The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, October 12, 1877, Image 3

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"Mionsnunn, fiiiday.oct. i, is;;
UiUondTriiiie Tnlilc.
Accommodation Train MS A.M.
Mall Train T.M A. M
Express Train UO 1', M.
" " .M r. Mi
Accommodation Train 0,111 A. M.
Hegular Express 4.oa r, M.
4.49 l M
11.M A. M
T.ST r. M.
11,83 A.M.
Through cars on Express train cither to New York
or Philadelphia. Accommodation train runs between
Catawlssa and Wllllamsport.
The boys anil girls may rejoice the clicff
hut crop Is plentiful this year.
It you liavo a receipt fir payment of stato or
county taxes In 1870, you can vote.
On next Priila night a Temperance mealing
will be held In Ihu Haptlst Cliurch.
On Saturday evening a meeting will bo held
nt Harmon John's in Main Township.
The two trials of others on the
charge of having murdered Alexander V. Ilea
lmvo cost the county about $8,000.
Our thanks are duo John S. Mann anil Dan
iel Myers for a fine mess of eels. Come again,
Government lnnil costs $1,25 per acre llcarlcr',
how ninny ncres have you pipianilcrcd in drink
ing intoxicating liquors?
Frank R. Snyder' formerly foreman of this
cfl'ue has leased the printing material and fix
lures of the Plymouth Index office:
They say business Is dull j sugar and coffee
are selling slowly. Not so with Dr. Bull's
Cough Syrup ; we understand our druggists can
hardly supply the demand.
K. Jncoby has opened his oyster bay for the
season, and will keep constantly on hand a
supply of fresh fish and oysters.
Wo call attention to the correction made in
the notico of tlio Citawissa Bridge Company,
No decimal points appeared in the copy, and
hence the mistake.
The printing office of Dr, P. John at Eliza
belli, N. C. was totally destroyed by fire a short
time ago. Dr. John was formerly editor of the
Republican at this place, and is well known
through the county.
Tho Law and Collection office of Freeze &
Eyerly has been handsomely papered and pain
led, and is now one of the pleasauteat offices in
town. William F. liodino did the work.
lie sure to remember that Haas' Exprclorart
is n perfectly safe and reliable medicine, free
from all objection) and dangers connected with
most of tho advertised cough syrups. 25 and
50 cents a bottle.
Wo allow 35 cents a bushel for nice potatoes,
25 cents a pound for honey, market prico for
apples according to quality, and butter ami
eggs also at market prices, on subscription or
book account. Bring on your produce.
J. E. Eichholtz of the Sunbury Democrat will
please accept our thanks for a copy of the pa
per book in the case of Hester, et al. It is prob
ably the largest that ever went before the Sip
preme Court.
Judge Krickbaum appeared at Court last
week Thursday, obliged to walk with the as
sistance of a cane owing to severe lameness. A
fractious horse of John Winner's stepped on
the Judge' s foot while he was attempting to re
strain it.
Tho Supremo Court of tho United States
lias again decided in favor of the Western
Granges, affirming tho right of tho Legislature
of Wisconsin to provido by law for maximum
charges for railroad service, either for carrying
passengers or freights, within the borders of
that State.
The Fair opened on Wednesday, tho weather
being all that could be desired, in the after
noon crowds began to appear on the Directs, and
it looks at this writing (Wednesday evening) as
though there will be a large attendance. A full
report will be given next week.
A public spirited citizen of this place olTtrs
to donate one hundred dollars for a public read
ing room. If a few moro men would do like
wise the proposition would become a fixed fact.
.Such an arrangement would be creditable to
.the town, and beneficial to all classes.
Geo. I. Keichard of Espy is doing a large
'trade. Among other things he has a stock ot
''Williamsport Boots" manufactured by J. E.
Dayton ic. These goods have a wide reputa
tion and are guaranteed to givu satisfaction.
None are genuine unless bearing the stamp ol
the manufacturers,.!. E. Dayton & Co.
The useful matter contained in the Agricultural
'column is alone worth ten times the subscription
.price of the Columiiun. The Items are not only of
-immense value to our farmers and their fami
lies, but to every housekeeper. To utilize them
a scrap book should be kept, and In this mail'
iner a vast amount of valuable information could
'be gathered for future use.
The opinion of Judge El well In Williams
port Bond case has been sustained by the Su
preme Court, Judges Agnew, Woodward and
Sterrett dissenting. This settles tho law, but
it opens a loop hole for an immense amount of
'extravagance. We presume Uiat under that
'decision, our town council will o ahead and
'build water works for Bloomsburg.
The Democrats of this county have coruple
'led their ticket by the nomination of Dr. Doyle
for coroner and I, II. Reynolds for surveyor.
Reruiek Independent,
We have tried to keep posted about jiolitical
matters in this county, but confess that we were
not aware that the Democracy had made such
One day last week Constablo Woodward dis
tuvired a man apparently asleep on the Epis
copal Church door-way. A brief examination
showed that the man was dead drunk, and a
bottle of whisky was found between his feet
He was toled at once to the lock up. Ills
name is said to be John Care. It was Care less
for him to get drunk, even If it proved he was
Care lull.
A Masonic iMrostEii. John Ogden, claim-
Ing to hall from and having In his possession a
certificate of membership of Columbia Comman
slery No. 2, District of Columbia, is going about
the country Imposing upon the members of the
order. He Is pronounced a fraud and an iin
poster by the officers of said Commandery, no
such person erer havli'gbeen a member thereof.
Knights Templar and the Masonio fraternity
generally should be on their guard against him.
Pass him around.
The Christian Temperance Union of Blooms-
burg will assist In starting Gospel Temperance
meetings throughout the county by furnishing
the printed pledges and, us far as possible,
speakers ; the cost of the pledge aud the necess
ary travelling expenses of the speakers to be, of
course, defrayed by the parties applying fqr
Applications for such aid may be made to
the corresponding Secretary, Ueryey tu. hmltu.
A Dammi Feat. Professor Frank Stookey
delighted n largo nudienco on Wednesday even
ing by performing tho hazardous undertaking
of wnlking n ropo nt an nnglo of 15 degrees,
oxicnuing irom llrown's Hotel to Centra street.
Tho feat woj performed by torch light, and
-.Ml i .,.. . . ' -
win uo ropcoieu wiin ring ana tropeso perfor
mance this evening.
No child can sleep soundly while suflerine
with Collie or from Teething. Ilemove the
came by using Dr. Hull's Daby Syrup. Only
23 cents per bottle.
The storm which passed over tho countv tut
week did greot damaeo In manv sections.
We havo heard of no casualties resulting from
It in this county.
A young son of John Dlaly's lust below town.
had his arm badly fractured white endeavoring
to throw a belt from the gearing of a thrashing
machine on Saturday last.
On Monday evening another meeting will
bo held nt New Columbia. Tho last meeting
held there was addressed by Kev. M. C. Brit
tain, Itev. John Thomas, Kx-Sheriff Smith,
and others. Some 33 names wcro secured.
What is tho matter with tho Republican? It
does not mention tho results of tho Ohio elec-
lion. Docs it know, or docs it think it can
keep its readers in ignoranco of what is going
on in the world.
A fire at Nantlcoko last week destroyed the
Hardware store of E. B. Ilrower, and the livery
stable of Wellington Hisewlck both formerly
citizens of Bloomsbnrg. They were partially
insured. This Is the second time they have
teen burned out.
