THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. THE COLUMBIAN. it i, o o ai n n u n ii.t it i i a v, .t if s k i, is IU1I Itorul Time TaMc. LACKAWANNA M.OOM9llUlm 1t Alt. IlOAI) SOUTH, 7.M A.M. 4,11 1'. M Accommodation Train, Mull Train Express Tram NOIltll. . cm a.m. T.8S A. M , 1X0 1'. M. 0.6o V. M. 11.67 A. M CATAWISSA HAIL llOAI). Accommodation Train .ss A. M. T,BT P. M. llcgular Express 4.(0 1. M. 11,33 A. M. Through cars on Express train cither t o New York or Philadelphia. Accommodation train runs between Citnwlssa and Wllllamsport. Kx-Shcriir McOliee, of Clinton county was taken to llio D.uivllto lnano Asylum last week. Tlioo wretched nuisances, the currant worms, liavo mailo llielr nppenranco and liegun opera tions. ornn havo also appeared on goose lierry luilies. In bolli caaos llio leaven aro completely stripped off ami of course lliero can bo no fruit. Candidates. Tin: nitri. Front Ilrown lias removed Ids Insurance of- fico from tlio Exchange Hotel to tlio store of Luis tSlo.ui. Tliu Danville District Hunday School In-tl-lute will meet in Oils town on Tuesday next and continue In session three days. S. Alexander and James C. Scarlet were ad mitted to practice as members ol the liar, in Danville, last week. T. li. Fielders the correspondent ol the blicn nndoah Herald was in town on Tuesday, to write up the fire for Ids paper. Wo annou.ico this week the names of threo candidate for tlio oflico of District Attorney. Alt aro gentlemen of ability and Integrity, and ellher ono will perform tlio duties of the position wllh credit to himself and fidelity to the public. Additional remonstrances against tlio jail job havo come to our hands, but as their pub lication can serve no further public Interest, wo have filed them with the Commissioners. The prompt response of the people to our warning Is deserving of all credit. The Danville people ought to elect Chalfant of the IntclHticnccr, justice of the peace. His knowledge of law is immense, but somebody ought to suggest to him that Judges do not sit on the bench to try cases but to hear lliciu tried according to the rules of law. The Iiloomsburg Columbian Is doing red hot work In the Interests of the tax payers. It ap pears that somebody wants lo build a new jail a political job, wo presume and tlio Colum I bian, like nil sound Democratic papers, Hies to the side of the people and leads in the van oi honest opposition against the measure. lead er. Tlio newly appointed Sealer of Weights am! Measures in Lycoming county went to Hughes- .'lb. C. .!.. ,l .ml,., o ,,,1, . . . , i... 1 11 1 t """ '"V- - " " .""it" A. .1. UiclNCK wq., was i.t m u. . . . ,, .torckcc,lcr, .iij.... ako U,niih to him and many of them refused lo have their scales examined and to pay the fees. will bo interesting to know what tlio upshot of the matter will be. llio city of WlUiamsport, last, by majority of 180. Snake stories being in order, tlio Milford JTcruUl mentions casually that two men named McCarty killed seventy two rattlesnakes the other day. Next. Tlio senior editor "went a fishing" last week and brought some two hundred nice trout, nnd this, too, in spito oftlicmo-t unfavorable weather, rain Ac. An iiivefligstlou of the Lxcliange Hold building einro llio fire, i-liows that llio Mantes had undo great progress In llio cast wing, de stroying llio floor, nnd hod attained such head way towards the second story that It seems nl most incredible that they were subdued. One of the insuranco adjusters, who was hero lost week slid that ''it was llio best fought firo ho had ever known," considering the means of ex tinguishment nt hand. The firemen aro cer tainly entitled to the highest praise for their successful o oris lo save this fine building. In the cellar of the east wing a barrel of coal oil was found, with its staves burned to char coal and so nearly destroyed that llio oil leaked through, the next day, and had to be pumped nto another barrel. Had this caught firo and exploded, as It doubtless would have done, noth ing could have saved the houso from Uestriio- olin. The work of restoration was begun on Mon day, by Charles Krug, who has taken ihe con tract to place llio building In as good condition ns before the fire for $1325. Aficr tlio second attempt nt incendiarism, dcscribedelsewhere.llio agents removed nil Insurance, nnd nt present the hoii'O is without protection of this nature It Is probable that the hotel will bo reopened before long, as tlio property is too valuable to be allowed to remain unoccupied, but under what conditions It is impossible at this lime lo state. Had the plan of destruction proved success ful, it would have been a loss lo tho people of the town nnd county, for tlio hotel was n credit to both. No liner or better furnished establish ment can bo found in tills part of the State, and it is doubtful if, in tlicso hard times, it would have been replaced by ono equal In any respect. I.uzerno county ought lo bo ruled by tho democrats, hut it i'li'l on tho contrary the majority of official in llint c-jtiiily have bmi Republicans lor pari. Tlio Republicans have chuckled mightily over this fact but slnro tho recent invcsllgillon has brought to light innumerable Instances uf peculation, malfeas ance and general "ciwedness," thcro Isn't so much jubilation. Mr, 1'orney'a iVfss now speaks of Luiorno as "a staunch Dcmocrnllo stronghold." That sort of yarn may gull lor- ncy's credulous readers In I'htladelphla hut it won't do(up this way where the facts nre known. The New Town Hnll at Ayer. Tho elegant structure is now complete. In beauty of design it surpasses anything of Its kind In llio State. Constructed of brick nnd dark marble it is ns permanent as it is charming. Tho English architects havo adorned It in subdued colors, which please without tiring the eye. Dr. J C. Ayer built and gave It to the town In nc- knowledgmolit.of tho distinction they conferred upon him in taking his name. Although It Is a generous gift, still the hearty good wishes of a whole people aro of greater value, and the generous donor has doubtless secured Ihem. Groton (Jass.) Journal. June 1 lm. Dr. McCron, of Ibis town, is a delegate to the bury Journal. General Synod of tlio Lutheran church of the United States, which body convened nt Carth age, Illinois, on Wednesday. Mr. John M'l'hersnn, or this place, wa wounded in tho hip while soldiering in the late war. The linnet was never renioveu, out ino wound healed up. Last week ho felt the bul let fall in his leg. He was soon after taken with fainting spells, and, we aro very sorry to say, lies now in a precarious condition, Levis- Mothers will grow weary and sigh over the liabv'n troubles when Dr. Hull's llahy Syrup would relieve Ihe Child and thereby give the Mother rest, l'rico 25 cents. John Patton, an old cillcn of Danville died on Monday of hut week. He was born in Columbia county in 1800 nnd was, therefore, in his seventy sicond year. The Low llros., have kindly