THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCKAT,BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. Miscellaneous. Vt III l!llMtlllg. Wo fiit'l III llifl MfpemUnl a sketch given by tv latly coi riiHiiiiciit nf n wrmon tliat elio lipfinl In CtciiruLi, nenily linll a century nr-o, pienclieil by a man who Introduced .limsolfni "Old Cluli-Ax-l).tvU, from Scrlv cn county, a Half Hard and Half Soft Shell Baptist." Wo mate the following extract as being both racy and suggestive : "God didn't make m all alike, my breth ren ; but every man lias liN own apere. When Ood lias a jilaco to fill, he makes n mail and puts him in It. When he wanted General Jackson, ho made him, and set him to figlitlti' Injurn and the Kngll-li ; whcixlio wanted George Whlteilelil, ho made him for to blow the Gospel trumpet as no man ever blowed It; and when ho wanted Old Club' Ax PavK ho inado him and set film to i5r.1bl.111' In thn baric wood'. "Cut my shell isn't no hard but I can eo goixl pinls in everybody; and as for tho Presbyterians, they aro a long way ahead of us llaptlits and Methodists In some things. They ralso their children better than any body on tho face of tho earth. Only a few daya ago a Methodist class-leader said to me .'Brother Club-Ax, I was born a Meth odist, I was raised a Methodist, and by the grace of Ood I hope to die a Methodist; but, thau'k God, I've got a good Presbyterian wife to ralso my children.' And I believe, my brethren, if tho Lord Bhould open the way for mo to marry again, I'd try my best to find a l'resbytcrian woman, and run my chances of brtakiu' her into the saving dec trlnesof fect-washin' and immersion after wards. ... It ain't three weeks since I was out a cttllo huntin', for two of my yenrljtn had strayed off; and I stopped In nl old llrother HarkerV, on Mud Creek-and took dinner. Ho's a deacon in a Presbyte rian church over lhar. Well, as triio as I nland here, brethren, sister darker hail a lit tle gal a standing right beforo her, with toes just even with the crack on tho floor, and her' hands was hangin' down by her side, and mouth turned up like a chicken when it drinks, and she was a puttin' this question to her out d' that Catechism : ":'What are the benefits which in this life do cither accompany or flow from justifica tion, adoption and sanctification ?" "jnw, this question itelfwaa enough to break tho child down. Hut then she bad to begin and say that question all oer (for that's the way it was in tho book), and then hlloli the answer to it, and which all put to gether made this : 'The benefits which in this life do either accompany or How from justification, adop tion and sanctification, aro assuranco of God's love, peace of conscience, ioy in the Holy Ghost, increaso of grace, and perse verence therein to the end.' "I thought the child was tho greatest wonder I'd ever seen in all my life. She stuckit rightthrough, too, without balk in' jjr missin' the first word. And she spoke o sweet, and she looked so like a little an gel,. that before I knowed it tho tears was a runnin' down my cheeks as big as a buck shot, I've seen the day when I could have mauled and split a thousand rails quicker and easier than I could have larnttbat thing and said it off like she did. ''itfotf, my brethren, that child didn't ur dera'tand or know the meanin' of one wordo' that. It put me to all I know to take It In myself. But just let that Presbyterian young un grow up, and every word of that catechism will come back to her, and her character will stiffen up under it, and she'll have'the backbone of the matter in her for life "-Now, I can't put things into my children that way. Xothin' don't stay, somehow. It's like drivin' a nail into a soft log. . , "Then we don't pray in our families like they do; I know their prayers are mighty long, and they pray all over creation ; but, after all, it's tho right way it's better than prayin' too little. "Now my father and mother were good Baptists, and raised their children to bo hon est and Industrious ; but I never heard one of tbem pray in my life, and I was 'most a grown man before I ever prayed a, prayer myselfind it was in this wise : "There was a big meetiu' over in Elbert county,and I knowed a pretty gal over there that I wanted to go and seo. So I borrowed a little Jersey wagon that was a stylish thing In them days and went over to her house, and stayed all night, and engaged her to ride to raeetin with me tho next day, which was Sunday . "Wo went, and had a glorious time and I may as well say right here that she was af terwards my wife ; but a comin' home I met with a powerful accident that I nevor got over to this day. As I was n comin' down a steep hill, somo part of the gearin' give way, ami let mo and the wagon on my ere' tin's heels; and beia' young and skeery.and not much used to wheels, sho wriggled and kicked and toro from one sido of the road of the other, till I was pitched head-foremost as much as fn feet in a gully, and it's a miracle ot mercy that my neck wasn't brok en on tho spot I "Expectin' to be killed every minute, I thought I ought to ask the Lord for mercy ; but as I had never prayed in all my life, I