The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, April 27, 1877, Image 1

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    - ".-"" '"U ''MjJjJMUJ. -i - i1 I Ji' UU PWII, J. l.aiMjill'W ).. ' ",T Mf -r- i - - -m
bun' i
... nni..Aiu ner, payable In adrahcc.or
jmrio tn roar. Attcrtho oxplrntlonof thojear
i lil will t unaritca. lu niiustriuiTS yui or ino
Snnntr Wo terms nro . per jrciir, miw in mnnncu
li l If no' P B ,rlini:0 "" J ",0J " Parent Liu
fl i naO'ir dHcontlnu'ia, except at tlio option of tho
n,ii,uljiiWj, until all arraarastci nro raid, hut innic
jSiri'i".! "edits after tlio expiration of mo lirst
,rjlrniI!"V'ni1MCtlof tho stile ortodlitantpost
n mint Iw paid for In mlnuice, ttnloss a rospun
i ii'u nsrson In UulrnnWa county nisunics to iuy tho
Juilrlptlon due on demand,
rws I'AO i: Is no lancer exacted from subscribers In
ho county. Dcpirtinontof tlio Colombian Is very
emnnletc, niiil our .1 li Printing will eolnp iro fnvora
f KH that of tlio lariro title. All work done on
m nd, neatly and at inudernlo prices. i
ftctJ1(irtTOw?sntTrr.jtrijA"srXAjijij 'IS4JS
Columbia County Official Directory.
I'r'il.l'-ntTihlTO Wlltlam Dwell.
A"b irlate .Tudos -1. K hrlckluiim, F. L. Sliutnan.
jjiii.uia . ve. -il. Knink .irr.
Ouri .si invmini'T -i n. Wnlk. r.
jisi th Id', order -William ton il, Jacouy.
D.strh't Att iniov lo'.in M. Clnrlc.
sherllT iohn llorfman.
sjrvotor Isaac Uewitt,
Treasurer -Dr II, W. McIIcynolds.
I'j ninlsslonors John Homer, S. IV. Mcllcnry,
jjseph sands.
O.ninl loners' Clerk William Krlckoaum.
Auditors M V. 11. Kline. Ml. Casey, I:. II. Drown.
oroncr-Uurksti. Murpli .
Jury Uu niiiUsloiiers-Jacob II, Fritz, William II.
Count Superintendent WIMInm II. Snvder.
nioonl'our lHtrl''t-tlrectors o. 1'. lint, Scott,
Vm. Kramer, liloomslitirir and Thomas llccce,
leo t. ,o. 1'. Kut, sccretnt .
Bloomsburg Official Directory.
nioomsburg nanklnif CompanyJohn . Vunston,
Prosl.len , 11. II, (Iro z, cashier.
Kirn X.i ionil llink Charles)!. l'axton,' resident
J, I', 'ruslln, Cashier.
Columbia Countv Mumal Havlnif Fund and Loan
vssocU lon-E. II. Lit lo, President, O. W.JIIIler,
mminSiiurg nnlldln? andSavln;; Fund Association
-Win. Peacock, President,,!, 11. Ilublson, secretary.
Hlooinsburi? Mu uat Having Fund Assocl. Ion ,1.
T, lirowcr, l'roslden , U. (i. liarkley, Secretary.
Hot. .T. I'. Tus'ln, (Supply.)
Sunday sorvlcos-l a m. and l)i p. m.
S imla School o a. m.
1'r.ivcr Meetlu j Every Wedncsda;. evening at 6a
S3a streo. Tlio publloare Invl'cd foal lend.
Minis er liov, .1. ccron.
Sunday Services 10 1 a. m. and ox p. m.
Sunday school o a. in.
I'ra crMco Ins livery Wednesday uvenins at 0J
Seats free. Nopows rented. All aro welcome.
Mlnts'cr-llev. Stuart Mitchell.
Sunday Services I0M a. in. and C4 p. ra.
sundav' school -It a. to,
I'rav cr Moo lng Every Wednesday evening at ojtf
Seasfreo. No pows rented, strangers welcome.
Presldln? Elder Hcv. N. H. llucklintham.
Minis er Hev. J. s. McSiurr.iy.
Sunday Services 1 x and ax P m
sunda' school' p. in.
Illbio Class-Ever Monday evening at K o clock.
Vounir Men's l'ra cr Men lng-Eerv Tuesday
venlnt; a OH o'clock.
(leneral Prayer .Meeting Every Thursday evening
I o'clock.
Corner of Third and Iron streets.
I'astor Itev. (1. 1). Hurler,
itesldcneo Central Hotel.
Sunday Services tux a. m. and I p. m,
Sundav school a a. in.
I'rajer Meetin? Saturday, T p. m.
All are InUtcd There is alwnj s room.
Ittctor Itcv U Zahncr.
Sunday Services lux a. m., lys p. m.
Sunday school 0 a. in.
First Sundav In tho month, Holy Communion,
smlces preparatory to Communion on Friday
evening betoro tho bt Sunday In each month.
Pews rented; but cicrjbody welcome.
Presiding Eldcr-ltev. A. !.. Ueeser.
.Mlul-ter Itev. .1. A. IrMne.
Sunday service 3 p. in., In tho Iron street Chinch.
l'ra er Meetltig-I.vci y Sabbath at a p. in.
All aru invited. All nro welcome. '
Meets in "tho little ISrlck Church on tlio hill,"
known as tlio Wolsli liaptlst churtli-ou Hock street
east of Iron. , ,
Itegular meeting for worship, cery Lord's day nt
ternoou nt x o'clock,
seats free; and tho public aro cordially Invited to
SCHOOL Ol'.DKHS, Wank, jii't printed" anil
neatly bound In small bouks, on hand and
rorsalouttliecoLuituiAiioIllce. Feb lit, 1S75-I1
11I.ANK ifKICDS. on T'aiciir.i.Mit and Linen
13 Paper, common and fur Admtnls rator?, Execu
lors and trustees, for s.ilu cheap nt the coi.cmoian
AKH1AGK CETtTIl'K'ATlCS just printed
and for sale at tho Columrian (mice. Jlinls
ttisct the tlospel and Justices should supply them
seUcs with these ncessaryatlcles. .
USflCKSand liiRtables; I'ee-llills for sale
at the Columbian omce. ,Tliey contain llio ror-
tn.l na nctuhttslieil llV tllO llSt Act Of tllO I.C-
flaturo upon tho subject. Every Justice and Con.
Atablo should navo one.
NOTKS inst printed and for Kali)
V ch
cheap at. tno Columbian omce,
ll M. KNOItll. Dealer ill Hoots and Shoes,
lU . latest and best styles, cornerMaln andMarket
stret-ts, In tho old post otnee.
r E. SAVAfJE. Dealer in Clocks,
J . and Jewelry, Main st,
Just below the Central
,p 0. 1!.
Oct. 15, '75.
Hrower's building, 2nd story, Kooms tics,
nil. WM.M. KEIlElt. Surseon and I'hvsi
If clan, onico s. E. corner ltock andMarket
T It. EVANS, Jf. D., SurKeon and l'liysi-
i . ciln, luiuce nna iiesiuenco on juiru sueei,
corner Jetlerson.