placed several specimens of Ihelr limestone in our office wn presume for exhibition. They uro lino Minjiks. This advertisement costs them nothing. Rev. Mr. McGarrah, of licrwick. formerly in charge of tho Methodist church of this town, who was injured some time since by the falling of n window on his head, has recovered and again occupies his pulpit. Wo live in what is called tho Temperate Zone, and if ninety degrees in tho shado one day and a snow storm the next is "temperate," then it's all right and wo haven't n r,ord to say. On Thursday morning, May 21th, snow fell in the upper part of this county in sufficient quanlitv to whiten tlio ground. Tliero were snow squalls In all the neighboring counties. Pretty late in tho season. Port Hart, the man known ns tho greatest horseman in the State, nnd who can drive twenty-tight horses at one time, is preparing to open n school for the purpose or teaching ino art of equestrianism. Jlecord of the Times. Daniel K. Kelircs is the proprietor of the Farmers and Drovers Hotel, atNumedia, a new establishment, and is prepared to entertain tho traveling public in the best manner and on lib eral terms. died There is no period In our existence when it is more difficult to put into practico our early religious teachings, titan on those calm, clear nights when the cats of llio neighborhood meet under our chamber windows, for the spec purpose- of a vociferous and prolonged ser enade. The Commandments never seen more restrictive tlran on such occasions. What does n conscientious member of the S. P. C. A. do when thus oppressed? Wki-omc : Our business ranks have a worthy recruit in the person of Mr. II. W. McKelvy, late of Illoomshurg, an enterprising young man who has purchased tho Hazleton Drug Stole, opposite tho post-office, and has aheady step ped to llio front of our live advertisers, llo is energetic, pushing, and alive to tho interests of the community, and will doubtless win n large share of trade. Wo wish Mr. McKelvy the success he deserves, and a pleasant residence in our midst. Ilialeton Sentinel. .ludgo Klwclt has filed n decision in the Wil linmsport city bond case, granting n mandamus to tho city authorities, directing the payment of interest on nil tho bonds issued by tho mu nicipality. The validity of some $100,000 of tho $000,000 of these bonds was disputed. Sev eral questions affecting different municipalities are sent to tho Supremo Court for final settle ment, hut, to quotu tho Philadelphia Times, 'tho conceded ability, experience and impar tiality of Judge Klwcll render n reven-al of his decision improbable." At nhout nino o'clock last Friday night, ns Mr. .Iiiincs C. llruwn was walking through tho lint I on the third Hour nf tho Kxcbiingc Hotel towards his room, lie noticed n light shining over the transom of n small unoccupied room nt the further end of the building. On np pronehing tho room the light was suddenly ex tinguished mid a man stepped into tlio hull, closing tlio door behind him. Tlio hall was so dark that Mr. Ilrown could not distinguish who the person was, but on speaking to him recog nized him nt once ns Ilnrtiian A. Kramer, who had been employed in tho hotel. After Kra mer had gone out of sight, Mr. Ilrown spoke to two of the insurance agents, who were in their rooms, and together thev entered the small room. On a tablo were found three largo box es of parlor matches,(containing some five linn died each), one of them wnsiinlnjured,ono hail been ignilcd and was still warm, nnd one tl: untents of which hud been scattered over the tn bio and Hour and which had evidently been su on fire. The window of the room was closed. ns was nKo the tinusom over the door, nnd i s prohahlo that tho closing of the door shut oil' all air nnd extinguished the (lames. Acting on these suspicious circumstances, a wnrrant was procured nnd Kramer was taken before. I.. I Kroner, Lsn., for a hearing. He told conllii ng stories ns to tho reason for his being in that part of the house, nnd could not explain how or when he obtained such n quantity nt matches and could only state Ihat ho had nothing to d with setting tho houso on fire, l'.sq. lirowe ilccllncd to take bail, and Kramer was sent to jail. A search in tho basement uf tho cast wing of the hotel revealed a coal oil barrel with several augur holes bored in tho top nnd cotton waste seattcrcd on tho ground around. This barrel had, of course, been fixed since the fire, as the augur found lying near it showed no signs of either smoke or water. Kramer had been ordered to leave tho hotel twice dining tho day, but had pleaded to be al lowed to spend the night there. When detain ed in the oflico whiUt tho warrant was pro cured, he was ery anxious to go away. On Saturday night thero was a meeting of the Patrons of Husbandry at their Hall on Main street, and, as usual, tliero wcro a number of teams along the street waiting for their own crs. At about nino o clock two young men from Cntawissa werediiving home, in a buggy. when one of the teams backed out and came in collision with tho buggy, upsetting it and throw ing out the occupants. Ono escaped uninjured, the other, Mr. A. Truckenmiller, sustained compound fracture of the leg, above the ankle. lie was placed in a wagon and driven to Lata In ilm stomach of a Boston doc, who suddenly afew days ago, were found sixty-one wiasa w)ier(s ho reCeiveil prompt attention Bhinglo nails. Jit. I Dropped out of the roof of his month, j-'roba-bly. The past week has been an exciting one. A second attempt to bum tho Exchange Hotel, a dissolution of a law firm, and a family light all occurred within a few days, and yet tho Shenan doah Jlerald says this is a "sleepy town." (All n-lliii ilntcrtcitltitM'i i olulnli nr. i-.iinl.,itoii for nomination at tho Dcmocnitlo County Conven tion must be paid lor In adiancc. And It Is hereby agreed lliat nil persons whoso names appear hero will bo governed by tho rules and regulations ot tho Democratic party ol Columbia county.) manner ATTonxur. 1'. V. MLLMF.YEll, of Iltoomtburg. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS A DMiiNMHTUAToii'H Norin;. KSTATKOr JOHN SWlJIlP.ll, luaXASM). letters of administration do bonis non.on lliocs tntfl of.Iohn wwlslier. Into ot Madison twp.. Cot., I'rt . ilppps.pd hnvo been crnnted hv thn ltirt3tcr 0 snld countyto c. n. luwKway ot hloomsipiny, Co lumbia county. Adnrr., to whom nil persons lndebt mi nrn rnniipsted to mnko nayment. nnd those hav ing Claims or neinauua iiicuiuhi mo sum t-Biuiu win loaKe uicm Known loiues&ia Aamimsiraior without delay. June 2, 'IT.nw. Administrator. ltOHKlt'f It. LITTLK, of Jtloomtburg. K. K. OKVIS, of Jlloomtbitrg. Marriages. CHAWFOItn-KL!Nt:.-!n Ornngovlllo on tho 11th Inst, by ltev. N. Spear, Mr. Joseph Crawford to Miss Lizzie A. Kline, both of Mt Pleasant, K13NKH-SIIOEMAKMt.