The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, May 11, 1877, Image 3

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Looincno,-.rittDAT,'r at it is;?.
Rail Road time Tahl.
Accommodation Train 6.43 A. M,
Ml A.M.
4.41 P. M
I1.M A. M
Hall .Train
express Train
7.M A. M
, 1.60 V. M.
.H 1'. M.
HORTIT, sotrrn
Accommodation Train A.M. P. M.
Regular Impress 4.(0 p. M, a. M.
Thronith cars on express train either to New York
or Philadelphia. Accommodation train runs between
Catawlssa and WUllamsport. ' .
The Comjmman or next wEnk will
Quite a heavy frost on Monday morning last
was visible to early risers.
The front of Exchange block has been painted
and pencilled and Is greatly Improved In ap
pearance. No child can sleep soundly while suffering
with colic or from teething. Remove the cause
hy u-lng Dr. Bull'a Baby Syrup. Only 25 cts.
per bottle.
Whatever tends to keep the blood pure surely
tends to proto.ig life. Dr. Bull's Blood Mixture
by its specific action upon the blood keeps It al
ways in a condition of purity.
Queer, aint It? How do Wetzel and the
CommN-tonera prnpue to put a jail of one
liin.ilri'd feel In wid h on a lot that Is less than
ninety six feet in the rear?
There will be Union Temperance services in
the Lutheran, lijpti-t nnd Presliotsrian
Churches of this ton, onSumluv evening neil.
Mo idy nnd Sankey's Gopel Hy-ins will bo
used on the occasion.
The applications for license were nil granted,
on Wednesday, except those of D. F, Seiliert,
I! t wick, for Liquor Store, J. II. Kleckner,
Berwick, fur restaurnnt and Samuel Hazlettno,
Hloomsburg, for restaurant.
Ens. Columbian:
"The olark is inoverin'". Go ahead, the
people are at your back, and are only sorry that
they cannot vote to-day for new Commissioners.
The Agricultural Society will hold a meet
ing for the election of officers to serve for the
ensuing year, on Saturday May 19th at 10
o'clock A. M.
T J. Vanderslice, Secretary.
An excess of advertisements at the last mo
ment, and the sudden illness of our foreman, un
avoidably delayed publication last week. We
are sorry that many of our readers failed to re
ceive their papers at the usual time, but "acci
dents will happen, &c"
We have made great Improvement) in our of
fices recently; and are of opinion that they can
not now be surpassed, or in fact equalled, for
comfort, convenience or style by any in town
We shall be more pleased than ever to see our
friends. Drop in.
If our esteemed cotemporary, the AVlAumier
land Democrat would investigate Wetzel jobs a
little more closely, and not hanker so much after
county patronage, its readers might get streaks
01 truth. Suppose, lor instance, it tells the pub
lic what it knows about that supplemental jail
Mr. Albert Moyer was severely injured by the
kick of a horse at New Columbia, Union coun.
ty, on Tuesday last. He was bruised In nil
merous places and his clothes were pretty gen
erally torn into strips. He lay Insensible for
some time under the horse,who, fortunately, was
a gentle animal.
The members of the Standing Committee are
requested to meet at the office of the Chairman'
in Bluomsburg, on Thursday the 17th day of
May 1877 , at 10 A. M.Jfor the purpose of elec
ting delegates to the Stale Convention.
W. J. Bcckalew,
The members of the Rescue Hook & Ladder
Company No. 1., will observe decoration day in
Blooraaburg on Wedneaday,.May 30, '77. In
vitailons will be sent to the Friendship Fire
Co. Normal School and the various Sunday
Schools. A cordial invitation is extended to
all who wish to participate in - decorating th
A man named Richard Farrell endeavored to
cross the Northern Central Railroad track at
Crescent, on Saturday, in front of a heavy freight
train. The result was the loss of two horses,hIs
own narrow escape, and the smashing of twenty
two cars, which will cobI the railroad company
some $5,000. Pretty good price for careless.
The daughter of A, S. Phillips, of Berwick,
had a narrow escape from death on Monday
evening last. A coal oil lamp exploded, setting
fire to her clothing and prostrating her to the
floor. Fortunately prompt assistance was at
hand and the names were extinguished without
further Injury than the destruction of her dress
and the burning of Bomo bed coverings in the
On Monday last John Jones and William
Balrd, brakesmen on the Catawissa R. R. were
brought before J. J, Brower Exq., charged with
assault and battery and surety or the peace, on
oaths of Oscar B. Wallace and H. J. Wynrfin
fireman and engineer on the same road. It wa
alleged that the defendants threatened the pros
ecutors that if they went out on engine No. 378
they would never return alive." Jones is also
charged with assaulting Wallace. The pros'
ecutors are new men on the road and the de
fendants old employees. Tho result will be
found in our Court proceedings.
The Auditors of a few townships have com'
plied with the law requiring the publication of
township and borough accounts. Some of them.
however, have been made out In such genera
terms that the tax-payers get Lut little knowlodgi
from their contents. Wc insist thnt (here ahull be
JuU light on all management of public affain. Pub'
He ollicers, elected by thu people as their agent
in the transaction of municipal business should
be held to a strict accountability. Even our
County statements we know to have been so pre'
pared as to mislead and deceive the people. The
demand for Reform Is general and woe to the
men or cliques who attempt to retard It.
The lUlli Annual Convention of the Pennsyl
Vanla Sabbath School Association will be held
at Ilarriaburg, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thurs'
day, June 12, 13 and 14, 1877.
Many prominent speakers will be present,
Thosu expecting to attend will please notify
8.J..M. McCarrell, Esq., Harrhburg, who
Ciuiraun of the Committee on Entertainment
1I10V will liMrrnvlifl will, psnl tlltroduc.
Ilieui ill urc uuiuca uuruiK luv wjiitcuwuii.
riuer llllurmaMuu lu 1 rgiru w liie iirugrmuujc
the Convention can be obtained of the S.ate
..... W V III, I'lil .ilalntila rr
Jauie Y. Yier, jiarruourg, uiairuaa OI to,
id LuumlttM 01 arrangement.
Who furnlshta the report of crop la Colum
bia count to the Agricultural Bureau at Wash
ington? Our Infcrnoatlon la at variance tilth
the latest one.
At about noon on Bandar the amall fauna
house adjoining the baker In the rear of Df
Hewer's building on Main street, won dUcorered
to be on fire. The flaiuea were extinguished by,
prompt efforts, but not until nulla a large
tw.l,. L ..I L- I... 1 .1 1 ., '
iiuiw uu uvcii uurneu inrouffii ma roni. 1
0 Thursday, May 10th, Mr. Jacob Meliclc
and Elisabeth hl, wife, of Light Street, cele-
heated their Golden Wtildlng, on which occa-
slon many of their friends we re present to ciajf.
gratulato the husband ami wife who had lived
In wedded happiness for half a century. The
lato William u. Hurley was a groomsman at I
the wedding ceremony fifty years ago.
The handsome residence of Geo. W. Van
Fowen, Eq., on the Illoorasburg road, In Dan.
ville, was 'entirely destroyed by fire on Wednes
day of last v e k. The houe wo one of the fin
et In the tiwn, and was a costly structure. The
Insurance amounts to $9.000 the Ion we aro
unable to state. A defective chimney It Is
thoifght was the cause of the fire.
We have received a copy of the AJvertiurt'
Guide, published by N, W, Ayer & Son, Adver
Using agent, Eighth nnd Chestnut Sis., Phila-
elpliia. It is a neatly printed pamphlet of fif-
pages, filled with interesting reading matter,
or advertisers the magazine is Invaluable, as
contains a carefully prepared list of dally.
weekly and monthly newspapers In the United
Slates and Canada. Ayer & Son are well known
and energetic men of business the accuracy
of their statements cannot be doubted.
On Thursday morning, the Court ordered
Hester, Till ly and McIIugh, convicted of the
murder of Alex. Ken, to be brought up to hear
the decision on a motion for a new trial Mrs.
Hester accompanied her hmband. In an ex-
iutlve opinion bv Judge Elwell the motion
is overruled, lhe pri-oners all shed tears
t the result, hut were not greatly moved. Th'y
were remanded to the sherifl's custodv, and
ill besenttneed within a few days. We will
give n full account next week.
Wo have just received from the publisher a
new song and chorus, entitled "No mora the bu
gle's stirring blast." Words by Samuel N.
Mitchell, music by Chas. E. P'ior. This piece
, arranged to be sung either as solo and chorus
or as a quartette and was written expressly for
Mem rial Day, May 30th, 1877, and will be
sung in every State where there is a soldier's
grave (0 honor. The music Iras a' graceful and
owing melody, expressive of the sentiment of
le words. Price. 30 cts.
But the publisher makea a ipeeiai price for
lose ordering for memorial exercises, viz.: on
singlo copy 25 cents, and five copies mailed
post-paid for $1. Address, W. W. Whitney,
publisher, Toledo, O.