sent all over the kingdom, moro particular couldn't think of the first thing to tar, but iy in Ireland, where an enterprising far- me yicssin my latuer used to say, Lelore raers journal has given him tho widest pos 041111', when lie had company, and which ail1e circulation. Ills biography has been was mis: -lrd, make us thankful for what wo are aboutto receive.' "Now, my brethren, do you Bpose any I rresbyterlan-raUed-boy wasever put to such a strait as that for a prayer? No. He would have prayed for himself and none off alter, me ueatneus, wiiiui 1 waj a huntin' and a glttln' olrthat bleasiu'." ,Wlio Ate It?ger Williams. Ilnr-er Williams was a native of Wales. was a,I'urltaii, and tho.foutider of the cob- uy of Khode Island. He died In providence in 1083. Many years afterwards the private burvlne urouud where he was interred vas lear'ched for the remains of himself and wife, for the purpose of erectlnc a inonu mi.,t nr (hn.ii. Vprw mil. -v. fm.n.l The Bhaoe of tho coffin could be traced bv a black line In the earth. The rusted hinses and nails and a round wooden V not alone re mained In one grave, while a single lock of braided hair was found In the other. Near the graves stood an apple tree, the larger root of which pushed its way into tho pre else spot occupied by the (skull of Iloger Willlaius, and turning passed around It and followed the direction of the backbone to the hips. Here It divided into two branch' es, sending quo along each leg to the heel when the roots turned upwards to the toes, the whole bearing a striking resemblance to the human form. These routs are now do nosiled in the museum of llrown university. It was thus found that the organic matter thellesb, the bones, of Itoger Williams ha4- passed Into an apple tree, transmuted Into woody fibre, bloomluelnto fragrant bloMoms, and bore luscious fruit, which froinvear to vear has been -ruthfrwl m.,1 eaten. Those,' therefore, who ate tho apples Jrom ibis tree te itoger Williams. Agricultural. Colic In Horses. Hr. Crrssay, an accomplished and train ed veterinary surgeon, occupies a chair in the Massachusetts agricultural rollege, and he has been lecturing In Vermont, where a great deal of Interest has been awakened by him In regard to veterinary subjects. Hero Is what, In ono of his lectures, bo had to say concerning colic In the hsrso : Tho most common kind of colto In hor ses Is known as wind colic. This arises from fermentation of the food In tho stomach instead of its healthy digestion. If a hori-o Is brought in Mred and Is fed Immediately, and fills Ids stomach, thero may not be suf ficient gastric juice to perform Its office. Tho food will then fermr-nt. Soon tho horse will bloat; tho breathing heroines hard, with frothing at tho mouth. This may not bo confounded with tho hard breathing in lung fpver,lnce In tho Litter there is no bloat ing. Tho passage of tho attniush and bow els becomes clogged with massed ol Indigest ed food, tho gas arising from the fermenta tion cannot pass out of tho stomach, which becomes distended, and presses the diaph ragm forward so that tho lungs cannot ex pend, the breath becomes shorthand the rap Id breathing will shortly induce frothing. If the trouble reaches this stage tho horso will rarely ljvo more than an hour. In th.s disease time is of the greatest value. As soon as you seo your horse bloating give something to stop tho fermentation. For this a heaping tablespoonful of saleratus Is the bet thing. Soirits of hartshorn in a doso of half an ounce, very much diluted, Is also good. If now you have checked tho fermentation for fivo minutes, tho next th'ng is to make tho gas pass off. To do this givo warm water injections freely, injecting all tho animal will hold, if it is a pailful. Turn tho horse's head down hill, and use a small force pump, if you havo one, or, if not, use a piece of rubber tube, which should be in serted as far as It will go with ease, nnd the end of tho tube may then bo turned up and ap-1 a funnel put in, into which turn warm water. After you have put. in all that tho horse will hold, turn him about and let it pass away, and repeat the operation till the bowels become freo and the gas passes oft". Meanwhile, another hand should be prepar ing a doso of physic, which should bo from one-half to three-fourths of an ounco of aloes. This, if put into water by itself, will not dissolve, but, if put Into a pint of warm water in which a heaping tablespoonful of saleratus has been dissolved, the aloes will dissolve and the saleratus will be useful as an antiseptic to stop the fermentation ; to this can be added some molasses to make it more palatable. Should the animal seem in much pain give two ounces of laudanum or an ounce ol either, or half an ounce of chloroform. Should the physio not Jact n an hour or half an hour, if it is a very severe case, repeat the dose, keeping up injections duriug the time. If thero is structure from kinking of the bowels there will bo no help. The lecturer had known a horse to die in thirty minutes, in spite of all efforts. Aconite is some times given to cure colic, but it was of no value ; uor is salt or vinegar, or both, of use. Chalk