THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COl NTY, PA. A.gricul l,u r a 1 . - tiny unit ll.i.) Inf. The artificial production of hay Is of comparatively inmlctn origin, lied clover was unknown In England prior to 1633, nnd wlilto clover win lint Introduced until the be ginning or the eighteenth century. Our well known timothy was first known In Europe In 17G0, nnd not until 20 years later were the better grasses generally cultivated. In this country timothy was first raised In Virginia, where It originated In 1755, Orchard grass was first grown In tho sanio State In 17(H, and at about tills tlmo the systematic cult! vatlou of mitst of the Improved grasses may be said to have begun. The bay crop of this country, as welt as that of England, as we have seen, has been the outgrowth of tho last hundred years. On thU side of the At lantic It has Increased In bull: and In value during tho last quarter of n century with (.mating rapidity. In 1840 wo cut aud cured in round numbers 10,000.000 tons ; In 1850, 1-1,000,600 tous; In 1800,13,000,000. In 1870 this product reached the vait aggregate of 27,310,018 tons, an increase of more than 100 per cent, iu 20 years. Estimating it at the exceedingly low sum of $12 a ton, It reaches Hie enormous total value of $300, 000,000. Between cutting this vast amount of hay when it ought to be cut, aud curing It as it ought lobe cured, and cutting It and curing It when and as it Is done on too many farms, there is a dificrcuce in value of at least $00,000,000. This sum looks frightful, but any intelligent farmer know a ton of timothy cut when it is coming Into bloom, and 'cured in the most approvod way, is worth 20 per cent, more to feed to any kind of stock than if cut when post its maturity, and cured In tho bap-hazard manner that characterizes the operations of third-rate farmers tho world over. A practice ot 30 years satisfied me that the best time to cut the different grasses, and the best way to cure them is as follows : We always begin to mow clover when the heads are one quarter turned to use an ex pression that every farmer will understand. Earlier than this is always better than later. We never enter the field with tho mowing machine until the dew is entirely off, and then we mow until noon. As near to the time when the dew begins to fall to use a common expression as possible we go to the field and turn the dry side under and the green side up, nnd the next day, as soon as It is fairly dry as soon as the stems are shrunken eo that the juices are in n state of rest and not activity we pitch it into win rows, giving the underside of the locks n minutes sun as we turn them over while moving them, and then follow with the team ; and if possible, and if the days have been favorable, bave what is cut at 9 o'clock one day in the barn by 2 or 3 o'clock the next. By this process not a leaf is left in tho field; and although it will heat perhaps a little in the mow, especially if it is large, and coarse, yet it will not injure ; and, on the other band, when the time of feeding comes it will have a most satisfactory smell, and cattle will. eat it and thrive upon it, as upon no other hay. As to timothy and red- top, we always cut timothy when one-half the heads are in full bloom, and red-top when three-qnarters of the seed branches have fallen away from the center stalk. As with c'over we never cut until the dew is ofT; and If the grass Is not too heavy, and tho day is good; and the tedder is 1-ept at work, we try to get in a condition to go in the barn the following day without opening, always beginning to cart the dryest when the sun geU towards Its meridian, and pitching it into the hay-rack, not in forkfuls of 50 pounds weight, bnt taking time to open it a little, as it goes on to the load, to -both the air and sun. As to natural grasses we always cut a little before maturity, and never over-dry. If stress of weather precipitates housing what has been cut before it is the right con dition, a half a peck or more of common salt to a ton, will relieve any anxiety with regard to Injury in the mow. The country never was as bare of hay as it is now, and so much the more need of cutting the new crop in season and curing it the best. R, Relative Valnes of Corn and Pork. There have beenvarious careful tests as to how much pork a bushel of corn will make. It seems to be conceded that with the best breed of hogs and the greatest care in feed ing, there may be certainly 8 pounds to the bushel. With this data it is for a farmer to know what he is doing as well as what is best' to do. He will see at once if corn is 25 cents per bushel and bogs 6 cents, he should sell hogs and not corn. But if corn be 50 cents and hogs 5 cents, it is profitable to