THE COLUMBIAN. niiOOMBBVBUa FltlliAT, A V U, 10, 1SH Kall'Uood Time Table. LACKAWANNA BLOOM&BOTlttJUlLnoAD XORIB. """""SOOTO. Accommodation Train,.. ....(.43 A.M. J.M A.M. Mall Train..., J.S8A.M 4.48 P. M Express Train A. M 0.60 p. M. CATAWISSA ItAlt. road. NORTH. SOCTB Accommodation Train A. M. T.BT '. M. Regular Express 4.00 P.M. 11,33 A.M. Throngh cars on Express train cither to New York or Philadelphia. Accommodation train runs between Catawlssa and WllllamsporU I)MOO RATIO COUNTY CONVENTION. The Detnocratlo voters uf the several districts of Columbia county will met at the usual place of holding the general elections on Saturday the 11th day of August 1877 between the hours of three and seven o'clock In the afternoon and elect delegates by ballot to represent the dis tricts In a County Convention to be held at the Opera House In Blootnsburg on Tuesday the 14th day of August 1877 at 11 o'clock a. ni. to (dace In nomination one candidate for District Attorney, one candidate for Coroner, and to transact such other business as the Interests of the Democratic party may require. Also nt the same time and places and in the same manner the Democratic electors of each district will elect one person to serve as a mem ber of the County Standing Committee which will meet immediately upon the adjournment of the Convention. By order of the County Committee. Warren J. Buckalew, Chairman. ArrORTIONJIKNT Or DSLs-flATIS ACCORDING TO VOTE for Governor in 1872. PcrBlilng. Delegates. Heaver Jl 3 Benton.. 1M 3 Berwick...., so ,. s Bloomsburg K mo t w 119 1 Briarcrcck 115 Catawlssa i I" centre -If" 1 centralla " ConynghamN 1W 3 conyngham 8 93 2 KlsUlngcreek 2ta 4 Franklin - .. S (Ireenwood Hemlock 1JJ 3 Jackson ill ? locust 4 Main. ...i l"4 1 Madison 1TI 3 Miniln 1M 8 Montour 'J ; Mt. l'lcasant o 2 orange 2 l-lno?. f " Itoarlngcrcek. .c 2 . Scott,.:. 1 I sugarloat ...iw 3.7S7 70 By rule the ratio is fixed at CO voles far a del egate, but no district to have less than two or more than four delegates, and allowance is to be marie within theme limits for the largest frac tion of a ratio. Bloomsburg July 18, 1877. Trout fishing is illegal after next Wednes day. The Boston 09 cent store is advertising to close this week. The Republican Convention Monday August 20th. will meet on D. A. Creasy has purchased a new residence on Fifth Street, which ho proposes to improve. Rev. T. H. Cullen, formerly of Bloomsburg has accepted a call to Monmouth N.J. Rev. Dr. McCron preached In the Lutheran Church at Lock Haven on Sunday last. Many of our citizens are attending the Moun tain Grove camn-meetine. now in progress. It is a delightful summer resort. There will bo no services at tho M. E, Church on Sunday next as the pastor is at camp meeting. Thefonly way to tell huckleberries and flies apart, is that tho lattor kick tho most as they go down. The work of improvement in and about the Court House is still going on. Peter Jones and Thomas Qorey nre doing the job. n Ilcv. A. A. Marple of Scranton has resigned tho. rectorship there, and accepted n call to Old Swedes' Church near Philadelphia, where jV-ie will remove in a short time. Wo have discovered why it is that peoplo wl not believe all they read in ne wspapers. It is because there is so much lyt used on the type. We understand that there will be no services in the Presbyterian Church during this month, unless the pulpit is supplied, the pastor Rev.S Mitchell being absent on a vacation. The Colored Camp Meiti no. There was an unusually large crowd on the grounds at Knorr'a Grove last Sunday. Tho rite of bap tism was administered to several candidates in the Fishlngcreek, There will be a festival at the Raveocreek Presbyterian Church on Saturday the 18th inst. The public is respectfully invited. Proceeds for the benefit of the church. John Laycock, proprietor of the Central Ho lei has improved his bar room and office by llaying a new floor. The Contral Is a good house, and its lanlord knows how to make ithlngs comfortable. Like beautiful jewels in brazen settings are Jiiulsome features upon a face marred by signs of blood poisoning. The great purifier of the Uoo4 U VI. Bull's Blood Mixture. Mrs. Bishton came home on Monday night. having retched Philadelphia on Sunday in the steamer Indiana of the American line from Lng land, where she had been for more than a year 'visiting friends of her husband. A large lot of Estate receipt books for cxecu tor's, administrators, guardians Ac., just printed and bound at this office, for sale cheaper than ever before. Books contain from 25 to 100 re ceipts. You can get twenty five visiting cards neat ly printed on fine bristol board for thirty five cents, or fifty for sixty cents; lower rates accord ing to quality of card, at the Columbian of- John Pursel of Lightstreet, an old man 80 years old, took up his section of oats on the farm otnisson Robert, four daysin succession 'land did not complain of fatigue, That is do- ( ing pretty well. A number of specifications for the new county Jail were distributed for examination. Persons having such and having no special use for them will please return them lo the Commissioners' office. They are needed here and you will oblige. Wm. Krlckbaum, Clerk. There are several men In this town who bavo 'been doing considerable talking In sympathy wiin tho rioters In other sections of the stale, , 'but as they are mostly men who never did an 'honest day's work in Iheir lives, and who now t -would rather starve than dig, their talk does no harm. 1 liey should be careful sot to go too iar, however, as it la the duty of all peace of ficers lo arrest any-one who uses threatening language or attempts to Incite to riot. Any such attempts Bbeuld be summarily dealt with, Tlht law tnust prevail. The Slicrlll s talcs arc Increasing in number. is some satisfaction to see among tho list tho names of a number of Republicans who voted for "Hayes and good times." They're got 'em. The "Baby's Best Friend" is Dr. Bull's Baby Byrup, slnco It maintains the Baby's health by keeping It free from Oollc, Dlarrhcci, etc. rrice o cents per bottle. Thcro will bo a festival in Evan's Hall this (Friday) and .Saturday evening, held by ono of iho classes of Si Paul's' Episcopal Sii'ndiv School. Tho public is invited. Peaches, Ico Cream, Ac, are on tho bill of fare. John A. Funiton'a new building on Iron nmi Fifth Streets is nrocrcssinfr. tho rellar lu,incr about finished. When completed it' will be liandsomo residence, John S. Sterner has tho job. The property of Ncheralah Reece sold by his assignees on the 4th inst., brought eleven thou sand two hundred and thirty nine dollars. The terms of sale were, one fourth down, one fourth In six. twelve, and eielilcen months. II. V. Fruit of Ilazleton Is the purchaser. When you visit tho jail, be very careful not to iraltatea certain prisoner, He sometimes grows uuruanageablo and has been known lo skin peoples' noses. Beware of Kelly, the Bum." For further particulars Inquire at Ccntro township. Phillip D. Applcnian, .Jr. while using a mow in his field near Ilohrsburg ran acrosi and cut in two a black snake which measured four feet nine inches. The head part, measuring two feet, ran clear across the field after sever ance. . The Democrats of Montour county have re' ised their rules, which are now an almost ex- act