The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, September 28, 1877, Image 3

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ii i, o ii r 11 n 11 n, r it i ii ay, hi:i', isj;
IUII Time Tabic.
Accommodation Train, 6.43 A. M. 7.6J A. M.
Mall Train 7.89 A, M 4.49 1', M
Express Train 1.60 P. M. 11.61 A. M
" " 0.6(1 r. m.
xoarn. poem
Accommodation Train e,s a. M. 7,37 r. jr.
ltcgular Express 4.M 1 M. 11,33 A. M.
Through cars on Express train cither to Now York
or Philadelphia. Accommodation train runs between
CMtawlua and Wllllamsport.
Dont forget to get ready for tho Fair,
wilt be a big show.
Look over tlio Premium list ami see whether
you have anything that will talto a prize.
Harry Faux, tbo predesirinti has announced
that ho will bo present at our County Fair.
Our advcrtl-enient for kindling wood has
been answered. No more wanted at present.
Now bring on your potatoes. We will like
thirty bushels on subscription at tho market
The residence of D.iviil Armstrong, near New
Columbia, was destroyed by fire on Tuesday
morning last.
An adjourned Cutirt was held yeslerday to
clear up the argument list. 1'roctedings will
be published next week.
Over ono hundred names were ndded to the
Murphy pledgo at the meeting on East Street
last Sunday afternoon.
On Tuesday last our young townsmen Messrs.
II. Vi Buckingham and William Slemansi
started for Denver City, Colorado.
Mr. P. Cooley, of tho WilkenWre Record of
the Times spent a few days with his many friends
in town last week. He is always a welcome
The house occupied by V. It Rlngrosc was
the property of his lather-ln-law, and Mr. Ring'
rose had no Interest in tho insurance on the
M. P. Lutz, of the firm of Liitz it Sloan has
returned from tho cities where he went to pur
chaso a fall stock. They have received a splen
did assortment.
Hon. U. Terry and Q. F. Mason, Eq., of
Bradford county were in town lat Tuesday on
business. Wo were pleased to receive a friend
ly call from them.
The fire at Mr. Shaffer's house, mentioned in
last weeks issue, is supposed to havo caught
from a defective flue. Insurance on house $000,
none on peisonalty.
Mr. .John Wolf, of the firm of Clark A Wolf
has gone to New York and Philadelphia to
buy goods. He will probably return to morrow,
then look out for a fine stock.
The Columbian is tho only printing office
in the county which employs steam power.
Therefore we can do job printing more prompt
ly nnd cheaper than any body elne.
Rock street below Market is being graded,
nnd Bide walks are being laid down as fast ob
soon as practicable. In time this will prove to
be ono of our most pleasant streets.
Those who have signed the Murphy pledge
are requested to meet at the Methodist church
this evening fur the purpose of eflectlng a per
manent organization. Let all attend
When you come to the Fair, stop in and pay
tin votir arrears, if you are a sub-criber. If
not, call in with two dollars, and subscribe for
the largest paper published in Columbia county-
DEmcATlotf. The Frosty Valley M. E.
Church will be dedicated on next Sunday at 10
o'clock a. m. Rev. T. O. Clees, Rev. Mr,
Grey of Willlannport andot .er ministers will
Professor James Calder, President, of the
Pennsylvania Agricultural College, will deliv
er an addrei-s on the Fairgrounds on Thursday
the 11th of October, the second day of the fair,
at two o'clock in tho afternoon,
At a special meeting of the Town Council
held Thursday night of last week, n committee
of three was appointed to take measures for th
protection of property from fire. Two addition
nl night police were put on, and the town wil'
lie carefully guarded,
Mem. from Society Journal. "Miss S
appeared to positive disadvantage because of
cloudiness of complexion and must we write
it? Pimples spoiling an otherwise beautiful
countenance." She should by all means pro
cure and tike Dr. Bull's Blood Mixture. Rep.
The Murphy Temperance meetings have
been largely attended, and wonderfully success-
ful. Nearly if not quite one thousand signa
tures have been obtained to tho pledge,
many others will sign before he good work
ceases. The movement is being extended to
neighboring towns.
A Murphy meeting was held in tho Metho
dist Church at Buck Horn last Sunday even
ing. The building was crowded. Addresses
were made by Rev. Mr. Clees, Dr, W. Howell
and Capt. C. B, Brockway, Ono hundred and
twenty two signatures were obtained, The
meetings are still in progress.
The entertainment at the Opera House by Du
prez & Benedict's Minstrels on Friday night
was very good, The audience was the largest
that has been in the hall for a long time. The
show like all of that kind was full of nonsense,
but there was nothing low or vulgar about It
and everybody present enjoyed it.
Nearly all the plastering on the ceiling of
the Sanctum of this office fell with a crash last
Saturday, There were four persons in tl:
room at the time, and attention was called to
the condition ol the ceiling jut-t in time to get
from under it. It was probably loosened by
the jar of the machinery underneath.
Eery September 22, 1877.
Messrs. Brockway & Klwei.l.
Gents : Having been appointed a Fish
arden for the county of Columbia I would
say to all inleritl that from this date I pu
pose prosecuting all parties (where evidence can
be obtained) for the unlawful taking of lis
from any of our waters.
Yours truly,
M. C, McCollvm,
. Thero was considerable excitement in Lock
Haven among her citizens on Friday lust on
finding the skeleton of a man about three
miles from that place on tho side of tho Bald
Eagle mountain, o nro informed that
woman residing in that locality observed tli
remains und informed tho Coroner, who sum
moned a jury and repaired tu tho plaeo to hold
nu inquebt, tho result of which wo did
learn when we left. Ho was lying on his back
nnd a largo stone weighing about 83 pound.
was placed on his forehead and u lighter ono
on his breast. A gold ring was null on
small finger of tho left hand, and ktuds, a pair
of mlver spectacles and a canu were lying close,
by him. Thero is no doubt tho man, whoev
hu was, has been murdered, Jersey Short
n. " ,.nl, T,rl'? ',dled .",h '.,J.enc
. ,,,,,,, , county, on Wednesday
......... .,B , u,u sevcniy-ninin year of his
age. no was a native of lhat lownshln. and
was a citizen whose long and honorable career
will bo nn enduring monument to a life well
spent. Danville Record.
On Wednesday afternoon last two gentlemen
from Lime Itidgo visited this place, and on
their way home they separated at the railroad
crossing on East street, ono taking the railroad
and the olher the street. David Hlne, tho one
taking the railroad, had not gone far, however,
before he fell Into a cattlo guard and was qulto
seriously Injured, lie was probably drunk.
The comfort of Its possession is very frequen
tly oflset by the annoyance occasioned by the
continual crying of the Ilaby. Crying, how
ever, is the child's only method of suggesting
lhat It sufllrs wilh discomfort and pain and at
once ceases when tho cause is (as It should be)
promptly removed by using Dr. Hull's Baby
Syrup. Sold everywhere. 25 cents per bot
tle. The .Tail Question It Is now loo late to
get an Injunction. Those praying for it would
have to enter Into a bond of at least $20,000 to
Indemnify the County and contractors for any
loss lhat might ensue pending tho proceedings,
and we know of no ono who is willing to go on
cli a bond. The best that can be done is to
keep a strict watch on its erection, and see that
no unnecessary or superfluous expenses are In-
There will bo a Dramatic Entertainment at
Seminary Hall Mlllvllle Columbia county, Pa.
on Friday and Saturday evenings September
!Slh and 29lh 1877. The celebrated Temper-
auce Drama Dramatized fiom T. S. Arthur's
novel entitled "Ten nights In a Bar room," will
be performed. The entertainment will be under
the management of A. W. Monroe lato manager
tho "Centennial Dramatic Association of
llloomsburg, Pa."
