THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBUKG, COLUMBIA COl NTT, PA. Cbntiiwnt from Ut page. Which imrly wan rljlit, find which wrong 'i'lio conflict initxt bo elllcil somehow. Wliero vim Hip jiirinllclion lo ilelermlna It? tliiiloubtfilly, ninl ly iitiivpraal admission, tlio power lu thecourli of theftate from wliifh both claimant profiled to derive their nutliorlty. Thu proper State court did dctcrmlno It; but the Commissioners Bald that however competent the jurisdiction of tlio court, It was too late In making Its decision, and then they proceeded, In tho exercise of a jurisdiction exactly similar, to decide tho samo questions of fact and law the other way. Now nomes the query: If the court's decision was worthless because It was late, what was tho value of tlio commis sion's judgment, which was later? Tho eight did actually, not In words, but In sub stance and effect, give vent to tho bald ab surdity that It was too latu In January to de cide the dispute In favor of Tilden, but not too late In February to decide It in favor of Hayes. i.v r-vvor. or riuun every time. Another thing they said: This judgment, though it proved tlio fact that the Hayes claimants wcro not duly appointed, and had no title to tho office of electors, did not in- validate tho acts previously done by them while they were de facto In the exercise ol the powers they usurped. There is a just and necessary rule of law which declares that tho validity of acts regularly done by nil officer shall not depend on tho title by which he holds tho office. Von may remove a Sheriff by a 7110 warranto, without destroy- lug tho title of all who purchase! land at his sales, or a Judge without vacating his decrees, ora trcasiirerwlthoutHaylngthat his psymcnt of a public debt is not satisfac tion ; but where a person assumes special au thority lo do a particular thing tho validity of tho act does depend on tho authority to do It. This latter rule applies here. These electors claimed a right to voto for tho State under a special appointment given them to do that one act. When a competent court abjudicated as matter ot tact that the Mayor electors had no appointment, jt was a logical and legal necessity which declared tho un- authorized votes to be null and void. If this wcte not tho principle, then any imposter, or nny number of imposters, might send ui. heir ballots, and one would be as good as another. lint again, let it not be forgotten that the Tilden electors had also voted nt the same time in tho same way. Why did not this fact makn as much weight for them as for the others? It will excite the wonder of tho world to learn that, in the opinion of the eight, a peron who voted tinder an appoint ment given him by the people according to law could not be oven a tie f.icto elector, but another person who had nothing to claim by except tho false, fraudulent, and void dec laration of a Heturning Hoard was good de facto, if lie was good for nothing else. This doctrino of de facto sanctification, saving acta which have no other "relish of salva tion in them," and making the votes of un authorized men as good as if they came from persons duly appointed, cuts a great figu re throughout the whole case. It is not appll cable, but the eight apply it every wherend, strange to say, they do not use it when it does not make in favor of some fraud or other. One who votes according to the pub lic will of the State, legally expressed through the ballot-boxes, is de facto nothing. Hut if he was defeated or ineligible, he is dejfacto all he wants to be. One of the Hayes electors in Louisiana was a Federal officer bis election was forbidden by the Constitu tion of the United btates.nnd ho was not elected but beaten at the polls; de facto strained its utmost power on him, and pulled him through in spite of Constitution and people both. But his Democratic competi tor, who had acted as an elector in the same way and to the same extent, was legally chosen by an overwhelming majority; there fore de facto could do nothing for him, FRAUD UNDEKTHE FOItMS OF LAW In all the discussions of the subject tho men disposed to favor the conspiracy pro fessed a most profound veneration lor the. "forms of law." This was the keynote utmet ,tVw Orleins hv thn VUilimr fv,. struck at rew uneans uy tne Visiting bora- mittee, and it is heard in every subsequent argument of counsel and commissioner on that Side. It seemed to be understood among them that a formal cheat was perfectly sate lrom exposure. If the sepulchre was whited on the outside, it made no diflerence that it was filled with "corruption, dead men's bones,- and all uncleanness." No refuge of lies could be swept away, no hiding place of falsehood could over be uncovered, if it was built in the prescribed form. Only give it the legal shape, and the overflowing scouree ...... m I :i ii 1 1 i