The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, July 27, 1877, Image 3

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ntooMSDtni(!vFnii(Ar, julys?, is;?
Kail Roa Time Table.
NORTn. south.
Accommodation Train tus A.M. T,5! A. M
Mall Train T.S8 A. M 4.49 P. M
Express Train l.w P. M. 11.H A, M
" " CM P.M.
Accommodation Train G.S9 a. St. t.ST P. M.
ltegular Express 4.N! p. SI. 11,33 A. M.
Throngh cars on Express train cither to New York
or Philadelphia. Accommodation train runs between
Catawlssa and Wllllamsnort.
Tho Democratic voters of the fcveral districts
of Columbia countj will meet nt the usual place
of holding tlio gecra! elections on Saturday
tho lllh day of Aufint 1877 between tho hours
of three and seven I'clock In the afternoon and
elect delegates by sallot to represent tho dis
tricts in a County (Invention to be held nt the
Opera House lu B.omiburg on Tneiday tho
14th day of August 177 at 11 o'clock a. hi. to
place In nomination one candidate for District
Attorney, one candjlale for Coroner, and to
transact such other justness as the interests of
the Democratic part) may lequlre.
Also nt llift.samott ie and places and in the
same manner the Dmocratic electors of each
district will elect one terson (o serve as a mem
ber of tho County Slntdlng Ci mmittco which
will meet Immediatelj upon tho adjournment
of the Convention.
By order of tie Couily ommittee.
Wirren J. Buckalew,
S Chairman.
llloomsburg V.
" w....i
Ttrlarcreek. ..
('onynghnm H
Jit. Pleasant
. .IVl
. 194.
,!19 .
. 115.
.11. . ..
..tWi . . .
. ..5
. .111
, .!!
..... Mi
... 69
...11 . .
. ..4
lly rule the ratio is fixed nt 60 vtles for a del
egate, but no district to have lewThan two or
more than four delegates, and allot am c is to
be made within those limits for the nrgeat frac
tion of a ratio.
llloomsburg July 18, 1877.
Lost. On Friday night bctwien 1-eoton and
Illoomsbrug a bundle in shawl strap, (obtaining'
a lady's brown duster.and whito sltiw. iny per
son finding the same, will please returi to this
Mrs. Patterson, sister of Mrs, D. J
Sr. died recently.
Q. Haughawout Ksq. of Ashland wa in town
on legal business last Saturday.
The Echo is happy because a new board fnce
has been erected in the enterprising borougS of
Charles Foster informs us that ho has rai J
ahead of cabbage weighing 12 pounds eiglt
ounces. Who can beat that ?
The Western Union Telegraph Company
have removed their poles from Centre street
and put then on Witman's alley.
Wanted. Potatoes and all kinds of .country
produce will be taken at the Coi.umma office
on account, at market prices.
The Commissioners office has been much im
proved by a change iu the counter and desk. It
is more convenient for every body.
The potato crop in tills section is abundant,
and the product is large and full. They have
been selling in some places at forty cents a
Tho employees on the D. L. ft W. K. H.
struck last Tuesday nifjit. No trains were al
lowed to leave Scranton except mail Irains, af
ter that time.
On Tuesday of last week a little boy of Solo
mon Diener, of Main township, fell out of the
barn into the barnyard, breaking his neck
causing instant death.
Genera! J. K. Sigfried, of Schuylkill county,
lias lieen reappointed by Ihe governor mine
boiler inspector for the counties of Schuylkill,
Columbia and Northumberland.
The Berwick Company belonging to 9th Iteg.
iment of State Militia was ordered to report at
Wilkesbarreon Monday last, for service iu pro
tecting lives and property against the strikers.
There will be a Sociable held in the basement
of the Lutheran Church on Sattuday evening,
where the ladies will have Ice Cream and oth
er refreshments. All arc Invited. Admittance
free to all,
Charles Krug has moved the building for
mcrly occupied by him as a work shop on his
premises back on a line with his residence on
Iron Street. The building will be fitted up for
a dwelling.
W. H. Gilmoresent up a large balloon on
Saturday night. Tho mania is getting ns bad
with the men as kite flying is with tho boys.
A balloon that ought to have gone up on Mon
day night disappeared in smoke before it left
the ground.
Mr. Frank Stuckey will walk n wire stretched
across the river at Wapwollopen on Friday the
10th of August. Tho length of tho wiro will
be 800 feet and the heighth above water 50
feet. This will be a daring feat for one so
young. Echo.
Mr. W. B. Koons, formerly proprietor of the
Exchange Hotel, al Bloomsburg, has taken
charge of Brown's Hotel, at that place. TXm
rille Record.
This is an error. Mr. Stohner owned Brown's
Hotel and still has charge of It.
Itolllni & Holmes have just placed a now
sign over their store, and it is without excep
tion the handsomest ilgnboard in town. The
fetters are white and gilt with blue back gtound.
Shey have also erected an iron frame awning,
nolher Indication of the enterprise of this
The numerous employees of die Philadelphia
and Reading railroad have been notified that they
would be paid on the 27th of July. There is two
months' pay due them, but the employees do
itit know whether they will receive pay for
I lie month of May only, or for both May and
Mr. W. H. Schuyler who has for the past
ithree years occupied a position as tutor'in tho
. 1'acuUy i Lafayette College, has resigned, and
accepted an appointment as Principal of the
Lewlstown Academy, His wife, a graduate of
the Elmira College will act as Lady Principal,
and Miss Lizzie Schuyler will assist in the work
of instruction. They all go with the highest tea
timonials, and enjoy the best wishes of their
-friends here for their success.
Col. Levi I Tale, the veteran editor of tho
Williatiisport Sun was back among the scenes of
Lis earlier labors last week. Tho Colonel al
ways comes with n genial countenance, and
does not seem to grow old a bit.
A little son of W. II. Jones, of Plymouth,
was drowned in the river at that place on Sat
urday, whllo playing on n flat, lie lost his
balance by the undulation of a steamboat and
fell in tho water. This Is the third child Mr.
Jones has lost within a short time. Echo.
This year is the time for the Septennial As
sessment to be made by the assessors. We are
nformed that through tho good management
of the County Commissioners It was done In
such a manner as to save between three and
four hundred dollars expense to tho county.
Prof. Henry Carver formerly of this place,
attempted to commit suicide at the St. Elmo
Hotel In Philadelphia last week by cutting his
throat. The wound was serious but not nec
essarily fatal. Ho was removed to a hospital.
Temporary insanity is assigned ns tho cause of
the act.
The canal bridge below the lock at this place,
gave way yesterday morning whllo Edward
Kcefer, Michael Boyle and Peter Obordorfer
were on It fishing. They were all precipitated
with the broken timbers into the canal. Keefer
sustained a bad cut on the breast, whllo the
others escaped with nothing more than a scare
and ducking. Rcncick Independent,
Dr. B. ', Gardner assisted by Dr. McHey
nolds operated on Mrs. Frank Evans of Buck
horn. The patient lias been suffering for 0
months with necrosis of the bone in right foot.
In order to save the foot or the greater part,
the doctor removed one of the bones of the in
step. The operation was done for the purpose
of saving an amputation,
Tho Methodists of Orangeville propose to
have an Ice Cream Festival in the Odd Fel
lows Hall building on Friday night, Aug. 3
and Saturday afternoon and night Aug. 4. Pro
ceeds to pay debt on parsonage. The patron
age of a generous public is respectfully asked.
