THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBUBG, COLUMBIA COL NTT, PA. Agricultural. ' Killing W'ectU. So long us eight mllllnit toni nf useless weedi ara raised annually liy the fanners of !ho ITnltFil rMato, wo cannot urgo too frc ipicntly tho means for their destruction. It Is not merely liccatiso tho sumo amount of vegeUiblo growth In useful crops would pro duce sixty million dollars, but for tho con stant hindrances which tlicy oiler to neat inn bit miry, their Injury to young crops, and their seeds spoiling tho nalo of otherwise marketable products, that they should not be perm Hied to present such formidable, drawbacks to xood farming. It Is now well understood that tho true way to clear out annual weeds from tho soil, Is by stirring it over and over through tho slimmer, just often enough to break tho sprouts and kill tho young plants at they are coming to tlio surface; and that perennial veed, and more particularly those that, spread by tho roots, tiro most easily and ef fectually destroyed by smothering and keep ing them plowed under, with rare excep tions, as in tho case of quick grass. There art four distinct methods in common em ploy ; that is, by summer fallows, by the cultivation of hoed crops, by choking out with denso crops, and by hand labor. A ro tation which shall combine llic-te, will clear any farm of all weeds, under proper manage ment. Too implements to be med, aro the com mon plow, modified with the addition of a skim plow, or a small forward mold board for turning under weeds to some depth j a two-horse cultivator, Shares' harrow, or Ran dall's harrow for working at less depth ; a common harrow for still more superficial wnk; and tho Thomni smoothing harrow f,ir sweeping wildly over the surface as the weeds are just peeping out, and for worMng through the rows of hoed crops and broad casted or drilled grain fiolds. There are two modes for extirpating an nual weeds, which have been extensively adopted by farmers. One is by the planting of hoed crops, and the other by summer fal lows. Tlmjaller is tho easiest and niovt ef fectual, as it may bo worked rapidly at all limes through Iho season. The former is iccommeuded on account of the valuo of the crop grown on tho grouud. The question as to which is best, may be settled experi mentally, whether the crop will repay the additional labor required for hill or drill culture. A general truth, which will apply to all processes for killing weeds, is that they may bo destroyed when just starting from the grouud witli one-tenth the labor required a week or two later, and one-twentieth of the work when fully grown. The fanner must therefore make provisiorto command ready labor at the critical time when it will accom plish the most, and it would be better to pay two or three dollars a day to laborers at the favorable moment, than only half a dollar a day after tho weeds have grown. Qjunlry Gentleman, How to Kill 1'oultry Lice. There is nothing that will so thoroughly eradicate those parasites known as roost lice, as cleanliness, and this is brought about by spreading a thick paste of lime whitewash, after the filth is removed, over the roosting poles, aud about the building wherever these minuto insects can claim a foothold, and they will claim a foothold in every crack and crevice, whero they lodgo during the day, always seeking lurking places, whero they hide from the light iu the day time, and come forth at night to prey on tho bodies of the fowls. You need never look for them on the upper sides of the roosting poles, which are worn smooth by the feet of the birds, but examine the under part where there is some roughness, and look sharp and close, or per haps you will overlook the mites. Do not expect to find anything as large as a small ant or see anything in motion. You will, perhaps, if you aro experienced in the busi ness, at length discover clustering about a small crack in the wood or around a knot hole, something that might or might not be called a dustinc; of flour, or rather whitish wood ashes, which upon closer examination resembles line corn chaff. I5e assured wheil you have discovered this that you have spot ted your game. If you examine still far ther in the crevico which ycSS have discover ed this signal, you will find hundreds and thousands, yes, I might say millions, of theso tormenting insect? clustering together. in what would appear to you a little dark mahogany bunch. Mash aud dissolvo this bunch with a btick, and you will behold sev erul drops of fresh blood which the para sites have drawn from the veins of your fowls the night before. This they do regu lar'y night after night, and as tho cold weather approaches they seek hiding places on the bodies of the iowls, and feast contin ually, causing them to droop and become worthless. If hen houses are thoroughly cleansed and kept