The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, September 21, 1877, Image 1

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H9Uet weekly, every rrlday morning, At
two dollar) per year, fayacio in advance, or
during thnyoar. After tno oxpiratton ot tliaycar
.MM will be chanted. To subscribers flurot the
county the terms aro l per year, Mtrlctlyln advanco
t j il It not paid In advance and 3.ou It payment bo
delayodbo ond the year.
No paper discontinued, except at the option of the
nubllwhera, until all arrearages are paid, but lone
continual credit nttcr the expiration of the nrst
year will not be given
All papers sent out of thoHtato or to distant post
offices must be paid for In advance unless a rospon
Bible person In Columbia county assumes to pay tho
subscription duo on demand.
POSTAOK is no longer exacted from subscribers In
tho county.
The .lobbies Department of tho Columbian Is very
eomplcto, ami our J b Printing will comparo fnvora.
lilv with that, of (ho largo elites. All work done on
ilomand, neatly and at moderate prices.
One Inch
Two Inches . .
Three Inches...
in. int. W.
,.oo sa.oo (!
SAW v-w
o tjta T.oo 11.00
B.00 T.09 .oo 18.00
Four Inches.
juarter colnmn .00 e.00 10.00 ls.wi
one column!." soioo 6.oo eo.oo so.oo MM
Yearly advertisements payable quarterly. Try;
Blent advertisements must be paid for before Insert
except where parties have accounts.
Legal advertisement two dollars per Inch for 'Vtnm
Insertions, an. at that rota for additional Insensate
without refcreroe to length.
Executor's, Administrator and Auditor's nottoM
three dollars. Must bo paid tor when Inserted.
Transient or Local notices, twenty cents alls.,
regular advertisements halt rates.
Cards tn the "Business Directory" column, tM
dollar per year tor each line.
-.. . - mm itnn ls.nn
ft I If Hit ll I J 11
Columbia County Official Directory.
President Judgo William r.lwcll.
Associate Judges I, K Krlckbaum, F. U Hhuman,
rrotlionotnrv, na.B. Frank Zorr.
Court stenographer s. N. Walker.
lelstor X Recorder Williamson (I. Jacoby.
District Attornoy John M. Clark.
Sheriff John W. llortraan.
Rurvof or Isaac Dowltt.
Treasurer Dr II. V. Mclteynolds.
Commissioners John llerncr, 8. W. Mcnenry,
Joseph ands.
Commissioners' Clerk William Krlckbaum.
Auditors-M, V. 11. Kline, .1. H. Casey, E.l). Brown.
Coroner Charles 0. Murphv.
Jury Commissioners Jacob II. Fritz, William II.
nnitntf Siinprtntenrtpnt. Wlltlam II. Snvder.
Bloom Poor Dtstrtct-nirectore-o. P. Ent, Scott,
Wm. Kramer, Bloomsburg and Thomas ltceco,
icon, u. l'. lint, secretary.
Bloomsburg Official Directory.
President of Town Councll-D. Lowonbcrg.
clerk -W. wiru
Chief ot Police M. C. Woodward
President of lias Company S. Knorr.
Ki.r-rplj.rv. ft. W. Mlllpr.
Illooinsburg Hanking company John A. Funston,
Prnelftpn . II. 11. flrn 7. (tnshtpr.
Firs Na lonal Bank Charles It. Paxton, Tcsldent
J, P. Titstln, cashier.
Columbia County Mu'ual Saving Fund and toan
Assocla lon-K. II. Llt.lo, President, c. w. Miller,
Bloomsburg Building and saving Fund Association
W III. 1 UilUUVK. 1 il'SIHCm, W. 11. Ituuiwil) AUbiut,.
Bloomsburg Mu'ual saying Fund AssocUv Ion J.
J ljrower, ITCSUien , Kl. u. uuriuey, duhciiuj.
Hev. .1. P. Tus'tn, (Supply.)
Sunday Servlces-l a a. m. and p. m.
MunilA Kchniil 9 ft., tn.
Prayer Meeting Every Wednesday evening at otf
Saa s'freo. The public are lnvl'ed to attend.
Minister liov. . I. Mccron.
Sunday Services ion a. m. and OX p. m-
Hunrl.t Hplinnl fl n. in.
Pra crMeo log Every Wednesday evening at Stf
scats free. Nopewsremed. All aro welcome
ransBVTEiuAM cuubcq.
Minister Hev. Stuart Mliihcll.
Sunday Services lux a. i.i. and tn p. m.
Qiinrtni. Hhnrl 0. n. m.
I'rav cr Mco lng Every Wednesday evening a' C)i
Seas free. No pews rented, strangers welcome.
Presiding Klder-ltev. N. 8. Buckingham.
Minister Kev. M. L. smyser.
Sunday Servlces-l'itf and ays p. m.
Bible Class-Ever- Monday evening at Jf o clock.
Voiing Men's Pra-cr Men lng-Every Tuesday
evening at ov o'clock. . ,
General Prayer Meetlng-Evcry Thursday evening
I o'clock.
beforvio cnciicn.
Corner of Third and Iron streets.
I'astor Itev. Q. D. ourley.
Uesldenco Central Hotel.
Sunday Services 10f a. m. and I p. m.
Sunday school 9 a. m.
Prayer Meeting Saturday, 7 p. m.
All are Invited There is always room.
BT. taul's cncKcn.
Hector Kev L. Zahner.
Sunday Services lutf n. m., tys p. m.
Sunday School a. in.
tn (tin Innnlll ITnlV CnmmUnlOn.
Services preparatory to Communion on Friday
evening ueiuru iuo t ouuuuj in v.u ...uuw..
Tews rented ; but everybody welcome.
Presiding Eldcr-ltev. A. L. Uceser.
Sunday Servlce-ip. m., 1l tho Iron street Church.
Pra er Meeting Kvery rjauuaiu ut y. ui.
All are Invited. All aro welcome.
nosiNE&s oAnns.
jyn. j. c. hutter,
omce. North Market street.
Mar.87,74 Bloomsburg, ra.
E. 0RV18,
OPRieit Poom Nn. 1.
Sept. 18,1870.
Columbian" Building.
omco. Itartmon's Block, corner Main and Market
omco In Brower's building, second floor, room No.
1. Bloomsburg. Pa.
Orangovillo Academy.
