The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, August 24, 1877, Image 3

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UattiTon-t 'rimnTaMe. "
Accommodation Train M5 A.M.
Mall Train 7.M A. M
Express Train l.M 1. M.
" " 6.60 r, M.
Accommodation Train ...... mi A. At,
licgnlar Express , 4.00 r.M.
T.M A. M.
4.49 I'. M
II.M A. At
S00T1I r. st.
11,83 A.M.
Tlironsh cars on Express train cither to New York
or Philadelphia. Accommodation train runsbctween
C.itnwlssa and Wllllamsport,
More Sheriff's Sales tomorrow.
Tlie mi-Ion colic season is at lianJ.
Tlio Detective Is still on tho watch.
llarncy Stolmer Is now n grand father.
Sweet elder will toon bo In the market.
Tlio buckwheat crop is looking well and bid
fair to Yield an abundant harvest,
Judge KIwcll bus gono north for tho benefit
of his health.
Don't forget that tho Columman offico Is do
ing job work now at panic price'.
Rev. Dr. Thompson will preach In tho Meth
odist Church next Sunday evening.
Parties whoso notes we hold for subscription
pait duo are again notified that they had better
settle coon.
W. A. Marr Hs-p, of Ashland, and S. 1'.
Wolvcrlon Esc'., of Sunbury were In town last
An Infant cliili of Mr. Rollins died last Tues
day morning. The bodv was taken to Scran
ton for Interment.
Tho new residence of 12. It. Ikelcr Esq., is
about ready for roofing. It begins to present
rjulto an Imposing appearance.
Tho Public Schools opened on Monday
with about 600 pupils. The formal School be
gins its fall session next Monday.
0, II. Brockway nnd V J. Ruckalew, F.sqs,
are attending tho Democratic Statu Convention
at Harrisburg this week.
The soldiers are still stationed at Wilkes
barre. It is probable that regular posts will
be established there nnd at Scragtnn.
The refreshing showers of last week were
drank in by a grateful soil. They laid the dust
and greatly benefited tho corn crop
A son of W. P. White in Mt. Pleasant twp.,
fell oil' a sled box and broke his leg on Thurs
day last.
Tho houso of Joshua Kvans In Fishingcrcck
was burned last Saturday morning, 18th. There
was some insurance on it.
Berwick will talk about getting a steam lire
engine now, for n few weeks, just as wo always
discuss tho water works question after every fire.
A parly of young ladies and gentlemen from
Illoomsburg arc spending a few days at Cole's at
tho foot of tho North Mountain.
Tho old pump at tho foot of the school hill is
a public benefactor. It furnishes water to
many men nnd beasts, and that of an excellent
Dr. I. L. Rabb is fast gaining popularity as a
dentist, lie oilers his prolessional services to the
public in a card which appears in our adverti
sing columns.
Main street at tho Scott Town hill is ia a very
bad condition. It should be attended to just as
soon in possible, The Kspy road is about done,
and if the town has any money left it should be
put on that hill. Fast st rect is pretty bad, but
that is worse.
The cheap excursion to Watkin's Glen, which
was to have token place the first of this month,
hut was postponed on account of the strike, will
jo on tho -1th of September.
There will be a festival nt Buckhorn M. K.
Church, for the benefit of M. 11. Parf-onage, on
, Friday and Saturday evenings the t!4 and 23
Inst. Also supper at 4 o'clock p. m. on Satur
day. ,
There will bo ti Grand Festival and parade
by tho American Mechanics of Slabtown on
Saturday, September 1st. Good speakers and
music will bo in attendance and dancing will
bo enjoyed at Snyder's woods.
Tho ladies of tho Lutheran congregation will
hold a sociable In the basement of their church
on to-morrow (Saturday) evening, August 23lh
Refreshments will be served. All are cordially
invited lo attend.
Arrangements to accommodate the members
of the Faculty nnd their families at tho Nor
mal school aro being rapidly completed. Mr
Wells,the newly appointed steward has already
diown himself to be tlio right man for that
Tim Montroso Democrat of last week says
mage streeter lias sent In his resignation as
President Judge of that county, and that pell
lions asking for tho appointment of Wm. II
Jessup, E-ij , to fill the vacancy until the geiv
eral election in 1878, arc being circulated.
The Jerseytown Cornet Band held n festival
in Smith's woods near Jerseytown, last Satur
day, to raise money to buy a Hand Wagon,
Sloes' Silver Cornet Band of Danville, the
Washlnglonville and Mlllvillo Bands wero in
attendance, nnd every body had n graud time,
The following properties wire sold at Sheriffs
sile on Saturday last: Property of Thos. II,
Bond, to D. 0. Bond, for $585.00: S. 13. Van
beuren, lo Cenlralia Saving Fund, for $11.00;
Wm. J-.vnns, to Savilla Evans, for S180.C0, and
John Nungesser, to Paxlon & Ilarman, for
It has been tho custom of the Democracy in
oluinbla county to nominate for District At
torney, their most promising young members
oi the bar. The honors this lime Is bestowed
upon our talented friend, Hobert It. I.iltle. Mr,
Utile ha deserving young man, and will wear
me honors pf his olfice with dignity worthy ol
an older head. Asa Democratic nomination
in Columbia secures nq election, -we extend our
congratulations. Echo.
The members and friends on Columbia Cir-
.. hmu Aituuiaguuri- Allusion nl I in 1-vfini'ell
oal C llln-li ulll l,l.l It .1 l T
1 , IXmnerS WOOJS. (Vntro InumMn nnn.menn.
Itfilmrt fnrra l,na I. - r. i i t i
- - T I I - - "J WUUU
, - .k Ilia iMCCUIIlf. Alt! 11UCK,
Mcrinr will ho n, i: i
uiiuianv invim tn ntia.i.i
..11.. viuinu) wniie in sw mmln-r. wo am n.
,-vnv Win U ,l,
stole it, He took the bill to Catawiera lo get
it changed, and as it was rather moro than must
hoys generally have about il.., ti i.ji .
- , , ,vw - J BUU1D
inquires and resulted In lis recovery. The pa
pers In the pocket book wero burned an. The
boy has not yet bieu nrrttled, butthould bo
made an example or.
Tho local office of tlio Philadelphia k Head
ing Express has been removed to tho storo of
W. 0. McKlnney, who will Rtlcnd to the bust
ncsslu town. J. I,. Cllrlon will conllnuo to
carry express miller. Packages and orders
should bo left at MrKInncy's.
Tlio good people In Orango Invito the pub
lic to nu Ico Cream Festival on tho evening of
Friday Angut 31 nnd ono the afternoon and
evening of Saturday Sept., 1st. Tho manage
ment hopo to hnvo a brass band, Proceeds to
meet n church debt. Festival to bo held Inn,
beautiful grovo near Thos, McIIcnry's home.
Thn press of the llcrwlck Independent having
been damaged by tho (ire.that paper was printed
in Illuomsburg lost week through tho kindness
of tho proprietor of tho Ilcpubtican. For this fa
vor tho Independent returns thanks to Dr. Beck
ley. What wo want to know is whether that
means I), D. or M. D. Brother Beckley show
your diploma.
Wo know that money is scarco with farmers
ns with everybody else. We know also that when
we send our paper to a subscriber for n year wo
expect to bo paid for it. If farmers cannot pay
us cash they certainly can pay in produco which
Is as good as cash tb us. Wo will lako frch
butter and eggs on account at market prices.
A limited quantity of good baking apples and
spring chickens will also bo taken. This is a
good season to pay your subscription without
money. Our collector will soon bo on the road
and ho will take nothing but cash.
public sales.
V.ini Stephens, administrator of William
Hess deceased, will sell real estate In Sugar
loaf Township on August 2oih.
Henry W.