II. McKELVY. JI. D.. Surgeon and I'hy
slclan, north side Main street, below Market.
11. HOISISON, Att6riiey-at-Law.
in Ilartmon's building, Main street.
KOSENSTOCK, I'liotographer,
, Clark svoli'8 Store, Main btreet.
TVVVID LOWE.N'liEHG, .Merchant Tailor
J Main St., obovo Central Hotel.
T S. KUIIN, dealer in Meat, Tallow, etc.,
X a ceuiro street, oeiween uecouu anu i uiru.
tSUAVUor anj thing in the TO.SSOKIAL LINE
(TO 10
Under Exchango Hotel, Ulootnsburg, Ta.
Oct. J3, '75
WM. II. AliliOTT, Attomey-at-Law, Alain
Catawlssa, ra.
Collections promptly made and remitted. Ofllce
onposito Catawlssa Deiwslt Hank. ern-Hj
W. II. AliliOTT
Important to Farmers.
and o very body want ol
We bave erected kilns at or near the Taper Mlll.on
Ui D. II. & W. Jt. It. and aro now prepared to sell
Imoatvtry reasonable prices and of good quality.
Ordeu by tho car promptly tllied and shipped to
any station on the above road.
A full line of LUMDKIt, of oil kinds, dressed
or In tho rough, bhlngics, Lath and
bill Timber to which wo invite
the attention of cuito
merB. Ordera received and tilled for all kinds of Famii,
Hy Hrle attention to business wo uopo to merit a
hiue of publio patronage.
. ., ... KNITTLE Si AlinoTT,
I II. i78.. Catavs Issa, Pa.
V A T E K T S .
I'erwMH desiring to toko out patenU, or desiring
iiformauon from the United Slates l'a ent Onice
in. .id consult r, A. IKllil A'N, Solicitor of Ainerl
if' and Foreign Patents, Washington, U, C, Jx
c lntlon freo. KO I'A TENT NO VXX. Bcnd.for
c 1t&
yon balk
0. IsOTKaJ7' ElltcrsandProprlcters.
iiusiNEfes OAnns.
omcc, 'orth Market street.
Jlar.27,'74-1 . liloomsburg, rn.
E. OltVIS,
OrncR-ltoom No. 1, "Columbian" Ilutldlng.
Sept, is,H75.
A T T U I. X K Y-A T-Ii A W,
M.OOMSMllia, I'A.
OfliCO llarttnan'R llloek. nnrnrl-Main nml Mnrtet.
citixia uci. s. '10
1 W.MII,M:it,
onicoln nrower's building, second floor, room No,
liloomsburg, ra. Jul) 1,7a
K, U. i rNK. L. E. WAl l.r.lI.
Attoi neys-nf T.nw,
omco lu Columbian Uuildino, Jon, is, '77-ly
Ploomtbiirg, i'n.
onice on Main street, first door below courtllouse
A 1 lUlflNft 1 H-A i-IjAV ,
liloomsburg, l'a.
April 10,'7
ODlcc In Knt s Building.
liloomsburg, Pa.
tr-AU business entrusted to our care will recleve
prompt attention. Julyl,'73
A riUlt.MSl AT LAW,
OFFICE-AdJolning C. It. t W. J. Buckalcw.
liloomsburg, ra.
Apr. 14,'70.
II. 1 1TTLE.
II. & It. It. LITTLE,
liloomsburg, l'a.
nr-iiusiness beforo tho U.H.J'ntcnt Office attended
onice in tuo columnian lluilding. ss
A 1 1 U 11 JN K V b-A T-li A W,
Com'mbian llriLoiNO, liloomsburg, l'a.
CMemtiers of the United StaleR Law Association.
ollecilons tnado in any part, of America or Europe.
Centralia, Pa.
1J M JN Tin I.
omco In Huffman's lllock, second floor, corner
Main and Market .streets,
May 20-ly.
nioomsbiirg, l'a., li.
Accommodations Ilrst-
tl.iss. 11.23 to per day. ltcstauraut attached.
1 1 Moaner, riopntior.
Octobers, '7MI
.sowtng' Mnchliif'sand Machinery of all kinds rc-
palrprt. Opeiu JIgcse UuUdlnsr, Illooint,burB-, l'a.
I ILL 1. liJ
. would announco to tho citizens of Iilooms
bui g nnd vicinity that ho has lust rccelv ed a full and
cornpleto assortment ot
and nil other goods In his lino of business. AH tho
newestand most approved patterns of tho day aro
always to be found in his establishment, Main street,
below Market. oct. s.'73
Opposite lio Court House,
liLooMsnuita, rA.
Tlw Largest nnd Uest In all respects in the county
W. D. K00NS.
Oct. 875
CV, Exchango Uotcl, liloomsburg, l'a.
., 6,600,000
. 13 fiOO.000
. 10,000, 00
. 8,100,000
,. 1,000,000
.. B, 0,000
.. 17,000,000
Etna, Ins Co., of Hartford, Connecticut,
Liverpool, London and Globe
lloyjd of Liverpool
1-1 ro Association, Philadelphia
Atlas of Hartford
farmers Mutunl of Danvlllo
Danville Mutual
Home, New York
Commercial Union v
March !0,'77-y
rpHE UNDEUSIGNED, representing several
I fiftimmost conservative and reliable Ameri
can Hro Insurance Companies, would beg leave to
otter his services to the citizens of liloomsburg and
vlclnltv, requesting a reasonable shara of the public
Illoonisburp.Juiy is, isio.
omco in lirower's Block.
July 81
contains tho largest Keck cf
Canned Fruits, Dried Traits,
to be found In Columbia county.
A t'omplelo Ahsorducut
always on hand. Call and examine.
Jan 1,1517.
HIM ? I1 f f ?
To the VVorlilnu t'la.a. We aro now prepared to
furnish all classes with constant employment at
home, the title of the lime, or for their spare mo
ments, uuslness new, light and profitable. Persons
ot ell her sex easily earn from ki cents lo t5 per
evening, and a proportional sum by devoting tbilr
whole lime to the business. Hoys and girls earn
npflriv am much as men. That all who see this notice
may send their address, and test Uie biudnesswe
make this unraralled oner: 'l o such as are not well
satlMU'il o will send ono dollar to pay for the
trnni.iM r.f urtitniT. h ull noiileulars. sauiijles worth
peveral dollars to tfomroenco work on, and a copy ot
Homo una riresiue, one oi iu largest uuu ik-.i Publications, an sent Tree or man. iteaa-
er. if sou wanliermanent, prontablovork, address
UCOrRO Mllisou fetl., I ui Mtu.u, iuuv,
bepl. B, '7.-lim.
N, H. Corner Socend and Arch Streets,
Dealers in
men, iricn, mass sow, to., to.
I vorders will recorre prompt ituntion.
