The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, September 28, 1877, Image 1

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Issued weekly, every Friday mornlnff, at
Tiro dollars per year, fmyaUo in adranco, or
durlDir tun your. Alter the expiration ol tho rear
tin) will bo chargod. To subscribers out ot the
county tuo toritu nre $1 per year, ".trlctly In adraneo
i ii II not pit J In advance and 3.oj It payment bo
lel.iyod bo ond tno year.
No pipir discontinued, except at tuo option of Iho
nuMlfmcrs, until nil urrearaircs are paid, but Ions
continued credits alter tbo expiration of Hie nrsi
year will not bo irtven
All papers Bent out of tlioHtato or to distant post
otr.oes must bo paid tor In advance, unless a rcspon
Bible portion In Columbia county assumes to pay tho
subscription due on demand,
rosTAtm Is no longer exacted from subscribers In
the county,
job D?ni3sra?i3sra-.
Tuo Jobbing Department of the Colomiiian Is very
Complete, nnit our J b Printing will compare favora
Mr wltntliatof tho largo cities. All workdonooa
uamaml.noatly and at moderate prices.
One Inch. i..n
Two Incurs
Tbreo Inches
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two t.M t.o taoo IM
S.00 4.(0 .(0 W WC
., 4.10 4.M) 7.00 W0 IMS
.. 6.110 T.Ofl 8.00 IS.U'I tfM
ijuaner column...... .w . -t -z i. -a
Halt column lo. H.oo iwo N-0 .191
One column . .....MM M.OO 0.00 10M
Yearly advertisements ray')'o nuf rlerly. TrjJj
slcnlathcniwracnta must be paid for before inscr
except Ucro parties hai e accounts.
Legal advertlsomcnU two doUars per Inch for thnj
Insertions, an at that rats for additional Insertloa
w itbout re rem oo to lengtb.
Executor's, Administrator's and Auditor's hotltta
three dollare. Must be paid for when inserted.
Transient or Local notices, twenty cents aline,
regular advertisements halt rates.
Cards In the "Business Directory" column, one
dollar per year for each line.
Columbia County Official Directory.
President Judgo William Elwcll.
Associate Judgcs-1. K Krlckbaum, F. L. Bhuman.
Vrotlionotarv, to. H. Frank Zarr.
Court stenographer s. N, Walker.
'leglstcr Uecorder Williamson II. Jacoby.
District Attornoy lolin M. ularlc,
Slierirx John W. Horrman.
Rurvenor Isaac Uowltt,
Treasurer Dr. II. ". Mcltoynolds.
Cjmailssloners John Herncr, B. W. McIIenry,
Joseph sands.
Commissioners' Clerk William Krlckbaum.
Auditors M. V. n. Kline, J. 1). Casey, B,H. Brown.
Uoroncr Charles (I. Murphv.
Jury Commissioners Jacob II. Frlti, William n.
counts- SuDerlntendent William II. Snrder.
Bloom poor District Directors o. 1. Ent, Scott,
ana 'inomas liccce,
JQll. J. C. HUTTEIl,
I'll 1 Bill AH SBUHOEON,
omce, North Market street,
Mar.8T,T4- Bloomsburg, Pa.
K. 0KV1S,
OrsiCB-Hoom No. 1, "Columbian" Building.
Sept. 18,1810.
Kramer, Bloomsburg
u. r. Jim, secretary.
Bloomsburg Official Directory.
President of Town Council D. Lowenbcrg.
cierlc-W. Wirt.
Chief ot Police M. C. Woodward.
President of (las Company S. Knorr.
Secretary 0. W. Miller.
lllooinsourg Ranking company John A. Funslon,
president, II, II. Uroz, cashier.
Firs Na lonal Dank Charles II. raxton, f resident
J. P. Tustln, Cashier.
Columbia County Mutual Saving Fund and Loan
Association K. II. Little, rresldcnt, C. W. Miller,
Bloomsburg Building and Saving Fund Association
wm. reacock, i'resiuent,.i. ji. uooison, necremry.
Bloomsburg Mutual Havluir Fund Association J.
J Urowcr, rresldent, C. O. Uarkley, Secretary.
Iter. J. P. Tus'ln, (Supply.)
Hunday Services MX a. m. and 6X P-m-sundav
school-9 a. m. . . .
Prayer Meetlng-Every Wednesday evening at ejtf
Soa s free, Tho public are Invited to attend.
Minister rtev. J. VcCron.
Suntlay Services lox a. m. and 6)i p. m.
Sunday school S a, m.
l'ra- or Meo lng Every Wednesday evening at Otf
seats free. No pews rented. All are welcome
Minister ltev. Stuart Mlt-.liell.
Sunday Services I oj a. lu. and 0tf p. m.
Stindnv School 9 a. in. ,
Prascr Moo lng Every Wednesday evening a' ojtf
Seas tree. No pews rented, strangers welcome.
Presiding Elder ltev. N. S. Bucklnuham.
Minister ltev. M. U smyser.
Sunday Senlccs 1 ' and OX p. m.
sundav school p. m. ...
Bible Class-Ever' Monday evening at ox o'clock.
Voting Men's l'ra er Meo Ing-Every Tuesday
"Venlng a K o'clock,
(leneral Prayer Meetlng-Every Thursday evening
T o'clock.
Corner ot Third and Iron streets.
I'astor llov. O. D. ourley.
itesldenco Central Hotel.
Sunday Services lox a. m. and 7 p. m.
Sundav School 9 a. m.
prayer Meeting Saturday, T p. m.
All are Invited There is always room.
ST. taul's cuuRcn.
Hector- ncv L. Zahner.
Huntlai Services MX a. m., JX P-
Sunday School 0 a. in.
First sundav In tho month, Holy Communion.
Senlcos Tircparatory to Communion on Friday
evening before the st Sunday In each month.
Pews rented ; but everybody welcome.
Presiding Klder-llev. A. L. Ileeser.
itliniier nev. o. t. j. .uc.
Sunday Servleo 3 p. m., In tho Iron street Church.