Vnnderslice deceased will sell real estate in
Ml. Pleasant townshsp, on Saturday September
1st. Same day In Roaringcreck township
James Keiller, committed of Daniel Gearhcart,
will sell real estate.
Sec advertisements in other columns.
On Thursday evening tho black smith shop
of F. P. Kelley in Light Street fell down near
ly crushing himself and wife. Tho shop was
built somo three or four years ago and placed
on posts about 8 feet long spanning a brook.
The frehets in the brook washing tho founda
lio l from tho posts, was the cause of the acci
dent. Kelly was repiiring his house, and they
were doing their cooking and eating under the
shop for tho pasi. week, nnd at the tim tho
shop started, himself and wife were under it.
lie gave the nhnn, am escaped but his wife
as caught by the falling shop and severely cut'
in the face.
Mrs. John Keefer, of Benton township; n
lighter of Joseph Hess, met with n sad accl-
ent on last Sunday. She was going to her
father's homo in a buggy. When near Win.
mitli's the horse became frightened at an um
brella and ran violently down the hill. Tho
river was thrown out soon after the horse star
ted but Mrs. Keefer remained in the, buggy till
near the foot of the hill when she was violently
irown out. She was picked up unconscious
nd had remained so up to Tuosdiy evening,
nee which time we have not heard from her.
But little hope, of her recovery is entertained.
he deepest sympathy is felt for her 11 vo or six
lildrcn. Republican.
Attkmiteii Sdicibk. Joseph Anthony, one
pf the prisoners in the county jail on the, charge
of inciting to the late riot, attempted to "shuf-
lle oft" this mortal coll" on Sunday afternoon
last. lie had become noisy and fractious and
the sheriirwas confpelled to lock him up in a
cell. After being placed there he tore up some
f the bed-covering which he fastened to the
window, and placing a nooso around his neck
threw his' whole weight forward. One of the
prisoners in the yard discovered tho operations
f Anthony and cried out, when tho sheriff
rushed in and cut tho would-be suicide down.
He Was pretty well gone, gasping considerably
before he was able to get his breath. Intelligen
cer. Don't Hurry, Giri.9. Ono of the crying
evils of these times is tho tendency ami disposi-
ion of girls lo get through girlhood hurriidly
and get into womanhood, or rather into young
ily-hood, without waiting to enjoy the beauti
ful season of girlhood. "Wait patiently, my
children, through the whole limit of your girl
hood. Go not after womanhood ; let it come
to you. Keep out ol public view. Cultivate
retirement mil modesty. Tho caves and respon-
ibiiities of lifo will come soon enough. When
they come you will meet them, I trust, as
true woman should. But oh, be not so unwise
to throw away your girlhood. Hob not
yourselves of this beautiful seasonvhiclproper-
ly spent will brighten all your future life."
Wkli. AiiMEti With Shootikii Irons. Tho
Heading Eagle stales that tho Coal and Iron
Police carry rilles only in case of riot, or when
umurnauccs are cxpecicu or occur 111 which a
number of persons participate. In traveling
over the hills nnd through the valleys of the
coal regions their companions aro two of Colt's
argo seven-shooter pistols and a small revolver,
The seven-shoolers lire caitridges as large as
llio.-e used for rilles, and n man within COO yards
of ono of Colt s ju-tols in the hands of 11 prac
ticed marksman is not safe. When in tho coal
regions uapritn Jieisier s men practico every
day with llieir revolvers by shooting into the
heaps of coal dirt, at targets, und in this way
become excellent "harpshooters." llazhton
Tho Conferees met at tho City Hotel, Dan
ville, Pa., on Saturday, August 18, 1877, Mr.
D. Lowenberg. of Columbia, was elected Chair
man, und Geo. W. Miles, of Montour, Secretary.
Mr. I'oresman represented Lycoming county,
.Messrs. David Lowenberg and W. J. Buckalew,
Columbia, anil G. W. Jliles and Jacob Coxey,
Montour, Sullivan not being represented. On
motion of Mr. l-urtsman, seconded by Mr.
Buckalew, Dr. Aimnermaii was unanimously
elected Senatorial delegate to tho State Conven
tion and Instructed lo support Col, Noyes for
Stato Treasurer, Adjourned.
David Lowknuhiio, Chalr'n.
G. W. Milks, Sec'y.
On Monday afternoon Bernhard Stohner and
Milton Charles were arrested on tho informa
tion of a Mrs. I.avina Digby for selling liquor
on Sunday, C. F. Klelm was also taken for sel
ling without n licence. Squire Morris appoint
ed Tuesday afternoon at five o'clock for a hear
ing, when the defendants appeared but tho pros
ecutor failed lo coino In. They wero all "dis
charged. It is supposed that the woman and
her husband, who she swore got the liquor, are
travelling about in this way and trying to make
a living by blackmail, J hey have parties ar
rested and then sell out. In this case they
struck the wrong town, and finding they could
make nothing out of tho defendants, vamosed
for fear the costs would be put on them.
The lax-payers of Columbia county Irrcspec
live of party, aro requested to meet at their sev
eral voting places on Saturday September 1st
1877, at 0 o'clock p. m. for the pur(iose of selec
ting one delegate from each parly to meet In
Convention at Bloomsbiiig, on Monday Kept.
3d next (couit week) nt'J o'clock p. m, for th
purpose or taking Into consideration tho erec
tion of the proposed new jail, the removal of
the Court House, If proposed, and such oilier
matters as may reduce publio expenres,and con
duce to honesty and economical management.
Let the K0fle come also.
IitiM Derk,
David Dehott,
and others.
Col. Frank Slewnrl, nnd twelve other gentle
men, representing seven election districts In
tho County out of twtnty-seven, nut nt tho Ex
change Hotel on Monday last, hi mist Conven
tion. The orginlxalion was ell't-cted by tho se
lection of Frank Evans as Chairman, W. H.
Abbolt Esq. Vlco President, nnd II. C. Bitten
bender as Secretary. Levi E. Waller, Esq., was
nominate! for District Attorney, I). A. Creasy
for Coroner, and J. 0. Brown for Surveyor. M.
W. Jackson was selected nj Chairman of tho
Standing Committee
Col. C. 0. Jackson resigned as a delegate to
the State Convention, whereupon D. A. Beckjey
was reminded of tho Hayes' Civil servico order,
and sent In hu resignation, Frank Stewart and
M. M. Brobst were selected in their stead. At
this point tho Bloomsburg delegation attempted
a sharp trick by moving for tlio election of S.
Knorr nnd J. C. Brown to tho Stato Convention
of 1878. This resolution was tabled on the
ground that It was forestalling tho next Con
vention) nnd that Democratic) Blooin sljotild
not furnish both delegates to the exclusion of
towns like Catawlssa and Berwick.
Tho following resolution wns offered and
unanimously passed. "lleolvcd thaUffo thanks
of the Republican pirty through this Conven
tion bo tendered to Col. C. G. Jackson for his
abtoand thorough dUchargo of duties in'tfio
lalo Presidential Campaign." Meeting then
adjourned sine die.
As to the nominee", they are nil gentlemen ef
character and standing, but what is left of the
Hepuhllcan parly can never do more for them
than to put their names on paper.
During tho past week the Dark Angel has
been busy in this section. On Friday of last
week Jacob Bomboy died at tlio residence of
Ills daughter In Espy after a brief Illness. Mr.
Bomboy was one of the oldest residents of this
county, being ninety years, three months and
two days old. For several years ho resided in
Bloomsburg and was well known here. He
leaves 151 descendants consisting of children,
grand children, great grand children, and great
great grand children. Ho was an excellent
man, noted for his piety, nnd was much respec
ted by all who knew hini. Ho was burled in
Espy on Sunday last.
On the 10th inst, Benjamin Franklin, a son
of Daniel 1". Levan of Locust Township, was
struck by lightning nnd instantly killed, while
standing under an appktree. His ago was
about nine jears.