sell corn. Corn at 45 cents and pork at 6 cents are equal. And in this way a farm er can easily decide what to do. Or in oth er words, find out what he can obtain for bis corn, then multiply the price cf coin by 8 and he can nt once see which is the most profitable. Pork ought to bo the standard by which to ascertain the price of corn, and not by what they will give at the railroad station, We have said frequently that most of farmers do not know whether they are making or losing money, for the reason that they do not make any effort to know what their wheat, corn, pork or beef cost. But wnen they have the raw material on hand they should carefully ascertain what la best to do with it. Aud the rule which we here present them will solve thoquestion of what to do with their corn. But in these calcu. lations we mako no allowance for the poor oreeus oi nogs or lor careless feeding or in diflertnt quarters ior the comfort and im provement of the animals. All these must be taken into account. Some by a slipshod system of feeding Wd bad treatment, do not get 0 cents per bushel for corn. Jawa State Jitgitur, Salt for Cabbage. A New Jersey gardener considers bait nee- esaary to the development of cabbage, espe- dally in places far from the coast. He fluds them more crisp, of better flavor, and to keep better when salt is used than without. He uses it as follows : "A few days after set ting out the plants, and when they nre damp either after a rain, or when tho dew is on, I take a small dish of fine salt, and walking among the rows, sprinklo a pinch of salt on the centre of each plant. When the leaves begin to grow I repeat the salting ; and when the centre of the leaves begin to form the head I apply salt again, scattering it over the leaves. After this I look them over occasionally, and if I find plant that do not head well, or appear diseased, I sprinkle, the salt over freely. This will save all such plants. A quart of salt is sufficient for five hundred plants in a season, although more can be used with safety." Don't try to fatten your pig rapidly until you have first grown him. You canuot make a heavy hog unless you first produce a JeDglhy pig. Weed, clever scraps, meat, belled potatoes, kitchen refute, any and all nitrogenous or llesh-lorining foods, aro pref erable during the early months of the pig's exigence, to me meal ana grain or fat- forming foods which are required for the (in Jjiiing oil process. Humorous. An caglo shot In Wisconsin tho other day was found to have twelve bullets In him. It must have been a balled eagle. If the Turks are driven from Europe, will their old province be known M ex-Crescent- cics? "The Hhabdoskldophcros" is tho name of n new style umbrella. Tho ndvantago of it is that nobody can ask to borrow it. What a cold and miserable mockery nre beautiful moonlight nights to tho young man whoso girl has just gone back on him. The season is coming when the Ice man's scales are affected by the frost, and n seven pound chunk pulls them down to tho ten pound notch. Them is nothing but n plain slab at tho head of the mound, but tho simplo Inscrip tion upon tells its own sad story: "He was umpire In a cloo game." Oeorgo Francis Train says a "new power has developed iu himself, greater than elec tricity or steam," Ah, ha, wo know. Boil on the elbow. The old gentleman who spent a fortune In endeavoring to hatch colts from hone chestnuts is now cultivating the egg plant with a view of raising chickens from it. Tho Chicago base ball club has changed its name to "The bass drum," because it is easy to beat. Speaking of temperance in tho Kussla'n array an English exchange says : "There is no rum on the Danube." No, but there's Bin-gin on the Khine for n long time past. It embarrasses n boil to have the wearer strike against something two in places at the same time. It takes a lively boil to get around and hurt in both places, but it is done somcthlmcs. "If Smith undertakes to pull my ears," said Jones, "he will have his hands full, now." The crowd looked at the man's ears, and thought so, too. An Onondaga county man has had all his teeth pulled to help himstop chewing tobacco. This Is on the principle in vogue imong the Chinese where they cut off a boy's head to cure him of swearing. Caution often averts danger. An uptown man who heard burglars in the houso the other night woke up his wife and sent her down stairs for a drink of water and then crawled under the bed and wasn't injured in the least. More amenities of Western journalism : Who wouldn't be an editor?" asks tho Lafayette (Ind.) Journal. "You wouldn't," replies an Illinois exchange, "If you tried a hundred years." The banana season hag set in, and good people In Rhode Island who rise early go out and