white-washed this evil is in a great measuro avoided. The droppings should be removed once each week to be thorough, for the fowls shako aud pick the vermin from their bodies at night in warm wenther, and they feed and breed in manure aad soon appear in swarms, myriads crawl ing upwardi'to the rooats, to seek tho bodies of tho fowl if left to their own way. At least threo times through the summer season the houses and nest boxes should be gone through witli land thoroughly cleansed and white washed outside and inside, andthodroppings all removed from the floor, which should be Bprinkled with wood ashes or air-slacked lime. Stahtinu Ai'l'LE Si:edmng.s. Nursery men are divided in opinion it) regard to keeping apple seeds during Winter. Some prefer to prepare the soil in Autumn and sow at once in shallow drills. Others pack In boxes with alternate layers of moist sail placed either In a cool cellar or out in th open air on the north side of the building where lt will reinalu frozen uutil quite late i theSpring. As this seed germinates so read ily and so early in the season, the latter is an excellent plan. At all events, sow the seed as soon as the ground Is sufficiently dry to work nicely without danger of bak. ing. Sow very shallow and keep the weeds down, as a matter of course. No one has ever yet grown good seedlings and a thrifty crop of weeds ou the samo soil at the same time. Strong one-year old seedlings are likelyto be fit to graft; at two years old they Biiouiu 00 excellent. AHiitr Wai.keh. A Statcsvillo genius lias inventeu what lie terms "a garden pre berver or hen walker." The machine rtsem. Lies somewhat the spur oi a rooster, oulv uousiuerauie larger anu is attached to a chick' en'y pedal extremities, at an angle of 45 de grees toward the grouud. When the chick en with this instrument attached to its lees enters the garden and begins to scratch for seed, as tho foot is put forward iu the act scratching, the Instrument catches Iu the gr und, and the fowl U Instantly walked out 01 1 no garden, Malaulle JmiuIuuiu; Miscellaneous Tho Wonderful Worm. A DAitlSlI l.niKSII. Once upon n time sosays an old tradition thne ilm-lt In Hie land of Denmark two very high-born and wealthy young nieu,each couatly rich and handomo, but ono pious and good, tho other wicked and blasphc- mnus Tho first wis named Olsen the last " , . . . . nnmeu V Ivalf, and both loved n very beautiful lady named Christine This young lady had, however a verv cruel sten-mother. not much nottcter, a tery cruel siep mum older than herself, who was suspected 01 tin- 1 . it .1 1 1 ..! 1 r ,1... derstaudlng moro tliau she should of tho black arts. She was very much feared In tho neighborhood, and had been seen wan dering at unholy hours In places supposed to be haunted by evil spirits. She was also very handsomc,with a weird,fllch,-llke beau ty, and remarkably jealous. When she found that in her stepdaughter's prescuco neither Kalf nor Olseu took any heed of licr, she grow furious, and having picked some quarrel with them, banished them fiom her house, and forbade them ever to enter its doors again, ldscoveriug after ward that both of them had contrived to meet the Beautiful Christine in tho garden that adjoined tho house, she accused her of ent physicians, without any help 1 received aa re J , ' . , . net ; l was a great sufferer j Unnllv I became entlre- imprupcr cunuiici, uuu guvu uui. ui iiie nciu btirliood that she had locked her up In her own room until she could behave herself better. The neighbors pitied Christine, but they were too much u I raid of her step-mother, Gertrude, to.interferejorovento remonstrate. Olseu and Kalf haunted the outer walls of the house like ghosts, but saw nothing of the beautiful prisoner, and though theyspoko to her father, who sat sunning himself in the doorway he was very old and had grown childish since his marriage with the hand somo witcli Gertrude, ho only nodded and shook his head and muttered to himself: "Ah! she is safe at least from foolish young men. Ask mo no questions and you shall hear no lies." So tho two young lovers went away in de spair, ixow sunuaycatne. Tlie Saobatlij tho day all God-fearing peoplo should go church ; and Olseu did as lie ought, and I neeliiiK urived that God wnulil it lent re. kneeling, prayeu mat uou wouiu at least re- ward his constant love by giving him Chris- . . . . J a tine for Ins own; audit seemed to him, as l,o .hot l,n lu.,,,1 n,tl,; ,,l,icr 11 v. t'ii-j v.i, i...... . 