On Monday last, Martha, wife of Gcorgo
Ilisewick, of Bloomsburg departed lids life af
ter a long and painful illness. Mie wis a good
wife and excellent mother, and was notid for
her amiablo disposition. Cut off in tho prime
of life, she leaves a bereaved husband, and two
little children who will sadly miss a mother's
care. Jler age was thirty fix years.
Tho funeral look place at the Episcopal
Chtirrh on Wednesday at two o'clock. In the
absence of thu Ilcclor, Itev. P. B. Lightner of
Muncy officiated.
Subscription received nt this office for tho
International Heview, a unique nnd cosmopoli
tan magazine, and the only popular Jfcrimt
published In tho city of New York. It is pub
lished 0 times 11 year, its stylo of manufacture, is
superb, and each number contains 141 broad
octavo pages of valuable original contributions
by tho best European and American writers, on
social, political, scientific, religious, literary and
artislic matters of living interest to everybody.
Beconimended by tho beJt writers and thinkers
of the age. Price $5,U0 a year, delivered ut
your lost-office. Specimen Copy, $1,00.
July 27 lm.
Our old friend, the son serpent, nnkes his
appearance. This time it is inland in a peace
ful little lake near Cobourg, Ontario- Having
left tho broad highway of the ocean and taken
to moro circumscribed waters, the serpent will
no doubt, prove an easy capture, and the dense
mystery with which ho has been hitherto sur
rounded will be for once nnd ull dissipated.
The Cobourg (Ontario) Sentinel is the author
ity for this latest lisli or rather serpent story,
It thin tells how the monster was seen : Two
American gentlemen who aro enjoying the
lovely scenery of our lake, and the good sport
which it affords, were out yesterday on a fish
ing excursion, nnd when off White's Island,
they noticed an unusual commotion in tho
water, looking towards the north shore. Their
t-urmlses anil doubts were soon set at rest on
dUcovering the undulating portions, of tho body
of a monster which was making its way up the
lako towards Harwood, They at onco gave
chase, and were rapidly gaining on tho creat
ure, when their courage was tested by the mon
ster turning around and made directly for them
The view they had of it at this juncture was
tho best they obtained of it, and it is describeil
by them as having a head almost like that of a
liorte, but twice as long.eyes fierce and glariii
the color of the tkiud.irk grsy, and gullet pink,
and hating largo but apparently soft fins or
long hair along its back so far as rem. They
could not see more than about twenty feet of
the animal's body, hut think it imi.-t bo over
sixty feet long. They Fiiccceded in reaching
Idyl Wild, the monatcr having disappeared be
fore they got to the shore. This was about 1 1
o'clock in the morning. At 1 o'clock two ladies
and two gentlemen standing in the piza of the
Lako View Houso saw the monster pass the
north side of Tu-k Island, going on tho direc
tion of SKeke Island. With 11 good opera
gla-s they were enabled to notice moro accurate
ly the movements of the monster serpen1!, for
such now it appeared to be, nnd in a short time
it had passed behind Kpocke Island mid made
directly for tho mouth of the Otanabe, but ills
appeared suddenly when in that part of the
lake which is considered Ihu river channel, nnd
has not since been seen fiom here.
Ilrady got his yacht, the Slug, under weigh at
owce, and cruised around the island for fome-
timc, hut could discover nothing of tlio alarm
lug visitor. I will let you hear if nnythin
further Is seen or heard of his snakeehip,
This is what tho local paper savs, but a oyni
ral New York H'erfcf correspondent writing
from Coburg throws considerable doubt on tho
story, He says, alluding lo the article abivo
moled : This was on Saturday last. Nothing
further has been seen of his snakeship, but a
great deal has been heard of him. It appears
that nobody saw him but two American tour
ists, und the villagers have solved the vision
by this theory : A fortnight ago the Duhkln act
a measure prohibiting the sale of whisky Ii
quantities less than live gallons was passed In
this county, nnd although It will not go into
operutlon until March next, the tavern keepers
are already laying in live-gallon kegs, Ono of
these filled with old rye whUky, intended fur
consumption In the lumber as a "torpedo." be
cause shanty whisky, is believed to kill atjforty
rods, came into the swsession of the Horwood
hotel-keeper at whose house the two Americans
were staying, and on their starting for a two
days' camp out ho unwillingly put It Into their
canoe, This was on Friday, It Is presumed
that they got outside of (he whole live gallons,
partly because the bung-hole and oilier relics
of the keg have bi en found on Whit s Island
near the eastern end nf the lake, but chiefly, of
course, because they detected tho sea-serpent I
what was, nccordlng to the evidence of reliable
persons who had not been within range of tl
Infernal machine, nothing more "monstrous
than a floating boom of logs. This is univer
sally regarded as tho true explanation of tho
vision. The tourists are fiom Boston, and one
of them Is already willing to admit that It may
have been the keg.
This Is n good year for snakes. Seyernl
small ones hnvo been seen along tho side rnlk
on North Main Street abovo East. They live
among tho abundant weeds that grow up there.
The persons who saw them wero perfectly so
ber. Thero Is n perfect dearth of news Just now,
cither local or political. If anybody thinks It
Is fun to cdil n newspaper let him try it, when
there is no moro material to make an Interest
ing sheet than llicro Is at present. There is
just so many typo to be set tacli week, nnd the
hands must hnvo copy, hence there must bo lo
cal news and there must ho editorial matter,
nnd somebody must find il. And thero Is tho
rub, for i't is hard to write editorials about noth
ing, and It Is difficult to It-It what is happening
here nnd thero when nothing happens. If wo
had tho cheek to palm ofTon our readers an ed
itorial pago composed entirely of extracts from
other pipers, and a local page filled up with
dead advertisements, wo would experience, no
difficulty, but wo haven't. The many clergy
men in the county to whom thu CoLumIiiaN is
sent gratuitously would confer 11 favor by send
ing us weekly such Items of Interest as may oc
cur In their several localities.
W. H. Vandcrbilt lias promised tho em
ployees of his rail road a hundred thousand
dollars to bo divided amonj; them, becnuso
they did rot strike.
Tho centennial anniversary of tlio battle
f Uennlngtnn was celebrated In Vermont
last week. President Hayes and several
members of his cabiuut attended.
The Heptiblicans of Schuylkill county
have nominated Judgo Green for re-election
to tho Common Pleas bench : for District
Attorney, W. J. Whitchouso (or sheriff,
James Kirk.
Tho Harvest Homo in Union county on
tho 10th inst, was attended by eight thou
sand people.
J, It. DurburroWjKsrj., of tho Huntingdon
Journal, hai established a country newspaper
ailvertisit g agency at 703 Sansoni street,
A Texas paper claims that its State has
now 1,750,000 inhabitant?, and predicts that
by 1880 it will have moro than 2,000,000,
and bo entitled to twenty representatives in
Tho Wytlievills) (Va.) Enterprise says
that snow fell on Walker's Mountain, Bland
county, that ytute, on Thursday, August
Uth. It rained below in Iho vail0' at the
white deer was seen In Juniata town
hip, ltlair county, the other day. It still
lives, and everybody is requested not to
shoot it, but deviso somo way by which it
may bo captured aliv.
Tho Maino Stato bounty of $5 for every
lead bear lias not only caused the bringing
of many from Canada, but it is said to have
mado bear raising a paving business, flic
Stato paid $725 in bounties last year, and
the supply appears to bo increasing.
Tho destruction of sheep in California by
tho recent drought is estimated at 2,500,000
head, or two-thirds of tho sheep in tho Stale
Many of tho great Bheep herders abandoned
7000 to 10.000 head in tho mountains.
Tho Windsor Savings Hank, at Windsor,
Vt., was robbed of $2000 on Saturday after
noon. (The thieves climbed into tho window
of the back room, and took tho money from
tho drawer, whilo tho bank people were
looking at tho Presidential procession.