EEV.O. E, CANFIELD,A.lI.,PrincSpal.
If you want to patronize a
glvo us a trial.
Next term begins
For Information or catalogue apply to
July 87, 77-ly Orangovlllc, pa.
7. rUNX. I. I. WALUR.
Attoi noys-at- Law,
once in Columbian IIcilbino. Jan. 19, 17-1 r
Bloomsbarg, Pa.
Office on Main Street, first door below Courtllouse
F. & J. M. CLARK,
An V1W 1 U- AT LA w
omce In Ent s Building.
Bloomsburg, Pa.
orricE Adjoining C. It. i W. J. Buckalew.
Bloomsburg, Pa.
Bloomsburg, Pa.
rwBuslness before tho U. 8. ratentomce attended
to. omco In the Columbian Building,
A i lUUfl fi 1 S-A l-Li A V,
Columbian Iicn.mNd, Bloomsburg, Pa.
CMembers of the United Stales Ijiw Association,
onections maae in any part 01 America or uuropc,
Ccntrulia, Pa.
Fbl8, '78.
Office in "Ent Bcildino." Bloomsburg, Pa., near
L.0U1T iiouse.
aug. 10,'77-tt
Meets In "tho llttlo Brick Church on the hill," YV .
known as me wcisu uupusv. v.uun-u
ClRegular meeting for worslilp, every Lord's day af
"eats free fond tho public aro cordially invited to
Office In Hartman's Block, second floor, corner
Main and Market Streets,
May sa ly,
npirnni. nnnV.TlH "Manic, lust printed and
neatly bound In small books, on hand and
for sale at tho Colombian Office
LANK DEEDS, on Parchnunt and Linen
inn,, rnmmnn nnn inr vuniinia' luwio. ..avv-
-....-..... ..1. nl..,nnn, tt.A fTTlUHIAN
u iruau;9, iu. oiwv uv w.
A Still Fnrtber Hednction in tlie
A Gallant Hght Againtt TYcmcndout Oddt
Jlrealing through Bayonet and then Mor
tally Wounded with Aw own Knife The
Brief Funeral Oration by Touch-the-Cloud
If you want to save fi-om lo to
2ft per cent
In the cost of PAINTINO, send for our prices of the
iouowing :
Best Paint Brashes,
Furniture Tarnish,
Orders and inquiries by mall will recclie prompt
attention. Sample cards andprlc oust furnished
without charge.
ays. "76,-ly.
r aim?i AflR f 3KKTI FICATKS last printed
VI fAcenln nt ttift noi.nMBllN Office. MlhlS-
fersut the (lo'tpel and Justices should supply them
selves' with these necessary articles.
JUSTICES and Constables' Fee-Bills for sale
.MhanninuMiMnfflM. Tliev contain the CON
rectod fees as established by tho last Act of thp Leg
slaturo upon the subject. Every Justice and Con
stable should have one.
"V 7" ENDUE NOTES just printed and for Bale
V cheap at the Colombian office.
Main street. ODnoslte Episcopal Church, Blooms
burg, Pa.
tr Teeth extracted without pain.
augS4, iwy.
iROWN'S HOTEL. Bloomsburg. Pa.. B.
fetohner. Proprietor. Accommoaauons nrsi
class. tl.M to tl.60 per gay. Restaurant auacneu.
, class.
lewlng Machines and Machinery of all kinds re
paired. Ofeba Hocsit Building, Bloomsburg, To,
burg and
E. SAVAOE, Dealer In Clocks, Watclics
and Jewelry, Main St., Just below the Central
wmiM Announce to the citizens ot Blooms-
iir? and vicinity mai ne naa just rcceivcumuiiiuiu
compieto assoriineui. ui
nzTDBBS, conns, tassils,
and all other goods In his Uneot business. All the
newest ana most approTuu iiuLieruo u, im uj
always to be found in his establishment, Main Btreet,
below Market.
Red Cloud Agency, Neb., Sept. G.
Crazy Horse, tho rcdoutablo Sioux chief and
warrior is dead, his spirit having entered
the happy hunting grounds at 121 o clock
this morning. You luvo been informed by
telegraph of the main facts In connection
with the recent agency troubles. When
Crazy Horse and tho other chiefs of the
Sioux at this post were informed that the
Great Father desired them to send two hun
dred of their young men to fight the Nez
Perres under Joseph, he and Touch-tuO'
Cloud demurred, and it is asserted by Lieut
Clark, who has general chargo of the In
dians, and by his interpretor, Frank Gouard
that both threatened to go north agaiu and
war against the whites. Crazy Horse eaid
he had appointed a day and arranged for
his departure. His Tillage was situated
about five miles north of the agency, on
White river, and numbered over one hun
dred tipis. Many of his principal men, In
eluding Llttlo Big man, Big Road, Jumping
Shield, Iron Hawk, and Yellow Bear, had
left him to join other bauds, having been
excited thereto by jealously, the action of
Gen. Cruok and his representatives, and the
protestations of Red Cloud, Little Wound
American Horse, and Young-Man-Afraid
of-his-Uorses, all enlisted Indians and
Ogalalla or Kiocie, chiefs. His influence
was rapidly waning, and at this juncture,cs
pecially, much dissatisfaction prevailed be
cause of his persistent refusal to go to
Little Big Man will be remembered as tho
instigator of almost a massacre of Senator
Allison and bis Commission when treating
for the possession of the Black Hills. Touch
the Cloud is reported to have expressed
himself with similar import and emphasis.
He is a Minneconjou, of magnificent phy
sique, standing six lect live luetics in ins
moccasins, and without an ounce of surplus
flesh, weighing 280 pounds. Notwithstand
ing bis stature and avoirdupois, he is noth-
HENRY S. KEAY, mg if not poetical, "ihe Great father,"
Rupert, Fa, (aid Touch-the-Uioud, "washed the Diooa
irom our race, auu uuw wuuju ueaujem
them again I If he bid us put It otit must
stay there." The interpreter construed this
into highly insolent and mutinous language
and both Crazy Horse and Touch' the Cloud
who, although rapidly travelling to Camp
Brown, found time to visit this agency en
route. While here be endeavored to see
Crazy Horse ; but the latter not only refus.
ed to come to Camp Robison when sum.
moned, but threatened to scalp the Gray
Fox (Crook) if he ventured inside of his vil
Inge. Touch-the-Cloud had returned to
Spotted Tail Agency, where his people are
encamped. Of course this ended amicable
negotiations. Spies wero at once set to
watch the supposed hostiles, numberingsev-
eral hundred.