copy of ours. To have made them perfect the clause giving minority representation should have been inserted, and It would have saved much trouble in their conventions. , Un frlday night while L. a. Wintersteen. a law student In the office of Col. Knorr, with some companions was in bathing, some person or persons took from his clothing about $70 and draft for several hundred dollars. No, trace of the thief could be obtained. Payment of the draft was stopped so that the loss will not prove total one. Rep, A. S. Barnes C- Co., publish the National and Independent Jseries of .school Books. This sc ries is largely used in Columbia county, and the publishers desire to say that tho school books published by said firm have been reduc ed in price as the times demand. Any orders for introduction or correspondence relative to the same may be addressed to C. P. Flint, 822 Chestnut street, Phlndelphia. Sunstroke. Wm. C. Johnston, Esq., Reg ister and Recorder of this county, was overcome by the heat on last Friday morning and fell in sensible in the Court House yard, where he lay for some time until he was discovered. In fal ling lie lacerated his face considerably. lie was conveyed home insensible; but has since re covered and is again at his post. Daiu-ute In ttlligaicer. Jacob 'Yeager of Slabtown heard a noise re sembling the peep of a chicken the other morn- ng when he went in his storo. On Investiga tion it proved lo emanate from a box of eggs that he had taken as country produce. Select ing the noisy egg, he put it in a warm place and soon had the pleasure of seeing a little chicken running about. Those eggs ought to be worth more than fourteen cents a dozen. We have received from Geo. Stinson & Com pany, Portland, Maine, four beautiful chromos. Christ our Refuge," "Welcome Home," "Wa ter Lilies," and "Morning Glories." They are tho finest chromos of the kind we have ever seen. We false return thanks to them for handsome steel engraving of a Family record- This firm stands among the highest as Art Pub lishers. Buck Horn Ahead. On Tuesday, the 2ud inst., a large picnic and fishing party was made up in Buckhorn. There were about twenty teams, and one hundred and fifty men women and children In the company. A procession was formed at about ten o'clock in the morning, which, headed by Fuge's Cornet Band, started for Trenche's dam below Light Street, where they encamped in the grove. Croquet, dancing and fishing were the amusements of the day. Prof. Harris of Hamburg is reported as being the most fortunate fisherman In the party. At about five o'clock in the afternoon the company returned home after a very pleasant day. Struck hy Lkihtnino. On Thursday of last week, Mr. Daniel Levari, residing near Washingtonville, was struck by lightning, and badly injured. He and his young nephew were working in the harvest field, when, a thunder storm coming up, the former sought shelter from the rain under a tree and Ihe latter crept under a grain shock. After the storm had sub sided the boy crawled out and discovered Mr. Levan lying on his back, apparently dead, tho bolt of lightning having descended the tree and struck him into insensibility. The boy ran to Washingtonville and returned with Dr. New bark who labored during Friday night with his patient and finally succeeded in restoring him to his senses. Since then Mr. Levan has been gradually recovf ring from the severe shock, Danville Intelligencer, Trasiw Arrested. Two tramps giving their names as John Lock wood and Martin Haten, entered the residence of Mr. Enoch Kit tenhouse, in Briarcreek, Wednesday afternoon nd helped themselves to a change of clothing nd whatever else of value they came across. They used an ax in demolishing a secretary, in which was a roll of money, amounting to about $800, which they failed to discover. The thefts were discovered shortly after the thieves had left, and they were followed, and captured near Beach Haven and brought before Esquire Mc- Anall in the evening of the same day. They admitted their guilt and were committed to the lock up over night and yesterday forenoon were taken to the Bloomsburg jail by Constable Ja coby. Berwick Independent, 30KMAL SCHOOL NOTES, Rev. D. J. Waller Jr., the newly elected Principal will move into the building In a few days. Mr. E. C. Wells, Stewart, will bring bis family from Muncy very soon. Mrs. Wells has been elected Matron. The Board of Trustees on Friday night last, elected Rev. S. 0. Thomp son to a professorship. The Faculty isnow full The Dormitory is being put in a condition to receive students. A more complete and firm school building cannot be found In this state. Miss M. L. Hstlogs,for several years a teach er In the Muncy Seminary, has been chosen as one of the instructors In the Bloomsburg Nor mal School, Miss II, is a lady of very superior attainments, and will win hosts of friends In Bloomsburg. Her hosts of friends in this place and vicinity wish her abundant fsuccess in her new field of labor. Huncy Luminary. Our genial friends, the Coal and Iron Police, now stationed at the jail, are gentlemen oftaste, Last week they presented us with an elegant boquet. Tho background wai a huge leaf of breuica oltartea, vulgarly known as cabbage, In pleasant contrast were convoluted leaves of ehenopodie, or beet, (dead): then came tin crowning tlower.a fine specimen otpepo cucurbi to, known to the uninitiated as pumpkin; with this were the fragrant gcranvaceal robcrtianiam, or geranium, the tinapitnlger, or mustard now er, the althaeo roi, or hollyhock, the rcmioi-u faecal, or morning glory, and, best of all the rheum jjabr.utirnn folygonaeera, or rhubarb. Come ogam. J!Lj! amimuiimmmmmnmmmtijmmmmtmmm3FmammmmamhUSm mm BBwwi irrrr.-MHi i r-ri-iiVnitiiii-.i . THE COLUMBIAN ANDDEMQOR'AT,BLO0MSBCFKG, COLUMBIA COIOTT, PA. TheCanlalaof the Haymakers at the Opera House on Friday and Saturday nights last week was worthy of a better attendance. The slim audiences that attend any kind of public exhi bition where an admission fee Is charged, is one of the strongest evidences of the hard times. Loose quarters are a scarce article just now. Serious Finn. On Friday last the barn of William Miller in Centre Township, was burn ed to the ground. He bad Just hauled in Ilia last ofhti'crops. Th lost was a total one, In cluding three horses, a lot of hogs the wagons, carriage, harness, Ac. In trying to save some of the property A.K. Shuman had his hand severely burned. The insurance had expired. The fire was the work of an incendiary. Drowned. Hugh Cannon, son of John C. Cannon, south Vine street, aged two years and four months ,was diowned Monday afternoon by failing Into a pit that had recently been dug for an outhouse, and filled with water during the recent rains. The child had been playing with oilier rhlldren, and wandered from them, and was missed by his mother, who found hitu shortly after, but loo late. Hatleton Sentinel. Tho contract of Rollins A Holmes on the new jail includes gas and water pipes, drainage, tinning and steam heating. They are now en gaged in a similar contract In the Sunbury prison. These gentlemen aro gaining a wide reputation, and their work shows that they are justly entitled to it. Formerly it was necessary to send to the city for workmen to do plumbing Ac, but now we congratulate ourselves on hav