The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, August 24, 1877, Image 1

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Issued wookly, every Friday morning, lit
two boixars por year, payable In advnnco.or
nrr thnvoar. Attortbo oiplrntlonot tho year
..... tl.n tnrmm am tl nrtr VAHP. KtTIIMltf In HllVlltinn
1 9i if not nam in aavanco anu S4.uu 11 payment do
delayed bavnnd trio year. ....
tnnnt. lin nnld for In advance, unless a rcsnon.
Blijlo porson In Columbia county assumes to pay tbo
.a nnnnrv.
job DPitiisrTiisra-.
run .tniiMrir i-pnnrtment of the Coi.runuN Is Trr
' yTT III x . A. WlH x J P AiiA. l..ll i..
Sl-ACI. in. . . . -jri
Two Inches tM .'"
carter rolnmri . . : .. ." 1j- JM S no
Half column 1o.wi 1. 5.iio moo
ono column . ...... smk) ss.oo so.uo M.oo loe.oe
...i. n.nrtictftviAnta nnvnMn nnnrtfrlv. Trail
Blent advert iMinHnWinust Ik' raid for bclorclnscrtca
except where parties halo accounts.
Legal advertisements two dollars pcrtnchforUiree
Insertion, and at that rate tor additional I nsertlons
without reference to length.
tfrMMiisir'a. Afim!iiiatrAtr'R and Auditor's notices
tbreo dollare. Must to paid for when Inserted.
Transient or Local notices, twenty cents aline,
rcgularadvertlscmcntshalt rates.
nards In tlm "RustnrRS Directory" column, ono
Columbia County Official Directory.
Associate Judges I, K Krlckbaum, P. L. Hhuman.
Vrothonotary, to. 1). Frank Zarr.
Court monographer s. N. Walker.
Ucglster Hueorder Williamson II. Jacoby,
District Attorney John M. Clark,
Sheriff John w. llorrman.
Surveyor Isaac LVwitt.
Treasurer Hr. II. W. Mcltcynolds.
commissioners John llcrncr, s. W. McHcnry,
Joseph sands.
Commissioners' Clerk William Krlckbaum.
Auditors-M. V. n. Kline, J. 11. Casey, K. 11. Brown.
Coroner Charles O.Murphv.
Jury Commissioners Jacob II, Fritz, William II.
Cmintv Superintendent William 11. Rnvder.
ltlooin Toor District Directors O. 1. Knt, Scott,
OOlce, North Market street,
Mar.ST.H- Illoomsburg, ra.
K. 0UV1S,
AT 1 Ull E 1 -AT-LA W,
Kramer, liloomsburg nnd Thomas Uceco,
u. r. unit secretary
Bloomsburg Official Directory.
President of Town Councll-D. Tjowcnberg.
clerk-W. Wirt.
Chief of l'ollco M. C. Woodward.
President of (las Company S. Knorr,
secretary C. w. Miller.
Iltooinsburg Hanking Company John A. Funston
Prnslrli'nr.ll. 11. (Irolz. Cashier.
Firs'. Na'lonal Hank Charles It. raxton, President
J, P. Tustln, Cashier.
Columbia County Mutual Saving Fund and Loan
AssocUllon-E. 11. Little, President, 0. W. Miller,
Hloomsburg Dulldlny and saving Fund Association
Wm. Peacock, I'resmeni.j.ll, Itooison, necreiary.
liloomsburg Mutual Saving Fund Association J,
J. llrower, President, C. O. Uarkley, Secretary.
Kov. J. P. Tustln, (Supply.)
Sunday services In) a. m. and 6tf p. m.
ui.nrlnt, Mhnnl Q n. m.
Prayer Meeting Every Wednesday evening at C)4
ssats free. THo public aro In Itcd to attend.
Minister Iter. J. McCron.
Sunday Services 10J a. m. and 0f p. m.
unniln v Hptinnl 0 fl. tn.
Waver Meeting Every Wednesday evening at Otf
Heats' free. No pews rented. All aro welcome,
rnEsnYTEMAN enencu.
Mlntster I!ev. Stuart Mitchell.
Sunday Services I ox a, in. and6f p. ra.
Unnrlur Ui.innl0 n. tn.
Prayer Meoilng Every Wednesday oventng at 6tf
sca'is'freo. No pews rented. Strangers welcome,
MRTnoDisT m-iscorAL cnBKCII.
Presiding Elder Dev. N. S. Buckingham.
Minister Dev. M. L. Smyscr.
Sunday Servlccs-lux and 6, p. m.
u,.nn.. U.1,nnl'J n tn
Hlblo class Krerv .Monday evening at CJf o'clock,
young Men's l'ravcr Mco lng-Every Tuesday
evening at hm o'clock,
fleneral Prayer Moetlng-Every Thursday evening
7 O
Corner of Tlilrd and Iron streets,
l'astor Rov. o. D. Hurler,
iteslrtenco Central Hotel.
Sunday services lo a. m. and T p. m.
Sunday school 9 n. m.
l'ra) er Meeting Saturday, T p. m.
All aro Invited Thoro Is always room.
st. rAm.'scncKcn.
'.lector Itcv L. Zahner.
Sunday Servlcos-lutf a. m., 1i p. m.
Sunday Bchool-0 a. 111.
Sen lees preparatory to communion on Friday
evening neioro uto bt ounuuy m uiu;ii muuku.
Pcwa rented ; but everybody welcome.
Presiding F.ldcr-ltcv. A. U Dceser.
iiini.t.ip Hdv .T A.lrvtnn.
Sunday Service 3 p. in.. In tho Iron Street Church,
prai er Mcctlng-livcry Sabbath at p. ni.
All aro Invited. All aru welcome.
Meets in "tho llttlo llrlck rhurcb on the bill,"
known as tho Welsh llaptlst cuurcu-on iiuck mreei,
1 llegular meeting for worship, every Lord's day at-
seats free j and thu" public aro cordially Invited to
onico. Ilartman's Block, corner Main and Market
Streets oot. 8, 'To
OFxicK-Iloom No. 1, "Columbian" Building.
Sept. ih,1675.
A IT Uim li 1 -AT-LA W
Oflleo In Brower's building, second noor, room No.
Bloomsburg, Pa. Julyl,78
Select Story.
Attornoys-at' Lnw,
Offlco In Colcjibiak Bcildiko. Jan. 19, 'I7-ly
All Ull?llii;-Al-,1,
Bloomsbarg, Pa.
onico on Main Street, flrst door below Court llouso
V. it J. M. CLABK,
omco In Ent's Building.
Bloomsburg, Pa.
April 10,'H
Apr. u,ie.
-Adjoining C. 11. & W. J. Buckalow.
Bloomsburg, Pa.
jg H. & B. B. LITTLE,
liloomsburg, Pa.
