The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, September 28, 1877, Image 2

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f is
Friday, Sopt.Q8.1877
Tt Is n pertinent fact Hint since tlio Demo
crats have resumed control In tho Southern
States there lia-t not beeu a whimper about
"outtngen"in that section It proves either that
tho alleged outrages were mwufActured by
the carpet-baggers for political purposes, or
that they were utterly Incompetent to govern.
As a matter of fact there is at present more
peace and better order than in many of tho
ltepub1can Siatcs North. Primarily this is
due to the Democratic ascendancy in the
Southern States, but the result is also large
ly due to the adoption by Hayes of tho
Democratic platform and policy as regard!
Southern nihil. Hayes knew that he was
not elected President, and hu dared not ily
in the i'ueo of the half million majority re
ceived by Titden j therefore in order to sr
euro popular support lie wtu obliged to
Abandon the traditions and principles of his
party, and adopt thoso of bis opponents,
which had been ratified by the people
In (act in his Southern tour we think ho
has gone further than even Tiiden would
have done. In Tennessee Secretary Evarts
eulogized Andrew Johnson, a matter that
would have been called treason even if done
by a Democrat in 1868. But to tap the
climax, in his speech at Atlanta on Satur
day last, Mr. Hayes said :
"And now. ray colored friends, who have
thought or who have been told that I was
turning my back upon tho men whom I
fought for, now listen: After thinking it
over I believed that your rights and interests
would be safer if this great mass of intelli
gent white men were let alona by the Gen
eral Government. J Immense applause.
And now, my colored friends, let mo say
another thing. Wo havo been trying it for
these six months, and in my opinion, for no
six months since the war lias there been so
few outrages and invasions of your rights,
nor you so secure In your riehts, persons,
and "homes as in the last six months. Great
This is and always has been our doctrine,
and wo are glad that tho Republicans, see
1 ng tho error of their ways, have adopted
(leu. MtOHaii's Letter of Acceptance.
Orange, J., Sept. 21, 1S77
To Hon. li. Williamson, Hon. A. Brown
ing and others, Committee Gentlemen : I
have the honor to acknowledge the receipt
of your letter of the 22d, instant, conveying
to me the official notification of my nomina
tion by the Democratic State Convention as
the candidate of the party for Governor of
iNew Jersey.
Not beinganatlvoof New Jersey,althougb
citizen and a resident of tho State for the
(last fourteen years, I recognize with all the
.more pride the great honor conferred upon
roe by so large a portion of the citizens of
my adopted State. The fact that the nomi
ination was unsought renders it doubly satis
factory to me.
Being assured that it is the unanimous wish
of the Democratic party, I accept the nami
ns,tion. The resolutions adopted by the
Convention hare my hearty approval.
I beg gentlemen, to offer through you, to
the members of the Convention and the
people they represented,my heart felt thanks
for the very high compliment they have
paid me and for the manner in which it was
. done.
Should I be elected Governor of New
Jersey I will do all in my power to insure
honesty and economy in the expenditures oi
the State, to secure the rights of all its in
habitants, and to promote the prosperity of
its people.
I am, very respectfully, your obedient ser
vant, George B. JIcCi.fxlan.
Since the Press has become an organ, it
makes editorial statements with utter disre
gard of the truth. The following is a sam
ple :
f "Mollie MaguircLui seems to flourish still
in some parts of this Commonwealth, and vari
ous forms of terroritm, attributed to that or
panizatipn, have recently been practiced in
Columbia county,"
Now if tho Press will giro a single instance
ofMollio Maguirelsin in any portion of this
"county during tho past fivo years, wo would
thank it for tho information. If it cannot, it
stands convicted of a wilful libel upon our
A small tquad of Greenbackers assembled
at Williamsport lat week. Columbia county
is said to have been represented. By whom
,or on what authority? Frank Hughes of
, course, was theio to blow off his superfluous
, gas. The 'Resolutions aro over a column long,
and unusually windy. Judgo B. S. Bcntly,
of Williamspott was nominated for Judge of
the Supremo Couit and accepted. J. 31.
Emerson of Beaver was nominated for Audi
tor General, and James L. Wright of Phila
delphia lor Treasurer.
Tho Odd Fellows' Graud Lodge ended its
proceedings on Saturday, adiourninir tn m.t
Nt Austin, Texas, tho third Monday of Sep
tember, 1878. The committee on corrcspon
l denco reported that tho number of initiations
had diminished about ten thousand as com
pared with tho previous year, and tho revenue
'about two hundred and fifty thousand dollars,
and the number dropped for non-payment of
dues has increased about fire thousand ; yet
there has been an increase in total member
ship, and the financial condition of tho Order
is sound and healthy. It was determined to
he inexpedient atthistimo to introduce tho
Order Into Asia.
Taxation of Ciiobcii ritoPEitTV.
Judge Galbraith, of Erie, has decided that
churches in the course of erection but not
completed aro not exempt from taxation un
der the laws of this State. The case was an
appeal by Bishop Mullen against tho action
of the Erio county Commiseioners in taxing
tuo new uulimalieu (Jatlioho Cathedral
Aland of 12 robbers baring stolen 6000
cattle iu western Kansas, a band of rangers
15 in number pursued them. After fire days'
lido they cauio up with them in Choyenne
county, Kansas, surrounded them while at
supper, killed sereu, hanged another to a
tree, and recovered all the cattle.
Anotiieu victokv. Tho Democrats
have carried Wyoming Territory, revolutioni
zing tho Territorial Legulatute, which was
!.. .... iniiinnjul nf' 9i
lk.mnrra.tfi. And thus "thn imnH u.
Tlio llarrlsburg Patriot of the 21th, con
tains the following cditotlal :
The venerable and distinguished Judgo
Elwell In his courteous reply gives nn emi
nently satisfactory reason for declining the
nomination of tho labor party for tbo mi-
prcino bench. He says that having full
faith In the willingness and ability nf the
democratic party"toeflect all needed reforms
as well on behalf of tho laboring classes as
of all others, he cannot consent to become
a standard bearer nf any new party organ!
zatlon." Judge Etwell Is held In the high'
est esteem by the worklnEincn of Pcnnsyl
vania for the judicial integrity of his rulings
in deputes between labor and capital. On
A memorable occasion he was selected as
umpiro between tho anthracite, coal miners
and their employers, nnd such was the fair
ness of his decision that it was cheerfully
acquiesced In by both sides and remained for
years a substantial adjustment of the ills
pute. Tlio counsel aad example of Judgo
Elwell aro worthy ol being heeded by dent
ocrats who have been almost persuaded to
separate themselves from tlio great and
glorious organization of the democratic party
and connect themselves with new and
ephemeral parties.