Judge Grow, of Orange county, speaking be
fore the American Temperance Union, in Coop
er Institute, said that Dr. Young, of the Bureau
of Statistics, estimated that $600,000,000 was
spent annually In the production and consump
tion oi intoxicating liquor, while Dr. Hengman
a careful writer, puts It at $735,000,000 in
Tho Dipthcria in this and neighboring towns
is prevailing to a considerable extent. Four
cases have proved fatal here in a short time. If
it should extend to the pupils of our public
schools, we would suggest to tho Directors the
propriety of closing them for a time, as the dis-
inse is highly contagious.
On Monday last little Boyd Creasy, son of D
A, Creasy of this town, died of that dread dis
ease, diptheria, after an illness of about one
week. Boyd was a bright and interesting child,
and the hearts of loving parents have been sore
ly ailhcted by this visitation of Divino Provl
dencc. The sympathies of the community arc
with them.
Despite the storm, a fair congregation as
sembled nt tho Union Church at Orangeville
on last Wednesday evening. Addresses were
mado by Itev. A. Houtz, Dr. Cnnficld, O. B
Melhck and C. B. Brockway. Somo 52 ladie:
and gentlemen signed the pledge and "there
are more to follow" next Tuesday evening at
the M. E. Church.
Mrs. William Lee, a resident of Roaring
Creek, met with a painful accident early on
Monday morning while on her way to Centralis
When near her destination a trace came loose
and touched one of the horse's legs, which cans-
d him to spring forward, and before her son
who was driving, could ather up the reins the
animals had run up an embankment and over
turned the wagon. Mrs. Lee sustained a severe
fracture of the leg above the knee. She was ta
ken to the house of a friend at Centralia, and
early on Tuesday morning was removed to her
home. The boy was not injured.
Diptheria is reported as being In this sec tlon
A number of deaths have occurred, and sever
al children are not expected to recover. Doc
tors disagree as to whether this disease is con
tagious, but the safest plan is not to go in lis
presence unless obliged to do so. Kind friends
can assist, and sympathize with, those who have
it in their houses, without coming in contact
with the patient. If it is contagious it may be
carried and spread by injudicious friends, and
with such a disease every precaution should be
taken to prevent this. Ii is seldom that
spares a victim.
Our genial friend Gen. W. H. II. Davis, Ed
itorof the Doylestown .Democrat and the author
of several valuable books, has entered the lec
ture field under the auspices of tho "American
Literary Bureau." Ilia subjects are "The Hulls
of the Montaumas," and "The Royal lioad to
Success." His familiarity with the suojert mat
Ur of the first is not merely gathered from the
writings of others. As an officer of the Ameri
can army during the Mexican war, and as Sec
retary and acting Governor of New Mexico, he
became fully acquainted with the history, tra-
litions, country, and manners and customs of
the people. His reputation as a student and wri
ter, as well as his own success in life fully qual
ify htm to deal with the second subject.
They tell us the ex-cd. who closed his con
nections with this paper in March, 1871, took
sudden trin from Milton to Sunbury last
Wednesday in charge of on officer. The trou
ble was all about the fair sex. Leu-isburg Jour-
There is a slight error in the above. M'Gin
ley was not brought to Sunbury. While await
ing a hearing in 'Squire Davis' office at Milton
he managed to slip out and has not since been
heard of, The constable had gone after the
feminine who 'made the complaint. He gave
his pistol to the 'Squire to guard the prisoner,
but that official let the prisoner get too far out of
range before he thought of using the shooting
ron. Northumberland Democrat.
We have a case of damages against that
'Snuire. for letting the fellow go. He strag
gled to tills town, told a pitiful 6tory about
dying aunt he had been to visit lus abrupt de
parture from Ashland to see tier, not having
time even to draw his hard earned salary. Of
course our heart melted at this tale of distress.
and we are somewhat poorer than we were, in
C. W. Low it Son have removed the old store
house corner of Main and Pine streets prepar-
atory to erecting a new one on the same site,
The foundation Is up and the frame work well
A. B. Stewart is about erecting a new dwel
ling house a little north of his house on Main
Win. Fisher has modernized and improved
Ills house.
A dwelling Is also going up just above town,
The house of Col. Kline is nearly completed
and nrese nts a fine appearance. Y hen finished
it will be an ornament to the town..
Tho Academy is doing well with an atten
dance of about 75 sludentc
The naners (I think) recently noticed an ao
cldent by which both arms of a little girl i
Orange wile broken, and a hand otherw'se in-
lured. also a little girl in Gieenwood with
broken arm. It is gratifying to be able to state
that both these little patients have recovered
under the skill aud care of Dr. C. Yt . Amer-
One of our Sunday schools recently held
picnic in MegargelP woods. A good dinner,
eood muslo by the Millvllle Band, water-mel
ons, and speeches made It a very enjoyable oc
A bush-meeting for the congregation worship
ing at Centre School House was held in Green
wood from Wednesday to Wednesday inclusive
chiefly under the management of Revs. J, L.
Preston and J. Al. Harmon.
The commission appointed to apportion the
money appropriated by the legislature to the
several stato normal schools held n meeting In
Harrlsburg.reccntly.and agreed upon tho follow
ing piogramnie I
Of the $100,000.$30.000 Is given to tho school
at Indiana, $23,000 to the school at Shlnnens-
urg, $20,000 to the school at California, $15,-
000 to the school at Mansfield and $10,000 to
e school at Uloomiburg.
Of thb $75,000, $10,000 Is given to each of
le sehools at Mlltersvllle, Edlnboro,' Kutz-
town, West Chester and IjcIc Haven, and $5,-
000 to each of the schools at Indiana, Shlppens-
burg, California, Mansfield and Bloomsbnrg.
The money to be payable subject to the provi
sions of said warrants on the state treasurer
Issued by tho superintendent of public Instruc-,
tlon one-half when the authorities of tho sev
eral schools, In a legal and binding manner
agreo to comply with the conditions of sucli
lUtribution hereunto appended ; and thu other
alf when satisfactory .evidence Is presented,
showing that saiil conditions have been In good
faith complied with.
The following are the conditions upon a com
pliance with which the sums of money above
named will be paid to the several slate normal
schools :
First. That morfgages, as heretofore, in fa
vor of the state, be executed upon the properly
of each of the several schools to the amount of
the sums herein assigned it.
Second. That the schools at Indiana, Ship-
pensburg, California, Mansfield, Bloomsburg
and Lock Haven bo required to devote tl o sev
eral amounts herein appropriated to them to
the payment of '.their present Indebtedness, and
that for this purpose the friends of said schools
bo required to add lo these sums twenty per
cent, of their amount from private sources, sub
scriptions, or releases of creditors.
Third. That the schools of Millersvllle,
Edinboro,' Kutztown, and West Chester be re
quired to make such additions to their build
ings, grounds, or appliances, or to take such
measures looking to the bettering of thir con
dition, or to the increasing of their ofliciency
as may be prescribed by the superintendent of
public instructions and approved by this com
Fourth, That in case any school shall decline
to accept these conditions, the money it would
otherwise receive shall be divided equally
among the remaining schools.
The undersigned in this connection also de-
Bire to state:
First, That in assigning the bulk of the mon
ey appropriated by the legislature to the schools
most deeply in debt, they havo conformed to
what they knew to bo the Intention of the legis
Second. Tint any further increase of the
debt of the state normal school, either by an ac
cumulation of interest or by expenses incurred
without monev to pay them, will tend to weak
en the whole work of normal instruction in the
stale, and should bo carefully avoided. Tho
income of each should, if xssible, be made to
meet its expenditures.
