THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBUitG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. THE COLOMBIAN. Nothing is moro dangerous tlian lo seek slid. Icr under a trco during a thunder storm. This lias been proved so often thai It Is wonderful n too MS lit) 110. fill II AT, J V L Y IS, is any one with common sense should run tho risk. Trees are excellent oblects lo attract lloht. Kali Hond Time Table. LACKAWANNA BLUUMStlUIIU RAILROAD NORTU. . 0.45 A.M. 7.M A. M i.w r. m. cu 1: m. OATAWIS-U HAIL HOAI). NORTH. Accommodation Train,., Malt Train Express Train soctn. 7.62 A. M. 4.49 1'. M ll.St A. M POCTIt Accommodation Train ,S9 A. M. i. m. Itej-ular Express 4.04 1'. M. 11,83 A. M. Through cars on Express train either to New York or Philadelphia. Accommodation train runs between Cutawlssn and Wtlllamsport. New moon on Tuesday night the harvest moon. Iilng and every year there nro more or less lives lost ly persons seeking refuge under them. A thorough soaking Is not at nil pleasant to bo sure, but It Is Infinitely preferable to death. A young man named John McDowell, of Light Street, was buried at that place on Sun day. The funeral was attended by delegations from the Orangevllle, Espy and llloomsburg lodges of I. 0. of O. V, of which order de ceased was member. Col. H. H. Kline, of Orangevllle, was Marshal and tho funeral ser mon was preached by llcv. Mr. Urlltaln. Mr. McDowell was but 22 years of age. Never glvo up a decaying rosebush till you havo tried watering two or threo times a week with soot tea. Mako tho ilococtlon with boil ing water, from soot taken from the chimney or stove In which wood Is burned. Whon cold, water the bush with It. When It li used up.pour boiling water en the soot a second time. Kose bushes treated in this way will often send out thrifty shoots, the leaves will become large and thick, tho blossoms will greatly Improve In site and be more richly tinted than belore. A report has reached here that Augustus Yandcrsltce, a son of T. J. Vandcrslice Esq., was killed by the Indians, last month, about The first peaches of the season have wade 30 miles from I)eadwood,ln the lilack Hills region their appearance In our market. Our thanks arc due Insurance Commissioner J. M. Torster for a copy of his Fourth l'cnna. Life Insurance llcport. while prospecting. An Intimate friend.of Vander. slice's was with him at the time and brought tho news to Detdwood. lie states that he as sisted to bury the unfortunate young man. This report if correct will be sad news to his family. Otto Kaiser, recorder of deeds of Luzerne Mrs, Manley. wifoofatrack hand on tho county, died on Tuesday, In Wilkes Ilarre, of Philadelphia & Erie Railroad, residing near consumption, An exchange says, "If any merchant thinks advertisement are not read, let him advertise lo give away a calico dress pattern," A counterfeit 51000 legal tender note Is In circulation. It Is of the Issue of 18C2, letter 1!. and that's what you had better do If one is ofTercd you. The audit in the estate of, Mary Lunger de- o :ascd will be held at the office of Freeze & Eyerly In Bloomsburg on the 11th of August' instead of at W. L. Eyerly's office in Catawissa on the lib, as previously advertised. The ladies who wear flowers colored with the chloride cobalt, must be careful to wear blue ribbons when the sun shines, but purple when it rains, as the hue of the dye changes with the ippnllipi. fpnm llift nnp tn flip nllipr. TiikXkw JaiIj (cestion. At the adjourn Williauisport horses, for some unknown and ed Court on Monday last the Commissioners unknowable reason, walk on tho sidewalks at filed a paper proposing to rescind the contract night and the Oatelle ifc Jtullttin doesn't like it. for tho l'urscl lot for jail purposes, and to re Well, we should think not. What a luxury It j'ect the Krug bid, whereupon the Court ordered is to be sure to live in a full grown city. Miss Margaret Davis, in Clinton township, was bitten on one of her little toes by a copperhead snake, on Tuesday, when going lo a spring, near her house, in her bara feet. Dr. C. E. Albright was hastily summoned and found the lady lu great agony and badly frightened, but she is doing well and her recovery is expected -.Vuney Luminary. Exchanges from neighboring counties state that so-called agents are at work in certain lo. talltlcs extortUg money from farmers who nro not posted In certain matters. These agents have succeeded, In several Instances, in getting money from farmers owning and using patent hay folks, claiming that the fork is an infringe ment on' a patent owned by them, or in which they have an interest. Farmers throughout tho country should be on the lookout for these swindlers. The Ilarrisburg Patriot speaks of a man in that city who with his hands tied behind him "got down on all fours." We will bet fourteen new hats that he didn't and fourteen more that lie can't nor any other man. that when these two propositions were complied with the injunction would be dissolved. Col. Freeze, counsel for the Commissioners, stated that the latter proposed to erecfthc jail "by the days work," and that it would probably be placed upon the Waller lot To many of our readers tho pine apple is a The Exchange Hotel was rc-opencd on Thurs day, under the management of George II. Brown and John M. Ilarlon. lloth of these gentlemen are favorites with the traveling pub lic, have had many years of experience In the hotel business, and understand how to keep, in all rcspecU, a first class establishment, We are very glad to havo the Exchange open onco moro fur the reception of guests. The houo Is a tine one, Is well furnished and appointed and wo doubt If It has many superiors in the State. With Messrs. Brown and lltrton In charge there can be doubt that guests will be treated well and courteously. In order lo give our readers an opportunity to pay their subscriptions without taking tho trouble to come to town to do It, and at tho same tlruo to get In some of tho largo amounts we have standing out, we employed a collector to travel through the county, we paying his ex penses and a percentage on all money collected and notes taken by him. Many of these notes arc past due, and others will be due this month. As we authorized our ngent to take notes witli the expectation that they would be paid at ma turity wo hope that no one to whom we have sent notices that their promises are past due, will be offended. These notices were sent on postal cards because we cannot aflbrd to add three cents more to each note that has already cost us a large percentage. We hope that all of these papers will be paid before August 1st, and if so no Interest will bo charged. All that are not paid by that lime, will bo collected ac cording to law as we mt haievioneij or shut up shop. Items. William Wicht, the father-in-law of Wil- delicious fruit, but very few persons know how Hani fl.Gilmoro of this town, fell on the pave ment in Williamsport on the '2.3th of last month and fractured his skull. He died on Wednesday of last week, from the effects of his injuries. Arrangements are being perfected for tho celebration of the centennial anniversary of the massacre, of Wyoming on tho 3d of July 1878, -and a committee has been appointed