r i nuu.u uu IUIUIUO.IUC, jmurirai lurm, UUW- ever valuable as a covering for fraud, was, in I their judgment, no protection for truth or justice or public right. The will ol Louisiana was pronounced at the election with all the solemnities required by the law of the State and of the United States. Tne appointment of the Tilden electors on the 7th of .November was a perfectly legal piece of work ; there was not a flaw in It as It cuDin from the hands of the appoint' ing power. But it was looked on with per feet contempt. Neither tho Visiting Com' mittee, nor the Hayes counsel, npr the eight Commissioners, bestowed on it any of their love. Their ail'ections were otherwise engag ed; they gavo the homage and devotion of their hearts to the beautiful regularity, the exquisite precision, with which the Return ing Board compounded its false certificate, Another paradox of the eight is curious enough to be noted. They declared repeat edly that they had no power to try a contest' ed election case, and for that reason they would not look at the evidence which showed what persons were duly appointed electors uy me people. low marlci lhecase was this. Each of these notes came uccompa nied by what was asserted to be proof that it was cast by electors duly appointed, The conflict was to be determined by the verify inp power which Congress unquestionably has, and which the Commissioners expressly assumed when they swore that they would decide who were duly appointed. To decide it one way or the other required precisely . i. n i t...i., i ..... mu iiiiii junsuicuon, anu caned into exer cise exactly the same faculties. Yet thev held that if they decided according to the truth in favor of the' electors actually ap pointed they would be trying a contested election ; but ir they decided in favor of th( pretenders who had nothlnir but afraudu lent certificate, they would not be trying a contested election ; in other words, their in. risdictlon was full and amnle to deeldo It falsely, but wholly unequal to the duty of ucciuing it iruiy. INELIGIBLE F.LECTOrtS ItECOONIZEI), I emails nothing U i.. i .. i .. . i . finlm,,. nt il.o -t I, n , , animus ol the eight Commissioners than the uetermination they made upon the case Brewster, Ineligible elector In Louiniana. jveep in ramu that tbelr defined duty wa - uj mo uuaiitiuion and think how they performed It in this part of the case. Brewster was not only defeated at the poll, like the rest; he was besides a federal ofliceholder, and the Contltutlnn be appointed an elector. But for the pur- lKe of electing Mr, lfoyrs hi, TOte was worth as much as all the others. To get that Voto for their candidate thoy were required to go further than they went .for any of tho rest, and to they held: 1. That tho certi ficate of the Returning Hoard was propria rigort an appointment. 2. That It was a duo appointment, though corrupt and dishonest. 3. "That this was a voto provided for by the Constitution, though the Constitution in plain words provided against it. THE FULL EXTENT OF THE OUTRAGE. After all, thcro was but one question be fore the commission. Had tho American people a right to elect their own Chief Mag istrate ? They had the right. Their ances tors struggled for It long, fought for It often, and won It fairly, llelng embedded in their Constitution, It cannot bo destroyed except "by a force, strong enough to over throw tho organic of tho Govern ment itself. Legislative enactments or judl- claldccisions are powerless cither to strength en or Impair it. The legerdemain of law craft, tho catches of special pleading, tho snapperadocs of practice, do not help us to decide a matter llko this. A great nation must not be impaled upon a pin's point. Precedents which might bind a Court of Quarter Ses!loncletermIuing tho settlement of a pauper cannot tie up tho hands of tho sll)remo legislature dofendingii fundamental rght of tll0 wll0i0 people. When Gren- ln 17CC( clteii tlie m,thorlty of divers ... l n that America micht be taxed ,..,., rM,re,.ntallnn. Pitt answered: "I , )lcro rinf,,i at n ()nl, ,vt, tin .,., .iniiblnlMown in don's cars to . f j the of liberty. I can ackuowl- edge no veneration for any procedure, law, or ordinance, that is repugnant to reason and the llrst principles of our Constitution. I rejolco that America has resisted." so spoke the defiant friend of our race in tho presence of a hostile Parliament ten years before tho Declaration of Independence. And now, after this long Interval of time, wo behold our greatest right the right on which all other rights depend successfully assailed in our own Congress with tho same u wea)0M tnlt Grcnvillo used. II brut(J forcc haJ crusheii it out, we might iiava borno tho calamity with fortitude ; but to see it circumvented by knavery and petti- f,! to death, is too much to be endured wilh any8U0w 0f patience. If