A correspondent at Unity ville, Lycoming
Co. writes us as follows :
John W. Thompson, the adopted son of La-
feyette Unger, aged 10 years and 7 months, was
burnt to death on Friday last. His mother
went to see a neighbor, and left him in the
yard playing. Returning in about an hour she
mis-cd him. He was found about one hundred
yards from the house, with all his clothes
urnt off, and dead. It is supposed that he put
wood in the stove, that in some manner his
clothes caught fire, and that he then ran to find
his mother. The funeral services were held
in the Wesley Chapel M. E. Church near Unity
ville, on Sabbath last, and were witnessed by a
large concourse of people. The sermon of the
occasion was preached by the Pastor Rev. A.
S. Freed.
A frightful crime was committed in Wilkes
Barre on Sunday evening last, at the house of
l'Mward Balliott. Four ruffians forced an en
trance into the house assaulted and outraged
Mrs. Balliott, her niece Miss Dellia Frantz and
Maggie Monaghan a servant, knocked down an
old man named George 8. Wildrick who came
to their assistance, and then ransacked the
home. Mr. and Mrs. Balliott wern formerly
residents of this county and Miss Frantz is a
daughter of Michael Frantz of Berwick, Three
of the scoundrels, Frank M Johnson, J. Wash'
burn and Henry Chahoon were arrested and
committed to jail, to answer the charge of as
sault and battery, rape, and robbery. Wilkes
Uarro owes It to the community to see that
prompt and ample justice is meted out in this
case, for it is a blot on the good name of the city
that such crimes should take place within its
imita, but it will be far worse if punishment
does not follow. The three women are suffering
fearfully from their brutal treatment.
James Conoghan, the fourth one of the scoun
drels was captured on Wednesday and lock
ed up.
Two successive Grand Juries, recommended
the erection of a new County Jail, They never
imagined that the location was to be changed,
nor dream of the job behind the enterprise.
The present Grand Jury speak the voice of the
people, and in unmistakable language, We
give their report entire:
.Vmong the records and proceedings In the
Court of Quarter Sessions into- alia it is thus
contained :
We. the Grand Inquest of the Commonwealth
inquiring for the body of Columbia County, re-
spectfully report that we have pursuant to our
required duty calmly and deliberately investi
gated all bills of indictments presented for our
consideration at tins time and have paused upon
dliem according to their merits. We have exam
ined the Public Bulldiugs and find the Jail clein
and in as good order as a building of that ag
could be eipected.
We find the cistern, pump, wood house and
kitchen hearth out of order, and recommend
that they be repaired and fire-boards placed in
front of the chimney.
In regard to building a new Jail we earnestly
remonstrate against building it upon an' other
ground than that now occupied by the old one.
All of which is respectfully submitted.
P. H. FREEZE, Foreman.
Room Xo. 1. I, E. and Ellen Bchoonover,
Teachers, William Breece, Herbert Grotz, Sin-
ford Peifer, Frank Pursel, George Ringler
Willirm Sterling, Hannah Allegar, Martha
Jlacm Yo. 2. Amelia Armstrong and Hattie
Vanderslice,Teachers, Lizzie Barton, Ellenora
Bryfogle, Maggie Jacoby, Irene Philips, Annie
Itoadarmel, May Sharpless, Hattie Sloan, Sadie
Smith, Rulh Tustln, Howard Bidlemau, Bruce
Birch, Willie Knorr, George Knorr, Horry
Knapp, Harry Moyer, Edward Reiswick, Arthur
Smith, Willie Scott, John Shoemaker, Frank
Sloan, Edward Tustln,
Room Ho. 3, Margie Qensler and Mattie
Oraul, Teachers. Andrew Evans, Willie Ilolmu,
Freddie Holmes, Harry llouck, Arthur Smith,
George Itoadarmel, Harry Pterner, George iet
ter, Jesse Shoemaker, Dora Breece, Utile, Lizzie Ilrugler, Editb Ent, Clara Gross,
Lettle Moyer, Edith Moyer, Lillle Meyers,
Laura 1'hlilips, Ada Hingler.
Room Ai. 1. Mary Unangst and Kate Hower
Teachers, Charlie Brobst, John Conkling,
Charlie Coflhian, Alfred Grotz, Frank Gardner,
Hicham bdwanls, Jloublebcott, frank Itostlar
mel, Ada Cox, Besale Groti, LUzle Gnus,
Blanche Geddis, Mkltle Hsrttel, Kola Moyer,
Anna Risewick, Lillle Sloan, Fannie Sterner.
Total No. different pupils enrolled during
term, 321. Average No., In attendance 201.
I'cr cent of attendance during term 87.
I.-K. &uiii(, -ri-laUpaJ.
Yesterday morning, the lOih Inst- n lanro
number of Invited ffueti mtheKidi itin liousfl
of M.'& B'oan to witness the inarrlairaaf hl
daughter Margaret T. to Mr. W. C. McKlnne.
At,aboi3t icn O'clock the bridal part appeared
In the parlor headed by the Iter, L Zihher,
the' officiating clergyman, and the beautiful mar.
" . .. . ...
riairq ceirmnnv ni inn i'.tinin. i:imrr-h vh
read, making the happy couple man ami wife.
MIm Ida filn of Ilailelon and MIm Ell Mc-
Kinney. sNte'r of the groom, were the brldea-
maldsaml Mews. H. II. Clarl atid Levi Wnl-
)er, the groomsmen. The bride irns attired In a
handsome (fray traveling suit. Uwtalrs a Urgo
number of elegant presents In silver, china,
glas, 4c.. were arranged for Inspection. The
table containing the refreshments groaned un
der Its' burden, and was a sight calculated to
sharpen the appetite and delight the eye. Af-
ter the many good things had been pirtalten of,
the bridegroom and his fair bride left for Phila
delphia, accompanied by the congratulations
and goo I wUhes of all present. Wo wish them
uninterrupted happiness.
The Mi term of lhe Columbia County Courts
convened on Monday, Msv 7ih. Ills Honor
William Elwell, President Judge, and F, L.
bliuman and I. K
Kricktiaum, Associates, oil
,nc bench.
Uiurt appointed JI. h. (Jox, Chester Hughes,
James Thomas and M. Walter tipstaves for first
wcek, M. E. Cox, Thomas Gorcy and Lott
Werlz for second wetk
B. F. Edgar appointed constable of Fishing'
creek township.
Joseph Geiger appointed constable of Main
John B. Cornelison appointed constable of
Pine township,
A. II. i'aiker appointed constable of Green
wood town-hip.
Wm. II, Relnbold appointed contnblc of LO'
cust towii'lnp.
Wm, D. Osborn appointed constable of Hoar-
Ingrrevk town-hip.
Petilicn of Ida M. Peng and Enimi Vtcs for
guardian. Geo. W. Snpplee appointed In eah
case Bond in $400, James Dildiuo approved
as surely,
O. D. L. Koster.bander appointed
Franklin township.
Wm. Shultz appointed constable of Mai?
In.lhe ertate of Wilson Allen, deceased, audi
tor's rewt confirmed nisi.
Commonwealth vs. J, P. Welsh. Fornicaticn
and bastardy. On motion of District Attorney
case continued. Recognizance of dt-fendant and
Abner Welsh In SC00 fur appearance of dtftnd'
ant at next sessions.
Commonwealth vs. Benton Mnnnon. Fornl
cation and bastardy. Recognizance of delend
ant and Robert Mannon in $600 for appearance
of defendant at next sessions,
In the matter of the insolvency of Peter A
and Francis M. Kline, discharged, and assign
nients made to Treasurer of the county,
Ohadhh Swank appointed constable of Mif
flin township.
In the estate of S. E. Fowler. Return of in'
quest confirmed nisi
In the estate of M. Applcman. Report of
le confirmed nisi.
Auditor's report making distribution in the
estate of Hannah Baird confirmed nisi.
iVuditor's report making distribution in the
estate of William Barber confirmed nisi.
In the estate of Daniel Mullley. Report of
sale confirmed nisi.
In the estate of Michael Grovrr. Report o
sale confirmed nisi and sale continued.
In the itaie of Benjamin Brink, Citation
for specific performance awarded.
Report of viewers of a road in Greenwood
township, near Richard Kitchen's, confirmed
nisi ; width 33 feet,
Report of viewers of a road in Jackson, near
D. Young's, in favor of public road and vaca.
tion, confirmed nisi ; width 33 feet.
Petition for bridge in Mnln township, near
Forge. Isaac Schweppenheiser, Thomas Eaten
and Samuel Snyder appointed viewers.
Petition for reviewers of a road in Madison
township near Mrs. Axe. John K. Grotz, W,
B. Koons and George Risewick appointed view
Commonwealth vs. Manas Cull alias Daniel
Kelly, continuance granted on application of de.
fendant. This la the Kelly who figured so
prominently in the Hester case.
Commonwealth vs. A. Robinhood. Forcible
entry. A true bill. (Two indictments.)
Commonwealth vs. A, Robinhood. Larceny.