to report a plan for a permanent organization. Much Cerest appears to be taken in the matter. The great coal mining case of Grayson M Prevent, of New Jersey, against Kobert (iorrell, of this county, came to an end on Saturday. The jury rendered a verdict in favor of Pre vost for 5128,808,41, the full amount claimed, after two hours deliberation. to slice and prepare them for the table, and we vouch that they will be more than repaid for their trouble to prepare it as follows : Slice it horizontally and it chews hard and stringy : slice it lengthwise and it melts in your mouth. Of course, before slicing, cut with a penknife a cone round each eye and it will slip out readily. The core is to be eschewed, not chewed ; by cut ting the slice to an edge, the core remains. An exchange thus strikes t he centre of a question which should receive, attention : Noth ing presents a sadder commentary upon the present condition of society than the large num ber of families, both in town and country, but more especially in the latter, that subscribe to no paper of any kind. Hundreds and thousands of families are thus growing up utterly ignorant of what is transpiring in the world around them ignorant of the mighty events of the day. llut .who can tell tho vast ainiunt of injury that is being intlicted on the rising generation those whonre to take our places in the busy world at no distant day growing li n without any study of the past, this ignorance, too, being imbued in them by the sanction of those who should and doubtless do know better, did they only think of the injurious eflect of their insane course, Let the head of every family think of this, and place in the hands of those for whom he is re. sponsible the means of acquiring some know! edge of the moving panorama in which wo act our different parts. Judge Harding, of Luzerne county, recently sentenced a man who had been found not guil ty" to eighteen months' imprisonment. He promptly revoked the sentence when informed by the clerk of the courts that he had iiicortect- y announced the verdict of the jury. In accordance with the civil service reform requirements, E. II. Chase, collector of internal levuiue, and Douglass Smith, postmaster at Wilkesbarre, have resigned as chairman and secretary of the republican cammittee of Lu zerne county. Ivext I Tlip. T.finp.astpr V.mrfxx says : "A curious ac cident happened to Jacob Eisenberger, a man in the employ of John M'Laughlln, at l'arkes- burg, tie was walking along on hunday wnen the storm came up. He was seized by the storm and carried a distance of two miles and then thrown to the ground with great force. One of his jaw bones was broken and he was in jured internally." ItuiM a curious accident, truly. If the man bad been whirled along in the air for a few rods it would have been odd, but that he should have been carried exactly two mites was more than odd it was curious," The Jersey Shore Herald says that Mr. Tlio- mas Kamsey, of Cummings township, caught a large bear in a steel trap one night last week. The trap was placed in the woods a short dis tance from his residence and had only remained there a short time when bruin was caught. It weighed four hundred pounds and was the fin est haired bear ever Been, being jet black and The Plymouth Index publishes a list of Books vety thickly covered. It was caught in a very to be obtained from that office, in which we no tice one bearing the extraordinary title "Gov. Hendricks and his wife are going to Europe," Tell us, gentle llixby,is that book for the Farm, Garden or Household?" singular manner. The trap snapped on both hind legs and held it secure until the proud hunter slaughtered it." The circus and hippodrome which was hero a short time since came to grief in Allcntown, last week, having fallen into the Sheriff's grip. It'a a bad year for showmen. It has become a .matter of more interest to keep the wolf from the door than to Bee the rest of the wild beast8 under canvas. A correspondent of the JVess calls attention Coa peculiarity of last Saturday which ho con siders worthy of mention. Saturday was the seventh day of the week, and tho seventh day of the month. The month is the seventh of the .year, the year the seventh of the decade, and tthe decade the seyenth of the century, English sparrows, it would seem, destroy po tato bugs and in that respect may be considered public benefactors Numbers of them have been found dead in the potato fields at and near Lancaster, having been poisoned by Paris green placed on the plants to destroy tho bugs. Sorry we have ever abused the sparrows, The officers and Executive Committee of the 'Columbia county S. S. Association will convene in the lecture room of the Reformed Church, llloomsburg, July Hth A. D. 1877 at 3 o'clock p. m, to arrange programme Ac, for next an. nual convention. M. W.Ncss, Secretary, m The President of the Muncy Valley Farmer's Club Bays he observes an item goiog the rounds of the press, that hot water will kill the cab- Mr. I). A liecklcy, editor of tho llloomsburg Republican, postmaster at llloomsburg and dele. gate to the forthcoming Republican State Con vention, is not chairman of the committee of his county. He relinquished that position some time ago, doubtless on account of n pressure of business. Mr. lleckley, however, has at least one responsibility more upon his shoulders than the President's order alh ws, and as he cannot under any circumstances be spared from a He publican State Convention, he'll no doubt turn the post office over to some ono who has not yet been elected delegate to that body. J'hiui Times, Hester irr ai.. vs. the Commonwealth. The Writ of Error, in the above stated case, will be argued before the Supreme Court of the State, sitting at Pittsburg, on the coming first Monday, being the first day of October. Of course there will be no execution on the 9th of August, the writ being a supersedeas, and a certified copy of it having been served on the sheriff by Col. Freeze. Ihe Paper Hook in the case, containing all the evidence, the charge of the Court, special pleas, history of the case, ar gunient of counsel Ac., will make a volume of over &00 pages, and will be of great interest and value. A few extra copies will be printed, and persons desiring any should at once send their orders to J. E. Eicholtz, Sunbury, l'cnna. The price is $2 a copy. Last week's Columbian contained an article entitled "How was Christ Crucified" written by a correspondent of a San Francisco newspaper, liage worm, He says he tried it last summer, I The writer gives a description of the painting, and was astonished at the aaiount of heat a cab- whlcli was on exhibition, and gives also the lage will stand, and still more astonished to pj Inter's reasons for his departure from the No plants should be watered when the sun is shining upon them." 1 las old saying is true, because it is exceptional in nature, rather than the rule, the evils being that the wetting of fol lage when the buu is hot leaves moisture which be ing heated by the sun's rays causes the leaves to spot or blister, and this more particularly when the air is calm and the water not dispersed by the movement of the air. Further than this its influences upon the plant are not