-At tho licform Tareon aga In Orangctlllo.on tho M1U lnst.,by Uov. A lloutz, .Mr. Henry W. Klsuer to Miss .Mary A. Shoemaker second daughter ot Joseph Shoemaker, both ot Mill-vine. JIUDITOK'S NOTICE. The undershrned auditor ornolntcd by the Court to dlstnbuto the funds In the hands of tho Adminis trator of said deceased to nnrt among tho persons entitled to tho same, will attend to the duties of his appointment nt inn onieo or runic wpiicr in Iiloomsburg on Hntnrday.Juno 13. 11, at 10 o'clock a. m. when nnd where all persons aro hereby notined tn make known their claims betoro tlio Auditor or bo debarred from coming In on said fund. L. K. WALI.EH, June !, 'll-lw. Auditor. " U N EQUAL L E DOFF E R Full Niokol Silver Platod 7 Shot Revolvers as Premiums. A MONTH'S AMMUNITION FREE Kelccllc Magazine. Tlio Juno number completer) tho twen ty-fifth volumo (new series) of tho work nnd the index which It contains exhibits with fulness which tho contents of a slnglo num ber cannot exhibit, tho scopo and Interest and vnluoof this sterling magazine. It is a list of upwards of ninety separate articles not ono of which is trivial, or commonp'.aco nnd of which not cine is of such temporary nterest ns to have yet lost its value to tho reader. Tho contents of tho Juno number are ns follows: "On tho Habits of Ants," by Sir John Lubbock; "Lieut. Cameron's Journey Across Africa;" "The French Army in 1877; 'Charles Young, tho Actor;" "Loved and Lost;" "Tho lladlometer and its Lessons," by Dr. W. I!. Carpenter ; "Lifa of a Scotch Naturalist ;" three chapters of Mrs. 011 phant's novel," "Young Musgravo;" "Mus sulman Homes ;" ' Song of Loren- zode Mcdicis ;" "Harriet Martineau;" "Iho Coming Papal Conclave ;" "Deronda s Mother ;" "Mr. ltuskin's Will ," "Uncom mon Pets ;" and "Tho llcggar." The mini ber also contains a fine steel portrait of Ad elaide Procter, tho poetess, which is accom panied with a brief sketch of her life, and the usual Kditonal Department. published by E. It. Pelton. 2.1 Uond street. New York. Terms $.5 per year ; Single num ber 4.) cents. DYSl'KrSlA. DYSPEPSIA. DYSPKPS1A. Dyspepsia Is tho most perplexing ot nil human ail ments. Its symptoms aro almost Infinite In tlietra rlety, and the forlorn and despondent victims of tho disease otien fancy themsohes the prey, In turn, ot every known malady. This Is iluo In part to tho close sjmpathy which exists between tho stomach and tho brain, and In part also to tho fact that any disturbance ot tho dlgestlvo functions necessarily disorders tho liter, tho bowels nnd the nervous sys tem, and affects, to some extent, tho quality of tho "lood. n, 1'. Kunkel's Hitter Wine of Hon Is n suro cure This Is not n new preparation to bo tried nnd found wanting; It has been prescribed dally for many years In the practice of eminent pbjslclans with un paralleled success s It Is not expected or intended to euro all tho diseases to which tho human family is subject, but Is warranted to cure dyspepsia In Its most obstinate form. Kunkel's Hitter Wlno of Iron never falls to euro. Symptoms of Dyspepsia aro loss appetite, wind and arising ot tho food, dryness tho mouth, heartburn, distension of tho stomach and bowels, constipation, headache, dizziness, sleep lessness and low spirits. Try tho great remedy and bo convinced of Its merits. Tako only Kunkel's, hlch Is put up only In ft bottles. Depot !59 Korth lnth street, Philadelphia. Advice by mall flee, by sending 3 cent stamp. Try ono bottlo ot Kunkcl ron ami bo conMnced of Its merits, sold by drug gists anil storekeepers every wuc re. WOllMH. WORMS. WORMS. llemoved allc. Tapo Worm removed allio In from two to threo hours, with ;egctablo medicine Head all passing from tho system alive. 5o fee till head passes. The Doctor never falls to removo Tape, Seat, lin and stomach Worms. Ask your drugzlst for a bottlo of Kunkers worm syrup, rice il per bottle. It never falls, or send to nr. Kunkel. 251) North Xlnth street, Philadelphia, I'a, for circular with full Instructions, by enclosing cent Jstamp for return of same. Kunkels Worm Syrup Is used for children or adults wuuperieci, safety, ns It Is vegetable, lluy it nnd try it. Tho Commissioners of Columbia county de sire to erect a new jail, on a scale so handsome nnd costly as to have aroused popular indigna tion. Tho plans contemplate a structure to cost a sum represented by six figures, placed in this manner : $100,000. Tho good people oi Columbia do not exactly bco tho necessity of havinc so crand an edifice, even if they have At a meeting of the Scranton city council on just had a tripple murder trial, and expect a Saturday a resolution was passed authorizing trippio Hanging ueioro rj.ig. ciuming. tho mayor to oiler a reward of S2.000 for the they aro trying to circumvent ino extravagant, capture of ex-Treasurer Millspaugh, who has ly inclined county commissioners by appeal- stolen about forty thousand dollars troui ino ing 10 uie coun iur iu. nu""-""" I tt. onl, i o-q.,n r,f tl.P .-Aim. CUXllIIIlBSIUlltlO HUN. ouvii ,..tctw v. .. tv's resources. The mania for gorgeous jails The friends of the Kvangelical church of ia nbroaa, and in some counties they excel in Jlfoonisburg, will hold a Strawberry and lee I i,pfl.i,v nnd costliness tho schools, churches, and Cream Festival in tho Opera House, for Ihe fy oll,er cIa4i of pUbic edifices. Jlrcord of 1 P. -1... 1. nn., Tlin.oil.v Vrl. I . Since the 1st of April, 1877, Governor Hart- ranft has issued warrants for the execution of at least sixteen persons convicted of murder in ditlerent sections of tho state. Warrants for the execution of the following were ordered to be issued in one day last week : Alex. Campbell, Carbon county, to be exe cuted June 21st. James Carroll, Hugh M'Gehan, James Boyle, James Koarty, Schuylkill county, to he hanged Juno 21st. Patrick Hester, Peter M'Hugh and Patrick Tulley, Columbia county, lo be executed on the 0th of August. Thomas I' Curley, Montgomery county, to be executed on the Dili of August. Curley, of Montgomery county, was convic ted of murder in the first degree for killing a woman Campbell, in connection wilh Edward Kelly and Michael Doylo of tho murder of tho mining boss J, P. Jones, of Carbon county. Something About Sewspaiicri. That tho Americans aro a reading peoplo is manifest by tlio statistics of tlio News paper Press of the country, a3 given in tho Newspaper Directory for 1877, just issued by S. M. Petengill & Co., the well-known Ad vertising Agents of Now York, I!olon nnd Philadelphia. There aro reported in it th names, character (political, agricultural, re ligious, medical, etc.) and names of publish era of no less than 70o dailies, 70 tri-weeklics 122 semi-monthlies, 771 monthlies, 1G bi monthlies and CO quarterlies, published in tho United States and tho British American Provinces. Tho Directory shows tho uum bsr of each of these editions which aro pub lished in each State.Territory or Province. Tho book contains 370 pages, and cm braces an immense amount of valuable in formation, showing great labor and caro in Its collection and preparation. It gives all necessary facts for an