Henry S. Mendenhall,
Ask for Dry Measuri:. It is a fact worthy
of nolo that our people are imposed upon by
too many berry peddlers, in Ihe way of short
measurement that is, the berries are sold by
liquid measure. There is quite a difference be
tween liquid and dry measure, when you come
to measuro a bushel of cherries. When you
buy berries, sec that they nre measured by
"diy measure."
The communication from "A lover of justice"
on the subject of County Superintendent is re
jected for two reasons. First it is too long, and
second wo have stated distinctly a number of
times that we will no letters for or
against any candidate for office. If weknowof
any good reason why n man ought not to be
elected wo shall not hesitate to say so on our
own responsibility.
The Poltsvillo correspondents who ventilate
their astounding ignorance of Schuylkill county
polities, through the columns of the Shenandoah
Herald, having driven Hon. John W. Kyon
and George II. Kaercher, Esq., in disgust from
the judicial track by their fulsome flattery, it Is
(o bo hoped they won't attempt the Boft soaping
process .on Mr. Bechtel, or they may leave the
Democratic parly entirely without a judicial
candidate. Chronicle.
Subscriptions received at this office for Ihe
International Iteview, a unique and cosmopoll
tan magazine, and the only popular liericw
published in the city of New York. It is pub
lished G times a year, its Btylc of manufacture is
superb, and each number contains 1 14 broad
octavo pages of valuable original contributions
by the best European and American writers, on
social, political, scientific, religious, literary and
artistic matters of living interest to everybody.
Recommended by tho best writers and thinkers
of tho age. Price $3.00 a year, delivered at
your ost-ofBce. Specimen Copy, S1.00
Walter Scott is now editing a Kentucky news
paper Exchange. Guess not. It was only the
ither day he had his finger taken off by a 1U-
rson surgeon. Vatcrson Press,
That's a whopper. He was up before the
Iliyor yesterday, and after paying 1.50 prom
iwd to leave town instanter. Tho last seen of
h m he was heading at Dallas. Record of the
Now both Bradley and Cooley know that
Walter .icctt, a subscriber of the Columbian
Mice its foundation formerly resided nt Cata-
avissa, In tins countv ; ami wc may add now
l.rcs at lowsontown, Maryland.
A grand excursion to Niagara Falls and
Wilkins Giea on the 31st of July promises to be
lar:ely patronized. Tickets from Milton and
ret irn only S-7.7o, good fur ten days. There
will be issued, in connection with the railroad
ticket, a coupon ticket, giving the bearer the
folliwing privileges, viz: At Watkias, dinner,
supper, lodging mid breakfast at the Glen
Mountain House, and admission into the (lien.
I.eaie Watkinsat 10 o'clock a. in. Wednesday,
AHg. let, by steamboat over the beautiful Sene
ca Like, forty miles to Geneva, N. Y., (dinner
on board steamboat,) thence via N. Y. (!. R. R.
passirg the celebrated Clifton Springs, arriving
at N'iigara Falls at 9.00 in the evening. Sup
per, lcJping, breakfast and dinner at the Inter-
natiinzl Hotel, admission into Prospect Park,
Incline 1 Railway to foot of America Falls, toll suspension bridge to Canada Falls
and retuni,admisiion lo Goat and Lulu Islands.
All tho above named accommodations for the
small sun of $7.00, making in all for the round
trip including railroad fare, Milton, $ll.75
Lock Haven, $U,75, Williamspurt, S14.00.
Relurnini: train will leave Niagara Falls at
1:45 p. ro Thursday, Aug. 2d, arriving home
the same i t:ln
At a re-Tit meeting of the Trustees of the
Bloouisbu IStale Normal School for the ensu
ing sclioIu-U; year the following teachers were
Rev D. If. ,Valler Jr.. Principal : Assistant9
Profs. WiUia,, Noetling, H. A, Curran, G. i
Wilbur, J.' . Ferree, Augustus Hodman,
and Mine' -da M. Cole, Miry L.Hastings,
and Mrs- h. hick-
Mr, ValbJr,ihe Principalis a graduate of
Lafayette Co Ue-e, where he was afterwards en
gaged as tuti ir and of Princeton Theological
Mr, Noetling s graduate of Union College
and at preaeiit lis County Superintendent of
bnyder count;', t
Mr. Curran IsW graduate of Dickinson Col
lege, and has belj engaged In teaching seven
teen years, the '.last five years in Normal
Mr. Wilbur ' lino a graduate of Dickinson
College. He lu lad charge of the Fifth street
publlo school for ho past two years and has
shown himself a faithful and able instructor.
Mr. 1'erree has lcn connected with the Nor
mal School ever rii,ce lis establishment and I
well known in Ihislcoramunlly,
Mr, Hoffman hi charge of the music
department for the j,a,t ) tfar and has given en
tire sallsiaction.
Miss Cole Is a grai,mte of the Normal School
and has taught there feveral terms since,
Mrs. Rock has bee, connected wllh the whool
as teacher of Drawinn am Painting for several
years, and is known l a iomietent teacher.
Miss Hastings is graduate of Houghton
Seminary, Clinton, Ne York,
All the appointment are good ones and will
make a strong Faculty.
The next Tuna leii B y uUst 27th,
Ibr Salt Immediately,
Tho Central Hook Store (in Post office).
Tcrini two years credit with good security.
Possession August 1st. Apply to T. W.
Hnrlmnn or F. M, Everett.
Chsrles 8. IJornwald has shown us the Cen
tennial Cako and Baking Pan, made by L. E.
Brown & Co. of Cincinnati, for which ho Is
gent. It is the best thing of the kind we ever
saw. The pan Is mado of three pieces, the bot
tom, the Bido band, and a cone for'tho centre.
Cakes can be baked with or without a hole In
the middle. When the enko Is done the pan is
taken to pieces and leaves the loaf unbroken.
Prico only one dollar. Every housekeeper
should have one.
On Wednesday last Mrs. Elizabeth Harman
was buried in the Cemetery, She died at tho
advanced ago of 82 years, 2 months and 4 days.
Her husband, Samuel Harman died at the ago
fl cars. He had beena soldier in the war
of 1812, and was one of tho oldest Masons in
the country. He was one of the founders of the
Bloomsburg Lodge A. Y, M. Mrs. Harman
was noted for her genial disposition and benev
olence, and was followed tollie grave by a largo
number of Borrowing friends. She was the
mother of J, II, Harman of ltupert.
Lawrcnco Cronan got into durance vile on
Tuesday last through the too free use of strong
liquids. Clnef oM'olice Woodward found some
ifficulty in engineering Larry up the alley to
tho Lockup, and so tailed upon three bystan
ders to assist. Each look hold of n corner of
their unwilling burden and introduced him
horizontally into the receptacle for over-loaded
citizens. Larry nude music by smashing things
up, until Woodward stopped him by the appli
cation of iron ornaments to Ills wrists.
Experiment. Quite an interesting experi
ment was made last Monday, on the canal, with
method of propelling boats by means of water
ejected from a forcing pump. The Steam Fire
Engine of tho Borough was placed on a Hat, the
suction pipe was thrown over tho bow of the
boat into the water, and ihe pipes through
which the water was to be ejected were arrang
ed on each side of the flat dipping into the wa
ter several inches with a slight inclination
downwards, at tho stern of the Hit. The water
was thrown out witli a 601b force and moved
the flat a little more than three miles an hour,
with several tons weight and forty persons on
It went to Northumberland and back.