the ma jor jty 0f that commission could bu, have realized their responsibility to God and man, if they could only have understood that in a free 6ountry liberty and law are in separable, they would have been enrolled' among our greatest benefactors, for they would havo added strength and grandeur to our Institutions, lint they could not come up to the height of the great subject. Party passion so benumbed their faculties that a fundamental right seemed nothing to them when it came in conllict with some argu ment supported by artificial reasoning, and drawn from the supposed analogies of tech nical procedure. The Constitution was in their judgment, outweighed by a void stat ute and tho action of a corrupt Keturning Board. Let these things be remembered by our children's children ; and if the friends of free government shall ever again have such a contest, let them take care how they leave the decision of it to a tribunal like that which betrayed the nation by enthroning the Great Fraud of 1870. J. S. Black. ORPHANS' COUKT SALE. OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE! jsy virtue ot an order ot the Orphans' Court ot Co lumbia couuty, tho undersigned Executrix ot tho last will and testament ot Frederick Isler, lata of Orcentvood township, Columbia county, deceased, will exposo to public sole on the premises on SATURDAY, JULY 2S, 1877, at 0 o'clock, a. in., I ho follon Ing Ileal Estate to-wlt : A messuage, and tract ot land situate In Greenwood township In sold county of Columbia, bounded and described as follon s, to-wlt: Beginning at a post along lino of land of Elijah Lemon and running thence along line of land of Ellja Isler north one and one-half degrees, cast one hundred and llfty- eignt ana uirec-tcnin perencs to n post along lino or ian,i of Wm. .T. cox.thpncrt nvitnn or said wm..i. cox south thlrty-nve and a halt degrees, east thirty- threo and nlno-tenths perches to a stone, tbenco by land"Tlul T?l??:?r?! "it porclus to a post, thence by the same bouOj twenty. I three and one-half degrees eaut, sixteen and eight tenth perches to ar post, thence, by same south nineteen and one-fourth degrees east fourteen and three-tenth perches to a post, thence by the samo south eighteen and one-half degrees east, thirteen and one-tenth perches to a post, thence by the same south two degrees, west ono hundred and nine and four-tenth perches to a post at a public road, thence north eighty-seven degrees west beven and nlnc- tcnt" PrctiB3 t0 a PHt-tllenco W lan" 01 'W" Lemon north two and three-fourth degrees east ,,.,.fniir nnrrhf fn a ,rthlnn hv nmn north elghty-nlne and one-fourth degrees west fourteen and lx.tcnth perches to the placo of beginning, cunuiiuiiig EIGHTEEN ACHES, and ono hundred and seven perches on which are erected a house, bajn-and other out-bulldlngs. TK11S1S op SALE. Ten per cent ot one-fourth' of tho purchase money to be paid at the Btrlktng;down of tho property, the; one-fourth less tho ten percent, at tho confirmation of sale, and the remaining three- fourths ln one year thereafter, with interest from confirmation nisi. ELIZABETH ISLEIt, July c, "77-4W KiecutrU. A SttH Further Redaction in thB ntlCE OP l'AINTB, OILS, BRUSHES, JAPAN MIlYEIt & PUTTY II" you want to ftnvo from 1U to 5 per cent In the cost of PAINTINU, send for our prices of the btrlctly PUItE WHITE JSAP, MONTOUIt WHIM LEAD SLATE PAINTS, ALL COLORS, H'ON taints, tiikeb colors, PURE LINSEED OIL BEST JAPAN DRYER LINSEED OIL, &. CHALK PUTTY. Best Faint Brushes, coach Tarnish, HOUSE VAItNISII, Furniture Tarnish, spirits opTDrpentike, orders and Inquiries by mall will recelte prompt attention. Huiuplo carda andprlo clist furnished without charge. of HEN It Y S. IlEAY, Rupert. Pa, to ' T i w y A. T01"?' ! thrilling interest by tho eminent htstc pkfi&TlS" SSd' WSSgSff&Si yiSfl'.!1 ?i M"!"unmeun-th(, mighty in- aW.ISSiMSg!ir?? ml,addha,I'W,l' '"jiiITw'1 nr. Bclicnck'N Pulmonic .Syrup, Sii Witn Tomo. Ann Mandrake l'ltts. These medicine have undoubtedly performed more cures of consumption than any other remedy known to tho American public They are compounded or veg etable Ingredients, and contain nothing which can be Injurious to tho human constitution, oilier rem edies adiertteed ns cures for consumption, prubably contain opium which li a eomenbat dangerous drug In all cases, and If fatten freely by eonsumpiuo pa tients, It must do great Injury! for Ita tendency Is lo confine tho morbid matter In tho st stem, which, of course, must inalto a euro Impossible, schenck's 1'iilmoolo syrup Is warranted not to contain a parti cle ot opium lit Is composed of powerful but harm less herbs, which act on tho lungs, liter, stomach. and blood, and thus correct oil morbid secretions, and cspel all tho diseased matter from tho body, Thpan nrn inn nnlr hipnns hv which consumntlon can bo erred, and ns fchenck'a Pulmonic