and vinegar, which are sometimes given, the chalk first then the vinegar, will alono pro duce colic, and should never bo given, as the eflervescenco may give pressure sufficient to hurst the bowels. In no event take out the animal and run or trot him about, nor rub his belly with a chestnut rail. The course sometimes adopted of laying the horse on hU side and gettiug a heavy man with thick boots to walk across him back and forth, is also useless and cruel in the ex treme. If the horse can bo saved, it will be by the use of injections and physic. The Potato lias Abroad. O. W. Smalley writes to the TViiune from London, concerning our old friend, the potato bug: Next after Gen. Grant, the greatest Amer icati celebrity of the London season is the Colorado beetle. lie is not invited out to dine with dukes, but his movements are watched with an attention most flattering to him, and.h.9 appearance nt Millheini on the Rhine produced intense alarm on tho Thames. Followed as it was, yesterday, by an announcement that lie had been seen In Dublin crawling ashore on a bable, the alarm became n panic. This morning the panic is abated, on the assurance of an em! nent entomologist that the Dublin insect was not a Colorado beetlo at all, but only looked like him. Long before this, how ever, extraordinary precautions had been taken respecting the dreaded visit. Ques tions aro asked about him in Farliament, and letters written to the newspapers those being the two resources of the Briton on all occasions of peril or annoyance. Tho privy council has sent out circulars about him for it is one of many oddities of English ad ministration that her majesty a privy coun cil deals with such agricultural calamities as the cattle plague and the potato plague. Pictures of the inteieitlmr animal have been published. Minute accounts of his habits Bn,i i1.iJl ra in the hand of thn nnllen and of everybody who Is concerned in his exclusion from theso Islands. Town coun cils debate about him. The lord provost of Glasgow told the police board this week 1 that he had seen thousands of beetles heap ed upon the American shores as they had been washed In after attempting to cross the Atlantic I It is impossible to suspect the WfirtllV fiwt nf mpfinlnrr fn inlro nml H. mimf b supposed that he believes this dreadful creature capable or flying d.UUO miles, with or "P-"!-" -UB wmu, as me case may De. 1 fee CaP1' Nolan " another question W-nlght In the House, which Implies, per haP9 that lh8 beetl pressed into 11)0 -efvice ot Home rule. He would make a very suitable recruit to the fraction of Mah obstructives or destructives. IJut hi 111. I. 1 It ... ). luemity uBuv no .u uo in ui.puie, as 11 is. Has he stripes across his back, or not ? Th highest authorities differ, but tho balance of testimony Is in favor of longitudinal stripes, and none across. I here are specimens in the possessions of naturalists, and more are promised from Germany, where they have made models of the animal, waiting tho mo' ment when a few thousand of him shall be batched and forwarded by post. He cannot bo a rarity on your side, and your evidence 011 the point of the stripes will be received if dispatched without dehy, "Love caught the brush'he wro'e to her painted your glowing picture upon the living cauvas of iny soul)" This was a J'uung man on a Pi nalary, and If he had uad 75 a week and a rich aunt he could' have fixed her more complitely. Now I they are married, and bo only wears a boil on aniri upon ounuay, ninny wlio nrr- Mnn'rrlnu from tho effects ot tho warm weather and are debili tated, am ndtlsnl by physicians totako modernto amounts of whisky two or three times during tho day. In a little whllolhoso who adopt this ndvlco frequently Increaso tho number of "drinks" and In coursa of Hum hecoma conilrmed Inebriates. A bov crmfii which will not crealo thirst for Intoxicating liquors, and which Is luti'iided csmlally for the bonentof debilitated persons, whether at homo or abroul, Is Dr. Hchenck's Sea Weed Tonle. Contain Ing tho Juices of miny modlclnnl herbs, this prepa ration docs not create an appctltofor tho Intoxica ting cup. Tho nourishing and tlio life supporting properties ot many valuablo natural productions contained In II nnd well known to medical men havo n most strengthening Influence A single bott loot the tonlo will demonstrate Its valu.ib!o qualities. For debility arising from sickness, over exertion or from any cause whatever, a wlneglossful of Sea weed Toulo taken ntter meals will strengthen ths stom ach anacreatonnappctlto for wholesomo food. To all who are about leaving their homos, wo dcslro to say that tho excellent effects ot Dr. Schenck's sca sonahlo remodlos, Sea Weed Tonlo and Man drake Tills, aro particularly evident when taken by thoso who nro Injuriously affected by a change of water and diet. No person should leave homo without taking a supply ot these safeguards along. Tor Bale by all Druggists. aug. VEGETINE ItEV. .1. P. LUDLOW WIUT1W : 17S Baltic street, Ilrooklyn, N. V., INOV. 14. 