ing an establishment at home that can do all jobs in their line in a skillful manner. Sinuulaii Accident. During the shooting on Wednesday night a lady in town was stand ing off at a distance witnessing the battle, when a spent ball that had been fired up into the air dropped on the lady's head and Imbedded itself in her black hair. Her hat was also knocked off but she did not know what caused it. When she got home and prepared to retire, tho ball dropped out of her hair and fell on the floor. The gentleman who was in company with this lady was demoralized when the shooting began and left lb safe quarters, permitting tho lady lo take care of herself. She remiined until the war was over and then went home alone. Sha- mokin Times. Bulow we give a statement of the contract for work, the names of tho contractors, and the amounts for which the work is to be done. Stnnn nnd mason work. Sterner & Jones, 4.3U.UUUUU Ilpallnc. pfts-filtinff. rtlumbine. &c. llnllins & Holmes G.4G5 00 Iron work, Crulkshank, Moyer & Co. 8,998 15 The carpenter work, painting nnd plastering has not yet been allotted. The stone for trimming and warden's house are the Farrandsville stone from Clinton coun ty. The cells, guard wall, etc., will be Snick shinny stone. The Bloomsburir Columbian finds fault be cause our militia is not composed of veterans. The best way for Col. Brockway to remedy that is to organize a company ol veteran,) il lie can, and stop his grumbling. Index. In reply to the above we would state that we did organize a company of men a few years ago, mainly veterans, and at considerable personal expense. Our roster numbered over 100 men, good and true. They were duly mustered in, com missions were issued, guns were promised iire uvuld pay the freight, which we agreed to do, The guns never came, and without notice a splendid company of men was disbanded. Now, Brother Bixby, we may' add that during the late emergency we offered the Governor 150 picked men, but he declined the oll'cr with thanks. A Seriocs Charge. On last Monday morn ing Samurl Stlltz, a darkey who for some time past has been hanging around this place, was arrested on the charge of an assalt with an at tempt to commit n rape on the body of a young daugher of James Dennis, a respectable col ored man of this place. Ho was promptly placed in jail after a hearing before Justice Brower. It seems that Miss Dennis and anoth er colored girl on last Saturday night were re turning from the negro camp meeting near Ru pert, and while passing through Boone's woods were overtaken by Stlltz, who at once made lecent proposals to the Dennis girl. Upon re fusing, Stiltz struck her whereupon she scream ed for help, which came at once. The girl was then released, and the scoundrel fled. P. S. Since writingthe above we have learn d that Stiltz has been released from jail upon condition that he pays the costs of suit, ant leaves the county for nine months unless soon er called for. A BULLDOZED SOLDIER. He was from Berwick and he came on here to ioin his company of Berwick soldiers. He had on his uniform and felt like a fighting-cock, No striker would dare to cross his path, for he was a soldier with uniform just new from the box, and fully armed. When he stepped from the car upon the Kingston platform be felt as though lie was monarch of all he surveyed, Strikers and workingmen have beneath their uncouth contour a vain of humor that is irres istible. They noticed the Berwick soldier and went for him. They took away his arms and passed him around the crowd like a child, He was frightened. He ielt as though he was not equal to tho occasion. He wanted to go home. He felt that his presence was not needed iu the coal regions. The crowd yelled and laughed as only such a crowd can yell and laugh. At lenf.tU when Ihe joke had been duly and fully enjoved, and the soldier gave up for lost and was resigning himself to his fate, they sent him down and gave him his gun, and he rotted off to his company like a big boy whoi been "bounced." There will be a uniform to let in Berwick company when he gets bask home, and the applicant must take an oath that he won't allow himself to be bulldozed by the strikers. Sunday iWus. E. M. Ludwio : Many of our readers re member Ludwlg, (u do) and will smile ot the following description of him taken from Bland county (Va.) Gazette', "E. D. Ludwig, Esq. Do you know him He is the intelligent, energetic and honored President of the KImberland Spring Company, who has associated with him, as Vice-President Capt. C. R, Boyd, and J. D. Harris, as Secre taryworthy associates of a stirring and wise head, Mr. Ludwlg Is "the right man In Ihe right place;" occupying his position with great prudence and forethought, with an "angel-pow er behind the throne" of the feminine order "with whom we are well pleased." He is Swiss, either by nativity or extraction, or both about five feet seven or eight inches in stature an oval face, good forehead, and black hair eyes black, as to the iris, with an ample ground. In clear white, encircling this spot of jet; coin pleiion dark, with all that enters Into contour in excellent proportion; countenance bland and open, with the InBide man revealed in ex pression and look, and waves of honesty and kindness ever and anon chasing each other across the broad face; while a mixed vein of w humor and ivnocent mischief Is very apparent beneath the smile-crowned wavelets that play about the mouth and eye. Unfortunately, Mr. Ludwlg was wounded in the sectional war of the United States, and has to me a stick, am limps in walking. Ills portion Is a responsi ble and trying one; but, being self professed and well balanced, and withal, under good self- control, he is never disconcerted, but moves right on with his business. Now, if In travel ing, you meet anybody filling the above de scription, that U E. D. Ludwlg." It is an awful whopper to say that his lame ness came from a wound received during the late war. H wasn't near it. Subscriptions received at this office for the International Review, a unique and, cosmopoli tan tnsgazlnc, and the only popular Jlevicm uhllshed In tho city uf Jtw ork. It Is pub lished G tlmca a year, its style of manufacture is perb, and each number contains 141 broad octavo pages of valuable urlglnal contributions the best European and American writers, on social, political, scientific, religious, literary ami artistic matters of living interest to everybody. Recommended by the best writers ami thinkers the age. Price $5,00 a year, delivered nt your post-office. Bpecimen Copy, $1,00. July 27 ltn. PUBLIC SALES. Isaao Andreas will sell real estate In Mllllln Township, on August 11th. J. W. Evans, Assignee of Abraham Miller, ill sell real estate In Berwick on August 15th. Ezra Stephens, administrator of William Hess deceased, will sell real estate In Sugar- loaf Township on August 25ih. Henry W. Vandersllce administrator ol J. II. Vandcrslico deceased will sell real estate in Mt. Pleasant townshsp, on Saturday September 1st. Same day in Roanngcrcek township James Kelffer, committee of Daniel Gearheart, ill sell real estate. See advertisements in other columns. An oriental traveller describes this busy Bcene,witncssed on historic shores 1 "Our steamer landed on a beach which was ihe port of An tloch, where the disciples wero first