Tho commission consists of Governor Hart-
ranft, Attorney General Lear and J. P. Wick-
ersham, Esq, superintendent of public Instruc
Mn. Schei.i.'s Acceptance. The following
Is Mr. William P. Schell's letter of acceptance
of the Democratic nomination for Auditor
Bedford, Pa., October 3, 1877.
Gextlemen: Your letter of .the 20th ult.,
informing me of my nomination for the office
of Auditor General by the Democratic State
Convention, is before mc. I accept the nomi
nation under a deep sense of the honor conferred
by the distinguished body you represent in
making this announcement.
The office of Auditor General is one of great
importance. As far back as 1811 the Legisla
ture enacted "that all accounts between the
Commonwealth and any person or persons, body
politic or corporate, as well those with the of
ficers of the revenue as the persons entrusted
with the receipt, or who have or hereafter may
become possessed of public money, also the ac
counts of all person having claims on the Com
monwealth, shall be examined and adjusted by
the Auditor General according to law and
He was clothed with extensive powers, and
now since the Industries of the State have kept
pace with Its greatly incrcsed population, and
new sources of revenue have been opened up, it
is of the utmost importance to the tax-payers
that these powers be intelligently and honestly
exercised. Integrity, vigilance and a due sense
of public responsibility should govern in the
administration of the affairs of this department
of the State government.
You are pleased to refer in complimentary
terras to my labors on behalf of the working
men of the State. My interest in their welfare
is not of recent birth. During a public career
now extending over many years I have always
deemed It my duty to vote for all measures
tending to dignify labor, and to elevate in the
moral, social and political scale those who fol
lowed it as a pursuit.
I do not think there is any necessary antag
onism between capital and labor. On the con
trary, there is a close relationship between them
which should work to the advan age of both
a relationship which ougiit to be so adjusted as
Jo divide between them the results of industry
in good faith and good feeling. Experience,
however, has shown that in many Instances the
power of capital, directed by selfishness, has
wrested from labor the rights that legitimately
belonged to it. My rule has been to legislate
so as to prevent wrong and secure that which
was right to all classes.
I am sincerely gratified to know that hereto
fore I have enjoyed the confidence of and re
ceived honore from the industrial classes of my
fellow citizens. It is iny purpose hereafter,
whether in public or private life, to do no act
which shall cause them to regret these mani
festations of their regard. I can only say in
conclusion that should the action of the conven
tion be ratified by the people I shall consider
the call to serve them In a new sphere as Impo
sing on me the most weighty obligations to
guard and protect their interests with strict fi
delity. I am, gentlemen, your fellow citizen.
The folio wing letter is published by request
of the writer. We know nothing of the fact
and do not endorse the contents. If the state.
menu are ef any Importance, the commission
ers no doubt can explain.
Bento.v, Pa., Oct. 8, 1877.
Bbockwav 4 Elwell Sirs ; In last week's
Columbian ihc statement of "High Road Dam.
ages" is Incorrect. There are two wrongs. First,
on the road near Benjamin Savage's the highest
damage is not published. B. F. Savage himself
gets $140 00 damage, Second. The same road
is not opened, nor Is it expected to bo for a
couple of weeks yet. Now the Commissioners
have omitted the first and misrepresented the
last (on purose) we expect. But they cannot
come that on us this time. Now the above two
statements are true and can be proven.
A Reader.
And now, Democrats of Penii8ylvanlu,buck
lo on your armor for November's contest.
Victory is in your grasp, if you but work. Ohio
and California havo been redeemed, and Penn
sylvania can bo lost only through your supine
ness. Sea to your organization in every town
ship. Do not heed the croakers. Our organ
ization was never In better condition, and has
tho, eclat of success. Wo actually won tho
Presidency in 1870. but wero defrauded. But
now "cheating is played out." Stick to your
colors then. Wo have an udmiruble platfosm
uble and honest candidates, and mutt yo into
Rebecca Carman, of Bcnfon, has Just returned
from Philadelphia with ii largo assortment of
Millinery and Notion Goods, to which she In'
vltes tho attention of the public.
Oct. 0 3w
Gold Is down to 102, Iho lowest point In fif
teen years. There Is also a marked revival of
business In commercial centres, which cannot
fall to spread rapidly Into tho rural districts.
Let us hope that there Is a better tima com
ing. Tho Virginia plan of raising revenue, by
levying a tax of two and a half cents per drink
upon all malt liquors sold In coffee houses, sa
loons, or at public bars In said to work
charmingly, and to yield largely to tho coffers
of the State. It Is popular among hotel keepers
because it breaks up tho credit system, and the
tax Is always exactly graduated to the business
done. It Is expected that tho revenue from
this sourco will be over $1,000,000 yearly.
We call the attention of our readers to llic
new advertisement of D. C. Goodrich, Publisher
of Dr. Eglo's Hew Illustrated History of Penn
sylvania on second page of this paper.
We have examined this truly great work,and
can, most emphatically recommend it to every
intelligent Pennsylvanian,o.s being the best his
tory of our Commonwealth ever before publish
ed. It has been very highly endorsed by the
State Historical Society the leading men, and
press of tho Stale.
Any ono wishing permanent and honorable
employment (and there are many needing it)
should at once corres(Knd with the publisher
at Harrisburg, and If possible secure the offer
they make In their advertisement.
Washington, I). O., Oct. 0, 1877,
To-morrow the most important election of
the year is held. The extraordinary Inter
est taken by Mr. Hayes and his Cabinet In
tho result is shown by the tour of Secretary
Sherman and then of tho wholo Cabinet
with Mr..Hayes at Its head, shows the inter
est felt in the result. Tho departure of
Sherman and the Ohio clerks to vote ho
going as an indication of what was expected
of less prominent peoplo ns a kind of bull
dozer wo may say, ii also significant of a
great desire to carry tho Btate. It is only
fair to say that tho Democratic chances do
not look so fair ns they did on tho day of
West's nomination by tho Republicans
lint speculation is not profitablo now, the
result will bo beforo you by telegraph
when this reaches you. It is moat earnestly
to bo desired that tho Democrats may secure
tho Legislature so as to elect a U. S. Sena
tor in place of Matthews.
party of half civilized Indimsof Mexi
can descent have organized a small rebellion
in their state. It will bo of little moment
unless lawless Mexicans cross tho river to
tako part, in which case, the relations of
the two Governments may become compli
General Miles telegraphs that ho had a
a fight with tho Nez Perces and captured
much stock. His statement of losses shews
that his victory, if ho gained one, was
bloody. He says that tho Indians aro now
under cover, and.his dispatch seems to mui
cato that without reinforcements he cannot
dislodge them. Ho also fears n junction
between these Indians, and Sitting Bull's
command, and says tho two forces are in
John P Patterson of I'ennsyluania, who
represents South Coraliua in the U. S. Sen
at , was arrested here on Saturday charged
with bribery of the members of the Legisla
ture of that State, and other offenses. He
is now out on bail. His case will come up
October 17th.
The Speakership contest m getting warm.
The Democratic caucus will bo held on Sat
urday evening next. It U generally believ
ed that nfter two or more ballots in caucus,
Randall will bo nominated for the position .
Tho only man I know of who is thoroughly
convinced this will not be so 19 Hon. S. S.
Cox, of New York. Ho does not, however,
assert that his own chances are good.
It is now evident that tho extra session
will not confine itself to tho particular bu
siness tho Army Appropriation for which
it was called, but will transact any other bu
siness which may properly come beforo it.