The American Mechanics of Buck Horn, In
connection with the councils from Benton, Cata
wissa, Bloomsburg, Rohr'burg and Slabtown,
ill hold a basket picnic in Kistler's Grove,
ar Buck Horn, on Saturday, October Olh.
The processhn, headed by Metbercll's Cornet
mil, will farm at the Hall at 10 o'clock and
arade to the grove, where addresses will be Se
vered by Revs, J, M. Reitnensnyder nnd T. O.
ees anil Cipt. U. B. Brockway. The public
are cordially invited.
Tho Times contains the following innsense :
The Mollies Taking Their Revenge.
Special Dispatch to The Times.
HwoMSUUHG, September 19. The Mollic
Maguirea have begun a war of revenge against
the witnesses who have testified against their
Now Kramer is not an Irishman, and is no
more a "Mollie" than Col. McClure. The im
aginative youth who sent the above dispatch,
knew he was lying when ho penned it.
SlicrifTKirkcndall has, in response to anal-
most universal demand, taken steps to protect
the fish in the Susquehanna river, by promul
gating a proclamation forbidding all parties,un-
ler the penalties of the law, from catching fish
n the Susquehanna river, within his bailiwick,
by means of eel weirs, kiddles, or any other
permanently set means of catching fish. loom
ing Democrat. 1
And we venture to say that those fish baskets
ill remain there, especially above Berwick
util the fishing season is over.
Why Judge Elwell was Nominated. Re
ferring to the recent Labor Convention at Har-
sburg, Mr. P. H. Jacobs, while addressing a
Workingman's meeting in Philadelphia, on
ilurday night, said that Judge Elwell was
nominated because the law required the nom-
nee to be learned in the law, and such a man
could not be found among the workingmen.
udgo Elwell was nominated on account of his
general uprightness of character, and also be
cause the workingmen believo him to be an
lionet man. The oilier nominees were bona
file workingmen, and their election would re
flect honor upon the party.
Carryixq Concealed Weapons. Judge
Dean has shown his utter abhorrence of the too
common practice of carrying concealed weapons.
David Watson, of Johnstown, was tried and
co.ivicted of the offence ill the Cambria county
court, and his Honor sentenced hiui to par a
fine of $100, costs of prosecution, and under
go imprisonment in the Western Penitentiary,
for one year. It does not require a breach of
the peace with these weapons to constitute the
offence : but the fact that one has weapons con
cealed on his person is sufficient to cause his
indictment. We merely chronicle tho above
that It may serve as a warning to those who
are in the habit of carrying their little "six
shooter" around in their hip pockets. Moni
The Safe that was Burned at Mcncy.
The safe of the Adams Express Company in
barge of the unfortunate messenger, Jacob A.
Steinman, which was buried in the wreck nt the
Muncy disaster last Saturday and subjected to
the most intense heat from the burning oil and
lebris lor twelve or fourteen hours, was taken
from Williamsport to Philadelphia after its re
covery from the ruins and opened. The con
tents a large amount of money in greenbacks
and valuable papers were found to be so badly
charred that they were sent to Washington for
the purpose of placing them In the hands of ex
perts with a view to determine their denomina
tion. Some of the paper money is so badly
scorched and charred that the notes are almost
Editor of The Sun and Dcmerat :
Sin: Will you bo so kind as to inform me
as to the year we are living in ? Aro we living
n the year 1877, or 1878? Is not the year lbi7
nassed and cone forever? By answering this
question, you will oblige a subscriber, M. G.
Trout Run, Pa.
The question U somewhat indefinite, remind
Ing us of the query propounded to a wie man
In Asia, by Alexander The Great which was
Which Is the longest, the day or the night?"
"The day by one day," was the reply. "How
so?" said Alexander. "Because abstruseques
tions require abstruse answers", returned the
But In reply t the question or M. (3., we
would say that our friend should have put It to
the philosophic Tom, Collins. We cannot tell
any more definitely whether we live In 1877 or
1878, than whether "baptizo" means sprinkling,
dipping, or Immersing. The general opinion
of Christendom Is that we live In A. D. 1877,
We haven't time to go Into the nice calculations
ofchronologistson this subject, neither would it
raise the price of bear's meat if we did. Wi
are obliged to our friend for his attention.
Since writing the above we have hunted up
the following.
We reckon from the event of Christ's nativity.
In regard to which Dr, Crosby has said "Inlli
the year and the time of tte year of our Lord
birth are uncertain," The weight of authority
seems to be that Christ was born two years ear
lier than our mode of reckoning represents.
Terluliian, Clement of Alexandria, Illppolytus
Portuensi and Cyprian, early writers, all agree
In this. Clement puts It the 23th year of Au
gustus and the 25th of the month Pachon,whlch
would fix the birth of Christ on the 20th of
May, 2 B. C. Therefore, we are now actually
living A. D. 1870 Instead of A. P. 1877, and
specie payments ought to be forthwith resumed,
yVUliamtport Sun.
It refuses to work, and yet 1, not on a strike.
When It works, It strikes.
Asldo from jokes, this venerable llrno keener
has come to bo a public nuisance. Wo venture
to say that It has not Indicated tho correct tlmo
for fifteen minutes nt once for the last six
months. Whether It Is the fault of the clock or
of those whoso business It Is to look after It, we
cannot say. The works are old, and perhaps a
thorough repairing by a competent hand wt.uld
do it good. In its present condition it Is worse
than none at all. We know of a gentleman
who started to his dinner tho other day at ten
o'clock in the morning because the town clock
paid It was fivo minutes of one. Let It be re
paired or permanently stopped.
We fully appreciate the effort of our teachers
to get their scholars ahead, but are of the opin
ion that there Is In some places a little too
much of the "forcing" process. The mental
faculties are unduly stimulated at tho expense
of tho physical. Long lessons on intricato sub
jects nre forced upon them, and additional bur
dens added if the poor child falls to stomach
the "cramming." One mode invented is the
publication of n "roll of honor." Wo believe
such publications are nnwiso and injurious.
But wo shall reject them for another reason,
viz: To publish those of one school Involves
the publication of all lhat aro sent us from the
county. This would occupy all our space to
the exclusion of other matter, and serves mere
ly to gratify the vanity of a few teachers and
scholars. As wo must accept all, or reject all,
we have decided to publish none.
Some time after midnight, on Friday morn
ing, a fire broke out in tho residence of J. S.