1 V.
This distressing and dangerous complaint, and Its
Premonitory svmptoms, neglected cough, nlghl
sftcats, hoarseness Mnsttng llesli fever permnnent
Iv cured by 1)1, "Swayno'a Compound Sjrup of lid
llll()NCIlITIS-a 1'iemonltor of rulinnnnry Con
sumption, Is eharaeterl7edl)y Ciitarrh or liill.itnat Ion
of tho tnucuous mcmlirano fit the air pussngrs,
hoarseness, pains in the chest. For nil Inoncnlal
atTecliotis, soro throat, loss of voice coughs,
Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry
llcmmorrhnge or spitting of tilood, mav proceed
from the lannv, trachln, iironchtu or lungs, snd
nrlse from various causes, a undue pin steal exertion,
plrttiora fullness of tl.o vessels, weak lurgs, oer
ttrntnlngcf the voice, suppressed evacuation, ob
struction ot the spleen or llvt r, Ac,
CompoTind Syrup of Wild Cherry
strikes at the root or rtKenso liy purlfi lng the blood,
restoring the liver and kidneys to healthy action, In
vigorating ttic netvous sj stem.
Its marvelous power not only over every chronic
disc ise whero a gradual alterutlvo action is needed.
Under Its use thn rough is loosened, tho night
sweats diminished, the pnln f ubsldes, Hie pulse rc-
ed In its power to digest and assimilate Hie food nnd
nnard. tnestomaciits improv
eerv organ has a purer and better quality of blood
supplied lo II, out ot which new recreative and plas
tic mnterlLl Is made
nil KWAYNF graduated at one oflhe best Medi
cal Colleges In the C, s., and was engaged In an ac
tive prnciico for many cnri', thus guaranteeing that
hts preparations nru piep.iridtipoii strictly si lent llio
Reliable Evidence.
!r. Swayne Dear Sir: Heel It to tin due to you
and sutTrrinsr humanity to plve tlie follow Inp testi
mony resructlnff the wontlerful curathe powers vt
your Compound sjrupof Wild cherry and Sarsupa
rllla nnd Tar HlK I was amictd lMth a Molent
cough, pain In the Eldo and breast, night sweats,
pore throat, my noveN werecohtle. nppetlto nearlv
pone, nnd mv ftomAch poery weak that my phjsl
clan was nt a low to know w hat to dn tor me, as ev
eryihlnff I used In the shapo or medicine was reject
ed; spit different times a pint of Mood I remained
for irontliH In this awful condition, and gave up all
hopes of rcr recovering, t tills lltnn you recom
mended the use of your fjnip and rills, which lin
medlaU'lv tM'gan to soothe, eomfurt nnd allay tho
violence of tho cough, strengthened and healed 10
lungs; has madoa perfect cureot vie,
uijii i uiu iiuw uuiu lu punuu iny UlIuj muui. u
ler?on doubtlngthetruth of thoabove stl m
win please ca 1 on or address me, at tho factor.
Engineer of (Ho. sweeney'H Tottery,
itldgc i.'oad, lielow Wallace, Pht..t.
Oer2o 5 cars hae elapsed, and Mr, llamson still
remains n hearty man to thin day Peptcmlicrlioth,
Dr. Thomas J. it. Nhoads. Ilovcrtown, HoiksCo.,
Pa., writes : Your compound run of Wl d cherry
I esteem very highly ; ha e been Belling nnd recom
mending It to my patlentsfor niflnyjeaisfttidlt al
ways procs efllrnclousln obstinate coughs, bron
chial and nsthmatha! arrcctlr'ns It has made some
remarkable cures In this faction, nnd I consider It
the best remedy with which 1 nm acquainted.
Price $1. Mx bottles iorf.". If not sold byvour
druggist, we will forward half dozen by express,
frelvlit paid on receipt of pi lee.
??"I)e.scilht;hmptomsJnall communications, and
address letters to nil SW'AYNIItt SOX, 310 Korih
!lxh street, Pldladelphla. No charge will be made
for advice, sold by druggists and dealers In medi
cines generally.
That dreadfd dlstuse.frcm which so many pcrso n
suiter. Is frequently the, of
Huncur, IsoiohbUOK, DismiA,
ts speedily relieved, and aicotten permanently cured
SwaynCs Tar anASarsaparilla Pills.
refers aro orten presented by tho uo of these
S'amiparllla Pills, as they cairyou.thiough Ihebluod
the Impurities from which they arise. Tor CostUe
ness there is nothing bo ilTcctualosMvajne'HTar
und Snr&aparllla Pills.
They are purely Vegetaoie.nnd net specially on tho
Mverns ltlueMnssor Calomel, witnout any bad re
Milts trom taking.
Address letters to I)It. RWAYNi: A SOX, Philadel
phia. No chnrge for adlce. sent by mall on rr celpt
of price. I'llcosf-icentsa box; tlvc boxes tor fl. Ask
jour Druggist for them.
Itching Files
Is generally preceded by a moisture, llko perspira
tion, distressing ltchlug, as though pin woims were
crawling In or atout tht rectum, jarllcularly at
night when unaresMng.or in oed ancr getting warm.
Itamiearslnfaummeras well as wln'er. ofieiitlmes
shows Itself around Uio private paitu, and Is not cou-
nnea id inaies oniy, nur is quue as ircqueni inai ic-male-s
are soreij aflllcted, parllculailj lu times of
pregnancy, extending Into tho aglna, piolnu dis
tressing nlmo&t be.und i" o powers of endurance.
Cafes vt long sdaudlng, pronounced Incurable, havo
oeeu pi'rmanenuy euieu uy biinpiy appijiug
Swayne's Ointment,
I was&orelv aflllcted with one of the most distres
sing of allalocases, Pruritus or Prurigo, or more
commonly known as Itching Piles, 'ihe Itching at
times was almost Intolerable, lncieased by scratch
ing, and not unfrcquently Incamo quite sore. I
bought a box of swayno'a ointment; KsusngaAo
quick lelii'f. and in a sliuit time made a perfeclcure.
I can now sl.'fn undLslurbed. nnd 1 would adlso ull
who are suneiiug with thlsdtstrcsslng complaint to
procure hwajues ointment at once. I had trlod
pvcscrlptlons almost Innumerable, without finding
any permanent relief.
firm of Itosdel k. Christ, Hoot and Mtoo House, S3 1
orui second street, I'liuaacipiita,
Swavno's AlWIealinfr Ointment
Is also a specific tor tetter, itch, 2alt rheum, scald
head, en slDelas. barber's Itch, blotches, all scaly.
crusty, cutaneous eruptions, perfectly safe and
uarmiess, even on lue uiusu leiuier luiuiu. i riceiu
cents, or six boxes for Lift, t-cnt by mall to any
address on receipt of rrlce. Prepared only by
Dll. SWAVNK SOX, 831) N. ctli St.,l'hlladelphla.