called Christians. There was no town at the water's edge, no people, no wharf. The passengers and the merchandise were put ashore in lighters, hlch ran up Into the sand. A troop of cam- els, with Iheir drivers, lay on tho beac'i, ready to transfer the goods into the interior. Among the articles landed were boxes marked 'Dr. J, Aver & Co. Lowell, Mass., U.S. A.,' show ing that they contained medicines and whence they came. These with other goods were hois ed on tho backs of camels, for transportation to Ahtloch. Thus the skill of the West sends back its remedies to heal the maladies of popu lations that Inhabit those eastern shores,whence our spiritual manna came." HWsor Vt.) Chronicle. Aug. 3 lni. Hon. John M. Francis, of Troy, in an address before the State Press Association at Albany recently, said: "And this leads me to say that very community that can sustain a newspaper should do so. It dissipates local isolation ; as sures increasing business with accession to pop ulation : makes a town and its people better known to the world ; inaugurates the spirit of improvement; promotes social refinement, pro ucea moral as well as material growth. A newspaper is the silent schoolmaster in the fam ly; but il should not be made to do Ihe duty by "boarding around ;" every man able to sub scribe for the local weekly paper bIiouIJ take it and pay for it. There by lie will make a bet ler citizen; his home will be happier; his chil- ren brighter and smarter, and they will be brought into contact in some degree with all arts of the world wherever thought exwts, and with the development and progress of humanity wherever it may be advanced to fulfill its no blest mission." PLEASE BEAD THIS CARKFDLLY. Reader.we presume you know money is ralhcr scarce in this section of country, and as a con cnuence, we, with everybody else, have felt the effects of the stringency. In fact we believe we feel the effects more than most others do. Tho reason of this is that our dealings are with thousands of individuals and as our claim against each are for the most part, only Bmall amounts there are very many among the num her who seem to think that it makes no differ ence whether they pay now the trifle they owe u.s, or defer payment six months or a year Ion ger, and when several hundred hold the same opinion it is readilv to be seen that theso iriuea amount in ihe whole to quite a large sum. uu expenses have been heavy during tho present year on account of new material which we have been obliged to add to our stock, our olhce ex penses, comprising labor, paper, ink, Ate., must all be paid in cash.and hence, when hundreds of our subscribers are in arrears, (when all sub scriptions should be paid in advance,) and aa one advertisement is inserted after another, and one job of work is taken out of the office after another, with the mild request, "Please just charge this and I will fix it in a week or two," and those weeks are allowed to run into many months, it is no wonder when we say that we 1 the stringency of Ihe times more than many others do. It is not often that we bring this unpleasant matter before our readers, but nt times we feel that we are neglected too long, and are obliged to ask for our just dues. We hope, therefore, reader, that if you are one of number who are indebted to us, whether for subscription, advertising or jab work, you will consider onr situation and heed our request to come and square up your accounts. Jersey Shore Herald. The above describes our situation exactly, and we hope every one who is in debt to us will take it as though we had written it ourselves. Thomis H. Grcevy was yesterday elected recorder of Altoona. There wero two things which materially aided him. Altoona is Democratic through and through, and so is Greevy, Altoona is fond of strikes, and so Greevy, lie is not very learned as a lawyer, yet he is shrewd, and Altoona may be congratulated on having a recorder who fairly represents the views of a majority of her citizens. Qattttc d- Bulletin. Luckv is the baby whose mamma use Glenn's Sulphur Soap with whioh to wash the little innocent. No prickly heat, or other rash can annoy the infant cuticle with which this cooling anu purliying antiscor butic comes in daily contact. Sold by nil .Druggists. Hill's Hair & Whleker Dye. black or brown. aug DOBBIN'S ELECTRIC SOAP. Having obtained the agency of this Celebrated Soap for Bloomsburg and vicinity, I append the opinion of some of our best people as to its merits. I have used Dobbin's Electric Soan made bv I. L. Cragin & Co., Philadelphia. Pa. for washing about ten years, and think it superior to any other, am. v. u, Hartley. "Wehave'used Dobbin's Electric Soap and Una 11 superior to any otner or au omen Airs. w. it. jacouy, Mrs. 11. 11. Stohner. I desire all my fi lends and customers to Qivt Mil Soap one trial, so that they may know just how good the Best uoap in the unttca states is. J. II. Maize. July 20, '77-8w llloomaburg, Pa.- coalicoaTii coaliii Wo arc now offering tho celebrated Sus quehanna Coal Co's Coal at the following casn prices; No. G. I l.C) per ton on wharf. No. S. 2.65 per ton on wharf. No. 2. 3 and 4. 2.90 ner ton on wharf. Blacksmith's Lump 2,90 per ton on wharf. Hitumlnous 4.50 per ton on wharf. 35 cents per ton additional, for delivery to any part 01 tno town. Coal Housemates 15 cents per ton less. No. G. to Lime-burners $1.50 ner ton. Coal screened before leaving our yards and full weight guaranteed. Orders left at I. W. McKelvy's Store, at our office, or beut through tho mails will re ceive prompt attention, . Your patronage is respectfully solicited. 0. W.Nkal&Uko. May 1, 1877 The price of furniture Is way down to rock bottom. You can buy a very pretty Walnut Chamber Set for fifty dollars, and an eiegant set lor sevonty uve dollars at uati- Business Notices , . i All kinds of 1 urnlturo at lowest prices at Codinau'a, Utlz & BloAii kcerT il fuil'lliiouf Black fallFs nt very low prices. BEST C!llO()tIP.T Rot ovr brniirrlit in this vlllngo nt half the usual prices nt the Tin iXiii hu urn l? Ilk. .. Z t" 6 of I ,1. Hchuyler & Son, In order to reduce their heavy stock of Hardware offer great bar gains. Great bargains In Dress Good at Clark woiru. III order to keen trade movlnrr I. W. Hart. man is offering Dry Goods very low. Dress Goods at remarkably low prices. Also rem nanu oi mi Kinds ol uoods with short lengths of Dress Goods very cheap. Don't foreet tho BLOOMSBURG 0'J cent Slum, closes this week. Fresh supply nf Melons and peaches i list receivcu at ino i.mpiro urocery. Lasting Gaiters, $1.00 at McKinncys. Ruches. Ties. Collars. Ribbons. Corsets and a crent variety of Notions at tho lowest prices at uarK x won s. New Black Cashmeres at Lulr & Sloan's very cheap. All l.ln.l. f fll. TTn.1-.-.