"Business before the U. s. Potent Offlco attended
to. onico In the Columbian Building. as
A 1 1U 14 w p; Y b-A A v,
Columbun Bcildiko, Bloomsburg, Pa.
C.Membcrs of tho United Stales Ijjw Association,
ollectlons mado In any part of America or Europe,
Centralia, Pa.
F4b 18, TO.
1I0WEL h,
omco In Ilartman's Block, second floor, corner
Main and Market Streets,
May 20 ly.
"OBOWN'S HOTEL, Bloomsburg. Pa., B.
! Stohner, Proprietor. Accommodations llrst
cTass. l.2Jlo$l.W)perday. llcstaurant attached.
Octobers, '75-tt
SCHOOL OBDEBS, blank, just printed ami
neatly bound In small books, on hand and
for Bale at tho Columbian omce. Feb. 19, 1S75-H
LXNIf T5EED3', on "Parclim 'lit and Linen
I Paper, common and for Admlnlsi rators, Kxecu-
turs and trustees, tor salo Cheap at tuo uolu jhiii
Inrr Machines and Machinery of all kinds re
paired. 0rau Hodse Building, DloomBburg, Pa.
V I n,i fnrnnin nt ttin cm.uMniAN Oflice. Minis
ters of tho Gospel and Justices should supply them
selvea with these necessary articles.
JUSTICES and Constables' Fee-Bills for sale
attho Columbian onice. They contain tho cor
rected fees as established by the last Act of the Leg
slaturoupon tho Bubject. Every Justice and con
stable should have one.
TrENDUE NOTES just printed and for Bale
Y cheap at tuo Columbian uuiue.
Tn J. THORN'l'Oiy
would announce to the cltlrensof Blooms-
By virtue of sundry writs to mo directed will
bo exposed to public salo at tho Court llouso tn
liloomsburg, at ono o'clock p. ra. on
tho following real cstato to-wlt !
All that certain tract of unseated land situate In
Mifflin township, Columbia county, bounded by land
of Daniel Nungesser, Abrara Schweppenhetser and
others-containing two hundred acres more or less.
Ono lot of ground situate tn tho Town of Mifflin
vlllc, Columbia county, bounded and described as
follows : On tho north by id street, cast by lot of
Joseph Mastcllcr, south by M or Main stract, west
by lot of A. J. Buckalow, whereon aro erected a f ramo
bouse, barn and outbuildings.
Ono lot of ground sltnato In Mlnilnvllle, Columbia
county, Pennsylvania, bounded on tho north by 2d
street, cast by street south by M or Main street,
west by lot John of Keller, being M feet front and
230 feet deep.
All tho defendant's title In one lot of ground situ
ate In Miffltnvllle, '.Columbia county, Pennsylvania,
bounded on tho north by sd street, east by lot ot
John Keller, south by 3d or Main Blrcetond west by
lot of Thcodoro Fcdder.
All the defendant's tltlo In four lots of ground sit
uate In tho town of Mlnilnvllle, Columbia county,
Pennsylvania, bounded on the north by Sd or Main
street, east by street, south by 4th street, and
west by lot of Michael Knlttle, containing ono and-a-half
acres more or less:
Seized, taken into execution and to bo sold as tho
propurty of John Keller.
On all that certain lot ot land situate In Brlar-
crcck township Columbia couuty, P.i., bounded and
described as follows to wit! On tho north by land of
Jesse Illcks, cast by lands ot Daniel Purccl, south by
Susquehanna Illver, and west by land of D. A.Dow
man, containing ano hundred and six acres and 17
perches; on which is erected a Two Story Brick
Dwelling House, Framo Darn and other buildings,
all Improved.
An Island In tho Susquehanna itlver oppostto tho
abovo and to be sold In connection therowlth con
taining about 14 acres.
Ono other piece of land adjoining the abovo con
taining 43 acres and 8 perches described in two
pieces as follows : one bounded on the east by land ot
lato Stephen Thomas, south by Susquehanna Hlvcr,
wes,t by Wm. L. Freas and north by tho Canal, con-
talnlcg S'J acres and 7 perches. The other bounded
by laud of Mrs. Sponcnberger, Daniel Purcell, l'ub
Uc Doad, and tho Canal containing 4acres and 81
Seized, taken Into execution and to bo sold as the
property of Wm. L. Freas.
On tho following described lot or piece of ground
situate In the Town of liloomsburg, Columbia coun
ty, l'cnnsjlvanla, bounded ou tho north by an alley,
cast by Iron street, bouth by lot ot Thomas Vannat
ta and west by lot of Jano Mcllrlde, being about ono
hundred feet front on Iron street and slxty-slx feet
deep on alley, whereon Is erected a Framo Dwelling
House, a Framo wagon-maker shop and blacksmith
shop, t-ald lot will be sold to suit purchasers, either
In tho wholo or In two parcels. Ono lot ut about tM
feet front on Iron street, contalng tho wagon maker
shop and smith shop, and tho balanco about so feet
on same street, containing tho dwelling house.
Seized, taken Into execution and to Do sold as tho
property of A. s. Crossley.
All that certain real cstato sltuato In Main town
bhlp, Columbia county, Pennsylvania, bounded and
described as follows, to-wlt t On tho north by land
of John Ocarhart, on the cast by land of Joseph Gel-
ger, on tho west by land ot , on the south by
public road, containing fllty-3lx acres more or less,
Seized, taken Into execution and to be sold us tho
property of lbaio utter.
The following real estate sltuato in Madison
tntvnchln. Pnliiinhi.i ennnlv. PennsvlvantiLdnscrlbed
ABBlAGEOERTIFICAil'.S.jnst printed ouri,' u """H "?V,'u"ua J""'"""' asfoltows: Doundedon tho north by James Kin
. fl PV KAVAC1K. Dealer in Clocks. Watches
completo assortment ot
and all other goods In his line of business. All the
newestnnd most approved patternsof tho day aro
always to bo found In his establishment, Main street,
below Market. oct. 8.T5
corner of Main and West Hreets. threo doors below
J. K. tier's store, Dloombburg, l'o.
All orders oromntly attended to and satisfaction
April xi, u-it
n ci.
I J. In
OCt. 15, '75.
Drower's building, 2nd story, Dooms 4 Is s. X?
CY, Exchange Hotel, DioomsDurg, ra.
Jtna.InsCo., of nartford, Connecticut... 0,600,000
DR. WM. M. BEBEB, Surgeon and Physi- Liverpool, London and olobo -. JO,
clan. Offlco S. E. corner Dock and Market Hoyal of Liverpool "
T Tl. KVANS. M. D.. Surereon and Pliysi
J . clan, (Offlco and ltesldcuce on Third street.
curner Jenerson.
T H. MoKELVY.-M. D.. Burceon and Pliy-
J , slclan, north side Main street, below Market. I
ijincan &htra ..
