The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, May 11, 1877, Image 1

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    ntijan neiiocnAT, Brim of til k Mourn
ImuciI wceki- i e 'f4 f.ti iv morning, at
bLjoihiiuiu, c h.t am i i ol.Nn.i'A.
TITJ 1IT jeir, p... lulu til uuvnncj.or
rw-UiJOir- AILur tnc oxpiiailuuof..i.haeaf.
iisj will bS niargod. To subscribers out of tho
JSuntr Hi terras ro l per year, ttrietly in (imnnoe
II ' i fit not plUWu rahcd nfirrVI . It paytlitnt Da
nim-elM onJ tlio year.
N i i ina T dlscontlnu I, i-wept at Mil option of. the'
n ib:lls.icrj, until ml niTMraiT'i nro pal 1. but long
eoutluaid oroJIts ,tl'i-tli-uilwtliiu ut.tlMt Ilrsl
vrmr will not hi' tflvt n
Al-D inr Kant o It u( -the xuto or to dUt.ant. post
nn-M pdd t " In advum c, Hides') a resp.,n
tula parson In UulumoU county ussiiuics to piy tlio
Jubscrlotlon iluo on demand.
ros t'Ail K Is no longur oxac ted from subscribers In
ho county.
Pii" I i'j'iI' ir n il' irtniont 'it tin Uiiuimkuh lavcr
euii'ilete, imil our .1 I) Pi Mi cmpiuc fuvt ra
v ivlllltllltot Hill lllgn CltlcS. AllwuiU lloncon
m.inJ. neatly mid at iuoacr.ito pruts.
E-srJtmttW? -c WMrir u-r"c -Hffvavs
Columbia County Official Directory.
I'r ltd 'nt Judge-William lilw-etl. '
A s ."lute .ludges t. K Krlffchaiini, lt.. Hhuman.
I'i nJi jii Har . o. -1). Frank tfarr. ,
Oltrt StJIMIMpil'T -s. N. WilllM.
I in.-r c Kj-oMir-iVllll.unson d..tncoby. ,
o,st.'l:t Mtirtny loiin M.Clark. ,
sticrlir John W. Hoffman.
s irVo or-lsaac Doivlti.
Tr usirer -l)r It. rt . Mclleynolds.
oj n nlnlo lers-tohn llcrner, . w. Meltenry,
''cjnVlii"oiiernerU-Vllll-im Kilcklmum.
A t Utjn -M V n. Kline. I. u. Casey, U II. Drown.
0 uMof -.'lilrlesti. Miirph .
fury vt a inuob II. Frlli, vuillamll,
0t,Wt H in-rlntenlent-WI Ham H. nvder.
tl'-ijiU'oir nutrl.-t -mreutors-0. I'. Ent, eo't,
Vro. Kramer, BlormUurg und 'lhomss Keece,
t '0 l. o. I". Ent, rtucrotnr .
. Bloimsburg Official Directory.
Wo nthnrt Banking Co upiin John v. Punstoh,
Wnl 1 'n . i. il "ro i, Cashier,
i'i i.vul lUnK-oiuirleslt. PaX'ou, resident
. .i,t
, ' . i it i Man Mu ual saving Fund and Loan
i i , b u. te, presidfn , c. .muor,
, : a -i nniti-andisvlnir fund .vraoelwlon
V . Pr"lJ 'nt,I. II. iionHon. Knnn'
i , 'I i Sn1n7 Fund ln-.r.
, i i- i i,'n . c. u. liarKluv, Socro nry.
UUItCll milUCTOftY. "
'CV. J. P.Tlll In, IMipplv.)
in.l.iv s 'rvlc -1 S, a in and P-
y m la Sclioul -9 n. jn. A , ,
Pr.iyt'r Meeting -Cverv tVclnewa' evening al r.
sai a' tree. The publlo arc Invt 1 io n. iuiid.
st, M tTTIIUiT's I rritmiAN r'nirarn.
Mlnlt er-ltev..!. ci ron.
M.m I it lervU'i'i -1'", u. in. aud (1)4 p. in.
Pr?' eV Je tuiT-icr) Wednn-Oay evonli.K ai H
seats tre-'. N.ipews n-n"d. All are welcome.
.A4 :rm
,: i t " it
r nxo
l) n fill -"dAiaT
TU.J". C. ttUTTKlt,
Mar.87,"l Btoomsburp, Pa.
1:. onvis.
orF.icE-noom No. 1, ' Columbian" Butldlnsri 1
Sept. 1,1:8.
IlLOOMSnt'llO. TA.
(imcn Ilartinan'i! Block, corner Slain iinn varxci
strtets - ucu , io
Q W.MIl-I.F.K,
onredn Brower'BbulldlDK.Pctond floor.roem Vo.
1. BloomsburR, ra. ulyt,t
. r h j w-J
' - t.. r.. wAttrn.'
.-t rt- I II 1 I 111 T 'li" ,T "
have ,rcmovd'Ho.,I!!viins' Bloc;,
'Main Street. ' '' ' ' '
, n , i' 1 1
'1132O0HA XJII 2H'
'jj Iw'nlfkl JIl.K'iti.'l" '
BLpOlSBTOSPA., FHIDA1, MAY 11. 1377.
rfVti odt.tJiViii an, Si.. x, N-j.' is
OMlatf (tTrelTolliifarir JtcqWvaictt .UMoip
-en type) Ota inwniori, n.vui innti
tloni, H.w.
Yrailv (utvertlRdineiiU iiayaMe quartern .-Tran-"
ilentadvcilUciuentamusltic paid for JW!fO-Qln-'','l.
xceptnliero parties liannccmiutn.
J advert Iwipents two ollar nar Inch for IbTJ r
in-ertlons, anil at tbirrnte foraatBpllii!ierUt-
MihoutrefereucoiOKnaMii -STT,.
, Kiecntorn, AdnilBlstra tor's sSiiAaaitor'ii notices
three dollars, i-l . ,,
Transient or r,cOMcii.twenl!r cents line,
rceularadtcrtlwinrntslialf rates.
carts tn the "Ituitne-i-i litrwlwy,,eliilnit,--n
dollar pcr.t.- cjlinja i IHTSXlSi
' N U. I DNS.
Alto ln'j's-nfl.nw,
t '. 1 w.ooMgnuim, pa.
.1 a . 5
oraco In Coi.ruriAN Dnirmo. Jan; 19, H-ly
V. ,vv.jrilUCKAl.n
iinn-"fn Vain stifcr. nrsl doni belr.v. Court notiM
ilni.u.JI ,
"Extra lieavvTi' Wiru.'iilso
of every d &ct3 )ti 0 n ' ni ti n u 1; ct uretl
(jiiS'iiuizcd ktn" Cornice
ile'digiiotl ami mnmifhcturcd by
ry K.,tJ. M. CI-AHK,
MlnH'cr-Ilev. s-tuart MP "hell,
aumliy Servlce3-io a. iu. imd ox p. m.
l'r.v er Meo Ing-Iliery W'ednesdav cvcnlnu a' cj
'' Boa' s'trce. No pows rentud. 81 ranueri tlooine.