The unused batracks nt Carlisle, Pa., ate
to be repaired and extended to render them
capable of accommodating a largo force o:
Federal troops in rendezvous. The location
is one ofthe most eligiblo in tho country,
At tho Philadelphia Permanent Exhi
bition there aro now twenty-tlireo hundred
exhibitors, representing all tho slates of the
Union, and all the principal foreign countries
of tho world, and less thaiiouo-half of thceo
aro Pennsylvania exhibitors.
I.ouis Davis, a dealei in ragi and paper
was committed in New Orleans Wediie-day
in default of $20,000 bail on tlio chorga of
selling washed revenuo slumps. Several
thousand renovated two cent stamps wero
found in his possession.
Tho Heading Timet aya "Partridges nie
reported to bo more numerous than they
have been for years, and tho fields of our
farmers aro full of tho beauties, whoso shrill
piping cm bo heard on every side." We
may add that this is tho caso almost every
where, and the reason is the mild weather of
last winter.
Hiram and Frank Kaufman, of IWk
county, aro still the owners of tho original
tract of over 200 acres of land, situated in
Oley township, which was settled upon by
the ancestors of tlio Kaufman family
A now oil mill at Smith's Ferry, Pa., be
gan to flaw on Monday, nnd spouted oil
over tho men working around the derrick.
Tho gas ignited from a blacksmith's forgo
nnd tho men wero enveloped In the Haines.
W. ;ii. Kayl and Charles Amnion per
ished, John Hayl and William McCready
were fatally burned, und John Clinton and
his son wero severely scorched.
Justice Miller delivered an opinion in
tho supreme court of tho United Slates show
ing that a man In prosperous businiss who
may purchase- real stale out of profit, and
transfer said property to his wife may bo
held, in tlio event of subsequent failure, to
have withdrawn funds to which nu arslgneo
in bankruptcy u.ay lay clalm,iM'hehalFof
creditors. .
Tho experiment of slaughtering cattle by
means of dynamite tras recently tried at
Dudley, England, with marked success.
Small charges of dynnmito wero fastened
on the foreheads of tho animals, nnd explod
ed by an electric shock. The animals, two
disabled horses and a donkey, wero instantly
killed by the explosion, sufl'eritig n compara
tively painters ueaiu.
If a calico dress is washed carelessly,
starched stiff, sunned a day or two, and half
ironed, it is not a very comely sight. Hut
If rp-ilukly 'dried ln(1lhej saadoi'vor thinly
nnd evenly slaiclitd, nnd jioned on the
wrong Bide so that it wili not shine, it will
look like a new dress for u long time. Mmiy
pretty bltto prints and cambrics fudo when
washed in the usual way, If they are washed
the first time in strong salt and water, or
water to which a llttlo beef's gall is added,
the colors will bo set so that they will always
be as handsome as at first, und can bo washed
ever after like other colored goods,
Vic proposn borrowing $30, liny for tin
Now Counly Jnil, In sums of from $8,000 to
$1(1,000, monthly nt iicotlnl. I'nynbhi In cou
pon Bonds, rtinnhtg froln one lo sit years
$8,000, to Is- paid each year. Hflnds lo be of
not k thru $100. Tluso desiring to take
loans -hould inform usvufiho nmuiliil of Bonds
they want nnd whett'lnV hionewill bo ready.
Wo will want somer on the first' of September
nnd of each following month, until tho whole
loan is romnlnicil.
We do not feel warranted lo offer more thnn
four ir cent, interest. The first hinn will be for
iv ji-nrt. By order of
-. MI.AS Vf. J1CI1HN11V,, -Corn's.
J. 11. SANDS,
commissioners' umce.tiloomsburg, rx.Aug.lV'T.
nug. 17-8W Attest! WM. KiliCKlHUM, Clerk.
DOiniiN'SLlcOTltlO SOAP.
Having obtained tlio agency of this
Ceixuhatei) Soap
for Bloomsburg and vicinity, I append tho
pinion 01 somo 01 our ucst people as to us
"I have used Dobbin's Electric Snnnmndn
by I. I j. Cragin & Co., 1'hllnilclplila, Pa.
for washing about ten years, nnd think it
superior to any other. Mrs. O. G. Barkley."
"Wo have used Dobb n's E ectr e nnd
find It superior to any other or all other) "
-Mrs. W. II. Jacoby,
Mrs. II. II. Stohner.
I dcslro all my friends and customers to
Give n's Soap one trial,
so that they may know just how good tlio
ucst soap 111 luo-unueu states is.
J. II. Maize.
July 20, '77-8W Illoomsburg, Pa.
Business Notices
Fish at Cost for cash at Silas. Younz's
Store, Light Street. Aug 2 l-iliv
Cheapest nlaco for Groceries in town is at
Produco taken in exchane-o for School
Books at U. A. Clark's.
I. W. Ilartman's Teas are stronir. well
flavored and lully worth their prices.
E. UuHerick & Co's. Dress Patterns
For Huches. Ties, ltullles and Hibbou3 iro
to Clatk & Wolf's.
llrass Kettles sold at a sacrifice at Schuvler
& Sou's.
Ladies' fine Shoes, all widths and sizes
at Jlcluuuey'a.
Huy your Writing Paper at G. A. Clark's.
Nico Mild Cliccso always on baud at the
Empire Grocery.
Machine Needles and Oil ut Marr's.
70 cents a yard for tho best Turkey-red
Table Linen at I.utz & Sloan's, Napkins In
inaicu lor uu cenis per uozeu.
?i:i: Tins. Tin Cans cheancr than ever.
Hollius & Holmes will not bo undersold.
They aro now offering 0110 dozen quart cans
at 7i cents. Now is tho time to make your
P.enutiful Tycoon
Hepps' at T. W. Hart-
man s.
"Down to Hard
I'.m" Hoots and Shoes at
Wanted. Two girls to learn the tailor
ing trade. Win. Y. Kester. Apr.'J7tf
Huy your School Slates at 0. A. Clark's.
Marr wants' Fivo Hundred Spring Chick
ens. A good brand of Cigars
tho Empire- Grocery.
: for 5 cents at
Mason's original Fruit Jars, only Sl.-IU a
dozen at Creasy's.
Produco taken in exchange for School
Hooks at G. A. Clark's.
Always tho host Sugars, Syrup and X. O, at I. W. Hartniaii's.
Tho prico of fiirnilitiu is way down to
rock 110 1 In in. 1011 can uuy 11 very pretty
Walnut Chamber Set for fifty dollars, and
an I'leguut set lor toventy fivo dollars at Cad
man's. SEED WHEAT.
The Celebrated IIoos.10 Hoarded Wheat
from Northern Iowa to arrive Sept. 1,1877.
Paxto:' & Hausian,
Aug. 17 Iw ltupcrt, Pa.
Lasting Gaiters, $1.00 at McKinneys.
0. A. Clark will se?l Parker & Watson's
National Headers nt tho following prices du
ring tho coming Eall nnd Winter :
15 cents.
-' cents
10 cents.
70 cents.
Fiist Header,
Second Reader,
Third Header,
Fourth Reader,
Fifth Header,
Mnnteith's Geographies at tho following
rates :
Monteitli'S 1st Gcornphy 28 cents.
Monteitb'H 2nd Geography -II cents.
Monteith's .'Jrd Geography 83 cents.
Monleith's -1th Geography Sfl.-lO.
The Ladies' are always pleased willi tho
wearing ijualtitieb of "tho Muslins I. W.
'laituiaii t-eils.
Peaches and Meldns at the Kuipiro Gro
cery. Kino Molasses only (10 cents n gallon at
D. A. Creasy's.
Just received at J. Schuyler & Son's 0110
ton ivauiatn tiro s, flew yorK nliot.
Huy your writing P.ipnr at G. A. Clark's.