Atlas of Hartford
Fanners Mutual 01 uanvuie
Danville Mutual
Home, New York. ,
Commercial Union.....
March sa.TT y
13 600,000
10,000,' 00
JB. BOBISON, Attornev-at-Law.
'. In Ilartman's building, Mala street.
len and Funston, east by Kinney Shultz, south by
heirs of J. W. Olrton and west by Wm. McNlnch et,
al., containing eighty acres more or less, whereon
aro erected a framo dwelling house, framo barn and
Seized, taken Into execution and to be sold as tho
property of Wank Graham and William Graham,
All that certain piece of land situate In Scott town
ship, Columbia county, Pennsjlvanla, bounded and
desrlbed as follows : on the north and west by land
of Mary I- nopper, on the south and cast by public
road, containing one-holt acre inoro or less, whereon
are erected a frame dwelling houso with tho appur
seized, taken lntoxccutlon and to bo sold as tho
property of William Hopper.
Tho following tract of land sltuato In Montour
township, Columbia county, Pennsylvanla,descrlbed
as follows, to-wlt: On tho north by landsof Gideon
cist, cast by land of Jacob Olrton, soutU by land
nf widow digger, west by land of Ellas digger,
containing twenty-six acres moro or less, whereon
aro erected a dwelling bouse, barnand out-bulldlngs.
Seized, taken into execution and to be sold as the
property of Christian Heist.
CONDITIONS OF SALE-,rurchascrs must pay
ten per cent, of tho purchase money, or at least
enough to cover all costs at striking down 01 sale
BOSENSTOCK, Photographer,
, Clark & Wolf's Store, Main street.
I Tim rirvlllTYlllimi T.O W TmP.lrnf otherwise tironertv to bo resold at once,
J-lli; Ul'iAlA"JAU'AA umu
A comolete record for tho uso ot attorneys. Con-1 juzin . uujia,
cin. o,,n,.rt mi. th rtivkettnir nf all cases aug.10, 77-ts snenn.
containing 500 pages, with double Index. This Is
the most completo book for lawyers that Is pub.
AVID LOWENBEBG, Merchant Tailor
Main St., above Central Hotel.
PBICE, $3.50.
By vlrtuo of sundry writs of Issued out
ot tho Court ot Common Pleas of Columbia co., and
to me directed, will bo exposed to public salo at tho
ut two o'clock p. ra. on
T 8. KUHN, dealer li. Meat, Tallow, etc., Published l)V BrOCtWaV & Elwell Court llouso In Bloomsburg
. uenvrueet,uei,wceu0e,iu.. SATURDAY', AUGUST 25, 1877,
go LU
ln... , T. ... r .I.- rirt. -..,. ,
IIKN VfllT WANT A FIRST-CLASS r.Ultors anu i.-ruiirieiura m mo ul.uu..w.,
SHAVE or nnvthlnir In the TONbOUIALLINE
Under Exchange Hotel, Bloomsburg, ra.
Oct. 13, 15
WM. II. ABBOTT, AUomey-at-Law, Main
Catawl&sa, pa.
Collections promptly mado and remitted. Offlco
wanted? S50 to $200 Per Month
A New, Cleab anu Concise
" Universal History
Commencing with Iho earliest periods, cl
March. 1B77. a volumes of Ilia World'a trreaL L
History lu one. ancient, Miudle Aoes, and Mor
vun, including History tit centennial muiuon,
Inauiruratiunrif l'lOKldentllaies and Turkish dim-
rultles. A book of thrlllUig interest and universal
need. Sells faster than uny other. Beautiful lllus-
tratlons, low prices, quick sales, extra terms, eireu-
lam iruu. Auaressu. u. met.uiiiii u., 1 uiiuuci
pula, Pa.; Cincinnati, 0.1 Chicago, 111.: st, lauu,
Mo. Junom.lMSw
contains the largest Block ot
Glassware, Woitaare,
Canned Fruits, Dried Frnits,
to be found In Columbia county.
A Completo AMiorlmcut
always on band. Call and examine.
Jan l.ltn.
Tho following real estate sltuato In tne town ot
Bloomsburg, Columbia county, Pennsjlvanla, boun
ded and described as follows, to-wlt! on the north
by D. L. & W. ltallroads, east by lot of Peter DI1I
meyer, south by seventh street, and west by lot of
Bloomsburg aas Company, containing three-fourths
of au acre more or less, whereon aro erected a largo
two-story brick foundry nnd machine shop, a framo
ware house, framo blacksmith shop, frame car shop,
together with engine, and boilers, lathes, fans, drill
press, belts, pulleys, grindstones, boring machines,
llasks, patterns, and all fixtures, tools and maihln.
ery belonging thereto.
seized, taken into execution ana 10 do ntu as iuu
property of sainucl Turnbach nnd Silas M. Hess.
CONDITIONS 01' SALE. Purchasers must pay
ten ner cent of tho purchase money, or at least
enough to coer all cents at striking down of sale
otherwise property to bo utoia at once.
on all that certain real estate situate In Green
wood township, Columbia county, PennsjUanla,
bounded aud described as follows, to-wlt: on tho
north by land of Marvin Kline, cast by land ouo-
sech Keller, south by land of 11. Kitchen and otuers,
and wctt by land of Marvin Kline, containing 40
acres moro or less, on which aru erected a framo
dwelllne house and barn with the appurtenances,
SeUed, taken Into execution and to bo sold as tho
property of Leonard Kline.
Aug.S,H-ts Sheriff,
Babcock & Wyeth's AdsUrrrAiNWRiGUT&co.,
Is taken Internally, and Positively Cures llheuma
ttsin. (lout, neuralgia and Lumbago. lrsold by
Wholesale and Detail Druggists oerywhere. Send
,U1 MlkWW w.
Ilvr Ml wa-tvn, a.imn.m.
.li.l.i Miya , tna a, n t.., i - l .
Druggists, Warning! ou, D,
The undersigned auditor antmtnr.1 i!v mia nr.
Fihans' Court of Columbia county, to take proof of
acts, and pass upon the excekllous Med to the
bccouut ut Abraham Waltman. Kxecutor of the ro
ute of Jesbe Zaner. late of lirlarei eek townbhlp, de
ceased, will attend to the duties ot his appointment
at his omce In IPe Tow n ot Bloomsburg in A. J.
lCYan'S bUUdlmr. COruer Of Main nnrl Irnn utr.tit ,m
Friday tho gist day of August, 1671, ut 11) o'clock, a.
