The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, June 15, 1877, Image 1

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biam cONaounATim.)
Issued vekly, every Friday morning, nt
two poixaiis por 1it payable In advance, or
rlurlntf thnyenr. After tlio expiration ot tlioycar
lino win bo charged. To subscribers out ot tlio
county the terms arc l per year, strictly In advanco It not paid In ndvanco nnd J3.0U It payment bo
delayed bo ond tlio year.
No paper discontinued, except nttho option ot the
nublllshers, until all nrrearagus nro paid, but long
contliuiid credits ntler tlio expiration ot the lirst
year will not bo Riven.
All papers sent out ot thostato or to distant post
offices mint bo paid tor In advance, unless a rcspon
Bllilo person In Columbia county assumos to pay the
subscription duo on demand.
l'OSTAili: Is no longer exacted from subscribers In
he county.
job K.xisrTinsra-.
Tnc Jobbing Department of tho Coumiuan Is ver
complete, and our . I li Printing tvlllcomparo tavora
y with that ot the largo cities. All work done on
innnd, neatly nnd at moderate prices.
gnfcjg of gyilwvUslntj.
RPArr 1M. S. SM. 6M, 1T
onolSch?.. M If" '
f wii t tirlH 8.l'0 4.1 0 COO 8.M1 H.fl'
ffiin?e2...:.V:..a mo www Jjg
Fourlnches .00 T.oo . if-?' JJ.oo
oimrier column UO 8.00 lo.ou 10.00 SJ.00
iaucoliimn. to.i is.oo 16.00 ss.oo M.M
oneTOiimn .."... ss.oo so.oo t.0.00
Yearly advert Isomcnts Pnyablo quarterly. . Tran
sient aifverl lwmcnts must be pnld for betcro lnserua
except where parties havo accounts.
l,egnl advertisements twodollarsrerlnchforthree
Insertions, nnd t that rate for additional insertion s
without referenco to length.
Executor's, Administrator's and Auditor's nottCM
thrco dollars. Jiust be paid for when inserted.
Transient or I.neal notices, twenty cents a line,
regular advert Isemcnts half rates.
cards In tho "liuslncss Directory' column, one
dollar per year for each lino.
mi, iw.i , ttt. -w.
n-TTT? nnt TTsrm I vnf VT vrt
li f I f m If f ffi
WjJ lp f w III JP f II
Columbia County Official Directory.
President Judge1 William Hlwcll.
Associate Judges I. K Krlckbaiun, 1'. I,. Shuman.
vrothonotnry, Ac u. I'rank Zarr.
Court utenogrnpiier-s. N. Walker.
It Ulster llooorder Williamson II. Jacoby.
District Attornev loiin M. Clark,
cherin .lolm W. llortmnn.
Burvoror lsaao Dewltt.
Treasurer l)r II. W.jlcrteynolds.
C'jminlssloners John llerner, S. W. Mcllcnry,
Joseph sands.
Commissioners' clerk William Krlckbaum.
Auditors M. V. li. Kline, J. li. Casey, E.H. lirown.
coroner Charles o.Murpliv.
Jury Commlssloncrs-Jacob II. l'rltz, Wllllomll.
I'ountv superintendent William II. Snyiler.
llloom Poor l)lslrlct-I)lrcctors-t. P. Ent, Scott,
Wm. Kramer, Illoomsburg and Thcmas Ueece,
scott, o. P. i:ut, Secretary.
Bloomsburg Official Directory.
nioomsburg Hanking company John A. Funslon,
f'rrelilin II. II. Ill-n r. CflRlilor.
l'lrs Na lonal It. l'axton, rreslilcnt
J. 1 . ntstin, casnier.
I'ninmhia. rnnniv Mutual Savlni l- und and Loan
Assocla lou-H. II. Llt'le, President, C. W. Miller,
llloomslmrg tlulldlng and Saving lund Association
-Wm. peacock. President, J. II. ltoblsim, secretary.
Illoomsburg Miiuial Saving fund AssoclaMon-J.
j. urotver, rresiucu', v. narmuy, nwiciui j .
Itov. .1. P. Tus' In, (Supply.)
Sunday Korvlccs-t'itf a. in. and OX P- m-
Hiimlii Sphnnl 0 n. m.
t'rnj-er Meetlng-Uvcry Wednesday evening atc
Soa atreo. Thopubllcnrolnvlicdtoaltend.
Minis er Dev. J. McCron.
Sunday Scrvlccs-iotf a. m. and CJtf p. m.
Knnil.i. Kflinnt On. tn.
Pra er -Meo Ing-Every Wednesday evening at c
ciocK. . ..."
Seats free. Nopews rented. All arc welcome. as enencrt.
Mlnls'er-rtcv. Stuart Mlt-.hell.
Sunday Services I OX a. in. and ! p. m.
KtimlAv Mctinnl a n. tn.
i'ra er.Mee lug livery Wednesday evening n' X
sea s tree. No pews rented. Si rangers welcome,
Presiding Kldcr-ltcv. N. S.llucklniham.
Minister llev. J. s. McMurray.
Sunilay Services 1 a nnd ox . m.
Unnrlt. Unlinil n m .
initio class-liver Monti iy cvenlne; at ox o'clock.
(ieneral prayer Jtcctlng-Kvcry Thursday evening
Corner of Third and Iron streets.
Pastor Iter. 0. 1). Hurler,
itenl lence Central Hotel.
Sunday services vy, a. in. and I p. m.
Hundav School 1 a. in.
I'rajer Meeting Saturday, 7 p. m.
All aro Invited Thero Is always room.
Hector llev I.. Zahner.
Sunday Services lux n. m., "X p. m.
Sunday school 0 a. in.
u..n I.. in tliu iiinrlli llrtlv Cemmlinlon.
Services preparatory to communion on Friday
jvening ocioro me piiiuiay in uiui iuuuiu.
Pewa rented; but cverj body welcome.
Presiding r.ldcr-ltev. A. I.. Iiecser.
x,i.ii.,.ir i!v .1. A. Irvine.
Sunday Seivlco s p. m.. In tho Iron street Church.
Pra er Meeting-lit cry Sabbalh nt 2 p. m.
All aro Int lied. All arc welcome.
Moets In "tho little Ilrlck Church on tlio hill,"
known as tho Wolali llaptbt Church-on Kock strict
tailei?ular meeting for worship, every Lord's day af
ternoon at 3X o'clock. , . I
scats treoj and tho public are cordially Invited to
SCHOOL OKDliHS, blank,1ust iirintetriTnil
neatly bound In small books, on hand and
tor salo ut tho Columbian ortlce. Fob lnlsis-tl
BIVNK" I)EUI)S, onTiirchnunt antT linen
Paper, common and for Atlmlnls' rators, Kxecu
turs and trustees, tor salo cheap at tho Columbian
TlTAItKlAaKCKin'll'ICATKfe.itist printed
1M nnd for salo at tho Columbian Olllce. Mlnl
tersut the Hospel and Justices should supply them
selves with tbet.0 necessary articles.
JUSTICES nml Constaliles' l'ec-Hills for sale
attho Columbian ortlce. They contain tho cor
rected fees ns established by the last Act ot the U'g
slaturoupon tho subject. Every Justice and Con
(table should have ono.
