THE COLUMBIAN. ii i, o o m s ii u n n, r i! i ii a y, m a v 55 1 s Itnll time Tnlilc. LACKAWANNA &. HL00MSI1UIM llAIMtOAI) SOUTH. Accommodation Train, Mall Train . Express Train , noxtii, . M3 A.M. I.3S A. M , 1.M P.M. .M r. M, CATAWISSA RAIL HOAD. NOmn. 7.52 A.M. 4.49 P. Jl n.t: a. m socrn T.BT P. M, 11,33 A.M. Accommodation Train ,' A.M. llegular Express 4.04 P, M, Throngh cars on Kxprcss train cither to New York or Philadelphia. Accommodation truln runs between Catawissa and Wllllamsport. llaMaru1 limestone Is nt a discount since Judge Elwcll's recent decision. It U reported thai Jacob Ycagcr, who keeps the store at Slabtown, is lying dangerously sick with small pox. There will be a Gringo picnic atOrangoville, on Friday, June lt, next. Victor E. l'iolctl, ilaiter of Pennsylvania State Grange will do liver the aildrcm. The public are invited. Dr. T. I.. Gmwold, Principal of the Nor mal School, hai been seriously ill for several days past, but wo learn that he is now recover ing. His sickness is of nervous character. The Rescue Hook and Ladder Co., will give a Festival on the afternoon and evening of May .10th in Olympic Hall, The proceeds are to be devoted to the putchase of equipments for the members. '''IIii C.0LUj1B1N PEMOrilAf.BLOOMSEUEG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. Vte have sent tliU week, notices to all sub scribers out of this county who have raid noth ing on subscription since October 1st 1875 that unless lliey pay up to April 1st, 1877, their pa- per wm do sloppeil. Feir protection obliges us to do this. Wehopo that all who have been thus notified will respond promptly. A DAHTAIIDLY OtOTlAriK. Amilntll DOTKCCIIONOPTHB KXCHAKUE HOtlL. On Friday morning, at about half past one o'clock, the Inmates of the Kxchango Hotel were roused from sleep by tho thrilling cry of "Fire." In an Inconceivably brief snace of By every consideration of profit, if not of tImo l,ie Ilollso was filled with suffocating smoke propriety, that which sustains and strengthens anJ l'18 8sp!ns. half strangled sleepers made the system should be absolutely pure. Holls, lhc'r war 'n various conditions of undress to Pimples, Eruptions, etc., Indicate Impoverish- ,Me "'feet. Investigation showed ttiat the fire ment and poisoning of tho blood and should bo Btarlc,l simultaneously In bolhjwlngsof the build- removed by Dr. Bull's Blood Mixture, which '"Bi frora ln basement. In neither place was strengthens tho blood and keep it always pure. thcre AnT 'RtnP or BloTe l'10 cast basement rooms wero empty, having been recently vaca- A few evenings since, says the Clinton Dem- ted , by William II. Gilmore, and lliose'on tlio ocral, a young lady In Lock Haven had put on west sido were used as cellars, into which wo are her gloves for an evening party, which had Informed no ono connected with the Hotel had been cleaned with campheno or some kindred gone the previous evening. These facta go to fluid. She thoughtlessly passed her hand near provo beyond a doubt that tho fire was the work Ihc gas jet, the glove caught lire and burned her of Incendiaries, who In a most devilish spirit of hand badly, besides making her escape from a malice or recklessness thus deliberately endan- worse result very narrow. gercil the lives of numbers of human beings. The flames had attained much hendwnv liofnro J. E. Horning, of Wllllamsport, manufac-1 il.c alarm became so general as to call tho fire. Hirer of printers roller composition, has made mcntolho spot, but onco there they worked for this office the preltlest Bet of rollers we have with a will and by extraordinary exertions ob- seen for many a day, and raado them for a very talncd control and finally gained the mastery, moderate price. The editorial fraternity will To them, and to Mr. Oeorge Itciswlck wlioput find It is their advantage we verily believe, to into service his street sprinkler for carrying give Mr. Horning a trial. We're perfectly sal- water, tho Town is Indebted for the prescrva- """i. (inn nr .hi, ,, , , flirli nflliA fnmf (nr.., tn Ilia T.nlnl The voice of reform is heard through the ,i , ,i, ,,. . n i..i.f ,i. land and speak, of the "good time coming." from ,1C ll0U,e anJ acopoited in neighbor- So tootle spirit of reform is working In the ing ,,, am, In ,e Collrt Ho18e VRrJ M nurseries o llie land to banish those dangerous the present writing all of these had not been Opium and Morphia preparations, and cstab- cailnC(i ly tl,cirowncr9 and. therefore, noes- timatc ef the loss can be made. Tho building couitTrnocBEniNns. Mlfllin School District vs. Peter J. Lanliet al. Suit on a bond of Lanlj, a tollector. Ver dict for plaintiff for $911,00. J. F. Mcllenry vs. das. H. Wooils and ife. Book account. Plalntlfl'takea nun full. Peter Hayman appointed guardian for Hie minor children of Ellas Wilkinson; bond In $500 for each ward. J. M. Dcwltt vs. Samuel Crcveling. Ver dict for plaintiff for $222,43. Com. vs. hdward Henry. Surety of the peace; non pros, on payment of costa and for feiture taken off. Com. vs. Alfred Birch et al. Tho case of two little boys who as alleged got into n car at Centralia and teok a few cents worth of pea nuts, llecognlzanco of defendants and Edward Williams for forfeited to be respited on pay ment of costs. Ovcrdorfs executor vs. OverdorPs adminis trator. Verdict for $809,12. Wm. Hart vs Hiram C. Howcr. Ejectment. crdlct in favor of plaintiff. M. G. Vandersiice vs. A. Snyder. Verdict for plaintiff in the sum of $3307,60. In the estate of Peter Ent. Iniiuc9t awardtd. Court adjourned until June 1st 1877 at 9 o'clock m. On Tuesday last Gov. Hartranft signed the dcatli warrants of Patrick Hester, Peter Mc Ilugh and Patrick Tully, now confined in the jill of this county. They nre to bo hanged on the 0th of August. Tho people should stir up their officials in those townships which have not published their accounts according to law. Mere Mah will not do ; give tho items so that tax payers may know how their money is expended. The members of the Asbury Methodist Church will hold a festival at the church at Asbury, Fishingcrcek township on the aflcrnoon and evening of June 0th, 1877. Proceeds for the benefit of tho church. lisli useful and harmless remedies, of which Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup is acknowledged as the verv best for all the disorders of Babyhood and early Childhood. Sold everywhere at 2o cents holtlc. Winter doesn't "linger in the lap of Spring" anymore, but bummer sits thero beyond a doubt. The thermometer for the past few days has been an uncomfortable index to gaze upon. Last 1'riday the mercury marked 92 in the ado in this town, 91J in Philadelphia and 7 in New York. Thoso who yet wore win ter underclothing and tlfeir name Is legion were reduced to a pitiable condition of damp ness and discomfort. An important Hint for damages to a coal mine, in the sum of $200,000, in which Gray son M. Provost, of New Jersey, is the plaintiff) and Hokert Gorrell, of Centralia, is the defen dant, is on trial before the Unilcd States Cir cuit Court at Pittsburg. The Murphy Tempcrancu Crusade is sweep ing through the Slate, and thousands upon thousands