There are about C,G0O Indians at this
agency, and at Spotted Tail not less than
journey to the front of the nose pierced Jo
seph. Before ho loft, however, it Is under
stood that he gave directions that Crazy
Horse, If captured, should bo confined Id the
guard bouse at Camp Robinson, until he
could be Becretly conveyed to Cheyenne, and
thence to the Dry Tortugas ; and, althoigh
an arbitrary punishment, It was by no
means an excessive one, if tho conduct of
Crazy Horse, as an enlisted man In the
Uuited States Army, Is considered.
Of course everybody was eager to see the
doomed chief, and about 7 o'clock P. M. he
arrived, accompanied by some of his own
people, Lieutenant Lee, and thirty of his
agency bloux, Toucu-the-CIoud towered
nbove all, and In his haughty bearing re
called the pictures of Warwick, the great
king maker, which relation indeed, ho is
destined to sustain to the future choice of
tho Minneconjous, The next in importance
to, and possessing greater Influence than
even Crazy Horse, It is not unlikely that he
will be his immediate successor.
Arriving at Spotted Tail, ho had reported
that he desired to change his agency, as he
was misinterpreted here, and Bed Cloud and
others wero jealous of him. He was closely
followed by the Indians sent after him by
Lieut, Clark, and No Water only declaied
his Intention to shoot him. In this emer
gency Crazy Horse was protected by his
Northern friends, while Black Crow, old
Swift Bear (a very eloquent Indian, who
was chiefly instrumental In having Spotted
Tail declared chief.) Whirlwind, Spider,
and Three Bears, chiefly Brulcs, forced him
to accompany them to the agency. To al'
lay his fears, Lieut. Leo started with only
half a dozen Indians, three of whom were
adherents of Crazy Horse, but on the road
the number of friendly Sioux was purposely
augmented, althongb his conductor was ou
tirely unconscious of what awaited bim
At Camp Robinson, Col. Bradley, com
manding tho District of tho Black Hills,
ordered tho prisoner confined in the post
guard house, and Capt. Kenniugton, tho
oflicer of tho day, was charged with its e.c
cution. The interpreters seemed to antici
pate trouble, and noticeably absented them-
years of age. His son would soon have been
thirty-seven, having beon born on the Chey
enne river in the fall.of 1840. His boy, he
affectionately said, would never liavo fought
the whites, but they hunted him and his vil
lage In their own country,and they had to de
fend themselves or all would have perished.
He had enough buffalo in that country to
last several years, and wanted to stay. He
fought only the Crows and Snakes and stole
their ponies. But he was not let alouo.
Every courier that came north to him said,
"Como In I come in I" or the Gray Fox
will drlvo you after Sitting Bull I" At last
he came. Spotted Tall and Red Cloud, tbe
greatest chiefs ot the Brules and Ogalallas,
had to stand asido and give him the princi
pal place in council, and on this account
they and their young men became jealous.
They were the cause of his poor boy lying
there. Ho was killed by too much talk. He
had said.
The old man appeared so much exhausted
by this discourse! and his grief that the Doc
tor kindly gave him a drink of whiskey,
which bo seemed to relish amazingly. He
rose and shook hands all around exclaiming,
"How could 1" a significant expression of
friendship. After a silence of several mm
utes, he resumed : "You gave me to drink
and made my heart glad ; butthjnking of
my dead son, my heart grows sad again,
Give me another whiskey straight ?"
At about 3 in tho morning, Crazy Horse's
mother, a withered old hag, who was not yet
aware of his death, was challenged by the
outposts and admitted to the room. Her
outbursts of griof, in which she was join
ed by her husband, seemed uncontrollable.
They tore their gray hair and shrieked so as
to alarm tho garrison. Finally they became
quletor, and settled in a crooning manner
on their knees, bending over and caressing
the prostrate and lifeless form,both chanting
in an indescribably weird manner, the now
famous Sioux death song. The deep guttu.
ral of the one blended wildly with the shrill
treble of the other, and both were cracked
by age. No one who witnessed or heard the
old couple in their savage devotion can for
get tho sad scene, or their Btrangely impres
sive and mournful dirge. Touch-the-Cloud
lives. Taking Crazy Horse by the hand several times grunted "Washto I" "Good I1
Capt. Kenningtou led him unresistingly And once, pointing to tho corpse, he said
from the Adjuntant's oflico into the guard "That is only the tin (lodge) : the rest has
house, folluwed by Little Big Man, now be- gone to the Great Spirit in the happy hunt-
come his chief s worst enemy, Tho door of ing grounds I"
the prison room was reached in safety, when I At about 7 the body was conveyed by them
discovering his fate In tbe barred grating of I In the post ambulance to the nearest village
Important to Lawyers.
Justices of tho Tcace, Constables, Executors, Ad"
nlnlstrators. Guardian. Township officers, and oust
mlnlstrators, ouardlan, Township
ness men eenerally.
We have on hand alarge assortment of legal were reported by telegraph to Gen
manks ror tne use or attorneys, jui vi,iuj
stable's blanks ot all kinds, Note and Receipt books
tor Administrators sc.
Precipe for summons.
Rule to take Depositions.
" choose Arbitrators.
2 cents apiece, or $1.15 per hundred.
Petition for Appointment of Guardian.
ntilfl tn take Denosltlons.
Narr In Debt with confession,
" " Assumpsit.
Mechanics Lien.
4 cents each or S3.C0 per hundred.
Petition for sale or neat estate u cents eacu.
SubncenaB, Summons, Warrants, Executions, SO to
ss cents each.
Blue Deeds
Parchment Deeds ...
Agreements .......
Orphan's Court Salcs....w
Constable's sales....
Mortgage and nonu -
A 11 VlnHa nf KntPH
KecelDts. Notts. School Orders, Poor Orders, Store
Orders, neatly bound, constantly on hand, or maae
to oraer on snort notice.
we are prepared to no neater jouworituiiuittuj
6 cents each
so for fl M
8 cents each I
the high windows, the liberty-loving savage
suddenly planted bis hands against the up
right casing,and with great force thrust him
self back among the guards, whose gleaming
bayonets instantly turned against him.