Catarrh is an affection of tho mucus membrane of
the nose, throat, chest, Sc., accompanied nlth dull,
neavy ueuaacne, ousirutuon ot tuo niisai paasages,
weak ccs, watery and lutiamed, hacking or cough
ing, to clear tho throat, expectoration of ofTensno
matter, smell and taste are Impaired, stopped up
feeling in the head, Incessant blowing ot thenoso,
and other symptoms are likely lo appear very dis
tressing, and no disease U more common, and nono
iess Understood by Physicians. Nine-tenths of the
cases ot offensive breath aro occasioned by catarrh,
"SM'uync'H I'nturi'li Ilcmrtly"
Is a certain and permanent cure, and warranted in
every ease, no matter how obstinate or long stand
ing. It can be obtained only by addressing Dli.
hwAYNE SON.S3I North sixth Street, Pblladel-
piiia. jtiuiu'u luunv uuuri'v, on inu receipt, oi me
prlee, one dollar, with full directions for use. atsu a
full account ot the orli lu and uaturo of Uils distres
sing complaint. Wo repeat It t It Is beyond all coin-
isrlson the oesi remedy rnrt'atarrheverdlseovered.
temeinber 1 It can lieobtalned onlv hv addreHvlni?
1)11. hWaYNK & bON. 830, Ivorth Sixth Btreet, J'hll
rdelnhla, with a remittance, oswedouotplacultln
the bauds of dealers, tho same as we doour other
preparations. In writing for our "catarrh Itemed) "
iiafu siuvo 3 uu wiw una uucriiscuienv in iuu
umblan" liloomsburg.
Why Dye ?
No mnlter bow Crny or IIiir.1i Ibe
flair mav be. It can be restored tolls orlelnal color
and J outhl ul appearance, by usUog
Ziondon Hair Color Restorer.
A Kcmcity to Heln
state tno Human Hair
In all Us youthful
color, lustre, softness
Hatr ltestorcr
Hair Kstorer
Hair ltestorcr
Hair Itestorer
Hair Itestorer
Hair Hestorer
Hair Itestorer
Hair Itestorer
and beauty.
All pci hoiiH it lio iinplro lo Homily
of personal appearance,
should not neglect that
'. liv mauv It has been
natural necessity, the hair. Uy many It has been
neglected until It lias la iemo ihlu, gray or entirely
fallen off, Tho London Hair Color itestorer restore and Imparts a healthy and natural
color, thickens the hair, cures dandruil and all
Itchy, sculy eruptions on tho scalp, making It white
and clean, and Insuring a luxuriant growth of hair
In Its natural ) outhful color, price 15 cents. Prin
cipal depot for the U. B., 310, North, SIxUi street,
June S3 1-ly
NewMrthof loveliness 1 when sunbeams licet
Color t he drops of e cry passing show cr J
When all the air Is Harm Willi odors sweet.
And le.Hes peep out and ti.lckcn hour by hour;
When lltray, mystic clouds ot opal tint
Float leisurely beneath tno dreamy sky,
And the world thrills ulth murmuring that hint
At summer glotles coining b -and-b) i
If any weak despair or discontent
I.urk llko a subtle poison lu j our henrt,
Through tlmo nnd action wasted or misspent,
to that in all this Joy II has no part,
Up ! out 1 through light and pcrfumo take your way
To w hero tho solitude Is spell-beset
Willi deep, deep pence, beneath whoso hidden sway
Your heart may rest, nnd dreamily forest.
There lay yourself along the tender grass,
And let the scented breezes softly play
O'er bared brow, and watch the shadows pass,
And fall, and linger, and then durt away,
Chased by tho sunlight. See how glorWed
W Uli golden kingcups Is the endless gnen,
And pale, pale primroses, anddalshs pled.
And violets, purple-cytd, that peep between I
so gazing, listen. Let the music rare underlies all nntiuo sweetly glide
Into jour honit, and all Its aching i are.
Home up and oui. upon the Joyous tide
Of perfect melody, will leave no trace,
And j our refreshened heart will wake and sing.
And all the world will wear another face,
And life will seem so beautiful a thing
That j ou will turn and Blgli w 1th sweet surprise,
And w hlsper to tho gliding present, "Stay I
So fair you show to my new-wakened ej cs
That I would hne my life ono long to-day."
Harper's Moyazine.
Life Is nn ecstacy night's early seeming,
. When day's gid moments hover o'er the brow ;
When all that cared fades In mMy dreaming
Transformed to gladness tor tho happy now :
Passions env, rnpt, her power of tongue to utter
When pants the soul translating words to lnoul.1 j
Heedless, anon, as ficsber visions flutter
Lite is an ecstacy night-dreams untold.
Life is an ecstacy ; as when a-weary,
Tho Arab bids his dromedary kneel :
Here shall w e res:, he cries. In accent cheery,
Forgetting morrow In our present weal;
Then the long, gleaming spear eagerly seizes,
Tli rusts It, overjoyed, deep In the gracious sand 3
With Its gay pendants ploy tlii evening breezes
Ecstacy I breathes, and lltt-s the bronzed bands.
Lifo is nn ccstney-l'ersiVs lark mald.-n
nesting, nlth hand to check, on chalky cliff :
Hound Oinin's peak, whoso treasure-depths shU
Tades one w itli lovo to guide his dancing skllT.
How well she knows,wlth evening shadows growing
Homeward 'twill turn upon the silent swells;
Veiling again the check of richest glow lng,
Whimpers, o, ecstacy ! to the lurk'nlng shells.
Life Is an ecstacy ; as, when a-thirstlng,
Dear melodies aro stranded on tbo ear ;
When some loved note, upon tho stillness bursting.
Tells how the absent fain would loiter near ;
And In a strain that j el hath need of naming
Urges the spirit to a rapturous tllght,
Annuls the past-a lite dlv inu proclaiming,
Tls ecstacy, 'tis music's heavenly right.
If life bo sleep, 0, let sleep bo unbroken !
It life be waking, who would care to sleep?
Of what Is not dost know somo certain toksn
That It 1 change I do not change to weep ?
I w ill nor sleep nor wake in bliss reposing j
l)as, hours and minutes keep jour aimless maze,
I tremble ere I ask, Com'tli there a closing
To shut without my happy, golden days?
Vcw York J-Acning I'oft. '
Miscellaneous. '
A daughter had been the hope of Mrs.
Ilounslow's lifo. Thinkintr, when Lawrence;
was small, of the beauty of u little girl, loo,
with her curls running out in rings under
the laco and ribbons of her cap, she had'
been obliged lo change the thought to thati
of tho maiden who should become Lawrence'
bride, nnd give her all the comfort and none.
of the care of it daughter.
She had always been a lonesome body; an
orphan at first, and then so few years a wife
before sho was a widotv,vith her unruly boy
at school ; and she had looked at mothers
with their little girls, and envied them tbo
companionship, the opportunity of making
charming drcsics for tho pretty darlings, the
power to live their lives over again, in their
When Lawrence came home to, stay sho
had, of course, much comfort in him ; and if
the young man enjoyed his iling" she knew
nothing about it. Vet Lawrence's "iling"
was not a bad one, a-i flings go ; ho drove a
fast horse, and ho loved a gamo dinner.