The experiment was an entire success and was
conducted under direction of John Sperring and
engineer William Young. It Is intended to
repeat the experiment soon, with a somewhat
mproved application of the forces. Montour
The State Legislature last winter passed an
act empowering the Governor to appoint a seal
er of weights and measurers in each county
"where no such office now exists by law, whose
term of service shall be for three years, and he
Bubject to the laws now in force governing such
oQiccs within this commonwealth."
The act of 1845 6ays that il shall bo the duty
of Ihe regulators of weights and measures at
least once in every year to go to stores, house",
stalls and offices of the makers, venders or pro
prietors of beams, scales, weights and measures,
and try and adjust all beams, scales, weights
and measures, and seal the same with the ini
tials of his last or surname, and the current
year, for which trial and adjustment he shall re
ceive tho following fees : For balancing every
set of scales; 10 cents; patent balance, 20 cents;
lay or coal scales, $2; yard meature, 0 cents;
bushel measure, 20 cents ; quarter peck meas
ure, 01 cents ; gallon, half gallon and quart
measure, -1 cents; pint or less, 3 cents; for
every weight, 2S pounds or more, 12 cents;
weight less than 2S pounds, 4 cents each ; and
an additional charge for lead, labor or other
materials for adjusting said beams, scale,
weights and measures, at the current value of
labor and materials furnished, and no more ;
"Provided, That for the sealing of such beams,
scales, weights and measures as have been seal
ed the previous year, he shall demand and re
ceive only one-half of the aforementioned fees,"
None has been appointed for lids county.
Our enterprising Commissioner, Mr. Sands
rushed to Harrisburg some time ago to get his
son appointed, but the Governor evidently
knew Joseph, and thought one of Ihe family on
the county was enough at a lime. Why next
they will want Sandetone in the proposed jail.
The Mountiiin Wio' correspondent speaks
thus about Bloomsburg matters.
Bloomsburg looks beautiful. -The streets are
nicely graded and paved, and the whole town
as neat and clean as a pin. The council de
servos praise for passing an ordinance prohibi
ting the running at large of cows. This is one
of the striking features of the good government
of the town. Business for the piesent is very
dull, and there seems lo be no prospect of its
picking up for some time, but slill wo arc liv
ing under earnest hope that a revival of busi
ness may soon take place, so that our citizens
may be induced to remain in town, although
iose who .ire leaving do so reluctantly and
with great rccret. Notwithstanding the hard
times nnd adversities we are laboring under
wo look forward, even if it is at a great distance
to a time when Bloomsburg will rank on an
equal footing iu business with any other town
in the ,State say nothing about its being the
most beautiful town.
The jail question has at lat been definitely
settled but not amicably, Tho commissioners
have decided, since the injunction restraining
them from accepting the Krug contract, to ac
cept the gift of a lot from Mr, Waller nnd erect
the necessary structure thereon. The new build
ing will in all probability cost between sixty
and seventy thousand. Before Ihe lapse of
three years the question of building a new
court house will be agitated. The vacant lot
on the comer of Seventh andiron streets will
be the mot desirable and convenient place for
the building, being next tollie jail. One would
naturally suppose that this lot was purposely
left, with a view of creeling a court house not
many years hence. Would it not be better for
Ihe county if the jail was lo be erected upon Ihe
site or the old one? e will refrain from say
ing any more on this subject for Ihe present.
Moyer Brothers have bought the old Rupert
block which they intend tearing down and put
in its place a large and handsome building for
their own ue. This firm is doing an extensive
business, and their reputation as good drug
gists has become widely circulaled. .Mr. Law.
alt, the obliging and handsome clerk in the re
tail department is a "shining light" and has
hosts of friends. He knows how to make good
soda water.
On Sunday the family of Pat Heter, the
condemned Moll le, was in town and visited
him in jail.
The coal and iron police on guard about tho
jail discourse some very excellent vocal music
during the stillness of Ihe night, and their vol
ces can be heard at n great distance.
Mr. F. Cooley, for a number of years connec
ted with Ihe Columbian as edilor, has taken his
departure from Bloomsburg, fur Wilkes Barre,
where he will be engaged on the Daily Times
as an editor, Mr, Cooley is a good newspaper
man and Blcomtburg will greatly miss his
spicy articles as have heretofore appeared in
the columns of Ihe Columbian, The times is a
good paper and under his assistance we know
it will be better. We hope Mr. C. will like
his new "sit" and wish him a pleasant and
agreeable life in ilkesb&rre,
On Wednesday last, about noon, an alarm of
fire was sounded and the steamer was got nut a
oon ns possible. The flrp proved lo be al Ihe
saw mill of McCleery, Ncwlraid it Co., nbove
town, and beforo tho steamer could reach tho
spot the mill was one sheet of flames and be
yond the hopo of saving, Tho attention of tho
firemen was then turned to the largo plies of
lumber stacked up in tho yard, and an cflbrt
was made to stop the progress of the flames in
that direction, but it was a vain effort. The
wind blew directly toward the lumber from tho
mill, and though the firemen worked hard for
hours yet they were unsuccessful, and the lum
ber was all consumed. In the meantime tho
Fisher Hook and Ladder boys (who wcro first
on the ground) had not been idle. They had
their ladders up at nil the exposed houses on
Lincoln street, and worked manfully in connec
tion with the citizens in carrying water and
preventing the houses and stables from catch
ing. It is estimated that there was nearly twenty
thousand dollars worth of lumber destroyed and
tho mill and machinery wns worth twenty
thousand more. On the mill there was an in
surance of only eight thousand dollars, and
there was no insurance at all on tho lumber.
The loss falls heavily upon McCleery, Newhard
it Co., especially at this time when Ihey havo
passed through n long season of dullness, and
when the fall trade was just about commencing
wherein they hoped to dispose of a largo part of
tho accumulated lumber. Miltoniun.
How to Catch Black Bass. An old At
lantlo City fisherman tells in the following way
how to catch black bass. Black bass, he says,
"will first nibble gently at the bait nnd will
frequently draw your float under water. But
wait the float comes back suddenly he seizes
it and darts off, Don't pull ; give him play.
Suddenly ho stops ; he swallows the bait slowly.
Now a quick pull and you have him."
Hanged at Rlmira.
Peter II. Penwell, was hanged at 11:35
o'clock July 20 in an enclosed spaco be
tween the old and new jail buildings in
Elmira. An immense crowd gathered
around the buildings at an early hour, and
the military wcro brought into requisition to
disperse them. Gov. Robinson's letter de
nying having expressed tho opinion attri
buted to him about tho duties of a Judge
in the case, destroyed the last hope of re
spite. I'cmvcll spent tho morning iu prayer
nnd conversation with tho clergy. I to
showed not the slightc-t tremor of weakness
to the last, and was very anxious to bo taken
down and shown tho scaffold and its work
When placed tinder tho noose he thanked
the Sheriff atid the people generally for their
kindness to hiui. Then ho knelt down witli
the Rev. Hoar,and the latter prayed fervent
ly. When his arms and legs wero tied.
