THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRATBLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COl NTY, PA. Jl 'If ( i'J W I, f l4 .1 i It i! BBOKWAYJ. ELWELi.SiUcrs. . . JiLOOMSBUllG, PA. F,ridtiy, Auk. 34.187V. TAX-l'AYEItS' CONVENTION'. In Another column will lie found a call fur a meeting of cltizons oT the aevernl Inmi Hliipt In the county on September 1st, Tor the purpose of electing deWates to b con veutinn, to be held on .Monday, the 3d, to consider the erection of the proponed new jll, and other questions. What the exact object of thta convention U wo are not in formed. If it Ii to oppose the erection of the building at this time, we are not in ac cord with it. Kverrthing ha been done that nan required in order to put the build lag under way, contract hare been made, and workmen are now engted In laying the foundation?. If the whole thing should be atoppetl It would be n great damage to contractors who have gone to much expense to put themselves in shape to fulfill their agreements, and it is a question whether the county would not have large damages to pay If the work should be indefinitely postponed. A new jail is needed. For years it has been a mockery of justice to put a criminal Inside the w.ills of the old shell on tho hill j s one mm expressed it, he wa afraid to lean against the side of bis cell for fear lie would fall nut. It Is only safe under such rigid surveillanco as is now given it by the Coal and Iron police. Take them away and we will again hear of almost weekly jail deliveries A properly constructed prison cm bo safely guaraed by one man where now It requires a half dozen nrmed policemen. ro bavo already expressed our disappro bation of tho location, and of some other things, and shall therefore say nothing more on thai, subject, lint we bavo always been In favor ot a new building, because the pres ent one ii a disgrace to a county liko ours, and hecanso it i.s not suitable for tho pur poses for which it is used. The cost of the j.ill is a question in which every tax-payer is interested, and as it is to be tho propel ly of tho people, they have a perfect right to meet together for the purpose of dlscuasiug questions of public economy. They also have a right to hold public officers to a str'ct accountability for every dollar of public money that is expended, nnd if they believe tbo County Commissioners are about to erect a jail at greater expense than is neceasary they will bo but exercising the rights of freemen in so expressing themselves in a convention. The new prison will stand for ages to come. It should therefure be sufficiently Urge and substantial to meet the wants of this county for many generations. But it need not be a monument of extravagance. The erection of this building may prove a blessing to the county in moro ways than one. Jt will put in circulation a large mount oi money, brought in from foreign parta by tbe sale of bonds, and as tho bond will bear but four per cent, interest and be made payable in six or ten years, (they should be made even longer than that if possible, so that coming generations may pay weir snare or tliem,) a small tax will pay tbe Interest, and before the principal becomes due it is to be hoped that the pres ent hard times will have been forgotten. We are therefore in favor of completing tbe work begun, because it is too late to stop. If the object of this convention is to oppose its completion, it comes so tardily that but little good can be accomplished. If It is to guard the rights of the tax-payers, then we are with it, heart and soul. THE FisiTr.Vwil Complaints are being constantly made that black bass are being taken from the Susquehanna river In large quantities by unlawful means, and that if this goes on unterrupted much longer the stream will be exhausted. Below we publish part of an Act of Assembly passed in 1871, which shows how this abuse may be stopped. Every citizen should interest himself in the matter and see that the law is enforced: tjn any of tlie streams or parts of streams contemplated by this act, and under the jurisdiction of this commonwealth, to which anadromaus or migratory fishes shall now bava access, by the non existence of dams, or by openings in tho dams, whether intended or not to facilitate such access, and in whatever of tho reaches or spaces below or between dams, such planting of new species shall hate taken plice as is herein contemplated, tho sheriffs of the counties having jurisdiction of such reaches of the streams, whenever they shall discover or be informed of the existence of such contriv ances for tbo catching of flab hs nre com monly known as fish-baskets, eel-weirs, kid dles, brush or fascine nets, or any other permanently set means of taking fish, in the nature of a sieve, which are known to be wasteful and extravagant modes of fishing, the said fherilTs shall give ten days' notice In two newspapers of their respective coun ties, that the said contrivances are known to exist and are declared common nuisances, ordering tbem to be dismantled by their owners or managers, so as to render them no longer capable of taking or injuring tbo Jisbes of tho streams of whatever kind : and if at tbe expiration of tho said ten days the aismanuing s uau not have taken place, then Mfeeeald sheriffs shall proceed, with such ?jk(0f ) E0011 men ,no county as may Wweesary for tho purpose, and destroy or dwaaitle the said fish-baskets, kiddles, eel Wei lis or such other devices contemplated bv this stctlbn? bo that they may bo no longer capable of taking or injuring fish; and the accounting officers, of tho counties shall make good tbe cost of tho said proceedings to tbe said sheriff or sheriffs, in tbe settle ment of their accounts with the said sheriffs, And if, upon being duly informed by a reputable citizen of tbe county, that said nuisances are In existence and require abate went, the said sheriff or sheriffs shall not proceed as directed In this act, then he or they, upon conviction lu the county curt of tbe said neglect of duty, shall bo fined not leu than one hundred, nor more than one thousand dollars, for every such ueglectj said fines to be collected as ordinary fines are collected, and the proceeds divided equally between the informer or complain' ant and the school directors of the proper district, lor scuool purposes ouly ; this sec tlon Is not Intended to supersede any other law ofrt&s'. commonwealth for tbe sunnres- slon of 'jUh-baskeU, el cetera, if the same bo found elhcaclous to destroy or abolish tbem." .Not only has Senator Crover, of Oregon, been vindicated by tbo Investigations ol the tteuate Committee, but the principal wit neasts against him are now under