In this admirable letter Judge Elwell fur
tber says that ho "has always been ready to
f.tvor nnd support every legislative nud gov
crnmental reform which may tend to benefit
the laboring classe, promote) all industrial
pursuits, and guard with Impartial juclg-
merit the rights and Interests of both labor
and capital." All who know this venerable
jurist have the utmost faith in his sincerity
and patriotic purpose. He sees no necessity
of abandoning the democratic party to seek
new combinations. In his honest judgment
workingmen nnd nil others will find in the
democratic party the best agency for tho ac
complishment of all needed political and
social reforms. The democratic party has
been out of power upwards of sixteen years
more than four presidential terms, and it
would be the utmost folly to hold that party
responsible for tho evils that have fallen
upon the iudustry of tho country or for tho
failuro to provide the proper remedies. It
would bo equally foolish to nbandon the
great democratic party just when it is enter
ing upon control of the entire legislative de
partment of the government. Judge Elwell
expresses thn opinion that the democratic
party will be able to accomplish the legis
lative reforms which he as a friend of the
cause of the workingman has at heart. His
letter is in perfect harmony with the spirit
of the democratic platform which declares
that "labor and capital hare no cause of
antagonism." Judge Elwell will yote for
the democratic candidates nnd all good
democrats will imitate his wise and patri
otio example.
Lewis V. Bogy, senior Senator from Mis
souri, died Thursday morning at his homo in
St, Louis, aged 04 years. Without great
abilities, 3Ir. Bogy had a successful career.
Tlio key to his success may perhaps be found
in the following paper, which he placed in
his mother's hands when, a lad of 19 years,
he left homo to push his way in tho world :
"St. Genevieve. Jan. 10. 1832. On this
day I left home under chargo of Mr. William
Shannon, an old friend of my father, to go
to Kaskaskia to read law in the office of Judge
Pope. My education is rery limited, but
with bard study may overcome it. Iam
determined to buy it, and my intention is to
return to my native State to tirnctico if I can
qualify myself, and whilo doing so to work to
uuwmu uufiuu oiuius oenaiur ior my nanvc
State, and to work for this till I am sixtv
years old. I will pray God to give mo tho
resolution to persevere in this intention. I
have communicated this to mv mother, nnd
given her this paper to keep. So help me
Lewis V. Uoav."
The boy was as good as his word. He took
his seat as Senator from Missouri on March
4, 1873, and ho celebrated his sixtieth birth
day on April 9 of tho same year.
The tax-payers of Wayne county at least
a considerable number of them aro in rebel
lion against the building of the new court
house. A meeting was held at Bethany some
time since, when it was declared that "a great
outrage was being perpetrated by tho unaba
ted determination of a set of officials to build,
at an enormous expense, with tho people's
money, a court house, outrivaling in size,
grandeur and collosal expenditure anything of
the kind in tho State of Pennsylvania." Tne
commissioners were also charged with raising
the valuation of property, and making taxes
burdensome and unequal ; and when the peo
ple have inquired about these things they haro
been "insulted and denied the rights of jus
tice." The tax-payers then proceeded to con
demn the action of the commissioners, and
resolved that, when the people applied for an
injunction against tho commissioners, Judgo
Waller, of that district, wrote out his opin
ion before tho argument was completed ; that
to exhibited ill temper, was insulting to his
associates, unworthy of tho position which he
holds and inconsistent with the impartiality
and dignity which should characterize pro
ceedings in a court of justice." Tho Judgo is
further accused of having suggested the ex
pensive plan upon which tho court houso is
being constructed, and tho taxpayers have
lost their confidence in him anyway. If too
many of these tax-payers aro not brought up
and held for contempt of court they will have
convention at Bethany for tho pur-
poso of nominating candidates for county
treasurer and associato judge. Tho convention
will be composed of two delegates, one Re
publican and one Democrat, from each elec
tion district, and the assemblage will givo an
indication of the vigor of tho tax-payers
movement which is impossible at a mass
Some of the "Vine Laws."
No food or lodging shall be afforded to
Quaker, Adamate or other heretic. jW
If any person turns Quaker be shall be
banished, and not suffered to return but up
on pain of dealt.
No prlet shall abide in the dominion ; he
shall be banished and Buffer death on hiaYe
turn. Priests may be teized by any one
without a warrant.
No one shall read common prayer, keep
Christmas or saluts' days,make minced pies.
dance, play cards,or play on any Instrument
of muslo except the drum, trumpet and
No one shall run ou the Sabbath day, or
walk in his garden or elsewhere, except
reverently, to and from meeting.
No one shul! travel, cook victuals, make
beds, sweep bouse, cut hair or shave on the
Sabbath day.
No woman shall kiss her child on the
Sabbath or fasting day.
No man shall court a maid iu person or
by letter without first obtaining consent of
her parents ; 5 penalty for the first offense,
J.10 for the second, and for the third Ira
priaonmeut during the pleasure of the court.
Peters' Jlistoryof Connecticut,
Tho New Yprk Sun nominates Henry
Ward BeccJier, to the vacant pulpit of Brig
ham Young, as a tuitablo successor, able to
fill every requirement of the Mention creed.
I'nlrnt Ofllco on Fire.
Washington, D. 0., September 21. A flro
broke out shortly beforo noon to-day In the
patent office. It is supposed to havo origl
natcd fiom tho lluo reaching from tho con
servatory. 12:1.1 p. in. There Is nil Immense crowd
on tho streets In thn vicinity of tho patent
ollico building. Tho firemen are working
vlgorously,bavliig succeeded In getting their
hose through tho windows of tho upper
story of the main building ; but In splto of
their efforts, the flames seem to bo making
headway, and while tho wholo of the upper
portion of tho west wing on Ninth street is
being devoured by tho conflagration, tho
flames are also creeping along between tl.o
celling and tbo roof of tho north wing nnd
that of tbo main building facing on ! street.
An immense number of valuable models
have been destroyed. At this timo It Is Im
possible to cstluiato tho amount of tho loss
Secretary Schurz and his assistants nro
nctlvely at work superintending the removal
of files, models and records from the build
ing to places of safety elsewhere. A pliant
of District militia under command of Ma
jor Hanneman is on duty guarding tho cn
tronco to tho main stairway leading to the
model rooms in the centre building, in
which an Immenso number of models yet
remain. Firemen nro in this room, direct
ing their efforts to their protection, but tho
position is regarded ns ono of great danger
and fears are oxprescd that the heat above
will cause the ceiling to full, which would
Inevitably create great destruction to life
aud public property.
Relays of clerks have been formed in the
cast wing leading from tho upper to lower
stories, removing books nnd papers from
places of danger. Tho clerks aro also act
ing as guards for the protection of property.
There is as yet no definite idea as to how tho
fire originated.
Tho flames first appeared in n conservatory
near the roof, Thero was also a largo man
her of rejected models packed in tho attic
above the model room, aud it is believed
that spontaneous combustion took place,
causing tho conflagration. The land office
records are nil stored In rooms two stories
beneath tho fire.