1 in his ear: "Do not fear j despite all the witches in tho world, Christine shall be thine. Only deservo her and God's bless ing, and have no fear." But Kalf, instead of going to church, be took himself to the sea, where, sitting in his boat, he broke the Sabbath by fishing from sunrise to sunset; even while the church bells were ringing and all tho good people goiug on their way,with their praytr booksin their bauds. liut steadily as be fished, the very worst ill-luck attended this ungodly Kalf. Not a fish would bite his hook, aud all the while a hideous, red-eyed worm, or water-snake followed his bait. At last, when the fading twilight warned Kalf of supper time, he, in a rage, cried out to tho worm, still striving to get tho hait to its hideous mouth, "Come, then, since thou will ho caught," and olleriug tho worm the bait, drctvit into his boat und tossed into his basket. As ho trudged home, ho met the wicked step-mother, Gertrude, demure a nun, going home from church, her eyes downcast, her book in hand. To insult her, ho cried out, "Hi, Madam Gertrude, wilt thou havo tho fish I have caught for thy supper 1" and he held tho hid eous worm toward her. At the sight of it the witch-woman's cheek grew white, and she uttered a scream and fell fainting into tho arms of her decrep- old husband. Whilo tho worm, lifting its head and writhing hideously, threw such - :ut tl. ll .1 ir-tf u teiiiuiu iuuh ilk uu lutce luut jvuu, wnu u degree of disgust and fear, cast it from him into the little stream that rippled through tho village, and ran home as fast as his legs could carry him. The worm he had cast into the stream bank out of sight for a while, but returned to the surface next day larger than before, and moro hideous to look upon ; aud day by day, hour by hour, it grw larger and more frightful until it became n great fiery beast with a voice like a woman and a terrible ap petite. The whole village was in terror. It threat ened destruction if it wero not well fed, a'ld demanded the milk of nine cows and all the eggs that all the hens thereabout could lay Jor its breakfast. Then, satisfied, it would sit upon a rock and cry, great tears splashing into the water. Nothing could prevail against it, nor could it be driven away. At last, seeiug that it had some sense and seemed to havo feeling, a wise man of the village was appointed to make it a speech, and request it to leave the little place and go to some larger town where thero was ampler provision for its support. The fiery beast answered very politely that it wished the towu no ill, but that it must ay where it wosuutil the handsomest man n tho place had threo times kissed it cour teously upou its mouth. Sow ttie handsomest man was Olseu, as all knew ; but the question was whether he could be persuaded to kiss the lips of a fiery beast, with a mouth like a volcano, for tho good of the towu. It was not only not pleasant, but danger ous; for it might be that the request for a kiss was merely a ruse, aud that when once sho had him near enough tho fiery beast would swallow the handsome Olsen. Hut when his townsmen boro the news to the young man, he promised to do as the beast desired, and goiug to the river side, first received the promise that after tho three kisses the fiery beast would no longer torment tho poor peo ple oi tho place, but would disappear and be seen no more of them. A creat crowd assembled ou the haulm nf the littie stream to see the kiss given. They tvmuueu tvuu eager eyes uuu palpitating hearts as the hideous creature approached me spot mi me snore tvnere Ulseu stood. Its oyes sliono with a strange light. Its hcaly sides glittered in the sun. It was awsome to look upon, but Olseu bowed his head, and gave It as courteous a kiss as though it had been the fairest lady in the land. And be- ing kissed the beast fled away for a while, aud returned, ceeniing to the gazers to be much milder andless hery,and again awaited the kiss. For tho second time flUer, nrnmu.,! l.i. ll. iil.i i. ' , ...v , , And now everyone could see a change, mo iictv ucusi, ttus ncry uu lonuer. nut Ulr sort ot ineruiaiu. wltu golden hair float- jug an auuui uer. Ana niouesuy anu sweet- . bmu iiruiiricu ut'r lips lur tlie luiru caress I oruuife is rusputimiij auui;iicu and Olsen, betiding low, und smiling, onco moomsburi:.oct,l, lsi& moro kissed her; aud sho stood upon the " " TuT7 khore. no beast, but a fair woman, iu whom all recognized the long unseen Christine. Ana mere sue tola uer story how her witch of a step-mother, out of hate and en .... ,.A...r,. i i , i r, ... ncr uuu s tvurmanu then into a licry Ueast, that could not bo re- stored unto her proper form, until the hand- i...,-uf tn,,n t.t lli ..l,..,.. l. 1 l.l 1 1 somest mun In the placo had kissed her thrice. Hut havlntr kissed her. and kn lmvlns. won her for hi own. he had the now- er to. puuish the evil enchantress a, be Wllieu. Thereupon Olsen, clasping his beautiful luve In his lirnik wrfnl-Ml lib mmMnra nn love in ins anus, wreaktsi ins vengeance on the cruel step-mother by changing her into i lil,pniia ulniio.fiiriira will, r, rl.,l,. r.,n 7i 1 .111 . i i" V i (." "ii that still ttinds looking down upon tho vil- luge, ami inarncu ins unruuue ueioro Hie ' , . ...w sun tveut Uown. Ill" a honck'N Pulmonic Syrup, ttk 'ir. Tome. iNti Mandkikr riLLs.