good, as when le sun is powerful the leaves are evaporating or exhaling.and the shock to this process by the dashing over them of cold water is anything but salutary, as, by analogy,we may glean from the serious effects of a cold shower on the hu man body while perspiring freely. Let it ho remembered that it is impossible to make the leaves inhale when Nature causes them to exhale; hence the watering of plants over head when the sun's rays are powerful is absurd ; and as for watering the ground dur ing the middlo of the day, it is like pouring it upon a hot plate so that it may the sooner be evaporated, and every appearance of its use be the more speedily obliterated. A fire In Chester, N. Y., destroyed several stores and tendered twelvo families home less. Loss $01,000. In Armstrong county, on Saturday night such Immense quantities of linll felt that tho ground had an Ico covering long after day light on Sunday morning, A number of cattlo wcro killed by the hall. In a gamo of baso ball nt Wapplnger's' Falls, N. Y., on Saturday, John Qulgley, catcher of one of tlio clubs, was struck In tho forehead by a ball and sustained fatal injuries. Ills skull was fractured. It is said tho President will soon order the withdrawal of all the United States troops from tho South, except those necessary for garrison duty. Tho troops withdrawn wilt be transferred to the Northwest or sent lo the Hlo Grande. frank: Wilson, tho negro murderer of John 11. lludy, was hanged at Ilarrisburg last Wednesday morning. His neck was broken by tho drop and ho died without much suffering. Ho made n long confes sion. A telegram from lloston reports the dis covery, In Milan, N. H., of "an enormous lodo of copper, lead, gold and silver, twenty feet in wldth,and extending for miles." This wonderful lode "crosses the Grand Trunk Hallway ouo hundred miles west of Port- laud." In the U. S. District Court at Chicago Tuesday, a verdict for $10,000 damages was awarded to tho Rev. J. A. Ray, of Uufl'.ilo, against the Pennsylvania Railroad Com- pany, for injuries sustained nbout u year ago u a sleeping. car on the Pittsburg and Fort Wayne road. A dispatch from Chicago states that secret agents from tlio French Government there have secretly contiacted with large firms of Chicago packers for immense quautities of army supplies. Agents havo been in a few other of the large cities of this country aud in Canada, hnough food lias been ordered to sustain a large army during a long cam paign. .1. W. M. Geist, editor of the Xcw.Kra, of Lancaster, Pa., was cowhided in that city, recently, by George C. llaldcman and Innics E. Yonge. J lis assailants were ar rested and held to answer. Geist had pub lished eeverul articles of a personal charac ter, in reference to the conduct of somo young men and women at the railroad depot; hence the assault. Tho ocean steamships Elphinstone and Kedewater camo into collision near Point aux Trembles, below Montreal, on Wcdnc- day, and both sunk. No lives were lost. The Elphinstono was bound inward, with a cargo of iron, and the Redewater outward bound, with a caigo of corn, The loss is estimated at $175,000. To retain or recover health persons should be relieved from anxiety concerning disease, The mind has power over the body for a person to think he has a disease will often produce that disease. This we sco effected when tlio mind is intensely concentrated upon the disease of another. Wo have seen n person seasick in anticipation of a voyage, before reaching the vessel. Wo havo known people to die of cancer in tho stomach, when they had no cancer in tho stomach or any other mortal disease. A blindfolded man slightly pierced in the arms, has fainted and died from believing ho was bleeding to death. Therefore persons should have thei minds diverted as much as possible from themselves, It is by their faith that men are saved, and it is by their faith that they die. As a man tliinkelh, so is he. If h wills not to die, he can often live in spite of disease ; end, if ho has little ornoattach ment to life, ho will slip away as easily as a child will fall asleep. Men live by thei minds as well as by their bodies. Thei bodies have no life of themselves; they are only receptacles of life tenements for their minds, and the will has much to do In con tinuiug tho physical occupancy or giving It up. Marriages. STAD0,N-uit0S3.-oPie Jlst uit.rat lie rest denceoj the bride's txottor, in Adamsburg, Snyder county, by tlio Rev. I.O. Edwards, Mr. J. H. st&d- on of Eohrtburg, Columbia countv to Mlsn ttic Oross, daughter of tho late Mr, Jiu'ob dross. KEAMElt-JOIINHON.-AtthoM. E. parsonauo In Orangevllle on tho Mb Inst., by llcv. II. H. Mcndom lnill, ,.Mr, Alexander Kramer of Kohrsburg to Miss aaran E. .lolinson of Light Street. .MOWRY-KNITTLE.-tii Numcdla on tlio 3d Inst.. by Peter Hwank, J. 1'., Mr. Franklin ilowry to .Miss Mary K. Knlttlo both of Locust township. BCMEI.L-IIUNSISUKR.-At Catawissa oathc Mb Inst., by ltev. n, II. liechant .Mr, Henry Sclicll to .Miss Rebecca Hunslogcr, both of Columbia county. Deaths. EVERETT. InOraage township, In consequence of a fall, July 5th, 1877,Moses Everett, lntheC2d jear uf his age. FI5HEU. In drcenwood on July sd, 1377, Miss Kato l'lsher, aged 25 years. JONES. In Jonestown on tho 3d Inst., Mr, ItUhard U. Jones, aged Cl years. KVANS.-tn Turbotsvlllo en tho s-tti lilt., atthe residence of 1'. Welsh, after a lingering Illness, Mrs. Abigail Evans, aged 73 years, 4 months and 10 da) s, IAllKE'lMlEP01tTSr IiLOOMSliURO MARKET. Wheat per bushel t s.oo itye " 75 Corn, new, " 60 oats, " " 40 Flour per barrel lo.oo Clovcrseed 7.0 1 Flaxseed 1.5" nutter is Fees 14 1 allow 10 Potatoes 7f. Dried Apples 6 Hams 41 sides A Shoulders 10 I-ard per pound 13 Hay per ton H.uu lieeswax w Timothy Seed wuoiAiiu.-ia run sjuai,. No, 4 on Wharf $ 2,90 per Ton ,SU,U " ...(.......I........ ,. z,!) NO. 6 " " t 1.05 Blacksmith's Lutup on Wharf $2 90 " llltumlnous " U 50 The New Town Hall at Ayer. Tho elegant structure Is now complete. In beauty of design It surpasses anything of its kind in the State. Constructed of brick and dark marble it is as permanent as it is charming. The English architects have adorned it in subdued colors, which please without tiring tho eye. Dr. J, O. Aycr built "ml gave It to the town in nc- knowledgmenl of the distinction they conferred" upon him in taking his name. Although it is a generous gift, still the hearty good wishes of a whole people are of greater value, and the eenerous donor has doubtless secured iliem. Ginton (Mas.) Journal, June 1 1 in . STOVK WOOD I'OUSALH. lint llrothers. nt Llcht Stru t, will deliver 1.. 1.-. - l ttl- ul-l.