The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, July 06, 1877, Image 3

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    rm.TT? nrvT n m in a at
n i. o n si h n v it a, r it i n , j u i, v c, is ;j
Hull Ufliul rimo Tiililc.
Accomnioilntlon Train 0.4? A.M.
Mall Trnln 7.S1 a. m
Express Trnln
7.62 AfSI.
4.49 1'. M
T,.u l; M.
11,33 A.M.
Accommodation Train A.M.
Itcgular Express i.di) p, M,
Through cars on Express tratn ellhcr to New York
or Philadelphia. Arcommodatlon train runs between
Outawlss.i, ana Wllllamsport.
Miss Clnra Kesler lias been appointed jiol
mistress at
C. C. Snyder, son of Daniel Snyder of Espy,
graduated at Lafayetlo College lait week.
Our thanks arcihic Hon. E. J. Mcllenry for
recent copies of the Geological Survey of the
Tlio recent heavy rains have somewhat Inter
fered with the getting In of the hay crop In
this county.
Judge Harding lias decided the disputed
prothonolarysliip of Luzerne county in f.ivorof
Mr. ISarbcr, the ltepnblican contestant.
The nugliesvlllo Journal, published by
liley Is the latest venturu in the lie
tun bright tind readable pa
doubtless make Its way to success,
There was a decided frost on Saturday, (tic
23d Inst, in various parts of (lie State. In this
CDiinly it was visible in licnton and vicinity.
No damage was dune to Irults or vegetables.
STATE MfHIUAT. ttmtnnr
"V..1.UU, I if lllttfr tlKKiHI Vft
ill Til, I I.Hf
was held In Normal Ial I at two o'clock, Uco.
1'.. hlwell presidiiit;. 'lliero was nodlnticr this
Swiftly toils closo another mr,.. M..i Kcir- iho following Ubcers wero elected for
and nrrttti it. n !.:.,..... r m i . .. 1'
"' .i.i.-in ui ..louiniuurg nnu it:
-mm uiiiiumg country nave been called iiioii In
witness the ending of the school course ol a
class of yjung ladles and gentlemen, now sup
l"osed to ba prepared to enter upon the cares
nnd duties of life. The class numbered twelve,
and we aro Informed that they passed very
creditable- examinations. On Thursday morn
ing of last week at half pst (en the commence
ment exercises of tho class ofl877 were opened
with prayer by Itev. (1. I). Clurlcy Invoking
Divine blessing upon tlio institution and upon
those about to go forth from Its walls. Owing
ho ensuing year.
President, A. XV, Moss. Recording Heo'v.
I.lnie llnwer, (Vrrcsioiid!ng Sec.'y. (!. 1!.
Young, Treasurer, It. 0. lllttenbender.
Lxectitlvo Committee : Miss M. K. Schllch-
er, Miss Agnes Buckingham, Miss I.isjle Schuy
ler, -Mr. L. Waller, Mr. J, K. llittenbender.
A resolution was passed authorising this com-
mlttco to have a dinner prepared next yenr.
Miss Annie Mllsom was elected essayist and
Oco. K, Klwcll orator for next year, after which
tne meeting adjourned.
A reception was held in the evening In Iho
to the Illness of I)r. Orlswold.tho principal, nn.l BCl'0.ot "a.rlr w,ilcl1 s largely attended and
the unavoidable absence of Judge Klwcll. l'rcs-
blent of the Hoard of Trustees, Col. J.O. I'reczo
presided. After tlio prayer the junior class
sang a chorus, and were followed by Miss Hello
Suydam with salutatory nddrcsses nnd an essay
entitled "Introspection." Miss Nora Kobbins
read an essay on "Action." A piano solo by
Miss Annie Sloan followed, which was executed
wilh much expression, reflecting credit on tlio
much enjoyed. The cntlro proceedings wero
very satisfactory nnd we have every reason to
be proud of the Normal School. Dr. (Iriswold
Is Improving in health, and it Is hoped that af
ter the summer vacation ho will bo sufficiently
recovcreil to attend to his duties again. The
next term begins about September 1st.
thcru is souio unwritten statute, and common
law. Thcru is nlo the ling law. tho iW law.
'Crowncr's quest law," ami now wo have jus
tice, of tlio peace anil iildcrinan law, and what
ever may bo said ol' the former kinds by way
Law is defined to bo a rule of action pre
...:i..i i... .i. . ,.i .i .... .
Player nnd her careful and skillful instructor, " , 1 I ! i interior is
Prof. Hoffman, and Miss Annln was rewr.ln I l0UllJ. tool,ey- Uvr W"tlcn ordinal ily, but
with applause nnd bouquets.
Albert Schloyer of Nescopec.Lur.ernc county,
delivered nn oration, having as his subject
"Our privileges and responsibilities."
Ms I.illin lt,.il..r nfTnnH.nnn,, U..
mine countv. read anessav emitted " l.n .i Is or lisp:r.itrciiient. tho-l.nt is tlio liingcst imi-
launched, but where's the shore?" f-anco of all. Judge Harding said from the
She said that when we start out unon tho "cneli the other day, whllo mine (if this ins-
Kllevislhelalcstventurulntliencwsi)aiH.rnoM. r"0110'"' w know not where the harbor may "cooiino peaeo law was liemg reviewed by
It is a bright and readable paper and will '"' '"" ,llat wo pl01''' "leer straight ahead ""' that it was a legal fiction tint justices
.... -..1.11.... ,1... 1.. -I"-!.. 1 . I t.. .1.-. Unm ci,,...r..n.I 4 1. .1.1 I .1 I ...
...unlink nic iiam ui miii uuu iruuuie, so uini "i' ourjivuu ii Mjiiiv Mjiueiiuiig ui me law
atlastwo may reach the heavenly .haven be- they undci took to administer, hut that it was
yond the reach of storms. a fiction only ; and every day's experience
A piano solo, "The last smile" by Wollen- convinced him that .Mr. Justice Shallow was
liaupt, was very nicely rendered by Miss I.illle a rapicnt learned judge when compared witl
Noir, ana sho too was rewarded by (lowers snnio ol our I.uzerno countv iustice.s. Much
and applause. of the bu'ines which comes up lieforo the
.'Us" o, .Mnry fincliot Uriim s, l.uzernecoun
No less than one hundred ami nineteen hotel
nnd saloon licenses granted by the I.wcrno
County Court, liavo not been taken from tint
Clerk a office. This is a very curious state of
affairs Indeed, and not easy to understand . Ilm
tho Murphy movement paralysed the whisky
sellers In I.ur.crnc?
Cntnwlssa claims the oldest Mason in this
state, but Is not entitled thereto. Col. K.
Thayer, of this Town, now S3 years of nge, was
made a Mason In Abraham's 1j.lgc No. 15,
Kobert Young XV. M. In tho city of New York,
Nov. 12 1813 and Is, theiefore, a Mason of CI
years standing. He was exalted In P.iglc
Chapter, Ithaca, N. Y. in Nov. 1818, Chas.
liinglinm H. P., hence Is a Itoyal Arch of fi!)
years standing. Can this record bo beaten?
Messrs, Milton Hess and ltobcrt H. I.lttlo
had a narrow ecapo from serious In juries last
Saturday evening. As they wero driving in
Mast Uloomsbtirp, near Neal's 1'iirnace, their
horse took fright at some pigs that unexpectedly
emerged Into the road and, turning suddenly,
upset tho buggy and threw both gentlemen out
and under the buggy. Fortunately they ex
tricated themselves without oilier injuries than
thescvero bruising of Mr. Hess. Mr. I.ittie es
caped unhurt.
In Williamsport, on Wednesday morns
ing of last week, threo tramps leaving a house
with plunder, wero challenged by tho keeper
of a neighboring cigar store, named Nagle.
One of them drew a largo knife nnd stabbed
Mr. Nngle in the hand. Naglo drew a revol
ver, and severely if not fatally wounded his
antagonist in the abdomen, after which tho
others lied. The wounded man refuses to give
his name or answer any questions. He Is ap
parently nn Knglisliman, 25 years of age.