Prcsl'llm Klder-llev. S. S. nuckln-diain.
Minis cr-Uev. J. S. McMurray.
-luiulav Senlcci-1 and U.-4 m.
loitii" len's I'm er Me.i Ins-bverv lueBiiuy
"Si'ie?.,1! l-r'i-MecitUB-nvery- Thundoy cvenln,
I o'clock.
Corner ot TMrd and Iron streets.
I'astor-llov. 0. 1). Hurler.
itoM leneo-C-iitr d Hotel.
Sunday scrilces-loi-i a. in. and , p. m.
Sunday School-.) u. in.
i-rnyer Mfellntf-satiirdav, 7 P- m.
All are Invited THcro la nlwaj a room.
Hcctnr-Iicv L. Zahncr.
8unda servltes-1 y, n. m., 1H p. m.
SSf intii, Holy 'omi,nT
servloes preparatory to Communion on irlduj
iveulnL-botoro the bt Sunday In eueli month.
Powsrentedi buteverjbodi welcome.
Presiding mdcr-ltov. A. L. licescr.
Pra er .MeeUivs-Uvcry K.ibbatli lit 2 r- m.
All nro invited. All aro welcome.
Ti6 fnenen op cniiisr.
Meets In "tbollltlo Brick Clrarcli on tho hill."
known a-itlie wobn lwptlst Clmr.'h-oi. nock
canf Iron , e, . . .......
nebular iiietiuiK u u"r,
U"u"l'& puwioa.o cordially invited to
attend. ---.
HLooMsuuno mnncTotiY.
SCHOOL OKDKltS, blank, i"-t piintcl nml
neatly bemnd In snail books, on liaml ami
(orsalooltboCoi.UMiiiAUOnico. Feb HMSIWl
ri ivf DI-.l'.DS. mi I'liriln i.-nl ntul Linen
b i-mer common and for Admlnla lators, i:i-eu-toi-saml
trustcwTfor sale cheap at the
Oirieo In Ent s r.uliaing.
Uloomsburir, I'b.
April io,
r.loomsburfr, Pa.
nr All )iiiI"pis cntrustt'C' to our core will recleve
prompt mention. jmji,
OrncE-AdJolnlni; C. It. A W. J. nuckalew.
nioomsburp;, ra.
Apr. l-l.'TO. .
tllil bV-l
tliti niiiikt'l
I Tlili dlitrusstng and dangerous complaint, and Its
premonitory nvmptoms, in-glecied cousb. nigni haiWtesswnRtln(rflcfwP--Irmsnent
I. . iir"dhyT)l."Swnjnc'3 compound wrup of wild
Cjierr .
BttoNTHiTii-a rrrmonltor of rulmonnry Con
i -imptlon. n tliarjetril7edby Catarrbor lnnsmonon
i ot iti. tniicunu-i membrane of the Mr tisssages.
llhosneni'Sf, pains In tlieiheft Kor nit Bronchial
'.onecilons, sore threat, lo-siittoleu c6ur1iS.,
1)11. 8WAYNK8
Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry
H A tovERSiai nkMrur.
t, nrtmiiiin ef Mood, inav proceed
from Uie larjiix, tmchla, bronclda or lures, and
.,.iu , rr,.m'.,... a undue rjhvRienl e nertion.
Pl.tbora tnilnehsof tbe vessels, neuk lutps.over.
itniinirgef tfe 'dee. fiiprrrs'cd evacuation, oo-
sirsction ot me spleen or nvcr, &.e.
' Ccmcwcd SyrutJ cf "Wild Cherry
ti lkes nt. Hie rwitol ilbeaw) by puilfjlng tlio blood,
ie-l ring the liver and kidneys to healthy action, In-
lnllill-; it TtnlllUMi ' lnn nrveleuipuwer not onlv over every cbronle
lvuilllis v, iiwinu. , i A-nrtnni oiierintve action l- needed.
tit iiir It ro-e the eouRli 13 loosened, the nlplit
rrzz:xi .- mkdik dlmlnisliid, Ibc imin mtisines, mo puim-re-
...! olntirliinl tlioKlnmnelilstmnrov.
ert Ih f rower to digest nnd osslmllato tlio food and
eeri nrcmn bus a purer and better quality ot blood
supplied to II, out ot which new and plas-
i lie lli-licri&l is inane
1,1, CV A Wtf rmlnnled nt one of the best Vent
miiL ntosl ('coutilllifi'.l ill err,lleceslnthel',b.indwn-i f.n.r.l!," S1!,".0;
IThUpocm 1-n.aldUili.ivo been wrltlen by V. V,
Btory, tho sculptor.
Kollius it llqhnos.
iii ,MM-Wa f.if tnnnv ihi punrnntpt'lnir that
hi prt-t -arattons are preporfd upon btrlctty ccientltlc
Reliable Evidence
T)n. swAvsn-Dcar Mrs I feel It to bo duptoyo.ii
Aj,Vrr,,nr l.mntiltv In CrIVn the follow lflg test l-
ne iiy rerecilng the wonderful curative tMiwersof
Mur Compound !rup 01 i no nerij iiiiu
ilia nndJTar PUIS. I was mulcted v Ilia violent
COIIKIl. IBinSinilie NUB IIW uironi. D"
pore throat my bowels were costive, appetite nearl;
roiii". nnd mv Momsch so very weak that my pbjsl-
. . - - - . . . ,. no a, n insfl tn trnr-w imt to do for me. ns ev.
UlG lJAlvbJU" J j I j lli V A 1 1MJ ,.rv hlngl used In tho shape ot medicine wus relict-
id': trlt different times n pint of blood 1 remained
, j..T , fir trinths In this awtnl condition, and gave up all
UVCI1 Uail-rO, HIO 1I1U Ullll Jl- uopesot ever reveg uj ""
medlatol Ik can to soothe, comfort and allay the
Portable Bailees have yffl&'rtm
i nnd I inn now able to pursue. my dally labor. n i
no equal.
r. n. t.lTTI.r. EOB'T. H. LITTI.K.
& ii. n. littlk;
Bloomsburg, l'n.
HP-IluMness before the It. S.rntentOfllcoattended
to. omce In the Columbian Building. t-33
coLDiriAi Bcilpino, Bloomsburg, Pa.
1'Meml.ers of the t'nlted Stales Law .Association,
ollectlons made In any part of America or Europe.
liollina it Ifolines.
.hnn .Imiliflnff llm truth of theabOVO St II m
I Will please ca 1 on or address me, at the factorv .
t I" EllWAllDII. 1IAMS0N',
Engineer of iieo. Sweeney's I'oiterv,
Illdco I dad, below Wallace, 1'hl.a.
tivcr CO years luve elapsi-d, and Mr. llamson still
remains a ueany urn" uj ..v......
