The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, May 04, 1877, Image 2

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r . . ' t ' I ' , r v r- .. jl -
Friday, May 1. 18 7 7.
Ooilio 27tli April ft llill of Onmiilalnt In
Kquity preaeiitl to Jiiil;ti Elwcll at
Chambers tiy Mewir. Knorr, Tliiekalew ami
llsrltley as S'lVieitor fur William IVaeock,
Mattbow W'ynV'o'. Mattliiu H. Al.nlfmnn,
John A. Kunton, Hiram 1), Appienian rl
Alintr Velid, Phtitltfft, against John Her
ner, .T.uepu E. dan ii and Silas W. Mctlenry ,
Commissioner of Columbia County, anil
Chafes Knigr Drfendantt, in nlilch the pur
chao of the l'utel lot for the location of
the new County Prison and the letting of the
contract lo Charts rCruir for 5fl,975, were
objctcd to, and a preliminary aid alo a
perpetual Injunction were prayed fur to re
strain the Commissioners from locating the
Prison upon the Pursel lot, and from con
tracting with Krilg fr the erection of the
same, and nls.1 lo restrain Km? from outer
ing jut," surh contract, Ac.
The preliminary injunction mked fir wm
orcrc to continue tritll the hearing f the
cae, and leave w.u grmied to the pirttos t
move,tu tlUwlvii or outluui' l!ic i ijuuctini
on Vy'etfncjdjy of the pr.-iprit wog. ivou
afliifavits to he prr'-r-ntp-l. By .iiV".pi.'i)l
agreement ot ooiinn 1 the tlm win e.t'eudi d
to Saturday and natn lo Titesday evening
tiex, May 8th, wluu a hearing is to b iiad.
The legal points raised by the Bill in
Equity will ba for the determii'iatiou of tho
Court, but the meritt of the case In a wider
weep which shall cover all considerations
of expediency, economy aud propriety, are
ftill completely open for tho examination
and judgment of the public.
Tirrt, as to tho Cost : The Contract is to
be for" $57,000, nearly ; tho new lot, 4,000 ;
Architect, $500, and Extras and Supplemen
tal outlay an untnotcn amount, but pretty
certain lo exceed $20,000. In fact, we will
be lucky to escnpo with an expenditure of
O,000 to Sm.OOo, and it may reach $100,
WX. When we shall have paid for all the
inevitable extras consequent upon changes
and modifications of the work during its
progress ; for all item of construction out
aide of the contract; for supplemental con
tracts for beating, for water and for gas, and,
added to all this, the furn hh ing oj the Prison
in n suitable style, It will be found that the
above iigtires are moderate statements and
intimates of expense. The one supplemental
contract made the other day at Sunbury,
upon the Wetzel Prison there, wai for 18,
000. This exhibit caunot bt viewed otherwise
than with indignation when we remember
that Wetzel's estimate for construction uu
der his plan, on tho old jail lot, was from
$37,000 to $49,000, according to modification
of details, inclusive of an absurdly high es
timate for g-ading the lot. That expense of
grading, (which he put, wc believe, at $3,-
000, but which other competent men put at
$500) wan to be saved by a new location of
the Prison upon a level lot. But the new
location is to carry the expense enormously
upward Instead of reducing it, besides the
price of the new lot. It is known also that
a most competent contractor and architect
proposed in writing lo construct the Prison
with equal capacity to that of the Wetzel
plan, and of approved arrangement, for a
total cost not to exceed $50,000, and to
guarantee the proposition by good security.
Second, the Location: This la both ex
pensive aul unfit, the cost much above
market value, the ground subject to leakage
from a run, and without sufficient space for
ita proper use. And the old Jail lot is to
be abandoned, and perhaps sold for a small
sum If the County can make a good title to
a purchaser.
We shall hereafter give the substance of
the evidence produced in tho Equity case,
and a full history of the proceedings lor
loading down the people of the county with
a mass of unnecessary and profligate ex
A supplemental contract on the completion
of Sunbury Prison for machinery, fixtures,
Stfi., was let a few days since by the Com
missioners of Northumberland County with
the assistance and manipulation of Mr.
Charles B. Wetzel, Architect. This appears
to have been his final achievement with ref
erence to that structure, about the cost and
management of which there has been con
siderable public discussion. At the late bid
ding for tho supplemental contract the bids
rauged from $11,000 to $17,100, and the bid
for 17,100 wen accepted, upon pretences
about as substantial as those we have heard
of in another case nearer home. We believe
jt is alleged lu excuto of the Commissioners
that during the progress of the work the
Architect had made changes several times,
of which the contractor complained, and to
pacify him and avoid n suit ngainst the
Comity, they concluded to take his higher
bid for the additioual work. This explana
tion seems to us rather tl(in,but it is perhaps
the best the nature of Oio transaction per
mits. Wetzel contracts seem to reverse all
ordinary rules of public letting if m not the
leutr bidder hit the higher bidder xcho
wim t
. Mr. Wayno McVeigh went to Iuieiana
on the last commission and having staled
everything and everybody except Packard,
" is to have "an Important foreign mission.''
To get one of these little- trifles is a easy as
rolling off a log ; all you have to do Is to
nerve on some kind of a couimUslou to In
vestigate Southern atfUrs and the thing is
i . - .
The body of P. P. Illlss, the Evangelist,
who was killed in the terrible railroad dls
aster at Ashtabula, has been found In the
lake fifty miles from the place of accident.
It' Is supposed that the body fell on a cake
of ice and was carried out by the current to
the lake.
' Here's another appropriation exhausted
this time the one for printing blanks for the
Post oflice Department. Did the expenses
f the Presidential election have anything
to do with this as In the Attorney Geueial'i
Department? Or does it arise from having
a double-headed restrnaster UeneralshlpT
Isaiah Uanscomb, chief of the Construe
tioa Bureau of tho Navy Department has
been relieved fromduty, Uanscomb was one
of Uobeson's warm friends and many thou
nands of dollar appropriated for other pu
pose were transferred to his bureau. No
reason U given in me dispatch lornls remov
a), but It looks as if the new Secretary of
the Navy thought the people could spare
HaiucoibIi to advantage.
An Act pmwl by tho Legislature on tho
4lh!of April, 1870, in relation to the erection
or alteration of County buildings aud bridges,
nppllcablu to eleven Counties of tho Com
tnonwealth, Is u very oxcollent law, and If
It were In force In this County would be a
complete protcci to the people against
Wetzel job and contracts. By that Act all
such work Is to lm publicly advertised for
four weeks, nud 'oaled bids therefor are to
be received and publicly opened, "and the
contract awarded to tho Imcitl Udder or bid
den, who shall within ten days thereafter
give security to tho Commissioners for tho
faithful performance of tho contract.'' A pro
vision Is add 'd that boforo the contract Is
nw:trdd It hIibII he appr veil, together with
tho Burr-tlrs tor its performance, by the
Ju-hjM of t'- Court of Common Pleas of
the proper C inty, and any violation of the
Act by tho CommUt'tanTs will subject them
to Indictment and to pay a tine not exceed
ing 32010.
This is indeed a very whnhsnmo, sound
and salutary law, affording a much needed
sanction to principles of duty arid obligation
resting upon public officers, which aro not
always properly observed. The approval by
the Court of contr.tcts and, the penalty im
posed upon O' nuiissioaor) who violate the
statute aro new and important provisions ;
but wo belii-vo the body of tho statute is
d'claratorij on!; of the existing law tlirouiih
out the Sutc, i wit, that such work should
be given nut to tho l iRVit Wdib r at n duly
advertised pub it lettjor. ii'ion "ea'wl bids
pnbllel hnt, ni. ti s. arm ':.-!
andf .1- I1.!, y tC"jer.d. Thu u .veu I l.i'
tij..;e a- u hc tr..ii.iijt of hr.ii.-v; wu wots ,
vid eury r qiirennt of it is binding upon
"I'.'.r. rs, wf", es. Tclsinji public truif; axo
h'.uudj to it utru it o I fuiiS n:.d vigilance
." tie pttfeftutkuw t; ih jr luH' T.
It i: i.ijt 33 surprising that wat is again rac
ing if. Harcfe us it is -that tho recent inter
val yi' peace continued unbroken to long.
Europe has not enjoyed a period of tran
quility for that length of time for half a
century. If the studious reader of hlstery
will track badfc in bis memory he will find
it difficult to recall a period sites 1827 when
five or six yearn clapt-ed without a war in
Europe, and there has certainly been none
sinue 1849 when some of tho "great powers"
were not in conflict. Intervals of pence
have prevailed for two, throo or four years,
but seldom or never for six years, as in the
instance now broken by tho war between
Russia and Turkey. If we except tho brief
and sporadic conflict between Servia and
Turkey last year, there have been no armed
hostilities of any cousoqucnoo In Europe
since the clow nf the French-German war
of 1870-71, which made the names of Woerth,
Met and Sedan, and the long siege of Paris
familiar to tin reading world. Pour years
hod elapsod i.t that time siuco tbe last pre
ceding struggle between great powers, in
which Prutsid, In alliance with Italy, made
battle with Austria. That was in 1866,
leaving in It train mwy thousands of deso
lated households aud the memorable names
of Ko;oiggrat2 and B&dowa. Next before
this, and with an interval of but two years,
was the unequal war made by allied Prussia
and Austria against gallant little Denmark,
about the famous Schlcswig-Holstein contro
versy. Prior to that again, and leaving a
peaceful Interval of about four years, was
the Austrian war against Sardinia, In which
the French Emperor, Louis Napoleon, took
in the quarrel on the side of Victor Em
manuel and, on the celebrated fields of Ma
genta and Solferino the first of which male
the present President of France a Marshal
and a Duke brought into life the existing
Kingdom of Italy. That was in 1859, tho
formal peace being concluded in I860. Here
again thero had been a four years' interval
of peace since the close of the Crimean war
in 18-56. This had begun in 1853 between
Russia and Turkey alone, just as the present
war begins now, but it soon involved Great
Britain, France' and Sardinia on tho side of
Turkey, Although twenty years havo gone
by, Alma.balaklava, Inkerman and Sebasto
pol, with the sanguinary and deadly assaulta
upon the Redan and MalakniT forts, are'
names and conflicts stiH fresh in the public
memory. That war began in 1853, having
succeeded another Interval of European",
peace, wmcn bad lasted the usual period of
about four years. Its predecessor was the
gallant struggle made by Hungary for Inde
pendence agaiost Austria, which, beginning
itn most notable success In 1848, suddenly
-.11 1 l. -- iL. .1 1" . . ! r r, - -
wjiiaiMru ay van ueiecuon oi ueorgey from
Kossutb, alter Russia had joined Austria in
1849. At that period nearly the whole of
Continental Europe was shaken to Its centre
by the simultaneous revolutionary outbreaks'
in France, Austria, Prussia, Russia, aud
some other Kingdoms and States,
This was less than thirty years ago, and
lthln that period we have enumerated seven
great European ware. The average interval
of peace has been less than four years, and
this which Is now terminated is by far the
longest time of tranquility the war-damaged
peoples of Europe haye enjoyed. Prior to
1848, and as far back as 1827 fifty years ago
the conflicts of arms were as frequent, but
not on so great a scale. Turkey and Egypt
were trying to destroy the life of Greece in
1825-27, but were baffled by Russia.England
and Francc.nt tho naval battle of Navarlno.
