THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT BLOOMSBUKft, COLUMBIA. C01NTY, PA. Young Jojksa Chilil Mirian Lou !i?r Doll. Tliero wm nit Ainericmi man-of-war In tbo liatbnr nrbl i thu ennnrunu'cr was nn o il frieml nf mint ivo Uili an Invilallon In i;o on for luncheon. N)v I rnn't prctpcil to (icairibfe-tno ycpscI licoame I'm nlwnyi lunieil kJioiiI when I try tn talk. sallor-tnlV, ami only know tlmt tho wind generally blow from IhewlmlvYiud, hfiJthatit in't a correct lliinjr, under any circumstance', to tale a reef in tho rudder but t ran tell how our little lady wm en tertained nnd entertain enl lit-melf, nnil per Imp that will lid more Interesting. The children never went anywhere with out laklng some playthings with tin m, and so, when the ship' boat enmo for u, and wb took our scut facing tho six Hturdy tarx that wero to row u, Marian had a doll of colnwal size, and over which tdia held her pre tf pink pannol with great pride, and Harry had a figure of l'uncli which had a queer trick of opening a prodigious muth nrd swallowing, over and over, a diminu tive pig, which came forth somewhere from lie uiykterious folds of his clothing. And the pig would squeal as he disappeared, and l'uncli would shut his mouth together with n very satisfied click, as much as to sayi "I've done it once, and I'll do it again pres ently, for I like it Immensely." When we got onboard we wera shown ever and ever so many gun, and ever so much polished brnss, and the tidiest decks nnd cabins nnd bunks imaginable, and while we alfl our luncheon a sailor btnd played Home very good music, fur us, and after din ner, while our good friend, (Captain II. nnd in) self smoked n cigar, and Aunt Klinor and Mrs. Captain II. talked the latest fashions, Marian, and Harry were left to ninusn themsevles. II airy had brought a line, and ho they thought they'd full a lit tle. The cook gave them somo bait, and presently they had their lino In the water nnd waiting for bites. Sure enough they had one soon, and brought up a fine fellow of a fih, who wrig gled and twisted in the sunlight, nnd show ed a beautiful coat of blue and silver that was really quite da7zling. Then they drop ped their line in again and in a minute there was a nibble, and what do you think they caught? It pulled rather hard but when it did come over the side of the ship there was a lovely box of bon-bons, and a pretty cam d ivory tliiinble-eno for Marian, nnd a ball i'nr Harry. They were nil fed in a parcel, ami I can only account for this strange nnd delightful 'fish, by the fact that the line went straight by one of the loop-holes of the of ficers' quarters below, and that bo mo kind hand bad hitched it oji as Harryi pulled op. Whilo still in the enjoyment of their new treasure, another man-of-warof another na timalily linvo in sight, nnd the Captain took his glass and looked at her and said : "0, yes that's her 1 expected her it's a French ship, tho Aurora we're all ready to salute her I" Then there, was a good deal of Tery order- making ready; a great brass cannon that was on the deck had Its nozzle thrust at the side, and. a sailor stood by with a lighted slow-match to touch it off at the Captain's word. Marian hadn't noticed the prepara tionsor at least, hadn't understood what they meant till this point, and just as the Captain said : "Ready, fire I" She gave a little scream and shouted: "Oh don't don't my poor, precious dolll" "And my Tunch 1" cried Harry. "And my beautiful pink parasol I" said Marian, ready to cry. But even while they spoke "boom" went the connon and there went flying out on the water n pretty pink parasol that opened Itself proudly among the smoke; and there was a blonde doll that shot out as far as it could towards the land, but finally drop ped Into the water ; and there was a pig swallowing Punch that skipped along on waves like a bird, and finally went down to swallow pigs at the bottom of the sea. And on deck thero stood a little figure of a lovely little girl, upon whose cheeks were two great tears, and who said half sobbing "Oh. my poor Wilhelmlnal-to think of her coming to such an end, and It was all my fault for I ought not to have put her In the gun. And my pink parasol was a pres ent." "Wasn't it jolly though, when it went offf" said Harry. "I'd rather hear cannons than to have all the dolls and parasols nnd Punches in the world." After a while we consoled Marian who It seems, at Harry's instigation, had put her treasures into the cannon when they be- gau fishing, and tho little rogue that he vas had watched all tho preparations for firing, knowing they were there, and hadn't inlda word. ll?i. M. J Hound, in September Wide Awake. Tho trustees of the British Museum are in treaty for tho purchase of a copy of the larg- est book In the world. Toward the close of the seventeenth century the reigning Empe ror of China appointed nn Imperial Commis sion to reprint in ono vast collection all na tive works of interest and importnnce in every branch of literatnre, Inftho