I)r. Thomas .T. B. Ithoads. Baiertown, Berks Co.,
fit.. wTlte ! Your compound syrup of VW d Cherry
r. . ., teteetn ven highly! hate been selling anil recom-
, , ., 'vv.js proves erif.aclous In obstlnaie i coughs, bron-
l',,l.l.rt. nwl tnln , lMi(H,rYO lA .hMn,,. nl nfrrMAn It lifts made WllBe
i JL Ukilly Ullll IIA-illllV. L'lllttlltJ.O fllini lill.l ......... ...I l .nn.M.,11
1 J - o roioarknMs cures In this section, nnd I consider It
. .i... ..... .iw wit I which I am acnualntfd.
1'rlon tl. Six f botiles for$. Itiint sold by our
fiwftfcl't, wo will forward nnu ao7en ov express,
heated by steii'ni. ' vyariety of, ,
. . LnddKis leuers ro 1)1 HVAYNE N,330 Norlb'
" Steam Pipe, Valves nnd' Fittings, AXi& KSSit
.,.., nt.l rn rnlnl fit ll ll',-
r ir'Vivn Ibn si mpfiims In all communications, and
litre, 'lirmlJn,tkomvlr.wlits, ; ,
, Tbeyb.irwtliapurplo slain,; ;
ity al ms i turn ovir niy pillows '
Tfi W are hot Tfliere I liaYo lain.
Onentlw lattice vilndo-, ' .
A.gau'eo'ir my bonoin.tlirow,
And let me tniml" the g lon ,,
Thitov r th g'.Mcn Lltw.
. H i
1 1'r.Mie- d 1 "us 'il li ray Antony;,
Ainllo'ils r-.i-l I iv : ''
Ah, me! the ii i.n vmlshed.
The Inusle tins dl"d TnTsr.
Tlioinmes and Hid perfume Mve purUhedi , ,
M this spied ir. utile piitllle ,
matwimnd tna blue fttioSobtltsCidcr,
"isnovv b'jt an d'-liy WU. '
Ocattrr ulim mf l-cr..'eavei, JT" '
Tliey cool fn ntlr mv Nlep, '
And Willi s nd tl ."tors fan mo r- , ,
Till Into itu v. m ut y creep ,
Ilcacli dow u Hie lut, and pMy fno
AmolWclioU-nme. ' ' '
To rhyme m.i tiiadream tint liu vanished
And tho numb ring altcrnon. ,
Thorp, drowsing In gilden s in'llit, -
!.Pratlios)o-, "mooth Nile,
Tbrnuzh lender pimrjthat cover
The warv crocodile, '' '
The lotus I .lis. ii I'.p watfr,
And ooenslis Ivait of gold,
Jnd cvi rlts br' id lent pavement
Never a rlppi" Is rot'ed.
Th iwittyrht iircie Is tfo buy
Tnos-1 fealhct r-rjui ,0 wave,
nd tlio-e llltl. elmidsnre motionless
As a stone nbovo -i grave. ' . .
Ah, met ihlslifidess nnitirn
oppre smvh art and I Tain I
Ohl fornst iTn nut 'mndir, , ,
For llgb nlnif and will n r-orilnt
Fling down thnt mte -I'lla'te It!'
TiikoritiirnMiu'.'kVriin-t S'vfinl, - 1
And crash tlrm m lr lasH Ibe'n togtjhcr : .. ,.
Till thtj sleeping world Is stlrretl.
Hark l to my Indlin b"a'ity
Mr eoekntoo. creamy vihlte,. 1 ' i
That Uisbos across tliilljht.
Ik 1 listen ! as b ickvv ir 1 an J forward
TO his hoop ot'guld h" c!ln?.
IIor h" trembles, wl'h cmst iipllttod,
A nd 6hrlrtj as In uudl- bwtngs I
Oh. cockatoo, rhrlek for Antony I
Cr' "corrK mr tove, elm llom4 !" ' 1
Shriek "Antony i vntonv! ntonyi" .
Till ho h"ar.- yon evon In llome,
Tbere-leivo me, and tako from my chamber
That stupid little ga7elle.
With in hrl rli' bl ic'i ey-s so moanlngl isa .
And Its silly tinkling belli
Take blm-my nerves he. vexes ( ,
The thin wltlvrit btool or brains, ,
or, bytho body ot tsis " '' 1 '
1 11 snap Ids thin nick In twain I
F.b is, 'IO.
II () W K L L,
orace In Hnrlman's Block, second floor, cornor
Tr-m . . . . : .1
w .i iipi Am.' ni.'.it ri i- it a l i.o .iiiirinit'u
VI ;,L.siA tboCoi.UJimiv Olllce. Minis-
Main nnd Market streets,
May 20-1 y.
tersot the flospel nnd Justices slioiil
selves wan uie&e uiwij......-i
supply them-
HOTEL, Iiloomsbiifp. l'a B.
olineM Proprietor. Aicommooaiions ursi
n 25 tojl.5u per day. Itcstaurnnt attached.,
Octobers, ',5-tf
i' SIOll
class. Sl.S
constantly on hand.
jjoliiiiti &, Holmes.
romptly done
TMItL'sr n mVimiixkeh. gun and locksmith.
rected fee TaJ : established by tho last Act of the Ig
smnroupon the subject. Eery Justice aniU on
table snoiild have one.
VENT)UENOTES jii't printtil ami for sale
cheap at tho Columbian offlce.
Ll nnD nn,t stoflilnprv rf oil kinds re
newing .IlillllllHO
Opera llorss jiuuaing, iiiiremsuuiK,
EM. KNOUK, Dealer in Hoots and Shoes,
. latest and best styles, corner .Main and-Markei
streets, tn tho old post omce.
ind iowSri Jlaln'st., Just below the Central below Market.
-J7 J. TIIOKN'ruiM
li. ,,, nnnn,.non Inlhn r11l7PnnOf BlOOmS-
Liifg and vicinity that he nas just, receiveu uiun u
complete ussorimeui. oi
nil .thnr cnnitsln Ills line of bUSlnCS8. Ml the
newest and most approved patterns of tho ay are
.. .... r.M,.,.t I,. 1. a ,.tnhll&hn,pnt. Mldn Street.
OlliaJ" " V"
n li itMv'T.F.V Atlornev-nt-Law. OHiee
In Br'ower's building, 2nd story, Booms 45.
ct. 15, 'is.
U. WM. M. ltEUEK, Surgeon and I'livsi
Oflico 8. li. corner Hock and Market oct.8,'75
Opim-lfc tlie Court IIouhc,
The Largest and Best In all respects lntbeconnty
T K. EVANS, M. I)., Surgeon and 1'liysi
) . clan, (Oflico and ltesldenco on Third street,
corner Jefferson.
B. McKELVY, M. D., Surgeon and Phy
sician, north sldo Main street, below Market.
ItOBISON, Attorney-at-Law.
In Ilartman's bulldlug, Malt
KOSENSTOCK, I'liotographer, over
Clark & won a&iore, jumu neei.
corner of Jlaln nnd West ureets, thrte doors below
J. li, Ejcr's store, Bloomfcburg, I'a.
All ciders promptly attended to and satisfaction
April 27, "77-tf
I1 CY, Eicnango iiotei, uioomsourg, i a.
Altna, Ins Co., of Hartford, Connecticut..
Merchant Tailor
Main St., above Central Hotel.
