1 THE COLUMBIAN. Uli 0 0 MR I! mid, FIUIlAT, JUKI! , 18 77. Kali Iloait Tlmo Talilc. LACKAWANNA 4: BLOOMSllUlttl HAIL IIOAt) NOBTII. gOUTIt. Accommodation Train MS A.M. 7.52 A.M. Mall Train 7.89 A. M 4.49 p. M Express Train ., 1.60 1'. M. 11.67 A. M " " (Uo p. M. CATAWISSA HAlIi ROAD. N0KTI1. SOUTH Accommodation Train us A. M. 7,37 P. M. liogul.ir Express 4.(ki P.m. 11,113 A.M. Tlirongli cars on Express train cither to Sow York or Philadelphia. Accommodation train runs between Outawlssa and Wllllamsport. Constables' sale tiill'.and nil kinds of justices' blanks for sale at this office. Judging from tlio profusion of blossoms on tbo cherry trees there will be an abundant crop of this fruit. W. K. Buckingham, editor of the Altoona Mirror h visiting his father Key. N. S. Buck ingham, presiding elder of the M. K. Church. Strawberries of exceedingly good quality have made their appearance. They will be abun dant this season and, we trust, cheap. A severe hat! storm passed over Greenwood township on Tuesday evening doing much dam age to growing crops, breaking glass .Vc Why does the Shenandoah Jfcruld go to the expenso of sending a correspondent to Blooms burg? Nobody hero reads the paper. Charles Axt, a baker of Wilkes Birre, aged thirty years, hanged himself in his bed room last Friday and nobody knows why he did it. There are any number of counterfeit five cent pieces in rirculation, most of them made of pewter. Look out for them. Tho recent plenteous showers have done much good. Grass especially has grown wondrously under the Influence of the gentle rain. The Catawisst Lodge A, Y. M. will haven picnic, next Tuesday, at Catawlssa to which the members and the Masonic fraternity are invi ted. The Pottsville Miner's Journal says it "learns from railroad men that tho locomotive engi neers and firemen can go back to their engines at once, provided they le.ivo the Brotherhood." We havo ordered a new lot of jobbing mater ial, and our rates for job work have been re vised. We can compete with any othc office In the county in neatness and prices. Officers of School Boards and Poor Districts can supply themselves with orders, loose or bound, at tho Coi.umman office, at very low rates. Tho communication relative to the czpcill tion from "Centre Valley" reached us too late for our last issue, and, of course, would bo stale news for this week. An exchange says that Hour thrown on burn ing oil, will instantly quench the llamcs, and cautions tho public to remember this when a lamp explodes. Tiiis is the month of roses. Tho remark is not strikingly original hut as every other paper in tho State lixs mentioned it, we do likewise as a matter of justico to our subscribers. The session of the Methodist Sunday School Convention of this district began on Tuesday and ended last evening too late for a report of the pioccedings in this week's Coi.umiuax. 1 lie Town Ulock is on the rampage again and after striking two hours behind time for a whilc,struck work and now doesn't strike at all A striking instance of neglect. Wo have received from Julius K. Mirsales, 010 Arch street, Philadelphia, publisher, a copy of tho "Cordon Kouge Galop," by Edmund WolsteHcr. Illuminated title page, price fifty cents. We call attention to the advertisement of tli Jubilee Singers, who will bo at tho Opera House on -Monday evening next. Ihev are popular here and will doubtless have a good house. The Wilkes Barre daily llceord of the Times lias donned a new dress and is as pretty a paper as can bo imagined. Dr. Bradley Is deserving of any amount of credit for giving his readers a paper both full of news and fair to look upon. Hellebore, dusted over rose-bushes in the morning, whilo yet damp with dew, will cITec tually clear them of the f.y that infests them A few pennies' worth will do the business, and save your bushes from ultimate destruction. A correspondent Hends us a remedy for cur rant and goosebcry worms. Ho says, "Sprinkle tho bushes thoroughly in the morning, whil wet with dew, with slacked lime, liepeat twice r thrco times and the worms will perish." Amongst the fashionable intelligence in neighboring sheet occurs the following wise sen tence: It Is not polite to enter a place where you aro not invited. Therefore you should not go Into a store where they do not advertise. The personal properly in and around tho Exchange Hotel was sold by the sheriff on Mon day last. The prices brought hy tho goods were fair, and much belter than usually paid at such sales. Nearly everything was purchased hy creditors, and will probably he left in tho Hotel to be sold or rented with the building. For Sale. A line country residence, with choice surroundings, etc. This frequently means that the occupant wishes to regain health ; be cause a residence in a malarial district will in duce blood poisoning, and henco disease. This can bo most expeditiously counteracted by the prompt administration of Dr. Bull's Blood Mix ture. Christian Scliroeder, a Williamsport brewer, died in prison, on Thursday, of convulsions, A chart tiiuo before, he had boarded a switch en gine and flourished a cocked revolver, imagin ing that he was being pursued by revenue uffi cers, Tho engineer and fireman hastily fled from the locomotive, leaving tho crazed man In full possession. He was subsequently disarmed and lodged in prison, where he diud in twenty minutes. The following is a copy of a note received by the JWi Journal, Pottsville: "I feel It my duty to inform the law abiding citizens of hchuylkill and Carbon and Columbia counties that there is a plot about being made to rescue the Mollies who are now confined in jail and are to tie hung. 1 hope that there will be all cau tlon taken so that they will not be able to get them out of jail until they have been executed. lie on your guard ; this u no scare." A fnenu from Centralis sends us a well writ ten communication recommending to the peo ple an esteemed gentleman far a certain office. We decline to publish it. Any person desiring to announce his name for an office in this paper .can do so by paying us the usual charge. Since the establishment of the Columbian all candl date's havo been treated with the strictest im partiality. To admit of communications favor' ins one or depreciating others, would not only fill our columns with useless matter, but would lead to pcraonti tltlcrneui and parly injury. A young man named. William Heist, who lives on Iron Street near ltock, fell from tho second story window of his houso nhllo asleep, on nunuay night, and was badly brulsd. Ho leu at least twenty feet, striking upon a flight of steps and rolling down upon tho sidewalk. The application of Charles Grove, of this town, for pardon, has been held under mlvlsc ment by the Board of I'ardons. Grove Is ser vlng out a term of Imprisonment for bointr eon- cerncd in the stealing ofasumof money from the house of Mr. Fry, In Montour township. There arc in tho county jail at tho present writing, seven prisoners s tho thrco condemned men Hester, Tnlly and McIIugh, Kramer, un- er charge of setting fire to tho Exchange Hotel. rVrchle, colored, surety of tho peace. Kelly. tho witness In tho Hosier trial and John U. t right, from Berwick, for robbery. It will lio well If our readers who have fruit trees will examine them for ratnpillar nests ami