiimlril. oranuy OhO element Of tho rpstiirnftvonmwic. medicine Is i lls magnptlo nctlon und tho electricity devrtopta thereby. For femnlo wtakmss It is a spectilc. For Dyspcpsin, Uso PERUVIAN SYRUP For Debility, Uso PERUVIAN SYRUP For Dropsy. Uso PERUVIAN" SYRUP For Nciirnlgin, Ubo PERUVIAN SYRUP iTor Clironio Dinrrlicea, Uso PERUVIAN SYRUP For Liver Complaint, Uso PERUVIAN SYPUP For ''oils and llmnorf. Uso PERUVIANS YRUP For Cliills and Fuver, Use PERUVIAN SYRUP For Loss of A ppetitc, Uso PERUVIAN SYRUP For Nervous Affections, Use PERUVIAN SYRUP For Female Complaints, Use PERU VI UY SYRUP To Tone up the System. Uso PERUVIAN SYRUP To Invigorate the Hrain, Use PERUVIAN SYRUP HETH W. FOWf.K Ic SOSM. PrODriotnn. so narrl. son avenue, Boston- liold by dealers generally. October, THE INTERNATIONAL REVIEW. The "International" for 17S will prefent tho usual number of artlcli-s ttnon rellgloui, wii ntlilc. art, po litical and social bubjtcts most occupying the pub lie attention. It will tlevuto sp.ico to Luropean mut ters so far asthev.nro lllely to bo Interesting to Americans. It will coutbii.u to Introduce tho most nopnlarfurelcn ivmorBlo ctmpete for favor with tho best Amcrlcau wrilers It will nlm 'obe able, n rong a d practical, its ell nt popul r. In the char ucti r und Rtyio tiIItRpr.r.tatljns, It Is safe U) say that no other megazluo In the norklcan supply llx "luce In the llbrarleB cf Americans who love to con sider the progiebgcf cents tlirougbuul tho orld, and to know their bearli g upon the Inttrestaof tho linttid Htates Profepfcuru urtlus, lloltiendorf, Vogel, Dr. Uolllnger, Dr. Dorner. Dr. Neumeyer, Dr. carl Ablo. Mr Jullun Iiuboc. Brutish Hey. M. Hollln JoriiuemjBS. 11. puller. , Dep., M, (ilndrlez, Mr. Ilamerlon, Mr. Kreeman; ltev Dr. Jumca 11. lllgg, Thomas lirassey, M. 1". uubematls. Madamn Vlllurl, Dora irislrla, rczzcnl Ur. Wool'ey, Dr. Ptaimdy, ITUiclpol Dawtcn, Judge Cooley, Dr. burton, W m. C. Irjanl, Kny Palmer, tarlNhurz, tieneral Slgel, Dr. 0good. Alex. Diltnar, V. totta, Eugene tehuj ler, IhiyardTajli r. K 1". Whipple, and others may be named us sprcl'l contributors. 1 hus Is organized as rowcnulan ergon nf thought and communication as can be tuMtyj conceived, und I' pri tenia HH'II lor pot ulnr t-uppi it during istl. It Is not Known that time Is an imm why copies of tho "HeMew" should net leltuhd In cwy tou hold. It has already the rnrten (irtuluticn (tony tecnlar I evlew, leiiime (IltsiciUor attraction. These attretlciis will bedothitd giaduolly, and Increased as their netd Is made known mco 11.00 a Number, a Year (lx Numbers.) A, 8. HAIiNEH 6 CO., Publishers, tit & lis William iU,N. rAIL ROAD TIME TABLES piIILADKLl'IU ANU JtKADINO KOAD ARRANOEilENT OF TRAINS. May 21, me. 1'ABSENGKU TIUINS LRAVK KUTKItT iS FOLLOWS (El'KlliTEICEl TK l'or Now York, Philadelphia, Heading, I'ottsvlUo TJimaquo, sc., 11,33 u. in ForCatawssa,ll,3sit.m. r.,41 und 7,10 p. m. For WlUlumsport, c,as ,!H a. m. and 4,o p. m. TH1IN3F0H RCrEHT LEAVX IS FOLLOWS, (St NSiT U CE1TKD.)' Leave New York, t,4 a. iu. Leave- Philadelphia, o,ie a. m. Lemo Heading, 11,3 a. in., I'ottsvUIe, H,16 p. m and Tamaqua, 1,23 p. in. Lcavt) C'uUwlssa, 0,50 ,55 a", m. and 4,00 p. m. Leave Wlllhunsport , i a.m,12,oo m. and 0,00 p. m Passengers aid from New York and 1'hllado phla go throus.i itltout change of cars. J. E. WOOTTEN, ao.UANCOOK. UOhera! Manager, tlenerol Ticket Agent. Jan. ii, tf. NORTHERN COMPANY. OKNTRAL, RAILWAY On and after November soth, 1873, trains will leave SUN I1UHY as follows: NOItTHWAJtD. Hrle Mall a. m., urrue timlra a, M Cannnditlgua... p, ui liochehter...,,, 6.1B Niagara 9 40 " llenovo Icnll.iuu.m.urme Williams rt 12.60 p. m. Elmlra Jlall 4.15 a. m., urrlve Elmlra a. m. Ilunalo Expisss 7.15 a. m. arrlvo1 Buffalo 8.M a. m bOUTIIWAKD. Uutfalo Express tM 0. m. arrive Harrlsburg 4.C0 a.m " Iiulllmore s.40 " Elmlra Mall u.isa.m., arrive llarrlhbursi.w)p.m " Washington " Ualtltnore " " Washington 8.30 " IlorrlsburgaecommodaUon 8.40 p. ni. arrive Harris burg 10.58 p. m. arrlv e Baltimore u.So a. m ' Washington 0.13 Krlo Mall 18.o5 a. m. orrho Ilarrlsburg 3 Co a. ra " lialtlmoro 8.o " ., " Washington AUdaUy except Sunday. D. M. BOYD, Jr., Ocneral rasseogcr Agen JSP A. J. CAfeSATT, OeneralManogef BLOOMSI1URC1 DIVISION. Tlmo-Table No. s, Tales effect at 4:o A. M MONDAY, NOVJJ.M11EH si wis. . NOHTII. STATIONS. SOUTH. p.m. p.m. a.m. o.m. p m.", h 00 s cs s i.i s ci 7 NS 8 49 1 48 (43 1 4 8 SI 7 83 8 ft 7 37 8 37 7 It 23 7 18 8 19 7 IS S 17 7 IS 8 17 7 ('7 8 18 7 03 8 09 8 OS 04 iu a i IU IM 80 . 43 t IS 881 m its t m t 9 6 f-3 8 18 DM 8 10 8 48 9 18 0 40 1 68 B 84 1 83 S 88 j 48 0 33 1 43 111 1 40 D (3 1 80 111 1 It 4 U, 1 IS 4 SO 1 UO p,m. p.m. 9 4S 9 43 9 88 9 31 9 13 U.... .Heron ton...... s 88 8 to 0 its 48 9 85 8 SO 03 S 81 a 80 -ueiievue,,.,. "..TojlorvHJo.,. ...Lackawanna.... 10 im 10 00 V 88 9 48 8 03 3 08 8 04 8 17 8 10 8 17 8 V3 9 87 8 83 8 87 8 40 8 43 8 W 8 00 7 01 7 04 7 11 7 10 I to 7 80 7 40 7 4H 7 03 8 10 j 111 m on 1 9 20 9 15, .Wist pitistou..,iio n 10 16 pi ju 9 II 9 07 ... It.UIUlUg Uullby .....Iii'iiuett,,..,, p..,.Kliigiton...., ......Kingston M.. ..I'll tnoutli June . . l'lj mouth .... .Avondulo . Nanthoko 10 93 9 OS V IS HI 87 10 97 10 S3 10 30 10 40 PI 44 10 r.9 8 t9 8 Ml 8 M 8 48 8 41 8 30 8 19 8 14 8 US 8 1 Ut'iilotk'H reek . -..btikhlnni -.llUk Kerry.. ...livuth Haven.. . Iierwlck ,., .... Prior tttek... lllow drove... ...Llioo Itldge.. i.u tMDY III 0 4 Oil 8 to 4 IS Bin 11 17 1 33 4 91 am 11 8 4 IS 9 06 7 M 81 4 87 8 60 U l HI I CO 7 04 7 48 7 4": i? 1 ! ! ? .lllooiofcbuig.., ,11 OH 7 40 I!! ,i 0 (18 7 40 7 S51....,.,.Huiri T.. 7 80 Oulawliibu llrldgi 7 Ml .Chirk cwiuu, el 0 14 7 O'i 12 10 0 ig 8 Ot 7 11 DunvlUa. 7 04' 18 80 0 88 8 35 18 83 0 41. H 40 .('Irulas y 7 0 BtooXBBDBG) March 23.4877 nAilV" u.Um, U. 10, lilo. lth U every quart. H tiItttuauon.t( ,'tcrtiulB,