Penwell said: "1 hope all tho gentlemen
present will tako warning by me." There
wero about 300 spectators, and soldiers had
to he posted 011 neighboring housetops to
control the clamorous crowd. Tho drop
fell. Scarcely 11 tremor passed over Pen-
well's body. In thirteen minutes ho was
pronounced dead. The gash on his throat
inflicted by himself with tho razor after he
killed his wife, was torn open by tho rope,
but the blnck cap hid it from the specta
Penwell mado a long confession before go
ing to the execution. Ho reiterates his as
sertion that it was agreed between him and
his wife to kill themselves. After the failure
of the poisoning his wife said : "Wo are
to die together any how, and I don't care
how." 'This was on tho day of the murder.
Penwell says :
Then it was that I llrst thought of tho
axe. In the afternoon of that day (Satur
day, March 10,) at about half past 3 or -1
o'clock. I went in and asked Henry White
head if ho had a razor, and lie replied that
io did have ono somewhere around, and he
looked and found it. I took it into the room
and my wifo asked me what I was. going to
lo with it. I told her that she knew. I do
not remember whether I got the axe from
tho house or from out of doors. I remem
ber having it in my hand and that she said,
!ov is the time for 11s." I remember her
saying 'Rosanna" beforo I s-truck her, and
also ol cutting my throat. I do not re
member anything more until in the night
when there wcro people in the room I do not
remember how many times I struck her. In
the morning I raised up from where I was
lying, and where I had lain all night
iu tho t-amo room where tho corpse of
of my wifo was lying, and looked up
on her face, and realized for tho first timo
what I had done. She seemed to look to
me very natural juat as if alio was asleep.
As soon as I saw her, I fell back and re
mained there until the officers came and re
moved mo to prison. Through the night,
some time after tho crime, some of the doc
tors came and dressed my wound. I did not
realize anything until after I had been iu
prison for nearly two weeks.
Penwell wus buried nt the expense of the
city. This is tho second hanging in Chem
county. The first was in ISC".
Chief Juslico Agnew, in company with
Dr. McKenny, Chnrles Townsend and other
gentlemen, of Beaver, went out gunning
on the Fourth, and prepared themselves for
a good day's sport in bagging woodcocks.
But it seems that this variety ol "game" did
ifbt exist in the locality traversed, and some of
tho party fell to, bringing down pheasants,
forgetting for tho time, that to do so at this
season was unlawful. Between twenty and
thirty of tho birds wero "bagged" and
brought home, and all hands seemed well
pleased with tho day's enjoyment. The
Chief Justice and ills companions
ever, somewhat astonished a few days after
wards upon receiving a summons from
'Squiro Glass, of New Brighton, to appear
before him on Thursday next to answer a
suit of the Sportsman's Association for vio
lating tho gamo laws. The affair hns crea
ted a sensation iu Beaver county, tho home
of the Chief Justice, and although some are
disposed to think the prosecution malicious,
they still regard it as a pretty good joke on
the Supreme Court. It is understood that
at the hearing the Chief Justice will plead
guilty as accessory before and after the fact.
lltt. Commercial Gazelle,
Having obtained the agency of this
Cri.riiraieu Soap
for Bloomsburg and vicinity, I append tho
opinion of some of our best peoplo as to its
"I have used Dobbin's Electric Soapiuado
by I. L. Cragin & Co., .Philadelphia, Pa.
for washing about ten years, and think it
superior to any otner. Mrs. u. u, Hartley. "
"Wehave'iised Dobbin's Electric Soap and
nuu it superior to any other or ail otner
Mrs. W. 11. Jacoby,
Mrs. II. 11. Stohner.
I desire all my fi lends and customers to
Qire thit Soap one Mal,
so that they may know just how good the
Best fcoap in tuo united states is,
J. II, Maize,
J uly 20, '77-8w llloomsburg, Pa,
BLANK MORTGAGES for tale cheap at the
CotcviuN Office.
Elegant Hair Is woman's crowning beauty,
when It fades, she fades ns well. While il Is kept
bright her personal attractions are still maintain
ed. By preserving the hair fresh nnd vigorous a
youthful appearance Is continued through many
years. Those who grieve over their fading
hair turning gray loo early should know that
Ayer's Hair Vigor prevents it, nnd lestorcs
gray or,fadcd hair to lis natural color. It is n
clear and healthful preparation, containing
neither oil, dye, nor anything deleterious, and
imparts 13 the scalp what is most needed a
sense of pleasant and delightful freedom from
scurf or dandruff, A'cie Heme (N.C.) Times.
July lin.
MAUnmt-FITZURHAI.D.-In UerwIckontUelst
ot April last, by Rev. J. II, .Mc(larrah,Mr. George
V. Mauger to Miss Aggie T. ntzgerald, both ot Ilcr
wick, JIAI.ICII-I.EII1V. At Numldla, on Thursday
July 19, ls?7, by Peter Swank, Esq., Mr. Lestor Ma-
lien and JIlss Laura Lclby, allot Locust township,
Columbia county.
KEARNS HANKL'ST. At Cherry IIIU on the I5ih
ot July, by J, It. Jameson. J, P., Mr. Wesley Reams,
ol Catawlssa 10 Miss Sarah Ilankust or Cherry 11111,
Columbia county, Pa.
Wheat per bushel,..,
Rio ....
f J.00
. Jt.
. a
Corn, new, ,(
Oats, " " ....
Flour per barrel ....
Flaxseed ,
Potatoes ,
Dried Apples
sides A shoulders
Lard per pound
Timothy Seed
No. 4 on Wharf f 2,90 per Ton
No.B " " sxa
No.o " " 1 1.C3
Blacksmith's Lutup on Wharf f 2 w "
Ultumlnous 11 ....
(4 SO "
Business Notices
All kinds of Furniture at lowest prices at
Morniug, afternoon and evening can bo
seen people availing theuiaclvcs of tho present
opportunity iu securing some of the "big
drives at tho 00 cent store.
All ! AH 1 All 1
J, F. Caldwell fctill continues to have
Fresh Sweet Bread &c, every day. His ba
kers do not know how to bake sour bread.
He will not have any but first-class help.
Hand-made Shoes at McKinney's.
Surprising how popular the llloomsburir
09 cent Store has become in so short a time.
the Lug bargains ol UcMrable goods is what
has made it so.
The price of furnituie is way down to
rjick bottom. You can buy a very pretty
Walnut Chamber Set for fifty dollars, and
an elegant set lor seventy-five dollars at Cad
man's. If you want any Clothing call atonco and
see the bargains in the stock of Ready
made Clothing now at 1), Lowenberg's
Large arrival of very choice new goods at
the llloomsburg 01) cent Store.
The Rockford Watch, the best American
time keeper mhde lor tho price, can now be
had at Louis Bernhardt Jewelry store.
Juno 22, '77-tf
Lasting Gaiters, SI. 00 at McKinneys.
All the rage, the Itloomsburg 00 cent Store
Fine Underwear at Lowenberg's.
SI. 25 Foxed Gaiter, at McKinney's.