destroy them. Tho work is easily accomplish- cil hy saturating a rag with coal oil, setting it on fire, and by the aid of a pole burning tho nests. J hese insects aro doing Immense Injury every year, and by a combined o ort may bo almost entirely exterminated, Tiik Youxu Folks' Monthly. Young peo ple, read the June number of the Young Folks' -Monthly, which is brim full of good things, for entertainment and Instruction. Should be read by every young person in the West. Price on ly S1.00 per year. Send 10 cents for sample copy. Address the Young Folks' Monthly 151 Fifth Av., Chicago, lho common belief is that ministers aro exempt from service on juries. This Is a mis take. There is no law exempting any class of men but the military. By the act of April 1, 18G7, every commissioned, non commissioned officer, musician and private of each and every uniformed company, which shall faithfully serve as such, shall be exempt from jury duty." At lho annual session of tho East .Susquehan na Classn of the Reformed church held at Mc Ewensville, Northumberland county, May 21th, Key. G. D. Gurley and Elder S. C. Shivc were delegates from Bloomshurg. Mr. Gurley was chosen a delegate to lho General Synod which meets in Lancaster in May 1S78, and Mr. Sliivo delegate to liio Synod of tho United States which meets in Allciuown next October. The number of Opium and Morphia eaters in this Country alone, would equal in size an immense army. To what extent tho desire was ingrafted in the unfortunates by lho early ad ministration of the deadly poisons named, it is not difficult to conceive. Dr. Bull's Baby Syr up is the remedy for tho diseases of Babyhood, contains nothing injurious to the weakest in fant and is absolutely safe under all circumstan ces. 1'rice lo cents. Wesley Bodine, who pleaded guilty to a charge of larceny, was to have received his sen tence on Friday, but evaded that unpleasant matter by skipping away from jail the evening before. Tho Sheriff had allowed him somo privileges and he had been assisting about the house on Thursday, but took advantage of the Sherifi's clemency and fled. His sentence will he of more interest to lnm than it would have been, when he returns. It remained for Colonel Hoyt's Wilkesbarrc llceord of the Times to say that Mr. MacVcagh "indulged in old Copperhead charges against General Butler." It is altogether probable Mr. MacVeagli knew what he was talking about, oven if he may provo to be in the way of Colo nel Hoyt's Gubernatorial aspirations. Thai' what tho Philadelphia Times has to say about it and there may be some truth in the state ment. Clinton county has taken the contract to sup ply the Democratic Slate Convention with al' the candidates that will bo needed this year and next. Mackey for Governor, Xoyes for State Treasurer, Mayer for Supreme Judge and DieH'enbacli for Auditor General all good ma' terial is what is written on the slate by that county. It is hardly necessary for the other counties to send delegates. It will bo a saving of time and double to let Clinton do the work herself. Of course none of the other counties would be so impolite as to object. Jlcllefontc Watchman. By an act of the legislature passed last winter tho pensions to soldiers of the war of 1812, or their widows, have been increased from $40 to $7.1 per year. As the act which provides for this increase does not specially appropriate a sum for the payment of the pensioners, the state treasurer had doubts as to his power to pay out money for this purpose. Ho accordingly sub mitted the question to the attorney general who rendered an opinion that tho act did not con diet with the requirements of the constitution and that the money due to pensioners will bo legally apportioned to them. Decoration Day was well observed at Espy. The procession formed at Odd Fellows Hall in the following order; The Buck Horn Cornet Band, preceded by lho colors draped in mourning; the speakers : lpy Lodge No. (1S1I.O. ofO, F. ; 22 little girls dressed in white, and carrying the (lowers to be used in decorating the graves citizens. The marshals were O. P. Ent and . J, Kobison, The proccssson marched lo tho Cemetery at Aftcn and decorated the graves of nine soldiers. A very appropriate addres was delivered by M, C. Brittain who was fol lowed hy Iicv. Mr. Buckingham and the pas' tor of the Evangelical church. After a bene diction by Her. A. Brittain tho line of march was taken up to lspy. We aro glad to learn that our young friend Wilbur F. lteeder,son of Hiram J. Iteeder Esq., of Catawissa, has been admitted to the Centre county bar under favorable auspices, ocllp lho following flattering notice from the Belle fonte Watcliman. Admitted. Mr. Wilbur F. Keeder, late a law student with Bush, locum and Hastings, was admitted to the bar a couple ot weeks ago, after standing one of the bcrt examinations ever gone through with bv any young lawyer in this county, Tho examination was an exceedingly strict and thorough one, tho committee pulling in sous tweniy-tivo nouriot nam work, tint they found Mr, Iteeder booked on alt points 1 in all phases of tho law, showing tho most ample preparation and an exhaustive course of reading, i lie young gentleman was highly complimented by his examiners and hy the lawyers generally. Ho is now a full-fledged attorney and we wish him success, honing thai lie may go on up until he reaches tun topmost round In the ladder ol legal lame and honor. The post office patriots make an attack in the Jlepullican this week, upon the members of the Itescue Hook and Ladder Company that is en tirely unjust and uncalled for. The row is all because the picture of Washington appeared ou Decoration Day, instead of Lincolns. The statement that Lincoln's picture was rejected for the purpose of Insulting his memory Is untrue, The fact is simply this, that the truck was dec- orated and ready for use when It was suggested that the picture of Lincoln should, be subslltU' ted for Washington's. This proposition com' lug from a hot headed radical who believe; Lincoln's memory more sacred than that of lho Father of his country, was not adopted, and hence there tears. A tempest In a teaiwt. It is true that the management of the Decoration services was left to the Itescue boys, audit I perhaps well that it was so, as otherwise tho day would not havo been observed. It would be far moro crtdllablo to the Itepullican If It hail taken some part in honoring the memory of our dead heroes, Instead of criticising those who originated and cont'ucled the ceremonies. Perhaps one of the editors of that "loyal" sheet wanted lo make a speech, and wasn't invited, which would account for this bitterness toward the Itescue Company. THE COLUMBIAN AND In another column will bo found tho adver-1 tiscment ofsaloof lho Exchango Hotel In this town, to tako place on Saturday Juno 30lh at ono o clock p. ni. nt tho Court Houec. This Is a splendid opportunity for somo ono having suf limit means, to purchaso ono of lho finest hotel properties In the Interior of the Slate. Tho building is new and everything about It Is com plete. There Is a great bargain In It. Wo havo before us a copy of the .Tanan Dailu Herald, published at Yokohama. It Is very well printed, on unusually heavy paper, is edi ted with spirit, and contains a largo number of