aro signing the pledge of total absti nence. Neither hcio nor in this neighborhood have wo heard of the likelihood of its inaugu ration in tiiis section. The Episcopal convention of tho diocese of Central Pennsylvania will assemble at St. Luke's cliurcli,Scranton, Tuesday evening, Juno 12. The diocese contains eighty parishes and each parish is entitled to three lay deputies. There will be about eighty clergymen in at tendance and one hundred and fifty lay deputies, making tho assemblage a very important one. Messrs. E. It Drinker, W. M. Monroe and George E. Elwell are the lay delegates from St. Paul's Parish, Bloomsburg. The refreshing showers oflast week followed by hot days have given a famous start to tho com crop. Trees clothed themselves with green garments in a marvelously rapid man ner, grass and all green things have grown apace and lo 1 the summer is here. m Two men upset a boat on the river at Pitta ton, last week : one could swim, started for the tihore and was drowned, the other couldn't swim, clung to the boat and was saved. All of which goes to show how matters in this world don't work according to rule. Town subscribers who have received notice from us will confer a favor by responding at once. Those who arc able, should pay up, and thoso who are too poor to pay ought not to ex pect us to send the paper any longer for noth ing. Wc must have a settlement. The Luzerno Leader has made its appearance increased in size and improved in other respects. This is a proof of prosperity not to be mistaken. Editor Niven has lately entered the matrimo nial slate and intends to have his newspaper largo enough to support two instead of one. A Pittstop debtor, wishing to take tho bene fit of the new stay law, made oath that ho was it freeholder and was admitted as his own se curity on his bond for double the amount of the debt. It then transpired that his real estate consisted of a $30 lot in the cemetery. It is an undisputed fact that the Exchange Ho tel was set on fire by an incendiary, but tho Re publican, with its usual moral courage, fails to Btate the fact. That's right, gentlemen, the vil lain might be one of your subscribers and get mad about it. We have received the first number of tho Wilkes Barro Sunday Homing Cbwrf, J. W. Freeman editor and proprietor. It is a spicy and readable paper as might be expected, from the name of its editor. Freeman wields n fac ile and brilliant pen and he wildoubtless make his paper a success. That hundreds of the for mer subscribers to the Pittston Cbmet will lend their aid is not to be doubted. Wilkes Barre is really getting to be quite well supplied with newspapers, there are two dailies and, wilh the Oimt and Coon's paper, five weeklies. Kiohts and Duties of Township Omruns. By W. It. Bieblv, Esq., of the Williams port Bar. The only book of the kind issued. The Acts of Assembly and Supreme Court Decisions in relation to the rights and duties of Township Officers, arranged and condensed. Tho vol ume treats of Assessors, Auditors, Constables, Election Officers, Justices, Overseers, Itoad Commissioners, Treasurers, Tax Collectors, and Town Clerks. Borough laws appended. Tho whole carefully indexed, with marginal noteH and references. For sale at all the book stores n the county. Price, by mail, post-paid, 50 cents. Address the Publisher, Box, GO, il- liamsport, Pa. The Bloomsburg and Catawissa Base Ball Clubs played a match game on the 12th inst. last, on the grounds of the latter which resulted in the following score : Bloomsbcci. Catawissa. It. O. It. O. Metz, 1. f. 2 2 Margerum, 3. b. 5 1. Heist, r. f. 2 3 Dean, c. 3 3 Brown, 2. b. 2 3 Hite, p. 0 0 Hicks l.b. ? 2Geiger. 1. b. 2 1 Geddis, p. 0 C Banghart, s. s. 4 2 Owen, s. s. 3 1 Thomas, c. f. 5 1 Iiidlcman, 3. b. 13 Walter, r. f. 3 1 Funston, c. f. 2 2 Harner, 2. b. -1 1 Hagenbucli, c. 3 0 Khawn, 1. f. 4 2 A correspondent from Stillwater informs us that a few nights ago lie set an outline, and on one hook caught an ecl two feet long, a chub 0 inches long, nud a trout eight inches long. They were found on tbohook when the linewns lifted in the morning. The Democratic Standing Coiuuiitteo met on Thursday of lant week according to call, and se lected W. L. Eycrly senatorial nud C B. Brock way and Warren J.Bucknlcw representative del egates to the State Convention to be held nt liar risburg on the 8th of August. A large number of citizens of Bloomsburg and other parts of the county are asking lo have their names added to the lists printed in this paper of petitions to the commissioners. We would gladly insertthem, but thoobject lias been accomplish ed for the present, and it is unnecessary to print anymore. Mr, J. II, Maizo lias recovered some oftlm articles of clothing stolen frora his bouse on Fifth street, last winter. They were found in the imssesaion of Betzel, the old umbrella tramp who went through this part of the country at the time of the robbery and who is now in jail at Danville for Btealing. Moyer Brothers have just received a large as snrtment of excellent cigars from S. Fuguet A Son for whose celebrated brands they are sole agents. Try the Pride of Key West, or the Little Casino, or the Orange flower. They are all Havana fillers and tho best we have puffed lor a long lime. The municipal finances of Willlamsport mutt be under an Intelligent and thrifty sort of man ngement. The city is paying nine per cent, in tercst on thousands of dollars of floating debt. while its balance in bank returns but three per cent. Only a wealthy cily like Williams- port could stand that kind of financiering. While we have been wrestling with the jail '"iMtstion, the people of Wayne county have taken It Into their heads that there is some thing rotten about the proposed new Court J louse at Honesdale. Following our exam plo the tax-payers thero have got a preliminary Injunction against iho Commissioners. We regret to say that those nasty littla penis, the potato bugs, have mad their appearance in undesirable profit' flon, and are preparing for their work of de struction. If something is not done to prevent their ravages, potatoes will In a few years be found Only among the curiosities of museums. Ala meeting of the Committee f Itescue Hook and Ladder Co., appointed to attend to the citt monies of Decoration was reported tliatlhe Bloomsburg Cornet Band would be in at tendaixeand that all the Sunday Schools and the Nwmal School would be represented, and bImj the friendship I' ire Co., and the Drum Cor. "recession will form at 3 o clock. is probably damaged to the extent of $3000 or $4000 dollars, by fire, smoke acd water. So far as wo have learned there were not many cases of theft, and many articles supposed to be lost, will after search, be found. The wine cellar wa9 broken open and nearly if not quite all of the champagne, was drank as well as other liquors. There was some destruction caused by careless handling and the usual num ber of stupid deeds perpetrated by those who al ways deem it a duty at scenes of the kind to "tear things up." We are glad that the results are no worse, but what can bo said sufficiently strong in con demnation of tho