3. KUIIN, dealer in Meat, Tallow, etc.,
ceiitrn street, ictwecn Second and ThliiL
I BHAVKor anything In lUo 'lO.NfcOBIAL LIM-.
go Io O
Under Exchange Hotel, Bloomsburg, l'a.
Oct. 13, 'is
Liverpool, London and oiodo
lioyai oi Liverpool
Firo Association, Philadelphia.... of Hartford.
Farmers Mutual ot Danville
Danville Muliial
Home. New York
commercial Union
March so.'II-y
. e.wm.oeo
, 2ll.OIII.0i s
, 13 SiO.UGO
. 10,00(1, co
, S,10),0
, i,ooo,ow)
. S,iO,0M
, 17,0110,000
rpiIE UNDERSIGNED, representing several
I nt,i,..r,.n.t rntttrvntie and reliable Ameri
can Flro Inmiatice Companies, would begleaveto
i ,io ritiTonof Hioomhburg find
Uclnlt .lequestluB a reasonable sham ot the public
patronage. w rc;WEL,,
Bleomsburg.July IS, ISiS.
omce in mower's Block. julyJl
M. II. ABBOTT, Attorney-at-Law, Main
collections promptly mado and remitted, omce
onposlto Catawlssa Deposllimuk. om-3S
Important to Farmers.
and ever body In want of
We have erected kilns at or near tho rarer Mlll.on
tbo D. II. W. II. IL nnd aro now prepurcu iom u
lmo at very reasonable Trices ond ot good quality.
Orders by the ear proiup'ly tilled aud Bhlpried to
' any statlou on the aboi e road.
AfuUUnoof all kinds, dressed
or in the rough, Mduges, Lain and
tho attention of cuto
mers. Orders received and nllcd for all kinds ot Family
Clfy itrlc attention to buHness we hope to merit a
snare oi puuuu iai, uu" ;
clnos generally.
Ti.,.t iirondd diseapp.from which so many pereo n
cutler, is triquently the eauie oi
Headache, Indigestion, DvsrsrsiA,
is spiedlly re. loved, and areottcn permanently cured
C'Tnnvrin'p Tar onil arccjiinrilln Pills
L.lilipui) IUI UUU kUlBUUUUllu Ainu.
Feb 1, "77-tf
G-eratlemeu'o Drouf3 G-oodo
nM n, . n nnnpn pn nviiip 111,,, ,11 Illl'M
,. e tt , ....-.......-iit., fill., ns ihpvenrrvorf.tltrouidl theblixid
tV li 0111103. '.,' immirltleR from which they arise. Fur Costive-
i ness llierels nothing so effectual as bw nine's Tar
"""K"", J'tahle and ret sneclallv on the
Liver as Blue Muss or calomel, without nn) badre-
bulls from taking.
Addiess letters to Dltf SWA YNE & SON", rhlladel
Phis. No ehsrfnforadilee. sent by mall on ncelpt
ot price, nice 25 rents a box; ne boxes lor 11. Ask
5 our Druggist for them.
ctrrrr" ,-im"'J''IJ'K'WMmlJ!HmJlllga
Invites attention to his large andelegant stock
Cheap 'ai Fashionable Clotili,
at his storo on
where ho has iust received from New York and Phil
adelphia a full assortment of
InclutTJnctlie most fashionable, durable and
Itching Piles
, n....rrtiiv roeertpii in a moisture, like persplra-
I UouVdlsUetidug Itching, as though pin worms i were
1 iiuwllii,' in or about the rectum, particularly at
I i.hrhtwhenundresslng.or In tied utter fretting warm.
ii.iiipeiirslu summer as well as wlu'er, ortentimes
. ' ' ... ,i .....I ,n nrl , olo no rt a nnnU illlf PATl.
r... ... ... .iniu initVia nuitft ns frrnupnt that fe-
..itleft nre sore y ftflllcted, particularly In times of
nrt'UUiincy.exteiH Dp li'totne vngina, prowus uw
, ii'mntrt tmAftm! lg iwwers of endurance.
CaseH of lonp stnndlnt,, pronuuncd Incurable, nave
twin permuneiuij uuicu otiuw ww
Swayne's Ointment,
i mh. cnr.,10 nnilcteil with one of the most dlstros-
tin i,r mi o'tsi asL'S. ITurltus or Prurigo, or moie
roiuinonlv known as lulling TOos. Tbe Itching at
tluies was almost Intolerable, Increased oy scraicn
lng. and not untiequently becamo quite sere. 1
boiightii box of hwayno'a Ointment; Its use gave
quick relief, and In short time made a Pjrfeclcure.
..,. 0 . . .,, ,iniii nrirl. and 1 would udi lse all
who arc surfering wlUi this distressing cpniplalnt, te
procure Mvajno's Ointment at .once. I had tnoj
piescrlpilon3 almost lnnumcroble. without nndtog
anv oci manent relief.
JUAJl'JI IV. l.ili,l,
rum ot nosde) t Christ, Boot and Shoo House, 331
Xorih sccona sireei, i-iiuaueiiuia.
no has also reploulshtd his already lsrge stock of
cents, or six ooxes iui t,.j. j "". ". ;
address on iccelpt ct price. 1'repared oi ly by
Dlt. SWAYNK 4 hOM, 330 N. Cth bt.,fniiaaeipnia.
contains lie lorto "
Canned Ft utts, Dried Truits,
to bo found In Columbia county.
,i oinpU't" Assorlnu nt
alw ays on linnd. Call and exsndnc. ,
Jan 1, 1S'7.
tPCKS, 1
I SI, 187C.-
Catawlssa, I'a.
4444 MM?
rciari'd to
uieni ut
n- .i.. vi'..rLi,iu i'iu. We aro now prci
furnish all classes wllh rouMmit i inploy men
i"1"- :. ,. tl, tune, or lor Ibi'lrblilirt-
iieuu. liusliiiks new, light and pioniable, rsons
:1 ,...".. .t ..fitii. ..niti frrm Ul tints to to UT
evening, and a pioportlcnal sum by dciotlug their
whole Ume to I bo 'business. Bojs and gills earn
nearly is much as mm. Thnt ail v, ho see. Oils notlio
" .....,,t tu i t i ,ii,r.rwu
N. E. corner bocond and Arch Btreejs,
Dealers In
KICI, sricis, IIC1BS soda, to., to.
nr"'irders will receive prompt attention'.
mayiend their address, and teBt busUicw wo
KneS T ?UU 'U nd V.'.e do.ur to pa To'r the
"rouble ot willing, lull paitlculum, t.iu.ples worlh
several dollars to somiui nio work on, una u cony oj
?f?'r..,rt llr,.tl,!n 1,1 till, lun'lfcl lld Ut
lllusiraUdIiibilcailons,all6ent frisi lj uiaa . I 1 cn 0Iid Foreign lalints, Wsttitngton,'- D. pi Er
IiroK'nE'cW amotions moT HO FATENT NO FAT. '
V A T E K 'J' S . -
l'crsons debiting to tak out patents, or dctlrlDg
lnformatlen from tho Culled states l'a ent ,0Uce
should i mull F, A. ULUAKfi, i-ojiiiiijrw men
lie has constantly on band a largu and well select
td assortment ot
Cloths and Vohtings,
which he U prepared to make to order Into any kli
of clothing;, on very short notice, and In tho best
manner. All his clothing is maue to i w
of It 13 ot name manufacture.
a I
Clothing, Watches, !
