I r v A. THE COLUMBIAN. I'l.OOMHlltUMI, I'lllltAY, SIll'T.ll, 1g;7 Kail Itoad Timo TaUo. LACKAWANNA & BLOO.MSllUWI HAIL ItOAl) KoiiTn. , C.45 A.M. T.33 A, M Ufl l'.M. CM 1'. M. POCTtl. T.62 A.M. 4.M I'. M 1I.MA..M Accommodation Train,,,., Mall Train..... express Train CATAWIbMA ItAlI. ItOAD. NOHTH. Accommoilatlon Train o.is A.M. ltoirular Express 4.04 l'.M. P0CTI! T.nT r. m. 11,83 A.M. "i! nJfViT0? ExPrelln"l'eft0 New York or Philadelphia. Accommodation train runs between UatnwIssanndWIlllnnuport. TO OUU DhUTOltS. It Is not (it all pleasant to be con'tantly cal ling on llioso who owe u, to pay up, but It is an nbsoluto necessity. You havo received no tice after notice to which you havo paid no at tention whatever, and It therefore becomes our duty to Infurm you that on the 1st of October many of you will owo us for two years subscription, at our advertised rates $2.50 a year when not paid during the year, or $5.00. To nil those who pay up before October 1st wo will make a de duction of the extra half hollar, making it $2.00 a year, but all that aro not paid by that time will be charged in full $2.60 a year, You can eavo n dollar by paying now. To all those who tiro In debt to us for advertising and job work wo say your bills must bo settled. Many of you nave waited six months and somen lull year without paying a cent, and wo can wait no longer, After October 1st interest will be charged on nil accounts over ninety -lays old, In full after that time. There nre a number of ac- counts ill nt will bo placed In n justice's hands for collection If not settled ut once. Oar reason for this Is that we have a targe jxty ment to make on tho Columbian office on the 1st of October and must therefore collect some of the thousands of dollars standing on o'lr books. If we do not meet our obligations when they come due, wo will be put to costs and Iron- ble, and this we are not willing to do, when wo havo on our books several times tho amount needed to pay nil our debts. TWO THOUSAND noMAUS must bo raised by the timo mentioned, and if tills appeal docs not bring it, wo must try some thing else for we mist have money. tf. A large amount of rain lias fallen during the past week. Last evening the SheriU' closed tho store of It. llryson & Co., better known as "The Main- moth," and placed Williain II. l'rico there as watchman. Advocate, When the disorders of liabyhood attack your Baby use nt once Dr. Hull's ISaby Syrup and notice its rapid and beneficial effect. 25 cents per bottle. As the perfection of entirely depends upon the perfection of minutiie, so no one can hope for robust health of tho cntiro system if the blood should become in the least Impure. Its standard of purity is best maintiiued by the use of Dr. Hull's Wood Mixture. Etiquette. Tho New York Sun settles a question in etiquette : "It is very improper to take a lady's arm at any time, day or evening. Nor should she give you hers by day unless she i) engaged to you. Every self-respecting and sensihlo lady is greatly annoyed by a fellow who tries to paw her." The County loan for the new prison could not be affected at four percent. Wo will now mako the bonds at five per cent. Persons want' in K bonds will please inform Conituissiouere. Uy order of County Commissioners. Attest: Win. Khickiiaum, Clerk. Sept. 14 2iv. No civil causes were tried hut week the en tiro attention of the court being occupied with criminal business. The Kramer trial for burn ing Iho Exchange Hotel began on Wednesday morning nnd closed Friday afternoon. The jury were out all night, and came in with scaled verdict on Satuiday morning. A full repoit of tho trial will bo found on the lira page. Good IIuli:. Tho Pennsylvania llallroad with an eye not only to tho physical comfort, hut the safety of Its passengers, is endeavoring to enforce Iho following rule: "All passengers aro expected upon leaving uio cars to go out at the front door, and all persons entering will go in the rear door, lhis will prevent confusion and accidents, and render passengers less name to become tho victims of pickpockets and thieves, No Hon:. Dr. Murphy, of Wilkes-Barre nnd Dr. MchTelvy, of Bloomsburg, in conjunc tion with Dr. Little, of Berwick, his attending physician, held u consultation Monday at the residence of Mr. Daniel Hamb.fch, near Ber wick, respecting the condition of that gentle man, who has been an invalid for some months, His di-case is softening of Iho bruin, and the conclusion arrived at was that no relief could bo afforded. Scranton llepullican. John L. Tinton Esq., Chairman of tho Mur phy Tt-mpcrance Committee in Philadelphia, is to be hero on Saturday evening with another gentleman to inaugurate a series of Christian Temperance meetings. Preparatory to this there will be a union praver meeting In the Lutheran Church on Friday evening, when further no tices will bo given. Tho Columbia county Sunday School Asso ciation will convene in the M. E. Church, Cat- awisa, on Tuesday, September 25th A. D. 1877 at 10 o clock a. in, and continue in session two diys. Sunday School workers of all denomi nations are invited, M. W. Nuss, Secretary. Sept. 11 2w. A. II. Bowman, of Columbia county, called on us Monday morning. He has made arrange ments fur purchasing the material of the Press and Standard nnd is now in Dusliore seeing what tho prospects are of starting a paper there. We've no doubt but the prospects will bo very inducing but when It comes to the support of a paper then the boot will be on the wrong foot again, Sullimn Jkmocrut. T-S isi' fl 1- "I l , t 1 llie Jteauing tympany Having purcnaxcu wie Johii'A'ndcrson Colliery at Dark Corner two weeks ago have put a force to work to remodel and make necessary repairs In order to make large shipments therefrom. Tho colliery will be started In about two weeks. It is likely that a new breaker will tie built next spring. On Friday last all back wages owing to the men ,BHOuntIng to nearly $5,000 was paid by the Company. Ashland Advocate. The new road between Bloom and Kspy was opened to the public on baturday of last week. It was a much needed improvement, and will be fully appreciated by all who travel that way, The Inconvenient and even dangerous canal bridged are avoided, and an excellent road sub' slltuted for one of the roughct highways in the county to wit, that between the two bridges on the other side of the canal. The new roud bed is of broken cinder with an average depth of 18 inches. It Is 2150 feet ill length, and required B370 loads of cinder to make Ilia bed. There are two arched culverts under the road, 5 feet wide. 21 feet high and 30 feet in Ieuglh, and there are 1000 feet of ditching to dry the road bed The cntiro cost of the work was $1233, - U. Street commissioner Jacoby superintended the Job nnd It has been pronounced entirely satisfactory by the road committee of the Town i,M Counncl for Harman A. Krcarucr Imvo filed llie followltiR reason for n new trial. 1. K rror In tlio niliulsslon of evidence. 