-Thcse medicines have undoubtedly performed more cures nt Consumption thin any other renudy known to tlie Amei Iran public They are compounded of veg liable IngicdUnts, and contain nothing which cau be Injurious to the human conulltulton. other rem edies ailreitlicil ns cuiii for consumption, probably contain opium which U a uomettliat dangerous drUg In all rases, itlul If faken rrt-cb by consuinprUo pa tients, It must do great Injury l for Its tendency is toconnno the morbid matter In Iho si stem, w hich of course, must mako a euro Impossible Rheiick'a I'ulmoole syrup U warranted not to contain a partl- do ot opium: It Is composcdof powerful but harm- )cT) herbs, which act on the lungs, liter, stomach. and blood, and thus correct oil morbid secretions, and expel all tho diseased matter from tho body, TliewBt(,thn0nljPmPin,,v)l,cllcnsllllll,01IP,n 1, acred, and ns sehencVs Pulmonic wtrup. Sen Weed Tonlo anil Mandrake rills aro tho rmlv nieill- rU"3 which operate In this way. It Is obtlous they are th eon W genuine euro fotvmmmvv: companlcd by full directions. Dr. ttlicnck Is pro- leSMOiiaiiy nt nif lUllilll'.u unlit', mmii "it. .in-. Areti Rtrni'U. rhuaiielniil'i. eerv Monday, whero all letters for adt Ico must bo addressed. Juno VEGETINE. lie Shjh It In True, Senfca Falls, Nov. V, .870. ln. II. It. SrKt r.Ns: Dear sir As younro an enttra stranger ts me, 1 wiiutjou to know what VlUIEl'lNi: li.isilouc for inc. only thos43 who have been raised rrom death's door can know the valuo ot such a good medicine. 1 am rs tears of ngc. Three jenrs ago 1 was taken oleic with what the doctors culled Lomiuoo. For weeks I was connueu 10 ray oeu. 1 nan uiree inner- ly helpless. 'Ihu last doctor told mo there was 110 help; he Bald ho might issiui v sat 0 my me oy eject ing morphine In my arms and legs. The encourage ment tor sating my lire by hating this donotvaswj small a chance I could not consent 10 run the ilsk. About this time mj;son read your advertisement In our paper, a testimony of a person who had been very sick with about tho same complaint and wan cured. My son went right away to the apothecary aim n ntul lmuvtit a bottle of V f hail used th" first bottle I found 1 r.ur.1 lir Lieiore i I irreatiellef : 1 could move mjself In bed. Arrer raking inreo unities 1 W114 nbin 10 hit ur and mote about inv loom. J con tinued taking tho Vegetlno. and I was In a few weeks restored to my former health, Tho Vi:ui: TINK sated my hfo after the physicians snld there was no help tor me. 1 have had no doctor since. If 1 feel unwell I take n doso of VMiUTINll.und I re commend It to my friend. Your Vegetlne ought 10 bo In every family. My doctor was surprised to see mo In good health, lie sats VK(li:TINK Is a good medicine. 1 tell mm It. cured me. Ho sas, "It is true." 1 cannot feel too mankiui. Verv er.Uefullvvours. M1W. OATUAiUNE COON'S. Seneca Fal's, Seneca county, N. Y. VEGETINE. AM. 111SKANRM OF THE 1H.OOI). If VrdETINR ' tt 111 rellet 0 paln.cleanse.purlfy and cure such dlseas to es restoilngitlw.patleut to perfect health after trylug ji.ars.Hlt Siot conciliate proof itjouureasuuercr, joiicanboJcnrcilT Why Is this medicine perform- 1Illf bllcll gri, lt clnw it worK , t, ulooJ m t10 f,l,rcu ','ln:.,llH',L ltcantrult be called the oreat 1 ood l'urliler. The great source ot disease orlc - nates in Iho blood, and no mediclno that does not di."0":ilPU.'U. eiauu upuii piiuio; uiieuiiua. VEGETINE WILL CUKK CALVKEK 11 im O It . Hocki-okt, March St, 1S7G. II. lt, stkykns: Sir last Tall my husband got me two bottles of your Vegetlno to take Tor the Canker Humor, which J h:ie hail in my stomach for several years. 1 took it, and the iVHUlt was ery satisfactory. I havn U ken a good many remedies rur th Canker Humor, aud nunc seemed to help mo but VKG1CTINK. Theio Is no doubt In my mind that eery one Buffering with L'auker Humor cau be cured by taking Vege tlne. It save me a good appetlto and I felt better in ctery respect. Yours with respect, Sirs. ELIZA ANN TOOLE. Nothing Eual to It. Souru Salem, Mass. , Nov. 11, 1S76. JIk. II. 11. Stkvkks; Dear Sir I have been troubled with scrofula, Can ker anil Liver Complaint for threo jears. Nothing ever riui mo anyeooil until I commenced uslD? your VKdtiTINE. 