A truj bill. No Indictment.
Com. vs. John Hughes. Hawking and ped
dling fi-h and oysters without a license.
diet returned by jury, submitting to the Court
the question whether or not an offence had
been committed under the law,
Com. vs. S. Helwig et al. Trespass; judg
inent of justice reversed and opinion filed.
John Ilinderlitcr appointed constable of Bea
ver township.
In the estate of John Snyder, deceased, re
turn of inquest confirmed nisi,
Petition to require John Keller guardian of
SamuelW arniz to give counter security, citation
I Com. vs. Patrick Derasey. Assault and bat
I try, not a true bill. Prosecutor James Gannon
to pay costs,
Com. vs. Patrick
Brrnnan, Assault and
Prosecutor James Gan
battery not a true bill
non to pay costs.
Com, vs. Wesley Bodine.
Larceny, A true
Estate of Mary Clark
Return of inquest
confirmed nisi.
Com, vs. James Green. For the shooting of
George Briggs. Jury return a verdict finding
tbe defendant guilty in manner and form as ho
stands Indicted,
Hugh Shultz appointed supervisor of Jack
son township.
In the estate of Henry K. Bear, Order for
administrator to pay money to widow.
In the estate of Daniel Gearheart, a lunatic,
sale ordered, Bond in $600 with surety to be
approved by lhe Court.
Assignee a sale.of property of A, Miller. Re
port of sale confirmed as to property sold and
continued as to balance.
Coin. vs. John Ilinderlitcr. Larceny, A
Irue bill. Jury find a verdict of "not guilty.
Com. vs. Edward McIIenry, Larceny; not a
true bill,
Com, vs. Edward McIIenry. Larceny; not
a true bill,
Petition of minor children of Henry II, Fox,
deceased, Daniel P, Levan appointed bond for
each want in W00. Isaac Dyer approved as
Com. va. John Jones, Assault and battery, A
true bill,
Com, vs. Isaiah Beers et al. Larceny Ac A
true bill
- 1 The Colossal Bronze Statue of Victory which
stands In the Park, at Lowell, before lhe tumb
ot the Hint soldiers that fell in the levolution,
is a lasting and beautiful tribute of art. It is
I one of the first objects sought by strangers visi-
I ting our sister city, which Indeed many visit
I purposely to see this elegant object of liigk art
I It was obtained from the King of Bavaria- by
- 1 Ur, J, U. Ayer, to whom his majesty whs es
I pcclally gracious in acknowledgement of what
I his remedies are reputed to have done for the
I lufl'ering rick. It was donated by the Doctor
I to the City nf Lowell as a permanent and siieak-
I log emblem of lhe victories both of Bcloiioe and
I Arras. Uaotrttniin MJ.) Jrtt
" Business ioticos
Gents' Fancy Bhuca at E. M. Knorr'n,
Go to Marr'a for Magic Glycerine Soap.
TyNew Patnsolj at Lull & Sloan'a. Price 20
centi to $4.60.'
A flno augment1 of F,tncy S-Mps, Hair
and Tooth Rritshe just received, the largest
atid'brat o,ock In tho country.
A" full Una of'DTess (food andia .largo ,lol
of Fancy Goods; Parasols and tbe latest tiov
pities in Funs and seasonable goods, at lhe
lowest prices. Clark aud Wolf
Those who wish to obtain firt c1as Gro
ceries, can find them at T. W. Conncr'a new
atom In Mundenhall'a building, Country
produce taken In exchange. April 27-0tv
, A fresh lot of Rosendale Cement Just re
ceived by Moyer Urn'.
Timothy & Clover Seed at J. Schuyler
A Son's Hardware Store.
$1.25 Foxed Gaiter"at McKinncy's.
Base balls and bats cheap at Clark's Book
The richest Ice Cream, the largest, light
st and whitest Bread ever baked in this
nlacp.lroiii aaratdes we have scen.can be had
at J. F. Caldwell's opposite Clark & Wolfi.
If the weather eels anv warmer Mover
I!ri3. wish it known that lhev have the best
oicoan water navoreu witli rich t rull Syr
ups If It la cold enough lor overcoat you
needn't ntep.
Lasting Gaiters, $1.00 at McKinneys.
Wall Taper cheap at Clark's Book Store,
Spring Suits made up in city style at
D. Lonenberg's.
The best of Paints. Oils. Glass &c. in cud-
ItM variety,- at extremely low prices for
ciuli at Moyer Urns'.
just received a larg3 lot of spring styles of
Shoes at K. 31. Kuorr s.
New Goods at Marr's,
Kahomino or Wall Point, cheap aud
beautiful at J,
Schuyler & Bon s Hardwuro
Arctic Soda, with all the best Syrups at
Moyer Bros. ,
Window Shades cheap at Clark's Book
Lulz & Sloan are Felling Appleton'A"
Muslin fur 8 cents by thu bolt.
To all fclteiidlng Coutt.
Money saved
Is always money earntd
Men's Full Suits from $4 00 to J20.00
Youth's Full Suits from 3 50 lu 10.00
Boy's Full Suits $2.G0 to $b.00.
Men's Pauls from $1.00.
Spring styles, latest styles and lowest prices
at D. Lowenberg's.
Window ShadeB aud Wall Paper In great
variety ana cneap at Ularlt s liuok store.
Kckbart Jacobs has opened a Bakery on
Main Hrett beloWjMarkel, and is prepared
to funii.-Ii the best' Bread, Rolls, xc. His
reputation as a baker is so well established
tbat be needs no commendation lrom us.
Ico Cream Soda at Moyer Bros. Drug Store,
"Down to Hard Fail" Boots and Shoes at
You can get good Dress Calicoes fait cob
ors for G cents atLutz & Sloan's.
Spring and Summer Hats in all tbe New
Colors " '
For Men, Boys and Children at
D. Loweuberg's.
New .Shoes -for
Women at Marr's.
Children, Misses and
Gents' ButTCougrcss at E. M. Knorr's for
One ton of Putty just received at Moyer
Iland-made Shoes at McKinney's.
Wanted. Two girls to learn the tailor
ing trade. Wm. Y. Kester. Apr.27tf
The largest stock of Clothing ever shown
in Bloomsburg can now be seen at D, Low
enberg'a. Go to Marr's for Magic Glycerine Soap.
Try it.
Ladies' fine Shoes, all widths and sizes
at McKinney's.
The World's Choice.
A Centennial Dtcition.
Competent judges representing the civilized
people of the wond appointed for the knowl
edge of particular art or sciences, convened at
rtuladelphia ror six months to decide upon the
comparative merits of the various inventions of
mankind, awarded to the manufacturers of Ben
son's Csjicine Porous Plaster, after a careful test
and comparison of this remarkable remedy with
ordinary porous and other kinds of plasters, the
highest and only, medal, above all foreign and
American competitors, on the ground of its
grtiat inferiority over other plasters, and its
wonderful pain relieving strengthening and cu
rative properties. Remember that this decision
was made by four practical and -killed physi
cians. Remersber that no nostrum was allowed to be
exhibited at the Centennial, Remember when
you are suffering from any ache or pain that Ben
son's Capclne Plaster Is the bVst remedy ev r
devised for all external difficulties.
BE tBURY 4: JOnNSON, Caiman, N. Y.
May 19, '76 ly.
cAPCtNE ronous rutsTEiut,
A great Improvement on ordinary porous p'asters.
Strengthening' Plaster Known.
Hhettmatlsm, Neuralgia,
Lame and Weak Mack,
Sciatica, Lumbago,
Spinal and Kidney Complaints,
all aches and pains of a local nature.
Sold everywhere. Price 13 cents.
May It IS'-ly BEABUItV J0HN8&N,
Pharmaceutical Chemists, N.Y.
Wo aro now offering the celebrated Sus
quehanna Coal Co'a Coal at tbo following
cash prices:
No. G. $1.CS per ton on wliarl".
No. 5. 2.65 per ton on wharf.
No. 2. 3 and 4 2.90 per ton on wharf.
Blacksmith's Lump 2.00 per ton ou wharf,
llituuilnous -1.50 per ton on wharf.
35 cents per ton additional, for deliver)' to
any part ot the town.
Coal House; Rates 15 cents per ton less.
No. 6. to Lime-burners $1.50 per ton
Coal screened before leaving our yards and
full weiebt cuaranteed.
Orders Ictt at I. W. McKelvy'a Store, at
our omce, or sent tnrnugn the mans win re
ceive prompt attention.
Your patronage is respectfully solicited,
C. W.Neal&Hiio.
May I, 1877.