13l4. it. It STEVENS. Esfl.. Dear Mr, From personal brnllt received by Its usr.ns wen as iromperwonai Knoivieuye ot uujiu cures nave ineri'Dy spemeu almost miraculous, i con mosi henrtllv nnd sincerely recommend tho Vegetlneror the complaints w nich It is claimed to cure. JAMES P. LUDLOW, Late Pastor Calvary nnpllst Church, Saciuincnlo, Cal. VEGETINE. SUE RESTS WELL. South Poland, Me , Oct., 11, ISTfl. Mr. H. 11. Stevkns : j licnr Sir I lmvehpen Rick twnvpnrs with ttin I liver complaint, nna during mat time havo take q a Front many illtTeiviit nu'illctnps but none of them dlil mo tiny cot.. I was restless nights and had no1 iii-iwuhj. runru TUMiiK ine ppennui rest wen nnu relUh uiyfootj. ran recommend tho Vegetlne for, what It has done for rap. i our trnpoct rally. I MU.s.ALUmiTIlICKnit. I Witness of tho above. i Mb. (J euros M. Vauouw, Mcarord.MAM. VEGETIN Good fur Hid Children, Bostox IIohe, 14 Tyler street, D03T0X, April, 1370. II. It. PTRriirNS, near Mr, o reel mat me cnuoren inournomo have been greatly beuenitedby theVegetlne sou have kindly given us from time to lline'cspcclally those troubled with, tlio scrofula. With respect, .lira. nuiuiuLLi, aiairon. i IlEV. O. T. WALKEll SAYS: I'rovidencs, li. I., nil Transit street. II. It. Stevens, Esq. I feel bound to exoress with trjv&lcnatiirn tho htch I value t place upon your Vegetlne. My lamliyhavo usoii u lurinemsLiwoYoirH. in nprvnn rteni t.v it Is Invaluable, and I recommend It to nil who may uut-u tut iLmKuruiing, renoiaung ionic. O. T. WALKER, rormcrly Tastor of llowdoln-siiuare churcu, Huston. A'ullilnir Initial to It. SOUTH SAI.KU, II tSS., NOV. 14, IS'C. jVlft 11 f fiTKVKNH Dear Hlr I hate been troubled with Scrofula, Can ker and Mver Coiriptuitit for three scars, NulhlDtf ever did ijih any irool until I com mi! need iHlncr vour VKOKTINK. I Mia now (rcttlnir nlomr nrst rate, and stlUUMni? tlie VKtiKTIM:. I consider there Is noth lnsr equ.ii to U Tor Hucti complalnu. Can UeaJtlly re commend It to eterybudv". Vourn truly, .Mlrt. L1ZZIB M. VAL'KAItn. Ku. lti Laiaue bt., bouth Salem, Mu-ss. VEGETINE KccommriHl It llcnrtily. SOUTH H03TOK, MR HTKVKN8, Dear Sir. I have taken several bottle ot your Vesr- etlne, and ani ror vluced It la avaluable remedy tur -yjiMjejjsuiH ja.jihjj - umiJiaim, aim uenerai ueuiuiy ol theuybttijit, (can heartily locommend It to all HuETerera from I he above complaints. Youm Respectfully. Mrs. M UNKOK PAltKEK. Preparea liy H. R. Stevens, Boston, Mass. Vegetine i3 sold by all druggists. August 20 WIIEIiK TO ADVEUT1S15. A.T. Stewart says the best advertising mediums I 8 has over round "are tno old established io two political parties, at the several co throughout the union." "These, ' he says "reach I every family ot the least account In tliclr set oral I counties, and aro moro careruUy rvad than any other clasaof Jonrnala." If Mr. Stewart's judgment Is of I value, inero is no utmcuiiy in uecitung wmcn paper 1 It is for tho Interest of businessmen to advertise in I TheCOLUUBii 11EMOCHAT, upon which this paper Is I jartiaiiy lounoea, was csiauiiMica inisiio, anu tno 1 jolumbian now cnloys a wider circulation and I Ereater r ronrtty than It ever did. It goes week- I It Into two tuouMiDil families in Columbia and ad lolnlne counties, and by most of them Is read from tb first to tho last lino. It Is tho only recognised exponent 01 nearly nve inoosond Democratic voters In the county. It gives advertisements a tasty dis play, that makes them attractive to Its patrons, thus ensuring greater certainty that they will peruso them. While Its circulation Is undoubtedly much the laruebt In the county, the advertising rates of the cotpMBiAN nro no higher than thoso of other papers I wiiu oareiy Jitui nuu several 1101. oneiourui uie num ber ot subscribers. Facts like, theso speak for them Belrcs. No shrewd business man will neglect to In sert his advirUnements in the Columbian tt I Ayer's Cherry Pectoral For Diseases of the Throat and Lungs, such as Coughs, Colds, Cough, Bronchitis, Asthma, ana Consumption. The reputation Ithaa attained, In consequence o( the marvellous cures it has produced during tno last half century, Is a suniclent assurance to tho publio that It will continue to realize tho happiest results that can be desired. In almost every eecAlon of country thero are persons, publicly known,wbo have been rcstorcdfromalarmingand even desperate diseases of the lungs, by its uso. AH whohave tried It, acknowledge U superiority; and whero its virtues arc known, no one heEitatcs as to what medicine to employ to relievo the dis tress and suffering peculiar to pulmonary affec tions. CiiERiir 1'kctoiial always affords in. etant relief, and performs rapid cures of Uie rollder varieties of bronchial disorder, as well as tho m'cro formidable diseases of tho lungs. As a safeguard to children, amid the distress ing diseases which beset tho Throat and Chest oi Childhood, it Is Invaluable ; for, by Its timely use, , I rnnllltudei are rescued and restored to health. This medicine gains friends at every trial, as the cures it is constanUy producing are too ro rnarkable to be forgotten. Ko family should be without it, and those who havo once used it never will. Eminent rhyslcians throughout the country prescribe it, and Clergymen often recommend It from their