1 lunnowcrUlfiK along nrtti at, and still using tho VKC1KTINK. I consider theru Is noth ing equal to lt for such complaints. Can heartily re commend lt to cterj body. Yours truly, Mrs. LIZZIE M. PACKARD. No. lil Larungo au, south Salem, Mas. VEGKTINU tUorougldy eradicates ctery kind of humor, and restores the system to a healthy condi tion. VEGETINE Prepared H. R. Stevens, Boston, Mass. -rr ill 11 l x Vegetllie 13 SOlll by all UTUgglStS. June 15, 7"-tn Ayer's Hair Vigor, For restoring Gray Hair lo its natural Vitality and Color. A dressing which is at once ngrooable, healthy, aud ef fectual for pre- serving tiio liair. Faded or yray hair is'toon restored to Ut original color, with the rloss and freshness of youth. Thin huir is thickened, falling hair checked, and baldness often, though not always, cured by its use. Noth ing can rcstoro the hair whero tho follicles nro destroyed, or tho glands atrophied and decayed, liut such as remain can bo saved for usefulness by this application. Instead of foul ing the hair with a pasty sediment, it will keep it clean anil vigorous. Its occasional uso will prevent tho hair from turning gray or falling off, anil consequently prevent baldness. Free from those deleterious Bubstancca which mako poinn preparations dan gerous, and injurious to tho hair, tho Vigor can only benefit but not harm it. If wanted merely for a HAIR DRESSING, nothing else can bo found bo desir. able. Containing neither oil nor dye, it does not soil white cambric, and yet lasts long on tho huir, giving it a rich, glossy lustre and a grateful perfume. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer it Co., l'ructlial aud Analytical CbewlsU, LOWUIiL. MASS. Oct. 13, lSIt-ly BLOOMSBURG TANNERY. G. A. HE II III IV G T) ESI'ECTFULLY announces to the public XL that ne has reopened SNVDEH'S TANNERY, (old stand) Uloomshurg, l'a., at the I Ml " - rfinn whero ull descrlntlons of rorKS oi tne espy und Usui utr roads, tvhero ull descriptions m," .. ,n -if nether will bo made in the most substantial and workmanlike manner, and sold at I Fv.v s w w (Tit E E N HIDES of every description Iu the country, itie publlcpat WlIKltB TO AI1VK11T1SK. A.T. fUmvartsats tho best adtertUlDL- mediums ho has uver found '-are the old established oivans of I the two political iiartles. ut tho novel al county beats throughout tho I'lilon. lliese," lio says "reach every family of the least account In their soteial counties, anil are moro carrtuuv ad than unv otili class of Journals." If .Mr. bUswurt's judgment is ot v.a.luf' tl,l,,,,'. 'l !1".lciultJ! m dwidiuir w'"cil paper IU.IUTIIIQWIVIM1UI UIU1UUBS U1DU IU UUVerilftU IU thouolombu luiiocutr, upon which this naner la 1 parttaUy fouudea, was estubllhlicd In lsas. undtim L!?Hif'!1..n"..S1;l01?. circulation and ly Into two thousund famuics lncoiumbu ami n ta?WBSfW?9ilS: si'JSRyVHSSiSSSa eiposcntof nearlUvo thousand Hoicocrallc tours In the county, it Kites advertisements u tasty dis- Play, that makes Ihematlractlvo to Us patrons, thus euaurlnjt KriuUr cirtaluty Uiat they win poraso them, while iu circulation is undoubtedly much the 1 artist in It.e county, thu adteituinir rates of thu , i L'oLfuBUN am no higher than those of other papera with barely halt sad several not ouiWoitfUUhamun- I "7 "-"':.. kDuuior incm- ,w,vnu Vn Ihmirri Imiitnnca mu wilt nA,.l.. - . - Mrt bis ad vt rUaeiaimls In UieOoU'usiiM t( CHEAP JOB AT THE COLUMBIAN OFFICE. The Columbian Printing Estab lishment is amply supplied with the neeessary Presses, Types and other material for exeeutinir all kinds of Printing at low rates and in the most expeditious and satis factory manner. CALL AT THE Columbian Building. COUKT HOUSE ALLEY, Bloomsuurci, Pa. When sjieciul material is required it will bo promptly obtained. Books and Pamphlets, Hand-Bills and Dodgers, Large and Small Posters, Letter and Bill Heads, Envelopes with Business Cards, Bussines3, Pie Nic, "Wedding and Visiting Cards, Programmes Bills of Fare, &c. Will all bo supplied and excuted in superior style, at cheap rates and short notice. Tho Lest workmen are employed and tho best material will always bo furnished,. A liberal bIiuio of puhliu jiatron ago ia respectfully eoVicited, Bloombuueo, Marches, 1877. BLOOMSBUBG STATE NORMAL SCHOOL SIXTH NORMAL SCHOOL DISTRICT. Bloomsburg, Columbia County, Pennsylvania. T. L. GrRISWOLD, A. M,, M. D Principal. THIS SCHOOL, as at present constituted, oners tnc very nest mcinues tor rroiessiuimi ".v" itum".. llulldl ics snTiclous Inviting and commodious : completely heated by steam, well tentliated, lighted by gas, and piriH?.!,E,.,.i,...i nr n nhi r.rr,HnT,omi. pmeient. .ind nllve to their work, plsclollne. moderate. Kitty ccnta a week deduction to all expecting courses of study preserved oy ino tuie : I. Model School. II. 1'ieparatory. Ill, Elementary. IV, Classical. A 1!nnM fViiirurta ! 1. A PJlilpiii In . T I. f InilltllPPpIll . lit. fVllirsftin Music. IV. Course in Art. TlinKlementarv. Sclentlllc and classical Courses pr,r,-,.nn,ii.i,fiimn-en! Mnsier of ihn Elements : Master Ihi lrnttalnnientK,, signed bv tho (micers of the hoard r ne courso ot Mini y i lescrioeu oy uiori. ue - - - - . r - . . . i,.. . i iih Hi ii lit reii ill resit niuner uruer ui e ii7eusuu. i no II1HI Uieir liueiii.3, in .-m iiui.-iiij,. iu mi oum n iiuiiiiai a catalogue, nnuiess mo i-nneiimi. II1I.. tt II.I.IA.ll 1. 