CIiul: k Wolf have in btnek their usual
nttractlvu at-sortinent of Fancy Goods.which
ihey tiro selling at lowest kinds of rates.
Remember tho reduced prices 011 School
Hooks at J. Y .- ilartinun's.
Tlio best yet. , Lulz cV Sloan will close out
a lot of single-button dollar Kid Gloves fur
,10 cents a pair.
Don't pass L. licruhnrd'a Jmvtlry Store
without stopping lo look in his wiuduw, Il
cuntiiins nu i-leruiit ri-r-oitinent of Jewelry
and Silverware. Watches and clocks re
puired and all kinds of work in his line done
neatly and cheaply.
" - "" ar,-i
Huy your School Slates at QilK,' Clark's.
' aflBRff "
Hllck and ''Fish C-Tl nt MSrr's. "
Choice Ham mid Shoulder at tho Empire
Grocery. " " '
I). A. Creasy has just opened a fino as
sortment of New Dry Goods and Groceries,
$1,25 Foxed Gaiters at MclCinney's,
KSTRAY. WiiiT W. Mill er's'cow eslrny
eil Irani his premises at Forks V. O. Red
Cow, nudiuui size, about 8 years old. with
white spot on right side. Tho finder will
bo suitably rewarded by returning the
Marr pays 2(5 cenls for Htitter.
Hand-inade Shoes nt McKinney's.
Tho Rockfurd Watch, tho best A me i-l can
titno keeper mado lor tho price, can now bo
uuu ut i.uuis jicrmiuru a Jewelry store,
Large recking chairs for porches are ull
the rage. C'uduiati has them of ull shapes
uuu oirn uuu tuiuiB. uuu IS belling IIICUI rajl-
Idly. Those formerly sold ut six dollars can
now be bought for H&(, Cheaper than any
umcr piuco uv iuuwau s,
Murr buys Onions and (spring Chickens.
Lucky U tho baby whoso mamma, uses
Glenn's Sulphur Soap wilh whlili to wash
tho little Innocent. Nu nrleblv heat, or
trllirr rnsh can annoy tho infant cullclo with
w 11 lull this cooling niul purifying nuliscor
Initio cmum In diiily t-ontai t. bold by nil
Hill's Hair & Whisker Dye,
blnek or
An oriental traveller this busy
scene.witucssed on historic shores 1 "Our steamer at
landed 011 n beach which was ihepnrtof An-
lioch, wherotho disciples were lirst called
Christian. Thero was no town at tho water's
edie. no neon e. nu w hnrf. Tho tisMenoers nnd
Iho merchandise wero put ashore in lighters,
1 , .1 1 t
" ; "' " '"" "
to transfer the goods into Iho Interior. Among
the articles landed wero boxes marked 'Dr. J.
C. Ayer & Co. Lowell, Ma?., U.S. A.,' show
Ing that they contained medicines and whence
they came. These with other goods were hois
ted on the backs of camel", for transportation to
Antioch. Thin tho skill of the West sends
hack its remedies to heal the maladies of popu-
.lations that inhabit those eastern fhores.wlienco
our spiritual manna came. 11 inifsor (W
Aug. S lm.
Coal ! Coal !
Coal ! !
Wc ni'C HOW oflerilltr all sizes Of
. . n . I
tlio celebrated Susquehanna Coal
Lo a., coal, at tlio lowest cash pri
ces. Coal screened" before leaving our
vards and full weight guaranteed.
Orders left at T. W. McKclvy's
btore, at Otirtliliec, Or Sent throllim
.. ... . 0 i r
mv .11.1110 Kin itwnu i'ioipi hi.-
Yoiir patronage 13 .respectfully
C. W. Nkal & Bro.
Elegant Hair Is woman's crowning beauty
when it.f.ides, she fades as well. While it is kept
brlghthcr personal attractions are still maintain
ed. Hy preserving the hair fresh and vigorous a
youthful appearance is continued through many
ynirs. Those who grieve over their fading
hair turning gray loo early should know that
Ayer's Hair Vigor prevents it, and lcstoics
gray or faded hair to its natural color. It is a
clear and healthful preparation, containing
neither oil, ilyc, nor anything deleterious, and
imparts t the scalp what is most needed a
sense of pleasant nnd delightful freedom from
scurf or dnndruff.-
Sew Heme (iV. C.) 2'i'mcs.
July lm.
August Flower.
The ino-t ini'crablo beings in tho world aro
those suffering from Dyspepsia and Liver of the property, tho one-fourth less the ten percent.
Complaint. Moro than soventy-fivo per at counrmatlon absolute, and tho remaining three
cent of tho pcoplo in tho United Slates aro fourths In one year thereafter, with Interest from
nl lictcu wit 1 1 ncso two Uli-cascs and tneir et-
lects: such as Sour Stomach. Stck Head
ache, Habitual Costivenoss, Palpitation of the
Ileal t. Heart-burn, Watcr-bra'-li, gnawing
and burning pains at the pit of tho Stomach,
yellow fkin, coated tongue and disagreeable.
tate 111 the mouth, coming up nl looil allcr
eating, low spirits, -vc. tin to .Mover isros.,
ami get a7-ccntbottloot AUUUST 1'l.UiV-
EK or a sample bottlo for 10 cents. Try it.
two win relievo you.
April 27, 77-ly jl
Of. Sliiloli's System Vitalizer.
Wc aro authorized to guarantee this rem
cuv for the curcol 'ivspepsia, Inactive I.iv-
er.Sou r Stomach, Constipation, Loss of Ap
petite, Coming up of i'ood, Yellow Skin,
and Ueneral Languor and Debility. 1 011
must acknowledge that this would be ruin
ous unless wo had positive evidence that it
will euro. 1011 who are fullering Irom
these complaints these words are addressed
and will vnu continue to suffer when vou
can ho cured on such terms? It is for you
to determine, cample tiottlo 10 rents; reg-
nlmili-Ioinli, SoldbvC.A. Klelm and
N . J. Hendershctt.
00,000 dio annually by neglecting a
Cough, Cold or Croup, often leading to
Consumption and tho grave. Why will you
neglect so important a matter, when vou
can get at ouri-turi' Sliiloh's Comsiinipiinn
Cure, with (lie cs-tinince ol a i-peedv recov
ery. For HPretie-s aistbo Chest or Lungs
or Lame Hack or Hhlu, Sliiloli's Porous
Plaster gives prompt relief. Sold by C. A.
Klcim and N. J. Hetuli-rshott,
IlnckmetneV. a popular and fragrant per-
lumo. buld by C. A. Klelm nnd .1. llen-
dershott. March 30, '77-eow
Wheat per bushel.,
ltvo .
Corn, new, " ..
oats. " "
Flour per ho rrel ..
. .Ill
1'otutoes , ,
Tirlcd Apples
limns 14
Hides shoulders 10
lard per nounu 11
Hay per ton ,
lleeewaxt.i. , ,v
Timothy Seed 4.C0
No. 4 on Wharf 3.23 per Ton
ru,i - -- 1 .1,1,1
No. a " " t 9.00
Blacksmith's tiitnp on Wharf 3.!3
" Bituminous " fa to
oniro In "Ent Bi'iluino," Bloomsburg, Pa., near
uonn. inn!--,
aug, 10,-77-tf
rsTATE or Puitir p. kkeaiiek, nrc'n.