Hjrup, t"ea weed Tonio and .Manurase mis aro inooniy ini-ui rlnes which operate In this way. It Is obi loin they nro tho only genuine cure for pulmonary consump tion. r.acn uuiuu ui ' mn imuiuuuiu uiruii.111" n lit" nimminipii hv run fiirprtions. Dr. schpnek Is pro fessionally at h!s pilnclpnl ofllre, corner fith and Arch streets, Phiudelpiila, every .Monday, where all let l era for am ico must. 00 nuurcracu. J uuu Dauohy & Oo'a Advt's. OPi l'ACV ('Alton all sljles with name, 10 cts. postpaid. ' II. Ilusted, Nassau, Hcnseo. Iicst bargains In Amerlca.WApMC.1. K. Mancha .Maps and cataloguo free. """JHoror, Bel. JU..0 rc, 'H-iw a I.I fe ami Health Without OrdRN. Dr. Panelist's great woik J.1JLUK AND KE is ?s,,w icrttilv lor .UIII.NTS. The onlv book nrac- tically treating this now unlrrrsallv absorb 1 n ir top e. Shows how to npply the treatment, and tells ofmmy successful cures made by the use of this womierrui medium, umnn 'i'; ' '." early nppllrants. .1. At. STOliUAItT CO., J2.1 Chest nut St., I'hlla. Jno, .I-lw d VK I I' I, I IV WITH A COLD IS ALWAYS DANnRItOl'S. US 10 WELLS' CARBOLIC TAELtlS, a suro remedy for COIT01IH, and all diseases of th '1'llItOAT, LUNllS, ClllidT and MUCOUS MEM IlltANK. Put tip only in J31uo Boxes. SOU) II Y ALL DKUOUISTS. o. N. CIIITTKNTON 7 sixth Avenue, New York. .Tune 24, n-w I READ THIS! ! A Cbanco for all to make or Savo Money, AND GET TUG BRSTOOODS IN TI1R MARXKT. TEAS. COFFEES. &C. nougni at any otoer doush m wis country. All t goods gunronieed to bo satisfactory and as rqpre- i in ut: iciuuuniuu ruiuru vi uio I The reDuUtton for billing BTiNn.itn UUUI'i L lAfn i nivr..i, au juaim, una iiiiniuau ctm.rllnrti lii Matv Vnrlf titv anrl vtrln1ti u in New iorK uuy ana vicinity, mat is noi onjoj eu oy ,y oiner nouse in mo irum. Aiierma-i luro ilt'llberatlon wo have determined to offer our I poods to house keepers ln tho Interior, atthe lowkat witoi.FStuc tkapk I'Kicts, Ux a club Is formed largo enouKUto maku a The goods of t-acji member of the club will bo put In separate pacKiiKi'S, uiiu inurucu wnu namuuitu ho as 10 i avoid confusion la distribution viuuus win ue sent i hv i-xnress to collect dkliveky. All Klsutne to HHVU uiunej uv jjun uuaiu iuuiuj nupinn-i tit bv Durchaslnir lamiiy rudducs atNc York wholesale prices can Utk the matter over I UIUimK Hicuua uuu ucitwio.auu ncuu wui iui Club Circular, I'rlco-llsU tc. Wo give a present of 1 either oodsor money to the person who gets up I the club, to compensate for trouble etc. Samples I 01 It. s. r dtL houi. uy mail. Send for price-list and circular. Ether' s New York and China Tea Co., M. H. MOSES & 00,. Proprietors. 77, 7!, Hi Nl, uiul NO Vrey ntrerl, .New York June 22, T7-4w d I.diw ElkQt IraJUtion Rom Gorki het, Breuu rin nd jwndaot Dropa, tent poft id toanyrewir ttaia pper for i,Tbr sets for i. In flurrencT orSUmpi. L.A. Tiiom JWNObnton 1'lKf , New York, July C, '77-4 W GREAT OFFER ! ! . tlinun If kun Tfumi rlfcrtWA nt i m lltIW A UrlvrjVX UJCJeJCjl ! ! win during the) IUan Times dispose of 100 1'IANOS and (lltliANS, new and aecoud.hand of DnitcIoaa makera Including W.Ti:it' at lower prleca for cash or Installments or to let until paid for than ever before offered. WATKltM' (JKANII MIUAHK and UPHIUIU' 1'IANUS AND UHUANS (Including their NEW SOUVKNIK and HOUlioIR) ore the UKST .MAuE. 1 Octato llanos $150, T 1-3 do lico notused a year, '"i" Mop Organs oo, 4 Mops sn. ; stops t8, 8 Htops $7S, 10 Mopa $S8. 1 1 btopa tluo cash, not used aear. In oerfect order and warranted, r.ociil nml TritvtdiiiK AentN W'untt'il. Ulustruted'Catalogues inuueu. a nuerui aiscount to -leucuers, Aiimsters. etc. Sheet music at halt Drlco. Holt AUG W TICKS itiONS. Manufacturers and dealers, 40Kastl4lh street, union square, a. x. uuiyu.i-jwa WIIEItE TO ADVEHT1HK. A.T. Stewart savs the best advertlslnir medl' he has ever found '-are the old ehtabllsheu organs of the tw o political parties, at the several county seats throughout tho union." "These," ho says "reach everv Mjnllv of the least account ln their several counties, and are more carefully read than any other class of Journals." If .Mr. Stewart's Judgment Is of value, there Is no difficulty ln deciding which paper It Is for the Interest of business men to adv$rllsu ln Tho Columbia Dkhocrat. upon which this paper Is Eariuuly founded, was established In 1S3G, and the olumbun now enjoys a wider circulation and greater 1 rorrcrlty than It ever did. It goes week ly Into two thousand famulus ln Columbia andad lolnlng counties, and by most of them Is read from th'nrbtto tho last line. It Is the only recognised exponent ot nearly nve thousand Democratic voters In the county. It gives advertisements a tasty dis play, that makes them attractive to Its patrons, thus ensuring greater certainty that they will peruse them. WhUu Its circulation Is undoubtedly much the largest in tno