JNDUE NOTICS just jirinU'il ami for sale
cheap at tuo Columbian omce,
uusinis oAimg.
omce, North Market street,
Dloorasburg, Pa.
Jf K. OIIV18,
AT 1 U1B liV.AT-I.AW.
Columbian'' lmlldlng.
OrKicn lloom No. 1,
Sept, 18,1875.
A T T U li N K Y-A T-I A W,
iiLooMsnuno, pa.
omce. llartman'9 ltloek. rnrncr Main nnd MarkeL
Streets Oct. s,'75
Ai l U - AT- LA tV
Ofllccln lirowcr'a building, second floor, room No.
Illoomsburg, Pa. July! ,73
N. f. FfNt. l K. lt'AI LEU.
Attoinoys-iitJrrvv .
omce In Columbian Hciuuno. Jan. w, '77-iy
Illoomsburg, Ta.
Offlce on Main street, first door below Court House
J) V. .6 J. M. CI.A1UC,
omeo In Ent s Building.
Illoomsburg, Pa.
April 1o,'7t
F. p-
attoi1ney at law.
Office Adjoining C. 11. & W. J. liuckalcw.
Illoomsburg, ra.
Apr. 147C.
K. 11. 1.ITTI.r.
II. & U. It. LITTLE,
Illoomsburg, Pa.
tT"ltuslness before the It. s. Potent Ofllco attended
to. omce in tho Columbian Uulldlng.
A T TO K N n Y S-A T-Ii A W,
Columbian, illoomsburg, Pa.
CMembcrn ot the United Slates Law Association,
ollectlons mado In any part of America or Europe.
Ccntrnlia, Pa.
r.h is, '7C
110 WELL,
This distressing nnd dangerous complaint, and lis
premonitory sjniptotns. neglecled cough, night
sweats, hoarseness wasting flash feter permanent
ly cured by Dr. "Stvnyno's compound sj rup of wild
imoNTiilTtq ii rrcmnnltnr of l'ulmonnry Con
sumption, Is characterized by catarrh, or Inllainallon
ot the lnucuous membrane ot the air passages,
hoarseness, pains In the chest, 6t nil llronchlnl
affections, soro throat, loss ot tolce, coughs,
Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry
llemmorrliage or spitting ot Mood, may proceed
from the lnitnx:, traehla. hronchla or lungs, nnd
arise from various eate-es, a twduo physical exertion,
plethora, fullncsot tho tcsscls, weak lurgs.oter
uralnlngif Hie tolce, suppressed evacuation, ob
struction ot tho spleen or liver, sc.
3D 23.- SWAYNE'S
Compound Syrup cf Wild Cherry
ftrlkcs nt Ihe root ot illscn'e by purltilng tl'.e blood,
restoring tin- liter nnu Kitinesn tu uenuny action, in.
xlcnrntliir. Ihn Helvetia svstem.
Its ninrtelous power not only over every chronic
rllcn ie where ti L'tntlnal nlternl lve action Is needed.
I'nclir Its use the couch Is loosened, the night
swenls diminished, the pnln subsides, Ihe pmo re.
turns to Its nttttnl stanilaid. thestomachls Improv-
ed In Its power lo digest and assimilate the food and
pwrv firL'.in a tutrer and better duality or blood
supplied lo II, out of which new rocrcatlto and plas-
iic maicnai is mauu
lilt SWAYS'E graduated nt one of tho best Modi,
pnl iv.ltfntt In Mm r. s.. tititl was enirnL.-f il in an nc-
tlve practice for many yenrs, thusguariiiiteelng that
nis preparations uru HvpaiLu ujuiit,ue.uj oMv.ti.iiii.
llchaulc Evuloiicc.
Ilu Su'ivvi-- llenr Sir: Tleelttlo be duo to VOU
nn.i aurrprituF htiitianltv to clto the following test 1-
inonv respecting the weiuhrful cnrntlto potters ot
tnur'compoundStrupof lld Cherry nnd Snrsapa
tllla and Tar rills. I wns anilcled with n violent
cough, pains In tho side and breast, night sweats,
fore throat, my bowels weieeosllte, appetite ncailv
gone, nnu m,V MUlinilll Hii'iJ ma. m., i-nj.-...
clan wns at n loss to know what to do for lne, as cv.
prvililtii. I nsnil In Hie shnno or liieillcino was relect-
ed ; fnlt dllTercnr.tlmesa pint of blood. I remained
for months In this awful condition, and gave up all
hopes ot ever reentering. t tills limn .ton rccoin-
inedlalelt began to soothe, comfort and allay tho
tlolenco of tho cough, btrengincneu nnuiicnnuiii
lnmrai has made a perfect enroot :n(
and I am now able lo pursue tnv d.illv labor. nv
person doubting the truth of the abut u stii m
wm iur;i"e en i uu ui .in-, n. ...i-ivrv.
Engineer ot t;co. sttcent V Pottery.
Illdgc Load, below Vtallaco, Phl.a.
fueren enrq have elansed. nnd Mr. Hatnson still
leinalna a hearty man to this day cptembelIloth,
nr ThAmn. .r 11 tflmniU. Unvertown. llerksCo..
Pa., tt rlte : Your comi uund sj run ot t 1 a Cherry
II esteem ten nuniy ; nate neen peuing nnu n-euni-mending
It to mv latlciitsfor many jeaisundlt nl
um. nin,' enie.-ieious in obstinate coughs. bron
chial and nsthmallenlnrrectlcns It has made soino
icmarl.ablo cures In this section, and I consider It
the best rcmcdv wllh which I am acquainted.
Prion (1. six bottles for S-t. If not sold by tour
druggist, wo will forward nnu uozen uy esprcss,
:r-iiesci Ibe st mptnms In all communications, nnd
address letters to Till. SWAYNK SON. 3.w orlll
Ii I lazy summer, swarthy, In tho sun
Lies panting, with bare breast, upon tho hills,
Swathing her limbs In hazes warm and dun,
Where splendors Into dusky splendors run,
And sultry glory nil tho heaven o'crllUs.
Not a whlto dlmplo stirs nmtd tho corn,.
Not n low rlpplo shlvcr3 through tho leaves!
Since, wrapped In cold and crimson gleams unshorn,
Came, Bashing through the east, tho regal morn,
No throated twitterings gurglo round tho caves.
flooded In sunny sllenro sleep the klne i
In lnnguld murmurs brooklets float ami flow :
Tho quaint farm gables In the rich light shine.
And round them Jasmlncd honeysuckles twine.
And close besldo them sun-ilotvers burn ami blow.