collect tho skins off their sidewalks and toss them over into Connecticut and Massachusetts, and then hurry back into the house before anyone looks. An entire quart of whisky was consumed by a darkey beloro he fully recovered from the bite of a tarantula. It was then discov ered that he had been stung by a wasp. The men who contributed the whisky were too mad to speak above a whisper. Some of these farmers who are adverti sing Summer board must bave been in New York at tho unveiling of tbo,Ualleck statue. The New York papers, in describing the statue, say that "at the back of the chair is a rustic lyre." A French paper makes the following odd correction of a previous statement : "Good News the Professor Vallette, whose death was announced yesterday, was not the well- known lecturer on French law, but the doc tor of that name." This was good news for the professor, but what about the doctor? On the door leading into the gentlemen's waiting room at the Pennsylvania Depot, is posted a tract, tho heading of which reads, 'Are you prepared to die T" Jt Btrifces a man all of a heap, especially if he is going any distance on the cars. The Georgia wild man has been seen again. He lias grown four feet in height sinco last August and pulls up trees by the roots when anybody looks at him. lie has apparently bad his hair cut, as the trust worthy witness who saw him last says his hair reached to bis knees, whereas last bum mer it dragged on the ground, A Western paper has changed the origi nal plan, and now says : "No communica' tlon will be published Jn this paper unless accompanied by the full name of the writer and a five dollar bill; these aro not reques ted for publication, but as a guaranty of good faith. San Francisco has a lover of the true old- fashioned sort. Being heavily fined by the police court for kissing his betrothed against her will, instead of breaking the engage ment, he wrote: "Dearest, you will have to wait now, until I can borrow money enough to pay tbe minister." literary young man at party: "Miss Jones have you seen Crabbe's Tales f" Young lady, scornfully . "I was not aware sir, that crabs had taila." Young man, covered with conftulon : "I beg your par don, ma'am, I should have said, read Crab- be a Talesl" Young laUy, angrily scorn lul : "And I was not aware that red crabs had tails, either." A professional gentleman of a Maine city, noted for his brusquo manner, accosted one of his daughter on the street a day or two ago, and received a somewhat caustic reply, accompanied with a hurried move merit toward borne and a saucy toss of the head. The gentlemen looked nemlexed for a moment, and then exclaimed in a depre eating tone. "Well, go along-you are too much nice your rather for me to have any. tulng to Bay to you I" It was "court week" In a country tavern and a dozen cou bad been put up teuinor arily in tbe parlor, There was a grand chor us of snores from nearly all of the beds. Af ter an hour or more of this uproar one of the most resonant suorers brought up with a snort and was suddenly silent. A French man who occupied a cot in the extreme cor ner of tho room exclaimed, "Tank God von ces dead." A gentleman observed an urchin who bad a large slice of bread in his hand, and who was crying very bitterly. "Jly son I" he ex claimed, "what are you crying about?" "My mother won't put any butter on my bread boo-boohoo I" "Oh! Is that all?" said the gentleman "come, dry up your tear and be a man." "It ain't so much the butter," retorted the little urchin; "It's the disposition of th old woman," II r. ScIiciicU'n minion M: Syrup, Btt Wiid Tonic and Mandrake Fills. These medic Ines hare undoubtedly performed more cures ot Consumption than any other lenicdy known to tho American public. Tlioy nro compounded of vog Hollo Ingredients, nnd contnln hottilng which can be Injurious to the human constitution, other leni edles advertised as cures for consumption, probably rontaln opium n hlch I s n somewhat dnngrrous drug In all cam, and It taken freely by consumpthe pa tients. It must, do great Injury j for Its tendency Is to connno tho morbid matter In the si stem, which, ot course., must make n euro Impossible. Schenck's l'ulinoolo syrup Is warranted not to contain a partl clootoplumi tt Is composed ot powerful but harm less herbs, which net on tho lungs, liver, stomach, nnd blood, nnd thus correct oil morbid secretions, and expel all tho dlsooscd matter from tho body. Tbeso aro tho only means by which consumption can bo erred, and as whenck'R Pulmonic Nyrup. Sen Weed Tonto nnd Mandrake Tills aro Ihoonlv medi cines which operatoln this way, tils obMouslhey aro the only ifenulno cure for Pulmonary Consump tion. Knell bottle, ot this Intnlunblo modlclno Is ne rompanted by full directions. Dr. Kchenck is pro fessionally at his principal olllce. corner nth nnd Arch streets, 1'hilndelphl.i, every .Monday, where all letters ror advlco must, bu addressed. Juno Dauchy & Co's Advt's. 25 N.Y. l'AMJV ('Alt DM all stiles with imtno, 10 cts. post paid. J. 1), 11 listed, Nassau, Hensco. Juno 22, It-lw d Uestbirealnsln America.!? A J) MQJ, 1'. Man Maps and Catalogue rrce."