The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, August 17, 1877, Image 3

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n i, o o r n u n n. f n 1 n a t, a u , is;j
Hull Road Time Table.
north, south.
Accommodation Train e.45 A.M. T.M A. M.
Mall Train T.S9 A. M 4.49 P. M
Express Train 1.M I', M. 11.61 A. M
" ' .W P. M.
Accommodation Train A. M. 7,37 p. M.
Itegular Express 4.09 P. M. 11,53 A. M.
Tlirongh cars on Express train cither to Now York
or Philadelphia. Accommodation train runs between
CatawUsa and WlUlamsport.
On Sunday last an unuiually large crowd at
tended the Mountain Grove eomp-ruccling.
Theodore Robbins committed filicide In Sun
bury tail Monday criming by shooting him-self.
It ! at leant an open question whether the
Grammars now In use In our schools ought not
to be changed. If we aro correctly informed
they aro condemned by nearly all the teachers
using ihcm and tho want of interest evinced by
pupils In .his branch of study indicates some
thing wrong somewhere. The scries now used
lias nothing In the way of language lessons
specially adopted lo the wants of primary
schools. We understand that books elsewhere
very popular nro 'offered at prices even lower
than the reduced prices of Clark's and It might
be well for the board to consider whether tho
best Interests of tho schools do not demand Im
mediate action in reference lo this question es
pecially ns the comparatively few books used In
this study In the schools makes the expense
tho merest.
The communication signed "Farmer" Is re
jected because it is not accompanied by n re
sponsible name.
Joeph Koons Esq., a young attorney of
Wllkesbarro wa In town last week visiting with
his uncle, David Loweiibcrg.
Ilev. John 11. Thompson, D. D. of CnUkill
New York, will preach in tho Presbyterian
church on Sunday next.
F. M. Bales, formerly of Bloomsburg has
been appointed Principal of the Sharaokln
school district.
Wo proposo borrowing $30,000,topny for tho
New County Jail, in sums of from $8,000 to
510,000, monthly ns needed. 1'nyablo in cou
pon Ponds, running from ono to six years.
?8,000, to bo paid each year, llonds to bo of
not less than $100. Thoso desiring to tako
loans should inform us of tho nniount of Bond
they want nnd when tho money will bo ready.
Wo will want somo on tho first of September
and of ench following month, until tho wholo
loan is completed.
Wo do not feel warranted to offer moro than
four per cent, interest. Thefirst loan will bo for
fix years. Uy order of
John heuner, V Corn's.
J. E. SANDS, )
Commissioners' omco,uioomsburg,Pa..Aug.lS,'77.
aug. 17-3W Attest: VM. KIUCKIIAUM, Clerk.
At the reguest of many citizens the Tropr. of
the BLOOMSIIURO 99 CENT Store will re
main a few days longer with his Popular Store.
The Enst Street road is getting very rough
again. The grndo is to heavy lhat the water
washes tho stones bore.
Co. II. 1 Cav
Fort Walla Walla, W. T.
August ?, 1877
EntTons Columbian, Bloomsburg, Pa. 1
Sir : Corporal Keman D. Lee of Co. H. 1st
Cavalry was killed in battle with Indians on
the morning of Juno 17 1877. When I last saw
him ho was mortally wounded. We were forced
to retreat leaving our wounded In the hands of
ihe enemy who dispatched them. The bodies
were found about 10 cI.ivm after the battle and
found just where they fell. Corporal Leo re-
Last week Thomas Gerogdth's horse ran ceived your paper through his friends who re
nwny with him near Numidin, nnd ho was side in your vicinity, nnd I take this means of
thrown from tho buggy, breaking his collar acquainting them with his death. He has
The Normal School Cataloguo for this year i
out, nnd can be obtained by addressing Kev.
D. J. Waller, Jr. Principal, or E. C. Wells,
It is not generally known thotneertainyoung
man hns been appointed n Lieutenant in tho
Pinkerton Dctectiro Agency, and stationed at
this place to keep an cyo on the jail, and on
certain suspicious characters supposed to bo In
our midst. Tho young man whoso namo wo
nro not permitted to publish, tint whom we will
call John Gilpin, is ono of our townsmen, nnd
wo feel honored that so rcspons'blo a position
has been entrusted to him. Ono reason why
this detective was appointed is probably tho
fact of the assault recently mado by Kelly, tho
"Hum" on a young man from Centro town
ship, who visited tho jail and camo nway with
n good deal of skin peeled from his nose, nnd
it was deemed ndvisnbie to put some one in
command up there who would preserve onlcr.
Our young detective received a few days sinco
letter signed Allnn Pinkerton with his ap
pointment, nnd was accordingly sworn in with
solemn ceremonies by tho Coal nnd Iron Police.
Pulling a new man over them did not take very
ell, but Gilpin smoothed the matter over by
promoting Samuel Wynne, nn old member of
tho force, to n lieutenancy, subject of course to
Gilpin's orders. Everything is moving on
smoothly now. The lieutenant occupies his
ays in looking about the jail and keeping
things straight, ami ill the evenings ho disguises
himself and watches for some one to nrrest. It
as reported on Monday last that several no
torious Mollies were in town, nnd ho at onco
started on their track, but soon discovered that
they were only delegates from Conyngham
town-hip, and entirely harmless.
We shall not describe the disguise of tho
officer, ns ho desires to remain unknown for the toration of local self government has resulted
present. Suffice it to say that ho is ormcd with lco nml prosperity in t lie boutli. In tact,
, , . . ,.,., ,,,. i ,. , ,:i I tho lato "confederates "rebels ' nre not
... .... .u...,, ...... .M nu, ."- on, Bt c nt ho ))1)t ,mvo temlfri
J. C. Brown is at Mountain Grovo this week.
For ono week he is whero the "devil" will not
annoy him with tho cry tor copy. Republican.
But ho may "annoy" about something else.
Young ladiis who slide down banisters, face
foremost, may have a "rushing time," but they
should do it when there are no male specta
tors. .
At the Schuylkill county Democratic Con
vention the following nominations were made.
Judge of Common Pleas, O. P. Bechtol, District
Attorney, A. W. Schalck, Sherill, W. J. Mntz.
The beauty of the ladies of Baltimore lias be-
como the standard of comparison tho world
mnncy in the hands of tho gov't, clothing mon-
ey, pay &c, which they can get by opplying to
proper authorities. Yours Ac.
M. McCartv,
1st Sergeant.
Harry, son of A. J. Sanders, aged about 0
years, was missed Irom liomo Saturday last
about 2 p. m., but until evening his parents
wero not alarmed at his absence.
search was instituted early In the evening, and
at 2 a. ni. Sunday, a general alarm was sounded
and nlmo't all our citizens joined in the scorch,
without avail, About six o'clock Mr. Sanders
walked around the basin of Ihe Muncy canal
and was horrl lied at seeing his little son (loot
ing in the water, dead. Coroner McCormlck,
They maintain that peculiar clearness of Montoutsville, was notified by telegraph and
ichnessof complexion by the occasional upon his arrival summoned T.F.Gahan, .T.I.
.. .i.ii .m, iin ninn.1 Mirinn Painter, Eobcrt Derr, P.M. Trumbower, D.
N. McWilliams and John Bender as a jury,who
Mr. F. Coolcy of the Wilkcaharre Record after taking the testimony of several witnesses,
spent last Sundry in Bloomsburg. He is mak- rendered a verdict of accidental drowning. Mr.
ing friends In that region, and will soon be- Sanders has been particularly unfortunate in his
come as necessary and valuable an attache oi
the Record as ho was for many years of the Co
The Continental Collery, located in Conyng
ham Township, in this county was sold by the
Sheriff on Thursday of last week to J. T. Au-
denried as the property of Robert Gorrcll for
the sum of $31,000. A few years ago Mr. Gor-
rell paid $120,000 for a half interest in it.