Indict' inent by the Grand Jury for peijury, and win Kiiortiy ue men lor that crime. DEMOCRATIC STATE CONVENTION. Tbe Democracy of 1'ennsylvanla gathered at Ilarrlsburg, on tho 21st lust, in couven lion tii nnmlnato candidates fur Auditor Cleneral, Treasurer and Huprcmo .fudge. There was tlinmiial amount of rnnvasin by tbe mends of the neural aspirants, There an many imrms nientiuiHil tor tl; several positions, l-'or Auditor Oeneral lton. W. 1'. Sclicll has but llltlo opposition l-'or Treasurer, Hon, Joseph Powell, of Bradford county, Col. Noycs, of Clinton and J. ! Barr, of Allegheny, were most prominent, while tho contest for Judge lias narrowed down to Judge Trunkey, of Ve uaiign, and ! armnn Sheppard, of Phila delphia, run PLATronM has occupied much attention from tho more thoughtful leaders, and the sentiment very general that it will be conservative. The organization of the convention was the chief bone of contention. Hon. W, S, Stenger, member oi Congress from Franklin was supported by the friends of Cot. Noycs and Hon. Edward 11. Worrell, of I'hiladel phia, was the Barr caudldate. Stenger has personal strength by reasou of his position wider reputation and conceded ability, which gave him an advantage in the race, while Worrell was handicapped In l'hlla delphla by his open opposition to Sheppard, nnd has but little acquaintance in the rural districts. the surnniiE judgeship. Tho Judgeship is involved in the greatest uncertainty. Mr. Shepperd could undoubt edly be nominated if the Philadelphia dele- gallon was thoroughly and earnestly united in his support, but while nearly all ot tho members will vote for lilm, there are a num ber who do not conceal their preference for another man. A few would retnliato on him for trying Kelly too often, others really want Patlison for Auditor Oeneral, nnd others display tho usual cussedness that characterizes Fhiladelphians In alt party conventions. It looks as if tho contest was really between Sheppard and Trunkey and the result depending upon the fidelity with which Sheppard shall be supported by bis own delegation. If ho fails it will be be cause ho is wounded in tho houso of bis friends. A whirlwind is quite possible that will throw the nomination to Wilson, of Beaver, or Golden, of Armstrong, but tho Issue seems to be pretty square, so far, be tween Sheppard and Trunkey. I.uzerne will likely vote for Trunkey, Kchcll and Xovc-i. Berks will oto nearly or quite solid tho same way, and Lancaster will vote 5 for Barr and 3 for Noyes and give Sheppard 0 votes. Bucks and Mont gomery incline to Truukcy, but may divide in favor of Sheppard, and they will also bo divided between Noyes and Barr. Noyes has tho Northeast pretty clean and tho bulk of the whole southern tier east of tho moun tains, exceptiug York, whero there is a divi sion. The Juniata and West Branch re gions are generally for Noyes, the West Branch enthusiastically so. The North is for ex-Congressman Powell, of Bradford, and the West and Northwebt aro mainly for Barr, with frequent exceptions for Noyes. Barrsufl'ers from a galling firo in his rear, not only from Allegheny, but also from many other western counties. It comes from both delegates and outsiders. While the efforts for Barr are much better directed than those for Noyes, tho nomination of Barr is barely possible, while that of Noyes seems to be inevitable. Unless tho conven tion should be thrown with a jerk into some perfoimance not down in any of the bills Powell would tethe compromise candidate in the c vent of a smash in both tbe regular slates, but it does not seem likely that there will be u dead-lock between Noyes and Barr. TWO NOMINATIONS MADE. The following dispatch to the Jlscord of the Timet is the latest news received by us up to this time. (Thursday 11, a. m.) The morning papers, as usual, when most need ed did not get through to-day. IIarpisburo, Aug. 22. The Democratic State Convention met in the hall of the House of Representatives at noon to-day. Many of the most prominent Democrats of the State were present. At twelve o'clock, noon, Capt. Wm. McClellan, Chairman of the Stato Central Committee called the con vention to order and presented list of dele gates banded to him and then banded tbe convention over to them. Jacob Zeigler, of Butler county, and editor of the Butler Her ald was made temporary chairmau. Hon. A. C. Noyes, of Lock Haven was nomina ted for Stato Treasurer and Hon. W. P. Schell, of Bedford county for Auditor Gen eral. A close contest is now going on be tween Sheppa'd of Philadelphia and Trun key of Venango for the nomination of Su preme J udge. LATEST. Judge Trunkey was nominated for Su preme Judge on the fourth ballot, on Wed nesday evening. Trouble at 1'ittston. Pittston, August 18. According to a no- tieo posted last night to tho effect that tlio miners and laborers employed by the Penn sylvania Coal Co, were to meet their bosses at their respective places of work this morn ing at ten o'clock, at and about each placo thero gathered all the employees to hear what proposition tbo company hud to make. Af ter calling the different meetings to order tho bosses read tho following petition, which had been transmitted to each works: "Wo tho undersigned miners, laborers and other em ployes of tho Pennsylvania Company, do hereby agrco to resume work immediately upon the saino rates as paid in July, 1877, leaving it to our company to mako an ad vance, should thoyin their judgment deem it proper so to do. ' The reading of tho pa per was in most cases received with a firm "no," Action was then taken and out of three thousand five hundred men and boys employed by this company thcro was less than 200 that would feign it under any circuia itanies. Tho'cencral icelinir anions; tho com- uiunity is, that bad tho company put up a notice for all tho works to etart up at onco tlicro would not have been any trouble, but as it is now the men will not sign tho petition nor will they go to work without a raiso. It looks ai if tho company, instead of being afraid of the Scrautoo miners, had fears of their own employes, or they would not havo taken this unwiso aud injudicious courso to stir up n feeling between themselves aud tho men at this critical moment As it is now, this is a dead lock between them which time can only tell when it will be broken. The trial of Jacob Huntzlnger and J, Albert lluutzlnger, president aud cashier of tho suspended Miners' Trust Company of l'ottsville, Is now going on at Reading be fore the Court of Quarter Sessions, a change of venue having been obtained. The charge is contplracy to defraud depositors, and the trial Is secret. It Is alleged that $-100,000 belonging to tho bank was divided among