-lvU10iiour,li' Mnncha 1. .lU-UKi, tt-lW U I, He ami Health Without ih-hrn. Dr. Panceasfs great work IS ?to)Y iteutly liir aii:nts. Tho only book prac tically treating this now universally absorb I n ir top c. Khons how to apply the treatment, and tells of successful cures made by tho uso otthls wonderful medium, circulars nnd best terms to early applicants. J. M. STODDAHT s. CO., jsj Chest nut Bt., 1'hlla. JneJ,TT-4w d T It I F M , (1 WITH A COLD IS ALWAYS DANQEKOUS. USE WELLS' CAR B0L1C TJBLITS, n sure remedy for COITOHl, and all of the TIIIIOAT, LONOS, CHEST and J1UCOUS MKS1- HHANli. Put up only in IShto Boxes. riUI.M Itl JILL UUUMV4I31S. C. N. crtlTTENTON 7 SUM Avenue, Sew York. Juno 22, 'II-4W 1) READ THIS M A Chance for all to mako or Savo Money, AND, O KT Til K BEST OOODS IN THE MARKET. TEAS, COFFEES, &C. Bold at lower prices than thonamo qualities can be nouEfiu ai any ower nouse in mis country. All (roods truaninieeil to bo Katia rectory and fis'renro- vented.or tuo money will be refunded on return of tho goods, which may ho done at our expense. The rpnutntton or our hou'ie for reluno standard noouKal i.o w riticjw, (for 8ft years), has given us a EttanamtriniNew tone uuy ami vicinity, inatis not enjoyed by any other house In tho trade, a rtcr ma ture deliberation wo have determined to offer our goods to housekeepers in the interior, at tho lowest whole? ale tradk raters, whi a club U formed Urge enough to make a smalt case. The goods of each member of the club will be put In separate packages, and marked with name and cost, so as to avoid confusion in distribution. Goods will bo sent by express to collect on delivery. All wishing to save jioney by purchasing family supplies at New York wholeaa 'Sale prices can taut me maimer over among friends and neighbors, and send to us lor Club Circular, Prtco-llst, &c. wo give a present or either poods or money to tho pernoa who geta up the club, to compensate tor trouble etc. Samples Ul 1 B.V a. Lur ibn ncub uy uuui. Benu ior price-list, ana circular. Stincr's New Tori: and China Tea Co., M. H. MOSES & 00., Proprietors, 77, 70, HI ft I, nml 8U Veaey street, Nov York Judo Si, 17-iw d Conl Hct, BmiU rin .nd p.ndnt IJtoim, Mot port PAUl touv ruder ImlUtlon Hum ton piper ior i.TbrM nil for 60c. IaComBcj orSUmp.. I.. A. I'ltce, Ken York. July 6, 1T-1W A GREAT OEFER ! ! Wo will during these Hahd Tints dispose ot 10O 1'IANOS unu iikmath.-s new auu sccona-nana or nrstciass makers Including WATKltH' at lower nrk'es ror cash or Installments or to letuntu paid tor tban ever ix'iuiu ouereo. w.vrjsnrv ijicand tsiiuAltu ana UPHIOUT TIANOS AND OHOANS (lacludlne tDclr NEW bOUVKNIK and UOUDOIIt) are the BEST M AUK. 7 Octave llanos $!, T 1-3 do lino riot ancd year, "i- stop organs iw, i stops ssh, T stops $os, StODS ST5. 10 StODS tsS. IV StODS 1100 caAh. not used a eur. In perfect order and warranted. I.ornl and Trnvrllnjc Akciiih Wanted. Illustrated catalogues mailed. A liberal discount to Teachers. Ministers, etc. Sheet music at halt price. HOKACK wTKRS & SONS, Manufacturers and dealers, eOEastmu WUEKE TO ADVEKT1SE. A. T. Stewart gavs the best advertising mediums he has ever found (,aro the old established organs oi tho two political parties, at the several county Beats throughout the union." "These." he savs "reacb every family ot tno least account In their sot? r& nan - ,1. .? The Columbia Ukmockat, upon whlcuthla paper is partially founded, was established in ltou, kij the ,v u v luu .um...uvu. uiioiiiviM lulu lu WiYVfUgJ IU :olombun now enloys a wider clrcolatlon and ereater trol Tlty tnan It over tio. ly Into two t thousand families tn column it (roes week- mnta andad- iquudk counueK, una oy mofii,or them la read from :nnrE.ito uie last line, ills thnnniv frtwniuri exponent ot nearly nve thousand Democratic voters In tho county. It gives aaverusementa a tasty dis play, that manes them attractive to Its patrons, thus ensuring greater certainty that they will peruse them, wnuo its circulation Is undoubtedly much tha largest In the county, the advertising ratea of tHo Columbian are no higher than those of ether papere with barely halt and several not one-f ourtn the num- ik.t ui BuuM-riurro. r acta use inese spcax ror them- bcivcb. i-io aiwewtu uuHiEcs8 man wiu neglect to in sert his advertisement in tho colcmbiah tt Ayer's Cathartic Pills, For all tbo