N . S. corner second and Arch streoji,
Dealers In
Mr-Orders will receive prompt attention,
Kuuli, Fi'jiulcr dlEdwardy,
-vmiA u lierehvciven that Henry Dnorr. Com
mittee of Levi Miller, a lunatic, has ftai an account
Inlheonioeoi lue 1 aiiuuiiumi, i uiuiuuiuuuii-
,v wiiiiM! wi 1 iwi TirrHe-iiLru tu lilt, lajutl lur tuuiir-
initlonon the fourthdsy of Septeinlnrnextandlf
110 exceptions uu llieu niiuiuiuui iwj. iuuciuici,
me same wui vvuuiuiiu.
Aicnthn sccountof C. W. Miller. Trustee tn re
ceive and pay out inoneyB duo on mortgages from
Anna Miller and 1 ell A. llldluy and J. E. Alkman to
Lev) A Illdlay wnicn win no presented 10 me uouri
aline same ume iuiu buujcci. w uio duuid wuui-
ttons forconnrmaiion as ine uuue ucvuum.
.tL tun nnunt nf EC. J. Vcllenrr. Committee
wuiiu..r a. Kline, a lunatic, which will lie nrebent-
n.i tn tlm I'riurL ai, ma sainu lime, aim uuici-b ut uiu
samo ronditloua for conlltmallon as the abote ac
D. FIIANK ZAllll, JTOiny,
JulyW), "Il-iw.
-iir-i-i UTTT 1 mall one and one-holt dozen
V Hj W 1 I il j the most beautiful new
Chromes, In French oil color, ever seen for $1.00.
'! hey are mounted In s x lu black enamel and gold
m.i, nisi imentnir and outsell anythlnir now before
(Successors to Benedict 1'orbcyi: Sons, m Market I h nubile. Pwo samples for i cents, or slxsampies
street. I for to cents. Send lu cents for grand Illustrated cat-
jinporwrsanaaeaieroia luloguewllh curomoor juoonugiii on me iinine, or
CHINA, Q LAI'S AND QUEENS WARE, S" iBfign a?., M'ngtoS
llz3 Market SUeet. 1'UladeloLll. street Bokton, Mabs. Ueadquarteni 1 lor CUromos,
. . . ...... 1 Kncrravinin ana Art a i.
LonsiBnuyonnanuuriginaianuAbbonearautagi 1 ,v.-vD - h I
Juno 9, U-ly
Kngravlngs and Art A
J Use 0,1) 4 Ulwl txywtuw ai
The fire burns chccrilv on the hearth, the
great logs crackle and ilara up tho wldo chlm
ney,up which it Is ray wont to say you could
drlvo a coach-nnd-four. I draw my chair
nearer to it with a shiver. 'What n night 1'
I say.
"Is it still snowing ?" asks my wife, who
sits opposito to me, her books and work ou
tbo table beside her.
"East. Y'ou can scarcely sec a yard before
"Heaven help nny poor creature on the
moor to-night," says she.
"who would venture out? It began enow-
ng before dark, nnd all tho people about
know the danger of being benighted ou tho
moor In a snow storm."
"Yes. But I hayo known people frozen to
death hereabouts before now."
My wife is Scotch, and this pleasant houso
n tho Uighlands is hers. Wo are trying a
winter In it for thu first time, nnd I find It
excessively cold and somewhat dull. Men
tally I decide that in future wo will only
grace it with our presence during tho shoot
ing season. Presently I go to tho window
and look out; It has ceased bnowing, and
through A rift in the clouds I seo a star.
'It is beginning to clear," I tell my wife,
and also inform her that it is past 11. As
she lights her candle nt a side table I hear a
whining and scratching at the trout door.
"There is Laddlo looso again," says she.
"Would you let him in, dear 1"
I did not like facing the cold wind, but
could not refuse to let in tho poor animal.
Strangely enough, when I opened the door
and called him he woudn't come. IIo runs
up to tho door and looks into my faco with
dumb entreaty ; then he run3 back a few
step', looking around to see if I am follow
ing ; and finally, he takes my coat in his
mnuth nnd tries to draw mo out.
"Laddie won't come in," I call out to my
wife. "On tho contrary, he seems to waut
mo to go out nnd have a garao of snowball
with him."
Sho throws a shawl round htr nnd comes
to tho door. Tho collio was hers before wo
were married, and she is almost as fond of
him, I tell her, as she is .of Jack, our eldest
"Laddie, Laddio 1" sho calls ; "come in,
sir." lie comes obediently at ner call, but
refuses to enter the house, and pursues tho
same dumb pantomime he lias already tried
on me.
"I chall shut him out, Jessie," I say. "A
night in the snow won't hurt him," and I
prepared tj close the door.
"You will do nothing of the kind 1" sho
replies with nn anxious look ; "but you will
rouso the servants at nnco aud follow him.
Some one is lost in the snow, and Laddio
knows it."
I laugh. "Really, Jesse, you aro absurd.
Laddie is a sagacious animal, no doubt, but
I cannot believe he is as elever us that. How
can ho possibly know whether anyone h lo-t
in the snow or not ?"
"Because he has found them and como
back to us for help. Look nt him now."
I cannot but own that tho dog seems rest
less and uneasy, and is evidently endeavor
ing to coax its to follow him ; he looks at us
with pathetic entreaty in his eloquent eyes.
"Why, won't you believe me ?" ho seems to
"Come," she continues ; "you know you
could not rest while there was a possibility
of a fellow-creature wanting your assistance.
And I am certain I.addie is not deceiving
What is a poor hen-pecked man to do ? I
grumble and resist and yield ; as I have of
ten grumbled and resisted aud yielded be
fore, and as I doubtless shall do again.
"Laddie once fonnd a man in the snow be
fore, but ho was dead," Jessie says, as sho
hurried off to fill a flask with brandy, and
to get ready some blankets for us to take
with us. In the meantime I roused tho ser-
auts. They are all English, with the ex
ception ot Donald, the gardener, and I can
seo they are scoffingly skeptical of Laddie's
lagacity, and inwardly disgusted at having
to turn out of their warm beds and face the
bitter winter's night.
Dinna trouble yourself," I hear old Don
ald say. "Tho mistress is right enough.
Auld Laddie is cleverer than mony a Chris
tian, and will find something in tho snow
this night."
"Don't sit up, Jessie," I say as we start ;
we may bo out half the night on this wild
gooso chase."
Follow Laddie closely, is the only an
swer she makes.
Tho dog springs forward with a joyous
bark, constantly looking back to bee if wo
aro following. As we pass through the ave
nue gates aud emerge on to the moor, the
moon struggles for a moment through tho
driving clouds, ' lights up with a Bickly
gleam tho snow-clad country before us. "It's
like hunting for a needle, in a bundle of hay
ir," says John, tho coaclunan.coufidentially
to think as we should find anybody 011
such a night as this 1 Why, in somo places
the snow is more than a couple of feet thick,
and it goes again' reason to think that a
dumb auimal would have the scuso to como
home and fetch help."