Huber, on Mulberry street, that consumed that
elegant cottage, nothing but tho blackened
shell remaining, notwithstanding tho efforts of
tho firemen and others who gathered around
the burning building. It is supposed to have
caught fire through a defectivo flue, and had
mndo considerable headway before it was dis
covered, as Mr. Huber was absent, and none
but Mrs. Huber and their little daughter wcro
in the house. The building with much of tho
furniture and wearing apparel aro all a total
loss. Tho clothing, with Mrs. Huhcr's gold
watch and various nrticlcs of value, nre miss
ing and wcro either destroyed or carried away
Tho firemen saved tho adjoining buildings with
great difficulty. The building and furniture,
wcro fully insured. Danville Record.
How the Guxs were Loaded. During
tho labor troubles in Ibis place the citizens were
supplied with guns and ammunition fordefen-
ve purposes. Ihey only had occasion to tire
the guns once and that was during the riot of
July 25th. The arms wcro however loaded
and weie kept ready for use at n moment's no
tice. All trouble being over the guns had their
loads drawn last week. Some of them were
found to have been loaded twice and a few had
not less than six inches of powder and buck
shot packed in the barrels. In one or two in
stances the loads were about half way down in
the barrel and there were several cartridges ta-
en out which had the powder on top and the
lead at the bottom. If the whole Vigilant force
ad been called out at once and ordered to (ire
there would have been somebody hurt and it is
possible that the wounded would not have been
entirely with the enemy. Shamokin Times.
Fearful Accident. On last Friday even
ng whilst Joseph A. and Harvey Hess were
charging for a third blast in lime etone, oppo
site the Halfway House in Centre township, the
powder took fire from some burning powder
which appears to have got wet from water leak
ing in while the second charge was in, and run
p the needle hole and in the can and burning
is hands arms and face fearfully, setting fire
to hi clothes, which burned from his knees to
is head. He would have perished had it not
been for a pond of water about 10 feet off into
which he fell after being called by Joseph to
come that way. Joseph not being burned so
much from the powder yet waa on fire and
irew himself in the pond. Tho first he saw of
Harvey he was going another way being
blinded by the powder and fire in his face. It
is thought Harvey will recover, as reaction
lias taken place, which is a favorable symp
tom. A Crazy Man. The Clinton Democrat has a
correspondent at Tylersvllle, who writes as fol
ows about an insane man there and how he is
treated: "It is not generally known that we
have in our town an insane man. But such we
have in the person of Wru. Bierly. In a neat
house aside of the dwelling house of Samuel
Bierly he is confined. An iron chain, about
10 feet long, fastened to a post dug in the
ground fastened around the right leg, below
the ankle, holds htm there. In appearance he
is thick set, about five feet four inches in
height. His beard is white, heavy and silky,
and he must have been in days gone by a fine
looking young 'man. At times he is as gentle
asa child, talking to himself and laughing as
though in the gayei-t company. At other times
lie is angry and tears to pieces everything that
he can lay his hands on. His bed la made of
oak planks spiked together, and even this has
been torn already. His food is given him on a
waiter so arranged that no ono need go near
him, least in his fits of passion he might hurt
them. He is generally fed by Mrs, Bierly, who
can do almost anything with him, although
she has made narrow escapes from his clutches
In the past. His health is good ; has never
been sick much. He is now about sixty-five
years old, having been caged forty years. He
was just about graduating at school when his
mental faculties rave way a victim to hard
study, He is however kindly cared for by Mr.
Samuel Bierly and wife."
Jersettow.v, September 24th 1877,
Editors Columbia-, Tho pigeon shooting
matcli nt this place referred to in your lust is
auo between tho Bloomsburg and Rupert
sportsmen upon ono side, and Jerseytown und
Wasbingtonvillo on tho other j took place on
Saturday tho 22d. From somo unexplained
cuuse the Bloomsburg men failed to come to
time, and did not put in an appear
ance. Their ah senco was a disappointment to
every one, and many and various wcro tho
surmises in regard to tho cause thereof. Somo
were even to unchnritablo as to assert that it
was because they were afraid they would ho
beaten, but certainly such could not have beei
the case, as they havo tho reputation of being
crack shots, and not one of their intended an
tagonists had ever shot at a bird from a trap
Rupert upon the other hand did nobly, urn
was well represented. Among them wo had
the pleasure of meeting our friends Mess Al
drich, Monroe, Tubbs, Mears nnd Barkley,
who all appeared to havo a, good time, and en
joy themselves. Me hope they will ofte:
again favor us with their genial company. Th
match was orgauized by selecting fivo upon
each sido who shot, many others being coup
led off!oti the two sides. Tho shooting though
dono by greenhorns was ery creditable some
of tho parties making good scores. Tho match
was closely contested and was won by u tineli
point the parties being a tie until tho last shot,
After tbo match was over all repaired to Wag
ner Hotel to partake of a bountiful suppt
prepared for tho occasion nnd which was paid
for by tha losing side. Everything went off
pleasantly and everyone appeared well satis
fied and altogether it waa one of the most
agreeable events of the season. For the amuse
ment we aro indebted to Sir. Wagoner tho
gentlemanly proprietor of tho Madison Hotel,
and for tho elegant supper to his wife who has
proven herself equal to tho emergency of satis
fyjug the public taste.
t Spectator.
I have been obliged to bring a scries of suits
against those who owe me. Some of my ac
counts date back eleven ytars, and all the news
paper accounts over four yearB. Notices have
been frequent! sent, at largo expense, and 1
ran wait no lunger.
Sept. 21 ?w.
CUtlllClI NBW8.
Prof. B. C. Thompson of the Normal Hchool
was ordained to the priesthood of tho Protes
tant Episcopal Church at the church of tho
Good Shepherd In Oreen llldge on Thursday
of last week. Bishop Howe conducted the cer
emonies assisted by Revs. Marple, Dr. J, H.
Hopkins, and others. The ordination sermon
was preached by Dr. Hopkins.
Rev. Dr. Hopkins, rector of Christ Church
Wllltainport,preaciied In the Episcopal Church
last week Wednesday night.
Rev. L. Zahuer held services at Green
Ridge, Luzerne counly, last Sunday. Prof.
Thompson who still has charge of that parish
conducted tho services in St. Paul's Church,
Tho Scranton TiWsof the 10th Inst., con
tains a long and deservedly complimentary ar
ticle on the retirement of Rev. A. A, Marple
from the rectorship of St. Luke's Church In
that city. As previously Btated. Mr. Marple
as accepted n call to a parish about eighteen
miles from Philadelphia. The vestrv passtd
resolutions of regret at losing him, and well
ishes for the future welfare of himself nnd
family. On the evening of the 18th a farewell
reception was given him at the Rectory, which
was largely attended by loving friends. We
doubt whether a pastor ever left a parish with
more hearty testimonial of regard and affec
tion than was expressed on this occasion for
Mr. Marple and family. They have resided in
Scranton for fifteen years, and during that
mo the parish has grown wonderfully. Mr.
Marple was formerly rector of the Episcopal
Church In Bloomsburg, and has many friends
and relatives here,who heartily join with Scran
ton In wishing him good speed in his new field
of labor.
Messrs. Editors: The Grand Juries of the
county for four consecntive sessions, recom
mended the erection of a new countv prison.