For a Nobby Hat go to Lowenberg's,
Largo rocking chairs for porches are all
the rage. Cadman has them of all shapes
.urn aitci nun colors, anu is selling ineni rap
idly. Those formerly sold
now bo bought for S4.50. Cheaper than any
other nln. nt Plm,n,
Have you seen tho great variety of wonder-
iui uarir.iius at me mooui'-uurg wj cent Store,
"Down to Hard Pan"
Boots and Shoes at
Selling Summer Clothing at cost at D,
Wantrd. Two girls to learn the tailor
ing trade. Wm. Y. Kester. Apr.27tf
Ladies' fine Shoes, all widths and sizes
ai Jicruiiney s.
A few vears aso "Aucu-t Flower" was dis
overed to bo a certain cum fiirllvsnpnsin nnd
Liver complaint, a few thin dyspeptics mado
known to their friends how easily ami quickly
they; bail been cured by its ue. The great
merits of Green's August Flower became her
alded through tho country by one sufferer to
another, ui.til, without ndveitMng, its sale
has becotno itninen-e, Druscists in KVKltY
TOWN iu tho United States aro selling it.
No person buffering with sour stomach, sick
headache. eo-tivenos. n.-ilnitntinn nf ihn
licait, indigestion, low spirits, etc., can take
tlirco doses without relief. Go to Moyer
iros anu pet a bottio lor cents and try it.
sampio uotues iu cents. April zv, 'Ji-lyjl
III'. .Shiloli's System Vitallzer.
Wo are authorized to exiaranteo this rem
euy lor ti:o ctirooi -lyspepsla, inactive- i-iv
er,Sou r Stomach, Constipation, Loss of Ap
petite, Coming up of I-ood, Yellow Skin,
anu ueneral Languor and Debility. You
must acknowledge mat tins would ue ruin
ous unless we had positive evidenco that it
will euro, You whoare suffering from
theso complaints theso words arenddressed
and will you continuo to suffer when you
can bo cured on such terms? It is for you
to determine, sample uottio iu cents; reg
ular sizo 75 cents. Sold by C. A. Kleim auc
,i. iienucrslictt.
50.000 die annually hv neclectine a
Cough, Cold or Croup, often leading to
uunsuuipiion aim me grave, wny will you
neglect so important a matter, when you
cangetat our store Shiloli's Consumption
uure, witu uio assurance ol a sneedv recov
ery, ror eoreneKs across the Client or Lungs
or Lame Back or Side, Shiloh's Porous
riaster gives prompt relief. Sold by V, A
ivu-iui unu ii, u. iieuuersuott,
Hackmetack. n popular and fraerant tier
fume. Sold by C. A. Kleim and N. J. Hen
uersuott. march 30. '77-eow
A.T. Stewart fiavs tile brot. njl-rrlttlnf- mnrtlnma
he has ever found "are tho old established orirans of
Ihe two political parties, at Uio several county seatu
throughout tho Puion." "These," he says ''reach
every taiuUy of tho least account In their seieral
counties, and aro more carefully read than any other
class of Journals." If Jlr.blewort's Judgment Is of
vaiue, mere is no mnicuuy in deciding w hlch paper
It Is for tho Interest ot business men u ad ertlso tn
The Columbu lisnocKiT, upon which this paper Is
partially founded, was established talus, and tho
Coli-ubun now enjoys a wider circulation and
uu-uur iium!!! iiiuii ii eer nia. ugoiset-K
Iv Into two thousand families In fnllllnbin finrlnrl.
lolulnf count les, and by most of them is read from
lu-nibiiu iiiuiasi nne. ins mo only reccgni-ed
eponentof nearly mo thousand l)eitocratlooters
In ihe county, ltgm-s adurtlsiuients a lasty dis
play, thai makes them attractive to Its patrons, thus
ensuring grcuier certainty that they wUI peruse
I hem. vi hlle its clrculat Ion Is undoubtedly much the
largist In tho county, the adveitlslng rotes of tho
COLrtmuN aro no hlglier than those of ether papers
tn, ui" ui nuu nuii-im uui uue-iuunuiue num
ber ot subscribers. Facts like thesu speak for them,
selves. No shrewd business man will neglect to In-
VI V . nuilllwilliVUlO Ul UJC lULtMlilAM
At the Oolumbian Officf,
BLANK NOIFP.viih irlilcujicitic
tor sale at tho uoLcmmi oinoo.
Ladies who for years havo depended on
an manner 01 powders nnacosmcllut lor Riv
Ing them nttiliclal complexions, now find
with nenrlv skins nml rnJv rlieVw IMt(l
vrnii peariysicins ami rosy Lliects, miciteu
by the gentle stimulation of nature. Sold by
I Drutrclstfl. Illli'sllnlr
Dye, blnck or brown, f0 v.
Tho public is now Informed Hint they enn
have n chnnco to select their SUMMER
Ul.UlIll.rtU Irom the largest stock of Cloth-
Ing ever seen in Bloomsburg. Call nnd see
n,l i.1,r fnr,,n 1, ni.,.,.i
u 1 11 if il V ill V 11 I
unit uiu uiu icuuuiu niuru IS Sllll UIICHU 111
selling at the lowest prices, 1). Lowen
herg. Now Rrad This. Nearly .'1,000 tons coal
sold last season. Now is tho timo to fill your
coal houses with tho celebrated Avoudalo
Red Ash Coal. And we chnllcnge the coun
ty to produce any coal that will give better
satisfaction. Coal delivered to any part of
town in small or largo quantities, and guar
anteed full weight, 2.0U0 pounds in every
case ; and we alio notify al that we are the f"
only autnorlzeu agent lor tho Bale ol Avon
dale coal iu this place.
W. 11. Poust,
Agt. for D. L. & W. 11. R. Co.
June i!9, '77-tf
Wo aro now offering tho celebrated Sus
quehanna Coal Co's Coal nt tho following
ean prices:
No. G. $1.05 per ton on wharf.
No. 5. 2.65 per ton on wharf.
No. 2. 3 and 4. 2.00 cr ton on wharf.
lllacksmith's Lump 12.00 per ton on wharf,
liituiiilliou3 4.&U per ton on wbarl.
35 cents per ton additional, for delivery to
any part ol tho town.
Coal House Rates 15 cents per ton less.
No. 0. to Lime-burners $1.50 tier ton.
Coal bcreencd beforo leaving our yards and
full wcichtctiaranteed.
Orders left at I. W. McKclvy's Store, at
our oliicc, or beut through tho mails will rc
celvo prompt attention. .
Your patronage is respectfully solicited.
0. W. Neal & Uro.
May 1, 1877
August Flower.
Tho most miserable beings in the world aro
thoso suffering from Dyspepsia and Liver
Complaint. More than seventy-five per
cent of tho people in tho United States aro
afilictcd with theso two diseases and their ef
fects; such as Sour Stomach, Sick Head
ache, Habitual Costivenoss, Palpitation of the
Heart, lleart-burn, atcr-brasu, gnawing
and burniiiL' nains at tho nit nf tho Stomach.
ycllow skin, coated tongue and disagreoablo
taste in tne inoutii, coming up ol loou atler
eating, low spirits, &e. Go to Moyer Uros.,
ami vet a T.jccnt tottlcot AUGUST FLU V-
Kit or a sample bottle for 10 cents'. Try it.
iwo unset win relievo you.
April 27, 77-ly jl
"It Has StooT (Tin Test?