Babcock & Wyath's Ada
Is taken Internally, and Positively Cures Khsumi
tlsin, oout. Neuralgia and Lumbago, rarbold by
WiiotesaJe and Iteudl Drugglsu everywhere. Bond
Oct. a. L-ly. a w
Send tie. to u. r. IIOWKLL t (XX, Met. Tark. tor
famvtdet ot U page. oonUuaiuur Usu eTw
M wspaiiix. 4us4 eeuitile awlag oeat eca4ni(-
rwin 1111141. 1. . .
ratrlct A. tiurke, C'allcetor tor (via utnrlct tor VU,
April, "ilt, To am' ot Coaynjlum town
HlilridtinnralauL 10 ml Is. 131 49
Apr. , ti utn't of entrulia Dorougndupll-
caui av 0 num......... ,..... ivii
Dy ain't 0! mom-ration on twp. ilup..
i . ., .1 bjru' " .,
" " returnedloComs.forcolloctton
lownxnip duplicate ISA SI
" am't returned to Corns, for collec
tion, liorougu duplicate ft) 03
" colle- tor's com. at 5 per cent on
IJM 01
" biiiatico put In ireasury. ..
m U
tMi to
. j .... ' Kost 11
PrtUltlc A'. U irac, rroiiiuror bt M uutrlct fur 18T4,
' ' s ,
Dr, 'c
Apr. s. IST7, Toam'i leo'il from tat duplicate
toi ISift - tsewto
To am't ot unseated lind tax. collvctod thro'
u. u. uruLKWuy, auoiney ror uimuci i
fuxt tl
B am't ot coats paid tl'rougli Att'js Marr
and llrocuwa on appeals w n
" am't or ots paid tmongli Att'isMarr
and irockwayousulti) ag.iustuistrlnt... 85 60
am't of UeliU and Iniuct In full paid to
Susan Cnrr, Tor judgment tt 11
1 am'tof dsbt paidn. II. Millard on acc'tof , .
liiugm-'Ll vs. district T It
ain't, debt paid It. Urj sou & Co. on acc t
of Judgment vs. dlslrla JS5J
' Dia l until paid C 11, -Murphy on acc t of
Judgment vs. ulst. let l 81
" urnt debt psid o. tl. Murpliy on aco't ot
Judgment vs district w i! stl
" am't of order ot Tnos. Ilennessr, stew
ard's salary, paid r. 61000
" urn t pull Danville Asylum uli acc'tof In
sane pauper expenses... 736119
" liriH kv,av hlivell. on acc t of fees 01 SJ
" am't paid 1). Loweuucrg ror doming (or-
der produced)
" omt paid 'I Uomas Oeraty for service as
director (order produced)
" am i paid 11. uiwenberg 'or Coining (or
der produced) ...v ;
" am t paid llrocltway Elwell tor counsel
fees ,
" am't paid Hrockway X tl ieli for counsel
" am'tpjll Hrockway A' fclwill roradver-
tl-lng, prliittug, c
" am i oald order No. 61, lsalati Veager
daud MarcuBt,l'i"d .i
" utn't paid on acc'i of No. 2, Itiat m Yeager,
d,itd tcO !U, is;a. ror iu 11
' Hint paid ord--r No 215 for audit Ois' tees
fonsis, Auill 10, Hit
' am't paid order o. 1H, Apill 10, lstt, I).
F, currv, lor room rent in
"am tp Id order f.p. 3, F-li--, l'7T, .Mrs.
n hrw. ii'l'iiniior. inannni end horao lilro....
50 05
100 00
5 93
44 00
37 so
" am't paid crdcr M. 27, Jure u, 1ST.', Ed-
trftnughov, workiti'oorHouwi ......
I 600
am'Lnald. order No. 14. lU.2i, 1877,JoIin
Crane. Jr,.jiarvesUiiKon torm.ic ....
'' am't paid, order N o. Martin 25 1S70, )
John crane, Jr.. tor dltcntog on farm. Ac.
" am t PttU, order No. 61. .Maich , 1S76,
ltuoert Furrcll. sow and shoala. ......
" am't paid, order No tM, March 31, 197T,
Pat. Ueraty, work on farm
" aint paid, older Nu i I .Maich 31, '.877,
MlchJtl buimaii. tejm work on f r
"um't pud, I'ncr mi. 57. M.ucn 31, ms,
l'.o it K 1l11rt.11.111 adverting
Pal 1 or.ier Nu. iu, March 31, !;, .las. Dj kc,
m-at tor I'nor iluuwr
' order No. 03. Marcus .1S70. John Crane
b r.c ' ui po r dTctur ... ..
4 Older ,o. I 6,Murcn8l IbTO.JulinCiuue
sen leo tis 1'Ou' dliivtoe ....
" older No. 111, ug 20, is"6. IM. (icraty,
011 aic' tbeivLei, a-steward..
" older .no lis, tug. 20, Bio, 'lhos.Chap-
inaii, feenlci as dlreit'.r
" order .No. io, a pr. s, 1877, Thos. Chap
mJi. horso hire. e .. ........ ....
" order no. It!, Mrch 31, 1877, William
Chapman, team woik and hauling
" Older n'u. 76, .May27.1S76, Chas. Krel-
siter, carienter work
' order No. 77, .lane 24, 1870, indrowUea-
ver, digging dialn
' order Nj. 7, Juno 2), 1876, John Moran,
boots and bOoes....
order No s2, Juno 24, 1S76, John Sny
der, smith work .
or .er .no. 84, July 29, 1870, Isaac Fisher,
43 01
36 00
45 00
C5 00
100 10
16 00
119 00'
6 93
16 25
corn auu oaii .
order no 100, Aug. 24 1876, C. tl. Mur
phy, trocei tus, &i , for Poor House 165
" or.ier No 87, July 29, 1870, J. II, Kern
merer, harness 48
" oid r.-o. 9,, July 29, 1870, O.W.Davis,
ineilclae, tc sa
,.r.l..e K,,T9 Mfirrh 31. 1876.-tOM. tl. .
Lavelle. tot., for legal 6crloes. ' 100 00
' order No. 104, Auir. 20, I8J6, Midget
Daluu for wa;c ius servant
ne.tep n lll.AUC 2'1. IsTrt.ArtllUrNaSh
furiuncralexoensesof M. Ueraty-.... 34 60
" order No. 115,.uc;. 26, iSt6,Jonuur,son
fur meat lor slot aupers 13 91
,1 nrrtnr Nil. 191. lICI. 25. ISTfl. ThOS. Ocra-
ty, tor ser ice ai poor director W CO
' order wo. Ill, dept 30 TO.llurke i: Droa.
for comns and funeral expenses 121 75
,. n I'll VlV . 2.. 1876. IleDl. WaiT-
n'er ror eloier ail tlmotliy seed 12 oo
i ne,iep-n. 12s. iieL 2. Wm. l'elffer for
manure, fur farm 10 oo
., nr,ler Sn. 1S1 Nov. 21. 1876. JOUU Sny- smith nork 10 00
r,,rinr Vn 111. NOV. 2S. 176. Frailklet-
terrain torhay 20 00
" order No. 134, Nov. 2S 1S76, Darnel
Houck for blackMulthlng 10 00
' order No. 12s, Nov,, is;, WesleyMan-
ley for lepalrlng wagons. 27 41
,i r,l..p Vn ir.). Juno so. Is73. I'eter H
Hock fur hardware 15 77
" order No. 18H, March SO, 1&75, Peter h.
Uuck for hardwaie
' order No. 2 7, Juno 5, 1875, I'eter h.
lliiik for hardware
" order No. 162, Dec 2it, IS74, A. II. Kortner
for for Poor llouso
' order No. 109, Jan 20, 1877, Mrs.O'Hoylo
for attending Cleary, a pauper . . . .
" order No. 27o, Oct. 30, 1875, I: E. Buck
tor hardware, 1c ....... ..............
" order No. 275, Jan. 24, 177, 0. W . Darts
formedlclno, -
" order No: 212. Junos. 1ST5, ,r. II. Keui-
ererfor BadilloMork
" order No 202, Oct. so, 1875, Leo i 51eara
tor hone dust .... .......
" order No. 255, Aug. 25, 175, 1,. O. Black
for erocerles ,
" order No.313,, 1875, P.E.Buck
tor hardware, to
" order No. 2411, July 3, 1875, 1". E. Buck
for hardware. c ....
" order No. !W. July 29, IS76, C. O. Murphy
for groceries .....
By hill rf expenses allowed Treasurer tor
collecting unseated land tax
" paid audlturs, clerk h ro and room rent,
on account ,
" am't or Treas ' eomm'n (a 2 per cent, on
5D57 19 paid out
11 nt h.llnnen lltto tho district hV Said
11 SO
6 22
12 00
13 63
11 86
85 00
18 68
26 53
24 50
20 00
50 00
rat. A, uurke, treasurer 6M i
IWM 61
Order No. 103, Aug. SO, 1870, to ellington Cleaver
for no'ir and feed, 1W, wits presented lor credit,
but as ruled out tor want of proper endorsement.
On boro' uupueaio, irs. .uuueu
(poor) ... 1 00
' duplicate,! IdowOradj (poor and old) I 00
1 " duplicate, Mrs. '1 hos. Ungdon (deed) i 2
" " Thos. .onoghan ' as
Mrs Johu 5iouulan (poor) 87
16 00
On twp. duplicate, John Oeraty (deceased)
1 1.0
run iAiu.ei.-jiv.--i.