purposes of a Family Physic, SAKi for curine Costiveness, Jaundice, lndurBstion, 1'oul Stomach, Breath, Headache, Erysipelas, Hhoumatism, Eruptions and Skin Diseases, Bil iousness, Dropsy, Tumors.Worms, Neuralgia, as a Dinner Fill, for Purifying tho Blood, Am the most ef fective anil conge nial purgative ever discovered. They are mild, but ef fectual in their operation, moving the bowels surely and without pain. Aitnoucti (ferule in their operation, hey are still the most thorough and tic medicine that can be employed : cleans ing tho stomach and bowels, and even the blood. In small doses of one pill a day, they stimulate the digestive organs and promote vigorous health. Ayeii'8 a'ilis have been known for more than a (juarter of a century, and have obtained a world-wide reputation for their virtues. They correct diseased action in tho several assimilative organs of tha body, and are bo composed that obstruc tions within their range can rarely with stand or evade them. Not only do tlity cure the cvery-day complaints of every bedy, but also formidable and danrjirous diseases that have balllcd the bji'st of human skill. While they produce power ful ell'ects, they are, at the same time, tho eafest and best physio Ibr children. Ity their aperient aetion they gripe, much less than tho common purgative?, and never give pain when tho bowels are not inflamed. They reach the vital fountains of the blood, nnd strengthen tho system Vy freeing it from tho elements ot weakness. Adapted to all ages and conditions ia all climates, containing neither calomel nor any deleterious drug, thesu Pills may bo taken with safety by anybody. Their sugar-coating preserves them ever fresh, and makes them pleasant to take; while being purely vegetable, no harm van arise from their usu in any ipiautity. I'llEl'AUKU 11 v Dr. J. C, AYER it CO,, Lowell, Mass., rrnctlcitl and Analytical Clii-mlkta. SOLO 11V AU, uituooisiu EvutywueitE, Oct. 18, 187-ly BLOOMSBURG TANNERY. G. A. IIEIIRIIVG T ESl'ECTKULLY announces to the public LVj that he has reopened SNYDER'S TANNERY, iold stand) Bloomsburg, l'a., at the 'orksoltlio Espy and XlKht street roads, wLere all descriptions ot leather will hA mnl in fhA tnAar. substantial and workmanlike manner, and sold at prices to Bait the times. The highest nrlce tn cash WUI at all times bo paid for GREEN ll I D K 8 of every description In the country, ornage Is respectfully solicited, UloonuburK, Oct. 1, Wi The public pat PAl'KR BAGS you BALK AT THE COLUMBIANOFFICK , UliUH AM) KI5U a ML CHEAP JOB AT THE COLUMBIAN OFFICE. Tho Columbian Printing Estab lishment is limply supplied with the necessary Presses, Types and other material for executing all kinds of Printing at low rales and in the most expeditious and satis factory manner. CALL AT THE Columbian Building. COUKT HOUSE ALLEY, Bloomsburq, Pa. When special material is required it will be promptly obtained. Books and Pamphlets, Hand-Bills and Dodgers, Largo and Small Posters, Letter and Bill Heads, Envelopes with Business Cards, Bussiness, Pic Nic, "Wedding and Visiting Cards, Programmes, Bills of Fare, &c. "Will all bo supplied and excuted in superior style, at cheap rates and short notice. Tho best workmen aro employed and tlic best material will always bofurnished. A HI jeral share of public patron Age is respectfully solicited. j 'I BvoouBBvm, March 23, 1877.U BLOOMSBURG STATE NORMAL SCHOOL SIXTH NORMAL SCHOOL DISTRICT. Bloomsbur g, Windings spacious, Inviting nnd commodious j completely heated by stoum, well entll.itcd, lighted by gas, nnrlnr u.i.. Location healthful, anu cosy ot access. Tonchcrs experienced, efficient, and allvo to their work. Discipline, moderate. Fifty cents n week deduction to all expecting to teach, students admitted at any tlmo. ltooms Courses of study prescribed by the state : I. Model School. II. Preparatory. Ill, Elementary, IV, Classical. Adjunct Courses : I. Academic. II. Commercial. 111. Course In Music. IV. Course in Art. The Itfomnnforv. Retention flnil Plitflafnl Pnnrana correinondlnirDeirrees : Master of tho Elements! Master Ihelr attainments,, signed bv the omcers of the hoard of The State requlresa higher order of citizenship. Tho cent nnd pnlplnnr. Tfineti.T for lier Mrhni-U Tn Ihla pnil and their talents, as Mildews. To all such It promises Catalogue, address tho Principal. HON. VVII.t.IA.It i:i-vi!i.i, President llonnl sept. , '.o.-iy THE GKKVr WGDDM'G CAKU IIEVOT. Till! I,ATIT STYI.rrt IN WEUHDiisra- i3srviT.i,io3srs. Prices lower than any House in tho Country. ORDERS BY MAIL PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. WM. H. HOSKINS, STATIONER AND ENGRAVER, 913 Arch Street, Philadelphia. April 7, 'U.