The Court approved the recommendation of
the Grand Juries ; and the Grand Juries rep
resented the body of the county. The necess
ity of a new jail is apparent, and the Grand
Juries did only their duty. With that approv
ed recommendation the County Commissioners
were bound to build, and that approval could
have been enforced by m,.ndainus. In pursu
ance 01 the direction and approval they are go
ing on to make the required and necessary erec
tion. The new jail will be the best and cheap
et In the State. It will be in front 40 feet, and
in depth 11 1 feet, with a guard wall on each
side 25 X 72 feet. It will contain 23 cells, nine
f them lined with wrought iron. The plans
and specifications make it the most complete
ud well arranged building of the kind in the
commonwealth It will also be the cheapest.
The following will be the entire cost.'
Lot 200 X 197.0 feet, 1 00
Deed recording, 2 50
Crickshank & Co., Ironworks, 8993 15
Jones a Sterner, stone work, 30000 00
Rollins & Holmes, plumbing, heating
&c. 0465 00
Charles Krug, plastering, painting,car-
pentcring, 4000 00
Jones & Sterner, grading, slating, lum
ber &c 4000 00
County paid for digging, 184 20
" " lumber, 25 20
" " locks on tool house, 2 95
Architect, plans, specifications etc., 500 00
$54179 07
Deduct value of old lot and building,
4500 00
Total cost of new jail,
$49679 07
Elegant Hair is woman's crowning beauty
when it fades, she fades as well. While it is kept
bright her personal attractions are still maintain
ed. By preserving the hair fresh and vigorous a
outhful appearance is continued through many
years. lho?ewlio grieve over their fading
hair turning gray too early should know that
Ayer's Hair Vigor prevents it, and restores
gray or faded hair to its natural color. It Is a
clear and healthful preparation, containing
neither oil, dye, nor anything deleterious, and
mparts tj the scalp what is most needed a
sense of pleasant and delightful freedom from
scurf or dandruff. Aitte Rente (N.O.) IXmes.
Coal! Coal!! Coal!!!
We aro now ofibrinc; all sizes of
the celebrated Susquehanna Coal
Lo s., coal, at the lowest cash pri
ces. Coal screened before leaving our
yards and full weight guaranteed.
Orders left at 1. W. McKelvy's
Store, at our office, or sent through
the mails will receive prompt at
tention. Your patronage is respectfully
C. W. Neal & Bro.
May 1, 1877.
Arc vou a despondent sufferer from Sick
Headache, Habitual Costivcues.s, Palpitation
of the heart? Havo you dizziness of the
head ? Is your nervous system depressed ?
Does your blood circulato badly f Have you a
cough 1 Low spirits ' Coming up of tho
loud alter eating t etc., &c. All these and
mucn moro ate tuo results oi dyspepsia, liver
complaint and Indigestion. GHEKN'S
AUGUST FLOWF.R is now acknowledged
by all llruggiits to bo a positive euro. 2,400
000 bottles wero given awav in tha U. S.
tnrougu druggists tottio people as a trial.
i wo uoses win sausiy uny person oi us won
derful quality in curing all forms of indiges
tion. Sample bottles for 10 cts. Regular
sizo 75 cts. Sold positivo by all first-class
uruggisis in u. b.
April 27, 77-ly jl
Dr. Shiloh's System Vltallzor.
We are authorized to guarantee this rem
edy for the cure of Myspepsia, Inactive Liv
er,Sou r Stomach, Constipation, Loss of Ap-
JJC.HO, vumuiK UJJ Ul -uuu, IVIlOW OK1U,
and General Languor and Debility. You
must acknowledge that this would beLT'iin-
ous unless we had positive evidence frfiit it
will cure. You who are suffering from
these complaints these words are addressed
and will you continue to suffer when you
cau ue cureu on Bucn terms T it is lor you
to determine. Sample bottle 10 cents : reg
ular Blze 76 cents. Bold by C. A. Klelm and
i-i. j. uenaersnoit.
60,000 die annually by neelectine
Cough, Cold or Croup, often leading to
consumption ana me grave, wuy will you
neglect no important a matter, when you
can get at our store Shiloh's Consumption
Cure, with the assurance of a sneedv recov
ery. For soreness across the Chest or Lungs
or Lame Back or Side, Shiloh's Porous
riaster gives prompt relief. Bold by O. A
Aieiui uuu is. u. jieuuersuoii.
Hackmetack. a popular and fracrant ii.
Bold by U. A. Klelm and N. J. Hen
March SO, 77-eow
Don't pass L. Bernhardt Jewelry Store
without stopping to look in his window. It
contains an elegant rsso.tment of Jewelry
and Silverware. Watchea and clocks r.
paired and all kinds of work in his line done
neatly anu cheaply.
Miss! A word In your ear, Tho next fine
afternoon that yoti saunter out, buy a box of
Ulcn's Sulphur Soap. That admirable puri
fier will remove every one of those pimples
which detract so much from your beauty. Hold
by nil druggists.
There Is Youth in every bottle of Hill's Hair
Sept. 21 lm.
Business Notices
$1.25 FoxclGaitcr nt MKinncy's.
Go to Mart's for Black Oil.
Dress Goods cheap at Clark &Wolfs,
Lutz & Sloan havo received their Nw
Fall Goods nnd prices are verv low and
goous nrsi quality.
... . . i
Fon SALE. A eood stovo will bn sold
cheap Inquire nt tho Hardware store of
cciiuylcr ttBon,
Look out for New Goods this week. Mr.
Wolf of the firm of Clark & Woll Is now in
the city buying goods for tho fall season.
Ruy your School Slates nt O. A. Clark's.
Cotton Flannel at I. W. llnrtman's. Good
for 8 cents, 10 cents, 12 cents, 1G cents nnd
10 cents.
Golden SvrunCO cents n e-allnn and Silver
Drip oo ami 7U cents per gallon at Creasy s.
Boy 7 will cm. I can't help it. All the
other boys but mo are getting new Suits of
uiotnes anu warm uvercoata at Loivenberg's.
Thoso Silk Tie3 nro going off fast at Clark
& won s, - lor m cents and 17 cents apiece.
These cool mornings and evenings make
it necessary to put up stoves. Why will you
rullle your temper nnd dirty the carpet and
uso stronir expressions in trvitiir to nut ut
your own stove pipe when Rollins & Holmes
will do it on snort notice T
You can eet black Alpaca at Lutz &
Sloan's for 20 ceuts to 1.20 a yard.
Machine needles and Oil at Marr's.
Produce taken In exchange for School
nooks at U. A. Ularu: s.
Look out for the New Goods now beine
bought lor 1. W. llartman by Ms sou.
Wife-Well, I can't help it if you don't
like it. 1 told you when you brought home
the goods that I couldn't make as nice a FIT
as you could buy ready-made at t,owen-
berg 8.
The reason why Creasy sells so cheap is
uecauao lie buys lor casli nnd sens ior casn.
Full line of Germantowii Wools and
Yarns, Zephyrs, fancy Camas, &c, at Clark
iic w on 'a.
All wool black Cashmere, at Lutz &
Sloan's ono yard wide for 00 cents a yard.
Ladies' fine Shoes, all widths and sizes
at jNlclunney s.
Produce taken in exchango for School
Books at G. A. Clark's.