Centralla Borougu.
(0 50
4 IH)
F. V. CulllUS
James CaUban ..
Kd llurlev
Michael Dougherty
Henry l aM-i
Thomas Haughan ...
I nomas iioweui
Juhn (I, Hauley
Thomas Homes
John J. Hughes
Ann T, Jones
CaroiuH KUue
Widow Keller
55 ,
it. r. iteuer
11. A. Uiveliuul..
James Ucllugn
Llo' a Marks
Jlory vcliraeity
Pat (Julun.....
U. r . riieyiw-m. . . . ,m
Kred. Wilt ck
H. K. Van Keureu
Michael Hannan
'at iingoou
Con' iigliain Towniliip.
1 10
Joshua llriun
Nathaniel nrown
lMia walker
Ihos. Huston. 4 25
nar Huston
John Young
Jaeub Trleu
M. Khalvy
Kellx llc.Maniinan.,.
Anthony Murphy
tboinaa . " .,
pat, Moran
Jonathan Knlule...
Fred KUDirermau...
James v.orrlson. ,
Marr Morris
II. . Uarr
Kvan T Joues
Kil. Honlhacll
ihos iienncnsy
Kraal: Gallagher..
John K. Hails
cor. Duneiioe
Catharlue Cook
irauucook ,
Andrew Hurt
Jacob Senner
wia. Brown
J. A D. Cosg-oie,.
I'eter Joj ce
Jacob Ashman
IIM 24
We, the underpinned Auditors of ('on)nghain and
v cuii ana i uur uiaiiui lur iiiu jeur ibid, uato eiuui
Ined the foreiroliiLT aeels. of Patrick A. uurke.eoUt.ct-
or and treasurer of said district for said )ear and
uuu mem ivnrviiuiHuiiw nuiieu,
31. ILANAllAVl
'1 Hi is. c K v, Township Auditors.
tl , JllllllUIIA. )
I'lHci! """"Sn Auditors,
Aiieati 11, rules, M-cretary,
Centruiia, April 21, 177.
Tbomsji (;, surety ot Edward Curley, Treasurer
of Con)nghaui aud t'enlralta Poor District lor
1BI9. 1J11,
To am't ot balance due by Edward Curie,
Treasurer as per last Auditors' report, ,
By Order No. 2U July sist, U71 to Thos.
Ileunessy salary steward
" 5ilnUi,lUi. Otr-
..J15 74
45 01
.a 2 00
22 0O
e no
1 lift
tt.. 0
,',S 50
1 0O
,. . 4 SO
irHirnases 10 ui,ijn ooo .
"' tv t"l tit f as DintW , ' 76 09
m juii" iDiii,7si i,tn am.
ty uiiDurit for roor.hotteo
Misprllt lUliat Oeraiy
taklnirif. ttBCi toani'm
SHAfntiB, T. ltio. tiemtr
tl, ne nnd horee Ulie ton.
Ilaten ... . .
Ill AtrllS. 17 T.UiTnTrtlino
and uorso torle to flsjiers...
07 Mr. i,T T. Uemiy aorw
hlreic to poor bouse....
41 Mr. V"6 T. i,eraty horse
htro tM. to UanvlUe
43 Mar. 9J '76 to r. Ueraty
taking jiauiiors to pdiouso
ll .Mai. 31, "77 r. F llurke
room rent for Dlrettirrs, ,
956 ug vs "75 Kd Cuiley for
consolidated orders .......
233.lnno 16 '7 Juhn Crano
consjlldit-d orders
4 Kb n. Is D. Lowenberg
cloiiiliii; for paupers ...
36 Mar. 4 Til Mciiola Miller
siippllos Jioor Iiouh,
33 Mar. 4 'f llios.lieunossy
casli paid nut
W Mar si Mil, M I'revust
c j tl foi' o'lt d Mr p fillers
56 Mar. SI 'iS C. 11. Uluck-
couiiH'irirs .,
In Maiun il. '76 P. F, llurke
salrry us clerk
7J prll 10 'to Daniel Morris
19 U
310 06
31 30
53 M
31 to
13 13
133 Oi)
20 22
100 00
27 47
irrain ror mur housn
74 Apr. o.'ie Harry Oerety
' 226 June 16, '75 Wm. Peltier lor out door paupers
" 41 Mar. 21. to Johu currau
servicens Director
16 Feb. 20.'70 8. s. Shultz for
Insane paupers 1...
" 24 Feb. 20 -76 i'. F. Burko
for stationery 1...
' 23 Feb. 26 TO Brockways
Elwell counsel tee
" 2i Mar, 4 '76 .Michael Sulli
van hauling lumber
" 87 twp. 16 '74 Ellas Snyder
" 232 Juue 10, '75 John Crane
services as Director.,
" S31 "73 Samuel Keller
wUiel tightener
S53 Aug.) 74 br, D.J. Mc
Klbben medical services.
'1 !37 Aug. 2s, 7 A. Denver,
" 241 ust, so, 'fa neo. slrlcker
balabco on buggy
203 Juno 5 '75 Kllas Hnyder
feed for poor house
11 258 Aug. J 75 Lewis Beaver
49 00
25 00
800 00
25 80
850 OO"
130 00
9 79
8 00
140 00
33 35
15 .tan. b, '75 John Snyder
1. o, ' 75 John Snyder
1 work 0 75
t s '75 Samuel Long ,
c',0R.n.n.''.,'7!,!',' 1815
'31 '.3 l'hlllu lluuhes ... ...
smun woric
341 July
corn c
1 lis July 31 '73 l'MIlp lluuhes
I 266 Oct. 80, 'f3 Samuel Long
seed viheai.
t" S72 uct. 3,1, '76 'el, llowcr
f nu uork ..
" n iKi S , 73 Kd. I'urley gro-
Ci rlus roor houo.
1 271 Oct. so, 74 Hea
ver for lumber,
11 28oct. a, '75 Mary lieu
nessy forfatrvlco as matron
fur '75 1,
199 Juno 6, '75 nam Keller for
com stalks- ........
,"2 1, Inn 1, "76 Tho UtMiuessy
'freight on Hind..... ...
if" 3 s.Juiim 10, Wm. llugneafor
339 July 3, '75 Moses Doner
for potatoes and corn
I' 13,Feb '70 Talk., F.iiarke
work at poor house.
' . 119 .Ian t,'7ti .-otouiou bnydcr
' biulih work. ...
Am't of Treasurer's com. 2 per
- cent on tw-vus orders reueemed
Balance now due tbe district on lids
, account.. ...,)T.7L..M
13 00
47 30
100 to
It' 75
20 03
4 76
24 0,1
23 00
190 Ji
3335 91
The, rnllnwlnff orrtera were nrpjw-nti'rt tor credit on
thli iiccouut. uojei tluns biln i made as to their le
gality alter a lou,; discussion they weiu withdrawn
auu cauueioo.
Order N'i.19 Feh2i, '76 cur Collhan for-
w.,n;n r,ff pnlnn during tiix
levy 117 50
" 20 Feb 2.1, '70 'thus. Dalton lor
watihinc enilnu duilni? tax
ievy. 17 50
" 29 Mar 4, 70 Nim.Luke for wutchr
lag engine during tat levy. t. 1
" 17 Feb 20, '76 Wm craw lorn Jor
wdtrhlntr pnL-ln rinrlntr tjix
lev. ... 17 50
18 Feb 26 "76 Bernard Mc Braerty.
ror watchlmr emnno durlmrj
tax levy 17 50
2SMar4.'76 Wm Harris for watch-
lug engine during tax levy. 1. 17 60 Sj. o John nuiler for
cleaning? & miikm? drain 50 00 I
' 69 Mar 31 '76 Ld Cuney for horso
hire attending engines
60 00
The following orders were issued by tho Directors
of the poor ot said district during the last fiscal s ear.
1 mi uiiuei? uulu auiiiiv a ueicu.y iniui uu .no uuiucta
nf tnohf-now outstundtnir. that tho maturot their
orders uppearlu In this ikt, la no Inference of their
legality, oecauo uuno ui lueui utiio jet, ureupiu
scutcd to us for Investigation.
No 73 Anrll 10. '70 Daniel Morris for trraln for
poor aouau tos '
74 April 10, 16 Harry ueraiv ror corn sc.
75 May 27, '76 Abraham Krelocher for car
penter work ,
76, May 27.16 Chas. Krelscher. carpenter
77 Juno 24, "76 Andrew Beaver for digging
drain &c .
78 Juno 24, '70 Geo Strieker lor repairing
wagon &c
76, June 24 '70 John Moran for boots und
shoes tor paupers
so Juno 24, la Peter Swank for sawing
lumber"...,.i u
si une 2 1, '76 Ed Geraty for cash paid for
s2 luno 24, "76 Johu Snyder black smith
work ,1
S3 JunO 24' "70 Wellington Cleaver chop
and nour.