Tho measures taken to save them all will
undoubtedly be successful, and It is not
probable that any valuable papers, except
records that were on file in tbo model room,
will be lost. While there is great excite
ment, tho crowd in the neighborhood are
very orderly.
The Masonic temple is immediately op
posite the burning building, but the wind
bearing in a southwesterly direction it is not
thought to bo iu any danger.
The wind also carries the flames away
from the post office building, which is op
posite tho patent office on the F street side.
12:30 p. m.-Seven fire companies have
arrived from Baltimore, making tho trip iu
about forty minutes.
A portion of the roof on the Seventh
street or east wing will probably bo saved,
and strong hopes are now entertained that
the fire will not extend below the floor of
the model room. The most valuable records
of the patent, land, Indian and pension
offices, ns well as those of the interior de
partment proper, are stored on the first two
floors of the building beneath the model
room, and none of them havo yet been
reached by the fire. The heat was so in
tense atone time that window frames and
awnings of building on G street, just op
posite the conflagration, were ignited, but
the fire was suppressed before making much
progress. The government engine from the
navy yard and another from tho arsenal
aro also at work, with those of this city,
Baltimore and Alexandria, making a total
of ten engines throwing water upon the
burning building.
Secretary Schurz says : "We have lost
the model room, with all its contents,except
a part of tho east wing. Between the second
and third stories there is a fire-proof cement
floor, and the fire will not reach below that.
We believed the whole patent office was
fire-proof, but it seems not. All the origi
nal documents and records are preserved.
Those that are lost are not so important."
The records of the office are safe so far as
can be ascertained at this hour. Tho fire
seems to be fully checked, and is confined
to the north end of the eastern section. It
is estimated that fully two-thirds of the
models have been destroyed.including many
of the most valuable. Another train with
an engine from Baltimore left that city at
1;47 p. m.
The original copy of the declaration of
independence and the relics of George'Wash
ington, which were on exhibition in the ball
of the main building, were saved, as was
also tho Franklin printing press In the same
hall. Siuce the flames have been subdued
late this evening and the officials have had
an opportunity to make a hasty examination
it has been found that uearly all the speci
fications aud original drawings of the patent
office are safe.
JIany of tho clerks of the interior denart-
ment, laud, patent, Indian nnd pension
offices have been ordered on dutv to-nleht
preparatory to assorting the papers and dry
ing all wlilcu have been damaged by wa
ter. It is said that arrangements are already in
progress for renting a portion of the Corcor
an firo proof building at the corner of
Pennsylvania avenue aud Fifteenth street,
in which the work of tho department will be
resumed and the records restored as far as
None of the land office records hare been
destroyed by fire but many of them are
seriously damaged by water and it will take
some time to restore them.
It is said an immense amount of litiga
tion will grow out of tho disaster to-day,
as tho law In regard to specifications and
models has not been complied with until
a few years past and many models cannot
therefore bo reproduced accurately. The
damago to the building is variously estimated
Irom f auu.uuu to ouu,UU0, while that grow
ing out of the destruction of models and
other valuables belonging to tho patent of
fice Is almost incalcuable.
An arrival from Sitka. Alaska, rimnrta
deplorable stato of affairs thero. Since tho
withdrawal of tho troops thero has not been
a semblance of law, and nothing to restrain
the lawless elements. Soveral hundred In
dian-) menace tho few white inhabitants.
that tho latter are in fear of their lives, and
medltato abandoning the country. The Iudl
ans plunder tho Uovcrument buildings
The Republicans of New York have held
their Convention. It was completely under
tho control of Senator Conkling. Resolutions
endorsing J 1 ayes wero voted down.
Wo are within almost six weeks of llieeleo-
tion and not a "rebel outrage" up to'date has
enlivened tlio campaign.
Col. XoyrV letter of Arcrplnnro.
WrirrronT, Pa., Sept. 20, 1877,
Gentlemen i I am in receipt of your letter
of tho 20th imt., informing mo of luy nomi
nation by tho Democtatio Stato Convention
for tho oflico of Stato Treasurer.
For tho very kiud terms iu which you nro
pleased fo refer to my past lifo I nin much in
debted to you, nnd you but do mo Justice in
assuming that in tho event of iny election I
will maiiago tho "financial conccrni" of our
Stato "with an eyo single to tho publio
Tho management of tho treasury of tho
State for sonic timo pa-t has boon regarded
with disfavor by a very largo number of tho
people. True or falfc, charges havo been
mado which haro brought discredit on tlio
administration of this important office, and
tho partial inrcstigations or rather Attempted
ones heretofore mado m nccordanco witl publio opinion, haro failed to rcliovo
tlio office of tho odor of wrong-doing so ro
pcatedly charged against its management.
Whoever may bo elected Stato Treasurer
at the coming election should bo so frco from
all complications, so independent of all asso
ciatlons, so fearless of all consequences ns to
bo able thoroughly and honestly to investigate
tho records of the treasufy of tho peoplo and
to present to them a statement that will plain
ly exhibit tbo actual condition of tho ollico
Tliis tho taxpayers of tho Stato of all parties
expect, and unless the candidato for Stato
Treasurer is prepared to give them tho assur
ance of bi determination faithfully to perforin
this high duty ho oujht not to receive their
support. This assurance I givo without qual
ification, and in accepting tho nomination
tendered to me I desiro to pay in reference
particularly to that portion of tho platform
which refers to tho subject of corporations
that in my judgment tlio timo has arrived for
those who assumo to bo tlio leaders of public
sentiment to fully nud cordially rccognizo tho
fact that tho people aro aroused and alive to
their interests, and in no respect nro thoy
more so than in tho determination to see that
whilo the rights of capital shall bo carefully
and fully protected, combinations of capital
in tho shapo of corporations shall bo con
ducted for tho common good and not by mis
management aud misdirection to enable a few
to grow rich at tho expense of tho many.
With every regard, I am rcry truly yours,
Alios 0. Noves.
To .1 S. Dillinger, William W. Kcrr.S. A
Cosgravc, Edwatd S. Iteilly and James B.
Reilly, committee.
A Heavy Over-issue of Stock in tlio West
Philadelphia Passenger Hallway
Company Detected.
A great excitement was caused in business
circles on Saturday by tho report that tho
stock of tho West Philadelphia Passenger
Railway Company had been fraudulently
over-issued to a largo nmouut, and that Mr.
John S. Morton, tho President of tho Com
pany, and also tho President of tho Interna
tional Exhibition Company, was bno of thoso
mainly responsible for the wrong. The stock
of tho company consists of 8000 shares, the
par valuo of which is $50 a share, and has
long been considered a first-class sccurity,and
has been sold as high as $190 a share, all re
cent sales being at or about $150. On Satur
day, after tho exposure of tho over-issue,
thero was a great fall in the prico, and at 3
o'clock in the afternoon, only $00 per sharo
was offered for it.
Tho discovery of the fraud was mado by Sir.