"Hide a wee, bide a wee, says old Don
ald, "I dinna ken what yur English dugs
can do ; but a collie, though it hasna been
pleasing to Providence to give the creatur
the gift o' speech, can do mony malr things
than them that wad, deride It."
"I ain't a deridin' of 'em," says John. "I
only say as how If they bo so clever I've
never seen it."
"Ye wull. though, vo wull." eava old Don-
aid, as he hurries forward after Laddie, who
has now fettled down into a swinging trot,
and Is taking Ills way straight across tho
loneliest part of the bleak moor. The cold
wind almost cuti us lu two, and whirls tho
snow Into our faces.uearly blinding us. My
finger-tips aro becoming numbed, Icicles
hang from my moustache and beard, and my
feet and legs are soaking wet, even through
my shooting boots aud stout leather leg
gings. Tho moou has gone in again, and tin
light from the lantern we carry is barely
sufficient to show us the inequalities in tho
height of the snow, by which we are guess
ing at our path, I begin to wish I had stayed
at home. "Zthomme propotc, mait laemme
ditpoit," I sigh to myself ; and I beglu to
consider whether 1 may venture to give up
the search (which 1 have undertaken purely
to satisly my wife, for I am like Jobu, and
won't believe in Laddie,) when suddenly I
bear a shout in front of me, aud see Donald,
who has all tbo time been keeping closo to
Laddle,drop on his knees and begin digging
wildly In the snow with his hands. Wo all
rush forwsrl. Laddio has stopped at what wo
Buppose to bo the foot of a stunted tree, nnd
niter scratching and whining for n moment,
sits down and watches, leaving the rest to
us. What Is it that appears when wo have
shoveled away tho snow? A dark object.
Is it a btindlo of rags ? Is it or nlasl was it
a human being? We raise it carefully nnd
tenderly, wrap It In one of tho warm blank
ets with which my wife's forethought had
provided us. "Bring tho lantern, I sny
huskily; and John holds it over tho prostrato
form of, not n9 wo might have expected,
somo stalwart shepherd of the hills, but over
that of a poor, shriveled, wrinkled, ragged
old woman. I try to pour a llttlo brandy
down tho poor old throat, but the teeth are
so firmly clenched that I cannot.
"Best get her home as quickly as may be,
sir ; the mistress will know better what to do
for her nor wo do, if so be tho poor creature
is not past help," eays John, turning in
lift "I l!pd." Tit mirlmnn! woa nnnrtorml !
Fort George, nnd ho wrote regularly to his
mother, hU letters getting more cheerful
and hopoful every day ; until suddenly he
wrote to say that his regimont was ordered
to India, and begging her to send him her
blessing, as he had not enough money to car
ry him to Liverpool te see her. Tho aged
mother, widowed and childless, savo for this
one remaining boy, felt that alio must look
on his face once more beforo sho died. Sbe
bogged from a few ladlej, whoso kindness
had kept her from the work house, sufficient
money to carry her by train to Glasgow ;
nnd from thence she had mado her way, now
on foot, now begging a lift in a passing cart
or wagon to within a few miles ot Fort
George, when sho was caught in tho snow
storm, and wandering from the road would
havo perished in tho Bnow but for Lad
My wife is in tears and Mary is sobbing
audibly as tho little old woman concludes
her simple and touching story, and I walk to
the window and look out for a moment be
stlnctlvely.ns wenll do In sickness or troublo forol am ablo to ask her what her son's name
to woman's aid. s. As I tell her that we aro but a few miles
So we improviso a sort of hammock ot tho from Fort George, and that I will send over
blankets, nnd gently nnd teudcrly the men for h'nn, a Btnllo of extreme content illuml-
preparo to carry their poor, helpless burden nates the withered face. "Ills name is John
over tho Bnow.
' l am nlraid your mistress will bo in
bed," I say, a9 wo begin to retraco our
Salter," sho says, lie is a tall, handsome
lad ; they will know him by that."
I hasten down stairs aud write a short noto
to Col. Freeman, whom I know Intimately,
"Never fear, sir," said Donald, with a informing him of the circumstance, nnd
triumphant glance at John ; "tho mistress begging that ho will allow John Salter to
will be up and waltin' for us. Sho kens come over at once, nnd I dispatch my groom
Laddio didua bring us out in the snaw for in tho dog cart, that ho may bring him back
naething." without loss of time. As I return to tho
"I'll never say nought about believing a house after seeing him start I meet Dr,
dawg again," says John, gracefully striking l!mce leaving tho house."
Ins colors. 1 ou wero right and I was wrong, 'Toor old soul," ho eays, "her troubles
and that's all about it ; but to think there aro nearly over ; she is sinking fast. I al
should bo such sense in a animal passes mo,t doubt whether she will live till her son
mo 1
As we reach the avenue gate I dispatch
one of tho men for tho doctor,who fortunate
ly lives within a stone's throw nf u, nnd
hurry on myself to prepare my wife for what
is coming. She runs out into the hall to
meet me. "Well," she asks, eagerly.
"Wo havo found a poor old woman," I
say ; "but I do not know whether she is
nlivo or dead."
My wife throws her arms round me and
gives mo a great hug.
"You will find dry things and a jug of hot
toddy in your dressing room, dear," she
says ; nnd this is all the revenge she takes on
me for my skepticism. The poor old woman
is carried up stairs mid placed in a warm
bath, under my wife's direction,; and be
fore the doctor arrives she has shown some
faint symptoms of life; so my wife sends
me word. Dr. Bruce shakes his head when
ho sees her. "Poor old soul," he says ; "how
came she out on the moor on such a fearful
night? I doubt sho has received a shock
"How sho could have accomplished such
a journey nt her age, I cannot understand,'
I observe.
"Nothing is impossible to a mother," ro
sponds Dr. Bruce; "but it has killed her."
l'raitlonal Currency.
It would not bo easy to enumerate tho
numbei of those who think to atone for the
ovll they havo done by tho good they Intend
doing, nnd are thus only virtuous In pros
"Tho way nf It Is " said little Johnny, do-
scribing a raflle at a church fair, "you seo
somethiu' nnd you give half a dollar for a
chanco to win it, nnothcr fellow always gets
It, and they never offer you your money
Deacon Jones, just deceased, had a very
red nose. His widow thought it rather per
sonal In tho minister to beglu his funeral
discourse, "Another shining light has been
taken from our congregation,"
The Spaniards linve a proverb which says:
'An ounco of mother Is worth a pound of
clergy." An ounco of conduct Is worth a
ton of reading. An ounce of self surrender
to truth already possessed 19 worth a plan
ct's weight of truth not transmuted into
How good nn idea did the average child
get of the real gist of that lesson on "Tho
Sovcn Chosen?" Tho Texas Chrittian Ad
vocate says that during tho review of that
lesson, in response to tho inquiry: "What,
then, is tho special duty of deacons?"
gentleman got from a boy tho unexpected
reply : "To tako careof the widowr.