Turkey and Russia had onuof their numer
ous wars in 1828-29. Poland rose in Insur
rection In 1830, but was quickly crushed by
Russia. Ilelgium and Holland had their
me in 1830-31, France and England Inter'
veulng at the siege of Antwerp, Turkey and
Cgypt took their turn In 1832, Spain's flret
Carlist war began In 1834 and lingered until
1839, and was, in the meantime, overlapped
by the French wars in Morocco and against
bd-el-Kadr,bcginnlng lu 183b, and continu
ingtill 1845-48. Russia and Turkey wero also
ar In 1839, .These dates bring us again to
that memorable period of 1848, when nearly
all Continental Europo was convulsed. It
appears to be the periodic law of tho laet
half century In European affairs, that after
an Interval not exceeding four yearn of pence
war Is sure to break out, and this last eriod
ofjfive or sU'ycars of tranquility is,thereforc,
a rather remarkable exceptIon.-'iiiaiV)Aia
A dUpatch from Washington explains
bow Uoutwell, the JlossacbusetU statesman
and financier, got his appointment on the
Commission for the Revision of the Statutes,
It seems that Grant nominated Kenneth
Rayner nf North Carolina for the position
just before the close of his administration
but the appointment weut to the Committee
on the Revision of the Laws, of which Bout-
well was Chairman and that worthy held on
to It uutll Graut went out of office. Now
Hayes has appointed Uoutwell. If he does
as well as a Reviser as he did as Seuutor
and as Secretary of tli Treasury he will,
establish another claim on the gratitude of
the nation.
Senator John J. Patterson states that he
will preach the funeral oratlou of the Repub
lican party, at Columbia fl. O, where a meet
ing of that party is to be hol'l. If l'ntttNiu
wouMonly give some gifted orator a chance
to do that service for hlui, what a thrill of
ineffable delight would agitate the nation.
It U cheering to know that Ohio Iim not
been forgotten in the distribution of ufficlAl
prizes. The I'renJueiit.Ueneral and l.ieuteti
izes. i ne i rewiieni,vif nenu arm i.ieuuri
t General of tlm nrmv, Olilef Jufilco Hnd
i Asiociate Justicoot' tlie Suprclne Court,
Chief Justice of the District of Columbia,
Secretary of the Treasury and Minister to
Japan nil hatl from that Stnto,aud now conies
ex-Governor Noyes, also of Ohio, ns minis
ter to Franco, Thero are In ndditlon llobody
knows how many appointees from Ohio lu
the various departments of Government so
niaiiy in tho Treasury that they talk of throw
ing o:ii nf them out. U 1Vj ns f Hayes
had taken Wtn ilu''er's st,m nli.l given
an office for every vote nf the majority which
Ohio gavo him somo 5000, We have no
doubt that it is all civil scrvico reform but
whether it Is Schurz's rcfor -i r t White
Uoup ariiclo wo ditn'-tM.- A'iv .v.-it is
a good thing to be a pitrtut ana i jtter to
bu ono from Qiiio. Let tho hand p'-uy.
Parson llrownlow died last SuiJr.y In
Knnxvillo, Tenii. Tho "Id gcntl'lao. bad
been so quiet of late and took si subordi
nate a part in politic, Pint even his ene
mies will hardly rejoico it his eparturo.
He was h bitter partisan, tiinrriit:hly in
earnest and probably believed in nla system
of politics.
I'p. Shiloh's System Vltallzi-r.
We an1 authorized to j;aarnt-i till rni
eilv tor th eiiri,t Dyspepsia, Ii.j.etivi' Liv
er,. Siur Stoma !, Constipation. Ii- if Ap-iu-,lie,
C I'iof. lip fl ri'o'l. ' ' . S di,
.! , ial Li l' l r V i
'.iu- K '.I d. ill ! i . i
nU". o I IV.- I d i I 'ti J : t ,"i . :
It I n -i" V. mi ivli" tin 'i .".i
,hfV! con.paiiiti tlo'se i sv 'r
'and willy .i .vn'inw ' ' ym
can bo cured on, such t ".t.s I 1 1 .s t ,r you
ti determine. Sample bottlo 10 cnt : rVi-
u'.nr size 75 cents. Sold by O. A. Klciin aud
N J. ilondcrshctt.
60.000 din annuilly by neglecting a
Couzti. Cold or Croup, often leiding to
'Consumption and tho grave. Why w ill you
neglect so imporraui a mailer, wnen you
caugetnt our store Sblloh's Consumption
Cure, with the assurance of a speedy recov
cry. For soreness across the Cheat or Lungs
or Lime BaJt or Bide, Shiloh's Porous
Piaster gives prompt relief. Sold by C. A.
Klcim and N. J. Heudershott,
ack. a noiiu
fume. Sold
by O. A. Klelm and N, J. Hen-
March SO, 7 7-cow
burg, May 1, 1877, by E. E. Orvb.Mr. H.
F. Everett to Mies Mtra McUenry, both of
YOUE DRUM At Catawissa, April 16,
tort I... I.- n II ranMknt- f T a nildp
-Yoho to Miss Sarah Drum, both of Main-
CLEWELL TUBUS On the 26th ult.,
in Bcv. J. A. Irvine, Mr. George
Clcwoll to MissEvaJ.Tubb-i, allol llerwick.
Wheat per bUfcbbl..,
, t 1X0
Corn, new, " ...
Flour per barrel 10.00
I .86
Dried Apples
sides tt Shoulders
Lord per pound
Hoy per ton
Timothy Beod
No. 4 on Wh&rl ,71 3,40
per Ton
r.o.0 - i s,n
s&i 1 2,00
Biaasmiu-s Lump cm wnan. is 40
BltnrolBoaa ' $4 60
It has never been kuowa to fall In tho cure o
weokneeat attended with symptoms ot Indisposition
to exertion, loss ot memory, dime ulty of breathing,
weakness, horror ot disease, night sweats, ooid lect,
noaliacss, dtmness ot vUkio, languor, universal las
situde ot tho mnscular system, enormous appetlto
with drepepUc aymptoroa. hot hands, llushlai; ot the
body, dryness of tho eUn, pallid coantenanco and
eruptions on the face, purlfyln; the blood, pi In In
the back, bearlnctis of the eyelids, frequent black
spots flying before tho vj ea, with suauslou and loss
of Bight, want of attention, etc Kola only la 1 bot
tles Get the Genuine. Depot and oOlce, ss, North
Ninth Bt, Philadelphia. Advice tree. AakforKF.
Kunkcl-s liltttr ,Wlno ot Iron, and take bo other
moke. Ocnulne soul oaly In 11 boUlaa.
Debulty, a depresMd Irritable state ot mind, a
woak, nervous, exhausted leellcg.m tnorfy or ani
mation, confused head, weak memory, the conse
quences ot excesses, nwmUl overwork. Thta nervous
doburty nadsa Mverolra sure in . P. Kunxel's
UlUerWtae of Iron. It toot the Bystem, dljpela
the menUltoom and despondency, and rejuven
ates the entire system. Sold oaly In tl bottttia. Oct
the genuine gold by all drugglnts. Ask tor . F.
Kunkel'd Bitter Wine of Iron, and take no other
Oeauln sold only la II bottloa, or six bottles tor la.
All I ask Is a trial ot this valuable medicine. It will
convince the most skepilcal of Its merlta.
.F. KunkePa Worm Hyrup naver falls to destroy
Fm. Seat and Stomach Worms. Dr. Kuoiel la tho
only successful phyolclan who removes Tape Worm
In two hoars,had and all complete alive, and no fee
tin hoad passes. Common eenao teaches u Tape
Worms can bo rcuovesVUI other warms can be read
ily destroyed, tend tor circular to Dr. KudkeL 369
North Ninth rtreet, Philadelphia, pa., or ask your
aragglftt for Kunkoln Worm tfyrop. lYK-o tl per
oottls. It never falla. Ufaod by caldron or grown
persons with perfoct safety. May.
tiotlca U hereby given that application will be
made to Hon. Wm. Klweh, Prwldent and Law Judgo
ot th'3 Courts o( llMwnl la Ooliunbla county, on tho
iwth day ol .May, A. D., l17, to incorporate "The
Hector. Church VVurdeus and Vestrymen of SLUo-brtel-H
Church. Sutrarhmr :" helnir a corDonitlon o(
the first tlaas In the said county, under the Act oi
tuo ineraj .ssemoiy. approva Apni Ti, A. l).,isi4,
Slay 4, Tl-St Wardtos.