2. VcrJict agilnsl Iho evidence, 3. Irregularity of Juror. i. After discovered testimony. 5, Surnrlte. 0. Tliat tho jury trcro allowed to seal their verdict. That the jury vfcro allowed to separate af ter being sworn. SAD Dhowninu Awair. Worccrct to learn that Adam llllaras, an unmarried man. newt about twenty.five ycats, and a laborer employed i, f . , . ,, , , , Vr a 7" J"0""0" wai drowned at nerwicK. ihe deceased was watching an eel weir at tho lock, near tho waslo weir, and had been skinning eels. The lock was about half open and when he fell Into it his com rades heard tho splash and immediately at tempted his rescuo but the body did not come to the surface. Ho belonged to the Derwick Company of tho National Guards, was strictly lemperato and well respected. Ills generally supposed that In going to the eel weir ho made a misstep and fell Into the lock, and that tho concussion against the water rendered him in sensible, the fall being nbout ten feet. Mr. illlams was buried with tho honors of war, and there was a largo attendance at tho funer al. NCVSPAl'ini CHANGE. Mr. T. It. Fielders, who has been on the Herald for the past two years, is no longer on lis slatT, and Is abuut making arrangements for a situation where he may havo a more extended field for display of his abilities as a newspaper reporte-. He is on able correspondent, can get news when there Is any to be had, writes it up in an interesting and attractive style, and he will prove a valuable addition to the stall of any piper ho may connect himself with. Shennndoali Herald, Mr, Fielders has visited Illoomsburg, and made many friends while here. We wish him success in his new field of labor where ever that may be. Ho Is an able correspondent and the Herald will greatly miss him. TitAWa roil the llovs and Girls. Super intendent Wickcrsham, of Pennsylvania, in the recent meeting at Louisville, said of technical education : 'I have seen large clashes come out of our high school and go back home without a qualification foranything. Our people are part ly right In saying that the common scnools are doing what they should for the common people It would not bo a b.id thing if half tho time of the girls, were taken up in learning sewing, tel egraph, wood-carving and other arts of like na- ture. I belicvo that it is practicable that the work for .girls may bo divided in this way, Willi boys the case would be more difficult. but we find in Europe that they do the same with boys. I am not sure but that if half the money expended In the schools ofonr cities were ex pended in the erection of shops to teach the boys and girls trades, it would be heller." A New Swindle. Our readers in the coun try districts should bo on their guard against the "fence swindler." The plan is to offer to give the farmer 60 rods of new fence, if he will put it up along the road were it will ho seen, and serve as an advertisement, and Iho farmer is to have the sole agency for the town, ai d to be paid a handsome commission upon all or ders he may take. The farmer accepts the pro posal, and the agent tells him that it will take two colls of wire, for which the farmer willing' ly signs an order. In a few days n stranger comes along to collect a bill for wire fencing, and wilies immediate payment. Tho farmer explains that he put up the fence as an adver tisemcnt and was to have it free. He is told that he was to have 50 rods free, but ho has or dered outright 150 rods, and must pay for this at four cents a foot. If the farmer is timid, he settles with the chap somehow, perhaps gives his note for $200, to pay for the wire he did not order. When lie comes to examine I wire, he finds that ho has 200 rods of wire, which will only make 50 rods of fence, four strands high, and in due time learns that his note has been discounted at the bank in the nearest town. Keei- what you'vk Got. An" exchange ;VC!) tie f0owjnK Pcn3;ble advice on a subject ofyreat interest in the future: Since the law all8W8 every married woman to control her own money and property she may havo at timo 0r iier m,rri.ee. or that she afterwards acquires Uy inhcritance.evcry married woman should re m,0 to part with her lawful right to own and conlroi iier own ,neaiis. There aro thousands nf ,..nmen t n,e imi t0..iav who inherited or otherwise acquired means that would have been a help and Messing to them if kept under tnei own control, hut which having been lol or squandered by their husbands, they aro now in low circumstances and even in destitution. A woman should always keep control of or at least a firm hold of her own money and property, so that if misfortune overtakes her husband si may have something she can safely fall back on in her hour of trial and tribulation. We could point out a dozen of such unfortunate women in a small circle, and suck is the ca-o all ovr the land. With confidence in their husband. during seeming prosperity, they gave every dollar, and some now havo families to rear at time when they can least aflbrd it, We caution every woman in the land not to part with tl title to her own money and property, but to hold it in sale keeping for a rainy day. A NEWsrAi-Eit'n 1'uj-ction. In n recent speech of an uttorney in a libel suit, the follow, ing language occurs: "lliere lias grownup sort of common law of obligation, recognized mutually by tho press, as distributors of useful intelligence, shall inform them, as well what I to be avoided as what is to bo sought as well who is to bo suspected as who is to bo confided in. And a newspaper, gatli erer and distiibutor of news, is a public monitor, and it is its duty to admonisli the peo pie against frauds and shame, and impostures and dishonesties. It is to be a beacon as well ai a guide; and whenever niubIio newspaper, through its diversified appliances for the collec tion and distribution of information, discovers anywhere, in public life and in public avoca lions whether it be a lawyer or a clergyman, or physician, a man who, instead of securing 'the public welfare by honorable methods and prac tices, limply prowls around in the back yard of his profession, and uses the means and instru mentalities which honorable title gives him to pander to his own lust of avarice, or any other viie passion, and that paper fulls to send out some admonitory voice and sound some s'gnal of warning, it is recreant 'to every principle of duty and responsibility, and should be stigma llzed by the publio it pretends to represent and serve. An oriental traveller describes this busy sccne.witnessed on historic shores : "Our steamer landed on a beach which was the port or An tiocli, where tho disciples were first calle Christians, There was no town at the water1! edge, no people, no wharf. The passengers and the merchandise were put ashore in lighters, which ran up into the sand, A troop of cam els, witli their drivers, lay on the beadi, ready I to transfer the goods into the interior. Among 1 the articles landed were boxes marked 'JJr. J, O. Ayer & Co. Lowell, Mass., U. S. A.,' bhow Ing that they contained medicines and wheuco I they came. These with other goods were hols, I 'eu on the backs of camels, for transportation I Antloch, Thus Ihe skill of Ihe West send 1 back its remedies to heal tho maladies of iiopu latlons that inhabit those eastera shorcs,wjieiice I our spiritual manua came," JIVikW ( 17) I CAromcfc. I Aug. 3 1m THE COLUMBIAN AND COLUMWA COUNTY FA1I1. Wednesday, Thursday and t'tldny, October 10th, lllh, and l'.'Ui havo bun lined by the Agricultural Socitly for llieAnwisI l-'alr. Kx tensivo preparations aro being inada for a fine exhibition this Kail, Now is tho lime to begin to get ready such nrtlcles as arc to be entered. The l'rcmlum List will bo found on another page. Everybody should join with tho society In making this one of the best fairs ever held In the county. It is a year of plenty, and the articles on exhibition sliptiM be numerous, Comiso. Dupez & llenedlcts Minstrels will give a performance In tho Opera ltouso on Fri day evening, September 21st. They ore said to bo on their twenty fifth annual tour, and havo' the reputation of being first-class performers. See them by all means. I'rices of admission are 60, 33 and 25 cents except reserved seats sold on the day and evening of tho entertainment, when they will bo sold for 75 cents. Tickets for sale nt O. A. Clark's book store. See ndver tlscment in another column. A minUtcr was repeatedly interrupted by a youthful couple talking and giggling during ser Ice. Stopping In his sermon he said : "Some ears ago 1 was interrupted in my services by a young man who was making faces and talking ildly and I reprimanded him, After tho ser- ico a friend came to me and said, "You havo mado a mistake in correcting that young man j he is an idiot." Since then I have always been afraid to reprove thoo who misbehave in church for fear that I would make a mistake and reprove another idiot." During tho rest of tho service you could hear a pin drop In urch. COUItT ritOCKEDINOS. Continued from last week. Com. vs. Reuben Haus, non pros, allowed, charge being unfounded. Com, vs. John B, Wright, continued at in stance of the Commonwealth, Order of sale continued in estate of Daniel Gearhart, a lunatic. Com, vs. Isaiah Beers et al. Jury called, ver .lid not guilty. Com. vs. Edmund Jon cs Jr. Recognizance forfeited to bo respited next term on appear ance of defendant. Com. vs. Emory Cooper. Itecognizanco for- iled to respited next term ou appearance of cfendant. Kcport of viewers of a road in Hemlock near T. J. Vanderslice's, reporting against n load confirmed nisi. Uom. vs. John Johnson. Charge perjury 2s ot a true bill. Prosecutor pay costs. Com. vs. (ien. Snyder. Three indltemenls for La ireeny. I ). fend mt pleads guilty. Com. v. Xunlelius Ycager and Thomas Gross. Fci i ible Entry and detainer. Not a rue bill. Prosecutor pay costs. Com. vs Jesse D. Itice. False pretense, A rue bill. Case continued until next term. September 7th. Tho Grand Jury made thei nal report and were discharged witli the thanks of the court. Cum. vs. George Snyder. The court senten ed tli6 defendant to pay a fine of $50.00 am' costs of prosecution, to restore the goods nnd chattels stolen if not already done, or pay the value thereof to the owner, and that he mi- lergo imprisonment al separate or solitary con finement in the Eastern Penitentiary at hard la bor for a period of one year. On the second indictment he was sentence. to another year. The third was held open Com. vs. Martin Hndin and John Lockwood Larceny. Defendants sentenced to Ka-tern Penitentiary for one year and six months, Com. vs. John Yost. Recognizance of pros' ecutrix Clara lohey forfeited in open coui forfeiture to be taken off on payment of costs by either party. Kaub Frymire and Edwards vs. Bryson Co. Recognizance of Isaiah Ycager in tl sum of $50 to perfect the npiieal in this case. Coin. vs. Wesley Bodlne, Court sentenced de frndant to one day in jail, and pay costs A lie had already been in jail several mouths. The Sheriff acknowledged the following deeds in open court on Wednesday last : To Joseph Pohe for a lot of land in Centre Township sold as the property of William Mil- er. Consideration $5300. To Anna Wnnich for a house and lot in llloouisburfi sold as tho property of John Wa- nicli Jr. Consideration $105. To Benton nnd Columbia county Saving Fund Associatiors for lot in Bloomsburg known as Union Iron Works, sold as the property of Turubach A- Hess. Consideration $2000. To H. J. Meixell for a house anil lot in Cen- tralia sold as the property of Conrad Folland. Consideration $20. To Grovo li'others for a lot in Montour town ship Kild as the property of C. lleUt. Consid eration $551. To I). J. Waller for a house and lot in Bloomsburg sold as the property of John S. Sterner. Consideration $300. To I, W. MchTelvy for Exchange Hotel prop erty in Bloomsburg, sold as tho property of W. B. ICoons. Consideration S21 000. To same for house and lot on Market Street Bloomsburg sold as the property of John S. Sterner. Consideration $5000. To same for liouso and lot on Third Street, sold ns the property of John S. Sterner. Con sideration $1200. To Citizens Building nnd Loan Association of Centralis for two lots of ground in Centralis, sold as the property, of S. E. Yanburen. Con sideration $11. To John Appleman for 10 acres of land in Greenwood township, sold as the property of Leonard Kline, Consideration $250. To Pennsylvania Coal Company for a piece of laud In Centre township, sold as the property of William Miller. Consideration $5. To Benjamin Miller for one-half acre nf land in Scott township, sold as the properly of Wil liam Hopper. Consideration $25. To Joseph Miller et al. for four tracts of land In Centre township, sold as the property of Wil liam Miller. Consideration $0000. To Benton M. S. F. & L. Association for 70 acres of land in Centre township, sold as the properly of Levi A. Iiidlay, Consideration $1101. To same for three tracts of land in Greenwood and Pine towiihip,sold as the property of John Leggott. Consideration $220. To Paxton & Harman for house and lot in Montour township, sold as the property of John Nungesfer. Consideration $301. To George Hughea'ffor,I20 acres of land In Mifllin township, sold as the property of John Aten. Consideration $3783 34. To Clarinda Evans for 21 acres of Iund in Briaicreek township, sold as the property of William Evans. Consideration $100. To John Klingerman for 25 acres of land In Beaver township, Bold as the property of John Hlnderliter. Consideration $10, To Daniel C. Bond for two pieces of land in Mifllin township, sold as tho property of Tho mas II, llond. Consideration $535, E, W. Butter vs. W. P. Jones. This was an action of slander, and brought over a large number of citizens of Catawlssa as witnesses, The suit was for damages for words spoken by the defendant agslm-t the platutill. The jury rendered a verdict of $5 damages for the plain tiff. 1), Kostenbauder vs. Caspar I. Thomas. This