On Monday last 'John Kiefer, tax collector of
Catawissa township lost his duplicates. They
were found by two men from Espy who refused
to deliver them up without u reward. As the
books were of no use to any ono except Mr.
Kiefer we think their action was mall to say
the least.
There has been quite a warm contest on the
adoption of books for the public schools In
Bloomsburc for tho past week or more. If it
has resulted in no great good to the book men,
it has certainly beneGted those who have to
purchase by reducing the prices considerably
below what they have been heretofore.
i Bread went up on Tuesday last up Centro
Street in Caldwell's wagon, at ft rapid rate,
Jlis liorso which was tied at the bakery, corner
brushing flies.nnd started up the hill. It turned j'usl 08 m,,ch neal for Polishing e district
inln StnWr'. Lorn where, after endenvnrinr. In ttnd township statements.
family, having had an interesting daughter
burned to deatli a few years since, while anoth
er daughter loBt an eye by broken glass from a
window she was washing. JIuncy Luminary,
The following from the Erie Obstmr hits the
nail so squarely on the head that we cheerfully
give it place in our columns: '"Y hy should wi
be compelled to publish statements of our re
ceipts and expenditures?' ask some of the town
ship officials. Why Bhould you why shouldn
you? would be a more pertinent inquiry,
Haven t tho people a right to know how much
of their money lias been spent, and what better
way of informing them than through the me
dium of the press? So far from begrudging th
few dollars that it costs to advertise these state
merits, tho people rather look with suspicion on
officials who neglect or refuse to give them tli
information that belongs to them. Everybody
looks with interest for and scans with core the
annual statements of county receipts and ex
penditurcs; how equally important it is that the
financial affairs of the township and school di
tricts should be published for the information
of thoso who pay the taxes. If there is any
need of printing the county statements, which
everybody concedes the propriety of, there
get into n buggy, it stopped,
was done.
But little damage
A. S. Barnes it Co.,publish tho National and
Independent series of school Books. This se
ries is largely used in Columbia county, and their cases, and it would cost the county n much
If all the district and township officers
Columbia county who fill to comply with tl
law requiring them to publish annual state
ments should be Indicted the court of Quarter
Sessions would be keft busy for a month tryin
fleaver-Isaao Kilngcrmon.
Ilenton 8. Appleman.
llerwIck-Hatauel cliomborlaln,
Bloom J!.-luvld Lon enters.
Bloom W.-JlB. VaiidcriJtee.
lirinrcrtck -A. II. Crf)p.
Cotum-wo-Win. 1. Ejerly.
Centralla Tnomas tleraty.
Centre-tt. A. Frederick.
Conyngham N. Nell Lcnlhan.
Conyngham 8. John Monroe.
Fhhlngcreck-Cjrus ltobblu .
rrniiUln-.Tocob Knlttle.
Ilreennood Issao I). Illack.
Hemlock U, p. Moore.
Jackson Wm. Young,
locust D.inlel .Morris.
Madison YV. it. Demon.
Main. Nathan Miller,
jf -Doet. Montgomery.
5. -.uour Jackson Walter.
Mt. Pleasant-(1. W. Jacoby.
Orango-Usuallt. Ent.
Pino John Loro.
ltoartngcrcck J. B. Hunger.
Kcott .lames Lake.
Sugarloaf Albert Colo.
Pursuant to the call ol the Chairman tho Del
egates assembled at tho Opera House on Tues
day last at 11 o'clock a, m. Mr. W. .T.Ilucka-
lew being necessarily olVciil, Oscar p. lint, n
member of the Standing Committee from Scott,
called the Convcution to order, and nominated
C. B..Brockway ns Chairman of the Convention,
and he was unanimously elected. In accepting
the nomination, Mr. Brockway briefly respon
ded as follows)
Gentlemen of the. Ommtion .' Permit me to
tlinnk you for this additional proof of your
favor. Whilst it is true there Is no severe con
test for local nominations this Fall, it must not
bo forgotten that tho District Attorney elected
this year will ho tho Prosecuting Attorney for
tho next thrco years, and although the position
is not very remunerative, it is of the utmost
importance in criminal proceedings beforo our
lint tho vitality of our organization in this
County is. shown by your presence here, only
ono district being unrepresented. By mentis of
our admirable organization wo gave our ticket
over 2200 majority Inst year n mnjority which
wo can increase when tho same questions aro
nt issue. It is proper heru niso to advert to the
changed condition of affairs since our Inst con
vention. 1'hm wo wero on tho eve of ft Presi
dential election. The convention nt St. Louis
reaffirmed our principles, Tilden nnd Hen
dricks were selected as our standard hearers
the people gavo them ono quarter of n million
mnjority, and by tho votes of Louisiana, South
Carolina, nnd Florida ft largo majority of votes
in tho Electoral College. But, in order to de
feat, tltn lpfrnl nnil nnnnlnr prillet fl srhenin un
known in precedent was established, nnd n of the age. Price $3,00 a year, delivered nt
"commission," by ono vote, defeated tho will of your post-office. Specimen Copy, $1,00,
mo people. t inus vyjrctua an unciecicu rresi-1 Juy 07 Mi
dent liolds his sent to-day. " ,
"Down to Hard Pun" Hoots ami Shoes at
Wakthd. Two pith) to Urni tho tailor
ing trade, Wm. Y. Resin. Apr.27tf
Ladles' lino Khoos, nil m.llli 11 ml men
nt McKliuiryV.
Tho price of liirnttlire Is way down to
rock bottom. You can buy n very pretty
Wnliiut Chamber K-t for fifty dollars, nnd
an elegant set lor seventy-live dollars nt Cad-
man s.
Subscription received at till office for the
International llcvicw, a unique and cosmopoli
tan magazine, and the only pojxilar Review
published In tho city of New York. It is pub
lished C times a year, iLs style of manufacture Is
Btiperb, and each number contains 141 broad
octavo pages of valuable original contributions
by the best European and American writers, on
sociol, political, scientific, religious, literary and
nrtlslie matters of living Interest to everybody,
Recommended by the best writers anil thinkers
Tho proof followed its consummation, Tho
troops withdrawn from thn beseiged states,
rightful authority resumed its sway, Demo
cratic administrations entered upon the per
formance of their duties, nnd bo it remembered
that Me turn 11n'eA elected tliem elected Tilden
and nendrlcks. In recognizing tho legal gov
icnANTOS, August 12, tin tsaliinloy alter-
noon Carbondale was thrown into a state ol
wild excitement owing to the fact that about 2 50
The Hoys' Suits,
Tho Childrcns' Suits,
Now selling very ehcap all). Low-enberg's.
Black and Fish oils at Marr'n,
eminent of any one of those three states, Hayes mtner, proceeded against the pumps at the sev
must recognize his own defeat, and the success if, 1 1 . r 1 11. . 1
of his opponent.
In addition to this, the res-
brace of pistols witli which to intimidate thoso
whom ho may succeed in detecting. Thoso
who do not want to bo ornamented with iron
bracelets, must respect the laws.
tho publishers desire to say that tho school
hooks published by said firm hnvo been reduc
ed in prico ns the times demand, Any orders
for introduction or correspondence relative to
tho samo may be addressed to A. P. Flint, 822
Chestnut street, Phladclphla.