There ha9 never been a time when moro val
id and important questions demanded con
sideration, nnd we may look for a session
long to be remembered. It is extremely for
tunate for the Democratic House that many
of its members havo now the experience
which they lacked two years ago, aud will
therefore be able to accomplish much more
than they could. Tho fact that ho many
seem willing to unite upon Randall for
Speaker, is an indication that experience in
the Chair, rather than the gratification ot
the personal wish of members, ia demanded
and is a happy augury of an industrious and
useful Bession.
Secretary Schurz who is a free thinker, is
just now getting all the orthedox punish
ment. The tiro fell upon his beautiful pal
ace, tho Interior Department, and now the
Hood has come, While tho building was al
most completely unroofed the heaviest rain
Washington ha? had for years descended up
on it, flooding every room and injuring in
numerable records and papers.
Tho trial of Wltowskl charged with collect
ing from the Government money for articles
never furnished, will probably end by the
middle of this week. It has excited great
utere-it chiefly because a member of Con
gress will bo put on trial if Witowski ia con
victed. But tho evidence so far has not been
strong, and a conviction is not looked for
At the Commencement at the Pennsylva
nia Medical College the oldest medical in
stitution in America a new departure was
taken In tho education of physicians. Dr.
Pepper, one of its professors, and the officer
who made the address on the occasion, took
for his text the importance anil necessity of
a higher course on tho part of medical col
leges. He said that tho profession ia over
crowded, that tho largo majority of the pro
fessors are incompetent, and that tho effect
was to lower tho dignity and the usefulness
of a calling that should be competent to ex
ercise a most beneficial influence on society
If this is true, and it must bo when so
prominent an institution makes the charge
then the cflorts of the Pennsylvania Medical
College cannot be too highly commended.
The public wo feel Hire will, by their attcn
tlon thus directed, leant to investigate more
closely tho men who offer their services as
physicians. It is at least a good sign to ee
the profession endeavoring to higher at
tainments in its pursuit, instead of crimina
ting nnd quarreling over the claims of pecul
iar schools. Such efforts begun and carried
on in the profession will conduce more to el
evating its standard aud making it a public
blessing than all tho laws that were ever
passed or asked for. t.c.
MAItTZ-StUKNU'll.-On the 10 lust., by Itev,
John JlcCron, D. 1)., lieuben Feagley ilaru, Eeip,
to Miss Emma Margaret iluenlcb.botli of Heed's tta-
Uou, Northumberland cauntr, I'a,
CIJCAVKU, la Locust on tha 9dUiL,llb8 Masy
fi. uomrf gva &uoui w years.
Mlsst A word In your car, The next fine
afternoon that you saunter nut, buy a box of
Glen's Sulphur Soop. That admlrablo puri
fier will remove every one of those pimples
which detract so much from jour beauty. Sold
by all druggists.
lucre is louin in every bdllle ol Hill's ll.ilr
Sept. 21 liu.
ITayo told tho Lyiiclibiirgers that ho dis
cerned tho hrtnil of Provide nco In his eleva
tion to tho Presidency. For tho hand of
Provldcnco ho mistook tho nlinblo fingers of
J. Madison Wells.
Business Notices
$1.25 Foxed Gnlter., nt McKlnncy's.
For n second hand Globe Conk Stovo or
Cucumber Pump, apply to Win. Krickb.niiii,
Buy your School Slates nt O. A. Clark's.
Boy 1 will era. I enn't belli It. All the
other boys but mo nro getting new Suits of
Clothes and warm Overcoats nt Loweubcrg's.
Theso cool mornings and evenlntrs. make
It necessary to put up stoves. Why will von
rulllo your temper ami ilirty tho carnet aim
uso strong expressions in trying to put up
your own stnvo pipe when Rollins it Holmes
will ao it on snort notice 1
Produce taken in exchnnirn for School
hooks at it. a. uiarK's.
Wife-Well, I can't litln It If vou don't
like it. I told you when you brought homo
the goods tlmt I couldn't make as nlco a FIT
as you could buy rcady-mado nt lyowen-
Ladies' flno Shoes, nil widths and sizes
at -uciunney 3.
Produce taken in exchange for School
isooks nt u. A. Clark's.
"Down to Hnrd Pan'
Bonis nnd Shoes a!
Buy your writing Paper at G. A. Clark's.
Wanted. Two girls to learn the tailor
ing traao. vrni. 1. Jvcster. Apr.2"tf
Jluy your Writing Paper at G. A. Clark's.
Lasting Gaiters, $1.00 at McKinneys.
Buy your School Slates nt G. A. Clark's.
Overcoats for men,
Overcoats for Youths,
Overcoats for Boys.
Overcoats for Children,
Cheap,Good aud Durable at D. Lowenberg'e-
Hand-made Shoes at McKinney's.
CI. A. Clark will sell Parker it Watson's
iNational Headers at the lollowing prices ilu.
imjj, iuu ruining ran nuu winter :
10 cents.
First Reader,
Second Reader,
Third Render,
Fourth Reader,
T.-IJ-.I. 1, 1
10 cents.
70 cents.
a-iuu jieauer,
Montcith's Geographies at the following
rates :
Monteith's 1st Georaphy 2S cents.
Monteith's 2nd Geography 41 cents.
Monteith's 3rd Oeography 83 cents
Monteith's 4th Geography $1.40.
Coal ! Coal ! ! Coal ! ! !
We are now oflerine: all sizes of
tlio nnlnln-nln,l Q,,r,Mr,l,n.i P.,l county, deceased, have been granted by tho ltegn
llie CeiCUiaietl OUSqiieliaiina LOUI terot said county to tho undersigned Admlnutra-
Lo a., coal, at the lowest cash pri
ces. Coal screened before leaving our
yards and full weight guaranteed.
Orders left at I. W. MeKolvy's
Store, at our ollice, or sent through
the mails will receive prompt at-
Your patronage is respectfully
C. W. Neal & Bito.
May 1, 1877.
Elegant Hair is woman's crowning beauty
when it fades, she fades as well. )Yhile It is kept
bright her personal attractions are still maintain
ed. Ily preserving the hair fresh and vigorous a
youthful appearance is continued through many
years. Those who grieve over llieir fading
hair turning gray too early should know that
Ayer's Hair Vigor prevents it, and lestores
gray or failed hair to its natural color. It is a
clear and healthful preparation, containing
neither oil, dye, nor anything deleterious, and
mparts ti the scalp what is most needed-
sense of pleasant and delightful freedom from
scurf or dandruff. Aoo Verne X.O.) 'JHmes.
Aro vou .1 despondent sufferer from Sick
Headache, Habitual Cottivenef-s, Palpitation
ol' the heart? Havo you dizziness of the
head ? Is your nervous system depressed ?
Does your Mood circulate hadlv ? Have vou a
cough 't Low spirits ? Coming up of tho
food after eating? Ac, lie. All these and
much more ato tho results of dvsnensia. liver
complaint and Indigestion. GUEKN'S
AUGUST FLOWER is now acknowledged
by all Druggists to lion positive, cure. 2.400-
000 bullies wero given away in tho U. S.,
through dtugeists to the pconlu ns a trial.
a' , ...-U " .,..