In 1853 four gentlemen entered their sons
at n boarding school nt Cokcsburg, In South
lint Urotliers, nt Light Street, will deliver
Carolina. They had been for year Intlmato IHooinsburg. Espy or Oraugevllle, SlaU
friends, and were clergymen in the Melho- Bi,T .., " i ",c" lor si
or 3.00 .1 load.
iTiiiio -J-Sw
Havo you tried Ivirby's WildCherry Coujkl
a very paiateauie compound Wl
dlst chinch. 'Micro boys remained at this
school as room-mates nnd class-mate? for
two years, and entered Wolford C'ollece. HaNam f
" . i .
, ...O.......V... 0, nsmma giving instant relict nnd in many
lour years, and wero toom-mates nil tho time, cases eH'ccting n pernnment cure. Price CO
graduating, relatively first, second, third nnd cuts per bottle and positively warranted to
fourth, in a large class. They entered tho B'v entire satisfaction t r money refunded,
law office at Bpartansburg and studied law ot
iinucrtno samo ciiancelior. ino war brouo KIrby's Tnstcless Worm Lozenges, pleas
out. and on tho call for troons. thev entered ant, safe and effectual.
Jenkin's rillo regiment from South Caroll- , Ivttby'n Horso and Cattle Powders aro tho
na,and were messmates In tho samo com- gm tetoni. Try
pany. Ileing near tho samo height, they KIrby's Camphor Ico for sunburns, sore
sioou logetuer as coniraucs oi uattio in tins iips nnu cnanpeu nanus.
regiment. At tho second battle of -Manassas, Gil' llilllous and Liver Pills aro reconv
. . ,c, . .1..11 .1..T-.1...I i... mended by tho first Phvs c ans.
" 1 """ jjrujjijisw uuu ucaiers in medicine,
The first woodcocks of the season wero shot on
the morning of the Fourth by Messrs. CM.
Drinker and George I.aycoek. The gentle
men secured nine of these delicious gamo birds.
.1. J. lirowcr Ksq., ane his family aro enjoy
ing the ocean breees at Cape May. They will
visit Long Drancb, take a trip up tho Hudson,
havo a good time generally and be gone some
three weeks.
Mr. Webster Fetter, a nephew of J. S. San
ders of tiie Hazieton JScntiiid,vn drowned, with
his three companions, in the Susquehanna, at
Clark's Ferry last week. The boat in which
the party wero fulling was carried over the
ty then read an essay on "Yesterdays and Tomorrows."
J. S. (i rimes of Lightstreet spoke on "Tlio in
fluence of the teacher." Ho said that the pro
fession of a teacher is second to none. The
doctor or lawyer or any other professional man
would not attempt to perform his duties until
he had spent years in preparation. So the
teacher should bo fully prepared for the posi
tion. He should lie able to appreciate the true,
the beautiful and the good. The character of
tho pupil is fashioned to a great extent by the
character of the teacher. He should therefore
walk uprightly and lie free from all evil habits.
The teachers have power to buildup or de
stroy the- found-ition of a mtion's liberty.
Piof. Hollman delighted the auc'icnee witli
The Clinton Demaenil says that Mr. James
II, Porter, of Niltany, owns a calf, eleven his performance on the piano of a ( Fan-
months old, that weighs 1,05(1 lbs. Is the tasie by Wilmers entitled a "Summer day in
Democrat sure that the cw was not weighed by Norway." This piece was played by the Pro
lnistakc, Instead of her offspring ? If not the feasor in public once before, and was repealed
calf Is a whopper. on this occasion, by general request. It is a
selection of a very difficult character, and as to
An orator, not far from here, on Decoration its execution it is sullicient to sav that it was
Day eloquently alluded to "Admiral Farragnt greeted willi a burst of applause, and several
who was so gallantly mailml to the last," lly handsome bouquets were bestowed upon the
the way who started the yarn that in passing blushing Profes-.or.wIio gracefully acknowledged
the Mobilo forts Farragtit was "lashed to the the compliment of the audience. As lie took
quaiter sessions ouuht never to be permitted
tn pas beyond the ju-tices' office. A man or
company failing to collect a claim, .straight
way rushes to a justice's ollico and has tho
debtor arrested, thereby trying to compel the
commonwealth to collect the debt. Two old
women got to quarreling about their chickens
md one threatens to slap tho other's mouth,
and .straightway tho learned justicoxcmls them
to the quarter sessions on a surety or the
peace. Two children of tender years are at
play nnd one is hurt, perhaps seriously, hut
their years preclude tho idea of criminal in
tent; their parents mu-st rush.into law and vex
themselves and an entire community because
they aie not advised of the futility of such
prosecution. A constable takes goods in
execution claimed by a person other than the
debtor, and an august justice has him arrest
ed for laiceny, and thus wp might go nu enu
merating blunders reconcilable only with the
lisenco of common sen-e or an inordinate de
sire to earn fees from the county. Scnmton
At the Sheriff's sales last Saturday the Ex
change Hotel brought $21,000, a small sum for
so valuable a property; three pieces of land in
ireenwood and Pino township, owned by John
Leggott wero bought by the I Ion ton S. F. and
Loan Association for $100, $100 and S'O res
pectively; the properly of John Aten In Mlf-
llin township was purchased by George Hughes
for $3200; a lot on Welsh Hill was bid in by
the owner for $300. There wero other proper
ties to be sold on Saturday but the sales wero
V lUrri.t;!) Huikilaii. About ten days ago,
a burglar or burglars entered tho house of John
lleiscr of Centre township, at night, and stole
some boots and shoes. They also ransacked his
lesk, but surceeded only in getting some looo
change, and a pocket book containing some
notes. About $700,00 In money was wrapped
q in an old rag, but the thieves shoved it
side as worthless. The following night the
pocket hook, with tho notes intact, was left at
the door, wilh a letter stating that they did not
want his notes, and in future he should tnka
better care ol Ins papers, .Moral: keep vour
money in rags, and thieves should examine raj
mast? It is evedently untrue.
The storm of Sunday morning last was Iho
seveiest of the season. The wind blew furiously,
the rain fell in torrents and the Hashes of light
ning were in such quick succession as to present
an almost continuous illumination. We have
heaid of no destruction to property.
The Coi.umman Ihilletin boardis exclusively
for our own use.put up entirely at our expense,
and intended only for notices printed at this of-
fice,except by special permission. Parties using it
under other circumstances will pot be offended
if their notices aro taken oil.
Ids scat another round of applause informed
liim that lus hearers had not yet done with
Ids services, and lie finally yielded and gave as
an encoir, 11 Loyiyingi for the seusiore" by the same
Col. Freeze at this point stated that be de-
The School Directors of I.looin lownship
met June 27, 1ST" at the office of S. Knorr
See'v.. all the members of the l'.iiird nrp.piir
The minutes of June 11, 1S77 weie read and ap
proved, fiills of J. K. Hittenbender for ordei
book So, Coi.umiiian and Jlqiubliam fur pub.
lisliing annual statement and notices to teach
ers, each $31,50, presented lo Hoard, and ordered
paid. Mr. Zur moved that tho duplicate as
sired on behalf of the Trustees to thank Prof, prepared by the Stcrctary be placed
Beers and Strtithers were arrested on last
Tuesday evening for an assault and baltery on
an old man, and were placed in "limbo." On
the morning of the "glorious Fourth'' tho for
mer settled with the prosecutor, and the latter
was discharged. "Had eggs."
Hoffman for the manner in which he has con
ducted the music department of the school dur
ing tho year. It is to be hoped that the Nor
mal School may long reap the benefit of Ids
"Miss Lizzie Hower of liloomsburg followed
with an essay on "Lirjhts llcijond.
At this point the hour of noon having ar
rived it became necessary to Bhorten tho pro
gramme in order to get through, and hence
tlio essay of Miss Dora Wallace of Juniata
comity on 'Impreaiiom," the oration of J, C,
Ivisncr on uJltoom.iburt,'' essay of Miss Mary
Penman on ' 'Oibuehs" and the essay of -Miss Sue
McCarty of Union county on "uuoii"wereonuf
Mack bass fishing began on Monday and was I ted and Miss Maggie llicliards of Susquehanna
inaugurated witli much enthusiasm on the I county closed the exercises by reading an es-
North Iiranch. Some of the numerous fisher
men met witli success and secured good strings.