Samuel Baugh ono of tho Directors of the
Company, who has since been elected Presi
dent. Mr. Baugh called at a prominent bro
ker's office on Tliird street on Monday last,
where ho was shown somo of tho stock of the
Railway Company which had been deposited
there as collateral security for a loan negotia
ted by Mr. Morton. His suspicions wero
aroused, and on Tuesday he called again at
the broker's office and asked to bo allowed to
cxamino the certificates. His request was at
onco granted, and ho found that tho stock
was regularly issued, signed by John S. Jlor
ton, President ; B. F. Stokes, Secietary, and
Samuel P. Huhn, Treasurer, and sealed with
tho seal of tho compauy. The numbers of the
certificates, however, seemed to Mr. Baugh
to be wrong,and on Wednesday he, in compa
ny with another largo stoek-holder, visited
the office in West Philadelphia, whero they
demanded to bo allowed to examine tho books
of tho Company. Mr. Morton and Mr. Huhn
wero absent, and Mr. S sokes, the secretary,
refused to show them tho books. On Thurs
day a special meeting of the Board of Direc
tors was called and tho full exposuro mado to
them. On Friday Mr. Morton resigned his
position of President, and Mr. Samuel Baugh
was elected in his place. Mr. W. J. Swain
was also elected treasurer, iu place of Samuel
P. Huhn and Mr. Wm. 31. Wright, secreta
ry, in place of Mr. B. F. Stokes. Experts
were also put at work to make a thorough ex
amination of tho books and accounts of the
Company, and this work is not yet conclu
ded. According to tho statement of Mr. Mor
ton himself, confirmed by the best information
obtainable from other sources, there have
been between ten and eleven thousand shares
of stock issued irregularly by Messrs. Morton,
lluliu, and otokes. This stock has been hy
pothecated at an averago rate of $100 a share,
and making a total defalcation of about ono
million dollars. Mr. Slorton nckuowlcdgos
:'reely tho fault ho has committed and has fur
nished the new president of tho company with
what ho btatcstobo an accurato list of tho
folso certificates outstanding and in whoso
hands they now are.
Ho states that the matter had been going
on tinco 1870, at which time he -suffered
heavy losses in Reading Railroad stock, and
ever since he has boen trying to carry tho
loss and restoro himself. He went into sev
eral enterprises hoping that by them ho would
be ablo to recover tho amounts ha bad lost
and thus make all things right. His ventures
proved failures, howerer,and things weuton
from bad to worse, until tho final exposure.
To a ledger representative he said that ho
had no excusoto make, he frcelyacknowledg
(d his error, and only claimed that ho had no
evil intentions when ho commenced his irreg
ularities, his desire being simply to savo him
self and thoso who wero involved with him,
and ho declares that he did not handlo nearly
all tho money realized, but that Messrs. Stokes
and Huhn are also deeply involved.
Mr. John C. Bullit, who is actiug us coun
sel for somo of tlio heaviest stockholders of
the road, stated yesterday that as far as ho
had been ablo to ascertain, the over-issue
amounted to about eleven thousand shares,
which was distributed around as collateral
among individuals and Institutions in com
parativcly small amounts. Tho stock having
been issued by tho authorized officers of the
company, and under the seal of tho corpora
tion, ho said it was undoubtedly binding on
tho company, and tlio holders of i( aro bona-
fide stockholders In tho company. Ho thought
however, that tho company has tho right to
redeem it at the sum at which it had been
pledged as collateral.
Mr. Morton on Friday sent in his resigna
tion as President of the Exhibition Compa
ny, and Mr. Henry D, Moore is acti ug Pro
sident pro-tcraporc.
Subscribe for Tub Coeumwan.
)Vtthtcntcen to Commit the Moody Dcclthe
Damning 'Jestimonyof Adolph StrepoULi.
Nor.ntsTowN, Sept. 22. During tho jtnt
week but littlo has been thought of or talked
about, in this vicinity, except tho trial of
Hcinrieh Wahlcn for the murder of Mnx Hu
go Hoehnc, during tho Centennial Exhibition
and which tragedy is known throughout tho
country ns "tlio Elm Station murder."
Tho trial of Wahlen for tho murder has
now consumed cloven days' time, nud ns tho
case progresses tho grip of tho law hns slow
ly, but surely tightened itself about tho per
son of tho prisoner, nnd as the links in tho
chain of cvidenco against him wero being
closely rivitcd together tho popular interest
On Wednesday tho all-important witness,
Adolph Strepolski, was called to tho stand,
After giving a personal account of himself,
and how ho first met Wahlcn, ho gradually
eamo down to tho day of tho murder, when
ho gavo tho following thrilling testimony:
After relating about meeting Hochno and
Wahlcn, (tho latter being known to witness
only by tho namo of Keller,) and then
describing how ho went out with them on
tho Pennsylvania Railroad track, ho said:
"Keller and Hochno gavo mo a diink of
whiskey, nnd coaxed me to go along with
them ; I went n littlo further and they coaxed
mo along ; 1 went with them ; wo stopped
two or thrco times, nud Keller was "boss;"
ho treated two or threo times afterward ; it
was nearly six o'clock when wo got to a Cnth
olij Institute, whero wo got something to cat;
I didn't know tho place, but Keller did ; when
we eamo out wo had another drink of whis
key, and sat down about three quarters of an
hour, eating our bread and butter,which was
given us at the institute ; it was dark, and
after wo got on tho hill young Hochno could
scarcely stand, but wo walked on a littlo far
ther to tho station near where ho was killed;
Keller coaxed him to go up tho bank to tak
n rest, but wo went up tlio bank a littlo high
er, and Fat there thrco quarters of an hour ;
Keller gavo us another drink of whisky when
wo wero sitting there; after that we nil go t
up and wanted to go away ; a train passed
and Keller said. "Let it pass let us all put
our heads down whero nobody can see us ;"
as the light of tho tiain passed I heard the
young man "holler," and I looked around and
Keller hit him again aud ho fell over toward
me ; I would of ourso liked to havo helped
the young man, and when I wanted to do so
Keller took tho hammer and wanted to striko
mo ; tho hammer slipped out of his hand and
fell to tho ground ; ho kicked mo and I lost
my breath, and after that time he "went af
ter" Hochno again, and ho fell twice ; Kclier
struck him several times on tho back aud
once in tho face ; after that ho took the clothes
off him, turned him around nnd robbed his
pockets ; Keller then said to tho dead man,
"You've got enough ;" I was sitting down
half dead ; after that ho came up to mo and
said I should help him ; I said "I can't bo
causo you kicked mo ;" ho said, "You got to
do it ; if you don't I will play tho barao with
you as I did with him ;" then when he saw
that I could not lift, tho body ho wanted me
to help him carry it ; it was too heavy for
me ; then ho took it by tho neck nnd pulled
it himself; ho told mo to tako tho clothes
and then wo wont to another side ; then I
went down tho hill ; I throw tho clothes to
him and cleared out ; I fell down tho hill and
ho fell over mo ; ho made mo tako the clothes
again, and went after mo to another placo
whero tho water runs down a step ; wo got
them in a holo and left them there ; ho said
to me : "If you say anything, I nui as good
as you ; you will get into tho eamo scrape
with mo ; ho then went back and got tha
package which was taken out of tho trunk ;
it was mado up in a strap, and ho mado mo
tako it to whero tho clothes wero : wo staved
at that hole about three quarters of an hour ;
after that a man came past with a light, and
Keller made mo go up higher whero tho
ground was level ; tho next morning about
half past thrco o'clock I tried to get off ; ho
watched mo and didn tslecp; ho said : "You
had better stay hero ; you can't get off; to
morrow you aro in my hands ;" I told him I
would not bo in his hands very long; at three
o'clock wo went to anotiier place, and I help
dd him to bury that man ; it was after six
o'clock; it was very light, when wo could see
tho blood thero and everything ; wo went
down to a cross road, wo washed our pants ;
alter that wo went into a houso aud called
for breakfast.