miscreants to whose crime all these losses and discomforts are attributable ? Every effort should be made to detect and bring them to trial and their punishment should be swift and strong. Every good citizen is inter' csted in this, for not only does it affect the rep utation of the Town, but' the security of life within its limits. Let these blood hounds be hunted down and placed where they can have leisure to appreciate to its utmost the enormity uf their oflence. The Columbia county Agricultural Society met in the Opera House Bloomsburg May 19th 10 o'clock A. M. Tho meeting was called to order by M. C. Vance, Vice President. v The Secretary T. J. anderslice read the minutes of the last meet ing which were approved after slight modifi cations. Tho Treasurer's report was read by the Sec retary. On motion C. B. Brockway Esq. was elected temporary President and Wm. Peacock and J. C. Brown were elected temporary Sec retaries. Election of officers being next In or- ler. John G. Quick of Montour township was elected President for the ensuing year without iposition. A, P. Young of Greenwood, Sylvester Pur- sell of Hemlock, Mathias Hartman of Catawis- and M. C. Vance of Orangeville unanimous elected Vice Presidents. Wesley Bowman of Orange, Caleb Barton of Bloomsburg and Francis Evans of Brier Creek wero electod members of Executive Committee. J. II. Ikeler of Greenwood was re-elected Librarian, It. Ikeler Esq. of Bloomsburg was elected Treasurer and T. J. Vandersiice Esq. was re elected Secretary. There was no opposition to any of the candidates. They were all elected unanimously. The salaries of Secretary and Treasurer were on motion fixed same as last car, $100 for the former and $75 for the lat- Signed; if. 1 WJI. Peacock, Total 17 21 Total 30 21 Umpire Bartletl. Scorers Krum and Ferree. One day last week a pair of those beautiful Baltimore orioles sometimes called golden robins were disportig themselves among the rees in the Court House enclosure, when n hawk pounced down upon one of the pretty birds anil carried it away. As this was done during Court week, when numbers of persons were standing about the building, it was n bold piece of insolence. But it did not stop at this, for the hawk only Hew across the alley and perched in tho wagon i-hed of George Itisewick there to devour its victim. A phot from Amos llucknlcw's revolver brought down the marau- ler, but, unfortunately, the oriole was dead. Its mate flew about for hours afterwards in n disconsolate way mourning the loss of its com- Otllt ANSWER The fact that tho people of this county, nud tho decision of the Court on the Jail injunction sustain the nctinn of the Cot.UMIMAN in regard to the Jail question, has wrung from tho lie- publican a cry of nnguish. Ton late it has dis covered its mivtnko in waiting to see which would he the winning side before committing itself, and now, as n last resort, it seeks to ridicule the Coi.t'MiiUN beeauso its editors feign ed a petition to the Commissioners and pub lished their names among hundreds of others It says the editors of this paper made themselves "tho laughing stock of tho town, by publicly claiming that they bad donu it themselves." If hearty approval and pcrsonnl conimeudation of our action by a large number of the bcit Ite liublicnns in the town, who at the same timo nlludcuith contempt to the weak-kneed and pitiful imbecility of our cotemporary, make us "laughing stock," wo aro willing to be called by that mime. But the Republican, ever true to its natural characteristics, tells a few falscooods, That the petition alluded to was circulated by the Columiiian, that it sot forth that the sub scribers sustained the C'oi.i'MniAN,that all cred it fur tho result was appropriated by the editors of litis paper, that wo did any tiling in haste, and that Price of Wilkes-Barre was our favor ite architect, are nil false. The Republican says all this appeared on Saturday after tho decision was rendered, whereas the Inst issuu of this pa per was printed on Thursday, tho 17lb, and the decision was not rendered until tho 10th. Gentlemen, if you must lie, do it with a meth od ! The Rqniblican K-es no evidence which justifies our "crusade," and yet sufficient was produced in Court to satisly the Judges unani inously that the contract ought to be rescinded. In answer to the contemptible insinuation that ns counsel for tho officers of tho Centralia re. gion wo have nd ised or permitted the plunder ing of that section, we refer our readers to the gentlemen over thern who have been watching with sharp eyes the management of that region for our vindication. It is a bnso attempt to in jure us in our professional characters that we shall not soon forget. That wo have been si lent concerning any outrages in the manage ment of public affairs, either in Centralia or elsewhere in the county, is another lie. We invite a careful comparison of the files of the Coi.i'miuax with thoso of the Republican us to which has given the most information on "out re-i"." The fact that for the past two years th statements of Cpnynghnni township nnd Con ynghain tuid Centralia poor district have been published in tho columns of our neighbor has been sufficient to close fheir mouths securely whatever its information may have been. That wo were "counted out" in the Jail contract ii absurd. We had no interest but the interest o the people. To Ray tliat wo have acted from selfish motios is equally absurd, for by ournc tion we have incurred the lisk of losing all tin county printing which for vears has been done panion. I lie liawK is an audacious bird but we never before knew one to utterly disregard the hy thi, pilrcr Xnd thero is just where tho I""'"' tHU ",," ure puracu lit-lies i this cocoanut. A break between hunger. (1KEAT FORTUNES IN (10I.I) AND MI.VElt Are reported daily from the Black Hills and San Juan Mines. Thottsands are Hocking thith er from all parts of tho country. Tho rush for California, in '49, and Pike's Peak in '68, was nothing compared with this new hegeira, But all who are bound to go, or think of go ing to the Black Hills gold mines, or the San Juan silver land should get all the aria they can before they start, such as Iho location of the mines; actual yield to this time; tho best routes ; co st of gelling there ; cost of living; business openings; Herniation of the towns and camps ; character of the country, Ac. cc. The Colorado State Directory for 1877, 2S0 pages, contains an mat the capitalist, or emi grant wants to know about Colorado, Kan Juan and the Black Hills mines, the commissioners and Iho Cni.uitniAX will drive the printing from this office, nnd therefor in the hope that if they throw their doors wide open those otlicials W'dl"walk into their pnrlor; for the sake of a little riUhy lucre the interests of the tax-payers of Columbia county have bcei ignoied by this Post-offieo organ, a corrupt job her, nuil mistaken officials aro endorsed, and all for the sake of a little patronage. 