advertiser to know about 8,574 separate publications, whilo it also interesting and valuablo for tho general reader, tho student of American periodical literature, and the observer of American institutions. Tho book is sold at the low prico of $1.00 per copy. Snots unon tho suu do not visibly dimin ish its brilliancy, but spots, pimples or blotches upon tho face, neck or arms seri- ouslv detract from femalo beauty. I hey . . . ... i , - may, however, be completely remoyeu oy city. day and Saturday evenings. As this is their first festival in Iiloomsburg, wo hope our good people will patronl?.o them liberally. The death warrants of Hester, Tully and Mc- Hugh were received by the Sherill'on Saturday, but at so late an hour that tho reading of them to the condemned men was necessarily postpon ed until Monday. At about nine o'clock in tho morning .Sheriff H6flinan visited the jail on his The "seven year" nuditors, of Luzerne county, haTO finished their labors and their repoit re veals a nico condition of affuirs. By every known species of fraud, false cnlrics, peculation solemn errand, accompanied by the following Ac, some SoO.000 has been made away with, gentlemen : J. (1. Freeze, of counsel for the Some of the parties implicated aro already In prisoners, District Attorney J. M. Clark nnd jail nnd others may yet find themselves in the y, J. Buckalew of counsel for tho Common- same quarters. wealth, O. B. lirockway and G. K. El well, so- s . licitors for the Sheriff, James O. Ilrown of tho We are sorry to learn that tho ily is working y prth0notarv. William onto the wheat in many of tho town- . ,. M, , r)muy Sheriffs. The prisoners had been prepared for tho ordeal destruction t Bhipsofthis county, and that in somo places the crop will be nn litter failure. o nre in formed by a prominent farmer that on somo farms the owners will not get back their seed nnd in others the ground is being plowed up. This Is bad news indeed. by their counsel, nnd wero perfectly calm, The warrants wero read by C. B. lirockway, at tho request of the Sheriff", nnd wero listened to with composure by tho prisoners, who ruado no re marks. Each one of the men was taken lo an t..,. .., ,., nn.l nronertv Is de- adjoining room apart from his companions and 4 nil. ui iu. ifi.i manded by every consideration of economy. But health is allowed to insure itself nnd by a wOBte, unpardonable in nil other matters, the constitution is bankrupted through tho agency of impoverished blood. Dr. Bull's Blood Mix- lure, by lis wonderful restorative influence, pur- the warrant read to him. be taken out at once. We clip llio following from tho llTiineilur; Meesen'ier, becau-o it is n warning to somo our people, and a notice to our I'ish Wardens. If fish are lobe preserved in our streams, the law uiiisijbo observed. No county has streams better adapted for the propagation offish, hut it depends npon the people to cxecuto the law. Our Eisli Wardens nroJohnK. Grotz, and C. K. Margcrum of Catawissa. Their salaries are SoO.OO a year : We have been requested by Peter Brown, Esq., Fish Warden for Greene County, to say that complaint has been made to him about proprietors of Saw Mills on the several streams of the county, permitting the saw-dust to fall into the stream, thereby poisoning tho fish. This will not bo longer permitted, and in every instance persons so offending will ha proceeded against according to law. Mr. Brown would further give notice that all violations of the ih Law such oa seining, gigging, netting, etc. will be promptly prosecuted in every in stance where known ; and in this connection he would nlio say, for tho benefit and information f thoso disposed to violate the Fish Law, Hint they aro in danger of detection when least sus- icctipg it, as there aro persons in every section of the county whose duty it is to rejwrt all such violations of tho law. Mr. Brown would be very sorry to have to prosecute any ono for such violations of tho law, hut as it is made his special duty to do so, he is determined lo enforce tho law without "fear, favor or affec tion." daily use of Glenn's Sulphur Soap. D . Crittenton's 7 Cth Ave.. N. Y. Hill Hair and Whisker Dye, black or brown 00 c. June. JIUltDEll WILL OUT. A few vears neo "August Flower" was di: covered to ho a certain cure for Dyspepsia and Liver complaint, a few thiu dyspeptics made known to their friends how easily and quickly thev had been cured by its uso. The great merits of Green's August Mower became her alded through the country by one sufferer to another, until, without advertising, its falo lias uccorao imineuc. ivruggisis in r. v r.iw i TOWN in thn United States nro si'lliiiL' it No ncrsoii suffering with sour stomach, sick benilaehfi. eostivencss. nalnitatiou of tl lieart, indigestion, low spirits, etc., can tako threo doses without relief. Go to Moy Urns., and cet a bottlo lor 70 cents and try Sample bottles 10 cents. April 20,'77-lyjl DECOKATION DAY, There was a very general desire on the part of our citizens to make a holiday of Decoration lfies and enriches tho blood, and induces good Tjy this year, and as a consequence but little health . business was done. The parade took place as arranged, f lie pro cession formed on Market Street at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, under Chief Marshal J, II. John son and assistant .Marshals C, M. Vanderslice, If, V, Knhler and H. E. Smith. After pro ceeding up Main Street to the Normol School the march was as follows! Main to East, .bast At the sessions of Court in Danville Inst week, Betzel, the umbrella tramp.was convicted of bur glary and sent to the penitentiary for ten years. His sondn-law.SmSth, got six years. Thewoman said to he Bctzel's wlfo escaped conviction. It will he a relief to tho community to know tnati...s,rre(ieemab10 rasca, .s o n u, West to Main, Main florae years. He was a pumttnt thief and (q . " " " tcry r-h() Hloomsburg Cornet Band was in ad There was a fino display of the Northern vance, followed by the Friendship Fire Co, then Llidits on Mondov nlaht. Tho rays of light came the Drum Corps, preceding the Kescue wero white and thero were no corruscallons or Hook & Ladder Co. The Catawissa Band was any of tho beautiful colored flashes bo often next in lino with the order of Patriotic Sins of seen. It is generally thoucht that these illu. America from Catawissa. Then followed the urinations nre precursors of cool weather. At I cholara of the Baptist, Methodist and Lutherans Albany the telegraph wires were so charged Sunday Schoolsanil the Normal School students, wllh electricity that messages were sent to dis- 1 There were no ceremonies at the Cemetery be- vond the nlaclnir of flowers on the graves. No add'css was delivered although there seemed to be nn impression that there was to be su era lion The weather was perfect during Ihe day and taut points without tlx uso of the battery. A company Is helps formed a I Lock Haven to bore for oil in orntar