A merchant in a provincial town in Scot
land had a habit of saying "It might hae
been waur" to everything that was told him,
however sad the story might be. A neigh
bor, thinking that he would knock tho wind
out of him, ono morning said, "Man, I had
an awful dream last night." "Ay, what did
yo dream ?" "I dreamed that I was in hell.
"It might line been waur." "How could it
hao been waur?" "If it had been a reali
Bishop Potter, of New York, in excusing
himself from making a speech at the lunch
con after a church dedication at Boston tho
I go in; but 1 find I cannot settle to my other day, told the story of the man who
usual occupations. My thoughts are with was nlways bragging of any Bpeech ho made,
tho aged heroine who is dying up stairs, and and accordingly onco told a friend that ho
mm following anonymous poem wa found about
eight yoars ago, In a magailne published at Phila
delphia. Its beauty ot language, fervor ot feettna,
xaltcd religious sentiment claim for It a wider cir
culation than It lias yet attatnod i
I'm growing very old. This weary hand
That hath so often leaned on Jesus' breast.
In days long past, that seem almost a dream,
Is bent and hoary with Its weight of years.
Thcso limbs that followed Hlm-my Master-eft,
From Oallleo to Judah yea, that stood
Beneath tho Cross and trembled witn ins groans,
Defuse to bear mo even through the streets
To preach unto my children. E'en my Hps
Kef uso to form tho words my heart sends forth.
My cai s are dull ; they ocarcely hear tho boos
Of my dear children gathered round my couch,
My eyes so dim, thoy cannot seo their tears,
Ood lays Ills hand upon mo, yea. Ills hand,
And not Ills rod-the gentlo hand that 1
Felt thoso threo cars, so often pressed in mine(
In friendship bucIi as passeth woman's love.
m old. so old t I cannot recollect
The laces of my friends, and I forget
The word3 and deeds that make up dally llfo ;
But that dear face, and every word lie spoke,
Grow moro distinct as others fado away,
So that I Uve with Dim and holy dead
More than tho living.
Somo seventy years ago
I was n nshcr by tho sacred sea.
It was at sunset. How the tranquil tide
Bathed dreamily tho pebbles. Dow tho light
Crept up tho distant hills, and In Its wako
Solt purple shadows wrapped mo purpie neios.
And then IIo came and called me. Then I gazed
For tho Unit time, on that sweet face. Those eyes,
rrom out of which, as from n window, sliono.
Divinity, looked on my inmost soul,
And lighted It forever. Then Ills words.
Droko on the sllenco of my heart, and mado
The wholo world musical. Incarnate Lovo
Took hold ot me and claimed me for Ills own.
I followed In tho twilight, holding fast
Oh I what holy walks wo had
Thro' tho harvest nelds and desolate dreary wastes
And oftentimes he leaned upon my arm,
Wearied and wayworn. I was young and strong,
And so upbore Him. Lord, now I am weak,
And old, and feeble. Let me rest on Thee I
80, put Thine arm around mo. Closer stul I
How strong Thou art I Tho twilight draws apace.
presently I yield to the fascination which
draws me back to her presence.
As Dr. Bruce says, she is sinking fast. She
lies back on tho pillows, her cheeks ns ashy
gray as her hair. Sho clasps my wife's hand
in hcr's, but her eyes are wldo open, and
havo an expectant look in them.
At what time may we expect them ?"
whispers my wifr to me.
"Not beforo 4," I answered 111 the same
"lie will bo too late, I fear," sho says;
"sho is getting rapidly weaker,"
But love is stronger than death, and she
which, nt her age, she will not easily get will not go until her son comes All through
lUli 1UU IUIU .3 V...J tua Uj
They manage, however, to force a few
spoonfuls of hot brandy and water down her
throat; and presently a faint color dickers
ou her cheek, nnd the poor oldeyelids begin
to treinble. My wife raises her head and
makes her swallow homo cordial winch Dr.
Brucellas brought with him, and then lays
her head back among the soft, warm pillows.
"I think sho will rally now," said Dr. Bruce,
as her breathing becomes moro nudiblo and
regular. "Nourishment nnd warmth will do
the rest ; but sho has received a shock from
which, I fear, sho will never recover ;" and
so saying he takes his leave.
By and by I go up to tho room and find
my wife watching alone by the aged sulferer.
She looks up at me with tears in her eyes,
"Poor old soul," sho says, "I urn afraid sho
will not rallv from the cold and exposure."
I go round to the other Bide of the bed spreading jew iree,
had just been down to Bostou, whero ho
made a speech, "Oh I did you?" said tho
friend, "I am glad to hear it. I alivays did
hate those Bostouiaus."
A gentleman took his little boy to a model
farm, to see tho wonders of tho place. Af
ter they had been there n short time the lit
tle fellow ran crying to his father, being at
the same timo pursued by a big turkeycock,
which was trying to get a piece of bread
out of his hand. "What, my boy," said tho
father, "are you afraid of a turkey ? Why,
you ate part of ono yesterday." "ics, pa
pa," responded the little fellow, wiping his
eyes ; "but this one isn't cooked.
A young Danbury boy proposed to his
father that ho go a fishing, but his father
had other business for him that day. "I-ath-
er," said the young man, "do you know
,Vnd at last I hear tho dog cart. I lay my what Solomon said about boys going fish
finger on my lip and tell Mary to go and ing?" "Solomon didn't say auy thing about
bring John Baiter up very quietly. But my it," replied tho parent. "Yes ho did. IIo
caution is needless ; the mother has heard said if you spare the rod you Bpoil the child."
tho sound, and with a last effort of her re- "I won't Bpare it," Baid the old- gentleman,
malning strength, sho raises herself and promptly. And he didn't.but tho son thinks
stretches out her arms. "My lad, my lad ! ho got hold of the wrong rod
10 gasp', as with a great Bob ho springs
forward, and mother and son are clasped in
each other's arms once more, tor a 1110
meutthey aie so. Then the little old woman
sinks back on my wife's shoulder, and her
spirit is looking down from heaven on tbo
lad sho loved so dearly ou earth.
ently taking what nourishment is given to
her ; but never speaking except to say :
'My lad, my lad I God is good; he will
not let me die till ho comes."
and look down upon her. Tho aged face
looks wan and pinched, and tho scanty gray
locks which lio on the pillow nro still wet
from thesnow, Sho is a very littlo wouiau,
ns far ns I can judge of her in her recumbent
position, and I should think must have reach
ed her allotted three score years and ten
"Who can she bo ?" I repeated wondering
ly, "Sho does not belong to any of the
villages hereabouts, or wo should knotv her
face, nnd I cannot imagine what could bring
a stranger to the moor on eucli a night.