1 ho spoctacl is pitiful, Out upon sucli journalism 1 1 Judge Orvis, of Centre county, has signed the pledge, ana at the last term oi court at jiene- lonte granted out six licenses. We clip the above from an exchange. Its plain implication is, that Judge Orvis has sign ed the pledge and Uterefore . granted but si licenses. Either this is a great injustice to Judge Orvis, or, if true, an outrage upon the people. We do not know how many applica Tills Directory, together witli a supplement tlon8 there wcr0 for llcen8e- but wh(!llier few, and a man of the San Juan country and the Mack liilli, will be senl post paid for one dol lar. Address, J, A, Blauk, Publisher, Denver, Col. The Lewisto wn True Democrat madei fun ny blunder in a recent issue in stating that "the folly of petty squabbles and dissenaiens within the ranks of a party resulting in starting a second newspaper, Is most forcibly illustrated in Columbia county, which usually gives a Democratic majority of 3,600 on general Issues, and now has nearly all Its local offices filled by Republicans." The Dtnocrat has evidently read the Civ I.UUHUN's comments on olitics in Luzerne county and got the thing mixed. Columbia county givea a Democratic majority of 2,200 or 2,300 with undeviating regularity, but has no local offices filled by Itepublicans. The only Republican holding a county office Is J. E. Sands, who Is a Commissioner under the pro visions of the new Constitution, which gives I anybody," Great Caesar I Think of it. Charles the minority party one member of the Board. I A. Dana despised by Browerl We earnestly Don't be alarmed about Columbia county, and I trust that the later years of Mr. Dana may not don t read warning political lessons until you I be saddened by a knowledge of this fact. Don't are sure you have hold of the right parties to I don't for "sweet mercy's" sake tell him many, the tact that even one was reluseu be cause the Judge had joined the Prohibitionists would be an act both arbitrary and unlawful, Wo are loath to believe that such is the case, but the article quoted plainly implies It. applicants for license comply willi the require ments of the law, and If their applications are not contested for good and sufficient reasons, the duty of a Judge is plain. Should be refuse grant a license under such a state of facts, on the ground that he is a Temperance man and opposed to the sale of intoxicating liquors, he oversteps his authority and takes advantage his judicial position to force his individual opin ions. We cannot think Judge Orvis would do this, The Diuvillo Record doesn't like the New York Sum's lortralt of It. B. Hayes with "Fraud" written on Iho forehead, and say "We take a charitable view of it, and regard the editor of the New "iork Sun as an irrcapon elide human being and Incapaable of Insulting White, smooth nnd soft any lady's hands, arms or neck may become, who uses Glenn's Sulphur Soap. Pimples or other disfigure- nienls of a tomplexlonal nalure, are surely obliterated by this healthful promoter of beauty Depot, Crittenton's No. 7 Sixth Avenue, New York. Hill's Hair & Whisker Dye, black or brown, 60 els. May 4, 4w. Aiigiiat Flower. Tha most miscralilo beings in tlio world aro thoso suffering from Dyspep-Ja nnd Liver Uomplaint. Moic than seventy-five per cent of tho pcoplo in tho United Slates nre afflicted with theso two diseases and their ef fects; such as Sour Stoinncli, Sick Head ache, Habitual GVlivcticss, Palpitation of tho Heart, Heart-burn, Watcr-brntli, gnawing and burning pains nt tho pit of tho Stomach, yellow skin, coated tongue and disagreeable tasto in the mouth, coming up of food after eating, low spirits, Ac. Go to Mover Bros., and get a 75 cent bottlo of AUG 1 1ST FLOW KM or a hamplo bottlo for 10 cents. Try it. Two doses will relievo you. April 27, 77-ly jl NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. DMINlSTll.Vrolt'S NOTICE. KSTATK OF Wll.l.UW RAHREK, DUC'P. hellers of administration, do bonis non. cum tcttamento annexo on iho estate of William liar bfr, late or Madison township, Columbia county, Pa., hare been (rrahtod by the lieclster til ;o luiubla county, to conrail Kreamer, of frame town ship, to whom all persons Indebted nre requested to make Immediate pa) ment ana thoso having claims or demands against the said estate will make them known to tho undersigned Administrator without delay. IU.11A1 ll Kr.AMltll, Mayas, '"t-Cw1 Administrator. T n ti JUSTICES op Tin: teace. By the Act of Assembly approved the Sth May 1854 it lias become the required duty of every Justice of the Peace of Columbia county to re turn to the clerk of the Court of Quarter .Ses sions of the Peace all recognizances entered in to before them by any person or persons charg ed with the commission of any crime, excepting such cases as may be ended before Justices of tho Peace under existing laws, at least ten days before the commencement of the sessions to which they are made returnable. And by the Act of Assembly approved the th day of March 1872 it further became the duty of every Justice of the Peace upon com plaint being made oq oath or affirmation of any person or persons, to enter such complaint up on their criminal dockets with the name, rcsi- lence and occupation, if any, of all defendants, bail and witnesses in criminal cases, and to return to the District Attorney of their respec tive county a true transcript from said docket, within five days after the binding over or com mittal of any defendant charged with felo.iy or any other criminal oflence! Any wilful violation of this requirement is thereby declared a mis demeanor in office and on conviction thereof the party so offending shall be fined in a sum not exceeding five hundred dollars. The above Acts of Assembly have been disregarded by many of tho Justices of the Peace making either a return to the District Attorney or the clerk of the Court of Quarter Session. Others have been mislead by the last Act, making a return to the District Attorney, and not to the clerk. As the law now stands the returns should be made to the District Attorney by a transcript within five days after the binding over or a committal, and ten days before the general term of the Court the recognizance should be return ed to the clerk. Z. Busiuess Notices GenU' Fancy Shoes nt E. M. Knorr's. Another new lino of Parasols, Fans, tho eclebranted Dr. Wnmer Corset nt $1.25 and n variety of other makes in prices from 50 cents up to $2.50. Call nnd try our Corsets. Clark A Wolf. Wall Paper cheap nt Clark's Book Store. Lasting Gaiters, $1.00 at McfCirftleys. Thoso who wish to obtain first class Gro ceries, can find them at T, W. Conner's new store in McndcnhaU's building. Country prodtico taken in exchange. April 27-flw Did you sco that pile of Fast Colored Prints, at f cents and other Prints in good styles, Ginghams 8, 10, 12 cents per yard and Tnblo nil linen 35 cents and upwards, Mus lins and other Domestic Goods too numer ous to mention nt the cheap store of Chirk ec won i $1.25 Foxed Gaiter-Tnt McKinncy's. Ilaso balls and bats cheap at Clark's Boot ctore. Spring Suits rnado up In city style at 1). Lowcnbcrg's. IIo, for White Goods! Clark & Wolf havo now in storo beautiful patterns of tho newest styles out in JUress Uoous, towels, Napkins in great variety all styles and prices at Clark ec YVOlt'S. MVGOODS just received a larg3 lot of spring styles of Shoes at i.. Jl. Knorr s. Shades cheap at Clark's Book Window Store. IMPOKTANT NOTICE To all attending Court. .Money saved Is nlways money earned Men's Full Suits from $4.00 to $20.00. Youth's Full Suits from $H.60 to $10.00. Boy's Full Suits $2.50 to $8.00. Men's Pants from $1.00. Spring styles, latest styles and lowest prices ... hi n...n..i.....a ul ij. ivuit euuei sj 15 The ladies do sav that Clark & Wolf keep a fine assortment of ladies' Neck ear. Col lars. Crepe Laces. Kucliitigs, liows. Silk: lies, llarbs and all the lalcst novelties. Window Shades and Wall Paner in ereat variety and cheap at Clark s liook totore. Boots and Shoes at Marriages. 