was an action to recover balance due on settle ment of accounts. Verdict for plalntln"$C3,IO. Mary Crevellmr's use vs. William Winter steen. Artlon of covenant. Verdict for defen dant. Geo. Jtuclile vs. Michael Graver's adminis trators. Action of Trespass. Verdict for plain-t'ff$320. DEM0CRAT,BL00M8BUKG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, The rumor In town that n man had been killed on Dutch IIIII, In Madison township, although apparently well authenticated, proves to be ii 1 1 1 rue We learn however that one Johnson diil shout ouo Wc llivcr, and that tho shot took effect In Ids hack and head. Wheth er an accident or by design we do i.ot know,liiit arc Informed that the. c:no was settled for ten dollars. The Itusslan Court Invited Dr. Ayer nnd his family to the duke's wedding in tiic Itoyal Pal ace. This distinction was nwarded him not on ly because he was an American, but also be cause his name ns a physician had become fa vorably known in Ilussia on its passage round tho world. liclh Col.) Viorfc. be it. lm. Elegant Hair Is woman's crowning beauty when it fades, rho fades as well. While it is kept bright her personal attractions arc still maintain- d. By preserving the hair fresh nnd vigorous a youthful appearance is continued through many years. Those who grieve over their fading hair turning gray too early should know that Ayer's Hair Vigor prevents It, nnd lestores gray or faded hair to its natural color. It Is a clear and healthful preparation, containing neither oil, dye, nor anything deleterious, and imparts t the sculp what is most needed n sense of pleasant and delightful freedom from scurf or dandruff. A'cw Heme (A. C.) Times. POLITICAL. Democratic fcjtatc Ticket. roil SUPREME JUDOE, JUDGE THUNKEY, of Venango county. TOE AUDITOR GENERA!,, W. P. SCHELL, of Bedford county. EOR STATE TREASURER, A. C. NOYES, of Clinton county. Democratic County Ticket. FOR DISTRICT ATTORNEY, IIOBEHT 11. LITTLE, of Illoomsburg, TOR CORONER, ISAIAH YEAGEH, of Locust, TOR COUNTY SURVEYOR, SAMUEL NEYHAHD, of Centre. Business .Notices Fish at Cost for cash at Silas Young's Store, Light Street. Aug 24-dw $1.25 Foxed' Gaiter-, at McKinncy's. A new lot of Bass l-'lies, Lines nnd Hooks &c, just received by J. Schuyler & Son. . Nice mild Cheese nlways at Conner's. Cheapest place for Groceries in town is at Creasy'a. Just Heceivcd, a large lot of Boys' and Children's Clothing for Fall and Winter at D. Lowenberg's. Produce taken in exchaiigo for School Books at G. A. Clark's. Ladies' fino Shoes, at JIcKinney's. all widths and sizes Buy your Writing Paper at G. A. Clark's. See This. Tin Cans cheaper than ever. Rollins & Holmes will not bo undersold. They are now offering one dozen quart cans at 75 cents. Now is the time to make your purchases. Important Notice to the public. All person- attending Court will find it to their in terest to buy their Fall Suits at onco and can be bought cheaper than ecr at 1). Lowe.i- uerg s. Nice Ham at Conner's. SOMETHING NEW AT CADMANS tho-o ltustic Tables aro tho latest thing ut in the way of Furniture. They are neat cheap and attractive. Largest size only $3 "Down to Hard Pan" Boots and Shoes at McKiiiney's. Wanted. Two girls to learn the tailor ing trade. Win, Y. Kcster. Apr.27tf All the latest novelties in Fall Hats and Caps can now be had at 1). Lowenberg's. Buy your School Slates at G. A. Clark's. ' Mason's original Fruit Jars, only $1.40 a dozen at Creasy's. Produce taken iu exchange for School Books at G. A. Clark's. Coming into general use, Fall Clothing. For tho latest stylo and Lowest Price go to D. Lowenberg's. SEED WHEAT. Tho Celebrated IJnosac Bearded Wheat from Northern Iona to arrive Sept. 1 1S77. Paxton it Harman, Aug. 17-lv Hupert, Pa. Lasting Gaiters, $1,00 at McKinncys. A nice set of Dishes makes a table look handsome, these can bo had for a fciuall sum at Conner's. Tho Dunlap Helmet Hat. Call and seo the Latest Stylo Still' Hat. Nobby, New rind Nice, at Lowenberg's. Hustic Stands for flowers at Cadmans are down to panic figures. Only 85 cents apiece. The same stands have found ready sale here tofore at $1.50, Cadman's is tlio place for tho best and cheapest Furniture. Fino Molasses only GO cents a gallon at l), A. ureasy s. Buy your writing Paper at G. A. Clark's, Don't pas L. Bernhardt Jmvtlry Store without stopping to look in his window. It contains an elegant t ssorlmcnt of Jewelry and Silverware. Watches and clocks re paired und all kinds of work in his line done reutly auu ciieapiy. Don't forget to call and examine, that splendid byrup, just received,, at the Em pire. NOTICE TO CONTIUOTOHS AND BUILDEHS. Messrs. Van Alen & Co,, Proprietors of the Northumberland Nail Works apprecia ting tho reputation of their Superior Cut Nails havo lately, at great expense, attached to their nail machines, Conne's Patent An tomatic Nail Atsortcrs, which throws out all cinder, scrap, slivers, headless and blunt nails, insuring to tho purchaser a Full Keg ot Sound Nulls, making a saving of five to ten per cent, more nails than are furnished by manufacturers not using this improve nient. For bale by J, Schuyler ivSou, Agents, iiioomsourg, ra. Buy your School Slates at G. A. Clark's. Hand-made Shoes at McKiiiney's, The Hockford Watch, tho best American timo keeper made for tlio price, can now be iiuu at i.oui jiernuaru a jewelry store. Large rocking chairs for porches aro all the rago. Cad man has them of all shapes and sizes and colors, and Is selling them rap idly. Those formerly sold at six dollars can now be bought for $-1.50. Cheaper thuu any I). A, Creasy Iim lust opened n fino as sortment ol Now Dry (Inods nnd Groceries. (I. A. t'lnrlc wllfwff Pnrkerrt WitUon'n Nntiotml Headers tit the lollowlng piiccs du ring tho coming l'nll nnd Winter : I'rimef, 16 cenls. First Itender, 25 ceiiti Second Itender, -10 cents. Third Header, 70 cents. Fourtli Header, $1.00 Fifth Header, 1.25 Montclth's Geographies nt tho following rates : Montcilli's 1st Gcornphy 2S cents. Motitcitli's 2nd Geography -11 cents. Monlelth's 3rd Geography 83 cents, Monteltli's -1th Geography $1.40, DOllIIIN'S ELKOTHIO SOAP. Having obtained tlio agency of this Geleiirateh Soap for Bloomsburg nnd vicinity, I append the opinion of somo of our best pcnplo ns to Its merits. "I hnvo used Dobbin's Electric Soapmado by J. lj, Urncln Uo Philadelphia, l'n. for washing about ten years, nnd think it superior to npy other. Jirs. u. u. Hartley. ' "Wo have used Dobbin's. Electric Soap nnd nnu it superior to any oiner or nu outers; .airs. v , it. Jncouy, Mrs. B. H. Stohncr. I desire all my fiicnds and customers to I Give this Soap one trial, so that they may know just how good the Best boap in tuo United Stales is. J. H. Maize. July 20, '77-8w Illoomsburg, Pa. Lucky is the baby whoso mamma uses Glenn's Sulphur Soap with which to wnsh tho little Innocent. No prickly heat, or other rnsti can annoy the lniant cutlclo Willi which this coollnc and purilvlne antiscor butic comes in daily