84 J uly 29, 16 lhaac Fisher for corn & oats
85 July 29 lo Dr Vanvalzah (or Medical
80 I uly 29, "76 Dr Lashell for ined. services
87 July 29, 76 J II Ketnmerer for harness.
88 July 29, '76 Wm iviller for keeping va
grants 89 July 29. istleo Strieker for repairing
2 20
11 SO
94 00
19 23
6 01
38 50
43 83
24 50
213 2
111 75
0 09
99 76
19 00
31 25
103 ,0
to July 29,
91 July 29,
70 o Murphy for groceries. .
7 It Drysou a: Co for -o
II Millard ....
Andrew Deaver for harvesting
8 1 Levan meat for poor house
95 i u w Davis medicine c.
00 Aug 30 '70 Andrew Heaver work on
97 Aug 20. 70 Thos oeraty for sen lco as
94 Aug 20, '.6 ur Lasneu reu servacea
Win It Urlght shingles lath
CO Murphy for groceries..
WuiPeirterkeeplnirvag rant
11 75
' 1 4
' 105
Wellington Yeuger fur meat
Wellington Cleaver Uour Ac.
Hrldget Dalne as servant
1' p llurke for stationary So..
Ed Geraty for potatoes
10 05
104 0
8 2 OO
6 00
20 00
107, AUg. 2U,
. 870. Mrs. Kllker for attend-
Int- Tho. Malev
15 CO
10s, Aug. 20, leiii, c.G. Murphy forgro
cerles. ic. lor JuiO.lo was cancelltd imd
No;. 120 and 127 were Issued In Its slead.
p . Aug. , is7, c.o. Murphy for out
door rolief
110, Aug. 20, ls7tf, Ed. Oeraty on ncc't of
6alary as steward
111, Aug. 2, 1876, Arthur Nosh for ex
pente 01 M. Oeraty
112, Aug. 2, islti, Kd. curley tor horse
hire, 0
113, Aug. to, 1870, Thos. chapman for ser
vice as director M
114, Aug. 20. 1970, Thos- Oeraty for ser
vice as director.
lis, Aug. 20, iilu, JohnUryson for meat
fur sick paupers
110, Nept, 30, i70, John crane for service
as dlro 'tor -
117, .-epl so, 1S70, llurke uroj. forcomus
and funeral enpeuses
us, sept, so I610, Kd. oeraty for money
paid to servant
119, is t. a 170, llurke liros. torcomntor
77 U
150 00
34 CO
100 00
50 00
13 (1
20 00
Mrs. MCDunougu
ik, ua. 25 1910,
Mrs. Ed. curley for horse
lit uct. 1670, Thos. Ueraty ror sen Ice s
director .,
ui net. SS1S70, 'Hos. Oeraty ror service
asdtrector -
123, oct. 2s, Wm. Peltier for manure
124, Oct. to 1S70, Uenry Joyce for work on
the farm
125, oct. 25 1870, K. M, LasUoU for medical
Ben Ices
120, oct. 24 1870, c. o, Murjihy formdse.
for Poor llouso
127, net. 2s 1870,C, o. Murphy for out door
12s, Oct, 28 1876, John Ur son for meat for
paupers -
129, oc, 2s 1870, u. W. Davis lor medlclno
and supplies.
lso, Oct 21876, Ed. I). Kurtz for smith
131, Nov. 28 into, BeiiJ, Wagner for clover
seed, Ao
182, Nu. 28 1 876, Johu hnyder for smith
1 133, Nov 28 1870, l'rank Ketterman, hay .
1 134, Nov, 28 1876, Dautel llouck for smith
30 00
50 00
10 00
63 10
42 60
3 SO
11 00
11)110 1
133, Nov, 28 1870, Jos. (1. fcmlta ror repair-
131), 1U
Nuv, vs 1S70. Urldiret Dalne torn aires
as servant..
137, Dec. 8, 1S70, Wm. Storrts tor cabbage
34 00
IVI . .
Poor House
19 20
iss. Doc s. 176. Wesley Manlev ror re
pairing wagons
i3i, Dec. s, is;o, Michael Sullivan lor coal
tor paupers
110. Dee. 8. lt.76. Pat. Oerutv ror work nr
SI 41
CD 00
Poor Houso 35bo
141, iiec. a i.iu, nuiiuo & auuoii for lime
tor rami .
118, Dec. ls70, UXouenbcrg rorclothlug
rorpaujiers. "
143, Dee. 8 1S7, Henry Oeraty ror 11 ork at
Poor House
144, Dtc. 8 187a, 1 hos. Chapman tor ser
vice as director
143, Dec. s, Thos. oeraty ror sen Ice as di
rector 1 14il, Deo, 7, o. 11, milliard lor groceries ror
Poor llousj
1 147, Doc, s. John Crans (or sen Ices as di
rector.... ... A
1 148, omitted, no older or this No Issued.
' 14V, Jau. 3 ls7, 1 hos. oerat) tor sei vice as
ISO, Jan, 3 117, I'. Y. Uurko ror bulldlne
and repairing.
' 131, Jau. is, illr'l suUlran, n agonfon act)
1 15, 13 ' " (lu full)
133, C. o. Murphy, out door relief
' " ''"'hard 1'rcs, tor forauendlng
wiiuam nrennan ..
' 133, Jan. is, Hrldget Hradley ror attend
ing imam Itrehhau ;
' 130, Jau 13, Nell U'Mlhau.iiork on farm
' 187, c u. Murphy, aucauiig pau.
p'rs( lC... ... t,t . , m
131 5-1
33 00
40 00
SO 00
851 M
81 00
4 w, jau, n, raj, r lynn tor cool for farm.
' D.F curry, keeplig vagrants
05 00
100 00
303 48
a oo
" ICO.
1(1. Jan. is. 11.11. Mnije.i ,r r,,,it.; ,'.
1'ocr House, AO ...
" iss, Jan. 13, Dr. It. M. Lashetl, medT'ser
101, 1 ii . i ,
" let' " " " " 11
" 164, "UrldgetDalne.ser1ceasenant
t-am Nancy Ueraty, atteudmg I'at.
147, jn,' lsl'ii'iirke Hros7coiirus'i: h-'rso
hire,..,. . , ,
,frlu' V. Thas.iaiu4, service as d'l-
10, Jau'." 1, Mrs. O'Boyieittendlcg'cieai
ry.aoauper ' .,,..,..
IltLjan.?, V.O. Murphy tor groceries
I 1
171, Jan. 27, U.B. Millard, for groceries
fur Poor II uuv .
1 Tot 1t Ti Ji.hfi Prtn. tnf VirrtAn mm rtl.
130 49
roctor, W05
173, Jan. 27, Bridget Bradley for attend
ing uininm Breiiiian 19 00
174, Jan. 97, t a. James tor mating box
far wililaui tirnnuaii 100
175, Fib. 24, 177, tl. VT. Davis, medicine.. It
'171, ) (1. W. Davis, mrd. k stipplles.. 13 40
171, "'I hos t,erau, service as Slnn-lor loutx
l?t, " Michael Bulllvan, co.rt for F. u. 85 00
179. " '1 homiLS Ueratv for norse hlro
and time at meetings 10 00
lso, Feb. 24 vtza. ciuipman,norsonire... b i
181. Mar. 31, Henry Oeratt forwacesas
hired man ..... ....1 100 00
182, Mar. 81, Henry ocraty for wages as
hired '"in 101 HI
183, liar. 81, n w. tiavu, men. & supplies 4090
184. " Ed. Geraty on account services
as steward,,,. - 1 . 150 10
185, .Mar. 31, 1:0. ueraty on account ser
vices as steward - 75 00
ihi, mot. si, Mrs. I.1. oeiaiy, services as
matron , 100 00
lsr. Mar, si, Heubon Fahrlngcr, for
su purine niunrrs
2 60
o no
1.9 50
119 00
119 00
25 OO
10 0l
210 00
119 no
76 Oil
20 0
80 00
15 00
12 00
12 00
45 O0
63 00
ls, jinr ai.uu uerdiy, cow soil uj i-
Dr. It. M. IjikheU. incd. serv.
" m. I'elller. keeping vajrranls
" MlcU'l ulllvan, work ot learn.,
" wm. chipinan " "
" o o. Murphy, out door relief...
M 'I hos. Chapman borso hire, Ac
John crane, Bervlce as din cuir
D. F. Curry keeping vagrants.
" P. F. llurke, salary as clerk.. . .
" Henry Krelsher, work on farm
" P. F. llurke, room rent for dir's
" C. M. Vanderslice, printing ....
"lllch'I Sullivan, team woikon
2 1.
farm .
202. Mar. 81. vrs. eu. ueraty ror casn paia
out tor Poor House ...
3. Mar 31, T'hos. Chapman tor board for
Mrs. orlflitiis at court ,
4. 3iar. 81. liicnard l'rocior forattenu-
lng William nrennan.
viu, Aiur, 01, ii. tvemmerer, uaraeius..H
200, " fat. Oeraty, work on farm
207. " ullbert Kline.- arocertes lor
Poor Houso , H..