Letters Tostamutary on the wtate of Thomas
Knorr. late of Bloom lownaUln. Columbia county.
deceased, havo tven gi ante i by the Kegtater of said
county to John u. wulik. ot lturt, Colum
bia county, Pa.. Bxecutor, to whom all per.
sons indebitu uio wturouxi to mue payment. and
thews htvlng demands ugainot tho said attate will
make kwnvn to the sold Kxtcutor 1 trout do-
rh) subscriber oners for sale a larir. la Dentoo
township, adjoining lands of John Hwarlwout and
Thomas Kdwarda, containing
M acres are cleared, the balaBco heavily Umbered
with oak, pine and ivmlock i wherefm are emted a
plank houne, liliKkuullh Uiop aud stablo. Terms
Slajr i-Biv'
For II we will bead, as below, alt Warranted
Gold plated. 1 pair gold fctono hlceio Buttons. 1
pair engrwed Bleevo liuiloiis. 1 set pointed Muds,
lset ameihvst Ktuds. 1 WeddtnL' lllug. 1 enirrtiu-d
nana unger ring, i siueinbt biune iuuk, uimiu vrim
Sold, i elegant King, marked 'Friendship," ame
j t stone scart ring, u.lald with gold, 1 splendid
Mivwrcuuat iin, i hi miuu- let uuu Kuitx iu auu
Laiuent4ML 1 w-t bundiuimu rorio-bud ear drons. 1
gout's eli gant Lake Oeorg diamond stud, 1 cardinal
redhead necklace, 1 pair ladles umelhyt
drops, lulald with gold, 1 ladles ornamented let
brooch, I fancy scarf ring and t-legant watch chalu.
Tuke your choice tbe entire lot or uj Mhos, m-nt
post-paid turll, or auy s pieces ou Lnoosetor50
nuu. ..on uiq iiuin vo mane uioney. jucm
goods can ea:Uy lie retailed tor 110.
F, tUOCKMAN.U Bond Ht., New ork
ills reoutation tor honesty, fair dHiillntr an I utu-r.
aUty is unequalled by any udvertber In this city,
"N. V. Day nook," IkeTK, 1)14,
May 4, 7I-lm J w co
Patent oOlce fee tu la advance, balance SM within i
uonihs ittlee mlent allowed. Advice nd cxamlna-
uouireo. i-auntssoia.
May 4, tl 5m ) w co WatdUogton, U, O,
lUiowtrSjtoo tn&btttaNM, o, of the Town ot
lUooaniiurir. for me r ir iSTi; maw la accordance
, wltti.MMi ruqolremerm ot ttiaMMa sictloaol rhs
I Ml ot Jts-uniuiy tit aprll , isil. eDlltleil -An net
to rcffUUUi tho mnasero1 Increti'lng the IndpUpil
nessor Diuiilclpiilnnsl to pTOTldelorlUu rc(temt
. Hon or the itmi, ana to lmpo peaatues (or tho
UlcgW Increase tttereof," as atneuded by tliq
cupplsment to said act. of April in, IsTd. Prspurcil
aailpubllsaea ty tho corporate authorities ot aU
rttXtlED DEDT.
Iiond No. I, duo October 1 194
' " 9 " " ' is;s
' " S 187S ,
" " 4 ' " ISTI,
Intcrr-st on abovo W.nds from Kcpttmber 80,
1B-I til May I, IMT
Bouil No. V, sccoad Isaua, iluu .lan'y. l.lStT
" " H " ' Oct. t, l-II
" ' 11 " " ' I.H7S
." " 11 " " " " 1.1S79
" " " " " oc.1,lsr
part; balnnco prlnclpaland Iktcrestduo
Slnvl. isil...!.
Interest on Nos. j, lo, 11, 1 J, from March 81
to May l.lSTJ.'...
Iionds, Issue of April 10, 1S7A
Nos. 13, IS, 17, d'io Aux. I ls77, njgri-s.tte
' is, ', dio ivij. I, is-s,
" S-J. 81. 12. 3.1 ' All?. I. " "
IW3 00
s ooi
MD 00
600 00
70 01
coo oo
10 93
fiOO 01
5 0 0J,
rn,l in
SI, 23, St. 511 " l'.ili. t, 1ST "
" as " Auir. l.
000 IK)
SJ, ."0, ' Fun I, ISsO "
" 31. " Aur;. I, "
" 11. " 1'eb. I, Hit
" 8.1, " All. I, "
" 81,33,, " l'.li. 1.1UJ "
" 7, . " AU?. 1, "
" SS, 89 , 40. " I'olj. t, ISS3 "
" 41,41, " .Mill, " "
" 41,44,45 Ken. I.1SSI "
" 40,47.49 " All(f. t, " "
" 49, " I'fU. 1, 1S91
" W, " AMff, 1, "
" SI, " 1'CO. I, 1S9J
Interest on atiove bonds trom Jan'v. 31.1877
w uo
im no
o 0 ll
Ml w
rssi to
fii)'l IK)
MO oo
6O0 0O
600 00
6u0 00
600 00
to May 1, IS77. , , 133 60
Total funded d-bt May 1, 1977 I3,!J5 m
Amount duo sundry rwrsoas on account
' ordj.-j ot 1973 lutstanlln
" ' is73
.i .i ij.u ii
" damans op.-uln; Iron Btrect
(115 61
3 00
71 19
S!.)J3 CO
Totm flutlni; ,lht ....
fntil.i'i 1 1I111 ' l' .
I'll! TM r, 1 , x
tl mi rr--; nul.t up .
:'i ,i 1 i ...
i-'"r a
I'01-iyii il pi o, 1 1 . : , . .
la; ' IS.TT
V.l VL PHul'F, 1! as-
it vilu tun ut r.i) m 1
pr ,
1; fiv-i.- ii.
1 r,i n uuti tK eupitlous
'fuf'ii t"t t 1 vati )n
Amount naco"lectod on dupUcato ct is:9.. 9 'i
" "isi4 , mitt
" " " 1879.. Srtiil
" duo from sundry por ous ounoo'c. 197
" Market street oontrlbuuouiauo.., 2000-1
" o-ntro " ' . 9 60
' Fourth " " " .. So 00
" second " " " .. 173 03
" Iron " " " .. I810
" cah hi hands cf Treasurer 81 to
Total assets ti.tss cs
Stntement of tha account of tho Treasurer or tho
'town ot luoomsbur;, ror thu year prooedUig tho
aocond Monday ot April 1S77.
W. B. K00NS, Treasurer.
TobalanccduoaspcrlastannaH statmt...
" amount rrom taxes isto and 1875
" " rromt4uMiS7S .
" " irom proceeds ot bonds negotla-
by FnMldent ....
" " Irom assessment ot contrlou-
tlona oa opening Hcoond sr.
" " do. Irom Market street 0nlnf
" " do. Fourth street opening
', " 00, Iron street opening
onaa and lloenccs colleotod try
Prwldant .
$154 93
7,009 73
6900 00
e.e 47
58 95
I8 60
14 as
8S 10
(13,4(9 7
1 0
9119 89
. 9,093 63
By amount orders of isrs paid
' " " "1674
' " ' " 1875 '
" " " " 187 '
" " udgmt Sarah . Petrlken, part.
" " BetrstVra.bnyder.dec'd
bond No. 14, paid with IMcrest
' 13, " "
" ' 7, ' "
" , part '
' " coupons on sundry bonds paid.,
' Ux on bonds lor 1873, paid Audi-
dltor Uenera)
" " commission on ts,103.s at s per
" onmmlsslon on t5,900 00 at 1 per
Balance cash on hand . .
5,31 'SM)
891 SI
603 03
610 00
275 6.1
819 60
337 67
63 00
13S 67
1877, Apr! 1. TO balance on hand wM
Prealdcnt of Town Council.
Atasti Wisurv Wist. FeCy.
il loo mi burg, 3lay 1, 1877.
Patrick A. Burke, Collector lor said District for 1176,
April 9. 1917, To amt of Oonynghun town-
mtiblp duplicate nt 10 ml'la. twi 49
Apr, 9, to amt of cootraha Borough dupli
cate at smUls.... 641
By amt oi exoneration on twp. dnp..
tl 00
ts CO
)' ' retjirnMltoOoma. (oroolloctlon
township duplicate , 164 at
" amt returned to Coma, tor collec
tion, borough dupllcato 94 03
ISO 97
" oolloetor's com. at s per cent on
$8871.64 293 14
balance put In Treasury 054a 10
60i 11
Patrick A. Burke, Treasurer ot said District for 187C,
Apr. a. 1817, To am't roo'd trom tax,dupllcate
red 1S7S..
15569 70
To amt ot unseated land tax, collected thro
u B. Brockway, attorney ror district...
483 91
ISOCi 81
Bv amt ot oosu paid through AU'ya Marr
aoa urocKww oa appnua ,.w
" am't ol costs paid through Att'rs Marr
and Brockway on suits ag tinet district. . .
" amt ot debt and lnb-reet In full paid t)
Susan Cnrr, tor ludgment.
" amt of debt paid o. B. Millard on aoo'tof
Judgment vs. district....
"amt debt paid K. Bryson a Co. on acc t
ol Judgment vs. dlstrkt
' aintoebt puld c o. Murphy Ojacctot
lodgment vs. ulbUlct. ......
" amt debt paid c. o. Murphy on acct ot
lodgment va. district w
"am'tot order ot Thoa. llenoosay, stew
ards salary, paid
amt ould Danville Asvlum un acct ot In
1.10 71
83 60
417 71
365 34
61 39
35 84
640 00
sane pauper expenses. ; fSSot
34 49
" uroexway uiweu. en ace loi rees.. ...
" amt paid D. Lowenberg tor clotnlng (or
der produced)
" am t paid Thomas Oeraty tor service as
director torder produced)
" amt paid D. Lowenberg tor clothing (or
der produced) w .. .
' amt paid Brockway & Klweu for counsel
99 00
94 05
100 00
13 96
44 04
amt oald Broekwav kUell tor counsel
" aiat paid Brockway hlwell tor adver
Uhlog, printing, C.
' ami paid order No. 01, Isaiah veager.
dated March 31, 1874.
" amt paid on aoct ot No. 9, Isalan Yeager,
dated FcU. 3, imi tor f
" amt paid order No. 316 for auditors' tee
for ltfli, April in, IS77
" amt paid order No. lis, Apill 10, 1677, D.