A full line of Notions, White Goods, &c,
cheap at Creasy's.
thoc Rustic Tables are the latest thing out
in the way of Furniture. They are neat
cheap and attractive. Largest size only f 3
White Deer Mills Cashmeres for Suits at
I. W. Hartman's.
For.'Fine Groceries go to Creasy's.
New Goods at Marr's this week and very
Worsted Ball Fringes, 18 cents per yard
at Clark & Wolfs and a lame line of Mat-
lasso baud TriramiDgi with Silk Fringes nnd
Best Calicoes 7 cents a yard and dress cal
icoes G cents a yard or 5J cents by the bolt
at Lutz Sloan's.
"Down to Hard Pan" Boots and Shoes at
Buy your writing Paper at G. A. Clark's.
Wanted. Two girls to learn the tailor-
ng trade. Win. l. ivester. Apwtt
Buy your Writing Paper at G. A. Clark's
Marr takes Oats for Goods.
Lasting Gaiters, $1.00 at McKinneys.
Next week-the second lot of Dress Goods
for tho fall will arrive at I. W. Haitnian a.
Linen Collars and Cuffs and Neck Rush-
ngs in great variety and prices at Clark &
Marr's Tea, Coffee, Sugar and Syrups can't
be beat.
Try the Kid Kitting Corset at Clark &
Full line of Dress Trimmings at Lutz &
Sloan b, worsted ball lunge lb cents a yard.
Hustle Stands for flowers at Cadmans are
ilnwn to panic figures. Onlv 85 cents aDiece.
The same stands have tound ready sale Here
tofore at $1.60. Cadman'a Is the place for
the best and cheapest furniture.
Overcoats for men,
Overcoats lor Youths,
Overcoats for Boys.
Overcoats for Children,
Cbeap,Good and Durable at D. Lowenberg's.
Full line of Ladies' and Gents' Underwear
Flannels, Sheetiiigs.Ginghams, &c.,at Clark
Wols s.
Lutz & Sloan have tho largest line of
Dress Goods they have ever had including
a lull line ol bluet and colored (Josumercs
Basket Cloths and all the novelties at very
low prices.
Marr buys home-made Stocking Yarn
Water Proof Cloths iu the leading colors I
at prices to mate at lark & Wolt a.
Hand-made Shoes at McKinney'a.
Silks for Dresses and Trimmtncs at I. W.
nariman s.
The Kockford Watch, the beet American
time keeper made lor the price, can now be
uau at xjouis jierDQara s Jewelry store.
Marr pays the hiebeat market rrico for
r. . i l Ti
Cashimereaat Clark & Wolfs.
Larue rocklnt? chairs for nnrcliMj ura
the rago. Cadinan has tliem of all bhapes
and sizes and colors, nnd Is Belling them rap
idly. Those formerly sold at six dollars can
now be bought lor $4.60. Cheaper than any
Iluy your School Slates at G. A. Clark's.
Queen 13esa Corset at Clark Jt Wolfs.
G. A. Clark will sell Parker & Watson'.
National Headers at the tallowing prices du
lluj the coming Fall and Winter :
First Header,
Second Header,
Third Header,
Fourth Header,
Fifth Header,
15 cents.
23 ceuts
40 cents.
70 cents.
Slonteith's Geographies at the following
Monteith's 1st Georaphy 28 cents.
Jlontelth'a 2nd Geography -H cents.
Monteith'a 3rd Geography 83 cents
Montelth'a 4th geography $1,40,
or lm
The Columbia Countv Aarl cultural HoMelv
will hold Its twenty-second niinnnl Fair at
October 10th, 11 til and 12th, 1877.
Jutlaes Alfred I'rcston. Samuel Cicvcllng,
I limlnnr.
nest ii ooupii Htauion,
e no
4 co
Hecond best
I lest Mai ion ior an worn
Second best
llcst tfuillton colt not over 4 years
.TmlaesH.3. Vandersllcc.Josepli llartman,
Isaac IMrscl.
llcst pair draught horses or mares s 00
Second best , . , 400
TOOU 10 ICU1U nurnt-ss uy iiiu uuuki-3.
Jidofj-H, C. llarton, T. W. rursci, L,ioyu
Host pair carrlatjo horses or inares r "
Hecond best J
Hest single carriage uureo or nmiu
Second best i m
.ruta-Chanrtlcr Kvcs, Dcnow rursci,
Jacason lacier.
llcst brood marc, colt by her elao
Second best , ,
llcst horso or maro between tlitoo and
Tour years
Second best.
3 00
2 00
llcst maro orgcuune mumm
thrcci years
Second best
llcst horse or maro con uciweuu uo
una two yars
Scco.ld best
llcst horso or maro colt under ten
Second best A ,
llcst palt match colts under four years
broken to harness
Second best
llcst pair of mules
Srrnntl best
Exhibitors under this class will have their
hoisesontbo ground by ten o'clock: Thurs.
day morning, when they will be examined.
ryT t etc TT
.T.irtam William Shaffer. Keubca Koucn,
Owen Kosienuauucr.
Hnat. bull
(10 011
4 00
.3 00
2 00
Second best bull
llcst cow two years aim upwnmo
llcst heifer between ono and two years
llcst bull eair under ten months
llcst heifer under ten months
llcst bull
Second best bull
110 00
Hest bull can unuer ten monius
llcst cow, 2 yearn and upwarus
una ltcif.M lifitwpcti one nnd two years
llcst heifer under ten months
Unfit, bull
(10 00
ft oo
2 00
to 00
1 W
1 00
2 00! lwfit. hllll
lies, bull can under leu mounts
cow, two years anu upwurus
heller between one and two years
heifer under ten months
llcst hiill thrco years old and upwards
Second best
llcst bull between two nan wiruo ji-uib
Second best
llcst bull between one and two years
bull unucr icn iiHMiui-,
cow. thieo years and upwards
Sfcondbest ,
llcst heller between twoand threo years
Second best
1 CO
1 u)
llcst heller imwecn ono uuu vhuj .a
heller unuer icn iiiumus
" cow
v ,,rm...n. will lm awarded on Durham,
Devon or Jurscy Stock, unless tho samo shall
bo entered in the Herd Hook.
viMmn, uin itiivnthflr stock: ready ror
tholudkes to examine by ten o'clock a. m. on
p. m. on Vrlday.
1 uursuuy, mm iu ,tu." ...... .... -
.ru,fi(i-T. D. Strouse. Blchard Henrle,
William 1 Freas.
llcst brood sow and pigs, six or more
4 CO
5 00
2 60
Second best " '
Hest bour
Hecond best hoar
llcst brood bow
Second bctt orooa sow
llcst lot pigs, 5 or more, undor 8 weeks
.Tttilnet 11. F
Batten, Samuel Shaffer, Sr.,
Abel Thomas.
Hest buck
(0 00
2 00
2 00
Second best
ltest ewo
Second best
Ileal lot or lamDs, not less um cikiu,
Second best
Jurtoci Jacob Fisher, Thomas Webb, Isaao
Mom oo.
Best frtrty pound turkey
' lull!- tuikcys
3 00
Se.cond best
Best trio llrahmas
1 00
1 00
" black Hpanisu
" bull Cochin
and lai Rest collection, not less
than nvc varieties.