I filers of administration, on tho estate of Philip
11 Kjetuner. Into tf Oreenwotil twp. Columbia co..
Pa., haro been prnnlod by tho lteglster of co-
luiumu couniv, in siexsnner ireoiner,orsameiown
hhtn. to w hem all rerhonu Indebted ere renufK'cd
tomal-Hlnunf'Utiitepniinen andthoseliavlngelalms
or demand n-fuli-ltt-l-en-ld waste will uinko them
known totliu iLCtislEtcC Adrrlnlstrutor without
July W,n-cvr AUmlntktrator,
l-SrA TK Ol' UOhES tVtlitlT. PEt'Il,
letters of Administration on tho estate of Moses
i-veriiti, i.ue or orawro mwiinup, Columbia noun,
ty. have been irrsnud livtho lleclsttror sinlenun,
ty to the in ilrrs IgncU Administrators of orahito
townf-hlp. All TS-lons Lalll.L- claims flenliiht. llu,
said i-btnto are renuchted lo prtkent lhein for settle.
mi nt, and those Indebted to make pajmenMvlthout
llllt'M 11. Ill INK.'
our. 10. "77 txr
.1 Administrators.
liands for1 Sale.
A60.000 ACRES
, First .class stock farms, eicellt-nt A-rneulturiil
Anils, tad the left Tcbocco region In the West
.-Mtuiv uiuina, ji Kltt'-'-iiupi!, unit riy HK-iei..
rood markets and a healthy country, low incest
Fit-e irsnsportotlon from Ft. louls to tho lands
fi'rnlslit-d I urcliooers. For further Information, ad-
land Commrsfloncr St. louts nnd San KruncUcii
Hy. Co., N, W. cor, Flllh and "Aiumn, streets, t-t,
I ,,!!,, ktn t w X ..n 11. It ....
Hf-- A. 1.. lIltAISU,
riAl 1" fireatchameto
ill) 1 1 ) rn. svt.irolcl
VAVyiJly.imeka Wo ni
0!iitil,e, money. It sou
need a iM-rsiin ..vac.-
3 mi mo irei. i'r-,in
whereto iiike ubhcrlp1lnis to iho largt-ht cheaiss-t
nnd bcH lllui-trateJ fmnlly publleulluu In tho wot Id
Anv one can l-eoin iv hucetMdul gt.i, 'i no mit
eiguntwurUot art given IriotuhuUerbcrs 'Uo
price Is bu low tluiistniobt ecr)body HubhcilUes
Onof-gint rt-prrU,g ttr toinn week. A
lady unenlieporia tukluitovt-r4CUBubserllxMliileii
dais. All who triCKgn msko money fan. Uuiun II yuir time lo llm PuMniss. or pnlrvmr
stwiB llinn, uv need not be nwsv Irom hoinv titer
ii ki.1 tuuikiiU'i Itusweii.solhetit. Fullrarllc.
ulais. dlrtctlowi nnd lern s In e. lerant and ex
pensive uiiih ine. if yuu wuht irtiitsl,i n-k
send us tour Hildrens m niieu. Itumis lutbimrla
iil,iy.,1BSU i'i.Wr'n'af? lift!
land, Maine, y ug. Tu,T7-iy
A. FOlt 8AIE
Orphans' Court Salo
Djr vlrtuo of an order ct tho orphans' Com t of Co-
lumbta counlv. Iho undcrslirned Administrator of
wm. Hess, deceased, will exjioso to public salo on the
premises on
PATUBDAY, AUUUSr 2..tli,18i7,
ten o'clock, a. m.. tho following dcscrtiJCd real en-
,nV slt,"lt"n "'0 township 0 sug ano ar, to uu yi
Bart No. 8, bounded on the north by lands of WlllUm
Btevens, on tho cast by lands of Marshall Miller and
other lands of tho said William Hess, on mo souui
J 'nni'V0( Htotelh Miller, and on the west by
lands of tho same, containing
And purpart. No. 4, bounded on tho north by other
lands of Bald William lless being purpart No. a, on
tho east hy lands of Marshal Miller, on tho soutu uy
lands of Ulsobctli Miller, an t on tho west by said
purpart No. 8, containing
Tho greater portion of this is well Umbered,
Whereon H erected a saw mill In goes! condition with
overshot wheel, dooblo gearing an excellent water
THUMB OP 8AI.I!. Ten per cent, of ono-fourth of
the purchase money to be paid at tho striking down
of the property, tho one-fourth less tho tn per
cent, at the confirmation of tho Bale, nnd tho re
maining three fourths In ono year thereafter with
Interest from confirmation nl si.
Possession will bo given upon security for balance
of purclioso money at any time after sale.
-y,A QTlMitt
July st, tT-ts
In pursuance of an order of tho Orphans' court of
- nlnmm - t pmii,lu thn iiiwlorctt-nml will tnll nt mihlln
saloon the premises on
attwoo'clock In tlio afternoon, tho following dc-
nrih.,l m.T .... n . ( llhat
- V'"-Ur-rT
or certain tract of laud situate In JIU Pleasant town
ship, Columbia county, Pennsylvania, bounded on
the north by land of John WanlcU, sr., on tho west
by lands of Hobert ltusscl, nnd Thomas Klato Co., on
tho south by lands of n. It. Appleman nnd on tho
cast by land of Heirs of Daniel Vanderslice, deccas-
cd, Wilson Wanted nnd T. J. Vanderslice, containing
12 3 ACRES,
and being tho property of John II. Vanderslice, do
ceased, and on which Is erected a
New two story Swelling' Houso,
Largo Hank Ham, togetlier with nil tho necessary
out-bulldlngs, nlso a Sjiai.i.Tksant Uocse, with out
buildings. Thero aro also Two Wells of Water, ono
at the houso and the other nt the barn, Thero Is
also upon the premises a
Good Young Applo Orclntril
of about six acres. Thero Is also a good watcr-pow-
cr upon tho premises. 1 ho greater part of the farm
Is situate '011 tho Itat along Llttlo l'lsalngcreck, nnd
n llrst-class quality of land for agricultural purpos-
c3,sltuato about two miles from the To-vn of Blooms
burg, the County Seat of Columbia county,
TEILMS Of SALE. Ten per cent of one-fourth of
tho purchase money to bo paid at tho striking down
connrmaiion nisi.
nug. 10, it-u
In pursuanco of an order Issued out of the court
of Common rieas of Columbia county, the undor
slgned Committee of tho person nnd cstsjeof Dan
iel iscnrhart, a lunatic of lioarlntrcrcck township In
said county, will exposo to public salo on the prem
ises on
commencing at 10 o'clock a. in., of said day, a certain
situate In Itoarlngcrcek township, County of Colum
bia, ccmtnlnlnff
more or tless, bounded by lands of .Franklin Yocum,
c'a Heirs,: Peter oearhart and Frederick Doty,
uonn liwclimt,- House,
a Bank Barn and other out-bulldlncs.
ALSO, nil that certain tract, township- and county
aforesaid, containing
more or less, bounded by lands of Christian Shultz
survey, Mary Bader's survey, lands of William nnd
Elijah Yocum, and William Lemon suney nnd oth
ers, S3ld subject to the following cxcepl Ions nnd res
ervations. All coal of u mineral or fossil character,
aU Iron ore, and all other minerals of all nnd every
description and all mines which now are or hereaf
ter may Do operated, together with free Ingres,! and
egross to and for Chfrles S, Coxe, his heirs and as
ALSO, another pleco or parcel of land, sltliateln
township nnd county aforesaid, contalng2u ACItES
and 15 perches.boundcdbylandsof Franklin Yocum,
J. F. rfahlcr, and other lands of tho Bald Oearhart.
Tho aboo will be sold as a wholo or In lots dcsrlb-
cd soastosult purchascis.
Tebms or mm. Ten per. cent of one-fourth of the
purchase money to bo paid at the striking down-ot
tho property, tho one-fourth less the ten per cent, nt
connrmntlon absolute, and the remaining three-
fourths In onejear thereafter with Interest from
continuation nl&l.
aug. 7T-ts committee,
Jurors for Sept. Term, 1877.
Beaver Abram nice.
Benton John Karns, Jr.
Bloom-Joshua Fcttcrmin, I. K. Miller, A, Noble.
catawissa-Wm. T. Creasy, C. It. Funston. William
John, Charles Wanlch.