None of the fish taken were of largo size so far
as wo have heard.
hands of the collector. Seconded by Mr. King
ler and agreed lo.
The following aie tho names and assignments
of teachers of the liloomsburg schools for the
ensuing year :
Fifth Street School : ltoom No. 1, (1 Wil
bur, principal, M., assistant ; No. 2.
Agnes l'tickinghani, principal, 1!. II. Vannat-
la, assistant ; No. 3, H. Buckingham, principal,
l'loieuce irl.assistant ; No. -I, C. I!. Wellivcr,
principal, Lena Fnulds, assistant
Third Street School : ltoom No. 1, I. I".
Schoonovcr, principal, M. M. Unangsl, assis-
taut; No. 2, A. Armstrong, principal,.!. Gar
rison, assistant ; No. 3, M, Graul, principal, S
Vannatta, assistant ; No. I, S. A. Perkins, prill
cipal, Kate Hower, assistant.
Welsh Hill.-G. W. Sterner.
There is something peculiarly nndsufleringly
suggestive in the word lioils. Many suffer witli
this exhibition of impure blood which disfig
ures the person and annoys attendants nnd asso-
oietics, when Ihcy could be mado clean and
their blood kept pure by using Dr. Hull's Mood
say on .Vormaf Schooh, and delivering the cus
tomary valedictory addresses. It is stated as a fact ill the history of sil
The young ladies of the class were all dressed ver production, that wherever in any part
In white willi kid gloves and slippers and all of tho world silver mines havo been worked
looked sweet and pretty, but we must say that they aro worked now, unless arrested for
we should have admired their taste much moro
if they had followed the precedent established
bv the class of last vear, and worn pretty but
inexpensive dresses instead of tlio elaborate anil
extravagant toilets usually worn on such occa
All the members of tiie cKss performed their
parts well and each one was greeted willi ap-
some explainable cause. Tho mines of the
Andes have been worked for three centuries
Those of old Spain from tho middle ages
and are in working condition now. In Hun
gary the samo mines worked by tho I tomans
before the birth of Christ still yield their
steady increase. Thoso of Freiberg in Sax
ony, worked from tlio eleventh century
plause, and presented willi bouquets by their know no diminution. In Bohemia, Tyrol
numerous friends and admirers on leaving the Norway and Sweden, in tlio Ural and Atlas
stage. .Mountains, and wherever elso discoveries of
The Normal Hall was filled witli an alien- silver have been made, wo believe, without
live audience from the town and county. On exception, tho mines continue to bo worked
the stage sat the Trustees, Facility, clergy of and aro generally more productive now than
the town, and the Coi.i'miuan' representative, at any time in their past history.
We have no criticisms to make on any of the
exercises, and have been unable, owing to want On Monday but contracts for the ' erecting of
of space lo give a synopsis of more than one or four county bridges wero awarded by tlio Com
two of tli dibit,", but a single suggestion we missioiiers, as follows
bone will bo pardoned, ft is this, that it lias Ilie bridge over Hemlock Creek, near J.ed
come to be the fashion in this and other schools Mill, to Benjamin ltedliuc for $300,
They call "Long Pond," Ganoga Lake now
and It is becoming quite a fashionable resort.
Frank Hieketts, formerly of Orangeville, is the
proprietor and Capt. II. J. Conner looks after
the comforts of guests as clerk. Visitors need
not fear any lack of attention with these two gen
tlemen in chargcof affairs.
Mr. Hiram Mcllenry has so far recovered
from the cllicts of his severe surgical operation
as to warrant ids removal to his home. His
physician, Dr. B. F. Gardner, accompanied him
thither on Tuesday. Wo sincerely hopo that
Mr. Mcllenry may soon regain his wonted
health and strength.
The roof of the Catawissa railroad bridge, at
Kupcrt, fur the length of a span and a half, was
blown off in the storm of Sunday last. This
bridge is a new structure and was built with
due regard lo strength and durability, and piin-
cipally of iron. Not only tho outer slieathin
but the rafters as well were torn away by the
force of Iho gale,
m . i no i reseniaiiuii Mn-ein iiiui ,'ii.j.
rr !. i. - .. i,.-.ui,!,, ,.,i ..i,nni fn r.uivm.lul Tliere were over thirty bidders for the di llerent
- " 1 r. i i I ,.. , ., , . .
development, then from a physical standpoint, (Job Freeze then conferred the degree of B. ...
Babies should have a growth as symmetrical as Hacbclor of Klementary Didactics by present-
it is surprising. It would be so were they kept I jg the class with their diplomas, willi the fol
Iree from the disorders of iJabyliood hy saia lowing remarks;
and judicious treatment. J.very one wlio lias i the absence of tho Fiincipal, and of the
iisesl it pronounces Dr. Hull's Baby Syrup the I president of the Boaid of Trustees, I have been
best remedy known for the complaints of early requested to deliver to Hie graduating class, Hie
childhood. 25 cents per bottle. "'1"" T - - . "V"'""
to have in the lalntietonj too much leave taking
and farewclling. It is too apt to excito the
feelings of the tender hearted, and scenes in
public are to be avoided.
After tho valedictory, the senior class inarch
ed on the stage where they wero met by the
juniors who presented them wilh a handsome
bouquet as a mark of esteem, and wished the m
success in future. Mr. l.Jward itnian made
the presentation speech and Mr. J. S. Grimes
The one over little Fishing Creek, near Bea
gle's mill, to C. W. Kves for $S9I,75.
The one over big Fishingcreek in Fishin;
creek township near John Z tiler's lo Josepl
Kcdllno for $195,50.
The one in Milllin township, near what was
formerly Yohe's mill, to I, K. Schweppcnhciser
for S1G5.
i he total amount of these four contracts is
but $1051,25 an unexpectedly small sum
killed these four men (and no other in tho
company), They aro buried on tlio baltlo
field and sleep together in tho samo grave,
Their names aro Capers, McSwain, Smith
anil Duncan, nnd tho sons of Bishop Capers,
ltev. Dr. McSwain, Itev. Dr. Whiteford
mith and ltev. Dr. Duncan, of Virginia,
and tho last brother of Dr. Duncan, of Ban-
Jolpli (Macon) College. Iho grave is
arked by a granito cross enclosed with nn
iron railing.
It lias Sliioil the Test.
If von doubt the wonderful success of Sh'doh's
Consumption Cure, give it a trial ; then if you
re nut perfectly satisfied, return the bottlo nnd
e will refund the price paid. It has I'stablisli
1 the fact that Consumption can bo cured,
hilc for coughs, nstlima, hoarseness, whoop.
ng cough, and all lung or throat trmibles,thcro
s mulling like it lur a quick and positive cure,
ml it seldom fails. 10 cents, 511 cents nnd $1
per bottle. If your lungs arc sore, or cliest or
k lame, use Nuloli s i orous t'laster price
5 cents. Sold by C. A. Kleim and N. ,1, Hen-
Dr. Shiloh's System Vitalizer is no doubt the
most successful cure for Dyspepsia and Liver
DYsriil'sSIA.. IlYM'Ei'MA. DYsrn-StA.
Dyspepsia Is tlio most perplexing of nil human ail
ments. Its symptoms are almost lnllnlle In their va
riety, ami tho forlorn and despondent lctlms ot tho
Coinplnint wo havo ever known, otherwise we disease utten fancy themselves the prey, In turn, ot
mid not guarantee it. In cases nt consumption """"" mis is uuu in part tome
ben. irennnil debilitv. loss nf nimi.tiin nml closu "1 mpatliy which exists between the stomach
constipation I'Mst, it will lestnre nnd regulate i " "." iu u.u uianiuj
Hold by
April u
Mr. D. A. Bceklev is not onlv postmaster at
liloomsburg. but lie is the editor ol an organ
chairman of the countv committee and a dele
gate from Columbia to the ltepnblican Slate
Convention. He is also the business partner of
the deputy postmaster, who is linnsell a mem
ber ol the Mate committee, lliese are more
honors than President Haves thinks one man
ought to be burdened with. i'iiVa. I'lwcs.
Itespectfully referred to the post and lb-pub-
llcnn offices for the consideration of the gentle-
11 above mentioned. The arlicle aflbrds
a good opportunity for Mr. Beckley lo hurl
back an indignant denial of the truth of the
charges contained therein because he isn't
chairman of tlio countv committee.