When the exuberauco of youth paised ho
would settle into a rejpectable citizen with a
baut account. To her eyes, to-day, ho was
a paragon,
Settle, liut not alone. It followed as
tho night tlio day that Lawronco would mar
ry a very pretty girl or n very rich one,
Neither would be to Sirs. Ilounslow's taste ;
the pretty girl hardly the companion sho
sought for herself, tho flighty head turned
by vanity,tho appetite insatlnble for flattery;
and the rich ono ma-tu ring Lawrence, and
consequently herself, Sho had chosen her
self a charming young girl with as sweet a
naturo as ever shown out of a blue eye ;
she frequently had her there, although tu no
effect oxcept in her own dreams, In what
dreams Mrs. Hounslow indulged by tho
evening fire apropos of Louise Mandell I
Somehow tho young orphan girl nlwaja
seemed sitting on the other side of the firo,
1U light daticing in her eyes, on her dimp
ling smile ; and sometimes Mrs. HouiibIow
saw that light glance on a little golden wedding-ring,
nnd sometimes on a littlo golden
nestling head ; and Lawrenco was always
standing on the rug between the two, look-
iug, witli equal tenderness In his dark eyes
at one hide and at tho other. That was her
evening dream. In the mo.rnlng Louise
moved about tho hou.0Vr)tli her, cutting
llowers, tilling vases, concoctir.g choice dish
es what a mother-in-law eli would make!
How happy sho was going to bo lu this dear
daughter ! Hlio had even gono so far as to
buy an open phn'ton In thUdrimm for Louise
to drive her out in on tunny evenings, aud
was just settling on tho color of the fringed
silken canopy( when she awoke to fa that
I.oilse was a cipher beside I hut great luxur
ious, hazel-eyed aud hateful blonde, Flora
Mr. Ilounslow's ton and n Furlong!
There was no worso blood In tha Vand; money
enough ; family enough j and yet nothing
too unscrupulous of which to .suspect the
men ; too selfish, silly, alovenly, stupid,
spiieiui, oi wmcu to accuse tha women
Young men dn not pnuio to think of sucli
IhtliL's, What Flora Furlong could work
out as to his salvallon did not occasion Ltw
rence n thought ; but her luminous black
l.nhcd tye, with their long white lid, nnd
Ihe way she bad of lifting them, her melt
ing mouth and velvet skin, her hair llko fino
spun gold, tier luxurious flesh all that was
a fascination, nnd if ho was not passionately
in fnrnet hp was in a fair way to be so.
"Why, she's nothing but Hay, rose-leaf Hay
lleih and hlooil ! I don't believe she has a
soul, or anything that nu'wer for one 1"
cried Mrs. llotimlow to herself. "A Fur
long never did."
Flor.i Furlong to fill tho tiieaure of thep
drcun-i of hen ! t muko her boy's home !
If hp was to have a wife, sho was to have a
'laughter ; and tho daughter was to bo her
acquisition nr her burden all thy long, and
Liwrenrp' delight but an hour nr two
Lawrence's burden, too, instead of his bles
sing, by nnd by.if It should lie the Furlong!
And she hail in good right to nsTt her will
nj ho bad to nert bit ; sho kecw tho best j
and wero not sho and Lawrenco one, after
all? So ran her reverie.
Vonliih MrOIoiitidow! Tho wind bloweth
where it lisleth ; and you might as well try
lo turn that wind back whither it came by
blowings. aintitas to turn theyouug man's
fancy by any breath of yours.
It was Flora by whose sp n Lawrence was
ever lo be teen It pleased his sense of beau
ty to look at her ; it pleased his sense of
pride to be seen with her j it fed his bud
ding passton to feel the mngnilicrnt creature
by his side. Ho squandered his money in
flowers and books and music and tho like.
Sho wore the llnwers : but when with her it
neter occinrcd to him that the leaves Af the
books were uncut ; and as fur tho music, he
was in that state when a frog, if it had been
as beautiful as Flora, would have croaked
I!ut Mrs. Iloiinsluw was not a woman to
endure without a struggle. Sho called some
wisdom to council. She did not express per
sonally the slightest dissatisfaction with
Flora, but she allowed other people to speak
disrespectfully of her when Laurence was
w'Khin hearing, knowing the force of public
opinion j she took care to admit iter beauty,
although in tho same brcatli telling some in
cidental tradition to tlio ilcriilit ol her
family j and sho was very liospitablu to two
fat old t(Kithle5 iiunts of Flora's, dwelling
witli sympathy al'terwaid on the lo-sot the
beauty ol their youth, and the exact like
ness between their ynitth nnd Flora's. "J
suppo.e," said .Mrs. llounslnw, "that Flora
will look ju-t like them twenty years away.
Well, it is.sometliing to have hnd beauty, ii
one tines become 1 it Liu less than n whale.
A hat ii Lite, to see one s self turning to
blubber ! I'orh.ips it would b worsr,thoug!':
to seeanother, if you cared, 11 the way.
Flora ca 1 d heio th 9 afternoon. Sho had
the loveliest enamel belt buckle j she can
wear one the size of a spread-eagle." Then
his mother louked up at him with a twinkle
that cnuld hardly help being contagious.
"All I ah !'' she aid ; "what a thing it is to
be Law rence Ilounslow's mother ! I have ail
the pretty girls declaring ma tho mot de
lightful old woman ! Hut I suppose I must
leave choice "
"When I marry, mother " Lawrence
indignantly began.
"You will suit yourself and me, too,
Dear me I" she went on, "I had almost for
goticti ; your Cousin Fanny is coming, poor
tbinr, and I am inviting all these girls to
cotno and mako it cheerful for her. She
loves young people, for all her crabbedness."
And as Lawrence acquiesced, no ono but his
mother knew how his henrt was beating all
the time.
I'oor Mrs.IIounslow! Lightly as she spoke
then, it was not without a tragic scene in
her room, with her husband's portrait for
sole spectator, that she had come to tho con
clusion to try her experiment ; notbecauso
of the experiment, hut because of its reason,
All! thero was the bitterness that the idol
was broken, that Lawrence, whoso father
was an angel in heaven, was himself, after
til, nothing but clay ! She wiped her eyes
'traly for another burst of tears.another blaze
Ctf indignation, to think that her marvel of a
Man was so small as to be tricked out of his
wild by such a subterfuge as her contempt!
As tliey lived a few miles from town, Mrs.
Hounslow had some excuso for her compa
ny. She had often heard that you never
know persons till you live with them ; Law
rence was to have a chance to know Flora
Furlong. What if it should end by bis pur
suing a better acquaintance with Louise
Mandell 1 She began her operations by con
fiding in Cousin Fanny a maiden lady of
uncertain ago nnd temper.
"Quite right," re-ponded Cousiu Fanny.
"I supposo men aro necessary in tho scheme;
but if I had been making the world I could
have dispensed with tho clement.''