Pra er Meetlng-Every Sabbath at p. m.
All aro Invited. All nro welcome.
Tns cuuRcn of ciirist.
Meets In "tho llttlo Brick Church on the hill,"
known as tho Welsh Baptist church on Itock street
CaHegularniectlng for worship, every Lord's day af
ternoon at 8X o'clock. M
seats free ; and tho public aro cordially Invited to
A T T 0 R N E Y-A T-L A W,
Omce. Hartman'H nioek. rnmer Main Anil Martitf. I
oraco in Browcr's building, Becond Door, room No.
I. Bloomsburg, Pa.
Offlco In Columbian Buildino. Jan. 19, TT-iy
A 1 1 UR a 1 NAT'LAW,
Bloomsborg, fa.
omco on Main Street, first door below Court House I
Oraiigovillc Academy.
EEV. 0. E, OANFIELL.A. MPrincipal.
If you wont W patronlzo a
give us a trial.
Next term begins
For Information or catalogue apply to
TTIR fiiiTvnmiT
July !7, J7-ly OrangcvUlo, l'a.
A Still FurtliBr Miction ia tie
Select Story.
F. cfc J. M. CLARK,
Offlco In Ent s BuUdtng.
Bloomsburg, Pa.
Office Adjoining c. R. & w. J. Buckalew.
Bloomsburg, Pa.
IT rail want to save fVoni 10 to
25 per cent
In the cost of PAINTING, send for our prices of tho
i rouowing :
r.. n. LITTLE. HORT. R. little.
Bloomsburg, l'a.
nfnuslness beforo tho U. s. Patent Offlco attended
to. umce in the Columbian Bunding. j
Columbian builbino, Bloomsburg, Pa.
CMembcrs of the United States Law Association.
oiiections made in any part of America or Europe.
omce In A. J. Evan's New Buildino,
Member of Commercial Law and Bank Collection As-1
soeiatlon. oci.14, ii-u
Best Faint Brushes,
Centralis, Pa.
Fb 18, '70.
Furniture Yarnisli,
Orders and Inquiries by mall will receive prompt
attention, f amnio cards andprlo elist furnished
l wiuoui cnorge.
Rupert, Pa.
ays. TB.-ly.
I was a young doctor, not overburdened
with practtco, when I sat half dozing In tny
surgery, ono stifling August nfternoon, and
was roused by a bustle in tbo street and a
cry, "Hero's a doctor ; ring the bell I"
By the time the ring was answered I was
wide awake and had my professional expres'
ston on. Two men camo In, and ono held In
his arms a llmp,6enseless figure a boy about
three years old, covered with the blood flow'
Ing from a gash in his head. I took the lit
tle fellow in my own arms and carried him
to the sofa,while tho men brought mo water
and seemed deeply interested in all my move
A broken arm and the deep cut on the
head kept me busy some time, but at last
my little patient was made as comfortable as
possible and was moaning with recovering
"Have you far to carry him ?" I asked of
one of the men.
"We don't own him," was the answer.
"He was a running across the street and
a horse kicked him over. Jim, here," indl
eating his companion, "he picked him up,
and I come along to help find a doctor,
'cause Jim can t read."
'Needn't a shoved that in I"
growled Jim, turning red. "Poor llttlo chap
how he groans 1"
"I will give him something to quiet him,
presently," I said, "and will send word to
the station house if his name is not on his
The men departed, and I lifted my charge
once more,and went up stairs to my mother's
room, over the surgery,
It did not take many minutes to enlist her
sympathies, and we undressed the child and
piithimin her wide .bed, hoping to find
some mark upon his clothing. There was
none, and when I saw this I spoke frank
"Mother, there is just one chance for the
little fellow's life, and that is perfect quiet,
He will hare fever, probably be delirious
Bo tho summer and early autumn woro
away, and Freddie was dear to us as if ho
had claim of kinship. His rare beauty, his
precocious intellect and his loving heart had
completed tho fascination commenced by
our pity for his suiTering,weakness and lone
liness. Ho called us "Grandma" and "Un
cle John," and clung to us with tho most
affectionate caresses.
We tried in vain, from his childish prat
tle, to gain somo clue to his parentage or re
latives. He told us his papa had gono "far,
far off," and mamma had "gone to papa,"
so we concluded he was an orphan, and I
often heard mother telling him of the
beautiful heaven where his parents waited
their little boy.
Of his grandmothor and Aunt Lucy ho
spoke with shrinking fear, and seemed to
have an equal dread of Susan, whom we
judged to be tho nurse. Susan was talking
to a tall man, he told us, who boxed his ears
and told him to go home, when, trying to
escape, he ran under tho horse s hoofs and
was hurt.
Being blessed with ample means, mother
and I had quite decided to formally adopt
pretty lreddie when he had been a little
longer unclaimed in our house, The con-
valesenceof the child requiring fresh nir
without too much exercise, I made a habit
of taking him with mo in my daily drlro to
visit my patients.
Dennis, my coachman, was very fond of
Freddie, and very careful ; so I was not
afraid to leave my little charge with him
whilo I was indoors, and ho was veiy happy
chatting with the good natured Irishman,
and waiting my coming.
It was early in November, and mother
had dressed Freddie for tho first time in a
jaunty suit of velvet, with a dainty velvet
cap over his brown curls, when one morning
I Bent him out with Dennis until I was ready
to start. Looking out I saw him standing
on the pavement, giving Nat, my horse, a
long carrot he had procured in the kitchen,
was telegraphed to come to him. Wo had
parted," she added, turning to mother, "be
cause his business had called him to Liver
pool, and ho was afraid to have Freddio and
mo go there on account of the cholera. Hut
when I beard he was ill I went to him at
once, leaving my boy with my husband's
mother and sister. I knew they were not
very fond of him, but I had no choice I
dared not tako him to Liverpool with tho
cholera raging there, and I had nowhere
elso to leave him. I found my husband very
ill, but he was recovering, when he had a
relapse. Ho rallied from that and took cold,
I think, or over fatigued himself, bringing
on a second relapse that proved fatal. Du
ring all hls'lllness I heard only twice of
Freddie once that ho was well, once that he
bad been killed In the street. I camo homo
only two days ago, and they would toll'me
nothing of where ho was buried nothing
hut the bare fact of his death. I I oh, do
not blamo me I I was on the way to the
river to end it all when I met Freddie."