the Huntzlnger family shortly before tbe assignment. Tbe counsel for tbe accused aro fighting the case at every ttep, having begun with a plea to tbo jurisdiction of the court, which has not yet been decided. How llio I'nriiel-liaggers Han Tilings'! During Jiis Speakership MocJ Hooded llio market with "pay certificates," purporting t bo for sorvious rendered by attachocs of tho Home. Hundreds of thousands of dollars of iIicmj went 11 mi. Any inlliiontlal Republi can eiinld got fine, whether lie had ever beeli in (Yiliimbii or lint. To il.t Mine justice. pernio of llieso ho alleged lo bo furgeiies. Jones, tho Clerk's siguaturo is genuine, but his is not. Prom theso ceitificales ho denv ed a largo amoiiut of money. Tho success of thocoininittco willi Moses induced them In fullow up tlio "iny coitilicato" business by culms Moses sueco'sor us Speaker, S. J Loo, as tho next witness. Loo is a light-colored mulatto. Ho was formerly n slave. .My first remembrance of him was in 1807 as a witness in tho cno of tlio United Slates iignimt Crump, Davis Arniin, for running nn illicit distillery. Ho struck mo ns n man of great self-possession nndshrowdncss for his opportunities. After reconstruction ho was nude a member of the Legislature from Aiken county, and evinced such tact as n parliamentarian that ho was generally called to prosido in the Speaker's absence. This made him Speaker when Muses was elected Governor, llu soon began to drivo tho most spanking team through Ai ken and Augusta, G. This made General Elliot who prided himself on his equipage, jealous. Klliott was only a member of Congress at the time. At tlio next elec- tion Klliot mado Leo tako a back scat, and was himself made a member of tho Lcgisl.v lure, and then Speaker in Leo's placo. Lee contented himself with a county office until last election, when ho ran for Solicitor of tho Circuit and was elected. Ho has been several times complimented in tho Democratic news papers forliis dignity, ability and fairness as Solicitor. Tho committee keep Governor Moses well in hand fiucc their success in confronting him and his papers witli the distinguished Judge. They havo him and his faithful body .servant, Robert, installed in rooms in tho Greenfield building, and provided with meals from Pol- luckV, not far from tho Stato Houve, so thai ho can bo within calling distance should any of tho witnesses swerve from the Pentateuch or fair liooks of Moses. Lea was in jail, with no hope of giving bail. Hosaw tho fate of llio "distinguished Judge," and ho knew ho must swear like an Israelite according to tho Pentateuch. Accordingly, when he was brought forward, ho too, mado a clean breast of it. His testimony was mainly as to tho pay certificates issued by himself as Speaker and those issued iu connection with Lieutenant Governor Gleaves, who presided over the Senate. Ho was not as lavish with these papers as Moses, but told enough to keep Governor Gleavcs, who is hiding out, fioni ever returning to stand his trial. The committee were bo well tatisficd with the completeness of Leo's story that they left him out of jail upon ids individual recognizance, upon condition that ho would resign his so licitorship. Loo is now rcpoited to bo ono of tho loaders in tho Liberian exodus. Tho eoimnitleii Jiavc a sure thing against Scott, l'nrker. ('oJozj ami Chamberlain. The littler has an individual account to answer, and tho li-t of charges ag.iiii'-t the firm of Kimpton & Ch.iinbcil.iin is tlio largest of the whole array. There will bo requisitions for theso gentry upon the Governors of Ohio and New York beforo very loDg, and it will go hard with them. Presidential Counts. THOMAS JEITEIloON'B PLAN FOR THE SET TLEMENT OF ELECTORAL DISPUTES. The New York World i.s indebted to Miss Sarah N. Randolph, a great-granddaughter of Thomas Jefferson, for a memorandum pre pared by her illustrious ancestor, of practical suggestions towards a bill to regulate tho de cision of disputes over tho results of a Presi dential election. Miss Randolph is a grand daughter.'also, of Wilson Carey Nicholas, who was a Senator from Virginia in 1800,and this document, which is appended, was found among tlio lattcr's papers about two months ago, ton late for use in tlio heated Congres sional debates on the lato Presidential elec tion. The following is tho memorandum, hich is published by the World in fao simile: JElTEItSON's MEMORANDUM. Whereas oil nn election of President or V. 'resident of the U. S. question may arise whether an elector has been appointed in such manner ns tho Legislature of his Stale may mve directed.;? Whether the time at which ho was chosen and tho day on which he gave his vote, wero those determined by Congress? Whether ho were not at the time a Senator or Rcprcientativo of the U. S., or held an of fice of trust or profit under tho U. S.? Whether one at loast of tho persons ho has otcd for is an inhabitant of a Statu other than his own? Whether tho electors voted by ballot and havo signed, certified and transmitted to tho President nf tho Senate a list of all tho ncrsnna otcd for and of tho number of votes for each ? Whether tho persons voted for aro natural born citizens or were citizens of the U. S, at the time of the adoption of tlio Constitution ero 33 years old and had been fouilecn cars resident within tho U, S.? And tho Constitution of tho IJ. S. having directed that the President of tlio -Senate shall, in the prc-enco of tho Scnato and II. of Reprctoutativei, open all tlio eeitifieatcs nnd that tho votes r-hall then bo counted, from whioli is most reasonably inferred that they aro to bo counted by the members com posing the said houses and brought thero for that office, no other being assigned theni, and nferrcd the moro reasonably, as thcicby tho constitutional weight of each Stale in tho election of these high officers is exactly pre served in tho tribunal which is to juiho its validity, tho number of Senators and Repre sentatives: from each State composing the said tribunal being exactly that ol tho electors of the same State. of itSl therefore enacted, Ac , thcro insert tho'formcr''elause. Provides thatlne certificates of tlio Kxecu. tivo of any Stato shall be conclusive ovidenco that tho requisite number of votes has been givcu for each elector named by him as such. Hero add all other limitations on the prece ding questions which may bo thought proper, staling what the two houses shall not do cide 1 And bo it further enacted, Thatwhensoov cr tho voto of one or more of the electors of any Stato shall, for any causo wlutovcr, bo judged invalid it shall lo lawful for tho Senators and Representatives of tho said State, cither in tho presence of the two hou ses, or