The confusion attendant upon excited dis
cussion scarcely equals that caused by the con
tinual crying of the Baby which may be suffer-
larger sum than It would cost to comply with
Ihe law. No ont can plead ignorance of tho law(
as it lias been frequently published in the Co
Berwick Pa., Aug. 15. About 3 o'clock this
morning, the tire alarm was sounded lrora the
Jackson Ac Woodin Manufacturing Company's
works. The fire was In M. E. JackFOn's stable
ing from n severe attack of Colic, Diarrhea or ju,t back of Jackson's block (the finest in
other disorders of the Stomach and Bowels.
Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup is used and highly rce
ommended in those painful nnd distressing dis
eases of early childhood, In placo of dangerous
Upium and Morphia preparations. 25 cents
per bottle.
The Murphy movement having reached Har-
risburg, ye local discourse thusly about.
Thoso who are In the habit of quenching
their thirst with Immoderate quantities of ice
water should bear In mind that it is not healthy
to chill their bodies, which arc warm, and con
sequently at a high temperature, with Ice water
nt a low temperature. A piece of lemon mix
ed with ice water is highly recommended by
the most prominent "foreign and domestic
physicians." We are thus explicit because
fears are entertained that somo young men may
seriously Impair their system by too frequently
Indulging in ice water.
town,) and in the cart end of the principal bus
iuess block. There was not supposed to be any
dangnr of the fire fpnoding, and the citizens
mads no exertion until it was to late, A very
destructive fire was Ihe consequence. The fol
lowing is a list of the property destroyed and
the insurance as far as possible: M. E. Jack-
eon, Jackson's block and tenement houses, loss,
$30,000, Insurance as follows; Home, of N.
Y., $5,000; Royal, 55,000 j Hartford, S3.000 j
Liverpool and London and Globe, $4,000;
Lycoming, $4,000. Total $21,000.
M. E. Jackson also lost a stable, (in which
the fire originated,) a carriage, and a splendid
span of horses, on which was 110 insurance.
C. B. Jackson's loss on furniture is $300.00 ;
Insured in the lloyal for $1,200.00.
Bowman & Crispin (store in Jackson Block)
lost $7,000; Insurance $0,000.
A. Miller,- store liouie, barn,and outbuildings;
loss $10,000 ; insurance $0,000,
S. A. Wilson & Co., druggists, in Miller's
Block; loss $1,000; insurance $1,500.
The Pott-office and following were also in
Omen or S. Knoru,
August 11, 1877.
Special meeting of Board of School Directors
called to consider propriety of changing books
&c. Present full Board,
Mr. Zarr from committee on discipline pre
sents a report fixing the course of study to be
pursued in each of the rooms in tho Graded
Schools of tlie district.
On motion of Messrs. Ilingler and Jones tho
report is adopted, and is as follows :
Course of study for the Public Schools 01
Grammar School. Room Xo. 1.)
Spelling oral and written.
Beading Fourth and Fifth Headers. (Par
ker .t Watson's.) '
Penmanship P. D. & S. System.
Grammar Clark's Practical Grammar.
Drawing While's System.
Arithmetic Robinson's Shorter Course."
Vocal Music.
Compositions at'd Orations.
United State History Barnes.
Constitution of the United fctates.
Algebra Robison' s.
Geopraphy Political and Physical
tcilh's k Mc. N.
, Intermediate Room Ao. 2.)
Spelling oral and written.
Reading Third and Fourth Readers
ker it Watson's.
Penmanship P. D. it S. System.
Gtammor Clorks Elementary.
Drawing White's System.
Arithmetic Robinson's First Part.
Geography Monteith's.
Vocal Music.
Composition and Declaiming.
United Stales History Barnes (Elementary.
Botany (Elementary.)
Physiology (Elementary.)
Secondary Room Xo. 3.)
Reading Second and Third Readers
ker & Watson.
Penmanship P. D. S. System.
Grammar Oral Lessons.
Drawing White's System.
Vocal Music,
Composition and Declaiming.
Physiology Without Books.
Geography Monteith's.
Primary (Room XoA.)
Reading Primer and First Reader Par
ker & Watson.
Object Lessions.
Counting and Arithmetic (Without Books,
Slate and Black Board Drawing.
" " " " Printing and Writing
Vocal Music.
Physiology Without Books.
Geography On out line maps,
Tlie following Branches are allowed to be
studied in tlie Grammar Schools.
era! mines in nnd about Carbondale and or
dered tho workmen to abindon their posts,
which request was complied with.
The fires were then drawn, nnd tho mines arc
being Hooded with water. Tlie crowd then vis
ited the yard of tho Delaware and 1 luihon coal
company and detained a train of loaded coal
As n further cause for congratulation, I may cars.which was about to be sent out to Nineveh,
d the election of another Democratic Con- Xo resistance was offered.
grcss. The Inst one held tho opposition in check, Tho Erie collery, above Carbondale, was vis
um! saved the tax-payers s'0,000,000. The .. , , ., .. , m i. .1 .
Democrats hold Congress for nt least two years '"T "i'i"- """
to como and during that timo Hayes can do troublo at that city.
but littlo evil, even if he is inclined so to do. It It is currently reported that tho Pittston mi
our business then, to look forward to ft bright ncrs )iav0 decided not to ruturn to work.
ilv at nonce nt home, but havo tendered thou
sands ol men from Richmond. Charleston and
cw Orleans lo establish order in Kepublicau
ttsburg, nnd elscwncro 111 the. north
A Zealous Fireman, Copt. Harris is the pop,
ular president of tho Rescue Hook & Ladder
Co. No. 2. Ho wanted to go to the Berwick I Jackson's block: The malls were saved, and
,firo with his company, but on reaching tho De- the office removed to Seesholtz's building. The
pot discovered that ho had left behind ids Inconvenience to the citizens will be very small,
oat, belt, &c. Of courso they wero necessary I S. E. alton, dentist, loss small.
and he went after them, but the engineer for- O. A. Buckingham, Justice of the Peace, also
got to wait. Nothing daunted tho Captain trifling loss,
took the next train, and arrhed nt Berwick in Wm. Johnson, barber, loss small.
due' time, passing his command on their home
ward trip at Briarcreek. Ho returned to
Bloomsburg safe and sound, and at the Depot
was met by a delegation of tho "Mulligan
uuorus, accompanied by a drum corpB, who
escorted hinito Ihe Engine Houso with tho
honors of war. He then went to-well, home
WMifre'Sht tmi? on tbo DanvilIei Hazleton &
Wilkesbarre Railroad met with a
dent on Saturday. Coming down a grado above
Glen City, n portion of the train became do
tached and that portion attached to tho engine
moved nway from the other so that nint n ft fl!s
tanco intervened, beforo tho separation was
discovered. It beine on a eradn it tl,,,U
that it would come up all right, but tlie descent
wassogrtat that tho brakes , ,,,..1.1.
control thenar cars and they camo dashing
...... ..,, ,Peeuand when they reach-
1 cd tho first section a frightful collision tnnlf
inure, niewrecseu cars werc nil.,.1 , a
uBar, coffee and rice were promiscuously scat
(ered around. Fortunately the employee, e.
tui.ed Ijv miunm; in time in ...... .. ;.
iV n,n;" 'nuo disaster.
Tho Independent printing office succeeded In
rescuing every thing but the Urge press.
M. L. Luke, tobacconist, no loss.
First National Bank Everything was res
cued except the counter and some little furniture,
Masonic Lodge The lodge room was in the
third story, and wis the first on Cre. The furn
iture and caret were destroyed ; loss not
Armory The guns were all rescued.
W. P. Hughes, ttore in Miller's block ; loss
about $1,000; insurance unknown.