Amid tho grow lng heat t Ho mo down,
And Into tlMons swarms tho motcdair:
Gleams up before mo many a famous town,
Pillared nnd crested wllh a regal crown
outshltnmerlng in an orient purple tlaro ;
la I lowly Tadmor, Vitrnlng In Its sands
Ilaalbcck nnd Dab Ion j-Hco slow sti cams
finding by mosque nnd minaret, sco tho gleams
ot seas in sunset sups of strands,
And drowsy nagdad burled deep In dreams ;
Sco swarthy monarchs flushed In purplo rings
Of silken courtiers ! through half-open doors
Catch tho Bfileo odors, nnd tho cool of springs
Leaving forever in a mare of wings,
Sec light forms dancing ot cr pearly floors ;
Sleeping seraglio, spire and tremulous domo
t Inking In drowsy splendor all tho day,
Sco forest haunts wliero thick tho Hons roam,
See thirsty panthers splashed In bloody foam,
Leap tcrrlblo ns lightnings on their prey;
or stand wllh Cortcz on a mountain peak
Aliot o the Aztec ell y, sco unrolled
(icm-thrended shoves of Montezuma weak,
Sec the white temples swarming thick and sleek
And sunny streets strctUi up by towers ot geld ;
sco silken sails float by, ambrosial,
Laden t Ith spices, up n IVrslan glen :
or stand on Ixibanon, 'mid tho cedars tall,
or hear tho soft and silver f all
ot water down a Jut or lurlen.
P.utlol a waking shit er In tho trees,
And voices 'mid the hay-cocks In the glen ,
'1 lie sun Is Kiting; and the crimson seas
Ate shaken Into splendor by tho breeze,
And nil the busy world Is up ngala !
I.onrfnn Atkrmcum.
sixMi street, Philadelphia. No charge will be innilo
CInes generally.
Ofllco In Nnrtman's p.Iock, second floor, cornel
Main nnd .Market streets,
r.LooMsiiimo, pa.
May 20-ly.
for advice, sold by druggists and dealers In metll-
Kirn tiiek.
ItV tv. W. ELIilWOIlTH.
I'd ratccr walk through shower wllh thee,
Than wllh another w hen tho air
Is soft wllh summer, and ns fair
Tho heat ens nbot o us as a sea
Of dim, unfalhomcd (-apphlre, where,
slow drilling on n liquid sky,
The whlte-salli d ships of Cod float by.
Sweeter In storm to bo wllh thc,
Dark waters 'round us, and tho roar
Otbroidcersonon unseen shore
Ilesoundlng louder on the lee,
Than wllh another, sailing o'er
A rippling lake, where angry galo
May ncv er rend the silken tail.
ficribner fur Jimr.
-t!0V'S HOTEL. Uloomsbiire, Pa.. 11.
1 sinhner. Proprietor. Accommodations arst-
iiss. $1.23 to ll.&o per day. ltestaurant attached.
ucioocr , ..i-ii
LIVER COMPLAINT " thesem...!.
EM. KNOlUi, Dealer in Hoots anil Shoes,
lalcst and best st les, cornerMaln nud.Market
streets, In tho old post omce.
dewing Machines and Machinery of all kinds re
paired. Orr.nA Housf. Uulldlng, Illoonubui g, pa.
That dreaded alsease.trom which so many pcrso n
sutler, is ii equeniiy ine cause ui
IIhahaciif., Isnior.sTION, OVSI'EI'SU,
l.s speedily relieved, nnd nro otlcn permanently cured
E. SAVAGE, Dealer iti Clocks, Watches
and Jewelry, Main St., Just below tho Central
r G. 11AIIKLEY, Attorney-at-I.atv. OMiee
I;. In Droit er's building, 2nd story, Rooms 4 0.
Xtt. 15, '75.
U clan,
ofllco S. il. corner llock and Market
T 11. EVANS, M. D., Surgeon ami Phyt-i-I
. clan, (onico and HcslJenco on Third stiect,
corner Jcllersoii.
II. McK'ELVY, M. D., Surgeon ami Phy
sician, north sldo Main stiect, below Maiktt.
mini nnnnunce to tno citizens or ii onms-
vlelnlt v that ho has lust received a full and
complete assorimeuL oi
FiXTunES, conns, tassels,
nnd nil other ponds In bis lino of business. All the
newest and mostnoproved patterns of tho day aro
always to no iounainui3eaiuuusuuiem,uui niiiri,
ueiow -Market. wvi.
jMJIi(l-l.AJNX TAJ 1)1X
Corncrot Main nnd West nrrcts. three doers below
J. K. Eir"s store, jnociusuuig, in.
All orders promptly attended to and satisfaction
X CV. Exchange Hotel, moomsourg, pa.
., 11,6011,1100
. ?0,IH 0,010
. i3.sao.inHi
.. 10,000, (Ml
... 3,1011,001)
... ,oHyH)o
.. . s.itKyion
.... 17,000,000
Swayne's Tar aiiilSarsapilla Pills.
i they
i whfcl
Peters aro often prevented by tho ueo of these
ness there is noining bo encciuaiossviaji.t' s inr
SnrsnpnrllU Tills, us they curr.i olf.tlirough the blood
Ihe linpuiltles from which ihey arise, Per Costlte-
niul s'.irsnnartlla Pills.
1 licy ale puiei I'lciuu e.uiiu n. niuinuij n i.iu
Y'ou may spend tho whole winter lishing
ami hunting m 1'Ioriua, ami not see a snake.
llus is caily explained. For years tho
peninsula has been a vast catllo range. Uur
ing spring and autumn, cuvv boys burn tho
dry prairies and savannas to keep Ihe gra;
fresh and greec. lliese f.rea spread to the
uvvras liiue Ma's or cau mil. wltnoutanybadrc- scrub and hammocks, nnd t housamla of ren
SUUS iroill llll-lllg. tilwiinriJ, O,, ,voll.; . r ll, 1.I....1-.,c 1tt,.ru tn Tllf StVAVMti A- SOV. Ph l.lflfl- r.. .. .v. ... u......,.v.
nbia. No eluiri-'e fcr ndtlee. sent bv mall on ricclnt e-rouml. it is not lincmiimiuti In see the tail nf
UI I 'I lir. i l ll u (J lunn . i.u. , ... u mv.wj ,v. ... ,tan
jour jirugglsL lur iiiciii.
Etna. Ins Co.. of riartford. Connecticut.
Liverpool, London and Ulobo
uoyaiot Liverpool
Flro Association, Philadelphia
Atlas ot Hartford
Fanners Mutual of oanvuie
Dantnio Mutual
Home, New York
Commercial Union
March 20,'J7y
Jl!. H011ISON, Attorney-at-Law.
. In Harttnan's building, II nln street.
KOSKNSTOCK, I'liotographer,
, Clark I: Wolf's store, Main street.
riMIE UNDEItSIGNED, representing several
I of tin' must conservallto and reliable Amort-
can Flro Insuranco companies, would bcgleatetn
oiler his sertlces to tho elll?eiistf Illoomsburg nnd
t teinitt , requsstlug n reasonable tharw of I ho public
patronage. . t .
Illoomsburp..tuly IS, IBM.
unico in limit er a itiueit.
AVID LOWENI1EI5G, Merchant Tailor
Mam St., abote central Hotel.
IS. KUIIN, dealer ii. Meat, Tallow, etc.,
, Ceutro street, tetti cen second and Third.
July 31
y bllAVJlornnjihliigmthoTONbOltlALLlNE
Under i:chango Hotel, Bloomsburg, Pa.