Rev. (Lecturer) Joseph P. Cook speaks of
certain churches whero the aristocratic
members mu?t be fauned with eloquent ser
mons, sprinkled with tho lavender of case,
nnd swung in a hammock, ono end of which
is fastened to tho Cross while the other is little churchyard under a thf finee f Mammon." If the
,!,. ,., ,. ,, . ,u. ,i.iu Profi'ssor does not tako care, he will have to
,t;uiuK iivv, tti.i. v .uv 0W..V1 , ....... .....
lively delegation Irom tins city
marks her resting place aro in-cribed the
wards, "Faithful unto Death." Our Laddie
has gamed far-spread renown for hi
good works, and as I sit finishing this short
record of a tale of which he is the hero, he
lies nt my feet, our over watchful, faithful
companion and friend. Chamber t Journal.
The Iietlivood Forests of California.
receivo a
who will protest and not without reason
that this description is not sufficiently im
A missionary of the American Sunday
School Union suggested to the superinten
dent of a colored Sunday school down South
the advisability of offering some attractions
to the scholars in the way of Sunday school
papers or reward-cards. Tho superintendent
took tho suggestion, and even improved up
on it. The next time tho missionary visi
ted the school, ho found each urchin had a
lump of "'lases caudy" on a small piece o
white muslin, devounug the samo with most
intense satisfaction. Thebession was sweet
and harmonious. No trouble about getting
those children to stick to that school. After
it was through, they would havo stuck to
At a trial in Salem, Webster said about
tho argument of his opponent: "Gentlemen
The redwood trec3 of California are mar
velous to behold. Our lumbermen would
As I speak a change passes over her face . fllul0,t r0,v crazv over tlla immensity of
me eyes unclose, anu sue looks inquiringly ,b ; and crandeur. Thev are the giant
about her. Sho tries to speak, but is evi- tree3 of the worjdi The ceJarij of Lebanon
dentlytoo weak. My wife raises her head .1,,-off Into insignificance, as compared with
and gives her a spoonful of nourishment, tbemi anJ evc 1B big lreea of Mariposa,
while sue Bays, soothingly ; "Uont try to CaIaverlH anil Tuolumco counties in this
speak. You aro- among friends, and when Statei whch belong t0 thfl reJwooJ famiiyi
you are better you snail ten us an nuout am, which atract tbe e),M of tbe t0UrUu on
yoursen. ami now anu try to sieep. acCouut of their wonderful size, are not as
The gray head drops back wearily upon , .,. n ,,,, Tn Frpann -.., i,ns
the pillow, nnd soon wo have tho satisfaction b,ea rccelllly discovered a new grovo of of the jury, this man neither alights nor
01 Hearing by mo regular respiration mat these colossal trees, one of which eclipses in flies forward. He hovers. Why does he
circumference nny of tho big trees of tho not meet the case f Our ago is full of rea-
Yosemite, it being a few inches less than ders and students who aro niero hoverers,
1-10 feet in circumference. In height it is who neither fly forward nor alight, and who
ICO feet, w Idle a large portion of its top, ly- think the highest philosophical glory 1
ing on tne giound,ls over lull too lu length, never coming to a conclusion. Have you
Tho tallest redwood trees aro to be found lu 1 teen these winged, unresting spiritual creat-
San Mateo and Santa Cruz counties, whero tires? Heading Is of small account lu com
When we meet in tho morning I find that they attain a height of 100 feet, with a cir- parlson with that style of action which
tho little old woman has spoken a few words cumference of some f0 feet. They embrace makes obedience to truth an on;an of spiri
and Beem-i stronger, "Come in with mo a vast and dene forest, forming au unbrok-1 tual knowledge.
now," says my wife, "and let us try to find en belt lrom thirty to forty miles in length
out who she is." We find her propped Into running north and kouth, and from ten to A Tragic Test.
a reclining posture with pillows, and Mary tweuty mjlcs in width, cast and west. They
bei-Ido her feeding her, I crown the mountains of tho coast range and
"How nro you now? nsk9 Jessie, bend- Krow along the alluvial river bottoms. Uu
ing over her. dor their shade are to bo found tho tea oak,
"Better, much better, thank you, good poison oak, madrono, mauzaulta, buckeye,
lady," she says In a voice which trembles I laurel, nnd other trees aud shrubs.
from age as well ns weakness. "And very Living amid the stalwart limbs are to be
gratclul to you for your goodness." found the eagle and numerous other birds,
I hear at onco by the accent that Bhe is wi, tiley ,,r0vlde a safe retreat for the
our patient is asleep.
"You must come to bed now, Jessie," I
eay. "I siiall ring for Mary, aud sho can sit
up the remainder of the night." But my
wile, who Is a tender-hearted soul ana a
bom nurse, will not desert her post ; so I
retire to my solitary chamber.
Come, let us leavo tho noisy Btrects, and tako
The path ot Bethany, for Miry'a smllo
Awaits us at the gato, and Martha's hand3
Have long prepared the cheerful evening meal,
come, James ; tho .Master waits ; and, Peter, see,
Has gone somo steps before.
What say you, friends t
'hat thts 13 Ephesus, and Christ has gone
Back to Ills kingdom 7 Aye, lis so.
know It all ; and yet, juat now, I seemed
To stand onco more upon my native hills
And touch my 1. aster. Oh 1 how of t I'vo soen
The touching ot Ills garments bring back strength
To palsied limbs I I feel It has to mine.
Up I bear mo onco moro to my church once moro.
There let me tell them of a Saviour's lovo ,
For, by tho sweetness at my Master's voice
Just now, I think he must be very near-
Coming, I trust, to break the vail, which tlmo
Has worn so thin that I can seo beyond,
And watch His footsteps.
So, ralso up my head I
How dark It 1st I do not seem to seo
Tho faces of my flock. Is that tna sea
That murmurs so, or Is It weeping 7 Hush I
My littlo children 1 Godao loved tho world
He gave His Son ; so love ye ono another ;
Love Ood and man. Amen I Now, bear mo back.
My legacy unto an angry world Is this ;
I feel my work Is ltnL-hed. And tho streets so tulL
What, call tho folk my name ; Tho Holy John ?
Nay, write mo ratucr Jesus Christ's beloved,
And lover of my children.
Lay me down
Onco moro upon my couch, and open wldo
Tho Eastern window. Bee I there comes a light
Uko that which broke upon my soul at eve,
When In the dreary Isle of Patinos Gabriel came
And touched me on tho shoulder. See I it grows
As when wo mounted toward tho pearly gates.
I know the way 1 I trod It once beforo.
And hark I It Is tho song tne ransomed sang
ot glory to the Lamb I How loud It sounds I
And that unwritten one 1 Methtnks my soul
Can Join it now. But who are thoso who crowd
I lie shining way 1 Say I Joy I 'tU tho eleven I
With Teter first ; how eagerly he looks I
How bright tbo smiles aro beaming on James' (ace I
I am the last. Once more wo aro complete.