knowledge of its effects. PREPARED BT Dr. J. C. AYER k CO,, Lowell, Mass., I'rartlcal and Analytical Chemists. BOLD UY ALL UKUGOISTS EVEllVWIIEllE. Oct, 1, 181..y BLOOMSBURG TANNERY. C. A. II Ell RING "P E8PECTFULLY announces to the public mj UUIVItOliNiDUPIUOU BNYDEIVM TANNERY, (old stand) Illoomsburv, Fa., at the i'orksolthe Espy and Unlit riLrtet 1 and i i. roaas, where all aescripuons or leather will be made In the most substantial and workmanlike manner, and sold at prices to suit the times. The highest j.rtce Is ca&U whl at all times be paid for QUEEN HIDES of every description la (he country. The public pat cmatra la respectfully bollcluxl. llocmtluig, Oct,!, ine CHEAP JOB AT THE COLUMBIAN OFFICE. The Columbian Printing Estab lishment is amply supplied with tho necessary Presses. Types and other material for executing all Mnda nf 'Prmtinrr it low rntoa inrl - ""HIS 01 1 rillling at 10YV ratCS anil . Iriria n-rnnrlitiniia nnrl ontia ...w. u..v....ui.-, factory manner. CALL AT THE Columbian Building. COURT HOUSE ALLEY, Bloomsbuhg, Pa. When special material is required it will bo promptly obtained. Books and Pamphlets, Hand-Bills and Dodgers, Largo and Small Posters, Letter and Bill Heads, Envelopes with Business Cards, Bussiness, Pic Kic, Wedding and Visiting Cards, Programmes, Bills of Pare, &c. Will all bo supplied and oxcutcd in superior Btyle, at cheap rates and short notice. Tho best workmen'tare employed and tho best material will always bo furnished. A liberal share of publio patron age is respectfully solicited. BiooMflBDEQ, March 23. 1877 PRIOT& BLOOMSBUKG STATE NORMAL SCHOOL SIXTH NORMAL SCHOOL DISTRICT. Bloomsburg, Columbia County, Pennsylvania. Rev. D. J. WALLER, Jr., A. M,, Principal. THIS RPllfinT. fl nt. nr,tfnt rnnftUf.lllpil. nfTf.ra thn vorv ORt. t.1d!!tln fnr lrnfnw!nnnl nnrl flntilf nl tff,rnlnr imuuintrs spacious, lmiung anu comuiuvuous ; completely neuicu uy steain, well vcnuiaieu, ngutcu oy iras, Bnrlnir wntpr. Mii-iiuon uoniuinu, nnu easy- or ncceHs. iiinuiTiiic. i' my cents a wcok ueiiuciion vo an expecting ..uurses oi stuuy prcscriueu uy iiiu oiaio i I. Model School. II. Preparatory. III. Klementary. IV, Classical. Adjunct Courses : I. Academic, II. Commercial. III. Course in Music. IV. Course In Art. correspondlnit lii'grees ; Mnsler ot tlio Klcmcnta j Master ineir auninments,. tugnou uv ino unicers or mo iinaru i ill) ciiurM in i.iiii v iirML-riuiu uv iiiu nuiui l iiitL'ri. Tho State i-iinulrnsa lilirlier order of cltlzensbln. Tlio r-pnt nnil omclf nf. To.lchcM for hpr Sclionla. To Ihtqnnd and their talent, hi stiidenta. To ull suclilt promises IIIIN. Wll.l.l.V.H Ill.Wlil.l,, I're-dilcnt Ilourd tcpi. t, 'J6.-iy HARMAN 8c HASSERT. Proprietors; i;ast Street, South Hlilcof 3-. & II. Itallroml llloomsbiirpr. 1'n. Hespocttully call tho attention ot tho rubllo to tho following statements : They manufacture all kinds ot IKON nnd liltA-sS OAsTI.Nti-. 'Ihey muko the Celebialed Original and IMPBOVED Tyj;QCsj--iIlO0 y li,0"WS, also nil kinds of Hep.ilrs, sueli us .Mold huuius l'Olnis, Uinulaes win oils, handles, ic. 'ihey also w.o HEATING AND and aro prepared to furnish all kinds ot repairs, rucIi as Urates. Flro Ilrlck, c, wholcbalo nnd relnll. They make tuo Improved CoaUmi hue 41ruie l'r Hit) w m. I'eiin -tme, Hie most economical urate In use. They are also prepared to lurnlah HAW ANUUIUSl' JIILL JIAUHINEltV SIIAFTINU, l'ULLUVS, He. They pay especial attention to tho Repairing of Threshing Machines, Reapers, Etc, Tho proprietors being practical mechanics, having had on ex'-crlenco of oier thirty years, tho publlcca rely upon having all work entrusted to themdono lu tho Host Manner and at Fair prices. Jan. 20, Mi-iy Then Buy N. Y. ENAMEL PAINT OO.'S CHEMICAL PAINT, and save one -third tho cost of painting, and gi t a paint that la much handscmcr, and will LAbT TWICIi AS LONG AM ANYOTI1MI I'AINT. Is prepared ready forusoln whlto or anv color desired. Is on many thousands ot tho llnest buildings in thotouuiry, manv of which huvu Uen tainted six 3 ears, and now look as well us whcntlrst painted CIIKM1UAL I'.tINT has taken Flrtt I'ltliMIUMS at twiuty of tho Mate Faun ot the Union, bamnlocardot colore Bent free. Auuresa N. Y. KN A M K I, l'AIST no., lis l'rlnto ttreet, N. ., or HKNHY I. KLDKH & bON, Agents 1321, Jlariict street, Fldladclphla, Ta. July 27, 1I-ly N EW STOCK OF CLOTHING. Afll) Gentlemen's Dreaa Goods DAVID LOWENllEllG Invltcsattcntlontohls largeandclcgantstock Cheap ana FasMoaahle Clotliina, at his store on' MAIN 8TUEET, IN THE NEW BLOCK, DLOOMSUUUU, l'A where he has lust received from New York and rhl!