that city. Money did the same very foolish thing not manyycurs agu. f.uminaru. Columbia county made a similar investment, only nt Uusk did a few drops of rain fall. Tho and tho price for which the slock In that com- Itescuo Hook & Ladder Co., held their Festival nanv can bo liought nt llo nrtstnt lime Is liosi- in Ihe evening and, we aro Informed, wero very iUfv ridiculous. TiieaitdnousMllnthawork fortunate, tho receipts nmountlng to over $50, ....1,1 ,n i1,b Mnnr-v .,,.1 ..l l.v J The town was perfectly quiet and we aro happy In their search for oil, Did Lock Haven buy I lo state that there are no cases of disorder to that engine of MuncyY juironicie, Business .Notices Gents' Fnncy Shoes at E. M. Knorr's. Clark & Wolf sell Dress Goods. LEGAL. ADVERTISEMENTS. nXKCHTOll'S NOTICE. Jll H3TATS..OK jinn.iliK Btitsn, uriiist.u. letters Testamentary on the estate of Abraham Heaver lato of Hoarlngcrcek towniblp county of Columbia, dece ascd,hat e been granted by the Ktgls tcrof snld county to the undersigned executors. All persons having clalmsagnlnstthe est to of the dece dent nre requested to present them for settlement nnd those Indebted to f he estate to make payment u) uio unuersigoeu execuwrn wnnuutuciuy. .1UII IlAIU.f, AIHIAIIAM 1U!A, Jr., (of lllngton.) May 11, 77-w. Kxccutors. IN pursuance of nn order of C. Cnl vln, Esq., Surrogate ot the County of New York, iiutlco Is hereby given to oil persons having claims Tramps, BorgUri acd Thloves Infest all parts Df ta Country. Every Ono Ehoaia go Arxaci. Mercantile iVppriiisomcnt. MHT OP DKALBriS IN COLUMBIA COUNTY. . ,..if. ht thn foilowtnir list of dealers taken, returned and classified by me In accordance with tho several ncwot Assembly, la and for tM county ot Columbia, for the year HIT, Is correct to tho best of my knowicago na ixuei i against Charlotlo Kyer, lato of Cntawissa, Pennsyl vania, nut leaving assets wiuun me city ana count of Now York, deceased, to nrcsent the same wltl vouchers thereof to tho subscriber, at Ills ofllce, No. 99 Wall street. In the city of Now York, on or beforo uiu ciffuucniu nay qi .lune nexu J'nica, new xorK, luoBOvenui aayoi ucucinucr, niEDEItICK C. IIAVEMKYEll, Decls-Om Executor. Paris Green. in larco and small quantities, for sale by Moyer llros. Death to potato bugs, cave your crops. Wall Paper cheap at Clark's Book Store. Lasting Gaiters, SI. 00 at McKinneys. Corsets and Lace Curtains, Clark & Wolfs. Those who wish to obtain first class Gro ceries, can find them atT. W. Conner's new store in MendcnhaU s uutwing. uouniry produco taken m exchange. April 27-bw $1.25 Foxed GaitenTat McKlnney's. Base balls and bats cheap at Clark's Book btorc. White Goods, Clark & Wolf's. Spring Suits made up in city style at 1). Ixiwcnbcrg's. Try Moyer Bros.' "Ginger Ale," a cool and refreshing drink for tho hot weather. Pure and good. NEW GOODS just received a larg3 lot ofspring styles of Shoes nt li. iu. Iviiorr s. Window Shades cheap at Clark's Bosk Store. All kinds of Trimmings. Clark & Wolfs. Whv experiment in spurious sewing ma chines since the great reduction in tho price of genuine New Family Singers? former price, $C"j now J33 cash, $45 time ; former price, $70 now $-10 cash, S&0 time, fami lies will find it to their ndvantago to buy the best. J. A. JJortAN, Agent. Juno l-2v IMPORTANT NOTICE To all attending Court. Money saved Is always money earned -Men's Full Suits from $1.00 to J20.00. Youth's Full Suits from 53.50 to $10.00. Boy's Full Suits $2.50 to 48.00. -Men s Pants Irom sd.uu. i ID SI SI sfi a IMlf r I.. il 5 Tn. 3S.SS??gS3? 1 3 ! fiW sk ITLXKCUTOU'H NOTICE. J EST1TK OP THOMAS KKORR, PICEASKD. litters Testamentary on tho osttto of Thomas Knorr, lato of nioom township, Columbia county, deceased, hare been grantei by the lleglslerof said eouniy io juun it. tunK, ui jiupcit, v.u,uiu bin enmity. Pii.. ICipcittor. to whom all per sons Indobled are requested to make payment, and fhoqt linvtncr demsndt siralnst tho Raid estata Will make them known to the said Executor without de lay. joiin o. odick, May 4, Tl-dw Executor. DJIINISTKATOirS NOTICE. ESTilk Of W1LUAM BtBBUB, DEC'D. tetters ot administration, de bonis non. cum tstaraento annexo on tho estate or William Bar ber, lato ot Madison township, Columbia county, Ph. tiAvn been granted bv tho Keclster of Co lumbla county, to Conrad Kreamer, of same town ship, to whom all persons Indebted aro requested to make Immcdlato payment nnd those havlnsclalms or demands against the said estate will make them known to tho uniicrslgned Administrator without .uiiiuiii nuiui.iaitf May is, 'I7-6W' Administrator. DMINISTHATOH'S NOTICE. KMT A I IC HIT KM III F It. II A nm IbrW U M.. B AO Ik lit Tjttfrs nf Administration do bonis non cum testn- mento annexo on mo esiaie- oi usiner uaroer, law Of Madison townsnin. uoiumoia county, i-rnun., fiwvnspri. havo heen granted bv tho ltcelster of sal rniintv tn flnnmfl KraAmrr Of Madison tWD.. Colum bia Co.. Pennsylvania. All persons having claims ngalnst the estate of tho decedent nro requested to nrpspnT-.Tiipm fnr Hpiiii'mtMiL. u iu i use luucuivu iu he pstnlo to make naymcnt to the undersigned Administrator wimoui ueiuy, Mayssn-Ow.' CONTtAD KltKAMEIt, Administrator. DMINISTKATOHS' NOTICE. betters or Admlnlstratlon.on the estate of Jacob nipwpn. intnnr PfttnwlssA twn. Columbia Co. dee'd. have been granted by the Register of said county to tho undersigned administrators or same ujwnsuip, tn uhnm ni nprnnna indented to said f.suiie are re quested to mnko payment, and thoso having claims against the said estate wul make them known to the saiu aamuusiniuir wiiuuul ueiuy. CHRISTIAN CI.EWELL, CIIAItLES CI.EWELL, May 23, rr-ow Administrators, BKATKR TOWMSIlir. Illnderllder, David, general merchandise mce. Abraham " Mhuman, c. A. " .. Dreisebacn, ueorgo - Lossee, J. A. " ,, Shuman, F. It. miitom Towxinir. Mcllcnry, llohr, general merchandise Mcllenry, J.J. " .. Mcllenry,li.sontco " SIRWICX BOROtOB. Adams son, general mcrchandlso Kreas nrothers , ". i , Kreas lirothers. lumber dealers Iiockman, n. m.. irani fowler, u. D. furniture store Hughes, W. T. grocery storo Wltson, s. A. : Co. drug storo Hnyder, C. U. book store liowman & Crispin, general merchandise Bowcr.I. II. II. . " Uttle, It. n. anig siore i.,.,aiv..,Ht v. i. furniture storo Jackson Woodln, manufacturing Co. Iluckingnam, i. a. biovouuu uunwo oross, UaMd, porter ooiucr ploomsscro. ISO IN tM 100 11 11 II 14 T v pnnfpptlnnprT v. ngenseuer & vo. Mw.v- :- nnrtpriint. N. J. aruz and grocery store 14 (Hlmore, William, confectionery 14 Ohlfil'ursel. general merchandise IJ nagcnoucn, isauui, nwn m -- Conner, T. W. grocery store u Mendenhall, E. dry goods storo Jj htroup, Dai Id, grocery store Creasy, 1). A. dry goods and grocery ii KOUins s iigimes, pmwuviow.