Jav?ehy, &c.
Swayne's AU-Hsaling Ointment
i ...l.s tnr tot tar It f 2Alt rllOUIll. SCald
;v, cutaneous eruptlonsi J'erfrjUT safe and
ilcss, even on tbe most tt jeer IntanL I'rleeHi
Catarrh is an affection ot tun mucus menioraiie y,
hnon throat, chest, 4c, accompanied with dull
"Tar ,,a,ui, r,i,t.tructinn or the nasal oassaRt'S.
weak eyes, watery and Inflamed, hacking or rough
lng, to clear tho throat, eipectorntlor i of offenslre
matter, rnicll ond tasto are Impaired, storpcdiip
f ellng ln the head, Incessant blowing of the nose,
rosslrg. nndnodlseatels more common, and none
lne.lenlbS0f tbe
reath are occasioned oy catarrn,
''Sivnviic'N ralnrrli Ilciiu'ill"
Is a certain and permanent cure, and warranted in
cry case, no mu'icnuir uubwuow u. .v..k
i. It can be obtained only by addressing I'll.
. .,. b cnu . Vftrtt, Htrpr. ,'ni null-
pills. Mailed loanv nuureoui, me it-vttev .
Mice, one dollar, with full directions for Mise. a so a
full ai count of tbe orl In and nature of this dl sires,
sing eoinrlulnt. We repi at it i It Is bei ond all com-
."T. V.1 . ' ! .. .r,,rfi fnrl'ntnrrh verrtlseOVfred.
Iiuriiiu iu "."' irr .---J""r, 'k. ..Hr.lnir
lieini niner I it can iieuuiBun-u "j . . ,,,,,
IK. hw eu.i. w, .lux, r....
sa understood br l'byslclanB.
cases of offensive bi
Ltnvc me (u gne at tho Undscipe'
MUHlvstrtcfi1ni awn",
WhTe tho smrnoon'sopillne train orln
ti'er th" uui'iiitil'isn'ilvirlng ptiy;
Till the IWrc rsi'lemlnr ot sunset
l'dursfrom the vnyt ltsrlre, ' '
And in' Ited as In a crucible.
Their carthlj fi rms exrlre;
And the bald " sku'J ot the d.'sert
WUhglowlnamouutalnv H crowned,
That burning like in iltnn Jewels
Circle. Its temples urouud.
1 will lie and dream ot the past-time
.Ennsot thoiK'lit nwny.
And through the Jungle of memory,
loosen my fancy to plav.
When a sni'Oth ondvclvely tiger .
ltlbbo.l wlih jellow and black,
Supple an ' cush'on to.nd
I wand-red whf re n-ver Ihi traik
Of a hum m iealurc ha l rustled
The silence ot mlglitj woods,
.v,(idnerieln x ijrjruous freedom, .
1 knew but tin law 1 1 mj moods.
Tint elephant, trumpeting started,
When he hoird my fo-ut yi near.
And tho spotted g.i'ilTi's lld wildly
In a yellow Hon I of f -nr.
I sucked In the nuuMlde sp'.cndirs,
ti'ilvcrliij alon', in" jIa 1',
Or yawning, pintln, and dreamlaj.
Basked In the tnnnihk shade, '
Till I heard my wild mite i oaring, ' .
As the shaduw s of night came on.
To brond In the trees' thick branches.
And the shndow of tleep w as gone ; . , .
Then I roused, and rojriijn answer ,
And unslientlicd frr.i " 5; cushioned feet '
My curving claws, and hrre'tehed me, '
And w.nidi'p'd my lovo logrcct.
Weto5io;in thcamlKTMOpiillgUt
Upon the tvitriii Hal sund,
And slriiek uttatli other our masstvo arms
now powerful he waiw.fl grandl
ills yellow e) is lU'hvd u nwiy
As liocvuuiidiiad g.udatme, .
Aud hlsqulverlug (all like a serpent,
Twitched, curvlni: ntpously.
Then, like a slonn In1 seized tne
With a wlldtiluinjilwiittiy, ,
Anil we met as two'clouds tn Leaven
When the. thunders before them lly.
.We grasped and struggled togethtr,
Tor his lou', like his luge, was rude.
And his teeth In the swelling folds ot my neck
At limes In Ids piny drew blood.
Often, another suitor
For I was llexlle and fair
Fought for me la the mooullght,
W Idle I lay crpuchlog there.
Till his blood was by tbo desert; (
And runkd with triumphs aud puwer,
lie licked me ut.d lay betide mo
To breallie ldm a last half hour. , ,
Then down to Me fouutaln wo loitered
Whiro Hie nnlilupis crrueto drjnk
Like a bolt we n niiir upon them A
Lre Ihos hAd tune to shrink.
We draLk then blood and il ushed them
And toro ihcm limb from limb,
Andthehungrli'bllion ooubled 1
Ere he disputed v, lib hlw.
Thit was a life to Uie for,
Not tbLj w eul. human life
With Its frivolous, bloodless rasslons,
Its loor andpcltj slrlto.
Como lo my arms, my hero,
The shadows ot twilight gruw
And the timers amleui ttiavncss
In my u-ius Di.'liisloUjw. ;
Come not to sue me 1
lake me with uiuiu hindpower
Asawariler siorinsHluriressI
I villi not shrink or cow er.
Come us jou larue In the desert
Ere we Wide wumin and wen,
When the ilger piitslouswiro ui us
And lorn us ou loud me then I
Wlietl the commodore rueeived tha Intelll
4ancn Ilia vessel was lyllie nt 6no (if thu low
wlinrves, wliera ho ivniild have tn .wnlttwo
liours for thi) tiilo td set lit m olT 'but ho
hastened tn have everything prepared to get
tier nd' as soon ns possible, for lie had no de
slrn to meet tho frlcntc.
I Tlio scholll'r,s keel was just cleared from
lie tntid, nn 1 one of tho men had been sent
Jipiln the wharf to cast ofltllobowliuc, when
ji wHg'tii tlrnnn liy one, horse, camu rattling
llqwu to the spot. Tliadrivefi n rough-lpok-
inK vV'jintrymitd, Jfcpt "Ut upon tlio wharit
nml ,thii milled , iiilildlo-iiitiil wiiinsu,
from Ihu vcliim. .The ladj'tlirst inquiry
win for Uiimiuoiiore'J.'ncUejj, He was point
id ivut, to her, and she stepped upon the
j-uliu'Jiirer'a deck and approacliHil hint.
I "Oti nmod1ifr'("o!io aikwl, ''when do you
slil I rum hern?",
",W s.iil .right o(T, as soon as possible,
f'.Oh. then, I know vnu will bo kind to
mo," the lady urged, in pcrsussivo tones
"My poor huiband die I ycsterJjy, and 1
wish to carry his corpse to Wiscasset, whero
he belong, aud whero his parents will take
cam ol' it."