With great dexterity ho drew a concealed
knife from the folds of bis blanket, and
snatched another from tbe belt of Little Big
Man, turning with them upon Capt. ken-
nington, who drew his sword and would
have run bim through but for another Indi
an who interposed. Many of them were dis
mounted and were crowding around the
guard-house dooi, some protesting vehe
mently agasnst his confinement, while oth
ers cooly insisted upon non-interference.
Crazy horse had advanced recklessly
through tho presented steel, tho soldiers
fearing to fire, and gaining the entrance he
made a leap lo gain the open air. But he
was grappled by Little Big Man. This In
dian as his name implies,is remarkable both
for his stature and his strength ; his double
The handsome new structure designed for I
the uso of the Maryland State House of
Correction has been completed. Tho build
ing cost about $200,000.
A prominent citizen of Moore county, N.
0,, whom tho Southern press "desire to hold
up as an example not only to his own race
but to tho whites also," is Adam Tyson, a
former slave. He is a wheelwright, is esti
mated to be worth $6,000, has no debts,
but plenty of credit, be also owns quite a
large and well cultivated unencumbered
farm, bought by himself since tbe the war,
and of courso which he works profitably,
Adam always votes the Democratic ticket
hence bis popularity.
Richard A. Proctor prophecies the break
ing up of the brilliant dipper constellation.
Five of tho stars form one family and t ravel
together; but the other two have distinct
motions of their own, and are slowly drift
ing out of their relative positions. In Eng
land the constellation Is not known by its
familiar name here, and an eminent Ameri
can had great difficulty in making some En
glish friends understand what a "dipper"
Death in the Channel. Collision
of Vessels. Ninety Six Lives Lost.
The British ship Avalanche.Captaln Wil
liams, from London, September 4th, for
New Zealand, came in collision with the
ritish ship Forest, Captain Lockhart, from
London for New Portland,Wednes
day night last week, and both vessels foun
dered. The Forest struck the Avalanche between
the main and mizzen mast, nearly cutting
her in two. The latter sank Immediately
The Forest, though utterly wrecked, kept
afloat an hour or two, Three boats were
launched from her, only one of which has
yet been saved. It contained Captain Lock-
hart, of the Forest, the chief mate and seven! And he Jeers and he teases and does as he pleases t
others, and the third officer and two seamen
of the Avalanche.
One boat has washed ashore and also sev
eral bodies. The other boat, it is feared, is
The Avalanche had sixty-three passen
gers ; twenty-six saloon, seventeen Becona
class and twenty third class, mostly colo
nists. The Forest was in ballast, and had a
Ob, what Is the good ot a wide-awake boy,
Who whoops and hallooes
A s he ties on his shoes,
And who dances a Jig
While he's combing his wig
And washing his face with a very poor grace
Who whips on his Jacket
And makes all the racket
He possibly can?
Now, tell me, I pray, what's the good of this boy f
"Well, a wide-awake boy makes a wlde-awaM
Oh, what Is the good ot a hungry boy,
Who clamors for food
As no Juvenile should,
And, as sure as I Uvc,
Eats all that you give :
Be it fowl, flesh or Osh he empties the dish,
While for soft ginger-bread he
Oh, always Is ready J
Pray, what will he make t
What sort of a man will grow out ot this boy T
"Why, a very safe man, dear, to put down a tmka.'
Ob, what la the good ot a rollicking boy,
Who gets into "snaps"
And all sorts of baps;
Who nothing so loathes "
As a new suit ot clothes,
Because the first day they so hinder his play ;
For the second no matter,
Hell have them a-tatter
Before set of sun;
Have you something to say tor tho good ot this boyt
"Yes, for enterprise bold be will surely count one."
Oh, what Is tho good ot a careless boy.
Who wont wipe his feot
And cant learn to be neat,
Who treads on the cat
And sits down on his hat ;
Yet he's spunky and plucky, this happy-go-lucky.
And cores not a rattle,
But sides In each battlo
ith him that Is down?
Now, what Is the good ot this bold, reckless boy
"In a popular vote, dear, he'll carry the town."
Oh, what Is the good of a horrid boy,
Who wont say his prayers.
And mocks at your cares ;
Who hears all the news,
Your advice does retuso,
and I learn that great excitement prevailed crew of twenty-oue,
especially among the young bucks. They I Ninety six persons were drowned.
propose to bury the dead chief with much
ceremony at Spotted Tail, and many of his The Late William Cameron. Wil-
people are leaving for that agency. All day Ham Cameron, who died at his residence in
the squaws have been mourning for miles Lewisburg last week at the advanced age of
around, and to-night a number of dances are 81 years, was the eldest brother of Hon,
in progress. Simon Cameron. He bad been a resident
It is impossible to predict what effect the of Lewisburg for many years, had acquired
death of this distinguished chief and re- great wealth, and was distinguished for his
nowned warrior may produce upon the na- kindness and liberality to the poor. His
tion. Last night there were several ialse death was caused by cancer in the face, with
alarms at Camp Robinson, and the troops which he had been afflicted for several years,
aro kept constantly under arms and on the I The funeral took place Thursday morning
Dom 1'edro.
other omce lu this county,
CG. BABKLE i, Attorney-at-Law. Office
, In Brower's building, snd story, Rooms 4 4 6.
DR. WM. M. REBEIt, Surgeon and I'hysi
clan. Office u. E. corner Rock and Marke
-V T T'l T , XTd If Tl U an,l Phval
I It. JLi V iU. U.. OUtgwu 'ui
I . clan, (Office and Residence on Third street,
corner jeuerson.
corner nf Main and West f trects, three doors below
Manoi j. K. Bier's store, isioornEDurg, ru.
AU orders nromptly attended to and satisfaction
Apruxf, ',,-u
T II. McKEI.VY. M. D.. Sunreon and Phy-
.1 . slclan. north side Main street, below Market.
astna. Ins Co., of Hartford, Connecticut,
T B. KOBISON. Attorney-at-Law. uuice Liverpool, London ana uiooo...
O In Harunan'a building, Main street. Royal of Liverpool....