advertisements. Curiously enough somo of Nasby's wretched trash Is reprinted In Its col umns. If the Japanese dcclaro war against this country, wo shall know tho real reason therefor and wo shall not hlamolhcm, Tho man Kelly, now in prison on tho chargo of having murdered Ilea, and who on his own confession not only aided in committing that foul deed, but is guilty of numberless other heinous crimes, is permitted to roam at large tlirongli the jail premises, and is treated as an honored guest. He is an acknowledged felon of the deepest dye, and until legally released should not bo treated with any moro considera tion than Hester, Tully and McIIugh, When you want to get tho news you read the CoLtiuiilAX, When you want an office you ex pect the paper to announce your name and tell the peoplo what an excellent man you aro. The largo papers have to print your tickets and posters and all convention papers because too small ones can't afford it.all of which you think is right, but when you have a little printing of your own to do, you single out somo obscuro one horse establishment and patronize that, and call this business, The friends and scholars of tho Columbus cademy, located at New Columbus, Luzerne county will celebrate the 21st anniversary of lat institute on Junu 23th. The exercises will consist of addresses, poems, music, etc., adapted to the occasion. It is the earnest request that till persons who have ever attended this school ill at once send their address lo Prof. D. O. Coiighlin, the principal. This institution has been the means of sending out upon tho rcali- ics of the world, men who havo made their mark at home and abroad. We could conceive f nothing more fitting than a gathering togeth er of the classmates of the past twenty one years. Then let there be a rally around the lime hon ored in-titiition, a general good time indulged A cordial invitation is extended to all to come and take part in the celebration, Takino 11as Out or Season. Wo have been advised lliat on several occasions this pring, black bass have been captured by par ies seining in the river, hereabout, in violation of the fish laws. The following advice, from the Lancaster Hiaminerand Jwprcss ofye-ter-day, may not be amiss on this subject: "The season for bass fishing does not commence until the 1st of July, and those who desi.-e to have our streams thoroughly 'tocked with these fine gamy fish should feel it a July to compel a rig- I oh-ervance of the laws framed for their pro tection. The bass aie now spawning and every female captured interferes largely with the de- ired increase. Magistrates who reside in the vicinity of streams, that have been stocked, should not hesitate to exercise the functions of their office without regard lo persons, and line nil who are detected in fishing out of the law ful season. It is only hy such a course that the object contemplated by the fishing laws can be accomplished." t the spring election the voters of this town saw fit to continue in office a majority of the last Town Council who voted for the ordinance requiring cattle to be shut up. There was a hard fight made by the opposition, but they suliereti a defeat. The only issue in the elec tion was the cow question, and that was decided the people in favor of the ordinance. Last Wednesday night a number of petitions were presented to the council asking for the re peal of the cattle ordinance-, and notwithstand ing tho same question had been already voted on three times and decided negatively by a ma jority, a vote was again insisted on and resulted tho usual way. .VII tho members who voted to shut the cows iqi immediately offered to give five dollars each towards pasturing the cattle of needy persons, but tho ' poor man's friend ' failed to respond. It is to he hoped that the cow business will not be heard from again, before the next election. i:. AD.IOUUNKI) cofitr. Court met pursuant to adjournment on June 1st. M. G. Yanderslico vs. A. Snyder. Kule granted to show came why a new trial should lot be granted. Com, vs. I far man A. Kramer. A writ of Habeas Corpus having been granted, Kramer was brought into Court and the case was heard. No new facts were elicited beyond thoce given in the UM.u.MHIAN ol last week. Kramer was held t) bail in the sum of &S00O for his appear ance at next sessions. J. 31. Dewilt vs. Samuel Creveling. llule granted to 6how cau-e why a new trial should not bo granted. Court order a general adjourned Court on July 2d at 9 o'clock a. in. In lho estate of Margaret Karns. Petition for sale. Sale ordered ; bond in 51500. Wil liam Krickh.ium approved as surety. Columbia county has been agitated upon the jail question for somo weeks pant. It appears mat Hie uouinn!ioners nndawaidid me can tract for building a new jail lo parlies living ii hchuylkill county when lower bidders were asking for the work in the county of Columbia, Keuionslranees were circulated among the peo ple, and numerously signed, objecting tu this proceeding ol building a jsil on kg expensive a plan as contemplated, and die Courls were in duced lo interfere, Judire El well erantim; an in junction against the Commissioners, slopping them Irom proceeding Willi the building ol the jail as intended by lho contract awarded, M yoimnfj 1emocral. The above would be all right if it did not happen tu be all wrong. The contract was not awarded to Schuylkill county parties, although they were the lowest bidders, but to Columbia county men who were among the highest in price. The Courts were not "induced to inter fere" but aclesl on a formal injunction properly presented praying that the Commissioners might be restrained from carrying out the con tract. If the Jkmuaal thinks tho alKiirs of this county worth priming it would bo as well for it editor to read his exchanges before writing his articles. OUITIMHV. 3Ionlgoniery Colo was buried atSt. Gabriel's Sugarloaf, on Tuesday June 5, 1877. Ho was aged CI years and 9 months. Mr. Cole was well known in the County of Columbia, He had been for some years an acting Justice of the Peace, and for a term of three years one of the Board of Commissioners of Columbia county. Ho had been long suffering from consump tion, which during tho last winter rapidly de vcloped itself, though bearing the daily wasting of life with full fortitude and resignation, It was the happy fortune of Mr. Cole to have taken great interest in the re-erection of St. Gabriel's Church, to which he contributed liberally both In labors and means. His desire to witness Its completion was most Intense, and not only was that pleasure vouchsafed him, but he lived to ho an eye witness of its consecration, and also to receive himself, upon theeatno occasion, the Apostollo rite of confirmation, and to he a par' taker of the broken body and shed blood, in com wemoration of the last supper. To him the first and the last, And thus he passed away in the communion of the church and In the com fort of a reasonable, religious and holy hope, r. DEMOCRAT.BLOOMSBUKG, COLUMBIA COl NTY, Tho Shenandoah Itnahl 1ms n .en.nltnnnl sr. tido from the pen ofthatfancy correspondent, purporting to bo an account of how Hester re ceived his death warrant. The Article is Im pertinent, of course, and lho correspondent In question was not present on tho occasion. He was ordered out