- iii .iiuwiunuui, jj?i(i wr vrHiigovuio, emus sawed into 14 inch lengths for $1.60,52.00 or m.w a loaa. June - Ladles who for years have UencmluJ on all lmuiuer ofiiowdcrs mid cosmetics for glv- lug mem umncmi complexions, liuw unu that Glenn's Sulphur Soap supplies them with pearly skins and rosy checks, elicited QTATEMKNT liLOOMSIWHO SCHOOL DISTRICT FOR THE YEAR ENDING! JIKE l&t, HIT. X, O. WOODWA11D, Collector, Dlt. Toam tof dup'lcatc for 1K-T. 110,041 m ll,sol n dup'lcatc for 1K-T. buuaiu en duplicate 1SI5-6. C1L 191 30 by the gentle stimulation of naturo. Sold by all Druggists. lilUsllnl Dye, black or brown, CO c, Whisker July lly nm't of exonerations " paid treasurer as pur rt- Ct lDtS. 10.090 is " s percent, oominlsslon,. ... on fy,! itt.,, i. i.i uaiunecuuc uisinci i,-ii.v tll,slM VI. 11. HOONS. Treasurer. I To m t from former treasurer. ' am t from j. ii. Kvans. nur- ,cliao money.. i , am i or Mate appropriation . nm't from M. c. Woodwaitl. collector isy ain't of orders and coupons tlUlIit'U.... s per cent commission on f 10.633 r,3 Iiaianccduu district PU11LIO NOTICE. The nubile Is now Informed that thev can have a chance to Select their SUMMER CLOTHING from tho largest stock of Cloth ing ever seen in Jiloomsijurg. Call and ste and judge for yourself nnd be convinced that the old reliable store is still ahead in selling at the lowest prices. D. Lowen-berg. 1 lavo you tried Klrby's WlldCherry Cough Balsam ? A very palateable compound tor the various nflectlons of the throat and lungs it has been used with success, in seven cases of asthma giving Instant relief ntid in many cases effecting n peruament cure. PricoOU ccuts per bottle and positively warranted to give entire satisfaction or money refunded. I Klrby's Magic Relief for the Instant cure ol severe nnd acute pains. Kirby's Tasteless Worm Lozenges, pleas ant, safe and effectual. Klrby's Horso and Cattle Powders aro the best powders for stock, manufactured. Try them nnd bo convinced, Klrby's Camphor lee for sunburns, sore litis and chatiDcd hands. Gill's Hillious and Liver Pills are recom- To nm't tax leled for school mended by tho first Physicians. The abovo preparations are for sale by all uruggisis ana ucaiers in meutcine. Mover Hrothem. July 21, '70.-1? Wholesale Agents. COAL I COALM COAL 1 .1 1 We are now offering tlio celebrated Sus quehanna Coal Co's Coal at tho following casti prices: No. 0. $1.05 per ton on wharf. No. .1. i!.G5 per ton ou wharf. No. 2. .1 and 4. 2.90 ner ton on wharf. lilacksinitli's Lump U.'X) per ton on wharf. Hitumlnous-1.50 tier ton on wharf. 35 ccuts per ton additional, for delivery to any part oi tlio town. Coal liouse Rates 15 cents icr ton less. No. C. to Limc-burilcrs Sl.fiO nor ton. Coal screened beforu leaving our yards and full weight guaranteed. , Orders lell at I. W. McKclvy's Store, at our otiicc, or sent through tho mails will re ceive prompt attention. . Your patronagu is lospcctfully solicited. C. W. NEAL & lllto. Muy 1, 1S77 Dlt. 9 71 3J5 no B'J3 16 10,090 JS BIII.IUNII ion ACCOCNT, To am i of tax for building pur- isisun am t ree'd from .1. It. Evans. salcof old Academv nm't received or collector clue on last settlement am irrom ronner treasurer. lly exonerations amxpsiu on uonusanaint. collector's eomml-skm treasurer's commission. balance pd. Itolllns K Holmes lor'stenm heater 3d st. school 1 alterations, rntntlnir. Ac llalanccduo district..,.. SCHOOL VCMO ACCOI NT. purposes. . '. am t stato appropriation am i. iroin luriner treasurer 1 ain't received from (onner collector last settlement fit. 10,633 63 SIO 07 674 ws ttt,3ioT5 ll,3!t IS Dlt ,SI0C9 Si!5 K 7M09 i 19 .1,SMCI 1,301 ll 49 30 02 67 l.nv) en 370 r.s C5S18 f3S9 07 Dlt. 17.631 10 MIS 10 0 36 1,l76 33 Business Notices Gents' Fancy Shoes at E. M. Knorr's. Timothy Seed at J. Schuyler fc Son's. A lot of. seed Iiuckwheat for sale cheap at Espy station. We are selling oil' our Parasols at less than cost. Clark A: Wolf. Those Key West Cigars kept bv Mover liros. have proved very popular. The hrst large lot has beensold and the firm have had to procure a fresh supply. tee that the worm would stand more heat than the cabbage. A substantial and somewhat ornamental flight of steps has been erected at tho door of the Co- LCauiAW building, and visitors hereafter will feel more safe in entering and leaving the build' ingtbanthey have for some time past. There liave, been several efforts mado lo secure a Im manent set of steps, but unskillful driving has proved too much for them. The new steps are iut there to star, The book store of George A.Clark, in the Eicliango Hotel, had a narrow escape from damage, and possibly destruction, on Thursday evening of last week, During the storm which then prevailed, the lightning ran along the tele graph wire into the store, melting the wire and setting fire to tome paper which lay beneath. Fortunately there was no draught to fan the names and the paper was only charred. usually accepted methods of delineating the solemn scene. We published it as a matter of news, simply, and without expressing any opin ion concerning it. We learn that some of our readers have found fault with the article on the ground that it contains statements at variance ith the Scriptures. We didn't paint the pic- ture.nor are wo responsible for the artist's views, and did not endorse them In any manner. A newspaper contains many items of news for which the editor does not hold himself respon sible, where duo credit is given to the paper whence such Item Is taken. A New York paper stated recently, that in a certain locality named, there was a scarcity of tiles. If there is any one from that locality in terested In knowing tho wherealuuts of those missing insects we can inform him. They aro in llloomsburg, strong and hearty, thank you, and very hungry. Entomologists Inform us that tho common house fly mutca domeMmli a sort of small scavenger removing much that if suffered to remain would prove deleterious to the public health and comfort. This may be true, but If so the llloomsburg fly Is on a strike. It does not devote iUelf tots alleged legitimate It is wonderful how much may be done to protract existence by the habitual restorative of sound sleep. Late hours under strain are of course, incompatible with thjs solace- incut. On this topic Dr. Richardson says it has been painful for him to trace the begin nings of pulmonary consumption to late hours at "unearthly balls and evening par ties," by which rest is broken and encroach ments mado ou the constitution, llut, he adds, "If in middle ago the habit of taking leficieut and irregular Bleep be maintained, every sourco of depression, every latent form of disease, is quickened and intensified. The sleepless exhaustion allies Itself with all other processes of exhaustion, or it kills im perceptibly, by a rapid introduction of pre mature old age, which leads directly to pre mature dissolution," There, at once, is au explanation why many people die earlier than they ought to do. They violate the primary principle of taking a regular night's rest. If they sleep it is disturbed; They dream all sorts of nonsense. That Is to say, they do not sleep soundly, or for any useful purpose; for dreaming Is nothing more than wild, imaginative notions passing through the brain while half sleeping or dosing. In dreamiug there is no proper or restorative rest. A young girl named Ida llarnes,llving on the south side of the river opposite the town, was uccldently shot by a son of Harnian T. Smith .on Wednesday morning last near Neat's fur nace. The boy was playing with an old sh ot gun when it was discharged, the shot striking M"ty of removing impuritlea,but "improves each the girl in or near tho shoulder. The wounds sinning Hour' beginning at nay break in an , i,.,,,,.i,i ,n i. u,t nm novinc ami ncsicrincBUiicimir numaniiv. inei ale nuv n.u(j..v . - is no such tiling as sleep in the morning, nor I Th ere are certain persons yjio are crumbling there neace at high noon, nor comfort at twl -..