Kire Association, VhUadelphla,
ROSENSTOCK, Photographer,
, Clark & Wolfs Store, Main street.
CY, Exchange Hotel, uioomsourg, ra.
.. ,500,WIO
, 20,I'0,1
, 13 00,000
. 10,009, 00
7,000. Of the former, perhaps 2,000 are joints would secure him distinction, as well
bucks. Here there were only four compa- as a cempetence. In the arena. Crazy Horse,
nies of the Third Cavalry and three of the though powerful, was held in a vise, until,
Fourteenth Infantry of whom it is said, freeing his right hand, he was observed to
however, "Russia basher Cossacks ; Tur
key, the Bashi-Bazouks ; and the United
States the "bloody Fourteeners 1" At Spot- fun force of the blow by a backward move'
ted Tail, one company of the Third Cavalry ment, reversed the hands which contained
and one of the Fourteenth Infantry occupied the dangerous weapon, and once moregrasp'
-j T "1 ueiguuunug puoi ui vhuijj uunuiau, "ling urazy tiorse as ne mauo aseconuieap
1UC OUdblUO muiai Y. was desirable to have more trops, and for his freedom, the point accidentally pier
moice books no longer for tho few only. Thebest and G. companlraof the Ihlrd Cavalry were Ced tho ouiverine eroin of the chief, who
BoouVanyidmm Fott Laramie, and a part of Lank in a doubled up posture upon the
and unabridged) for 10 ana so cenw. P an(j aii of D company (en route to the ground outside the door.
n. ivUm iianrv wiVin nnnnin nn.vuc - i "
j.jon5i iuurVx,oiT. byjiisBMuiock. soo Black Hills) of the same regiment, Jrom
J" a woAil AB.?haVies Tiffiei new nSvel c Camp at Hat Creek. Tbe troops thus con- fifty had gathered near-was observed to load
,'th, linr iNDic's. Juice Verne's latest IOC -nll,1atA,l AnAro P,mn 'Rnlilnann nt. tnlfl. I I- t.ta nnl,tn . nnA !, ,tlDn, t,t
The emperor of Brazil is tho only heredi
tary ruler in South America. The anomaly
of his situation is sufficiently obvious, and
tho prospects of his heir are shadowy in the
extreme. The republican system is popular
with the unprincipled and ambitious men
who usually occupy themselves with the af
fairs of government in the newly settled
countries on the verge of the civilized world.
at 10 o'clock, and was very largely attended.
Mr. Cameron was the father-in-law of Dr.
F. 0. Harrison, formerly of Bloomsburg.
Tbe Philadelphia Democratic City and
County Comventions met on the I3th, and
made tbe following nominations : Judges of
the Common Pleas, James R. Ludlow, D.
Newlin Fell ; District Attorney, Henry S.
Hagert ; City Controller, Robert E, Patter
son; uoroner, win, Kent uimert, ai, v.
The State Prohibition Convention met on
There was a small
thrust a long keen blade into the muscular The possibility of his own election to the the i3th in Harrisburg,
arm of his antagonist, who, avoiding the Pudency of his state is present to the mind attendance. A. A. Bark
Editors and iToprlctors
uuintuuBiunt I
Bloomsburg, ra
Barker was chosen chair-
ot many a competitor lor power ; tna all man aml r, Newton Pelrce secretary. Pro-
are ready to combine against the hereditary Uibition resolutions wero adopted, and the
principle whicn shuts the door impartially following ticket was nominated: Judge of
against all aspirants. tue EuDreme Court. A. H. Winton. of Lu'
A ue empire oi urazii is nciu togemer But
Instantly every Indian present md about
Ir irt, axawiuiiuii. .
Atlas of Hartford.
ilittMi::::ZZ::. wwfc" WggtfVSg&3 l& were eTen "Pes of cavalry, partly in- suddenly leaped from his pony.and with bow
DanvlUe Mutual W,ouo 13. A PJwer '","iu'"S ? L.i.. ml,prir,o ofumt SOO men. anil I : .j t. rePUDUI
T. adau BIDS, by oeorge Elliott, laoupie no.) vk night and on ine morning oi me na i ensued was broken onlv by the dart ueure
n Unwn I.VUOrV 1IIIV 1UC I" ...... ...I '- "
a!oLn vibdixton'sMoVxy, by MaryCecp Hayioc
n n-r, n'nwu iw Whitb. hv Wllkle CCUlnS ZOC
11. THE HILL ON TDB fLUN, uj utuitc w mi. vv
Inst., at about 9 o'clock, they proceeded to
surround Crazy Horse and village. There
writhing in agony on tho gravelled tartb,
loosely by the existing constitution. It is
rather a federation of separate, states under
nn emperor than a compact and homogene
ous empire. If the empire were to be trans
formed hereafter Into a republic it would be
split'lnto several independent states. Ba-
hia, Pernambuco, Rio Grande do Sul and
Rio de Janeiro would each become the seat
zerne county; Stato Treasurer, Samuel Cor-
nett, of Chester ; Auditor General, A. A.
Barker, of Cambria. An Executivo State
Committee was appointed, as follows; Jas.
Bltck, of Lancaster, chairman ; I. Newton
Pelrce, of Philadelphia, Secretary ; A Mc
Allister, of Blair, Treasurer; Dr. G. E. Po
leu and Dr, Win. Hargreaves, of Philadel
phia ; G. Howard Leeds, of Chester county;
Home, New York..
Commercial Union
TAVID LOWENBERO, Merchant Tailor
U Maui St., above Central Hotel.
T S. KUIIN, dealer ii. Meat, Tallow, etc.,
j centre street, Detween oecona tuiu i nuu.
SUAVE or an thing la tho TONSOKIAL LINE
March M,j;-y
, 11,000,000
Under Exchange Hotel, Bloomsburg, Fa.
The Oolnmbian Law Docket.
A comnlete record for the use of attorneys. Con-
voTiisntiv arrantred for the docketing ot all cases
rnntjitnintr M cares, with doable Index. This Is
tho most complete book for lawyers that Is pub.