11IB11Y SIIAHPLESS. At Catawissa, May 0, 1S77, by Itcv. llcnry O. DM of Lew lsburg, Pa Mr. Charles II. Blbby of Nashville, Tenn., to Miss Sadie Sharpless of Catawissa, ra. KINOSliUItV-DOTY At the Methodist parson age in Orangeville, May 9, 1SI7 by Ilev. Henrys. Mendsnhall, Mr. William IT. Klnssbury to Miss Ida M. Doty, both of Huntington, Luzerno county, Pa. Deaths. rmtN WALI), In Bloomsburg on tho isth Inst., of scarlet fever, Annie Mabel, youngest daughter of Charles s. and Anna A. rornwald, aged, 2 years, .1 months and 10 days. BENNETT1. In Tlno twp., on the 81d ult Elmlra S. liennett, aged 30 years, s months and II days. The Colossal llronze Statue of Victory which stands in the Park, at Lowell, before the tomb ofthefiist soldiers that fell in tho revolution, is a lasting and beautiful tribute of art. It is one of the first objects sought by strangers visit ting our sister city, which indeed many visi purposely to see this elegant object of high art It was obtained from the King of Bavaria by Dr. J, C. Ayer, to whom his majesty was es pecially gracious in acknowledecnient of what his remedies are reputed to have done for the suffering sick. It was donated by the Doctor to the City of Lowell as a permanent and speak ing emblem of the victories both of Science and Arms. Ifagcrslwn (JW.) iVess, May 4, 4w. Havo you tried Kirby's WildCherry Cough Balsam f A very palatcable compound tor tho various atlections olthe throat aim lungs it has been used with success, in seven cases of asthma giving instant relief and In many cases effecting a pernament cure. Price 50 cents per bottle and positively warranted to give entire satisiactiou or money reiunded. Kirby's Magic Relief for the Instant cure oi severe ana acute pains. Jvirby's tasteless Worm Lozenges, pleas ant. safe and effectual. Kirby s Horse and Cattle Powders are tho best powders for stock, manufactured. Try tuem ami oe convinced. Kirbv'a Camphor Ice for sunburns, sore Hps and chapped nanus. Gill's Billious and Liver Pills are rccom mended by the first Physicians. itie auove preparations are lor sale by all .Druggists anu dealers in medicine. JUOYKK JJROT1IERS, July 21,'7C.-1y t Wholesale Agents, ilHasTstood the Test. If you doubt the wonderful success of Shiloh's Consumption Cure, rive it a trial : then if vou aro not perfectly tatisfied, return tho bottle and wa will reiuml ino liriee nam. it has oslnh is i ed tho fact that Consumption can be cured, while for coughs, asthma, hoarseness, whoon- ing cough, nnd all lung or throat troub!e,there is noiuiug-iihu uiur u quicx aim posmvecure, and it seldom fails. 10 cents. 60 cents and $1 per bottle. If your lungs nrosore, or chest or back lame, use fihiloh's Porous Plaster price 25 cents, bold by C. A. Kleimand N, J. lien ucrsuott. Dr. Shiloh's System Vitnlizer is no doubt tho most successful cure for Dyspepsia nnd Liver Complaint wo havo ever known, otherwiso wo could not guaranteed. In cases of consumption where general debility, loss of uppetilo and coustipation exist, it will lestoro and rouulnto the s) stem while Shiloh's euro allays the in lluinnialion and heals the lungs. Pneo 75 cts. bold bytJ, A. Klcim and N, J, Hendcrbhott, "Down to Hard Pan" McKinuey's. A fine line of Snrine Dress Goods uow in store at tho very lowest prices at Clark & nous, Sprinc and Summer Hats in all the New colors For Men, Hoys and Children at 1). Lowenberg's. Gents' Buff Congress at E. M. Knorr's for DMINISTHATOB'H NOTICE. rSTATROr ERTUKR DAKBEK, DECKASED Utters of Administration do lionls non cum testA- mentn annexo on tho cstato of Ksthcr Harbor, late of Madison township, Columbia county, Penn'n., deceased, havo been granted by tho ltegistcr of said county tn Conrad Kreamer of Madison twp., Colum bia co., Pennsylvania. All persons having claims against the cstato of tho decedent aro requested to piesenttliom tor settlement, and those Indebted to the estate to make payment to tho undersigned uiiuuisiruiur muium ueniy. Mercantile Appraisement. LIST OP DIIAI.EIIS IN COLUMBIA COUNTY. I hereby certify that tho following- list of dealers taken, returned and classified by me In accordance with the several uctsof Assembly, la and for Iho county of Columbia, for tho jcar 1917, Is correct lo tho best of my knowledge and belief t ,'72-Cv.' LONHAl) KltKAMKlt, Administrator, May li; DMlNlSTltATOUS' NOTICE. KSTAl KIIK JACOB CI.K1V ELL, DEC D. letters or Admlnlstrfitlnri.nn the entntp nt .Tnpnh Clcvvell, late or Catawissa twp, Columbia Co, dee'd. have been granted by the negfster of said county to the undersigned administrators of saino township, to whom all persons Indebted to said Kstate lire re quested to make payment, and thoso having claims agatnsi the said estate will make them known to the said administrator without delay. cttmsvriAN ci.F.wnLL, ClI.VW.llsjrl.LvVKt.L, May S5, ---Cw Administrators. jySSOLUTION NOTICE. .otleo Is hereby given tha the partnershlp-hereto-foro existing between Conrad Kreamer and W. VV. Hurst nt.Ierseytovvn, Columbia county, Pa., trading under tho tlnnuinme of VV. VV. Hurst t Co. was dls solve by limitation on April 1st, 1S77. Tho accounts wm ne seiueu oy enner inemuer or tlio late Ilrm. CONtlAD KIlUAMIlIt, w. w. liunsr, The business nt the Arm will lioennllnnnrt nt i,a old stand. Thankful for past patronage. I lespect- iuuy houeit a continuance of tho same. May 25, '77-tw' CONHAI) KltCASICn. UDITOU'S NOTICE. In the Orphans' court of Columbia county. Tho undersigned was iiDnotnted Auditor In the matter of the exceptions to Iho final confirmation of tho account of John Anderson Adtnlnlstrutor of Mary Thornton, deceased. In compliance with his nppulntment ho will attend lo tlio duties of the same at tho public house of V, K. Weldensaul In Centralia tho 14th day of Juno 1S77 at 10 o'clock a.m. 3. II. jami:, May 23, '77 4w Auditor. BEAVER TOWKSIIlr. llluderlldcr, David, general inerehatidlso 14 Itlcc, Abraham " ' 14 Miuman, C, A, " " 14 Drelsebach, oeorgo " M 14 Ixissce, J. a. " ' 14 Shuman, F, L, " " 14 BENTON TOVVNSUIl'. Mcllenry, ltohr, general merchandise 1J Mcllenry,.!.. I. ' " w " " II BEitwick aeaovon. Adams k Son. ceneral merchandise 1.1 Preas Brothers " , is Press Brothers, lumber dealers 14 Hockman, II. M grocery store 14 Powier, c. D. fui nfturc storo 14 Hughes, W. T. grocery storo 14 VI son. H. A. A Co. drug storo 14 Snyder, C. P. book store 14 nowman s Crispin, general mercuanuiso ix Bower, I. H. It. ' " 12 Utile, it. II. drug store 14 Dlstelhuisf, P. I,, furniture storo 14 Jackson ,t VV oodin. manufacturing co. 7 Buckingham. l. A. stove and tinware 14 dross, Dav id, jiorier bottler 14 miOMsnriui. Caldwell, .1, P. confectionery 14 vv ngenseuer k. v. o. vwioicsaiu notion siuru u llendershot N. .1. urug and grocery storo 14 (illinorc. William, confectioner) 14 Old & Pursel, general merchandise 14 Hagenbucli, Isaiah, stovo and tinware 14 Conner, T. VV. grocery store 14 Mendenhall. K. dry goods storo 14 Mroup, Havld, grocery storo It Creasy. 