-. because the Town Council liai directed II14I light. The wretched, buizlng, biting, persistent Street Commissioner to spend his time on the lly makes sport of bapplnci-s. If this town is new road between the canal bridges on Ihe Es-1 so clean that there Is no garbage &c, for the py road. It was not a matter of option with flies to look after, well and good. If there Is, the council. The road was regularly laid out the flies are shockingly neglectful of their duty and ordered to be made, and the members of I and deserve the most severe reprehension. At at the council were liable to Indictment If the I present constituted and employed, the flies are work hail not been done. I pronounced milsances. Drat 'era A force of U. S. troops, under Lieutenants Hiillis, of tho Twenty-fourth Infantry, anil Hunt, of the Tenth Cavalry.recently crossed the Rio Grande into Mexico, iu pursuit of a gang of Indian horse tbeives. Tlio troops under Hullis returned to Fort Clark on the morning of the 7th inst., having recovered most of tho stolen liorse,and wounded seve ral of the Indians. The action of the troops is approved in' Washington. The villages of Pensaukee and Coullard ville, in Oconto county, Wis., were devas tated by a tornado on Sunday night. Iu Pensaukee, the Gardner Hotel, a school house and twenty-eight- dwellings were de molished ; six persons were killed and ten injured. In Coullardvllle, seventeen houses and barns were damaged. The total loss ou property is estimated at $000,000. What a Failure of tlio Hay Crop Means. The report from Canada that the hay crop tliero will probably be below the average yield is very different from any that could bo made by tlio fanners iu the vicinity of this city, who aro gathering a heavy crop. So much attention is devoted to eerails and to cotton, tobacco and rice, all of which are large ly exported, and are, consequently, a meas ure, to some extent, of our commerce, that few people have any idea of tho relative value of the hay product of the eouutry, nor of the importance which attaches to reports of its condition about this time. In 1875 hay was third on the li.t of fartn products of the Uni ted States in respect to acreage, aud second on tho list in respect to the value of the crop. In round numbers there wcro forty four million acres sown iu Indian corn, twenty-six million iu wheat, and twenty-three million in grass for hay. The.-o ciops alone occupied ninety-throe million acres out of ono hundred and twenty-three million under cultivation, for tho crops of which repot ts are published. Tlio value of the products for the same year aro set down as follows Indian oorn,$.55,4 15,930 ; liay,$.HL',203,415, wheat, 294,580,090; cotton, $272,9:10,40 0, oats, S12y,499.y0 ; potatoes, $05,019,420; tobac co, :i0,:i42.&00; barley, $29,952,0512; rye, $l:i,C31.9o0, buckwheat, $7,K;tl,2C7. Wheat, cotton and tobacco all yield in pecuniary val ue and importance to hay, which in 1S75 was worth nearly 20 per cent. of. tlio value of all farm products ol the United States. From these views the reader of tho Ledger will bo ablo to estimate what a failure of the Ameri can hay crop would mean. I'hilad'a Ledger, All kinds of Furniture at lowest prices at Cadman's. Now Read This. Nearly K.oOOtons coal sold last season. Now is the time to fill your coal houses with the celebrated Avondale Red Ash Coal. And we challenge the coun ty to produce any coal that will give better .satisfaction. Coal delivered to any liart of luwu in siimit or large iputuuiies, auu guar anieeii urn uriciit. 2.uuu nouims in every case ; and wo also notilv all that wo are the only authorized agent lor tho sale of Avon date coal in this place. W. li. PotrsT. Agt. for 1). L. & W. R. K. Co. June 29, '77-tf The mice of furnituie is wav down to rock bottom. You can buy a very pretty walnut Chamber Set loruttv dollars, and an elegant set lor seventy-live dollars at Cad' man s. The best Grain Scythes iu the market at ecmiyier i: son s. While officer Rums, of Towanda, Urad- ford county, was atresting a ruffian in that place ou tho Fourth, a mob followed liim to rescue tho prisoner, and assailed him with a shower of stones. To Inghten them the olh' cer fired a pistol iu the air, but it did not do tcr them in the least from assaulting him, Then, iu self defence, ho fired into tho crowd and killed ono of tlio rowdies named Warreu Johnson, tho ball entering his breast closo to tho heart. Another bhot btruck Aaron Van dcrpool in tho shoulder making a flesh wound l'eaco was then declared. A coroner's jury, after viowing'the body of tho dead rough, and hearing the evidence, rendered a verdict of "Juitifiallo homicide." Mr. Chamberlain, ex-carpet-bag Governor of South Carolina calls Hayes "an usurper without a shadow of legal right orspmblance of lawful authority.' Chamberlain is one of the men who are thoroughly acquainted with the inside workings of tho plotters against the rightful President, and his ex pressions are worthy of consideration. Hap py family this Republican party. bUMMKH EXTMtSION.S. Parties contemplating a summer excursion trip to tho seashore or any of tho popular summer resorts, nro requested to call on tho undersign ed, numiuer excursion route hooks, giwng full Information as to routei and prices, can lie had ou application at tho ticket oflicc. Als tickets to all poiubs west and soulh-west can 1 obtained at very low rates, tickets sold over each one of the popular routes of the Penna. R, It, and Lno Railway, W. 11. Poust, Agent 1). L. & YV. R. R, Juno 29 Sw. Elegant Hair is woman's crowning beauty. when It fades, she fades as well. While It is keii bright her personal attractions ure still maintain ed. lly preserving the I air fresh and vigorous a youthful appearance Is continued through many years, Those who grieve over their fading hair turning gray too early should know that Ayer's Hair Vigor prevents it, and restores gray or faded hair to Its natural color, It is a clear and healthful preparation, containing neither oil, dye, nor anything deleterious, and Imparts to the scalp what Is most needed a sense of pleasant and delightful freedom from scurf or dandruff, Jew Heme (A'.G) 2Vt July lu, lho Rockfoid 'Watch, the best American time keener made for the nrice. can now bo nan at Louis iserntiard s Jewelry store. June i i-ti There is nothing so nice for washing car nages as a good, soft sponcre: and a clean chamois skin should be used in drvimr, Moyer Ilros. havo a fino lot of Snonsres nnd nl. . :.. ,. i ' i. vi!,iiuuii sums jusi aunfiieu lor mis wurh, The only genuine can for tho Mason Jar lias the words ' Consolidated Fruit Jar Com pany, New York," on tho porcelain, inside me cap, aim iioyd s imprint on the top, lor saio at Conner s grocery, Main street. jttiy ii-w Greatest bargains of the Dress Good Knickerbocker Suitinir at nnlv 7 rentM npr yuru lormeny is cents. C'larK it Woll. Lasting Gaiters, $1,00 at McKinneys. Rest value in Clothing can now be found in all the latest styles of Summer cioiuing at me most Hsiniii-suing low prices, iucn s nuns iroin iM.uu, Youth's Suits from $3.00. Iiov's Suits from $2.00. Call aud be convinced that the best place to uuy your Clothing is at l), l.owenuerg s. LOST I On Sunday moraine. .Tune 21th. in Cen tre township. on the road from the residence ot I nomas koclier to the Lutheran church a pocket book containing $'1.25 in money a note of $970 in favor of Thomas Kocher, signed by James Kocher, dated October 5, 187,'i, also a note of $20 iu favor of same, signed Edward Henry, dated April 8th, 1870, ami also a note oi in lavor ot same, signet! James Iloyle. dated September 5. 