Plymouth ltocka
Best pair
Best pair
Best and largest display
Judflf John Sands. DavM IJrown, William
Beat ami most flour from two bushels
of wheat, grown ana grounu iu iuu
county 13 to
Hest w pounds buckwheat Hour 2 w
Best hai f bunhel clover seed 2 oo
Second best lA bushel clover Meed 1 oo
Best half bushel timothy seed 2 00
Hecond best 14 bushel timothy seed 1 oo
Best bushel white wheat 2 00
Hest but he red wheal v w
Best bushel ryu 1 00
oata, uincrem varieties i uu
" corn, different varieties 1 00
t tt buckwheat 100
CLASS vir.
Judaet-U. H. Brown. J. II. Vandersllco, G.
TV. Sopplee.
lii-kt nnd 1 arc est dlsDlav of potatoes.
half bushel of each vailety $2 to
Second ocst 1 00
Best half bushel sweet potatoes, raised
Dyexiuuunr to
Beat bushel Held turnips so
nan uusuei lutauagai wj
' u suffar beets fio
" uiauRle wurtxel fo
beets DO
" carrots ai
" parsnips 50
" onions w
" mangolds so
neck toruatooB go
half dozen vegetable oysters W
hair dozen Hnuasiies
half dozen heads of cahbago .V)
hair dozen held puinpklus
half dozen citrons
tluee bunches celery
44 two dozen peppers
44 two quart llmer beans
44 two quarts butter beans
44 two dozen radishes
44 three watermelons
44 quarter pock peas
14 quarter peck onion sets
44 cactus
,4- lemon trco
44 three heads cauliflower
2 00
Persons competing for
onetinc for itrcmluins on th
lamest and best dismay of potatoes will not.
be allowed a pieinlum onthutameseperatoly,
Judge L. 11. Itupert, tV, M. Monroe, li. U
Best display of winter, not less than
five varlotles, six of each ' 3 00
Best looking peck of tall or winter apples 1 00
44 keeping w inter apples, 6 ot each 1 on
peok fall or winter apples oo
" Ilavored peek tall or winter apples
" quart Siberian crabs of any Kind
llest display dwarf or standard, five
varieties, six of each
Hon looking half dozen, any kind
Hist flavored and most Juicy half dozen
next largest half dozen, darf or stand
ard, fall or winter
llcst displav of any kind, H e vailctles
six of each
llent flavored and most Juicy half dozen
liCBt and Iluott looking half dozen
llcst and largest variety, half Uoi. each
llcst dozen
Host display, wild or cultivated (hot
houso excluded,) live arlellc
llCat SiX ClUBltlS Of CnilCOrd
1 00
11 00
1 oo
all I
tl 00
1 (O
1 00
' lielawaio
" ' Clinton
' 'l iMibcliu
" " llarlford I'rolltlo
' M lona
" " Adlrondao
" llubccca
" "1 ork Madeira
llest display, not less than two varlo
tles, one dozen each
Ileal display, any kind, not less than
two varieties
llcst quart
Bet quart apples, pears, qulucea.
(our or .met pitted or uupltttd),
giaia (culttvotid or wtld),.iraWbcr.
fie, any kind ol m.plwrrlc. black
l.crrlc., dewberries, whorlleWrlea,
y(uuia, twutcher, prunes
Tho fruit not lo be removed until the close
of tho exhibition, and particular care to bo
observed by all persons that the same Is not
Jiffjirjt Win. KHcMmuin. William Ulngles,
Best quart currant wine 1 00
" blackberry wlno
44 14 grnp wine
11 " ehurry wlno
44 " ryo whisky
41 cider vinegar
44 ftttnples of fruit Jelly, now
Judge $ William Peacock, Mrs.
Cievellng, Mrs. 11. 0 Barton.
Best lnaf of bread
Second best loafof brood
Best roll butter, a pounds or moro
Hi-rond best '4 14
1 ui
1 in
1 in
1 (HI
II 00
llcst nppln plo
1lrt runniwl fruit.. kind, fnnt
less than ono quart each), new 1 04
Best pound cako W
" fruit caku 100
11 'glHgcr enko 61
" simple preserves (not less than
ono quart) now 1 00
llcst cucumber pickles, now 1 oo
" variety pickles, now 1 fin
" quart tipple butter, new 73
' quart peach butter, now . 7-1
" quart gnipo butter, now 7.1
' quart plum butUr, now 7.1
cured nam 2 00
tauiplcs yeast 6"
" haul soap GO
" soft soap 60
" gallon maple molasses 1 W
Judaei Frcas Drown, Mrs. J. S. Wcods,
Mr9. M. V ltownian.
llcst ten yards flannel ft! 00
live yards woolen cloth 200
" ten yards carpet 3 00
" ten yards plain linen 1 60
' ten yards diaper linen 160
" knit wool stockings 60
" knit wool mittens 60
' knit wool stockings 60
" hmnc-mado chemiso 1 60
u pair woolen blatihcU 200
" pall linen sheets loo
CLASS xir.
Judges David Lowenborg, Mrs. Mary Mon.
roc, airs, itvuu remver.
Heat knit quilt
' tidy
" suit of clothes
' tettlng work
11 specimen bead work
specimen shell work
" specimen burr work
specimen leather work
' specimen hair work
" specimen wax work
" silk embroidery
' cotton embroidery
" worsted embroidery
l( worsted mat
cotton mat
' worked slippers
" fancv pin cushion
11 head dress
" specimen moss work
tt oo
i oo
1 00
1 00
1 (10
Judges Charles U. llrockway, Mrs. II. B.
Aldrlch, Mrs. William B. Mather.
Best oil painting
' drawing
" specimen penmanship
collection dahlias
" artinclal flowers
u specimen house plants In bloom
' specimen dried grass
" specimen of flowi rs
" variety flowers
" specimen bookbinding
' spt-clmun wood graining
11 speclmenlctterlngon marble
" specimen sign painting
u display printing
" transparent painting
1 oo
1 00
1 00
1 00
Judges A. J. Albcrtson, Samuel Conner,
.loim Mcncu.
Best phittton
family carilago
open buggy
" top buggy
" farm wagon
u spring wagon for farm uso
Bprtng wagon for plcusuro
" wheelbarrow
" sleigh
" sulky
fl 01
3 00
2 00
Judges O. V. Knt, Isaiah. Bower, II. Ill
Best right hand plow dip.
" left hand plow dip.
' right and left hand plor dip
' corn plow dip.
subsoil plow dip.
" square drag dip.
' ono lr.rse cultivator dip.
two horse cultivator dip.
" two horse com planter dip.
14 one horse corn planter dip.
" thresher and separator combined dip.
11 mower and reaper dip.
" hay folk dip.
' portable cider prcsB dip
" clover huller dip.
" sausage- grinder dip.
" washing machlno dip-
" clothes wilnger dip
" grubbing hoe- dip.
" set miner's picks dip.
" pair or fore and hind horse shoes dip.
' sharpened drills dip.
" axo handle dip.
44 grain cradle dip.
44 lollcr dip.
44 fanning mill dip.
44 corn shcller dip.
44 straw and fodder cutter dip.