of tho jail on his hist visit, for drawivg on his Imagination too strongly, which may havo had something to do with his absenco the other day. His letters aro just as well writ ten and contain about as much truth when ho is not on hand as when he Is. Business .Notices Gents' Fancy Shoes at E. 31, Knorr's. For Fans or Parasols go to Lutz & Sloan's. For Heapcr repairs go to Ilarm.in & Has sorts, Juno 8 4w. Wall Paper cheap nt Clark's Book Store. Lasting Gaiters, $1.00 at McKinncys. Tho largest and best stock of Tooth Brush es ever brought to Illoomsburg can now be found nt Mover Btos.' Among these is "Tho Perfect Tooth Brush" tho be at ever made. Call and look nt tho assortment. Best value In Clothing can now be found in all tho latest styles of Summer Clothing at tho most astonishing low prices. Men's Suits from H00. Youth's Suit from $3.00. Boy's Suits from 2.00. Call and bo convinced that tho best placo to buy your Clothing is nt D. Lowenberg's. A largo assortment of New Calicoes, Mus lins and Shirtings just received at Lut. & Sloan's. The Kockford Watch tho best. American time keeper made for the price, can now be had at Louis lieriihard's Jewelry store. Thoso who wish to obtain first class Gro ceries, can find them nt T, W. Conner's new store in McnUenhalrs building. Country produco taken in exchange. April 27-flw $1.23 Foxed Gaiter-, at McKinney's. Base balls and bats cheap at Clark's Book oiore. NEW GOOD3 just received a larg3 lot of spring styles of ouoes at p.. .u. Jviiorr s. Window Shades cheap at Clark's Book atorc. Lutz & Sloan aro selling ready made Lin en Dresses for Ladies' very cheap. Why experiment in spurious sewing ma chines since the great reduction in the price of genuine Now Family Singers ? Former price, G5 now SI!" ca.h, SW timo ; former price, SiU .iow -K cash, W time, rami lies will find it to their advantage to buy tho best. .1. A. dokax, Agent. June l-2w For a Nobby Shirt go to ror a stylish suit go to For the latest style of Hat go to For tho newest styles in Neck Wear hor line India Gauze blurts go to Latest Styles, Lowest Prices, can now bo lound at u. i.owenucrg s. Window Shades and Wall Paper in creat variety and cheap at Clark's Hook Store. Down to Hard Pan" lioots and Shoes at McKlmiey'a. Gents' Buff Congress at E. 31. Knorr's for $2.50. Tho attention of country merchants is in vited to tho large stock of Paris Green held hy Moyer ISros. Orders for any quantity will be promptly tilled. Ifvou want to save money in buyinc Goods, buy of Clark & Wolf. Their stock is lull and their prices are down to hard pan. l-ancyarid staple Uoods ot all kinds, and all of the latest novelties in Ladies' wear. Parasols. Fans. Ties, Iluches, Kib- bons. Hows, Scarfs, Linens, Cambrics, Per cales and a large line of White Goods. Come and see if they have not something to suit you. New Linen and Other I)res3 Goods this week nt Lutz & Sloan's. Fop. Sale. A cood second hand Keaper at llarnian cc llassert's. Juno 8 4v. PUIILIO NOTICE. Tho public is now informed that thev can have a ohaneo to select their SUJIME1! CLOTHING from the largest stock of Cloth ing over seen in llloonisburg. Call and see and judge for yourself and ho convinced that the old rehahlo store is still ahead in selling at the lowest prices. 1). Lowen- ucfi?- Hand-made Shoes nt JfcKiniicv's, You cannot find better cigars in town than those for sale by Moyer lirns,, from the celehiated factory of S. I'liguet it Son. They havo J lava u:i fillers and are well made in every particular. Tho Pride of Key West, Oraugo Flavor and Little Casino aio hard to beat, Wanted. Two girls to learn tlio tailor ing trade. Win. V. Kester. Apr.'J7tf Ladies' fine Shoes, all widths and sizes at -McKinney's. Havo vou tried Kirbv's WildCherry Cough Ihihum? A vcrv iialateable compound lb the various affections olthe throat and lungs it has been used willi success, in seven caes of asthma giving instant relief mid in many cases effecting a pernament cure. Price CO cents per bottle and positively warranted to give entiro satisfaction r money refunded. Klrby s magic Jieuei lor me instant cure of severe and acute pains. Kirbv's Tasteless Worm Lozenges, pleas ant, safe and effectual. Kirby a Horse and Cattle Powders are the best powders for stock, manufactured. Try them and be convinced. Kirby's Camphor Ice for sunburns, sore lips and chapped hands, -iint. i;ii!.. . i r i tiiii . villi n Diuiuua uuei 1,1, rr i ins lieu rccuui- mended by the first l'liyaiciaiiii ,i iie fiuove preparations nre lor salo by all HruKKistH and dealers in medicine. Jioyini iiuoninita, July21,'7C.-ly Wholesale Agent, . COAL I COAL!! COAL!!! Wo aro now oll'ering tho celebrated Sus quehanna Coal Co's Coal at tho following cash prices : iNo. (i. l.l per ton on wharl. No. .I. .6.ri per ton on wharl. No. 2. 3 and 1 12.10 per ton on wharf. ItlackHinith's Lump LV.iO per ton on wharf. liituiuinous 4.S0 k.t ton on wharf. 35 conlH per ton additional, fur delivery to auy part ol tho towu. Uoal llou'0 Kates 15 cents per ton less. No. 0. to Linie-buruers $1.50 per ton. Coal screened before lcavinir our mnl ami full weight guaranteed. Orders left at I. W. McKolvy's Store, at our office, or sent through the maU will re ccivo prompt attention. i uur imuvuagu is resiiecuiuiy niiichcu. 0. W. Nkal & lino. May 1, 1877 WHEHK TO ADVKltTISK. A. T. KtCWart fiavft tho lwst lLlvprtlJncr m.rihim lio lias CTer found 'are UuiDld oalabllahed organs ot tuu inu inJiuiwiLl lilllMl-B, Ub IIW BCVtrUl COU1U1 WMIW througliout tlio union." "Tlieso," hu aaa "reach everv family of tint tt-ajit ncnntint in ti,..ir kAv,.rni counties, aud aro moro carefully rad than any other uiwovi juuiuuiB, ii ,-iir. piewuri a luuijmeni 13 or value, there is no difficulty lu decldlnf much painr It U for tlio lnterebt of bunlDuss min tn mlv.-nu., in TUol'oivhbm liKMOciur, upon uhlchtula naperls partially founded, was established In 1630, and the Coi.i'uuun now enjoys a mucr circulation and Kreattr iroi-pcrlty than II ever did. It irots weik. ly Intottto thousand families In Columbia andud. lolnlni counties, and by mostot them Is read from In Urslto the last line, it is thnnniv r.m.niu..M exponent of nearly five thousand Democratic Nolcrs In tho county. It Kites adurtlsemeuta a tasty dix play, that makes them attractive to 1m patrons, thus ensuruuf greater certainty that Uiey will pertrw them. hue tta circulation latinrirmhtitfiiv miipi, n, larnest in tbo county, tho adieitlslnir rates of tho Colcmsun are no higher Ihauthow of other papers with barely halt and several not one-fourth 1 he num. ucr vi BuiMM.jiu;ns. rucis utu mess speajc ror them, solves. No shrewd business man mil necleet to In. km ma advertisement 111 the colcubum if NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. JOTICE TO THESPASSEltS. Ailrersonsarohorehy worned against trespass ing upon tlio lands ot tho undersigned, (or hunting or other purposes. t they do.they will bo punished according to law. II.I.IAM TliUWIIUIIKIK, SAJiLKt. (ij;i(ii:it, Juno 8, IT-Sw WAX NOTICE. Tllft linrlprslffnoi! Trflnsnrpr tit ihn Tftwti r,t 1ttutna- bnrir, hereby gives notice that ho Is prepared to re- Ce h e tho Tow n Tnxp nf snld Tnu n SHRi-i.si.r1 nhitn. certalned tor lho jear 1SJ7, on and otter natiirday, .Juno 9,ls?7, at thoonico otl". V. Illllmejcr, In tho ...ii, uuiuiiiK