1875, aUo store orders on Jackson tt Woodin of about :(. All persons are hereby notified not to pa the above notes and orders, ns they are my property. A reward of fivedol lars will be paid to the finder on return o me pock'et boot ami contents to Thomah Koch, Juno s9, '77-3w Witmires P. O. $1.25 Foxed Gaiters at McKiiiney's. Great reduction in all kinds of Dress Goods ou shelves of our store, Clark it Wulf. NEW GOODS just received a laig3 lot of spring styles of Shoes at E, M. Knorr's, For a Nobby Shirt go to For a stylish Suit go to For tho latest htvle of Hat go to For tho newest styles in Neck Wear . For One India Gauze Shlrta go to Latest Styles, Lowest Prices. cau uow be found at D, Lowenbcrg' Large rocking chairs for porches are all t lie rage. Cadinan has them of all shape and sizes and colors, and Is selllni; them rat Idly. Those formerly sold at six dollars can now bo bought for $4.50, Cheaper than any oiuer piaco at cau man s. "Down to Hard Pan" lioota and Shoes at AicKinuey s. Gents' Huff Congress at E. M. Kuorr's for Hand-made Shoes at McKinney's, Wanted. Two girls to learn the tailor ing traue. wtu, Y, Jiester. Apr.27tf Ladies' Cue Shoes, nil width and shea at atcrviuney I, Uram'tpald.l" teachers )vnu v jununrB tleanlugliouses and re pairs advei thing annual statement pd. N.ontour school dts. "Mt. Pleasant ' paid Tor Ink.,., becretarj'ssalaiy paid treasurer's com'n jutd collector's ' paid lor school Journal pd. auditors, auditing scliool ace'ls ror 33 ears paid for oal ot exonerations Tor Insurance ' " paid tor sundries.,,,.. Balance due district...., 1 (9,609 'li STAThMENTOF OK lllflOUSBl'KU SCUOOu lILsrillCT, Jt'SK 1ST, 'S4I. llond Issued lo Jacob Schuyler tor lot, iiuc auv. ist, Int. on same to.luno 1st, 1S77, So. 8 llond Issued loJ.H. Mcincrfor building-due Alt?. 1, SIS 1 merest on same to .1 une 1st, 177 . . . So. n. nond Issued to J. s. sterner for buldinir uuo Aiur. lstisia Interest on same to lune 1st,is77 .. Ha. T. IWnd Issued to John H. Homer lor building due Sep. ', 1s"il Inferesc 011 sam- to. I urn? 1st, IstT... Ju. 8. llond Issued 10 .1, s. Momer lor building due M-p. ii, isto CIt. 490 01) 104 2'l til 00 47 S3 HIS) 9 (Ml 1WIKI ir,s 1 n 147 U 71)0 9 ll IMS 42 lt.t 51 lI'.S 75 70 49 1,299 1I9 cud o, 513 00 r,o)o aw aii no w 60 c l)o 100 on 4 1' ton 00 412 MURDER, WILL OUT. . A few years airo "August Flower'1 was dis covered to be a certain cure for Dvsnciwin utid Liver comnlaiiit. a few thin dvsnentics made known to their friends how easily and quickly Interest on sumo to June 1st, t77... the,; had been cured by its u,o? The1 great f UitllSS'.-" !, UiiM'itRnf IJiwn h Auiriist 1) lowir lippjnnn nor- Inti-rest on hiwno to June 1st. lsn tided through tlio country by ono sufloierto ingdu' mut) mother, until. Without atlvertlslinr. lis sale interest. on samritn June 1st. 1S77... 12M has become immense DruggUts iu EVERY No. li.liond issued to.) h, sterner for lvir- :.. tt..:....i c',;,.... ii- :. i ouuuinx uue ;suv. v, i",,i IWItl! Ill I O Ullllftl C3iaiU-i UrO SOllll IT ll. ln,MU.nBDmn,nli,A1n, STT 1T no person suncring witn sour stomaeii, mck licadaclio. cotienes. na tmatinn nl tho heart, indigestion, low si ' nits, etc , can take llimn u-ttl,n,,t rl;,.f H In M,-.,r Rros.,and'gotabottlo for 75 .cents and 'try it. IffMrMWk'fe ample bottles iu cents. April -u, , i-iy ji Dr. Shlloli's System Vitalize!-. We aro authorized to Guarantee this rein edy lor the euro ol Dyspepsia, inactive Lav er,Sou r Stomach, Constipation. Loss of Ap petite, looming up ol I'ood, icllow bkin and Ueneral languor and .Debility, lou must acknowledge that this would be ruiu ous unless we had positive evidence that it will cure. lou wno are sutlering Irom these complaints these words are addressed and will you continue to suffer when you can be cured on such terms f It is lor LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS, TwjOTici;. wanted tor Uio Mhoou ot Conynghara rtlr tnct, Co tumMa county, I'rnnsjltanls. sfx inalonnd four re mn to tesrliers. An es.nnlnatton will Isi held nt t.T n Iralla In New Hrhool Houso on Tuesday, July it, JSIt lly order ot the Hoard, Attest! JNU.JtONHOK, June w, 77, -aw SecreMry. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. tSTATK OK MONTIIOXKKVCOI.K, PKCKASIO. Letters or Administration on me estate oi Mont gomery Cole, late ot Muganoar iowiibuip, i-oi.iv. pi , deceased, havo ls;en granted by the Register Gt fdid county to J, lh'an le, of lho same town ship, ndinliilstrator, to whom nil persons Indebted arc requested to mako parp-ent, and those having lalms or demands against tho salt estate will mate them known to Ihe Bald administrator without delay. ,1 iijwi.,, ivi,n Coles Creek, June M, 7T-sw Administrator. A DMINISTRATOII'S NOTICE. (.STATE Ol' IlKStCCA S11ITK, VtffP. tetters til Administration on lho estate of Itebecea Kmllli, lato of .Madison township, Columbia coun ty, have been granted by tlio Register or said coun ty to Conrad K reamer, of Madison township Colum bia county. All persons having claims aualnst the snld estate aro requested to presont them for settle ment, anu tuose inucuicu to uoku pujim-uv.wuuuui, delay. CONItAI) KHEA5IKI1, June SI, '77 w" Admlnlstiator, Jerscytown, ro. TUDITOR'S NOTIcij. lu lho Orphans' court of Columbia rountr. Tlio undersigned was appointed Auditor In tho ai'count of John Anderson Administrator of matter of ' ho except Ions to ttti, Hj'eimnt. nf .Tnlin Anf Vnn-T inrtiton. deceased, in coinnuarico Wliu nis appointment no will attend to the duties' of the S11IIIW III IIHJ 1UIIU; JIVU-K! Ul ... ... UCUSUaou, u, Centratla tho of July 1877 at 10 o clock a,m. .1. II. JAMES, June IS, '77-4W Auditor. QOCNTV OF COLUMDIA.SS: The Commonwealth ot l'ennsilvanla to Ell7abeUi f! Intermarried with Peter Kckrotc, Henry Vohe, I.jdla Auu, intermarried with Henry Tedder, Jacob Jane.'lntemiarrled wiui Charles Conyngara, Ellen,' intermarried with Milton Masteller. ihcuelrsot Ly- dla Yohe, deceased, Oreettng ! o and each ot you are lieteby dtcd tolwand uppoar beforo, ouror- n-uiv luun m ue neiu uie iirsi i.iuuuhj' ui pi-fjicw- .'r noxl at lllMimsburg, then and tliero to accept Or efuse the rcil estatn of Lydla Yohe doccascd, at, the valuation put upon it. by the lunuost or snow cause uy lue muni" annum mil, uunum. . , Witness lho Honorable William Mwell President why the same snould hot bo sold. U'tlnetis Ihn llnnonihlftVlllt.ini Judge ot our Court nt llloomsburg the clghteenUi day of .May, A. 1)., 1S77. II. FRANK ZAHR, Clerk O. C. Juno 13, I-iiw JI. V. NrjRs, Deputy. NNUAL STATEMENT OV SUGARLOAF TOWNSHIP. hutement ot tlio supervisors forUto jear ending April o, 1S77. C I- MOOltn, Ain't regular duplicate n.... Ami special duplicate u iteeeltedof County commissioners Kccchcd order lo balance Total, CR. ,1100 1 1) 41 20 1,041 '10 Jly work on roads " tax returned-......, "Commissions and exonerations " oniclal sen toes " attending settlement " peicrntHtre won: under (J. Mcadman " receipts and orders redeemed SAMUEL S HESS, Am't of regular duplicate Ain't ot special duplicate (614 05 CIt. 017 .11 No, ti. linnet Issued to J. S. sterner rorbulldluirdue xov.xd tS7ii i.fswno Interest on same to Juno 1st, 1S77.,.. ill 07 1,931 07 No.15. Hond Issued to .1. s. sterner ror building due Jan. IS, ls,t,... you to determine. Sample bottle 10 cents: reg ular size 75 cents. Sold by O. A, Kleim and Interest'on same to iueT,'isn.