separately and withdrawn from them, to iWida bv their own votes to which of tho persons voted for by any of tho electors pf tneir ctato tor to wuat person; ine invauu vote or votes shall bo given, for which pur nose they shall bo allowed tho term of ono hour, and no longer, during which no other certificate shall be otlereu or proceeded oil. . i . i i. i Those beauties ot tlio jouisiana returning board, Wells and Anderson, now inn fair way of being punished for th'ir crimes by tho authorities of tho state, are again traveling towards Washington in thu hopo of securing federal interference iu their behalf. It is not probable that llieywill be ublo to persuade pny one to glvo tbem cither aid or sym-pslhy. Tlio Worklngmnn's Party. Those who aim at tho establishment of tho destructive doctrines of tho associations engaged In tlio recent "strikes" can do not! lug moro Innocent than lo form political (larlles, and If passionate and bigoted men can blow off their surplus pteam In the form of platforms nf principles nnd nplnlnns, nobody, unless It bo themselves, will be greatly hurt. They should be encouraged In suclf amusements. To begin to look Into tho mnuRgement of public nllalrs may lead somo of them lo understand something of civil Institutions. Thcro are somo things so plain that any sane man, if ho will think coolly, will readily rccognlzo them. For instance : 1. Tearing down established Institution is not always followed by the building up of others calculated to benefit tho people. 2. When evils exist In n community it requires a high order of Intelligence, much Information and calm judgment to find means to removo them, 3. Our Government places all power In tho hands of tho people, nnd any funda mental cbango lu Its character must tako a part or tho wholo from them. It Is truo that the people havo been cajoled by demagogues, and havo permitted them to use nnd abuso this power. The people havo allowed politicians to impose heavy indirect taxes upon them, and to uso llio money for selfish purposes. Representatives in Con gress, iu Stato Legislatures, and iu mutiicl pallties have been elected by the people, or allowed to gain positions through neglect of voters to guard their own rights, nnd while ostensibly representing the people liavo sold special privileges to corporations for bribes nnd havo dono nothing to improve tho con dition nf the people. Instead of selecting from their own occupations men of their own condition to represent them and take care of their interests, the voters havo per mitted persons who mako a trade of politics to manage (lections and to elect themselves. In most cases they have received tho votes of tho people. No form of government can protect voters from tho consequences of their own folly nnd negllgenco; and whllo woik- ingmen will listen to tho appeals of crafty demagogues who pander to their prejudices they will always bo dupes and victims. 1. It is not easy for men deprived of the ordinary comforts of life to look upon those who live In nfilueiice with patience, but owning tho property of rich nun is no remedy for those inequalities which exists in society, nnd every net of violence tends to countennnco the adoption of measures look ing to the establishment of a despotic gov ernment. The recent riots of tho railroad strikers have done more to injure tho causo of free government in all civilized nations than theso men can ever repair. Tboy have given tho friends of imperialism tho argu ments against liberal institutions which they most desired. In different parts of the country, persons professing to represent workingmcn have attempted to euunciato principles for n new party ; but their notions are so crude as to show clearly that they do not know what measures the present troubles of the country need. If workingmcn in their associations would dispassionately discuss questions in which their interests aro involved, much good might como of it, but they will accom plish nothing of importance unless they will discard tho demagogues who strive to ufluenco their prejudices, and who, them selves, at least, aro utterly indifferent to results so that they mako profit and cscapo punishment. Phila. Chron ice. Tno Tichlurno Claimant. ' Orton, the everlasting claimant, continues to worry tho public mind in England and to aggravate editors. A few weeks ago ho in duced n fellow-convict, William Duncan, who was about to be discharged, to write to tho Timet, detailing tho alleged grievances of tho obese prisoner. Duncan's statements were forthwith categorically denied. Orton is declared to bo in good health, and o ex tremely troublesome that he has frequently to be subjected to punishment. And now comes Mr. Charles Dunsby, one of tho Tichborno jury, who has addressed a petition to the Queen, in which ho states that he be lieves he was in error in agreeing to a ver dict against tbe defendant. He adds thnt since tho trial he has become acquainted with facts which the defendant could not then have brought in evidence, but which, if ho had known them at tho time, would have prevented him from giving such n ver dict. Tbe petitioner therefore asks that Her Mojesty will bo pleased to order that tho defendant be forthwith released, or that fresh inquiries may be instituted into tho matter. Her Majesty's Judges, to whom similar applications havo been repeatedly made, are not likely to waver in their de termination to protect society against such a calamity as the reopening of the Tichborno case. The Governors' Week at Philadelphia. An invitation has been extended by the Exhibitors ut tho Permanent International Exhibition to tlio Governors of all tho States aud Territories of tho Union, to visit tho Exhibition during tlio last week in August, for purposes of general conference. Nowhere has such an opportunity ever beforo been offered to comparo industrial results, as ac complished under tho varying conditions ex isting witniu our broad, natioual domain. It promises to bo a notablo event, and arrangements aro being perfected to make tho visit highly enjoyable to the participants. The programmo includes a preliminary meet ing at Independence Hall, on Tuesday, Au gust 28th i a formal reception at tho Exhibi tion by the Exhibitors and Management, on Wednesday ; a grand industrial paradfa from tho manufactories of tho city, reviewed by tlio Governor, on Thursday; visiting leading manufactories, on Friday ; a visit to Capo May over Sunday, Tlio trip will bo further extended to New York, with a stop at tho Trenton potteries whero three or four days will bo dovoted to an examination of New York industries, nnd then on to Boston and .1 "'' .1.7 -.!- I. T . T mo manuiaciunug cities oi j.owcm, J.awrence, and Waltham, closing with a rip to'tho White Mountains. It may be a sad truth, but we want "the loyal millions of the North" to know It, that all but one member of tbe South Caro lina State Government are indicted for em bezzlement, bribery or perjury. That is the reason Governor Chamberlin and his robber band have exiled themselves. The same state of things exists In Louisiana and Mis sissippi. Tbe late office-holding broods in these States havo left in flocks, just as wild geese leave the northern lakes iu the fall, so as to miss being boused in a penitentiary. Democrats, look to tbe Assessments I Ex amino tbe lists of voters now to bo found at the polling places, and see that the names of uemocrais nut inert uru euppueu ueiure me tith of September. There may seem to be plenty of time but ''delays are daugerous," Everything worth doing should bo dono at once, ana wen uone. Well might the Ohio Republicans, ills gustid with their caudldate for Governor, now exclaim, with Horace Greeley, "Go Webt." Call fur Volnntccrs. Two itcoijtr.NTS to he ron.Mt:ti out or the NATIONAL GUARD. Owing to tho inconventenco nnd loss suf fered by many of tho officers uiul men of tho National Guard when called into service by entire division", and rot to thu stale In curreiPfor transportation by tho necessity of frequently relieving ono division with an other, and to- avoid tho necessity of pur chasing overcoats nnd other, equipments for all the troops and tho pay of st'ibcrnumerary officers, tho governor has "decided to relieve nil tho stato troops now in service by forco organized from the present- guard froili the officers and men who aro able and willing to volunteer for tbo present emergency. The following order was promulgated lato last night : Headqua titers N. G. of Pa., 1 llAiimsnuna, August 17, 1877. J General Order No. 8, I. Tho National Guard of Pennsylvania, being composed of men in business, which in many cases necessarily suffers during their nbsenco for any protracted period, thereby entailing serious loss themselves and hardships upon their families, nnd tho preservation of llfo nnd. property and good order requiring that n strong forco should still be kept in somo regions of tlio stale un til work is fully resumed, it has been de cided by the commander-in-chief, In accord ance with tho provisions of tho ninety second section of tho act for tho organization, dis cipline and regulation of tho militia of the commonwealth ot Pennsylvania, to organize two regiments of ten companies each, d( tilling from each regiment of tho National Guard only such officers and men ns can absent themselves from their business with out serious loss, and will volunteer to serve actively for u period of threo months or during the present emergency. First. Division commanders aro thereforo directed to leport at onco by wire, all field officers who are able nnd willing to volunteer to be detailed for three mouths' duty unless sooner relieved. From the number so re ported will bo selected the officers for the two regiments to be formed. Second. Colonels of regiments and com mandants of unattached companies will re port at onco through the proper channels, all company officers of their commands who are able and willing to volunteer to servo for threo mouths, unless sooner relieved, from which lists a captain and first nnd second lieutenants from each regiment and from the unattached commands will be detailed for duty during the present emergency nnd, tho officers so selected will recruit companies of eighty volunteers from tho soldiers of their respective regiments and tho unattach ed commaiidsjwhicli companies will bo com manded by said officers and detailed for service for threo months or during tho pres ent emergency. II, Orders announcing tho officers select ed, appointing compauy rendezvous nnd reg ulating recruiting will bo issued immediate ly upon the receipt from division command ers of tho lists herein ordered. III. Tho officers who give their names to bo reported must bo willing to stay in the Gold threo months or as long as their seviccs aro needed. The commander-in-chief de sires it particularly understood that he wish es those only to volunteer who aro ablo to do s with tho least inconvenience nnd able to stay until tho quiet is restored iu every part ot tho state. He is satisfied of tho courago and fidelity of nil tho officers and men of the Guard, and iu making these de tails he is actuated solely by tho desire to havo the burden placed upon the good citi zens of the commonwealth by tho turbulent aod criminal men within its borders fall with ns little loss and inconvenience to individu als and ns little expense to the state as possi ble. By command of John F. IIartranft, Governor and Commander-in-Chief. James W. Latta, Adjutant General. Official : , Assistant Adjutant General. Tlio Reasons cf It. That narrow-minded nnd unenlightened journal, the Springfield liepublican, is sur prised "at the hesitation of a largo class of Republican leaders," "who havo virtuo en ough to perceive the virtuo of Mr. Hayes' administrative reforms, in comini; forward openly and heartily in tho endorsement of him and his work," There is nothing to be surprised at in this Indeed, any other result would be surpris ing. It is impossible that Mr. Hayes should succeed in roforming anything, because ho owes his office to Fraud first triumphant in American history. That strikes him with impotence from tho start. No intelligent, self-respecting Republican leader can en dorse him, or undertako in earnest to coop erate with him. A second reasou may bo given for his col lapse, and that is tbo incompctenco of the men be bus called about him as official ad visers. Such a Cabinet was never before composed. Tho elements of common senso and practical executive faculty are absent from every man in it, except Mr, Thompson in tbe Navy Department, and perhaps our own Mr. Evarta. No doubt Messrs. Schurz, Key, and Dcvens possess certain kinds of talent, but as practical men they are utter failures. It is an opera bouffo Cabinet, nothing more. Moreover, tho civil servico reform, so called, which Mr. Hayes has undertaken, and which the Springfield Republican ad mires, is contrary to tlio Constitution of tho United States; and no man who understands I he provisions nnd appreciates tho supremacy of tho constitution, will give it bis endorse ment. . Thero Is still nuother reason 'why Mr. Hayes' administration cannot como to any good, and this is the intellectual Incapacity of Mr. Hayes himself. Very possibly he might mako a fair country justlco of tho peace, but when Buch n man is placed in tho position of President he becomes absurd. X Y,Suu, . '-'-I . . The Pennsylvania editor is a human being not to bo sneezed at Be'sidcs that considcra bid army of editors now handsomely quartered in tho post offices and tho custom houses and tho other places where nrduous public servico is demanded in return for discouragingly small pay, a rather formidable array of Democratio editors, with au eye upon tho Auditor Gen cncralship will descend upon Harrisburg to, day, and will havejtheir friends In to-morrow's convention In considerable numbers, Thcso editors nro General W. W. II. Davis, of tlio Doylcslown Democrat; Col. W. Cooper Tal ley, lalo of tho Delaware County Democrat ; Colonel Daniel II. Nicman. of tlio Kastoti Sentinel ; Captain Charles 1$. Broekway of tho Ilkwnvibuig Columbian, and Colonel Ben. Whitman, of the Erie Obierver. This is a noticeable list of men who havo attained great inlluenco in tho Deuiocratiu politics of Penn sylvania, and if tho convention should do it self tho honor to noininato anyone of them the parly would not ouly have a good candi date, but tho people would bo certain of an incomparable official in tho event of his elec tion. 7Vn7a, Timet, MAOAZINKS FUIC SKlTEMtlEll. Wide Awake. Tho llterniy world has ft raro'"treat in H7rfc Awake for September, a? It is remark nblo for the twelve pages of delightful gossip It gives concerning the Poet, R. II. Stoddard. The graphic account of bis early llfu reads liLo n romance. It Is Illustrated by thiee portrnlts and nn Interior. Tho number opens with n frontispiece Illustrative of Mrs. S. Piatt's poem, '"Passing the Oypsy Campt'( This Is followed by "Katlo's Ad ventures," n long nnd good story by Mrs. Ella Rodman.Church. ''Child Marlon;1' is nl intercstlug.tis'evoV ;' llilli'llmo, )eiho jus tification of "Uncle Will,-" she sings in tho s(reots of tho Austrian Capital whllo Harry' stands on his head nnd passes around ills cap for pennies. "Solomon Seal," tho serial by Sophlo May, has grown Intensely interesting. Mrs. Thayer has a charming story of "My Summer Boarder," and there nro many other attractions, poetical, pic torial, musical and enigmatical, chief among them being the ninth "Adventure of Mlltl ades Peterkin Paul," by John llrownjohn. Only $2.00 per nnnum. Ella Fnrmau, Editor. D. Lothrop & Co., Publishers, Boston. Eclectic. For Its steel engraving tlio 1'cleclic for September contains a fine portrait of tbo famous musical composer, Richard Wagner. Accompanying this in the letter-press is an ndmirnblo analytical nnd biographical art! clo on Wagner nnd his music by the Rev. H. R. Hawcls, one of tho most competent of living musical critics and nn enthusiastic admirer of the Wairnerian music-drnma. This portrait and nrticlo aro alone worth'tho prico of tho number. Among tho other literary contents are "Drifting Light Waves," by Richard A. Proctor, B. A., F. R. S.; "Round tho World in a Yacht," by Thomas Brassey, M. P., Part I.; "German Schools," by Wnltcr Perry; "An Apology for Idlers ;" "Life nnd Times of Thomas Deckel," by James Anthony Froudo; "My Peculiarity," a poem, by Henry S. Leigh ; "Tho Story of tho rrlsmj" "Pictures iu Holland, on and oil' Canvas," by Lady Verney ; "A Feather ;" "Note3 on tho Geographical Distribution of Animals," by W. F, Kirby, naturalist; additional chapters of "Young Musgrave," by Mrs. Olipbant; "Modern Diplomacy;" "Japa nese Miniaturo Odes;" "Cap A New Eng land Dog;" "Dresden China and its Manu factory at Meissen, Saxony;" "Vital Force;" and "Tho Melancholy Ocean." These, to gether with tho copious Editorial Notes on home nnd foreigu literature, science, nnd art, make up n number various enough in its interest to meet tho requirements of all classes of readers, nnd not too exacting ior the season when tho most conscientious reader is willing to seek mental relaxation. Published by E. R. Pelton, 25 Bond St., Now York. Terms, $5 per year; singlo number 45 cents. The Eclectic and any $4 magazine to ono address lor $8. St. Niiliolas. Is brimful of youthfulness nnd life, and starts the youngsters off with n bound into tho new school year. The frontispieco is n wonder of spirited execution ; nnd tho ilrst article, "Young Folks' Fun in Central Park," from tbo pen of Mr. Charles Barnard, with pictures by Kelly, sustains nnd adds to Its exhilarating effect. Georgo MacDonald follows with the first hall of a charmingly simple story of Scottish shepherd-life marked by his char acteristic touches, and Hashes of insight, and carrying an admirable lesson. The lit tle poem "A Buttercup," has a cheery heart iness about it that corresponds with tho sun ny huo of its subject. Mr. Howard I'yle, in both tbe text nnd silhouette illustrations of "Drummer Fritz and His Exploits treats the youngsters to a rare and jolly feast of extravagant adventure; and Joel Stacy comes forward with somo funny versos explaining a picture of tho "Fair Minded Men who Walked to Donnhan." Olive Thorno has a capital sketch of cbild-lifo in the little pa per entitled "Robbie Talks ;" and Mr. Win. M, F. Round introduces a lively and a well illustrated nccount of tho reception of "An American Circus in Brittany" the museum of fossil customs and ideas. Professor Proctor, with the aid of diagrams and maps, tells tho secrets of the "Dipper," nnd tho appearance of tho Stars for the month ; Ina Carol has a brief but pleasant nrticlo on "Thistle-puffs," with an exquis itely executed illustration ; the busby-tailed favorite of tho autumn woods, under the name of "Pranchy," frisks about and travels long stationary journeys, as related by Mrs. Frances M. Lathrope ; nnd Mr. Frank R. Stockton dellghtlully combines amusement nnd shrewd counsel in a life-like account of "How I want a-Drumming,"thc articles be ing accompanied by a capital picture of the "Drum." The installment of "His Own Master," Mr. Trowbridgo's Btrial story, is marked by rapidly deepening iuterest. Paul Fort, iu "Peter's Rabbit-Hunt," gives a humorous view of some Russian peasant ways ; and the well-beloved "Littlo Schoolma'am" has a common-sense talk about school-luncheon giving several of the children's letters to her solf upon the Eubject, nnd much sound prac tical advice. The very littlo folks are provided with their share of delights, and the departments "Jack-in-the-Pulpit," "Young Contribu tors," and "Letter-Box," nro unusually bright, varied and Interesting. This admirable number of St. Nicholas again reveals tbe old Saint's Jove of youth aud bis desire to deepen its joys, instruct its enthusiasm, and widen its views. Taking Usurious Interest. WM. DUNCAN A llROTlIEIt VS. THE 1'IRST NATIONAL BANK OP MOUNT PLEASANT. In au action under tho 80tb section of tho - National Bank Law of June 3, 18G4, to recover from a bank the penalty