PBICE, $3-60-
, Tn nnn HrrHkT. bv Vtllkle Collins
lo' ItoMOLA. by Oeorge Elliott, (double no.
nr in. In one book by J ules V me 10c
it iiinnitN I'miiB. by Mary Cecil Hay
,a n.u.iu.'u uihiyirt. iv Amelia D. Edwards
l! A TxrribliTikftatioh, by chorleiClleade
ioc complete, numbering about 800 men, and and arrow in one hand, and a cocked revol-
. ..i . r . '
until an old Indian, Crazy Horse's father, -i-b-;,u uc u. nUHl Carter, ot Luzerne county,
f3 ...j.-w... -- . " " J "
can rather than a monarchlal form
I wonder it aught he
Performs Is not naughty t
One thing be wont lie.
Now, what Is the good ot this terrible boy ?
"Why, to speak the truth, dear n great virtue, SAT
fio, then, there's some good In all sorts ot a boy.
The Jolly and sad,
The sorry and bad,
The best and the worst,
Tho last and the first,
Yoall have somewhat to say in his favor alway t
"Why, yes, since you leave it,
I surely believe it
Is best to Judge so.
For though you may Question the good ot a boy,
How should folks fare without him I'd just Ilxa to
know "
Chrittian Union.
Tbe arrival of a full-rigged sea-golnj
sloop has put the people of Harrisburg Into
a fever of excitement, and tbe local paper
are discussing the prospects of the Capital M
a "sea port." "
A flaw has been discovered in the big ran
at South Boston, and it is now thonght the
Government will condemn the ordnance, li
is a blow hole in the barrel about a foot
from the muzzle, and was caused by an air
bubble, which was imprisoned in the moot-
ton iron.
A nine composed of cripples chiefly one)
legged men is being organized in Patterson,
N. J., to play a grand base ball match at
Newark with a similar nine of that city, for
the benefit of the Soldiers' Home. The game
will be played October 1st.
A Scranton business bouse, which ni
asked by a miner's committee to contribute
to the relief fund, very generously offered y
assign to tbe fund $10,000 in aocounte
due them by miners, which accounts they
have been for years unable to cellecL The
subscription was declined with thanks.
The Pope reads the newspapers carefully,
and is not altogether pleased with the con
tinued prophecies that ho will die soon.
"They wish me dead before my time cornea"
he said the other day.
commanded by Major J. W. Mason, Third v(,r in the other, advanced upon Capt. Ken-
1 1 . . TT , . l l 1
yx uavairy., nington. no was instantly nurica upon nis
"00 Tli a reinforcements Were aCCOmnanlCa UY horl- anil 'H!,.rmo.l Vitr tl.n friariHIv Slnnr
ioc I . . . -j . .
soc nearly SOO enlisted bioux under lied wioua, Reassured by this, the officers and guard ap-
Little Wound, Young-Man-Alrald-ol-nu- Droaehed Crazv Horse to convev him to the
Horses, Little Big Man.and Jumping Shield guard r00m, this timo for medical attend
and about 100 Arapahoes of Friday's band ance . j,t again they were arrested by the
led by Black Coal and Sharp Nose. A dick 0f cocking carbines. What could they
twelve-pounder brass Napoleon with the do? No Interpreter was present, and they
limber cheBtfuls of grape-shot and canisters, jjj not D0W friend from foe. In this emer-
motioned to
soi oi Ccmositt Huor, by Charles Dickens
SI. rOCL l LAV, vy t-uurjirB ivcwud
3. Tns frormsn Leoacv, by Mary C'ecU Hay soc
S4!"lTisNxvxBTooLArs to mikd," by Charles soc
ss. Laot ADiLAiiik'fl Oath, by Mrs. II. Wood. loo
ss. ackora Flovd. by Mies M. E. Braddon. soc
SI. Victor and vanquisiieo, by M. c. Hay. loo
11 1,,. ii. Iit William lllack. 10c
v. Noka-s love test, oy aianr tccu jibj.
aii. put iocbself in ms Place, by C. Iteade.
of government would be adopted are not far
to seek. "Those who speculate on 'change"
says liurke, "always make a great number
among people of rank and fortune, as well
as among the low and indigent." How true
is this remark in reference to the affairs of
the old world, and how inevitable is such a
condition of men's minds in a new and un
settled community.
The personal influences of the present ru-
Sitting Bull.
A letter from Wolf Rapids reports that
Lieut. Blards, of the Fifth infantry, states
Sitting Bull and tribe bad a dance,after con
sultation with Major Welch, of tbe British
si. Felix holt, ins kaoical, by Oeorge Elliott, soo and which evidently Inspired both allies and I Kency the Indians themselves
V"TZZlZZ:tj:r -Jth.wol..rr. completed tUaopen Adjutant's office they
sent postage PI-'c"SArN if. 'publisher.
Editors and Proprietors of the COLUMBIAN, r. a boemjt. si, S3 and a, Vandewater st, N. Y.
Published by Brockway & Elwell
ler is the chief security for the maintenance Police. After the dance Bill Culverson, a
of the imperial style and the monarchlal government Ecout, got Into a dispute with
form of government of Brazil. The emper- Sitting Bull, when the latter attempted to
Tbe following order from Gen. Israel Put
nam has recently been discovered among
diiiven the archives in tne rennsyivanta biate uap
Itol. It is written on a scrap of paper, evi
dently the fly leaf of a blank book, and U
penued in a legible, bold round band, and
reads as follows ; "you are to send 1000
rations to tho barroks for the yous of the
hasbons. Israel Putnam to Mr, Franks.
December 80, 1776."
John Brougham keeps a parrot which,
WM. II. ABBOTT, Attorney-at-Law, Main
Catawlssa, ra.
Collections promptly made and remitted. Office I
onposite Catan l&sa Deposit Bank. im-ss
wanted? $50 to $200 Per Month
A New, cuAa Ann Concise
alJniversal History
Commencing with the earliest periods, closing
-"ii. leii, a voiumf-B or tne ona great, ttrtuu
History in one. ancient, Midulk aou, and Mon
JUN. Including hlhtory of Centennial Exhibition,
Inauguration of riesldent Hayes and Turkish diffi
culties. A book ot thrilling Interest and universal
need Pells fatter than any other. Beautiful lUus
tratlons, low prices, quick tales, extra terms, circu
lars tree. Address J. c. MccuilDY CO., Phlladel.