contact. Sold by nil uruegisls. HIII'j Hair & Whisker Dve. black or urown. aug August Flower. The lno-t miserable, heines in tlio world ato those suffering from Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint. Moro than ovcntvflvo tier cent of tlio pcoplo in tho United States aro aimctcd witli tiicso two Ut'catcs ntul tlioir cl- fects: such as hour stomach. Sick Ilcad- nbe, Habitual Costivencss, Palpitation of tho ileal t, Heart-burn, Water-brash, gnawing and burning pains at tho int ot tho btouiach, yellow skin, coated tongtio and di'agrccablo taste in tlio mouth, coming up ot lood alter eating, low spirits, ivc. lio to .Mover tiros., ana get aTO cent Ijottloot AUUUM i l.UW- Kll or a (-ample bottlo for 1U cents. Try it. l wo uoscs will relievo yon. April 27, 77 ly jl Dr. Sltiloli's Svstem Vitalizer. We aro authorized to guarantee this rem cuv for trecureol "(yspepsia, Inactive Liv- cr,Sou r Stomach, Constipation, Loss of Ap petite, Coining up of i'ood, Yellow Skin, and General Languor and Debility, You must acknowledge that this would bo ruin ous unless we had positive evidence that it will cure. You who aro sull'ering from these complaints thp.'O words are addressed and will you continue to sutler when you can be cured on tucli terms? It is for you to determine, sample bottle 1U cents : reg ular sizo 75 cents. Sold by C. A. Klcim and N. J. llendershctt. 00,000 dio annually by neglecting a Cough, Cold or Croup, often leading to Consumption and the grave. Why will you neglect so important a matter, when you can get at our store Shiloh's Consumption Cure, with the assurance ot a speedy recov ery. For soreness across the Chest or Lungs or Lame liacK or Side, billion's Porous Plaster gives prompt relief. Sold by C. A. Kleim and JN. J. Hcmiersliott, Hackmelack, a popular and fragrant per fume, Sold by C. A. Kleim and N. J. Hen- dershott. .unrcli oo, i i-eow Coal ! Coal ! ! Coal ! ! ! Ve are now oflbrim' nil sizes of the celebrated Susquehanna Coal Co's., coal, at the lowest cash pri ces. Coal screened before leaving our yards and full weight guaranteed. Urilers Idi, at 1. W, AlcKelvy s Store, at our oJlice, or sent through the mails will receive prompt at tention. Your patronage is respectfully solicited. C. W. Nual & Bko. May 1, 1877. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS JjIX'UTOItS' JCOTICK. ESTATE Or H MI EI. Oil IN, PKC V, U-lters Testonientary on tlio estate of Samuel oiii-in. lato of .Mt. 'le.isant two. column a t o. dee'd. have been irraiited by Iho Iteirlster of sold county to the uuilerststned executors of s.wo township, to whom all nersons Indebted to said Hstato nie re- UUeSll'U LU ULltVU I.1S Ull-tll, Uim IIIUSU U.l, lUK l.u,lo I agutnsi. the said estate will make them known to tlio 1 sola aainimstrator witnout. uciay. WILLIAM OMAN, JACOI! OMAN. sept. U, '"-Civ Lxecutors. AUJI 1 NLSTlt ATOH'S -N'OTl CK. ESTATE Ol' CALEB 11. UIUTOK, IIKCEISEU. Letters of Administration on the estate of Caleb II, (ilrton. Ute of Hein'oek township, Columbia Co. Pn . deceased, have been gr nted by the Register of '.oil county to Matthias A. (Ill ton of tl e same town slitp, adnilulstrator, to whom all persons Indebted aro renue&ted to m.ike raiment, und those haling culms or demands akntnst tin- sa'd estate it 111 make I ineiii known to tuo saia nummisirator turnout uc- iay. .tlAlTlllAS ..UI UU.-s. Administrator. Sept. T, TT-Oiv Ruck Horn, l'a. JJEUVKV H. SMITH, ;VHUIt.M',l-Al-l,.UV, Office In A. J. Evan's New Ilciunso, IILOOMSIIL'HO, 1'A. Member of Commercial law and Hank Collection As sociation, oet. h, 1,-tr OFERuA- HOUSE, CHAS. II. DUPHEZ, JlANAor.it. FRIDAY KVKXIXfl, SKIT. '21, Announcing tho world-renowned Duprez und Benedict's Gigantic Famous Minstrels A MOSSTElt COIU'SOF AllTISTS, composed ol i:ight I urlialed Comedians, r'uur Artlstlo Popular End Men. l'ainous Clofglst, song and danco Artists, Pleasing HurlebQUO Female Prima Donna, A well-trained Vocal liuartetto. A celebra.ed Soloist Orchestra and a Largo Uni formed Ilrass Hand, Introducing a Brilliant original Programme Retorted Seats for tale at Clark's book Store. ORPHANS' COURT SALE. OP VALUA11LL1 REAL ESTATE! In pursuanco ot an order of tho Orphans' Court ot Columbia county, the undersigned win sou at public saloon tuo pi endues of the lato John Mensch, de ceased, li l'iankln township, on SATURDAY, OCTOHKU 0, 1877, at ID ox-lock, a. in., tho lohowlng described Itouudedbylandaof Wm. Teeplo, Wellington ilea- ver, M, tlearheart. (Susquehanna ltlcr, Mlcluel Aienbcu ami others, containing 164 ACRES, ar.d li rcrches. I'hero Is erected on tlw premises tu LAitau ritAMi; dwki.i.ing iiousks, Uirgo Hank llaruand otherout-bulldlngs. TUeroU also a (lood Orchard on the premise. TKUMSOPBALli-Tenpercentof one-fourth of tho purchase money to be paid at tho sulking down of tho property, tlio one-fuuith less the ten ireent. at connnnatiun absolute, and the rcinalnleg three- fourths In ono year theriuitcr. llh Interest Irom conllrmatlon nisi. JlSE MENSCH. MICHAEL, MtNMil, BsIW, 1I-U AdmlnUUator. PUEM1UM LIST niTur COl.UMIllA UOI NTV AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. ThQ Columbia, Conntv AffrlMilfm-nl Rntlv will hold its twent -second annual t'lilr at Wkunesday, Thursday & Friday, October loth, lllh and lltli, 1877. CLASS I. uonsES. DIVISION 1-STAI.MONS. Juitncn Alfred L'lcslon. frnmuel Cicvcllnrr. C. Kruiner. Rest blooded Stallion. 10(H1 6(l 111 no non 410 AND Heeond best Hest bttilllou rnrull work fseeond best llest stallion colt not over 4 years DIVISION 2-DIlAlMIIT HORSES JlAlti-.s. .JmtaeT..'t. Vandcrsllce.Josenli Hiirtlnan. Isaac I'ursul Itest nalr draiuzht horses or marcs MM 4 00 Second best To bo toiled In harness by tho Judges. DIVISION n-OAURIA(lK HORSES AND .MARLS. Jnttries II. C. llalton. T. W. 1'urbcl. Llovd Ycager. Host Pair carrlairo horscsor males 1C3 Second host 3 n llest slnitlo carrlago horse or mil o I i Second best ? ' DIVISION 4 COLTS. IlllOOD MAKES AND MUl.l.8. Juilufi Chandler Cu. Depow l'ursu, Jackson lkeler, llest brood inni o, colt by her sldo 1 DO Second bent 3 UO Host horse or maro between Unco and fouryeais 30i) Second best . 