)s, Elweli.ieiral serv.
take li. I'elrfer to tho asvliun
210, Apr. s, tiios. cn.ipman,norno niresrc.
211. ' 'i'hsmos (leratv. exnensoof 11.
16 00
16 00
16 00
716 6!
100 to
53 011
165 00
51 00
60 00
I'elirer to tha asylum
212, pr. 8, Thomas oerlty for horso hire,
to iro lu Schuylkill Haven
sis, Apr. a, 1 uomaa iieraiy lor nonie aire
Cr lu 10 1. r iMier h ,.
214, Apr. s. c. B. Hrockway lor money
paid to asylum
215, Apr. 10, auditors' fees and expanses
of 1876 audit 1
i jja. Apr. 10, 1). F. Curry for room rent
'audit .......J. .!.
1. 110, Apr. 10, Ed. Geraty for salary
steward (in rull) '' .(.... 1
.1 218. ADr. 11. John Butler, werk on fart
219, Apr. 11, .iouu uuuer, wurK on larm.,
219. ' Frank Cain ' '
Vholo ain't of orders Issued In past year
fi359 70
2873 72
Deduct " of last J ear's lssuojedeemed
Net am't of last 1 ear's prdors outstanding (5478 98
lJl I'lHJ till 1 , ,'IJIHl 11 III, 13, I
Orlfflnal cost cf Bacinn in farm ..... M'-M 00
UJ-l"I 11IIHI11 .niiuiiu imvu ., HV VI
Buhdn-g udJttlon to tho Poor llo'tsa
una rtpairiiiK iim ujru -t-mst
1728J 4
) l'EKSO-Hl. rnoi'HKTr.
I 11UIW1 lo llv VUVU.......... ......
Tiociwsr as
one heifer .-,
S200 00
70 00
12 00
40 00
15 00
3 75
22 61
10 00
0 00
10 0U
- 0 0
4 OO
SO 0
7 00
4 00
2 00
1 nu
2 011
Flteinhrs n.
einc ton hay 1
Five busheis rjo 75 cents..........
Meven bushels corn ears 83 cents.,..
U4 tons long t-traw ini $15
1 uiny pimuus uucKwuetti uour ........
Une huudi ed 1 onnos Huur
v ivo uusneis uu av ueai vj cents...
one cutting box
one cultivator ,
Oho sled. .
tine Threshing machine -
Une com shelter ,
Two w agons
one butr.iv . .'
One ha rake , ,
old scythes , ;.
uuu narrow M ......
Une set harness
Onu lock chain
Une wheelbarrow
Hakes and Ioiks.........i W....M
rno heatlnirstoe
G 00
30 00
10 no
20 O0
6 00
10 00
Three cooking stoves
Elht beds and rovers
iwciie paupere ecus.
Uno louuge
Four ta'Ates ,
Three bed room btauds.
Two dozen old and new chairs
Pournounds com meal
1 60
1 20
Two hairs Uno suit
TP e pounds bulter ,
uue ganou cnai on
une gallon s rup
Two pound- tea
uieo puuuus couee
t s nr.
Cal. duo m-l by I". A. llurke, Treas for 1870 68 28
vy 1 dos. ueruy ror r.a. uuney iyu tj
" NellLenlhan, coll. for 1875 9)7 45
Total am't of assets as presented to auditors 19704 42
Tho amount of ludirmenta. nnd nrrlern nf
old Isauus now outstanding was not ascer-
riioncca or the fibm.
5 tons hay J15 75 00
20 bushels Dotittoea last vs no
80 rjo 0 75 cts 22 60
100 oals I'llSOCtS.... 31)00
550 " corn ears (5 25 cts 137 ro
75 heads cabbage C4 2 els 150
10 bushels turnips ia 30 cts 300
40 wheat &H 40 00
30 " buck n heat a 75 cts 2250
I " onions 1 00
4 tons straw (a $15. , 00 00
7 corn fodder oi $lu 70 00
. . MillCll 31, 1877,
Number of paupers In Poor llouso March 31, '70,
HuntiLiL-u uunug ) ear
In Insane asylum
In Poor House March 81, 1S77,.
Wp. Inn linilprs.ttriip,l nttrilmra r nnnrn.1m
and centralla borough, do certiry that thu foregolm?
statem-nt Is correct and true, to tho best or our
Wo further agreo by resolution, that the pay of
cachdliector shall bo a to- each day necessailly
nprn ua titiri-uii. aimj, uiiii. iuo uuuioer or meet-
InCS Of Said board RllUll nor nv.WPrl luollu rran.
num. Four of said meetings to bo held quarterly at
the Poor House ot said district. Also, that tho fol
lowing rates shall bo tho highest dally pay ror horso
hire 1 15 for a slnlo and rs ror n dnnnif- inm At
that no orders shall bo drawn by tho directors for
luvu iiuiu uuiu uiu nanie, is buoumiea to me audi
wi n lur meir iippi uvai ai ueir unnuai sottiement.
111,11 .11 LA9r.l 1
WM.1!!. ffil Borough Auditors,
AlKSl ; U. II. I KH K. NUT,
c, li. jicaruy, clerk.
Andrew ltoonoy. sunervlsorof ennvno-hnm rnrti,
,. ,u,.m..iHii nu, iau,iu account wun said
stkul ruun tat hccocnt.
To omx of apeclal road tax duplicate for'7 1.3.101 44
v-v..w swu.,, .icaqurer,. i4 28
0,37i 73
By ami returned to county Commissioners
im 74
" errors, cxoncratlois and double as
WMUnents . ,
paid H. 1'. zarv, l'rotli'y, Sept. 4. -70
" " Dec. 0
paid Wm. Dryson, Attorney fees..,,
commission allowed on t5,693 64
" paid ot balance due twp. by bup'fr
C2 40
1,60 00
5.2O0 14
70 0
225 0 4
load iccocnr.
To amt or road tax duplicate tor 137...,
irvnirairaa county '1 reasurer...
" oj balance due A. Hooney, supiTV'r
CH. 12.2)1
uy am i ot taxes worked out by associated
(1,197 no
17 1
(4 00
" ues worked out by Individuals.
" ot errors and exonerations allowed
" returned to Co. Comr'Hiorcoilec'n
" paid order No 1 to A, Hoonoy, ser
vices ns su)ieitunr
" order No. 2 A. itooney, Jr., w ork on
r Poof 4lfji
33 00
S3 00
" order No 3, Kd. Hooney.wr'k roads
" onler No. 4, Jas. )irltt,wi.rk on
" order No. 3, A. Itooney, services as
" ordr No. e, A, Hooney, sen Ices as
tunenlaor .
" order No 7, A, Itooney, services as
order No, , A, Ilo)ney, sen Ices as
upenisor ,.
" order No. , A. Hooney, services us
" order No. 10, A. Itooney, services as
' order No 13, A. Itooney, servlces'as
suutnlsor ,,.
11 order No, 14, John seeney work
comulsslon allowed cniisl u.
W the undersigned auditors or
township tor the ear 1877. havo duly examined
frtrlh .-.,.,u4VUl.VklMttWUM1
Maans KusiaaN.V AuiUiors.
Jakes MoMUi.i, I
Attest : C. O. Mrnrnv. Clerk.
Centralla, April si. 1877.
''"wSfn.Mn001"1"11, ""PwvUor, 'n account with
srxctii. Bon tax accocKr,
00 1 To am't or special tax duplicate ot 1S7
1 ., Bptij ,ux 1 ec.d rom co Treasury
1.1 I i 11 ti.ilnne,, rn.l va.l ...
75 00
an 00
man, lato supervisor...., ,,.,
67 00
(Ausa w
1119 M
11 40
ifitt, (JO
1,735 00
1,405 00
04 00
31 SO
43 to
30 00
17 0)
17 u)
15 ui
4U ta
M4 8I
Hy am't returmd to t'o.cora'ntorcolect'n
11 ii prrnrM. i,innr.iiln.., nrf.,..,.i
33 04
" 11. KZarr, I'roltfy, Kept. 4, l7. ".'
; " " Dcc.5,is7....
1 n it
"auditor's order to M. Urcnnan ...
.1 !! '.! . Jf"nes
.. - ' expense ivtia't
"11. r Zarr costs as per riwlpt.....!.
"sunenUors order of ISfttoJohu
Asklus ..
" order No. 1 to Wm. Hrj son, a't'y fees
"order No tl 10 C.U, Vurphjjwrl-
" order NoVlI t o'er iiM urpiiyw 1 V
ting for A. Itooney ..
" oroer No. 18, James ureunau.tonu.'
shin clerk on account. .. .
order No. is, Jamoa Hivnuan, low n
ship clerk in r uu . ' ... .