1 wu uosos win saiisiy any person 01 us won
derful quality in curing all forms ol indiges
tion. Saniplo bottles for 10 els. ltegular
sizo "5 cts. Sold posittvo by all first-class
uruggi'ts 111 u, &,
tYpril 27, 77-ly jl
It is tho duty of every person who has
ufed Rosehee's German k'yruii to let its won
derful iiunlitics bo known to their friends in
curing Consumption, soveio cougus, ciouii,
astlumi, pneumonia, mid in fact all throat
and lung diseases. No person can Uso it
without immediate relief, l'lueo doses wil
relievo any case, and wo consider it Iho dutv
of all Druggists to recommend it to the poor
dying consumptive, at least try one bottle us
40,000 dozen bottlos wero told last year, and
no caso where it lai ed was renorted. cue 1 a
medicine as tho German Syrup cannot bo too
widely known. Ask vour Druttcist about it.
Sample bottles to try sold at 10 cents, lieu-
uiar sizo 73 cents, for talo by Moycr iiros.
April liu, 'iT-lyjl
Dr. Shiloli's SvVtpm Vilnlizer.
We are authorized to guarantee tills rem
edy for tho cure of 'dyspepsia, Inactive I.iv-
er.boti r stomacn, constipation, loss ol Ap
petite, Coming up of hood, Yellow Skin,
and General Languor nnd Debility, You
must acknowledge that this would bo ruin
ous unless wo had positive evidence that it
will cure. You who are suturing from
these coinnlaints theso words nro addressed
and will you continue to suffer when you
can be cured on such terms? It a for vou
to determine. Sample bottle 10 cents; reg
nlar size 75 cents. Sold by O. A, Kleim aud
in. j, xieuuersnctt.
ou.uiiu uio annually uy neelectlnc n
Cough, Colli or Croup, often leading to
Consumption and the grave. Why will you
neuieci uo important n matter, when vou
can get nt our store Sliiloh's Consumption
Cure, with tho assurance of n speedy recov
ery, l'or ooreiiei-s ncross the Chest or Lungs
or I.aine Hack or Bide, Shiloli's Porous
naster gives prompt rellel. Kola by C, A.
ivienii anu -, j, iicnuersnoti.
HackinetacV, a iionular nnd fragrant per
fume. Sold by O, A. Kleim and N. J. llm-
juarcn ao, '77-cow
Letters or Administration on tho estate ol Caleb
ii. iiiriAiu. iuuj ui iieunoeK uiwnsiup, uoiuiuula Co.
I'c , deceased, have been grxntedbi the Iteglstercf
t.iid county to Matthias A.lllrion.of the Mime town
hlp, administrator, to whom all -rsuiis Indebted
aro reuuuhUu! to make payment, i aud tbQsu haling
claims or demands against the bald estate will make
them knowffto the said administrator without do-
Sept. T, TMw lluck Horn, I'a,
Tho unit rstgned Ejantor otiln- lust til and tes
tament ot Jamoi Thornton, lax or tho tnwnsWpof
moom in me county ot Columbia, deceased, by au
thorlty contained In said will, wlilcxposoto public
snlo on tho premises, on
commencing at 1 o'clock p.m. otfaldduy, tho lot
ion lag
Ziot of tJioiiinl,
t-tluate In the Town of llloomsbnrir In said County
ot Columbia, boundoj and described as follows; to
wit i I'rontlng on Market street of said Town, west
sldo-odjouitng First street ot said town on tho
north, Mutnincy's alley on tho west, lot of H. It.
Drinker on the touth, atid Jlniket street of said
Town on tho east ; containing In front on Market
street forty-one feet, and In dentn ono bun.
dred and ninety-eight focti whereon aro erected a
two-story framo
with kitchen attached, a FltAM E STA11I.E and other
outbuildings, good fruit trees on said lot, a good
well ot water at tho kitchen door.
Terms mado known on day of sale,
. r.I'HUAIM P. l.UTZ,
October ttli ts.
And now September io-th. 1871. His ordered that
tho Terms of the several Courts of .Montour countv
Minn iit-reiiiit-r oo nt-iii tin louinvs, u, ml. uu ine
fourth Monday of February. May and r-eptembor,
and on tho third Monday of Deeembcr In each year
anu uorniuuu lor onu weea.
Certified from tho llecnrdsot linuvlllc Pa., thlsist
uiiy or October A . 11. mi.
WI-3U. Jl. I'l.AKIlAK T,
Oct, 5 frtv.
Mlcbael Federolt
No. 3M. Sent, Term. 18,7.
Pel. Fa. Bur Mortgage Sept, 10,
1877 on motion or u. 11, iiucka-
fiamuel llby and
terro tenants.
lew of council for pljlntltt the
KnorrEsn.. Master to llenort
court appoint Samuel
thoamount duo upon the Mortfruco In this case- snd
also In what, order and to what extent the respective
tenantsare llabloto contribute totbo pa)mcntor
sam .iori-uije or 10 uusoiuin sutiMiicuon luereoi.
The Master wll meet tho names interested for
Ill 1 HE. UIJUlll .
tho purposo of his appolnttnont at the public house
known as tho lied Tavern In Montana conj ngham
ton nshlp at 9 o'clock a. in., on Thursday the Mil day
01 .ovemutT ifln.
Oct. 6 4W.
iams.otick; mat ino coniiraiioa 01 luuuvr-
man ltetormed church of Hloomsburg, Columbia
county havo exhibited and presented I o tlio Court
ot Common Pleas ot said county, an Instrument hi
writing, purporting to bo proposed amendments
to their charter, and it Is their Intention to apply
for a decree that the same shall become a part of the
said charter at the December term of the s:tld
court A. 1). 1S77. 1 he general character of the said
amendments con&lsts tu tlio6uppicslon of to word
'Herman" In the namo stylo and lltlo ot tho corpor
ation and In theeroscruent of such articles as should
more properly fall under tho denomination of By
laws. And tho said court having perused and cx-i
amlned the ssld amendment. and alterations whlelf
In the opinion of tho court do not coulllctutth thii
statute, nor with tho constitution ,has directed no '
tlceot tho said apllcatlon to bo published In two
newspapers ot general circulation prtntjn In said
county for throo weeks : and If no sufficient re ason
bo shown to the contrary by tho first day of Decem
ber Term 1877 ot said court, It will decrco the said
amendments and alterations shall be deeinea and
taken to bo a part ot the charter of the said corpora
tion. 1
ll.F.ZAim, ,
"ttcrs ot Aitmlnlnh-tratlon ou tlio estate ol Tor-
acy Hayler, lalo ot Montour Columbia
tors of Montour township Columbia county, to
whom all persons Indebted aro reuuested tomako
payment, and those liaMnir calms or demands
ajf.ilnsttho said estate will make them known to tho
said administrator without delay
Oct. 6 cw. P. O. address Bloomsburg I'a.
Ltttera of administration, on the estate or .Tnhn
Van Llew Mto cf orango ton nshlp, Columbia co
I'a.. have been granied by tho Iiegisier ol Co
lumbia county, to Alem Van Mow. Liuht street or
same township, to w horn all persons Indebted ore
requesicu 10 make immi uiaie pujmeut una inoso
hdWngclalmsor demands against iho mud estate
will mako them known to the ua&erelgEOd Adminis
trator without delay.
Light street.
Administrate! ,
Oct, 5 ow 1
i TTOlTnn'K KnTTrv
The undersle-ned Auditor nnnolnled in vnnVn ills. of funds In the hands of A,
.1. Aliierson Admlnistiitor, toandamoogthnp-rtlos
enuueu mereio win nitenu to tno duties or his up
polntiiirnt ar the omen ot F. P. Iilllmeyer In Itlonms
burir on the loin div of Nnvembpr isi7. nr. 111 n'nineL-
H. m. when and where all nen-ons bavlntr claims urn
id.ii--.h-u iu I'rcMrni. 1110 suuio ut ioto run AUOiror or
uo ueoarreu irom coming in ror a siiaro or said fund.
f . 1. UILU1UIKK,
Oct, 0 4w.