If you doubt the wonderful succcssof Shiloli's
Consumption Cure, uive it n trial : then if vou
aro not perfectly satislied, return Ihe bottle nnd
we will refund the price paid. It hns estnblish
ed the fact that Consumption can be cured,
vtiue lor coughs, nstnmn, nonrscness, whoop
ng cough, and nil lung or thront troiiblcs,theri!
notlnnc like it lor n muck unu positive cure,
and it seldom fails. 10 cents, 50 cetits nnd Si
per bottle. If jour lungs nro sore, or chest or
iack lame, use hhiloh s 1 orous i'laster line
j cents, bold by C. A. Klcimnnd r. .1. Hen-
Dr. Shiloh's System Vitnlizcr is no doubt the
most successful cure for Dyspepsia and Liver
Complnint we have ever known, otherwise we
could not guarantee it. In cases ol consumption
hero ecneral debility, loss of nniietito nnd
cuiisiipiiuuit c.msi, il win icsturu una reuiuie
lie system white btuwii scure niiavs me in
animation and heals tho luncs. Price 75 cts.
Sold byC. A. Kleim and N.J. Hendershott.
IIackmktack. n rich nnd fraerant perfume.
.oiu uy vj. a. ivieim ami .i. i. iicnoersiioii.
ipru u, i 7-iy j
Assessments in Columbia County for
the Year 1877.
Ileal er
. 1,1 ss"
. U,M5
, 2,112
. 11,4113
. s,oir
. 11.3J9
, y,W2
. 7,m
, 9.IHI3
. 22,141
, 15,419
. 10,131!
, f'.lfo
. 9,!1
. 7,401
, 13 23(1
1 059
.Mt. I'lcasant
...239,211 39.450 2,549 M3
Countlntr threo lots to m-ikc an acre Ihero are
2-1,717 acres assessed, which Is equal lo about 410
square miles. This return Is from tho assessment
made in 177.
m a former calculation made from tho assessment
or lsos, inero wero Acres-
eaiea, -wj,4o-
Unseated, 43,2si)
Total, 2s.CM
-Making a difference of 1971 acres.
Sniull's Hand Rook Uxes Columbia County at
S.S4') acres, our assessments for 1S77 ekcecds this
numuer dj- 4,771 acres,
Attest: WM. KRICKUAUM, Clerk.
This Great Primer
2 3 4
This Double
This metal job letter,
with lower case ami figures,
All complete and in fair condition
Jor sale cheap at tho
liloomsburf, July IT, 1SI7.
tatUOt Jt-bfcu ZHUCr. latent Itilarr-n-pL- tnivt.kl,in .iu.
ceased, will attend to Ihe duties ot his anpolnUiicut
nt nlu .iflti'i. In (l.u ... .i i ... .
Kvan's bu a w. comer nr llnli. ..i i.. .. t r" , . .!
Friday tho tlHilsfvI August, hit, at in o'clock, a.
juiysu.'iww. Auditor.
rlirniuiiH, lu Fi i i,i h oil colt
one und one-half d07eu
InosL bcautlm! n t w
olor. evt-r Mt-ti fur
mounted In i x 10 black enumt 1 anil gold
mats, ntul opening and u
Ihe nubile. T u tamples
fur M eeuts. trua lu tent
i iity uiu inuiiiiiwi in t.
uuisi-u ui wiiint. now lit rori'
fill,, rrru..1 I ...
, . ihioiiiout .Moonlight on the lihlue.
L-8 for ceiita. orflxsamnles
K'5.CJ.,,'t?u?a- 1, LATHAM CO.,.llVtllshlligt01i
M"1 Uoston, Muss. Headquarter for ciu-omos,
A. Headquarter for ciu-omufc, I Juustrated lliUlcMlons. all sent free by mall. Head.
Ipf A .n!TTM II1 I " ou want permanent, ptontable work, adoruas
. . Jl KJIXX U XN .! I tleorge Mlnaon t Co, 1'orUaiia, Maine.
pUmbf-reuUocioU-rgwcCoj bepu8l1t.-llm.
nun.. .
Junes,';; 'junobe
"t1 bcby notify all persons lhattlie followlnjrllst
ot propcrIy sold by the SlierlHot Columbia county.
Juno 80, 187T, as the property ot Dennis R. Welllter
has been purchased by me, and Is left on the prem
ises In the care of my daughter Annie wire of the
said Dennis II. Weill ver, tho properly sllll being
inlno 1 A waron and box. fuiilifln. a crrAlti cradles.
irrlnd stone, hay rake, sow and plirs. sow, S shoats.
row, old wagon, clover huller, fanning mill, forks and
rakes, cutting box, snots work harness, slnno har-
t - aof isocresof wheat In ground, j-sot 4 acres of
0'Ah?"i13,P'14MresX0't ground,
liT?.0' ground j-a of Is acres of
lor 1 1 urouna, one cook stove, ocas ana ucuain?,
Christopher KUSTnn.
There will bo exposed to nubile sale, rrarsuant to
undersigned As3ljrnees ot Kehemlah Recce, Rank
rupt, on tho premises at Buctthorn on
at t o'clock p. m., tho following valuable real estate,
to-wlt: All that messuage, tenement and tract of
land situate In Hemlock township, Columbia county
Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows t
Reglnnlngata plno knot corner of P. Appleman's
lands thenco by same north 8X degrees west 63 T-10
perches to a post, thenco by lands of tho heirs ot
Vaniah Rceco north 87 B-S degrees west SU 4-IO
perches to a post, thence by town lots of John No
veins, John Klstlcr, C'lias. Noyhard, John Merklo, M.
Shoemaker and o. Weaver south 17 degrees, east 45
0-10 nerches ta a nnlnt. nn flin psmt Rtiln of Mjitn
street in tho vlllngo of Ruck Horn-thenco along
west sldoot said street south at degrees cast 1'A
perches ton post, thenco by land of H.Apnleman
onlh 87B-S degrees east 193 2-10 perches to tho place
01 Beginning containing
and eighty perches, strict measure, and also a
Piece of Land
adjoining tho above described tract, and described as
follows : Beginning at a corner ot snmo thenco by
samo south eo s-8 degrees east 131 1-10 perches to a
stono In road, thence by lands of 8. R. Evans north
8X degrees west al 45-100 perches to a stono In road,
thenco north 87 t-s degrees west 131 8-10 perches to
a stone In lino of lands of John Elstlcr, thence by
lands of I. O. Russell south T'i decrees cast 21 4S-100
perches to a stone, tho placo ot beginning, containing
strict measure. Doth ot said tracts, containing
nnd 7 perches, being occupcldlas ono farm nnd to be
sold as such, whereon arc erected n
IlrlcU Dwelling Hoiinc,
larS IIANK IIAUN- BUctl3 nna out-bulldlngs-
f kxckllknt orchard, Ac.nll lngoodcondl
Hon being
Ono of the Best Farms in the County.
Also, at the samo timo and place an undivided one-
fourth of n tract of land In Greenwood township,
Columbia county, Pennsylvania, adjoining lands of
John staley and others, said to contain about eighty
TERMS : Ono quarter of purchase money cash on
d.iy of sale, one quarter In six, ono quarter In twelve
and one quarter In eighteen months thereafter. Satd
amounts unpaid to bear Interest from tho date ot
sale at the rale of seven per cent, per annum, and
to bo secured by proper mortgage or Hen upon tho
property sold.
July 13, '77-ts assignees.