Witness said Wahlen struck noehno with
a steel hammer belonging to him (witness.)
and he identified tho hammer in court.
On cross-examination, witness said ho
had tho hammer six or seven years. (Tho
hammer was shown, and identified by tho
witness.) "When young Hoehno was struck
ho hollered, 'Raubcr I rauberl raubor 1' "
said tho witness. As tho witness, in loud
tones, imitated tho tremulous and affrighted
accents of young Hoehnc, every person in
the court room was vuibly affected. "Keller
took young Hoelmo'a right hand and led him
up the bank to whero ho was killed," said
tho witness, and after tho murder Keller said
to him : "You are got enough." Tho man
ner in which tho body was stripped of its
clothiu? was minutely described by tho wit
ness, and also tho pawning of young Hoehno's
clothes by Wahlcn, who gavo tho namo of
Keller, and was known as such by tho wit
ness. Ho said that he missed tho hammer
with which tho fatal blows were struck in
Franklin. Square, and did not seo it until af
ter tho murder. Witness said Keller (Wah
lcn) gavo him four or fivo drinks on tho eve
ning of tho murder.
Nearly all day Thursday was taken up by
tho counsel for Wahlen in the cross-examination
of Strcpolski ; but his original testimony
was not shaken In any material points.
The Commonwealth closed ou Thursday
morning, and the counsel for tho defense be
gan examining witnesses, but no testimony
calculated to shako tho case of tho prosecu
tion has been elicited.
An oriental traveller describes this busy
Bcene,witne8sed on historic shores : "Our steamer
landed on a beach which was the' port of An
tioch, where the disciples were first called
Christians, Thero was no town at the water's
edge, no people, no wharf. The passengers and
the merchandise were put ashore In lighters,
which ran up into )ie sand. A troop of cam
els, with their drivers, lay on the beacii, ready
to transfer the goods into tile Interior. Among
the articles landed were boxes marked 'Dr. J.
C. Ayer & Co. Lowell, Mass., U. S. A.,' show
ing that they contained medicines and whence
(hey came. Theeo with other goods were hois
ted on the bucks of camels, for transportation to
Antioch. Thus the skill of the West sends
back its remedies to heal tho maladies of popu
lations that inhabit thoso castera shores,whence
oar spiritual manna came." )Yidar (Yt
The Russian Court invited Dr. Ayer and his
family to the duke's wedding In tho Royal Pal
ace, This distinction was awarded him not on
ly because lie was an American, but also be
cause ids name as a physician had become fa
vorably known in Ruaeia on its passage round
the world. ISuUo (CK) iVyfe.
Sept. ita.
It is tho duty of oVcry person who has
used ltott-htc'i German Syrup to let its won
derful qualities bot known to their friends in
curing Consumption, severe coughi. croup,
nstluua, pneumonia, and in fact nil throat
nnd lung diseases. No person can uso it
without immcdiato relief. Thrco doci will
relievo nnv case, and wo consider it tho dutv
of all Druggists to recommend It to tho poor
dying consumptive, at lwit try ono bnttlo ns
iu,uuu uozen bottles wero sold last year, aud
no cap whero it failed was reported. Such a
incdicino ns tho German Syrup cannot bo too
widely krown. Ask your Druggist about it.
Samplo bottles to try sold at 10 cents. Reg
ular sizo 75 cents. For salo by Moycr Bros.
April 20, '77-ly Jl
A face with charming features may bo
rendered actually repulslvo by blotches or
pimples. Glenn's Sulphur Soap promptly
remedies all complexinnal blemishes as well
as local eruptions of tho skin, burns, bruises,
scalds, &c. Sold by nil druggists.
Hall's Hair nnd Whisker Dyo, black or
brown, 50 cts. Sept.
Having obtained tho agency of this
Ckleuiiateii Soap
for Bloomsbtirg and vicinity, I append tho
opinion of somo of our best peoplo as to its
"I have used Dobbin's Electric Soap mado
by I. L. Cragin A Co., Philadelphia, Pa.
for washing about ten years, nnd think it
superior to any other. Mrs. 0 G, Barkley."
"Wo have used Dobbin's Electr'c Soap and
find it superior to any other or all others "
3Irs. W. H. Jacoby,
Mrs. II. H. Stohner.
I desire all my fiiends and customers to
Give thin Soap one trial,
bo that they may know just how good the
uesi coap in tuo united states is.
J. H. JIaizu,
July 20, '77-Sw Bloomsburg, Pa,
The County lorn for the new prison could
not be affected at four percent. We will now
make the bonds at fivo per cent. Persons want-
In ir bonds will please Inform Commissioners.
l!y order of County Commissioners.
Attest: Wm. Kiuckhacm,
Sept. 14 2w.
Lucky Is the baby whoso mamma uses
Glenn's Sulphur Soap with which to wash
tho littlo Innocent. No prickly heat, or
other rash can annoy the infant cuticle with
wnicti tins cooling nnd purifying antiscor
butic comes in daily contact. Sold by nil
Hilh nair & Whisker Dye, black or
urown. aug
It Has Stood the. Test.
If you doubt tho wonderful success of Shiloh's
Consumption Cure, givo it a trial ; then if you
nro not perfectly satisfied, return tho bottle and
wo win reiuml the price paid. It has establish
ed tho fuct that Consumption can be cured
whilo for coughs, asthma, hoarseness, wlioniv
ing cough, and all lung or throat trotibles.thero
is nothing liko it tor it quick anil positive cure,
and it seldom fails. 10 cents. 50 cents and SI
per bottle. If your lungs are sore, or chest or
uacK lame, uso omloh's J'orous l'laster pneo
cents. Sold by U. A. Kleimand N. J, Hen
Dr. Shiloh's System Vitalizer is no doubt the
most successful cure for Dyspepsia and Liver
Complaint wo have ever known, otherwise we
could not guarantee it. In cases of consumption
whero general debility, loss of appetite and
constipation exist, it will restore and regulate
the system whilo Shiloh's euro allays the in-
llammation and heals tho lungs, rnco 75 cts.
Sold byC. A. Kleira and N. J. Ilendershott.
Hack.met.ick, a rich nnd fragrant perfume.
Sold by C. A. Kleim and N. J. Ilendershott.
April 0, '77-ly j
Democratic (State Ticket.
of Venango county.
o Jledord county.
of Clinton county.
Democratic County Ticket.
of Bloomsburg,
o Locust.
of Centre.
home one with money and brains to tako an
uwrebi iu ono or mu
of tho present timo. It will not renulro a million
alro, as a row bundled will do to surton. Apply
Immediately at Aaron W. llebs's Hotel, MifflUivllle,
wuiumuia couniy, i-u.
Sept. S8, 17-2W
beth A, Fowler, widow, Taraantha it. Kills, Stlk-s II,
Fowler, Leroy T. Fowler, Hennetta Lake, Emma I.
Fowler and Ida Fowler, widow and lineal decend-
anta ol Silas E. Fowler, deceased, and to all other
persons Interested, Greeting : You and each of ou
are hereby cited to bo and appear before the Judges
of our Orphans' Court at an orphars' Court to bo
held at Illoomsburg on tbo first Monday of Decem
ber next, then and thero to accept or refuse to take
tho real estate of said Silas E. Fot ler, deceased, at
tho appraised valuation put upon It by tho Inquest
duly awarded by the said Court and returned by tho
Sheriff, or show cause why it shall not bo sold. And
hereof faU sou
Witness tho Honorable William Elwell, rresldcut
of our said Court at Illoomsburg, the Twentieth day
of September, A. v., 1677.
II. W. Ness. 1'rolh-y.
ASfc't. Sep. S8, -77-
Assigneo's Sale
Byvlrtuo of an order Issued out of the Court of
Common Plena of Columbia county, directed to me
as assignee of Parvln Hosiers, for thebeneat of his
croaitors, were will be exposed to publio salo at
Hms' HoteL In the town of Benton, on
at 3, o'clock p. m.,tho following described piece or
parcel of land situated la tho township of Kenton,
Columbia county, Pa., on the waters of Big Fishing
creek, bounded and described as follows, to-wlt
On tho east by land of John Cote, south by lands 0(
A. 13, Good and Johu V, Cbapln, west by tho east
boundary line of the ;own of Benton, and north by
land of Benjamin Moilenry, containing
!IN am! ISiO I1!KCI1ES,
mare or less with tho Improvements, consutlng of u
aad water rights appurtenant,
Tkuus or Halk as prescribed by the order of the
Court i Twenty-nve per cent, cash i balance In two
ecpial annual payments, with Interest fromconnr
ination of sale by the Court, to be bocured on tho
Also at tbo same time and -lace will bo offered
tor sale a
Parker Shinglo Machine,
belonging to th e aforesaid Parvln Masters.
Clinton Lloyd, Assignee ot Parvln Masters,
ndersltrned Auditor ntinotnted tn tnnkn rlls-
rlbtitlon of tho rirncerds nrlftlntr from tho Sherin's
snloot tho real estnto of ml A, lllillay, and alo
Auditor on the exceptions to the account oft) W.
Miller an Trustee, slid also to mnko distribution of
th funds in tlio hands of O, W. Miller Trustcofor
thn brncnt of Judgment creditors nf snld !v1 A.
lllrll.iy, will attend to thn duties of his appointment
Btlho nfilco of F. II. ft It, It. Littlo In Illoomsburg on
Thursday tho 1st day of November 1S77, at o'clock
a.m., when and whero all persons having claims
nro requested to present tbo namo beforo tho Audit
or or l forever debarred from coming in for a share
ot said fund.
sep. ss,lSJI-4w Auditor.
United States for the Western District
of Pennsylvania.
In pursiuincc'of an order of tho said District Court
of July 7, 187C, I will audit and mnko distribution
of tho fund derived Irom the Assignee's sain of tho
leal estate of Nthemlali Itee-c, bankrupt, at tho or
neo of Samuel Knorr In Illoomsburg ontnnszdday
of ouiUHBlt, A. D., 1877, nt ono o'clock p. m at
which ttmo nnd i-laco nil lien creditors nnd others In
terested will appear and prove tbo-r claims.
Sept. is, '77-sw Register In Bankruptcy.
This Cut lllailritat lh Minnir of Ulifljl
Fountain Nasal Injoctor,
TMb tnstrnment li especially designed for tha
pt-rfect implication of
It It tlie only form of Instrument yet inentrt
With wliicli Qu'Ul medicine enn lie cari-lcd high up
imsil im?cPi, ami the chambers or cavities com-
niunicallng iheierrith, In whlcli sores nnd ulcers
frequently exist, nnd from which the catarrhal
discharge tencratlv tirooceds. Tlio want of suc
cess In treating Catarrh licietoforo has arisen
largely fiom Hie Impossibility nf nmilyinff rem
cdira to thec vu illc nnd chain hers uy nnv of to
ordinary methods. This obstnelo In the way of
ffffetlntfcuic is entiielvovcrcomo by the inven
tion nf the Douche, lu use is pleasant nnd so
simple th it n child can mulci stand it. Full mid
explicit ill rectldiiM accmnp.inv each Instru
ment, When ued HU this Instrument, Dr.
Sa?os Catanh Itcmcdr cm a recent attacks of
r "coui in tuo uoau" uy a
j few applications.
-i f
1 jiijuf-J, s J
V-LirX if sVIU I'TOniS-Frequcnt
hu.i'lache, dlchnrpe falling Into throat, some
time protne, witcrv, thick mucus, purulent,
oilcnslve, etc In others, a drvness, dry, watery,
wc.ik, or In tlamed cus, flopping up, or obstruc
tion, of nn- ! phages, ringinR in cars, deaf-lic-,
h.iwkii and coughing to clear throat,
ulcerations, t hi from ulcers, voice altered.
na:il twang. ..enfho bicnlli, impaired or total
deprivation ot ecnru of smell aud mite, dizziness,
mental depression, hs of appetite, indigestion,
enlarged tonsils. ticUiiiff couch, etc. Only a few
of thive symptoms nrc likely to be pi csent iu any
cac at one time.
lr. Snpu'n Cntiirrli Uonicdf, when used
wtm Dr. lMert'4' Nnul Douche, and nc
cnmpiuiied with the tieatmentw hicti
h U'cninmcmlcd in the pamphlet that wraps cacti
bo ttlu of the llcinedv. Is a perfect specific for this
loathsome ill tease. It is mild and pleasant to
use, comninlnjr no strong or caintiv drugs or
poisons, inc i;aiarrn itcmniv is enui ni vj cenis,
uoucue ui ou ceius, u an uruRsini,
A I. VJKilCX -V. !, Vrop'r,
isiriT.u.0, x. v.