F. curry, tor room rent. &o
" am'tpnld order No. 3, IVb , inn, lira
Thoj. O'Connor, manure and horse hire.. .
" amt paid order No, 97, Juno 10, lili, In
ward ilughes, work at Poor House ......
" unit paid order No. 4, June HO, 11S, John
Moran, bout and shoes fur Poor ll0U"O...,
" amt paid, order No. 197, .March 01, 1677,
to P. F. Burko salary as clerk -
amt paid, order No. 14, Kb, 93, ISlMouu.
Crano, lr riarvesUug on larm, c
" amt paid, order No. !, March 25, 1875,
John Crane, tr.. tor dltenuie on larm. An..
3 04
104 00
V3 04
07 60
39 75
904 0O
43 0J
45 00
45 04
" amt puld, order No. tt, March 25, itns,
Hubert Purred, sow and enoata.
" amt uld, order No March si, 1811.
Put. Oeraty, work on farm.
" amt paid, order No S'1. .March 81,1877.
Michael NuUlvan, team work on f ir
Marat paid, oroer No. 61, March 81,1870,
Bouer liurtman. adcnl-lni
60 00
33 04
14 44
198 04
Fold order No. at, March 31, Wi. Jas. Dyke,
uu ub iur 1 oor iivusv , .
" order No. o March 8t, 1S7S, John Cran
pervlco aa poor director
" order No". i,4,March 81, 1814, John Crano
service as poor dtm'tur
' order No. I lo, Aug. 94, lire, Ed. Ueraty.
ou ucct, services as steward
" order No. ua, Aug. 94, 181, Thoa.Chon
man, bervlce as director
" order No. 710, Apr. 8, 1817, Thoa. Chap
man, homo hire. c..... w
" order No. 1W, Msrcb 31, 1OT7, WUllarn
Cbupmaa. team work and boulnig
" order No. 74, May 1. 1874, Chaa-Erel-shcr,
carpenter work .
" order No. 17, June 94, 1874, AndrowBeu
ver, digging draft) .....
" order No. 19. Juno 94, 1814, John Muran.
boots and hhoes
" order NO. si, June !1, 187S, JohnKny
der, sialth work ...
" oruer No. 84, July 93, 1874, Isaac Fisher,
ooro and outa ...
order No. loo, Aug, 94 ins, 0.0. Mur
phy, grooerteti. C.. for Poor llousem.,
11 order No. 81, July t, 1878, J, II. Urm
mertrth&rneea " ord. r r-o. ', July Vi, 1878, o. W. DarU,
meuhlne, ic.. ........ .....
order No. 79, March 31. 1876, loM. il.
Laveuv, Bwi., tor legal services.
" order No. 104, Aug. it, isig, Bridget
Dalno for wages us servant
" order No 111, Aug w.lilo.ArthurNash
tor funeral expenses of M, Oeraty.,,.,
" order No. 115, Aug. 94, ISIS, John lirj sou
for meat for sick caupers ,
" order No. 19-1, ocu 9s, 1878, '1 boa. Oera
ty, for service ai poor director
" order xo. Ill, Kept so 7S,Burko Bros,
for coOlns aud funeral expenses
' order No 191, Nov. 98, 1814, Ben). Wag
ner tor clover and Umolhy seed ....
' order No. IW, Oct , w m. IVIUer for
manure fur farm .
order No. mi. Nov, 113, nn, Johu Sny
der for tunlth work
" oroer No. iJi, Nov, 98, 1874, Frank Fut
terman tor hay .-.......
order No. 184, Nov. 98, 1878, Daniel
llouck for blacktmllhlng ,
order No. 138, Nov, 9S, isil, WeKleyMan
ley for 1 epalrlog wagons.
order No. Ita, June so, 1876, pelerK.
Buck for hardu are
order NO. 189, March 30, 1873, Peter It.
Buck for hurdwsro.w.. ..... .
' order No. in, Juno 6, 1876, Peter K.
Buck lor hardware..
114 00
154 04
14 04
Id 93
19 93
104 011
34 00
34 34
13 91
90 04
19 04
14 04
14 04
20 00
10 04
117 41
15 77
nraar no, 189, tvoia, iM, A, afortnor
firmdso. for Poor tlou ...n ...
" u, dor , No. 103, Jin 10, isif, Mrs.O'Uoilo
foratteDJliKCienrr, aptupor , .
" order so R Oct W.lslJ, I'.K. Buck
roriisrdnnl-u, AO, i-
" urdor No. I3, Jan. l( 18TT, U. W. Davis
rr loidlclno, ii ,.,
" order No. nv, Juno 6, itTs, . If. Rem-
, crer tor snailn work - ..
" order No so. Oct. so, 1SK, Lee Mcars
it it
a 09
19 75
B6. S3
94 50
80 00
00 no
10? 14
ivr uvuduum
order no. ss, Ati;. SJ, ins, c, Black
iur rrrueorien ... ,
" Ol j-r No. S1K, I)-c. 0,1816, P. K. Hock
lor umltvim!, c
" older No. H4 1, ,1 lily s, 1915, P. B. Uuc'-C
for Imrdivnro, &o .M .....
" order No. IK). July 99, 1870, C. o, Murphy
for Krocerls
By bill it ctpens's allowed Treasurer for
collecilntr nnMtd land la . ...
" paid aiidltim, clerk tire and room ren',
on account...
" am'tor Tre.n i-omm'n ot 9 por cent, on
'.fS7.l paid out , .,
or oaiani'o nue mo nisinci Dy said
Pat. A. Iiurk6, treasurir DS9 95
ti.9 61
Order No. 103. 11c
ls;, to WeUlnirton Cleaver
ror uj ir ami reeu, 11114, w.w iireientci!
lor eri-illt.
mil, ivni riiioa out ror wantoi prop.-reniiorsi-meiit.
oiiuon diplljato, Mrs. nuiOH.i Cljiry
(poor) 11 01
nuiiiii:iiin,wiri 'wir.iuipoorHn loin) i u,i
" " rtiiplieatL'. Mri. Th w. (don ( lee'd) 9 93
Tlios. onotiui " S4
' Mrs John .Mouug-nn (poor) M
m 00
on twp. dupllcUe, John Ocraty (deceased) 1 0
Centmna Ilonusli.
JilchHCl Cfino tjno
P. F. '0IIU11 4 00
,1.iui"h cal jli wi io
Krt rarl-!r as
Mlcllu"! Dougherty w
ueury rovn ,
Thomas O tuition
ThoiiiUH llowells
Juhn o. llaiiley ,
Tnomas llfim -s
Jehu J Iltitrtji-s
Aim I'.Junu
euro In- Kline .
Widow Killer ....
H. p. Keller
II. A. LovHiand
Jiuiii'S .Mcilug . ... .....
i lo - Mi.rKH
M ".v v.xii i-ic-ity
1 . ,.11 .
I I- -i.riiu I'll
Mr! ( , H
I. Villi Hum. u ..
'fm d-.JIfr
ire- if h 11m 11 .
'il 1 si gJ.-lt
(.ion. nii mi Tuwrmlilp.
Joilma I. wiiii
N i',i iMsl I.IMiVI
B V3
1 O
I 10
'iK' r
l.Uloti .. . ...
i-i .1 'ii
-h 1 lUVi-'
JiiO.'O Trlju
M. hhany .... 40
rnux McuannniLii ltu
Peter ' 1 00
" " 10.1
Anlhony Murphy 40
ntvtiuru " u
rnomiui 40
Pat. Moron 75
rerrenceMdguire.. 4'
touathan Ki,lttle 73
Fred KUntrermau... 50
James "ornson 8 60
man- s nutna SO'
. llarr 8 50
Evan r Jones . .. 60
iu. uaiiH.acu...... 50
Thoa llennessy .. ..... 60
Frank oallavhor SO
John B. DuMa .... 50
cor. uonenoo 60
JenkH Dyer 1 00
I'aiuiinuc cook w
DiildCook . .... 73
Andrew Burt so
Jaooh Senner. ...... . , 80
wm. Brown ....,.. 1 to
& IL rjoMr-ova 4 so
'eterJmr. 60
JaooD Ashman 50
1.151 21
We. tha undprslanM AndltAninf Cnnvntrhara and
Centraiia Poor District for the year me, havo exam
ined tho roregolug accla. or l-atrlok A, tiurke.colicot
or and treasurer or Bald district lor said year and
Had them correct as above, staled.
THUS. oSKV. , Township Auditors.
w?.Eii."moij Borough Audi tors.
Attetitl Ws. II Prick. Mucretarv.
Centrullii, April 21, 1617.
Thomas Oeraty, surety ot Edward Curley, Treasurer
ut I.IHIJUUIWIU iumi Lfumiu ruor uiatrict iur
1475. UK.
To ami ot balance due by Bdnard Cnrley,
iKiuuicruaii iaab Auaiiura'reiAjri.. . ts.suuvi
By order No 949 July 81st, 1875 to Thoa.
ueuneusy saury stewaru
" 45 March 93. It Thou. Oera
ty expenBeu to Sunbury...
" 9i June UUi, Ii Thoa. Oera
ty service as Director.
" 931 Juao IStb.'Io Thus Oera
ty manura ror poor bonne
" 311 .AprUS 17 ihos. Oeraty
taking 11. i elner to asylm
" J13 April 87 'IhoH. Geruty
thus and horee hire to b.
113 April 8, 77 T. Oeraty Umo
and hurso BlK to Flbhers..
" 7 ar i,i P. Oeraty noroe
hire &c. to poor house....
" 41 ilr. ao.ia I', oeraty burve
hire He. to Danville
" 40 Mar. in 1 to r. oeraty
taking paupers to p.hourto
UK Mai. ol.'lj P. F Burke
room rent lor Directors...
S65Aug. as 73 Bd Curk-y lor
consolidated orders .......
" UJJune 10.7 John Crane
consoUduttd orders
" i ifeD. , u d. Lowenberg
cloUilng for paupers
Olilar. 4 4fcuuuls Miner
3344 04
14 93
16 04
14 04
16 04
314 00
63 04
75 00
32 04
63 50
183 00
0 21
100 04
64 30
97 47
49 04
33 04
300 00
33 64
354 00
134 04
9 78
63 04
5 04
140 04
33 33
6 73
18 75
10 00
6 35
suouiles Door houe.
" 33 Mar. 4,'14'lbua.iieunesay
cash paid out....,
" 54 Mar. 41.76 o. M. Provost
coal for out door paupers
54 Mar. 31 74 U. B. Brock-
couus, 1 fees
' to March 81, 70 P. F. Burke
salary us clerk ...'.
" 74 piU 14 7 Daniel Morru
gram lor pour nouse
" 74 Apr. .0, uorry Oeraty
ooru C ....
SJSJune 16, 7j Wm. Peltfer
coal lor out door paupers
' 41 Mar. 9 1. 76 Johu Currau as Director
' 10 1 eh. 90.76 h. b. bhultz for
Insane puupers
" it ren. 90 Ml . F. Burke
lor stationery
' 24 Wu. M 76 Brockway
Klweu oounae) feed.
' 34 Mar, 4 'i'I Michael SulU-
vauuauuug luuioer
87 bep. M. 74 Ellas auyder
.. 234 June l(, 76 John Crane
bervlocs as Director
" 931 Aug.M 74 aamuel Keller
wheel ilgutener
20i Aug. to 7 j . r. D.J. Mc-
lilbueu medloal servioed.
937 Aug. 98, 74 A. Beaver,
" 944 0u)77i oeo. strlcker
balance on bugg
30.1 June 5 73 fcilaa Enyder
feed tor poor houo
" 33s Aug. , Lewis le aver
" 13J j an. 0, -13 John ttuyder
I emltuwork
ail July a 73 amuel Long
cum cnou uai ,keal
944 July 31,'i'j Phhlp Uughea
S60 o.L no, 73 ttamuel uiug
bced vheai m
xl4 uct, so, 75 wel. iiuwer
f.rm Murk
Ml uct 3 , 15 ltd. curley gro
ceries poor housH
311 ocu 30, 75 Iteujdtntn Bea
ver for lumber
33 uct. 3. 73 Mary Hen.
nebsy fur ben Ice as matron
lor 'i5
190 June 5, 76 bam Keller for
euru stalks
181, Jan I, 76 Thos tlennessy
freight ou llmj
3 uJuue 16, u m. Hughes for
33'ijuly 8, 73 Moees lluwer
. for potutooH and ouru .....
16.TYU', 70Patg. F.Uurke
viorkat puurnouae. ....
119 Jan i,7o .-uiuuiou bnyder
kmith urk
Amt of 'Ireaourer's com. S 3 per
cent uu Iuu4.t8 urders reoeeiued
Balance now due the district uu Una
47 86
80 03
4 76
35 04
61 OS
3)3 91
The following orders wero presented for credit on
thu account, objections belnf made aa to tueir le
gality alter u long dlacua&lon they weruwithdrawu
auu uaueeiuu.
Order No, 19 Feb 30, 76 1 e ter Collhan for
94 Fv0 3S, 76 Thus. Dalton mr
watching engine during tax
117 54
17 50
17 64
99 Mar 4. lOHam.Luketorwatch-
Hilt iTielnH during ta. lew.
17 Feu , 76 Win Crawiorafor
watching engine during tax
18 Feb 96 76 Bernard Mc Bracrty
lor matching engine during
UX levy
33 Mar 4.74 Wm Harris for watch
ing engine during tax levy...
60 liar 76 Johu tiuiler lor
cleaning makiug drain
69 Mar 41 74 ad Curley lor none
hire attcndlngcugmea,,,,.
The following orders were Issued by the Directors
of the pour 01 mid aistnetuurnig the last fiscal year.
I he undersigned Auditors hereby Inform tue holders
01 UiikH nuw onlslandlnp. mat the luatttruf Uielr
urders appeurlug lu this lint, la no Inference ut tnelr
legailly, uecauke none ol them have )tl been pre-
aeuieu vu ua iur inveakiaaiiuu.
No 73 April 10, 76 Daniel Morris for grain for
" 14 April 10, 76 Harry Oeraty for corn c.
" 75 Ha) 81, 74 Abraham KreUCher fur car
penter vi urk M
" 76, May 31, 76 Cbss. Krelscber. carjieuter
wurk ... .
" 17 June 34, 76 Andrew Beaver for digging
" is June 34, 76 Oeo bUlcker tot repairing
wagon o.
M 76, June 31 76 John Morsn lor boots kDd
(68 30
87 41
34 60
uiuen iur paupers.
" M June 34, 76 I
Peter bwank for sawing
lumuer .. .........
hi une 8, 76 KuOtraiy forcuhpald tor
groceries ....
11 i3Juue84, 76Jonn ohydtr thick smith
work ,,
" w June 14, 76 ViiUUitKn cieattr chop
and nuur v....
" M July , 74 itatc Fitner for corn stoats
" 83 July 39,76 Br Vithvalrab IcrMeukal
87 July in, 7J 11 Keninnterhir hanum.
11 14
94 04
19 33
6 00
(8 64
41 U
M July T Wtn rr-lltor for Kflcptnir To-
grauts ,...i...
siJuiyiJ 74Uui Mnckor Iur Ivpilrlog
0 50
4 CO
4 09
If 73
It 00
4,1 00
II 91
14 SO
16 19
10 61
104 II
6 00
36 00
16 00
so nny 34 'is u o siurpu, r r groceries.
vi j uiy Ti, m 11 urj bo i Aiuiur
l " o 11 Mlllird ' ....
9J " ' Androwlioaver tor harvesting
4 " " HPLovau meat for poor li0ua
01 ' " (1 WiisvLs medicine fto
t 'igS8 "7 Andrew Beaver work on
farm ,
I muko 76 1I104 Oeraty lor service as
9' Aug 31 is ur Losiieii eu bernoes
" 09
in 11 liriiliniuiiKie. et mm
OOM'irnny furgrjevrles..
' tin
' 101
' 1 09
" n3
" I 4
wini-eirreriteepinrvag auv
U'eimutoii Yeagur tor moat
Weillnjt m Cleaver nur C.
Mll.Uet u.illie as servant
P K ll.irke f'M'.jstail lury j.,
HI Her itv for notntots
xug 96, s;), Mrs. linker for attend
ing rim.. UalfV
109, Aug. is, 1816, CO. Murpuy forgro
rerttM. 0.. lor was cancelled and
N09. 16 und Ht were Issued In Its stead.
1 Aug. !, ISI6, CO Murphy forout-
door relief .
110 Aug. sn, His, i;d. oeruty 00 acct of
salari as st' war, I
ill, g. si, '870, Arllior Nash furex
pense 01 M, Ueraty ..... ,. .......... ...
ill, ug. 3', UiO, Ed. Curloy for horse
Iur.', . -
1 .1, ,ug 91. isis, 'Ihos. cuapm.n for ber-
vice ni Olr ctor
114, auj. !'l H"1 Thus Oeraty forser-
Mo nsU'riTtor
113, Aug, 11, "70, .lolin lirysou Iur meat
for sir k uiiipers
l', .-vpt. .u, ls;o, Joun cruiio for seivlco
ns dire 10
HI, ieplS'1. H18, Burke liroi, torcoClus
nnl f wril e;s
li, !eit. 3.1 isiii, i.u. i.truty foriuney
paid tosialit i
119, 1). t. 31 iid, liurko Broj. fur cot'nfor
Mrs. McUinuiuU
in, oa, 91 urs, Mrs. Kd. curley for borso
121 ii; it. 1378, l'no3. Qcraty for s..rlce
ill-ectoi' '.-: i
.21 "cr, 53 ts'd, Ihos. Oiraty torses Ice
a-dlre,ior . .
1 l.i net. i, v m. I'elll'r for manure
in, Oct it isI3, if 'nrj Jjyeo for wjrs on
to - r .tin . ... ,
13), uct istsH, II. Al Ludull for medical
buivlee-) .... ,.-
i3i1"ei23 sfo, u.o.-Mnrph. formdio.
fui' ioir 11 .use ,
i7, ,,Cb 34 1476,0. o Mur,)hy fur uut door
IM, .)et.3J i7o, Johu Brj sou fur meat fur
uj uc vs H73, U v. 1 iitHiormjJlcln'j
Ull.i 1 111 I 1 1A . ... -. -
loo, ot ,i,il, M 1) iCH'tr. iur smith
ij,, iiv vs 1570, lien). . agu T fur cl .ver
150 00
15 00
103 00
54 00
13 91
170 CO
131 73
16 00
30 04
80 00
33 00
10 V)
49 0
6 CO
S3 10
9 0
43 51
13 00
3j HO
10 V
,0 60
30 14)
19 40
27 41
69 00
53 SJ
35 00
30 0O
30 0"
351 50
40 00
1.1 Ou
75 0H
50 00
57 00
33 00
(5 00
15 00
100 00
303 41
3 00
14 00
10 75
30 00
19 00
180 00
35 00
13 00
138 09
134 45
35 00
19 U0
3 00
11 3U
63 40
100 OU
35 00
10 00
35 vu
M'J i, &O
13 '8:0. John 'tiyder' f .r FinltVi
in, .Nov sj n:.
181, .NOV is 173,
1'iuiik fett ruuu, Ii iy .
ii.u.L-l uoui k lor fiullii
W lit . .
13., .01' 2 ' 1310, J )-
iult fur lepulr-
UU Wi'gJ.I
18.), ". 23 KI6, uldg.l Dalue i IWig-s
i:ii, iiec s, ism, Win. Murili I reaova.e
tor Poor ll.'Uo .
1.1s Deo 8, ISM, Wesley Alaule tor re
pulling wagons .... ......... ....
IS), 8, isle, Alidad Sullivan for coal
for pau;iers
uo, 11. c. s, i;6, uty fur work at
HI, Uite s 18,3, Uuiitli Abbott ror lime
for farm
141, ikc 8 1673, U.i.uwcn0ergforciotnlng
fnrpauperx , .
H3, Dec. 8 1876, Henry ueratj for wort at
Poor House - M
144, lnc 8 187s, -ihos. Chapman forser
Mco suireciur ... .
143, Dec. 8, ihos. Oeraty lor service as di
rector ..
140, nee. 7, 0. 11. .Millard for groceries for
Poor Hum ) ,
7, Dec. 8. John Crane t jr services as di
rector .... .. -
14, omitted, no 01 der of thu No issued.
14V, Jau. 3 1st, Ihus. Oeraij furbcriicoas
diivct- r ..,. ........
150, Jau. 3 1817, P. F. Burk" fur buildlug
uii'l repalung
151. Jan. 13, iUlc'l Sullivan, wagon! in ac'l)
16., 13 " " " (in lull)
lis, ' C. O. Murpay, out door r. lief
154, " i.lchardFiuciur forattcndlng
William Brenuan ...
155, Jan. 18, Bridget Bradley for attend-
Ing.vMlllam llrenuau
150, Jau 13, Nell l.eullmri, work on farm...
137, " C o. Murphy, swearing iuu-
pprs, c
K8, Jau, 18, Pat. Flynn tor coal for farm.
Itv, " 11. F curry, keepu g vagrants
160, ' hd. Geraly, huiae iur larm. ..
161, Jan, 13. 11. B. Mulum fur inJao. for
1'tn.r uu.ise,c ..... ....
U, Jan. 13, Dr. It. M. Loshell, med. sr...
16.1, " " '.'
' Brtdgctlialncbervlcea-scrvant
" isuney Oerul), attending I at.
167 j n. 1), Burke Bros., coiuns h rse
14, Jin. 90, '1 hos. Chapman, service as di
rector ;
169, Jan. 3 -, ilrs. o'Boylc.attendlng Clea-
rj', a pauper
lio Jan. 37, c. O. Murphy for groceries
for Poor House
171, Jan, 37, o. B. Millard for groceries
tor Poor House
173, Jan. 31, Juhn Crane for service as di
rector V
173, Jau. 37, Bridget Bradley for attend
ing "1111 Jin Brenuan ......
114, Jau. 37, id. James tor making box
lor William Brenuan
175, Feo. '41, 177, o. f. Davis, medicine...
116, " O. w. Davis, med bupuiles...
177, " 'I Ik i.eratv, bervlce as director
in, " Michael Sullivan, coal fur P. II.
179, " 'ihouias Otrat)' lor horao hire
und tlmo at ineellngs
10, Feb. 34 Wm. Cuapman, horso hire...
181, Mar. 31, Henry Oeraij for wages as
hired man
is4,Mar.31, Henry Oeraty for wages as
hired man ,--
183, Mar. 31, 0. W. Davis, med, supplies
164, ' Kd. Oeraty oa account services
as btcward
iku, Mar. 31, Ud. Oeraty on account ser
vices in steward
184, Mar. 31, Mrs. Ed. Geraly, services as
Imuran. ,
181. Mar. 31, Ueubon Fahrlnger, for
swearlug riupcrs -
105 0
46 90
100 00
80 no
b9 50
lbs, liar dl.r-u ueraiy, uuw noiu w r. u.
" Dr. It. 31. nabueu. mea. bei v. ..
' w m. Fritter, keeping vagrants
' Mlcul hulllvan, work ot team..
" w 111. Chiuman "
"C o. .Murphy, out door relief ...
" I'htM. Chapman horse blre, 0
Joun crane, service as dtrectur
" I). F. curt) keeping vagrants.
" P. F. Burke, halary as Clerk,, ,
" Henry Krelsher, work un farm
" t". p. uurhe. 100m rent for airs
" C M. Vander .lice, prlntlug ..
" Mlch'l bullivan, team ork oa
16 01
119 00
119 00
68 6'J
23 00
33 CO
900 O4
75 01
20 0
80 00
2'ji, Mar. 31, mis. ru. ueraiy lureasupaiu
out fur Poor llou-e .
si'3, Mar 31, Tiios. Chapman for board for
Mrs. orimtnsut Court
34, Mar. 31, lilcuurd Proctor for attend
ing William Brenuan
u, Mar. 31, J II. ueinmerer, harness...
IM, " 1 at. Oeraty, work uu farm
207, " t.Ubert Kline, groceries tor
Poorllouie -,,
308, Mar. 31, Brockway Elweiyegat erv.
309, Apr. 8, 1'liomasi hapuian,enpeuseio
take Ii. Peiriei- to the asj I un. .........
t 10, Apr. 8, 1 110. hlrec.
311, " 1 h iinas oeraiy, expense ut II,
FctlTertothj tojlum .............. ..... ....
3ii, pr. 8, 1 homas oerlty for horse hire,
to go to schuilkiu Haven .......
8u, Apr. 8, 1 hoiaas Oeraty for horse hire
c. to go to I. Fish-r's
314, Apr. s.o B. Brockway for money
patdtu asylum
313, Apr. 10, auditors' fees and eupcnses
ot 1876 audit
216. Apr. 10, D. F. Curry for room rent for
audit ; ........
110. upr. 10, Ed. Oeraty tor talary as
steard (lu full) , ....
218, Apr. 11, John Butler, work ou farm..
21a. " Frank Cola " "
23 00
ti 00
63 00
43 96
31 37
16 00
16 00
16 00
16 00
16 04
734 63
93 0
ICS 00
. 5 00
60 00
Whole amt of orders Issued la past year
18359 70
3375 73
Deduct " ot lobl year's Issue red jemed
Net amt of last year's orders outstanding 13473 93
roOll JII91I11V.1, 01, .011,
Orttrlnal cost ot linchmin farm 11500 00
Cost ff w 1 dam MUlard traC 840 00
Butidlug adJiiioa to iuu i-u. u.j
1 1713 43
rsasoNiL rnomiTV.
Two horses 0 tl 0 each
Tffocuws 3 $35 -
one heifer
300 00
70 00
40 00
3 75
2 81
33 51
4 54
10 00
10 00
10 00
1 1)0
Five pigs aw -
4iih lo.i nv.
Five bushels rje 75 cents
Beven bushels coi n ears S3 cents, ..
1 tons long uraiv u
ri.trtv n muds buck neat hour
One hundred pounds huur
Five bushels bu hwheal 90 cents..
uu tanning mill
one cutting bos
ouu emulator
Duo sled
due Threshing muculno
oue corn sheller
Two wagons
une buggy
One nay rake .-
old scythes
ono uarioiv .
0110 set harness
One leck chalu
one wheelbarrow
Hakes und lot
, (3S146
One heatlnc stuve 6 04
Three Co., king bluvea 80 00
lilglitbij'isuuil lovers ieuu
I welve puupeib' beds 20 00
dm l.,uiiL'e ft 00
Fourta-Ui. 10 00
Three bed room btuuus e '
Two dozen old und new chairs 7 00
(93 50
nHfU-HntRS nn HAND.
Four pounds corn meal (0 15
Two bugs line bait to
Five pounds butter 150
Oue gallou ouul oil 80
ono gallon S) rup 60
I wu puuuu- bua, ,.
Three i-ouuds cuaee 80
Bal, due DM by'. A. Burke, Treas for 1816
44 " 4. ty rhos. Oerlty for Ed. Curley
Mil Lenlhou, cull, for 1675
13 05
688 SS
190 33
9)7 45
Total amt ot time's as presented to auditors (9701 43
The amount of Judgments, and orders of
old l-isues now ouuiandlug was nut ascer
tained. rsoui'cc or tub vahii.
6 tons hay Q( 6 (75 04
95 bushels loutoes iS(l 3 00
80 4. r)0 04 75 U 93 50
104 " oals djsoils.... 11000
550 4i uiru earsa 35ita 131 0
16 heads cabbage M 3 eb ,. 150
lubuaholslunilpsiai34cis,., 3 00
40 '4 wheal Oil 0 04
84 4. buckwheat (j 1 els ... 83 54
I " onions 100
4 tons straw e (15 coco
1 4. corn ludder 64 tlu 10 04
csmsci or tus rooa noesi roa tiis vur(xcino
SllkU 81, 18T7.
Number of paupers la Poor lloube March II, 76, 14
" '4 adrmita during year 84
44 " burn , 1
11 4i in Uuaute asylum 1
44 i4 died. , 3
44 aokcooded 11
44 44 In Pour lloube March It, UII
" 189,
14 WO.
4' 191,
4' 193,
' 193,
44 194,
" 1J3,
11 IM,
' 197,
4' 1,
11 310,
' 3 1.
, Wc,thonflrslgnyl, anillUirfiofOtinjrnirianitwp.
find O utratu n iruiigh, do certlly tuat t.iu foregulnir
Ktiih-m nt Ii coi root iuid true, to tho best of our
We further agroo by rrsoluttori, toat thopiyof
each director r-haB lie S3 to' e,ich day no 'i'Sinttiy
spent as director, Also, that tuo numVr of men.
IngsotsiiPibimrd slmi not oTceii iweivo per an
num. Four of Mil l meetings 10 boll 'Id ciu.liL'rlv at
the 1 Oor H01.814 of sold district. Also, that the fol
lowing Mies shall 04 tho hWliest flail v piy or Uor.o
uirei nir n sin no aim vi iur auouuie i-j.ira .1110,
that no urders slml bo drawn bv tilt ilirecrori for
their iluie until iho snmi 14 nuhnliiut tithsaml-
101s iur iheir uppioral nt their annual sottiouieut.
1 hum t u vhky ,1
M n IN FI.AV40 tr- Townshtp Auditors.
JaMKi vio.n oii n I .
Kit Imice Dos" Auditors.
Attest! W11. 11. Pimm Meo'j.
1:. 14. .nuKrav, cierw.
HA it TOWNsiltl'.
Andre v Itoonoy, Supi-rvLorof Conynglnm fir the
ye ir n -14J .1 jru Vlll, isil, in tucjuui, Uliubaio
To am't of spc-li! rotd tat dunllJito tor'70 $,1,801 II iruin uuuuiy iruasuici .. vni
(6,373 73
By am't returned to Con sty Co n"nl3Stoner-i
IT eOlK'LtlUU t , ... ... DID I'I
" errors, eioui-ritlo isanliblibioav
lesineiits . 62 4')
4' paid 11. F. Zirr, Proih'y, Spt 4 76 1,1) no
' m e ft " 8,1IJ II
"prill Win Mr sin, Mtiri-yf -oi . no
' cum iili-lni ,ill)iie I nn H.'ii35) ...
'4 paid ut btUauco dJo twp. by fidp'i'r 3JJ 01
To amt of roidtav diiplloit'i for 1373 (2 01174
rt ceiveu rrom cou-ity ircnurar... ioa-o
if b ilaiioo dU3 A Kuonoy, supervr 7 0J
By am t cf t ivo vorke.luut hi a-s .elate 1
I, ll'l o
i.iio iv, ike I ml I y Indiil I111W ..
of - ri-ori uu 1 -x merit! tin ill -w-j 1
r.turt'i-,1 to Cj. Co nr's lurooileo'ii
pirn "Mer sultu . IIojuui, icr-
Mce-m :t..i-rvl. r
oniti .No. 4 1 t ,j J, .wj'ki.n
r , a i-i
68 17
92 0
or ti-e.N'n 3. ti l lino 1 .iv kn.i
' order Nn 4 .1 1
ttin.w Ik
' ord r Nn 6,
' 1 1 ilr m. 11,
s'lpfrilMii' ...
' ord r mi 1.
- nr.l r So. 4,
'ip 1 114 h-
' ui'ii-r 1).
su ! tv s- r
u-u , rvouMH
Uooiie , -i
10 iey, iii'v-i til .u
, Itu-n -y, a 'i vice, .n
v. ltnnJy, -H-rvicet'oa
' I'id-i No li.
h p rvlui- .
, . I'll H',
, si 1 vi''es 113
, iMer u in, A. uuou-?y, si-rile i- u-i
su-H-rvNor ...
' order n. 11, John 8 coney w ,r
1111 ro.iji ...
' eom.i.l)sIou:illo.ieJ on $131 14
11 in
3 0-
(2,301 4H
We Uh 1111 lorslzno 1 a'lillt .ri nf Coniuirliiiii
townililn for tlii year 1877. mvo duly ctu iilm-J In
runs iinuvai'C' unt4 of iidi'o.v ituunei. su .ei.i.ui
for 'lie past A ear andnnd them cu'i'ect asubuve set
Tnonis cassv, 1
MAiirii FtAVioAS Auditors.
ttest! C. o. Mt-Bi-iiv. Clerk.
Cenirull.i, April 21, i77.
P.itil.-k Mi'Donnell, Supervisor, In account with satd
To am't of speclit tux dupltclto of l;o
tVWS 35
674 3d
spee1.11 taxieuo 110111 e-o. rreinury
"Iiijuuo recelv-'d iro.u Vm. Chap
man, l.ito bupervtsoi-
409 47
CI!. (6,330 1
By am't returned to Cn, Coin'ra for c ilccl'n $143 rs
" errurii, euneranuua iiiuuuuuie as-
Buvuneuis ... , 16140
" 11. P l'roth'y, 1.(11.4, ls;o.... on
Dec. 6,1874 I.illfto
11 .1 " - 1,435110
' nudltol'j older to AI. Ilrcnnan 4 00
'' ' 4. .lames lli' 61 oi
11 " 4. of 74 uXiienu't 31 ou
' B. F. Z 1 it costs as per receipt 3 to
'4 bupenljur's order ut 1874 in Julm
Asklus 41 ft
' order .no. I to Win.''y fees S)u"
'Older No 11 10 CO. Allllpllt, iv I-
ting, a:c 17 0
'oruer no. 17tuO. o. Murphy nrl-
ting for . itooiiey 17 00
11 order No. 12, lames tireuu in, town
bill, 1 cleik on uceount 2100
- order .No. H, .l.unos llrenuau,
slllp el-irk In full 21011
" CO lunllou 'alio., ed 43S 75
' balance d lelu.vnsliip oa thtiucc't. 52181
To am't ot roa 1 tax dupllcato tor 1173 (1,'jii 00
- reeeireo iroui louiuj 1 n-aiurer 11,3 5j
" lialanco duo 1'at. ucDunnell, s'ipv'i 11-3
Clt. (2,12133
By uni t ot taxes worked out by Associated
uinu ii.mj 10
-4 errors, exonerations und doable as-
sei-lii'-nts ... - 52 9:
' ' Individual tuxes ivorked out 98 1.
1 4. taxes r. 1 111 ned to Co. Cuiumr's for
collection. tl 83
4 4, Rrdcro 15, to l'.u. Aloiioiincll ser-
vl 'en as S'liK-rvl-sor 165 00
1 'i order No. 13, to Pat. .Mcllonu 1 ber-
1 Ices as supervisor 40 6.
' '4 paid other luriles, work on roads . 20 11
' '4 couitnUblou allowed lul lu
We. the underpinned Auditon of Com nirliuin
township, for tho j ear 1377, have duly examined tlie
ton-going accounts of I'utihk Aleiiouiiel, biiiiervKor
for tne year an I find thtin correct us uuive bei
out. Ue rurther Und toot tnu fuilontiigiiatince
ureduulhe loivnshlp by tho beverut uniceri belort
Patrick McDonnell superv'r. 7 '.special tax (31 92
James krennan supervisor. '75 load lux 19 ni
hi eeuii nix , on uu
Edward Oerrlty. Riinenlsor ol'73 binclol
tux (upp.'iuea iroui) uo bi
Edivurd oerrlty superviior 71 r.uid tax 91 bi
" 44 " 73 bpoclal ta. IW 13
Thomas Caskv, )
Maktw ah A.'iA Auditors.
Attest : C. o. Mrarnr, Clerk.
Cuutralla, April 31, l7r.
May 4, 77-3m
Positively Cured,
All stillerer.1 from this dlscaso taut urn anxious tn
be cured stiould try Uu Khsuk's Cki.HbntTEU cov
suiipuoN PowpmlS, Tl.ebo powders are the only
preparation knoivn t at will e re CONhl'.MI'Tlo.N
and all dl-eoscH ot Ihe '1 and l.uugs Indeed -o
strong Is our rutin lu them, andnNo tocnmlnee you
thit Ihey are nu liumbuir uewllirorwanl loeieri
suilerer, bv mill, pobt pil l, a riisi: iiiiai. mix.
Wi dont want jour money un II jou oifi iwilectly
fatl-tl.-rt ot tbelr curaiDe powers, if jour life 1
worth suing, don't de'av In gl lng these Poivubus
a li Ial, as tney 111 surely cur, j ou.
Price, for largo tiux, (3 no, sent to nnvpartof the
united 1 tates or Cuuoda by null on r.celpt of prl.e,
Asir & itomiiNs,
SCO, Fulton street, Brooklyn, N, V.
t'SAOKUV UK. OOCLAIIU S CFlkeilAllin Isl'AilJSLk Fir
PiiKUEKS. 'locoiiin tesunereiulhii ihebe puwilers
will do ull w e claim fur iheui.Mu will bend 1in.n1 iiv
mull, post paid, a fhcb iiiiauuox. s It. Ooulaid
Is the only Iihjbl'lan that liubiunde llib 'l.eue a
special btuuj, und us to our knonh-dgu thousands
naveueen I'kRMAbiibTLY ct'iiiu bi Hie ubeoi ihesu
every case, or Itelund jou ull Moiuii bxpeiided. All
BUIferers should give these powdeisuu early trial,
und be comlnctd ol iheir turatlvo powers.
Price, for largo box 43 ou, ur 4 luxes for (10 00, s-nt
by mall to an. part ut Ihe United Mates cr Canada
on receipt ot price, or by express, 11 11.11. Addiesa,
Allll .V UlflllllMS,
860 Fultun utreut, urouklju, N. V.
April 87, 73 yl
Juries for May Term, 1877.
liloomsburg- John K, otrton, l'eter It, Freeze,
Ceutre Samuel C, Buwer, oeorgo II. Freas
Berwick Benjamin F. crl.pln,
Uimin-Benjamin Dallas, thephea M'olf, Samuel
Iloarlngcreek John Dyer, J. D. Hunger.
Benton-George Dodson.
Bugarloat-Jesse Irttz.
Beaver Peter II. Fisher.
Jackson Ceo. Ilurleman, Jr,
Con) ngham Juhn P.Hannon.
Sit. Ireabant-Jiktloe Ikrler,
OolraUi Edward James.
Locubt D, P. tevon, Lew la Lee.
Catawlssa P. F. Meroeren, Fred, rfahler, C. llc
Kelvy. FrankUo-lIonlgomery lieedcr.
Pine Juhn Q. Bandera.
BLANK MORTO AOr3 tor sale cWp si tha
dor dm si k Ottos.
nbomsbtirg-nonriH Brink, ntram l'almsr, 8. c.
Bfilvp, Jos WrlJJ,
nsnton-lt. l F. col ey.fohntkelfir, Potcr Laubach ,
Kinanuel f.iuoacli, llohr Mcltenry.
Iluiver-Peter Knecht, l4iao ICIIngcrnun, CliaiA,
Brlarcr,-ek-(loi. At. Il wer, Peier ilajintn.
Citiwissa-Nim icl Fhhcr, DaiilelOoirhart, VVm.J.
Murtln, D. vv. Water.
Cehtro-Oeorgo Connor, Laf.ictt' Crei-y, Wesley
sh ft-r.
Flslilngcreck-- lfrs 1 C iptn, V lllam Mcars, An.
drew ntincr. J.t.'ob weiinir,
Qicrfuw ioi loiiult. i:viS. Joliii nilapy.
Locd-.t-Jolm llroeh-s, t iion Feltenn in, Henry II
o.ibl, Dantel lluaoirger, Julm ltuglioj, Davll
Madison W. B. Johnson, Oeorgo W. Supplec, Danlo
Main J. W. Kolrlmcr,
Allflllii -Daniel Bond, Abraham fchwcprtnlielser.
Alt. 1'leas.itil-Jnlin II. Uilie
oraugD lox. lli-rrlng, oeorgoN. f-mltli.