-tf. HARMM & H ASSERT. Proprietors; East Street, South side of 3. & II. Ilullroatl, UlooiusljiirK, l'a. liespeetf ully call tho attention ot tbe public to tho following statements : They manufacture all kinds ot IKON nml llltAr.S CJlhTIMJH. They make the Celebrated Original and IMPROVED MONTROS F. PLOWS, also all kinds ot llcpalrs, such as Mold Boards points, LanuMues bolts, handltB, sc. They also make HEATING AND COOK STOVES and aro prepared to furnish all kinds ot repairs, such as Urates. Fire Brick, Ac, wholesalo and retail. Thoy make the Improved CouUhuvIiik (iriite lor tbe Win. 1'cnn Mote, the most economical Orate In use. They are also prepared to turnl&h HAW AND UU1SV MILL J1AUU1NEUV SHAFTING, I'ULLKVS, &c. They pay especial attention to tho Repairing of Threshing Machines, Reapers, &c. The proprietors being practical mechanics, having had relv Y upon naving an worK entrusted to uiem uono iu uiu Jan. 23, "JfEW STOCK OF CLOTHING. AND Gentlemen's Dress Goods. DAVID LOWENBERG Invites attention to his large andelegantstock Cheap anil FasMonatle Clotliina, at his storo on; MAIN STREET, IN THE NEW BLOCK, BLOOM8BUHQ, PA., where ho has Just received from New York and riill adclphla a full assortment ot MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING, Including the most fashionable durable and nanosomo LUtESS GOODS, CONSISTING OF box; sack, FROCK. GUM AND OIL CLOTH, COATS AND PANTS, OP ALL SORTS SIZES AND COLORS, Be has also replenished his already large stock of CLOTHS AND CASSIMEUES, STRIPED, FIGURED , AND PLAIN VESTS, SillltTS, CRAVATS SOCKS, COLLARS. HANDKERCHIEFS, GLOVES, SUSPENDERS, AND FANCY ARTIOjLES. Us has constantly on hand a large and well select ed assortment ot Cloths and Veatings, which he la prepared to make to order Into any kind ot clothing, on very short notice, and in the best manner. All his clothing la made to wear and most ot It Is ot home manufacture. GOLD WATCHES AND JKWELltY, OP EVERY DESCRIPTION, FINE AND CHEAP. HIS CASS OP JEWELRY IS NOT SURPASSED IN THIS PLACE. CALL AND EXAMINE HIS GENERAL ASSORT MKNT OF Clothing, Watches, Jewelry, &o. DAVID LOWENBEKG. 100,000 FATS FOR THE PEOPLE. Facts lor the Parmer Facts tor the Merchant Pacts for the Horseman Facts for the stock-raiser uwtufnr thn Prmii rv.keener Facts for the Bee keeperFacts for the Lawyer Facts for the Laborer Facts for the Frult-ralser-Faeu for the Hardener Facta for the Doctor Facts for the D&lrj man Facts for tho Household Facta for every family vi ho wonts to save money. FACTS FOR AGENTS. That this is the most Important advertisement for you yet published, being the best chance to make money ever offered. The press endorses It, your own paper endorses it, uTerjroue tuuurocB iu Tho Book of tho Nineteenth Oentury. vaIa and female nfrenta eGtnlne moner on It. Fend tousatonceandKetclrculanifne, ww.-uwV to us at once and iftlclrculanj free. INGHAM, HMITU d6 m 4 H fit- . Columbia County, T. L; G-RISWOLD, A. M., M. D Principal. n.n tl)nvP441f 1 V A T. ami HtnrtfTita frrnrlrtnt tnrr I tiprpln. of tho sciences': Master ot tho Classics. Graduates Trustees. times demand It. It la one ot the prlmo objects ot this School to help to securo It, by furntshlnc lnlclll- II baIIpHu fminnnoF.nna nt vtwl ahlllllna nnil fmnil ntirnriepa.l hfwo whn desire to lmrjfOVP their time old In developing ihelr powers, and abundant opportunities for well paid labor after leu Ing school, ror T Trustees an oirerience of over thirty 5 ears, tho publlcca uesi .Manner and at Fair prices. Important to Lawyers. mlnlstrators, Guardian, Township officers, and busi ness men gencruiiy Wo havo on hand a larito assortment of legal hlntiVQ fnr tlio fif AttnrnevR. Justices and Con- (table's blanks ot nil kinds, Noto and Receipt books ior Aumini&umurs &.c. PRICE LIST. ATTORNEY'S BLANKS. l'reclpo for Summons. " " Rule to take Depositions. " " " " chooso Arbitrators. s cents apiece, or 11.75 per hundred. Petition for Appointment ot auardlan. " " Citation Rule to tako Depositions. Narr In Debt, with Confession, " Assumpsit. Mechanics Lien. 4 cents each or $3.50 per hundred. 1'etltlon for solo of Ileal mate 8 cents each. JUSTICE'S BLANKS. Bubpomas, summons, Warrants, Executions, so fo 25 cents each. Leases s cents each Blue Deeds 10 ' " Parchment Deeds 15 " " Agreements 6 " M Orphan's Court Males SO for $1 60 Constable's Sales s cents each Mortgage and liod 12 " " All kinds ot Notes 1 " " Receipts, Notes, School Orders, Poor Orders, Storo Orders, neatly bound, constantly on hand, or made to order on short notice. We nro prepared to do neater Job work than anj other office In this county. BROCKWAV & ELWELL, Editors anil Proprietors Bloomsburc, l'a TUOMAB B. IlAKTMAN, ALBERT 1U11TM1.V, HARTMAN BROS.. DEALERS IN TEAS, CANNED FRUIT CIGARS, TOBACCO. sNTjrr, CONFECTIONERY. Spices of all kinds, Glass & Queens