Mother looked at me and whispered,
"The grandmother who beat Freddie has
driven her mad. Let her Btay with mo
while you try to find out something about
"But I have no right to force myself into
her privato affairs," I Bald.
"Sho is Freddie's mother. That gives
you aright."
It would be tedious to tell In detail all the
long conversation that followed ; but, au.
thorized by Mrs. West, I called upon her
husband's lawyer, and there heard the
"I think," the lawyer said, confidential
ly, "that tho Wests are the proudest people
I ever knew proud of their family, their
money and their beauty. Carroll West was
the only son, Lucy the, only daughter, when
the old man died. He left a considerable
fortune, but Carrol has increased his sharo
of it to immense wealth. His mother was
very desirous of having him make a great
-pretty 1
omen In "Ent Buildup," Bloomsburg, To., near
uourt House,
aug. 10,17-tf
rf'iirnT. nnnTCUS. Iilank. iuet nrintcd and
O neatly bound In small book's, on hand and
or saio at tuo uuli'iih uiiit.
i) LANK DEEDS, on Parclinwnt nnd Linen
l i.,.nnr i-nmmfin nml for Administrators, Execu-
f ura and trustees, for sale cheap at the Columbian
omce In nartmon's Block, Becond noor, corner
Main and Market Streets,
May 20 ly.
Wl and for salo at the Columbian omce. Mlnl3
tersof the (lospel and Justices should supply theni
selvos with these necessary articles.
JUSTICES and Constables' Fee-Bills for sale
at the Columbian ofllc. They contain the cor
rected f eos as ostabilshed by t ho last Act ot tho Leg
slaturoupon tho subject. Every Justice and Con
stable should have one.
"TrENDUE NOTES just printed and for Bale
,. V cheap at tho Columbian omce,
, V1 E. SAVAGE, Dealer in Clocks, Watches
r slo:
class. St
i sen
and Jewelry, Main st Just bolow tho Central
stable's blanks of all kinds, Note and Receipt bookB
lor Aaminisiraiors sc.
I'll ICE Lloia
Precipe for Summons.
Rule to take Depositions.
" choose Arbitrators.
i cents apiece, or per hundred.
Petition for Appointment ot Guardian.
Rule to take Depositions.
Narr In Debt, with confession,
Mechanics Lien.
4 cents each or $3.wper nunorea.
Petition tor Bale ot Real Estate 8 cents each.
. I ST K'H lll.ANlvr..
Subpoenas, summons, Warrants, Executions, BO lo
25 cents each.
Leases cenm eui:u
D ue Deeds i
Parchment Deeds is
nr. T)RINKER. GUN and LOCKSMITH. AD,!rr: m for tl 60
lonsiauie s cnucs icuu vavu
Mortgage anajiona i
All L-inrtu nf KntPH... 1
Keceims. jiotes. school uraers, 1'oor uruere, uujre
Orders, neatly bound, constantly on band, or made
to oroer on Buorx nouce.
wear prepared to go neater jou wor umu an
while Dennis stood near, guarding the curly match, and proportionately furious when he
head from mischief. married a little dark-eved seamstress of no
I was making my final preparation for de- family in particular and working for a liv
parture, when I heard a piercing Bcream un- ing.
der my window, and Dennis saying, "By I thought of tho exquisite face, tho low
tender voice of Freddie's mamma, and men
tally applauded Carroll's choice.
"Carroll," continued the lawyer, "had
sufficient sense to keep his own establish
ment until he went Into a heavy cotton spec
ulation that called him to Liverpool at the
come, leave him to me." ln8 on tbe snails, while r reddie clung to ner height of the choleraThen ho left bis wifo
I wrote a description of the child's long, I SKlrls sooomg, Mamma mamma." and child under bis mother's care, and he-
brown curls and brown eves, of the delicate A lew passers-Dy stood near, malting var- fore he went mado his will. Now doctor,"
suit of clothes in which he was dressed, and iou9 suggestions, and Nat looked gravely said tho lawyer, speaking very slowly and
sent it to the station house. No call beinc 0Ter Dennis shoulder, as if he could say a with marked emphasis, "that will leaves
made in three days. I advertised him for a Breat deal if he had the inclination. half his fortune to bU wife, half to his child,
week, and still he was not claimed. It was "U"ng her in, Dennis," I said. but, in case of tho death of the child, the
very strange, for tho child's pure, delicate 1 " 00 lnal 8ame "ur was lae reP'y 03 "alt that is his goes to Mrs. West and her
it tue mother dies, all goes
and to carrv him to a hoanital. or Gven to jabers, she s fainted, tho crathcr !"
his own home, mav be fatal. I will send Wllil Freddie cr'ed. "Mamma-
word to the station houBe. nnd then" mamma I"
"You know I will nurse him. John mv 1 ran ol na!""y see an ouu taoieau.
mother said. "If his mother comes she must "enms wa3 "PP0rung in his stiong arms a
do as she thinks best: but. until she does slender figure in deep mourning, half lean-
Important to Lawyers.
Justices of the Peace, Constables, Executore, Ad
ministrators. Guardian. Township omcere, and busl
ness men generally.
ianksrthonusTo't UoreysfjSadcfSl skin and dainty clothing seemed to mark Dennis lifted the little figure, like a feather daughter Lucy.
A Ccntest with a Madman.
William Taylor,a resident of Raisin town
ship, was brought to the jail in this city on
tho afternoon train from Tecumseh yester
day. Ho was in an alarming slate of mad
frenzy, aud officer Merrltt, of Tecumseh, had
to call lu considerable assistance in getting
tho madman off the train lnl o a back. Near
ly all tho clothes were torn from the lunatic',
hack in the operation. Taylor is an Eng
lishman, and has resided In Raisin, where
ho owns a farm containing two hundred
acres, for several years. Ho has led tho life
of a miserly hermit, being unmarried, and
living alone. Some years ago, after having
a fit, ho was temporarily Insane, but since
that time ho has been considered as sane as
numberless men are.