J. W. Evans, broker ; J. W. Dietrick, shoe
maker; Isadore Chamberlain, confectioner
J. Phillips, tailor, Elijah Kllnger and Lewis
Jenkins, occupying a tenement house, were
burned out, but the loss was alight, excepting
the house.
The Rescue Hook and Ladder Company, and
the Friendship Fire Company of this place
were telegraphed for, and at once took the train
to Berwick, making that run In H minutes.
The Dre was under control when they reached
there, and Ihe lun baeJi took 17 minutes. We
deeply sympathize ilh unfortunate Uerwlclr,
It is a lots lhat can hardly be repaired.
Coal ! Coal ! ! Coal !
Wo are now offering nil sizes of
tno celebrated busquehanna Coal
Co'rf., coal, at the lowest cash pri
ces. Coal screened before leaving our
yards and full weight guaranteed.
Orders left at I. W. JSIcKclvy's
Store, at our oflice, or sent through
the mails will receive prompt at
tention. Your patronage is respectfully
C. W. Neal & Bro.
May 1, 1877.
Tho Summer suits at D. Lowou-
Machine needles and oil at
XT 1ST "is XiOD
The Hats, Caps, etc.
The Gauze Underwear,
The Summer Drawers,
Half hose, Linen Collars, Cuffs,
and line neck wear, at Lowenberg's
olitical future. Let us co to our homes de
termined to work harder than ever for the suc
cess of our cause. Let us choree home upon
our opponents tho thefts, nnd general rascality
ot tlieir leaders, and niso ns being mc origina
tors ot measures wlneli havo lend lo tho pres
ent tinniicuil distress 0! tlie country.
On separate motions the following gentlemen
were placed in nomination for Secretaries.John
M. Smith of Madison, Iram Derr and Daniel
F.Curry; the latter declining to be ncandi-
late; Judge Derr, and J. M, Smith were unani
mously declared duly elected. The Chairman
ppointed O. P. Ent, and W. L. Eyerly tellers.
The list of delegates being colled for, the fol
lowing gentlemen responded,
Beaver D. F. Hinderliter, Isaac Klinger-
man, Josiah Hinderliter.
Benton Elias Shultz, Jos. Conner, Saml.
Berwick F. S. Hunt, C. B.Jackson.
Bloomsburg E. Eli Jones, O. A. Herring,
Florence Donohue, John Laycock
Bloomsburg W. C. B. Brockway, William
Briarcreek S. C. Smith, A. B. Croop,
Catawissa W. L. Eyerly, Joseph Martz, Jes
Be Mench.
Centralia Thos. Coddington, D. F. Curry.
Centre T. Sweppenheiser, J. F. Lamon, .1,
Conygham X. Niel Lenihen, Chas. Dough
erty, Barney Mclirearty.
Fishingcreek Saml. Smith, John Sutton, R.
B. Bright, Amos Hartmon,
Franklin Washtn. Parr, Jos. Knlttle.
Lucky is the baby whose mamma uses
uienn s suipuur soap witli wlnili to wasti
tno nttie innocent. io wicoy beat, or
other rash can annoy the infant cuticle with
which tins cooling and punlvinc antiscor
butic comes in daily contact. Sold by nil
Hill's Hair & Whisker Dvc. black or
brown. aug
E. Butterick and Co's Dres3 pat
terns nt Marr's.
In Make, Fit, and Prico, the dress
Shirt sold at D. Lowenberg's.
An oriental traveller describes this busy
scene.witnessed on historic shores : "Our steamer
landed on a beach which was the port of An
tioch, where the disciples were first called
Christians, There was no town at the water's
edge, no people, no wharf. The passengers and
the merchandise were put ashore in lighters.
which ran up into the sand. A troop of cam
els, with their drivers, lay on the beach, ready
to transfer the goods into tho interior. Among
the a rticles landed were boxes marked 'Dr. J.
C. AyerA: Co. Lo well, Mass., U, S. A.,' show
ing that they contained medicines and wlienco
they came. These with other goods were hois
'ed on the hocks of camels, for transportation to
Antloch. Thus the skill of the West sends
back its remedies to heal the maladies of popu
lations that Inhabit thoso easter.i shores.whenco
oar spiritual manna came.' iit'isor &
Aug. 3 lm.
Mrs. W. H. Jacoby,
Mrs. B. H. Stohner.
I desiro nil my friends and customers to
Give litis Soap one trial,
so that they may know just how good tho
liest boap m tno united states is,
J. II. Maize.
July 20, '77-8iv Bloomsburg, Pa.
Book Keeping.
Painting Ac
On motion of Messrs. Ringler and Jonea the
Secretarv Is directed to havo a Fiifficlent num
ber of schedules of course of study required, to
have a copy posted up 111 euch room and supply
each teacher with a copy.
Messrs. Zarr and Jones moved that whereas
the publishers of the series of Readers audi
Spellers now in use have agreed to reduce the
price, and have pledged themselves, that they
shall be sold at no higher retail rates during
the ensuing year than the following to wit:
Primer, 01 pages, 15 cents.
1st Reader, 123 " 25 "
2nd " 224 " 40 "
3rd ' 288 " 70 "
4lh " 432 " 1.00 "
5th " COO " 1.25 "
Elementary Speller 18 cents per copy,
that the consideration of a change of Rea
ders and Sellers be positioned.
On motion of Messrs. Knorr and Ringler the
consideration ef a change of Grammars and
fleographys Is also postponed because the books
are to bo retailed at the following reduced
Monteith's, No 1, 28 cents.
11 i 44
Having obtained the agency of this
Ci:r.i:niuTr.i Soap
for Bloomburg and vicinity, I append tho
opinion of some of our best pcoplo as to its
Greenwood Jos. Trovclpiece, Joseph Dewitt, merits.
John Miller. " have used Dobbin s Electric ooapniodo
. . .. liv 1. U uraciii v Co.. 1'lnladelphm. ra.
llemlOCk U 11. Diellericll, A. U. llartman, fr ...nOiini. nhnntlnn nun sn,l think It
C? 11- II!. .t. " . '
a. n. iimit. Minenor to anv other. Airs. u. li. liarktev."
.Tocksun Henry Hurlevman. Iram Derr. "Wo have iiied Dobbin's Electric Soap and
Locust Montelius Yeager, Wm. II. Rhodes, "nu it superior to any other or all others
thn s. email, Isiali l eager.
Madison J. M. Smilh.IsaacMcBride, Elisha
Main Samuel Bredbenner, Aaron Bear-
Milllin Abram Schweppenheiser, Wm.
Homel, C. W. Hess.
Montour John Rodarmel, Jackson Wal
Mt. Pleasant O Evert, Amos Wanick.
Orange Dr. Ammcrman, M. C. Keller.
Pine John Lore, Jacob A. Chamberlin.
Roaringcreek John Mowry, Ama Craig.
Scott R. S. Ent, T. W. Hnrlmon.
Sugarloaf Andrew Hess, David Lewis,Cyrus
I ..inh.
The work of organization having been com
pleted the Lonvention adjourned unlit 1 p. 111.
Upon Ihe reassemhlage of Ihe Convention,
the Chairman announced that immediately af
ter adjournment there would be a meeting
of the newly elected Standing Commitlee
Tlie Chairman then announced that Mr.
Billmyer with drew his name as a candidate,
and Ills delegates wero freed from their instruc
The lints having been completed, the follow
ing result of the votes and Instructions was an
nounced :
Business Notices
Elegant Hair is woman's crowning beauty
when it, fades, she fades as well. While it is kept
bright her personal attractions are still maintain
ed. By preserving the hair fresh and vigorous a
youthful appearance is continued through many
years. Those who grieve over their fading
hair turning gray too early should know that
Ayer's Hair Vigor prevents it, and restores
gray or faded hair to its notural color. It is a
clear and healthful preparation, containing
neither oil, dye, nor anything deleterious, and
imports tj tho scalp what is most needed o
sere of pleosant and delightful freedom from
scurf or dandruff. Xew Rerne (A.C.) Times,
July lm.