"I5:it, iny go'id woidan,I sUnn't go to Wis
'If you will only 'and ,mn at tbe. mouth
'of tin' Slieep'cit, I will ns.k iiii-.nire. ,
can e.vily.find a boat thera to, take .me; up."-
.''Where is tlie body fj a-ked, Tucker. ,
.'In, tlio wa''oii,!'rteturpcd ;t!)0 lady, at,
tho simu time tho corner of her
shawl to wipe-HWriy ttiev;ntlieriiij;-tcarJ.
Iinvd u'sum of umiroy witll tne, lind you shall
li? n.iiil for tho trouble."
" Tut, tut, w,im'iir If I aiSconiin'idiite. you,
von.tlieN' won't beud.v'piiy about it
-Tlie kind-hmrted old commodore wiwnoc
Id" man to rcftis- ft Iiiynr,- and, tlfougii ho
liked not tlie' luther of taking the-woman
and her strange accompaniment on board,
yet ho'could not refuse. When he told her
lie would do as she had requested, she thank
ed him wllh many tears in hor'cyes.
Some of tbe men wero sent upon the
wharf to bring tha body ou board, A long
buffalo robe -was1 lified off by tho man that
drove the 'w.igoti, and beneath it appeared
a neat black collin. Some-words were pass
ed by tho seaftien, as they were putting the
toiffln on board; which went to show pretty
plainly that the nffiir did not exactly suit
them, dint it rnitj have been but prejudice
'IlloiVTii'o! ) I ilm," said the man, bring
lng the helm smnlyii-pnrt "Hut -ay.didn't
von notin am'thing1 peculiar about the oldi
Wliv.Dan.'you seem greatly interested
about her." 1
I nm, Commodore, on' so I am about
tlm t'lifiin. too. Wouldn't it be well lor
vou and I to overhaul it ?"
Pslmw I you ro ds Beared, us a child in a
'No. nut a bit. Just-hark a bit. mat
'omaii ain't no 'oinan."
The :ommodoro pronounced the name of
his Satnnif"Miijesty in the most emphatic
manner. , '
It's the truth. Commodore I can swear
to it. I purtenileil there win a spiuer on
her hair, and I rubbed my band agin he:
fare, llv Sam Hyde, if it wasn't iu rough
and bearded lis. an holystone. You see, she
told tne ns how l!d let tho boom gilio if
didn't look out. I know'd there wasn't no
oman there,, aud so I told her. Call some
body at the wheel, nnd let's go and look at
that cofiin." a
The commodore was wonder struck bl
wlmt he had heard, but, with that call
pri'eoncn of mind that made him what h
was, hq sat, coolly to thinking. In a tej
minutes he, called pno of the mm aft to re
licve Carter, and thcu be went down to lobfc
after his p.iweuger. The latter had turnej
n. anil seemoil to ho sleeping, imw ut
turned, and took Carter one side.
"No noise, now, Carter; luilow me-iu,
tlipugb nothing had happened."
T he two approached the main batch anl
stooped to raise, it, when Dan's hand touch
ed a small ball that seemed to have been
niiiiied un under tne after break of the'
It's a ball of twine," said lie.
Don't touch it, but run and get n. Ian.
tern." reulied Tucker. I
tJcrk ia'tJtb rklVwefed' (blilm,
nln thn wniar ItP haVfi nulled smart, to n ' renfheil
, ' . 1 . it . I. Hnl1ln It, a I lie? til ftfl
f"""HI v- c. ; - . r,-rntlr,t,renror
boat, cut tho falls, and s tl,e.uoa, ,eu n ., v, . - . V--ir-M
io n renewrjii p,,,- i,.v- ..v ...-. 0
seircd the cord with his teeth and wan drwu
As ho'awen'd6il,.lhb'lldh spranff again,
but was too late. U thlr moment, the SIcil
Ian appehlcd, calm and feat-less,
ly upon tho (wine,
"And I think you knoyr," ho continued 'T
with a.nlcked look, -",what.would have fol-
lo)vcd( I shouldn't havp been noticed in
tho fuss I'd ,havo.gOt, rut,of tbo way witli
tho boat, and you'd all havo been In tho
next world In short order. And all I can
say is, that I'm sorry I didn't do It." ,yi
It was.wlth much difficulty that the com
modore prevented , from killing the
villalu pit the spot, IIo proved to bo one
of the enemy's tilBcers and ho was to have
a heavy reward lfjio succeeded in destroy
ing tho commodore and his crow,
Tho prisoner : was carried on deck and
lashed to tho main rigging, ' whero ho was
tjold to remain until the vessol got into
What a norrut oeatn mat villain nieiini.
for ns,"- uttered Carter,
"Yes, he did," said Tucker, with a hud-
file belongs to the camo gang that's been
a robbin' and burnln' tlie poor folks' hoiles
on tho Eastern coast" said one, of the
men. - t ' J
"Yes," saldUie'conlmodore? with o ner
vous twitch o'f the muscles nbout Jiis "mouth.
I .v Aijuer. -curse arum mo piisijucn uu
broke ori the air, and' with a clutched fist
the commodore went below. ' '
In the)' morning, when Tucker tamo pn
deck, Scguino was insight upbr(the etar-
Iboard bow. but when he looked., for the
prisoner ne was.goue. . ,
"Carter, .Where's' thp villain I Iashfd here
last nigra.?"', ! '. .' .
'I'm sureI 'don't know where, he is, commodore-.-Perhaps
lie jumped over-board.'1
The old commodore looked' sternly in
Carter's eyes, and ho saw n twinkle of satis
faction gleaming,' thtro. He hesitated a
moment then he turned away, and mut
tered to himself:
"Well, well I cau't blamo them. If tlie
murderous villain's gbVio to death, he's on
lv met 'a" fate which lie richly deserved. I5et-
a rich circus costilhio( and carried alheavy
mace.1 He' took his iiosltloti' In ttio.aa.Wotf
corner previously occUpled'bythdog.-1lAtii
first tho Hon did not perceive' him, but) anU
turning, his eyo expressed a1 'vague) Inqd!rtd
udc He slowly withdrew a very ""'
s'rps, watching his ctiemy vtlth n TurtUff"
sidelong' glance. Tho Sitillan, on tho Con-J
(rirv, looked Straight Irfhls'ej-caud watehwl
eiv movement. The Hon evidently bad
misjivlngj, but Impelled by hunger, sprang
up tl the man wlfh a terrible roar. The 8h
cill.Hi slipped aslda with agility, and Wore
tho plws of tho Hon touched tho ground, a
violent blow from tho nmco upon tho head
laid him- Insensible, The mnco was raised
fir the death blow, when tha Be?' IntttpOa.
od. Ho ofTured tho man another thousand
for 'ho lifeof tho beast, ft was accepted
nnd trfe lion was allowed to recover.
Punished by God.