-.. Hats, Caps, &c, at A. J. Evans' Clothing Store, Hand-made Shoes at McK!nney's,a Clark & Wolf nre pelline off their Summer .uress uoous at very low prices. Don't foreet that the Dlace to btiv crocer- les cheap Is at ths Empire Grocery, corner I ol Main and East streets. Don't pass L, without stopping contains nn elegant anu silverware, watches and clocks re paired and all kinds of work in his line done neatly aim cheaply. New Waterproofs at Lutz & Sloan's. $1.2-5 Foxed Gaiter at McKlnney's. Important to Farmers I You can buv School Books, &c, at I. W. Hartman's for produce. , Bernhardt .Tewelrv Store UC,.Y . ".""J' ul appeuie (leorgo Bloss, south bytho same, west by William to look in his window. It f,on8"P,atlon 0,3S,,8,1f.,w.",1 restore nnd regulate HowillandJohnDlossandotheracontalnlng 88 acres fssortmentof Jewelry """"" omiou a cure aimys ino in- and 110 perches, on which are erected a frame house A. J. Evans' new lllnthinf Stnro rnrner account of Abraham Waltman, Executor of thees ,,,,' , t . u'0l"1DK tre, corner tate 0 Jcsso Zftneri ,at00, Rnnrc-k township, de ol Main nnd Iron streets, Is the place to buy I ceased, will attend to the duties of his appointment uuuu loining ac tne very lowest rates. uau nnu see 111s stock-. Attenlion nil I New Stock just in at tho iiiutJJlsilUKU iftlcent STOKIS. All kinds of Fruit Cans at Rollins & Holmes' Store. Quarts at 85 cents a dozen. Clark & Wolf buy butter and eggs and sen you goods at caali prices. The Rockford Watch, the best American time keeper made lor tho price, can now be iiaa nt ijouis isernnaru s Jewelry store. June 22, '77-tf Lutz & Sloan wilTse""!! Aooleton "A' muslin yet a lew '.days at 7 cents by the 0011. Large rocking chairs for porches aro all the'ragc. Cadman has them of nil shapes and sizes and colors, and is selling them rap idly. Those formerly sold at six dollars can now be bought for $4.00. Cheaper than any otner piace at uaaman s. "Down to Hard Pan" Boots and Shoes at McKinney's. Wanted. Two girls to learn the tailor ing trade. Wm. 1. lvester. Apr.27tt Ladies' fine Shoes, all widths and sizes at Mciunney s. Still a small lot of Parasols lea to sell at less than cost at Clark & Wolf's. xjist 2c XjTD The Boys' Suits, The Chilclrens' Suits, Now selling very cheap rttD. Low- enbercr's. All kinds of goods sold atMarr's cheap ior cash. Do not think you have eaten the best bread m town until you lave tried J. F. Caldwell's. It is the whitest and lightest, the neat- est and sweetest and cannot 1)0 SUl'- passed. Try it and see. TJ3ST 2C X.3D The Summer suite at I). Lowen- berg's. XJKT 2C LID In Make, Fit, and Price, the dress Shirt sold at D. Lowenberg's. Black and Fish oils at Marr's, Machine needles and oil at Marr's. XJ3ST 2C -JL,T The Hats, Caps, &c. Tho Gauze Underwear, The Summer Drawers, Half hose, Linen Collars, Cuffs, and fine neck Wear, at Lowenberir's 0 For anything you want call at the Bloomsburg 99ct, Store. You may set it there at half what it would cost at other places. E. Blltterick .and Co's DreSS pat- toi-na nl Mfirr'a Dr. Shiloh's Svhteui Vitaliier. We are authorized to guarantee this rem euy for the cureot 'Jyspepsla, Inactive Llv er.Sou r Stomach, Constipation, Loss of An etite, Coming up of Food, Yellow Skin, anu uenerni L,anguor nnu JJeuuity. x ou must acknowledge that this would be ruin- oua unless wead positive evidence that it said, thence along the same bne hundred elghty-one Vsi.innrt 13, V,, it will cure. You who aro suffering from and a half feet to thoplaco of beginning, together Voim 11m n nT, llimgwmiitaiuH hhod num, UIDAUUICUtU ami will you continue to sutfer when you can ?&S 17 Iar size 70 cents. Sold by O. A. Klein'i and to nlar n. j. nenaersnctt. 60.000 die annually by neglecting a yuBu, wuiu ui vjiuup, uucii lenuiug iu i vnai piece or parcel ot land on Front street afore Consumption and the grave. Why will you I said on aomh-west side of lot of II. M. Horkman neglect so important n matter, when vou cangetat our store Shiloh's Consumption Cure, with the assurance of a speedy recoy- ery. For soreness across tho Chest or Lungs or Lame Hack or Side, Shiloh's Porous nailer gives prompt relief, bold by O. A. rvieimanmx. j. Jienuersuou. deruhott . S" " ' "' "" March 30, '77-eow JOli l'KIKTINQ OF EVERY DESRIPTI0N EXECUTED PROMPTLY At the Columbian Offick BUSINESS CARDS. VISITING UA11D8, LETT fill HEADS, KILL HEADS, OSTKfiS, tO., HO., Neatly wu. lu.ipl- printed at the Colum bian Office. iCIegant Hair is woman's crowning beauty when ifsdc, she fade as well. While It Is kept urifcni ntr pcjsuuui umtiiuuiis urcsiui mainiain- ,i ; i. ,iin i,,., ftr.i, ,j , ,, , yonthful appearance Is continu d through many I "" lulr ( iw. nil who grieve ow lb- fidlnc lurmng gray list r.iriy s 1,1 Aycr's Hair Vigor prevents it, and lestorcs pmv or fill hair lo lis rnlnr. It l n clear and healthful preparation, containing V? nf "' d" nor nntMnS "Mlwlou". J tMitirtHfl il tlm pnln wlifit la innar iicuwisiln I sense of pleasant and delightful freedom from scurf or dandruff.- Keie Heme (N.C.) Timet, July lm. MUItDEU WILL. OUT. A few vcars nrro "Aumisl Flower" was dis covered to loa certain euro for Dyspepsia and Liver complaint, a few thin dyspeptics mado known to their friends how easily and quickly thoy had been cured by its uso. Tlio great -nn . i-t I 1111 ur i 1 C iluEusl 11 J0"" ucenmo ner- aided through the) country by onp sufferer to auuuii-r, uiiui, wiuiuuiuuvi-nising, us kuo iiu-i ih.-cuiuu unincn!o. uruggists m j-jvrjiii TOWN In tho United States nrn splli ntr U M . ..n-.j..- ... i. ?;t. u i,ui.-sju ruiiuiiu mm i-uur Biumucil, r-iciw headache, costivcncM, palpitation of tho heart, indigestion, low spirits, etc., can take threo doses without relief. Go to Moj-cr Bros., and get abottlo for 7fl cents nnd try it. oampio uotties iu cents. April au,'77-iyjl It Has Stood the Test. it vou doubt the wonder ml success ol hluloh's Consumption Cure, give it n trial i then if you nre not perfectly satisfied, return the bottle and wo will refund tho nricc rtaiif. It lins pHtnltlUli- cu the fact that Consumption can be cured. I whilo for con clis. asthma, hoarseness, wlinnn- ing ""K'm """ ur inroanrouuies.inero is iiuimuK iiko iwur u quicK nnu positive cure, i mm it suiuuiu iuub. iu cems, uu cents nnu 91 per bottle. If your lungs are sore, or chest or back lame, use Shiloh's Porous Plaster price 25 cents. Sold by U. A. Klctm and N. J. Hen dcrshott. Dr. Shiloh's Svstcra Vitnlizcr is no doubt the most successful cure for Dyspepsia nnd Liver Complnint wo have ever known, otherwiso wo could notguaranteeit. In cases of consumption Iunes. Trice 75 cts. Sold by U. A. KIcim and N. J, Ilcndcrshott. TI . ..... u 1 r . p. o.i ... n n -r.-! 1 x t it 1 , .. ouiu uy j. i. jYieiui nnu rt, o, iicnuersnoii. April 0, '7 7-ly j UDITOR'S NOTICE. ESTATE OF JESSE ZANEK, DECEASED. Tho undersigned auditor appointed by the Or- at his ontco In tho Town of Bloomsburg In A.J. r.van s uuuaing, corner or Mam ana iron streets, on Friday tho Slstdayot August, 1SI7, at 10 o'clock, a. 1IEIIVEV K. SMITH. Auditor. July 20, 'I7-4W. ,E5 XECUTRIX'fl NOTICE. ISTATE OF 1REDEKICK 1SLEB, PKCEA8RD. tetters Testamentary on the estate of rrrflprtet Ictpr intn nf flcwnirnsuS Inwnohln ! V.liinti.. deceased, have been grante 1 by the Register of said county to Elizabeth Isler, of same, township, Exet utllx. to whom alt Dersons Indebted arn rtmir.fpil to make paymcnt,and thoss having demands sgalnst mu nuiu 1-5U110 , 111 iimMj luuui Knuwu lo lue saia r.AivuuTA nuuuui uumy. i.l.lAUl.1 Jl lSI.KK, JulytfVST-cw Executrix. KINGSFORD'S OSWEGO STARCH Is the BEST and MOST ECONOMICAL In the World. Is perfectly PURE freo from acids and other for eign substances that Injure Linen. Is STRONGER than any other-requiring much less quantity in using. Is UNIFORM stiffens and nnlshes work always tho same. KinfisM's Qswep Corn Starcli 1 Is the most delicious of all preparations for Puddings, Blanc-Mange, Cake, etc. Aug, 3, .T-3m he ico ASSIGNEE'S SALE REAL ESTATE ! By virtus ot an order Issued out of the Court of common Pleas ot Columbia county, the undersigned Assignee for the benefit of the creditors of Abraham MILer will expose to public sale at tho 'WILLIAMS HOTEL" In the Borough of Berwick, Columbia county, on tho 15th day of August, 1B77, at two o'clock p. m., the following described pieces or parcels of land with the appurtenances, situate In said Borough of Berwick, Pa,, bounded and described as follows, to-Klt: All that piece or parcel ot land sltuato on Oak street, bounded on the ea by lot ot Arthur Oliver, north by an alley, west by land of M. W. Jackson and on tho bouth by Oak street, contain ing one lolot. Also, one other piece of land situate on Second street in said torough.boundcd and described as louows, lo-wit.: iteginmog at mo corner 01 lot num ber ono hundred and one, thence by the same one hundred and eighty-one and a half feet to Third street, thence by ihe same forty-nine and a half feet to lot of Alexander Thompson, thence by Ihe same one hundred and eighty-one and a halt feet to Sec ond street aforcsild, thence forty-nine and a half feet to the place of beginning, being lot number ''ninety-four," In plan of said town, on which is erected a FRAME HOUSE, Also, one other piece or parcel of land situate in said Borough, beginning at a corner of lot number twenty-one on the south sldu ot Front street, thence by Front street forty.nlno and a halt feet to lot number twenty-ave, thence by lot number twenty nvo one hundred and sixty feet, thenco by a line par- allel with Front street forty-nine and a halt feet to lot number twenty-one, thence by lot number twen ty-one one hundred and slity feet to the place of nejlnnlntr, being lot number twenty.two (Water lot) as marked and numbered In plan ol said town, on which is erected a two-story DOUBLE FRAME HOUSE. One other piece or parcel of land In said Borough on Frontstreet Detween Market and Mulberry street beginning on Front street nt line of cald Miller thence along Front street ten feet to line of II. M 1 llnrk-mtin. thpnr-A iilnnv a.,11 IWInnon-a ),naAl.hru ... , ... - """-- ' feet, Ihenco to line ot said MUler ten feet, thence along line ot said Miller eighty feet to Front street. Also all that lot of ground sltuato on Front street being "contiguous In-lots marked und numbered In the plan of the said town numbers Fifteen and Six- teen;" lot No. 15 begtnnlng at the corner of lot num ber Five on Front street ihenco aiong the same for ty-nine and a half feet to corner of ln-lot No. le.thenee along the same one hundred and clghty-one and a 1 corner on r-econu street, tnence by the samo forty-nine and aljalffectto the corner of lot No. s, thence by the Rameone hundred eighty-one and a half feet to the place, ot beglnnlnir. Lot No. It beginning at Ihe corner of lot No. IS aforesaid on Front street, thenco along the same forty-nine and a halt feet to corner of lot number beventeen, thence I by the same one hundred eighty-one and a half feet to Second street, thence along Second streetfortv. nine and a half feet to the corner of lot No. is. atom. I - ft. uuuu vu lutu Ul O 1 ereea BHck B-1,ingnose,Brickstore, Brick Drug Store, FraillO Wn. tt I ' UIC AAUll&U, VraniR stalilp nnd nthr nii,.h.iiMi.M. . ....... tnence aioog Front street twenty.two feettoim I ot lot of A. B. Wilson s heirs, thence by the same 'lty thence to lot of Ji. M. Hockman on a line parallel with Frontstreet twenty-two feel, thence by the same slxty-slx feet to the place of bcgmnlng -"-t"wws BRICK DWELLING HOUSE E. W.M. Low in the sum of one thousand dollar, i JrZl "t. o7 2 Z "JJ?"L i n.i.i J, T.. ,Z . . ZZZ rth I ;." h. ie n7.i Vfi, n.i.i.;.V . --iui'u .. ..v.h .vuiituiaiiuu uisi, in ferred aroents to bo aucured by bond and mort gage on me premises, -me last described piece to be sold subject to the mortgage of E. W, M. Low aud toe mu'res. aueon ttij same. J. W. EVANS, m. k. j icxsoH i son, Assignee. Attorneys. Berwick, I'a., July 19th, 1SI7, BI&.I?-Zh' f'loiuMDiUo Cor mJ at the Coluului oaxn. r S1JERIFFS SA LVj. I By virtue of sundry wtlla issued out of Ihs Coutt ot Common Fleas ot Columbia county and to ine dlrsctod will bo exposed to r'ibllo ealo attlio court House at two o J-k p. m.,on HATUllDAY. AUUlJril' ISlh. 1877. All that lot and Piece M land sllunli d lu BrlarL-ii-ik township, bounded on the north by lands of llebec- en Evans and .lames and Jacob Bowers, on the east 1u"m ,t"! ",utu la'"1' ?' of the widow of John Mas.e.ter, confining twenty- nnfl npro mnro nf tiai u-horiwin nra rrnrtml a ritvnl. ,ln nou9e to. c- andaaw mill, together with all the rights and privileges thereto pertaining and held by the defendant. Seized, taken In execution and to be sold as the property of William Evans. ALSO, All thoso certain lots of land situate In Ihe Cor ougfi of centralla, Columbia county, Pennsylvania, to wit I A double lot bouadod on the south by Main street, cy-luuure neavujr . on tho west by Thomas ocraghty. north and east by allej s, whereon are erected a two-story framo house and stable, meat houso and otherout-buildlngs, said lots being 60 feet front and H0 In depth. ALSO, One other lot on Centre street, bounded on the east by Main street, south by Centre street, west by Louis Kantncr nnd north by an alley containing front nod Icet In depth, wheron are erected two double dwelling houses and ouUbuUalogs. The last mentioned premises will be sold In two parts, each having a dwelling house and out-bulld- lngs, the lots being each about ss feet In front and about 14) feet In depth. ALSO, Two other lots on Troutwlnc street bounded on the west by an alley, on lo south by Joseph Dawes, ftrM, itM .nbf i. nw,,.t.,n. WlinrAnn ! oraitarl a tnn1lA (tn-nlllnn linn en nnrl ntit- buildings, containing CJ leet In front and Ho feet In 1 depth. ALSO, One other lot bouuded on tho west by Troutwlno street, cast by an alley, north by Chadwlck, south by a steo'e, said lot being S3 feet In front and 140 feet In depth, A10, Ono other tract of land situate In Itoartngcreek on the north by Muchlaberger, on tho cast by and framo barn. Seized, taken Into execution and to be told as tho property ol James Dyke. ALSO, The following real cBtate Bltuate In Montour town ship, Columbia county, Pennsylvania, bounded as follows ! On tho west by D. L. W. llall Road, oast by lot of Henry Klclrn, south by lot of Mrs. Donovan and north by a public road, said lot being about co feet In front hy 100 feet In depth running narrower back, whereon are.crocted a two-story framo nouso and outbuildings. Seized, taken into execution and to be sold as tho property of John Nungesscr. CONDITIONS OF 8 ALE Purchasers must pay ten per cent, ot the purchase money, or at least enough to cover all costs, at Btrlklng down of sale puierwiso propciiy u nu rcsoiu ai onco. JOHN W. HOFFMAN, July 27, lsu.