Oct. 13, '73-
contains tho largest stock ot
M. II. AI1BOTT, Attoraey-at-Latv, Main
Catawtssa, ra.
ti oiieattons promptly made and remitted, omce
onposlle Catawlssa Deposit Hank. 6m-8S
To ihe WurkltiK C'lii. We nro now prepared to
furnish all clokses with constant emplojment at
home, the whole of tho time, or for their spare mo
fnentH. nusinesH new. lleht and nrotltable. Persons
ot either box euslly cam from to cents to js per
evening, ami a proportional sum by devoting their
wholetlmoto tho business. Hoys and girls earn
nearly as much as men. That all w ho beo this notice
may send their address, and test tho business we
mako this unraralh d olfcr: "J'o such as are not tt ell
satli-ncd wo will tend ono dollar to pay for tho
trouble of w riling, l ull pai Honiara, samples worth
sot oral aouars to commence nuri. uo, uu i-uJ "l
Homo and Fireside, cue of the largest and bebt
iiiiihirflie.1 iniiiienttnnH. fill sent free by mail. Head
er. If ou w ant permanent, prodlablo w ork, adaresa
ucorge bunson s uo., i oruauu, juttiuv.
Sept. 8. '10. -11m.
Bnbcock 8c Wyeth's Ads
Queensware, Glassware, Woi1
a dead snako protrudiug from a mole hole,
Caught by the lire iu an effort to escape, ho
is burned to death.
Of the different species of snakes only two
aro thought lo bo poonous. They aro tb
moccasin and tho rattlesnake. Their venom
readily yields to tho whisky treatment i
taken iu lime, although llus in a measure
tlio bite.
is said that a man iu Alachua county died
within fivo minutes after being bitten. Tit
reptile's fangs struck him in the neck tvlii!.
lie was sleeping, and ejected poison into th
jugular vein. Moccasins aro divided into
four classes,, tho ooitoii-mniitl,tlie stump-tail
a water moccasin, similar to our water pilot.
and an upland moccasin, resembling a coj: in shape, nnd fully as deadly.
gather this information from tho natives an
from fivo winters of personal experience,
The rattlesnake is divided into two fnmi'
lirs.The most virulent is the ground rattler.
It is between twelvo and twenty inches long
and not much larger than a common lead
pencil. It coils, springs its tiny rattle, and
jumps the same as its larger brother. Its
skin is a bright black in color ; but the dia
mond marks are not so clearly defined as tho
big rattier. During the hot summer days it
SwaTOO'c All-Healing Ointment lies under sand-sweeping palmetto fan?, or
is also a speeine jor tetter .itch, mir rheum scald rpcps inlo pmcns and sleeps in tho shade
head, er.t Mnclas, barter . s Itch, bloii'lies, all scaly, I 1 " 1 ...
oi 1110 ciuiuagcs aim uauanas. 111 clearing
up litter, a man might easily pick up one
unawares. Lieut. Wright, ol the United
Suites Coast Survey, telU me that ho found
them very numerous in tho salt water marshes
between Dummitt's grove and creek.
In one day be crushed two beneath his boot
heel. Last summer Dr. Fox and Cant. Sams
of New Smyrna were running a wild eat on
a small palmetto island, between the East
Channel nnd Devil h l.lbovv, nt tho entrance
of Mosquito Lagoon. They had fired the
hammock, and ns they stood in the mar-b
Itching Piles
is i-ei.eriiliv nreceded bv a moisture, like rersnlra.
(rattling in or nbniit the notion particularly nt depends tijion tho location of
nignttvnen lin'irebMllg.ur in neu aiiergeum "uiui.
it nniienrj, 111 summer as well as tvlu'er. oftentimes
Lhm.. itM'lf n round the nrli nto narts. nnd Is not con-
lltieil lo males oni,v, nut is quite as ireiliieni inai ie
males nro sorely nnilcted, particularly In times of
pregnane!, extending icio mo t ngiua, provina ois
trevstiK? almost bptond t'-o nowers of endurance.
Cases of longstanding, pronounced Incurable, hat o
been permanently curcu uy nuipiy nppijuig
Swayne's Ointment,
i wnssorelv anilcled wllh one of tho most distres
sing of all olsenses. Pruritus or Prurigo, or rnoro
commonly know n as Itching Piles. The Itching at
unit . tins ninifM iiii.iiTiioie. ineie.i-i'ii o m-iuicu-Ing.
nnd ni.t unfreiiuentl.v lieeame quite sore. I
hot' .-hi a bo of Swatne's ointment ; lis use gave
quick relief. and In amort time mane a reneei cure.
I run tiniv s. n undisturbed, and I would advise nil
who ate fcurferii g tilth thlsdlstn silng complaint lo
procure swathe's ointment nt once. I bad trlea
piescrlrlloii'i almost lnnumtrablo, without llnalng
uuf ik:i maul ul leuei.
Pltrn of Poile ,v Christ. P.ool and Mioo House, en
Noun second street, 1 luiaiieipiiu,
Irrnsiv. I'uiiincouH (runtloiib I'll foci l.v bafo iinil
renin, nr sl.v Iitixph rcr i.2&. Knt h mall tu any
atniresi on iccclpt cf price, rrvpnrwi only ijy
Di:. 8WAVNE A..SON,330N.CtliSt.,riilla(lelphU.
Is taken Internally, and Posllttely Cures Ilhcuraa-
Usui, llout. Neuralgia nnd Lumbago. tP'buld by
Whoicsalo and Jlttall HruggUW evtrywhere.
for circular to. ..,,., t.,.
l)rugguU, Wathlngion, V.
Oct. 6, M.-ly. w
Canned rrnits, Dried rruits,
to be found In Columbia county.
A Complete Assortment
alwaj s on baud. Call and examine.
Jan 1, 1S1T.
11 11UL.E.3A1.1.
N. E. Corner Secsua and Arch stroois,
Oeaierii tn
x:c,ariCK3, bicibb sodi,4c.,o.
rvordera t til receive prompt attention,
t ti
uu: Jest. (XOJCINCI.
Catarrh Is an affection cf the mucus membraro of
tlio nose, throat, chest, Ac, accompanied w Ith dull
lieavv headache, obslrucllon of the nasal passages,
weak- ces. watery and inllamed, hacuingor cough
ing, lo clear Ihe throat, cipcctotallnn of offensive
mailer, smen anu lasie nro nnpaireu, snu'is-ouii
feeling In the head, incessant blowing of Hie nose,
and other s.tmptoms aro likely to appear verydls
Itesslng, and no dlbense Is more ccramon, nnd none
Ik. iimlnrttnnd lit- I'hiclrlnnv N'tn.'.tenl hH fT HlO
cases ot offensive breath are occasioned by Catarrh, grass awaiting the frightened game, tho Doc.