- adclphla a full assortment ot MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING, lncludlDjZ tho most fashionable, durable ana naaasouiQ U UtESBS GOODS, :CONSI8TINO OP UOX, SACK, FKOOtC, cium1 and oil cloth, COATS AND PANTS, OK ALL SORTS SIZES AND COLOI.3, no has also replenished his already large stock of CLOTHS AND CASSIllEKKS, STIIIPED, FIGURED . AND I'LAIN VESTS, IJlltTS, CRAVATS coLLAna. IUNDKERCUIEKS, GLOVES, ISUSrENDEKS, AND FANCY ARTICLES. no has constantly on band a large and well select ed assortment ot Cloths and Voatinge, which be Is prepared to make to order Into any Hind ot clothing, on very snort notice, and In the best manner. All bis clothing Is made to wear and most ot it Is ot home manufacture. GOLD WATCHES AND JKWELltY. .OVEVEBY DKSCMITIUN, FINK AND CI1RA1. III8 OASB OF JEWKLHY 18 NOT 80KPA83BD IN CALL AND EXAMINE HIS GENERAL ASSOltT MSNT OP Clothing, Watches, Jewelry, &c. DAYID LOWENBERG. TfjlSfAISKEPTOMFILE ' AT THE OFriCE OF, mm 733 Saisom St., PHILADELPHIA, Wbo urs our mtlivrluid aircuu, u.i will rccclre AdveriU-esncnu t oar lAiVniHT CASH ilATHS. BLANK JJOTFP.n. civittittiriiiuutioa tor uit u Uie uoimiiAii omoo. v 0 P" iul. Tonrtlinm mrl(in.rnl ..OWon,. nmt nil t-rt f n I hrtl r Wfii-l Discipline, iu icocu. Studimta'adinltted at nnv tlmo. llooins ot tho Sciences J .M,istr ot this OUsslcj. tlraduatcn or Trustees. nn i Lnn Nninni.nm Rnn I ,i r.ii rniir-ji nrn nnr. lnrpnnr tlmaq dtmnnd it. If. 14 nnn of thn nrlmn nbloi-tii nf If. HOllplt.4 vnnnr norMnni nf cniil nhlllflp nnd rnivl aid IndovcloDlus their oowcrs. and abundant onoortunltles for well wild labor atlcr lcaMng Scliool. 1'or uf Trustees' COOK STOVES SS1 TlIO MAS II. llAHTUAN. ALBKUT llAKTMAK, HARTMAN BROS., DUALF-liS IN TEAS, VANNED FItUIT, CIOAHS, TOBACCO. snurr, CONFECTIONERY. Spices cf all kinds, Glass & Quoonswaro, Foreign and Domestic Fruits, AND GENERAL LINE OF Family Provisions. Itussell's Old Stand, ItUIMUtT I.I.OCK, 4th door below .Market street, llloomsburg, ra. t" (looda dcllveied to all parts ot tho town. Arrllt7,'ll-tt N1 OTJCE. From this date the Bloomsbunr Oas Com ivwlU pub lil ei'l ll'O 111H'!1 Ul. llllk CUBb UXiU IUIW and set uiL'iu'B ni tour uiuiurs eacn. The company navo on hand a lot ot pas tar suited or painting roots, and posts or other timbers placed under ground, l'rlco in cents per gallon or tJ.W per barrel. OC. 16,1s. 0. W. MILLEH, Ho MORRIS MICHEL, PRACTICAL PIANO MAKER, TUNER A1VO REPAIRER. 15L00MSBUKU, 1'A. VIRST CLASS PIANOS ANI) 01IQAN8 FOIt SALE. SECOND HAND PIANOS TAKEN IN EXCIIANOE. OUDEK BY MAIL ntOMPTLY EXECUTED. Decl, 1S-ly UL G. SLOAN & BRO., Itl.UO.llSIlDItO, PA, Manufacturers ot Carriages, Buggies, Phaetons, Sleighs, I'LATi'OItM WAtlONS, 40. First-class work always on band. ; ItEPAIIIINU NEATLY DONE, i'rlccs reduced to suit the times, Jan'.'O, WT-tt HIGHEST AWARDS (lentrtmlul itxhlbUIou. J. REYNOLDS & SON, NOKTIIWEST COBNEU 'riilrtcciitliaiKl Filbert S(n. PHILADELPHIA, JUNCFiCTUBEBfl OF Pi TENT! B f roDifliHron Air-Tirtt Healers Wltb Sliiiklptf nnd CUnkrr-JrIullutf Urate for JIuruluK Antbrurltu ur lUlumli tuu t'unl CENTENNIAL WllOUGHT-lltON 11EATEES. Fon iirrujiiNous coal, Keystone WROUGHTrlRON HEATERS, 0001(10(7 Ranges, Xow-down Orates, tbe, kc. Descriptive Circulars bent rtin to any addreeu. EXAMINE BEFOKE 8ELECTINQ. April T, TT-ly A tit r anu urnisuca wiiu a oouniuui supply wi ijuiu.ou.i. firm but kind, uniform and thorouxh. Expenses roscried when dcslrea. V. Courso In Fliysical Culture. In tho other Courses receive Normal Certificates o m I in.i m niir iipl i;n irn's. this Hcliool to hnln to sccura It. bv furntshtntr Intcllh niirnrips. llinMi wlin flpwlrn tn lmnrovn lllelr tlmo G-LENN'S SULPHUR SOAP, Thoroughly Cures Diseases of tiih Skin, ilelutifiks the comi'lexion, trevents anu Remedies Rheumatism and Gout, Heals Sores and Abrasions of the Cuticle and Counteracts Contacion. Tliis Standard" IJxtcrnal Remedy for Erup tions, Sores nnd Injuries of the Skin, not only REMOVES FROM Till'. COMPLEXION ALL llLEM isiies nrisine from local impurities of tho ulood and obstruction of the pores, but also those produced by tho sun and wind, such a3 tan and freckles. It renders the CUTICLE MARVELOUSLY CLEAR. SMOOTH and PLIANT. and being a wholesome UEAUT1FIER is far prclerable to r.ny cosmetic. All the remedial advantaccs ofSul- riiUR IIaths are insured by the use of (Uemi's Sillnlilir Sfiau. which in addi tion to its purifyinr; effects, remedies and PRE VENTS Rheumatism and Gout. It also disinfects clothing and linen and prevents diseases communicated 11Y contact with the terson. It dissolves Dandruff, prevents bald ness, anil returns grayncss ot tnc nair. 1'hysicians speak of it in high terms. Prkes-25 and 50 Cents per Sake: per nox tf uanes), uuc. ana isi.xu. N. B. The so cent calces are triple the the of those at 25 cents. "UlLVS HAIR AM) WHISKEK DVK," lfiack or llrown oil Cents C. 5. CRITTEHTOX, I'rop'r, 7 Sixth Av.,5.Y. Oct. 2i, ru.-iy, AdvertismgAgents Is not cnslly corned In tlieto times but It enn be moiloln three months by anyone of eiiiuTKHK. in anv bun of the country w bo Is Hiiilrg to wort; ttii illiy in the employment that we tin nihil, (toiir wuk In jour own lown. lou need not bo awav liumbuinu over nigiu. iuu cangUo jour "hole lime to tho work, oruniy jour spaiu moments. It costs noUiingto try the busi ness. Teims snd JJ Oulht mi'. .MSiuiu (.losicu, II. iiallktt 4; Co., I'oilinnu, .Maine. Feb. is '77 ljr. Orangcville Academy. REV.C. K. CAlIPIELDlA.M?rincipal. It ou want to jiatronlzo a I'JIWT CLASS SCHOOL, WIinilK IlOAlill AND TUITION AltE LOW, give us a trial. Next term begins MONDAY, AUGUST 13. IS77. For Information or catalogue apply to THE 1'ltINCII'AL. July iT, '77-1y Oraut'ovllle, Pa. GLAZING