2 00 Hest maro or gciuinj net wean iw o am i three years 3 00 Second best 1 ! llest norso or mnio coll between ono nmltwovvais Secood best 1 OU IJest borso or maro colt under ten months -PO Becond best 1 00 Hest pull match colts unucr lour years In oken to harness 3 on Second best -CO Hest pull- of mules 3 OU Second best -CO CTltlhltnrq linilnr IbU elass will havo their horses on tlio nround by ten o'clock Thurs day morning, w lieu tliey will bo oxuinlncd. CLASS II. CATTLE. DURHAM STOCK. Jurlaei William hhaller. Reuben Rouch, Owen liostonbiiuder, Hest bull I0 Second best bull 3 no Hest cow two years nnu upwnrus i w Hestbeirerbetwec'iiono nndtwoyears 3C0 Hestlmll cnir under ten months 3 ml Host heifer under ten months 'i 00 DEVON STOCK. Host bull 410 00 Second best bull !M llest null calf umler len ninnins iii Hei-t cow, !i years and upwards & on llest liellei between one nnd two years 30.1 Host heller under len months 2 00 JERSEY fa'lOOK. Host bull tlOOO Second best bull 3 00 llestbullealfiinilcrtcii months siu cow, two years anil upwarus dwi belter between one and two yenis 4 0J heifer under ten months 2 00 ailADED STOCK. Hct bull threo jeais old and upwards 100 Second best 3 00 1 est bil l between iwoanuilileo years .mu Second bet 1 M Rest bull bilw cell ono anil iwo years i m nun unuer ten niuiiiiis i s cow, ttilco v ears uml upwards 1 00 belteebctweeutnoand tlll'eujenls 201 heifer between ono and two j ears 1 ol) heller under len mouths 1 00 NATIVE STOCK. Hest bull fit' Vn rtrnmtmrw will lm HWIU'ilCll Oil Durliaill. Ilueoh tie Jersov Stock, unless thu sumo shall bo euteiea In tho Herd Hook, KYhiniims will hivo their slock ready fcr tliojuilui. to examine, by ten o'clock a. ni.im Thmsd.iy, nnd to letnalii until three o'clock p. in. on liiday. CLASS III. BWINK. JuilnesT. D. strouse, Rlchaid llcnrle, William E. Fleas. Host bvooil bow und niKs. six or inoi o s C 5 Second best " 110 Host boar -nu Second beat boar 3 ( 0 llest blood sow -I'1) Second best In ood sow 2 E J Host lot pigs, 5oi- more, under 8 weeks 4 10 CLASS IV. Bnem-. Jiarcs II. V Hattcn, Samuel Shatter, Sr., Abol Tliomaa. Itest buck WOO i-L'COIUl llC3t f 00 licit I'WII -i t1 Second bont - 3 Ileal lot or luiuus, noi joss limn eiynt -i uu second best v0 Ul-iASb V. rocLTnv. Jinhies Jacob FKshcr, Tnoums ebb. Isiuic Jlomoe. TUUKKVS. IJest forty iionnd tuikey if 5 00 3 01) 150 100 1 (HI 1 00 5(10 1UU 100 100 1W second bust CIIICKUNS. lleM trio llmbmas ' black spaiysli ' 11 buirCoehiii nml laigmt collection, not less Hum ll e varieties. Plymouth. Hocks DUCKS. IJest i).ilr llest pair llest ami largest display CLASS YI. HIIAIN, SBEE8 AVD FI.OCK, J.if(i John bands, David Blown, William niteulu. llest and most Hour from two biflieh nnvlieiu, mown ana mount, mum county '.( JUI J UO 1 (10 2 01 I 09 P.est .V) imunds buckwheat Hour t half Michel clover Heca Second beit A bushel clover seed Jlect hair Dusnei iitnoiuy seen si pmiii inft U bushel timothv seed Jiest liufiiiei Kimo wneat uiueieni varieties 2 00 llest bushel ryo 1 (h) " oius, luueveiit vttiiuues i w " corn, diilereut varieties l no buckwheat 1 00 CLASS vi r. VKUETAIlLKif. JudftesU. II. Kiown, J, II. Vunderellce, O. W. bunnlce. l.Mt ami largest display of potatoes, half bushel of each variety 2 00 Second .ict 1 U HcM half bushel sweet potatoes, raised by exhibitor 73 llest bushel Held turnip fm " nun uusiiei luiauaga1 ft.) " " sugar beets .VI " mangle wurtzel fti " " beets N " ' eariotf " " " purs nips Nt " " onions lit " " " mangolds 60 ' neck totualooH r i " halt dozen egctablo oysters 60 u half dozen Kouashes M " half do. en heads of cahbayo .VI ' half dozun llehl pumpkins Al " half doen citron M " thiee buuclu'H celery 3ft four egs plants 75 " twudiiien peppers 0 " two (uniti linn i' beaiH D two quails butter btuns .V " twotlozen radishes iV) " three watermelons M " (purler peck pea &j ' quarter peck onion sets W) 41 ouctus lemon tieo 2 oo " thieo heads caulfiiowcr . fO Tenons uouinetliur for ineinluins on the large-stand hcidipUy of potatoes will no be utlowedu premium on the ume scpciutely. CLASS VIII. FIIVIT. Jurf(egL. II, Unpen, tV, M. Momoc, U, L. Ulleh. APPl.Us, lJet dUplay of winter, not Icbk than n o vuriu;ics, sixot each llest. looking peck of (all or winter a1 iiilcajlirj 1' peCK lull or w Inter upples I ueepinu winier appies, toi eaci vol) iiuvoicti peeu iau or w inier appi quart faiberluncnibs of any Kind ipples- 1 on lOti I'l.Aita, llest display dwarf or standard, Hvo varieties, six of each Hot looking halfdozen. nnyklnd Itebt llavoivd mid most Juicy half ilnzvu llet lurtrciit lialfdozen.itwaif or stund- uid, lull or winter l'K.ClIi:s. ll?t display of any kind, live vuiictlcs stx of each llosjt ltaoieil and most J ulcv half dozen Ilevtund lluubt looking lialrduzen llest ami largot vullely, half doz, each (JU1XCES. Hest dozen UUAIT.S, Hest display, wild or cultivated (hot hoUHc excluded,) tlve vailellos l!ct lx elunlers of Coiuord ' lb-la warn " " Clinton " " Iwlielln " " llurtloiil 1'iollHo " " lonu " " Adliondua " " ItebetHia " " oik Madeira I'l.UMs. Hest dUplay, not leu than two vaile. tics, one dozen eneU ItASl'HKItltlUS. Unit dUptay, any kind, not less than two Milicllou CIICBTNUTS. Ititat quait llltlUD FltUlTs. f.l 00 1 10 100 100 13 00 1 1 1 1 in lio tlta tion iir. lOU 1 tu l m l no no 11U 10O llest nuait npples. lM'ars. uulnrm. Hsachos.nprloot.viceiarlncs.clierile't' our or sweet iilunim- in,i,iitr,ii gi-apu(ciiltlvatLdorwlld),Hiuwlioi. iliw. uny kind of msjiuerilw. black-berrti-s, dewlN-nies, Mlinitlebeiilw, plums, tKLtclieis, prunes at CO Thu fiutt not to be removed until tlio eloio oMuo exhibition, mid puitlcnlur cam In lm oUerved by ull pcuous thut tho same Is not Injured, PA. CLASS IX, KJI'OHS. .r(tv? C. It. ltrw.'k , 11. I), iiolirlde. Kent fpwrt cnfi-fint wlno " blackberry wtnu " " grup win William Ulngh , Hi rn 1 ui 100' 1 IU 1 00 1 00 1C3 ryn uliHky hier vlneiffir tttinploa of fiull Jelly now CLASS X. llOMf.STlU MASLTAUTL'Jtb-. JvthtMWiUtatn peneock, Mrs. 6amuel crevelliig, Mrs. n. u. narton lint loaf of hrend Second bfttt lonf of brood Jlct roll butler, 3 pound or moro Second bwt , " " Itct Hpplo tito Jiwtoanncd fruit, dtfTercnt kinds (not lew than one quart each), new Host pound cako fruitcake u glngov enko 11 Minple preserves (not less than ono quart) new l((wt rueuinlfor pickles, new " vniiely plckleH, new " quait Hpplo tmttcr, new 11 (plai t poach butter, now " (piartgntpo butter, now (piart plum buttwr, now ' cured nam " taiuplen yeast $1 CO 2n noo lfm i(W 1 03 ft 1 10 100 i 2 00 m no w no jmui Botip pnft mrm " trallon miiplo molae glass xr. lmcBSIlOLD MANCPACTCRES. Jmlnei rruns lliomi, lrs. J. S, Wcods, Mrs. i. V. lluwiiiuii. Host ten ynriU lliumel tJWI llvo ynrds woolen cloth 2 00 " ten yard carpet at) ten yuidsphim linen 1 IV! " len yntils itlnper linen 1W) knit wool stneklngi an knit wool mittens B0 u knit wool stocking- 60 " lionit-.itmdo clionitso IS) pair uooteii lilunkets 2 00 " pair linen sliuts 1W ulass xir. KKBnLEWORK, KMUUOIPKItV, AND onNAMKNTAt. WORK. Jmlget Dnvld I.nn enljeH;, Mrs. Mnry Mon. rne, Jits. Kvnu Welllvcr. Host knit uullt J) " tidy 1 Oil " suit of clntlirs 210 " teltlnir work 1 to " speclinon bead work 1 Oil specimen licll w oik Jl " iipoctinen burr work 1 no " epeclmoii Iwitlier work 1 1) " specimen balr work IO) " Hiiiclincn wus work 1 (M " silk cnibioiilery . 1 " cotton einbroldely M " worstid embroidery 1 uo " worsted mat M " cotton mat tW " worked -ilippcrs 1 W " fancv pin cushion 100 " liend ilrosa I m " specimen moss work 1 00 CLASS XII r. FINS ARTS, I'KNMASfllllr, FLOWKI19 A DrSMIIfl. .Tmlgca William Krlckbinm. Mrs. 11. 11 Aldilcli, Mrs. William II. Mat tier. licit oil painting tl 00 " dmwliii? 