-ts sheriff. SHERIFFS SALE ! By virtue of sundry writs of Issued out otthu Court of Common Pleas of Columbia CO., and to me directed, wUlljti exposed to publlcssloat tho Cmirtllouso In Bloomsburg at two o clock p. m. on SATURDAY, AUGUST -25, 1877, The following real estate sltuato In tho town ot Bloomsburg, Columbia county, Pennsylvania, boun ded and described as follows, to-wtt : On the north uy D. L. W. Railroads, east by lot of Peter BUI racyer, south by seventh street, and west by lot of Bloomsburg Gas company, containing three-fourths of an acre moro or less, whereon are erected a largo two-story brick foundry and machine shop, a frame ware house, frame blacksmith shop, frame car shop, together with engine, and boilers, lathes, fans, drill press, belts, pulleys, grindstones, boring machines, flasks, patterns, and all fixtures, tools and machin ery belonging thereto. rietzed, taken Into execution and tone sr-idas the property of Samuel Turnbach and Silas M. Hess. CONDITIONS OF SALK.-Purchasera must pay ten per cent of the purchase money, or at least enough to cover all costs at striking down of sale otherwise property to be resold at once. ALSO. On all that certain real estate situate in Green wood township, Columbia county,: Pennsylvania' bounded aud -described as follows, to-wit: On the north by land ot Marvin Kline, land ot Jo seph Keller, south by land ot II, Kitchen and others, and west by land of Marvin Kline, containing 40 acres more or less, on which are erected 'a frame dwelling house and barn with the appurtenances. Seized, taken Into execution and to bo sold as the property of Leonard Kline. 1 JOnN W. HOFFMAN, Aug. 3, IT-ts Sheriff, LIST OF CAUSES FOR TRIAL AT SEPTEMBER TKHM, 1871. FIRST Wttt. Frederick nobler vs. D. U. W. it. It. Co. Robert Gorrell & Co. vs. Joseph M. Freck. Lloyd Paxton vs. Philadelphia Reading It. R. Co. George K. Tryon et. al. vs. Jacob Brown et. aL (leorgo K. Tryon et, al. vs. Martin Lubold et. al. George K. Tryon et al. vs. William Clarke et. al. George K. Tryon ct. al. vs- Joslah Hand et. aL George K. Tryon et. al. vs, Christian schack et. al. Snyder, HarUnan & Co. vs. N. L. Campbell. A. T. Ikeler vs. Jonas Doty. John Heaeock vs. Jonas Doty. Fayetto Drlbleblss vs. Eves Co. L. V. Davis vs. Jonas Doty. Lel Klnley vs.'N. L.Campbell. John MeCalla's Exr.vs. George D. Luce et. al. 1). F. Seybert vs. Philip Appleman. Lafayette Drlbllb's vs. C. W. Eves et. al. C. B. Brockway vs. Orange township. Williams Chalfantvs. K. 11. Oulc. Robert Taylor et. al. vs. Robert (lorrcll. Jeremiah Taylor et. al. vs. Robert Porrell. Robert Taylor et, oL vs. Robert Gorrell. Daniel Kline vs. Charles Lee and T. L. Kline. Jacob Fisher, Sr., et. al, vs. John Fisher et. al. S. u Stetler vs. Lewis Yetter. SECOND WEEK. Alexander Smith vs. J. W, Evans. Alexander smith vs J. W. Evans, First National Bank ot Ashland vs. Daniel Morris. I. W. McKehy vs. William Shaffer et. al. A, L. Turner vs. Elma Kester. E. W. Rutter vs. W. V. Jones. Albert Wlnton vs. Jonas Doty. Columbia Insurance Co. vs. Joseih M. Freck. Columbia Insurance Co. vs. Jackson 1; oodln. C. It. I'axtonet,aI. vs. 11. o. Creveltng. George Ituckel vs. Mlchlel Grover's Adm'r. C.J. Ash vs. William Ikeler. Columbia Insurance Co. vs. Jackson i Woodtu, Columbia Insurance Co. vs. Nescopeck Bridge Co, C. B. Brockway et, al. uso vs. William Yeaceret. ah A uranam Rice vs. John Sherman et. al. Christ Church vs. A, S. Phillips. nenry u. Conner vs. Emanuel Conner's Adm'r, Sarah A, l'etrlktn vs. L. W. Wooley. Evan Franklin vs. sharpless 4: Harraan. wmiara nuckel vs. George Moore et al, D. F. fceybert vs. J. W. Sankey, Dante) Kostenbauder vs. Ctusper I. Thomas. Mary Crcvellng's use vs. William William Winter- -teen. O. F. Drelsbach vs. Michael Grover's Admr's. EilzabeUi KUngerman's Adm'r. vs. David It. llower. K. F. Kamerly vs. Joseph Hess. John Eckrote.vs.:Jesse Zaner'a Ex'r, Ainus navage vs. A-ram Kline et. ux, vs. Margaret Curry'a Adm'r, Fowler. II, 11. Albcrtson vs. Joseph P. Img;1 Sarah 11111 i t, al. vs. l'ena'u canal Co Sr Casper Rata vs. George il. i Cpl'eLtT John A. Funston vs. Bloomsburg Gas Co. iiannan weus a. I). L, & W. IU It. Co. inoomsburg Lumber Co. vs. a. W. fcterner. Ezra S, Lyons vs J, II. Eves. Jacob ETans'Kx'r. vs. Thomas E. fleddts ct. al. .luinuei uiger vs, Francis Evans, I 'hujler & Reasncr vs. Aaron Bender, inoomsburg Lumber Co. vs. William Morris et. al. Bloomsburg Lumber Co. vs. William Morris et. ux. name oi jsspy vs. WUllara Wllnes' Bxlu. Toles t Sweet vs. William MUnes' Kir's, urockway & Elwell va. Conyngham townshln. Brockway Elwell vs. Conyngham school Dlstrlcu w imam linnvlllo vs. Peter Ent'a Administrator. O. II. Millard va. Conyngham and Centralla Poor District. ttL' ?IT, Knapp. i ueorgetietty s. Daniel it. Stevens. Cau. vs. satnue. and Emma Reppert. Augustus KU-rhart s. Daniel Evcrhart. C. B. Brockway vs. First National Bank of Berwick. William Krlckbaum. use vs. U T. Shai plesa eU al. rermeua il. Koons vs. stitzer Miller. Lewis Schu) ler, Trustes vs. Comad Kreamer, AFER BAGS FOR SALE AT THECOLUJIHIAN OFFICE. TLANK MORTGAGES for sale cheap at th 1 Jj uulclx omo. -ifKuit legl advertisements. DMlNlMTHATOK'ft NOTKT. Ullefs f f administration, on llw iwlnto r,t rump I) Meauitr, IMo tf urct-nwwl Iwp, Loiiiuiins , id., i-n h.. I.,-,, L-MhiMi tiv Hie ltcirlslrr of Co lumbia county, ui loxiulerKwiiiiT,nf same town ship, to whom all persons Indebted sre renuptec; to make Imnie dlaie pn jinent nnd those havlngctairiM or demands against, the said estate will make them known to Ilia iinMrxIgncd Administrator without, ilKsy. ALIiXANDEIt KllCAMBH, July JT.tJ-aw Administrator. COURT PROCLAMATION, "MrilEREAS, ihe Hon. William Elwem. v y i-re resident Judge of the Court of Oyer and Terminer and HenenA Jail Delivery, Court of Qaar orohans' court In tho SOlh Judicial DU- ,r,ct composed of the counties ot Columbia and Montour, and the Hons. I. K. Xrlckbanm and P. L Shuman.Assoclate- Judges of Columbia county, have Issued their precept, bearing data the lltii day ot May, In the year of our Lord one thousand olgnl hundred and soventy-soven, and to me directed for holding a Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Quarter Sessions of tho Peace, Court ot Common Pleas and Orphans' Court, In Bloomsnurg, in tne county of Columbia, on Ihe flrst Monday, being the Sddayof September next, to continue two weeks. Notice Is hereby given to the coroner, to tne jus tices of tho Peace, and the Constables of tho said of Columbia, that they be i then and mere In their proper person at 10 o'clock In tho forenoon of said sd day ot Sept., with their records, Inqui sitions and other remembrances, to do those tblnga which to their oracus appertain to bo done. And those that aro bound by recoznlzance to prosecute against the prisoners that are or may bo In tho Jail ot tho said county of Columbia, to be then and there o prosecute them as shall be Int. Jurors are re quested to be punctual In their attendance, agreeably to their notices. Dated at iiioomsourg tne tst aay 1 nf Aucust. In the vear of our Lord one L. H. V thousand eight hundred and seventy-seven yI and in the one hundred and first year ot the Independence of the United States of America. Shell ITS Office, JOHN. W. HOFFMAN, Bloomsburg, Aug. s to Sheriff. Orphans' Court Sale OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. By vlrtuo ot an order of tho Orphans' Court of Co lumbia county, Ihe undersigned Administrator of Wm. Hess, deceased, will expose to public sale ou the premises on SATURDAY, AUGUST 2T.tli,1877, at ten o'clock, a. m.. the following described real cs tato sltuato In the township of sugarloat, County ot Columbia, bounded nnd described as follows: Pur part No. 