".Snayne'N I'nlniTli llenieilj" torsaid
Is n certain and permanent cure, anil wnnaiitct! in I , i ... t.. i . . ,
every case, no mailer how ol.stlnale or long stand- 1 t-'lr 11 UIK raiuesnaKO ; nut no u a long
lng. It can be obtained only bv nnuies-ttig int. digtanco olf
phla. Mailed to anv address on ihe reei Ipt of ibe 1 ho Captain listened. 'That s a ground
price, one dollar, tilth full directions for use. also a .., . ,. ,.r, ,
fullaccountof iboorli In and nature of this distros- rattler, liosaid. "I knotv tho sound too well.
sing complaint. Vto repeat It : It Is bet end nllcom- ,) ,, f , , mlfhtv elnso lo
parlson ihoUst remedy rorcatarrhetcrdlwovered. "on t stir, lor no may uo mighty close to
llemembtrl It can beobtalncd onlttby nddicssing I ng
iuo warning was neeueii. Alter careiui
search they found the deadly little reptile
After one rattlesnake. Is killed, another Is
found near it. If tho body of the dead rep
tilo is dragged through tho houso or across a
cattlo pen, its mato Is pretty sure to tako tip
tho trail and follow it. Through tho
winter theso snnkes arc dormant, They live
In holes mado by tho gopher and tho land
turtle, and nro concealed in many of tho old
cocjiiina ruins dotting tho eastern coast. As
tho summer approaches, they pair oft" and
hunt iu couples. Tho numberless trails In
tho scrub and savannas mado by deer, coons,
wildcats,and otters aro their favorito lurking
places. Hero they llo in ambush, and many
an unfortunate rabbit and opossum falls un
der their fangs.
Nor aro tho low savannas and ealt-water
marshes free from theso great snakes. Last
summer as Judgo Conner, of Live Oak Hill
was crossing tho wido open prairlo at tho
head of Indian river, ho saw a plump gray
squirrel cutting queer antics on a spot of
bare sand, As tho sand was fully a milo
from any tree, and covered with saltwater
six months iu the year, tho Judge's curiosity
as excited. To use his own words, "tho
rjuirrel was jumping around right smart,
and appeared as if ho didn't know what to
o with himself. ' Its attention was not dis
tracted by tlio Judge's approach, for it con
tinued prancing over tho sand in a concentric
course, as though crazed. Tlio Judgo walked
tip with tho intention of capturing it Sud
denly ho was confronted by an enormous
rattlesnake. It was stretched out in the
wire grass surrounding tho sand, with its
head toward the niuirrel. On seeing the
Judge, it threw itself into a eoil nnd mado
anoiseliko that of a buzz saw. Its tail
rattled with terrible earnestness. Thesquir
rcl ceased his antics, and sat up on the sand
as motionless as a statue. Finding neither
stick nor stone on the prairic,tho Judge tried
o scaro tho snako by threatening gest
tins, lheso inceriscil the reptile. Jt reared
bntli crest and tail, darted out its forked
tongue, and jumped fully eight feet toward
the Judge. II is Honor then get angry and
threw clods of earth and grass. At this the
serpent Hew into an ungovernable rage. Its
eyes fairly flashed lire. Apparently aware
that thero was no dangerous weapon within,it ran straight for the though
it meant to closo with him. It finally lie
came so active that Connor was glad to
leave it. As lie walked away it resinned its
position, and tho squirrel began his dance o
lcnlli, charmed by its buzzing music. Tho
Judgo saya that the snake was certainly nino
feet long. Tho mystery is, how came tho
squirrel and its charmer on a salt-vvate
prairio a mile from any tree.
More singular still, tbeo large rattlers
have been seen swimming in the salt water,
Dr. Wallace of Daytona informs me that h
has seen thcra apparently crossing from th.
beach to tho main land at Castle Windy,
Three years ago, Capt. Neil of Xew liedford
ono of Swift's live-oak superintendent, met
a monster near Mosquito Inlet, going out
with tho tide. The snake espied Neil's boat
and made a desperate effort to board her.
The Captain beat it oft" with tho oars, but
the fijht lasted two or three minutes. Tho
serpent at last disabled, drifted away will
the current, and was finally swallowed by
The larger rattlers nro said to follow herds
of cattle. Cow boys say that they smell tho
milk dropping from the udders of tho cows
and tako up the trail,with a view to nulkiii
them. This is dono while tho cows aro Iy
ing on the ground chewing their cuds. When
the serpent takes the teat in its mouth, tin
cow stops chewing, and becomes as still as
death. Thus she remains until tlio scaly
thief is satisfied. She seems to know that
the least motion would bo fatal. One snake
has been known to milk two cows succesiive
In the fall, when palmetto berries aro ripe.
the rattler crawls to the top of tho full-booted
tree, and hides beneath its dark green lans
Tho berries attract tho cardinal grosbeak
bullfinches, mocking birds, and parroquet
and they fill under tho infernal magnetism
of tho snake.
Tho rattlesnake when trodden on does no
invariably bite a person, lietliiine, an ol
Indian river mail carrier, while deer hunt
ing last summer, stepped squaro on a rattler.
llo felt it yield and move under his feet, and
then heard its ominous humming, Ifo jum
ed nearly ten feet, and turned as whito as
sheet, but ho says that tho snako made no
effort to bite him.
A moro remarkable story is that told con
cerning tho tt Ifo of Judgo Connor. Sho
deaf; and this intensifies a natural dread
rattlesnakes, as sho cannot hear their notes
of warning. Somo time ago her husband
and a neighbor wero doctoring a sick colt,
She was standing in tho path, holding some
camphor and a bottlo of liniment. She felt
something cold aud scaly coiling around her
leg. Drawing asido her dress and looking
dawn, sho saw a rattlesnake gazing steadily
in Ler fac, slipping out its red tongue, and
waving its head to and fro as high as her
hand. Tho blood rolled away from her
heart. Sho screamed, and jumped asido so
spasmodically that tho snako lost its hold
and was left on the ground. It is possible
that tho serpant was trying to fascinate her;
but her deafness barred out its low musical
sound. As the Judgo and his neighbor ran
up tho path, sho stood trembling with terror
ou tlio point of a faint.
'She's bit !" taid tho neighbor in a low
Hut tho deadliest foo of tho rattler is tho
common black snake. Ho is a public bene
factor, and ought to bo protected by tlio
tato Legislature, oven if ho does pick up a
lickcn or two occasionally. Ho grows very
long,and,unllke his Northern compeer, never
assails a human being. Tho rattler fears and
ittiis him j and well ho may, for tho black
ako is as agilo aud quick as tho mainspring
f a watch, and as full of fightas a bull-dog.
Meeting his nntngonit, ho attacks without
delay. After coiling and sounding an alarm
o rattler keenly watches its assailant. At
first tho black snako slowly glides around Its
plral enemy, as though studying its weak
oints. Ho frequently hisos and increases,
s speed wltlt each cycle, ever keeping an
eyo on the rattler. Tho latter twists its head
ith every revolution of its assailant. .Swift-
sweeps tho black snako around tlio circle.
iU tho full bent of his speed the rattler grows
illzzy. In a twinkling it is caught by tho
throat, and tho colls of tho two snakes aro
intermingled. Tho contest is decided by
main strength. As they writhe iu the grass
the superior prowess of tho black snake is
manifest. Tho rattler is slowly strangled.
Sometimes its body is swallowed, but this
does not always follow. Tho coach whip, a
long, clean-cut snake, frequently assists tho
black snake, and instances arc given in
hicli a dozen coach whips and black snakes
joined forces and Killed a small regiment of
Vultures and buzzards, with all their ap-
ctito for carrion, will never touch anything
bitten by a rattlesnake; but when his snake-
ship himself is killed, they devour him with
the greatest relish. A. I. Aim.