begin ning of the following century the Commis sioners oompieteu ineir labors, anil were able lo lay before the Kmperor a very pal nable proof of their uilijcence in the shape of a compilation consisting nf 6,100 volumes titled "Kin tine Knn kin too shnn twU fcblDg." or "An Illustrated Imperial Collec tWW Aneient nnd MrKlem T.lirm, . . . . ' unry,ainaii edition was printed oir in tho nrst'iustance, and before long the greater part of the corner types which had been cast ., l , .... ior me unuerstanuing were purloined ly untrustworthy' onicials,"" a"nd the remainder were melted? down and cni'ne'd''iu"to cash. Accidents bv fire and bv vlnlen havftw.n. siderably reduced the number of copies of tbe Imperial edition orginally printed, and it is believed that a comparatively few now remain extant. About the Kly. When a Detroit woman answered the door Bbe found a stranger on the, Ho had a buudle in his hand, a smile on his face, and he said 'Madame, can I sell you some fly paper?' uoes me paper lly,' she asked. 'No ma'am, but ic makes the (lies fly.' .m.uu x ,ne uies to ny forr she continued. Every fly, madam'-he was explaining wjiin sue caneii out! I want you to fly I I can get along with uies ueiier man i can Wltn agenU.' Hut I am not on tbe fly,' he soltly said. 'But our dog , she grimly replied, and , mjuanu,. iio 1IBW BTOUUU Uie COmer. the C . ,ag,.n ,ww ior ine gate, tuo roll of flypaper At i " " " u neira uoy climbed .. . wuvu. u, .uo uiu auu input . , 1 weaning colli i very convenient, and one Me flew, (liau flye.t, he died, and 1 1 can feed milk at such times seem judl b )Ueve the dog got a piece of meat with thtt ciou.. .tib.titutlng grain or thorU for the " Agricultural. rrntlploj Governing the Production of Jlilfe. From an arllclo on this subject In tho Sci entific American, was condensed the follow ing Hems : "I understand very well, as prob ably every man does who handles milk, that there Is n wide dillerence In tho composition of pure milk, especially in the matter of tho per ccntago of butler. All milk is richer in September than In June, and it varies in this respect In different seasons In the samo herd or cow. The cow that Is fleshy gives milk richer In butter than the cow that is thin and poor. One that has reached her full maturity gives better milk than she did before slio reached that age. A cow that 14 gaining llesh every day gives n richer milk ban a cow that is losing it gradually. Ex perience has taught mo that a cow's milk very deficient In butter often fattens a finer calf than that of a first-class butter cow. A man cannot procure milk profitably for any purpose without feeding his cons liber ally with good, sound, healthy, nutritious food. It requires a certain amount of food to supply le demauds of nature. All above that amount which she will take atid assim ilate will be converted Into milk nnd flesh, The herd should be kept warm in winter and fed nnd watered with regularity. This diet sliiutd be varied as much as conven ience will allow." Scab In .Slice p. V correspondent of tho Inter-Ocean gives a recipo which, ho says, will cure sheep of this disease at one dipping. Here arc his lirectlons : Tn eight gallons of strong tobacco juice. add two oiinres of vitriol, one-quarter pound altpetr , one gallon brine made of tobacvo juice, one qunrt of soft Hoap or plenty of wood nshes or potash, which is better than either; ue three-quarters teaspoonful of arsenic, one-quarter pound, of sulphur. Moil the Ingredients together, and apply as hot as you can without injuring tho sheep. s to mode of dipping, make a strong, tight box 8 fert long, 2 feet high, l(i inches wide, or 18 if tho sheep are largo; put in juice enough to cover the sheep when lying dowu ; two men take the sheep, one by the fore legs tho other by the hind j lay them In, back down, till they touch tho bottom ; then let them get up themselves, and they will saturato themselves thoroughly, heads too. It will not injuro them in the least. If thi ro are any very hard spots, rub with cob or curry-comb. If it bleeds, all riglit, i) much the better. Do this before (lipnintr. Let them stand and drain before getting out of the box. Scraping with a piece of hoop helps the draining. The dipping should be done soon after shearing. Dip the lambs with the sheep. To keep the disease back and save the wool, pick tho worst of the sheep and paste tho wool on tho back, and pour on a little tobacqo juice or dissolved saltpetre This will arrest the disease, but will not cure. Unmanufactured tobacco is best ten pounds, to ono hundred sheep. Cigar clippings and stems, or damaged to bacco will do, but it will take more. I have always kept my sheep in the same yards and same range after dipping as before, and they never had It tho second time Household Hints. Baked Arrr,ts. Bake until they are tender, quarter them, and after you have taken tho core out, place them in a platter and spiinkle white sugar over them and n thick Liver of cream. Lemon' Pin. One lemon, one