- Evans, A. J. clothing store Marr, C. C. grocery and dry goods is Decker & Meckel, confectionery M Kramer, wunam, grocery Btore Miuer, 8. II. fitton, dry goods and grocery nrnncLiLUHiuwaiDDuia 09 0 n 3 o 3 Q 0 p-iJ sSCp.S2S!S S3 8 -3 PI TISSOLUTION NOTICE. ' Notlco Is hereby given tha tho partnership hereto fore existing between Conrad Kreamer and W. V. Hurst nt Jeraeytown, Columbia county, Pa., trading under the flrm'namo of W. W. Hurst & Co. was dls solvel by limitation on April 1st, 1S1T. The accounts wltl bo settled by cither member ot tho late llrm. CONItAD KKEAMEH, V. W. HUlttlT, Tho business ot tho llrm will bo continued nt tho old stand. Thnnkful for past patronage, I respect fully solicit a continuance ot the same. CON HAD KHEAMEIt. May 23, 77-4W A UDITOK'S NOTICE. in the Orphans' Court of Columbia county. The undersigned was appointed Auditor In tho matter ot 'he exceptions to tho linai connrmanon or the account of John Anderson Administrator of Mary Thornton, deceased. In compliance with his nnnnintmpnt. nn win attend tn tho duties of the same at tho nubile houso of W. K. Weldensnul In centralla the nth day ot June 1877 at 10 o'clock a.m- J. II. JAMES, May 23, '77-4W Auditor. :i 14 14 13 14 1'J 14 14 14 11 14 11 14 11 11 McKlnney. William c. boot and shoe store 14 11 14 14 13 11 19 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 13 14 14 7 Kplitirlpr A Kntl Hernhard, Louis, Jewelry store Codman, E. K. furniture room LowenDerg, uavia, mercuauv uuur Kavnge, C. Jewelry store Clark fi Wolf, dry goods storo Jacoby, ). A. grocery store l'OUSU WUliam U. neiuer iu Hcnoershot, Joseph W. grocery and coal Neal C. W. & Urolhcr, dealers la coal Klelm, Henry, grocery store Maize, .1. II grocery and queensware Webb, Thomas, confectionery Mojcr Brothers (corner Main) drug store LUlz & Moan, ary guuun VpKlnnpv. WllllATn C. DQ McKelvy, I. w. dry goods and grocery uaninan, l. iv. Ilortmnn, li. c. carpet storo Klelm, c. A. drug store correll. W. J. Co. furniture storo Keller, Jacob, wholesale dry goods Kyer, J. k. ary gooas ana grocery Miss I), llrobst, confectionery ltabb, Augustus, grocery Btore Furman,Kllas It. furniture Btore Wharj-, I.. E. stoves and tl-ware Hupert, A. M. " " Hicks, Jesse, clothing store Hartman brothers, grocery Btore Knorr, KU M. boot and shoe store Moyer Pros. (Urower s block) drug store Clark, (leorge A. book store scott, J, II. confectionery Steckcr, J. II. hour and feed storo Iiloomsburg Iron Co. general merchandise lackard. o. M. J: J. K. dealers Iu coal 14 dross, Peter, beer bottler 14 dross A: Hrotlier, clothing store 14 iiloomsburg Lumber Co. dealers In lumber 14 HBUUCKEKt. 19 M list) IN ion 10 M 7W too 700 700 700 700 11 M 11 W 700 TOO 40 00 TOO TOO 70S 10 00 TW TUI 700 TOO TM TOO 700 11 BO TOO TOO 10 00 TOO TM 11 BO 10VO 11 w IW 7 CO 10 00 TOO 11 EO 7110 700 700 11 AO 7 00 11 SO TOO 13 SO II 50 TOO torn 13 00 T 00 TOO 10 00 uso 10 00 Ton 700 700 7 OH 700 700 700 TOO 700 10 00 700 700 40110 7 to 700 TOO TOO A UDITOK'S NOTICE, lathe matter of tho money arising from tho salo of the real estate ot o. . sterner oy uiu ouerm uuu now In his hands. Thn iimlprslimpd Auditor nc-DOlntcd to make dls- rlbutlon ot Ui above funds to and nmong tho par ties entitled thereto, win attend to me nuties oi ms appointment at tho ofuee of C. It. & W. J. Buckalew In tho town of Iiloomsburg, I'cnn'x, on Saturday the 13d day ot Juno 1877, nt 10 o'clock n,m., when nnu wnere nil persons nnviuK tkiimaiugii-4uww.n in nrespnt thn snme before theAudltor or be debarr ed from coming in lor n snaro oi saiu iur.a. A FINE BARGAIN. oeorge II. Sharpless offers for sale on Advantageous Terms! his storo and grocery situated by the canal opposite cntawissa, 'i ne store is ueu ua u nejKn, and hns considerable patronage from boaunem. IV IS A Ml. ill rlll. lUmillUIl uuuDumuvaii ltal. For terms apply to c. u. lirockway. or May 11 4w Catawissa Pa. Dauchy & Co's Advt's. See this. Only li so capital re- qnircuio sinncuuvuHaiUKiur BOOK Mark Twain's Now Scrap Book, Apply with stamp to Joh K. Ilnllowell ... n J KV A 0QT?PS lss East Kigntsc,.New irKuxit" I jiuijuiiu wayii n-iw u The Black Hills. Dr. Slilloh'a St stein Vilalizer. Wn nre authorized to guarantee this rem cily for tbo euro of Dyspepsia, Inactive Liv er, Sour siomacii.uonsiipauon, loss oi jip petite, Coming up of Food, Yellow Skin, and General Languor anil Debility. You must acknowledge thai this would bo ruin ous unless we had positivo evidence that it will cure. ion wno are suiienng irom tliero complaints thee words aro addressed and will you continue to aufler when you can bo cured on such terms? It is for you to determine. Sample bottlo iu cents j reg ular size 7.1 cents. Sold by C. A. Kleim and N. J. Hendershctt. 00,000 dio annually by neglecting a Cough, Cold or Croup, often leading to Consumption and tho grave. Why will you neglect so important a matter, wneu you caugetat our storo Sliiloh's Comsumption Cure, with tho assuranco of a speedy recov ery. For soreness across the Chest or Lungs or I.amo Hack or Side, Sliiloh's Porous Plaster givespromptrelicf. Sold by 0, A. Klelm and N. J. Hcndershott, Spring styles, latest styles and lowest prices SWffiMffi3ll at D. l.owcnberg s. rrlco ONLY m cents, sold by all NewsO Ribbons and Ties, Clark & Wolfs. Hy II, N. Magnlre, who has spent 12 years In this region. Latest accounts of Hold and silver proa- nr. Fishlnir. Indians, and Settlers Adventure with Uiein.Mlntnirand wild Western Llte.the Water- luiMieu&u one maD. Newsdealers, or sent post-pam ror 12 cis. ny May 11, ,77-jw ' il 1 Chicago', IU. llacknielack, a popular and fragrant per fume. Sold by C. A. Kleim und N. J. lien dershott. JIarcli 30, 77-oow Window Shades ami Wall Paper in great variety and cheap at Clark's Hook Store. "Down to Hard Pan" Hoots and Shoes at McKinuey's. Linens and Cambrics, Clark & Wolfs. THE HOPE OF REWARD Is what Induces so many people In search of to go to Michigan, and select from tlo ONE MILLION OP ACRES Snrinc and Summer Hats in all the New I ot tho land grant ot the Orand itaplds and Indiana rii it. il co. v"-"u,, strong sous, suro crops, plenty cf timber, 1 For Men, Hoys and Children at drouths, grasshoppers, or chinch bugs. Purowate D. Lowcnberg's. Parasols and Fans, Clark & Wolfs. dents' Hull' Congress at K. M. Knorr's for ir2.o0. Moyer Hros. have for salo "Tho Perfect runnlnir streams, ready markets, civilization an schools, ltallroad runs through centre of irrnnt. Price Irom W to f 10 per acre, send for our Illustrn. ic". pampoiei, run 01 xacis m iicrman and Knr Ush. nuy iu nuiii M.T juu nan luis uoiiw. Allures W. 0. HDGI1ART, Land Oomm'r, 'iiwnu iiai ijja, iuiuii. Title I'erfoct. March 2, 18J7-3m TcrwlUlgcr, Andrew, grocery store 14 T 00 CATAWISSA. Harder, C. F. lumber and hardware 14 T nt) Kunston, c. It. dealer m coal 14 Too Harder, Thomas E. furniture store 14 Too Deainer, s. II. general merchandise 13 loco Oule, E. 11. coal ard 14 T 00 Knitlloa; Abbott, dealers In lumber cool 14 Too John, J. Hon. general merchandlso 13 loco sharpless & Sons. ' 11 13 00 Hartman, William, furniture store 14 TOO Monhart, (leorge, shoe nnd boot store 14 T 00 John, William, stove