1). A. dry goods and grocery 18 jcoiuns k lioimes, piumoers uuu gas liners i-t Kv.ins. A. ,T. elottilntr store 14 Marr, C. C. grocery and dry goods 13 Decker A Meckel, conrecttonery 14 Kramer, Wttllain, grocery store 14 Miller, . II. .son, dry goods nnd grocery 12 llunyon A: Co. hardware storo 13 schu) ler son " Bel nhaid. Louts, Jewelry storo cadman, K. 11. furniture room Lowonberg. David, merchant tailor Savage, c. Jewelry storo Clark & Wolf, dry gouds storo riacouj , u. a. grocery sioro ousi. v luiaiu ii. aeiuer in eoru FLORENCE OIL STOVE, I J J llJt J.IA11JL.LJAIJ TunnnsT COOKING. SAI-'KST AND MOST CiiflTnit le. Hum two els. ECONOMICAL. I per hour Tor furl. NO UNNP.CKSSAP.Y IIKATt NO ODOItl end for circular nnd nrleo list to WILbON t: MIL- LLlt, ism llldgo Avenue, Philadelphia. aiay is,7-4tt a Hand-made Shoes at McKinney's. Wanted. Two girls to learn the tailor ing trade, win. l. Kester. Apr.'Jdt The largest stock of Clothing ever shown n Hlooiusburg can now bo seen at D. Lovv- cnberg's. Linen Rcadv Made Dresses and Linens to make up, and a largo line of Cambrics, Cre- tons, jjress trimmings, vl into ttamDurgsanu Inscrtings, Tassos, Linen Embroidery, and a full lino' of liall and Fly Fringes, a great variety of Dress Trimmings, Sequin, Pearl and Silk Iiuttons, a new stylo of Trimming liutton, in fact you can find all the latest novelties at Clark & Wolfs. SHERIFFS SALE ! By virtue of a writ of Tier! Paclas Issued out of tho Court of Common Pleas of Columbia Co., and to me directed, will be exposed to public sale at tho Court House In Bloomsburg nt ono o'clock p. m. on SATURDAY, JUNE 2nd, 1877, tho following real estate to-vvlt : All that certain lot of ground situate on tho west side of Market street, In tho Town of Bloomsburg, adjoining let of William Ncal on tho south, nnd Hldg Alley on the north, and extending back tn Muuey's Alley, whereon Is erected a brick dwelling house, barn, Icc-housu nnd other out-buildings. ALSO, All that certain lot of ground sltuato on Third street In the Town of Bloomsburg, marked In gencr. al plan of said Tuwn, No. 03, beginning at south east corner of said lot on Third street, thence nlong said street south-west M!.ty-st feet, thence north west along lot No. CO two hundred and fourteen and a half feet to P lne Alley, thenco along Pino Alley north-east sixty-six feet, thence south-east along lot No. C4 two hundred nnd fourteen and a half feet to tho place of beglnntng, containing one third of an acre, whereon Is erected a framo dwelling house, barn and other out-bulldlngs. ALSO, All that certain lot of ground situate on Third street In said Town of Bloomsburg, marked In gen eral plan No. fsl, adjoining above last described lot on the east nnd extending west along said Third street CO feet to Jefferson street, and back along said Jefferson street two hundred and lour- teen and a half feet to Pine Alley, containing one third of an acre, wheieonls erected a brick dwelling house, frame barn and other out-bulldlngs. Seted, taken In execution and to bo sold as the pioperty of John S. Mcrucr. CONDITIONS OP SALE. Purchasers must pay ten per cent, of the purchase money, or at least enough to cover all costs, at striking down of sate otherwise properly to be resold nt once. JOHN W. HOFFMAN, May 23, lS77.-ts isherlir, 12 14 12 12 Icnaershot. Josenh VV. grocery and coal Neat. C. VV. A Brother, dealers In coal Ktenn. Henry, grocery storo Miil.c, .1. II giocerynndqucenswaro vvebu, Tiiomus.cotilectlonery Moyer Brothers (corner Main) drug storo I.utz K Moan, dry goods McKlnney. William c Imot and shoe storo 14 c 11 14 14 13 12 13 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 13 14 14 7 14 14 14 McKelvy, I. VV. dry goods and grocery IIUI III1UII, I, H i Hartman, 11. c. carpet store Kieun. c. A. drug storu correll. W. .1. & Co. furniture storo vcuer. .jaeon. wholesa e dry goods Kver. .1. K. drv rroods nnd L-rucerv Miss D. Brobst, confectionery uauo, Augustus, grocery srore l-'urinan, It, turnlturu storo Whnry, I.. I.', stoves and llvvaro Itupert, A. M. ' " mens, .icsse, cioiiung siorc Hartman Brothers, grocery storo Knorr, 1:11 M. boot and shoe storo Moyer Bros, thrower's block) drugstore Clark, Heorgo A. book storo S( ott, J, 11. confectionery Sleeker, .1. II. Hour nnd feed storo Bloomsburg Iron Co. general merchandise I,ockard. 0. M. J. K. dealers In coal oross. Peter, beer bottler moss A- Brother, clothing storo t7fO 7 110 7(0 7 Oil 7 00 7 00 12 tO VIM 7IK) 1000 10 to 7 tiO 1 00 7 00 7 W 7 oe 700 WW 12 M 7(H) 7(H) 40 00 7110 70U TOO 10 IK) 7 to 710 7 on "(10 7 (10 7 (Kl 7 00 12 60 7 00 7 IK) 10 00 7 00 7(K) 12 Ik) 1010 12 SO 7 oil 7(K) 10 00 70) 12 M 7 0(1 7 IK) 7 (Kl 12 Mi " 12 311 7 IHI 12 CO 12 fill 7 00 GOOD 13 00 7 no 7 no 1000 12 30 looo 7 00 7 (10 7 Oil 7(H 700 7 WO 7 (K) 7(10 700 10 (Kl 7 00 7 (l 40 110 7(0 7 m Bloo.LSburg Lumber Co. dealers In lumber 14 imlARCKEBK. Terwllllger, Andrew, grocery store 14 CATAWISSA. Harder, C. F. lumber and hardware 1 1 Puuston. ('. 11. dealer lu coal 14 Harder, Thomas K. furniture storo 14 Deamer, s. 11. general merchandise 13 (lute, K. B. coal jard 14 nniuie x audoii. dealers in nimDerfi coal 14 John, J. R son. general merchandise 13 snarpiess k sons. .... n iiurimnn, vv liuain. rurniiiu'c store 11 Manhart, Ccorge, shoo and boot store 14 John. William, stovo and tin waru 14 smith, .1. M drugs and hardware 12 id-inai u. 11. general merenandlse 14 Cleaver, A. B. stoves and tinware 14 foitncr, B. P. S son, general merchandise 14 13 14 14 13 13 11 11 ', 1'. general merchandise , vv mum, merciiandisu Wenver, Orange. Sceshaltz. I. 11. tfroeerv store line A: Brother, general merchandise Brobst, M. M. Huberts Kline " " scott, Oeorge C. dry goods CENTHAMA, Murphy, C. (1. general merchandise. 14 Millard, 0. B. " " 13 Mench, Adam, Jewelry store 14 Michaels, o, VV. grocery store 14 Thornton, Annie, confectionery 1 1 Bryson, H. cn. general merchandise 10 Black, D. c. giocery store 1 1 Moran. John, boot and shoo storo 14 Davis, (leorgc, Jr. drug store 14 Portlier, A, II. stoveA: tinware 14 CONVNfillAM TOWNSHIP, Trautmau, W. C. general merchandise 1 1 KISlllNQCl'EEK, Ammerman, J. M. general merchandise. Hosier, D u. " Dreishbach, II. P. " " Howell, 0. M. " " Harrison, Jaied " " Mcllenry, .1. p. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. XECUTOlt'S NOTICE. KSTATK.OK ASRAKAH BEAVFn, DECASKI1. E (of IllngtoJrn.) Kxecutoi Li Iters Testamentary on the cstato of Abraham nMr ioi if nn.