100 " specimen pentnnnslini 1 H) " collection dallllna M " nrlinclal ilowcrs ft) " specimen liou-o plants In bloom 1 U) " specimen dried Krass W) " specimen ofllowirs M " variety Ilowcrs 1 tf) " specimen bookbinding dip. Rneclliieii w nnil t-rullilnu- lltli. spectmenlettertnKon marble dli). (specimen hIrii paiutlnir dip. illsplay printing dip. transpaicnt paintinir dip. (JLASS XIV. ' VEllII l.RS. Jiuiaes A. - Albeitson, aamuel Conner,- John ilench. JJest nba'ton " lumlly eurilaga " upen buggy " lop Imggy " farm agon ppi lug w ugon for farm uso spring ngou lor pleusuiu ' lieclbairow sleigh " sulky :n 2 011 :ni am 2 0-) GLASS XV. AOBICL'LTUHAL lMPLKMENTS, fACHIKUV, ETf. Judges O. V. Knt, Isaluli Bower. II. It. Aldrlcli. llest right huml plow u left liftinl plow " light iwut left haiul pin a " corn plow " 3ub))U plow " feciuure iling " one li rte eulttvutor ,l two horso cultivator u a hnrmi corn planter " one liorao corn planter " thresher anil sepaiator combined ' mower nnd icaper hay link " poi tablo cider press " clover huller u sainago grln.lcr " washing uiachtnu " clolhes w 1 Inger " giubblng hoo " het miner's picks " pair of fnro and lilnd liorsoshocs " sharpened drllU " axe handle u grain crjillo " jnller " funning mill " corn nheller " Miaw and fodder cutter M Imr venter , 14 bay tedder dip. dip. dip. 111. dtp. dip. dip. dip. dip. dip. din lip. Ho. Hp. nip. (Hp. nip Up. ill . iltli. inn. din. dip. dip. dip. dip. nip. IIP. Up. nip. Any now or moMtnilou. Implement'si cslilb Itedand not piovlded for In tho foregoing claw, the Judyeii may report thomerltf of tho fc'imo for premiums to thu Kxeeutlvo Com mit tec. CLASS XVI. STOVtie, TWAUK, UAIITHU WAI11S, lTTC. Jvdgcxll ilendenhall, L. Creasy, Iruui Den. llest (ooklnggtovo with ll.turcs pallor sio o 1th llxtures variety tinu aro " vailety eaitlienwaro lt &et urtlllclnl teeth CLASS xvir. llil). lip. .'! mi tiOO Up. OAniNBTWAnB, SUOBMAKUIW, TAhEIt?, KTCi JudletT.J. Moult, Uerger, Ilobert I'otter. Jie-sjt et double dniught hurnosH ,et -loubli earrlago hiitnesa " tet slnule earrlago harnoas ,l lulr call boots " pair kip boou " pair in flier's ahocs " bureau ilitMKlugHtand " dUplav eahluetwaro " set wlmlsnr chairs " mt ipilng-eut chairs settee ' l-oelvlugcliulr " halfiloen broom-i " two ldua nolo leather " two rtde-4 kip leuther lt two ealf skins " butnplu brick CLASS XVIIL It EES AND U EE U1VK.4. .1UU :i ii 1 (HI 1 Ol 1 00 Hill. i V) Up. nip. till. 1 UI 1 IXI 1 no 1 on 1 ou illp. Judges Aaron hmlth, John NcvlU3, Ilyram lle-t swarm Italian bees 45 00 Second best few aim Italian bees ato Third het swarm Itall.m bees 1 ,vj liebt display w Into eloper honey 1 50 econd Uct dUplay 7hllo clover honey 1 00 liewKiHpiuy niieicwneai noney 1 Second bet dTpIuv buckwheat honey I ) l'.etjar e1.11 acted honey . fio Second be-.t Jar extracted honey 5 ei unx noney, uvojaii 01 niovu, j-l; Second best box honey, ilto Jar or-uroiL, The bee- and hone v to havo been thft'Tffqi ducoof thocAlnbUors. A suitable nlao- In tho bnlldln ifn Will lm ttiwrt for Uio exhibition ui m tides untered In CLASS XX. TaiALS UV Sl'EKU. Jmlijei .lerry llaiinan. W. II. Koons. Dan. lei Munis, Or, Chapin, Onpt, Harrison Con UCli VAKMLUf I.IST-TIirnsilAV, oni: O UI.OUK I'. 41. llisfet tioti.ng lioru or mailt In tlio county, thut never nu, onuuy track JSIiW low Keeoiul best do do Third bet do do 3l COUNTY Sl'Olt'l'lNd I.ItT I'lilDAY ic. o'ci.uu;, .v. II, llest uottliiK lioiso or uuuo in tho county that lias never buiicu 2:10 i.viOi) Seioiidbust ilu iti, 'iiw Third host do UIOQ V'ltlllAY, TIlHKKOUj.OClC 1'. M.-Ol'KN llest trotting horse orinaie ij-o (fl Isuooiul bust, do till on tUIHI UU.l, till UU fw ,V ,. t ""V ,MJ I'aei. oeiyro 1110 M.ll ,.,il,.,ino I-.., a ... .... .. tlio I ' J "... 'U ...lltlllll'tl I'eo tun pur i eenwoii Dfilitll&u. All trialri to l... .iu,.i.s.As.t.... 1 tho bestfihleu.out of Umi lit-ats. Ilorsosftrotfsl muni. till, f.ii-nn'i-' ti-or. ...Ill I il.-n.,:. j tlio county trot. and frco toall.-TIIorsiw cllRljl bio totliocouuty trot, caircntor In tho nuuS tonll. Tho enu-Ua will close' at ? nviS Thursday noon. In tho froo'lo all, four en. tiles lo inaliii a rnoo, wo must bo mnio or no pieuiluui will beuMurded, UUIXS AMI) KKGULATIOXS. 1. IJvery parson lmvlnu nrtlcltss lor exbl biiloii or uoiiipctlilon mul boeoiuu u nien.bir of the Assooiatlon or puichase mi oxhlbltois cliecK i-toiu enturliiK tlism. Mmois can beeomu niembennroxlilbii. mi w-!." .V'S '' l""ents uiomembi w. 3. Uiu llelil ot competition Is open to all. l'ereoiisfioni othsr counties ,( M,,., t. zona of this eount v. i. hstM.lUi1!,cl.'V ""'ic'l for coniuctitlon must bo ownoii by tlio competitor, n-iilts. vtueia lilw, lluwvra, Ap., uiii.t bu mown bv Urn 5om lietllor, and Kll niuiiiifaeniiuil mucins must be Hindu by tho ooinpvtlliir. 5. No horso or mure 111 la) elluiblo tn on tor l nnnei s' I.lst ov County fcpnrtlnir J.lsi. uiider lilals in spied, unless omiwlMiv tlw w...,si,,Hi, 111111 lUt.S 1 ll rtv!,m Ihiliufnlv u. All i lesonteu to lie, or picuilums w 111 bi lorli-luil tlUSUHlk I'llll-liU Mil. I Ouwlllltl' Ull-p. iGV 0 7.' Alliwlleliw ibr exhibition nroninnt-il-ttou must bo eiituiwl by live o'clook p. ui. on MiduusdHV, ilin loth, and remain on Ibo Kiounil i until I'llday, at three o'olock p. in., vt lii-lithuy vrtll bo ut the disposal ot Uio ux nibllor, . . Nu. Kttn4bUnf or game of onanoo of auy kind whatever slmlinw ullouid iiimhi in iu Iho viiilnlty uiho fair giumuls. And Mr tbu pui pose ofiirmenttim the iiilinls.ion of uny liursitu ti the ginuiids lib guinea ol ehaneti, nndtOproil.il U i ibo expulsion nt uus ii s ua by iui mauns iiuiii nilinlssiou, ihcae shall bu a. lm use Kiauteil to ull isiikims en terlnn tlli exhibitions, orfor the pin iMi-e of riling any unifies, by the l.lbiui Ian of Uio AssiHlalion, ui bis illseiuUou.it tin. til.Jeit nf udiiiUsiiui i. luniul nmi pinpor, uimiii llie puj llleiil of sin h kuiii Us he may duliirinlllv. whleh liovnsusbull be foi felled and thu hold-ii-Ihueor ill in u in, in the ai "units iimuoul ulely upon thu ilaecllou i thu I.Unui imi. or upon luforiiialton ulven Mm by any ih-imjii, otthu pm-iiicu onrny gaum of itilucu or mrmnMftrwwn gambling by Urn poMon1ioMlngneh l)fnJii 0, A n.l i jhill Imi i-riiilllitl lo utM- mi "-tu' lion o e utiy Kii l 1 it . I for M-r-.on it (ll-'lll ' ill 1 1' ! lor f-iile lljion U ' i. Hti llei ie w 111 ! i.i' ' ' iIh that ell wpltlluoiifi ol null I 1 1-1 n-3.1 ' .)u,lui's)ipolntiMi in . uin.im Hit Hfliiient tliisi".nlll eonlifl r lm i i "ii He i-IrIIoh hy eullliiKnt tlio Hi creliu ' "flli u Mrl " 'nnimdiij innruliiK to ohtnln tlielr lntrue. tloiw- .... On Wednesday Iim grounds ill 1w opi-n to the public mi l continue open Itireo ! . Jiii ixiinon will tin ni-riiilltrd to votenttHn next ulectlon oriliu Assotlntlon except liro dtirdnx Ills incinlMrnlilii ticket. - lltMMIort wilt oonfrr a favor on thtSoeicty In m tiiilii; a lUt t Dm atttetti IheV tsfl'; to hMl. lo tli- Sterrtaru at tarip at rStMt, tlutl thnrtibe&trrrdYrivldflfttithttJlrrt day of 1Mr' .lOIIJf 11. i)VU:K, l'rceldcnt. T. JUFF. VANDl:KbLlCK, tecrjjtiiry. E XRCUTUIX NOTI'T. tt of ai n. Btrrn u tMJU-n TeslamenUrr on tlw estate or A. ltutan, Into of Flsmngctrok twp. cnlumnla county. atanma. have bpn urasted tty the lleirlalrr c ot hiuu nu to iiannan j. it. uuuin. ui iiomit.tft tmvnihtp. Columbia county, Exocntrir, to nnom Ml persons Indebted are requested to bisKo pnyrncnt. antltnoee Iiartnu c-lslras or ilemsndi agalnsr the said late will make Uiim Known to Hie sold Executors ltliout delay. HAIisAll J. It. Il-O I -s-s, sept, ll.ll-sw llnecntrlx. r ' ptlturnter, l'a. ADMINISTHATOU'S NOTICE. KSTATB OF MOtW trmiTT, VIC'D. tetter or Admtnlstratton on tho estate of Mows r.TCrett, late of Orange township, Columbia coun ty, have been grunted by Jio Beglster of suld coun ty lo the unflnnliriwd Admlnlsimtors of (iranpo township. Atl pensors liavlngc'alins imalnst tlio tnent, and thoae Indebted to mal;e payment without "" ,, THOMAS V. IfyiillfcTT, Aduilnlstraiora. auf . 