"Fanny!" cried Mrs. Hounslow, regard
ing thie as derogatory to her defenseless
husband and outrageous to her living boh,
"Oh, indeed I" said Cousin Fanny, "the of them is only a stomach. They are
all simple elevations of tho jelly-fish, their
great prototype and ho is nothing else. You
can reach their feelings, their nffections,
their pavions, their intellect through tho
stomach, tilow many a man has married
his cook ! The whole secret of domestic
qiiletisjustto keep that stomach well filled,"
Mrs, Hounslow could not Ray a word, It was
on exactly that theory that she was pro
ceeding. Three days of tho vlsitbad not passed be
fore an easterly storm gave her an opportu
nity. Blrs. Hounslow had been scarcely
able toconesial her disgust over Lawrence's
devotion to Miss Furlong. "Thero Is some
thing animal about that girl I" she exclaim
once, as Flora left the room.
"Very'1 echoed Cousin Fanny. "When
she eats-JI declare, when she eats; I expect
to see her put down her face like a dog and
lap the gravy."
Lawrence's banging the door shook the
house. Lawrence was doubly kin J to Flora
that night, lie sang with her, and then he
took her Into the littlo conservatory, "You
should always wear those rich stripes," he
said, as she wound tin Oriental scarf round
her, stepping in. ,"lt so recalls that 'serpent
of old Nile.' "
"llio sea-serpent, do you mean?"
And then, seeing Cleopatra n stranger to
Miss Furlong, Lawrenco thought of tho de
light of molding tho neglected intellect be
longing to such beauty. As for the young
lady, It.never cutercd her lovely head that It
did not contain all thero was to know, ex
cent some dry facts and figures that defend
It such as tho multiplication table, He
was looking baiik at tho group of girls
around Mrs. Hounslow telling their for
"Files around honey," she said, "all eager
for a mother-in-law;" nnd she looked up nt
urn nml laughed. "I halo a mother-in-
law I" she added presently, "I nm so glad
my mother died when I was born my hus
band will never have thai to complain of!"
They wcro sweet lips for such brutal senti
ments. Lawrenco lu bis historical narallels
did not think.that possibly; Lucrezia llorgla's
wero ns sweot,
"How it rains?" sho said as the sleet
struck the panes.
"And I supposo every variation of the
weather adects n person sensitively strung
as you are,"
"0 ye.," said Flora lifting liercreat eves.
"And It does so spoil your boots I"
It was only beauty thai filled the cans of
such conversation. Presently some one said
"Flora! Where Is she? Such n capital Ideal
What do you think? We are each of us
to get up a dinner I" cried Kato Farley
looking in. "Come and hear about it
only I stipulate that mine shall be last."
"I protest," said Lawrence, As they joined
tho group, "against tho practice of any such
mysteries, Wilder and me excluded."
"That's right," chimed in Wilder, the
young millionaire, who had been added to
the parly for tho sake of cquipose.
"Mr. Wilder," said Cousin Fanny, sepul
chfiilly, "someday wheu you are cast away
on'.i dosert island, and your wife cannot even
make a johnny cake "
"Does that Island mean matrimony?" ask
ed Louise, slyly, of Cousin Fanny. !
"And when cast away on it," said Mrs,
Hounslow, "is it that tho cook nnd the
housemaids havo struck hands and struck
work ?"
"Well, If this is to be," said Lawrence,
"you will at any rate intersperse puddings
with picnics, roasts with rides, marmalades
witli moonlight are there any morelaltcra
tives, Miss Louise!"
"As much," said his mother, "as you can
intersperse in a week's gale."
' It's ridiculous," said jTlora.turning away
now with young Wilder. "I wish there
wasn't any such thing'as a kitchen."
"And yet," said Mrs. Hounslow, looking
after her reflectively, "I should think she
would havo a genius for cookery; she has a
cnok's build the typical cook's."
Lawrence's eyes were blazing but his
mother went calmly on. "Well, it's an ex
periment," said she. "We nil have toj-mder
for it noiM aulres. What a farce Kate's
dinner will be! salt in tho whipped cream
and sugar in the mayonaiao but Flora's
will bo good,"
"Goo.l enough," said Cousin Fanny, "any
glutton must cook."
Tho storm selling in lustily, Ihere was a
fine season for tho am iteu'r cooks, who wero
going about with culinary literature next
lay, llko nuns with their missals, Lawrenco
said. "Knchanted in the book worms, wo
are to eat our way through these volumes,"
he said.
rim fir-t dinner was of course an absurd
fai'ure, being Kto's; but thev made so
merry over it that it seemed, as Kiitedeclar
ed, better than if it had been good. Louise
replaced it on the next day, by one asexqui
site as any little French dinner, so perfectly
prepared and so perfctly served that Law
rence looked with an amazed respect at the
littlo being in his mother's place, whose ge
nius had ordered it all, and wlro was as com
posed as if she had merely threaded her
needle. The next day it was Miss Furlong's
turn ; and certainly a mere bewitching pic
ture of a cook than sho made, with her hair
tied under the prettiest of caps, her soft arms
bare witli all their dimples, and her white
apron wrapping her front from head to
foot, could hatdly be drawn.
"Mrs, Hounslow," said young Wilder, "I
never knew a jollier idea than this sitting in
udgment on pretty caps and choice dishes.'
"A fine way to be stayed with flagons and
comforted with apples," said Lawrence,
"Well," said his mother, "there are Flora's
and some others in reserve; after them
what do you say to a dinner by Cousin
"It would bo peppery," said Lawrence, for
the estimable lady h-id not yet come down.
"And tart," said Mr. Wilder.
"And well seasoned," said Lawrenco
"Pastry short and bread crusty," said Mr,
For shame!' exclaimed Louise, and
Kate. "As if any crumb of it would nbt bo
n lit f., llio rrn.lj I"
"Hut why should this affair bo so ona'si
(led '.'"asked .Mr. Wilder.
"True enough. Men c6mmand higlf wa
ges as cooks," saul Lawrence. "Why
should we let such a chanco go by ? I have
made up inymind; if these young ladies
are to bo sequestrated, I for one shall join
tho sequestration. Miss Furlong, put on
a paper cap and serve with you to day.
ilder, set your cap for to-inortow and
Miss Maria. Not a word to tho t-'rlffin.
Hera sho comes. You see wo are waiting
for you, Cousin Fanny, and Hebo is cup
bearer. 'They also serve who only stand
and wait.'" And so they all went out to
breakfast. "
If tho cool: had assisted Louise the least in
tlio world it wa3 owing to the young lady's
witcheries. Hut Miss Furlong had no witch
ery for cooks, and tho assistance vouchsafed
her camo lu tho withering manner of science
toward ignorance, and was scorned, And
although sho and Lawrenco began the play
in the greatest spiilts, long ere anything ap
proached completion Miss Furlong had be-
como so heated, so flushed and frowzy, so
greasy ana Uoury, so smirched as to her
dainty dress, and so 6tneared as to her love
ly face, that the occasion grew melancholy.