in puiu luw-n ana an lax pajersoro hereby required lo pay the samo. Any tax remain ing unpaid at tho expiration ot thirty days from tlio said nth day ot June shall bo paid with Ilto per i-e-uium iieuiiny u;on mo amount thereto. V.V. BILLMEYKIt, .luno 8, '77-tw Town Treasurer. Wl? WTT I mall ono and one-halt dozen II lJ V 111! . tin. rnwl ItnnnHrnl Chromos. In rrenrh nil cnlnr tvr bn,.n rns i nn 1 hey are mounted In s x Ki black enamel and gold' imun, uyiii upeiiinK anu oiuseu anyming now Dcrc.ro the public. Two samples for S3 cents, or tlx samples for 5ii cents, send lo tents tor grand Illustrated cat alogue with Uliromoof Moonlight on the lihlne, or 20 t'ents tor two Landscapes and Calla Miles on black ground. J. LATHAM ,t CO., 41 Woshlngton slreet lloston, Mass. Headquarters for L'liroinos, Juno 8, '77 Juno September and Octuber J w k Co. COMING ! HY SPECIAL AKKANGEMEXT Tllfi I'AMOfS Jnliilee and Slave Cal Singers WILL CIIVE A GRAND CONCERT AT THE OPERA HOUSE, BLOOMSBURG, MONDAY EVENINU JUNE 11, 1S77. ADMISSION 2-5 and 35 cents. Doors open at Ji30. concert begins at 8. SHERIFFS SALE. lly htue of sundry wills Issued out of tho Court of Common Pleas of Columbia county and to luo directed will bo exposed to public salo at the Couit House at onoo'clock p. m., on SATUUDAY, JUNE 30th, 1877, All that certain lot situate In IMoomsburg, known as lho Exchango Hotel property, bounded and de scribed as fallows, to-wlt : UeglnnlDg at tho corner ot Wltman's Alley, at the Junction of the samo w llh Second street, thence along s.ild Second street east wardly to tho alley between the Exchango Hotel and Exchange Ulock, theneo along said alley south wardly ono hundied feet, thence along an alley northeastwardly eighty feet, theneo southwardly In a lino parallel w ltli Centre street ono hundred and fourteen feet six Inches to Pine Alley, theneo along Pino Alley Eouthwestwnrdly ono hundred and sixty-eight feet four Inches to Wltman's Alley, thence along said alley northwardly two hun dred and fourteen feet six Inches to the placo of be ginning, whereon Is erected a tour story lirlck Hotel, brick barn, lco htu3o and other out buildings. seized, taken Into execution and to bo sold as the property ot W. II. Koons. ALSO, The following real estate sttuato In P.rlarcreck township, Columbia county, Pennsylvania, bounded nnd described ns follows : on the north by public road leading to Horn lck, on the east by laud ot Dan. lei Piirccll, on tho south by Susquehanna rlier, and on tho west by land ot D. A. Bowman, on whlchare erected a two-story lirlck House, a frame barn, two other dwelling houses, and other out-bulldlngs, Seized, taken Into execution, and to be sold as the property of imam L, rrsas, ono ot tho aelrs of John l'rcas, deceased. ALSO, All that lot or pleco of land In llcav er township, Columbia county, stale of Pennsjlanla, bounded and described as follows : On the north and east by lands of John Illnderllter, o tho south by laud ot I-'ranklln Shum.m and on tho west by land ot John Shearman, containing twenty-threo acres bo the same more or less. seized, taken Into execution and lo be sold ns tho pvopei ty ot John Illnderllter and Cieorge Hosier terro tenant. ALSO, All that certain pleeoor parcel ot land sltuato In the township of Pine, County or Columbia, Penn- sjlvanln, bounded on the not 111, south and west by land of Philip .shoemaker, and on the cast by land ot Philip Shoemaker and James Masters, containing seventy-six acres moie or less, whereon lire erected a dwelling house, a burn and out-bulldlngs. bclzed, taken Into execution and to be told as the property of Joseph Shoemaker. ALSO, The following real estate situate In Centre town ship, ColuubU county, Penusy.anla, bounded on Ue nortli by lands of Samuel Hldlay, on the west by lands or J. llagenbuch, on the suuth by lauds of E. Alkmau nnd Margaret Alkman, on the east by lands of J. llagenbuch. r-atzed, taken Into execution nnd lo be sold as Uio property of Lew A. Hldlay. ALSO, Tho following real estate sltuato In (Ireenwood township, Columbia county, Penny Iranla, bounded on the north by Wilson Eves, on the east by land ot Israel llogart, on the south by land ot William Itobblns and on tho west by Ijnd of tlio M. E. church, containing four acres moro or less, on w hlch are erected three frame dwelling houses, a stole house, blacksmith shop, saddler shop and other out buildings. ALSO, A piece or parcel ot land slluato In Pino township count) i.ud state ufoiesald, bounded on the north by laud of Cornelius McCaiion, cost by public road south by laud of Ees'estale and Jacob Long am. on the west by land of Joseph Purcell.tonlululnr ono hundred and ilfiy acres more or less ou which aro erected a dwelling house, barn und other out bulld'ngs, ALSO, OnoundlUded half of the following Iraetof land ns No. s, slluste In Pine township, county snd stato aforesaid, bounded on the noith by land of John Whltinojernnd ethers, on tho east by land ot'l'ho in. as llcmleld and others, on tho south by land of James Shullz and others and ou tho west by land ot Solomon Dirk and others, containing three hundred aud secnty acres moro or less, whereon niocrectml a saw mill aud a frame dwelling house. St'lcd, taken Into execution, and lo bo sold as the propert) of Jului U'ggott. ALSO, All that certain teal estate situate In Mltlllntown ship, Columbia county, bounded on the north by laud of I. K. scliwepis'iih jlser, on the east by Mow. ry t Schweppcnhelser, on tho west by lands of Joseph Ocarliart, on which aio erected a dwTlllng house, baru and out-bulldtngs, the tul l real estate consisting of nlncty-llvo acres u.oro or less. ALSO, Ono other piece cr tract of land bounded as fol lows: on the noithby land of Isaac Snjder, east by land of Henry creasy, south by land ot Jacob Nun cesser, and west by land of Lawrenco Waters aud others, whereon ar erected a dueling house. ' UJru "uu ouvuuiiuinss,conisii!isei 0Be uun(lr and twfiny acres more or lebs, situate in .tho town ship or innim aforesaid. Kelzed, taken Into execution and to be sold u the property ot John Ateu. A LSO, A certain pleco cr pa-cel ot cround situate In tha Tuwnot lilooinsburkM'olumbU county, rcnns)lva- nia, described as follows 1 ou tlio north by land of Michael Casey, eaot by Church, south by ltock street and west by lot ot V. J. Jluckalcw and N. V. lYnk, being oiin lot on w elsh mil, whereon Is erected a dwelling houso, baru and out-building. belied, taken Into execution, and to be sold a3 tho ropcrty of John Wanlch, Jr. ALSO, Ah that piece or parcel of land situate In the town ship of HrUrcreek, Columbia county, adjoining Sam uel name on tno norm, AUln Vandermark. estaUi ot John Linden and estate of Y. A, J. llrtttaln on the east, William Kllnctob and Slartha Edwards on tho BOiith and 011 tho west by Vrlah Vanpelt containing ciguiy acres more or less un which tro erected a two-story frame house and bank bam. Seized, taken Into execution and to bo sold as tho property of (lldeon Hosier and John Vanpelt. CONDITIONS Of UALU.