The New Town Hall at Aycr. The elegant
structure is now complete. In beauty of design subject, but is warranted lo cure dyspepsia In Its
surpasses anything of its kind in the State, most oustinato form. KiinkeP-s Hitler Wlnoot Iron
Constructed of brick and dark marble it i, a, never m is to cure, sj mptoms ot Dyspepsia aro loss
., . , . ,. ,. ,. , or appetite, wind nnd arising of Iho food, dryness
permanent as it is charming. 1 he Lngli'h u( the. mouth, heartburn, distension ot tlio stomach
reinfects have adorned it tn subdued colors, j and bowels, constipation, headache, dizziness, sleep-
hieh please without tiring tho eye. Dr. . I. lessness nnd low spirits. Try the great remedy and
.Aver built and gave it to the town in ac-1 convince.! or Its menus, lake only Hunkers,
..un..K...e..L ... ...c me. uHni' vinth street. I'lllladelnhla. Adllen bv mail free, bi-
upnn him in taking Ins name. Although it is sending 3 cent stamp. Try ono bottlo ot KunkeP-s
generous gift, still the hearty good w islies of Iron and be convinced ot lis merits, hold by dm;
whole neonle are of irreatcr value, nnd the ln,x u,,u T"ra CV"J
Parlies contemplating a summer excursion trip
to tiie seashoio or any of the popular summer
resorts, arc requested In call on the undersign
ed. Summer cvciirsiou route books, givin;
full in formal ion as lo routes and prices, enn b,
had on application at the ticket ollice. ANi
tickets to all points west and south-west can bo
obtained at very low rales. Tickets sold over
each line of the popular routes of the IVntia,
K. 1!. and Krie liailwny.
W. B. PorsT,
Agent D. L. A W. It. It
June 20 !!w.
Elegant Hair is woman's crowning beauty
when it fades, she fades as well. While it is ke
bright her personal attractions are still maintain
ed. By preserving the hair fresli and vigorous a
youthful appearance is continued through many
years. Those who grieve over their fading
hair turning gray too early should know that
Ayer's Hair Vigor prevents it, and lestores
gray or faded hair to its natural color. It is a
clear and healthful preparation, containing
neither oil, dye, nor anything deleterious, nnd
imparts to the scalp what is most needed a
sen-e of pleasant and delightful freedom from
scurf or dandruff. -.Vein limit (.V. C.) Timet.
July J tn.
Item s.
The market onTuesday morning was unusually
full. Cherries, currants, raspberries and gar-
len truck were offered in great abundance, and
much of the articles were carried home again
fur want of purchasers, the supply exceeding
the demand. Fight cents a quart for raspber
ries, and six cents for cherries in a year of
plenty Is loo much, and the market jieople will
perhaps understand when too late that it is bet
A TmuT.-On the "Fourth" tfieSunday like rem 'k .f at lhu htace of vmlr lifJ
and cdu
appearance of our town was changed by the ap-1 cation you havo not learned that success In
pearance on our streeb. of nn excellent band business and eminence in the proiessions aitenu
I r lit. i ..t- ... .n ..... . n - If, . . i .i. r.... . e .1 .:. . 1
cruwu u. .....luiitui. .u j.ujc. uiutt, i mon eaiureau, was uiu .nu o. greai i i i . , . it - l
.i l i il.. .... .l.atliitlA nf I clvi-r. but t in br.-iid of ndu,trv is sweet, and ' . uuu. a . i.a.i. . .
uuu ......... .6 ...... ... ...... ..s -ir.""' T.t.-.i:. 'Il ' 1..., !,.. ll.. .I- tall,..,l.
and our hucksters should regulate them
selves accordingly, a-s It will be to Iheir advan
i Milton marshalled bv Cant Huff and led 0,llJ upon labor and study, nothing that I can ler to sell more at low latex than to sell none
i M. tonmars ialled by Upt.liuft and led M wlu j s ,, you ,iat mMim. because they cannot gtt what they ask. In the
Pro S A. Clapp. fhey accompanied a , tnnt f t. lUe sweat of thy face shalt ' flJ011 , fru
fu ui .fiuiumuu jnc-iutvifi iu jucit vuuu, i moil caiurt'uu, wu uiu utu ui uiu yrtjai i ,
1m mine tlmt nor town wm destitute of elver, hut the bread of industry Is sweet, nwl M '"
amusement, gallantly walked from Itupert to the Jest of labor is elyslum. But a-emember. ways g
1 ,i . , they can only bo enjoyed together. 'Hie world mand,
give us some of their music. Is waiting for good men and good women, nnd Belv(w
whpn voti enter it. I trust It mav he the betlcr.
reopie wnose properties are so suuaieu mai pecause you nave lived,
the rear of tlieir lots are on the side of a neigh
bor's premises should be particularly careful to
keep their stables and other outbuildings In
such a condition as not to be offensive. ICvery
man has a perfect right to enjoy his own, bill
must so use It that It will not Interfere with the
comfort of others. A very little care In such
matters would prevent what sometimes leads to
unpleasantness between neighbors,
A chorus entitled "lleautiul (lolJen Sometime'
was sung by senior class and then Second De
gree was conferred on following persons.
A. W, Brungard, Alfred Hower,
Lorena G, Kvans, Charles M, Lee,
Martha J, Fdgar, D, ICrnest Lantz,
W. M. Cleaver, A. W. Moss,
XV. T. Crersy, James S. Wilson,
Alice K. Wilson.
Court met on Monday last pursuant to ad
In the estate of brcderlck Isler Balo ordered.
Bond In $700. A, J. Alberfson security.
In the estate of Jacob Kanis, proceedings
slaved until widow's lights are determined.
In the estate of C. (J. Iticketts, Auditor' re
port confirmed.
Auditor a report in tho estate of Dora Snyder
The audience aroi-o and Itev. Mr. Sinyser I confirmed
pionounced the benediction, but all were Invl- Brlarcreek Poor Overseers vs. I'ishlngcreek
ted to remain a few moments. Two seniors Poor Overseers. Order of Justice affirmed
then came on the stage bearing a handsome tea Fisblngcrcek township to pay costs,
set, and calling on Piof. Burrows presented It Court adjourned until Monday July tlh at
to him on a mark of love and respect. Prof, fl o'clock a. in,
llnrrnwB was much aflected and rettlied In a
few appropriate words. Prof. Feme was then l , ..""'f","',1 orf" K,u i V,Y
1 ' . .... . . I iirnnim! Urn Blrfi-td liero for n ilnllnr n da v. whm
presented with a clulr by li.e students, and re- L,9 ,relltm are every day clearing ten dollars,
at leasl, In tilusvllle. 1 erumgo Spectator.
The Fourth of July passed very quietly in
liloomsburg. The places of business banks &c,
wero closed and tho town wore a holiday ap
pearance. There wero no public ceremonies
and the people devoted themselves in the main
to pic-nics, of which lliero were numbers in the
neighboring groves, There was no disorderly
conduct on the streets and tho holiday was the
..., t r.n... ,-ntn nti.l .1 1 dl II rl.d llf., flf flMV
IUVBI lltll IIUIll IIVIBV ...... , I ,
t..r... Tl,r., ,.,,.,, rponded neatly,
i n,i ., n. ui,, ,,f i!,Ti,lr,1 . .ml. The services being over Itlie audience was If those dark haired musicians take your sug-
festival a lid dance in Kvans' hall on the even- dismissed after an invitation from Dr. (Iriswold p.etlon and go we would kindly advise you not
i f.i... i. rri,i.. iiii,iJiipnn. had been read asking every body to dinner at to visit litusylllo until the snow falls. The
blderatlon, we believe "the anniversary of &c," Hie school, whirl, was accepted by many friends most Innocent kind of editors have been killed
wm a very imslbly observed national holiday. I l U wuuenta,
i for slighter offences than that.
The famous trotting mare Lady Thorn diet
at tho 1'ashion Stud Farm, near Trenton
N. J., Sunday morning.
A statue of Moses, to be placed on a foun
tain in Fairmount, has arrived in Philadel
phia,. It is seventeen feet high, weighs fif
teen tons, and is so largo that it could not
be accommodated in the hold of the vessel
nnd it was put on the main deck.