Then tho water boiled away, tbo fire got
too low, afterward got too strong ; she burn
ed her anus and scalded her fingers ; she
grew excited, stamped her feet, became fu
rious when a sauce rau over, and capped the
climax by slapping tho cook In the face,
who went to Mrs. Hounslow lu a great fury
and gavo warning. As one revelation af
ter another of this sort of sweetness and
light unrolled itself, Lawrenco looked at
tho beauty with wider und wider eyes, and
at last escaped, with the cook, from tho
disenchanting vision. An hour after tho
time dinner was served, and Miss Furlong,
rather red and blowsy, but transformed from
cook's linen to fine-lady gauzes, was given
tno piuce oi Honor,
If the guests at that banquet could but
taste the salmou, it was not because they
had been sated with the soup ; lor although
every body said It was deliciously seasoued.
and nobody said it was burned, yet, when
Lawrenco In his chivalry would have taken
a second plate, it appeared there had not
' been quite enough to go round. There was
enough of the chickens, though, for the firo
had dealt so lightly with them through their
coat of basting that the company could not
deal with them nt all. When the sweet
breads appeared, as firm s the best of calf
skin, Cousin I'anny's patienco departed,
"I thought you wit'yAf have a talent for cook-
lng," she cried.
"Why, what's tho matter7'- inquired
Flora, placidly. "Isn't It it good dinner?
There's plenty more to come."
"Good gracious I More?"
And then the birds, so liko burned chlpi
that they could not be told from the toast on
which they lay, camo on, and went off as
lliey came,
"A swallow's flight," whispered Kate,
"They dip their wings in tears and skim
And thereat there appeared so cxtraordi-
nary a desert, tho sponge-cako of which so
exactly resembled boiled flannel, as Cousin
Fanny candidly remarked, that, vexed in
soul, the worthy dame declared, "I must say,
Wicked waste makes woful want."'
"I don't know what you mean," said
Flora. "I call it an excellent dinner. There
was soup, and fish, nnd roast, and entrees,"
chocking them off on her fingers.
"Otherel there I" said Cousin Fanny,
whoso cuo was to let the girl display all her
fine qualities, ns she afterward said.
"A great deal more of a dinner," return
ed Flora, angrily, "then you ever get nt
home, I'll be bound." And, ns Mrs. Houn
slow rose, Mis Furlong swept by the aston
ished Lawrnce, murmuring as she tossed
ler head : "I
thought that would fetch
Slang from those perfect lips I Such a
temper behind that perfect beauty! Such
incapacity in those lovely hands! Such
stupidity in that lovely head I Lawrenco
walked five miles in the pouring rain, and
came home with his incipient passion quite
thoroughly wet down.
Somehow after that dinner things seemed
to flag. Miss Furlong had not quite recov
ered her temper, and there was no spirit in
the others. In the evening Lawrenco did
not seem to remember that there was a con
servatory. Mrs, Hounslow and Cousin ratp
ny.kept exchanging glances ; the old witch
es were sure that the philter had worked,
tint tliey hardly dared to breathe, liut, in
reality, to Louiso Mandell nothing flagged.
Whether because sho was in the house with
Lawrence ; because now and then he spoke
with her, listened when she sang, took her
book and read some niae; because Law'
rence seemed now to look over Miss Fur
long, through her, anywhere but at her; or
because her own nature was so joyous, and
she couldn't help it she was guyer than a
ark, and filled the house with sunshine.
"It has been a week in paradise," said she.
"To compare a country-house in an eas.
lerly galo to paradise!" said Miss Fur
long. "It will depend whether you were in it,
MUs Louise,' said Lawrence. And then
Louise colored higher and higher, nnd grew
redder than a rose, and Lawrence wondered
why he had never thought that littlo girl a
ittle beauty before.
Tho sun came up on Sunday morning,
just as the music-box ran down in the mid-
die of "Love's Young Dream," and Miss
Furlong announced that she was about to
leavo for home. Of course there was all
polite objection, and in tho midst of it the
surprise ot a flurry of simpers and blushes
on that beautiful mask of hers. "Oh," she
said, in an aside to Kate Farley, "wheu
when oh really when a person's going to
bo married, there is nn time to lose, and
Mr. Wilder "
Mrs. Hounslow sprang from her seat
which she had but just taken, and almost
upset the brimming urn in her haste to
emphasize the fact by embraces and con-
rnl,,l,:,, III ., C,,. ,...! Tl',.
such n Mdendid marriage ! sho cried ; and
unable to hinder it another moment, after
all her anxifetv. she burst into a flood of I
tears, which Miss Furlong attributed to in-
terest in herself, but which were really duo
to the glance sho had of Lawrenco coming
in from the garden with Louise, and of
Louise wearing at her breast tho white rose
she had given Lawrenco herself a half hour
since as they waited for breakfast.
' Must as I tolu you, said Cousin l anny,
as sue sutenea away on some oi Juise s
wedding embroidery, "lliglily developed
jeiiy-usnes, me uest oi mem. isut u l nau
to cat that dinucr over, I wouldn't like to
try again that experiment, Jlurritl iV-
cott isiiofford.
Conch-slicll lluttqns.
It was possibly during his stay in New
York in 1789 that Washington began to wear
on his coat the conch-thel! buttons, now in
possession of Captain Lewis's daughter. A
new fashion in dress, introduced by a presi
dent, is worthy of record, especially when
there is an interesting story connected with
This story, related by Robert Lewis, il
lustratea two strikingly characteristictraits
of Washington generosity and economy,
A needy sailor with a wheelbarrow of
shells accosted tho General on tliestreet.aud
holding up o? number of conch-shells, 1m
plored him to buy them. Washington Us
teued with sympathy to the story of his auf-
ferings and want, and promptly replied that
he would buy them if he could In nny way
make use of them. Necessity perhaps shar-
peued the sailor's wits, and promptly sue-
gested that they would make lovely buttons
lor his velvet coat. The General doubtless
smiled at the ingenious proposal, but agreed
to try them. Carrying homo his 'ocean
treasure of pinl" shells, he sent for a button
maker to know if be could manufacture
useful article out of the nrettv nlavthiucs
with which he found himself encumbered.
ihe workman replied he could make the
buttons it lie could find an instrument sharp
enough to pierce them, Washington would
have nothing useless about him, nnd so the
shells were delivered to the manufacturer,
wiioiu uuo time retnrucd tlictn In the shape
ofcoucave buttons, a little larger than
quarter of a dollar, with a silver drop in the
ceutre uiuing tne spot where tho eye is fas
tcnod beneath. The President then nston
ished the republican court by appeariug
a coat wim pint coucU-shcll buttons spark
Hug on its dark velvet surface. Kighty years
ago, it seems tasUlou ruled iu tha hearts,
over tue costumes, of men aud women, just
. 4,oms UKan lCs
mAir' 1 t..n- .. .
.".vuu.u-.uen uuuons immeutate
1 il n.i.. t m . .
' " T . -ae'"ve"uers- and
button-makers' fortunes worn mn,l . tv,
General's passion for utilizing everything
that camo into liU voloiiScribntr fur
- -v -
One Inch, (twelre lines er ltieqi:lta)cbl lXonf
rrlli) pc)on crtvro iniertlots, ILiirlEiu
lions. Moo.