AND PAPERING. TO kinds ot IIODINE, Iron Street below pec Dloomsburg, Pu., is prepared to do al PAINTIKG, GLAZINQ. ant) PAfEU HANGING. In tho bcit styles, at lowestprlccs, and at Abort notice. Parties having sucli work to do will save money calling on me. All work warranted to give satisfaction, solicited Orders WM. F. BODINE. KINGSFORD'S OSWEGO STARCH Is tno BEST and JI03T ECONOMICAL ta tho World, Is perfectly ruitK-frea from acids anu other for eign substances that Injure Linen. Is BTHONd Kit than any other-requiring much, less quantity lu using. Is UNIFOIUI stiffens and nnishos work always tie same, KteiM's Oswego Corn H Is the most delicious of all preparations for Puddings- Blanc-BftTanjo, Oako, otc. Aug, 8, 1T-SU1 II 0 tl CO PATENTS. F. A, Lcbmann, Solicitor of AJucrlcan andForfgn Patents, 'A'atlilniiton, 11. C. All business connocted with patents, whether before tho Patent onico or the Courts, pronptiy attended to, Kocnorgomade unicw a patent is wcured. Gen u ior a circular. My 4,'71.U Ufcw E XECOTKIX'3 NOTICE. ESTATE Of tHEDEKICE ISU IK, DECEASED. Letters Testamentary on tbe estate ot Frederick joici.iuiu uiCTunww wyiui uup, uuiuinoia Co.. deceased, havu been tnantii l bv lliu Iffputr ,.r Lni.1 county to iOltalielU Islor, of fai im township, JSjieo utrlx, to nbum all perilous Indc l.uu me requosui to mako pay uieut.autl Uiooa hav tugdemandsagalnst tlis nald estato win inaKo tiiem known lu tbo iuud July n-CW tUboulrlx, Dyspepsia nnd Debility Dyspepsia nnd Debility Dyspepsia nnd Debility Dyspepsia nnd Debility Almost tnvatlablr jlcld to tho TONIC & INVIttOMTINH HFF15CTS or the PERUVIAN SYRUP PERUVIAN SYRUP -o it- Protected Solution of Protoxitlo of Iron. Koacl tho Followinjj; : West Faiblei, Vt., Jan. ll.UTl. Dear Ulr For seven or ehrlit sears tiast t h- been Intxior health, nnd for tho lmstyenror moro very feeble. .My health continued to decline, nnd my flcsli and strcnglh wasted nway until I r4 un abto to work, or oven go up fitnlrs without great ex- iiuuii.uii. i nuucicu iiuiii ni-tui'Mlf HliU uisirensinff attacks of palpitation of tho hoait, my food distress ed me, causing acimty and pain In the Btomnchi and 1 Burfered from extreme ncrvousnoss, coiiBtlnatlon and debility or; tho system generally, my blood be ing tnln nnd poor and sluggl-h In circulation, and I was fur years sullerlngalltho torturoot acontlrrncd d)Bpeptlo. About six months Blneo I concluded I wuum try uuumo oi i'kkupiian byhlt. ana received so much benefit from It that I purchased nve bottlts iiiui i', uun mi. o Luniiuiii-u luu iiiu ui llio nyrupUD til nulto roiently. It has restored my health to such nn extent that 1 feci myself as good as now. My at gcstlon Is good and my weight has Increased In tlio past four months from 120 to lis pounds; tny Mrenirth lins retnrnprl. nnd my ly general nrniih is thui wonderfully Improved, nnd loan truly Buy I owo il nn it; inn usu 01 your i-buviah nynur. 1 earnt'fct ly rcconimpnd nil milTcrcra frota dgprpsiii nnd de bility to fflvolta trial, hoping It win do themaa mucu trooii ns it nas mo. Vniir-avnsjtimlif ItDO O Tl Yirtt. PERUVIAN SYRUP PERUVIAN SYRUP From n itlcrclittiit. NOKTIt SSARSMOXr, ME., Sept. , 1ST0. Dear Rlr It elves mo verrereat nlcasura to In. form jou of tlio benellt received from tlio usn ot l's ltcvuN sviicr In my own family. My wlfo for the past ten yours lias lieen In feeblo lieallli very much debilitated generally. LnstsprlUKbliu concluded to tiy nbottln ot I'kruvun svuer, and was fo well pleased wiui rne resuir, coniinueans ue until three or bottles bad been used, and eliu Is now In better health than any tlmo for ten ears, and has Increas ed In weight from 110 pounds to 120)4. Iliavuem plojed phjslclaus and used u great many varieties ofiiatent medicines, to the OYtent of hundreds ot dollars nnd I know alio received moiebenelltfrom tno Peruvian hmuptuan an mo rest together Mv paten or the svrnn aro verv lamo nndconstnnt- I lr Increasing, and I do not hesitate to recommend bo I good an article to suffering humanity. Yours truly, ITIIIEI. PHASE. PERUVIA SYEUP PERUVIAN SYRUP UcNtorod to Complete Health liltOOKH, Mk. sept. T, 1870. Dear Plr Vrom carlv vouth I was In feeblo health. troubled with humor In my hlood, weakness and de hllltyottlm system generally; was unable to labor mum nnd only at Bomo l.irlit business, and then on- 1 ly with great Cciutton. tack of Uipttierl.i, hleli left my limbs paralyzed and uni'irsM, po 1 wus iiimuin lu vuik or even air-up. rsu tlMnL'tho .idvertlsementof 1'ekuvian Hyhoi I con Icludt-d to clvo it a trial, and to my great Joy soon found my health lmpiovlng. I continued tho uso of I mo ariur uruii lurfo mJiLK" uu vvvn usvii, uuu was restored to complete health and havo remained so to this day. 1 aurioum mypiesem, neaji 11 entirely to xiie ubo vi I'kkitvun HvKiir. and hold It in hlirh cHllmntlon. I I cannot sr oak too highly In pralso. I ha e In .sev eral cases recommeiiueu it m ouses very faimuar 10 my own wiin xuu ttamo goou rosuiis. louraxruiv. C1IAS. E. -T&AKCY, KET1I W.FOWLHA PONS, IToprletorp, 80 Harri son Ac, lioston. Sold hy all Druggists. I'amphleta fwe. aug. THE INTERNATIONAL REVIEW? The "International" for ls will present tho usual number of articles upon religious, scientific, art, po litical and social .subjects most occupying tho pub lic attention. It will devoto space to Kuropean ui fit ters to far as they aro likely to be Interesting to Americans. It will contlnuo to introduce tho moist popular foreign wnterBto ccmpeto for favor wun the best American writ cm It will aim lobe able. til ong a U practical, as w ell as popular. In the char acter and stylo of Its presentations, Itlseafoto say uiatnooinermagazmo in mo wonacan fcuppiyus place In the libnirlcs of Amei leans who lovo to con tsldertho -progrehsof events throughout tho world, tinltcd htnteH rroffbPurs i urilus. Holtrendorf. Vogtl. Dr. Dolllnger, Dr. Dorner. Dr. Neuineyer, Dr. Carl Able. Mr .tullus Duhoc. luugM.