and tin wore 14 TOO Smith, J. M drugs and hardware 11 11 w ItPlnard, 8. U. general merchandise 14 T CO Cleaver. A. II. stoves and tinware 14 T 08 Former, H. 1'. & son, general merchandise 14 T on 19 IV W 14 TOO 14 TOO 13 10 00 13 10 00 11 13 00 14 TOO May 23, 18J7-4W C. 11. BUCKALEW, Auditor. FLORENCE OIL STOVE, FOH UTTVf"lT"YCTi,T o yJ in .in. it a l j l u THIS BEST COOKING. SAKKST AND MOST I Co.tlnB leM than two cm. i;uu.numii;au iperuourioriuei. NO UNNECES8AKY1IEATI NO ODOR I (end for circular and nrlce list to WILSON MIL- LElt, llio Illdgo Avenue, Philadelphia. aiayiw, i&it-iw u SHERIIT'S SALE ! Weaver. V. cencral merchandise Orange. William, merchandlso seeshsltz, I. H. grocery store Hlle brother, general merchandise llrobst, M. M. ' oilbert Kline " " Scott, George C. dry goods CXNTBALIA. Murphy, c. o. general merchandise 14 Millard, 0.1). " ' 13 Mench, Adam, Jew elry storo 14 Michaels, o. w. grocery storo 14 Thornton, Annie, confectionery 14 Ilryson, It. Co. general merchandise lo Ulacli, 1). c. grocery storo 14 Moran. John, boot and shoe storo u Davis, (.leorge, Jr. drug store 14 Former, A. u. stove tinware 14 CONYXGUASI TOWHSmr. Trautman, W. C. general merchandise IISUIXOCKKCK. Ammerman, J, M, general merchandise Hosier, D 1L " " Drelshbach, B. F. ' ' Howell, o. M. ' " Harrison, Jared M Mcllenry, J. F. " FIUNIUH, Dyer & Brother, general merchandise OaXKNWOOD. Derr, A. J. general merchandise Hess, W. F. " Mack, 1'. D. " Henry, Miss II. " Kves,ElllsBro" " Masters, Wm. " " Welllver, J. c. " " CUNTllt TOWNSUU. Sponsler, Jacob, general merchandlso wnitmire irwin Brobst, Thomas, grocery storo Low brothers Co. general merchandise ivooiey, it. w. ueaiermcoai Fower, .. T. dealer In coal and grain TOO 10 OS TOO TOO TOO 90 00 TOO TOO 700 707 By virtue of a writ of Fieri Facias Issued out ot tho Court ot Common Fleas of Columbia co., and to me directed, will be exposed to public sale at tho Court Houso In Bloomsburg at one o'clock p. m. on SATURDAY, JUNE 23d, 1877, the following real estate to-wit : All that certain lot of ground situate on the west side of Market street. In the Town ot Bloomsburg, !1UJUIBIU n , w nilliuu jiw uu iu-J whw, umu ,. ....ui... uw, auu ow nuu.v Wdge Alley on tho north, and extending back to . u.scLcoiiiiuw. Muucy"s Alley, whereon Is erected a brick dwelling house, barn, Ice-house and other out-bulldlngs. ALU, All that certain lot ot ground situate on Third street tn the Town ot Bloomsburg, marked In gener al plan of said Town, No. 3, beginning at south east corner of said lot on Third street, thenco along said btreet south-west slxty-sli feet, thence north Harris. F. P. general merchandise I (ni, wunam, boot and shoo storo i:rsT. Vocum, Peter, general merchandise I uauuu. .j il. Yeager, Jacob " beborn, Themas " MA1H TOWNSHIP. Campbell, V. J. general merchandise west along lot No. M two hundred and fourteen and I Derr, F. F. confectionery 14 TOO 14 7 00 14 TOO 14 TSI 14 TOO 14 TOO 14 TOO 14 T 00 14 TOO 14 TM 13 10(U Vi 1 00 11 11 SO li ii n 14 loo 14 110 i Too M Tin 14 1 80 13 N SO 14 T to M 7N 14 TOO U TOO U 7 )4 TOO 14 7 tu 14 7 UI 14 7 0 14 7 00 II 7U 14 TOO Tootl Hrush," .which really deserves its () MMc&VMliSiB! name. J.hp bnsl es aro set ni an angle Jiass. which prevents their breaking down. The materials used aro of tho best description ! and tlio price is low, Givo the brush a trial anil you win never usu uuy uiuer aiuu uibtr wards. - - May is, '77-4w il Attempted Huicidb. On Tuesday evening of last week S. S. King an agent of the Dun cannon Iron works stopped at tho Danville Ho tel in that town, He attended to his butlness on Wednesday, and after eating a hearty sup per went to his room, During the night a re port like that of a pistol was heard, but It was supposed lo be a noiee on the street. I burs day rooming Mr. King did not appear, and about nine o'clock Ihe proprietor went to his room and rapped, but received no reply, where uiion ho broke tho door open and discovered King in bed with a new revolver in his right hand, and his face covered with blood, bur geons wero summoned at once, and on exami nation reported that the man had shot himself in Iho right temple, nnd Iho ball was lodged In the brain. Ills breathing was imperceptible, and his pulio very low. Ou Iho bureau was the following note In lead pencil, "rarcwell, my life has been a failure, and I am tired of H Let these letters be given to my friends. 8. 8, King, Duncannon, I'a." Threo letters ready tu Lo mailed lay near the note, addressed to his wife, his father, and John WUter Jr., all of Duncannon, A telegram was sent to them Mr. King Is said lo be a prominent member of the Methodist church, and a teioietaiice Society, and has a wlfo and two children, About sev enty dollars In money, and a note for forty dol lars against a citizen of Iiloomsburg were found tn his clothes. He died on Friday evening. He was unconscious up to the lime of his death No one can account for this fctrangtstlf destruc tion. Have you tried Kirby's WildCherry Cough Halsam ' A very palateablo compound for tho various affections of the throat nnd lungs it has been used with success, in sevcu cases of asthma giving instant relief and in many cases effecting a pernament cure. Prico 50 cents per bottlo and positively warranted to give entire satisfaction cr money refunded. Kirby's Magic Relief for the Instant euro of severe and acute pains. Kirby's Tasteless Worm Lozenges, pleas ant, safe and ellcctual. Kirby's Horse and Cattle Powders are tho best powders for stock, manufactured. Try mem anu no convinceu. Kirby's Camphor Ice for sunburns, sore lips and chapped nanus. uum liiiiious nnu l.iver i ins aro reconj mended bv tho first Phvsiclaus. The above preparations are lor saie vy an Druggists anu ucaiers in medicine. Moyer Rrothers, July 21,'70.-1y Wholesale Agents, MAltKETJIEPOltTS. BI.OOMHBUKG MAKKKT. Wheat per bushel,, Hye " .. corn, new, " ,, Oats. " " .. Flour per barrel Cloversced Flaxseed Butter Eggs Tallow ( 1.00 .75 , 1,0 .40 10.1)0 , 7.t0 , 1.1-0 , .WJ . .11 . .10 . 1. Potatoes Dried Apples Hams bides B Shoulders , Lard nor pound Hay per ton ,, , 1J.KJ beeswax ,,... Timothy bef I ... . 4.00 (iUOTATIOMJ run COAL. No. 4 on Wharf '.- I l.MperTon no.o " ,..;-. . . No. 6 " " .- l.U Wacl smith Lutun oo Whart . 11 to Wluiulbfcut " 14 CO OCI.IUUNT tUltliN all Btsles with namo.10 tittJ c. post paid. J. II. 11 ustcd, Nassau, Kens co. N. Y. MayH5,17-4w d a halt feel to Fine Alcy, thenco along Fine Alley north-east sixty-six feet, thence south-east along lot No. 61 two hundred and fourteen and a halt feet to the placo ot beginning, containing ono third ot an acre, whereon is erected a frame dwelling house, barn anil other out-buHdlngs. ALSO, All that certain lot of ground situate on Third street In said Town ot Bloomsburg, marked In gen eral plan No. 06, adjoining above last described lot on the east and extending west along said Third street Cti teet to Jefferson htreet, and back along said Jerfcrson street two hundred and four teen and a half feet to Pine Alley, containing one third of an acre, whereon Is erected a brick dwelling house, frame barn and other out-bulldlngs. Seized, taken tn execution and to bo sold as the property of John 8. Sterner. CONDITIONS OF BALE.