Tho present attack has been on him for
about four days, and his friends attribute it
to overwork in tho heated hatvest field. He
has been out of his head, but seemingly not
dangerus, for three or four days. Yester
day he went over into the cornfield of New
ton Bryan, where a young man about twenty
years old was at work, and asked for a
drink. It seems he had been in the habit of
going thero for cider, a jug of which was
usually kept in the field. The boy told him
thero was noting but water there, andthat
the jug was at tho other side of the field.
Taylor insisted that the young man should
go along with him to get it. Accordingly
the two started, and when about half way
across the field Taylor grabbed his compan
ion by the coat collar, and muttered : "I'll
fix you before we get through." Tho young
man, with the utmost coolness, replied: "I
am not afraid ; I have never injured you,
and you won't hurt me."
Arriving at the fence, tho lunatic seized
the young man by the hair, and, jerking
back his head, pulled out a razor and yelled,
"Draw in your breath, your time has come."
Just as the maniac was drawing back the
keen edged razor for the awful stroke that
must have, severed his victim's head from
his body, the young man struck him a blow
in the face and leaped over the fence with
the now thoroughly infuriated maniac, who
is very powerful even when sane, at his
heels. In tho next field a struggle ensued.
It was life or death for tho young laborer,
and he fought like a tiger, the lunatic mean
time slashing right and left with the razor,
with which he inflicted two wounds upon the
the scalp of bis victim.
(Finally, the young man, by an almost su
Main Street, opposite Episcopal Church,
burg, Pa.
nr Teeth extracted without pain,
aug !4, n-ly.
ROWN'S HOTEL, Bloomsburg, Pa., B.
stohner, Proprietor. Accommodations nrst-
,xo to I.DU per uuy. jieButuruiJi u,im,ucu.
Sewing Machines and Machinery of all kinds re
paired. Opera Housb Building, Bioomsourg, i-a-
would announce to tno ciuzens oi uiouma-
him as the child of wealth.
But while he lay unknown, my little pa
tient was struggling hard for life agalnBt
fever and injuries. He was delirious for
many days, calling pitifully for "Mamma I
pretty mamma I" begging her not to go
away, and making our hearts ache by often
crying, 'Oh, Aunt Lucy, don't beat Freddie!
Freddie will be good I" or "Grandma, grand
ma, don't don't 1" in cries of extreme terror.
Mother would get so excited, with indigna
tion over those cries that I saw that child
had won a fond place in her warm heart.
"He has been ill-treated, John, tbo pretty
darling 1" she would say. "I hope the cruel
people who could hurt Buchababy will nev
er find him again."
weight, and, crossing the pavement, came
into the surgery. I shut out tho curious
people who followed, and Freddie clung fast
to the black dress, never ceasing his loud
cries of "Ob, mamma I It is my mamma
come home to Freddie. Mamma pretty!
The sound rang through the house, reach
ing my mother's she sat in her room.
She came hurrying down the stairs, and
entered the surgery just s Dennis deposited
his burden in an arm chair. Comprehend
ing the situation at a glance, mother tender
ly removed the crepe veil and bonnet, loos
ening a shower of brown curls, found a mar
ble white face, still insensible.
"You see, sur," said Dennis, "Master
to the child, to revert again to the Wests, if
he dies without heirs. Do you see 1"
I did see. I saw again the hard, deter
mined face leaning over the sleeping child,
denying him ; the weaker woman sanction
ing the deceit, but falling senseless in the
room. I understand now the disappoint
ment that had greeted the tidings that the
child was neither dead nor dying, but recov
ering. It was all clear to mo now, but I
shuddered as I recalled the mother's face
when sho confessed she had contemplated
suicide rather than bear her widowed child
less lot.
Wo could never tell whether the unnatu
ral grandmother and auntwouldhave risked
a legal investigation. The recognition of
mi caxt itpoai nil nonsi.
Oh 1 for somo deep, secluded dell,
Where brick and mortar's line may ceau ;
To sit down In a pot of grease
No I no 1 I mean a grot ot peace I
I'd choose a homo by Erin's wave,
With not a sound to mar life's lot ;
I'd by the cannon have a thot
No I by the Shannon have a cot.
How fair that rocky Islo around I
That wide expanse to scan it o'er t
I love a shiver with a roar
I mean a river with a shore I
Romantic Erin's sea-girt land I
How sweet wIUi ono you love the most
To watch the cocks upon the roast
I mean the rocks upon the coast I
Twcro sweet at moonlight's myBtlc hour
To wander forth where few frequent,
And come upon a tipsy gent
No I no 1 1 mean a gipsy tent I
In that retirement lone I would
Tursuo some rustlo Industry,
And make myself a boiling tea
No I no I I moan a tolling bee.
Or, sweet with your fond wife to sit
outside your door at daylight's close,
WhUe she's hard hitting at your nose
I mean hard knitting at your hose I
Terhaps on early cares you brood,
While Sympathy her sweet face shows ;
'Tls good to walk upon one's toes
I mean to talk upon one's woes I
An I how you watch that fairy shnpu
A summer dross which docs adorn I
Admiring much her laugh ot scorn
No I no I -I mean a scarf of lawn I
Bay, love, art thou not a vision t
Speak, or 1 to know were fain
Such as summer hours Elyslan
Breed within the poet's brain t
Nay, a mouth ot such completeness,
Eyes of such bewitching flame.
Girl so garnered round with sweetness
Never did a poet trarao.
Vamntres, basilisks, chimeras.
Dragons, monsters, all tho dire
Creatures In tho tablo eras,
Quicken In the poet's Are.
But thyself, so artful, artless.
Thy sweet face, thy tender eyes,
WIUi their looks so fond, bo heartless.
Never poet could devise.
A Touching Plea.