-I'urcliaseni must nay ten r cent of tho purchaso money, or at least enough to coier all costs at striking down ol salo otherwise properly to be it sold at once. JOHN W. HUI'IWIAN, June8,1T-ts Mierltr, UDlTOlt'H NOTlC'i:, KSTATU 01' II, II, fOWLKH, PECKASVP, 1 lio undersigned auditor appointed by tho Court toiustilbule Urn luuds tu tho hands of tint Adminis trator of said deceased to and among the in-rsons entitled to the same, win attend totliiMluilcsot his apiHjlniment ul the emeu of Kunk vi flier lu Illoomsburg pu Tuesday, Aug 7, 17, ut 10 o'ekxk a. IU. Wllt'll Ulld Whelu all IrrhuliM nr., I,..r. I.v 1., .11,1,., 1 to make know 11 1 heir claims betoro tho Auditor or bo ut-uuiii-i. Hum turning iu un taiu lunu. , , I. U. WAI.IEIt, Junonmw, Auditor, BLANK MOUTOAOES for sale cheap at the UOLl-UBUt unice. BLANK NOTES,witli orwitliout txexnptlo tor atla at the Colcuium omocc DYSPEPSIA. DYSPKrsIA. DYSPEPSIA. Dyspepsia Is tin most perplexing ol all human ail ments. Its sjm)toms ore almost Infinite In their va rfety, and tho forloi n orid despondent victims of tho dlseaso otten fancy tliemMdvcs the prey, In turn, of ctory known malady, Tills Is duo hi part to the cloao sympathy which oilsts between lho stomach und tho brain, nnd In part also to tlu f.iet. that any disturbance of tho dlitentho functions necessarily disorders tho lUe r, the bowels and the nervous sys tem, and affects, to somo extent, tho quality of tho blood, K. 1'. Kunkel's Bitter Wlno ot Iron Is a sure cure. This Is not anew preparation to bo tried and found wanting) It has been prescribed dally for many years In the practice ol eminent physicians with un paralleled success! It Is not expected or Intended to euro all tho diseases to which tho human family Is subject, but Is warranted to cure' djspepslaln Its most obstlnato form. Kunkel's Hitler Wlno ot Iron never falls to cure. Symptoms ot Dyspepsia aro loss ot appetite, wind nnd arising ot the food, dryness ot tho mouth, heartburn, distension ot the stomach and bowels, constipation, headacho, dizziness, sleep lessness and low spirits. Try tho (treat remedy and bo conUnccd of Its merits. Tako only Kunkel's, which Is put up only In tl bottles. Depot KB North Ninth street, Phtladolphla. Advleo by mall fro, by sending 3 cent stamp. Try ono bottle of Kunkel's Iron nnd bo conUnccd of Its merits, sold by drug gists and storekeepers everywhe re. WOlt.MS. WOltMS. WORMS, Ilenioud allie. Tape Worm removed alive In from two to threo hours, with vegetable medicine. Head nil passing from tho systematise. Nofeetlll head passes. The Doctor nover falls to remoo Tape, Seat, Pin and stomach Worms. Ask jour druggist for a bottle of Kunkel's Worm Syrup. Price 1 per bottle. It never fails, or send to Dr. Kunkcl, 139 North Ninth street, Philadelphia, Pa., for circular with full Instructions, by enclosing 8 cent;statnp for return of same. Kunkels Worm syrup Is used for children or adults with perfect satety, as It Is vegetable. Duyltandtryir. Dauchy 8c Co's- Advt's. "RflfTlTS" Sf-, "is. only fl.f.o canltal re- quireu 10 siarv cam nssmg ror Marl: Twain's New Scrap Book. Apply with sump to vigKUewYrkOANVASSERS A Safe, Suro nnd Chonp Dectroyor or the POTATO .O. .BUQ.CABB10E OUR PESTffvT IP 0 1 SO N. ftn-1 otticf Inwcli It L'nllk PARIA UMlF.V It (Ti.ntvM In wiW. ml Ii shrink U.I. Sure rlraih. r1ncf ff pliril. r in unnf. I T r Or, till 1 1 llh t,ni 1 , I t Circular with hun IrM nf tntiumnHU lHn mint t ih trail. kUAKMLY CHEMICAL WORKS. I' (1. SH. H UrUandl St., Wk City. For salo by S. J. Conner, llerwlck. Colinnhia mini. t", Va Juno 8. T7ivr U ONcw pieces sheet muMcietatls rorft Ts, sent for M CtS. and Stnmtl. t hrnn Mtielr I'n . MlflHlflw-irn. QXIXI.iiant CAKlw all Rt.Ues with name, 10 W May 'iVTT-iw d uu-51. puiu. .j. a, jiusicdi in.ssau, itens co. liest bargains In Amerlca-PAPMCU' P. Mancl Maps and Catalogue riee.A :XiXLlUODoer,Uel. Jlay 2. 77-4iv a Mfe ami IlcsiltSi Wifliuut E9rKH - - lr, I'ancoast'n e;reat worlc . - T-.r-m Tho only book prac- XjXQ-JtrLT. I tieally treating this now universally absorb l n ir topic. Show a how to apply tho treatment, and tells of many Ruccessful curex mado by tho use of this wnndeiful medium, circulars and best terms to early applicants. J.M.bTuDUAllTCO.,"23 Chest nut st phlla. May 23, i;-4w rt READ THIS! ! A Chance for all to malic or Savo Money, AMI OET THE BE1TG00P.S IN THE MARKET. TEAS, COFFEES, &C. sold at lower prices than the samo qualities can bo bought at any other house In this country. All poods guaranteed to be satisfactory and as lepre ent ed.or tho monev will be ri runded on return or tho iroods. w hlch may be done at our expense. Tho reputation of our houso for ski unci standard (iooiisat tow i'ru'es, (for Sti years), has chenusa standing lu New York city ond vicinity, that is not enjojea by any other houo In tho trade. After ma ture deliberation we tune determined to orferour goods to housekeepers In the Interior, at the loweut wiioi.fsaie nt a i) k tkicfs. v,h'ii a club is formed largo enough lo make a small case. Tho goods of each member of tho club will bo put In beparato packages, and marked with name and cost, so as to aolU contusion In distribution, (ioods will bo sent by expiessioeoLi.rcT oniklifky, Allwlshlng to sao .Tioneyby purchasing family supplies atew York wholesale prices can talk tho matter oer amomr mends and neighbors, and send to us for club circular, 1'rlce-llst, Ac. Wo glea present of either goudsor money to the person who gets up tho club, to cornpthvato for trouble etc. hamplca oi it iun r,c beni uy uiuii, Send for price-list and circular. St&er's 17ow Vcrlz and CHsa Tea Co., M. H. MOSES & CO,. Proprietors. 77.711, SI N I, iiinl S(l Viwy M reel, or Viirk Ma y 41, II 4W U UNEQUALLED OFFER. Full Nickel Silver Plated 7 Shot Revolvers as Premiums. A MONTH'S AMMUNITION FREE Trtmps, Burglars aai Thieves infest all parts of the Coattry. Ever7 One Should go Armed. lira 5 J"-!! HHMtj 5 0 Ql M2 S3 2.S 3. 9FJ(S!iSSsI mTiJJJSK-lt! 0 7 xtf'xiSKriur5r'"- 0.5 E2il51gilsl a TVINS' 1'ATl-NT IIA1K CWMl'UHS I Adtpted byullthe nuetnaiif fashion. Stndfor nioular. K. IVIhK, Jo. tUjNuth Finii street, 1'Ltlldtlphlo, l a. Id (..s,l 4m J W PA. EGAL ADVERTISEMENTS, EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. 2J KSTATfc or AD11AIUW URAVRIt, DECEASED. Letters Teslnmenfjirtf nn thnfRtjit nf Abrnli'iin Beaver Into of Koailngercek townstilp county of oiuniuin, oeeeavd.iintels'en granted by the Itegls- rui rmiii-fjiuii.v 10 mc umiersigneu execmors. ah rnons hai lntr claims a cralnst the estate of f lie ripre- lentaro reaupsteil fatirennnt them rnr setlleinpnt. and thoso Indebted lo f ho estate to make payment iw uuui-iaigiicu vAreuu'in niiuuuiuem. AI1HAI1A.M llfjAVEIt, Jn., (of Jtlngtnjrn.) May 11,17-Cir." j'.xecuiei N pursuance of an order of belann 11. (Jul. JL vln, Esq., Hurrogato ot tho County ot New ork, nutlco Is hereby gUen to all persons having claims against Charlotte L'jer, late of Catawlssa, Pennsyl vania, but leaving assets within tho city and county Of Now York, deceased. In nri'sent llin fuimn Willi ouehers thereof to tho subscriber, at his olllce, No. os Wall street, In tho city ot New York, on or tuforo viKiiic-e-uiii uujr ui .1 Ulie I1UAI iraicu, acw xorir, inoscvcnm aayoi December, ' ' rilEDEIHCK C. IIAVKMEYEIt, I)ecl5-Cm Executor. XKCUTOK'rS NOTICE. U KSTATK OK THOMAS KNOSH, DECEASED, letters Testamentary on tho estate of Thomas deceased, haie been grante I by the ltegtster of said county to John tl. ()ulck, of Kupert, Colum bia county, Pa., Executor, to whom all per sons Indebted aro requested to mako payment, and moss ha log demands against tho said eslaio win lay. iiiaKo incm Known to me saia lixtcueor wunom, ue- JOHN U. QUICK, Kit ecu tor. May 4, 77-cw DMINISTKATOU'8 NOTICE. ESTATE OF Wll MAU I1ABBE1I. DEC'D. Letters ot administration, do bonis non. cum testamento annexo on thn estate of William Unr. ber, late or. .Madison township, Columbia county, Pa., halo been irronled bv tho lteirtster of Co lumbia county, to Conrad Kreamer, of Bamo town ship, to whom all persons Indebted are requested to make Immediate payment and those liaMngclalms or demands against the said estate wilt make them Known eoiuo un&crsigncu Aumimsiraior without delay, eU.NK.M) KllKAMEll, Maj- 2.