for taking usurious interest: Heidi 1. Special Acts of Assembly, authorizing certain banks to charge a higher rate ot in terest than six per cent, apply only to such banks as were created by them. 2. That Congress deals with general rules regulating banks and the rate of interest to be charged. The rate of Interest in Penn pylvunla being six per cent, tbe taking more than this amount Is usury, and Is prohibited by the National Banking Law, 3. Whero more than six per cent, has been paid, tbo borrower, or his legal representa tive, may recover back from said bank, in an action for debt, double tbo amount of in terest thus paid or retained : lovided, suit is commenced within two years from tho time the usurious transaction occurred. Mr. Hayes is tnkingn summer lour tliroufdi New Knf liiiid.iiiid Blulno has rent him a tel. cgi oin inviting him to visit Maine. After tho Hunt action of the Maine Convention BiidthelpiciuiDUit J nit Rhine look in it this looks like adding insult to injury. The Indian Troubles. Haw l-'nAxnum. Am?. 21. Tho following has just been received from Spokane Falls, under date of August 15th s Oen. Wheat mi's command arrived at this point on the 10th tnst., after an eight days1 march from Lewistown, a dlstanco of 105 miles. The command In cntnp at this point numbers 530 men two companies of tlio Ffrst Cavalry, ten companies of the First Infantry, com prising an entiro regiment direct from At lanta, Ga., nnd about 60 citizens, employes, teamsters, etc., Tlie transportation consists of 21 wagons, and all hired from citizens, tfaptalns Hancock, Conrad, Kroiitlngcr, dook, Mills, Daggett Drilmm, Keller, Iiaincs nnd Folk commnnd csmpnnlcs ol the Second Infantry, nnd Captain Perry and Lieutenant Pnrncll companies of cavalry, Captain Wilkinson, General Howard's aid-do-enmp, is here, to assist Colonel Wllkins aud Indian luspectors in the settlement of affairs with tho Indians In this section. Word has been sent to nil the different tribes to collect at this point for this purpose They nro coming in rapidly nnd largo num bers attended divine servico in tho camp yes terday, Mr. Simms, Indian Agent from Colville, ninety miles distant, wits prescut. There nro expected to bo nearly ono hun dred Chiefs and head men, representing tho following tribes, present at tho coming Coun cil: Lakes, Pond d'Oreilles, Colvlllcs, Sjiokancs, Cocur d'AIcnes, San Poucls, Eno spellcms, Methows, Chalkancs, Anti Atkas, the Mooes band, or Columbia river Indians, and the Okanngons, amounting in all to 3517 men, women and children and ablo to furnish 1500 warriors. The report says they nro not well nrmed. The above nil mbers aro obtained from tho chiefs actually pres ent, nnd nro somo 400 less than tho census of 1871. There has been no act jal outbreak among tlico Indians, but since the war com menced there has been manifest uneasiness among them, nnd many instances of inipu dence on their part reported by settlers. Four Nez Perces were put in tbo guard houe this morning, supposed to be connected with Hush Hush Cult's band, part of which now is with Joseph, and that they know some thing of tho minder of the old man Richie and other robberies perpetrated on Pino Creek, which cimcd all tho settlers in that vicinity to leavo their homes somo weeks since. They will bo detained until It is as certained positively whether they are guilty or not, there h no doubt that all the In dians iu this section have been indirect com munication witli Joseph, and havo been ported several daj s ahead of the whiles of every movement id' General Howard's ar my, nnd iu case of Joseph's success bun dreds of young men would undoubtedly bavo followed Mm, although tho old Indians who bavo stock farms in tlio country havo manifested n desiro to remain at peace. There is iiaturally.much anxiety felt among tho settlers hs to thu result of the coining conlerenee, ns they fear in case it is not sat islactory to tbe Indians and tho troops should leave, that they would have to aban don their liuiiies and leavo tho Indians as fine an country as there is in Washington Territory. Marriages. Limit HAUMAN.-on tlio otli Inst., at Catawlssa byllev (), II, Derhant, Mr. Sninui-1 Lehr to Miss Met tle U. Hamuli, both or Columbia county, fa, I'.U!NIvr-S!Iir.KK-At iho snmo pUeo bv tho samaonlliellth lust., Mr. Allen .1. lUr.nlt to Miss Mary Ellen Scnleo.boih ot catanlsso, Columbia coun ty, renn'a. Deaths. CIlAVKOItI).-Iu Llglit Hlreeton tlio 13tli Inst.. IlattWJI. Crantonl, ugedt Jitirsiina si U4s. - - HAllMAN. In Oi-.mgevllleon the mn last., Itol. janu Lewis, son or or ucv. j. M. niul lUcncl Haruian, ueu v monins anu is nays. LKVAN. On Augusl 16th, 197T, Ilcnlamln l'ranlt lln, son ot Daniel f. Luvuu In Locust township, aged a years, i monins unci o nays. JIANHAUT.-In Ito.irlnrcreek-, August lsth.lSTT. Harriet, wife ot lllclncl .Muuhurt, agoi u ears and i days. DIIITTKllICII. In Centervltlo on Tuesday, August 14th, 1S77, Lizzie, diughlerot llorvey S and Agnes Diettcrich, aged two years and us days. KHAMKIi. In Oranjo township on tho liitli Inst,, ncant child of Wilsou und lirUi-cca Kiauu-r, oged 7 weeks. oitAWFOlin.-In 31 u I'Icasant on tho mhlnst., child or Joseph Crawford. KSOltlt. In I.tm3 Mi;s on fii 7th Inst., Mrj. Henry Knorr In her roth year. CANE. In Llmo l!M0v, oa tin 5th Inst., Willie, "on ot Alexander Cans, ujijd 18 months. political" Democratic ktate Ticket. I'OI! AUDITOR OHNKUAL, W. P. SCII ELL, of JJeilord county. i on NT ati; ,Tiii:A6uiti:it, A. C. NOYES, of Clinton county. ran sui'itr.Mi: junun, JUDGE TRUNKEY, of Venango' county. Democratic County Ticket, TOR IJI8TRICT ATTOItNr.y, ROUERT R. LITTLE, of Illoomsburg, N ron cokonur, ISAIAH Y EAGER, of Locust. FOll COUNTY SUItVEVOlt, SAMUEL NEYHARI), of Centre, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS JJR. I. L. KAIiU, PRACTICAL DENTIST, Main Street, opnoslto Episcopal Church, Illooms burg, fa. ff Teeth extracted without rain, uugw, 'iJ-ly. fa Bryant &StrattonL2, (Business CoLLPrvH !.-i-l"'i.','cl'rnl,,lln Inmlniic, i '.00 ,Ttn Ot., Philadelphia, Pn. i iwiMff low JlttHugtr aii KUtuieaH ot "- Rlf,'i".,'.r"fuU"l MlLw.Mnd lor frealjPI AJi;illufclrt.lcirt-iiVr. J. B hoOLK.fret. B SLf oug. Si, 77-em aia HenMetta Vahnnger by 1 her father anu next frlcnaJohn Fetterman V vs. I Dennis rahrtager, J In the court of Common fleas of Columbia mnn. tjr. Six. February Term' 1SJ7. Alias gubixcna la Tho alias tulma'iia In 'the above caw havj Inv been returned non eRtlnentus,you, the said Dennis Fabrwger are requested to upn-or at tho Bald Court on the UrstMouday or September next to answer the complaint therein Med. . . JOHN W. HOFFMAN. pOLLECTORS. " collectors holding county duplicates wlllpleaw cb.