A Lebanon paper 'cls t,us stratlR 8t0C '
"Mr. Samuel It. Smith, of Union township,,
is a graduate, of Ppughkccpjie Business Col
lego, and engaged in' farming. Jiis father ja,
a niouibcr of tho Duukard church aud highly
respected. The son is aged about tvrentyfive
years, married and tlio fathor of ono( chilcV
On Monday evening, a t about nino o'clock, he
was at homo engagcd'in settling with a neigh--bor,
when .ho suddenly shut his account book
and throw himself on tho lounge, in the room,.
Very soon after ho attacked hb servant man
and threw lnul.on.tlio floor.", iio tneu at
tacked tho neighbor who was still in the room
and afteVnu hour's 'slful'gte'h'e escaped from
his grasp. Ho seemed to be possessed of
some supcrnalural power, and was Very vio
lent, lie stated that ho was punished by
Ood for sins committed and that the punish'
rnent' would continue tlired days and tfirco
t'er far It would be for him, than tl'iat my nights. ' The servant l(rtmght3 td tho house,
noble crew wero now all in ocean's cold neighbors who attotldcil Tc?Tlim. On "Wcdnii-i
grave.'' ' day lio Paid they should g6t more men W
n their part, but'the, seaman should be ai- Thursday was tho l.T-t day and tnc severest
owed a prejudice, once in a while, wheu we I trT..i, buggtstibtis wero'licteci upon and
consider the many stern realities they luuc Leven "men were prcrClit on (lmt day. ,),t re-
to encounter. "Hush, my good men," sau H quired their coiubiued strength to fcccp hlni
the commodore; a lie heard their murmured from eomniitting injury' upon thbso around
remonstrance, "Suppose you were to u)e him. To do this ho wai thrown to tne noor
away from home would you not wish that nnj j1jj (f1(iro only by thb m6st desperate'
t.i !.. ..I.I., l.. .m.Ta.! InrilllP , tt, .. S-,l rnn.VMtln.1
your llisi reillllllis unpin un wuuiu ,w j ..... glrugglC. Ills UaiHl", 111 HIS .lull llS iv
poor parents?.' Come, hurry now." w;ti, rfmp,, hnd ho was placcifih bed, but
The men said no more, and ere long the i..,r,lK- Iweu there before ho rushed out
collin wssipiaced iu the hold.and tho woman -..i, (i,e straps in his hands and as violent as
was shown trt the caoin. in less man nan everi jie toI(j ,0 g0 somewnerc tor
an hqur thc.schooncr was, cleared from tbe as l0 jjj not'want herabout tho prom-
wharf, aud standing out irom tne. uay. ine Ho .told his keepers that at nine o mock
wind was light from the eastward,but luck- on Thursday night tho punishment would
er had no fear of .the frigate now that he L-ji ,!,!, pr0vcd to bo the caso. At'that
was once out of tho bay. time" ho informed' them that with salety
In the ereniug tho lady passenger came on tl .. coui j c0 i,ome, wbich they did, and
deck, and the commodore ,assured her that mtQ nothing has transpired. Dr. Leslie vrai
he should bo able to land her :arly on the alIcj jn wnen j,0 was fir6t attacked, but ho
next momiug. Sho expressed her gratitude rcrusc(i t0 reeeivo his advice and his keepcra
and satisfaction, and remarked that before )la , a eovcro 6trugglo to keep him from at
she retired she should likw to look and see tacking tho doctor. Ho was not judged tern'-
that her husband's corpse was saie. auis TOrarnj, "nanne, althbugh ho did notknowauy
was atanted, aud one of tho men lifted i neipLhors vet conversed reasonably.
oil' th hatch that she might" go down into ,j0 na;ntained that it was only a punishment
tho hold. ' 0f q,,j which would pas away ag he predict-
"I declare," mutteredJtDaniel Carter, an I it, tnVs that his disembodied spirit
old sailor, who was standing at tho wheel,. I f gatncil through heaven and hell, and ho af-
'slie takes on dre luly : ; terwanh' ruado'sonio startling communications
"Yes, poor thing 1" sanl 'l:ker, as he
heard her subs and groans.
'Jj'ye notice what'u eyo she's got?" con
tinued Carter.
"No," aid Tucker, "only, 'twas swollen
with tears."
"My eyes 1 but they shotio though, when
thestood here, looking at the compass."
Tucker smiled at the man's quaint earnest-
on that subject. Tho affair has caused no lit
tlo excitement in that neighborhood.
Artificial Bulter.
i i i.. n PomiHnmi. ho k, nn nfit mace il iu i
ilii-hsniUof dealers, the some as we do our other
iri-parntinns. in wuiiuii i,, uu .". . vs--:,;(. i
ili estate jou saw this advertisement In the "Co
umtljn" Bloomsburg.
W,y Dye ?
During the minuter of loll tho Biitish
had not wdv hud cl.iuii lo all that porllmi
of the dlsirlet of M'llno lying I'tt f H"
Pt'nub,ciil,bulAilniii..l Uillfi te nnd Sir John
Bherbrooke, tbo laiur being tho govt-rpur
gencrul ot Suva h'rotla, had been sent with
a heavy furc toiakeporrCM-ion and occupy
tlio town uf Cnstlup, which place coiumanus
If we havo to eat artificial butter it is grat
ifying to know that it can now bo made
equal in flavor, texture and odor to tho best
ness, and without further remark ho weut hutter mado from cream. There aro several
down to the cabin. f manufactories in New York and Brooklyn
When tho woinon.caineup from tho hold, which turn out many toil of this product
she looked about, the, deck .of,, the schooner weekly, and a well-kuown chemist recently
for a few moments and then went aft. There declared that, while he bad no doubt that
was something An her countenauco that puz- moro than half the butter consumed in New
zled Carter. He had been one of those who York was artificially made, he conscientious-
objetjted to the coffin's being brought on ly believed that it was quite as good as but
board and hence he was not predisposed to I ter made in the dairy, and often much bet
look verv favorably upon its owner.- The ter. The imitation is made of suet, which,
woman's eve ran over the schooner's declc'l after beiuir thoroughly washed, is reduced
Carter uprcng to obey, and when ho te- with ft strange quickness, and Carter eyed to oil at a low temperature ; to each 100
turned a number of men bad gathered about ncr Vcry sharply. Soousbo weuttothe taft-1 pounds of oil some twenty pounds of sour
tho snot. Tbe hatch was raised, and raii j looked over at,, the, stern boat and I milfc are udded and the two substances are
the commodore carefully picked up tho ball theu she came aud stood by the binnacle, J churned,' half an ounco of bicarbonate of
of twine am found that it was made la" again. I soda and two or three tablcspoonfm of so-
something below. IIo descended to tno "Look out or you'll gibe tho boom," ut-1 lutlon of anuoto being thrown into tho mix-
hold, and there ho fodnd that the twine MU , . passenger. , I turn. Tho nroduct of this churning is al
ii beneath the lid of the "coffin. Ho had Carter started, and found that the main- l luV;ed to come in contact, with See, and is
no doubt in his mind now that thero was gaii jVa, shivering.. .He gave tlie helm a cou- aaain churned wlth more sour milk After
mischief boxed up below, nnd sent Carter f BDOi-e, a.nort. and then cast liis eyes fiiwn minutes,' nirltalion the solidified oil
for something that might answer for a screw ,a u ,he WOman, r.'hoe features were takes up a certain percentage of the milk as
driver. The man soon returned with a stout iiijtej bv the. binnacle lamp. ,M n its flavor and odor, and the butter is
Thank'e ma'am," said Dau. "Ha hold on rea(i v for tho market. Au analytical chem-
why, bless my soul, there's a big spider ht 0f this city, who has prepared aud pub-
right on your hair. . IIo not there. Here lubed a pamphlet on tho mauufacluro.of
I'll Ughl" I artificial butter, furnishes a number otaual-
This last ejaculation pan ruaJo as ne yee including thoso of arlilical and genu-
seemed to pulUomethlng from tho woman's I tne butter. Of the factors including olcln.pal-
hair, which he threiy upon the deck with ,tuo I tnltioe, stearine, butyrine, Ae., artificial
ugn r aupva, weniioueu. i uutter contains, sa per cent., cream Duuereo'
Shortly after tho passenger went below, ler ceui 'ile m03t perceptiblo diUerence
aud ere long Tucker csme on deck, I in the constituents of the two products is iu
'Commodore," aid Carter, with a re-' the matter of (alt, of which artificial butter
markablo degree of earnestness in his man- 1 contains 0.22o per cent, and tho geuuino ar-
uer, "is thu 'omanturned in?" tide 1.01 percent. It is claimed for tho
I rather think so," said Tucker, looking I counterfeit butter that it does not become
man there, but, in place thereof, there was at the compass.' "Look, out, look out, Car- raticid so quickly as dairy butter, aud that
material lor the death ot a score. 1110 coi- ter ! Why man alive, you're two points to it uo mado much more cheaply. ,Y
fin was filled with gun-powder and pitch,- the southard of your course." World.