August Flower.
Tho mot miscralilo beings in the world aro
thoso suffering from Dys-pcpsia and Liver
Complaint. More thou seventy-fives per
cent of tho people in tho United States aro
rtl- . , -.,.1 .. . ,!
oi uctcu wit 1 incso two uiseases anu, mcir ci-
fects ; such as Sour Stomach, Sick Head
ache, Habitual Costivenes-s, Palpitation of the
Heart. Heart-burn. Watci-brali. cnawme
and burning pains at tho pit of the-Stomach,
yellow &kin, coated tongue and disagreeable
tasto in the mouth, coming up ot lood alter
eating, low spirits, &e. Gn to Moyer liros.,
and get a 75 cent bottloof AUGUST FLOW
ER or .1 Kimtilo Imttlo for 10 cents. Trv it.
Two dn.-cs will relievo you.
April 27, 7 i-ly jl
Dr. SliilolTs System Vitalizor.
Wo are atithori.! in mmnniM this rem
eily for the cure of dyspepsia, Innctivo LIv
er.Sou r Stomach, Constipation. Loss of Ap
petite, Coming up of Food. Yellow Skin,
and General Languor nnd Debilitv. You
must ncicnowledgn that this would be ruin
ous unless we had positive evidence that it
iu cure. l on who are sullerinc Irom
these complaints these words are addressed
Mid will you continue tn suffer when you
can bo cured 011 such terms? It is for you
to determine. Sample bottle 10 rents; rep
nlar size 75 cents. Sold by C. A. Kleim and
i. .1. MPmlprslirtr.
Ily vlrtuo of sundry writ". Issued out of the
Court ot Common Pitas of Columbia county nud to
rno directed nlllbo exposed to rubllo wti att'ic
Com 1 House at,twno'Uo'k p. in., en
SATURDAY, AUUUSl' 18lii, 1877,
All that lot and piece ot land situated In Ilrlarcrcck
township, bounded on the north by lands ot ncbec
e.i Evans and James and Jacob Dowe rs, on the east
by lands of Joseph Lemons, on the south by lands of
James and Ucorgo IlOwers, and on tho nest by lands
ot the widow of John Mastcllcr, containing twenty
one acres moro or less, whervon aro erected A dwel
ling house, barn, Ac, and saw mill, together with all
tho rights and prltllegcs thereto liertalnlng nnd held
by tho defendant.
.seized, taken In execution and to bo sold as tho
prorcrtyot William Evans.
All thOBOceitaln lots of land tlluato In tho Tor
ough ot Centralla, Columbia county, Pcnnsjlvsnta,
to wit I
A double lot boundod on the south by Main street,
on tho west by Thomas Ocroghty. north and east by
alle) s, whereon aro erected a two-story fromo houso
and stable, meat house and other out-biiUdlngs, said
lots being So feet front and 140 In depth.
ono other lot on Centro street, bounded on the
cast by .Main street, south by Centro street, westoy
Louts Kantncr and north by an alley containing
front nrd feet In ilaptll, wheron nro erected two
double dwclltog houses and out-bulldtngs.
The last mentioned premises will be sold In two
parts, each having a dwelling houso and out-build-Ings,
tho lots being each about J5 lectin front and
about 14 j feet In depth.
Two other lota onTroutwlno street bounded on
tho west by an alley, on tso south by Joseph Dawco,
north by John Moore and cast by Troutwlne street,
whereon Is erected a double dwelling house and out
buildings, containing M feet In front and 140 feet In
einn other lot bouuded on the west by Troutwlne
street, east by nn alley, north by - Chadwlck,
south by (1 Stee'e, paid lot being 13 feet lu front
and 11 feet In depth.
Ono other tract of land situate In Hoarlngcreek
township, Columbia county, Pennsylvania, bounded
on the north by Muchlaberger, on tho east by
Oeorge llloss, south by tho same, west by William
Howell and John Dloss and others containing as acres
and 150 perches, on which aro erected a frame house
and frame barn.
fccled, taken into execution and tobo sold as the
property ot James Dj ke.
Tho following real estate situate In Montour town
ship, Columbia county, Pennsylvania, bounded as
follows i on the w est by D. L. K W. ltsll Itoad, east
bv lot of Henry Klelm. t outh by lot ot Mrs. Donovan
nnd north by a public' road, sold lot being about CO
feet In front by 100 feet In depth running narrower
back, whereon aro.erectcd a two-story frame house
and outbulldlnes.
b'etzed, token Into execution and to bo sold as tho
property ot John Nungesser.
CONDITIONS OF SALE Purchasers must pay
ten per cent, of the purchaso money, or at least
enough to cover nil costs, at striking down of salo
otherwise property lobe resold at once.
July ST, lS77.-ts sheriff.
feEMTMDEH TE11M, 1817.
All kinds of Eurnitmo at lowest prices nt
(Jailman s.
A present given witli everv dollars worth
purchased at the BLOOMSBURG 89 CEXT
New Towels and Table Linens nt Lutz J
50.000 dm annually bv npclecttnz .1
Cough, Cold or Croup, often lending tn
Consumption nnd tlie grave. Why will you
neglect so inipoitnnt a matter, when von
can get at our store Shiloh's Comumption
Uure, with the assurance of n speeuv recov
erj. For soreness ncrnss the Chest or Lungs
or Lame linck or Nop, fchiloh's J'nroti'
Plaster gives prompt relief. Sold by O, A
Kleim and N. J. Uendershott.
" "a, 83 "
" '-4, 1.40 "
Clark's Primary Grammar, 35 "
" English Grammar 80 "
On motion of Messrs. Zarr and Knorr Grays
Series of Botany is adopted,
On motion of Messrs. Zarr and Jones ad
S. Knorr,
Eira Stephens, administrator of William
Ileus deceased, will sell real estate In Sugar
loaf Township on August 25th.
Hrnrv W.
Yanderslice deceased will sell real estate In
Mt. Pleasant townshsp, on Saturday September
1st. Same day In Roaringcreek township
James KeitTer, committee of Daniel Gearbcarl,
will sell real estate.
See advertisements In other columns,
U s.
Beaver. .- 3 ji
Ilenton 3 n
Uerwlck 1 15
Iilooin K 4 g;
Itloom W u 4
Hrlarcreek . a 13
tatawlssa 3 8
Centralla a
centre a si
comngbamN a bo
Convocham 8 2
nsninircreei: 4 12
l-'runkltn a 5
(ireenwocd 3 30
Hemlock, 3 it
Jackson it 11
Locust.. , ..,.,...4 44
Madison 3 u
Mali 'i si
Mlftlln 3 :is
Moniour a si
Mt. rieasart a it
tirango.. .3 13
line.. ,.m v n
itoarloircreek . a a
Scott. -j a
Sugarlott 3 l
Marris selling Goods Cheap.
.1. Schuyler & Son. in order to reduce their
heavy stocK ot Hardware oiler great uar-
The Celebrated Hoosac Bearded Wheat
from Northern Iowa to arrive Sept. 1,1877.
.Aug. 17-1 w Rupert, Pa.
Lasting Gaiters, $1,00 at McKinneys.
All kinds of Gent's Underwear, Hats,
Caps, &c, at A. J. Evans' Clothing btore.
has struck tho BLOOMSBURG 99 GENT
STORE tho way the ptople carry away tho
Croquet Sets nt 99 cents a set. Sixty set
in less than a month.