-irinprrepK tiwns bin county or Columbia, (leeeased.hnvuliopn grantsl by tho Hegls- teror Raid county to tiio iinuersigneu eei wurs, mi neinons having chHmso gainst the estate of the dece dent are requested to present them for settlement and IIIOSO inueuieu III 1110 rainiu w niuu rijiMub to the undersigned executors without delaj . .IUII.1 JUSIlKi, AIIKAIIAM Hl:AVnit,.Tn., May ll.TI-tw. I N pursuance of an order of Dclnno (.!. Cal vin. Ksn.. surrogate of tho County of New York, fiollco Is hereby given to nil persons having claims against Charlollu Kjer, late of Catawissa, f'cnnsyl vanla, but leaving assets within tun city nnd county of New York, deceased, lo present tho satno with vouchers thereof to tho subsrrllier. at hlsoniee. No. lis Wall street. In the city of New York, on or before iuoeignieentnriayoi.iunonoxu 1 toted, New York, the seventh day of December, I- KhUI.1111. IV V. 11A nxi 11.1 1. 11, PcclS-cm Kxeeutor, nXECUTOIt'S NOTICE. J KSTATK OF THOMAS KNORIt, nKCKASKD. Letters Testamentary on tho estate of Thomas Inorr, lato of Bloom township, Columbia county. county to John i. gulck. Dia counry, la., neeuuii. Itupert, Oolum- wnom an per sons Indebted aro requested to make payment, and thoss having demands against tho said estate will mako them lay. Mar 4, T7-ow nown to the said Executor without do- J01IN O. QUICK, Kxeeutor. Dauchy & Co's Advt's. sec this. Only $1.50 capital re qnlrcd to sUirt canvassing for BOOK Mark Twain's New Scrap Eook. Apply with stamp to lsn East Light Bt.,Now Yr'k CANVASSERS Maytl'77-iw il The Black Hills. By II. N. Magulre, who has spent 12 years tn this region. Latest accounts of Hold and Sliver pros pects, Agricultural and Grazing resources, Climate, Hunting, Pishing, Indians, and Settlers' Adventures with thcm.Mlnliigand Wild Western Ufo.tho Water fniis. lmnifir- (ipisprs. noble scencrv. lmmcnso (iorges, etc., with 2, line Illustrations and one map. 1 rice u:si,l 111 ccniH. sum vy an .uwueiuein, m sent post-paid for 12 ets. by DONNELLY, I.OYI) A: CO., Pubs., May 11,, 77 4w il Chicago, III. " THE HOPE OF REWARD Is what Induces so ninny pcoplo In search of si'i.i:un FAn.a11.Yf; iim to go to Michigan, nnd select from tho ONE MILLION OF ACRES of the land grant of tho Grand Ilaplds and Indiana It. It. Co. stiong Isolls, sure crops plenty of timber, no drouths, grasshoppers, or chinch bugs. Pure water, running streams, ready markets, civilization and schools, ltallroad runs through centre of grant, l'rlco from 4 to sto per acre, send for our Illustra ted pamphlet, full of foots In German and English, say In what paper j ou saw this notice. Address W. 0. HUGIIART, Land Oomm'r.. OltAND HAPlDS, MICH. ' HtloPerfeei March 2, lS77-3m 7 00 1(1 1 7 00 7 00 1000 150) 7 00 7 00 til 12 .VI 7(H) 10 no 7 IK) 700 10 00 1000 IS 00 7 00 700 1000 7 no 7 no 7 00 20 (H) ton 7 00 7 00 7 (17 J. Weaver & Go's. Adv'ts. $200,000 WORTH OF GOLD-PLATED JEWELRY. Tor Jl wo will send, as liclovv, all Warranted Hold Plated. 1 pair gold stono fleevo Buttons. 1 pair engraved Mi-eve Buttons, 1 set pointed Muds, 1 set aineihyst Muds, 1 Wedding King, 1 engraved band nnger 1 log, 1 nmelhj st stone King, Inlaid with gold, 1 elegant King, marked "Friendship," ame thyst stone bcart Hng, inlaid with gold, 1 splendid slivered hat pin, l set Ladles' Jet and gold pin and drops, 1 misses' set Jet nnd gold, 1 la dies' Jet set, or namented, 1 set handsome rose-bud ear drops, I gent's elegant Ijiku Oeorge diamond stud, 1 cardinal redhead necklace, 1 pair ladles amethyst stono ear drops, inlaid with gold, 1 Indies ornamented let brooch, 1 fancy scarf ring nnd elegant watch chain. Tako your -choice tho entire lot uf 20 pieces, sent post-paid for II, or any s pieces jou choose for W cents. Now Is tho llnio lo mako money, Thebo goods can easily be retailed for lo. P. h 10CKMAN, 23 Bond St., New lork. Ills renutatton for honesty, fair dealing and liber ality Is unequalled by any udvertlser In this city. . . uay hook, uec. in, isn.. May 4, '77 lm J w co ATENTS! FEE REDUCED ENTIHE COST $55. 'ateut onlec lee tss In advance, balanco 20 within 0 months alter ratent allowed. Advice and examina tion free. Patents sold. .1. VANCi: LEWIS i: CO., May 4, 'U7-3m J w co Washington, D. C. 7 00 "0.1 Ladies' fine Shoes, all widths and sizes at JIcKinney's. COAL! CQALU COAL! !! Wo arc now ofTciing tho celebrated Stis- michatma Coal Co's Coal at the lbllowius cash prices : jNo. li. fl.hj per ton 011 wharl. No. 5. 2.H5 per ton on whaif. No. '2. 3 and 4. 2.00 per ton on whaif. Hlacksiuith's Lump 'J.'.iO per ton on wharf. Eitinulnous 4.50 per ton on wharl'. 35 cents per ton additional, for delivery to any part of the town. vmm lioitsa Hates l, cents per ton less. No. 0. to Linie-burners $1.50 per ton. Coal screened before leaving our vards and fidl weight puaratitcttl. Orders left :it I. W. JIcKclvy's Store, at our office, or sent through the mails will re ceive pionipt attention. lour patrouago is respectlully solicited. C. V. NF.AL t Uito. jMay 1, 1S77. UN K EL'S BITTER WINE OP IKON. A Sitll Fnrilier Reiliiciioii in the PHICE OP PAINTS, OILS, BUUSIIESl, JAPAN DllYEIt PUTTY IIIAS'KI.IN. Djtr 4: Brother, general merchandise (inEESwoon. Dorr, A. J. general merchandise Hess, W. V. " " Black, P. D. " " Henry, Miss II." Eves,Ellls,CIlro" " Masters, Wm, " " Welllver.J. c. " CENT HE TOWNSHIP. nonsler. Jacob, treneral mereli.inrlUe Lamon, .1. P. " W 1 tin re ru n " Brotist. 'I nomas, irroer-rv store Low Brothers Co. general merchandise v ooiey, i.. vv . ueaier in coal Povv er, Z. T. dealer In coal and grain HEMLOCK. It has never been known to fall la tho cure 0 weakness, attended with symptoms of Indisposition to exertion, loss of memory, dimculty of breathing, weakness, horror of disease, night sweats, cold feet, weakness, dimness of vision, languor, universal las situde ol tho muscular system, enormous appetite with dyspeptic symptoms, hot hands, Hushing of the body, dryness of the skin, pallid countenanco nnd eruptions on tho face, purlfj ing iho blood, piln In the hick, hea luess of Iho e) ellds, frequent black spots Hying before tho eyes, with sutrulon and loss of bight, want of attention, etc. Sold ouly In (1 bot tles, (let tho Genuine. Depot and onlee, r.3,North Ninth St., Philadelphia. Adi Ice free. Ask for P. P. Kuukel's Bitter (Wine of Iron, and tako no other make. Genuine sold only In (1 bottlas, NEltVOUS DEBILITY I NP.HVOUS DEBILITY ! Debility, a depressed irrltablo state of mind, a weak, nervous, energy or ani mation, confused head, weak memory, the quf nces of excesses, mental overwork, Thlsnervous debility llndsu sovereign euro In K. P. Kunkel's Bitter Wlno of Iron. It tones tho system, dispels tho inental'gloom and despondency, and rejuven ates the entire sj stem. Sold only in II bottles. Oct tho genuine Sold by all druggists. Ask for E. P. Kunkel's Bitter Wlno of Iron, and tako no other. Geuulno sold only In Jl bottles, or six bottles for fs. All I ask Is a trial of this valuable medicine. It will convince the most skeptical of Its merits. NEVElt P41UNU WOUM SYKUP. E. P. Kunkel's Worm syrup never falls to destroy Ptn, Seat and stomach Worms. Dr. Kunkel Is the only successful physician who removes Tape Worm In two honrs,hcad and all complete alive, and uo fee till head passes. Common sense teaches If Tape Worms tan be removed, nil other warms can be read ily destroyed. Scud for circular to Dr. Kudkel, (59 North Ninth ftreet, Philadelphia, Pa., or ask our druggist .for Kunkel's Worm Syrup. Price l per oottle. It never falls. Used by chldren or grown persons with perfect safety. May. ACID tt If" you want In save from 10 to 11 er cent In the cost of PAINTINO, send for our prices of tho follow lug : Strictly PUrtE WI1ITP, LEAD, MONTOUlt WHITE LEAD SLATE PAINTS, ALL COl.OltS, IKON PAINTS, 'riIUEE"cOL01!S, PURE LINSEED OIL BEST JAPAN DRYER. msi:i:i Oil. t CHALK PUTTV. Best Faint Brushes, coach Yaish, IIOUSK VAHNISH, Furniture Yarnisli, KI'IItlTS OPTL'RrnNTINE, Orders and lnnulrles bv mall win v-,-iro tirmnnt ( attention. Simple cards andprlc ellst furnl-Jied wibiiuui ejiuige. L-eneral mereli.inrtlcn mi, vv iiuam, 0001 and siioe sure Harris, P. P. (ml. William Shoemaker, M. o. s w. 11. general mdse. locivr. oeum, Peter, general merchaudloe astlne. J. II. eager. Jacob " Seborn, Thomas " " MAIS' TOWNSHIP. 