Why Uismnrck Tcmlcrcd His Resignation.
The mystery nbout tho retirement ofllis-
marck Is clearing up. Ho was tho victim of
petticoat intrigue, as many statesmen beforo
him havobecti, Women may not havo any
recognized political authority. Their In
fluence is, nevertheless, great. Illsmarck
carries himself with n bold front In tho
highest court circles. llo has long been ac
customed to regard, himself ns tho main,
spring of tho Prussian monarchy, and to ex
ercise an nbsoluto sway over King William,
as well as his subjects. He Is stem and tin-
A Special Agent's Story.
Out in Iowa, some time since, a railroad
ostal clerk was suspecting of defrauding
tlio department in a small way by using pos
;e ttamps a second lime, and a shrewd
peciul agent was detailed to work up the
Knowing that his reputation was at
stake, and that nothing short of tho most
positive evidence would secure a conviction,
he laid his pl.ins with unusual care. His
first step was to call on tho postmaster at a
mall town along the road, mako himself
known, and ask if lie had received any let
ters, addressed to him, by that day's mail.
Ho had received two. "Now," snid the
agent, "I wish you to carefully removo tlio
canceled stamps from the envelope!', and put
a privat mark on them, which I desire not
to see." Tho 'postmaster obeyed orders,
'Now," continued tho agent, handing him
ii bottlo of acid. "I wish you to write your
name across tho stamps, with a pen dipped
in this colorless solution." The autograpl;
was written as directed. "Now, write two
letters addressed to parties at some town on
the branch road putting out from tho main
lino at D , inclose them in envelopes,
and when tho mail train comes along tako
them unstamped to the mail car, hand them
to tho olerk with tho request thai he stanq
them properly, and at tho same timo hand
him adiino to pay tho postage. fhe post
master did as requested. .At this particular
station tlio train stopped the usual time to
allow passengers to breakfast, and the pos
tal clerk likewise took his rations witli com
menilablo regularity. Having received tho
letters and money, be deposited them o
tho des'r in Ihn car and hurried nut for In
meal. Tikini' advanl.ig.' of his ab-encc,
the ngcii', m e itnpiiiicd by a witne.s, enter
cd tho mail car by means of a prwate kc;
and dropped tho two canceled and markei
stamps, one mi the desk, the other on 111
Hour, to avoid giving the suspicion of do.
sign, ihn agent then tooK a scat in one o
the rear coaches, and the train sped onward
to tlin junction. The moment tho mail
pouch had been transferred to tho branch
line, and beforo it had been opened, th
agent was in the car. lie ordered tlio clerk
to open it in his presence, and examine
carefully for the two letters, the address
of which he gave. Tlio clerk mado tho
search and readily found them. A glanco
sufficed to show that his scheme had ivorke
perfectly, as, adhering to the envelopes tvero
tho identical stamps winch tlio postmast
had put his private mark upon, and
agent had dropped in tlio mail car on tli
main line. "Take those letters," said he to
tho clerk, "write your name across them,
wrap them iu a paper, seal it securely with
wax, put your private seal thereon, and then
give it to me." And it was done.
Threo times did the special agent of tho
department go through this samo pro
graiiuno in all its details, and invariably
with tlio samo result, before ho ventured to
arrest tho peculating clerk. Ho then had
him so deeply in the toils that thero was no
possibility of cscap?, but the youth, his par
ents, ami his'attorueys, not knowing any of
tho details of tho case, laughed attho idea
f conviction, and went to trial us they
would to n circus. As the agent's work was
nibbled to tl.em, eacli point being triply
guarded by indubitable testimony, they
wero overwhelmed with consternation and
moved lor.'a toiitit'iiatice. Heforo the case
catno into court again, tho clerk pleaded
uilty and incontinently threw himself on
the clemency of tho court.
bending, a "king of men," with an iron will
that brooki not contradiction,and with man
ners a? tinconciliatory as his temper. Tho
court ladies, and particularly tho Kmpress
iVugusta, did not liko his haughty bearing.
They nro accustomed to deference nnd hom
age. They could not tolerate tho lofty dis-
uln of tho "iron man," who seemed to
think they had no business to meddle in af
fairs of State. Whenever ho appeared they
turned their backs, pouted, and bit their
lips. Taking tho cue from tho Empress
ami her lordly dames, somo of tho higher of
ficers of tho court became insolent in tlio
masctilino sense, ono of them refusing even
to givo Count Bismarck tlio customary sal
tation when ho was entering tho audience
chamber of tho Kmneror. Tho haughty
temper of tho subjugator of Austria and
Franco could not endure this supercilious
combination. Ho turned on his heels and
Bent in his resignation. Tho proceeding was
rash one, but it had its effect. It fell like
bombshell in tho midst of tho palace.
hat scenes took place in tho private apart
monts of tho Imperial I'nlaco, and what con
slcrnation prevailed in tho circle of court
iers when it was known that the Kmperor
hud received, but would not accept, tho res.
ignation of Bismarck, can bo easier imagin
ed man ciescnueu. euiiico it to say tnc
mprcss, her ladies and their minions gain
ed a short-lived triumph.
The hast .Sigeof Uiliraltar.
The most memorable, ill somo respects, of
all the fourteen sieges to which Gibraltar
has been subjected was tho last, called the
'great siege," ono of the mighty struggles of
ustory which began in 177fl. The famous
General Elliott was commander of the fort
ress. Spain, In allianco with Franco nnd
Tlio rirst "Toe-Total" I'lcilgoln England.
Whlloso much nltcntloa is given to tho
Temperance movement, n fow facts about
tho origin of tho "Tee-total" pledge may
como fitly in place. In England ns well as
n this country tho advocates ot tho cause
wero very activo half a century ago. Socie
ties wero formed and "pledges" signed. Tho
movement in England was, if not absolute
ly begun, very largely promoted by "Seven
Men of Preston," all working men, who gave
themselves to tho work with a heartiness
which arose from experience and conviction.
Ono of theso men, Joseph I.lvosey, is Hill
living or was quite recently, in or nearl'res
ton, nnd if living ho is in his eighty-eighth
year. Mr. I.lvescy was never a victim to tho
habit of intemperance. Very soon a new
pledgo was prepared, tho first signers of
which wero tho "Seven Men" abovo rcierreu
to. Tho new pledgo interdicted all liquors
of an intoxicating character. Tho actual
origin of tho word "tec-total' issaid to havo
been as follows : One Hlchard Turner, who
spoko fluently and coined words when tho
genuine would not como to him fast enough,
declared, In a public meeting, that no half
measures would answer. "Nothing, no
said "would do but tho tc-tc-total." And
thence camo tho word.
Other accounts have been given, but it
this be not the true one, another charge is
to bo mode against tho veracity of tomb
stones, for tho word-coiner sleeps under a
'stono on which is inscribed : "Beneath this
stone aro deposited tho remains of Itichard
Turner, author of tho word'leetotaV as ap
plied to nbstinenco from all intoxicating
liquor", who departed this Hfo on the 27th
day of October, 18-10, aged GG years.