(ne tho luMrucllona In Ihelr warrants. Allan! required to bo prompt In collecting and paylnir oer 'J hey Kl'uU bring their duplicates lu till enk'o durlmr KeiifemUr court and puy ofrall money collected. Ibobe neglecting Ibis notice will haVe Ihelr aS count placed In bunds of c nice rs for Inuntdlate col lection. wl By order of si LAB wf MrtikNItY,) CommlEBlon'rs J01INI1K1INK1I, J- ""wur? JijtJIli K.t-NUB, J Columbia co. Attest 1-Ww.KMCxMwi, Cleric. """ w.i iXinial.siaciiur-B omce, Aug. 4, ittTT-iT-mrj NEW ADVERTISEMENTS amm IV YV ttr 1i t. rt ltmJO" rriTt watch ch . Jk'-Ctnlho known world. tfwpMttXteT DJi0ents. Add re A A Coultib ft Co..Chkai tuiff.1T, IMy ItftC s ' miff, ii, ii-iy OPIUM rnr.,1. I'lnlM , m K'BP tttll". ., -d..c. ,,;," """f nu(f. 17, 77 ly It AO A PHYSIOLOGICAL. "Miliar iii ii,. . : :."r, .V.r.r'W.'."n J 01 H d mntvn m a Tlto Jin Jri ril t, ,m fli tVmi oi triftThront m1 1.iinr, Catarrh. nut?.-! .? ' Opium nrkv lOrin.' "U'"U1,lUr'IlH l.llhrr IrfWih iK-tit rvtarnnlilriti mm I, prlrr W ri. , mj lnwh wtit pnttpnlilon n'nf MrrfrPi Of attn.. COnffllliiHtl Auarii .uU1Dli DKjjgu Ullfc. Iff ii-jj Kid i)r.A.G.OLIKJ'S tVr.u llrf,i Ion ft. rn,,r UltfcMbitmJ fiM hl Ufa-long tri fd-lonff isrrrlanct, ft mf rum tr bura allien M.iu of tin IlctWitwil rVhwl, uk no mercury. hL iV! primtc horn lanrnl iirvtlr nip norm unci twn, ru vt flw, hrrf rotmn Jn r. uu Sfticl fifty nU V.nmplrjof RnbTJ nSJE "a Z oMtninrtnrit Infunflatfon i-y um. IH. nii v rtuar ci nlB MARRIAGE GUIDE Bis:,BM . Vftlllnlrli lnivnKfh Hon- lo he ruxttl linn, Ewnrbrvly tbouU gvt IUU lev. tii11vHjlT,(11ltmar lK au. it, 77rly A SI Further Beflnctlon in tlie PIIICE OP TAINTS, OILS, uimsnns, JAPAN DUYKIii; rem ir you want to navn from 10 to as per cent In tho cost ot PAINTINO, send for our rrlec? ot the following : Strictly PUKE WHITE '.EAD, JIONTOUH vim& LEAD SLATE PAINTH, ALL COLOItS, IKON PAINTS, TIlHKECOLOHS, PURE LINSEED OIL BEST JAPAN DRYER. LINSEED OIL & CHALK PUTTY. Best Faint Brushes, COACH JABNISH. HOUSE VAUNISI7, Furniture Varnish, SPIHIT8 OFTOrtPENTIKG, Orders and Inquiries by mall will reeelio prcmpt attention, sample caid3 andrrlo ollst furnfebed without charge. HENRY S. REAY, Rupert, Pa. ays. '78,-Iy. Tlio Seaside Library. Cliolco tools no lonrfj for tbo few only. Tho Lett Hooks UMinlly hold;truml to,js Riven (unchanged and unabridged) for lo and 20 cents. 1. IUstLyhnk, Hy Mrs. Henry Wooddoublo no.soc 2. J011N llAiiian, (an-, by Jils Muloek. I0 8. Jank Eykb, by Cbarlullu liroulo (double no.) !0e ! "ox" HiTm, ciiarlesiieadu'u now novel mo 0. Tiik Ulack Imiiks, Jules Verne's latest Kc o. Last Dats OKPourrii, by nuler loo 7. ADAii lmiiE, by (Korgu lilllott, (double no.) vim 8. The AKi-KDrLMoTTo. byjlnryc u-HHay 1W o. oiii MiDDLX-io.v'H JIoxkv, by Mary Cecu nay 10u .0. Tiik Woman in iutk, by Wllkle Couins ioc II. Tun JIiiLONTiir. (icorco hniolt sou 1!. Tnu AMEincAN M.NAT0K, by Antlioiiy Trollopo HOC 13. a Pbinch-u or 'I hulk, by William lilack 2Ho 14. Tim I)bai) Hfckkt, by llklo Collins lew 15 IIouola, by (leoigb lilllott, (double no. suo iu. I uk j.mji.jmi AT TUB .-0I1TII I'OtB ANU FIELD ir Ji-K, III UHU WIUK UydllllS VC THU 17. llinuEN l'Fjtii8, by Jlary Cecil Hoy m. iiakiiaiu's UisTOHY, by Amelia ii. Vdwnrds 100 20. oid Ci'Kiosirv Shop, by ( liarlca Dickens iv. j i r.KKiuLB i emi tation, ov ciiariervHeaco si. i-uL'i, j L.i. uy i;nnnch l.eauo 22. JIan anu Vitr, by Wllklo Collins 2.1. THE t-Ql'lKK'S I FlIArr. bv Mnrv Perl! Hnv SCO 21. "ItisNeveiitooLate to mend," by ciurloa 200 2IJO 23. Lady Adelaide's Oath, byllra. II. Wood. 211. Aurora Floyd, by JIlss .11. 15. llraddon. 21. Victor and VAnqoi-iikd, bv II. c. Hay. 2S. A IMOHiiTSR of Hetii, by William Wack. 2D. Nora's Love Tf-st, by Mary Cecil Hay. 3 I. PUT OURS ELF IN HIS I'LACK. bv CI. HenIn. 100 21)0 10 100 11)0 2 'C 31. 1'ELIX HOLT, THE UADICAL, by (lOOrgO Elliott, 21)0 32. THE IJUEEN OF HEARTS, by Wllklo C0U1U9. ICO For Balo hyj all Uookscllers and Newsdealers, or sent postage prepaid, on receipt of price, UEOHOK MUNHO, Publisher. P. O. isor tcsi. 21, 23 and 23, Vondewatcr Et,, N. Y. (lags. 17-601 ' 1 ii m ii i- ir i - i , i i Dauchy & Co'a- Advt's. On UMIHANT OAlllis. No two alike. Willi ji name, lo cu poHt paid. 11 listed & Co., Nassau, N. Y. (uig. 11, MJ-iw U New and Thrilling MILLIONS EAOEK l'Orf JlTi SOOOAgfiiU Wanted far ) THE CROSS & THE CRESCENT liy tbo eminent L. P. Bkockitt. Unfolds tho struniro boclal. Political and lielljilous peculiarities and Ills tory of tho Kusslans and Turks; causa of tho war. Itlghty Interests at bUiko; lilOk'raphlcs of llulcrs, w0- i1.i.1.ci1,1.y,i!!V8U?.V! I'fr terms, addross quick ifti,,,1,1.",.1 Al ' uuos- J uus- 133 Sansom street, Phlladeldhla, Pa. uug. 27, "77-4W d T It I F I, I A' WJTII A COLD 18 ALWAYS DANUEItOUS. USE WELLS' CABBQLIC Wim, i1. K'Si1' LUM13, CHEaT and ilUCOUU J1EM 11UANK. Put up only in .Bluo Boxes. SOLD BY ALL DltUOtjISTS. ?. Ni5UlTT1!sT0; ' Avenue, New York", aug-. 20, -77-4 w l vegetineT l,cvsv..srw na uaiuo street, Brooklyn, N. Y., Nov, U, H74. n. V"' ?'". '!, uearnir, Kromperson ilben f.5xr!cS.'vl,'1.'rom lt use, as well as from iiersonal uunicuKo ui uiuso wuoso cures thereby havo heein- uuuimiB.uui.mwiw. ican most heartily and sin HhliiK i,rieco,m.raeml. Viiuctine ior tho complaints Which It la claimed ti piim .IlllPa n nrTrt,i. Lato Tastor Calvary Baptist Church, Eacratccnto, 0, VEGETINE Is Prepared by U.K. arrTTivi?.j tj.,( . MUSS. For Sale liv :ill iiriiinrlat. aug, 17, V-f d ""j-' ONLY FIVB UOI.LAUS FOE AN ACRE ! Of tho Best land In AMERICA, near tho Great Un- ION PACIHO ItAlLKOAD. A FARM FOR 200. IN EASY rAYM ENTS with low hates of interest. SECURE IT NOW 1 I I aug. 3, 17l'-W "J- 11AVIS, Land Agent, V. V. It. II., utuuuu, Heu. '-" mi iiruu new 9Cou ORGANS . X. " urn. io, uiUAb uo ibola. Fine Ufrioht IIohewood Pi- timf "HArllf.' "tm used cost taoo, ony f, fiv i7Ittr'!ir.r,Kai'a ' """P" 0P . 1 Mops SSWiuril.'?!1.?8.'?.1 12 stop sub bass S? ?Spr "JK011 "s.eost over um. Lowest pri 52YTorf?fJ?iS?t.0n.,5u,u' trial- YOT tu. ciinlo?M rSfrnVW. """W" Hard Times. 1000 mtlculae6yAd1clreS0n0p0'Ula- BatUe aug.o, 'iftw d Washington, D. C i S.fJ!,slJ,y ?m.1clS In there times but It fJh.V" "io " three inonUis by any ono f m m m iivi rea, in any part of tho country n?S.w.7I'lFit01!?.!k "'"l'y"tbo einployuiuit that we lurnieh. IMper wtiklnjour own town. vwwvbuMuvwwj iiuiuuoine uvermgLU xou can give our wholo Umo to tho work, or only your paro momenta. It costs nothuiir to try thu busl Lent, 'leimaand uimini ir. .h.V.? ."TT.f r."?.1. "kBt'tfS fc225 ae. " Vaotp- of Marriage I AffSI"""!'.1'! ' !r IM .'.1' n; lfrr-llon f.llh;;i. Hrmlrnl mlnf.MS""; I- ml-.luii. I.O.. ftr.Mf-mor, tmpnlrrit Mell. ft.f w So rlfL L- 3 1 Slldl'i in.. A