General Murphy, a member of the Ohio
bar thirty vears ago. was one of the moat
perhuman effort, felled the maniac to the noted advocates that rode the circuit of that
ground, and immediately jumped upon him state. He could weep profusely over the
until his cries for help brought Mr. Bryan to most hardened criminals, and shed quart of
the scene. Taylor was secured and taken to apparently real tears whenever the occasion
Tecumseh. Tho wounds upon the young required. On one occasion he was engaged
man's head are not serious. Taylor was ta- to defend a noted horse thief in Ross county,
ken to the county house this morning. He while the State secured the services of Gov-
was known to have $100 with him a few ernor Allen. The usual routine was gone
days ago, but when one of his neighbors through with, and the prisoner's guilt iwaa
went to lock up his house yesterday, after clearly demonstrated ; but General Murphy
tho arrest, au open trunk revealed two $1 relied on working upon tho sympathies of
bills lying loose among tho contents. The
money cannot be found, and whether a rob
bery has been committed or the lunatic has
thrown away his money no one knows. Fx.
She would rock him in her own motherly Freddie had just given the horse the last of mother and child was complete, and the
rifffV Vnd vicinity that ho has lust received aXuH and
l compieu! uasuruijcm. ul
GO. BARKLEY, Attorney-at-Law. Office
, in Brower's building, 8nd story, Rooms 4 & c.
,m, x, upturn dnm,n nml Tlii- and all other goods In his line ot business. All the
WM. M. REUhK, Burgeon ami ihysi- JS..;. d mostannroved patterns of the day aro
B. is. corner hock auu juuthui ayB to be found In hlfl establishment, Main street,
lJ clan, omco
below Market.
T It. EVANS. M. D.. Surgeon and 1'hyni'
) . clan, (omco and Residence on Third street,
comer Jenerbon.
JB. McKELVY, M. D., Surgeon and Phy
, Blclan, north side Main twectbclow Market.
JB. ROB1SON, Attorney-at-Law. Office
. In Hartman's buUdlng.Maln street.
ROSENSTOCK, Photograrher, over
Clark wou sstorc, Aiauibirceu
Corner of Main and West FtreeU, three doors below
J. K, H)er's store, jiiuuuibuurB, i-u.
All orders promptly attended to and satisfaction
April 27, 11-tt
CV, Exchange Hotel, Bioomsnurg, ra.
.Etna, Ina Co., of nartford, Connecticut.,
AVID LOWENBERG, Merchant Tailor
Main St., above Central Hotel.
" S. KTJHN, dealer ii. Meat, Tallow, etc.,
Centre btrcet, between second
land Third.
BUAVKor anj thing In the TONbOltlALLlNE
go to
Under Exchange Hotel, Bloomsburg, To.
.. s.soo.000
un, ,..- ,ft-.ftn-nl-1
Kire Association. Philadelphia
Atlas of Hartford .SMS
Karmers Mutual of Danville '"SfS'JJS
Home. New York. M1'???
Commercial Union 17,000,000
nthpr nfnrp In thlR rnnntv.
Editors and Proprietors
Bloomsburg, Ta
The Seaside Library.
rhr,tr hnok-snn ton cer for the few only. The best
itandard novels within tho reach ot every one.
Books usually no!uUromfi to $3 given (unchanged
and unabridged) for 10 and SO cents.
1. EastLynnb, By Mrs. Henry wooaaouoio
8. Jane Eyre, by Charlotte lirouto (double no.) see
4. Woman IlATtB. Charles lteBdCs new novel
n. Tn 111.1FK iNinrs. Jules Verne's latest 10c
. LabtDaysoi'1'oiipeii, byliulwer 10c
I, j,U,U IlKUK, V) UIVI,C mvmu.v ..v.,
8. The akchvei. Motto, by Mary 1 ecu Bay 10c
.oid MiwiLLTON'sMoxiY, by Marycccn Uayioc
'1 1' tiii, vii t. m tiir From liv Oeorco Kl tott kOC
U.'thk Ambwcan fenatok, by Anthony Trollope c
is. a 1'mi.cFts of Tun e, by W illiam Black oc
a Tiib llrn hrrKtr. liv llkle Collins 10C
15 ItoHOU, by lieorgo Elliott, (double no. SOo
16. THE KtiOLIBU AT THE JUKJU I fil-B flu I .mm
of Ice, In one book by Jules Virnc 100
it limnix I't.Kiis. bv Mary Ciell Hay loc
IS. bakbaka's History, by Amelia 11. Vdwards soo
n. a tekhible Temftatioh, by l'harles:iteade 10c
o. old CTRioeiTv Knor, by ( harlcs Dickens
SI. Foul Fi-ay, by Charles Beade
04 ni.w ivn wiF. nv l kiu tumijn
ssl TnB ForiRE's Lioact, by Mary CecU Hay too
S4. "It is Nevsk too Late to hsnd," by Charles soc
arms, would spend sleepless nights watch'
ing beside him, petting and fondling him
till he seemed even in his delirium to know
her love, and would nestle up to her for pro'
tection against the phantoms of his own
fevered imagination,
The second week of his stay with us was
closing, and Freddie had regained his reason
and was on the road to recovery, when one
morning a carrage dashed up to my door.and
two ladies alighted,
They wore rustling silks of the latest
fashion, and were evidently mother and
the carrot, and was running up and down,
when tho poor crather threw up her veil,
gave one screech, and would have fallen to
the ground, if the shafts and I hadn t
a-cotched her atween us. Do you think,
sur, it's his mother.
At that moment the stranger opened a pair
of large eyes, as brown and soft as Freddie's
own, and murmured, in a faint voice
"Freddie 1 Did I see my boy ?"
Then her eyes sell upon the child, and in
a moment Bhe was on her knees before him
clasping him to her heart, kissing him, sob-
Itandits on tho Rail.