ware, FINE GROCERIES, Foreign and Domestio Fruits, AND GENEBAL LINE OF Family Provisions. Russell's Old Stand, IlUl'ERT liLOCK, 4th door below Market street, Ulocmsburg, ra. Itr- Goods delivered to all parts of the town. April ST, 11-tf 5i. v. to i1"! if ti ill Iay4,'n-3m N' OTICE. From tills date the Woomsbunr Gas Company will put in service pipes at nrst cost and furnish and Bet mete is at four dollars each. The company nave on band a lot of cas tar suited or pain tint: roofs, and posts or other timbers placed under ground. OO. 1VI6- , i nc iu ceuui per ir&uoii or 9i.ou ir uarrci. v. n i MILLER, SO is not easily earned In these times but It can bu mado In three months by any one of either sex, In any pari ot the country ti lawininir to work steadily at tho employment that we furnish. fper wteK in jour owu town, Vou need not bo away from home over night, you can Live your whole tune to the wort, or only your sp&ro moments. It costs nothing to try tho tiusi liens. Terms and U Outnt free. Addross at once, U. IUU.XTT & Co., 1'ortland, Maine. Feb. 16 'JT lyr. JOB PJUNTINQ OF EVERY DESRLPTI0N EXECUTED PROMPTLY At thk Ooltjmbian Qmot, J7 Pennsylvania. and'furnlshed with a bountiful s upply ot purc.soft firm but kind, uniform and thorough, Expenses reserved when desired. V. Course In l'liysical Culture. receive Stlltn DlnlOmat. conferring the fOllOWln In Iho other Courses recelvo Normal Ccrtlllcatcs o CO I,. .1. !. I'ltlX,.:, Secretary. smrirmi soap. Thoroughly Cures Diseases or the Skin,' llEAUTlrlES THE COMfLEXlON, PREVENTS and Remedies Rheumatism and Gout, Heals Sores and Abrasions of the Cuticle and Counteracts Contagion. This Standard External Remedy for Erun. tions, Sores and Injuries of the Skin, not only KEMOVES FROM THE COMPLEXION ALL IlLEM- 1S1IES arUint! from local impurities of the Hood and obstruction of the pores, but also those produced by the sun and wind, such as tan and freckles. It renders the CUTICLE marvelously clear, smooth and PLIANT, and being a WHOLESOME UEAUTIFIElt is far preicrabic to .nny cosmetic. ALL THE REMEDIAL ADVANTAGES Of SUL PHUR IIaths are insured ny the use or lletin'K Sttlliltltv Soap, which in addi tion to its purifying effects, remedies and PRE VENTS K11EUMAT1SM and (JOUT. It also DISINFECTS CLOTHING and LINEN nnd PREVENTS DISEASES COMMUNICATED liY CONTACT With the rERSON. It dissolves Dandruff, prevents bald ness, anu retards grayncss ol the hair, l'hysicians speak of it in high terms. Prices 25 nnd 50 Cents per Cake; per box as uattes), uuc. andtni.xu. N. U. The 50 cent calces are triple the sue of those at 35 cents. " IIILIAS HAIR AND WIIISKJ2K 1)YK, Iliack or 11 row n, 30 CentH. C. S. CRIHESTOS, PropT, 1 Sixth Av.,S.Y. fjoct. 20, TS.-iy, mm anu hi c& iu. GRAND, SQUARE AND UPRIGHT PIANOS. Tlio Ai.nitECHT & Co. Pianos nro first-class in ovorv rcsiicct. lioiiii; con sidered the lending l'hilatleliiliia, mako by musicians nml competent, nidges. Through their extensivo facilities. Messrs. Albi.kciit & Co. nro enabled to turn out instruments that aro not surnnssed anywhere, and still sell them at prices within tho reacn oi an. io riiino is puriuiuuu to leave their factorv unless satisfac tory to tho most tninuto particular, lienco their guarantee of live years is a thing of value. All lato im provements of importance aro found m theso instruments. Messrs. Albreciit & Co. havo re ceived tho most flattering Testimo nials from L. M. Gottschalk, Vranh ABT.GUSTAVr; BATTER. J. F. lil-MMELS- iiach, William Woi-sieffer and many other eminent artists, besides Being auio to reier to ihousiuhis ui Dnvato riurcnasers, scnoois, semi naries, societies and teachers. Pianos conscientiously selected per orders by mail, carelully packed anu shinned safely to an v nart of tho world. Bttf-Ffir further particulars as to references, prices and terms, address, ALBRECHT&CO. GI0 Arch Street, Philadelphia. JlyU, ls76.-ly. MORRIS MICHEL, 1'KAC.TIC'AL, I'lAIVO 0IAKER, TUJVr.R ANU ItEl'AIltr.K. KLOOMSBUltU, PA. FIRST CLA.SS 1'IANOS AND ORGANS FOIt BALK. SECOND lTAD TIANOS TAKEN IN EXCJIANOE. ORDER U MAIL PROMPTLY EXECUTED. Decl, 16-ly AdvektimngAgents a , ejtf'ot, O&f T. D. Kellogg Advts. EXCELS TOIl PRINTING llK CO., BEST AND OI3EAP12ST PIUNTING INK IN T HE MAHKET, llurclay HI., Aug. II, Ic NUV Y VOKK. riiOTEAUHEIlS, y i Uloomsburg school lslrlCL will meet tin thfl KVK- N1N(1 of JUNK H7.18I7, for tho I lurposebr erakloy lntr teachers. Ail nersons dtsl iinir utimunnR mm Inif teachers. Ail teachers In tho District will plea le hand to tho boo- retary a written appllcoUon Vefo lolhkiume. a. KNORR, tnaotmu Jane us, -n-w RAIL ROAD TIME TABLES piIILADKM'HA AND HEADING HOAI) ARRANGEMENT OP PASSENnrti T11A1NS. May 51, 1S7C TRAINS 1.KAVK IlCrmiT AS lOl.lflwa (Sl'NIiiV SX(rrr