wood : upon a light Irame work in me cen
tre were arranged four pistols, all cocked, Borne time ago in Tunla.a Sicilian athleto
nnd the string entering tlio cofiin from with- 0 'UnaUlo's circus excited general admira- Seldom do religious papers deliver such
nut eiiiiiiiiunicatf d with the trigger of each. ,im, Ly his manlv beautv and feats of telling stories straight from the shoulder as
Tho first movement of the commodore fctrcncth. He was iu the habit of overcom I Is (he following from the MtlhodUt lUcordtr
was to call for water, and when it was jg R jon during the performance, which I "The tiame which la 'above every name' is
tirutigiit, ue nasneu tnree or umr uui nl0wevt. r 'was trained to succumb. The I inquentiy taken in vain uy proiessedly pi-
full into the infernal contrivance, aud then jjey of TunU hearing ot this, sent him an ous people. For example; In ordinary bush
ho breathed more freely, . fl"cr-,f a thousand ducats If ho would kill a I utn letters it is common for an order for
kuiie, and the commodore set' to wort. He I
worked very carefully, however, ot the same
timo keeping a bright lookout for the string.
At length the screws were out, and the lid
very carclully lifted from its place.
"Great God in heaven I" burst from tho
lips of tho commodore.
"By Sam Hyde" dropped like a thunder
clap from the tongue of young Dan.
"God bless you, Dan I" said the commo
'I know'd it!" uttered Dan.
Tho two men stood for a moment, and
gazed Into the cofiin. There was no dead
so mutter Uoiv dray or IInrh the
llalrmsv be, it can be restored to iu original color fntraiK'e to tho Penobscot river,
.-70-,ielltor. hvUefurtitlivutrivalofthiiEuglishsquadron,
A Jiemedy to item
state tho llumsn Hair
Ins.'! Its youthful
Hair Hostorer I Commndoro Samuel Tucker hod been sent
and vthilii tho British sailed
color, lustre, softness
and beauty.
iiair iietioIeJ arpund to Peiinb.i ut bay tn prott ct the Amer
jiair nesiorer ,, .,rt.ltt,.rrf
llnlr llsti.r..r ICHIl COllstl-rS,
1 la r ltesuirer up to Castine lie lay at 1 hoiiiaslou.
nair nestorer I u was a scuooucr inai uiu cuuiuuiuiiie
Hair llestorer ... ,,, , ,, i,,.., ,.-,,ll
411 i.i.roiiNWUonluroiiiiiCumj , , ....d. and she carrhd the true
&srs?s-T Ya,,kcB "Brit" U1l,n hcr dcck' .f wh,ch lh0
ltlUV. trtUlJ tl ui'MMii ""i n " : i .ij wit w "ts, , " - " o -
tffe ith lb" intelligence that tho
"ipal depot for the U.S., M, North Bum street, jirjtj,), frigate wiis omniug from Castine to
takehltn. 'fucker knew that tho lirlltsh
feared lilm, nnd also that Blr John riher-
'lirooke had ofi'crtd a large amonut fur his
"No, no," he uttered, as he leaped from iion i . h h nosgepj. The nronosal was new books, or a communication on a purely
the hold. "No, no-my men. Do nothing RCCe,ted, and on theday appointed, tho Bey secular subject, to close with tho phrase,
rashly. Let me go into the cabin first. You m,d a large company gathered round the pit 'Yours in Christ.' Some years ago we re-
may follow me," whero the Hon was kept. Tho beast had cc-ived ft most abusiye eplstlo in which the
Commodore Tucker strodo into tho cabin, been three days without food, and was furl- BOiirest possible spirit was manifested, and
walked up to tho bunk whero his passenger ous. The Irou door of the pit opened, but all torts of hateful names misapplied on ac.
lay, and grasping bold ot the lemalo dress, instead of the athlete a trembliug dog was I conut or some supposed editorial defection,
ho dragged its wearer out upon the lloor. thrown forward, which timidly took refuge I and the self-same letter ended with 'Your
l ucre was a suarp rt-siMunii-, aim me oas-1 in a corner, iuo lion wno was ai a distance I uromer iu ine.iiu. ausui i oe oi vue jirm
senger drew n pistol, but It was quickly turned in surprise at the humble intruder, I of Bwnrmstead & l'oe, Methodist Episcopal
kuncked away tho ggwn was torn oil, and I His tall ceased to lash his sides, his roars I publishing agents, Cincinnattl, used to look
a uiau came forth from the remnants of cal-1 ceased, and ho sat, with paws extended, con-1 with suspicion upon every business commu-
leu and linen, templating his victim. Propelling himself I nlcatlou that closed with such a pietism as
Tho fellow was assured that his whole forward upon his belly he finally made a 'Yours in Jnus.' He said his experience
plot had been discovered, and at length he spring. The dog, however, who had watch proved the singular fact that his largest los.
owned that It had beeu his plan to turn out I'd him with a vlgllanteye, sprang in the op- ti-., and the blggeit commercial lies, to too
In the course of the night, and get hold of posite direction. The lion seemed astoulih- speak, were traced back to tlio correspond-
the ball of twine, which he had left In a ed at missing his prey, but after rolling over ents who trifled thus with cacred thing,
convenient place ; theu he intended to have a few times made another jump, which was There is a m geetion here worth remtmUi-
1 gope aft, carefully unwinding the string as ' also avoided, Jlty for the dog Induced the ling-