An eastward-bound passenger train,which
passed Cheyenne at 3 p. in. on Tuesday was
Btnpped and robbed by thirteen masked
men at Big Springs, Nebraska. The rob
bers first took possession of the station at
clothing wo had carefully preserved was ful
ly identified. Mrs. West did not return to
her mother-in-law. For somo weeks Bhe
was my mother's guest and my patient, be
ing prostrated with alow, nervous fever, and
then she took the house next to our own, tho Springs, destroyed the telegraph instru-
her own claim and Freddie's to Carrol
West's property being undisputed.
We wero warm friends for two years, and j
Mrs. West senior, with the beautiful blonde
were occasional visitors at the widow's
house : but when the violet and white took
the place of crape and bombazine, I ventur-
daughter. The younger lady was very beau- bing over him, till mother broke out crying,
March 8,"77-y
as. ijuy Adelaide's Oath. byMrs. H. Wood.
I110.VO0,WU I s. ACKOBA r LOYD. Dy ftllsa 01. .. uruuuuu.
M. 11, ABBOTT, Attorney-at-Law, Main
Catawlssa, l'a.
coUectlons promptly mado and remitted. Office I
vwiiio LttUiWlBUa UepOUl VUMt. oui-i
Babcock & Wyeth's Ads
The Columbian Law Docket.
1 nmniPin word for tho use of attorneys. Con
veniently arranged for tho docketing of all cases
nntnintnir era mces. with double Index. This Is
the most complete book for lawyers that is pub.
PRICE, $S-50.
Published by Brockway & Elwell
Editors and Proprietors of the Columbian,
BIjOOIuISBTJRa, 3? -ft..
ot. VirmB iHn VANoei&nED. bv M. C. Hay.
S8. A DAcnnTEB of I1ETU. by. William Black.
SI. Felix holt, the Hadical, by George Klllott. soo
8. The Qcein of Hearts, by W llkle Collins. lo
For Rola by? all Booksellers and Newsdealers, or
Bent pottage prepaid, on receipt of price.
1 nrailinie MIlNntl. Publisher.
P. o. Box M57. SI. SJ and as, Vandewater St., N. V.
uag 9, ii-m
tiful, a perfect blonde, and dressed in ex
quisite taste.
'Dr'Mornll 7" Inquired the elder lady,
'We called in answer to an advertisement
regarding a child, my grandson. You will
probably think it strange we have not been
here before, but we were obliged to leavo
town the day before be was lost, and have
mo just returned. The nurse who had him in
S00 1 1 - 1
cuarge ran away, uuu wuue wo auppuseu
him 8&fe at home, he has been lying in a
IOO I.n.nllol .lolnn
100 "W ewereueany uistractca on our return.
too, and I was obliged to assume my "profes
sional expression by sheer force of will.
"Come, come," I said, gently. "Freddie
has been very ill, and cannot bear so much
This quieted the mother in an instant, and
she rose, still holding the child's hand in
her own.
"It is my boy," sho Baid, looking into my
'Freddie," I asked, "is this mamma ?"
ed to nsk Adelaide West if a second love I der to delay tbo train in reaching tho next
could comfort her for tho one she had lost, station, where an alarm could be given, the
and my mother became Freddie's grand- fire in the locomotive was dampened with
mother in truth, when his "pretty mamma" water. A freight train, overtaking the pas
became my wife. senger train, its engino was sent to Ogallal-
Mrs. West is dead, and Lucy married to a I la, whence the report of tho robbery comes.
titled Italian, who admired her blonde beau-1 It is believed that tbo robbers have gone
ty, but, unlike many of hiscompatrlots.finds northward. The railroad company offers a
the lovely lady fully able to take care of her reward of $10,000 for tho capture of the rob
own Interests, and guard her money against bers.
his profuse expenditure. a late dispatch from Cheyenne cives the
Other children call me papa, and Adelaide following additional details : "Bic Springs.
"Yes," said the little fellow, decidedly, mauma.but I do not; think I givoany of the station whero the robbery was commit-
Thomas b. IIabthax.
Is taken Internally, and Positively Cures Ttheuma
tlsm. oout, leuralgla and Lumbago. l-old by
Wholesale and Itetall Druggists everywhere. Bend
Oct e, ,-iy. , w Vnemtt- V-
Knub, Frjmlrr A Edwards,
(Succeskore to Benedict Dortey Eons, m Markot
Importers and dealers In
S3 Market Btrcet, Thlladelnhia.
Constantly on hand Original and ABsorted Packages
.1 UUC Ml, H-iy
Chromes, In VulcU ii color, etei
contains the largest stock ot
OuEeisiare, Glassware, Woiflenware,
Canned Fruit i. Dried Frnlti,
to be found In Columbia county.
A Complete AMorliuoBt
pices of all k isct, Gltcc & Queensware, we lost."
Foreign and DomestioFruitB,
10a said tbe young lady, "when we missed our
darling ; but an inquiry at the station bouse
sent us here. Tbe olficcr also showed us
your advertisement. Where is our dear
' lie is here,' I answered, "under my
mother's care, and, I am happy to say, do
ng well."
An unmistakable look of disappointment
crossed tbe faces of my visitors, but the eld
er one said, "Can we seo him, Doctor,"
I asked permission to announce their
coming to my mother, and left the ladles
alone. When I returned, after some five
minutes' absence,I was struck by the change
iu their faces. Tbe younger one was pale
as ashes, and tbe elder one bad a set, hard
look of determination, as if nerved by some
sudden resolution.
I led tbe war to my mother's bed room,
where Freddie was in a profound slumber.
The younger lady shrank back in tbe shad
ow of the bed curtains, but the mother ad
vanced and bent over the child.
Thero was a movement ot profound silence;
then in a hard voice, the old lady said : "I
am very sorry to have put you to so much
trouble, Dr. Morrill. This is not the child
'of course it is. My own pretty mamma,
come from heaven,"
She reeled back at the Innocent words,
and would have fallen had I not caught her
and nut her onco more in the arm chair,
"Como from heaven I" she replied, with
aAy lips and gaspy breath. "They told me
he was dead, my boy, my Freddie that he
was run over and killed. Tbe nursesawhim
fall under tho horso's feet."