Rep. iM, 'T7-tf
In the wonderful medicine to which the aflllctcd
niu Himvu iiin'cini ior rvuui, inc UlSCnvcrcr UC
lievea ho has combined in harmony more of Na
ture's potciciKii cutathe properties, which Uod
has instilled into tho egctablo kingdom for heal
ing tlio Blck.tlian co titer befotu combined In
one medicine, 'i ho cvidenco of this fact Is found tn
the rrcHt t ariotr of moat obstlnnto liinonanu u Mrh
It has been found to conquer, in the cuio of
iiruiii-iiiii, nuioro uuiiffiis, nna me eauy
nnt-'csoi Coimuuptloii, it lias astonished the
medical faculty, and eminent physicians pro
nounce it the fficatcst medical discovery ot the
ape. While it cuics tho severest Coughs, it
sttcnfrtheiH tho system ami purifies tlio
blood. Uy iu great nnd thorough blood-purity
Ing piopcrtie. it cures all IIiitnurM, fmm the
wout Scrofula to n common lllottli, IMm
itloinr JJruplluii. Mercurial ilHeate, llineial
J'nisous, and their effects, are eradicated, and
rliroious health and n sound constitution estab
lished. i;rj alpolim, Salt-rlicuiu, Fever
Sores, Sculy or Hough Sktu, in short, all
Iho numcious ill teas us cuited bv bad blood, are
conrjueicd by this pouctful, piuifying, aud in
wgorutlng medicine.
, If you feel dull, drowsy, debilitated, have sallow
color of skin, or yellow rah biown spots on face or
body, frequent headache or dizzlne, bad tate in
mouth, internal heat or chills alternated with hot
flushes, low spirits, nnd gloomy forebodings, ir
regular appetite, ami tmiguo coated, vou nro
Euacrlngfrnm Torpid IA vor. or ' III lions
lieu." In many cities of IJvcr I'uni
plaint1 only pint of tlicsu svmpmms aiu ex
perience!. As a rcmcdv for all such cases, Dr,
l'icuo's (ioldcn Medical DUcovcrv has no equal,
as it electa pcifecc cures, leaving the liter
stt cnglhened and healthy,
I'rcparcd by It. V. I'Ii:ilCi; HI. I Sole
Proprietor, at the Would' iHHPENhAitv,
Buffalo, X, Y.
Bep. n i7-tt
Notice 13 hereby given that I purchased at Consfa-
ui" h bhio iu properiv or josepu i.oie, io-wu : uae
soke of oen. ono t-nrliurculf. one two-horse wairon.
Mx acres of corn, two acres and a hair of buckwheat,
twenty bushels of potatoes, live cords of bnrk, three
hogs, two acres ana a h tif of corn on Jacob Cole'H
farm, one etao hill plow, one land plow. Audi, WU
11am U. fick have loaned tho above articles and
crops to Joseph Cole during my pleasure and hereby
caution all parties not to remove them unless by my
Sept. si, n-3W illllTllle, 1'a.
Assigneo's Sale
By tlrluo of an order ot tho Court of Common
l'leoa ot Co.uinbla county, J. W. Kvana Assignee of
ADrolmm Miller for tho benefit of creditors will ex
pose to public saleat tho "Williams Hotel" In tho
borough ot Berwick on
Saturday, October 20, A. D., 1877
at ono o'clock, p. m.,
All thoso two In lota stthato on Front street In tho
Ilorogh of Berwick, In said coun ty. Lot number nf
teen as marked and numbered In tho plan ot uald
town adjoining lot of M. It. Jackson and lot 10 here
inafter Uofccrlbcd being 4f feet front and lSlij foet
In depth being a vacant lot.
Also Lot number is and a pleco adjoining thereto,
commencing on Front street aforesaid at the corder
ot. lot number is, thence Hfly-nlne feet inoreleaato
lot of A. 11. llcckman, thence back eighty feet or
thereabouts, thence to lot number It on a Hue wUU
Front Btrect ten feet thence along line ot number 18
to Second street thence along the same to said lot
number is, thence along the same to the place ot be
ginning, on which U erected a
a Brick Kitchen, and other out-bulldlngs.
tikus or eUlk. Ten per, cent of one-fourth of Uio
purchase money to be paid at UestrlLlnir down of
the property, the one-fourth leas the ten per cent, at
continuation of sale, and the remaining three
tourtha In one year thereafter with Interest from
confirmation nUI. Deferred payments to be secured
by bona ana mortgage on the premises.
Assignee ot A. Miller,
Berwick, Kept, ltth, WT.-4W
rsTATop rinur ritoFRw, ntc'n.
Uttcra of Administration nn the rotate of ti,m
Ilrofcp, Into of Lncmt townhlp. ro umwn 'S
ty, luo e been grouted by 'he Hp-inter o ' slid EE J"
ty to tho tmclerslgned'AdiinlnlMrn tori ot te?
tnwnvhlp. .Ml peibon, lmtli,j claims BMInrtfi'i
said fHtRtfl nrt rrnm-rtcd to preenl thrm tor in.8
Kyi ""U 111080 UM,cbtcl1 10 "OK" 1' mtnt '."ffi
sep. 81 'tr-cw Administrator.
brown maro. ono sorrel colt, s heltrers, lot of whVS?
S22 'W n..tUcr Personal property oS t ho prem.
&n!.llc1,S,,,",0 ""'day loaned' to Jlnrtliar
Town Property ! !
By virtue ot an oriler Issuod out of tho Or
phans' Court ot Columbia county, tho undersigned
Administrator of Maria llljgs, lato of the Town ot
Illoomsburg, dsccased, will exposo to public salo on
Fit ID AY, OOTODKU 12, 1877,
at 10 o'clock, a. m.,tho following described property:
A l,ot of Oroiiiul
situate In the Townot Bloomsburg In said county,
fronting on Second street ot sjtd town on tho north
sldo ot said street, bounded and described as folio vrs:
Beginning nt tho lino of lot ot L. T. Wiafpless,thenco
by t lio II o ot sd street oastwnrdly M ft. inoro or lesi
to line of lot of N. J. Ilendershott, thenco by lino of
lot of N. J, Ilendershott norihwardly two hundred
nnd fourteen feet six Inches to lttdgo Alloy, thenco
along lino otltldgo Alley wcstwnrdly titty-toteet
more or less to lino of lot of I. T Sharpless, thence
along tho lino of lot of L. T. sharpless southwardly
two hundred nd fourteen feet sfx Inches to lino ot
Second street, tho placo ot bcgluntng-whereon la
erected n double two-story
percent, of tho one-fourth of tho purehaso money
to bo iinld at tno striking down of tlio property, th0
one-fourth less the ten per cent, at tho continuation
ot sale, and tho remaining three-fourths In om year
thereafter with Interest from confirmation nut.