IlnekmelncV. a popular and fragrant per
fume. Sold by C. A. Kleim and X. J. Uen
dershott. March 30, '77-eow
DILDINE LAIUIACII. At the residence of flio
brlde-3 paremsln Ilenton township, Augustoth 1T;
by lies'. P. J. Waller, Jr., Mr. I-rank 1". Dlldineto
-Miss Maggto A. Laubach.
TItONSEW. In Kspy on the Sd Inst., Matthias
Tronsew, aged 60 jears, c months and 17 days.
McCOI,I.UM.-In Espy on tho rd hist., Thomas I'
son otM. ('. end Maltha E. Mcl'ollum. sged years
a months and 87dajs.
oTltocr.-In M t. Pleasant on the mil Inst., Chor-
ley W. Mroup, aged Ujears, months and days.
Whereupon Mr.
nomli ated.
was doclared
Don't pass L. Bernhnrd's Jewelry Store
without stopping to look in his window. It
contains on elegant pssortment of Jewelry
nml Silverware. Watclips and rlneks rp-
paired and all kinds of work in his line done f,0"-Bew'
neatly and cheaply. Hour pr barrel
Frederick Hosier vs. 1). II. fi W. It. H. Co.
Robert eiorrell Co. vs. Joseph SI. Frcck.
Lloyd Taxton vs. Philadelphia & Heading It. It. Co.
Oeorge K. Tryon et, al. vs. Jacob Brown et. al.
fleorgo K. Tryon et. al. vs. Marttn Lubold et, al.
Ocorgo K. Tryon et. al. vs. William Clarko et. al.
Oeorge K. Trj on et. al. vs- Josiah Hand et. al.
Oeorge K. Tryon et, al. vs. Christian Schack et. al.
Snyder, llartman & Co. vs. N. L. Campbell.
A. T. lkeler vs. Jonas Doty.
John Hcaeock vs. Jonas Doty.
Fayctto Drlbleblss vs. Eves Co,
L. F. Davis vs. Jonas Doty.
LcMKlnley vs.'N. L. Campbell.
John Mccalla's Exr. vs. Gcorgo D. Luce et. al.
I). F. Seybert vs. Philip Appleman.
Lafayette Dribllb s vs. C. W. Eves et. al.
c. 11. Iirockway vs. Orange township.
Williams 4: Chalfant vs, E. H. Oule.
ltobert Taylor et. al. vs. Itobert OorrelL
Jeremiah Taylor et. al. vs. ltobert Correll.
ltobert Taylor et. al. vs. Itobert Oorrell.
Daniel Kllno vs. Charles Leo andT. L. Kline.
Jacob nshcr, Sr., et. al, vs. John Fisher ct. al.
S. O Stellcr vs. Lewis: Yettcr.
Alexander smith vs. J. W. Evans.
Alexander smith vs J. W. Evans,
FlrstNatlonal liank of Ashland vs. Doulel Morris,
I. W. McKelvy vs. William Shaffer et. al.
A. L. Turner vs. Elma Kester.
E. W. ltutter vs. W. r. Jones.
Albeit Wlnton vs. Jonas Duty.
Columbia Insuranco Co. vs. Josoli M. Freck.
Columbia I nsuranco Co. s. J ackson & W oodln.
c. It. l'axtou et. al. vs. II. fl. Groveling,
fioorgo Ituckcl vs. Jilehlel drover's Adm'r.
c. J. Ash vs. William Ikeler.
Columbia Insurance Co. vs. Jackson t Woodin,
(.'olumbU Insurance Co. vs. Ncscope-ck Bridge Co.
C. II. Brockway et. al. vs. William Yeager et. al.
Abraham ltleo s. John Sherman et, al.
Christ Church vs. A. S. rhllllps,
Henry C. Conner s. Emanuel Conner's Adm'r.
Sarah A. l'ctrlkln vs. L. W. Wooley.
Evan Franklin vs. hharpless & Ilarman.
William ltuekel vs. tleorgo Moore et al.
D. Y. be j bert vs. J. W. Saukoy,
Dontel Kostenbauder vs. Casper I. Thomas.
Mary Crev ellng's use vs. William William Winter
steen, (i. F, Drelsboeh vs. Michael Orover's Admr's.
lUUabelli Kllngerman's AdniT. vs. !.itd It. Hower,
E. F. Kamerly vs. Joseph Hess.
,101m Eckrute vs. Jesse Zaner's Ex'r,
Amos Km ago vs. Abram Kllno tt, ux.
Ashland Savings Dank vs. Margaret Curry's Adm'r
John Hill vs. C. D. Fowler.
11. 1(. Albertson vs. Joseph F. Long.
Sarah 11111 et. al. vs, l'enn'a Canal Co
Bloomsburg Lumber Co. vs. M. M. Appleman.
I'etcr Wilson's Adm'r. s. Jesse A. Losee.
Casper ltahn vs. Oeorge II. bharpless.
John A. Kunston vs. Bieumsburg CJas Co.
Hannah Weiss vs. I). L. W. It. It. Co.
Bloomsburg Lumber Co. vs. O. W. Sterner.
Era s. Lyons vs J. 11. E as.
Jacob Evans' Ex'r. vs. Thomas E. Oeddtset, al.
Samuel Glger vs. Francis Evans.
Schu) ler A: Iteasncr a. Aaron Bender.
Bloomsburg Lumber Co. vs. William M orris et. al.
Bloomsburg Lumber Co. vs. William Morris et. ux.
lUnk ot Espy vb, William M lines' Ex'rs.
Toles Jt.Hweet vs. William Mllne-s' Exr'B.
Brockway & Elwell vs. conyngham township.
Brockway i Elwell vs. Conyngham School District.
William Llnnvlllo s. Peter Ent's Administrator.
O. B. Millard vs. Convnghatn and Centralla Poor
Daniel Ltlby et. al. vs. Henry Knapp.
(leorgo Oetty vs. Daniel II. Stevens.
Sarah Caul vs, Samuel and Emma lteppcrt.
Augustus Everhart vs. Donlel Everhart.
Bernaid Ammerman vs, W. C. Johnson et ux,
11. Brockway vs. Fli-st National Bank of Berwick.
William Krlckbaum's use vs. L. T. fchaipiess et, al,
l'ermclla M, Koons a. Seltzer Miller.
Lewis Schuyler, Trustee vs. coniad Kreamer.
Tinir.UF.Vf. the Hon- William r.i.wM.i,
W Vr.'sldent'.liidge t Ihu emit, "Hlje-r and
Terminer and (leneral Jail Delivery, court of tjuar
tor sessions of the two and the court of Common
Pleas and orphans' court in the win Judicial Dis
trict, composed ot the counties of f'olumbt.i and
Montour, and tho Hons. I. K. Krlckbaum and 1 I.
Hhurnan.ARWjclAto Judges of Columbia county, have
Issued th'-lr precept, iH-arlnR dato the utli day of
May, In tho jcor of our lird ono thousand eight
hundred and seventy-seven, nnd to mo directed for
holding a Court of Oyer nnd Terminer and (leneral
ej.iarler Sessions ot tho Peace, Court ot Common
Pleas and Orphans Court, In Bloomsburc, In the
county of Columbia, 011 tho first Monday, belniftbe
sd d.y ot September next, to continue two weeks,
vniien is hnrehv r-lven to the Coroner, to U10 Jus-
tlcos of tho Peace, and tho Constables ot the saltl
county ot Columbia, thattlioyba then and thcruln
their proper person at 10 o ciock in mi lurunwu
said s day ot Bept,, wlUi their records, inqui
sitions and other rcmembiances, to do Uiasotlitns
which to their oniees appertain to bo done. And
those that aro bound by rccoirnlianco to prosecute
against the prisoners that aro or may be in tlie Jal
of tho said county ot Columbia, to bo then and there
0 prosecute themns shall be Juit. Jurors are re
quested tolw punctual In their attendance, agreeably
to their notices. Dated at Bloomsburg the 1st day
f-, of August, In tho year of onr Lord erne
ITTsVytliousand eight Uundrcd and seventy-seven
, J and In tho one hundred and llret)ear of
tho Independence of tho United states of America,
Sherlifs Offlce, J011X. W. HOFFMAN,
Bloomsburg, Aug. s to Sheriff.
I V, Xotlco is hereby given to nil legatees, credl
LTrs and other persons Interested In the estates of
tho respective decedents and minors, that the fol
lowing administration and guardian accounts have
been tiled In tho onicu or tho Heglster ot loluinbut
county, nnd will be presented for confirmation and
allowance In the Orphans' court to bo held U
Bloomsburg, on Monday, the td day ot sepu, 1877,
at i o'clock, p. m. on said day:
1. Tho nrst and final account of Peter Swank, Ad
ministrator ot Joseph stokes, late ot Locust
township, deceased.
2. The nrt nnd final account of Josef h Kline, Ad
ministrator or John C. Klli.e.lale of Mount 1'iea.i
1111 1 township, deceased.
3. Tlie first and partloi arcounr or Harriet, 11. "fu
ller, KXe-eiliriX Ul rt. U. nra,in,icui uto uvi
uugliof Her Ick, deceaseel.
Tho account of Iram Derr, Administrator ot Pax
ton Kline, late ut ureenwood township, de
ceased. The Dnot account of Joseph if. nnd Thomas Ad
ams. Executors ot Abraham Adams, late of Bri
arcreek township, deceased.
The, account ot Alfred Crevellng, Ouordlan ot
Morv F. Trembly, (lota Creiellng) a minor child
of EH Crevellng, late ot scoti township, do
7. The second and float nccount of Hiram Pealer,
Administrator or uanici ivaier, jr., uiiuui rum
Ingcreek township, deceased.
8. The first aecountof Joshua rctterman anu Aaron
W. utovcr, Auminisirmuin vi jiieiiuei uiu.w,
late ct Bloomsburg, descased.
0. The Ilrst and partial account ot Nathan ji. creasy
and Daniel A. e.resy, Auiniinsiraion ui oaiuuei
creasy, late ot Minim township, deceased.
10. The una) supplemental account of reter Ent, de-
CeaSi-o, IftU) .ucunir n.ei;uiur ui uiui ininmui
Matthew McDowell, deceased tiled by his Ad
ministrator, Oscar 1'. Ent,
11. Tho account of Philip Faust, Administrator ot
Mary r ailse, lato OI uunuiur tow usuiii, ueveuscu.
12. Tho accent of Hiram J. Hcedcr, Executor ot
f icorgo bhlck, lotn ot Catawissa, deceased.
13. Tlio Ilrst and llnnl oecount of A. .7. AHiertson,
Administrator 01 wciuvrrA, iMiue,i:uooi ureen
wood township, deei'iisc'd.
II. The third account ot Wm. II. Yettcr, Adminis
trator or iianici ieiier. laie. 01 jiam eewusmp,
15. The account of f). W. Miller, eiuirdlan of Mary
Mason, minor cnuu ce uuDcri .Mason, iaie ov
lllooms'.urg, deceased.
10. Tho first and final sccount ot Wm. If. Shoema
ker, etuarrtianot James I.. Kclcheldelrer, minor
child ct Michael Helch;ldcltcr, lato of Blooms
burg, deceased.
17. The account of Tj. A. Watson, Executor ot Wil
liam llorber. late ct Madison township, as mod
br Ills Adinhjistralilx, Mary A.Natson.
is, Tho account ot 1) A. Watson, Executor of Es
ther Barber, late of Madison townsutp. deceased,
as Hied by his Administratrix, Mary A. Watson.
19. Tho nrst and nnal account of William U. John.
Administrator ot Codalladtr Ilobcrts, late ot
Montour township, deceased.
20. The ftiia.1 account of J. M. c. Itonk, Executor of
John Mclllck, lato of scott township, deceased.
Hegtstcr's onicc, ) W. 11. JAC01IY,
Bloomsburg, ug. 3, 1S77J ltegtster.
VV The followlnir anDralsemeuts of real and
fiersonal property set apart to widows of decedenta
lave been Bled In the onlce ot tho lteglster of Col
umbia county, under tho ltules ot Court, and will be
ntf-Renteii for absolute connrmatlon to the orphans
Court to bo held In Bloomsburg.ln and for saldconn-
ty, on Monday, tho Bd day of Sept., 1877, at
o'clock p. m., of said day unless exceptions to such
connrmatlon are previously nied. ot which all per
sons interested In said estates will take notice:
widow ot Isaac L. Crj der, late of Centre town
shin, deceased.
widow of Montgomery Cole, lato ot Sugarloaf
township, deceased.
W Idow 01 D A. Bowman, late ot Miniln township
Widow ,ot John Ent, lato ot Scott township, de
ceased. Widow of Jacob Ciowell, late of catawissa lown-
shlp, deceasefl.
. Widow ot John Betshllne, lato of Benton town
ship, deceased.
. Widow ot Henry Fritz, late of Sugarloaf town
ship, ueceasea.
widow ot Joseph c. Hess, late of Benton town
ship, deceased.
Widow ot Edmund Crawford, lote of Mount Pleas
ant townshln. deceased.
M. Widow of Frederick Isler, lato ot Benton town
ship, ucceaseu.
luuw 01 juuu u. uiiuiue, muj 01 ueuma tutvu-
low ot Phiiin D. Kreamer. lato of Greenwood
lownsnip, ueceuseu.
1.1. widow ot John McDowell lato ot Scott township,
ltezlster's OIllco. 1 W. II. J A TOBY
lllooms.burg.Aug. a, lsi7.f Reirlster.
Wheat per bushel..
113 o
S1.25 Foxeel Gaiter nt McKinnev's.
. . 1 Kinrs
j large ii ui new jtucuiugs. Louies iies, 1 iw.tnpq
Embroideries, &c. lust received at Lutz et Dried Apples
, " - I ttnnu
Moan s.
ESTRAY. Wm. W. Miller's cow cslrav-
ed from his premises at 1'orks P, O. Reel
Cow, medium the, about 8 veurs old, with
white spot on right side. The finder will
write to the owner.
Cloverseed , t.isi
Flaxseed .
Butler ,
Good Clothinp nt the very lowest rates.
Call and see his stock,
A ballot being called for the yeas and nays A. J. Evans' new Clothlntr Store, corner
were oruereci sou resulted in 11 votes lor ilr. 01 Jiain ami iron streets, is too placo to buy
Little, and 1U for Mr. Orvis.
Nominations for Coroner being declare.! in
order the names of Isaiah Yeager, James Lake,
and J. n. Crawford were placed before the Con
vention. On a rising vote Yeager received CO
votes, and Crawford 2.
For County Surveyor Isaac A. Dewitt, and
the latter was unanimously nominated, One each, 1-1 eitiort. 10 nuart. 8 nuart. 2
No further business appearing beforo (he 1 quart rails, ami 11 Large Hipper for only 99
sides & Shoulders
Lard per pound
Hay per ton ....