44 harvester . dip.
44 hay tedder dip.
Any new or meritorious Implements exliib
itctl und not provided for in tho foregoing
class, the judges may report the merits of tho
sumo for premiums to tho Kxecutlve torn,
Judges K. Mundenhall, 1 Creasy, Iram
Best ( ooklng stovo with fixtures
44 parlor slovo with Ilxtures
44 variety tlnwaro
44 variety earthenwaro
44 set artificial teeth
CLASS xvir.
A3 (XI
2 00
Judges T. J. Morris,
Berger, Robert
llest set double draught harness
' 4 set double carriage harness
44 set single carriage harness
44 imlr call boots
44 pair kin boots
44 juilr miner's shoes
44 bureau
44 dressing stand
44 display cablnetware
44 set Windsor chairs
44 sot spring-seat chairs
44 settfo
44 rocking chair
4' half dozen brooms
44 two sides solo leather
44 two sides kip leather
44 two calf skins
44 sample brick
o oo
1 00
1 bo
1 00
i in
1 0)
Judges Anion Smith, John Novlus, Hyram
llest swarm Italian beea oo
second best swarm Italian bootj 3 ro
Thtnl best swarm Italian bees l W
Jlest til splay white clover honey 1 W)
Secontl bent tiuplay w hlte clover honey 1 CO
llcst display buckwheat honey 1 co
Second best display buckwheat boney 1 00
Best Jar extracted honey fio
Second b-fit Jar extracted honey sa
Heat box honey, nre Jara or mora 1 00
Second best box honey, five Jara or moro 50
The beea and honor to have been the pro
A suitable placn In the buildings will bo set
apart for the exhibition of articles entered In
mis cituss. prcuiiurus.
Judget Jerry Ilarman. W. B. Koona, Dan
iel Morris, Dr, Chajun, Capt, Harrison Con
llest trotting horso or mar In the
county, that never waa on any track
beloro am nrt
Be co nd beat do do 0 00
Third best do do sou
Heat trotting horse or mare in the
county that has never beaten 2:40 15000
Reconduest do do 25 00
Third beat do do lu 00
llest trotting horse or maro ino on
Second best, do do ai no
Thlrubcat, do do 00
All cntranco fees must bo paid before the
entry w 111 bo made. Kntranca feo ten pe?
cent, of liurse. All trials to bo decided bv
tho best three out of rtve heats. llorsc.trS
ting in the farmer.4 trot, will bo olhilbli T to
tho county trot, and free to all. IlorBea " ellc
bio to the county trot, can ento" In tbo frco
to all. Tho entries will close at 1J o'clock
Thursday noon. In tho frco to ali;fouren
tries lu make. a. race. :to must bo made or no
premium will be awarded. '
1. Kvcry person having articles tor exhl.
bltlpn or competition must become a member
of tho Asjoclatlon or purcbaso an exhibitors
check before entering them. ""'"uors
i. Minora can become membersor exhibit,
or. when t heir parents are members. 1
S. The field ot competition la open to all
Persons from oth.r counties ami states S,n
become exhibitors on tLo same terms as cUl
zeiisof this county.
1. All aitlclcs olfercd for competition must
bu owned by tho competitor. FrultV, vegeta.
be made by tho competitor. ""' must
5. No horse ior main will bo eligible In on.
ter Farmers' List or County bixirtlng Li.t
under trials or speid, unleis owi,",!,)'
compel tor thirty days previous to tl e fSr.
0. All stock entered must be what If 1. run.
rccntcd to be, or premiums will K VorieltSf
7. Ill article, for exhibition or ioiitvSl'
tlon must bo entered by rive o'clock Smn i
Wednesday, tlio Wth, and remain 'oni! !
ground until I rlday. at three o'clock n m
hlbUor.'y,'lll,i0 ttl ,l,e 'Polonfeex:
, 'o.eambllngor game of chanco of .nv
kind whatever .TiallTw allowed i urono?SrI
tho vicinity of the lair groVnd And ?or ih?,
purimse orpreventh.g the idmuiloi of Bn?
lier.oii to tho grounds with mmes of chLrl?
o? -Admltoioi, v, iwful nd pro," i, XSi,Jt"J
payment of such sum as he may iletcrmlne,
which license shall be forfeited and the hom
er thereof driven from tho Brounds Irnmrdl
alcly upon tho detection by tho Murartan, or
upon Information given him by any V"fo
at tho practice of any gnme fl;"
gambling by tt person holding molt M ci iisc.
And without lIccii.oBSBroremld, no person
shall bo ix.rmltlrd to give i an exhibition or
any kind for jwrsonal profit, or expose any
article lor sain upon tho grounds.
. No llccno will lm granted to stands tlial
sell spirituous or malt liquors. ,,,
Judges nppolntcil lo oxamtnn the dincrem.
c1hsc,w11I confer a favor on tho Association
by calling at tbo Secretary's "frlco early on
Thursday morning to obtain their lnifror.
"oi'lVcilncsday tho grounds wilt lm open to
thn public and continue open three days.
No person will bo permitted to voto at tko
next election of tho Association except his
name bo rcconlcd, or producing his member
ship ticket. ... ,.,
KihibUors will confer naror on tM SoeUtu
bu lemlltg n list o the articles they ;
MM, to tin Secretary as early as possible, that
they may be entered previous to the first day of
the thlr. Joll( 0 QUICKt rrc,1(lent,
T. JEFF. VANDEI18LICE, Hecretary.
Letters Testamentary on tho estate of A. B.
ntitnn, lato of Flshlngcroek twp.. Columbia county,
deceased, havo been granted by the Iteglster ot saM
county to Hannah .1. 1). Itittan, of Flshlngcrecfc
township, Columbia county. Executrix, to whom
all persons lad:bted aro requested to make payment,
ana those haling claims or demands against tho saM
estate will mako them known to the sold Executor
without aeiay.
sept, 14,17-ew
dt m c pnEMirji wATcn asi ciuiit-"
3.jLlStm-wlnaer.Fref. wllhererr order. Ou
FVf r.t Irco. J. II. U) lord Co., thlMgo. fll.
aug. 11, 77-ly It O
Anaotn plated watch r.. chetpwt
Ik lnlh known world. Samplt CatchFrtt to
UlilaenU. Adore:4. A. Covlteb & Co., CbtctKO.
aug. 17, 1T-ly nC
irVTFAIU Affentawai.ted.llMW
I nous If rlt Imatfl. Parti cnlur free
P AriiJ,WOTTH A CO., Bl L-Kia.M
aUtf. IT, 'JMy K&U
ftH MorrlilBtUhllabmUlrIrndTMAlr
rttn4. FalolM', no pnbllritjr. hvadiusip
aug. IT, 77 ly
It 6 0
View of Marriaee !
MMfLaMMlOuldsta Wedloek nl
I Julie ef tnttrniB and I
'"rWsWW ciuieHhil uufll fur it i tht
A tinnk fits1 tirlval. mmlfU
t'ito reading. kODptftB, jhIm
On ill d onJVra 01 ftrrivtUe lniure artiirif, Irom Slf
Abua. ExecMc. nr Secret DiteiBSi. vlu the txtil
A C&IKICAX LECTURE on th ftbon a!tfaM nnd
thou ol I he Throat and Lung, Ctrrb,Buptur. lb
Opium llnbtt.Ac.prtc KJrti.