In tho matter ot tlio salo of Mm pstntn ct f'ith.
arlne Fred rtca deceased fortliemvmpntof debts.
j no aumor appoimeu 10 aceriiun lo jntoreit or
tlio deceased In said real etatoaiid nlsn trt fmcrrhiin
mo jusmes ana validity or tne aueirea debts Ul
burg on Friday November 2d at ten o'clock In the
iiiiti'L uii I'miica luiuifMcu iu insniiipp in it rmmt.
ioreuoon ior mo purrobes oi nia appointment
u t li. 11UIUMI.N ,
OCt. 5 si W.
'lhe linderslt-ned Alidtmr h- tlin nr.
pnans court oii'oiumbla county lo make dlstrlbu-
tate of Wm. l'eirir late of Mndlsnn twn lnfi.i.l.-.n ,ln
iiouutiuo sum 01 nsai uu rrmainino- in me rm m.
ceased.ror the use ot Wm.Marsh sun-frtnghusbandbf
i.4tBwwnu.mnuin-uinam v ill I wil I egg aecoaseu
will meet ot his nmnn in inn rnnn r.f iti...mci,.,r.. tn
said county on Saturday the 17thil.iv of NoTembcr
A .1). lsir at 10 o'clock a. in. ot iuld dav for tho pur
pose of holding said audit. All parties !ntf rested
will attend and present their claims or bo forever
ueuLuii-uiruuii-uiuiuguiior anv snare or sola rund.
. , Auditor.
Oct5 4w.
Letters of Adlnllilfctrutlon oi, Mm rsmtn nf i-tttho.
rlno l.Tjirus. IJtft or llr.mrrn tnwnltiln f-nlmnhl.i
countv, lvnn'ii., deceased, hAve' be n granted by Iho
urtjinic, uinuii vouiji lo,limil U170TI1S AfJHSna,
1 11., and Sullulerson TjlarusAli( Pn. All nr
sons haling claims .against tho estate ot the deer-
ueni nro ii iuesieu lo present them for settlement,
and those Indebted to tlio estate to make tnuinent
iu ino unui-rMgucu AiiininKtraiorswIthout delay
Ashland, Pa.
Audeurled, I'a.
October 5 Cw 1S77
NuttCO Is hereby trlven Hint I nurch.i.l fit f-nticlr..
Mir a ruio luc piuieiiv Ol .Jlwpn LOK', IO.W11 1 OHO
uuut ueu, one t-pniig cur, one i o-norso wagon,
six aeiesot corn, tun m li-snml n linlr nf lmrL-ul,..nt
twenty bushels of potatoes, llio cords of bark, three
hogs, two acres mid a half of corn on Jacob Cole s
lunu, oiio sine nui piow, ono lanii plow. Audi, wll
ltalll It. han Innneil thn nltm-n tirtlftAM nnii.
erons to Josenli Coin llurttlL- mv nleiisilrn nni1lf.t..l.v
camion all partlus not to rcmo o them unless by my
Sept. 21, '77-3W Millvllle, I'a.
i imtT-nTi'u vrvpift'
The undersigned Auditor appointed to mako dls.
rlbullon ol tlioprocteds arising from tho therm's
suluof tho real estate of Levi A. Illdlay, and also
Auuiwi vji inu cjiu'iiiiiu3 tu vuo uceuunt Ol i; v ,
Miller ax Trustee, and ulso to mako dlsl rlbullon of
the lunds lu tho hands ol C. W. Miller Trustee lor
the benellt of lurttrment crt-dlrnrx nf hhii iii a
Illdlay, win attend to thedutlesothlsappolulinent
.. "luvo oi fv. 11, & II, li. I.IIIHJ m ituiouisourg o
i iiursuuy mo im nay oi joveniwr istt. at 9 ov oe
a. m.. uhcu andlinereall uersonH halnt i-l.iiins
aro renuested to present tbo tamn Lenin, i lm Audit
or or uu loreu'r ucu.uTeu irom coming m ror a siiac .
ot said fund.
tep. 2S,l37T-4w Auditor,
istatk or i-iiiui- uuotki, nr.u'n.
Itteranf AlImlnLslrntlnn nn tlt r-Klntnnf 1l.uin
tlr.,'o In,.. I.t I nna.u. In.,..., ...T. ... ..."'
.....v, .vu . Mun iwimaiin,, kUlUUIUlll UUUU-
ty, have been grained by 'ho Ucirtster ot 6UI eoun.
ty tu the uiiUersliratd Administrators or im-di
lunnsiiip. .mi i rson uuucg nanus against thu
tald esiute aro roituinod to piesenl ibtui lor nettle--meut,
and those Indebted, lo mako int incut vsllliout
6ep. 21 'l7-w" Administrator,
Letters Tettamenlory on the estate ot Samuel
Ouijii, uteol Ml. Mliasanitp,t'olumblaOo,due'd.
" uccu gruuun uy uie lvgistrroi hald county to
the undersigned executors of same township,
to whom all is'raons Indebted lo said Estate aie k,
quested to make payment, und those tuning tiolms
against the bald estate will make them known totbo
united Mala, for the. Wcttcm Umncl nj
.TotiNH. TEiiNsit of Columbia enunlv Pennsylva
nia a llsnkrupt under tho Act ot Congress of M arch
ij.lsoi, having applied for a Discharge from oil his
tcbts.and other claims rrovablo under said Act,
liy order of the Court, Motion lauereby Ml
creditors who hive proved their debts, and other
person irnvrcstpdlo appear on tbn si ilnv of Octo
ber ls77, at I o'clock, p. i.i.. beforo II. N,VIIIardKsi.
iti-Hisier in imnKrupiy, al mo omce, 01 E-ninuei
Knorr at nioomsburir Ivnnsvlvanla to s.liow cause.1t
any they have, why n Iilschargo should not bo grant-
cd to tho said liankrupt.
Oct is sw.
Farm Property,
Tho undcrshrncd Executor of John Ilartraan lalo
of tho township of Orange In the county ot Columbia
deceased will expose to publlo sale, on the premises,
at 10 o'clock In the forenoon tho farm of tho said
deceased, containing about
and twenty perches of land, situate In tho said
township of Oranire, bounded on tho north by lands
ot John Welsh and Abrahum Force, East and south
by lands of Abraham Kline, and west by land Of
Abram Iinimstetler. This land la pleasantly located
and has erected on It a
the front part,ot which Is thirty by eighteen fccMho
back part twenty by thirty feet all two stories near
ly new with an out kitchen. A Hank Ham nearly
new, forty eight by thirty six feet, hogpen, corncrlb
and other outbuildings. Two wells of water, ono at
tho houso and another at tho barn.
Terms will bo easy and possession given on tho
First day ot next April.
Oct. s Sw.