county, ine aaveinsing rates ox me I Columbian are no ldgher than thobc of other papers I with barely halt (nd several not one-fourth tho num-1 per or bUDScnoers. r acts uku uieso sputut ior mem- l selves. o threwd bustneus man will neglect to In- I bcrt hla advertisements In tho colpubiam tf Ayer's Sarsaparilla For Scrofula, and all scrofulous diseases, Erysi pelas, Kose, or St. Antho ny's Fire, Eruptions and Eruptive diseases of the skin, Ulcerations of the Liver. Stomach. Kidnevs. Lupgs, I'imples, l'ustules, Boils, Blotches, 'Tumors, Tetter, Salt Hlieum, Scald Head, Kineworni, Ulcers, Sores, Rheumatism, Nouralpria, l'ain in tlio Bones, Sido and Head, Female Weakness, Sterility, Leucorrhcea, arising from internal ulceration, and Uterino disease, Syphilitic and Mercnrial dis eases, Dropsy, Dyspepsia, Emaciation, General Debility, and for Purify intr the Blood. This Sarsaparilla is a combination of veRetablo alteratives Stillincia, Man drake, Yellow Dock with the Iodides of Potassium and Iron, and is the most efficacious medicine yet known for tlio diseases it is intended to cure. Its incredients aro so skilfully com bined, that the full alterative ellect of each is assured, and while it is so mild as to bo harmless even to children, it is still so effectual as to purge out from tho system those impurities and corruptions which develop into loathsome disease, Tho reputation it enjoys is derived from its cures, and tho confidence which uroiiiinent physicians all over the coun try rejioso in it, prove their experience ot its usefulness. Ceitillcates attesting itsvirtues have accumulated, and are constantly beinir received, and as many of these cases aro publicly known, they furnish convincing evidence of the superiority o this Sar saparilla over every other alterative medicine. So generally is its superi ority to any other medicine known, that we need do no more than to assure the public that the best qualities it has ever possessed are strictly maintained. PREPARED UV Dr. J. C. AYER it CO., Lowell, Mass., rariicai n vi iatiiccff iemlff. BOLD Ur ALL UUU00IST8 LYLHVW1IKHE. Oct. IS, 167-ly BLOOMSBURG TANNERY. G. A. IIEURINC T ESPECTFULLY announces to the public SNYDER'S TANNERY, (oldBtand) lilooineliurp, Pa., atthe I Korksof tno Kapy and LlL-lit turret roads, where all debcrfptlopa of I leather will be inAilaln th inrwt I substantial and workmanlike manner and bold at I prices to Hult the tltnea. The blirheut price lu coon I OR KEN HIDES Si?M$Mrr- Tlie1"!H 1UUUULDUU I , WW tt eiv TAPI 'EH BA08 X yoit BALK ATTHE OOLCMBIANOFfTCE, ML CHEAI JOB PRIME AT THE COLUMBIAN OFFICE. Tho Columbian Printing Estab lishment is amply supplied with tho necessary Presses, Types and other material for executing all - irwlq nt rnntincf at 10W raiCS UHU "t, tun iv .1 . t!i! i i: in UIO U10SI expeUlllOUS UI1U BiUis tnntnvv mnrmniv J CALL AT THE Columbian Building. OOUKT HOUSE ALLEY, Bloomsburo, Pa. When special material is required it will be promptly obtained. Books and Pamphlets, Hand-Bills and Dodgers, Large and Small Posters, Letter and Bill Heads, Envelopes with Business Cards, Bussiness, Pic Nic, Wedding and "Visiting Cards, Programmes, Bills of Fare, &c, Will all bo supplied and excuted in superior style, at cheap rates and short notice. The best workmen aro employee and tho best material will always be furnished. A liberal share of public patron- ago is respectfully solicited. Bloomsbubo, March 23, 1877. BLOOMSBUBG STATE NORMAL SCHOOL SIXTH NORMAL SCHOOL DISTRICT. Bloomsburg, Columbia County, Pennsylvania. T. L; GRISWOLdTa. M,, M. D Principal. T11TQ tiPtlrnT nc nt nr.Uint rnnbt It lltnil nlTt re I tin Vlrv etat fnMlltlna fn Drnfno.lnnnl anrl r1n.alnl lnflntrr llulldlnt'S sDaci'ous. Intltlmr and commodious : completely heated by steam, w ell t entllatcd. llirhted by L-as. and Ixwation healthful, and easy of access. Toachers ctpcrleneed, cniclent, and allto to their work, nisclpllno, firm but kind, uniform and thorough. Expenses moderate. I'lfty cents a week deduction to all expecting to teach, students ndmltted at any time. Itooms reserved when desired. courses of study prescribed by the state I I. Model School. II. Preparatory. III. Elementary. IV, Classical. Adjunct Courses : I. Academic. II. Commercial. III. Coiire in Music. IV. Course in Art. V. Coure in Physical Culture. Tho Momentary. Scientific and Classical Courses aro I'HOKESSIOXAL. and students irrnduattnir therein, receive stato Diplomas, conferring tho followln corresponding Degrees ; Master of the Klenicntsi .Master tlioir luiaininems,, signeu uv too uiuccrs 01 inn noaru i nu courso 01 riuu y urustTiut-u uy int- nuiio is uuerni, rhe state rcipilresa higher order ot citizenship. Tho li, nlllUint 'Ponflipra fnr llor NhnAlM Tn llila ntirl uiid their talents, as students. To all such it Dromlsea catalogue, address the Principal. HON. WII.I.IA.U lll.WI.I.I., I'resldrnt llonnl sept, s, .o.