1fAC. IK. W. l. . IT-
Onctncii tijis is.oo n vi tsto lo.v
Twolnctim .50 ".to s.wi lt.i
Three incbM. , .... 6.m 7.01 too ll.M Hi
Fourlncues T.oo .M lift IT.o fix
ouarter column lo.oo 14.wi ao.fl
Half column lt.wi u.oo so.oo so.oo o0
ono column , in.nn r,n.fii) lo.0
Yearly advertisements payable quarterly. Iran
ttlcnt advertisement must bi-pnld forlwforelnserl.n
except where purlieu liae iut minis.
lgal advertisement!) two dollars per InchfoMlrrcr
Insertions, nni4 at that rate for Additional Insertion
without reference lo length.
Executor's, Administrator'! and Auditor's notltra
thrco dollars.
Tratislentor Local notices, tweuty cents sllne,
regular advertlsenirnt a half raits.
cards In tho "iiuslness Directory" column, one
dollar per year for each line.
A Daft Musician.
A good story nn M.Salnl-Saens Is current.
He is not only near sighted, he Is nrsr
slghtedness Itself, He knocked a lady down
the other day by running against her, and
cavo her a kick when sho was on the
jrnundksaylng, as he lifted his boot, "You
confounded old wheelbarrow, you came near
making me fall I" Some time before this
adventure he stumbled over a barrel lying
on the sidewalk, and jumped up (for It laid
him low), took off his hat and bowed as fast
ns he could, saying, "Ten thousand pardons
madam, I really did not see you." His !
test ndventuro was at a party. He had at
lost consented to play, but the host had had
hard work to get him to the piano stool. He
was no sooner seated than ho became all ex
citement. He with one hand threw his hair
back, nnd would alternately hug tbo piano
and lift his head as if he tried to pierce the
ceiling. You hrve seen these frenzied musl-
clans, Ho for an hour kept tho company
under the charm of his brilliant execution
and extemporization, but after an hour at
entlou begrn to tire, When sixty minutes
of music had been enjoyed, the company be
gan to take French leave, exchanging, as
they retreated, a significant smile with the
host and hostess. Presently the hostess her
self, gave out, and went to bed
M. Saint
Sacus was mora brilliant than ever ; his
eyes shot flames ; his body swayed to and
fro ; he beat time with bis head. The
clock struck two (a. m). The host feeling
drowsiness mastering him completely, went
to M. Saint-Saens, and laying his hand on
tho mhsician's shoulder, asked, "My dear
sir, bow can I ever sufficiently express my
gratitude for the delightful evening you have
made all of us spend, but I am afraid yon
mus ue a little tired, aren't you?" M.
Salnt-Saens replied, without looking up or
'topping his play, "Tired?" I am just begin
ning to get in the humor to play." To con
firm speech by deed, M. Salnt-Saens dashed
off with a fire, vehemence, and vigor whose
like he had not shown during the whole eve
ning. The host despaired. Ho joined his
sleeping wife, nnd lelt drowsy servants to
show the musician to the door when at lost
ho did end his performance. This was not
till daybteak. Then M. Saint-Saensquitted
u.le T'ano stool, and, bowinfi very low to
right and left as he retired to the door, he
weht homo delighted with himself, for he
thought even the absence of applause snowed
fhe company wero enraptured beyond ex
pression. He was far from imagined that
tho ladies and gentlemen to whom ho had
bowed so low as ho withdrew wero only
chairs and lounges. Pari correpondnl
Boston Gazette.
Something to (tally On.
Just before dinner yesterday, says the
Omaha Ilerahl, a woman living on Second
street entered a First avenue grocery with
snapping eyes, and, as she slammed a tin
pail down on tho counter, hissed out:
", is it? Why don't you call
it slop, or stuff, or hen feed ?"
"Yes, that Is some of your mince-meat."
replied tho grocer, as he uncovered the
pail. "I remember of our buying this
"I bought this hash for mince-mcat !''
she exclaimed.
"It is called mince meat madam."
"Hut it tastes liko saw dust aud pork
scraps chopped together!"
"I shouldn't wonder if it did: but you
see most everybody understands that ready-
made mince-meat is simply a nucleus to
rally on. It is the foundation, as it were,
of a good thing. You want to add more
meat, more apples, more raisins, some bran
dy, some cider, a little cinnamon, a few
cloves, a sprinkling ot sugar, a trifle of
8l' and fa" to ,,ave P9"
"why not? We keeP here on sale sim-
W 113 an objective point to rally on."
I "Well, you and your whole caboodle of
clerks can rally on this half gallon," she
I hrmly said, turning the pail upside down
I on the counter.
"Just as you desire, madam," was the
affable reply, and when she reached th
door aud looked bact, the merchant still
wore the same kind and patient smile.
A Slioht MisTAKn. The present Arch
bishop of Dublin, tbo gifted author of the
work, so widely known, on the 'Study of
Words,' is not in very robust health, and
has been Jbr many years apprehensive of
paralysis. At a recent dinner m Dublin,
;lveu by the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland,
his Grace sat on the right of his hostess, the
uuclicss ot Abercorn. In tho midst ot the
dinner the company was startled by seeinc
the archbishop rise from his scat, and still
more startled to hear lilm exclaim, In a dis
mal and sepulchral tone, "It has come !"
"What has come, your Grace?" eagerly
cried half a dozen voices from different parti
of the table.
"What I have been expecting for twenty
years," solemnly answered tho archbishop-
"a stroke ot paralysis. I liaye been pinch"
mv,,elf for 'he twenty minutes, and find
'"sel1 enllreiy witnout sensation'
"I'ardon me, my dear archbishop." Baid
I the duchess, looking up to hlui with a some-
wbat quizzical smile "pardon me f& con-
tradicting you, but it is thai you have been
pinching." Harper t Mayasinr.
a Captain Uoyntou bus just accomnllshed
"'0 most daring feet ho has hitherto attemnt.
e1 in t,le of Naples, by swimming across
lDe I""sage between the Island of Capri and
lae 1 ort 01 maples. I lie Uistanco Is about
thirty kilometres. Captain Uoyntou star
,etl toward three o'clock in the mornlni-.
aDI although he did not stop on tbo way
I uulJr reaenen me steps situated to the
a east tue Mlla atlonalo nt thtrtv-five
roluuteu past seven o'clock in the oveulng,
- 1,10 w"'a Rnii uroug current having delayed
l'rh. several hours on .the way. He was lot.
In loweil several steamers bearing the
- vmericati nag, and landed in presence of
' lctor l'-manuel and a largo number of
or 8l'Cctators.
- xj,e crouud is bare n sunt, nml i. ..
I. " ----- -, w Jl j
- he planted to advnntni.,,. V. .n.,. i.
. I
cats any too early, nor Is It possible to get
I. ..., ". .... lu"""o iut
o'" "- vhiiuuij ttauv
' iuu many oi tutm in a 111!
ge a,e tls
... V, 1 ... 1
I MW uuyuunir euner. nml
ythlng either, and
I thai li wlmrn nnrmAiia i..AAt t
. .,v.w v-vt wwu4 j'tVUt W-UC9 m