'Hut' you see ho was not killed, mother,"
Bald a gentle tone, "but is well and strong
And then motioning to me to keep silent,
tbem a warmer or tiuer love than I feel for
Freddie, who was "Lost and Found."
Strance liible Facts.
me learueu rnnce 01 uranaua, nelr to Utrumenta out and threw them-aww
C..n..t,L t 1 I I... ,1 l-l J'
mo opnmau imuuc, ttupiHuucu uy mo mucr agent, Mr. J. W. Ilarnhart, however
of tbe Crown, for fear ho should aspire to ge(i to noUfy the train ji tc5ier b t
the jury. His effort was unusually brilliant,
and at the close of his nppeal tears rolled
down his cheeks in torreiiU.wliilo tbe juror
rubbed their eyes with their cuds. All this
time Allen sat stiff and upright, gazing with
frozen eyes upon Murphy. When the latter
wound up with a final burst of eloquence
and tears which left the whole audience)
snuffling, Ohio's tall Governor that was to
be straightened himself to his full height;
and, pointing his long, bhny finger at tbe
jury, said :
"Gentlemen, there is such a thing as blot
ting out justice with tears, and confounding
judgment with much weeping. General
Murphy understands this better than any
other living man. But before bis tears work
an ablution of the sins of the hardened crim
inal at the bar, and cheat the State prison
of its dues, I wish to show you the fountain
from which these tears flow so copiously."
With one sweep of his long right arm he
was down in General Murphy's coat pocket,
and withdrew an immense red onion, denud
ed of its outer covering, and holding it aloft
before the eyes of the astonished jurors, ha
continued :
"Tbe ancient Egyptians worshipped the
onion because it was typical of tbe celestial
spheres. Here In Ohio we have good rea
son to curse it.because, in General Mnrphy'1
pocket, it has so often cheated the gallows
and prisons of their dues."
ted is a water Btation, 1G2 miles east of'this lne Pnsoner was convicted, ana uenerai
nlaca. There am nnlv nn nr twn i,n.,. hn. Murphy never rubbed his handkerchief on a
sides the station. The robbers came to the Peeled onIon aBaln wten 01d BU1 httd
station in tin, nvonW .ml tV naa..lnn 0W "Mo of the Case.
of everything. They tore the telegraph in-
ments, nnd compelled the agent to hang out
a red light. When the train stopped they
boarded it and placed tbe trainmen and the
passengers, under guard. The express car
was broken open nnd the safe robbed of
75,000. The passengers were also robbed,
but their losses aro not yet known. In or-
now it Came About.
ped in nntifV lh train flkTiflt1iAr Lw tannine 1 Tt U nreltv Wnll Vn.inin ,,.ln WI1
the throne, was kept in solitary confinement the cmU of the tocethe. Tha red I liam H. Vandcrbllt'a vrmth his father. tK.
at tho old prison at the IMaco of Skulls, Mad- nEbt was then hunir out to ston the train. Commodore, had verv llttln mnf,HpnM In
K f. t ! ,i.t !!, I . . w II ' -
n....,-!... ,..,.. ima v...s wuich reacuea thereabout 11 o'clock. On h s saeacltv or busines nWHtv. Ao!n.i..
to his relase, and tbe,l,0 onniluetni'atnnnini.nfr In ... nli.t I th mlvl nf.nmo I.I. frln,l- ,'l.t
following remarkable researches taken from WMnt,i h , rnnfmni.,1 i, .mi nti .ini ., ..' J '
.1 iitii i t l hi i I 0 inmsM w.,j Mi,viiivu kuu iumuk UJttun wruuwi
tue uiD'e, anu mnriccu wuu an oia nau ou witu rftVn,vAr wl fmWd m tinn
mother told the widow of the child's inju- Uo ,toa&t , "'" 'v'' toI.J ,.how tbe "P nl hands. The engineer and firemen etory Is current on Staten Island, whichgo
riesand recovery, of his winning ways and brai" 90US" employment through the weary were secured, and a guard placed at the end to show how the Commodore's eyes. camo"to
ourlove for bim. ye?ra'.i mi, .. , c , . i- ,,, of door. Tho station agent was com- be opened to tho mistake into which he hkd
"And you kept him and nursed him l' ,. u , l."'0 , T , , c .i , pelle(1 lo' knock oa the "PrC8s door. and n aUowcd himself to fall concernlng'hU oldest
she fald, kissing mother's hands. "Ob, , , ! tUe'"ord Jehovah 0,805 times , and ,u belng opened for him the robbers rushed boy, William owned a farm near hU'fiith-
what can I ever do for you to prove my ,, ', " ,,r , , T X,. ln overpowered the messenger, Miller, and and finding that it required fertlllx-
U...I.U. C... i.' ....the Oth verse of the OXIth Tealm. The ,l. a mi ... . . .t t. i
gratitude t Freddie, my boy, how you must
love that kind lady 1"
"Yes," assented Freddie, "that's grandma
and this Is Uncle John," and I was dragged
"I cannot understand It at all," tbe moth
said. "Lid no one know he was here my
8th verse of the OXVIIth is the middle
verse of the Bible. The Cth verse of the
YHIth chapter of Esther is tbo longest
verse, Mth chapter of St. John it the short
eat. Iu the OVIIth Psalm four verses are
alike, tbe 8th, 12th, 21st and 81st. Each
verse of the OXXXVIth ends alike. No
took possession of the car. They secured I tlon, he applied to him for some manure,'
ft55,0OO in coin, and about 1500 in currency I "How much do you want t" Inquired U
from tho e xpress car. Tbe through Bafe, Commodore.
which is stationaty. and has a combination "Oh ! about a load," said tbo son.
lock, they left untouched. It contained a "Certainly, I can spare that," was the re-
very large sum of money. The passengers ply-
In the coaches were then visited and relieved When the Commodore visited his place-
ui iur casnanu valuables. It Is stated tie next weeK ne found that his varda and
... I ,..oi.ubia. 1UD mil- 1 - , mw U.U miuiini vu Blu-
lungs are vai 0r . frei-i.t train Llpntl mulate.
a " vv.wj iutviwvu I
with their plans; for after putting out the "Why, how Is this t" he eald to his
fi. I.. .1 I .1 . If i
uu iu mo lucuiuuiive oi me exnres thnv I laimcr.
ntcd and rode away without disturbing "Your bou came and got It," was the an-
The Un- w. a!d you gave him permission."
a and one-balt dozen
3bt bflHIlttrnl T, a w
Cfilnr. ptpr l.t. .... .,
'ibey are. inouuuaunx lu black imhih im'S'
!V .HiiiiJiV Twi" 15SSlSu,,"J!,"'' !Wl"' now More always on band. Call and examine.
no Tls lor two tandacaita and caili uil'on TVTOTICE.