1. tt 1.1,1,, sept. , ';c.-iy ri'lilenl llniiril TIIO OK 1 2. IT ivr.ii,v; Tin: i,atit ntvi,i:s in WEXjXJiisra- iasr"via:A.Tio3srs. I'rlccs lower than any House In tho Country. 0R0E11S BY 3IAIL PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. WM, II. HOSKINS, STATIONER A1MB E1MRAVER? 913 Arch Street, Philadelphia. April; HARMAN & H ASSERT, Proprietors; Cast Street, South side of 3. & II. Ilullroad, Illuoiiisbur, IlL'SDcctfully call tho attention of the public to tho following sUitruients: They manufacture all kinds ot I llON unit 1IIJ.Y CAsTI.NCiM. They mako the Celebrated Original and HurPROVED MONTROSE T'X.O'WS. also all kludsof Itcpalrs, biicli as Mold hoards I'oluts, LuudsWos buits, handles, ic. '1 hoy also make HEATING AND and arc prepared to furnish nil kinds ot repairs, such as IliahO lilt lllliril,fU l will.Mll, ill. l.rillf Ifir llll. I'liev ni 11 alsulirtoarid to furnish SAW ANUUH1ST pay 'especial attention to the Repairing of Threshing Machines, Reapers, &c. The proprietors being practical mechanics, hatlnirhad an exreilencn of over thirty sears, tho publlcca" rely upon natlng all work entrusted to Uein dono In tho tiuu. vu, rn-iy j-EW STOCK OF CLOTHING. AND Gentlemen's Dress Goods. DAVID LOWEN15EKQ tnvltcsattenttontohls largo andclegantstock Cheap and WionaMe ClolliiDi, at his store on; MAIN STREET, IN TUB NEW BLOCK, ULOOMSliUHQ, FA., whero ho has Just received from New York and Will, adelphla a full assortment ot MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING, Including tlie most fashionable, durable una, nuuasoino 1'IiRESS GOODS, :CONSISTINO OF uox, SACK', Fnoctc, GUM AND OIL, CLOTH, COATS AND PANTS, OF ALL SORTS SIZES AND COLORS, lie hoa also replenished his already large stock of CLOTHS AND CASSI11ERES, STRIPED, FIGURED , AND PLAIN VESTS, SilIRTS, CRAVATS bOCKS, COLLARS. UANDKERCU1EKS, GLOVES, ;SUSPKNDERS, FANCY ARTICLES. Ho has constantly on hand a largo and weU select ed assortment ot Cloths and Vestings, which he Is prepared to make to order Into any kind of clotnlng, on Tery short notice, and In the best nncr. AU bis clotnlng Is made to wear and most ot lt Is of home manufacture. COLD WAT01IES AND JEWELBY, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, FINE AND CHEAP. HIS CASE OF JEWELRY IS NOT SURPASSED IN THIS PLACE. CALL AND EXAMINE HIS GENERAL ASSORT MENTOF Clothing, Watches, Jewelry, &c. DAVID LOWENHEKG. 100,000 FACTS FOR TDE PEOPLE. Facts lor the Farmer-Facts for the Merchant Facts for the llorfcfmsn Facu for the stock. raiser Facts for the poultry-keeper Facts for the Bee keeper Facts for Iho Utvyer Facts for tho Laborer Facts for the Fruluralw-r Facta lorthedaidener Facta lor the Doctor Facta for the Dairyman Fatu lor iho Household-Facts for et ery family who wants to sate money. FACTS FOR AGENTS. That this Is tte most Important advtrtlsement for you yet published, being ihu best clian'.o to make money ever offered. 'Ine prt&s endorses It, jour own paper endorses It, cveryonfjcndorbcs It, The Hook of the Nineteenth Century. Halo and feinalo agents coining money on It. Fend to usatontoandget circulars free. INURAAl.HMri'li IILACK, 7S1 Walnut buoct, 1'hUAdelphla, Pa, APTll-UW to teach, students admitted at any time, liooins are IMIOI'ESSIOMAL, and Students graduating (herein, ot the Sciences ! Masterot the Classics. (iradu.itcs ot Trustees. nines iieuianu u. ini uiicw him miuiuuuH.ia .. . ... .......1 ..i.mtinu ntul .mm i uiu iii ui iviupii uiui imiiiio, w,-, nf TriiHleen lAitn ii:rT. l'a. COOK STOVES Orates. Flro Brick, &c, tt holcsale and retail. They , ill. ,,-lln niuu-, mlu uiubi. rvimuniuiu uiuicni ui MILL MACHINERY SHAITINO, I'ULLKYS, AC They Uest .Manncrand at Fair prices. Important to Lawyers. ' Justices of tho IYace, constables, Executors. Ad ministrators, lluardlau, Township officers, and busi ness men generally. Wo hato on hand a Inreo assortment of legal i.i.ira-s mr ihn hm nf Attorneys. Justices and con stable's blnuKs of all kinds, Nolo and Receipt books tor Aurnmistraiora sc. PRICE LIST. ATTORNEY'S HLANKS. Precipe for summons. ' mile to tako Depositions, it . ,. "ehooso Arbitrators. 2 cents apiece, cr 11.75 per hundred. retlllon for Appointment ot Uuardlan. citation Utile to take Depositions. Narr in Debt, tvlth Confession, " Assuinnslt. Mechanics Ueu. 4 cents each or per liunareii. 1 ctitiou lor saio 01 item latino ceius caeu. JUSTICU'S UI.Arli. Subntcnos. summons. Warrants, Executions, so fo u cents uocu. Leases 6 cents each Hue Deeds iu " lMrchment Deeds 15 M 14 Acreements - 5 14 44 llrnhnn'H 1'nnrr. Kfllra 20 for 1 f0 t onsiauio g uies a tenia imu Mortgugo and Dond VI 44 All kinds of Note s 1 44 lteri'iiits. NntPH. srhool onlprs. Poor Orders, store Orders, neatly bound, constantly ou hand, or made to oruer on snort notice. We am prepared to do neater lob ttork than anj oiuer oiueu in mis touniy. 