-rurchasers must pay ten per cent, of the purchase money, or at lean enough to cover all costs, at striking down ot salo otherwise property to be resold at once. JOHN W. HOFFMAN, May 13, HJT.-ts ' bhoritr. MIFFLIN TOWNSHIP. Hcdler, J. II. general merchandise llartzel, W.c. " Creasy Brown " Bweppenhclser.K " " 13 14 13 14 ilOVNT rLXASAKT. Hands, Joseph, Son, general merchandise 14 MONTOCK. Paxton Harman, general dealers VI Miss J. T. FnrnsMortb, grocery store 14 uejjr, ueiuj n. mm iumi uru&uet Kieun. n. tr. grocery storo nuarpieii, u. 11. 10 00 100 lo ao IN MOO 7 00 700 101 10 lland-mado Shoes at McKlnney's. Ladle' Shoes cheap, Clark & Wolfs. Wanted, Two girls to learn the tailor ing trade, wm. Y. tester. Apr.ziu Best bargains In America. ApiujriJ. p. jiancha Aiapsanu catalogue iree.----s-.-"wDover. DeL May 15, 17-lw d Llio ami Health Without Di-tigN, Dr. rancoasfa great work is now Kcuiiy ror AOIINTK. ino only nook prac- j BLUE AM) KM) LIGHT. Kid Gloves, Ac, Clark A Wolf's. The largest slock of Clothing over shown n Iiloomsburg can now be Been at, 1. l.ow cnberg s, Ladies' fino Shoes, all widths and Bizes at Jlclvlnney s. For all kinds of Goods, Clark A Wolfs. COAL I COAL! I COAL! 1 1 Wo aro now ottering tlio celebrated Sus- tically treating this now universally absorb 1 n e topic. Shows how to apply the treatment, and tells cf manv successful cures made bv tho uso of this wonderful medium. Circulars und best terms to early applicant. J, M. 8TODDAHT Co., 723 Chest. uuv eu, i uuti. .May w, n-.w u READ THIS! ! A Chance for all to malto or Save Money, AND OtT THE BEST UOOI'S IN Tilt MAKIIT. TEAS, COFFEES, &C. sold at lower prices than thosamo qualities can be bought at any other houso In this country. All . ,, . goods guaranteed to be satisfactory and as repre- (lueuanna Coal Cos Coal at tho following ntid.or the money win be refundeuon return onho '.i, goods, which may be done at our cipense, xi ' . . , n Tho reputation of our houso tor seixino stanuakd Mo. fi. $1.05 per ton on wharf. No. 5. ".65 jicr ton on wharf, So. '2. 3 and I 1!.'J0 per ton on wharf. lllackFinitli'H Lump -.'JO por ton ou wharf. tiitumliious-l.ou per ton on whart. unv part ot tlio town. Coal llous-e Kates 15 cents per ton lets, No. 0. lo Lime-burners $1.50 nur ton. Coal Bcreened beforo leaving our yardi and full weight ciiarantced. Orders left at I. W. JIcKclvy's Store, at our otlice, or fcent tnrougn tlio mails will re ceive prompt attention. Your patronage is respectfully bolicitcd. 0. W. Neal A Bo, May 1, 1877, ooooaal low i hicis, (for 30 years), has given us a standing lu New Yolk City and viuntty, that is not A Sttll Further Reiiciionin the Sloan, D. K. general merchandise Keller, M. C. confectionery Harman, James I), general merchandise Low, c. W. Son - SCOAKLOAr. Cole, E. Son, general merchandlso noAsiNocsaxx. Cherlngton, Owen, general merchandise BCOTTTOWNSniF. Y'oung, Silas, general merchandise 11 14 14 13 10 M TOO 7 00 MOT 14 TOO Howell, A. 1'. grocery store PIUCE OF FAINTS, OILS, BIIVSIIES, JAPAN DHYEK White, A. B. general merchandise aul, noueru btoves ana unware Oordner, J. It. drug store crevellnir, (1. W. general merchandlso Worltbelser, J. I), boot and shoo store Wo r man. Samuel A. general merchandlso AUJ. 1 1 13 AAA 1 . LUUI UCIUCi: rtJTl Y I CrevHllng, thos. Co. grocery feed store 13 liarunan, T. w. confectionery 14 ltlshart, N. bout and shoo store 14 Dleurlch, W. & general merchandise 14 enjoyed by any other hoiiHO in the trade. After ma- lure ueuueraiiou uime ut-ieniunea (O ouerour goods to housekeepers In the Interior, at the lowlst wiioitnALK tiiide I'lucis, lwi a club Is formed 35 cents per ton additional, lor delivery to each member of the club will be put In separate a old confusion In distribution, floods will be sent by expicss to collect on iillivikv. All wishing to s.uo aioneyby pun basing family supplies at New lorx wholesale prices enn talk the matter over PAPER BAGS FOK SALE AT THE COLUMBIAN OFFKJK, among Irlends and neighbors, and send tu us for Club Circular. Prtcc-lut. Ac. wu irhea Drewntof cither goods or money to the person who getaup tho club, to coir pensato for trouble etc. Samples of tea vor rEi. sent by man. Send for price-list and circular, Stlner't Mew York and China Tea Co., M. H, MOSES 4; 00 Proprietors, 77,70, HI Sl.uiidBO Vrnry lrri;.Nciv York Ua y its, 17-4W d BLANK MOKTaAaESforsalecheapatths C0I.CU1A OfflC. If you want to hhvo I'roui lo to ua per cent lathe cost ot PAINTING, bend for our prices ot the following i Strictly FCHE WHITE EAD, MONTOUK WniTS LEAD SLATK FAINTS, ALL C01.0US, moN faints, tiiiikk"coloiis, PURE LINSEED OIL BEST JAPAN DRYEH. oil, k chalk iutty. Best Faint Brushes, COACH VARNISH, HOUSE VAKNISH, Furniture Varnisli, SPI1HT8 OFTtJItPKNTIKK, Orders and Inquiries by mall will receive prompt attention, sample cards andprto ellst fursUhed without charge, HENKY S. 11EAY, Rui'ERT, Pa, ay. n.-iy. 700 7 (XI TIO TOO TOO TOO l 1 OU TlU to a: 03 1 b) 7uo All persons who may feel aggrieved bythoaboyo classuicatlon can have an opportunity ot appeaUntt by meeting tho undersigned, Jon a, )9T7, at whtci. ume an appeal wiu bo neki ac the court Uonw, In Bloomsburg, commencing at it o'clock a, nMtntl eas ing at4oviockii.m. OKRA IIOWBL ilercantOe Appraiser. May 11. 17- J. Weaver 8c Oo'a. AdVtu. $200,000 WOETH OP OOLS-FZiATZD JEWELRY. For II wo will Bend, as below, all Warranted Gold PlatA'd. 1 pair gold stone Sleevo Buttons, 1 pair engraved Sleeve button.", l set pointed muds. 1 set amethyst Muds, l Wedding itlng, 1 csgrarM band Qnger ring, 1 amethyst atone King, talald wrth gold, i elegant Itlng, marked "Friendship, aiue thyst stone scarf ring, Inlaid wrth gold, 1 ipleadld slliereilhat pin, 1 Ml Ladles' let and geld pis and droits, 1 mlssui' set X't and gold, 1 ladka' let set, ot. nami-nted, 1 K-t handsome rose-bud ear dropa. 1 gent's elegant Lake George diamond stud, 1 omunoi red bead necklace, 1 pair UUloa amethyst Uu car drops, inlaid with gold, 1 ladles oruatoeBtetl Jtt brooch, 1 fancy scarf ring and elegant watth cnaip. Take your choice the t-ntlre lot of M plvow, scat post-paid for II, or any a plcvrs you choose tor (0 cent. Now la the time ta make money, Thctiti goods can easily bo relatied for 140. F. STOCKMAN, S5 Bond SU, Nw 1rk. Ills reputation for honeaty, tab' dealing and liber ality la unequalled by any advertiser In this ctly. "N. Y. Day nook," Dec 14, Isld. May 4, lm Jw co PATENTS. FEE REDUCED ENTIRE COBT i5. Patent office leo 133 in advance, balanoa KM wtthla 0 nioutha aruir r stent clioned, Advw aad f" '-ft- um tree, rawcu siu. 1. VANCK LXWU CO, Kaj,T-sm Jwco Waa0HtM,i.C,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers