The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, May 04, 1877, Image 3

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TH Pi 0 li 11 M ft 1 A N
1 IlIJ VJ U Li U ill D 1 A Jl .
Bi.ouHSDGitUt mniAi, n nil.
Rnll load Tlmo Table.
.0.49 A.M.
T.M A. M
, l.M I'. M.
lecommodatton Train,... ... 0.45 A.M. t.M A. M.
Mill Train .M A. M 4.49 f. M
Sxpress Train
Vcaimmorlatlon Train ,
, D.SS A. Hi
T.ST r. V.
Ueiilar Kxpress
ez'liar r.M", !" ... .vur,m, n.o. i
Through cars on Kxpress train cither to New York
i 4.00 P.M.
or Philadelphia. Accommodation tram runs between
OaUivlssa and Wllllamsport.
Major Cheater K Hughes has In en apKilntiil
general agent ami collector f. r the Ct.t!Miin"
and lias commenced a canvass of Columbia
county for the purpose of settling our accounta,
getting new subscribers, anil roliciling adver-
tlsements and job work. On all subscriptions
on wlilrli nothing has been paid since UcioImt
lot IBiO, there waa Hue .April 1st ion
three dollara, for eighteen months sub-
acrlpllona. All persons owing us for print. I
log are hercbv notiriril that their bills must be
settled aoon at this office. II is much caler
for subscribers who have been receiving the
Com mil AX fur the put year ami a half to p iy
ir'hree dollars than form In have standing
out nearly two thousand dollars on unpaid suli.
sctiptinn. Tho old notion that newspapers iln
not cost the pinprietors anylliing, and are pub
lished fur fun is about exploded, and hence Ii
Iris li -cnine n ipces-itv fur in 1 1 appoint a cl
l.-otur to gallur In enough funds to pay expen
ses. Mr. Hushes will not vl-it the tnwii-hlps nt
present where collectors have iilrenly btMi ap
ob'ti'd, iiinl subscribers in lb? following plai-s-will
pb"e sttle with our collectors before
Mav Court They are as follows :
T K Kricltli.iniii, Cambra,
W T. Hliuman, Mainville,
Win Firvson, As'ilmd nnd Central!..,
I.. K. Mnwrer. Dinvllle,
Wm Appteman, Renlon,
N. I'. Moore, It lck Horn, Jerceylown and
Red Mill.
We c ill attention to the reduced ratea of coal
offered by C W. Neal & Rro.
Court begins next Monday. It l expected
to be a busv fewion.
Mr. Duly is making improvements and ad
ditions to his house on Center street.
Thunder storms onSilurday and Sunday
nights. Vernal.
Rhubaib plea are now ripe,
Crop promises
Asparagus Ihe delicate aril delicious has
made lis appcaranco in some few favored locali
ties. A few new sidewalks in Renlon would make
that village much more agrieable to foot pas.
A new road is in process of construction at
the Cot nf the hill, jut this side of Rento.i.
When completed it will ben much easierdrive
than the present highway above It.
We legret to learn that Montgomery Cole of
Sugarloaf township, formerly one of the Com
missioners of this county, is very sick and hard
ly a'llt- to leave his dwelling.
We nre glad to hear that Hon. Lin Rarllio-
lomew, of Pottsville, has so far recovered from
his recent severe illness as to make his appear
ance on the streets.
Flour is selling in town at the rate of S12
per barrel and potatoes for $1.40 per bushel.
Thus have the necessaries of life become luxu
ries which must be beyond the reach of many.
It cost Hiram Reese, of Ruckhorn, $5 to dis-
play the speed of his horse, in Danville, lai
week. The Chief of Police thought it wa
worth that much.
The HqniUican, true to its instincts, defends
the rolten Weliel job. It has words of praie
fir him, but not a line for the tax payer. Tru
ly, ''birds of a feather flock together.".
It is an old adage that "where Ihe carcass is,
triere will Ihe eagles be gathered together."
Hence the Republican's defence of such
corrupt men as Chamberlain and Packard, and
its advocacy of the j ill ion.
The police at the jail are a jolly aetoffel
!o s and mimical too. We have on several oc.
rasions. recently." enloved their singing. They
probably did not intend to serenade us but we
return thanks all the same.
It may not be generally known that persona
who from carelessness or other cause lake from
the post-office the letters of another, and fail lo
return the same, are liable to a fine of $500 or
one year's Imprisonment
The pioneer bumble bee of 1877 crept out of
'his hole in the ground yesterday, and after
looking around for an hour or two for a boy to
sting, lound htm, stung him, and went back to
clean house.
The Sullivan Democrat says a white robin
lias been seen in its nelthborhooel latsly. The
poor bird is covered with snow, we presume.
There's sleighing up there yet, isn't there 7
Jacob Hes, of Sugarloaf township has placed
us under obligations by sending a few Indian
relics. One is one axo ahaieil stone, aa smooth
as glass, and supposed to have been used in
dressing the skins of animals.
Mr. George Leacock, one day last week shot
five fine ducks, at Ihe river. Two of them were
bulter-dueks. so called, the others resembled
what are known as scaup. The latter are large
birds and get their name from the shell fish on
which they fted.
We have received a communication from
Catawissa but do not publish it because, first, II
bears no signature, and, seconu, oecause u is
nigniy aousive oi a person o. uuu. .
nothing, "ihe Lot-CMnur. noes not lane pan
in peraocal quarrels.
Ooe oflhe noor directors of Sthuylkill conn-
u -nluTlait n fnmltv rri'Plitlv UlllfiitP I'll lldn n
lived on doc meat. When the director entered
l.. I,.- -r.l.e M-.ilinte. lh tuber oflhe chll-
dren was cooling a dead dog, Ihey havftig
grown used to the horrible dish.
The Auditor General has hunted up a law,
passed In 1849, providing for the taxation of
natcrt medicines and the like, which he prnK-
es to enforce. It has been a dead letter fur
twenty -five years.
The Democratic Slate Committee met on the
1st Inst., and decided that Ihe next Democratic
State Convention should be held at Harrlsburg
on the 8th of August. All right place and
time satisfactory.
Therti's nothing like enterprise. Here's the
l'oltsville Eiming Chroniele, with a laudable de
Ire lo satisfy ils readers utterly regardless of
extwnse, printing despatches from England
"by cable lo the Ettning Chroniele." Exlrava-
int but commendable.
and ae.Ist.nt editor, a foreman, and a full foice
of journeymen aud apprenticed. We have re
ctlved so many applications this spring that
we insert this notice once fur all, Ho com
u' jntcalions will Us autnered unless stamp
B" ttw 'M"otb1 MuehJ!, arbitrator
lore i rcoelr. two dollar, rr el.r uet fir. ,-,
per mile for trirel. pro? Wed lint In cum h
no (iclenco I made and In cases In which trw
HiuuratoM shall be en-ragcd leu llian five
hours, llmlf fes lull remain a heretofore.
In the Kail of 1871 ex-BherllT Millard burled
coins ocelli In lit) garden and t tj remained
timlislurbee! until lat (reck, wlien tliey wore
""K "P U"il lo be in good condition and
hi for conking, Tliei were calen and were
quite palatable.
Hie many Menu's of E. D. Hughe, lor many
venrsn conductor on the 1. & B. railroad will
"esorry o hear that lie lias been discharged,
lie was as pnpulai a man as lliero waa on the
road ami w.n a thoroughly efficient officer. No
reason f.,r llila action on the part of the com-
piny lias been aligned an far as we have
lie. ml.
Some of the new Sprlrghati worn by the ladloa
aru liiilenus wo grieve to ay It, but such U
the f.ict, They nro huge, 111 shaped anil re-
semble an overgrown bouquet. The truth I
mat milliners who invent audi monstrosities
should be locked up tu some quiet place like a
lunatic aylum, until the genuine good taatc of
the ladle achieve a reform.
And now Wilkes Harre, undismayed hv llie
eparatlon of I'ruvidence fiom the city of Scran-
ton, ik'sire lo incnrpirnto A-hley and King
"ton and thereby gun n higher rink im u the
cities of the Sute. Sormiton lias heretofore
atiHl third on the lint but Reading will now
take III it place.
Tlii- Cnlawi.i peoplu nro much exciled over
111.' leading trouble and aynipathUe
In-ariily with the engineer. It la aaid lint llie
w mien hiiucd an engineer, the
lur day, who had uken tho placa of a Rruth
I'rhuod man, whilm running hi train through
BtnOAlNii. F. Stockman, 'J5 Rond Street,
X, Y , is aelliug a bankrupt stock oflewelry.
mil offers as much for $1 00 aa can enily be
reuilrd at $1000 See his advertisement in
our columns. The lloiton Globe, 2f. Y. Day
Book, and nt her firt'Clsa papera recommend
him highly, aa strictly honorable diU goods
tlrat class.
The Supreme Court of the United Slates de
cided hut week, that the payer of a check -hich
has not been accepted by the bank on which it
is drawn ran not maintain an nclinn again! the
hank. Until acceptance there is no privity of
contract between the payer and the bank.
A safety envelope to prevent tampering has
been devised. On the Hap the words "attempt
to open" are printed wilh a double set of chem
icils, the first impression containing nulgills
and the second green vitriol. If the fl ip be
steamed or oiolsleneel in any way the magic
printing will appear.
In view of the multiplicity of inventions, and
the many complications arising under the pat
ent laws, persons der-iring to obtain valid pat
eits cannot he too careful i i securing tho ser
vices of experienced ami skilled attorneys. Mr.
F. A. I.ehmann, of Washington, D. C, has
b eu several years an examiner in Ihe Patent
Otlic -, and is one oftliemo.t successful prac
titioners before the Department and the Courts,
He requires no fee until the patent is secured.
The railroad companies are doing all In their
power lo briak up combinations of engineers
and firemen, on the principle that such combi
nations are wrot.g : and yet in the face of their
argument lhee very companies are formiog a
coal comhio ition to increase Ihe price of coal
ami regulate the supply according to price. is consistency with a vengeance. Eaiton
Tho Attorney General has given the Siatc
Treasurer an opinion in which he claims there
is due thu State from counties, under act of IS 11!
which requires, in c;ce Ihey do not pay an
amount of ritate tax equal to the appropriation
made for the common bchools annually, enough
to make up the deficits. The Attorney Gener
al shows that the indebtedness of the counties
to the Slate fur the past three years is about
cow belonging to Eli Robbins, of Fishing
Creek township, recently gave birth to a singu
lar monstrosity. On one side of the head the
mouth extended to the ear, and on the other
side very nearly so: the upper jaw was seven
inches long, the lower, three inches. The head
somewhat resembled that of a dog. From the
hips, near the bark bone, grew two tails, whirl
were without bone and grew together at the
nils. The nondescript was born alive but was
subsequently killed.
Some postmaster has returned to this office
the Colcmuian addressed to "Thomas Jones,"
stating no reason therelor and giving no post
office address. This is no notice at all as re
quired by law. If this postmaster does not give
us the address of Jones we shall send it as usual
and collect the amount from Ihe postmaster. If
he doesn't understand his business, it is lime he
learned and we will help his education.
The first days of "ye nierrie month of May"
were not remarkably humorous, on the con
trary the temperature waa very like that of the
Fibruary just passed, There was a general and
lively demand for heavy overcoats and those
whose parlor stoves had been removed for the
season, sat in the kitchen o nights, and ejacula.
tel dolefully at intervals "Goodness gracious,
what weather." And they were right it was,
The Hazleton Senlintl says a tramp recently
stoppid at the house of Philip Harris, in Col-
eraine, and was given something lo cat. No-
I tioiiig that John Harris, aged 18, was blind in
I one eye, he said he could cure him. He told
the afflicted man to lake a sour apple, cut it in
two, and rub the cut edges on the eye. The
young man did as he was told and regained
sight. He had not been able to tee out of the
eye for seven years.
An m wa pawed a,:ti1B Ut session of the
Sla(B i;,,, 1M m 8gne( by the Gov
ernor onJ become a law, requiring Justices ol
,l0 icacu mij Aldermen to render judgment
within ten days after all evidence shall have
heen heard. Heretofore the law required judg.
ment to be rendered in tnerly days, and this
change is one that should be remembered by all
Laving suits pending or who expect to have
business of this kind U attend to.
pr, Richardson, of England, who is now rec-
02nitcd as a high authority on mailers of do-
,nMtjc hygiene, says that 62 Fahrenheit is the
rjK,t degree of temperature for health, and that
thoe entraired in literary or artistic work can
not noasiblv be loo careful on this point. If
their labor bo prolonged or severe the temper
alure may be allowed to run up lo Co0, or iu
The same rule applies to all sedentary persou
and children studying. Our rooms here are
apt lo be at least ten degrees too high for heal
hy persons,
Rloomtburg Is a musical town and has on all
occaiui. o -i i
"weet sound," In all forms-anu yet the eia-lc
eyeu sons oi jiaiy iu...,.u,.io .....
I organ VISll US liue mice nicy uiu, uuv ui inic
they have become as rare as $10 bills. Why Is
this thus? We tuk for information, not lor or-
gan grinders, and we request that the editors
of adjoining counties will not mentlbn that
Hluoraslmrg Is pining lor we uirn eyeu eons
Is aforesaid or that couollesa ulckels await their
II. II. Cummin and J, O. Parker Kqr, of
Wllliairjpotu vrero In town on Wcdntaday to
ask Judge Klwell to hold court In I lint city, on
Saturday, lo hear an Important milt relative to
bond In which the city la Inleitatcd, The
Juilga accepted to their request,
White, amoith and roft any lady'a haniN,
arm or neck may Income, who um (llinn'a
Sulphur Soap 1'implca or other r'lfigute
rrenla of a romplexional nalure, are aurely
obliterated by thli healthful promoter of beauly.
Depot, Crlt.enlon'a No. 7 Sixth Avenue, New
York. Ulll'a Hair & Whlaker Dyc, black or
brown, 60 eta.
May 4, 4w.
There will b a meeting of the Joint Com
mittee of the IrfgUlalure on the Hlh D.'pirt
ment, at Harrliburg, on Tuei-day tay 8th.
Hon. K. J, McIIeiiry, of llil cminty, is one of
the Committee. A tier the election of an engi
neer and clerk, the Committee will Inspict the
lidi wnya at Columbia Dim. There seems lo
be no doubt that, If proper nhutea were built,
ahad could como np the river, as they have
made their way through n bieak and been
caught nbuvc thu Dam. We hope the Com
mlllee will do anmething lo ensure the pa-aagu
of time flab up the river.
The truth of the matter Is, that unless the
Town clock can be so regulated as Inlodicile
somellit'g like the correct tlm?, it ha i Inner
I e stopped. Divers p rsons who have placed
lependeuce on it have lnen It f. at the ruilioid
station gazing dimnohitely nfier deputing
rain, and the community is rapidly degenert
ng In'o a minxled condition of hcwildcrmsnt
and prnfjnlly pilnful to ciutemplatc. The
Court Huiie bell took a freak, a day or two
go, nnd tolled solemnly all day, no one assist-
nu, but whether In grief at lite wretched time
kept by the clock beneath or in sorrow fur ihe
Commissioners of the county In lelsliuii to the
jdljob, we could not Ascertain. Let the
clock he r gutated or s opvd.
The Colossal Uronre Siatue of Victory which
anils in the Park, at Lowell, before the tomb
ot the fitst soldiers that fell in the levolution.
s n lasting and beautiful tribute of art. It is
one of the first objects sought by strangers visi
ting our sister c'ty, which 'nde si many vi it
purposely to seo III tn elegant object of high art,
It was obtained from the King of Ravaria by
Dr. J. C. Aycr, to whom his msje-ly was es
pecially gracious in acknowlel ement of what
is remedies are reputed to have done fur the
uflering sick. It was donated by the Doctor
to the City of Lowell as a pcrui'ineut and speak-
ng eniblem of the victories lioth of Science and
Arms. Ihgeatotm (itJ.) Preu.
May 4, 4w.
On Sunday morning last n nu...ber of Sir
Knights belonging to Crusade Commander' of
this plare 'ook a special train en llie D. II. &
W. U U., nt Citawissa fur Suuburv lo allend
he liineral of John Cadwnlhtder, late a m-m
her of Calvary Curomandery, (Dinvllle). At
Kiver.-ide a large number of Sir Knights, head
ed by Sloe's R.ind entered the train. The fu
neral took place nt 'J o'clock 1'. M. and the pro-
e-sion was one oflhe l.irg st we have ever
seen, the Knight Irmplars took Iho le it,
illowed by the Rlue Lodge Ma-nus, firemen
ml rilizens. Thohtreets were literally crowded
with people.
t tin; grave the solemn and beautiful Tem
plar ceremony was performed, aided by a choir
and organ. We regret Instate that on the re-
urn from the cemetery a small boy was run
over, and seriously, if nut fatally injured, by a
reckless driver..
At about half past seven o'clock onSaturdfy
night a pislol shot broke the stillness of the air,
nt the corner of Second and Centre .Streets. A
crowd speedily gathered and it was ascertained
that George Hriggs had been shot hy James
Green, llolh are colored men and both were
ntoxicated. The caue of the trouble is not
known. Just before the shot was fired Ilriggs
struck at Green who instantly drew a pistol from
his pocket and discharged it full at the breast
Ilriggs. The ball struck the breaet bone and
glanced around the ribs. Piubing failed to dis
close where it lodged. liriugs was taken to
Moyer Ilrtis.' Drug Store, where he received
prompt medical attendance and Green was
ticked up. The wounded man is doing well
and Ins injuries though severe are not likely to
prove fatal.
This is another of the many strong arguments
against the pernicious habit of carrying deadly
weapons. The law on the subject should be
rigidly enforced.
How to llunx Coal. A vey common mis
take is made and much fuel wasted in llie man
ner of replenishing coal fires both in furnaces
and grates. They should bo fed with a littles
coal at a time, and often; but servants, to save
time and trouble, put on a great deal at once,
the first result being that almost all the heat
is absorbed by the ncwly-put-on coal, which due
not give out heat until it has become reil hot
Hence for a while the room Is cold, but when
it becomes fairly aglow the heat is insufferable.
The time to replenish a coal fireN as soonas the
coals begin to show ashes on their surface, then
put on merely enough to show a layer of black
coal covering the rid. This will soon kindle,
and as there is not much of it, an excess of heat
will not be given out. Many aNo put out thu
fire by stirring the grate as soon as fresh coal is
put on, thus leaving all the heat In the a-hes
when it should be sent to the new supply of
coal. The lime to stir the fire is jusl whin tho
new coal laid on is pretty well kindles. This
method of managing a coal fire Is troublesome,
hnl It saves fuel, gives a uniform heat and pre
vents the discomforts of alternation of heat aad
cold above referred to.
The Public Schools except Room Number One
of Ihe Third street school, closed on last Mon-
lay afternoon. Prof. Fthoonover and wife,
who have charge of Room Number One, Third
street, were obliged to lose one eeeek during the
term, and therefore will not close until next
Monday, At Ihe Fifth street school the exer
cises were very interesting, nnd a large number
of visitors were in attendance. In Room Num
ber One, under Prof. Wilbur and Miss M. I'd
gar, speeches, dialogues, song, and gymnas
tics were the order of the day. When the pro
gramme was al out half completed there came a
part that was not on Ihe bill. Piof Wilbur
was requested to appear on the stage, when he
was met by Master Peacoek, who In the name
oflhe students presented him willi an elegant
family Bible, The professor was taken com
pletely by surprise, and occupied several mo
ments in attempting to cheek his emotions.
When ho had sufficiently recovered the power
of speeth, he responded In a few remarks thank
ing Ihe pupils for this luken of their luve and
resect. Miss F-dgar was then subjected to (he
same oidial, her present being a beautiful perl
card case, Then llie performance Kent on, A
part of the programme was tho presentation of
a Dictionary tn the student h ho hail made the
most progroa In drawing during Ihe term. A
committee consisting of A. C. Smith, J, O.
Urown,' and Geo K. Klwell repotted tiiiani
mnusly In favor of Number eme, who proves)
to be Mlsa Lulu Poller. The dictionary, given
by Charles E, Scott of Wlllis.ui.poit, uas pre
sented by Mr. Drown In an appropriate speech.
In the other rooms of this school, and the
Third street school, the exercises were credita
ble to both teachers and pupils, but space will
not permit us to go Into details.
We have just cause to be proud of our public;
schools, They were never in In Iter condition
than they have been during the past winter.
We have but ono tuggcatinn lo make, and that
is, that hereafter at the closing th
Oiiera House be used, instead oflhe school
rooms which are entirely too small for such oc.
caslons. It would be but alight expense to Ihe
school district, aud atfoid much greater satis-
Gtctloa to tench en, scholars and visitors.
St OabrleJ's IVotcstant Kpi-eopal Ohurcli
In Sugar Loaf Townslilp was oonnoaratod on
Tuesday May 1st, by M. A. DoWolfo Howe,
D. D Hlsliop of Central Pennsylvania, as
Msted by tho following clergymen, Uevj. T.
P Cnskcyof Wll iamsport. J. Peck, Dan
villc, L. Zulincr, Bluomsburg, J. Hewitt,
Iliitlcton, aud J, McA. JtHrilii)g,the minister
in charge. A largo ooogroga: ion witnessed
the imprcsjro ceremony, about nfly persons
from Dlootusburg being in attendance. It Ii
needless to enter into a, history bf tlio strug
gles of this church for an existence, or to de
scribe tlio building, both of which have been
recently given in tho Coi.umiuan. Suffice
it to say thai through tho earnest efforts of
the mcmbcra of tho Parish and tho Pastor,
tho work has been most satisfactorily comple
ted. Services began at half past ten wilh the
consecration ceremonies; then followed Morn
ing Prayer, tho Psalter and Lessons being
read by Rev. L. Zahnor, tho prayers by Hev.
.1. IVck, Kpistlo and Gospel by Hev. J,
Hewitt, nnd tho sermon by Iter. T. P. Uas
key. Th Heriuon was an excellent discourse
appropriate for tho occasion. Tho music was
furnished, by special request of the vestry,
by Misses Fieczc. Hrower, and Klwell, and
Messrs. Unit and Townsand, accompanied
hy Geo. E. Klwell, organist'. It is unnec. ss
nry to speak of tho quality of the pinging.
I' r several years these ladies and gentlemen,
when members of St. Paul's choir, Bloom
burg, enjoyed tho reputation of being one of
the be.t choirs in the diococ, and their sing
ing on Tuesday was fully up to the ol 1 stand
ard, eliciting complimentary remarks from
tho ui-hop and clcrgv, nnd many oflhe con
grcgatinn. Alter service the clergymen re
turned to the residence of John Swartwout
Hq. whero they were handsomely entertain
ed, and the choir wero taken in charge by
Dr. J. P Chapin and lady, of lisnton, nt
wb iso liouso a bountiful and delicious ditini r
awaited, to which nil present did full justice.
In llie evening thu Rishop performed the rite
ol eonhrmation when several persons were
taken into the church. One of the most in
tcroting incidents of tho day was the pre
sence of Joshua Brink Sr. who was a mem
ber of the vestry of old St. Gabriel's in 1812,
and who though very aged and feeb'e is
again on tho veslry of the church which has
risen like a Phoenix from tho ashe of the
old parish The occasion was thoroughly en
j vablc, an 1 will long ba ii iuctnb.:reil wll
pleasure by all whosi privilege it waj to be
A few years airn "August Flower" was dis
covered to he a certain euro for D spepsta and
Liver complaint, a lew thin dyspeptics made
known to their friends how easily and quickie
they bud Is.'en cured by it" ue 'Ihe great
merit- of Green's Aiigut Flower became Iit-
nlded through the; country by one sufferer tn
another, until, without advertising, its sale;
has become immense. Druggists in KVKUY
TOWN in the United States mo selling it
Xo pen-on suffering with sour stomach, sick
headache, costiveness, palpitation ot too
heait. indiirostion. low spirits, etc . can take
unco elo-es without rclicl uo to -uoyer
llio-.. and get a bottle for i. cents ami try it.
Sample bottles 10 cents. April 20, '77-ly jl
Business Xotices
Moyer Bros, can be relied on for perf
accuracy in compounding prescriptions.
The Ladies favorite: Mrs. Knox'tt fluting
machine, at J. Schuyler & Buns.
Gents' Fancy Shoes at E. M. Knorr's.
Go to Marr for Magic Glycerine Soap
Try it.
New Spring Stock of Parasols at prices to
suit ynu. Our motto is, to bo down to rock
bottom in prices on all goods, at Clark &
Justices' Dockets cheap at Clark's Itook
Nice Slippers, Gaiters and Morocco Shoes
at Marrs.
Tho best general assortment of Drugs,
Chemicals, Paints, Glass, lie, in this part
of the Slate, is kept by Moyer Bros.
Those who wish to obtain first class Gro
ceries, can find them at T. V. Conner's new
store in Mundeuball's building. Country
produce taken in exchange. April 27-fiw
Splendid New Hats this week at Marr's.
Hats, Hats, Hats,
for Men's. Boys' and Youths' wear in a!'
grades and styles at D. Loweuberg's.
Koit Rest. Two rooms on the 2nd floor
of the Ent building. Apply to
2w Mm. M. E. Ent.
Ii. Ilutterick & Co.'s Patterns at Marr's.
il.25 Foxed Oaiter, at McKinney's.
Base balls and bats cheap at Clark's Book
Magic Glycerine Soap at Marr's, '
Down to Hard Pan'
Boots and Shttes at
Window Shades and Wall Paper in great
variety antl cheap at Clark s Jkiot stores
Now in Our Soring Stock of Goods at
suet, pi ices as will suit an. uiark- a w on.
Eel-hart Jacobs has opened a Bakery ou
Miiin street below Market, and is prepared
to furnish the best Bread, Rolls, &c. His
reputation as a baler is so well established
that he needs no commendation from us,
Ice Cream Soda at Moyer Bros. Diug Store,
Ball Worsted & Silk Fringes. in the latest
shades, with trimming silks cut on the bias,
and a great variety of other dress and ladies'
coat trimmings at Clark & Wolfs.
Gents' Buff Congress at E. M. Knorr's for
If you want a good Suit of Clothes.
If vou want a cheap Suit.
If ynu want a Nobby Suit,
If vou want a Stirinir Hat.
If you want them all you can find just
what will suit you in Price, Quality, Quan
tity aud Style at I). Loweuberg's:.
Appleton A muslins per bolt, 81c
Hill 4-1 muslin " " 10c
Fruit -1 4 muslin " " He
Standard calicos 6c per yard.
Good Ginghams 6c and upwards.
Striped mohair skirts COo and upwards.
A large line of domestic goods.
Cull and tee us. Clark & Wolf.
Lasting Gaiters, $1.00 at McKmutya.
Wall Paiier cheap at Clark's Book Store.
Some 10 different kinds of Corsets now on
hand at Clark & Wolfs.
just received a largj lot of spring styles of
Runes at iv. .ikk nor r s.
Arctic Soda, with all the best Syrups at
Moyer Jiroa,
Our stock of Dreaa Goods is complete.
enmp 1 Ing Cashmeres aud other black
goods, with a great variety of plain and oth
er styles and sliadn. Call and see. Will
not be undersold Clark & Wolf.
Window Shades
cheap at Clark's Book
Rubber Coabs,
Rubber l'auta,
Rubber Caps,
Cheap and New at X-uneaWg's-
Hand-made Shoes nt McKlnney'n, !
Wanted. Two sirla to learn the tailor
ing trade. Wm. Y,, Hester. Apr.27tf I
Ladles' fine Shoes, nil widths and situ
nt ilcKlnnej's,
Wo are now offering the c kbraloil Sus
quehanna Coal Co's Coal at tho following
cash pricfn:
No. 6. $1 65 per Ion on wharf.
No .1. 2 6"i per ton on wharf.
No. 2. ,'1 and 1 2 1)0 per ton on wharf.
Itlai ksinith's Lump 2.U0 I cr ton on wharf.
Bituminous 4.50 per ton on wharf.
35 ecu's iter ton additional, for delivery to
any part ol tlio town
Uoai iiiui-.c itatcs i;i cents per ton less.
No C. to Linic-hurnoM SI .50 per ton.
t.'oal screened before leaving our vnrds ami
full weight guaranteed.
Orders left at I. W. McKelvv's Store, at
our offico. or bent through tha mails will re-
ccivo prompt attention.
xuur iiairuu igu la ru-iiL-ciiiiiiv vuiciieii.
0. W. N'KAt. A Bno. I
May 1, 1877.
The World's Choice.
A Centennial DcrWion.
Competent indues trliresrntlne the civilized
nennle of llie uor.d appointed for the knowl-
e-el.-e of particular art or sciences, convened at
Philadelphia for six months to decide uiKin the
comparative merits of the various liinnlinns of
mankind, awanle-d lo Ihemanulactiirers of Ren-
son's Capcine Porous Pla-ler, after a careful lest
ami comptri-on ol lots rt initrsaulelemeely with
ordinary purotia and other kinds of plasters, the
highest anil only imual, above all lurelgn and
American competitors, on llie ground nf its
cral surcrionlv over oilier plasters, and lis
wonderful pain relieving stiengthenlng and cu
rative properties. Remember that this decision
was made by four practical and -killed physi
cians. Remember that no nostrum was allowed lobe
exhibited at the Centennial. Remember evheii
you are sutTerinc f-um any ucbeor pain that lien-
son's I'api trie Plaster is the best remedy ever
ileviseu lor all external ilitliculliis.
May 19, '7G ly.
A great improvement on ordtuary poro"j p'asters.
the nnr
Strengthening' Tlastcr Known.
rtheui atl'm, Neurolcla,
Lame and Weak nsck.
Sciatic, Ijimbsgo,
5plnnl and Kidney I'omnlalnts,
alt aches nnd patns ot a local nature.
-old evTvuh-ie Price 2jeenL.
May 19 !4'-ly REAIIt'HY i JOIINXON,
Phai m.ictuttca! Chemli.t8, N.Y.
Havo ynu tried Kirhy's WildCberry Cough
Balsam ? A very pulaU-altle compound for
the vitriol! alTiftions nlthe throat and liingn
it lias been used with puccexs, in seven ies
of asthma giving iiis'iittt relief attel :ti many
ci'scs etrei'ting u pernsu'ept cure. Price 5t
t'eiits per liotll.' kii'I tmsiiiiel) warranted to
irtv.' ciiIiih s'iiih;, i o r iiiuiii'V refutuksf
Kirhy's Magic lli.liei toi tin-instant Hire
of severe and ai lite pains.
Kirbv's Ta-ti'li ss W'oini lior.enes, pleas
ant, safe and I'lli clinil.
Kirbj's Horse and Cattle I'owdeis are the
bst powders lor stock, manufactured. Try
them and be convinced.
Mrliy'ti Unmphor Ico lor sunburns, sore
lips ami chapped uatui!!
lull a liillioiis and Liver rills aro reeOHv
mended bv the first, I'bvsiciaus.
The above preparations aro for sale by all
Druggists and dealers in medicine.
July 21,'7fi.-lv Wlinlesalf. Age-nta
me undersigned 'sslsneesof Nehcmlah tteeceol
Uuckhurn, adJuluJ a itankrupt on Creditors' pctt
tlon, win expose tu public Mlo cr outcry on the
premises of said N. Ueece on
Mitiiielav, .llay If), IS?,
all thu personal r roperty of said Uankrupt consist
tag of
one four-horse Iron axle Wagon aud box, one two-
Itorse Wagou and boa, oue Spring Wagon with pole
and nils, one llujgy, ono Truck Wagon, one Sulky,
wo Sleds, one Melglt, one tread-power TIlItK-JIt
ISO MACHINE, ono corn sheller, oao combined
Buckeye Iteaper and .Mower,, undivided one-half of
a land-roller, uodltlded half of a ltlston Grain Drill,
undivided hall of a clovcrieed hulter, oue double
Michigan Plow, two cast t lows one steel Plow, two
drag Harrows, one diuble corn Plow, Iwo corn Cul
tivators, one Hay Hake, s Forks, three scoop Shov
els, two Shovels, three grub Hoes, odo bushel meas
ure, one ono-ha t bushel measure, A'C, rlvo seta
heavy Harness six collars, live bridles, nvo set fly
straps, ono set double ltht lUrncss, collars and
bridles, ono set silver-mounted light Harness, cot
tar end bridle, one set black mounted harness, one
it silver-lined light Harness, six set traces, two
breast chains, thirty. six chestnut pusus two thou.
caul chestnut pilings and a lot of other articles too
numerous to mention,
sale to commence at loa. in.
TEKM8: Any person purchasing to an amount
sTxceecUng ten dollars is 111 bo allowed six Months
reditwltJapproed security. No articles to bo re
moved unm Xhicoatlttlons of sale have been compil
ed wilh, and onj- purchaser refusing to comply with
these conditions w'll be held liable for any loss re
sulting from a secoui sale of 4 articles purchased hy
t. 11. ItAliKLEY,
s K.NOmt,
nioorasburg, April ST, ti-a Ass-stgnecs.
la permanently located at the
Pittsburg. Pa. Plueasea and Deformities of the
sploe, Uterine Isplace tuts, lijspepsla. Hernia and
Piles siiccc sufullt treated by the Uiiiiulua Si
of Metcbatili"il fuimoru. tailor lend for descrip
tive psuiwet, "The House you uve in." Jta
Aprtl so, 'T.lm w
nent disease In sertl e, can cet a pension by writing
to jonn KiiKpaiucK, un-uiwe,
AdrlJ SO, '11-lm w
ItxUI blllou.
TUli ft e'lilh mill I'llbcrt SIN.
WifliM-Iroa Air-Tiniit Heaters
W ith Slmkliiff ami niUf r-CrliwlluK (! rule., fur
Uurnlug Auliirnctir or jiiiuiuiuou ioui
0 12 N TIC N N I A I j
Cooking' Ranjcs, Low-down Orates
tVc, die.
Pescrlptlee Circulars sent yitkc toany address,
AprU ST, Tt-iy a n a
Spices of all kinds, Olass & Qaecnsworo,
Foreigu and Domestio Fruits,
Family Provisions.
ltusseir OM Stand,
itb door below Mai ktt street, liloomsbuiir, I'a.
nr Oocda dell , ered to all pans of ibe town.
AprU Kt, Tt-tt
r 1007000
rnctatiir llio Fiilfncr Pacta for Ike Vercl'tuit
Facts for the llorfcinm-Kacts I' r llio Hioelc.riu-(r
PaiUfor the l"ouitri-bsper rscts lor Iho ueo
k( sr Kivts for the Lawj er--F els for tbo laU.rer
Haiti for tho Frult-ralscr-Kul- forth, (lareteicr
I'ncM for iho nncu.r racts for ttie Dair.vnitn
Fuits for tli llei'i-elu.M Facts I revrir faintly iilio
w ants to save uioiiri .
That this Is the most Important ailverllssment for
rouyctiiiiwisliecl, bcti'S Iho hest chance to make,
money ever offered. The press endorses It, lour
own paper endorses It, everyono endcrs- a It.
Tlio Book of tho Nineteenth Century.
Male and female agents coining money on It fe-nii
to us nt once an'l get circulars free. INiiflAM.H.MII'lI
IlLAUK.Kl Walnut, street, I htUdelp'jla, I'a.
Notice is hereby given that the following- named
rrrsuns have AWl in tnoortleeof Iho court ! ejuar
ler Sessions their petitions for Tavern, hiitlng
noirse. or larpmr More i.icensn wnicu ui oe pre
sented to the Court on Wednesday, Jlay nth, A. 1),
John Keller, Heaver twp. Tavern.
Hiram lies, reioniwn,
Jotm W, Kite, Kutrurloif twp.
Isathan liredttenncr, lieaver two
iuaioiire ranter, urcenwoou twp.
liarl-s it. 1lettts!rlck.ltninloclc Lwn.
iiu-..-!hi ii. -.iiuiii.iu, m-u.t'r iw
llauiHl F. currv.
e'entrulia Dor.
CiHiynirtiani tp.
Centraita Itor.
convntrtiam twp.
Maillson two.
Maine twp.
locust twp,
llerwlelc (lor,
Catawissa twp.
.Maine twp.
llernlclc nor.
(iramro twn.
John L. Kllnf
tlllam I'eirfer,
John Monroe,
Jacob Miller.
John Lcucueif,
iv. ismiin.
K. boDirenncrzer.
elllntrton Ycatrer.
Iieniard -toimer,
11. uuji,
II Klsller.
novd II. titer.
lloyd W. U lillama,
eurKi s auger,
v. . uuiter.
Ivi . i a?ner,
Malison twp.
Montour twp.
' ent re twp.
bcvll twp.
Catawlsaa twp.
Tvust twp.
K. Mhnmii'n.
.Totan Eckmle.
llelfsnyder, )
lianlcl Kehrce,
Aarun w lluss,
.Minim twp.
Mquor Store.
nlel Ilobtilns.
Itotyrt llrysoo K Co. Centralla iior.
ihanna orunuer.
r. seynert,
W Cramer.
Berwick Itor.
eentralta lior.
Catawissa twn.
llerwlek li'.r.
e'atawtssa twp.
IterveicK Iior.
Catawissa twp,
lieavsr twp.
K. Khawn,
Katlntr House,
. II. uilmore.
stall Michael,
II. Kelchner,
K. Miller.
Charles Hiker,
Samuel llazledlDe,
II. F Zlltlt,
Clerk (l. S.
It. TntlPn la li-roliv (rii'-it tn nil lamilin. ...
tors and other persons iuten-eted In the estates ot
tho respective decedents and minors, that tho fol
lowing administration and KtrardUcn accounts have
been Hied In the otllce of the Kcflster ot Columbia
county, and will be presented for confirmation and
uiiiAvuiice ui iuu eiruiuuis e-oar eo ue ueia in
Hiooinshiirg, on Monday, thelth day of May, 1ST7,
s u ula, ji. ui. vii udj ;
1. Vlrst and final account of Oliver Watts. Admtiv
1-trator o Itolsrt Watts, lite ot Centre tuwu.
ship, deceaMHl.
1. Firs and Hnal a-conntof Conrad Kramer, Ad-
iiuuisiratur Li .iiuriLS rursei, laie 01 aiaatson
eoivnanip, occeasea.
rlrs'. and Ilnal account of .Ioaepb'1'. Conner and
Mur.iei.i. conur, Aummistrat iraot i.liuert II
Fowler, lateol CuGlieio vnsht;i, deceased.
Second and final account of VMltlam 11 UaL-tii.
buch and Wilson li. MHi k, Ailmiulsiratoisot
rei. r flieiucK, uieoi coic township, decea-eu.
Account of cnaHes VettTin in. KHcutori.r .Ml.
chill older, lit.i of Loin 1 1 in-.h 1, ileeuu-ed,
astll-dbe leia.elle letterui.en. AUintulstraior
of CairleB Pelterman deceisM.
Acenunt of K tas Slutltz. tluarillin of Friintlsl
riliiiltr, nn heir at law ol liorcaa bhultz, de-
Flux and Ilnal account of Andrew J. ricnclo and
Nicholas lieajjle, Hilmlalstratora of Michael
'Heaule.late of e.t. Pleasant ionsi!p. deeeiised.
Account of Aliram Waltnian, Executor nt
Zaner, lateea' UrlarcreekloMiislilp di'ceiused.
Frst and account of .Win Anderson, Ail
inlnlstratorot the cMiileor M.i . 1 hum tun, late
of Cuiiyngtuni township, deouie-ed.
Final account of s. II. Dtlaer lluaidl.iti of Frank
lin It. Thornton, u grand child and heir ot John
lllchards, deceased.
Flrbt and account of Mep'ieu ttearharr,
liuamiau nr liaulellieiirhart. mlnorchlld
cobtlearhart, late e.f Main township, deceases!.
12. tteeond account of Peter Ent, Administrator of
Yictunuion ii. Middle ei "looinsburg, ui ceas
ed as tiled b) Ills Administrator, r. Ent.
13. Second and partial acc.,uiiti.t Allen Mann. Ex
ecutor ol peter llturluirt, lato of Heaver towu
shlp, deceaseil. .
U. The second and tlnal account of Peter Ent, Ad
ministrator ui iv. .u. Mil. neceaMM, as nieu uy
usear 1. Kut, Administrator ot I'eter Km, de
ceased. 15. First and final account ot s. 11. Miller, tiuaidlm
or Jacob e. Martret. minor ciuuior Jacon Hart
zel, Jr., late of Mltlllu lonnshlp, deceased.
it. First and nnal acconntofj. II. Ilell'r, Atlmlnls
tratoroi.iacon iiariei, jr., late oi .iiinuntown
ship, deceased.
17. First and ilnal account of John Shuman, fluar
diaa or iienjainmanit iietirgo w Hosier, minor
children of Henry Hosier, late o Heaver town,
shtp, deceased, us died by his Executor John
18. First and tjnal account of Jonas tlartzel andJ.
II. Iietier. Kvccutors or JacuO liart7el, sr., late
ot AHQllu tonnslup, deceabed.
19. First and Ilnal aocount of I). A. Watson, nuarulan
or i-euriro e. liaison. uiiDor cniiu ot Ainaiuia
Watson, lato of Madison township, decease J. as
nieu uy .nary a. ii .itaou.umiuisirairix oi u. ,.
Watson, deceased.
20. First and flnal scconnt of 1). A. Watson, Admin
istrator of John stwisher, lute cr Madison town
ship, deceased, as filed by MaiyA. Watson, Ail
mlnlatratrH ot I). A. Watson, deceased.
SI. First and tlnal account of I). A. Watson, Guar
dian or mini regganit u.i regg, minor chil
dren ot Milium I'eng, late of Madtsuu township,
deceased, as lllcd by ear A. Watson, Admlnts
tratrlxof 1). A. Watson, deceased.
:2. Theaccountof John Lore, Administrator of Ann
Asnwn, law oi rino lownsuip, ueceaseu.
neclster'B oftlce. 1
Itloomshurg, priltf, ls"7.)
if The follow lnL- aDnrnihempntrf of ros anrt
peroonal propTtyBet apaitt-o ldouHof decedeitts
umbla county, under tlio Hulcs of Court, and u Ul lie
prusenica lor aDtsoiuto couiirmaiion i-o tue urpnaus
Court to brt held In II looms burir.ln and for saldcoun-
ty, on Monday, the 7th day of .May, isT7, at 2
o'clock p. m.t of said da unjis.8 oxceptlons to bucti
conniinaiiun ure previously uica, oi v-jiiui ail jrcr
Bony tuteruhted In said Chtutci v, in take notice:
1. Widow of Josiah H. Dodson, late of the borouffh
vi Di'irtii.k, uewftatru.
1. Widow or ADdrew Glnnlts, late of Main town
3. Widow of John 8humastlate of Dearer tow&-
4. Widow of John W. Glrtcn, late of M&dlson town-
, Widow of Thomas J. Thornton, late of Uie Town
or uioomsuurg.aecuased.
, Widow of niaha SUulu, late ot Ronton townslilp,
, Widow of Hobrrt r. Clark, late ot tie Towntf
iiiuuiosuurg, ueeeasea.
, widow of John C. Mordas, late ot ML Ilcasact
eu asm?, aoce&seu.
, Widow of'David A.Watsoi.lato of Madison town,
W. Widow 'f paclelBarig, sr., late of Itoartngcreek
luwiiEo;,, uuvvuscu.
11 Widow of John llclshllae, lato ot lleaton town
blilp, deceased.
Ilcirlster's onlce I W. II. JSi-onv
llloomsburg, Apr. S. Isio.! Ilevbter
YITM. F. BODINE, Iron Street Wow sec-
i ouu. liioarnhDurt?'. i'a.. lft nrnftrifi in rtn r,i
In the best atyles, at lowest. prices, and at short
I'artloahaylDfrauchworktoda will save inonee
klWUl( VU 1UU.
All work warranted to wive satisfaction. Ordnrs
March eT
tniiiHlATPRH nanrwi
urnau llliAlia, s.
..... UEA1W,
rosTKits, to., ta,
Veatl) s- aply printed at the Count
HI AN Offli-H
S.tlOK!!, Huoi and Coal tins, from defect!!
drills, iirevruted. No more worry with Uie
Nr cooking or healing. Send btaran lor circular I
nr.Mii coLHiltl), T! hansom bt, Philadelphia,
r I.ANK NOTB,with ornithout eiemptloi
I ) tor siO" st Uue ooltoium ofnee.;
Send sue. to O. r. ItoWELL 4 CO., New York, for
Uamnhlni n IsiA ft. . ns.w. .t 1 is. a- -. M.
L-4L CODLalnfmy liufa nf ftirtA
(- Dec it-tin
i7l.RTr.Bv irsTBtor or rrxNSTlTlNlA, S3.
Iho itnderslitticd beifby Rtres notl'o of hLsnp-
Eolnttn nt as AsVirrtsncf jobn . Pternsriilliiiomv
urir, tn tlio County ot ColumMa and Mated l-enn-silvsiita,
nlibtii said DMtli t. nbo bssbien nojuui,'
el a Unliiitt in lils ov. n relltton b) tbeUlslilit
Court Ulstrlct.
ot:oitoE n. ELWKMi,
Iilootnsburg, Apill V, 't-3w Assignee.
Tho undertls'eil berety Rlee notlroof thclrap
ruliitment ns amIkmisoi Stliemlsli beieeof I nick
Horn In the county 1 1 colnmbta a' n Piatee.f remi
se Ivanta, wltliln suld PHtilct, wliobasbeen arlpKIc;
e.1 a Bankrupt, on credltcrs' petition by tho Ulstrltt
I'ouriot said Ulsti let. 0. nARKUtY, K.Nouit,
lilooornbburx, ApiUS7, i-sw i (stances.
J.1 apptleatl'n will Iki made to I ho President
diiinro on llio Iltli day of May at S ocluck p. to., ror
a charter lo liicnrroriitts the Kulclitot )')lhlas llnlt
Assentation ot Mtfllln CrciSltenUs
c.w. mii.i.i;ii,
April 18, ';r-tit Atty. forAppllcanla.
estitb orUAnu moos, of.cbued.
Utters of Aitmlntstratlon on the estate of Maria
ttliris, lato of lilooms.tjiuir.t'oliiinbla Co., deceased
li.uo bueu Kiatitcd by the Iteclstcr of bald county to
Harry w, rlian ot samo place, Columbia county.
Adin'r., to Mhotn all ,ersons Indented aru request
ed to tnako nijjmenr, and tho&o liavlnt; claims or
eleinands against tlio said estate win make them
known to tue said Administrator itlthout delay,
Marcb SO, lirt-tiw
IN' pursuance ol an order nf Delano C. Cal
vin, f!q , Hurroalo of tho County of New York,
notice Is liTthyirU'in to all pcrsous having claims
arr.ilust Cliarlntto Eyer, lato of Catawissa, rennsj l
eanln, but leaving assets within tho city and county
of .sew York, deceased, lo present tlio s:im" ulih
vouchers thereof to the subscriber, nt his onico, -No.
OS all "Street, in the t lty of New York, on or before
tlwelKhte-nth uae of .tunc nent.
JiatiHl, .Sow York, Uiu seventh day of Diicember,
I)ccl5-cm .tccutor.
Notice la hereby given that tho following accounta
havo been lltixl In IheolU-u of the l'rothonotary of
Colttmbl.rcounty and will be presented to tho Court
on the sib day of May next, at which time they wtll
bo tonflrincd nt. at aad dually continued after four
days ' nless xccptlons aro filed wlthtn that tlmo.
First and final account ot John V, Evrtss, Assign
ee of Nathan W, Htcckcr,
The Hrst'acc'.untot William Lamon, Trustee of Ihe
est ite of Jacob Moyer, dee'd
The account of K. W. Lyon. Trustee to sell the
real estate of Joseph llougUtor.. lulu ct I'loe town
ship. 11. FItNK ZAHIt, I roth.
April , tST7-tc
TVrilEIlEAS, the lion. William Kiavkll
President Judgo of tho court otOjer
Terminer and fienernl .fa 1 tvilverr, court of Qusr
U r sessions of the Peace and thoCuuitot Conunou
I'leasand orphans' Court In tho Dls
trlct, composed ot th" counties of Columbia and
Montour, and the linns. I. K Krlckhaum and F. L.
riiiiiinuii, Asms late ludgesot Columbia couiitj , bat
Issued their precept, bearing dale the .lath day of
March, In the j ear e.f our Lord one thousat d eight
hundred and seieuty-seien, nnd to meiilricted fur
holillnga Court otuyer and Termini rand lieiierul
Quarter Sessluus ut tho Peace, Court of common and orphans' Cuurt, lu Dloomsburg, In the
county of Columbia, on the nrst Monday, being the
tn day ut May next to continue two weeks.
Notice Is hereby given lo the Coroner, to tho Jus
tices of thu l'eace, and thu Constables of thu said
ountyof Columbli, that they bo ilnnaiul therein
their proper person nt lo o'clock In the forenoon of
said Ttli day of .May, with their records, lnqul
sill ius and other remciiibiances, lodu those things
hleh to their oillcea apjicrtulii to bo doue. And
iho-," thi tare hound by recognizance to prosecuto
ugntnst he prisoners uro or may be lu tho tall
of tlie said cuuuty of Culumbla, to bo then und there
luo.iecuto them 44 shall lw Ju .t, Jurors ate re
quested to bo punctual In their attendance, pgrersubly
tnctr notices. Ii.'termt lilouiiisburg theuih ilaj
i ,) ot April, In thu jear of our Ijril imo
I- s. Mhousiitid eight hundred and seventy-seven
i ) nud In the unu liundred aud ilrsteear ol
the Independence of the United states ot America.
fjherld's onice, JtillN. W. HOFFMAN,
llloomsburg, Apr 11 13 to Mierlft.
l'lirLIt LCKIlorE ANU,
Supervisors ot Ueavur township for Ihe year ending
.itru i, isii.
'0 amount received from last yeat JSJ oi
aniotineotilil .iicato lur i-o l. siYi
amouut received f ruin unseated Unit tax t'',5 H3
t,n; 61
31 S3
l,l.-2 CS
151 II.
a la
2 Cn
l.l 50
is en
;y exonerations and lands returned .
' labor on roads, isw
" h lultng ou roads 1T
" plank un roads
" error In adJlug duplicate
iuu,- uuum
services of superilsors
nilcellaneous evpi'nsus
balance due tuwushlp
f l,c7 fl
Apill Sill, IS'f. Kxainincd aud
lieaver toivnshlD.
ct-i uneu.
AU.KV Mivs. )
I'arKii KSEGtiT,
Api II 20, T7-lm
I'ur Yvnr Uniting April !.
OCOlifili PeTKN, Poor Oierseer of Kcnvcr town
snip, i. ouiinoia county.
To balance, at settkmcnt I.n-t year
viuuiini ui uiipncaie lur is.ij
t" il
Aiuuuue leceiveu 110111 unseated lands....
837 4!
XOneratlons and l.llidsrcttirnil
'aid htato Hospital lor keeping James
T'J 11
S S7
' blieiltT I'orniMil.l for ktieptng.lus.lluilnr
4 expenses taking Jus. Ilnrlorto UDSi.ltnt
' It. P. eiardner, medical services for
Ilarlor.. .. . .
1 c. Hredbenner for keep ng Nancy crasy
a pauper. . , '
' .Mrs. .Met Iran for Keephig . shfjlhaci-.
iner a imupeT
' clothing and removing (lea linUer to
l'hllodelphln (a pauper)
' services of overseer nf loor
" eommlfslcn ctcolKctor
mlscul'alinuus einf-i.sps
15 00
til ca
19 67
0 Ml
Dalance due tov.nsl.ln
KM 41
neaver towashlo. AorU 9. isit
1'Tamlned acl
AprU w, 7I-lm
j.1 u.i euii.Msiur, AruiL, 1S77.
To amount of dupllctt-of unseated land.
., vm. mi, ,u, at .............. ,. . . faill l
Uy money paid out, corcmlafdon. or.
mtk,&c w mou
ANDREW J-OUEMAN, Supervisor.
To amount of duplicate, undated lundic.
Hy work, percentage, sstvIccs, ac.......
To balance-
JEStiE JOHN, Supervisor,
ii n.
To amount ot dupUcate
By work, plank, orders, a ,.... ..
570 35
To balance .
til 99
WM. 0. 1'ISllEK, School Director,
i o amount ot scuooi and Dutldlng tax.. f l,tW 10
uy vruers, perceneage, c M j ij9 41
By balancc
lu. . t l.
.lonis UIUI,
Arm vo, f-im
yiLLIAM Y. KliiTF.R,
Corner of Main and 1 st streets, three doors below
J, K. l.jefa klcre,, I a.
,.,'r,Pf .rromptly atltLd-d to and satisfaction
Apill S7, 77-lf
l),",S.u,lu.,ll.1f.!lu..ful1. AUieihjst stone bean iin,
goia.ilaUileddTng II ny.set roebud Knr lirips
Udies Uonered and silvered hat pin: Lndlet isilpi
ed Muds. Ihe entl
I no I'liiirn lot K t. i iw.-.i.tM..Vi
r-nlitfi IAwtrP.. -'avi wi uv
" i mut;. .iC lUlKt
AprU,7l-4ir el
executed promptly
At tue Columbian Office,
r I 1 1 ) I he 1 lp Top Package Is the luigest and best
J.1J selling out. ItKMi AMI MKK? IN Burets
Nut.1 rarer, I n hnielope'S, Pencil, lenliold r, ejold
enl'en, eel ot elegant guld stuuo Mirir Ituttui.s.
ilents Uke Cleon-e 1 amend Mn. Ain. ii.vJi
1 aucliy & Co'ty A&vt'a.
ON iv ritisi) fit rru'lr. iitrlB! ferll ta. I tut lor
1 cte, inunsn.p, iLeap Mmlo elii Mtcd'i bcrrp,
Mass. Air ltJ, u
nr.rt.rciANT o.ihih mi styica mtu tnme,iii
.I c. post paid. J. H. United, Nassau, Kins tev.
K. Y.
April 7,-i-iw a
1 J 'Vfl cope curious lOTcletter,! pk, comic cards
' 1 1 Lit raek toppttig question cards; all fur 10
cts .no staino run Cuid Co., .Mlddieboro, us.
AtliirT, U-w il
ttesi bsrgalnsln merlcaTATJCl P. Manfha
Masand Catnlngun (rie.l' Aft UlODoTer, IM.
A ,'i II JT.'JI-lw d
liTTvrt packagn comlo Knvolopos, pk. coral
Cards, pk. scroll cards, 51 p. txk of Fun i
nil tur
10 c. & stamp. Novelty Co., Mlddtebaro,
ApiiiJi, Ji-it a
V i XI tfl V II An old established N, Y. and tlava
rt 1 ' I IjI'uii firm want llrnrrnl Aet
In Il.'oontsburgor e lclruiy to control thosaleaot Lhstr
ttgnr. A Permanent I'a) Ing Position for an ao
ee, tilsin man. Must bo energetic and reliable. Mi
dress, HAMUM, L'JPEZ Co., 147, lieado street, M.
. April JT,17-ivr d
v n i r 1. 1
a ure remedy for rotTails, ami nil dlseakra of
TtlRr'sVi', LI NUS, ClIBsT and AILCOL" MEM
lJIfANJ;. Put up only in JBluo Hpxoe.
O V. CItl rTF.NTOV T fiUth Aveiilio, 'eT Tork.
Jlurch o, U
IiTT T 1 pack acquaintance cards, 1 pk.
. Uli flirtation t pnrK ficroll, all sorli. ro
for onJr
iu roatt ana stamp. Fun Lara cu.( Mtaaieboro Mm.
April 2T, 'TT-4W d
. nnjitrti. heau AND -tIs
'IH K .rot Nrrn irr. ImMsiismA
Lka Ovorrn Iuminil I'tn, 1mlt;lrt At"ii K nrtnliil nk
fotd. Atnrtfitt ht'-n Hcrf Tin. Ooul rUtl Wkvtdh)7 Btiie.
But Rrxtflmil Far lrori, I Adlet flu eri And Itlivrml flftl Fine,
Idl"t FanfT Kt I'ln A Irnp. (htW OolUr, (UvH
iiOMi mhm M-'n Lnnin una r! ri Trin-m iioin fintn
lht mttr l r tmx pn-t-juitit for ol I
Clinton Ptacef New York.
i I comic oil chromn, 7x11, mono ted.
i worth S3 c , I pk. loye cards, 1 pk. coio-
lo cnyulopes. I pk. comlo cards, 1 pk.
--scroU, ' w p Dook ran. all sent for only
8 c. nips Noyetty co., ltddlchoro, Mass.
.pru Ji, '7t-4tv d
.a Chance for all to malto or Save
sold at lower prtcos than the same qualities can be
On' gut at any othur houso in this country. AU
goons gtidrumevd to bn satl-fuctoryaad as retire
keuH'i.uithem me will be n tundwt on return of tho
g ' -r!s ii hlch may be done at our expense.
. if i pntatlun of our house fur skllino STiNDASP
no ijs , t i,iv riitces (forsa years), has given us a
-t.n In i In ow ioik city and vlelulty, that Is not
eij w i hy any other houe In the tra te. .sfterma
mi' i utsTDU'in we bare determined to offer our
gt.1- i i hriisekeeH;rs tn the Interior, at the lowest
wiioL-.-it.i'. TiiAuu esicis, wh n a cluh Is formed
l.irt." eno'i'rh t'j make a small case. Tne goods of
e. e .icmtjir of tie lull will Uo putln teparate
w. i ;,-s.iiinl tn irkcl ulth namiandcot, soasto
moid "infitstiju In nl Irlbutl iu tlods will he seat
by i n evs to 0' msuvsav. All wishing to
sive . oneyby purt'ii.ibig family supplies at .Mrs
York iihiileKnlo trices c.iu talk the mailer over
atno .1- filiifls an 1 neighbors, and Bend toua for
Ml. Circular, I'tlce-ilt. &c. We glvoa presentot
lit: i 1,'oods or money to the person who gets np
tlie luh, tu .cnnirs-nsare. for trouble etc. Simpiow
of 1 11 v X CtiKKCL sent by innll.
diner's ITott Vcrk and CWni Tea Co.,
M. H..M08ES & 00., Proprietors,
77, Tfl.S! Ill, unit 8(1 Vesey street, Ji'cvr Vor
AplUi.'ITJW a
NOTICE. W fein th
Mt RT)I Mil Mlsing
tft-Fnnj . rtAnrll . TtAnnnlrlstr . iwtlilnn Tvnn .
Jf tjirj uuptt tnmnl pMknn, wttb rlicwit foM-pUUd
Tfta Diiitoni. twi'J nuwi' iiisniuiiHbi imncy i
iroii. Tisisit-pMfl , 25 cniitt, S pBstkai. with
J.3la wet Ght I-riunt Uver Wtitrh ttm to I
B!ID; A. CQ..7BD Braadv
tmt, pin
ui. a I rwia omi rnitnt ler mrn im w uianaia.
BtiD: iL CO., 70S Broadway. N.t.
ss s I encll l'enhnMsr snd run,,rrnkrire.KnrtVM
?!; rr, l-amrniiur ltql.Ur, mint M.t bin.
e utlsr. sn.l I .r Kionioi; faonmi. CuIUhr off llMks tnd Bre
iSVi?! ".tU,td lj"t llm. innll in
f-cilrlim miner sn.l r It Is tm tt .lllrf; srtic rat.
Rimpl. 23 rriitl.SM tir n I . ElrsoMlnrlnJi?raiiu
riniVjt iVA0!"; ""trjoMn mjtiii.iii im
RIDE i. Co., 760 Oraadway, N. Y.
I IOVIl ravrllATIlW (ur TWO
70S BroaCwar, New few
Aiuil a, '(,-tiv d
Pen this. Only jl 'o caoitaJ rev
einired to start canvassins for
Mark Twain's New Serap Book.
l.s ' ast Hght ht.,N'ew Tr'k CANVASSERS
nprll 13 : 7-1 iv
Ireontatns nparlv irui n,,.. .nnv.ti. t t.,i.i.
Int'sumlsLvnesIn tuu em t Exhibition, and lstho
only iiutliiT.'Ie and eomple'e hwuiry puoilshed. K
treats ot tho grand biitdlnrrs.ivonilerfui exhibit, eu.
rlo'itl.'s. gtent events.i tc. oy cheap and seita at
Stht t'llu aLent EOlil JS colli,.-, ill nnA rlnv. Ia.
ou.- nvr.i tiuus to.iveutaud a mil deserintinn rrf
1 110 lit . A(ldr "-S NATtOVAI, 1'cbi.isuiso Co., l'hUii
delpi.1 1. r,i.
( ?A I I I I OX 1 nrcllaWe and worthless books
, V 1 1 , , J ,lia KsWbltlon nra Iwlng dr.
culnted. Uo not be deceived. Iho that thebooUyo-i
nnHi,!-iH.lrnT'',i''s P'Sesand nearly 400 engravlnsn.
Is what Induces so many people lu bearcu of
Sl't.t-MHU f llHUXC LAND
to go to Michigan, and eeiect from tl e
it ''"co'"1 ffr""1 01 Uw 0raua ltHplJa aai 'aU
t-iiong soils, Buru crops, plenty of timber, nu
dimitli.-, grasshopp. rs. or chinch bu ' Mm.
too i.i ng s nams, ready markets, cUIIIzation and
EClirsih,. itallroad runs through centre of granu
Prkefrom fi tolio ivracre. feud for our IllustnT.
td p unpiil-t. fun of facts In Oernian nrt vniiIJ
.ay in what paper you .i v this notice. Addrvw
W. 0. HUGH ART, Land Oomm'r.,
OKANI) UAl'lDH, Mlejil" '
Title I'erfeer
March S, 1677-3ra
T. D. Kellogg'a Advts.
New llEvisun rniTiOK. articles, s,ooo e.
gr&itngs, and 18 splendid maps. The HK3T HOOK
or universal knon ledge tu Iho language. Now In
oouiieot publication. bi'Koixir.N with map seat
tor "menu. AOUSTS WASTED.
VHAH. II. DAVIS & CO., lMllla.
ArrJ-ly. 7
Tlitrclny M.
70.-JSW k
ni:w YOIIK.
Aug. II,
tvi.s', ,,;AT,'T HAm CRIMVER8
I Adopted by all tho uneens of fashion, hendfesr
Qr.c,ul'lr,' w,I: ,?v,:,? No "WNcilh HfUitstmc
Philadelphia, I'a, Hce.s, 16 tni J W
Ci:i)AR VATS AND TANKS. for brew,
e ra, djers, cheiulsts, manufacturers and prtvau
iLvcUlngs, u he. J. HbltKHAKT A cu .
Juno a-iiw, luittonttood m., boiow Hroid.
I1I1KR (IOOD.S of eve
lit Itlntr litrLlnv Himla ibu,ias;..i ., I- .T'
fiS'iit Vi.1,1?'.",' LFvll.K'h0.: co '"C'her.
June is-hiv "."" fttiiuum nuouer co.
Babcock 8c Wyeth'a Ads
lstaleu InteruiUly, and ltoUluly funs l(hiuu,i
tlsm. oeiut eurul(fla and Lumbago. trSolil bv
Diugglsts, Maiiungion, b.C,
UCt 6, 7c, y, Uw
F.A. Uhmana, t-ollcllir ot .Mncrtcan aud lWtu
Patents, WoihlLutcn, . c. All builntia connetncsl
with ratenu, whether ttore tho I'uteht (Jfflco vt
thu Coutla, prconpiiy attended to. Mo charge uuus
ut-JsjhaapatffiUitfvd, UetiatorRClrcuUr.
May it-u licw