I) V
lly virtue of nn order Issued out ot the Court of
Common Pleas of Columbia county, tho undersigned
Asstsmeo for tho bonent of the creditors of Abraham
Miller will cxposo to public sale at tho
In tho Rorough of Berwick, Columbia county, on tho
15tli (lay of August. 1877,
at two o'clock p. ta., the following described pieces
or parcels of land with tho appurtenances, situate In
said Rorough ot Rerwlck, Pa., bounded and described
as follows, to-wlt : All that pieco or parcel of land
sltuato on Oak street, bounded on the east by lot of
Arthur Oliver, north by an alley, west by land of M.
W. Jackson and on the south by Oak street, contain
ing one lnlot.
Also, ono other pleco ot land sltuato on Second
street In said borough, bounded and descrl bed as
follows, to-wlt: Heglnnlog at tho corner of lot num
ber ono hundred and one, thenco by tho same
one hundred and eighty-one and a half feet to Third
street, thence by tho samo forty-nine nnd a half feet
to lot of Alexander Thompson, thenco by tho same
one hundred and eighty-one and a half feet to Sec
ond street aforesild, thence forty-ntne and a half
feet to the placo of beginning, being lot number
ninety-four," In plan ot said town, on which Is
erected a
Also, ono other piece or parcel of land sltuato In
said Rorough, beginning at a corner of lot number
twenty-ono on the south side of Front street, thenco
by Front street forty-nlno and a hall feet to lot
number twenty-ttvc, thenco by lot number twenty-
nvo ono hundred and sixty feet, thenco by a lino par
allel with Front street forty-nlno and a halt feet to
lot number twenty-one, thenco by lot number twen
ty-ono ono hundred and sixty feet to the place ot
beginning, being lot number twenty-two (Water lot)
ns marked and numbered In plan ot said town, on
hlch Is erected a two-story
Ono other piece or parcel of land In suld Rorough
on Front street between Market and Mulberry street
beginning on Front street at line ot said Miller
thenco along Front street ten tectlo lino of II. M.
Ilockman, thenco nlong said llockinan's llnoelghty
feef, thenco to lino of said Miller ten feet, thence
along lino ot s.ild Miller eighty feet to Front street.
Also all that lot of ground sltuato on Front street
being 'contiguous In-lots marked nnd numbered In
the plan of tho said town numbers ''Fifteen and Six
teen;" lot No. 15 beginning nt tho corner of lot num
ber Flvo on Front stroet thence mons tho same for
ty-nine and a halt feet to corner of ln-lot No. 10,thenco
along tho samo one hundred and clghty-one and a
half feet to tho corner on Second street, thenco by
tho samo forty-nine and a half feet to tho corner of
lot No. 0, thenco by the same ono hundred elghty-ono
and a half feet to the place ot beginning. I)t No,
16 beginning at the comer ot lot No. 15 aforesaid on
Front street, thenco along tho samo forty-nine and
a halt feet to corner ot lot numuer seventeen, thence
by the same one hundred elghty-ono nud a half feet
to Second street, thence along Second street forty
nine and a hall feet to Iho coiner of lot No. IS, afore
said, thenco along the same ono hundred eighty-one
and a half feet lo the place of beglnnlug, together
containing slxty-slx perches of ground on which nro
erected a
Brick Dwelling IIousc.Briek Store,
Brick Drug Store, Frame
Ware House,
Frame stable and oilier out-bulldlncs ; nnd also all
mat piece or parcel of land on l ront street more'
said ou south-west tldo of lot of II. M. ilockman
tuenco alonir Front street twenty-two feet to line
ot lot ot A. II. Wilson's heirs, Wience by the same
slity feet, thenco to lot of II, M, Ilockman on a line
parallel with Front street Iwenty.lwo feel, thence
by Uio Eamc'HUty.stx teet to the placo of beginning
on which is erected u .
and out-bulldlnga (the last pleco of land herein de
scribed is lncumbered with a mortgage In favor of
E. w.M, iLowln Uie sum of one thousand dollars.)
per oent, of the one-fourth of the purchase money
to bo paid at the striking down of tho property, the
one-fourMi less tho ten per cent, at the confirmation
uf sale, and Ihe remaining three-fourths in on ear
thereafter wllh interest from connrmatlon nisi. De
ferred payments to bo secured by bond and mort
gage on tho premises. The last described piece to
be sold subject to the mortgage ot K. W. M. Low and
tne interest due on tho same.
M. U. Jackson & son, Assignee.
llerwlek, 1'a., July nth, HIT.
Adopted bv all the oueens of fashion, hend for
ircuiar. e. m?.. itu. iMti?.oitii turn htrtet.
ru iiaueipnia, 1'a. ikc., 10-cni J w
Tn ilir urkluK t'luk. We are now prepared to
lurulfali aU clubbtH with constant empIoinenl at
home, the hole of tlietlmr,or for ihtlrspurc mo
menta. vuMnt&s new, light and prcntable. IVrbuus
of en ner sex easuy ears irom ce cents to u per
evening, and a proportional sum by devoting theti
uholetlmolo the bublnrks. ltou and c-lrlH earn
nearly as murh us me n. That all w ho ko this notice
may send thUi address, und lest the buslncbHUO
mute thlaunparuiud oneri to xueh as are nut well
mtlfHid vu will Mud one dollar lo pay for the
trouble of urlllng. Full particulars, samples wort
heural dollars to work on, and a ropy of
Home and Flretlde. one ut the lurcest arid hunt
- I
Tlio Ai.rrecht ft Co. Pjakos are
first-class hi every respect, boing eon
siilcrcd tlio lending Philadelphia
innko by musicians nnd competent
iudces. Through their cxtonsive
facilities, Messrs. Alrrecht & Co.
nro enabled lo turn out instruments
that nro not surpassed nnywhoro, and
still sell them at prices within the
rcncli of nil. No riano is permitted
to lcavo their factory unless satisfac
tory to tho most minuto particular,
licnco their guarnnlco of flvo years
is a thing of value. All Into im
provements of importnnco nro found
111 theso instruments.
Mkssrs. Ai.rrecut it Co. havo re
ceived tho most llattcring Testimo
nials from L. M. Oottschalk, Frakz
Airr, Gustave Sattkr, J. F. Himmels
iiacii, WfM.tAM Wolsieffer and
ninny other cininout artists, besides
being nblo to refer to thousands of
private purchasers, schools, semi
naries, societies and teachers.
Pianos conscientiously selected per
orders by mail, carefully packed and
shipped safely to any part of tho world.
tfcay-Fwr further particulars as to
references, prices and terms, address,
6I0 Arch Street, Philadelphia.
Ayer's Cathartic Fills,
For all tbo purposes of a Family Phyalo,
nud for curlnc; Costlveness, JaundJee,
Indigestion, Foul Otonmch, BreattL,
Headacho, Erysipelas, Rheumatism,
Eruptions and Bkln Diseases, Bil
iousness, Dropsy, Turaors.Worms,
Neuralgia, as a Dinner 1111,
for .Purifying tho Blood,
Arc the most ef
fective and conge-
nia) purgative ever
discovered. They
nro mild, but ef
fectual in their
operation, moving
tlio bowels surely
nnd without pain.
Although ccntlo
in their operation,
they aro still the
most thorough and
searching cathar
tic medicine that can bo employed : cleans
ing the stomach and bowels, and even the
blood. In small doses of ono pill a day,
they stimulate tho digestive organs and
promote vigorous health.