"eommlszjou Vllowed ., '
' balance Uu towiuJjip cm this acc'ij'
9 00
14 0il
10 73
to 00
19 00
180 00
'w-4 1 l.V ,
IV) am't of mod to anpllenM for lsTo-;; (!,0l 1 00
ieeeiiu irum luuiiit i rrnsurer..i,. 4U i
" uaianoo due fat. McDonnell, suprr it u
r,y am't of taxra vrorked but try Associated
11,599 i
IIIIU u.,,,.
errors, eitoneratlotit and double ax -
scs-men tv , MM
" Individual tate. workedout....,, '. Nil
" taxes n turned tx Co. Coumr'a for . .
collection 6133
" order No 15, to Pat. McDonnell per-
vl vs as supervisor ldsto
" order No. 15, to Pat. McDonn'l ser-
vlees as nnnerilKni- Hi M
" paid other pmtes, vrork on roads.. ttm
"commission allowed 1011,4,
boaA icVoArr.
(2,114 34.1
ll'n tin, , A nrttf rtr rt rmtinnliiin
township, for the year 1877, havo duly examined tho
foregoing accounts of Tatrlck Mcuonnel, Minervlsor
for tun past year an 1 find them correct us above set
out, we further nnd that tho following balances I
aro duo the township by tho several officers below
Patrick McDonnell superv'r. 7l,speclal tax
19 67
022 90
91 sa ,
lames wrennan supervisor, ia rouu uix....H
' " nm-clal tax. .
Edward Oerrlty. supervisor of '7 special
tax (ippcaled from),,
Edward oerrlty supervisor 73 road tax
is special lax,
Tnoilis CAsr.T, 1
Mahtik Fi-anaoah, V Auditors.
Jamcs Mohaouak, J
Attest 1 C. n. McBrnv. clerk.
Ceutralla, April 31, 177.
Dauchy & Co'a Advt's.
New pieces sheet mu-lc, retails forfl 76, sent for
1 cts. and stamo. chean lluslc Co.. Mlddiaboro.
Mass. Apr.137, "77-4 w d
OAEM:AfT OAItns all styles with name, 10
. c, post paid. J. U, ll listed, Nassau, Hens Co.
x, Aprusi, .i-iw a
ryvrl copv curious love letter.l pfc. comic cards
nuesllon cards: oU for 10
cts. nnd stamn
un Card Co., MIddleuoro, Mom.
A1I1 21, -11-4W
Best bargains In America.!? ApiirctJ, F. Mancho.
Maps and Catalogue freo.x; xilvlUODover, I"?U
April 21, 'II-4W u
rTXT1 package comic Envelopes, pk. comic
L I l Cards, nk. scroll cams. 21 0. book of Fun :
11 fur 10 c. mini). Novelty Co., Middlcbero.
Mass. April 27, 77-lw d
IV A VmynAd old established:. Y.nnd Ifava-
I ll 1 rjlJna lli-m want, ft i:.iii-mI nrnt
In Hloomsburg or vicinity to control tho sales of their
I lgars. A Permanent 1'aytng Posltlou for an ao-i-pjtalilo
inau. Hust tie energetic mm reliable. Ad
dross, MI.MU.V, L'll'EZ & Co., 147, Hoade street. N.
April zi, a
sure remedy for CUI'flltH. and all iUu,Ai;f!i nf th
rtlHOAT. LUNUM. CHEiT nnd uucriCH lieu.
Put up only in .Blue Boxes.
o N. C11ITTKNTON 7 sixth Avenue, New York.
March 0, 77-4W D
7 I T T 1 l'aclc acriualntance cards. 1
nk. hilfL.
. u n umaiion
thick w-rntl. nil Rorljt. fnr ontv
M ct'ntit ami stamp, rmi tanl co.t MiaaicboroJklasB.
Alirll 27 'TT-Jw. ft
The Tip Trp rutlftpa la th Itrttwt k4
bMtmilnsoat. READ AND 8BK.
Lkf floorpA ulBmoiiil tin. Amtiiiinniis lUrt tita4
Kid, Atncitim fUna Sc-nrrVki. Quid rlitrrl VTtddltiir
t RoMlmd 4r Irrtm, Idlo Muwarml nd filivvrtxl Hi
IMO rim
III Illv.
Ilmiia. Ir'lna Mmrsnal unA MiHrxt flat We
(eotd pUtM Wvh CbHln And of Th Gold pUtri Ktnl,
rr T"t Qold PUIrl PifiU,
cnf rXTRtnUPtXAllt thfltt K.m
Clinton Place, flaw York!
TT t 1 eomtc oil fchromo, 7xtl, mountedi
II worth 23 c, I pk. love cards, 1 pk. com
I I f- lc envelopes, 1 pk. comic cards, 1 pk.
M--A--a-scruil, 1 24 p book Knn.ull sent tor only
o 1-. hv.unps, novelty co., .Miaaienoro, 5ias'r.
April 27, 77-4W d
A Chance for all to mako or Save
sold at lower prices than tho samo qualities can be
bO'Kjht at auy other house In this country. All
goods guurauiccd to bo satisfactory and as repm-
wenieu,or tno monev will 00 refunded on return ot tho
kuuus, iiuiuii may ikj uono or. our expense.
Thu reputation of our houso for sellinh mKmsn
oooosut ww riiiCKs, (ror so ears), has Riven us a
sundlntr In New York City and vicinity, that Is not
enjojed by any other houso In tho trade. Alter ma
I nro deliberation we have determined to offer our
roods to housekeepers In the Interior, at the lowest
nuui.bLu tbaiib 1'kices, warB a ciuo is formed
larire enouirhto mako u small case. Tno goods of
encu member of tho club will be put In soparato
packages, and marked with name aud cost, so as to
avoid contusion Indtitrlbutlon. Goods will be bent
by express to collect on pf.uvebv. All wishing to
save money by purchasing family supplies at New
lork wholesale prices can talk tho matter oer
among friends aud neighbors, and send to us tor
Club circular. Price-list, &c. Wo give a present of
either goods or money to the person who gets up
I. rt..7i .. ..,.l " ,u ivuuiu cm, nainpitts
of TEA 4 CO CTEh sent by mall.
Stiner's New York and China Tea Co,,
M. H. MOSES & 00.. ProDrietors.
77, HI, SI S I, nnd Nil rt-ary it reel, New York.
Ap.1127, '77-4W d
SiJ thti. ;,'2ly ji fo capital re
quired to stan canvassing for
Mark Twain's Now Scrap Book.
Apply with stamp to
Jou k iiiiiioweii . n vrtr 1 ciDnnci
iw.ku "'ent k'.,Nciv Tr'UUii.LA V ilkJOili3
aiayin?-iw a
The Black Hills.
BV II. X. MfltrulPf. wlm fini crvmt- 1 vanm in thij
region. Mtm accounts ot Gold aoU Nilver proa-
ul l'l:ll,n. Indians, anasettlers AtUentures
w h them.Mlnlncanci u na Western Iife.tlio WaUr-
fdlN. Unlllnt" nAtkitra 11 ni. i. iAann. MM
Gorges, etc.. s UU 2T Hue tllustratlons and ona map.
.'rice only Hi cents. Bold by all Newsdealers, or
acut jJuai-pHiu ror U cis. dv a
IwiVVI'lii' Tfivn . 11. .1 B7
tin.. 11 . Will 4X. ,.t 1UU3
May U, tTT-4w a Cnicat-o, m.
Is hat Induces so many people la bearch of
to fro to Michigan, and select from tto
ll Hc'o aa erilDt ' th0 0mnd naP'j3 at"l Indiana
htrpnir soils, sum crops, plenty of timber no
drouths, (rrasshopiHTS, or cWli bul-s. PuS Twatir
runnlnj streams, ready markets, clillUtrtlon aiw
schools. Haliroad runs throutrli centre or erSnt
Price from to iio per ncm. Send Iwour HmsKi:
Wa'.rouvlhffl Sl
Title I'erfoer March 5, jsit-sm u
T. D. Kellogg's Advts.
NSW lieviSHn Knt-rrnv li niMi artlM.rf, n ,vi. -n-
gPaVlni-H. HIlll IS Hrtln,t,llrt n.nnu Tl,. 1, L-nl 1
o' unhersal knowledge ln the' language. Now in
19 00
iXmiJ. i'"".v.nju. ni r.i.i.Mr..i wuii map sent,
tor so cents. AOKNTS WANTED.
Aprs? ly. '
IS 00
Ilarclay Kl NKW VOltK.
I'hTiavpMi-'riv1 ra.'w'""
(74 88
lS!"' themlsts, manufacturei-s and orivai.
u.V.r,.., "L'tKHAHT at Co., ,
Buttonwooil bt., below Uroad.
June 9-4SW,
T) UI1BE11
,11 neninr,
lug, Ac. Ill
,l ft'"'?.?. ! A'Sf, llooti . fid M,a."A Si
lug, Ac. Ill II A 11 1. LEVICK. WIN i: I'll tSlnSSS"
"tfT U nVltJu'ble1r'