-iy THE a II i: AT wi:oii Tin: r,.Ti:HT ,sTvi.ri in vEUiDiosrcs- nsrvio?A.Tio3srs. ITlces lower than any llouso In tho Country. OltUEKS UY MAIL PKOMl'TLY ATTIiN'DED TO. WM. H. HOSKINS, STATIOIMER AND EIMORAVER, 913 Arch Street, Philadolphia. April 7, '77.-tf. HARM AN & H ASSERT, Proprietors; East Street, Soulli NlitcoflL; & II, nallronil, ItlooniNlurpr, la. rtexreetfullv call the attention of the public to tho following statements : They manufacture all kinds ot IKON nml IIKAHW UAh'l'l.Mi. 'Ihey make the CelibruWU Oilglnnl and IMPROVED MTONTROSE also all kinds of ltepairs, such us .Mold Ituuids roiuts, Lunuslucs bolts, handles, sc. '1 hey also inuno HEATING AND and aro prepared to furnish aU kinds of repairs, such as Urates. Flro Urlck, c, wholesale and retail. They make the luuirowd ConUNnviiiK (iriitp fur thu Win. Trim Mtovr, the most economical (Irate In use. They ore also prepared to furnish HAW ANDUKIST JtlLL MACHINERY H11AFTINO, l'ULLEYM, &c. They pay especial attention to the Repairing of Threshing Machines, Reapers, &c. n Tlin nronrletora bclni? nracticat mrnhflnlns. havlnirliad an nirnriM r nvar thirt v x-nnrq th tiubllcca rely upon having all work Hie a to mum aono 1" Uu N EW STOCK OF CLOTHING. Gentlemen's Dress Goods. DAVID LOWENBERO Invites attention to his large and elegant stock Cheap and Fashionable Cilia, at bis store on) MAIN STREET, IN TUB NBW BLOCK, DLOOMSBURO, PA., where he has lust received from Now York and Phil adelphia a full assortment ot MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING, Including tne most fashlonablo, durable and . canobutno 11HKSS GOODS, :C0N3ISTINC1 OP BOXj SACK, FROCK. ami AND OIL CLOTn, COATS AND PANTS, OP ALL SORTS SIZES AND COLORS, He bos also replenished his already large stock of CLOTnS AND CASSIMEUBB, BTKIPXD, PIQUREB , AND PLAIN VESTS, SiIlRTS, CRAVAT'S SOCKS, COLLARS. nANDKEIlCIIIKKM, GLOVES, iSUSPENSEIIS, AND FANCY ARTICLES. n has constantly on hand a largo and well seloct- ed assortment or Cloths and Vestings, which bo la prepared to moke to order Into any kind of clothing, on very short notice, and In the beat oner. All hla clothing Is made to wear and most oi It la of home manufacture. GOLD WATCHES AND JEWELUY, OP EVERY DESCRIPTION, FINE AND CHEAP, DIB CASE OP JEWELRY IS NOT SURPASSED IN THIS PLACE. . CALL AND EXAMINE HIS OENERAL ASSORT MENT OP Clothing, Watches, Jewelry, &o. DAVID LOWENBERO, 100,000 FACTS FORTnE PEOPLE Facta lor tho Farmer Facts tor tho Merchant Facta for tho Horseman Facta forthettiock-iaiser Facta for tho 1'oultry.keeiwr Facta for the Wee keener Facta for the Lawyer Facta far tho Laborer Fuels for tho Fruit-talker facta for the Hardener Facts for Ute iiocior Facts fur tho Dairyman Facts for tho Household-Facts for eery family who wants to save inqney, PACTS FOR AGENTS. That this Is (no most Important advertisement for you et published, being the best chance to make money eer onered. The press endorses It,) our own paper euuurses 11, eieryoiiu cuuwu.-s iv Tho Book of the Nineteenth Century , Male and female agents coining money on It. end to usat once ana get circulars ire. intJKAi,BHliM a n lack, in wunuiaircei, ruiuaeipnia, j-a. Aprll-Uw ill trS "n itm 1 mm t of the sciences i .Master of tho Classics. Graduates ot rrusiees. nnu intLcienimo nna classical courses aro not inrenor to inose 01 our ueia luiiikis. ,,, times ifFmand It. It Is ono of tho prime objects of this School to help to secure It, by furnishing inlciil- If onlllfa vniinn-N.ih. n, annri nlilllllna nnrl rniml nurnn... Minan U lin Holrn In ImtimVP tlltlT tllTlC aid In devL-lontntr ihplr nowprs. andabundant onnnrtuntttes for well uald labor after leutlng School. For of Trustees- cum ii;iot. COOK STOVES Beat Manner and at Fair prices. Important to Lawyers. Justices of tho rcace, Constables, Executors, Ad ministrators, (luardlan, Township omccrs,and busi ness men generally. Wo havo on hand a larce assortment of legal blankR ror tho use of Attorneys, Justices and ton stable's blanks of all kinds, Note and Receipt books for Administrators c. PRICE LIST. ATTORNEY'S BLANKS. Precipe for Summons. " Riilo to tako DenoslUons. 1 choose Arbitrators. cents apiece, or JI.15 per hundred. relltlon for Appointment of Uuardlan. " uitatinn Rule to take Deuoslllons. Narr In Debt, with confession, Assumpsit. Mechanics Lien. cents each or 13.50 per nunareu. 