l'or Now York, riilladclphla, Heading, I'oltsvmn Tamaqua, kc, ii,ua a. in ror Catawlssa, u. m, 6,47 and p. m. For Wllllamsport,c,23 0,34 a. in. and 4,oo p, ni TRAINS FOB lUjriBT IKAVK AS IOLLOW8, (8CNB4Y t Lcavo Now York, 8,4S a. m. Loavo l'lilladelphla, 0,15 a, in, Lcavo Heading, 11,81 a. m., rottsvlllc. n andTamaqun,1,!5 p. m. Lcao Catawlssa, 0,50 o,sn a. tn, and 4,oo p, m. Iavo Wllllamsporl ,9,! i a.m,lj,oo m. and 6,oo'p m Passengers n lid from New York and l'hn',i. i phla go throut, t ituout chango ot cars. J. E. WOOTTEJC. .0, HANCOCK, .Manager. (Jencrul Ticket Airent. Jan. li, Bio-tr. NORTHERN COMPANY, CKNTItAL RAILWAY On and after November 80th, isn. trains win t.... SUNHURY as follows I NORTIIWARI). Erlo Mall a. in., arrlvo Elmlra n,t0 0 " canandalgua. . s.ssp.u, Rochester c.15 ., Nlasrara 0 m 1, Renovo accommodat Ion 11,10 a. in. arrlvo Williams rt 12.6.1 p. m. Elmlra Mall 4.15 a. m., arrlvo Elmlra 10.S0 a. m. Iluffalo Express T.15 a. m. arrlvo Buffalo 8.tu a. m KOUTI1WARU. Iluffalo Express 2 .60 a. m. arrHo liarrlsbure s.n iiaitimoro 8.40 Elmlra Mall 11.15 a. m., arrlvo Harrlsburg p. m " Washington 10.80 " " llalttmoro 0.30 " " Washington 8.50 " Harrlsburg accommodation 8.40 p. m. arrive Harris ourg 10.KJ p. m. arrive uauimoro 2.S5 a. ra " Washington c.13 " I Erlo Mall 12.55 a. m. arrive Harrlsburg 3 05 a. tn. " llalttmoro 8.40 " 11 Washlmrtonlo.Sfi" All dally except Sunday. D. M. BOYD, Jr., Oencral Tassenger Agcn A. J. CASSATT, General Manage DELAWARE, LACKAWANNA AND WESTERN RAILROAD. ISI.OOMSISUKG DIVISION. Timo-Tnblo No. 39, Takes effect at 4:30 A. M MONDAY, NOVEMBER 22 1915. NORTH. STATIONS. SOUTH. p.m. p.m. a. in H .1 OS 8 01 3 51 9 4S 9 4J 9 BS1 Scranton -Hellevue Taylorvllle... ..Lackawanna..... I'lttston . West Httston... Wiomiug Maltby...... -Bennett Kingston Klniraton a.m. p m. p.m, 0 ss 2 so s 21 9 4S 2 23 ti SO 9 63 2 SI I. 7 55 3 49 7 40 .1 42 7 4 1 3 37 9 31 10 INI 2 S3 C 41 10 00 2 40 C W 10 11 2 62 C. M 9 25 9 20 7 S3 3 3-t 21 3 27 9 IS 11) 10 2 68 7 01 HI 20 ! Hi 10 23 S 17 7 II IU 27 3 10 7 15 10 27 a 17 7 25 10 3'i 3 V2 7 115 1 22 7 18 3 2.1 11) 3 17 8 17 3 12 3 OS II 11 9 07 7 15 9 05' 7 15 9 15 1 07 8 69 ,.1'Ij mouth June1 7 03 8 60 ....riymouin Avondalo ...... Nnntlcoke HunlocK's reck. . ...Khtckshlnny..... ....Illck's Kerry... 10 SO 3 27 7 411 10 40 3 32 7 43 10 4 4 3 87 7 63 10 62 8 45 8 (5 11 1 5 4 Ul 8 25 CM JM 8 61 0 54 3 11 8 4S 0 45 2 f4 0 30 2 42 8 41 8 80 0 !5 2 SI 8 19 8 14 11 17 4 15 8 45 11 23 4 21 8 65 11 a I fa 9 05 11 86 4 37 6 60 11 89 4 41 0 63 11 43 4 46 7 HI 0 09 0 02 5 65 5 62 5 43 2 25 2 19 2 13 2 10 2 10 1 5S 1 M 1 4S 1 43 1 40 1 25 1 19 1 15 1 (XI p.m. ....Beach Haven... 6 03 8 2 7 68 7 64 lKrwick .... Briar Creek ...Willow drove.... Ltmo Ridge Esnv 6 40 7 401 7 40 7 35 7 SO I 51 4 6.1 1M 5 34 ...Bioomsburg..... Hunert 11 67 5 12 7 40 12 '2 5 08 7 45 5 28 6 23 5 20 Cataw Issa Bridge, 7 201 12 07 5 14 7 62 12 10 5 20 8 66 12 25 fi 83 8 25 12 82 5 47 8 40 12 86 6 62 8 47 12 51 0 10 9 15 .Clark's Switch.. Danvlllo Chulas y Cameron a 03 7 11 I 55 7 04 4 50 4 35 7 O 0 45 a. in. .Northumberland. P.m. W. V. HALSTKAD, Sunt. p.m. a.m Superintendent's Office, Scranton, Bee. 10, 1875. M. C. SLOAN & BR0 IlLOOMSIIimO, 1A. Manufacturers of Carriages, Buggies, Phaetons, Sleighs, I'LATKOKM WAtlONS, SC. First-class work always on hand. REPA1RINO NEATLY DONE. Prices reduced to suit tho times. Jan. 6,1877-tt UiM. ni l; t ti, A complcto record for tho uso of attorneys. conJ1 vcnlenlly arranged for tho docketing of all cases' containing 600 pages, with double Index. This is tho most complcto book for lawyers that Is pub. llshed. PRICE, $3.50. Published by Brockway & Elwell Editors and Proprietors of the Columbian, BLOOMSBTJRa, FA.. Dcct-tt TljlSfAPEfISKEPT0N FILE AT THE OFFICE OF, 733 Sanson St, PHILADELPHIA, Who are uur autburUed nKen(Ht nuil will rccelre AdverlUemcute at mir LOWKST CASH ItATKM. HIGHEST AWARDS C'rnirnnlnl Inhibition. I. REYNOLDS & SON, NOltTIIWEST COKNEIt TIili tcciithmid Filbert StN. PHILADELPHIA, MiNDFicTonsus or Patented WroiiiMroB Air-Ticht Healers yUh Minkltitf itnj t'liukcr-(JriudIuff Oratvmfur lliirulutf Auibruclte or ItllHinli uim Coal OENTEJMNIAJj WR0UGIIT-IR0N HEATERS, FOU I1ITUJ1IN0US COAL, Keystone WR0UGHT-IR0N HEATERS, Cooking- Ranges, Low-down Orates, Sic, &c, Descriptive Circulars best kbes to any address. EXAMINE BEFORE SELECTING. April !7, tr-ly i s dp .A-insr a?i3sra-, GLAZING AND PAPERING. 17"M- F BODINE, Tron Street below sec . Y pnd, Bloomsburs, l'a., Is prepared to do al kinds ot PAINTING, GLAZING, and PAPEli HANGING. in the best itjrles, at lowestjprlces, and at short notice. Parties having such w orlt to do will save monti calling on mo. I AU work warranted to giro satisfaction. Orderi L WM. F. BODINE.