Ily vlrtuo ot an Order of the orphan's Court ot Co
lumbia county, tho undersigned, Administrator 0
thoestato ot Hiram Lunger, deceased will expose
to public sole, on tho premises, In Hugarloat town
ship Columbia county, Pennsylvania on
at 111 o'clock n. m.,the undivided ono bait Interest In
certain j-;al estate sltuato In Sugurloaf township In
said county of Columbia, bounded and described as
follows! Beginning at a whlto oak corner ol Hester's
land thence by other land of said Joshua Ilrlhk, X.
degrees, W. llij perches to a past thenco by said
land, N. 33 degre03, V. 53 perches to a chestnut
tree thenco N. 60 degrees, W- 70 perches to a post
thence by land of Montgomery Colo, s. 24 degrees,
S'2 perches to a post thence by land of said Josh
ua Iirlnk, s. 43', dogrees, 1;. 41 perches to a post
thenco by saldland, s. 24 degrees, W. 39 porches to a
post tlieuco by s.ald land. S 4iti degreos, K. CI por
ches to n pobt by a public road thence, S. TO degrees,
K.fJ'i porches to a post thenco by land of William
Mi-Kerry, N. 01 E. 32 perches lotho place of be-
glnlng, containing
perches, on which Is erected a A FIIAMIC DWEL
LING IIOUSH and UAKN nnd out buildings. There
nro also a good orchard and good water.
Tehms op Sale. Ten per cent, of the one-fourth
ot the purchase money to bo pild'at tho striking
down ot tho property i tho ono-fourth less the ten
percent at tho conllrmallon ot sale; and tho re
malnlng three-foirth In ono year thereafter, with
interest from cnnarmatlou nUl.
Oct. 6 ts.
Assignee's Sale
By virtue of an order of tho Court ot Common
Pleas of Co.umbta county, J. W. Evans Assignee ot
Abraham Miller for the benefit ot creditors will ex
pose to publlo sale at tho "Williams Hotel" In Uie
borough of Berwick on
Saturday, October 20, A. D., 1877
at ono o'clock, p) m.,
All thdsotwolniot'ifilthatoon Front street In Iho
Horogrhot lierwlck.m said county. Lot number nf
teen as marked and numbered In tho plan of said
town adjoining lot ot'l. n. Jackson and lot loucre
lnaller described being itx feet front and lsijtf feet
In ileptli belngavacantlot.
Also Lot nuuiborj 1C and. a piece adjoining thereto,
commencing On riont bireet uloresnldat the corner
of, lot number' is; therlce tmy-nlne feet 'more lesd tjo
101 oi .11. licesiruin, irieneo DacK eiguxy reei.or
thereabouts, thenco to .lot number 10 on a Use n Hi
Front stieet ten feet thence alow: lino of number ic
to Second street thenco along tho same to said lot
numberlS, thenalong the samo to the placo ot be
ginning, on which Is erected a
llrlck Kitchen, and other out-bulldlngs.
Tekks or Sile. Ten per. cent of one-fourth of the
purchoso money to be paid at Iho striking down of
the property, tho ono-fourth less the lea per cent, at
continuation ot sale, and the remaining three-
fourths In oneyenr thereafter with Interest from
connrmatlon nisi. Iieferred pa mente to be secured
by bond and mortgage op the premises.
Assignee of A. Miller.
Berwick, Sept. uth, I8ii.-4w
Town Property !
Ily vlrtuo of on order Issued out of the Or
phans' Court ot Columbia county, tho undertlgne
Administrator ot llaila Illgga, latu of Iho Town ot
uioomsourg, unccaseu, wiu expose to public sale o
FRIDAY. OCTOltEIt 12. 1877.
at 10 o'clock, a. ia..the following described property
A i.ot ol I. roll li tl,
sltuato in the Town ot lilooawburg, in said county
froiiUn g on Second struct of, said to n on the north
side of said street, bounded arid described as follows:
Beginning at tho lino Of lot of u T. Phaf pless,thenco
by the lloo ofid street castwardly 52 It. more or les-s
to lino ot lot ot N.J. Ilendershott, thence byline
lot ol N,,Jt Ilendershott norlhuardlylnohundrod
and fourteen 'feet Mx Inches tolUdgo Alley, thenco
along line of Ulrtgo Alley wostwardlylltty-twofeet
moro or loss to line ol lot ot L.T, Sharpless, thence
along the line of lot ot L.T. Miarpiess southwardlv
two hundred and fourteen feet sfx inches to lino of
Second street, tho placo ot beginning whereon Is
erected a double two-story
Tehms AN-n conditions or alk as Follows t Ten
percent, of the one-fourth ot thu money
to be paid at tho vtrlklngdownof tlio property, th0
one-fourtb. less tho ten per cent, at tho connrmatlon
of sale, and tlio remaining throe-fourths In on- year
tnereaiier wun interest irom connrmatlon nisi.
Sept.21, 117-19 Administrator,
Assignee's Salo
Ily vlrtuo of an order Issued out of the Court of
Common rieasot Columbia county, directed to mn
as assignee of J'arvin Masters, tor t Uebenetlt of Lis
creuiwrs, mero win po-exposed to publhj Bale at
iiess ueiei, in, inotownoi Henton.on
at J.o'clock p. m.,tho following described piece or
luivnut muu suuatoain tne towDshlpot Denton,
j.oiuiuouiiuumy, on the waters ot Dig Fishing
creek, bounded and described ns follons. to-wit
un mo east Dy land ot John Cole, south by lands ot
A.I), flood and John F. Chaplu, west by the oust
uouuuary.iniooittii! ;own ot Uenton, and north by
lauuui uvoj-iuuii icucury, coutotning
is wnv.s and liu l'r.iirnrs
more or loss with tho linproH'ni(,iits, consisting ot a
and water rlghu appurleint.
Thims OfhAtKas prtsWibedby tho order ot tho
Court; Twenty-nvo percent, cash balance In to
equal annual payments, with Interest tromcooilr-
uiiuouuj kaiu uy 1110 court, to be, secured on tho
Also at iho samo time and place- wili'bo offered
for sale a
Parker Shingle Machine,
belonging to tu e aforesaid Parvln Masters.
cunton Lujvn, Assignee of 1'ari In Mastera.
laths kao-rn world. SvupU iTa'ici tiS
nLllPl.tTI'nu'avi,t,.u .
United &latct,for the Western J)ilrtdnf
Nrimumr intrrp. of lluck Horn Columbia county
ennsilvanla u liankrupt under MiffArf mi' murr-ei
of Maroh 2d, NI, having apiititd lor hlscliargo
irom nil ins ucuis, nmioineriunm provuom unui-r
HSldAct. ily order of the Court, Notlre Is li' n-by
iven. 10 nil i;reniujrs who navo pruwu I iifii iium -
nd other persons lntrested, to appear on liio v-i
iv or rieinlM.r- lk77. nt 3 nVInrir. n in., tiefuif P. ts.
wilhird Ks'i, wvistrrln Hairt.ruptev.Ht tun offlre.or
HaDuiel Knurr hv., Illoomsburg I'a. 11) t-how auw,
anvil inoy nave,wnya inscnariro iumui noL Dr gmn
tedto tho Bald Ilanktupt,
L it.rk.
Oct. 6 !W.
Unitcit Stateior the Western District
of Pennsylvania.
In pursuanco of an order of the said District CourrJ
CI -Tuty T, 187s, I will audit nnd make distribution
of tho fund derived Irom the Assignee's sole of tho
real estate of Nebemlah Hccmj, liankrupt at the of
fice ot Samuel Knorr in lUoomslmrg on too Si.ldny
of O01O1IKH, A. U., 1877, atone o'clock p. in., at
which time and place all lien creditors andothers In
terested will appear and proe their claims.
Sept, is, 77-jw Ileglsterln Bankruptcy,
Tiia coHMONWKAt-Tn or- Fkxkstlvanu. to Sllza-
bctU A. Fowler, widow, Taroantha II. Ellis, Miles 11.