-,, '77-cw' Administrator, DMINISTUATOIt'S KOTICK. rSTATB OF F.1THEK BARB Kit, DBCKA9EH. Lett-era ot Administration ile uonts non cum testa mento nnnexo on tho estnto of Esther Barber, lato of Jlatilson township, Columbia county, lvnn'n., deceased, havo been granted uy the Hegister of said county to Conrad Kreamer of Madison iwp., Colum bia co., Pennsylvania All persons haWntf claims against the estate of tho decedent aro requested to uivseiiLuieni ior spiucmem, mm uiuse inaeuieu 10 inu esiaic 10 maKo payment, 10 uio uuaeraiffueu Administrator w lthout delay. May 23, T2Cw, Administrator, ,4 DMINISTKATOUS' NOTICK. KSTATK UK JAl'UII t l.KtYf 1'KC P. letters niAilmlnlstratlon.au the estate of Jacob Clewell. lato of Catawlssa twn. Columbia Co. doe'd. hate twen granted by the Iteglster of said county to nut unuersiirneu aaminisiraiurs 01 -saino townsuip, to whom all persons indebted to said Estate at e re quested to mako payment, and thoso hat Ing clalma against the satd cst.tto will make them know n to tho said administrator without delay. CIlltlSTIAN CIXWT.LL, UllAHLlaCI.KWKLI, May 23, 77-5w Administrators, fISSOLUT10X NOTICE, -Yo CONRAD KKEAMi:it, V, . . 11 L lis 1 , Thn buMnpvn nf thn firm will bo, continual at tho omsund. Tuarikruiror pat patronage, I respect fully solicit a continuance of tho same. CONKAl) KKEAMEIE. Ma.vjs.TT w "UI)lT01iS XOTIOK. n tho Orphans' Court of Columbia county. The undersltrnctl vraa nnpolntetl Auditor in thn matter of hc exceptions to tlio nnal contlrmatlon of the account of John Andw&on Administrator of ilary Thornton, deceased. In compliance with his ippUinilJlL'Illj 11U Will UlLfllU LU IIIU UULlt'f Ul Lilt latntsflt the nultllc houso of W. K. Veldensaul in Centralla the I4tu day of June 1st; at 10 o'clock a.m. J. II. JAMKS, May 25, 17-4 w Auditor. A UDITOK'S KOTICE. lie matter of the mnnev arl&imr from t he sale of the real estate ot U. W. sterner by the feheriu and now in ma uuuuh. The underslirned Auditor nrnotnted to mako dls- rlbutlun of the aljove funds to and amoncthe par ties entitled thereto, will attend to the duties of his apponumenr ai me oince or is. s. v..i. nucKaiew in the to .vn of Bloomsburtr. I'enn'u.. on Saturday the 23d day of Juno 177, at 10 o'clock a.m., when nnd where all persons having claims are requested iu prelum, uio sume uciuro ineAuuuor or uo ueuarr- ea irom coming' in ior u snare vi saia rur.a. C. It. I1UCKALEW, Jlay 25, 1S77-4W Auditor. DMIXISTItATOH'S NOTICE. ESTATE OV JOHN HW31IEK, PECEASED. 1) LeLterROf admlnlstrullrjii dobonU nnn. on tliors,- tato of John hwlther. lato of Madison tftn Co'. co., deteaed hae been granted by tho Ileglster ot said county to c. It. Itrockway of illoomsburg, Co- mmoia county, Atim'r., to whom nil persons indebt ed are renut'Sied to make naiment. nnd those ha. iiiir Ljuiiiif ur iiciimiius iirramsL ino ruiu rsiaui will make them known to the said Administrator wiuiout, ueiay. 11. JHHJl IkHAl, JuiiC 2, 17.-6W. Admlubtratur. SJIE111EFS SALE ! lly virtue otn writ ot Fieri raclas Issued out ot tho Court of Common Pleas of Columbia co and to tne directed, will be exposed to public sale at the Court llou'o In liloom-bnrg at ono oVIock p. m. on SATFltDAY, JUNK 2:M, 1S77, tho follow In real cfitato to-wlt: All that certain lotot ground bltuale on tlio west Mo of .Market street. In the Town of Illoomsburg adjoining let of William Neal un tho south, and lildge Alley on tho nortli, and extending back to Muucy'n Alley, whereon Is elected abilck duelling House, barn, lec-hou-,0 and other out-bulldlngs. ALSO, Ml that certain lot of ground sltuato on Third street In tlio Town of Illoomsburg, maikcd In gem r. nl plan nt said Town, No. AJ, beginning ntB.)uth east conn r of said lot on Thlut street, thence uloiig slid stieet south weft sltiy-sK feel, meneii north west nlong lot No. CO two liundied ami fourteen and a half feet to Pine Alley, theneo along 1'lne Alley north-enst suty-slx feet, thence south-east along lot No. CI two hundred and rourteen and a half feet to tho place ot beginning, containing one thlid of an aire, whereon 1.3 creeled 11 frame dwelling house, earn nnu omer out-uuudlnga. ALSO, Alt that certain lot of ground situate en Third street In said Town of Illoomsburg, marked In gen eral plan No. CO, adjoining nt-ow-tost described lot ou tho east nnd extending west along said Third street i feet to Jellerson street, and back along saia jciierson street two hundred and tour teni and a half feet to I'lnn Alloy, containing one. Ihlrd of an acre, wbireon Is erected a brick dwelling uuuMi.iraino uain auci oilier out-liullrtln s. seized, taken In execution and to be sold ixs the property 01 .loun s. sterner. CONDITIONS OP SAUi-rurehasera must veu per ceni. 01 me purchase money, or at enough to coyer all costs, at striking downot MM la nfirphv irlvpn flm Inn niirt nr"teii 1t imrntn- I rorc exlbtlnjr iMtwven t'onratl Kreamer ami v. W. i-iVrt (ionf a hnniT Hurst nt.lerscytown, Columbia county. Pa., trading 1 nnfAoffiw seme by limitation on April 1st, W7. The accounu ,,,S&nm V rSn row vni to settled Uy ellhcr member of tho lato linn. ?r J "7 m ,1 k ( leat sale otnei Iso property to bo resold at once. JOHN V. ltomiAX, siay 25, lsti.-ts SLerlff. A Sitll Further Reaction in tlie PIHCC OF PAINTS, OILS, 1IIIUSIIEH, JAPAN DHVUIt & iryoii want lo nave from S5 ior riit 10 following: ' l'A,NT,NG' wndforour prices ot the Strictly l'Ulti: WIIITi: .HAD, montovk wiTira i.eau RLATK PAINTS, ALL COI.OUS, IUON PAINTS, TIIItEn COI.OItS, PURE LINSEED OIL BEST JAPAN m.si:i:i oil, . t iiti ii ri'TTV. Best Paint Brushes, COACML YaHNISII, iiousi: VAUMS1I, L'urniiui'o Vaniisli, spiiiiTS of 'u ih'i:ntine, Ordennnd Imiulrlesliv mall will mi-lio proiupt a tentiuu. suuiplu curds amliulc clit furnished without 1 hurge, linXUV .S. 1IKAV, . . KUPiiiir. e.