8cpt,ai, lTT-ts Administrator.
I, JOHN W. HOFFMAN, High sheriff of Co
lumbia county, do hereby inako known and proclaim
to tho qualltled electors ot Columbia county that a
general election will bo held on TUESDAY, TI1U
MXT11 OF NOVUM 11 Fit, 18TT (being tho Tucs.
day next following tho first Monday ot said month,)
at tlio several districts w ithln tho county, to w it :
Beaver township, at tho public houso ot Joseph
II. Shuman.
lienton township, at tho public nouso ot Hiram
Hess, In tho town ot Benton.
Kast Bloom, at tho Court Houso, tn Illoomsburg.
West Bloom, at tho Court House, In Bloomsburg.
Borough ot Berwick, at tho storo ot John McAnall,
In tho borough of Berwick.
Borough ot Ocntralta, at tho publio houso pt Wil
liam I'clfer.
Brtarcrcck township, at tho public school houso
near Kvansvllle.
Catawlssa township, at tho publio houso ot Samuel
Kostcnbauder, In tho town ot Catawlssa.
Centre township, at tho school houso near Lafay.
ctto Creasy's.
North conyngham District, at tho school houso
near tho colliery ot John Anderson & Co.
South Conyngham District, at tho houso ot John
Flslilngcrcck township, at tho school houso near
C. 11. WlUto's.
Franklin township, at tho Lawrence school house.
Greenwood township, at tlio houso ot Joseph It.
Hemlock township, at tho public houso of Chas. IP
Dlettcrtch, In the town of Buck Horn.
Jackson township, at tho houso of Ezektel Cole.
Locust township, at tho publle houso ot Daniel
Morris, In Numcdla.
llinilu township, at the publio houso of Aaron
Hess, tn tho town ot MltUlnvlllo.
Madison township, nt tho publio school houso In
Mb Pleasant township, nt tho houso of II. W.
Montour township, at tho publio houso ot W. II.
Tubbs, at ltupert.
Main township, at tho public houso of Jeremiah E.
ifoarlngcreek township, at tho houso of John B.
Orango township, at tho publio houso ot It. C.
Conner In Orangevlllc.
I'lno township, at tho Centre School House, lately
lUed by a voto ot tho citizens of said township.
Sugarloaf township, at tho houso ot AUnas Colo.
Scott township, at fho publio houso of Wm. l'ettlt
In J-lspy.
At which timo and places tho qualified electors
win elect by ballot tho following stato and County
officers, viz:
Ono person for Supremo Judgo of Pennsylvania.
Ono person for Auditor General of Ponnsvivunlu.
Ono person for stato Treasurer of Pennsylvania
One person tor District Attorney of ColumbSi
inly. &
poiis of ty
i o'clock n. -
Ono person for Coroner ot Columbia countv.
It la further directed that tho election polls o
several districts shall be opened at seven i
tho forenoon, and shall continue oncn without Inter
ruption or adjournment until seven o'clock In the
ct cuing when the noils will bo closed.
That every person excepting Justices of tho rcoco
and Aldermen, Notaries I'ubUo and Persons In the
mUltla service ot tho stato, who Bhall hold or Bhall
within two months havo held any ci"o or appoint
ment of pront or trust under tho Urted 8tates,or of
this state, and city or corporated district, whether a
commissioned omcer or otherwise, a subordinate
officer or agent who Is or shall bo employed under
tho Legislature, Eiecutlvo or Judiciary Department
of this State, or of any city or of any Incorporated
district, and also, that every member of congress
and ot tho State Legislature, and of the select or
common council of any city, or commissioners ot any
Incorporated district, is by law tncapablo of holding
or exercising at tho samo timo tho ollico or appoint
ment ot Judge, Inspector or Clerk of any election ot
this Cominonw ealth, and that no Inspector, Judge or
other officer of such election shall bo cllglbloto bo
then oted for.
Tho Inspectors and Judgo ot tho elections sliall
meet at tho ruspcctlvo places appointed tor holding
tho election In tho district to which they respectively
belong, before seven o'clock In tho morning, and
each ot said Inspectors bhall appoint one clerk, who
bhall bo a quulllled voter ot such district.
Tho quulllled voters ot tlio several districts In
thn county at all general, township bor
ough and special elections, aro hereby hereafter
authorised and required to vote by tickets printed or
written, or partly printed and partly written, sever
ally classified as follows : One ticket shall embrace
tho names of all Judges of Courts voted for, nnd
labelled, outside, "Judiciary;" one ticket bhall em
brnco tho names of all tho Stato officers voted for,
and to bo labelled "State;" wno ticket shall cmbraco
the names ot all county officers voted for, Including
tho ofllco of Senator, and Members of As
sembly, If voted for, and members of Congress, If
voted for, and bo labelled "County ;" ono ticket shall
embrace the names of all township officers voted tor,
and bo labelled "Township ;" one ticket shall cm
brace the names of all borough officers voted tor, ana
be labelled "Borough."
And each class shall bo deposited In separate bal
lot boxes.
Sheriff's Office, Bloomsburg, Sheriff.
Sept. SI, T7-U
Oman, lateot Mt. uleasanttwp,ColumblaCo,Iec'd.TlP
ui4u wlu sit......, vj u v i-.tK!sirr u UlUU luumy 10
tho undersigned ejnu ors of same township,
to whom all nersons li de ,ted to sairi nro r.
quested to make payu en , and those having claims
against the said estate wjf make them known to the
Bept. 14, TMH"
Letters of Administration on tho estate of Caleb
lI.uirton.late of Hemlock township, Columbia Co.
IV. deceased, havo been gr nted by tho lleglbler ot
raid coun y to Matthias A.fllrion.of the same town
ship, administrator, to whom all persons Indebted
aro requested to male tKiimnt tit ti.nca,.nMn
claims or demands against the bald ektate WIU make
tnein known to the said administrator without de-
B., - , ,, Administrator.
Scot. I, -JT tw Uuck uorUi ,.(
W17 WTT 1 mall one and one-half dozen
r.VIiJ . ' . 1 J tllB. moit beautiful now
Chromos,ln French oil color, ner bien for Jl.oo.
I hey are mounted In 6 x lu black enamel and roid
iimio, uvm viiiunganu ouitci on) mini; now Ltfore
the public. Two tamples lor ints, or Hxsampies
for la cents, send iu ants lor Brand Illustrated lau
alogue wlth thiomoot Motnllgtit en the lihlne, or
Jo ient8 for two landscapts and Calla Lilies on
b ackground. J. LATHAll to., 41S Washington
Engravings and ArtA ifoljTUNE
June $, 11 Jute tij nn ur t.iu tliturj wot;
LANK MORTGAGES forsal cheap at tlie
LANK NCTFRwiil, orwIltoMuiDpUoa
tor sole ti the uoickiuh om-u.