Ayer's Pills have been known for
more than a quarter of a century, and have
obtained a world-wide reputation for their
virtues. They correct diseased action in
the several assimilative organs of tho
body, and aro so composed that obstruc
tions within their range can rarely with
stand or cvado them. Not only do they
euro the cvery-day complaints of every-
body, but also formidable and dangerous
diseases that have balllcd tho best of
human skill. While they produce power
ful effects, they are,' at the same time, tho
safest and best physic for children. By
their aperient action they gripe much less
than tlio common purgatives, and never
giva pain when the bowels arc not inflamed,
Tlicy reach the vital fountains of the blood,
ana strengthen tne system oy ireeing It
from the elements of weakness.
Adapted to all ages and conditions in
all climates, containing neither calomel
nor any deleterious drug, these Pills may
be taken with safety by anybody. Their
sugar-coating preserves them ever iresn,
ami makes them pleasant to take; while
being purely vcy etablc, no harm can arise
from their use in at.v quantity.
niEi'.iKED i:v
Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass.,
1'rnrtlcnl and Aiinlvliral ClifmUti.
The Conntry Menu.
Tho Countrv Gentleman la nubltshod weekly ontha
following terms, u ben raid bi rlctly In adranca : Ono
copy, one scar, t2J0; Four copies, $10, and an addi
tional copy tor tro jear free to the sender ol the
Club : Ten copies, 120, and an additional copy tor the
year trco to the sender of the Ciub.
luv tuumrj icemiciimu pu&e uses uu uueiiuaiieu
Corps ot Correspondents, lepular and occasional.
amuu;r uie lh-m. runners vi mi puns ui luecuunur
and constantly reilects the prauic&l condition ana
CroereRSof tho hu.clmndry or ever' section or the
nltcd States and civilized world.
TheCountiyoemleraanplvtsin its Horticultural
Department a continuous variety ot information and
w hat Is obtained In the monthly numbers ol most
magazines devoted to Horticulture.
liioj country centieman has probably done as
much as all other Journals combined, to Introduce
and dessemtnato Improcd block of every kind
through tho country; and commands to a greater
dcCTcu than, any coterapornry, the contldence and
support ol breeders and purchasers.
Tho Country tientleman contains unusually toll
and trustworthy Market lteports, and devotes roe
uicmion ijiut-iu unu lo uio I'rospccts 01 uw
.as throwing light upon one of the most lm-
tu ol all nuestlons hen to Guv and Vh
The Countrv Gentleman rmbracpR numerous ml
nor departments of u practical character, such aa
theluiry, tho Poultry Yard, tlio Apiary, the Vtno
ardand so on, and weekly presents, n column or
two tor mo housowuo and interesting' Fireside
Itciiulntr. it contains a we 1 edited HeWew of Cur
rent Kvents, nnd its advertising pages furnish a di
rectory or alltho principal agrletulural and horticul
tural t'MiLituMiiueiiu vi i nt' iviiniry.
Life anil Health Without Drugs.
Dr. rancoast's great worlc
la ,mv m-uu) lor
.The only book prac
tically treating Inls now
universally absorb 1 n e
lop c. Sbows how lo apply tho treatment, ana tells
or many successful cures mado by the use otthla
wonderful medium, circulars nud best terms lo
early applicants. J. M. STOUDAItT s: CO., 723 Chest-
UUbbU, ruuu., .i-tn u
A Cbanco for all to make or Save
JKIlCErTllE IESTOOOHS IN the umikkt.
TPisc nnrrrro on
I CttO, bUITtlCO, 3tb.
sold at lower prices than tho samo quallttis an be
uuiipu-- ul uuy uuicr nuusu in una cuuuir Ail
iroods iruuranteed to bo sallsfaclorv and a reorc-
sentod.or tho money will bo rcf unded on return of Out
goods, w men may i o oono at our expenso.
l no renuiuuun oi our nouso lur klllim stanpakp
coons nt iaw i-kices. (tursii years), has given us a
standing In New York city and klnlty, that Is not
enjojod oy any other house In the trade. After ma-
lure ueuueruuuu wujiuiu ueierumieu uj oner our
co ids lo housekeepers in the Interior, at the uiut
Urge enough to make a email case. The goods or
each member of the club wUI be put In separate
avoid contusion lu distribution. Hoods will be seat
by express to collect on velivekv. All wishing to
save money by purchasing family supplies at flew
nackaires. anu markeu wuu name una cosi. so uio
lorK wnoiesaie prices eun uutv me mailer over
among friends and neighbors, uud send to us for
club circular. Price-list, tc We give a prewnt of
either goods or money to the person who gels up
the club, fo compensate lor irouDio cic. huspicB
ot TEA S COFFKK sent by mall.
Benu ror price-list unu circular.
Sticer's Ucw York asi China Tea Co.,
M. H. MOSES & 00.. Proprietors,
77.11), HI SI, nud Sll Ve.rj .irei'I, Nim VmW
llr, Scliciick's Pulmonic Syrup,
sea Weed Tonic, and Mandraib Fata. Thea
medicines liave undoubtedly perturmed morecurM
ot Consumption than any other remedy known t
the American public. They aie compounded ot itf
cubic. Ingredients, and contain nothing nhlca aUk
no miurious io ine numau consuiuuon. uuier rjn
edits advertised as cures for consumption, probably
contain opium which H it somew hat dangerous Ong
In all cases, and If taken freely by consumptif e a-
tieuts, ll inusi ao great mjuiy; ior lis icnaency is
nnonUne the motbld matter In the s stein. wbJcb.
of cuurse, must make a euie Impossible, dchenck
I-lllinooio syrup u Kurruuu-u itia iu cuuimu a. paxu
cleotopluuii It Is composed of poucrfuloutLano
less herbs, which act on Iho lungs, llier stomach,
and blood, and thusccrrctt oil morbid secretions,
ami expt'i an mu uiscustu iimurr noni tun ooay.
l nese uiu uiu umj luonusiy nuuutuiuiuuiiiiuci-aa
bn erred, uud as M'hejick's I'ulnionio Mruu. ma
U'm il Tonic and Mandrake 1111s ure the only uieuu
Clues which operate lu ihW way, It Is obMuusthrr
are the only genuine cure tor rulinouary Consump
tion. Each bolllo of I in Invuluablo medicine Is ao
roiiipauieu by lull directions, nr, ecneuck u pro
fei'sionully at Ids principal olllee, cower fib uH
Arrli stivots, I'liludclphU, i-terv Monday, where all
letters lor adi lee mualbe addressed. Juno'
fcsrAl s vr junn iniiu.n. i'ilASEI.
Ti-ttcru of nilndiilstrulleu de bonis win. dti thnrt.
Late of Johu M Isticr, Lite of Mudlsun iwp.. Cot,
u., ueceiuin nam wen giauieu oy me Kegisltr id
ltd eountvto v. It. Itrueknuv of ltlot'insbunr. ru.
lumbla county, Adm'r.. to whcin all ivr.ous ndetiu
court) requested lo make payment, and those liv.
ing claims or utmuuu ueuiusl iuu suiu etii
will make I htm know u lo Iho said Administrator
without delay.
t IhllllUVnilAli
Jiuiev.lT.-ClT, Admlnlstutott