Franklln-Wllllam Howell, Martin Wlntcrsteen.
llumlocl Everhart Bergcr, John Hartman, Jacob
Martz, Samuel Ohl.
Jackson N. 1). Kile.
Locust-Shultz Kntttlo.
Madtsou Solomon Ban-hard, A. J. Cj rr.
Minim Thomas Atcn.
Montour Lewis Koth.
Itoarlngcreck Joseph Craig, William llhoads.
Scott-F. I. Kelly.
I!oaver-(lonro P. DrsUbach. Edmund Mliell. Juhn
Smith, Onret VanliUragum.
Benton Denn (son Colo.
Birwlck-Franlc S. Hunt. William M. Stephens. 1).
M. Thornton.
Bloom-l-'harles It. House 1. S. II. Jaeobv.
Urlarereck Charles lieed.
Catawlssa-i:. M.Tewktbeiry.
Centre Thomas Brobst, Ezra Hill, Allen siielUiam-
mer, sr.
Conyngham Henry Moser.
Fisuingcreck-wtlllam Blslillno, Aaron Hess.
Fi auklln Jacob Artly. T. M. Mensch.
Greenwood-Marlon Kline, Nicholas Kindt, Archl
bald Patterson.
Hemlock WUllamppleman, William JLeldy, w.M
Hartman. .MdNHTsP' ,...ttl
Jockson-Septtmus Hess, Ezra. (Stephens, William
Yorks. jjjpr "
Locust-Peter Swank, Isaiali Ye
Madlson-WllltamJ. Allen.
Main Aaron (Jrovcr.
Montour John Hrelsh.
MU I'loasant-WUllam 13. Johnson, William Oman,
Orange John Oadinan, Henry DeLonir.
I Pino John l Fowler
I u,, Tr.,h li.i..
"C0" -esePh llecktnan, wmita Hartman, Thomas
i .en ui, iussu aierriu, u. c. Trench
Sugarloat James F Kill. im,n iii u-i,,
"'""--Joines i. wm, John lls, Allen W hlte,
neater-David Bredbenner, Jr.. Henry lllnderllter,
--uanctt .tiieuaei, siepncn MlchaeL
Bcntoti-lrn Thomas,
lierwlcs-wiuiam J. Knorr.
Bloom-John Ulnker.
litlan'rcck-Jamoa S. Spcnenbcrger,
Catawlssa-John Oelger, llcorgo Manhart, V. II.
Ccutre-Jcsis) Hoffman.
Ftshlngcret-k lewis Cretellng.
Franklln-TbomasCbenlnglon, I. N. Teltsworth
Qreenwood-Jacob Oerranl, Elijah Jmon, Joseph
lledllne, t-r., John n. Shultz.
Hemlock Sylvester puraell.
'-'t-lllnun Y. Howerl Henry Itlioadl, Ma,,
berry bmder.
Jackson-Ecpheulali Butt, Frank 'iTtpleplece,
MadUon-Jaiacs Blldlno, C. M. Bodson. Albert citr.
ton, Wm. S. smith.
Mimtn J. J. Brown, Jacob Grover.
Montour-wmiara Beers, A. o. stonger.
Scott-K. II. Pumll.Tbouuui liutledge, N, Itlciart.
1T1IF,HRA8, tho Hon. WlttfAM EtwfXb
'W iT'-sident Judge of the court otoyer and
rcrmlnerand ticnerai Jail Delivery, uounoi unr-
tcr fe-aslons "f l'i renfoand thecourtof Common
lleajiiiid orphans' lout t InUie SKtliJiidtcinr ins-
r et. coinrmsed of the oountl.w of coiumwa ana
Montour, und Ihu Hons. I. K. Krtckbaam and Y. I
Shuman, Associate Judges of Columbia county, b
Issued tlvlr precept, bearing data Iho Uth day of
May, In tlio year of our Lord ono thousand etgbi
hundred and noroaty-seren, and to mo dlrecud tor
holdlngn Court of Oyer and 'Terminer anaKneriu
quarter Sessions of the Pence, Court of Commo
pleas and Orphans' Court, In Bloomsourg, la tin
county of Columbia, on U10 nret Monday, beta (tto
sd day of September next, to contlnuo two wee km.
Notice Is hereby Elton to the coroner, 10 me lat
tices of tho Pence, and the Constable of the MM
county of columbtn, thatuieybo then and thervla
their proper person at 10 o'clock in the forenoon 01
sold 3d day of Sept., with their records. Inqui
sitions and other remembrances, to do those Udnta
which to their offlcea appertain to bo done. Aa
those that aro bound by recognizance to proaeout
nitalnst tho prisoners that aro or may be In Uie jot
of tho sold county of Columbia, to be then and theft
0 nrosocuto them as shall be Jujt. Jurors art r
quostod to bo punctual In thetr attendance, agreeably
to their notices. Dated nt Illoomsburg the 1st day
of August, in tlio year of our Lord oae
Is. I-thousand eight hundred nnd seventy-aereD
-r J and In the one hundred and llrst year of
tho Independence of tho United states of America.
Shcrtirs Office, John. w. uorraAH,
llloomsbur?, Aug. to Sheriff.
, Notice Is hereby irlven to all leirateen. 'crcitt-
nnrl other rontons Interested In the estates of
tho respective decedents nnd minors, Uiattbe fal
lowing administration and guardian nccounta have
been tiled In thn olHce of the Register of Columbia
county, nnd will bo presented for confirmation and
allow nnco In U10 orphans' Court to be held in
Illoomsburg, on Monday, tho Sd day of Sept., lirr,
nt : o'clock, p. in. on said day;
1. Thonrstnnd final account or reter
mlnlstrator of Joseph stokes, late of Loaust
township, deceased.
1. Thenrstand final account ot Joseph Kline, AA-
mlnlst rater of John u. Kllnc,late of Mount l'leaa-
ttnt township, deceased.
3. Tho llrst nnd partial account of Harriet It. Wes-Ik-r.
Executrix of N. M. Wcstlcr,lateot the Uor
ougli of llcrwlck, deceased.
4. Tho account of I ram Ix-rr, Administrator of Its
ton Kline, late of Ureenwood township, de
ceased. 5. The Unnl neoount of Joseph II. and Thomaa Ad
nms. Executors of Abraham Adams, late of Brl
arcrcck township, deceased.
C. The account of Alfred Crcvcllng, Cluardlan of
Jilary '. Trembly, (late Crevellug; a minor child
of Ell Crevcling, Into of scoti township, de
ceased. 7. The second nnd nnal account of Hiram Tealer,
Administrator or Daniel Tenter, Jr., late of JTsh
lngcrcek township, deceased.
8. Tho Ilr&t nocount of Joshua Fctterman nnd Aaron
V. Orovcr, Administrators of Michael urover.
Into of Illoomsburg, deceased.
9. Tho llrst and partial account of Nathan n.Crcasy
nnd li.mlel A. Creasy, Administrators of Samuel
Creasy, lato of Mlflltn township, deceased.
10. Tho final supplemental account of Peter KM, de
ceased, lato acting Executor of nnd Trustee of
JtnUhew McDowell, deceased, filed by his Ad
ministrator, Oscar r. Ent.
11. Tho account of Philip Faust, Administrator of
Mary Kuitst, late of .Montour township, deceased.
12. Tho acco'-ntcf Hiram J. Itcedcr, Executor of
Ucorgo hhlck, late of Catawlssa, deceased.
13. Tho llrst smltlnnt account of A. J. Albertson,
AdintiitMrntorot MellHcrA, Kllno,Uteottireen
wuod township, deceased.
II. The third account of Wm. If. Yctter, Adminis
trator of Daniel Yclter. late of Main township,
15. The account of C. W. Miller, nuardlan cf Mary
Mason, inhior child of Hubert Mason, late of
Illoomsburg, deceased.
10. Tho first and final seoount of Wm. II. Shoema
ker, uuuruuti r .Tam-s 1, uetciu-iueirer, minor
child cf .Michael Itolcli'-Uleirer, late of Blooms
burg, deceased.
IT. '1 ha account nt D. A. Watson, Executor Of Wil
liam nariier, late 01 Mautsou township, as, nied
hf his Administratrix, Murr A.Watson.
19. The account of D A. Watson, Executor of Es
ther Uaiber, late of MndLson township, deceased,
as tiled by his Administratrix, .Mary A. Watson.
19. The llrst and nnal arconnt of William U. John.
Administrator or cadwauauer lloberts, late or
Moniour township, deceased.
no. The final account of-1. M. (.'. Hank, Executor of
John Melllck, lato of bcott, township, deceased.
itMnstcru omce. 1
W. 11. dAUJUli
Bloomsburg, Aug. 3, le".
V Y The following appraisements of real OM
icrsonai prupenysei, upuri, 10 v, mows 01 aeoewBUi
iave been filed In the onlce of Uie Ilesrtster of Col
umbia county, under tho Itules of Court, and Hill M
presented for absolute continuation to the Orataiaa
court to bo held in lsloomsburg,ln and for g&ld coun
ty, on Monday, the 3d day cf Kept., 1817, at
o ciock p. in., 01 soul uay unicss exceptions 10 Hen
confirmation are nrcvlouslv Uted. of whlcb ill Dor-
sons Interested In said estates will take sotlee-
1. Widow of IsaaeL. Cryder, late of Centre town
ship deceased.
2. widow of Montgomery Cole, late of SugartMi
township deceased.
3. widow of I) A. Bowman, lato of MlflUn township
deceased. 4. Widow .of John Ent, late of Scott township, de
ceased. s. Widow of Jacob Clewell, lato of Catawlssa lows
ship, deceased.
c. widow of John BchUillne, late of Beaton town
ship, deceased.
7. wiaoi
low of Henry Fritz, late of Suirarloai tovra-
buip, ueecaneu.
8. widow of Joseph C. Hcas, late of Benton towa
bhlp, deceabed.
0. Widow of Edmund Crawford, lato of Mount Pleas
ant township, deceased.
10. W'lilow of Frederick lsler, late of Benton town
ship, deceased.
if widow of John o. Dlldlno, lato of Benton, town
ship, decased.
12. widow of Philip P. Krcamer, late of Greenwood
township, deceased,
13. widow of John McDowell Uto of Scott township,
Ki-irister's omce. 1 w, 11. jspoiit
Ulooiiuburg.Aug. s,
Frederick llosjer vs. 1). H, & w. It. It. Co.
Hubert Oorrell Co. vs. Joseph M. Frock.
Lloyd l'nxton t s. Philadelphia Heading It. It. Co.
Reo rge K. Trj on it. al. vs. Jacob Brown et, ol
George K. TT on et. al. vs. Martin Lubold et. ol.
George K. Tryon et. al. vs. William Clarke et. al
George K. Tryon et. nl. vs Joilah Hand cf, al
George K. Tryon et. al. vs. Christian Schaclc et. al
Snyder, Hartman & Co. vs. N. L. Campbell
A. T. Ikelcr vs. Jonas Doty.
John Heacock vs. Jonas Doty.
Fayette Drlbleblss vs. Kvcs S Co.
Ia r. Darts vs. Jonas Doty.
LetlKlnley vs.'N. U Campbell.
John McCal'a's E-tr. vs. Gcorgo D. Luce et. ol
l). F. Sej bert vs. l'lilllp Appleman.
Lafayette Drlbllbls vs. c. W. Eves et nl.
c. II. Brockwoy vs. Orango township.
Williams & Chalfantvs. E. B. Gule.
Hobert Taylor et. nl. vs. ltobert oorrell
Jerc mlah Taj lor et. al. vs. ltobert ("orrell
ltobert Taylor et, al. vs. ltobert Gorrell.
Daniel Kline vs. Charles Leo andT. L. Kline.
Jacob risher, Sr., et. ol, vs. John Fisher et. ol.
S. u stetlervs. LoirlsYetter,
Alexander Smith vs. J, W. Etans.
Alexander smith vs J. W. Evans.
First National Pant of Ashland vs. Daniel Morris.
I. W. McKelvy vs. William Sharfer et. al
A. L. Turner vs. FJina Kester.
F, W. ittittcr vs. W. 1', Jones.
Albert Wlntoa va. Jonas Doty.
Columbia insuranco Co. vs. Jos,o-li M. Freck.
Columbia Insurance Co. vs. Jackson & Woodln.
C. It. Paxtonet. al. vs. II. o. Crevellng.
(ieorgo ltuckel va. iilchlel Graver's AdmV.
c. J. AUi vs. William lkeler.
Columbia Insuranco Co. vs. Jackson Woodln,
Columbia Insurance Co. vs. Nescopcck Bridge Co.
C, II. Brockway et. nl. uso vs. William Yeager et. &I.
Abraham nice vs. John Sherman ct. ol.
i nnsi cnurcn vs. A. H. Phillips. f
Henry v. Conner vs. Emanuel Conner's Adin'r.
S-iruh A.l'ctrlklntti,L. W.Wooley, i
Evan Franklin vs. Sliarpless d: Ilarman.
William ltuckel v s. George Moore et al
H. F. Seybert vs. J. w. sankey, r
Daniel Kostenbauder vs. Casper I. Thomas.
Mary Crcvellng's use vs. William VUaaln1rillUr-
steen. '
o. V. Drclibach vs. Michael a rover's Adair's.
Elizabeth Kllngerman's Adm'r. vs. David It. llcwsr.
I'. F,,Kaineily vs. Joseph lltss.
John Eclrote,vs.'Jesse Zaner"s Ext,
Amos Savage vs. Abnun Kline et, ux.
Ashland Savings Bank vs. Margaret Curry's Adm.
John Hill to. O. D. Fowler.
II, II Albertson vs. JcmepU F. Iing.
Sarah Hill et. al. vs. l'enti'a Canal Co
Bloorasburg Lumber Co. vs. M. Si Appleman.
Peter Wilson's Adin'r. t s. Jeiso A. Losee.
Casper Itahn vs. George II. Eharplesa.
John A, Funston vs. liloombburg uas Co.
Hannah Weiss vs. D. L. w, 11 It. Co.
Illoomsburg lumber Co. vs. G. W. Sterner;
Ezra u. Lyons ts J. U. Erss.
Jacob Evans' Ex'r. vs. Thomas E. Gcddls et, nl.
Samuel Glgcr va, ltancls Ktsns.
Schuyler A Iteasner vs. Aaron Bender.
Bloomsburg Lumber Co. t8.Vl
Bloomiburg Lumber Co, t s. William Morris ct. ux.
Hank of Espy vs. William Mimes" ExTs.
Toles bttect vs. William MUnes' Kir's.
Brockw ay & Kl well vs. Con, ngham township.
Brockway 4 Klwell vs. Conj ngham school Dlstrta.
William LtnntUle i. PiterEntu Administrator.
O. H. Millard va. Coujnghain and Centralis roor
Diinlel Lelby tt, al. vs. Henry Knapp.
George Getty vs. Daulel H. btevens.
Sarah Caul vs. Samuel and Emma Hepptru
Augustus Ktertiart vs. DnnlclEterharl.
Bernard Animerman ts. W. c. Johnson et ux.
C. B. Brockway vs. First National liaik of Berwick.
William Krtclbauin's use ts. L. T. Shairlcbs tU si.
1'truulla M. Koons vs. Seltzer Miller,
lwls Schujlir, Trustee ts. Couind Krtamer.
Adopted ly si
to llm. L. IV
11 Ue quetns of fashion, bend fer
iir, co, iiwritu Firih btrvct.
ru irsoeir Lis, l s.
t-.", i-vu tf rt t