10, 'JT-w "SHEUIFF'S NOTICE." To Owners nf FUh llaslcti, JCel Weirs, Kiddles, Ac. Notice 13 hereby Riven that the Sheriff of Columbia I County has been notified ot the existence of such eontrlronces for tho catching of ilsh as are common ly known as llsli basket, eel weirs, kiddles, brush or rasclne nets, nnd other permanently set means of taking fish, In the Susquehanna river and Fishing oreek within his bailiwick. I do hereby declare the iialdoolitr'vanccs to bo common nuisances, ntul or der them to bo dismantled by thilr owners or mana gers within ten days, so as to ronder tlicm no lunger capable of taking or Injuring the fishes of tho streams of whatsoever kind, if this order is not obeyed, I shall proceed at the expiration of ten days I to destroy the said contrivances according to tho Act ot Assembly In such cases made and prmldcd. JOUR W. HOFFMAN, Plie vl IT ol Columblncounty. Illoomsburg, Kept, "th, 18! 7 tw Kff3,rTJwein-triaer,T- rep with every orasr. Out i'Vfit iree. j.n. un)lorai.Co.,tliiCiiK,lll. aug. 17, 77-ly lift C 3; OOI.U PI,ATXD.VATC1IIII. Cr npert In tho known irorltl. Samplt Watch t tes to '4i7mf. Addreis, A. Coultxr Co., Chicago. KftC AVnn. Agentawantd,llUEl now lflttrate. I'urtlonlarBfrco, Ad-liwiJ W0BTI1&0O.8 LoiiH.UJ. it a t; aug. u, Mi l-T ull U'inli 17, 17-iy H ,t : i3wcflar.:".j ro 1 nl n UUHUU b-l C rir A 1 All'' it Aiii(te. Execo'-e.oi Huarct DtfOiscft, , . . j Iki( liiMii nf '-t ,nn" pBirr. mm Mirt. fhofu i tbf Tlirot stiJ Luiis s, ditrrhUw jlui o. iho i-iihiT ik Ktt piwi'pi ill mi r,e.ptft'rrIepi.or n' three. cnnn f ' "rtfl rft. I initlflr . i in'tt'ii', 7 . . nug. 17. -i.v It AT Dr.A.G.OLiM ktl DUMMsflf I'rlTAla! tlAtun, IMVl gfaWtiit llMptaT. 11!.. (or tWicu ol l'rlsrfkLt! natun. iMVltJiw fru n early iibuM nta-ltiH. Lohm of Memory, lnipulrt'tl . MKUt. Lout MitnliDod 'jr lmpnt(Mii7. Aprvoa ltMIlljri iwuu notitly ruml. of Uxi lllutttler. Kidney, Ur l.tintfa. Atlliiin, 1'rtLirrlt. ll (.lirwnt- Ubuum, BBt IllH- h-u hnd llfn-lotiir vitwilenL-v, ml rurtwbN(itbrn fa!L lit truMf.!- or hm imnmiteii tvut 1, und no meri'urv. tiu tr liriMiinra tit- in ilia U. &. LAlHEHrwif)oa UttttioMit wnh frUtitc hime ami bv, mil or nntt. tttrv ronvruMar fir ruin t In; fUiL I ifi-nnliri tivtni. l)lt. O LIN'S Ferns'. I'll (fi jut T t C t ' tint on fa. MAERIAOE GUIDE rSSSJTtt un II i , i i . m I ) 1 1 1 ito mans. I iv v bt.r iu, . .....I . i ...Is WBHYAil" llfMiHll.il. aug.U, 77-ly 1(4 0 Ift rot easily earned In thene tlmcH but It tun be mode In tlui-o monlbe by anyone ot tlthor sex, in any pan of tho country who la wllltnL' lo norK bteiidlly at tlie employment tliat lie lurnmu. iwi im-ii.iiiji.iii v iosvju l'ou need not be away from lioire oierntt-iif. on can mio jour " hole time to the wore, or only yonr apare moments. It com nutlilngto try the busi ness, iuiujsu-ju i.uuii'. tui;. ftuuiva, II. liAU.kl-r i. ., i eiuauu, jiaiue. reo. lo 'li i jr. Dauchy & Go's- Advt's. Sew and Thrilling! MILLIONS EAi-Mt 1'Olt 1T1 1 3000 Agents Wuiiti-il for THE CROSS & THE CRESCENT By the eminent L. 1', Ubooiktt. i:nfpWi tho atranso Sorlil. rollllonl undltfllalous peculiarities and His tory of the Russians nnd Turiui ; cause of Uio war, siignty interests at tai:o; iiiojrrarnieioi nuiers. etc. nichly lllutrattlj i"ir terms, address quick ly. IH KiiMMi linus., rubs., "S3 ransom street, Phliwlel.Iiit-i, Pn. auj. 57, '.T-iw a )K l:i.i:lANT (IAIIIW. No two alike, with St r name, lo eta. post luld. liusled A Co., Nassuu, N. V. tep. 11, Tt-tw d Jearn Tolegraplxy I -ir.. fiiliT rfljr.sMiTi.iII Ift - luullfi Mvll sou iiuies, auu L-UJU llVIIHWlu l per month Gofd situations ennranteed. timall salary while li-nrnlne. Address ltn. stamp, r-iir.it.siA.si 1&I,.UU.1 11 V.U., UWIUU,u, ser. , TT-tw d BEST ABOVE ALL ijfc WSL A 4U,tc 1 the Fn Thi'jO brands of Sw - "t l'lu : n-" neknowledg, d by est t'lii-wiMi 'I i haw os uitnemar- un In ull bluii'iB .mil .sii-s. InnuiiOKany dnd blni-k w ranimrs. Kola bv tin- trade generally. Send fur sample to the inauuH-tutcrs, i'. A. J ACKsti s &co., I'eteraburg, Va. (ito. V. WArtin K. (.,-r,er.il Aent, Nus. u and boutu W ult r street, Philadelphia, scp. H, 'IT iw 'I' It 1 V It I X i WITH A L'OLU IS ALWAYS UANUEnOVS. CELLS' CAB10LIC TABLETS, ire remedy for CdHOHS. and all dfiasis of the HOAT, LLSU8, CllKsT UJld JlK'Uls MEM A.NK. Put tip only in Hluo Tioxos. JL 80T.1) HY ALL DULl,(.IbTS. " C, M. ORITTKSTON I Mxtb Altnue, M tl Y Kpt. 14, 7T w 1) Important to Lawverei' Justtoes or the I'-.-op, r. 'im ' 1 -, E. -rf3r!?'Ati. unniaiiaiurH, ttuaruiuu, iu ubin,' Jjiicere-unu Dusi uubd men gtuciauj . We have nu haiul l"?" - hlnnlra tnw lliu iivii t.r li 3 tabic oj blanks or 'fnn'trlml.ilutt IrtBay'- FuioJS-l,f ATTOR.NHT'rJ'uiaASKS. I'reclpe for summon,. " n. k. Uu to take Deposition?. " " " " anoow ArbHratsrs. a ci ut.-, uu.ue, or w.T3 per btU'dnw). i i.lilon f igr Apiwlutiaent of DuardUn. I'uleiii tsko Uoi iblUaus. Na'r in P,ii '. with Confeasluu, " " Mi. Jlniiblt, Mi-ili.ni'. 1.1 n. 4 cents tacnoria.MMr hundred rutllott fur tide ot Petd utate s cettu sli aapirt L, u.-aanwnticr local .AiuirC'.T-lsUit'teji and Con. aritiBBjjjjmu injcejlit, bpoiia MibpuuMf, Kuuiuuina, Warwuts, tfcscutltiii.to fo S3 1 cut s each. lAlaSttll ..M.. .....WMM...M..W.. . . l.lu.- Uctita . I'nrcluuent iH-cds v Aieeiuenta .,.... H .. orphans couit WuYg i uusuible'a Msle. v irlinure i it Loud All kinds of 1 otes lieCBltiui, otm, m houl ( i d. i-, i', i irders, neaOy bouod. ooustuni)', , to order on short Douce. We ale prepttrcoTo c uaiu i iili.ir mice lii this 1" I 111(1 IktUlt l.dll I.-, i seats each 10 in " " S " " vofirfi fi date each 1, .. i .t i oiiicit-, fctcro band, or made vcrk ii.uu any ILWKU, Ixn rli-tem a li, ' l t Ul. .1 CUlbl rupture; 1t. wlsiilng H il:f siisld leiil' Mkf uirr ibiliM mil l I l . .1 v HOillJitAN. : li.i.),,iw link. n, 1 tor hti vr loeKvi n l" ,4iri pido Itl.i'I'rt it lud CU-.I1 1 111 If Mil u II i I line, iiti ii-nr i- . vio iniiirttu funi-hi'i --lur. luau 1 1 u. lucl l. on. ut n i i ii v, ., , , , i , i i , , i,rB Iilinu.I lir. v. o. n-aiiiit.il isii.nii n i)i n n i ulnt of lir 8, auu uw lit Ulai I nu. i . i u , 1 t.i.u. IullU M i' t , II w itutun, uig, ra