"JSh" i.'".?...S"-','blnston
June B, U Jutetti'
from tils date the Bloomsbunr Gas Company will I
put Is faervlce plpo at Bret cost and rurauuk ana set 1
The oompanr nave on nana a ioi oi ana r buiia-u i
or painting- roots, and posts or other uu tiers piaoea i
LANK MORTGAGES for sale cheap at tha
undur Bround.
raw 1 v
00. 15,1s-
motner-ln-law : will you let metell you," namPa nr wm, mnr than lrviii,!, , I. u is suueu " " o iouwibm his yams
she added, looking at mother and myself, T ?L a"d gold watches Utables were swept clean of tho great h
A heavy fall startled us, and I turned to bow 7 boy w lost t" of Isalah anJ XIXtn chaptet of Kf'ar"0 'm Ue passengers. The arri- of composite which ho had allowed to a
see the voune straneer senseless on the floor. you win unnic mis nrsi, i Baia, giv I alike. Tho word cirl occurs but on In ih
1 N T PDnPFBIPQ Jif r moll,er Pke 1uickly. "The appoint- I"g her a quieting beverage. 1Hble and tbat ,n tbo 3 d yee and the lm
rlllL UnUuLniUWj rflent ia too much for her. We bo boned to She obeyed at once, and taking off Fred- chanter of Joel. There are found In bnth
M nn.lMi f I illn'ki rat. lifltvl him in lmi Ian wlilTa uIia I 1. .l... n .t.A n mof , oo nn nn I
uuu ijr ijiwiuituij, - M.. uuumuhuo u'"'o,"ou,-joj iciiers, (aa,U'Jd ..,,,, ,u,,
I .11,1 1 Tl,. ,l-l-l. !. -f I t,.l,l hpr Alnrv. Wlion mm lm lt.nF.1, 1 OI 'no l ion i 1 "in'ms-m,
lutuuu,,,,"!, uvi'iiuu.inuiJLg ut ' i - " -... .w ."".. 1 n ui UB, u , ,u, u vriBCS, 4,ldiJI UUailbeia 11011 UD I Inn llnA:i1A 1 1 .1. . I Tl. - n 1 . .
the child were still ringing in my ears as he faces so close together, any lingering doubt books. The XXVIth chanter of the Ada f . '"T," ",,tt V,V.I:r!f.C0U,ra- 'uming to William,
pleaded with the harsh grandmother and we might have had of tho stranger's claim the Apostle, is the finest chapter to read. I ZVJ ', ? T. 7 W , ?1U,U0U DUi,Un8 wajr 8 .
kunt. I did not believe tbe old ladv'a state. I vanished at unoe. Even in parent and Tho most beautiful rhm U ., vvin.i ftwivery 01 me I juuug man, wnat aaY9 yon
ment, but, having no proof to the contrary, child the resemblance between tbo woman Psalm. The most Inopiriuir promises am
was forced to accept it. and her boy was wonderful, The samebrown John XIYtb chapter aud 2d verse, John
Long after my visitors had departed, the hair and eyes, the same' delicate features YIth and 37th verse. St. Matthew Xlth
beautiful blonde still trembling aud white, and complexion, the same childlike exprea- chapter and 28th verse, XXXVIIth Paalm
mother and I talked of their strange con- on marked both countenances. Even to Utb verse. The 1st verse of tbe LXth chap
duot. the pallid, wasted look of recent ufferinK ter of Isaiah is the one for the new nrt
Mt lAHviuent tnsvwisntodenvthnrhiiii 1 i,a a.mi nnp. u.a. I 4 11 ...1. . n 1 . .1 1 .
. v 't "-1 ... ,vm.wui..w nwi ivtiiv,, 1 ivuu Halter iiieniseivpn Willi vniti lini.l. I 1. .1 t.
I ald. "I must tell vou first who I am." our visi. i.h of th,lr n6,i .1....... 1 " Tu" 1 16 rouuer?t ooa everything possible
"I am glad of It," mother replied. "We tor said. I am the widow of Colonel Wert. YIth chapter of Matthew. All human It. 7". tb "rc8t of iU Perr-
.1.. JU.r.1,.1....! II 1 1...11, ' .. . . UMJH.
i.uuicioi j.ivcriiuui omy two anoum learn me vim cnapter oi Bt. Luke,
Family Provisions
ItuBaeU's old HtauU,
money, a pro rata of the reward to be paid been about?; How dare you cart off all my
for the recovery of any portion of tbe mou- manuro ?"
cy or tbe capture of any of the robbers. Tbe "You said I could have it," was the re
sheriffs of the mrroundlug countle and joinder. You told me to take a load."
commanding officers of military posts "A load I Why you have got every bit
throughout Nebraska, Wyoming, and along thero Is."
me union i acine railroad have been noti- l only took a load, father a iIood
I Jth iIaaj. rlnw If Arkft AttYf! lllimfthuro. Pa.
U. W.WLLXR. I Mr ooods deUveml to all parts et the town.
bo Apruxi, ll-U
will keep h!m,John, lie shall have a grand-
1 ma to love, not one to far,"
I weeks ago, lie was taken ill lu July, and 1 1 from the 20th verse to Its ending.
Subscribe for T Coxvuman,
The old man's eyes were opened, and he
concluded to give the son a "slice" of stock
to operate with, and soon after made hiat
vice president of the Central road,