0, bounded on the north by lands of William Stevens, on the cast by lands ot Marshall MUler and otlier lands of the said William Hess, on tho south by lands ot Elizabeth Miller, and on the west by lands ot the saino, containing FORTY-TWO ACRES, and 74 perches. And purpart No. 4, bounded ou the north by other lands of said William Hess, being purpart No. 3, on the cit by lands ot Marshal Miller, on tho south by lands of Elizabeth Miller, au I 011 tho west by satd purpart No. 3, containing 1 AUKKS AND 52 I'HRCIIEP. Tho greater portion ot this Is well timbered. Whereon It erected a saw mill In good condition with OAershot wheel, double gearing an excellent water pon er. TERMS OF SALE. Ten per cent, of one-fourth of tho purchase money to Iw paid at Iho striking down ot lh properly, tho one-fourth less tho ten per cent, nt the conllrinatton of tho sale, and tho re maining three fourths In ono jcar thcrcafler with Interest Irorn confirmation nl si. Possession will bo gUcn upon security for balance of purchase money at any time after sale. EZRA STEPHENS, JulyST,'I7-ts Administrator. TJEaiSTER'S NOTICKSi JLV Notlco Is hereby given to all legatees, 'credi tors and other persons interested In the estates of the rcsnectlve ducedent. nnd mlnnm fol lowing administration and guardian accounts have been llleil In the omce ot tho Register ot Columbia county, and will be presented for confirmation and uuuwuncu iu me urpnan-r uourr. 10 oe neitx in Bloomsburg, on Monday, thesd day of Sept., 1871, at 2 o'clock, p. in. on said day: 1. -no nrbr. ana nnai account or 1'eter swank, Ad ministrator ot Joseph stokes, late ot Locust township, deceased. Thenrstand nnal account of Joseph Kline, Ad ministrator ot John c. KUne.late of Mount Pleas ant towlishtp, deceased. 3. The first and partial account of narrlet n. Wea- uer. met uinx 01 n. u. wusuer.iateox tne nor ough ot Berwick, deceased. . The account of I ram Derr, Administrator ot Pax- ion mine, late 01 ureenwooa township, de ceased. a. The Bnal account of Joseph II. and Thomas Ad- uius. axecuiors 01 a uranam Aaams. late or un arcreek township, deceased. The account of Alfred Crevellng, Guardian of Mary F. Trembly, (late Crevellng; a minor child ot Ell Creveltng, late ot Scott township, de ceased. , The second and nnal account of Ulram Pcaler, Administrator ot Daniel l'ealer, Jr., late of Fish lngcreek township, deceased. 8. The first account ot Jobhua Fetterman and Aaron w. urover, Administrators or Michael a rover, late of Bloomsburg, deceased. 9. Tho nrst and partial account ot Nathan P.. Creasy ftnil Dnnlpl A. PrnAOV llltnlnl.fNtn creasy, late ot Minna township, deceased. 10. The final supplemental account of Peter Ent, de- .aru,iMa W.UUK UI IU1U 1 TUSieO Ol Matthew McDowell, deceased. Wed by his Ad ministrator, Oscar 1'. Enr, 11. The account ot Philip Faust, Administrator of juur; r uusi, iuuj ui iunuiur lownsnip, aeceasea. 12. The acco-ntof Hiram J. Iteedcr, Executor ot ueorge snick, late ot Catawlssa, deceased. 18. Tho nrst andllnal account of A. J. Albertson, Aumimstraior or weiuver A, Kllne.lateot Green wood township, deceased. 14. The third account of Wm. II. Yetter, Adminis trator or iianiei 1 titer, late of Main township, deceased. is. The account of C. W. MUler. Guardian of Man- Mason, minor child ot ltohert Mason, late ot Bloomsburg, deceased. le. TheDrstand final account of Wm. II. flhoema. er, uuaraianot James L. itricheldelfer, minor child ot Michael lielcheldelfer, late ot Blooms burg, deceased. 17. The account of D. A. Watson, Executor Of WU- uain uaruer, late ot Madison township, as nieu bv his Administratrix, Mary A.Watson. IS. The account of I) A. Watson, Executor of to- tun uniuci, law oi .uuuibon lownsnip, aeceaseu, as nied by his Administratrix, Mary A. Watson. 19. The flrst and final account of William u. John. Aauiuusuawr or uauwanaaer Roberts, late ol Montour township, deceased. SO. Tho final accouat ofj. M. C. Rank, Executor of joiin jiciuca, lato ot tcott township, deceased. Ileirlsler's omce. 1 w. It. JAcnnv. Bloomsburg, Aug. s, 1ST7. Register. TtTlDOWH' UT-RAISEMENTS. VT Thofollowlug appraisements ot real and personal iii-orH-rtvHct. anartto widousnf rim-wipnia hate been Hied In tho office of the IteirlsUir nf inl. umbta county, under the Rules of Court, and will be presented lor ahkolutH omnnnatiou to the orphans Cuurtlo be held In llloornsburg.ln and for said coun ty, on Monday, tho 3d day of sept,, IS77, at . o cioe. p. in., oi saia nay unless exceptions to such continuation til e previously filed, of which all per sons Interested In said estates will take notices 1. Widow of Isaac L. Cri der, late of Centre town- slilD. (leceaced. s. Widow of Montgomery Cole, lato ot Suirailoaf townshln deceased. 3. Widow oi I) A. Bowman, late of Minim townshln oeceaseu. t. Widow .of John Ent. late of Scott townshln. dp eea-tf d. ts. Widow of Jacob Clewell, late of Catawlssa lowu- c. Widow ot John Bclshllne, late ot Benton town shlD. decoased. 7. Widow of lleury Fritz, late ot Suirarloaf tow snip, deceased. widow of Joseph c. Hess, lato ot Benton town hhlp, deceased. 9. Widow of Edmund Crawford, late of Mount neis. uui, wirjuuiii, ueee-aeu. lo. widow ot Frederick Hlcr, late of Benton town ship, deceased. tf Widow of John O. Dlldlne, lato of Benton towa- la. Widow of Philip D. Kreamer, late of Greenwood township, deceased, 13, Widow ot John Mclioell lite cf Scott townFhlp. doeeased. r- r' deceased. ltelter's onice. 1 W. IL JACOUY lteih-ter. Bloomsburg, Aug. 3. Ml I THE INTERNATIONAL REVIEW. Iho "International" for 1678 will urrsenl the usual number ot articles upon religious, sclentinc, art, po litical and social subjects most cecupjlngthe pub lic attention. It will Ueote pace to European mat ters so far as they are likely lo be lutereMIng to Americans. It will continue to lulroduco tho most popular foielgn Knurs to nmiete lor laur with the best American writers ll will aim lobe abln. strong a' d practical, as well as popular. In thechar-aitf-randt)iooriupr?m-utatlons. It is safe to say that no other magazine In the world can supply Us l-iaku in uic.iviiu ten ui n uiri 11 una I, uu 101 e Ul ion- siuer me progrt-its oi eiema lurougnuui inpvorld. uuu iukuuw mtir lit-iuii.g upon me inieit-sia or tne I'nlted Stales. I'roiesMrs luillus, llollzcndorf, Vogel. Dr. liollinirer. Dr. Dorner. lir.Neumeer. lir. Carl Able, Mr Julius Duboc Biugsh-Bey. M. Rolllu joupieuiyn. ai. r-putier. Dep., ai, iiindrlez, Mr. Ilauirnon, Mr. Freeman; Rev. Dr. Jauu-a II. Itlgg. Dora lllnrla, I'ozionl. Dr. Woohey, Dr. 1'eabody! I'rlnclnal Dawtc n. Judce Coolev. Dr. u hnrton. i in: ('. Irjaul, Ray Palmer, turlMhurz, General Slgtl, Dr. iitgood. Alex. Deluiar. V. Itotta, Eugene Sctiu) ler. Bayard Tajkir, E P. Whipple, ami others may Wl IIUIUCU Ulf B-ll UUinUIIWlB. Thus Is organtred as powerlul an orean of tboncht and ccinmunlcailon as can be easily eoneelied, and It prrsen ItM-lt lor iiuUar support during 1MI. It Unot known that llteie Is any lesson why copies of the "ltelc " should not 1 lound In every house hold. It baa alnadylhe largest clrrulallonof any secular Peview, hecause ot Us popular ttrsrtlons. These aitrsrllons will bedeteicped gradually, and Increased as their need Is made known. Price tt.oo a Number. 15.00 a Year (Six Numbers.) I A, 8, BARNES & IV PuUshfrs, HI . 113 William St., N. t t It