Fowler, Leroy T. Fowler, Henrietta Lake, Emma L,
Fowler atd Ida Fowler, widow and lineal descend
ant ol Mlas E. Fowler, deccaced, and to oil other
rcrsons Interested, Greeting t You and each of you
aro hereby cited to be end appear belore tlio Judges
ot our orphans' Court at an Orphans' Court to bo
held at HlooniBbunr on tho first Monday Of Decem
ber next, then and Uitro to accept or refuso ta tako
tho real estate of said SlUs E. TolCr, deceased, at
tho appraised valuation pnt upon It by tlio Inquest,
duly uwarded by tho said Court and returned by tbo
Sheriff, or show cause, why It shall not, bo sold. And
hereof fall not.
Witness tho Honorable William Elwell, President
ot our said Court at liloortsburg, tho Twentieth dor
of teptembcr, A. D., 1877.
M. W. Nrs3.
nop. 23,1
View oS Marriage !
5tvTsV?2 cnnht unfit lor Hi tk
z2 "DjjfcV w f He production sivl
iui uica.Bcu er women
A book tot prlvttP. ronild
01 al d ortl.-M ol PrivTn lint ur txtlnvi Uvm fltf
Abui, xac0pi. or Secret XMbcbcs, wuii ttt tail
Ummitisi of rm-f, t"24 .'-7 rt m, f-- cutt.
A CLTUlCAIjIiEOTtfllZ en flit rov" d'lfflifi (til
thoiiitir!hTtiToAtBTi(l Innc, CaUxiii,Huptui.Uij
Opiur.t 2Tablt.A.e.,prW 10 n.
J.nhfr book pftii povpoHent ffptctprlrft ortH thr.
JUTTS, f.O. IS H. Sill LI. tU Louin, He.
aug. 17, T
ly rt c
v ham m.Wv
si i Mi ui ub-his o;,"sfMv,s:i
I Pis of r. I'rtvl nature, mull' tip tram tvlj obiine
MHiihooii ar
ImnotrnoTi Scr
tiftiUy idml t 11ttaMof lh UutlJ
Irn klilnojm I.lver.
I ipfcluau '( tits IUfmneJ, we- no rrwrcurv. 1 u tb
it) h,l litVlnnK viiwHtHH-tt, ml cum whrr oilier fall.
infVll". iwnia u. . f ..AlXl.n nmiunm treaintfot wus
prlluts? ho 'i' nnj boWil, call W i .a ki-ery rtinroienr IV
tl eiiu f- n t C.fiy r tl for Mr n. of LufcUw (iooO rtt rir
rnlv nt Imp Lint IfifjfttUI -in t ttprw IHE. OLIN'H
FiinnU till, 4pnr lln jm'hi'ku Am.
yogim nrl inlJ-i'
if ft TiHnU
i. t - i
iit t
I i .1 DiitumpHtinf
i 1 i tl e inarrir I rl
k i r( - i cnb. to 107 ftt
rrmma, I nw lo t.
tlou, Kvcr.vliuJjr 'i
aug, U, 7T-1y
Dauchy & Co'o- Advt's.
m? A riirpVTl'liuio, Orunii bestr"Loolc! Start
'ifl I 1 I line? t Heo I orrrans. 12 stons tas. Pi
anos only (130. Cost $S5). Circulars Free. Daniel F.
ueatty, wasnington, j(. J.
ucu IX, 'II-4W u
FOlt rAUTICDLAKS, addeuss
829 Booinwir, Nkw Yokk citv ;
cn cico, iii.;NEwOiaEANs,Li.;
or San Fkincisco, Oil.
oct.W, "77-4W d
5000 sold ! Agents maklngMO to$so a week I moro
The thrilling History ot Itusa and Turt for 800 years.
A wua bwry oi,juooasnea ana x'anataeism, tno
strife for power and creed. By tho popular lilstorl
aD.iUr. Li) Pi UrocKett.- IJoscrlbes their peculiar lie
llglous social and poll leal customs :' tbelrllulrs
and Generals, causes or this war, weighty Interests
at stake, etc. cut pp. inch Illustrations.
Oi i ii I ii l im nave xuou uiusiruuuus. unit
Ulv nIDUliO far excel all others In qual.
Ity und quick sale. Prices Just reduced S3 per cent,
Sena for full particulars.
liriuiAiiu iiKus., I'uoiisuers, ruuo., ra.
tct,.)!, ii-iw- a
riTTVrri and llevolvers. Illustrated PrlceUsttree,
U U 1 0"reat Western Oun Works, l'ltisburg.Pa.
tepCzs, 'If-iw tl
AGENTS WANTKpl Medalsand Dlplotnjis Award-
Foa no-s pictorial Bibles
2.000 Illustrations Address tor new circulars, A, J
holman CO-, 030 Arch urcet, I'nila.
beiJ. ss, i i-ty u
t (T Tln Harvest for Agenfs. Wo send free,
jrv 1 jl Jour new40 naire Illustrated Jowidrv
and Watch catalogue,wlth Instructions how to make
monev. Address, M. CUO.NKulI 4 Co.. l'htlo., Pa.,
or Milwaukee, Wis. scp. 2S, 17-4W a
"RTni-Vior'e tor Hums and frauds, nites of In
avxu bU"3i; pectfl. I olson hv Ivy, rrozen Limbs
DamirlTr and Paru, Discharging Hores, Sllllc
IHlUUUy j( B ana sore weak eyes, "lolls, car
buncles, Kelons and hues, sore Nipples, Ilroken
I'.reasts, Krysi-ietas, Acute l'alng. Headache, Kar
acho anu;rootuoclie. Wind and bleed Ing piled, llleed
Ingof the lungs. Uterine Hemorrhage andlnnamo
tlons and Ulcerations peculiar to temolesis hin-
It Is better.
s better, stronger and cheaper than any other
I Is warranted by WKKKk & iHiTTJHt, Wholesale
and Is wsrra:
Druggists, sou Washington street, noston, Mass.
nep. 2-1, -ii-iw u
Those wishing relief and cure tor Hupture should
consult Dr.. I A. KIIIlltMAN, 2M liroadway. New
York, or eend tor his new bonkvlh Photographic
likenesses ot bad eafces beforo ond alter cure.
Hewnroot cheats who prelendto furnish Dr. bber
man's treatment.
one of theso lellows, a perman clerk, now calling
himself Dr. W. I). Creropleu, Is 011 compltlnt
ot Dr. t., and awaits trial lorlcrgery and emizzie
ment. d Bep. w-THw
Illustrated History
It contains u full account of tho reign ct terror lu
Ittoburgb, luiltlmoio. Chicago and other cities.
The conillcts between the troops and tho mob. Ter
rible coi Uagrutlons and destruction of properly.
Thrilling bix-nc8, and Inctdeuts, etc., etc. r-end lor
a full description ot the u ork and our extra terms to
agents. Address,
V A , lUI All 1'LIil.IE.lliriUCU.,
tep.SS.-lw d
Decl, T-ly
'I Ulll
ffl. C. SLO AN; & BRQ.,
m.oo.M.sitrm;, ia.
Manufacture rsol
Carriafjes, Btiggics, P)iactcns, !
I'LATroUM. WAUOfif, ic,
Flrit-clasa workjalwajs 90 lianll,
ITloe reduced to suit the tlmts,
Jau,s,t87I-tt ""
LAM. M '
tor nl sr in (lpwum 4111104
ilt 10