-...' i. d. iicnticrsnctt for btitldluir due Jan. is. 1s70 Interest o'i same to June 1st, 1S77.... No. 17. llond issued to J. sterner for blinding due reo. 'jiu, is.t Interest on same to June 1st, 177 i... No, is. llond Issued to J. s. sterner ior uuuoingnue reu. v, isi, Interest on same toJune 1st. 1s:x.... No. no nond Issued to. I. s HtCtner lor building dun Feb. 9, 1st".. Interest ou same to June 1st,.l77 No. xl. llond Issued to .1. H. sterner for bulldlmr due let). 9. is,7 Interest on same to Juno lst, 1ST7. . . . No. u. Iiond bsucd to Itolllns, &, iioimes forsteam neater uuertov. i. is7s Interest ou sainoto Juno 1st, W7 No. ? bond issued to Rollins & ror steam heater uue.Nov. I, 17i mm 1MC3 ITS (SI 410 no -7 40 ssn on 4 43 1IKI 00 1 s.', Iimi no - I P3 coo no 194 CM 00 1UI S(I20 uuj.unu die annually bv neglecting a Cough, Cold or Croup, often ieadlng to consumption and the grave. ny win you neglect so important a matter, when you can getat our store Shiloh's Conisumptiou Cure, with the assurance ol a speedy recov ery. ror Borenes across tlio Chest or 1. tings or Lame Rack or Side, Shiloh's Porous Master gives prompt relief. Sold by C. A. tvlelm and J . llendershott, Hackmetack. a popular and fragrant per fume. Sold by C. A. Kleim aud N. J. llcn- uersuott. Alarcii so, i i-euw DYSPEPSIA.. DYSPEPSIA. DYSPEPSIA. 1 spepsla Is the most perplexing of all human ail ments. Its si mptoms are almost Inllnlte In their va riety, ami uio luriorn imu ocsponaeni ileum oi me lntirei.l nn k inn fn ln,, i Vm77 disease oiten fancy tho prey, in turn, of No. 37, llond Issued to li 11. Drown No. so. llond Issued to Itolllns tc Holmes for steam neater, due Not. 1. lslS S7Mh! Interest on same toJunc 1, 1S77 l ss 370 ss No. 9T. llond issued to u II. brown duo March 3i, 1-.79 coooo Interest onsaine to lune 1st, 1S77.... 5 00 6030") NO. us. Ilnml ssued to E. 1). Drown duo March an, isi9 cn,i on Interest on same to June 1, IS77 ooo G0300 no. bo. uonu issued to E. li. nrown due .March 3u, isto .. Interest on same to Juno 1, 1ST" No. 31. llond issued lo K. it. brown duo -March 80, 1ST9 Interest on same to June 1, 177 No 82. llond Issued to L. Creasy duo .Man-u mi, is,9 Interest on same to Juno1.1s77 No. S3, llond Issued to E. Creasy, uuo .11 Ul L II .T ,, 1 3 1 y Interest on same to June 1, 1S77 No. 34. llond Issued to I.. Creasy due .iiureu an, isv M ... Interest on same to Juno 1.1S77 No. 85. llond Issued to David stroup uuu April i, is, v, Interest on Kjmo to June 1.1S77.. .. No. 3d. llond Issued to Datld Stroun uuunillll I, is, 'J rAHl uu 300 C0300 100 00 1 00 lml (Ml 1 00 100 00 1 00 10100 ,1 00 100 Oil 1 00 COO IS) 6 00 101 00 101 03 101 on 10100 101 oo 305 01) very known malady. This Is duo In purl to the closo sympathy which exists between the stomach and tho brain, and In part also to lho fact that any disturbance of theMlgestlve funitlons necessarily disorders the liver, tho bowels and the nervous sjs- tem, and arrccts, to some extent, the quality of the blood, E. F. Kunkel's Hitter Wine of lion Is a sure cure This Is not anew preparation tobe tried and found wanting; It has been prescribed dally for many ears tn the practice of eminent physicians with ua paralleled success j It Is not expected or Intendedto euro all ttio diseases to which the human family Is subject, but Is warranted to euro dyspepsia In Its most obstinate form. Kunkel's Hitter Wine of Iron never falls to cure. Symptoms of Dyspepsia aro loss of appetite, wind and arising of the food, drjuess of tho mouth, heartburn, distension of the stomach and bowels, constipation, headache dizziness, sleep lessness and low spirits. Try the great remedy and bo conduced of Its merits. Take only Kunkel's, which Is put up only In ft bottles. Depot -m North Ninth street, Philadelphia. Adilce by mall tree, by sending 3 ceuc stamp. Try one bottle of Kunkel's Iron and gists and WORMS. WORMS. WORMS, Removed alive. Tapo Wmia removed allvo In from two to three hours, with tegetaole medicine Head all passing from the s stern alUe, No fee till head passes. The Doctor neier falls to reinoe Tape, Seat, I'm und Stomach Worms. .sk jour druggist for a boltlu of Kunkel's Worm Sirup. ITICo tl per bottle. It nier fails, or send to Dr. Kunkel, 239 North Ninth street, 1'lilladclrhla, Pa., fur tlrcular with full Instructions, by enclosing 3 cent stump for return of same, Kunkels Worm Syrup Is used for children or adults with peifect safety, as it is uguable. lluy It and try It due Anrtl 1. IsTu... Interest on same to Jiinf? 1. lsn No. 3s. Rood Issued to trustees or Con cord Lodge I. o. o. 1". duo .May 10, tsso ' ' Interest on ssnie to mne 1, 1S77 No. 39. nondlssuedtolrusteesof Con cord UMge I. o. o. r, due .May 10, is) . Interest on samu to June 1, 1S77 loo on 1 () 500 00 1 is 500 00 1 16 501 10 tlO.OSSOSKl.OsSCS Cash In hands of Collector 1.3S2 39 i reasurer 674 ss Due oy J, it Evans, June 1, l;i......... 613 S3 2,"II 15 Total Indebtedness of the District 8,217 C3 s. KNOKR, President. Attest : J, K. EDOAIt, Secretary. HO 11)0 UllderS Mini Alidltnra hg,lm,.mtnu1 Jho above account and statement, Ilnd the same lo be correct. Juno", 1ST7. Tout, lly work on roads f 014 r,7 oruers reduemeu 33 1 exonerations 5 34 official sen lees 5170 Dalanccdiie township, I.1AI11I.ITIES. Orders 1S75-C not redeemed , ciders issued April 9, isl7,. Total, RESOURCES. Balance due from Eamuel S. IIess... Indebtedness of township, f903 04 f 30-2 94 DR. ftwei sas ei 1793 2-4 1314 S2 8n la ssio (513 87 Statement of Susarloaf school District for lite year euuinir uuiiu 9, 19,1, RECEIPTS. l'rom Collectors , stale at unseat e Total, EXPENDITURES. Tor teachlni: nnd other expenses state appropriation. , Lieuiano tax.. $370 43 18100 90 96 H22 39 Due from treasurer and collectors Old orders paid Indebtedness of District, tl,191 41 454 41 $727 10 o, the underslened Auditors of Sugarloat town ship, do hereby certify that we hae examined the above accounts and nnd them correct to tbe best ot our know ledge and belief. Junu 22, '77-4W ELIJAH I'ETERMAN, JAMES BHUI.TZ. HENRY C, HESS, Auditors. SHERIFFS SALES. lly virtue of a writ ot Vend Ex., to me directed will be exposed to public sale at tlio Court House In Elooiusburif, at one o'clock p. m. on SATURDAY, JULY 14, 1877, Tho following real estate situate In Centri town ship, Columbia county, I'cnnsy.vanla, bounded on the north by lands of fcamuel Iltdlay, on tho w est bv lands of J. Hagenbuch, on the south by lands of E. Alkman and Margaret Alkman, on tho east by lands of J, Hagenbuch. It contains sot enty-stx acres more or less where on are creeled a dwelling house, barn and outbuild lnirs. 