Ulrhfrhoolt n-nt pntifdn rrwlpt etfifltfiOTtTHhm,
containing NX) rui w, bfitrtlOillr llitntreird, for J4 tit.
AddrvM DU. BUTTS, iio. 12 X. bih 6u Dt. lui, Vo.
ttUff. 17,'17-iy
11 &G
TV rut ttaplUl,
I HI LMt V)Mb!Bf
ton M- Cfalcafo,.
1 IU, forth tancl
til pit- tf ft I'rlt tile nature, rwultln; from early
r In recti on oi tither luminal PocJrc
Fmlwluna, Lom nf Mnaorr. lmpulrrtl Mcttt, lmi
Manhood or Jmpotrncy. IStrvou lMllltrt p-mn-nrntlTcortll
dL-taM-tof iba lUaalder Kldnrja I'lvfi
I,n news Asthma, Catarrh. HI, all Chronto Im-m, aorl III ft
liAKKH (IK FEMALE, yield to bU Irtalmml. Dr.Ulla
hi hail a life-lorn trrctiaoc, an J ran whan othm fall. I to
b a araditau of tht lUformtd rVhnril, tnet no mercury, ha lha
lirxeil nractW In tha U. S. LADIES rmplririg tmmnent wttb
ftrltate hoina and boant, rail or trtlu. F-ttrr toovrnitiK tut
txttlenw fn,l fifty rrnU ten lampla of Robin -Hoodi anl rtr
rular of ImporUnt Inf-jrtnaUon hy (. ML OLLNB
FmlntK rr Pot. C( nltu'o- fro.
young and in Id 111 ajvl of bU fa - all dUriu ef a private
natura. alnabla a-M - tn ti( mvrit ai .1 IhoM con Mm plating
tnamiiin. Ilnw to f n it ! i ti y In tha mv-rW rtla-
tlon. Ever body ahoutJ gtl I hi toxA. IM W CcnU, lo aaj i
dnat, aealu J.
aug. II, 77-ly n 0
Dauchy & Co'a Advt's.
PTTWQ and Revolvers. Illustrated price List tree,
U U 1 O'Teat Western dun Works, lttlsburg.Pa.
AGENTS WANTED I Medals and Diplomas Award
ed FOR riOLMAN'S TJ,'nfnr,5n1 TJiVlnr,
M-W X AVkUAiaX AJiuica
..wviuuau.uuua. auuicm iu, ucn tuuuiars, A. J
IIOLMA N co-, 030 Arch Hreet, Pnlla.
sep. 23, T7-w d
tH rT TVn Harvest for Agents. We send free,
UrvljUour new 40 rjaire Ulnstratsti .ipwplrv
and watch cataloguo.wlth Instructions how to make
iuuucv. Auurcaa, ju. uituau.wu a; uu., rnua., rft.,
or Milwaukee, Wis. sep. 2S, 77-4W d
ItTnt-Vi mr'a tor Burns and ecalds, Bites of In
uxubusx a ects. Poison nv Iw. Frozen limt.
Rnmitrlv and Parts, Discharging: Sores, Milk
nuwsuy jc? and sore weak eyes. Bolls. Car
buncles, Felons and styes. Sore Nipples, Broken
uicosu), orjeipciaB, jiuuw rMDo, iieuoacae, sor
oche andTTootuache, lillnd and lileedlnf PlleivBIeed
mc of the Lungs, Uterlno llemorrhaire and Innasuv
tlons and Ulcerations peculiar to females Is San
ford's Kxthact op WiTcn IlAzxu ABk for It becauM
It Is better, stronger and cheaper than any other
and la warranted by WREKi ruTTKH, Wholesale
Those wlshln ir relief and cure for ItuDturn shnnld
consult Dr.. I A. SHERMAN. llroadwav. New
York, or tend for his new bookvlih rhotographlo
likenesses of bad cases before and alter cure.
new are oi cueais wno prctcnuto xurnisnur. Sher
man's treatment,
one of these fellows, a grcrman clerk, now catling
himself Dr. W. o. Cremplen, Is Indicted on coraplslnt
ot Dr. S, and awaits trial lor forgery and embezzle
ment, d sep. 2S-itw
T Illustrated History CI
It contains a full account nf thn rolcn nr trm, in
Pittsburgh, llalttmore. Chlcairo and nthpp MtlAM
The conlllcts between tho troops and the mob. Ter-
iium uu. uiigrtiiiuua una destruction or property.
Thrilling scenes, and Incidents, etc., etc Hend for
a full description ot tho work and our extra terms to
agents. Address,
hatiunai, i-UBLisniNQ CO,
sep. !8, 17-4W d
OR M.EflANT CAltDH. No two alike. With
-w.J name. 10 eta. nost naln. nnnt.rl A- i-n . v.....
N. V. sep. 14, TI-4W a
T earn Telegraphy
l oung Men and ladles, and earn from MS to m
per month oocd situations guaranteed. Small
salary while learning. Addresa with stamp.
nnr.KMAn TuxEuiiArn uo ueeriln. o.
sep. 11, T7-4W d
These brands of 8wj et Plug are acknowledged by
all to be tho Finest Chewing Tobaccos In the mar
ke l'ut up In all bhapes aod flies, In mahogany
and black rappers, sola by the traae generally,
send for sample to the manufacturers,
c. A. J ACKSOM 4 CO., retereburg, Vo,
Geo. P. WAHntK, General Agent,
Nou. 3 and 5 bouth Water Street, Philadelphia,
aep. 14, 17-4W
TU IF 1,1 JVC '
a, sure remedy for COUGHS, and all diseases ot the
t "oat, lOngs, ciiEbT and mucous iiiit-
Put up only in Blue Boxes.
C N. CISITTKNTON 7 SUth Avenue, New York.
sepu 1, TJ-4W ll
In DUrsUanCA nf nn nrilAr nf tVin nmh.n.1 - -
. . hhwiuuh wujbu,
Columbia county, the underslgnod will sell at publlo
sale on Uie premises of the late John Menach, de
ceBcd, in Frankln township, on
at 10 o'clock, a. m., the lollowlng described:
Hounded by lands ot Wm. Teeple, Wellington Clesv
ver, M. Gearheart, Susquehanna lUrer, Michael
Mensch and others, containing
164 ACRES,
and M l'erches,
Thf re Is erected on the premltea two
Urge Hank llarn and otherout-bulldlnga. There U
alio a Good Orchard on the premlwa.
TKItMS OV SALE.-Tenpercentor one-tourth ot
...v j.u.vooc muuey 10 do paid at tho striking down
of the property, the one-fourth less tho ten percent.
at cosnrniatlou absolute, and tho remaining three-
V? oueear "treaiter.wltli Interest from
cooflrmatlon nisi.
MICHAEL llObfll,
sep.n.n-u Administrator.
"yY"A1NWEIouT & co.,
N. E. Corner Becend and Arch stroeis,
Dealen in
ic, sruis, lioAas soda, Jto., to.
Orders wuireteire prompt mention.