-ly. pAI'EH BAGS KOlt HALS AT TIIK COLUMBIAN OFFICK. Mercantile Appraisement, LIST OP rWAI.mtS IN COLVMMA COt NTY. 1 hereby certify that tho following list of dealer UkCn, returned and classified by me In accordance with thesetrral acta of Assembly, 13 ond for the county of Columbia, for the year 1817, ts correct to tho best ot my knowlcdgo and dchci 1 I11!AV1!R TOWNSHIP. lllnderlldcr, David, gescral mcrchondlso nice, Abraham " " Shuman, C A, " Drelsebach, ocorgo " Iissee, .1. A. " Shumnn, I". I.. " BENTON TOWNSnir. Mcltenry, ltohr, Kcneral merchandise Jlollcnry, .1. .1. " " Mcllcnry.U.SoniCo " " BERWICK BOROt'OH. Adams Hon. general mcrchandlso Freas llrothers " Freas llrothers, lumber dealers llockman, II. M., grocery store Fowler, u. 1). furniture store Hughes, W. T. grocery store Wilson, s. A. Co. drug atoro Snyder, C. II. book store . Howman Crispin, general merchandise Iiower, I. it. It. " " Little, It. 11. dmgstoro Dlstelhurst, F. I,, furniture store Jackson K woodln, manufacturing Co, Itiicklngham, O. A, stove and tinware oross, DaMd, porter bottler BliOOMSBUHO. Ilto 7 l TUI ;o TOO 7011 tl 18 11 ISM 12 HI 7m 13 13 10 OB 10 7 00 IS 700 702 70D Tin 12 M 12 BO 700 709 40 00 700 7 tO Caldwell, .1. F. confectionery 1 Wagenscller A Co. wholesale notion store is Ilendershot N. J. drug and grocery stcro i (lllmore, William, confectionery H Old & I'ursol, general mercliandtso 14 llagenbuch, Isaiah, stovo and tinware U Conner, T. w. grocery store 14 liendeuhall, K. dry goods store 14 Mroup, Dav Id, grocery store 14 Creasy. I). A. dry goods and grocery 13 Itolllns C Holmes, plumbers und gas llllcrs 14 Kvans, A. .1. clothing store 14 Jtarr, O. C. grocery and dry goods 13 Hecker K Meckel, confectionery 14 Kramer, William, grocery Btore 14 Miller, s. II. & son. dry goods and grocery la Itunyon K Co. hardware store 13 Schuyler i Son " " 12 Hernhard, Louis, Jewelry stero 14 Caiman, K. K, furniture room 14 Lowcnberg. Dald, merchant tailor 13 Savage, u. Jew clry store 14 Clark Wolf, dry goods store 12 .lacoby, O. A. grocery store 14 l'oust. N llUatu 1). dealer In coal 14 Ilendershot, Joseph W. grocery and coal 14 Neal C. W. & liroihcr, dealers In coal 18 Klelm, Henry, grocery store 14 Maize, J. 11 grocery and queenswaro 12 Webb. Thomas, confectionery 14 700 loot! 7W 7 00 700 700 710 1 no 7 ml 12 Ul 7 00 7tu HI ml JOI TIM 12UI 10 10 12 50 700 700 IOW 700 12 00 7 Oil TOO 7 011 12 SO 7U0 12 Ml too 12 W 12 7 (III 60 01) 1.1 (HI 7 00 700 10 011 12 CO 111(10 700 7 01) "00 7 00 700 700 7110 700 7 00 10 011 700 TOO 411 110 7 CO 7 00 7 00 700 Moyer llrothers (curner Jlatn) drug store 12 I.utz & Sloan, dry eoods 12 McKlnney. w lliiam O. boot and shoe storo 14 .Mciveivy, 1. w. ury goous anu grocery o ltaitman, I. W. " " 11 llartman, 11. C. carpet storo 14 Klelm, C. A. drug storo 14 Correll. W, J. K Co. furniture store 13 Keller, Jacoo, wholesale dry goods 12 llycr, .1. K. dry goods and grucery 13 Miss D. llrobst, confectionery 14 naoo, Aiigusitis, grocery suiro 1 Fiirman.Klias It. furniture storo 14 Whary, L. K. stores and U.waro 14 Itupert, A. M. " " 14 hicks, .icssp. cioimng store 1 llartman llrothers. grocery storo 14 Knorr. Lit M. boot and shoe store 14 block) drug store 14 storu 13 confectionery 14 feed store 14 -ncral merchandise 7 lealers In coal 14 (inns, lvter. beer liolller 14 (ioa lirutiicr. ilolhlui; more 14 Ulooa.sburg Lumber Co. dealt rs In lumber 14 llllUH CHEEK. Terwllllger, Andrew, grocery storo 14 7 00 II Tffl 14 7 00 14 7 00 13 10 00 14 7 00 14 TOO 13 10 00 11 15 01 14 TOO 14 TOO 14 7 (O 12 12 Ml 14 TOO 14 TOO ) 14 700 13 10 00 14 7 00 14 TOO 13 10 0O 13 10OO 11 15 00 14 7 00 14 700 13 1009 14 7 00 14 7 OS 14 7 00 10 90 01 14 TOB 14 TOD 14 7 00 14 7 07 14 7 80 14 TOO 14 TOO 14 TOO 14 7 0) 14 7 00 14 7 0O 14 TOO 14 7 00 14 7 00 13 10 00 14 7 00 12 12 CO 12 12 SO 14 7 HI 14 TOO 14 7 00 14 7 Ul 14 7 00 vs ia on 14 T 00 14 T) 14 TOO 14 TOO CTAWlSA. Harder, C. F. lumber and hardware Kunston, C. It. dealer In coal Harder, Thomas K. furniture store Deamer. s. 11. general merchandise nule. K. 11. coal vard Knlttle .t Abbott, dealers In lumber A coal 14 jonu, .1. 0Il. general mercuonuiso Miarpiess .v. sons. " iianman, iinam, lurnnure store Manltart. (ieorcc. shoo and boot storn John, William, stove and tin ware smith, J. M drugs and hardware lteinard, s. D. general mercho.nrtlso Cleaver, A. It. stoves and tinware Kortner, 11. P. Son, general merchondls Orange. William, merchandise seeshwltz, 1, H. grocery store eaver. genenu raercnana se line cc uroiner, general inercnanaise llrobst, M. M. (lllbert z Kline " Scott, George C, dry goods CENIKAUA. Murphy, C. o, general mercliandLso Millard, o. U. Mench, Adam, Jewelrj- store Michaels. (1. W. grocery storo Thornton. Annie, confectionery j sou, 1.. .v uu. general mercnanaise Ulack, 1). C. grocery storo Moran, John, boot und shoe storo Davis, Oeorge, Jr. drug storo Former, A, 1). stovo 4: tinware conynoiiam row-Nsnir. Trautman, v. C. general merchandise 1 ISIUKQCKEKK. Ammerman, J, M, general merchandise uusitrr, J, II. " Drelshbacli, n. F. ' " Howell, tl. M. " " Harrison, Jared " Mcllenry, .1. F. " FRANKI IN. I) er & Urother, general merchandise OREENWOOn. Derr, A. J. general merchandise Hess. w. F. Ulack, p. 1). " llenrv.MKsll. " L'cs.i:i'ls.v.liro" " .Masters. Win. " WellUer, J. f. " CENTRE TOWNSHIP, Sponsler, Jacob, general merchandlso iiiiiun, .1. r. Whitlnlni k ll win " llrobst, Thomas, grocery storo Ijjw llrothei-s ,t Co. geneiul merchandlso W oolej', ,. w. dealer In coal rower, v.. t. ucuitr 111 coal and grutn Hants. V V ireiier.ll lnirclinmlU olil, William, boot ami shoe store 'iiiieiuaker, .11. u. w. 11. gvuvial nid'O. 1 OCl'ST. general mcrchandlso Yocmn, Peter, Vastlnu. J. II. 11 14 14 14 Yeager, Jacob SeUoru, Thomas UAIKTOWNSIIII', Campbell, It, J, general mcrchandlso 14 II 11 Jjuiue, .1. 1,, " Derr, V. F. confectionery SI IE KLIN TOWNSlUC. Hedler. .1. II. general mercliaudlso llaruel. W. c. " 13 14 13 14 creasy & llrown " Sweppenhelaer.LV " MOUNT ri.EASAVT. Sands, Joseph, & son, general merchandise 14 MONTOUR. I'axton A' H111 man, general dealers Miss J. T. I'nrnswoi'ih, grocery su.ro Iteiy. Henry s. oils and brushes pay Sharpies", (i. II. isieiin, it, r. grocery stoio ORANGE. Sloan, I). K. general merchandlsy Keller, M. c. conrecilonery llannan. James 11. general mcrclinndlw Low, c. W. s Son " El'UilUJDU'. cole, K. iz Son, general mercliandUo 11 ltOAHIMiCUEFK. chetlngton, Owen, gtneral inerchandlso SCOTT TOWNSHIP. Young, Silas, genera) merchandise Howell, A. P. grocery store White, A. 11. general mei-cbandlse Lut, Hcbert. stoves and llnnare (lordlier, J. It. drugstore Crevellni:, (I, W . general merchandise Workhelser, J. I), boot and shoo store Worman. Samurl A. general merchandise 14 I Oil .vui, iieuri, coal oeaier 1 Cre ellug, Thos. .V Co. grocery & teed store llartman, T. W. confectionery lllsliart, N. liotit and shoe store 4 liteterlch, W. 11. general merchandno '4 All persons w ho may feel aggrieved bytnoubcte classincatloncanhavoan opportunity ot appealing by meeting tho undersigned, Junes, istt, at which tlmo an appeal villi bo held at tho Court Houso, lo Illoomsburg, commencing at 10 o'clock a. ra.,and end. tug at 4 o'clock p, in, nnu a itowKit, Mercantile A Bralser. Mayll.TT- w "YAINWHIQUT & CO., WHOLESALE (1HOCKKS, N. K. corner becena and Arch 8tre, l'DiLAiuniA, Dealers tn TEAS, SYHUl'S, COFFEE, SUOAR, HOLASiEH 1CI, STICKS, IICAXI SODA, tc, M. tr-Orders will receive prompt attenttoi. tf. FLORENCE OIL STOVE, 10USUiMiIilER T.imiFST COOKING. I.COMiMlC.M . I per liniir lor 1 111 1, KO I'NNLCESSsltY HI.AT' XOODOltt K lid for 1 lrcui.tr and price list to llbON fi .MIL LEU, taiu nidge .wenu,'., Philadelphia May i, iTi -iw u lo A1 l'lNi: BAim.vix. I'A, (leorgc II. Sharpless effer. for kule on AdiantageouJ Terms' his stoie and grocery slluatedhy tLeeanM opH)slte lutawtssu, 'Ihe ttoiels usedus a Depot, olid bus constdtTulile puiriinuge fittm ticiitmdii. IT In.v I'lM! iil'i:.M.Mi for 11 man with kuuUvuo lUd, Foruruuinpplyloi..ii. iirockwij, or I1L0IIOE H. SHAltPIJaw. Mayll w cutawiu !'. 700 Too 700 1000 700 10 00 7 00 10 00 7 OO 10 00 7 HU TOO 1U00 TOO 7 01 700 710 TOO 700 Oil 00