Shut, ra.; Cincinnati, O.: Chicago, 111.; St. Louis,
'o. June , 1T-1JW
Babcock & Wyeth's Ads
Is taken Internally, and ro&IUvcly Cures ltheumo
tlsm, Uout, Neuralgia and Lumbago. Iir-uold by
Wholesale and Iteuul Druggists everywhere, fiend
for circular to.
Oct .lr.U11W Wa.hington.'D.
ago. u eaub. ivo. i. nruin. cuas. . eswaecs.
Huub, Fryinler 4t Edward,
(Successors to liencdlct Poreey t Boat, m Market
Importers and dealers In
. tit Market Street, Philadelphia,
Constantly on hand Original and Assorted package
June 8, Ti-iy
contains the largest stock of
Queensware, Glassware, Wooto are,
Canned Trait Dried IVulta,
to be found U Columbia county.
A Complete Amorluieut
always on hand, Coll and examine,
Jan l.ien.
alogue with Chromo of Moonlight on the Whine, or
street Boston.
Engravings ana
June s, June rcjnimw.-i pj,uvn.,w. j " ,
had just quit
this martial array. as a compromise between their contending I r ... .... . ... , ' ... ' I ,,. .,' ,,. .:, wi-i. .t..i when anvhodv unnnHn,
.-!! V "I.... . t. I -,.,!,, ,! I( IM. r,rmlt. """ ""B "3 " IU J" v ----- -I- , -4
aillllUK niicio rai r'"v"l "'"' """ ,w '"VJ r'""- r. ! ,1-J I,V. il.! n gnH n Ih ,n Mr no g II Hull 1.1 mirixHnir anllnrt that thorn nilirht n h. nu
tie village, it was cautiously approached, ted to carry the prostrate chief. Borne of ,, maulfe9U d . . . told him be coulJ .... ,. an d ... , foments. Explains Mr. Brougham t
aud gave Bitting Bull and -that suggests that I have not offered you
leave tbe country, saying I Bome clan t. I neverdrlnt anything etrou-
them there afterwards he would I gor myself and tbe bird knows the sound."
Thta una nknnl ttia Iflln rvf A... I WViP,, inn flarct uaa nllh.,n.
III. ...11 l.l II , I n IT D. .1 , ..v..,.,.,,o wunuiiuiuiuiiiiuig O - - " "u- I " w.uu&M ".
uii trail tue-uiuuu, uuu viiu, uuut, at., mo u .. , . . , , ,1 k!lni T1..1I lf, tvio,!. T I .1 t c .1. u .u 11 . i.a
nio nuu uvel vu W1U imperial muse. ,ve b-"", u.wui uuu igi.uu lug iiu, X I uinniuj ui lunwik lUDUUIIflKBIU lUMttlaM4
know tho good effect in England of Royal 18 believed that Bitting Bull left for the Mis- with fidelity the Bounds that are familiar to
visits to the citv anil thn nrnvlndnl liran. SOUrl river, below Mussellahell river, and ordinary aocietv men In connection wilt
.1.1. t i .. ii i i.... ... i i 1 I . - . ..... ' I -
llliei imillllj railllUllUIi UUl miCU J monlfoatol nn. f m H, V t .t I 1 ,1 Pllt PH B n t HiarrU ll oal-O.l ihof rnlnrnrna- 1 .A,lr,imivfl .
wafa Inatantlv rlARnatr-hnrl. with inRtrtirlinna i 1.1. l.a.l tw. .vnml 1 .l .1., 1 1 ... ' I . . . . I
nv.u ., j - .uiiiiiitoi iuuiitii. ..i m ,i.L, f ...... .f , , ments be sent trnm filninr I.nriltn Thmn
to bring him dead or alive. Two hundred Dr. Macgillycuddy, the assistant post-sur- nrovemet. comnanies of the Seventh Cavalrv bav l.-n
WT7. WTT1 .." 'SSffatSSS!S a . ,..i .r "n r . r . ,V "T .I;' " oT frequently opens new educational estab- on English soil,
cVrot5os.liWnchofl wlorl "'-" " J" " HshmenU ami training colleges In person, tribe five days to
'I hev are mounwain sx in niacit r-Dsmei auugum i age naa vanisnea, a lew ecattereu iuuko i urauiey reiuai-u iu kibih nuu miu iud w . ., , ... I ir i.a nnnu.
rntt ovlu owning and outsell anjthuig now before ' , ., , , , ,, , ,, , , By these manifestations of solicitudo for their if ne caught
rhnfi'uhitc. Otorampiesfor!aeenu,o?8iisampi68 poles and bundles showed that his depart- ception of a guard of enlisted Indians, Touch- ',.... ,,.,.,.,,.. ..I i,an v,imB .
- In Mtito unri to rniji for orand illustrated cat-1 i 1 i l-a i t..i
vo centa for two l "ndscapw anrt ttJJJL Med north principally, in ihe direction of dUpersed
PJrrr.e'V" liaariniiartArfl fftt riiromfw I anAtn,l Tnll and tYitlhor Amnr rnn Mnri I TT.. ill ...... ( t.-.l A.H.A.t .!
A Jj UKT U JN JiJ. with one party, and No Water with another y
at t Great chance to make money, ir you - , , ,, Z ii,ij..ji ' f""' provement. companies ot tuo Seventh Uavalry have been .. .
GOLD.backa.eeSlaneeSuCprr8Snt Ril off,re ,for. '"1 1'H geon, pronounced it fatal. Touch-tb fa d eent to Major Br.'abin, and six rimpanlea of , Tf?ubl? from ttnV fa "P0
when, to take subwrlpUonB to the largest, cheapest Meanwhile, several Incidents occurred pe- the old father of tbe dying chief, and several , " luo UJ ou visu ino Te"I0US I th iravo cone to MnaaelUliell river lumbia Lancaster, Duncannon and other
u"t "r,;''..'; "rv" 0 ...
dafs. All wnoengsge moke money fast, youcan lage at any moment, a coyote was discover- neVer rallled.and only once spoke indistinct'
g time!0 roiy l not be .VayTXmrhome ti lg a'"g the bank of the river, and ly about bayonets, which, unfortunately.cre.
night. Youcan uo it as wen jaomrre. ruiiparuo- s drjien or fifteen shots were Instantly tired ated the
irA-,itia and terms tree. Xlerant and ex.
iieni us your address at once. It costs nothing to
at him.