egg, one cracker, one cupful of suear, half cupful water, one spoonful salt, the juice of tho lemon squeezed out, the pulp and cracker chopped together; grato tho rind. To Perfume Linen, Rose leaves dried in the shade, or at about four feet from a stove, one pound; cloves, caraway seeds, and allspice, of each ounce, pound in a mortar or grind in a mill. Mix all these to gether, nnd put the compound into little bags. RASvnnitiiY Vinegar. Red raspberries, any quantity or sufficient to fill a f tone jar nearly full, then pour upon them sufficient vineSar t0 cover them, cover tho jar closely, and set it aside for eight or ten days ; then strain through flannel or muslin, and add to the clear liquor one and a half pounds of su gar to each pint, place over a fire and boil for a few minutes, allow it to cool, and then bottle for use. This makes, when mixed with water, a delightful summer drink, also very beneficial for convalescents, Fresh LIackerei,. Mackerel must be very fresh, indeed; wash thoroughly, dry with a cloth, and sprinkle inside with salt and pepper ; tako very young leeks, the long green tops and all, tie all around the fish. and broil slowly over a clear fire ; must be turned often ; when quite done pour over it melted butter, with parsley In it; garnish with parsley, Lemon Jelly. Grate one whole lemon, taking out the seeds ; add ono egg, one cup- ful while fugai, four table spoonfuls cold water; mix well together and cook over steam until it is clear; put in cups and set in a cool, dry place; it will keep four or Ave weeks. Horse Collars. 1 he I alley Jarmer says collars are, or should be, mi made ns to throw the chief force on the lower part of the shoulder. The horse can apply but little strength on the upper part, and for this reason breast collars L,oAn,l 41.. t .... It. ' k,c"" "" "wirawwBui C3ter,c'l on the lower part of tho shoulder, i,1B couar b,10u111 uo purcnasea oi tuo prop. I or eWrt l...r... ..nlnn !nil.n.. "u.n i'".u6 u,, m tinifj.'i'n"1""0 !t in watert letjing it remain aV,?ui "minute, and immediately put It oh t0 work;- Ine collar, by being wet. will 'C1 it'plf to shoulder, and should dry ,Ile "orse- " " a"en suouiu lie lelt ,n t,,e BamB snape it occupied on ll horse, and ever after you will lmvo a snug. luting collar and no wounds. WnANlNO Colts. A Vermont farmer says lie weaned a last spring colt in the fol lowing manner: I fed grain or meal to tl mare when the colt was with her. The colt soon learned to eat meal witii the dame. Af ter he has been taught to eat with the maro lia will pat. n. rpatlllv ,.l,.n 1, a from her. I put my colt In a .table where he could have plenty of exercise In a large yard ; led lilm with bay and bran mixed with milk, which I soon taught him todrin without the bran, I weaned him from the mare in this way when ho was three mouth; old j ho seemed contented, and I tliluk did as well as though he had run with the mare Iwn mnnlt.. lon.r Tt t AUH.-r.. !"' ...... mw . w v t w ta u uvu lUi the mare, and more convenient If pne want, to use her, as most people do in the country, - while the colt li with her. Thin way 1 miic at any reasonable time. Ulnny wlin nrn Hn.Terlna' rrora tlis effects ot the warm weather t si at icbllt. tated, are advised by tlit tlcuni loir t. atf rata amounts of whisky two or three tlm' j.jt dir. Ina Utile while those who ada.i i.Mafitl.e frequently lncreasa tho number of "drinks" and In i,ourso of time becom conilrinoil InobrliiUs. A tier- erago whlcn will not cream thirst for Intoxicating liquors, and which Is Intended specially for ths iKMiontof debilitated iiersoni, whether at home or abroad, H Dr. seiionckl xs.i tt'ml Tunis. (Villain ing the juices of many medicinal heihs, t tit i prepa ration docs not create an appetltofur tho Intoxlca- tlngcun, Tho nourishing and tho life supporting pro-rllcs ft in.iny valuable natural productions contained In It nnd well known to medical men have a most strengthening Influence. Aslnglobotlloof the tonlo will demonstrate Its valuable qualities. For debility arising from sickness, ovor exortlon or from any cause whatever, a wlnegtasstul of Soi Weed Tonlo taken nftor luenh will strengthen til's stom ach and create an nppcttte for wholesome food. To nil who ore about leaving their homes, we deslro to Iho excellent effacts ot lir. Hclienck's sea sonable rcmodles, Sea weed lonlo and ilah drako Pills, are ptrtlcularly evident when taken by Iho) who ara Injuriously affected by a chang of water and diet, No person should leavo homo without taking a s ipply ot thoso ajfegiards along. For sale by all Druggists. aug. UEGETINE. ltatrmltcil properties nro Alterative Tonic, Pol- ventonil Dlurutlc There ii no Uldoiss of thu Liu influ system for which the Vetfetluo cannot be used wllll K.riect twiiL'iT) us ii uuc; hul cum a in uny mu- ciuM Yuiy ut barks, roots, auu uerbi i it Is very pleas liiiiio iir noiMiimiu.i uuiuixjuuu. il in uuuiuuseu ua' I US VAfllJfUUIlUa llf l-l kUUllJWU VI' I B!SSFe ant- to uikq ; every vn ubie, a.i the follun ing JIKV. 0. T. WALKER SAYS The following unsolicited testlmonal from Iicv. O. T. Walker, U. 1)., formerly pastor of Kowdoin-square Church, ltuston,and ut present nettled In Piovldonce, H. I.. inuH be deemed as reliable evidence. No ono I should fall to observe that thM testimonial is tho re sult or two vuar exot riencti wun me iwo or etre- Knoln Kev. Mr. Walker's faintly, who now pronoun- ue3 n invuiuauio pKoriDXNCK, li. 1., let Transit street. II. U. Stktkvs, Esq. feel bound to express with my signature the hltrh value I place upon yuur emetine. My family luvn used It tor the last two yeirs. in nervous demur it Hlnvaluaole, end I recommend It to ullwho may neeaan invigorating, rcnovuiiDg iunii . U. 1. VtAlitVt.Il, Formerly Pastor of Bowdola-squaro rhureii, A Walking Miracle. Mr. 11. H. Stevens; I'l'in ph. luuugu il r.ii.uim.1, , iiaumuiuiuiiii you what vegetlne has done for me. Last Uhrtstmas Scroruti made Its appearance In my system, largo running ulcers appearing on me, as follows: on each ot ray arms; one on my thigh, whUh extended to the seat ; ono on my neui. 'iilMTO VUV CMII Ul IUJ dtil! -I, VIIO VII 1I1J I whTch ate into tho skull bone ; one on inyleftleg, which became so bad that two t'hrslctdUs came to nKimitatH the limb, thoutrh uooa consultation can- Wuded not to do Mas my whole body ww full or :n f10' trmo nvrWlit Inna nni1 antic. Scrofula; they deemed tt advisable to cut the sore, 111 l0 IHUbl LA)LU1110U8 nu SilUS whtch was painful btavonddscitpllon,and theie was a quart oi mailer ruu irom me pore. 'the pnysicuns all save mo up to die, and said thrv rnnhi flu nn mnrfl fnr mp. Ilnlh nf mv Ipitm wprn I orawn up to my seat, and it was thought It I did get up again i wouia uo a cnppiu lor me. nnd pninmenwl tnklur It In March, and followed on in una funu:uuu saw tvct;uuL'uutTiutu. with it until I had used sixteen bottles; and this morning I am going to plough corn as a well man. I All my townsmen say it is a mlrucie to see me round walking ana wonting. reatsuiTerluglrom that dreadful disease, bcrorula I in conclusion i wuiaauwnen i wascnannncsucn prajedtothe Lord above to take mo out or this iorld : but as Vecettne has restored me to the Lies world ; but ai Vegetlne has restored me to tho Lies sin if of health. I desire more than ever to live, that I sing or health, I desire more than ever to live, that I may be of some Ben lee to my fellow-men; audi know of no better way to aid BUfTtrtng humanity than to enclose 3 ou this statement of my case, with I an earnest hope that you will publish it, and it win afford moploasure to reply to any communication whtch I may receive therefrom. i am, sir, very respcciruiiy. WILLIAM PAYX. Avery, Bcrrlca Co:, Jllch., July JO, 1S72. lU'Iliib'o ivlilcncc. MB, H. H. HTKl'llKN, Dear Mr. I M moht cheerfully add mv testimony to the great uuuior ou have already reeelv d In fa vor oi your greai arm gumi meaicine, egeune, ror l do not think enough eon be said in its praise : for I I was troubled over thirty years with mat dreadful disease, catarrh, and had such had coughing spells that It would seem as though I could noer breathe nnv more: and Veeetlne has cured me t and I do feel to thank dod all the time that there is bo good a meaicine as egenne ; anu i aiso unnic it one or ine best medicines for coughs and weak, Mnklng feelings atthentomach, andndvUe everybody to take the Vegetlne, lor 1 can as-iuro them It Is one ot the best medicines that eve: it as. ,MKH. I. GOUC, Cor i' r Magazine and Walnut streets, Cambridge, Mass. VEoTilNE Prepared liy H. R. Stevens, Boston, Mass. Vegetine is sold by all druggists. AURiist31-lm WIIEHE TO ADVERTISE. A.T. Stewart says tbe best adrertUlDg mediums he has ever found aro the old established oreans ot the two political parties, at tbe teveral county seata Uirougtoout tbo Union." "These," he says "reach every family of the least account In their several counties, and are more carefully read than any other class of journals." If -Mr.Mewart's Judgment Is of value, inerti in no uiiucuny iu uruiumg wuicu imjttT i li 1 tsfortliMnUMvstof busine&smen to advertise In Tho Columbia Dkmocrat, upon which this paper Is I lartlally founded, (ILUMBIiN HOW ( won bauiunKui."u in una uxa Columbian now enjoj a wider circulation and I greater i wt ix rlty 1 into two thousund families In Columbia and ad- tWIItV 1LB an it ever did. it goes week olnliit; counties, and by most of them is read from :ponent of nearly five thousand Democratic voters the eountv. Ite1es advertisements a tastvdla-1 IlrnL LU LIIU 11 lit). lit la. LI1U Ulilr rtCULTIllSU I play, that makes them attractive to ita patrons, thus ensuring greater certainty tkat they will peruse I them, whlleltsclrculatlonlsundoubtedlymucbthe largest in me county, ine aaveixibintr raits oi ine i Coi cmhiam are no higher than thoso of bther papers I witu oai eiy uau p nu several nut one-iourui tne num- selvi-M. Mo shrewd business man will neglect to In- I rl his aavcnibemtrcis m uie uolmbiam u i Ayer's Hair Vigor, For restoring Gray Hair to its natural Vitality and Color. A (1 reusing which ia ot once a g r o o a b 1 e, healthy, and ef fectual for pre serving tho hair. Faded or gray hair is toon restored to its original color, with the tloss and freshness of youth. Thin hair is thickened, falling hair checked, nnd baldness often, though not always, cured by ita use. Noth ing can rcstoro tho hair where tho follicles aro destroyed, or tho glands atronhicd and decayed. Ltit such as remain can bo saved for usefulness liv this application. Instead of foul ing tho hair with a pasty sediment, it will ltcci) it clean nnd vigorous. Its occasional tiso will prevent tho hair from turnintr cray or falling off, and Mcunscqiicntly prevent baldness. Frco Sjfrorn. thoso deleterious" Btibstances .which.mako homo preparations dan gerous, and injurious to tho hair, the Vigor can only benefit but not harm it. it wanteti merciy ior a HAIR DRESSING, nothing elso can bo found bo desir. able. Containing neither oil nor dye, it does not soil whito carabrio, nnd yet lasts long on tho hair, giving it si rich, glossy lustro and a grateful pcrtume. Prepared by Dr. J. C Ayer & Co,, l-racvlcal .nil Analytical Clieml.U, IKWELL. MASS. Oct, 18, lSU-ly BLOOMSBURG TANNERY, G. A. HERRING T E8PECTFDI.1.Y nnounce to the public SNVDER'S TANNERY, (bM stand) liloomsburit, I'a., at Uie l'urkauftlio Kapy and Llzbt Hireet roada. wlif re all daarjfnt Jona (if luatliar Ivlll h. in.ilu In mnu. I MUtantial and wormnanuite inaDuer, and told at A lihoral ttlinrn nf Ti'ililfr1 niltrnn prtcas to suit Uia tlmea. The Muem price la cairn A "Wius. uuitru 01 pauilL, pauoil- n tit mt i muim w .v. QUEEN HIDES of every description In the country. The public pat I JilctimtburK, tXt, frWtr- CHEAP JOB AT THE COLUMBIAN OFFICE. The Columbian Printing Estab lishment is amply supplied with the necessary Presses, Types and other material for executing all klllUS Of -Printing at lOW HltCS MUl o e , lUCtOrV MHtlUCr. CALL AT THE Columbian Building. COUKT HOUSE ALLEY, Bloomsboro, Pa. When special material is required it will bo promptly obtained. Books and Pamphlets, Hand-Bills and Dodgers, Largo and Small Posters, Letter and Bill Heads, Envelopes with Business Cards, Bussiness, Pic Nic, Wedding and Visiting Cards, rroKrammes, , Bills of Fare, &c. Will all bo supplied and excuted in superior style, at cheap rate3 and short notice. Tho best workmen, aro employed and tho best material will always bo furnished. age lia respectfully solicited. JJloomseukg, March 23, 1877 1 HU B n TIRMi" haai!. W'Ttr" TAP - ; ' : r ( ' - f ' ' j I "f T B1C0MSBUBG STATE NORMAL SOHOOL SIXTH NORMAL SCHOOL DISTRICT. Bloomsburg, Columbia County, Pennsylvania. Rov. D. J. WALLER, Jr., A. M., Principal. THIN school as at prciont constituted, olTcrs tbo very best facilities for Professional anil Classical learning. snrtntr wat.r. iMiuumpj spacious, inTiiing anu conunouious.; completely ueaieu vy steam, wen venuiateu, ugnica uy gas, location Uenltbful. ami easr of access, mrnlcratc. Fifty cents a week deduction to all expecting vuuovo ui b.uujr iuvwiiuvu luv suite I. Model School. II. Preparatory. III. Elementary. IV, ClasMical. Adjunct Courses ; I. Academic. II. Commercial. III. Course in Music. IV. Course, In Art. Tho Elementary. Sclcntlilo nnd Classical Courses corresponding Degrees ; Master ot theKlemenU: Master uu-ir uLutiiiineuiA,, Biffiieu uv me iiincers oi mo noaru oi rrustces. The course of stud y Drescrlbed by the stato Is liberal, and tho Sctentins and Classical courses are not Inferior The Ktato rcuulrcsahlirher order of cttlzenslitn. The Mms demand it. it. u nnn nf the nrlmn oblectji of this gent and cniclent Teachers for lier Schools. Tothtscndlt Bollclts young persons of good abilities and good purposes, those who desire to lmprovo their tlmo and their talents, as Mudonts. To all such It promises rid In developing their nowcrs. nud abundant opoortunlttes for well paid labor after lcuvlng school. Tor HON. Y !,!, I'restilent Itonrtl hept. 8, '7C- iy HARMAN & HASSERT. Proprietors; Vast SI reel, .South Nlilcol'I. & II, Itnllroml. IMooitisbiirc;, la, rtcspectfully call tho attention of tho public to the following statements: They manufacture all kinds of IKON and HUAM-i C'.lsTIMJH. 'lliey make tho Celebrated Oiiglnal nnd IMPROVED MONTBOS K IFX.O'WS, also all kinds ot Itepalrs, sucu as .Mold buarus 1'OloW, Lauusluus bolts, handles, c. '1 hey also make HEATING AND COOK STOVES and are prepared to furnish all kinds of repnlrs, such as Orates, Fire Brick, c, wholesale and retail.' Thoy make the Improved Conl-nnt liiit (Irate tor tho Win. Pcnn Htove, tho most economical (Irate In use. They are also prepared to furnish HAW AND OHIST Ml LI, MACI11MEUY SUAFl'IM), PULLEYS, &c. They pay especial attention to tho Repairing of Threshing Machines, Reapers, &c. Tho proprietors being practical mechanics, having had nn ex"-erlenco of over thirty years, the publlcca rely upon having all work entrusted to them done lu tho Best -Manner ant at Fair prices. Jane.TI-ly Then Buy N. Y. ENAMEL PAINT CO.'S CHEMICAL PAINT, and save one-third tho cost of painting, nnd get a paint that Is much handsomer, and will LAST TWICE AS LONG AS A.N Y OTIIKIt PAINT. Is nreDared ready for use In white or anr color desired. Is on many thousands ot tho Quest buildings In the countrs', many of which have bten painted six CHEMICAL PaIMT has taken Klrht PKEMIUMH nt twenty of tho btalo Fairs ot tho Union. colors sent free. Address N. Y. EN AM EL PAINT CO., 179 Prlnco btrcet, N. klukk s u, Agents lszi, jiancet sirect, I'nuaucipnia, THIS SPACE IS RESERVED FOR New Fall Advertisement. TII0U18 II, 1UHTH1N, ALBERT IUHTWJN, HAKTMAN BROS,, DEALERS IN TEAS, CANNED FRUIT, OZOARS, TOBACCO. snurr, CONFECTIONERY. Spi ees of all kinds, Glass & Queensware, FINE GROCERIES, Foreign and DomeBtio Fruits, AND OENEItAL LINE OF Family Provisions. ftt JtuEsell'a Old Stand, ' '. RUPERT ICEiUCH, ' th door below Market ttrcet, Cloonuburr, Tlx. r ooooj acuvcred to all parts ot tea town, April 17, u-tf. TrjlSfAfEIISKEPTON FILE 1 AT THE OFFICE OF. IWttTglNC( 733 SmoM St., PHILADELPHIA, W'lio are ear uulborlzvd ax cuts, and will receive Adrvrtliienjeiita at uur I.OWKST CA8U ltATIM. OTICE. From this date the Bloomsburir Gas Comnanr tll put Is serrlce pipes at Unit coat and lurnUn ausl set luuitiia ai fuur uu.ia eat u me company nave on nana a lot oi gas tar Bailed or painting ruors, and posts or other tuobera placed under rround. rnui 10 u OCIS.K- Dnerba U. W. MIIyLEIt. Be ron SALS At TUECOLCM VUXOTT1CE. Teachers ennertenccd, cmclent, and allvo to their work. Discipline, U) teach, icient, anu auvo to ineir worK. Discipline, nrm dui. Kinu, uniion Students admitted at any time. Hootns reserved when desired, are PKOPKSSIONAT., and students graduating therein, of tho Sciences! Master ot tho Classics. Unulu.ites or Trusters jears, and now look as uellos when first painted ium(j nt twenty or tno Riaie rairaoiino union, sainpie caru oi 1.. Or 1IK.NK1 L. i'a. July SI, '7I-iy MORRIS MICHEL, PRACTICAL PIANO MAKER, TUNER AND REPAIRER. BLOOMSBUIMJ, PA. FIRST CLASS TIANOS AND OliQANS FOB SALE, SECOND HAND PIANOS TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. OltDEIt I1V MAILI'KOMITLT EXECUTED, Dccl, ns-ly M. C. SLOAN & BRO., ULUODISUURG, PA. Manufacturers ot Carriages, Buggies, Phaetons, Sleighs, rLA'll'OltM WAGONS, c. First-cla&s work always on hand. ItUl'AlIIINCl NKATLV DONE. Prices reduced to suit the times. 'Jan.t,1877-tf HIGHEST AWARDS Centennial -Kxlilbltlon. J. REYNOLDS & SON, NOKTIiWEST CORNER Thirteenth uml PllbcrtSts. PHILADELPHIA, MaNvncTcniBS or 1'iTiNTin Wronaht-Iroii Air-TisM Heaters Wltb Sbuklutf nntl CllHltrr-firludlpd flrnlraror Kuruluir Autururllu tr lilt umii vuu i'oui CENTENNIAL WR0UGI1T-IR0N HEATERS TOR BITUMINOUS COAL, Keystone WROUGHT-IRON HEATERS, CooktBg XLaafei, Xiow-dowu Mratea Vc., ckc. PcscrlpUve Circulars ssvr nn to any address. EXAMINE BEFORE SEIJiCriNO. jkliiiT,,n-iy ab anu lurnisucu wua a uuunuiui auppiy ui ijuiv,ow,k firm but kind, uniform and thorough. Expenses V. Course In Physical Culture, rccelvo Stato Diplomas, conferring tho followln in tho other Courses rccelvo Normal Certlilcates o to thoso of our best Colleges. School to heln to secure It. bv furnishing Intelli GZENlf'S SULPHUR SOAP. Thoroughly Cures Diseases of the Skin, Beautifies the Complexion, Prevents and Remedies Rheumatism and Gout, Heals Sores And Abrasions of the Cuticle and Counteracts Contagion. This Standard External Remedy for Erup tions, Sores and Injuries of the Skin, not only removes trom the CoMrLEXioN all Blem ishes arising from local impurities of the lilood and obstruction of the pores, but also those produced by the sun and wind, such as tan and freckles. It renders the cuticle MARVELOUSLY CLEAR, SMOOTH and PLIANT, nnd being a wholesome deautifier is far preferable to any cosmetic All the remedial advantages of Sul phur Baths are insured by thk use of Glenn's Sulphur Soap, which in addi tion to its purifying effects, remedies and pre vents Rheumatism and Gout. It also disinfects clothing and linen nnd prevents diseases communicated by contact with the terson. It dissolves Dandruff, prevents bald ness, and retards grayness of the hair. Physicians speak of it in high terms. . Prices 25 and 50 Cents per Gake : per Box (3 Cakes). 60c. and $1.20. N. B. The so cent calces are triple the size of those a1 95 cents. HILL'S IUIE AND WHISKER DIE," Black or Brown, SO Cent. C. K. CRITTESTOS, Prop'r, 7 Sixth Av.,S.F. Out. 26, Vii.-ly, AdvertismgAgents 'fcee'ir isctetfi'jcien& to I Orangcville Academy. EEV.C. K. CANFIELD,A.M.,rrinc5paL It you want to patronize a FIRST CLASS SCHOOL, WIIEHE VOAltD ANU TUITION AllE LOW, give us a trial, Next term begins MONDAY, AUGUST 13. 1877. For Information or catalogue apply to THE l'KINCIPAL, July ST, TI-1y Omnguvllle, I'a. GLAZING AND PAPERING TirM. F. BODINE, Iron Street below seo- v T onu, liioomuuura', i'a., is preparcu to ao aj Kinas oi PAINTING, t GLAZING, and PAPER HANGING. In the best styles, at lowestjprlccs, and at short notice. PartlcB having such work to do will eavo mosey calling on me. All work warranted to give eatlsfactlon. Orders solicited . WM. F. HODINE. KINGSFORD'S OSWEGO STARCH Is the BEST and MOST ECONOMICAL in the World. Is perfectly I'PIIE free fromaclda and other for- elgn substances that Injuro Linen, Is BTKONdEH than any other requiring much less quantity tn using. Is UNIFOHM stiffens and finishes work always the same. , Kinasfortl's Oswego Corn Starcli , la the most delicious of all preparations for -JPndditgs, Banc-Iange, Cake, etc. Auf, a, n-sni ha co PATENTS. F. A. Ixhmasn, Solicitor of American and Kore'gn Patents, Washington, D, c. All business connected with ratents, whether before tho Patent Offlca or the Courts, promptly attended to. No charge mads unless a patcut U accurtd. Send for a circular. MS) 4,1!-U btw IXECUTKIX'd NOTICE. Il KSTATK OF raSUlKICK ISlE, PTCIASin, Utters Testamentary on the cstato of Frederick later, lata of Greenwood Wwnshlp, Columbia co. deceased, have been giautoi by thelteglster or aVnl county to Elizabeth fsler, of sSme ti nibl. to uu-u. towhomall persona indebted we rme5d to make pavnicnt.and those ha Ing demandaiiffi?nlt the said estate will make them knownw til k2f, KitcuLHiwiihoutiipuv "w uie bald July TT-lw ELIZAUETII ISLEIL Eiecutrlx, TU8lNE88 CAItlXS, LETTEIt HEADS, 08TKI18, JtO., tO, Nealljr wa. PjrIhtod at the Oolum Dyspepsia nud Debility Dyspepsia nnd Debility Dyspepsia uud Debility Dyspepsia nnd Debility Almost Invariably yield to tho TONIC & lNVlUOKATINO EFFKCT8 or ins PERUVIAN SYRUP PERUVIAN SYRUP -un protected Solution of ProtrmMn of Iron, Keacl tho Following : Wkst fAinm, VL,.lan. 11,1871, TVnr Sir fnr Rfirrn nr rtirltf .dim t been in poor heallli, and fortho pastjenror moro veryteeble. ily health continued to decline ami my llcsli and strenBth wostod away until 1 was im. f bio to work, or een ko up Btalrs without (treat ei. hausllon. 1 Buffered trom frequent aud dLsircsshw attacks of palpitation of tho heart, my food a streS ed ine, causing acidity and pain In the stomach i S I siirrcreil from cxtremo nervousness, coDstinatton and debility or; the system (tenerally, my bliodhi; initininnnu poor nnd sluggish In circulation, nnd I so much benefit from It that I purchased five bottin more, and have continued tho uso of the srruni n. tit quite roi-cnUy. it has restored my health to such an oxicnt mat i icci myBeif as good as new. Jly dl. Bcstlon Is good and my weight has increased la tho past four months Horn lno to m pounds: mv strength has returned, and my general health ft thus wonderfully Improved, and 1 can truly soy I Dwe lt all to the use of your 1'kkiivIan Kvunv t ly recommend all sufferers from dygpepsla nnddo- witnj iu hiiui.ii iiuu, uvyuig it win ao themas mucii good as It has mo, ours very truly, JIIIS. S. 11. DEMIS. PERUVIAN SYRDP PERUVIAN SYRUP From a ftlcrclinnt. NORTH Skaksmont, Me., Sept. 0, 1670. Dear HIr It irlves me crv errant. Tilnnsnrn tn in. iui hi j uu ui iiiu uijuuiu rtxeiveu ironi ine use Of I .Hii..Htnu unu iuiiiipj, iliv IVHBIuriUO pant ten years has been In feeble heallli very much debilitated generally. LastBprlDg she concluded to tiy a bottle ot I'EKurUN Kvitur, nnd was so well pleased with tho retnlt, conllnued lis use unill three iirwnii-sinu uei-u uk'ii, null Pile is now m oeiter health than nny tlmo forlen years, ana has Increas. edln weight trom no pounds to liox, 1 have em. rlojcdpnjslclnns ami used a great many varieties of patent medicines, to tho ottent of hundreda of dollars, nnd I know she received moie benefit trom inn i-fcuuviAN niiiiT man an ine resi logeiiier. My Bales ot tho svrun are verv lnrirn ami rnn.tnnt. ly Increasing, and I do not hesitate to recommend bo uuu an ui m-iu ui uuueriug uumaniiy. Voura truly, ITMEL TEASE. PERUVIAN SYEUP PERUVIAN SYRUP Rctorod lo Coinplclo llcaltli IinoOKs, Me., Sept. 7, 1870. Dear Sir From early vouth T was In feohtn health. troubled with humor In my blood, weakness nnd de bility otibo system generally! wn9 unable to labor much und onlr at borne lluht business, and then nn. ly with great caution. Seven years ago tho past spring I had a eevero at tack ot illptlierla, which left my limbs paralyzed and useless, so 1 was unable to walk or even bit up. No thing tho advertisement of 1'ercviah hyrcp I con cluded to glvo It a trial, und to my great Joy soon luuiiu hij iii-iuiu uui'iuvinK. I luiiunueti ine use oi tho Svyup until three bottles had been used, and was restored to complete health and havo remained so totbls day. I ntlrlbulo my present health entirely to tho use ot Pbhuviah Sviar, and hold It In high estimation I cannot speak too highly In Its praise. ,1 ha e In sev. i ral cases recommended It in cases, very similar to my own with tho samo good results. Yours truly, t'HAS. E. PEAIICY, 8ETII W. FOWLS SONS, Proprietors, M Harri son Ave., Iloston. Sold by all Druggists, l'ainphlets free. aug. THE INTERNATIONAL REVIEW. The "International" for 1878 will present the usual number of articles upon religious, sclentinc, art, po litical and Boclal subjects most occupying the pub lic attention. It will devote Bpace to European mat ters so far as they aro likely to bo Interesting to Americans. Jl Will t 1 continue to Introduce tbo most popular roi elgn writers to ccmiilo ior favor with the best American writers, ltwlllalm lobe nble, strong a d practical, as well ns popular. In the char acter and stylo of lis presentations. It Is sale to say that no other mngazlno lnthe world can supply Its place In the libraries of Americans who lovo to con sider the rrogiesscf emits throughout the world, nnd to know ihelr beating upon the interests of tbo United Slates rroftcrs luitlus, iioltzendorf, Vogol, Dr. Dolllnger, Dr. Horner, Dr. Neumejer, Dr. CmlAble, Mr Julius Duboc, lirupFh-Ley. Jl.llollln Joequcmyns, Ji. bpuller. Dep., Jl. Illudrlez, Mr. Ilnmerton, Hr. lTeeman; Itev, Dr. Jemes II. lllgg, Thomas llrnssey, Jl. 1'. (lubernntls, Jlmlamo Villon, Dora D'lsliln, rozzonl. lir. Vcolt.ey, Dr. reabody, I'rlnclpnl Dawson, Judge Cooley, Dr. hnrton, Wm. O., Itoy 1'alnicr, CnrlMhurz, Oencral Mgel, Dr. Oigccd. Alex. Delirar, V. Iiotta, Eugene hchuy ler,llaaidTnjlcr,i: 1'. Whipple, nndothersmay be named as special contributor. 1 hus Is organized ns powerlul nn organ of thought and communication as can bo easily conceived, and It pre terns itsi If for popular support during 1677. It Is not Known that there Is anyirnson why copies of tho "itcUew" should not be found In every house hold. It has already tho largest circulation of any secular nevlew, because oflts popular attractions. Thcso attractions will be developed gradually, and Increased as their need Is mado known. Trtco tl.oo a Number. 15.00 a Year (Six Numbers.) A. 8. BAItNES & CO., Publishers, 111 113 William St., N, RAIL ROAD TIME TABLES piIILADELPIIA AND READING ROAD ARRANGEMENT OF PASSENGER TRAINS. May st, 1S7. TBAINS LRATK KOPBKT AS F0LI.0WS (SUNDAY EXCEITK For New York, Philadelphia, Heading, PottsWUe Tamaqua, 4c 11,33 a. m For catawlssa, ll,!3 u. m. 0,47 and T,8 p. m. For Wllllumsport, 0,S8 0,34 a. m. and ,oo p. m. TRAINS FOR BUPSRT IEATI! AS FOLLOWS, (SDNDAT tl csprap.) Leave New York, 8,43 a, re. Leave Philadelphia, b,ib a, m. Leave Heading, n.sia. m., Pottsvlllo, U,15 p. m and Tamaqua, l,S5 p. m. Leave Catawlssa. 6.S0 8.25 a. m. and ui n n, Leave WllUamsport.n.s i o,m,18,oo m, and B,oo p. m Passengers nidfromNewYorknnd rimiwiA phla go througa u ithout change of cars. J. B. WOOTTEN, ileneral Manager. C. O, HANCOCK, (Jencral Ticket Agent. Jan. n, ma u. NORTHERN COMPANY. CENTRAL RAILWAY On and after November 20th. is7a. trnin in ii,v SUNUUItY as follows: NOItTIIWAlm Erlo Mall 6.20 a. in., arrive Elmira o. Canandulgua... s.36p.m Ilochester o,15 " Niagara, o 40 " "enovo accommodation 11.10 a. m.arrlvo AMIllamj rt 19.55 p, in. Elmira Mall 4.15 a, m., arrive Elmira 10.20 a. m. uunaio txpress 7.1a a. in. arrive Buffalo 8.60 a. m BOUTOWAllD. Buffalo Express ixo a. m. arrive Harrlsburg 4.60 a. m , , ., " BalUmore8.40 ' Elmira Mall 11,15 a. m., arrive Harrlsburg 1.60 p. m " Washington 10.30 " " Baltimore " " Washington 8.30 " narrlshurg accommodation 8.40 p. m. arrive Harris burg 10.60 p.m. arrive Baltimore a. m . " Washington 5.18 " trie Mau la.65 a. m. arrive Harrlsburg 3 05 a. m. Baltimore 8.40 All dally except Sunday, Washington 10.35 " B. M. BOYD, Jr., Ueneral Passenger Agen A. J. CAS3ATT, neaeral Manage BW,fe(S5.AiaiA AND i ' BLOOIISBURG DIVISION. .uiu-iuuia o. !, Taxes effeet. , d.n . . MONDAY, NOVEMBEIl sa 1876. Noimi. STATIONS. p.m. p.m. a.m. SOUTn. 8 06 S 59 II 48 ......Scran ton,. ...,Bcllevue.. .....Taylorvllle..,. ..Lackawanna Pltuton " . W est llltitfri,, tt mi s 6f T 53 S 49 T 46 8 41 7 41 8 97 7 13 9 11 T ST B 17 T U S3 T 18 .8 It T 16 8 17 T IS 1 II T 07 I 11 T 03 It 00 68 04 0 54 S II 111 111 0 1 41 5 16 13J 0 09 I S3 t 01 1 it 5 59 1 13 6 61 1 10 6 4S 1 14 6 40 1 58 43 t 19 Din. p.m. s so 13 II 81 41 1 S3 c 10 51 111 6 S3 !; 139 5 43 10 05 S 49 5 5C 10 11 S61 5 55 HI It S 68 T 01 111 SO 8 04 IH 10 83 1 (17 t 11 0 71 fl ID T 16 10 87 9 II I S5 10 91 8 19 I 56 10 55 8 87 7 40 10 40 5 81 7 41 1U 41 3 n Tt3 10 61 9 13 B is U 16 4 UI B 13 1 II 4 16 B 46 11 S3 4 SI 8 66 Ull 4 ill t 05 11 80 4 87 6 50 11 9 4 41 55 U 41 4 46 T SU 11 61 4 6J 7 08 II 67 5 tl 1 40 11 1 3 6 0S 7 45 If 07 6 14 1 61 IS 10 6 SO 8 60 18 85 6 as H 85 11 HI 6 47 8 40 11 t 6 51 8 47 11 II 111 in 81 10 Wyoming.. ,..-..MaItbyT..77i 11 ei 16 M.....Klogston,'";.",' B 51 8 6t: 4S. a uuiuuiJl June i.,PljmouUi.,, .....Avondale .. ., NanMroL a 8 41 .llunlock's 1 reek! 8 10 8 It 8 14 -BUtckshlnny .illlck's Kerry... ..Beach Haven.. ,-...Berwlck .... ...lirlar creek., .Willow tirove,! ...Lime Hldge..., .......... Espy..., .Bloomsburg..,. 8 Wl 8 II T 59 7 54 T 46 T40 6 84 1 tl 6 IS 6 11 6 SO 6 13 4 55 4 60 4 55 p.m. 1 48 1 43 1 41) 1 26 ,1 19 1 15 T 115 t to: 7 v.aiawissa uridge. 1 11 ,.wmraB owitcu 7 04 .... ..ouviuij .....Cbubui y nami.rr,,V'" 1 UO I u e 49 orthuinberlandl P-to. (.to. W. nA.ISSS;.JSr.":a V