11HOCKWAY tLKKLI, Ldltors and Proprietors Ot thO COLUMBIAN, liloomsburg, 1 Thomas 11. Haktman. ALUEKT 1UHTMAN, HARTMAN EROS,, DEALERS IN TEAS, CANNED FMJ1T, CXQAUS, XOSACCO. swurr, CONFECTIONERY. Spices of all kinds, Glass & Queens ware. FINE GROCERIES, Foreign and Domestic Fruits, AND GENEltAL LINE OF Family Provisions. Russell's Old Stand, KUI'RKT 1:1.001, ' 4th door liclotv Jlarket street, Woomtbiug, Pa. ttr (Joods delivered to all parts of tho town. April 2T, '17-t May i, 'IT-3IU "rVOTICE. Krom thu ilatA tlin lUoomRliuri? (las Comnanv W1U put In service pipes at first cost and turrdsn and set ineteis at four dollars each. The company nate on hand a lotot gas tar suited or palming roofs, and potts or other Umbers placed undur irround. Price 10 cents per gallon or U.W per barrel. Oc. 15,15- 6. W. MILLER, WO Is not easily earned In these times but It ran be mnda In three inontlis by anyone of cither sex. In any purl of the country who is ttlillcg tottork steadily at tho employment that tto furnish. KUper wick In jour pttu town, i ou w ed not bo away from homo over night, you canglteyourttholetlmoto thowork, oronly your spare momenta. It costs nottUngto try the busl nibs. Terms and M oulllt free. Addicts at once, 11. IIalllit & Co., Poitland, Maine. Ftb. 10 'IJ lr. jouriUNTiNa OF EVERY DESR1PTI0N EXECUTED l'ltOMITLY At the Columbian Office BIAUK MORTGAGES for Mledieap at the colchuam voioe. . , , ,,,, ,,,., ,, ,,m,K- nf mire soft, furnished with a bountiful supplj Of purt.son, nrm but kind, uniform and thorough. Expenses reserved when desired. V. Course in Physical Culture. receive state 1'lplomas, conferring tho miuoouiert - uureesreceiiuwuiuiu. """" . ,,..., ,, ....w --."v ------ ,,, nti mrning i iinn wnn iipsirn ill imiiruiti lui-ii mm - - - ('III,. .1. J. I"Iti:i:,i:, Serreliiry. GLENN'S SULPHUR SOAP. Thoroughly Cures Diseases orTiir. Skin, llEAUTII'ILS THE COMrLEXION, PREVENTS and Remedies Rheumatism and Gout, IIEA15 Sores and Abrasions of the Cuticle and Counteracts Contagion. This Standard inl Kxternal Ucmoly for Erpp id Injuries of the Skin, not only tions. Sores and REMOVES FROM THE COMPLEXION ALL liLEM- IS1IES arising from local impurities of the blood and obstruction of the pores, but al;o those produced bv the sun and wind, such as tan and freckles. It renders the CUTICLE J1ARVELOUSLY CLEAR, SMOOTH and TLIANT, and being a wholesome UEAU11FIER is far prcierabie lo any cosmetic. ALL THE REMEDIAL ADVANTAGES OF SUL PHUR llAins ore insured 1IY THE USE OF Gtemi'x NillnJtur Sotilt, which in addi tion to its purifying effects, remedies and TRE- VZ.NTS KI1EUMAT1SM and tjOUT. It also DISINFECTS CLOTHING and LINEN and I REVENTS DISEASES COMMUNICATED BY contact with the person. It dissolves Dandruff, prevents bald ness, anil retards grayncss ot lie hair. Physicians speak of it in high terms. Prices 25 and 50 Cents per Gake; per uox OS Uakes), tsuc. antimi.2U. N. B. The 50 cent are triple the due of those al 35 cents. "MLIS HAIU AND WHISKER 1)1E," II lack or Uruwu, 30 Cent (!. JL CMTTEXTOX, l'rop'r, 7 Sixth Av., U. Oct. so, TO.-iy, ALBRECHT & CO. GRAND, SQUARE AND UPRIGHT PIANOS. Tho Alhuecht & Co. I'iasos aro first-class 111 everv respect, home con sidered tlie lending Philadelphia make by musicians and competent judges. Through their extensive facilities. JIessiw. Aluhecht & Co. are enabled to turn out instruments that aro not surpassed nnywhere, and htill sell them at prices within tho reach of nil. No Piano is permitted to leave their factory unless satisfac tory to tho most minute particular, hence their guarantee of flvo years is a thing of value. All Into im provements of importance aro fouud 111 II1USU 1USII lllllCUU). jIusshs. Al.iiKKCHT it Co. have re ceived tho most IhitteriiiL' Testimo nials from L. JL GOTTr-CIIALK, 1'liANZ Aiit.Gustavi: Sattiik. J.l' Himmels- iiAcn, William Wowieikkk and many other eminont artists, besides being aljlo to reior 10 tnousiuius 01 Tinvuto imrchahers, schools, semi naries, societies and teachers. Pianos conscientiously selected per orders by mail, carelully packed aji uliiiinralHiifidvtoaiivnartof thotwnn, Stty-For further particulars its to references, prices and terms, address, ALBRECHT & CO. 610 Arch Street, Philadelphia. lytl, ls76.-ly. MORRIS MICHEL, I'KACTICAL PIANO MAKER, TUXUIt AND KEl'AIKEU. BLOOMSBUKW, PA. FIRST CLASS PIANOS AND OltOANS FOR SALE, SECOND HAND PIANOS TAKEN IN KXCIIANOE. OIlDKlt 11Y WAIL 1'llOMlTLY EXECUTED. Decl, d-ly AdvertisingAgents T. D. Kellogg's Advts. EXCELSIOB PRINTING INK CO., BEST AND CHEAPEST PIIINTINQ INK IN THE MAKKET, liurclur HI., M:VYOItK. AUB.H,'IS.