'lho abovo premises will bo sold subject to Uie moitgago of George Hldlayto William Hldlay, Ad ministrator ot Abraham Hldlay, dated April 9Ui 1S52, recorded April 9th, ls52 In .Mortgago Hook 3 p. 750, and discharged of all other liens. Seized, taken Into execution and to bo sold as the property ot Levi A. Hldlay. CONDITIONS or SALE-Purchases must pay ten per cent, ot tlio purchaso money, or at least enough tococr all costs at striking downot sale otherwise property to bo resold at once. JOHN V HOFFMAN, June 22, 77-ts Sheriff. JOHN LAYCOCK, 1 II. C. IIAltTMAN. V Auditors. C.M. VANDEltSUCE.l Juno ls-lw , u;uv iituip. n) we nunc in nuuui) . v--IT.r CT,q,C,M.m be contlnced of Its merits. Sold by drug. A "'UA1' hlAll-.AIP.M storekeepers uu'i-jwheic. 1 0P TltEsi'UKit op SCOTT SCHOOL DISTltlCT, COI.UM1I1A COUNTY, HENRY c, KEI.CHNER, Treasurer, DR. June 5, ls7, ToJialanep duo township 3xi5i June 4, is77, to amount leeched from (1. .... ,.un. , , mi , 4,) lune 4, ls77, To stnte appropriation 31s so .. . '. "'"""in. recciwu irom s, Kressler, collector i,s.v)3i tt.COO 34 Juno 4, IstT, To bolanco duo School District 605 23 CR. PATENTS pounds. Labels registered:. Infringe nun inierierences win recelte rromut attention, 1 ,x ij' 'ri'i 1 1 k- kuuuiu bena us a moae, 11 ML XWXVOorsketchot thelrinven Scliuiicll'N St'ii Wectl Tunic In tho atmosphere experienced here during the summer months, the lethargy produced by tho beat takes away the deslru for wholesome food, and fre- lueut persplrullons ruuc bodily energy, particu larly those sullei Ing Irom tho elfects ot debilitating diseases. In order to keel) a natura healthful acllu- ty or the system wo must resort to artlllclal meant For this purpose scheni U's sea Weed Tonic u vei y effectual. A few doses will create an anpetlui and glo fresh vigor to lho enervated body, rordysis-p- sla, it is Invaluable. .Many eminent! phslclaus have doubted whether dyspepsia can bo permanent ly cured by tho drugs w hlch aro generally emploj eil for that purpose. The Sea Weed Tonic In Its nature is totally different from such drugs. It contains no corrosive minerals or acids; In tact 1'. assists the regular operations of nature, and supplies her defi ciencies. 1 ho Tonic In Its nature so much resemble Uie gastric Juice that tt Is almost Identical with that num. The gastric lulcu Is tho naturat solvent vv hlch. In a healthy condition ot the body, causes the food to 00 oigesieu , and when this Juice Is not excreted in sumcient, quantities, Indigestion, with all Its dls. tresslug s) inuiptoms follows. The boa Weed Tonlo performs tho duty ot tho gastric Juice when tho tat- ter is deneient. bchencksbea Weed Tunic sold by an uruggists. July wanted. c-Jcf 10 c-uu rer Aiontli A Nsw, Ci EiK isu Com lb t June 4, 1S77. lly ara't paid Uuehcr's salary, a rton school iur i-uai nnu naming " for stove for repairs teachers' salary Espy School Jos. SIIIIit, repaUs and coal Kspv school E. Ii. l'ursel, repairs and cost . , '-spy school A. Snvder for palm Jos. Miller, repairs ' E. It. Pursel repidrs teachers' s.dary Light street School '.'igiYsffihcsT.;' it'i's.'h.i.r0"' " usbt sVreeSh!.''''1 teucliers' .salary Croaultoads Sehoul J..Krcssler, coal and lepiiln, Cross Roads School. .. lJS?! repairs Cross Roads School. . ., ror school journals. '. for duplicate for publthhing report 1S70.. .. ntvumrj s salary tor collection stato appropri ation . , , " " Samuel Kressler, collector. .! exonerations allowed collector 1 reasurer'a commission on f i,s 2c" at v. per cent ain't for auditors' lees .....1'. '. bulanco 35D no is 90 1300 1S3S Goouu 4s 25 24 t. 17 OS II 411 49 90 500 00 11 90 20 34 055 175 Oil 77 9- 87 57 I IMt 6 5 9 01) 35 V) IS) Wit 31 50 3SM 8 HI 505 is secured for me chanical devices trace marks,de- sums and com. Infringements, reissues EDSON BROS.. P TT r. 1 -ri ' 01 u. s. ana Koreip PATENTS, 711 G-. Street, N. W. WASHINGTON, D. 0. ORPHANS' COURT SALE. or yaluahu: RAL ESTATE! t,' ' ' i ' n . We. tho Aiidliors of smt tovvnshlp havcthlsday UniVCrSitl HlStOrV cxamlnedllie ubuve account and Had tt correct. J W.A . lliKlOS. 1 uiiiuii-itv nu mu euriii-M, periods, c osIol- I March. 11,77. S volumes of Ihe World's great, fciaua ....wi j ... y..c. rtnviM,,.flii,iB AIISS, Blld fllllll- kHN, Including history of Centennial Exhibition, luaugurutiuiiof President Haj ua and Turkish dim. cullliis. A book of thrllltng Interest and unin i-Jii newt Sells faster Uiaii any other, lieautlful Illus trations, low prices, iUlck sales, extra terms, t Iron, lars free. Address J. c. Mit l'ltDY 4- CO., I'hllade'. i. LOU 7 13VV Juno 15, 'II 4w E. D. H AOs-seem, Auditors. SiM't.. A.WOHIUS.J JOB l'KINTINO OF imia, ra.; viacmuau, o.; Chlctitro, m.j m, Louli IV1NS' l'ATKNT 1 Adopted by all the qui, rculur. E, l INs, No. l' J)APER bags June 29, IA1H CKlMl'KItS ns or fashion. Send for iv.-M.rin ruin strut, in,p, ic-siu j vv FOR SALB AT THE COLUMBIANOFFKJK, EVERY DESRIPTION EXECUTED l'KOMPTLY At thk OoXiUmiuan Officf businks8 oakd3, V1S1TINII CARDS, LBTTElt HEADS, UlLLUBADS, OSTKKS, to., tC, Neatly witv. cnoapiy printed at theConm. HUN Office. IIS virtue of an order ot tho Orphans' Court ot Co lumbia comity, the undersigned Esecutrtx of the last will und testament ot Frederick Isler, late ot iireenwood township, Columbia county, doecaaea, will expose to publle sale on Hie premises ou SATURDAY, JULY 1877, at 9 o'clock, a. in., i ho follow Ing Real Jitaio to-wlt i A messuage and trai t of land situate in Oreenwood township lu said county of Columbia, bounded and described us follow s, to-vvlt t lleglunlng at a post along lino of land of Elijah Lemon and running Ihenee along line of land ot Eliza Isler north ono ivtid one-half degrees, east ono hundred and ttlly. eight and t hree-tcnth perches to a post along lino of land of Win, J. Cpx, thenco byline of said Wm.J. cox south thlrtj-tlvo and a half degrees, east thirty, three and nine-tenths perches lo a stone, thence by land of Augustus Wilson south seventy-threeand oue-fourlli degreis, west fourteen and ntno-tenUi perclvsto a post, thence by the same south twenty, i lin e and one-halt di trees east, sixteen aud eight tenth perches to a post, thence, by same soutli nineteen and one-Ioutth degrees east fourteen and tliree-tenth perches to a post.lhencu by the same south eighteen and onchalf degrees east, thirteen and one-lenth perches to a post, thence by the sam south two degrees, west ono hundred and nine and four-tenth js rehea to a I osl at a public raid, thence north eighty-seven degrees vest seven and nine tenth perches to a post, Ihenco by land ot Elijah I.uiuon uorlli two and t luce-fourth degrees cast twent j -four lurches to a post.theuce by same north tight) -nine und onc-fouitli degrees west fourteen uud six-tenth perches to the place of beginning, containing EIOHTEKX ACHES, and one hundred and seven perches. TERMS OF SALE.-TC11 per cent ot one-fourth" of the purchase money to be paid at tho strlklng;dowu ol lho property, the cne-fourth less the ten rercenu at the continuation of sale, and the remaining three, fourths tn onojeur thereafter, wltn loterest frotn continuation nbl. EUZAUETU ISLEIt, Julyo, tuvv Executrix. BLANK MORTGAGES forsalecleapattii coLvmiis omce.