Pine Istnc M. Ljm s, JnMecn Ljnns
Si'Ott-llurles,CI,iiK, Aleta Vanllcw,
Dugarlaaf-l'rlah Ouldir.
Bloom fli'irg-rfeirgo W. foster, O.K. Fort ner, John
. Jo.iei, Win ti. Maker, Onnl-U llanlsoa.
Beaivr .Nathan Ilrcdbeiinor, Jr.
Iientun-John Weuner.
Iierivl.-k -Harvey Olenn, John At. Snyder.
Briar ireek-Frau.U uvms, J. V. let, William
C .tawissa Tlioniai Harder, Daniel ltelrrlg, Jacob
(1 litre Ocorg) B -ani, rhomn W. Ilngenbui h.
rijiilngoreek-U. F. r.dgar, Cjrus llobbl s, Ptltr
Weav, r
(livenuoil-Houert llenglc, Wesley lloirl-, Otcrgo
Iieki ii loi.ia il'ss, llujli 4nuitt,
o it - leurj r'.eliji-, Li .j it .Miller, Cii.rhs SI Her
11 tlu J h i llelz
Hill ii i-.iry .miss.
loot i ir .1 It. liinnni 4
Or mg.) uc i. Put irsin.
il iiiliirir.-ek-iVil lunZirr.
seo' t .t c. Ji.uisin,
isr ok o vu.-jj-:s Koii ntiAt. at
l IV I'BitU, .817.
nasr wsjic.
ioU -it iloirell .C Cj. is lu-epn 1. Freek.
JiU i cu i ii).-rlilu vj I) W.J h.iiuu
iojd Pitluuvs, nu I'lilladel.illU and Keudh.g lilt.
(loo. K. I'ryoict. al. vt Jujj nrj v,i ot al.
.V'ui. oaald.o.i vs. W.n T. sirauiui
iiiydjr, ilart nan Cj. vs. X. L Campbell.
Levi Itlnly vs. " ii
Uilas Mliler vs. Tin Pallal.'iptila and Ketdlng ItB,
folui Ij alla'i EtoiaOr vi riio-gs J. Luijot. at.
itooort I'nyioret. al. -s ItoDert Uorrell.
fereuil.ili I'aylor ut al. V3. 4i .. vs. 11 '4
U uilel Klliio vs. Uaarloi Lio and TfcL Kline.
Daniel Sinltii vs. Joan 11. Kl.nhlo.
Jaooo Fisher et. al. vs. Juun Flihir ot. al.
Fello-rsJC Dltor vi. Julia A. Jackion nt. al.
Jouu A. Jackwn et. al. vs. UU Muetzcl.
it j HJ in Kliiervs. D F. SJ,b;
ttlOlla JcIdjI Dhtrlcl vs. l'eter J. I. intz et. al.
I'atiiar.iu Itib3- uu vi Jjh l -.tluer.
Ksliluu.i Flrat Nail jiial uauk vs. 11 iuk-1 JlorrU.
1. W. MoKelvy vj. Wm. MiaH.-r et. al
I'li.iin.i. J. Van lerslloj vs lugMic Frlck.
Joj'jpti F. iuu uirj vs. Jamj) S. Woidiaul wlfj
I. M, nuwlti vj. ain icl Civvellug.
f. W. Ir.i I rs 'in vs Juise A. Usee.
.ttcjfi i.igjnb i:n vj Win. Carson.
i A' ItlltJ.'VJ iV. I'. 10 103
il'o.'H iVI'itoi vi. Jun.u Dot et. al.
li.izi uverJurfs Hiecutor vj. Nath inUl overdorf
A jr. .
C II Vo.i i'i; ,Q itfl'i
C. li. Pattou et al. vs. II, (I, Cuvellng.
iloorgo Ituc.tle vs. M, llrovui-s aliulnlitrators.
J. J. sli vs w.lll un Ikeler.
ilenry O. Conner vj. Kminuel Conner's adminis
trator. arah Cumstock vs. Wllllim Hess's almlnlstrator.
4arah A, Petilkln vs. I,. W. Wojloy.
I'ho.nas Fry's udmlulstrutjr vs William Fry.
tvuti l-'rauklln vs. Saar.iless liarmuu.
VUllMin Ituckel vs. Oeorgo M ior et. at
Mary 0. Vanlirsllco vj. Ab ulia n Snyder,
u. F. bej bei t vs. J. W. Saukey.
Dautel Uo.tcnbaud.'rvs. Caspar J. Thomas,
ilarycrevellogsuiovj, Wllllim Wlntersteen.
i. F. DretslM h vs. ,M. OrOver's aa.nluUtratoi's.
li. F Kdinerl) vs. Joseph lies!.
Iseph Lilly vs. BlojaiDirg Banking Co.
lai'k-on & Woodlu vs. 1). . . bejbcit,
lohn llckruto vs. Jesse Zooer's executor.
Amos Savage vs. and .Mary Kline.
Ashland savlnj Ban!: vs. Margaret Curry's aclaila
Istrator. Wllllaui Hart vs. lllram C. llowcr.
Join) IIIU vs. c. I) Fowler.
i. s. Bobbins fur usj vs. John Lore.
lohu stln.-r vs. Peter Sponey ct. al.
Sarah 11,11 et. ut. vs I'enrisyivuulu Canal Co.
Pater WIUou'j a lmlnUtraior vs Jesw A. Losee.
Oasp.'r llliaivn vs. Oeorgo it. Slurpless.
1'. Jeit. VauJerillo i vs. Johu llllllioilii.
John A. Funston vs. liloomsburg oas Company,
.lauiiali Weiss vs. 1). L W. It. II. Co.
diooauburg Lumber Co. vs. Oeorgo W. Sterner,
lizras vs. J. II. Bves.
facob Kraass .exjeutor vs. Thomis E. Goddes
Samuel n Igor vs. Francis Gvans.
seamier llcusencr vs. Aarou Bender.
J, It JamUonvj. M.Orover'sadmlnl'stratora.
By vlrtuo ot writs ot Fl. Fa. and Vend.
Bx. IjusJ on of tij Cjirtof Cmmi Pleas
Columbia county tind to me dlirctod, wld beexposed
lo public sale at tho Court House In Bloomaburg at
one o'clock p in. on
MONDAY, MAY 7, 1877,
The undivided one fourth Interest of Daniel Snyder
n certain real estim. in ti. ty...... n. tn. ...
Ing parts of what was formerly kuoiinns the Forks
Hotel property described as follows to-wlt i a lot 1 -Ing
upon East and hecond stretta bounded by a line
coinmem Ing ut Iho Junction of East and rccond
btreits, thence along second street one hundred and
thirty-eight feu to a small triangle, thence along
said triangle to Chestnut alley, thence along Chest-
uu uiief uiiieiy-in o rect to a lot of (ieorgo Herring,
Ihcneo along said lot one hundred mid ninety-seven
feet 10 Eat strppr.. Ili.nn. nn, lin-n ...i ..,..
seven feet to the placo ot beglnulug, containing !6,-
ooibnuaro lectraore or lesson nhlcharo two large
frame btables,
A lot cntao north silo of second street, adjolotag
tho Ltghtatreetroad, bounded by a line commencing
at the Junction or tin Llgatstrcet ro id and second
street, thence along 4ecoud i-trcetone hundred and
tiveiily-tour feet to a lot belonging to thu estate, of
William Snyder, thence along said lot nlnely-oii"-leu
to the LlghtNtreet road, theme nloi,g said road,
one hunt'red and nlnetten f?et to I he place of begin
ning, coututnlng squarif let moieor less.
belied, taken In execution aud to be Btld as th
property ot Daniel fluyder.
Tho undivided one-fourth Interest In tho follow
ing tract ot laud 'ttuatotu Mount Pleasant town
bhlp, Columbia county, Pennsylvania, bounded on
thubouih by lauds ol aiuos Heacotk, John Harp,
Audiew MUler und John, KHchen, on tho west by
land ot Wm. Bjer, ou thosorlhby land of heirs ot
Elizabeth Falrman, on the east by land of A' J. Ike
ler, coniulnlug one humlieland lUo acres andal
lowaiice.whcreou uru erected a dwelling house, barn
and oiit-hulldlngs,
heked, taken into execution and to bo sold as the
property ol William Falruuu.
All that C.PI Lain rnnl ..crtta cllitfltn ... r.a-a.A....
ship, Culuinbla county, Pennsi I . inta, bounded ou
.v v. m m,i muua ui ouiuuei 111 ..U) , on ,IU0 Cabl Dy
land ut Jeiemljh Hugenbuch on tho south by land
ot F.. Atkuun and Margaret llageubuch, and on the
Mentby land of Jeremtoti llnirii.iii.l .nilnin,.
sevenly.slx acrei more or less, whereon are erected
a duelling house, born andouuhuiiiiin.
belied, taken litoexecuiioa and to be sold as the
proptrty ot Levi A. llldlay,
All that certain piece crpor-cl of land sltuatota
Ihe township of Modhon, loluiubia county, peon
) Ivanla, bounded uu tho north by Ilurtltue,
east and bOHlh by publio road nud west by land ol
John huilth. deceased, containing twenty.tuo acres .
ini'i'oorlcss,Hheieuunre crecud adncUlag house
and bam.
Alt that certain piece or parcel ot land situate In
the township ot Miullaon, ColuralUcuuuty, Ft nnsyl.
vonla.touu ifd on the kouth by public road, on tho
cast by Mrs. Cotner, ond on tho uurih and vtibtoy
Mrs Wl ham Ba-her.o mtntulug one and a half acrea
more or less, wheieon are erected a dwelling house,
burn 'and a tannery.
Seized, takeu Into execution and lo bo sold 6,1 the
pioperty ot Hugh Mcculliim,
lir CONDITION'S nn kih-ii,,.-J ,1
r-i 1- v. uiu uuieuuse ruuiu-y, ur ut I
pniincrli liirm.p.ll num u. ..... ... .1...-. ... .
othcrwiuo property to be resold ut unoe.
Sherlli's cmo. niierur.
April , till, u