-4SWl BUSINESS OAKDS, V1S1TINU CAliOS, LKlTKIt HEADS, L1LL HEADS, rOSTBIlS, 0., to., Neatly w -4japly printed at the Colum bian OSlce. BLANK NOTE8,wltli or wlllouitoUlci tor ui it ulo ooi.viauii oauw. r RAIL ROAD TIME TABLES piIILADELl'IIA AND ItEADlNa KOAI) AURANGEJIENT OF PASSENGLH TUATNS. May si, isto, TRAINS LRAVR 11LTEI1T AS IOI.I.OWB (SrNIIAVtXrrm ror itow torx, iniiaueipuia, Kcauine, l'ottsvlllo Tninaqua, &o 11,83 a. m Tor Cntatvlssa, 11,33 u. in. r,,4? and ?,Jf, n. I'or Wllilamsport,C,!3 ,34 a. m. and 4,wi p. m, TRAINS '0H RCrKBT 1.KAVB AH FOLLOWS. (SUNhAr v currtii.) Leavo New York, 8,43 a. m. Iaro Philadelphia, 0,1S a, m. Mat e Heading, 11,33 a. in,, rottsvllle. ls.15 n m and Tumniiin, 1,85 p. in, Leave Catatt Issn, c,so c,ss a. m. and 4,oo p. m. Leave WHltainsport ,0,81 m. and s,oo p. m russenKcrs nnd from Now Yorknnd Phun!ii! plda ro throutai without change of cars. J. E. WOOTTKX. C. 0. HANCOCK, '.. (lenernl Ticket Airont. Jan, 11, HTO-tf. NOKTJIKltN COJU'ANY. CENTKAL ItAIUVAY On and after November !oth, 1873. trains villi SUN 1IUHY as follows i NOUTHWAltD. Erlo .Mall a. m., arrive Elmlra " Canandalgua, . 8.Si p. m llochester, . Nlacara o in ltenovo accommodation 11,11) a. in. nrrlto Williams rtu.Mp.m. i:inilra.Mall4.iritt.m.,arrlte Klmlra 10.10 a. m. Uuilalo Ks press T.15 a. 111. arrlto UuHalo a. m SOUTIIWAHI). UulTalo Kxpres3 !.w a. m. arrive Harrlsburg 4,to a.rn Halt lmoro 8,40 Klmlra Mall 11,16 a. m nnlvo HnrrI.sburgl.Mp. m t usningiou " " Ilalttmoro C.30 " " Washington 8.30 " Uarrlsburg accommodation 8.40 p. m. arrlto Harris uurg iu.oo p. m. arrive uaitimoro j.s n. ta ' Washington 0.13 " Erie Mall 12.W a. m. arrlto Ilarrlsburg 3.06 a, in. " Haltlmoro8.40 " ' Wnslitlii'tnn in ?IKH All daily except Sunday. V. M. liori), Jr., (Jeneral Passenger Agin A. J. CASSATT, Ocnerul Manage DKLAWAKK, LACKAWANNA WLSTKHN ItAlLUOAl). AND BLOOllSIiUIia DIVISION. TIme-Tablo No. 39, Takes effect nt 4:30 A. 5t MONDAY, NOVLWUIIilt 12 1673. NOItTH. STATIONS. ....Sernnton ....Hellenic south. p.m. p.m. a.m. n.m. p.m. p.m; a us a rs s on 3 ci V 4S 9 43 9 8 9 as 2 2(1 0 23 9 4S 2 2.) 0 11(1 9 33 2 31 II !ir. 7 us a 43 7 40 S 42 7 4l 3 27 7 .13 3 32 7 27 3 27 7 22 3 23 7 IS 3 IS) Tnj lorvlllo... 9 31 9 2.1 . ..nacKawanna..., l'lttstnn 10 (HI 2 8 0 13 10 CO 2 40 C CO 9 20! II 13 .. West l'lttston... 10 11 2 32 0 &3 10 10 2 31 7 til 10 20 3 C4 7 Ui 10 23 3 1.7 7 11 111 27 3 1(1 7 15 10 27 3 17 7 2.1 H.vonitui; ilaltby llcunctt Kingston Klnitston ..l'lvmoutli.lunc, .,,.1'lymoutli Avorulalo .... Nanticofce , .llunlock'8 1 reek ...Milckslilnny.. ....DIck'H Ferry... 9 11 9 111 7 1.1 3 17 9 05 9 I ft S M S Ml 7 1.1 3 17 7 07 3 12 7 03 3 09 tH 3 04 CMS II 10 82 3 22 7 S3 10 33 8 27 7 40 19 411 3 32 7 H HI 44 3 37 7 33 S 31 S 44 0 41 2 54 I ii 2 SO 2 25 2 19 i 13 2 10 2 IC 1 5S 8 41 10 32 3 4.1 8 1 3 11 I S 4 10 8 25 0 BO a 15 II 09 C 02 & ss S 80 8 19 11 17 4 15 8 4.1 8 14 ....lleacli Haven... 11 23 4 21 8 M 11 81 4 la 9 05 11 80 4 37 0 Ml 11 9 4 41 I! 35 11 43 4 40 7 20 8 OS 8 12; 7 38 7 04 lierwick .... ...Hrlar creek n t.i ft 4S 5 40 f, 34 g es ft 23 ft 20 ...Willow drove..., 1.1 me unigc Khdy 7 40 7 40 1 C6 7 80 7 20 7 11 11 ftl 4 55 7 18 11 37 5 12 7 40 1 M 1 4S 1 43 1 411 .. .llloonitibur Kunert 12 2 ft 08 7 4.1 catawiasa unage. 12 07 ft 14 7 62 12 10 ft 20 8 30 12 2ft 5 84 8 25 12 82 ft 47 8 40 12 80 5 52 8 47 Clark's Switch..! ft 113 4 ftA 1 23 1 19 1 13 1 00 p.m. 7 04' .....iianvino.... ......Chulaa y... Cameron.. 4 Ml 7 4 33 6 45 a.m. NorUiumberland.1 12 III 0 10 9 IS p.m. W. F. HA 0.1 a. IB. TKAII. Slim Superlntendent'8 Offlco, Scranton, Dec. 10, ibis. M. C. SLOAN & BRO., m rl 9. ULOOiHSIlUHG, PA, Manufacturers ot Carriages, Buggies, Phaetons,, Sleighs, I'LATFOHJI WAtlONS, SC. Flrst'dasa work always on hand. HliPAIIilNO NEATLY HONK. Prices reduced to suit tliu times. Jan. 3, iS77-tf X11U UUHUUUHUl iliHV ifUUKUl. A complete record for the use of attorneys. Con veniently arranged for tbo docketing of all casei containing 500 pages, v, Itli double Index, Tills 19 the most complete book for lawyers that Is pub. llslieJ. PRICE, $3.50. Published by Brockway & Elwell Editors and rroprietora of the Columbian, BLOOMSBTJRa, JPA. Uecl-tf TrISfAPEIISKEPTOM FILE ' AT THE OFFICE OF, 733 SmsoM St,, PHILADELPHIA, Who are our authorized agenta, mid will receive AdvvrtiiteiiicntH nt our LOWtttT CASH ItATUS. HIGHEST AWARDS Ceiitrnniiil Uxl.jbllioii. J. REYNOLDS & SON, KOItTHWEST COKNElt Thlt tccnth mid rillicrt StN. PHILADELPHIA, JUNl'FiCT CKEK3 OF 1'ITENTEK WronfihMron Air-TiiM Healers W lib Hiaklnv und ('llukfr-Urlmlhur ClrnleNfur Huruiutf Antlirurlte or llhuuiliuut Cuul CENTENNIAL WROUGHT-IUON. HEATERS. FOU UITUiilNOUS COAL, Keystone WROUGHT-IRON HEATERS, Cooking1 Ranges, Low-down Orates, die, &c. Descriptive Circulars bent kee toauy address. EXAMINE I1EFOUE SELECTING. April J7, -77-ly A a GLAZING AND PAPERING.- "WM. F. BODINE, Iron Street below Bev 1 J ona, Bloomsburif, I"a., Is prepared to do a PAINTING, QLAZINQ, aud PA PEIt IIANQ NO Uoli'ce. mt "'V"i8' W l0W08tJP''":e. wl at abort Bo'licllar':WarraI'ted l0Kl?8 84U8' tU0D4 O IC(I WM. P. 11 ( j , t ,