('lollies I'ins.
Tho Newark yl-'-VrfiW says : "Insignifi
emit as the common clothes pin is itself, its
manufacture forms no mean part in Ameri
can industries, nnd the numerous factories in
New England and other States furnish em
ployment to thousands of people There
aro several large clothes pin manufactories
in rcnnsylvania and Ohio, and one in the
vicinity of Saratoga, N. 1., each or whicu
is capable of turning out a thousand of box
es, or 72,000 pins per week. There aro sev
eral small factories scattered throughout
Massachusetts, New Hampshiro and Ver
mont, and all are run by water power. Aa
a rule, thoso engaged in tho manufacture of
clothes pins nro Quakers. Beech, whito
Morocco, endeavored to surprise Gibraltar;
but a Swedish ship gave Elliott tho alarm.
The garrison comprised but five companies
of artillerv. and tho whole force was less
than fivo thousand five hundred men. Tho birch nnd poplar aro tlie woods useu in ma.
enemy's force was fourteen thousand. Tho king the article, tho birch and poplar being
siege' began by the blockading of tho port,
and a siego was formed at San Hoque witli
tho design of starving out tho garrison.
When tho English Governor resolved to open
fire upon his besiegers, a lady in the garri
son lircil tuo lirst shot, rtovcrilida siege
war rage moro furiously than did this far
considered tho best. Tho machinery em
ployed is very simple. Tlio wood is first
sawed into logs four feet in length, and then
cut into small, square sticks by mans of n
cutting machine. Each stick after being
rounded in a lathe, is passed into another
machine which thtows out a number of per-
nearly three years. The garrison was often fectly formed pins at ono cut and with great
reduced to sore straits for food; "a goose was rapidity. Tho inns aro then tnrown into a
worth a guinea," and Elliot tried upon him- largo revolving cylinder, and smoothed by
self the experiment of living upon four oun- friction with each other. New York and
cesofrieoa day for a week. Exciting sto- Boston nro tho principal markets for this
ries are told of tho privateers that ran in, ware, and henco they nro shipped in large
amiiUt terrible dangers witli provisions, and quantities to tho West, and to England and
of tho storms which threw welcome wood Australia. Ovr 100,000 boxes of pins are
and cork within reach of tho'besicged. The annually sert to England, and a correspond-
rock at one timo would surely havo been ta- ing number to Melbourne, Sydney, New
ken had it not ben for Admiral Ilodhey, Zealand and the Sandwich Islands. Owing
who, saling oft' the strait, captured a small to the depression in business during tho past
fleet of Spanish war ships and merchant- two years, prices have fallen olf 25 percent,
men, and clearing tho strait of besiegers, and somo of tho manufacturers in New Eng-
brought his prizes into port. But all danger land havo cea'eil operations because they
was not yet averted ; Gibraltar was again could buy cheaper from tho West than they
blockaded ; scurvy broke out in the garrison, could manufacture themsclves,bcsides saving
and Morocco refused her harbors to Iviglish the expense of packing and transportation,
ships. The enemy crept closer aud closer to The price depends entirely upon the finish
rdclphla. with a rtmlttancc, as we dorot place It In
the hands ot dealers, tho samo as wo do our other
preparations. In wrlllngfor our "I'atnnh liemedy"
I, Minn von N w una nnvrriisemt'iiL m luu iii
lumoian- uioomsourg
Why Dye
No iiniilcr how (Iray or llnrli the
Halrmav be. It can bo restored toll orlelnal color
anu outuim uppeuruncc, ujr usciug
London Hair Color Restorer,
A Kemei'y to lteln.
state the Human Hair
In all Its youthful
color, lustre, softness
and beauty,
coiled at their feet, on a mat of dead gras.
Its tail was flying liko the wings of a humming-bird,
and it was ready to strike on the
least motion. Tho breech of a gun quickly
crushed its head. It was fifteen incites long,
about tho sioand color nf a stick of licorice,
aud had nine small that they would
go into a needle-case.
Tho genuine rattlesnakes grow to a mons
trous size, and their colors nro moro brilliant
than thoso of tho Northern species. They
Hair liestorer havo been killed twelve feet long, and as
Hair lecstorer , , . ,
Hair itestorer large around as a stovepipe. Cunt. Derail
liiifitcsuf?? ' I'alntta avers that ho saw one, twenty
ii"!1' 'ScHorcr odd yenrs ago, with forty-seven rattles. In-
llalrliestorcr crediblo ns this mav seem. Col. l'rntt. nftlie
uiur itesiorcr l i..i0ii.n i.i .ii ..,. ,i.. i. t. .
. .iiui.i, . Kiit,.,v nut la 111.11 ilu llus et cil UIJU
P A T E N T S.
V, A. Uluuann, Solicitor ot Aincilcan andFore'gn
Patents. Woshlr-gton, U. C. Ml business connected
with ratmU, whether before Ujo l'alcnt onice or
tboCouits,rfcUpU)' attendedto. No charge made
unless a patent U bocuicd. bead lor a circular.
I'o-lfiiir leM limn litu rlk.
per liuurlur fuel.
snd forclrcular and prlco list to V1I0N MIL-
iiayiw, si;-itv a
Patent office fee tss In advance, balance M) wltlilnt
months alter rulei.t dlowed. Advice nd oi mutila
tion free, rauniaboio.
Kay i, "Cl-Sm I ir co Washington, D. 0,
All atni.iu lift a.mtlKA W9 n
or rnnl nnwarai.e... tbo.iM of. -t n,, K1'1' fifty-tWO. TllCfO Serpents freqUCIlt high
natuial necessity, ihe hair. Uy many It haa been sandy rldges.and occasionally lurk In gardens
negUcled until It has tjeecme thin, gray or entirely I . , ;.. . , , , ,, ., , h
fallen orr, 'ino i-omion nair t-oior ncstorer restores uu in piuugucn iieiua, iney nave oven
natures losses, awl Imparls a l.eailhy and natural heen l-ni.vvn in mnlro im .. inin i....,
color, thickens the hair, cures dandruff and all Decn fcnl'n ' " tlieir way into barns
2W&Z&T&uWnuuJSS atm ,10U9C3' 1 1,6 Leac" ecrub' """" 9el1
In Us natural joutuiuiioior. I'riceitj nta. lTin- burned, Is nllvo wllh them, Some momtera
lljmi in ijvjh ivi tuu uiui tft-v, iviiu PlAtu Dlll'Vl,
havo been killed on Anataia Island, op
posite bt, Augustine. In the spring I have
couuted In one day, on the beach between
Canaveral and Indian river inlet, ten freshly
I shed skins.
"He didn't bite me," she retorted, without
however, hearing what he had said.
"She's bit I" the neighbor repeated, "but
sho was so skeertsho didn't feel it."
"Aro you sure lie didn't bite you, Mary?"
asked tho Judge.
"No, he didn't bito me," sho replied, "I
knotv ho didn t. '
And sho was right. Sho pleaded for the
life of tho snake becauso it had spared her;
but tho Judge, to uso his own expression.
'mopped hell out of it."