To gather round the Paschal feast. My place
is next my Maker. Oh, iny Lord I my Lord I
How bright Thou art, and yet tho very samo
I loved In oallleo 1 Tls worth the hundred years
To feel this bliss 1 So, lift mo up, dear Lord,
Unto thy bosom. There slull 1 abide.
Euglish. "Are you strong enough to tell me California lion, grizzly, wolf, wildcat, lynx, .. 8 . !,'
how vou got lost on the moor, nnd where I ,i. o,..i,... nni..ij i....o1, results, xuo pri
" . iuv,ui.v,..v (m..iu,o, iiiimi-iiau iiuanii'
A singular murder case, awaiting trial in
Indiana, has given rise to much legal dis
cussion at to whether the circumstances jus
tified tlm charge. A juggler, who alleged
that he posset-ed somo power which rendered
him "bullet proof," invited the prisoners In
tho case to aim at him with a loaded musket
assuring him that ha might do bo without
the slightest fear of prodacing any painful
soner accepted the kind
you came from and whero you were going?" r.i,a i,nvn 1,,,,, f,ll.l . '""""ion, ami wim a loaueu musket pre-
couuuucs iny who. lumberman ax. ha Bcnrcely made au im
Bented to him by the Juggler, immediately
nan' o 1,1,11 (l... t.t 1 T 1
"Ah I I was going to my lad, my poor lad, pression, and It will take years before they " ' " , " b ul-BU
1 t it. t 1 11 11 , , ,,,1 , , ,. . that, as there was no intention on the part
and now I doubt I shall never Bee him are exhausted. The redwood constitute , ,', , . , , , , ' ,
, .. ... . ,, , . , , of the prisoner to kill the deceased, tho
more, bays iue poor oui, wim u mug iugu 1 tue principal lumuer in tne market, ucing , , . , , . , ,
, , ' ,,' 1 ' .11 1 r unit I charge of murder cannot bo maintained,
of weariuess. exteiulvely used fur building iiurnosos. It Lu..... 1 . ... , ,
"Where U your lad, and how far have you contains no resinous matter, but iron lL-"Ji
come?" found lu It to a considerable extent. It Is .'T-f'
, ... . , ,,,, ... , iiiiious wnu were 10 uh canon us wunesses
"My lad is n soldier at Fort George; and very brittle, splits ea.y and true, and scarce - . ,,ofa . .,..,.,. ,, , ,,.,
I have come all the way from Liverpool to 1 ever shows decay after it iMnanufactured. L,lho U 8vml meot Bt before, he
soa him, and give him his old mother's hies- Veneers are made from the stump, which . 1,,,,, ui,u, ,..,.i i
slug beforo ho goes to the Indies." And are BUcept ble of an elegant polish. These EugiaB,i few years ag0. A wizard at ono, uio.ei.iy, wun long paubes ui wean- " w 11- .. ...u.t. var.eguieu man oflho theatres begged one f the audience
ness nnd weakness, the little old womau tells bird s eye maple. The color of the redwood a favor t0 flro a gun at him. The specta-
lier p.u.u. .lUty. - . KU lm, BIm ,,, , ., Qaj
Her lad, Bhe tells us is her only remain- wl,'Kut. 1 " told, is about lour ana charc0 o( ,ll0t ue had brought with lilm for
ing child. She had six, and this, the young- a ua ' l,nu"' 4 l" ne luot- e light red is the preaJ imrl,osa of tMllllp, cruoauy lhe
eat, is the only one who did not die of want lLo "BUtent In weight. Cor. llotlon Journal, aiegea vulnerability of the wizard. The
during the Lancashire cotton famine. He 1 result was painful in the extreme the wlz-
grew up a fine likely boy, the comfort and Wblle a oomposltor on the Montreal Wit ard's face was peppered with tho shot, and
prldo of his mother s heart, and the stay of neu was setting up au advertisement of a lost t! spectator who fired tho gun wai given
her declining years. But a "strike" threw canary a few days ago, the bird flewin ut the into the custody of the police. Both nar-
him out of work, and unable to enduro tho I office window. This showa tho value of ad-1 rowly escaped death one by the gun, and
privation and misery, in a fit of desperation vertUlng. ' the other by the gallows.
Something About Torpedo lioaU.
Tho torpedo boat is a particularly Ameri
can idea. It was in 1770 and in New York
harbor that tho first torpedo boat was launch
ed. David liushnell, nn American Captain
of Engineers, undertook to plant a torpedo
under a British man-of-war, but did not
succeed. The torpedo was to bo attached to
the bottom of tho vessel by means of a wood
en screw, and then fired by a clock-fuse. Du
riug the following year a drifting percussion
torpedo was directed against a frigate lying
oiTNew London, and a schooner that was
moored alongside was destroyed. Thirty
years afterward Hobert Fulton experiment
ed in New York harbor with four classes of
torpedoes of his own invention, and in 1843
Col. Samuel applied electricity to ignition of
submarine batteries. During the civil war
torpedoes of an American invention were
used in tho Southern waters, and nine iron
clads, eleven wooden war vessels and nine
transports and steamboats wero destroyed.
Tho only weapon of this kind which has
yet been used by the Itussians ou the Dan
ube are spar torpedces, like tho one which
Lieut. Cushman put under tho bottom of the
ram Albemarle, in lloanoko inlet. The
man who made that torpedo Is the Inventor
of the Improved engine of war, which was
exhibited recently at Cleveland,;Ohio. The
Whitehead torpedo, which Is regarded
abroad asn marvel of Ingenuity, is propelled
by compressed air, and cannot be controlled
after it starts on Us course. The Lay torpe
do boat carries in hold its own engine and
boile-i, besides its freight 01 100 pounds of
dynamite. Tho engine, the rudder and the
exploding fuse aro under the control of the
operator on shore. There are threo keys
playing on tho battery on shore, and these
keys start aud stop the engine or turn it to
port or larboard. Tho torpedo may bo so
arranged as to explode by, tbo operation of
tho keys or by concussion upon striking any
hard object. When tho torpedo Btriku tbe
vessel or auy other solid substauc, a -e'l U
rung In the office on shore, and tliodynamite,
may be exploded or not. The velocjwhlch
is claimed for this torpedo seems marvelous
twelve miles an hcur,
A near-sighted and modest resident of'
Cazenova entered a dry goods store In that
village, and, thinking to perpetrate a joke,
stepped up to the dummy on which new pat
terns of dresses and mantles are displayed,
and struck it on the shoulder, raying, "Well
old woman, how are you?" The old woman
at once turned and not onbanaVered bis
question, but Noluntecred a great deal of in
formation, boaldes.