'ampbell. V. J. general merchandise Bodlue, J. 1). ' Derr, P. p. confectionery MIPI US TOWNSHIP. ledler. J. II. general inerch.mdlso laiUel, W. C. " reusv a lirovv 11 ' Swoppenheher.G" " MOUNT I'I.EASiNT. Sands, Joseph, k Son, general mcrclnndlso 14 MON'TOnt. Mays, '7(;.-1y. HENHY S. It KAY. Rupert, Pa. New pieces sheet music, retails fort! Tn, sent for w in uis, uuu siuuip. mcap .music (. 0 , .Mlddleboro, iiiay -, ti-iw a .51:1.1:11 tNT CAItHi nil stjles with name, 10 ... iwv mm, u, 1,. uiiaiuu. rtUNSUU. KPIlS CO. N. Y. May 23, '1 J iw d Best bargains In A merlca.Tv A T TyVQ.I, p, JIIHIIS UUU I UlUIUgUU jrCe,--- - ViHK May M, 'It--iw d Maneha Dover, dci. .lie anil liriillli Without Di-tigs. i. ... - 1 )r. P.lllPrtntf ' m-not I It! lit k fit mill , ... . .. v"i- ,' Willi'. AMI UIUJ .'' ueailj lor Tlio only book urac tidily trpatlnp tbN now univiTtiuuy ausnru i n k LIGHT. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS A1' lu The DITOU'S NOTICK. preich to, Mr. Democrat. It- IIackviktack, a rich und fragrant perfume. 01 Sold by C. A. Kleim and N. J. HcndersLott. 1 April 0, '77-ly j matter of the monev arising from Hip rhIa t,t the real estate of 11, W, blcrucr by tho hherllt and 11UW 1U UI3 11UUUS, Tlio undersigned Auditor appointed to make dls rlbutlou of tho ubove funds to and uiuong the nur. Ilea entitled thtreto, win attend lo ihodutleBol his appointment at the olllco of c. 11, A- w, J, liuckuleiv In thelowuof Bloomsburg, Ptuu'a., on Naturday Ihejsdday of June IsTT, al 10 o'clock a.m., when and where all persons hav Ing claims are requested to present the same before theAudllor or bo debarr ed from coming m tor a share of suld fund. . ,e . I't'CKALEW, May 83, 15I7-4W Auditor, topic. Shown how 10 apply tho tieatment, and tells of many successful cures made by tho nso ofUils wonderful medium, circulars and liest terms 10 eai ly applicants. J. M. STODDAHT & Co., m chest- nub Dk., 1 uuu. JluyVJ, II4W u "READ THIS! ! A Cbanco for all to mako or Savo Money, AND (1KT T1IK ISEST OOOIIS IK THE MAKKET. TEAS, COFFEES, &C. sold ut lowernrlcyalliari th unmn nniinioa bought at any other house In this country. All goods guaranteed to li satisfactory and us retire seiiled.ortheinouei will bu refunded 011 return of the coous. wmen lilnv tie dune nt nur T ho reputation of our house for ski 1 inu standabd i.oons at low i-uiirs, (lor 81! jearsi, has given us a hlaiidlnglii New ork illy und vicinity, Unit Is not enjoied by any other house In the trade. After ma tuiu deliberation wuhave deteimtned to oiler our goods lo housekeciiers In Iho lutcrlur, ut the i-owot wiioi.ksai.e tkauk iHicM, vvlifii a club Is formed lariru cuuuch 10 mnku a shimII t-ui,. r..J, cam ineiiiUr of the club will lie put In separate packages, and malted v it h name and cost, so as to iivoidcoutiulonln distribution, iiuudswil bo bent by express to uuu ect onueiivhiv. ah uuhi7?7,. savo jioneybv purchasing family supplies at Now v.urk wholesale prices can talk tho matter over uiiiony friends and nelghliors, and send to us tor Chili Vlrcu ar, Prlee-llt, 4x. Wo give a present of either goods or money to the iH-rsbn who gets uu beud tor priio-lut and drcular. Stlner's Hew York and China Tti Co.. M. H, MOSES & 00,, Proprietors 1,711, SI HI, und M! ,..,.y .irrn.'.Nrvv Vui 77 May83,H-w d; 14 11 14 14 14 II II II 13 14 13 II 700 7 (Ml 10 Oil 7 (Ml IS BO 11 M 7 (Nl la (io 7 im lu 00 10 no 7 00 7WI 7(17 7 (10 10 00 700 7 no 10 01) 14 7 00 Paxton A- Harman, reneral dealers Mtss J. T. Paiubwut Hi. grocery store Itciy Henry s. oils and brushes immii, 11. r, yiuex-IJ niuro Miarpless, Q, 11. ' OKANOE. Sloan, D. K. general merchandise veuer, .vi. u. conreciionery ....iuH.uiin-a 11. Ki-ueuu uieieuaumso Low, C. W. A" boil " " sruiKiAur. Cole, K. k son, general merchandise IIOAUINOCIIEEK, Cherlngton, Owen, general merchandise K-orr township. Young, Silas, general mere handlso '" ' grocery siore While, A. B. gene rat mcichandlso hnt, llobert. stoves and ltnaro ji uiu-r, d. u. urug SIOIO 'revellriir. (1. W. L-enernl moreli.imll.irt Workheker, J. 1). boot and siicw store W orman, Hamurl A. general merchandise rUl. 1 eiirv. eoid ilea er I'revellng. Thus. A- cn. irrueerv A- f..ert ttim,. Hartman, T. W. confectioner) 14 ltlsliart, N. bout and shoe storo 14 Dleterlch, W. E. general merchandise n All persons who may feel aggrieved bvthenhmrt classification can have an opportunity of appealing j iiiiTiiin iuu uuueraigueu, june 8, lsn, at which time an appeal will bo held at the Court House, tn Bloomsburg, commencing al 10 o'clock a. m.,and end Ing al 4 o'clock p. iu. T. D. Kellogg's Advts. EXCELSIOR PRINTING INK C0.? BEST AND CHEAPEST riilNTIXG INK IX THE MARKET. lliireluy .-!., Nl'.W YOHK. Aug. II, '70.-4SW k ROLLINS & HOLMES, have removed to Evans' Main Street. Block, Extra heavy Tin AVire, also AWNINGS AND TENTS of every description manufactured by Eollins & Holmes. Galvanized Iron Cornice designed and manufactured by Rollins & Holmes. ARGAND HOT BASE STOVES the best and most economical in the market. Rollins & Holmes. 7 00 7'0 7 Oil "00 7 00 7 (Kl 7 (H) 7 011 In on 7 (Kl 7() 7 (K) May II. T- GEHA HOWKIt, Mercantile Appraiser. KINK BAKUAIX. aKanffi itarVKn?!i.i!'',:N,',j 'or man w ith a small caV llal. l'or terms apply tn c. 11. Brockway. or VavllAv "MiitBll.bllAHI'l.ESS. JiayiMvv Catawissa Pa. PATENTS. V. A. Lchniann, Solicitor of American and Fore'irn Patents, Washington. D.c. All business ennr.., with Patents, whether before tho I'atent onice or the courts, promptly attended to. Noclurgo made "" 1'iiieui 19 Mvurcu, send rora circular. May 4, IT it titw Babcock & Wyeth's Ads iilBl Is taken Internally, and Positively cures Itheuma. turn, uout, Neuralgia and Lumbago. tw"bua 7bV fVorUfeiir,itUU "WU everywhere. te llELl'IIUNSTINK t BKNTLKY. Oct. e. -70, 1y. , w I,rUKlsW- Washington, b. RANGES, The EARSTOW ELEVATED Oven Range, the LLON and KM PRESS Portable Ranirca a no equal. Rollins & Holmes. STEAM. Public and private buildings heated by steam. A vnriotv Steam Pipe, Valves and Fittings, constantly on hand. Rollins & Holmes. PLUMBING & GAS FITTING promptly done i'eui,-7T- Rollins tt Holmes. 1 1