THE COLUMBIAN, OLVMBIA I'SUOCRAT, 8TAH OrTIIR HOKT1I ANDCOLtH MAN CONSOLIDATED.) (mood weekly, ovcry Friday morning, at W.OO.U8IIUHO, UOI.UMMA COUNT?, l'A. Tiro dollars por year, payable In advance, or (luring thn year. AfUTthe expiration ot tlio year mum will bo eniirgcd. Tb subscribers out of I ho county tlio terms aro 11 per year, strictly In ailvanco l 11 1( not paid In advance anil f3.ou If payment bo delayed botbiul tlio year. No )ui"i' discontinued, except at the option of tlio putillriliers, until all arrearages aro paid, but long continued credits alter tho expiration ot tlio lirst yeaf will not uo given. Alt.papcra sent out ot tho 8 tat o or to distant post offices must bo paid for In advance, unless a respon Blulo person In Columbia county assumes to pay tUo subscription duo on demand, I'Os PAH K Is no longer exacted trom subscribers In lie county, JOB 3?K,I3STXI3SrC3-. Tho .Tobbltif Department ot tho Columbian Is vcr complete, and our J b 1'rlntlng will eomparo favora v wllii that of tlio large cities. All work dono on mam!, neatly and at moderato prices. lie rlri. IX. SM. SM. . j.m I '.oi tteo s.m '.no 4.tO 7.00 1I.00 i.oe n.uo in.' .no IS.M ir. . !. Of SO.II" S(M lot), One Inn , . ,U. Two Indies .c Tliren Inches... 4.'" Knur Inolimi ' uiinrtfir rnlntnn. . . . S.00 riilmnti Id."" U.iki !.' Cllltl COllUIIII I3.W) w.oo W.00 Yearly advertisements payable quarterly. Tts slent advertisements must be paid for before insert exeept where parties liato occounts. Legal atiicrirscmcnts iuuirFi ,' "V77A Inserllons, an at that rato for additional Insertion! without reference 10 icngtH. Executor's, Administrator's and Auditor's notices three dollars. Must bo paid for when inserted. Transient or f.ocol notices, twenty cents aline, regulur advertisements half rates. Cards In the "lluslness Directory" column, one dollar per year for each line. BLOOMSBURGr, PA., FEJDAY, AUGUST 17. 1877. THE COLUMBIAN, VOL. XI, NO. 32 UUIjUMUIA UfiNUUKAT) VUli. ALU, ftU, Si Columbia County Official Directory. president Judge William El well. Assoclato Judges I. K Krtckbaum, F. L. Bliuman. I'rothonotary, sc. H. Frank Zarr. Court stenographer s. N. Walker, teirlster t llecorder Williamson II. Jacoby. District Attorney .Tohn M. Clark, iherlir John w. llonman. survovor Isoao Doivitt. Treamlrnr l)r II. W. Mellevnolds. ommlssloners-jolin Uoracr, 8. W. Mcnonry, JUiepi! .-muni. Commissioners' clerk William Krtckbaum. Auditors M. V. II. Kline, J. I). Casey, 1J. 11. Brown, coroner Charles o. Murpliv. Jury commissioners Jacob II. Fritz, William H. Ctt. county Huocrintendcnt William 11. Hnrder. lllooin Poor District Directors o. I'. Kiit. Scott. Wm. Kramer, Uloomsburg and Thomas ltccce, 400U, u. i unl, secretary. BUSINEfcS CARDS. JyU. J. C. RUTTKK, 1'IHBIUIAN 58UH0E0N, Omc, North Market street. Mar.iV74 Bloomsburg, Pa. J E. 0RV1S, ATTUKNEY-AT-uAW. OFETCK Tlftom No. 1. Pr.liln.tilnn" ItnfMfr,,- Sept. 19,1876. ' gAMUEL KNORR. A T X OBNET Bloomsburg Official Directory. president, of Town Council V. Lowonbcrg. Clcrk-W. Wirt. timet of I'ollco t. O. Woodward President of Has Company S. Knorr. Hecrotarv C. V. Miller. Illooinsourg Hanking company John A. FunBton, President. It. 11. (Iro'z. Cashier. Firs' Na tonal Hank Charles It. Faxton, resident J. 1". Tusttn, cashier. Columbia Count v Mutual Saving Fund and Loan Assocl.vlon-E. II. Utile, President, c. W. Miller, Kniretarv. Uloomsburg Building and Saving Fund Association wm. reacocK, rresiaeni, j.ii. KODison, secretary. Bloomsburg Mutual Saving Fund Assocta'lon J. J. Brower, President, c. u. uarkloy, secretary, CHURCH DIRECTORY. baptist cnnncii. A T-L A W. BLOOMSBUIIO. PA. OfTlCO. Tlartman's Tllftclr. enrner Mntn nml VAt-kM. la.. - ' . . . -. - I ottcvu, UCl. 9. 10 Itev. J. I'. Tus'ln, (Supply.) ! a. m. and o)i p. m. Hunilav services li Knnrliiv school 0 a. m. Prayer Mooting Every Wednesday evening at oj CIOCK. Soiis freo. Tho public aro Invited to attend. 8T. MATTHEW'S LOTnEKAH CnCKCn. Minister Dev. J, McCron. Sunday Services toys a. m. and Wp. m. Uimrlnir tlchnnl an. in. Pra er Meo.lng Every Wednesday evening at in CIOCK. Scats free. No pews rented. All aro welcome. ntRSOYTsniAN cncBcn. Minister Itev. Stuart Mliilicll. Sunday services Via a. im. and otf p. m. Knnilftv H(.hnnl 9 a. m. Prav er Meoi lng Every Wednesday evening at Stf O'CIOOK. seas free. No pews rented. Strangers welcome. Methodist sriscorAi. enencn. Presiding Elder Iter. N. S. Buckingham. Mlulsier Hev. M. I., smyser. Sunday Services low nnd 0M p. m. Wn,t4.. MLlinnt -J n n Illblo Class-Everv Monday evening at 6f o'clock, t'oiing Men's l'raer Mco lng Every Tuesday ..nnlnirnl ftu n'rlni'k-. (lenernl Prayer .Mectlng-Every Thursday ovenlng I O'ClOCK. RRPOKMBD CnUKCll. Corner ot Third and Iron streets, pastor Itev. (1. U. (lurley. ileslilenco Central Hotel. Sunday Servlcca-10)tf a. m. and T p. m. Sunday school 9 a. in. Prayer Meeting Saturday, 7 p. m. All aro Invited There Is always room. ST. PAUL'S CHUKClI. Hector Itev L. Zahncr. Sunday Services liw a, m., la p. m. Sunday School" a. m. i..ipu, Himtimin thM tn,tnt!i. llftlv Cnmmttnlon. Sertlces preparatory to Communion on Friday evening ueiuru mu st nuuuuj in 1-111.11 muuiu. Pews rented i but everybody welcome. KVANOKLICAL C1IUKCU. Presiding Elder Itev. A. L. Itcescr. xtiniiinr Wav .T. A. Irvlnn. Sunday Servlco 3 p. m., in tho Iron strcctChurch. Pra er Meeting Every Sabbath at 8 p. in. All aro Invited. All aro welcome. Tim cncKCtt or ciikist. Meets In "tho llttlo Brick Church on tho hill," known as tho Welsh Baptist church-on nock street east of Iron. ltegular meeting for worship, every Lord's day af ternoon at njf o'clock. scats free ; and tho public aro cordially Invited to aiienu. Q W.JIILLER, ATIOHNEY-AT-LAW onico In Browcr'8 building, Bccond floor, room No. i. Bloomsburg. Pa. Iulvl.78 K. U. rCNC. U E. WAtXKR. FUNK & WALLER, Attoi noys-afLnw, BLOOMSBURG, PA. omco In Columbian Bcii.MNO. Jan. 19, "77-ly Q V. & W. J. BUCKALEW, Al 101iaiilS.AT.LAff, Bloomsburg, Pa. onico on Main Street, first door below Court IIouso fliur.o, (4 F. A J. sr. CLARK, ATTUHNKY3-AT-LAW omco In Ents Building. F.r Bloomsburg, Pa. April 10,'74 BILLMEYER, ATTOIINEY AT LAW. Office Adjoining C. It. & W. J. Buckalew. Bloomsburg, Pa. Apr. u,1t. B. H. I ITTI.E. ROBT. K. LITTLE. II. & R. R. LITTLE, ATTOItNEYS-AT-LAW, Bloomsburg, Pa. tw"nuslnes before the D. s. Patent Offlco attended to. Office In tho Columbian Building. 39 E.1 jgliOCKWAY & ELWELL, A 1 1U 11 Pi 1 SS-A A W, Columbian BcuniNO, Bloomsburg, Ta. CMcmbcra of tho United States Association. ouections maao in any port of America or tiurope. jy ILLIAJI BRYSON, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Ccntralia, Fa. Fsb 13, '78. MISCELLANEOUS. II O W E L L, DENTIST. Offlco In llortman's Block, second floor, corner Main and Market streets, BLOOMSBUItQ, FA. May20-1y. TIOWN'S HOTEL. Bloomnburc. Fa B. i stohner. Proprietor. Accommodations Urst- class. $1.25tol.60pcraay. ltcstaurani auacnea, Octobers, tis-u BLOOMSBURG DIRECTORY. CfCHOOL ORDERS, blank, just printed and neatly bound In small books, on hand and tor salo at tho Columbian offlco. Feb. 19, lBia-tl f.ANK DEKDS. on l'urcliniint nnd Linen Paper, common and tor Admlnlsi ratoiB, Execu and trustees, for Bale cheap at tho Columbian Office. Tt .rAItUlAOK CERTIFICATES init printed VI ana for Bale at the Columbian omco. Jllnls- turu ot the oospel and Justices should Bupply them- Belyes with these necessary articles. TUHTICKHnnd Constables' Fee-Bills for sale 9f at tho COLUMBIAN omce. -iney uuiiuuu muw tna na nc,nhlihp,1 liv thn lattt Act of tho LetT- alatureupon the subject. Every Justice and Con- I table sbouia have one. TfENDUE NOTES just printed and for sale f CnCap UbUlU ULUUUIAn Ulliw-i CLOCKS, WATCHES, &C. Watches Just below the Central JI. DRINKER, GUN and LOCKSMITH. ewlng Machines and Machinery of all kinds re paired. Opera House Building, Bioomeourg, l-a. Ulb 1, tO Tew burg and C E. SAVAGE, Dealer in Clocks, .V- Hotel, and Jowelry, Main St., PROFESSIONAL CAB.DS. THOKN'IDN wnnlfl nnnntinen to the citizens of Blooms- nirir and vicinity that he has lust received a full and compicio asscrimenb ot WALL PAPER, WINDOW SHADES, FIXTURES, CORPS, TASSELS, and all other goods In bis line ot business. AU the newest and most approved patterns of the day are always toboroundlnhls establishment. Main street, bolow Market. oct, S.1t -yILLTAM Y. K ESTER, MJilitJJrlAiN'l.' XAiJUUtt corner of Main and West ttreets, threo doers below J, K. Ejers store, moomtourg, ra. All orders promptly attended to and Bnttsf action guarantt'uti. Aprnxi, it-it Q (1. HARK LEY. Attorney-at-Law. Oflice "T1REAS BROWN'S INSURANCE AGEN In Tirower a Duimmg', na BLory, wuia . o. j ux, Bxcnange noiei, uioomauurg, i-u. SHERIFFS SALES. By vtrtno of sundry writs to mo directed will bo exposed to public salo at tho Court IIouso In Bloomsburg, at ono o'clock p. m. on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 3d, 1877, tho following real estate to-wlt t AU that certain tract ot unseated land sltuato In Mlfllln township, Columbia county, bounded by land ot Bantel Nungesser, Abrnm Schweppenhotser and others-containing two hundred acres more or less. ALSO, Ono lot ot ground sltuato in tho Town of Mifflin- Mile, Columbia county, bounded and described as follows i on tho north by 2d street, east by lot ot Joseph Mastellcr, south by 8d or Main street, west by lot of A. J. Buckaiew.whercon are erected a frame house, barn and out-bulldlngs. ALSO, Ono lot of ground sltnato In M inunvllle, Columbia sounty, Pennsylvania, bounded on tho north by 24 street, oast by street south by sa or Main street, west by lot John of Keller, being as .feet front and 230 feet deep. ALSO, All tho defendant's title In ono lot of ground sltu ato In Minifnvtlle, Columbia county, Pennsylvania, bounded on tho north by 2d street, cost by lot of lonn Keller, south by 3d or Main street and west by lot of Theodore Fedder, ALSO, AH tho defendant's title In four lots ot ground slt uato in tho town of Mlflllnvlllc, Columbia county. Pennsylvania, bounded on the north by 3d or Main street, east by street, south by 4 th street, an 1 west by lot ot Michael Entitle, containing ono and. a-half acres more or less: Seized, taken Into execution and to bo sold as tho property of John Keller, ALSO, On all that certain lot ot land sltuato In Briar creek township Columbia couuty, Pa., bounded nnd described as follows to wit t On tho north by land ot Jesse Hicks, cast by lands of Daniel l'urcel, south by Susquehanna Itlver, and west by land ot 1). A. Bow man, containing ano hundred and six acres and 17 perches; on which Is erected n Two Story Ilrlck Dwelling House, Framo Barn and other buildings, all improved. ALSO, An Island In tho Susquehanna Itlver opposlto tho above and to bo sold In connection therewith con. tatnlng about 14 acres. ALSO, Ono other pleco of land adjoining tho abovo con. tatnlng 43 acres and 8 perches described In two pieces as follows : one bounded on t ho east by land of lato Stephen Thomas, south by Susquehanna Im cr, west by Wm. L. Freas and north by the Canal, con talnleg 39 acres and 27 perches. Tho other bounded by land of Mrs. Sponenberger, Daniel Purcell, Pub lic Road, nnd tho Canal containing 4acres and&l perches. Seized, taken Into execution and to bo sold as tho property of Wm. L. Freas. ALSO, On tho following described lot or pleco of ground sltuato In tho Town of Bloomsburg, Columbia coun ty, PennsYlvanta, bounded on the north by nn alley east by Iron street, south by lot ot Thomas Vannat- ta and west by lot of Jono McUrlde, being about ono hundred foot front on Iron Btrect and slxty-slx feet deep on alley, whereon Is erected a Framo Dwelling House, a Framo wagon-maker shop and blacksmith shop. 'tald lot will bo sold to suit purchasers, either In the whole or In two parcels. One lot ot about w feet front on Iron street, contalng tho wagon maker shop and smith shop, and the balanco about SO feet on same street, containing tho dwelling house. Seized, taken Into execution and to be sold as tho property of A. S. Crowilej-. ALSO, All that certain real estate sltuato In Main town ship, Columbia county, Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to-wlt : On tho north byland of John Oearhart, on tho east by land of Joseph tlel ger, on tho west by Und of , on the south by public road, containing flf ty-slx acres more or less. seized, taken Into execution and to bo sold as tho property of Isaao Yetter. ;also, Tho following real estate situate In Madison township, Columbia county, Pennsylvanla,descrlbcd as follows: Bounded on tho north by James Kln len and Funston, east by Kinney Shultz, south by heirs of J, W, Olrton and west by Wm. McNInch e u at., containing eighty acres rooro or less, whereon aro erected u framo dwelling house, framo barn and out-bulldlngs. Seized, taken Into execution and to be sold ns the property ot Frank Graham and William Graham, ALSO, All that certain piece ot land situate in Scott town ship, Columbia county, Pennsylvania, bounded and desrlbed as follows : On tho north and west by land ot Mary L. noppcr, on tho south and cast by public road, containing one-half acre more or less, whereon are erected a frame dwelling house with tho appurtenances. Seized, taken tnto.exocutlon and to bo sold as tho property of William Hopper. ALSO, Poetical.' THK FIRST CLIENT. BY IRWIN RUSSELL, (a leoal mrrr to be bito without chorus to the Aln Or "THE KINO'S OLD COURTtlB," John smith, a young attorney, Just admitted to tho bar, Was solemn nnd sagacious as as.youngattorneys aro; And a frown ot deep abstraction held the seizin ot his face, Tho result of contemplation of tho rulo In Shelly's case. Ono day In tcrra-tlmo Mr, Smith was sitting In tho Court, When somo good men nnd trua ot tho body ot tho county did on their oath report. That heretofore, to wltt upon tho second day of May, A. D, 1877, about tho hour ot noon, In tho county and Stato aforesaid, one Joseph Scroggs, lata ot said county, did then and there feloniously take, steal and carry away Ono bay horso, ot the valuo of fifty dollars, moro or less, (Tho samo then and there being of tlio property. goods and chattels ot ono Hczeklau 11 ess) ; Contrary to tho statute In such caso expressly made And provided ; and against tho pcaco and dignity of the Stato wherein tho venuo had been laid. Tho prisoner, Joseph Scroggs, was then arraigned upon this charge, And plead not guilty, and ot this ho threw lilmscll upon tho country at largo ; And said Joseph being poor, tho Court did gracious. ly appoint Mr. Smith to defend hlm-much on tho samo principle that obtains In every charity hospital, where a young medical student Is often sent to rectify a serious Injury to an organ or a Joint. Tho witnesses seemed prejudiced against poor Mr. Scroggs ; And tha district attorney mado a thrilling speech, In which lie told the Jury that it they didn't find tor tho State Uo reckoned he'd have to "walk their logs ;" Then Mr. Smith arose and made his speech for the defense, Wherein ho quoted Shakespeare. Biackstone, Chltty Archbold, Joaquin Miller, story, Kent, Tuppcr, Smedcs and Marshall, and many other writers, and ever body Bald they "never heered slcha burst of eloquence." And ho said : "On 'this' hypothesis, my client must go free ;" And: "Again, on 'this' hypothesis It's morally im posslblo that ho could bo guilty, don't you seo 7" And : "Then, on 'this' hypothesis, you really can't convict ;" And so on wlth'forty-Blx moro hypothcses,upon none ot which, Mr. Smith ably demonstrated, could scroggs bo derelict. But tho Jury, never stirring from the box wherein they sat, returned a verdict of 'guilty,' and his Honor straightway sentenced Scroggs to a three- 5 ear term In the penitentiary, and a heavy nnc, and the costs on top of that ; And the prisoner, in wild delight, got up and danced and sung; And when they asked bun tho reason of this strango behavior, ho said : "It's becausq I got off bo easy, for If thcre'd ha' been a few more of them darned 'hypothesises' I should certainly have been hung 1" In Seribner. ict. 15, '75. nil. WM. M. HEBEK. Surireon and Physi 1 J clan, onico s. E. corner ltock and Market streets. .fltna, Ins Co., of Hartford, Connecticut. Liverpool, lxmuon tutu uiuuu.... ltoyalof Uvi ivemool.... Lanconshlre Fire Association. Philadelphia. i, TMr A-ua r t-i c.,.r..n otwI Phva, . I Atlasof Ilartfora clanr(6mco aVd iadencobon Third street, 5522 D4nrtUo- corner Jefferson. II. McKELVY. M. D.. Surccon and I'liy- Blclan, north side Main street, below Market. Home, New York... Canltal. ,, 6,600,0011 . ?0,ls 11,01 . 13 600,001) , 10,000, 00 . 8.100.000 & 0,000 ,. 1,000,000 75.000 5,lO,O00 JB. ROBISON, Attorney-at-Law. . In llortman's building, Main street. omce H ROSENSTOCK, Photographer, , Clark Wolf's Store, Main street, MISCELLANEOUS. AVID LOWENBERG, Merchant Tailor Main St., ubovo Central Hotel. commercial Union 17,000,000 1178,958,000 Marcn 20,11 y The Columbian Law Docket, A complete record for tho use of attorneys. Con veniently arranged for tho docketing of all cases containing 600 pages, with doublo Index. Tills Is tho most corapleto book tor lawyers that Is pub. llshed. PRICE, $3.50. The following tract of land Htuato In Montour township, Columbia county, Iennsjlvanla,descrlbed as follows, to-wlt : on the north by lands ot Gideon rlst, east by land tt.lncob Glrton, eoiiti by land . widow Digger, west by land of Ellas digger, containing twenty-six acres moro or less, whereon aro erected a dwelling house, barnand out-bulld lngs. seized, taken Into execution and to bo sold as tho property ot Christian Heist, CONDITIONS OF SALE .Purchasers must pay ten per cent, ot tho purchaso money, or at least enough to cover all costs at striking downot salo othcrwlso property to bo resold at once. JOHN W. HOFFMAN, aug. 10, 77-ts Sheriff. SHERIFFS SALE ! By virtue of sundry writs of Issued out of the Court ot Common Pleas ot Columbia co., and to me directed, will be exposed to public Bale at tho on D T S. KUIIN, dealer it, Meat, Tallow, etc., piged DV BrOCkwaV & ElW6ll Court IIouso in Bloomsburg at two o'clock p, J- ' . , , SATURDAY, AUGUST 20, 1877, 'TriIEN YOU WANT A FIKST-CLASS liUltors ana x-ropneiora oi iuo v,ui.uim.n, T SUAVEor anything In tho TONSOltlAL line go 10 JAMES HKLESE JEUADU. TIIIJ STORY OF THE GREATEST OF MODEKN PRIEONKllS. RIilLLY'8 BABBEK SHOP, THE BEST IN TOWN, Under Exchange Hotel, Bloomsburg, Pa. Oct, 13, 15 CATAWISSA. VXTM. H. ABBOTT, Attorney-at-Law, Main 1 1 street. M. L. EYERLY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Catawlssa, Fa. Collections promptly mado and remitted. Office opposite Catawlssa Deposit Bonk. Cin-38 wanted? $50 to $200 Per Month A New, Cleab and Concise x Universal History commencing with the earliest periods, closing March, 1B7I. X volumes ot the World's great, Grand I History In one. ancient, Middle Aaiu, and mod- I xitN.'inciuaing History or centennial exmoition, Inauguration of President Haves and Turkish diffi culties, A book of thrilling Interest and universal Died. Sells fastei than any other. Beautiful lllas- u-auons, low prices, quick sales, extra terms, circu lars freo. Address J, C McCUltDY & CO., Philadel phia, Pa.; Cincinnati, O.: Chicago, 111.; St. Louis, ""J. d une xv, i (-taw Baboock & Wyeth's Ads Is taken Internally, and PoMUvcly. Cures lthoumo tlsm. (lour, Neuralgia and Lumbago. ir"Sold by Who esote and lletall Druggists everywhere. Send tnr rlri'iiiiir in. xlrTM'IlWVHf Tvw iimtin t?v Drueirl&tM- W&f.iiiiitFir.n n KSTATK Or JES88 ZAKKR, UECElftID, The unaerslfrned auditor nnnolntrd hv thn nr. imuua" v-uuivm vuiuiuujt cuumy. u loheprooioi 1IU.10, muv uhwi tun t:ivpi 1U1IO UIVU ufttuunL or A bra Im in WaJtman. jxt'utor fir -tateof JeftBoZaiier.iateur UrUrcrtek towusMp, de c?iutL'd. will attend to the duties ot lila anDolntniont Kvau'a fjuUdlne, corner of Halo sua Iron uTrcets.'on Friday I lie ml day ot Auguu, ltTT, at 10 o'clock, a. July so, TMw. Auditor, DCCl-tl J. H. MAIZE'S MAMMOTH GROCERY contains the largest stock of TEAS, GBOOERIES QuEuDsrae, Glassware, Wiwtaare, Canned Fruits, Dried Fniits, CONFECTIONERIES, & to to found In Columbia county. A Complete Asiorlnient always on hand. Call and examine. Jan 1,1617. "YAINWRIOIIT & CO., N, K. Corner Second and Arch Streets, Philadelphia, Dealers in TBAB. BTBUlU. COFFKB, BUQAlt, MOLASSM ic, ericas, mcaei soda, o., to. ivorders will receive prompt attention. if. ALU, U EACH, IUO. K. H TUIIK, CUAS, . I0WAKPS. WM. It. IIAOENLIUCH, WITU ... . .... (Successors to nenedlct Coney & tons, m Market u, rev, ' Importers and dealers In CHINA, OIjATS AND QUEENSyARE, m Market bum, fhlhtdelnhlo. ConsUntly on liand Original and Auortcd Packages June "77-ly Tho following teal estato sltuato in tho town ot Bloomsburg, Columbia county, Pennsylvania, boun ded and described as follows, to-wlt i On tho north by I). L. & W. ltallroads, east by lotot Peter 11111- meycr, Bouth by setenth street, and westbyiotcf IsloomshurgGaH company, containing three-fourths ot an aero moro or less, whereon ore erected a largo two-story brick foundry and machine shop, a framo waro house, frame blacksmith shop, framo car shop. together with engine, and boilers, lathes, fans, drill press, belts, pulleys, grindstones, boring machines, llosks, patterns, and all Uiturcs, tools and machin ery belonging thereto. Seized, token into execution and to bo sriaas tho property ot Samuel Tnrnbach and Wins -M. Hess. CONPITIONS 01" SALE. Purchasers must pay ten per cent of tho purchaso money, or at least enough to cover all costs at striking down of sale otherwise property to be rcsoia at once. ALSO, On all that certain real estate tltuato in Green wood township, Columbia county,: Pennsylvania, bounded aud described as follows, to-wlt: On tho north by land ot llarvln Kline, east by land of Jo seph Keller, south by land of II. Kitchen and others, and weBt by land of Marvin Kline, containing 40 acres moro or less, on which aro erected a frame dwelling house and barn with the appurtenances. belied, taken into execution and to bo sold as uo property of Leonard Kline. JQUtJ W. HOFFMAN, Aug. J, 17-ts Sheriff, pnOTHONOTARY'8 NOTICE. "cntJcolHherebviriventbat mlttee ot Levi Mturr, a lunatic Los rued an account in thn office nf the Prothcnotary of Colombia coun ty, which will be presentfra to iuo uouriior connr- IHUIIUUUIl IJll, lUMllll UB, Jt r(nituu(i iicmiuu iinfticeDUODH u mru vtiuumuur wuo uieretuicr. IUO sumo win uo cunurturu. Also the account of C. W. Miller. Trustee tore. ceive and Fay out moneys duo on mortcaKesfrom Anna Millt r and 1 evl A. llldlay and J. K. Alkinanto Levi A. itiaiay wnicu win oe prrsenieaiotno ioun uttne saoo lime bou stiujeti tu tne aitiiio iuui' lions lorvumiliusiiuu us tuuuuvtu ativuiit. AIM), the account ot G. J. McUenry. Cfimro lltee o Wclluer a. Kline, a lunutlc. which will bo present. td to the Court at the timo time, ana subject to tlio samo conditions for ccnmmauon as iho above ac counts. II. FRANK ZAIUt, Frotu'y, July80.isil-aug.8-iw WE WITM! Chrouos,ln French oil colo ono and one-halt down most neauuim n e.w iirointia. in Frenrn on color, over sten ror si.eo. They aro mounted In sxm block ensmtl and gold mats, uvat uiiemuir utiu uuttivit utiiumiic uuw uvturu the pubUc. Two samples for SO cents, or six samples for to cents. Hend 10 tents for Brand Illustrated cat- alcguewlth Chramocf Mocnllgbt on the Iihlne, or to rents lor two landscapea and Calla Lilies on black ground. J. LATHAM CO., i Washington street notion, Mass. Jladuuarters for Chroinoo, iuigritviui.'a tutu Af A Works. A June 8, "II Juno ttptunl CHOOSING A NAMK. CUABLES LAUD. I have got a new-born Bister ; I was nigh' the flrst that kissed her, When the nursing woman brought her To Papa, his infant daughter, How Papa's dear eyes did glisten 1 She will shortly bo to christen I And Papa has mado the ofTer I shall havo the naming of her. Now I wonder what would please her, Charlotte, Julia or Louisa. Ann and Mary, they're too common ; Joan's too formal for a woman ; Jane's a prettier name beside ; Hut we had a Jano that died, They would say, If 'twas ltcbecca, That Bho was a llttlo (Quaker. Edith's pretty, but that looks Better In old English books, linen's left otT long ago ; ltlanche Is out ot fashion now. None that I havo named as yet Are so good as Margaret, Kmlly Is neat and fine. What do you think ot Caroline 7 How I'm puzzled and perplext What to or think of next I I am In a llttlo feter. Lost the namo that I shall give her bhould disgrace her or defame her, 1 will leave papa to name her. In 1833 Helens became house servant and cook to JI, LoDrago, cure of Oucrn. In Ills hotiso seven persons died between tho 28th ot Juno and the 3d of October, among whom were hlmsclf.hU father nnd bis moth- er,and Heleno's sister Anna. AU died with the samo symptoms, copious vomitings and acute abdominal pains ; all had eaten of dishes prepared by Holcne, and had been at tended by licr in their last moments, and over each death-bed she had wept bitterly, but remarked with sinister significance, "This will not be the last." Only one corpse was examined, that of tho priest, and then Dr. Gabzaln contented himself with saying that there had been Inflammation of the in testines and Berlous disorders of the diges. tivo organs. Another physician, Dr. Mar t el, felt nearly convinced that there1 had been foul play, but so pious was the conduct of tho suspected woman that he did not care to Insist upon this theory ? in. Helene's next engagement was with the new cure of Ilubry, M. Lorho, where she succeeded her sister Anna. There three persons died In as many months JIarie Jeanne Llsconet, her aunt, and the priest's sister and niece. They all exhibited the samo symptoms which had attended upon tho death of tho invalids of Ouern. Helcne passed many nights watching beside their bedsides, and M. Lorho's sister was eo con vinced of her devotion that she would accept a drink from no other hand. From liubry Hclene moved to I.ocmlnc, where slio bound herself out to a washwo man, I.cboucher. Her mistress and a daugh ter died, but tho other child, a boy, taking an aversion to .Uelene, refused to receivo food or tnedicino from her hands, and re covered. Ileleno left tho house speedily, saying "I fear I may bo accused of all these deaths. Wherever I go Death follows me i" '.This was true. The widow Lorey took her in, ato one of her soups and died. "Un happy woman that I am," said Ilelone, fall ing on her dead mistress's neck, "wherever I go they die." liny 9, 1835, sho hired out to Jltne.Toussaint, at Locmine, where four persons did not hesitate to die, her mistress aril her husband, tho lady's maid and at last the daughter of household.who perished almost immediately after eating ono of Helene's broths. Thence the woman went to a convent at Auray, whenco she was ex pelled for maliciously damaging property. Sister Anno Lecorvec, who conducted a pub- lie mission nt some little distance, received, her and died within forty-eight hours. On the day of the burial Helcno left nnd took scrvico with lime. Anno Lefur. Sho fell sick, but, having her suspicions, got rid of her servant and recovered. The servant then went to one Mme. Hetel, but this woman's son, having heard of her conduct at the convent, put her out of doors. Too late, however. Mme. Hetel had eaten of several dishes prepared by her servant, and her death ensued in a few days. Hel ene's fatal record did not prevent her from finding employment in tho family of ono M Jouaiino, whose son, aged fourteen, speedly V. I died ; but, as the boy had been in the habit of drinking vinegnr, tho doctor laid tho in testinal pains and inflammations to the ac count of that habit. Not long thereafter ileleno found a homo at Hennebon with a M. Kernllic, who was just recovering from an intermittent fever. A cup of tea pre pared by her hands and her sleepless minis tering beside his bed ended him. In 1839 tho Bame servant was employed by a Mme, Neron, and this mistress died as speedily nnd with exhibition of the samo symptoms. Such wai tho Indictment framed against her; during the readingof which tho pris oner was suddenly seized with a hysterical attack, and lifting her hands to Heaven fu riously called, in an almost inarticulate bab ble, upon God and the Holy Virgin to attest her innocence and deliver her. At tho same time tho witnesses who were present began crying aloud for justice upon her, this bid ding her restore a wife, that a mother, the other a child, making furious attempts tho while to get at the prisoner and tear her to pieces ; so that it was with the utmost diffi culty that the gendarmes could save her and restore quiet. Tho prisoner had strenuously denied her crime, and declared that she had never used arsenic, neither ever bought any, neither had any one ever seen any arsenic In her possession. Indeed, though science clearly Bhowed that the deaths of tho latest victims had resulted from arsenical poison lng, no traco of the deadly drug was to bo found, was ever found in the prisoner's box es or haunts, nor could any one be discover ed who knew of her having it. VI. Her examination presented nothing that was sensational. She denied everything, ad' mltted that she had tended the dying beds of those with whose deaths she was charged, bnt laid their perishing to her ill-luck Ill-luck which sho could not understand Her language, strongly Infused with Breton Idioms, was clear, Intelligible, and even mocking. Sho recurred repeatedly to her pet phrases, "Oh, for certain ;" "I speak truth as if it was the angelm;""! dearly love the child, because, like myself, she had Sainte-Helene for patroness;" "The blessed Salnte-Anne can Bay If I am lying," and so on. Pressed with the facts of the deaths of her late fellow servants, sho said: "If Qod ever places me beside a sick person; not a bite nor a drop will I give that person even if ho were dying; see what my good nature has brought me to. I know nothing about any poison and, Lord willing, I never will. I have suffered much, but God will give me grace to endure all. If I did not die while n prison it was because Jesus sustained me. He knew all about me." "In threo months," said tho Judge, "threo servants working with you fell asleep ; all three showed symptoms of poisoning with arsenic ; no one but you fed and nursed them, and yet you claim to be innocent I If you aro you must have very bad luck some how or other." "Exactly, sir; that h just it I have very bad luck," VII. There wero seventy-one witnesses exam ined, Marie Leboucher said that when she engaged Helene her mother had a whitlow on her finger. "I fear she will dio said the prisoner. "Impossible ; a whitlow is a triv ial thing." "Yes; but wherever I go death comes in at the door." Tho widew Cadic testified that Ileleno had cried upon her neck, and said she was a moBt unhappy "Seeing the Elephant." Tho Milkmen of Naples. I will tell you how the oft-quoted saying I must tell you about the NeapoliUa originated. You will bear In mind that It milkmen, for they are funny fellows. TMy Is not a result of great surprise and wonder- do not have a wagon and horse m our milk- mentto a man that leads him to say, he has men have, or even a pall ana dipper, lnej "scen tho felephant," but It la when ho has have only little threo-leggod itooU tied to been wofully "taken in and dono for." themselves (so that when they wnt toil! Thus it was ; down they are all ready), and they drive Years ago-from 1831 towards the present their cows and goats before them to the dlf- Tom Tufts, of Maiden, Mass., owned a ferent houses, and milk them at the door In menagerie and circus j and I think ho was a bowl provided uy eacn customer, no tho first Showman at any rate, of New chance of watered milk there, you see. England to present the two sources of mis Is not toe queerest part oi it, tnougn. amusement In combination. He had a full As I have said, Italian houses are terr grswn elephant, ono oftho largest and finest high-five, six, and seven stories oOen, with specimens over brought from Its native a different family living on each floor. Even haunts, and in those years be sure it was a the paiazzoi (paiacesj oi tne ncnare aivmea curiosity. In traveling through tho coun- In this way. To the first floor (not the try It was Tua's practice to take the huge grounu uoorjtnere are sometimes iromeigmy beast from fown to town under cover of tho to one hundred marble steps leading up. On night, nnd, when possible, to secure quar- this floor perhaps a duko may live J on the ters in advance in the barn of n responsible next above, some one lower in rank, till It farmer. On n certain occasion the ngent would net be imposslblo that the noble had secured quartets for the monstrous duko's laundress might live in the seventh quadruped in a great open shed, flanking a story of his palazzo. Theso uppermost farai- barnyard where he saw a hull roaming at lies usually take goavs mtir, Decauso me liberty. Ho had made his arrangements for goats can go up stairs, even to the very top quartering and feeding the elephant, after floor, and be milked in full view of the cus- which he said to the owner of the place that tomerl he had better secure the bull or drive him Part of llttlo Palo'a pleasure was In pat away, before the elephant's arrival, ting tho goat that came up to his grand "What for?" asked the farmer. mother's door, rubbing its little nose and "Why," replied the agent, "your bull giving it roasted chestnuts to eat. After it might find himself in dangerous company If was milked, the goat would turn and skip ho were hero when the elephant comes. down the stairs so briskly that the milkman Now that bull had been for a lone time could not begin to keep up with it.-JVo woman, for wherever sho went death follow ed her. "Iliey said in the town," continued the worthy widow Cadic, "that her liver was white, so that whenever she breathed on any one .that person died. I was so afraid of her that when we went to the confessional together I would not enter It after her." A doctor, M. Toussaint, whose father and mother had been poisoned, andhissupicions especially as he ha l Been tho prisoner using a white powder in a mess she was cooking, but did not caro to make an autopsy. "My In 1841 sho was found at Lorienr, engaged as family said he, "oppo-ed tho proportion, cook in the family of M. Dupuy de Lome, A llttlo grand daughter, aged two years and I a half, died almost immediately, and next day the other threo members of the family fell ill. They all recovered, but for many years thereafter felt tho workings of tho poison in their frames. In tho eiht years from 1832 to 1811, a period which, by tho way, was covered under the ten years' pre scription law, Ileleno Jeg.ido had taken twenty-three lives, besides making five mur- i uerous attempts. IV, It was not till seven years thereafter that this egregious criminal was again heard of. She filled several positions in the iutcrinr. as they considered that tho priioner's inani fest piety removed her from the scope of sus picion." A woman of Auray said, vividly : "laming with her wns talking with death.' Another had seen her in company with a dark man, apparently a soldier, hut "really tho Devil, tn whom sho had sold herself. The Mayor of Auray testified that the cure had warned him one day at dinner, when Helene served tho repast, that the woman's presence was fatal. Two day's later the Mayor's mother-in-law died, nnd he had great difficulty in inducing the daughter to dis charge the woman, berauso sho had nursed poor ma so tenderly and used to go to church Miscellaneous. at nearly all being accused or proyen guilty 8 regularly.." M. Bidard told how, when of theft. November 0, 18-19, M. -Ileebot, of Hosalie, tho last victim, died in Helene's Itennea, engaged her; December 20 bis son arms, the cure Bald to him seeing that tbo died. The child had been ill for some timo yng g' "as kissing the hands of hermur master of tlio situation, and his owner did not think tho animal lived that could over come him in a fair fight. "Look here, "squire," ho said, the old Adamic spirit strong within htm, "I guess it would bo your elephant that would find himself in danger. At any rate, I'll risk my critter if you'll risk yours." The showman assented. In due time the elephant arrived, and was lead to the great open shed, were food and drink was supplied. The bull was eviden tly surprised ; but ere long surprise gave place to rage. Ho fancied this was Borne uncouth monster sent in there on purpose to humble him to humble him who had never yet been humbled by anything of earthly mould. The thing was aggravating; It was not to be endured. lie faced the colossu, with flaming eyes, ploughing tho earth with bis horns, and Bending forth a defiant roar ; and anon he prepared for work. He advanced first by parallels, as though to attack in front ; then he made a detour, as though for a flank movement. The elephant bad stopped eat ing, and was quietly watching tho signifi cant movement of the native. The two eyes wero very Btnall for so large a beast but they were wondrously bright nnd quick for all that. At length the bull flung his bannered tall to the breeze, and with a terrific roar plunged forward to the onset. Tho elephant must have been considering, for a human face could not have expressed more satisfaction than did his express when he saw tho game thus approaching a crisis. He had not been in fear of the threatened antagonist, but had been anxiously wonder ing how the fellow would attack. Suspense is painful. Ah 1 ho saw now. On plunged tho swart- browned taurus, evidently intending to dis embowel the mountain of flesh before him. The keen twinkle of the elephant's eye was a study ; his heavy trunk was gracefully curved inward and raised on high, and then at the proper moment, like the snap of a rille.-cock, that prodigious trunk shot out ward and still upward, and then came down came down like the ponderous ram of a pile-drive, came down like as though forty thunderboltH had been held in check until that moment, and had then burst at the base nf that terrible proboscis. The blow fell upon the bull's neck and shoulders, and sent him to earth as though lightning had struck him. The proboscidian cocked his head on ono sido, and considered further. A few seconds and he then bent his brow and ran his beautifully perfect tusks under the prostrate body until they lay between the "The Coral Fither and hit Wife," St. JWcAo- lai for August. Did they Git the Male ? At the Jacksonville (111.) asylum for feeble-minded children one of the young lady teachers sought to Interest her class deeply by telling tho story of Absolom. Dwelling, with all a woman's tact and persuasive elo quence, upon the dreadful end of a wayward, wilful life, and giving special emphasis to the most important moral lesson suggested by the fact that the young man Absolom, re sisting all the better Influences which sur rounded him, rebelled against a kind father and yet a more loving heavenly Father, she hud in simple, earnest language wrought up the story with chief reference to its moral impressions upon those half-demented chil dren. Curious to know what had been the degree of her success, she requested them to ask questions about anything in the story that most interested them. Not over flat tering to her was the result when one of the little fellows, looking up with the utmost simplicity, eagerly asked, "Did they git the mule?" In the Country. "My folks aro going to the country to be gone all summer," enthusiastically exclaim ed a little Detroit girl as she met another oa Cass avenue. "Your pa must be' awful rich," replied the second. "Oh, no, he isn't ; but if you'll never tell anybody I'll tell you something." "I never will hope to die if I do," "Well, then, pa was telling ma that we'd all go out to Uncle John's. Ma shall work for her board, pa will work in the saw mill, I'll pick berries and ride horse to plough corn, brother Tom will go around with tho lightning rod man, and while you folks are in the awful heat we'll be putting on airs and fixing over our old clothes for fall. Don't you tell,now,for ma is saying to every body tbat she must have the country air to restore her shattered nerves." but grew rapidly woreo under the treatment of the Jegado during the last nino days of its life, a dish of soup served by her ending its existence. February 3, 1850, the father gave her warning, aud the next day he and his wife were smitten down. After ridding themselves of the girl they recovered, though for years they were sensible of tho effects of tho drugs administered. Thnco Helene went to tha liotiso of the Ozannes nnd al most immediately their baby died with vomitingsnnd convulsions. Tho next day she changed her qearters to an inn. The innkeeper's mother-in-law reproached her with untidiness, fell sick at dinner the Bame day and did not completely overcomo her Vim Uitiu-r Dinos. An intoxicated German got on a Hudson river train at Kinderhook to go to Troy ; and the Budgt of that city says: "He threw his satchel down In a corner of the car, took a seat, and was soon asleep. On awaking he said he left his baggage at Kinderhook, and aked the boy employed on the train what he should do to recover it. The latter, who had seen the German place his satchel la earth and tho bovino mass like a pair of the corner, replied : "You give me thirty giant arms, and then, with not a great effort CDta ani1 l'a telegraph to Kinderhook to deress and insisting on having her by her bedside until the last. "There, sir, you see together the most perfect Innocence and the most complete guilt on this earth," VIII. In tho defense It was testified by medical experts that the prisoner was an anomaly," that some organ must be unaccountably and Immeasurably defective, thus irresistibly im pelling her to crime. "If sho were set at liberty to-morrow she would begin again to take life. Killiug Is with her an instinct, a necessity. Her organic nature is perverse ; and her science discharges a holy mission in declaring, for the honor of humauity, that I. Fodr days after tbeconn ih'ttat of Decern ber2, 851,an immense crowd of liretons pressed to Itennes to witness the trial of tho servant, Helene Jegado, author ot thirty four poisonings, of which twenty-seven had resulted fatally, these crimes extending over period of eighteen years and having beeu committed with a futility nnd an impunity day anil unl not completely overcomo ner this woman is ono of Nature's mistakes. It on v exnl cable becauso of the sunerst t bus "mess lor ciguieen monins. ner leuow- may be ob ectetl that the murderous nst net ignorance, the sordid avarice, and the re- servant, a girl named Mace, attracted her does not nece-Karily Involve exclusive resort pugnance to figuring in court proceedings ""'"" " ai "" 1011 " Auey were to-loxlo means, t reply that It is with mur till ho conspicuous in tho Western provinces nvais ior iue auecuun oi nn nostier, anu uo aer as it Is with suicide each does after hi of France. In fact to bring this monster to sliowemuspreierenceunmisiakaoiy lorjuaco, or her temperament. Women drown them book it was necessary that her last three who died ln Brelit angu' with the syuip- selves old mm hang themselves, young folk crimen slititiltl Im committed at Rennes. the toms of vomiting pains in the stomaeh,swell- asphyxiate themselves. If Hele seat of the Court of Morbihan, and in the '"gf the raembers.&c. The doctors suspected sorted to poisoning it Isonlya question of very family of n professor of larf. Tho I ' presouco oi puisou, out mo gin s iam- temperament and a consequence of her Ben poisoner, then already legendary in Ilrittany "7 reimeu.m permit an autopsy iest umigni edntary life." was fortv.eiffht veara old. heav v bu t and reveai mai, suo was cnmnic. lonuigm December H. after an absence nf half mi highly colored, wearing a high anil BtiiTly thereafter Helene engaged with M. Bidard, I hour, the jury found her guilty, without a Btarched jacket, a coarso wincey skirt and a 1 rofessor of Law, November 7, 1850, a fel- recommendation to mercy, Whenjentenco cottou apron,and having at her neck a silver iow-vi, jmo xessier uieu.nerueatn do- WRs passed upon her she said: "I am inno Sho entered wlili her hands Inter- g auriuuteu to rupture oi the Ulapuragm. cent and res cned. I would nnnRr.liAlnnn. laced and her eyes cast down, and took her Francolse II utlaux succeeded her and fell cent than live guilty or suspected. You seat on the prisoners' bench, where her. ab- 8lck w1"1 tte same symptoms, but having an have judged me ; God will judge you. He I I 1.1- Al Al A 1. TT.I 1 11 I ...... . - ' ject ugliness, her hard Btare, her mouth "'curuuio uuiipamy uwurus iieiene, inaisf win judge M. iliuard and all the false wlt- eurvedw tha s n ster sm o. caused a unl- c ue"'B uome, wnere sne recov, versal feellne of disgust that betrayed its- ereu- ,ulru housemaid, jtosane fcfarrazin elf In an Involuntary shudder.' ' had meanwhile been engaged. She was a - i .i .11 1. tt ., t ..... , T, i Buuii nuuj ucmtujr gin ut inueieeii, anu ' I hIt wpfttrn nftpr linr pnpm.pmnnl full a!Mr rtM. .. : .. i : t . ...a .1 r, .r. , l ,n I ... .... " 1 iUM IUUIl.tU,CUt. UUIUU1C,,,, IUHUI tu !.,, . .1 ! T,,., . -nilM Tin Inn read, not aione uecauso ot tne crimes it re- g hBlt afler tbl8i anJ ,,, Joctor8 aiJ ln. citeu, nut aiso uy reason i me increuiu.e ,ormation ttgain8t jIelene jegld0 who aione B(UJilU!iy Ul Lit) .ui. B.u itsait m baiJ ,! une tlie victim9 0f .M, ,! liaaso iougpraciiseu, nut wnose memuera ,j .,, c , ,hat . . untnlstakeable were tho symptoms of poison lng that even if no poisnu were to be found for such a muscular mass as ho represented ho lifted the body and threw it over his back to the far part of the yord. There wasn't much moro of it, because the owner of the bull very readily persuaded tbo showman to help him in removing that utterly demoralized subiect. On tho next day was the show, on which occasion the assembled multitude beheld many wonderful things, and of them all, the elephant, so prodigious in bulk,and so wou- A, young lady had coquettcduntil tho vic- derful in other ways, was the central object "m completely exhausted. He rose to of Interest, so much that the honest country people took pride in saying; "I have seen the elephant." A few days thereafter a friend of our ac commodating farmer happened along, and saw the once magnificent bull, now limp, lame, cowed, and woe-begone, and he eager ly asked ; "What's the matter with your bull ?" "O," replied the owner, with a dubious had refused to bring her to justice, and had even opposed the taking of evidence or ex-1 pressing of suspicions in the case. I on autopsy and analysis in the viscera, none nesses tbat came here to swear away my lite.-' Anil so Baying Bheleft the hall, shak ing her list at the crowd. Jauuary 18; 1802, sho was guillotined at Rennes, amid the savage exclamation of the Imraeuse throng. To the last the denial her guilt, but just as shs was going to the scatiou, whispered to the clerk the name o a woman, who, sho said, had furnished her with poison, 1'his woman proved to be an octogenarian paralytic at Locmine. whoso long career or active benevolence and patient i ..!.. .. , , . .. Heleno Jegado was born at Plouhlnec thn leas would thev Insist nnon Ihplr nrnfM. I "U"B"8 '" V ...... tbe ,lame """J (Morbihan) in 1803. Left an orphan at .tonal honor and reputation, tbat the girls KXwLtrUP i ' , 1 v.T m seven, she found a home with M. Klallau, had all been dono to death by some LJ ""'-tohernature-JN', Y, IIWJ, cure of Ilubry with whom uvea her two acent. The Judee destruction on vlsitini? It ... riht... -t.i -i, u aunts. After seventeen years service there the house was met at the door by the cook. tinitl,Wm i.,..r .i. .... u Bhe removed with one of these lattcr.Helene Helene Jegado; who. of her own motion wa, about to depart : "If It's just as well I.lscouet. to the house of the cure Conan. at I rl.,l ni', lonii" rr,.,n.nt r ..i,.t I ,. .' o it i t,i ii i,.. i , .' ; :. ' 4 'uu UTOnl wuuuie yoursell to call any oogiicujvtucitj ii, iuBwiruw a iiuioaucjiueru pio one accuses you, replieu the ouicer, and I more." "Oh. it'a nn tmuhU" .i.lm.,1 -1.1 (.,,..1 I. I,. I,,,.,!,., n.n.l 1...1.1 , . ,, , .i . . -"-. v.. gut iuuuu ... wu ua us. utu.u. raug niuciuueu ui once, uuu vTj uaturaiiy, mat I tua tlculary unhealthy ingredients. he was guilty. chap, earnestly. I all; I like to call." "It's no trouble at have the depot master forward it by tele graph to Qreeubush. It will reach there before we do." The Oerman paid the thirty cents and the boy departed, taking the satchel into another car. On reaching Grecnbush the boy returned with the bag. "Ah," said the German, dot delegraff is vun grate dings. Here dake anoder quorter, meinboy." go away. Bhe whispered, as she accompa nied him to the door: "I shall be at home next Sunday evening." -'So shall I," he replied. Tho Chritttan Adtocate says "G ve an oyster locomotion aud tho Cvo senses, aud he might bo tho rhinoceros of tho sea.' He might bo ; but we hope uo generous person will give him those things. Tho price of a shrug, and an untranslatable expression of I ball' dozen fried oysters as largo as a rhinoc- tne lace, tetn the elephant." cros wouiu bttixe away beyond tho margin of uiobt modest editors pocket books. And a Here's the story of an unfortunate younc I ul)l0 ' Titled oyttcrs oi bucH dimensions lawyer. This unlucky wight was' bead over woula populate town. heels in love wth a beautiful girl, and was about to be married to her. On the eve of Tb0 othcr wlicn Admiral Rous was ta- the wedding day he was called in to defend . . y 1"' 'ho doctor coming to attend an awful miscreant a man of thirty who bim 6alJ' "Well, Admiral, wbat'a the mat- nau ipoisoneu nis mother and father. The ' .usuij-ntu, wm iwas, j.nai s case seemed a lost one, and when the proset au 8 lne ma"cr cuuon nau closet, the young lawyer was jus auuuk giving up me struggle without an ef fort. Suddenly he percelyes in the rear end of the court room his beloved and her pa rents, who nau come to seo what kind oi Bluff he was made of. He feels that he must make a show of talent, and commencing his argument, rises to the highest flights ot elo quence. In a word he succeeded in showing that the criminal is au upright, virtu- An American journal asks what is the difference between a good soldier and a fashionable young lady J and replies: "One faces the powder, and the other powders tie face." "Henry ,you ought to be ashamed to throw away bread like that. You might want it some, day .""Well, mother, would I stand nr.ii 1 . til. I . . 1 1 V tuons, and much-abu.ed man, and obtains 7 Z: " " " his acquittal. In the evening, the lawyer, with triumphant airmails at the house of hU future father-in-law, expecting that his suc cess will insure him a warm reception. To his surprise ho finds the young girl cold and her parents much embarrassed. He asks what this sort of reception means. "My friend," says he, whom the young man had already began to call father-in-law, "I must tell you my daughter loves another." "Another I Who is tbo man 1" The geod and virtuous man whom you, to-day, Ly your eloquence, restored to society," replies the father. Ihrit Jir, The Michigan penitentiary management keeps cows. A convict who was sent to look for them last week is not back vet. "How to Tell a Mad Dog" is the title of an article that is going the rounds. Wo haven't anything to tell a mad dog that we couldn't send him on a postal card. Some one said to Hugo once upon a time; "It must be very difficult to write good po etry." "No, sir," replied the poet ; "It l cither very easy or utterly impossible.