The enemies of tho rattlesnake include the
hog, tho deer,and tho eaglo. Tho hog thrusts
his fat chops into the snake's face, meekly
receives Its blte,selzes the reptile by tho neck
places its hoofs on its body, nnd tears it
as under. No blood is drawn, tho poison is
harmless in tho fat, and tho porker gels a
fair meal. A drove of bogs will clear the
wildest country of rattlesnakes, When a
buck sees a rattler, ho springs upon it like
lightning, bringing his feet together upon
Its lieatl auit body, tliu cutting it to pieces
for tho hoofs of a Floridian deer aro as hard
and sharp as a razor. An eaglo kills th
snake while it Is running itself, Tho bird
descends with the velocity of an arrow,
striking the reptile with Mich force as to sev
er the verttbrR,
tho fortress, but relief coming every now
and then enabled the English still to hold
out. The bombardments were fearful to en
dure. "The city was almost destroyed ;
scarcely a house habitable, and those left
standing pierced by shot nnd shell." At ono
timo the desperate garrison fell to plunder
ing the town ; Elliotshot the lea'ders in this
outrage. Tlio long agony, full of terrific
combats and frightful privations, ended by
tho final abandonment of the siege early in
17fe:i. If in that year tho English had to
make up their minds that they must let go
their American colonies, they had at least
the consolation that Gibraltar was still
theirs, George M. Towie, in Harper's Mag
azine for June.
and number in a box.
Knlish lliamellors.
Woman's furiosi! j.
A man was jrsterday pushing an iron
lawn roller around a yard on Woodward av
enue, when an old lady camo along, leaned
up r.galntt Ihe fence and watched him for a
while, and then called out :
"Say, mister, what are you pushing that
around for?
"To roll tho lawn," he answered.
"What do you waut to roll tho lawn
"To make it level."
"What do you want to mako it level for?"
she continued.
'That's what I was ordered to do," he an
swertd, as ho wiped away the perspiration.
"But what did they order you to do It
"Why, they think a smooth lawn looks the
best, I suppose."
"Why do ihey think a smooth lawn looks
tho best?" sho persisted.
"I haven t limctota!k,"hesald,ahoMnrt.
cd up again.
'Why haven't you timo to talk?" sho
"fiu'ii ask tho boss!" ho yelled.
"Why thai! 1 go .mil ask the boss?" she
He disappeared WWiid the houo to get
rid nf her, nnd iifie r wailing five minutes
him to rmppeflr she slowly muntcred otl
"Somo folks arc so smart and stuck U
that you can't get within a mile &f 'em un
less you blaze all over with diamonds.".
fittroit Int Am,
Tlio Oriental Iiusines.
A good citizen of Croghan street was read
ing the other day of a good l'ersian centle
man who always walked about with n smilo
on his face. When this l'ersian was nsketi
why ho always looked so happy when other
men looked sad ho replied:1
"I smilo because it may bo sunshine to
some poor soul surrounded by shadows.'
It was very nico in tho l'ersian. and tho
Croghan street man said he'd be hanged if
no coumirt outsmilo a Persian or anybody
elso walking around on two legs. He at
onco began to sinilo on his wife. Sho stood
it for a few minutes and then observed :
hat's tho matter. William got the cob
lc again?
I smile because I want to carry sunshine
to your darkened soul," ho replied.
&lie wanted him to understand that fifteen
minutes at tho wood piio would help her
more man all the grin ho could criu iu a
straight week, and when ho went into the
kitchen to smile some sunshine nt tho hired
girl tho wife followed him and raised a row-
that put dinner three quarters of an hour be
hind hand. However, ono can't get the
hang of Oriental business in a day, aud this
man tried it again on tho street car ns ho
camo down town yesterday. Opposite to
him sat an old woman with a basket, and he
undertook: to smile tho shadows from her
heart. She watched him two or three min
utes, growing mad all tho time, and present
iy sue asked:
"Do you think you know me, that you
aro grinning across tho aisle like a circus
baboon ?"
"I smile, madam, becauso because
ho stammered, forgetting what tho Persian
said. "I smile because"
"You aro grinning because I've got sore
eyes : she shouted.
"No, madam. I smilo that I that I"
Lord Northington,one day while out walk
ing, picked up a handsome ring and was im
mediately accosted by tho gentleman who
lost it, who invited the Chancellor to drink
a bottle of wino with him. They went to a
neighboring tavern nnd discussed tho news
of tho day over their bottle. Somo friends
of tho gentlemen entered, the conversation
becamo general, and a game of hazard was
proposed, but ono of tho company objected
in an undertone, but loud enough to bo
heard by tho Lord, "pick tho old flat's
pockets at once." Tho chanceller then dis
covered himself, and requested them to tell
him why they took him to be a flat. One of
them replied : "We bvg your lordship's par
don, but whenever we seo a gentleman in
white stockings on a dirty day, wo consider
him a regular pigeon and pluck his feath
ers." It has been suggested that this is tho
origin of the word "blackleg" as applied to
Thurlow was Lord Chancellor at the same
time that tho younger Pitt was Prime Minis
ter. Both of them wero men of great haugh
tiness aud Ipride, and frequently disagreed
at meetings of tho Cabinet. Onco Fitt claim
ed that the Latin language was superior to
the English nnd cited, as an instanco, the
fact that two negatives (iu Latin) made a
statement more positive than an affirmative
in English. "Then," exclaimed Thurlow,
"your father and mother must havo been
two negatives to havo made such a positive
fellow a3 you are !"
A lawyer named Crowle, who li .' .ft '
as counsel for Sir Gcorgo Vandepc a
election scrutiny in 1751, was cha.gc t rata
having wilfully protracted theser itiut and
with contempt to the House bj i'l .ig its
orders Irulumulmen. He was brout,n be
foro tho bar of the House, and was repri
manded on his knecsby thespcaker. Ashe
arose he wiped his knec9 with his handker
chief, and coolly said "it was tho dirtiest
house ho had ever been in," While on a
circuit Crowle was asked if the judgo was
just behind, llo replied : "I don't know;
but ho was noerjutt before."
Wnr.N the Itr.D Sea got Froznx Oven.
An amusing inslauco was told me of the
quick-wittcdncss of a negro preacher who
had elaborated a new theory of the Excdus,
to wit, that the Bed Sea had got frozen over
and so afforded tho Israelites a safe passage ;
but, when Pharoh with his heavy iron char
iots attempted it, they broko through and
wero urottned. A brother roso ami naked
' '111 not stand it!" she exclaimed, and she for an explanation of that point. 'Tee been
hammered him with tho basket until ho es- studyin' gography, nnd de ge graphy ray dat
caped off the platform. be very warm country where dey have de
"Now grin over that will you?" sho called tropics. Aud do tropics too hot for i- e: n
after him as sho shook the basket in tho I'a pint to bo 'splalned is, 'bout lids
"The Persian who went around smiling
was a fool, and I'm his lirst cousiu 1" growled
the man, and ho quit smiling aud picked a
light with a harncss-lnauer. Delro'U IVte
through de ice." Tho preacher sfra t't.'eBed
up and said : "Brtiddcr ; glad you n f 1 1
question. It gives me 'casioti tu pia " if,
You seo that was great while go Hide
times 'fo' dey had any gography To' dcre
was any tropics."