tantly fired ated the Impression in the minds of tho two
Tbey were heard at the agency.and Indians present that he had been stabbed
tohT Tr ,T r T l- Commission appointed to select near Lancaster, a gang of nearly onehun-
! orS. auMTTir alteforaNewIusaneA,7umfor the E. dred tramps raided on a farmer-, premloe..
ship of the Church of Itome. The course . n,... P . PniimB ,! rf.i. w.t, v,t. .m -v.-
which the emperor would take was a subject JTr nrMZ:
. ii i i ... - .. i n ii ppiii v inrorAaiinrf anorn I nt vrtu it naa i - - 1 r- . -
ui thTbusiness. whoengagea raits to make It was supposea tne ban naa openeam earn- itu a bayonet. Dr. Macgillycuddy showed "" f; " , Vu, 1 1 i Patterson presiding, and remained In session wete dllven ofr. al"l ve of them.woundecL
arfflmPUSW. (, Later, the Arapahoes started a gray fox tbem tIie cross section of a bayonet by J several hour,. ,n8e I A farmer, named rowers.was fatally wound-
'"'"""S " 'UUB" " V"V" uuu ,. in ii,. n.l ,iim nf n,i.,.tn The Coram ss on had !about 1B0 nroner.
also that of the knlfe.endeavorlng to explain ' , . m . ' . ties offered them, and balloted 20 time h.
tore a selection was made. At last tbe -Hit
ner property, situated In Montgomery coun
npifrirvBiAN crFKF.
AOKNTS WANTED. Ten and Psncllbketchea ot the
rradr. tto rages, M lUuslrat ons is.
for outnt anu tcrrituij,
the diuerent wounds tbe two would cause.
but I fear with little success. The latter
had originally been a butcher's knife, and
N, B. Corner Bocend and Arch Btreet,
Dealers in
aici, incxs, bicau soda, to., M.
aarorders U1 roooire prtuapt aOeaUon,
from tbe brush, and the entire .one hundred
followed, chasing him Into and through an
adjoining village. These childish impulses
are irresistible to the otherwise grave and
dignified warriors of the plains. The latter
tribe converse almost exclusively by signs, ., A ., .,, . ,.i .i , .
RIOTMiK P slender and pointed blade that appeared to
fninmimium nnd TTada Union, n v Lhfl doi I n i i ... T. i .u .L.i ni I
uwr uuiuur nun. . ", T"7- 7T 1 7 , in i j
this dooKi trf'iciiiJic iuu "'K" nu. ma icu i yfQ Ar&pftiioes cad tnnKu lUfmBeivea uuuer
CMI. ' mZT a in,,., t -o t Inna a L.nrl nn Arts I otxnil In iha I O fl- ullArA Hi Air nftaMirOl UFA
V. HUUl.lUUiaLH, . ,,..,n,-
At about 2 A. M. yesterday, a courier was
received from 'Lieut.
iaeiy snaken should ne lend his sup
port to the papal edict of exclusion, direct
ed against a body of men who are strongly
imbued with liberal, pot to say republican
ideas. T. Brattythe nineteenth Century,
ed. Milton Oramm, a prominent citizen
of Duncannon, was recently robbed and
murdered by two tramps, as lie left a train
at Maryvllle. A freight train was recently
1-- 1 1... w . . .
SOS Uroadway, N, Y., -ii-iw
correspond exactly with the wound. This
was so small as to be scarcely noticeable. lie
bled internally.
J. W
ty, about two miles above Norrlstown, WM ked between Malyern and Frailer1, by
r, ,. . , ,. 1 . ., . Perk nmnn I!al!rnn l. tn fl,..!., ..!.. klliea.
1 Rait rltv nnnnHn il,.f Terklomen Kailroads, la Cheater county,
nn il, -in, Inatant ihAr imni.ln.mui. Tue Either property embraces about 200
As death approached, the old man related LUcted Joun TRT,Qr Benor A,oatje anJ acres, and was accepted at $220 per acre,
bis son's deeds of prowess and of war. lie ac.lug xreldeDt of the Twelve, as l'resldent U is """''guo118 " Stony Creek railroad
true JainalCA (llnnrer with
etole Armoruatl sand French
brandy, is a Qllclou8.BtreD
eninjf euDBuiuieior bji kiqi
Lee, Acting Indian Was his last and only living child. He had
to succeed Drlgbant Young. They also de-
ino onij iximmnation oi tna i . . r .....n..,. . .
ISA r: "aT'.:.u 1 ,.l "y. 1"r imn and renownM. Med tLat . auorum of th; Twe, - Anml. as soon as
sua . I vmv i ?v w ,mv I r Ad IV Jit ih or n 1 1 ono aIi 1 Iil ran alilnrali 1. . . . . I 'I nn I
a ofnnv.
uereH Depepsia, oppreiiaioQ I former down on that day.
uen, urooK naa leu uamp
after eatlnir.
ol Indigestion, comcu aU dUr
turbtnoea ot tho Htomach ana
nes. Neither had any children, although Cuurci, . Rnd, for the facilitation of business
A Chicago lady, whose colored coachman
ta - m.flntta ... n. fl.t, 1.1.1 t.
and wlllb, transferred to the Commission "'Z r
aa the Qovernor and Board of State maD WM a perfect en,gm,,.. and aU htndl
Sconfltm the purchase. .,. . iim. A..Jr' i- " .JI
LZ r.6R!S0t 'uPerinten.d lady', youthful .on W out with th. .
ChUXFevers and UaUrU. Aak
lor ouwrai uuujer,
"surround," In order to connect with the
.tage line at Fott Laramie, and continue hi
Robinson verv Mre bad long possessed two squaws, ordered that President Taylor be assisted by the building of the Asylum, and have al- clamat on : "Why, of courae he's a nig,
attemnJd JT' VenM, M John W. Young, Daniel U. WelU and Geo. lnTltTf, competitive plan, for the ju.tBeebow black he U-ChteSo jI
the attempted breed, at the agency, to elope with him, q. Cannon. structure. It is not expected, however, that fc,v"cWf
His family and cam. would become extinct
with his own death, and h was ilxty-slx
Subscribe for Tua Oolukbuh,
work will be commenced on it before the
coming year,
ing Chronicle,
iSuUcrlU for Tub CoLvudiam.