Two men named Bellinger and Pierce
wero carried over Niagara Falls on Monday
They wero in a boat and becoming alarmed
jumped into tho water and attempted to
swim to the shore. A companion named
Floy remained in tho boat and was saved.
The secret service division authorizes tho
statement that a man by the name of James
T. Porter is traveling about the country
falsely representing himself to bo an officer
of that division. Ifehas recently been op
erating in Pennsylvania.
A Special Commissioner, appointed by
the last Legislature of Connecticut to exam
ine Life Insurance Companies, certifier that
there is an actual deficit in tho'asseta of tho
Charter Oak Life Insurance Company of $2,
222,1)00 and also questionable assets to th
amount of over $1 ,735,000.
A party of young men trespassing on
farm in Mahoning Valley, Schuylkill coun
ty, Sunday morning, were ordered off by tlio
tho proprietor, Daniel Fritz. One of th
trespassers, Burko Kelly, drew a revolver on
Fritz, when the latter knocked Kelly dow
and shot him, Inflicting a wound of which
ho died eoon nfter. The coroner's jury ren
dered a verdict of "justifiable homicide."
Delegates were chosen atTowanda on Sat
urday to tho Democratic Stato Convention
nnd wero unanimously instructed to vote for
Hon, Joseph Powell for Stato Treasurer,
Tho delegates wero as follows: Senatorial
Col, J. V. Means : Representatives, W. S,
Dobbins, James S. Murray, and S. W
The public Is now informed that they can
have a chance to select their SUMMER
OLOTHl.NU from the largest stock of Coth
ing ever seen In liloomsburg. Call and seo
and judge for yourself and lo convinced
tluittuo oiu rename store Is still ahead 1
selling .at the Ion est prices, D, Lowen
Movr.n ItnnTnrna
July 21,'70,-Iy Wholesalo Agents.
Wo are now offering tho celebrated Sus
rnielianna Coal Co's Coal at tho following
cash prices;
bio. 6. $1.05 per ton on wharf.
No. 5. 2.65 per ton on wharf.
N'o. 2. .I and A 2.00 per ton on wharf.
Blacksmith's Lump 2.00 per ton ou wharf.
HitmninoHs-1.50 per ton on wharf.
35 cenls per ton additional, for delivery to
any parr oi tlio town.
Coal llouoi Bates 15 cents per ton less.
No. 0. to Lime-burners SLflO nor ton.
Coal screened bufoio leavinc our v.inls ami
full weight guaranteed.
Orders left at I. W. McKclvy's Store, at
our omce, or sent inrougii tne mails will re
ccivo prompt attention.
a. uiu puuuuagu is icpeciiuiiy solicited.
O. W. Nkai. & Hno.
May 1, 1877
ron Tnn yeah esmno jran it, utt.
M.r. WoumVAIIti, Collector, Dll.
Toniu'Uit ilunlleato lor IHfl-T lo,4l f.s
" " balance on duplicate 1S7J-0 l.WCS
llvam'tot exonerations
" "paid treasurer ns per re
ceipts ,
" i percent, commission
on w,M oi
" balance dim district
W. II. KOOSH, Treasurer,
To sm'l from former treasurer.
nml from. I, It. l'.nm, pur
chase money
' ain't of Mate appropriation.
" ain't from M. c. W'oodwaid,
Ily nm'tot orders and coupons
" : nor cent commission on
Balance Um district
ttll,sl till
u,sei v4
VVnnted for the schools ot (onrnsham dlilrli t, Co
lumbia counly, Pennsylvania, sfx maloiuid fourfe-
naii! unt'liers. All esuniiuiuiun mu wj .c,u ... s----
ratla In New Mchool House on Tuesday, -Inly IT, ts.r
lly order of the Hoard,
Attest i JNO. MONHOK,
June i, JTr3w secretary.
tellers of Administration on the cstaiooi sionr
ornery Cole, late of siugiirloat township, Col. Co.
e . ii.-ee.upii. luixo been irrs nied bv the lleirlster of
.id county to .t. Dean role, of Ihn same town
ship, ndinliilslrator, lo whom all persons Indebted
art' ri-uu'-ated lo make puyiccnt, and those having
aims or ueniaiius uKituisi uiu wikj i-sluiu nnuuoMi
hem known to the said ndmlnlstrator without do
... lir-AtS t-lfijibi
Coles Creel,-, .Juno SJ, It tw Administrator.
10,r33 CI
r.74 ss
111,319 11
esxslem while Shiloh's cure nllavs tfio
mmation nnd heals tho lungs. Pnco 75 tts.
ild by (J. A. Kleim nnd N..I. Hcndershott.
Hackmktack, a rich and fragrant perfume,
ild by C. A. Kleim and N. J. Ilcndcrshott.
l.v j
disturbance of tho'dlgestlvo runetlons necessarily
disorders tho llicr, tho bowels and the nervous sys
tem, nnd affects, to soino extent, the quality of tho
i:. r. Kunkel s llllter Wine ot lion Is a sure cure
This Is not anew preparation tobo tried and found
wanting j It has been prescribed dally for many
ears In the practice ot eminent physicians with un
paralleled success ; It Is not e.spected or intended to
euro all tho diseases lo which the human family Is
To am't of tux for building pur
noses ,
" am t ree d from J. II. Kvans,
suleot old Acndetn)
" nm't received of collector
duo on last, settlement
' am't from former treasurer.
lly exonerations
' am't paid on bonds nnd Int.
" collect or's comml-slon .......
treasurer's commission
bnlaneo pd. ltolllns A: llotmus
for steam heater ad st. school
" allernllons, painting, Ac....
llalaiico duo district
To am't tax lcMed for school
" am t state appropriation....
" ain't from former treasurer .
" am't received from former
collector last settlement
ny am't paid 17 teachers
" paid B Janitors
" " cleanlnghouses,and re
pairs " ntlvci Using annual
" pd. -iontour8Chool dls.
1 M t. Pleasant "
44 paid for Ink
44 44 Secretary's salary
44 44 paid treasurer's coin'n
44 44 paid collector's 44
44 44 paid tor school Journal
" ki. nuuiinrs, !.uuiuu
school ncc'ts for a years
44 paid for c ml
44 ot exonerations
44 for Insurance
44 iwtd tor sundries
lialancu duo district
223 00
i 19
loiters of Administration on tho cstnto of nebecca
Smith, Into of .Madison township, Columbia coun-
ty, have been granieu ucgisicro. sain coun
tv to Conrad lfreamer. ot Madison township Colum
bia county. All persons baMng claims against the
Bald estate are requested to present, them for settle-
meni, ana inose uiacuiea vo oioku pniueui. nmuui
Juno 9hi, 'II Cw Admlnlstrntor, Jerse town, Pa.
41 st
49 Si.
aro rs
f,1S is
W.5S9 01
t-1,5s9 or
JT,r,31 19
S9". in
C 55
cenerous donor has doublless seemed ibeni.-
Oroton (.Uu-ss.) Journal,
June 1 1m.
Business Notices
Clents' Fancy Shoes at E. M. Knorr's.
Choicest Tens at Conner's.
All kindsnf Furniture, at lowest prices at
Cadman s.
A select reading will be given in the I
Opera House on Tuesday evening, July
Removed nllve. Tape Worm removed aine In
from two to tin eo hours, wilh '.cgctable medicine.
Head all passing from the system all.e. No fee till
head passes. The Doctor ncer fulls to rcmoo
Tape, Seat, l'ln and stomach Worms. Ask jour
druggist for a bottlo ot Hunkers Worm Sjrup.
.Tico fl per bottle. It fails, or send to Dr.
Kunkel, XJ9 North Ninth street, Philadelphia, l'.i..
for circular with full Instructions, by enclosing 3
cent stamp for return of same. Kunkels Worm
sjrup Is used for children or adults with perfect
satety, as It Is vegetable. Buy It and try It.