'etltlon for salo of Ileal Kstato u rents each. JUSTICE'S IILANKS. Subnccnas. Summons. Warrants.'Eiecutlons, 80 fo 25 cents each. Leases 6 cents each inuo Deeds in " 1'urchment Deeds IS " " Airrwmpnts 6 " " Orphan's Court boles SO for II to constable's Sales 3 cents each Mortiraire and liond ri " All linda of Notes t " " Receipts, Notes, school Orders. Poor orders, store Orders, neatly bound, constantly on hand, or made to uruer on snort notice. Woaio prepared to do neater Job work than anj other onico ln this county. lillOUKWAY X ItLWELL, L'ditors and proprietors Of thoC'OLUHKMH, liloomsburg, Pa Thomas B. IIarthan. Al.BKKT IlAKTSIAN. HARTMAN BROS.. DEALERS IN TEAS, CANNED Fit HIT, CIOARS, TOBACCO. sNurr, CONFECTIONERY. Spiees of all kinds, Glass & Queens ware, FINE GROCERIES, Foreign and Domestio Fruits, AND GKNEKAL LINE OF Family Provisions. liusscll's Old btand, RUPERT ltLOCK, 4th door below Market street, Bloomsburg, Pa. tr ooods delivered to all parts of tho town. April 27, '77-tf May 4,'i7-3ra "VrOTICE. Krom this date tho Bloomsburg Oas company will put ln servlco plis at tlnst cost and furnlsli and bet mi'fAis nr. rntir ilnilnrH furh. he company am e on hand a lot of gas tor suited painting roofs, and posts or other timbers placed lTlco lo cents per gaUon or 12.60 rer barrel, oc. i!L7a. 0. W. MILLER. be fR nnt. pnitllv rnrncd ln these times hut It can lie made In three raontlis by any ono I of cither sex. ln any nan ol tho country ho Is wining tov,rjrk steadily atthe employment that we furnish, too per WllK ; In jour own town. ou need not be nwav from home over night. , -You can give your Mholotlme lu the work, or unij is our spare moimnts. Ittusis ntthingio uy tno busi ness. Terms and ti outnt Hie. Addrua atonce, II. inti trr Co., 1'oruanu, -Maine, yen. 10 '77 lyr. BUSINESS OAKDS. VISITINUCiUUiS, LETTUt HEADS. BILL U BADS, FOSTERS, AO., tO., Neatly" fc" -idiply printed at UieCOLUif fiuLMOffloe. furnished with a bountiful s tipply of puro.sott In tho other Courses receive .Nurmal Certmcates o COL. .1. O. VHV.V..V., srrntnry, SULPHUR SOAP. TnoRour.iiLY Curls Diseases oftiif. Skin, Beautifies the Complexion, Prevents and Remedies Rheumatism and Gout, Heals Sores and Abrasions of the Cuticle and Counteracts Contagion. This Standard "External Remedy for Erun. tions, Sores and Injuries of the Skin, not only kemoves from the Complexion all Blem ishes nrisinr from local imnuritics of the blood and obstruction of the pores, hut also those produced hy the sun and w ind, such as tan and freckles. It renders the cuucl.K marvelously clear, smooth and pliant, and being a wholesome iieautifier is far prclerablc lo any cosmetic. All the remedial advantages ofSul- ihur IIaths are insured BY THE USE or Glenn's Sulphur Soap, which in addi. tion lo its purifying effects, remedies and PRE VENTS Rheumatism and Gout. It also disinfects clothing and linen and trevents diseases communicated by contact with the person. It dissolves Dandruff, prevents bald ness, and retards grayncss ol the nair. Physicians speak of it in high terms. Prices 25 and 50 Gents per Cake; per , n o r .. I on - i tni nn ' DUX 0 JUKKS1, UUU, UIIU II, U. N. B The 50 cent cokes are triple die suo of those at 35 cents. " UILIS IUIB AND WHISKER DYE," Mack or Drown, 30 t cntn. C. S. CMITEST05, l'rop'r, 7 Sixth Av.,5.Y. Oct. 26, 'l(i.-ly, ILBRECHT & CO. GRAND, SQUARE AND UPRIGHT PIANOS. mm Tlio Albueciit & Co. Tianos aro first-class in every respect, boing con sidered tlio leading Philadelphia make by musicians and competent iudecs. Through their extensive facilities. Messrs. Albheciit & Co. nro enabled to turn out instrument?! that aro not surpassed anywhere, and still sell them at prices within tho reach of nil. No Piano is permitted to leave their factory unless satisfac tory to tho most minute particular, henco their guarantee of five yeara is a thing of value. All late im provements of importance are found in uiesu lustruiuomn. Messrs. Albheciit & Co. have re ceived tho most Hattcrinc Testimo nials from L. M. Gottcciialk, Franz AnT.CitlSTAVE Satteu. J. K. Himmels- iiach, William Wolsieffkr and manv other eminent artists, besides being able to refer to thousands of privato purcnascrs, scuooia, semi unripe, snnieties and teachers. Pianos conscientiously belectcd per orders by mail, carefully packed and shinned safelvtoanvpartofthoworld. SstrVer further particulars ns to references, prices and terms, address, ALBRECHT&CO. 610 Arch Street, Philadelphia. Jlyl4, laro.-ly. MORRIS MICHEL, PRACTICAL PIANO MAKER, TUNER ANU REPAIRER. ULOOMSBMIG, PA. FIRST CLASS PIANOS AND OKaANS FOR SALE. SECOND HAND PIANOS TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. ORDKlt BY MAIL I'ltOMITLY EXECUTED. Dcct, 10-ly AdvektiswgAgents T. D. Kellogg's Advts. EXOELSIOll PRINTING INK CO., BEST AND CHEAPEST PKINTINO INK IN THE MARKET, Hnrrlnr hi., MEW VOIIK, Aug. II, 'I0.