Timothy Seed
vuurATjuna run cuai,
No.on Wuarf t, per Ton
v ,,,,.., .,
No. " " f j.esj
uiacksmitu'suitupon Wharf
Bituminous ' H to
1 1.7s
... l.rsi
,.. .14
... .11
... n.'O
... .eo
lland-niado Shoes at McKinney's.
AH sizes of Fruit Cans at 1 Rollins &
Holmes Store. Quarts nt 85 cents r ilozen.
Tho Rockford Wntcii, tho best American
c. Neyhard were nomlnat'ed. but Ihe 'ZT
cf the former was wllhdrawn, whereupon ,
Convention, on motion It adjourned.
Iram Derr,
J. M. Smith,
Immediately after the adjournment of the
Convention, a meeting of the Standing Com
mittee was held and David Lowtnberg was
elected Chairman and Treasurer for the ensu
ing year, and T, Jeff. Yanderslice Secretary,
The following Is the list of members.
cent nt the I1LOOMSI1URG 99 CENT
STORE. -18 set sold In two weeks. Tre
mendous bargains and everybody availing
iiii-iuEcives ui iub opportunity.
letters of administration. 011 trip est:ifn e,i Pliiilt.
I). Kraamer. latoitllrernwoodtwp, Columbia 111.,
l'a Iiave been grunted by tbo Itcgltter ot Co
lumbia county, to Alexander Kicimer.otsuinc tou n
shin, to m hem all persons Indebted urn renneuti,,!
to male Immediate po incut tend those huvlngclalms
or demands ugulrf-t the mid estate will l,,nke them
Knunn euiuu 1 uit( Acmmsiruior wllliout
myjT," Cw Administrator,
letters of Administration on thn rstntonr uniM,
x.ven-11, utiu 01 eirungti lownsmp. I'uluniMo eoliu
tv. huee btt-n eraiiled liv tlirt hf-iM-itemr i,in
u iu mo unuerngum Aumimtiratora ot Orange
Large rocklnrr chairs for nnrches r nil RSfliH'ft. !! .'r". A,,'f.
.1 - r 1 1 ,1 1 n .7 - - 1 puiu i cm v piv 1 ,. urr 1. ii lu ) t-hf III I lie 111 lor hen It'-
tno rage, l.adnian lias them of all shapes I incut, andthur luuebieu tomalepajmciiiwlihout
?,, ,V,v sun tmuti, uuu 19 selling mem rap-1 " 1, v-mvp
idle. "hnA f,vrn,orl .l,l , -I, Vill i .'. J". 'V. h.U.?7.
now tie nought torn.fjU.
other place at Cadman's.
Cheaper than any
blioulder and Hams bought at
ug. 10, "77 -Cw
TlMtAIAh 1' IVViVij s."W
Orphans' Court Salo
By vlrtuo ot an order of the Orphans' Court ot Co
lumbia county, lue undersigned Administrator
Win. Hess, deceased, will ex pose to public sale on tho
premises on
at ten o'clock, a. ra., tho following described real es
tate situate In the township ot Hugarloar, County
Columbia, bounded and described as follows : pur
part No. a, bounded on the north by lands ot WlUlam
MUitens, on tho east by lands ot Marshall MlUer and
other lands ot tho said William Hess, on tho south
by lands ot Elizabeth MUler, and on tlm west by
lanas 01 tue same, containing
and 74 perches.
And purpart Jo. 4, bounded on tho north bv other
lanus 01 sola v 1111am Hess, be ing purpart No. s. on
ino case, uy lanas 01 Marshal Miller, on tlie south by
lanas of Elizabeth MUler, and on tho west by said
purpart, no. 3, containing
Tbo greater jwrtlon of this Is well Umbered.
Whereon It erected asaw mill In good condition with
ou-nhot wheel, double gcarlug an excellent water
TE11M8 OF SALE. Ten pe r cent, of one-fourth
tlie purchase money to be paid ut tho striking dow
ut thy property, tlm one-fourth liss tho ten pe
cent, at the confirmation of the sate, and tlie re
maining three fourths In one year thereafter with
Interest from conllrmolloii lit El.
Pusm-mIuu will bo given upon security for balance
ot purchase money ut any tune after sale.
July 7, "77 ts Administrator,
At the Columbian Office
ship, deeased.
!. W ldov
For Scrofula, awl nil
scrofulous eliseases, Erysi
jiclas, Rose, or St. Antho
ny's Fire, Eruptions and
Eruptive diseases of the
skin, Ulcerations of tho
Liver, Stomach, Kidneys,
Lungs, Pimples. Pustules.
Si Roils, Blotches, Tumors,
I ettcr, bait lllieum. bcald
Head, Ringworm, Ulcers.
Sores, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Pain in
the Rones, Sidu and Head, Female
Weakness, Sterility, Leucorihcea, arising
from internal ulceration, anil Utcrino
disease, Syphilitic and Mercurial dis
eases, Dropsy, Dyspepsia, Emaciation,
General Deuility, aud for Purifyinp'tUe
This Sarsaparilla is a combination ot
vegetable alteratives Stillingia. Man
drake, Yellow Dock with tho Iodides
of Potassium and Iron, and is the most
efficacious medicine yet known for
tlie eliseases it is intended to cure.
Its ingredients are bo skilfully com
bined, that tho full alterative elfect ot
each 13 assured, aud while it is so mild
as to be harmless even to children, it is
ttill so effectual as to purge out from the
system thosu impurities and corruptio?is
which develop into loathsomo disease.
Tho reputation it enjoys is elerired
from its cures, and tho confidence which
prominent physicians all over the coun
try repose in it, prove tlieir cxperieuco
o its usefulness.
Certificates attesting its virtues have
accumulated, and are "constantly being
received, and ns many o these cases ara
publicly known, they furnish convincing
evidenco of the superiority of this Sar
saparilla over every other alterative,
medicine. So generally is its superi
ority to any other medicine known; that
we need do no mora than to assu'ro tho
public that the best qualities it has ever
possessed aro strictly maintained.
1'iiKi'Aiirn nv
!""Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass.,
Practical and Analytical Chrmlntt.
souj 11 v 111 tinutiaisTS KVEitrwimuK.
Important to Lawyers.
Justices of the Peace, Constables, Executors, Ad
mlulstrators, eiuurdUui, Township urtlccrs, and bu&U
nous men generally.
Wo havo nn hand a largo assortment of legal
blanks for the use ot Attorneys, Justices and Con
biablo's blanks of all Muds, Nolo and Itecclpt bools
for Administrators kc.
fltlOE LIST.
Prcclpofor Bummons.
H. Fix.
' " ltulo to talo repositions.
' e-hoosu Aiburaturs.
t cents apiece, cr f 1.13 per hundred.
Petition for Appointment ot (luardlan.
ltulo to tale Depnltlons.
Narr In Debt, with Confession,
" " Asu in ihlt.
leelianies Lieu.
4 cents each or W-Wjer hundreil.
Petition for saleofffeul Estalo scents each.
KubpcenaK, Suinmonis, Wartants, Eiecutlons,So to
Vi e-eiiu eaeli. a cents each
Illuo IUHHls. ...... w, 10 "
I'urcliioent IK-eds ...... la " "
Agre-i menu ....,..... ...... 0
orphan's Court saUs .. ,... VI) for tl fx
e.'oiistablo's halea..,HH . scenueach
Mortgugu aud llond.,... .....-.., 1J
All Muds of Note-s ..,., 1
iteci-ijKs, Notes, Khool onlers. Poor Orders, 8 ton
Orders, neatly bound, eoiutontly on hand, or made
to order on snort notice.
Wuuiei preparedto doncatcr Job work than any
Editors and rroprletors
ct IheCoLcmtiK,
lilooinsburg, I'a