11V Irf lin nf n wrttfif Vend .'r (r. tnn ,1 1 -,,-., , 111
lllth, by .Miss Laura (.. Brass, a graduate ol be exposed to publio sale ut tho Court House in
Prof. .Shoemaker of Philadelphia. Admis- liloomsburg, at one o'clock p. m. on
ion 35 cents. The public is Invited. I ATl'im.w nrrv it tcr-
Now is the time to buy coods, Clark I Tho following real estate situate In Cent re town-
Wotfs stock is full, and they are offering I fcliln. Columbia county, Pennsy.vanU, bounded on
L'rent harL'lllns in lei llco stock. I L,lu llul 111 u- i.i'i ui naiuuei nmuiy, on ine west oy
, V. ... 1IU,VIIUUVI1, Ull iitu nuuii. U) litllUS UI ...
Now ItllAD Tills!. Nearly !i,000 tons coal Alkinan and Margaret Alkman, on the east by lands
sod last season. Now s t hot me to til vour or .1. liagenbueu.
rial houses with the ce ebrated Avondale contains seventy-sl.x acres moro or less wherc-
Beil Ash Coal. And we challenge the coun- on nrl creeled a dwelling house, barn and outbuild
ty to produce any coal that will give better lft0 nl)0Te ws wl, ,)o soM s tQ th(,
satisfaction. Coal delivered to any part of m0rtgage or (ieorgo iildlayto William lllalay.Ad-
i .. ... m mi. " ..uuu it.i.wii.iic-, u.m h"-"- mlnlslralor ot Abraham llldlay, dated April 9th 1s5i,
recorded April 9th, ls.v.' In Moitgage llook3 p. "CO,
and discharged of all other liens.
!el7cd, taken Into execution and to be sold as tho
property of I.el A. lllilhi).
COSDITIONS 01-' NAM:-Purchasers must pas
ten per cent, of the purchase money, or at least
enough tocoer nil eostsat sulking down of salo
otherwise properly to be resold at once.
June sk. IMS t-heiin.
inlced full weight. 2,000 pounds in every
case : and wo alo notilv all tliat wo arctlie
only authnri.ed agent for the sale of Avon
laic coal in tins place.
XV. P.. Pocsr,
Agt. for D. L. & W. It. It. Co.
Juno 20, '77-tf
Tho price of furnituic is way down to
rock bottom, oti can buy a very pretty
IV a nut Chamber ."set lor liltv dollars, and
an elegant set lor seventy-live uollarsatcau-
A Sttl Further Reflnction iu the
Tho biscuit and cakes made at J. V
Caldwell's Bakery aro said to bo the very
best in town, ami it any one UDiibts it, a sin-
ulo trial will convince them that it n so.
Don t lorget it I
The Itockford Watch, the best American
time keeper made tor the price, can now be I
nan at l.ouis jiernlianl s Jewelry store.
June 22, 'i i-tf
The only ceniiino can for the Mason Jar
has the words "Consolidated Fruit Jar Com
pany, New iork, on tho porcelain, inside
the cap, and Boyd's imprint on the top, for
sale at uonner s grocery, .nam street.
juiy ii-iv
Lasting Gaiters, $1.00 nt McKinneys.
Best value in Clotliinc can now be
found iu all tho latest styles of Summer
1 . ... - , I.: i
vioiiunc; ui uiu juusi. iisiiuusiiiujT iuw prices.
.Wen s nuns irom
Youth's Suits from $3.00.
Bov's Fulls from $2.00.
Call and be convinced that the best place
to buy your tJioining isat it. i.owenberg s.
On Sunday morning, Juno 21th, in Cen
tro tow Hi-hip, on the road from the residence
of Thomas Kocher to the Lutheran church.
a pocket book containing i'M. 25 in money,
a note of j07li in favor of Thomas Kocher,
siened by James Kocher, dated October 0,
is. a, also a noto ot fL'U in favor ol same,
signed Edward Henry, dated April 8th,lS70,
aim aisu u uoiu ui in lavur oi same, Bianco
James Boyle, dated .September 0, 1875
also store orders on Jackson .t Woodin of
10,320 no
490 III)
104 2D
to no
41 sa
9 IS)
1M in.
15S 10
141 9.1
I no
9 00
210 42
143 SI
10S 75
III 49
1,299 1)9
t9,S09 23
23 ll
5,11 HO
27 Ml
1 llll IS.
4 U
4 12
!r (K)
nil 12
1111 12
175 HO
2 00
410 00
171 CO
407 40
t9,509 23
lllsrillCT, Jt'S'K 1ST, IS,,.
nnnil Issued to Jacob Ischuvler for lot
,lne All?. 1st. 177 MO IM.
Inl. onsiimo to.liino 1st, ls77 25 Ml 02'iPo
No. a. iionu issued 10 .). mci ner ior
building due Aug. 1, isir,
1 merest on same to June 1st. IsIT
No. n. bond Issued to.l. S. sterner for
building duo Aug. 1st, 1sis
Interest on same In. I mm 1st, ls77, ..
No. J. llnnil Issued to. lolili h. Mel ner
tor building due Sep. 2... 1s70
Interest on samo to.liuie 1st, 1-77
Nn. m. r.ond issueu 10 .1. s sierner ior
bullillng due Sep. m, lsto
Interest on sairo tn.Iiuiu 1st, IS77..
.so. 9. liond Issued to J. s. sterner fur
1111 ll.una-.ll.t; srn. ut. isto l.uuuiu
Interest on samo to June 1st, is7" 41 2D 1,041 2D
No. id. noun issued to.l, t. hterner tor
.ui il tiL-niie sen. y:i. ls.r, .mum
fiiti-rest. nil same to.liino 1st. 1S77... 12 30 "312 30
No. 11. liond Issued to.l. s. Mel ner for
11111 I Hill? II 111 ISOV. Y. IS.II IiIN
Interest Oil same to.luno 1st. 1s77.... 11 33 517 3.1
No. 12. Pond Issued to.l. s. sterner
forbll UlllgUUe iOV.2U. 1S.0 i.ishhhi
Interest onsamo to June 1st. 1S77..,. 34 07 1.0310'
No. 15. liond issueu 10 .1. Werner
ror bullillngdiie Jan. In, ls70 17o isi
Interest on s,iine to June 1st, ls77 2413
No. 10. liond Issued to J. H. hterner
for bulldlug duo Jan. 10, ls70...
lllieresi oil same 111,1 tine isi, is,
?io. It. Iionu issueu 10. 1. s. sierner
ror building due Feb. 9lh, 177
Inttlest on same lo June 1st, 1S77
No. is. bond Issued to J. s. Merner
for building doe l eu. 11, is,,
InleresL on same to June 1st. 1S77. . .
No. 211 Uond Issued to.l. s Merner
for building nuo j-'eu. 9, is, ,
Interest on sanieto June 1st. 1ST7
No. 21. liond Issued to .1. s. sterner
for building duo Keb. 9, Is7t
Interest ou same to Junu 1st, 1s77
No. 21. liond Issued In ltolllns A:
Holmes rursfatu healer 11 110 Nov. 1,
Interest on samo to June 1st, 1s77
No 25. Iloud Issued to ltolllns A:
1 101 rm-s ror sieam neaier uue r.ov. 1 .
Interest on samo to.liino 1, 1S77
No. 20. Pond Issued to ltolllns &
Holmes for steam neaier, uuo ov.
1, ls7s
Interest oil same 10 June 1, 1S77
No. 27. liond Issued lo E. II, Iirown
due .March 3", 1s79
Interest on same tn luno 1st, IS77
No. 2s. bond Issued to II. It. Iirown
due March so, is79
Interest on same to June 1. Is77
No. 3d. liond Issued to E. II. Iirown
due March 3d, 1s79 ...
Interest on same to Juno 1, 1S77
No. 31. bond Issued to E. II. Iirown
duo .March so, IS79
Interest on same to Juno 1, W7
No 32. bond Issued to I,. Creasy due
March I'D, ls79
Interest on same to June 1, 1S7T
No. 113. bond Issued to I,. Creasy, uuo
March 3d, IS79
Interest on same to June 1, tsii
No. 34. liond Issued to I.. Creasy duo
Match mi, is79
Interest on same to Juno 1, ls77
No. 3.1. Ilond Issued to David Mroup
duo April 1, 1S79
Interest on same to June 1.1S77..
No. 30. bond Issued to David Stroup
due April 1, ls79
Interest on samo to June 1, 1s77
No. 37 bond Issued to E. 11. mown
due April 1, 1S79
Imeiest on same to Juno 1. 1S77
No. 3-s. Ilond Issued to t rustees or 1011-
eord Lodge I. o. O. F. duoMaylo,
IssO coo 00
Interest on same to nine 1, ls77 1 10 601 1G
No. 39. bond Issued to trustees of con
cord Lodge 1. O. o. V. duo May 10,
lsso 6110 00
Interest on same to Juno 1, mi 110 50110
2jfl is
4 45
inn no
1 K-.
lim no
1 8.1
r. h. in)
2 50
501 III
2 50
500 00
3 00
500 01
5 on
10O 00
1 00
100 0O
1 Oil
1 no
ion n.)
.1 00
too no
600 00
5 00
500 INI
100 Oil
1 I'D
234 I
101 SI
101 S'
502 50
602 60
370 Ss
505 00
101 00
101 00
101 00
101 oa
101 00
505 00
cos no
tellers of admlntsl ration, de bonis non. cum
testamento nnnexo on tlio estate of William Bar
ber, laic of Madison township, Columbia county.
Pa., havo been granted by tho lieglster of Co
lumbia county, to Conrad Kreamcr, ot samo town
ship, to whom all persons Indebted are requested
to make Immediate payment and thoso liavlngclalms
or demands against tho said estaU) will make them
know n to tho uncerslgned Administrator without
iu.ill.lli iiir,A.ii..i..
May 25, 'II-Ow' Administrator.
letters nr AdmlnUtration do bonW non cum testa-
menlo nntiuxn on Iho estate of Esther llariwr, lato
ot Madison township, Columbia county, I'rnn'a.,
dwo-sctl, hao lHfii KrnnU'd liy tho luster or said
county to l on rim nrcniner oi Aintuson iwil, (joium
tlaco., I'unnsjhanla All jMTHon halng claims
truinst. tho pRtuto or mo uoceuont aro reiiucsipa 10
pit'scnt them for Kcttlemcnt, nnd those Indebted to
no 10 innKO nay men t 10 um uiiaersicueu
Aaininisiraior wunoui u'.'ia.v.
May 2. ;2-cw.
KHTATK Ur J At Ull I'LfcWKI.I, I'.
I'ttorsoiAtlmlnlstrntlon.on tho ustato of Jacob
Clewell, lato of (.'atawHsatwrn. Columbia Co, dee'd.
hao been Rrantod by tho liepihter ol hald county to
tho undcrstifned ndmlDlstraton of name township,
to whom all jTSOH3 indebted to Bald KhtaUj nre re
quested to inako iaymentf and thouo having1 claims
ag-alnst the said estate 111 make them known to tne
8uld administrator without delay.
CHItlSTIAK crxwEix.
May 2i, 1 7-fiw Administrators.
in the Orphans' Court of Columbia county.
Tim tmdervlirned was armjlnted Auditor In tl
mailer or 'ho uxcepllous tolhu linal connrmatlon of
Iho mroutit of John Anderson Administrator of
Mary 'lhornton, deceased. In compliance with hla
nppidutinenl bo will attend to the duties of tho
mime at tho public house of V, K. Weldensaulln
cetitraua me oi juiy ac iu ociocKa.m.
June W iw Auditor.
Letters of administration do bonis non. on the es
tate of John Swisher, late or Madison twp Col.,
Co., deceased hae lnen Krantcd by tho I let; later ot
huiu njuuij i ij j, 11, jirm.Kuy ui inoomuurp, jo
lumbl.i countv. Adm'r.. to whom all mraona Indebt
ed are requested to make pajment, and those hav-
inp cianns or aemanus aifauiM ine sam esuiw
will nuko them known to the said Administrator
', li. JJUUl lv Al,
iluney, 'T7.-fiv. Administrator.
Tlio unilerslcned auditor appointed by tho Court
to distribute the runds In tl'e hands of tlio Adminis
trator of said deceased to and nmontf the nersons
entitled to tho same, will attend tn the duties of his
nnpouiiineni ai uie oineo or cuiik a. waiter in
liloomsburg onTuewtay, Aii(f. 7. '77, at 10 o'clock a.
m. when and where all rn-rsons aro hereby notlflea
lo mako know n their clauns U'fore tho Auditor or bt
debaired fiom eomins In onhald fund.
Juno 2, '77 4 xv. Auditor.
The rommonweallh of rennsvlvanla to Elizabeth
(, lnU-riuarrled with 1'eter IVkrote, HenryYohe,
I.vdla Ann. lnternianled with Henry Fedder, Jacob
Yohe, I-a.lna, lnierinanled with Joseph t'edder,
.lane. Intermarried wilh Charles Oonyngam, Kllen,
lnterm.urled with Milton Hosteller, tho heirs ot Ly
dla Vohe, deceased, (Jreetlng : Von nnd each ot you
are herehy cited to he nnd appear lieforo our Or
phans' t'ouit to bo held Iho llrst Monday ot Septem
ber next at Itloom'.hiirg, then nnd there to accept or
refuse the real estato or I.j dla Yohe deceased, atttho
valuation put upon It hytho lnuuest or show cause
whv the same Miould not bo sold.
Witness tho Honorable William dwell President
Juilgu ot our court nt liloomsburg tho eighteenth
day ot Jlay, A, H., 181".
II. F11A.SK ZAltR,
Clerk O. C.
Juno 15, TI-Cw 11. W. Nrss, Deputy.
on Juno stli. lT". 1 bought at a Constable's Sale ot
Iho properly or I) V. Vandlnool ladlon township,
I ho following articles : Two mules, three shoats, one
cuw, ono calf, ono spring wagon, one truck wagon,
ono sot ot harness one set of double harness, two
plows, one harrow, one grain cradle, ono fanning
mill, ono sled, ono log bled. 4 acres of wheat and
rj e In the ground, a acres of oats, 2 a"res of corn. 4
acres of rje on tho upjier farm and 4 acres of corn,
one corner cupboard, one cooking stove, plpo and
cooking utenIi.s, one table, one bedstead, one bu
reau, one desk, one clock, one felnk, ono barrel ot ci
der, one loir ehnln. n lot of oueenswnre. a lot of
knives and forks, ono Iron kettle, one churn, ono
w usu uiu, one 101 o. carpeting, i nae leit uie acove
property 111 tho possession of the said I). Yv. Yandlne
during iny pleasured which the publio will take;.
Juno 22, 'I7-3W
f 10,!HS 69 10,3-S (IS
1,32 311
514 -S
813 SJ 2,771 15
tt5. '76.-ly.
not to pay tlio above notes ami orders, as without charge
they aro my property. A reward ot livoilol
lars will bo paid to tlio limler on return of
the pocket boot and contents to
Tiiomah Koflllll!,
Juno bO, '77-3w Witinires P. O
Jl.'J". 1'oxed Gaiters at McKiimey'a.
NfvT 001)8
11 you want l save from 10 to
" per rt'ii
In the cost of I'AlNTINll, send for our prices of tho
following :
M.VSi:i:i OIK At CII.4I.K I'lITTV.
Best Paint Brushes,
coach Tarnish,
Furuilurc Yaruisli,
i by mall will ier
nrds andprlc e list furnished
cash In hands ot Collector
4 1'reasurer
Duo by J, It Evans, Juno 1, 1S71 ,
Total Indebtedness of tho District B,217 ta
s, KNOIilt, President.
Attest : J. K. EDOAll, Secretary,
We. tho undersigned Auditors, having examined
tho above account and statement, nnd tho samo to
be correct.
II. C. I1AHTMAN, ) Auditors.
June 7, 157". JunolS'77-lw
Ul' bLluAKLUAr lUWBllIl'.
statement of tho Supen Isors for tho year ending
Am't regular duplicate .... $373 113
rtin l special uupucuiu 373 93
HeeeUed ot County commissioners 133 82
Itecelvea order to balance i7o
.bout 3. All nersons nre hereby l.otllleil n.VV ""V ' 1 ". v, ', W'M
KUl'EKT, l'A,
pounds. Labels registered:
just received a largj lot of spring styles of
Allocs at i.. iu. Jvnorr s.
oiiiiiiiierit-i-enees win receive piompt attention.