-I8W Ic rpo TKACHERS. Totlco Is hereby rrlven Uiatthe nirwir,rr.rh Bloomiihurg llloomsburi? school lllbtrlct. will nicer, nn ti,u pvt.. N1NU of JUNE 1(7, 1J7, for the purpose of cmnloy. ing teacners. Ail persons uetlrlng Blluatlons us . All persons teachers In IhoUlsutclwlUr tile lilcUM) hand to Uu Ber retary a written application U-foio luat umo, a KNOHIt, I'a-bklt'Ut, Jons IS, 17-iw J 7 RAIL ROAD TIME TABLES piIILADULI'IIA AND KUAMNu ltOAD AltRANOICMENT OV l'ASSKNOV.n TKAJNS. Jluyll, 1970. TRAINS LRAVK RPTKItT AS rOMOVfS (SCNnAVtlctmr For New York, I'hlladelphla, Heading, Fottniiu Tnmnqua, c, H.S3 n, m For Catawlssn, 11,53 a, m. r.,47 and 7.8C p. m. For Vllllumsport,C,ls c,il a. tn. and 4,oo p. m. trains rOB nurxBT lkavk as rottows, (scndat u LKITKn.J Leavo New York, 8,45 a. m. Ix;avo Philadelphia, P,ir. a, m. Leave Reading, 11,31 a. m., r. and, I,s-1 p. in. Lea o Catan lssa, ,J0 (1,53 a. m. and 4.00 n. m. Leave WUllomsport ,t 9 a.m,12,oo tn. and 6,oo p, m rassengers n r.d from New York and M.iin'rt. . phla go throui n itliout chango of cars. J. E. WOOTTEX. flpriftrnt It...-:. C. O, HANCOCK. -""""Kir. (lencrni Ticket Agent. .Ian. II, n;c-tr. fOHTHKHN 1 1 COSIl'ANY. CKKTItAL HA I LAVA Y On and after NoTcraber sotu, 1978. trains win SUNUUltY as follows 1 NOItTHWAItD. Erlo Mall B.20 a. m., nrrtvo Elmlrn a canandalgua... 3.85 p, m Ilochester 6.15 Niagara om .. ltcnovo accommodat Ion U.10 a. m. arrive llllam- rtl!.o5p. m. Klmlra Mail 4.111 a. m., arrlvo Elmlra 10.10 a.m. uuuaio express 1.10 a. m. arrno uuffalo 8.60 a. a SOUTIIWAlll). Uunalo Express a.w n. m. arrlvo Harrlsburg a. o ' Ualllmoro s.40 " Elmlra JIall 11.1Ba.m., arrive Harrlsburg l.eop.ra asumgton IO.SO " " lialtlmorco.3o " " Washington 8.80 " narrlsburg accommodation S.40 p. m. arm 0 Harris uurgio.sop. m. arnvo uniiimoro 2.23 a. m " Washington C.13 " Erlo Jtall 12.65 a. m. arrive Harrlsburg 3 05 a. m. " llaltlmorc 8.40 " M Washlnirtrin 10..V1 h AU dally except Sunday. V. SI. BOYD, Jr., Oencrnl Passenger Agcn A. J. CASSATT, General .Manage DELAWARE. LACKAWANNA AND WESTERN ItAlLUOAD. llLOOMSIlUKQ DIVISION. Tlmo-Tablo No. SO, Takes effect at 4: -MONDAY, NOVEMIIEII 22 1ST5. A. Jt NORTH. STATIONS. SOUTH. p.m. p.m. a.m. I a.m. p m. n.tal sua a ns 9 49 9 43 Scranton -llellevue Taj lorvlllc.... ...Lackawanna,.., I'lttston .. West I'lttston... Wjommg Moltby iicnnclt, Kingston 0 83 2 211 0 25 0 43 2 23 0 811 9 63 2 31 h as 8 (M 3 SI 7 tli 3 49 7 40 3 42 9 83 9 31 10 1)0 2 33 C 4i 7 40 3 37 9 25! 9 ft! iu m 2 40 in' 10 11 2 62 C 65 10 10 2 68 7 01 10 20 3 04 7 00 10 2 3 3 07 7 11 IU 27 3 10 7 15 10 27 3 17 7 25 7 83 3 32 7 27 3 27 7 22 3 23 7 IS H 19 9 IS! 9 11 9 07 7 15 3 17 9 05 9 16 8 69 8 60 8 SI 8 48 8 41 7 15 3 17 7 07 3 12 7 03 3 09 fl 63 3 04 II 64 3 01 ninvrsion ..Plymouth June. 10 8 2 3 22 7 85 10 85 3 27 7 40 10 40 3 32 1 43 10 44 a 37 7 63 10 6'i 3 45 3 (5 11 1 5 4 00 8 25 ...Plymouth Avondalo ..a.. Nnntlcokn 0 45 2 54 0 30 2 42 G 15 2 80 liuniock's i reek. 8 SO 8 19 ...hnicKHinnnv..... ....lllck'B Kerry... 11 17 4 15 8 45 11 23 4 21 8 tS 11 81 4 V3I 9 OS 11 30 4 37 0 50 11 :VJ 4 11 0 65 0 09 S 2.1 1 19 2 13 2 10 2 10 1 68 1 5.1 1 48 1 43 1 40 1 25 1 19 1 15 1 00 p.m. 8 11 ...ul'iujii nnrcn... ....... Berwick .... ....ltrlar Creek .Willow drove. ... ....Llmo llldge Espy ..Bloomsburg Kuncrt a 02 n .u 8 03 tft2 7 68 7 84 5 52 5 48 5 40 5 34 5 28 5 23 S 20 1 43 4 40 7 20 7 46 11 61 4 5)7 08 11 67 6 (2 7 40 12 2 B OS 7 45 12 07 5 14 7 62 7 40 7 35 7 80 7 20 J 11 Catawlssa Brldi Idgo. Icli... .XlarkU switel Danvtllo ... Chulos y... Cameron.. 12 10 5 20 8 6S 12 25 6 33 8 25 12 82 5 47 8 40 12 30 6 6'J 8 47 12 51 0 10 9 15 5 1)3 4 65 4 60 i 35 7 04 7 U 0 46 1 a.m. .Northumberland. P.m. p.m. p.m. a.m Superintendent's Office, Scranton, Dec. 10, li76. JL C. SLOAN & BRO., IIL.OOA1SIIURG. VA, Manufacturers of Carriages, Bogies, Phaetons, Sleighs, 1'LATrUllM WAUUSJ, sc. First-class work always on hand. KKl'AIIU.NU NEATLY DONE. Prices reduced to suit tho times. Jan. 5, 1S77-U The Columbian Law Docket. A pnmnlpfr. rrrnril fnrf lm n nf nrtnrnvH. Cnn. renlently arranired for tho docketing of all cases containing soo pages, with doublo Index, Tills iar tlie most complete hook for lawyers that Is pub, llshed. PRICE, $3.50. Published by Brockway & Elwell Editors and Proprietors of the Columbian, BLOOMSBUEQ. TJ. l)ccl-tt TljlSfAPEfISKEPTON FILE 1 AT THE OFFICE OF, wm 733 Siksom St., PHILADELPHIA, Who nre our nutborlzctl ncntH and will receive AiHerilsetitcniH nt our I.OWKST CASH ItATKH. HIGHEST AWARDS (U-nleiinliil Jfxhlblifon. J. REYNOLDS & SON, NORTHWEST CORNER Thli Icciitli and Filbert StN. PHILADELPHIA, MjlNDKACTUKEKS OF PATSNTBD WniJMron Air-TiiM Healers With Slinkluir nnd Cllnkcr-CIrlmllng Grate foe IJurulim Auibrurile or iiuiU Coal CENTENNIAL WR0UGI1T-IR0N HEATERS. FOR BITUMINOUS COAL, Keystone WROUGHT-IRON HEATERS, Cooking Ranges, Low-down Orates, Stc, &.C. Descrlptlre Circulars bkni raits to any address. EXAMINE 1IEFORE SELECTINO. AprU S7, 17-ly 1 B I'A.iasri'lasrca-, GLAZING AND PAPERING. TITM. F. BODINE, Iron Street below sec kinds ot Ul00m,bur8. J"a., la prepared to do al PAINTING, QliA.INO, and PATER HANG NO notice. "m tylCa' at lowest3Prt:ei and at Blurt ciiiirslon''Silfl'U':llworltol0 wl" "Me ! soUcltedrkW'l"ante4t0gl?0 1U'tlon, Ordera WM. P. BODINE. 7