-I.ey. t, llollln jur(ueoiynf, m. rpuuer, i'ep, m. .naanvx, jiir. Hamerion, Mr. l'rteman: Hev, Dr. James II. Itlgg, Thcmas Urnfrbcy.M, 1". (lubernatls. Madamo Vlllarl, uorii u lbirni, rozzi ux, j;r. 1. Dr. WcolH'y. Dr. reabody. I'rlnclpnl Dawf on. .ludce Cooley. Dr. W barton, Wm. G. Irjant, Kny Palmer, CarlKhurz, Cieneraltlgel, Dr. Otiiood. Alex. I'rlmnr, V. l oltn, KiigenoMiiuj Icr, llajurd Tnjkr. i: 1'. Whipple, and others may bo named as sreclil contrlbulors. Thus la orrnnl7id as rov erlul un 01 ean of thouzht and commn mention as con bo easily conceited, and i". pn senis lutic ior popular support aunng isii. lb Is not knottn thut thtro Is anyieabon tvhy copies of tho "Kevlett should not bo found In every house hold. It lias already Uie laifccn circulation of any M-cuiar neview, eeioutn oi us popular aiiractioim. Tnet.o attractions tilll be dtt elont d eradually. and Increased as tbelr need is made known. Price $1.00 a Number. to.W a Year (Six Numbers.) S. BARNES H CO., Publishers, lit & 113 William tit., N. RAIL ROAD TIME TABLES piIILADELl'HA AND KKADING KOAD AKltANGEJIKNT OV I'ASSENGEU TllAINS. Jlay2i, 1870. TRAINS LEAVE KCrEKT AS VOLIOWS (SCNPAT EZCEI'TE ror Now York, Philadelphia, Heading, Pottsvllla, ic, 11,33 a, in For Catatvlssa, 11,33 u. m. 5,47 and 7,S5 p. m. For Wllllamsport, 0,23 0,34 a. in. and 4,00 p. m. TRAINS FOll 11U1EUT IEAVR AS 101 IOWS, (SbKHAT Ei CKITKIJ.) Leave New York, 8,45 a. m. Leavo Philadelphia, 11,15 a, m. Leave Heading, 11,3 la. m., i'oUsvllle, 12,15 p. m andTamaquntSSp, m. Leave Catatvlssa, 0,20 0,25 a, ra, and 4,04 p. m. Leavo wuilamsport.s.a I,1!,oo m. and s,00 p. m passengers nidfromNew Yorkand I'hllade phla ko througa ithout change ot cars. J. E, 'OOTTEN, Uencral Manager. C. O, HANCOCK, General Ticket Agent. Jan. II, liic-u. NOUTIIE1.N COJIPANY. CENT .A L HAILWAY On and after November SOth. 1S73. trains will leave SUNIlUltY as follows: NOltTIIWAIID. Krlo JIall 8.20 a. ra., arrive Klmlra a. " Canandalgua... a.ssp. lu llochestcr wo Nlaeara. o jn Henovo accommodatlonll.lOa.m.nrrUo Vllllam rt 12.65 p. m. Elrulrailall4.10a.ra.. arrlvo Elmlra 10.20 b m lluffalo He press 7.15 a m. arrlvo Buffalo 8.50 a. m SOUTltWAHD. lluffalo HxprcBS 2.60 a. m. arrli 0 Harrlsburg 4.60 a. m " lialtlnioro s.40 " Elmlra Mall 11.15 a.m., arrive Ilarrlsburgl.tOp.m Washington 10.SO " ' llaltlmomoo " " Washington S.30 " Harrlsburg accommodation 8.40 p. m. arrive Harris burg 10.60 p. 10. arrlvo Baltimore '..25 a. m " S'ashlEEton 0.1S " Erlo Main 2.65 a. m, arrive Harrlsburg s 05 a. m. " Ualtlm.ore 8.40 " . ". Washington 10.55" All dally eicept Sunday. A" V. M. BOYD, Jr., Ocneral Passenger Agen ,! A. J. CASSATT, aencrat Manage TM7f IWUIP LACKAWANNA AND I'luuiimiib, i,av.ii XJW WKUTKILN ItAlUtOAU. BLOOMSBURG DIVISION. Tlme-Tablo No. 19, Takes effect at 4:20 A. M MONDAY, NOVEMBEH 22 1876. NOIITII, STATIONS. ......Scran ton BOUTn. D.ra. p. a.m. o.ra. p m. p,mi 9 461 9 43 9 88 9 bs 9 9U s 25 9 48 9 23 8 80 9 63 2 81 a S3 5 l S 51 T 65 S 49 T 4S S 41 7 40 S 37 T 83 S 82 T 27 8 27 1 ft U T IS 8 19 t 15 8 IT T 15 8 17 T 117 8 19 T IIS 8 09 0 69 8 04 6 64 8 11 45 III 0 80 2 49 6 15 Sttl 6 09 9 28 6 02 9 19 6 li 9 13 6 69 9 10 6 48 2 18 MO IM B 84 1 63 D 2d 1 4S 6 13 1 43 fi 20 1 40 fit3 1 25 A 65 1 19 60 1 15 L Uellevue. ...ruiiorvuio.,.. .Lackawanna.... .. ritlilln 9 81 10 ui 2 88 8 43 9 48 60 9 62 8 65 9 6S 7 01 8 04 T Ml a tr t 11 8 10 1 IB 8 IT T 1W 9 25 10 oil 10 11 9 20 9 10 .. West Pltuton... ...wyommg,...,., .....Slallby,.,,,, ....Bennett. .Kings to n..... 10 10 9 11 in 20 10 23 9 07 9 00 1 10 27 10 27 9 10 8 89 twiigsion, ..Plymouth June. 10 82 3V2 7 85 8 60 8 61 .yinoulh. IU 85 8 27 7 40 10 40 3 92 7 44 HI 41 8 87 7 63 10 62 8 45 8 16 Avondalo 8 48 Nantlcoko.... .flunlock's 1 reek. Hblckshmny.,.. ....Hick's Kerry. .. Beach Haven.. . Berwick 8 41 8 80 8 111 UIO 4 UI 8 25 11 IT 111 H .H 8 14 U S3 4 21 8 t.1 8 OS 8 12 7 68 7 64 11 O'l 4 '.-9 11 28 4 87 11 19 4 41 9 05 0 60 8 65 7 2U .....llrlar LTeck..,.. i " u'un iiiui o, 11 43 4 48 11 61 4 65 T 441 , Kspy.l. ..Uloombburg..., -ltuperi.".... T (8 7 40 7 45 7 62 T 4U 7 85 T SO 7 IX) U 67 6 12 19 a bin 19 07 n 11 aiawissa iinuge. Wark'B Bwitcn.,1 12 10 6 20 8 CS 12 29 fi 88 8 28 12 82 6 47 8 40 19 80 6 62 8 47 T 11 T 04 .uuntiue. ....Chulas y... ....Cameron T U 4 80 I HO 8 40 .North uiaberuuid. 11 61 8 19 1 iuu. poo. (.in. if . . .". .u Bupcrmttndonfa omckVuJ lJ5i , jlft;