I N V h;" 7 1 "louia si nd us a mode
11 J!iL 1 VJlVOorsketchofthelrlmni
'Cured for me.
ChanlCul deMees
slirns ittirt i-riin.
Infringements, reissues
Kor a Nobby Slilrt go to
i or a styiisli Suit ro lo
Kor tlio latest ttvle of Hat go to
Kor tlio newest styles in Neck Wear
Kor fine India Oaiue Shirts go to
Latest Styles, Lowest I'rices.
can now be found at D. I.owcnberg's
Tho Cigar, two for five cents at Con
ner a.
' !l P TT f. i -n
uors oi u. m mm
711 Gr. Street, N. W.
A, T. Stewart sa.s tho best nJvcrtlUng mediums
ho has eu-r found '-aro tho old established organs ot
. v.44 . 11 v: u44.44u Beeiui eouniy beau.
I.nrirfi roetilll' rlmirs fnr ttnreliej nra nil
the ratse. Cadnian has them of all M.apes 'ISfJWS llf.ffi? SSSS
and sizes and colors, and U sel ntr them ran. couniles. and aro moro eun-ruiiv Vi .. i .,f.ui
Idly. 'I hoso lormerly sold at six dollars can . J?" i Ml3)&ty' lulfc'uwnt u of
v uo nought lor .W. Ulieaper than any it u fur ii.ii Interest of busineVS men To admiffiiu
.o,uw,,-,,,.-u .11 ii,mi, unu uie
Cou'Min.K now enlos u wider ilreulatlon anil
other place at Cadnian's,
- T
"Down to Hard Pan" Hoots and Shoes at
Mckinney a.
Gents' Pud' Congress at K. M, Knorr's for
uii'u it iiuhitr il iiiui, il f,-r in.. I, ..c
.y iiuuinu iiiuukunaiuiniiu-b ill Columbia umlad
j.'iutiiii .uuuiit-n, uuu vy .nosior mem is read trout
ih llrsjlo Iho last line. It Is Ihi only rS-lSuK
liithH euunty. HgUes udiertlm-uienls a tasty dla.
.ua). ...ui makes .nt-.ii l.tinu i,,ti,ii.
Hand-made Shoes at McKiiiuey's,
Vanted, Two (tirls to learn tho tailor-
ing traue. Yra. v, Jvestcr. Apr.27tr
Ladles' fine Show, all widths and sizes
at iiiciuimey s,
them. While ilsrlreulaHontsundoubledlyiuucu tho
.uikii m um euiiiiiy, ino uatelllhlng rules of the
COLUHHUN Sin no IMlIiit Hum tl.,,u, ,.f , I,..,
ullli Lurlt- I...I. ...... ........... I ........ ... . "4." 4n
ber of hub-vi lU-rs. Kuel s like t hestii-uk for t herai
i?i surewu uubiuektt wuu WIU neglect to In
ivw.HU.iiMuiiuui U1U.UUHI..H
B LANK KOTEB,wlth orwltloummplloi
tor tK at tho Ooluhiuj. omo, ",UJ"0'
HENltY C. KF.LCHNKIt, Treasurer,
.luno 5. Is7n. To balance duo tow-nshln
Juno 4, H77, To amount recched Irom (I,
.m. imkpr. in.eresi
luno 4, 1H7, To Stale appropriation
to nmouui received from b,
Kressler, collector
f JSC 04
4 59
3&S SO
Juno 4, 1S77, To balance duo School District
June 4, 1SI7.
lly am't paid teacher's salary, Mlon school
ior enai ana naming 44
Ufi'O 34
C05 23
Is Wl
13 no
is 34
14 44 forftioo
14 44 for repairs 44
14 44 teachei'H' salary Espy school
44 44 Jos. .Miller, repairs and coal
llspy school
' 44 11. II. I'msel, tepalnandeosl
lipy school
44 ' A. Snvder for paint 44
14 44 Jos. Miller, repair 44
4 " E. II. 1'ursel repairs 44
44 44 teachers' salary Light Street
44 44 .!. Terwllllger. repairs for
I Ight street school ...
44 44 Kclchner Son, coal Light
street School.....
44 44 lt-s.Ent, repairs stoo Light
street school
' 44 teachers.4 (salary Cross ltoad's
44 44 J. Kressler. coal and repairs
Cross Hoads school
.ui n. ii.npi juurums.... .,
44 Ior duplicate
44 44 forpubltsblngiepoit 1S7C.....'
44 44 Secielar'KK.ilary
41 44 for collection Stato npproprl-
ntlon .. ,
44 41 Samuel Kressler, collector....
exonerations ullowed collector
Treasurer's commission on I l,pn si! nt
per cent ;
am't fur audllors' fivs
24 01
17 IS
11 41.
0110 00
11 fkl
20 81
173 Ikl
1 in
ss til
ll 72
34 M
3 111
t2,a0 34
We, tlio Audltore of Scott township havothlsday
... uuu, HUM ,1. , IVllrtl,
Juno is, 4:nw
W.A . 1I4KTON.
K. 11. IUi.KNbl'1
Sill L A.WOK11
I'll. I .
. 1IIK
moss fi Tin
Ibo eminent ItKtn.
detcrlt'lng the llushluns and
lly work on roads
tax returned
commissions and exonerations
oniclal sen Ices
attending settlement
work under (i. stoadman
44 lecelpts and orders redeemed. .
Am't ot regular duplicate
Am't ot special duplicate
lly work on roads
oruers redeemed
exonerations ,
oniclal services
$014 05
4 00
72 00
1 60
7 80
IU 50
62 03
1014 07
32 33
64 "G
707 12
liahvncc duo township,
Orders ls76-onot redeemed
uruen issueu April v, isit
Ualanco duo from Samuel s. Hess..
Indebtedness of township,
Statement of sugarloaf School District for tlio year
ending June u, is;i.
l'rom collectors
44 Stale appioprlatinn
41 unseated land tax .
For loaclilug and other expenkcs
Due from Ireasuierand collectors
old orders paid
Indebtedness of District, J7S7W
We, the undersigned Auditors of Sugarloaf town,
ship, do henby ceitlfy that we hae examined th
above accounts and tlnd them eoi rcct to the U-st ot
our know ledge- aud belief.
Juno 22,
,lMISllt l.'IZ,
A olumoof thrllllnp Interest by lb eminent liMo-
, i . it.,' ,.,- . . M,-o.ii.ik IIJU .UI1&IUU6 unu
t, soelil, rolllleal. and Kellglous lllsioiyand
lion ; llielr home-lite, arled 'fUatoins, nnd Ibe
rian L. I
'1 urks i
eullurlll.-s, the euusi-s of tho ar, tiie Issues at slake
-chrutlau ngalnsl MohauimeiUnlhe mighty In
terests of other natlonsln.ol.ed i Iilographlesnf the
itulers, staiesineti und i,enerals ull lluiav lu ib
tk.thi. Tho book Millions Need Now. Wuutedln
kiui.tlya.wKi agents on very liberal terms. Addrew
111 llll . ill) 11KOS., 1'ublU.liers, 733 sansora street,
J'hlladelphla, June V9, 17-lw
BLANK MOUTGAGKSforsaletliesnattle
colckium Office, '
wanted! SaU to $200 Per jronth
Lnivorsal History
comnienrlng with the earliest iierlods, closlag
Mnn-li, nit. a Noluineh ot Uiu World's great, tirand
History In one. Am-unt, .Miiuuk AiiEs,aud Moi
liii'ludliig history m Kxhibltlnu. uf 1'ieUdeiit Haes ond Tuiklali dim
cullies. A book of 11, lining intirest and unhersal
nied. Sells fakter Ibun mi) ulher. I'.caulliul Illus
trations, low prleeh, nulck tal.-k. rutin linns, clrcu.
hire free, Addris J. c. iln t itliY CO., l'hilade4.
nhli.. l4a.! .'liu-tmintl. .i . i-i,i,-... in . ... t-..,..
JUnoUlP, '17 law
Adopted by ull the queens of fashion. M4nd for
0rF,ulJ'r.4 .. nMni. um. mini,
rullndclrbiu, a. 1 t.b, -76 tui J w